Tavy Links Aug/Sept 2015

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Tavy Links Tavistock • Mary Tavy • Kilworthy • Moortown Whitchurch • Horndon • Lamerton • Grenofen • Brentor Gulworthy • Peter Tavy • Horsebridge • Milton Abbot

Aug/Sept 2015


Issue 14 £1.50 where sold

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A Summer of Celebrations…. This seems to be a summer of celebrations with both Bere Alston Primary School celebrating a remarkable 350 year history and the Tamar Valley AONB celebrating a slightly shorter but extremely successful 20 years since it was established.

CONTENTS 4. Local People

Charlotte Hill and her artisan charcuterie; Christine Venning with her gourmet meals.

12. Education

Bere Alston Primary School celebrates a 350 year history with the community

Sir John Maynard formed Bere Alston Primary School back in 1665 and within our education section we’ve displayed a lovely selection of pictures showing how the school, the children and the community joined together to mark their very special year. With the celebrations in mind, local historian Susan Francia has kindly put together our history article for us, giving us a little insight into Sir John Maynard himself and the history of the school; a really fascinating read (page 60).

15. Kids What’s On

With the summer in mind both gardens and eating out seem to also play a prominent part in this issue of the magazine. Sue Fisher gives us some of her excellent advise on how to take just a little of the inspiration on offer at this year’s Chelsea Flower Show, for our own gardens and Nancy Fortescue takes a trip down memory lane whilst visiting the new displays at the Garden House which charts a history featuring her own father.

31. Naturalist

Jane has been compiling a new ‘Eating Out Guide’ which we hope you will find both inspiring and informative (page 50) It is intended that future issues of the magazine will expand on this further, so if you have a business that you would like in this section, do give Jane a call. Our What’s On Guide and What’s On Extra pages are literally overflowing with ideas for days out – so, enjoy the Summer and let’s hope the sun keeps shining!


editorial@tavylinks.co.uk 01822 853110

Lots of activities for the school holidays.

26. Gardening

Inspiration from the Chelsea Flower Show and Nancy Fortescue visits The Garden House

29. Farming Diary

Mat Cole is ‘making hay while the sun shines!’ An insight into two of our spectacular moths – Hummingbird Hawk moth and the Tiger moth

32. What’s On Guide Lots of events for everyone

44. Music & Art

Devon Open Studios and Drawn to the Valley – a great opportunity to meet artists in their own surroundings.

46. Feature

Tamar Valley AONB celebrating 20 years of success.

48. Walk

We’re off to the coast with Nichola and her family –

50. Eating Out Guide

Our new guide, helping you find just the right place for lunch or supper.

66. Trade Secrets

How to become a Zoo Keeper

The deadline for any inclusions in the October/ November issue is Tuesday 1st September We would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to our many contributors for so kindly giving us their time and expertise, in helping keep our magazine so interesting to all.

ALL Advertising enquiries

THE OLIJAM TEAM: Editor: Lizzie Watt Publisher: Tim Randell Deputy Editor: Rosemary Best Publishing Assistant: Liz Whitwell Writers: Rosemary Best, Nichola Williams Design: Terri Reeves, Julian Rees Advertising: Jane Daniel

Please note that the opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the editorial team. We have done our utmost to ensure that all the content is correct and accurate at the time of print, but we emphasise that Tavy Links or Olijam Communications Ltd accepts no responsibility for any mistakes or omissions. All data contained in advertisements are subject to the Advertising Standards Authority guidelines and are accepted by us in good faith at the time of going to press. Reproduction of editorial is strictly prohibited without prior permission from the publisher. All rights reserved copyright © 2015


Contact Tim Randell on 07450 161 929 / 01822 615627 to disuss your advertising enquiries. Email: advertising@tavylinks.co.uk or visit our website: www.tavylinks.co.uk to view our rate card.



Vicki Lloyd and the Tavistock Youth Café those in need of extra support; she saw in them a potential that could be overlooked. After a year she decided to do more in this area so took the “Introduction to Youth Work” course and soon after began working in Tavistock College as a classroom assistant by day and as a Youth Worker helping out at the local youth club in Bere Alston by night. It was a baptism of fire, but she really enjoyed working with young people and gave up her lecturing in order to devote more time to youth projects. She joined the Tavistock Youth Café (TYC) at its inception, working first as an assistant. In 2009 when a managerial post was advertised, she was the ideal candidate.

Vicki has lived in Tavistock since she was seven, her parents were publicans and both sadly died when she was 18. Having a mortgage on a flat and starting a family when still very young, she was forced to mature. She gained a perspective on youth that has been the inspiration behind her commitment to the needs of the young people of Tavistock. Whilst her children were very young Vicki took a number of unassuming jobs ranging from waitressing, factory work, and bar staff. By the time her third son started school she was keen to expand her horizons and embarked on a Fine Art degree course at Plymouth College of Art and Design, later becoming a lecturer there. Vicki also studied at Dartington college and whilst there began volunteering for a local youth club. She felt a great empathy towards the young people and an affinity with


The Youth Café was a partnership with Devon Youth Service and was opened in 2005, soon becoming a meeting place for children between the ages of 11 to 19. Designed to be a safe haven for children of all abilities and backgrounds, it is led by young people for young people. Unfortunately the original premises in Pixon Lane became unsafe and demolished two years ago, since when the group was then homeless but not disbanded. In March 2015, after much fundraising and networking, TYC were proud to reopen in a brand new unit, decorated and furnished with top of the range fittings, equipment and accessories in part due to the very generous donations of local businesses, friends and the council. They have a purpose built music room with electric and acoustic drum kits, guitars and keyboard, a pool table, pin ball machine, smart TV, sofas, state of the art security systems and an ex-showroom, top of the range kitchen donated by Howdens. Vicki explained that TYC is project led. The young people discuss ideas and then make plans to make them a reality. This is best illustrated in their three year struggle to create the BMX trails in Tavistock. With the support of the local


Vicki Lloyd works tirelessly for the benefit of the young people in our town. Working alongside young people, she helps lead and champion many of their projects to successful outcomes, not least the new Youth Café, with all it has to offer. council, it is funded by TYC who continue to raise funds for public liability to ensure it remains open to the public. Another project is “Zephyr” where young people receive

music tuition in the newly appointed music room. All of the tutors were once members of TYC and give back their time freely. The group regularly plan off site events such as trips to Woodlands, The Climbing Barn or kayaking. TYC is now a thriving centre open for young people on Thursday and Friday evenings as a youth club. It is also used by Youth Café Plus – a drop in for young people with learning disabilities as well as by Schools Company who fund tutors to work with young people from Tavistock College, who for various reasons are not taught at the college. There is potential space for other users and TYC welcomes anyone who is looking for a place to relax and have fun as well as a meeting space for organisations. For more information please contact Vicki on 01822 258857, 07971811834 or email tavistockyouthcafe@gmail.com Nichola Williams

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Mark Lewis – coach of the Tavi Specials Football Team It is one of the greatest pleasures of this job that I get to meet some of the very best people. Mark Lewis is one such person – he is affable, kind, generous and still so young! Mark is a student at Tavistock College and was recently presented with the Mayoral Award for 2014/15 in the under 18 section. Recognised for his work coaching The Tavi Specials Football club, the award cites Mark as “an inspirational young man who for many years has given up every Friday evening to coach young people and adults with physical and mental disabilities”. Mark was nominated by his head of year 10, Mrs Julie Greener and his tutor, Mrs Tess Adams who

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Mark was recently presented with the Mayoral Award for recognition of his work as a coach for The Tavi Specials Football Club. With Mark’s help over the past eight years, the club has grown from strength to strength. recognised his positive attitude and selfless contribution to the football club. Mark and his father Allen conceived of the idea for a football club which would provide for young people and adults with a variety of special requirements after a friend’s child was dropped from their local mainstream football club. Mark’s young brother, Paul, has severe autism and through their connection with the Tavistock Youth Café Plus, (a group that supports those with learning difficulties and physical disabilities), they were soon able to put together a team of enthusiastic young people all keen to play football. For eight years Allen and Mark have been coaching the Tavi Specials and in that time the group has grown to include a youth team, a ladies team and two men’s teams each with a range of abilities, strengths and skills. One thing they have in common is their love of the beautiful game and the shared camaraderie they all feel.

Mark obviously enjoys coaching very much and has happily given up his Fridays and many of his Sundays when his team play matches in the Devon Ability Counts League. His team recently won the league two cup, which made Mark and the players rightly proud and very happy. “I haven’t stopped smiling yet” he said, and goes on to say how much the football means to the players, many of whom have forged strong friendships. “It is a great opportunity for people to come together and learn life lessons both on and off the pitch”. Mark has recently qualified as a referee and hopes in the future to take more sports qualifications and perhaps referee a Paralympic match. He certainly has the potential to reach his own goals and in the meantime is enabling others with his tireless enthusiasm, to reach theirs through the joy of football. Nichola Williams

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CHARITY FOCUS A significant number of children and young people in the UK help to look after a relative as part of their daily lives. Some children become young carers as early as five years old and become so used to the way of life that they may not realise that they are missing out on childhood experiences and opportunities.

Young Devon & Bright Futures ‘Young Devon’ and ‘Bright Futures’ are both working to improve the lives of young carers and young adult carers in Devon. Young carers (aged 5-18) and young adult carers (aged 18-24) help look after a relative with a condition, such as a disability, an illness, a mental health condition, or a drug or alcohol problem. In some cases this may only require a few occasional hours but in many instances these carers commit a large proportion of their time to looking after the needs of their relative as well as performing household tasks. The ‘Young Devon’ charity provides respite trips for 325 young carers in West Devon and the South Hams; the carers range in age from five to eighteen. The Bright Futures project, run by TTVS, Unite and Westbank, provides support across Devon for young adult carers aged 18-24, as well as organising mentors for young carers aged 14-17. Jessica Lacey is a transition worker with the Bright Futures project in West Devon and the South Hams and provides one-to-one support for young adult carers to help them cope with the challenges they face on leaving school, such as finding work and accessing training or further education. Many young adult carers have already spent a number of childhood years caring for a relative and although they may have become extremely mature and capable in terms of dealing with the practical issues associated with their relative’s condition, their own education and social

development have often suffered in the process. Jessica assesses the needs of each carer on an individual basis and offers practical advice on services and funding available, guidance on physical and emotional well-being, as well as opportunities to develop life-skills such as first-aid, budgeting and writing a CV. Another important part of her role involves organising regular peer support groups where young adult carers can meet up with other young people in a similar position and enjoy a well-earned break from caring, to take part in a social activity such as a trip to Woodlands or the Young Carers Festival at the end of June. Jessica’s work with the ‘Bright Futures’ project also involves recruiting, training and supervising volunteer mentors to engage with young carers aged 14-17. Volunteers and carers are carefully matched according to personality, interests and location and then they spend time together doing a range of social, leisure and educational activities such as bowling, going to a cafe, pursuing a hobby or just chatting about a topic of mutual interest. Volunteers fulfil a very valuable role by spending 3 or 4 hours every fortnight with one young carer, with the aim of developing a supportive relationship with the young person and helping them move their life forward, perhaps through further education, employment or training. Bright Futures and Young Devon work closely with schools,

CHARITY FOCUS the small isolated village of Los Positos where students have to travel some distance to the nearest town for secondary children’s social care services and education. Pioneering new initiatives support workshops of GPs to identify young carers and offer a women’s co-operative (safety during natural them disasters) and support when they appropriate volunteer nurses and doctors (sexual health). need it. Their valuable work helps

redress the balance for the young Co-ordinated by the SRF, visitors from the UK assist with these projects on a voluntary basis on thepeople clear they support and allows them to enjoyItsome understanding that they must be entirely self-funded. has of the opportunities andforactivities proved to be a genuine life-changing experience many ofavailable to most young people of their age group. them. Both Futures and Young Devon PeterBright Mayston are looking for volunteers to help

them with their work so if you think you could spare some time please get in touch. Also if you know of someone or think you may be a carer yourself and entitled to support then please contact Katherine (carers under 18 years) or Jessica (carers 18-25 years) using the contact details below. Rosemary Best

Young Devon needs volunteers who can spare a couple of hours to help with after-school groups in Tavistock and Okehampton, or accompany day trips to the zoo or an activity centre. If you can spare a few hours each month and would like to get involved please call Katherine Mullan, project manager at Young Devon, on 01752 698402 or email katherine.mullan@youngdevon.org If you have the ability empathise with young people and aspirations, Fortomore information or to subscribe to their the newsletter, and would like to help by becoming a volunteer mentor then please visit www.santarosafund.org.uk Contact email. call Jessica Lacey, transition worker with the Bright Futures on 01752 mmowforth@plymouth.ac.uk phoneproject, 01822 617504 698402 or 07494 421036 or email jessica@carewise.org.uk. Full training will Registered charity No 1028085 be provided and all expenses will be reimbursed.

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BLOOD PRESSURE Most of us are aware that having high blood pressure is not good for us. The difficulty with this state is that it rarely shows any signs - many people never find out that they have raised blood pressure until a complication sets in, by which time it might be too late.

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Stroke is perhaps the most dramatic outcome of blood pressure related damage, ironically striking without warning in so many, after years of silent damage. It’s not just stroke though - high blood pressure also leads to possibly more than half of all heart attack cases in the UK. High blood pressure also increases the risk of kidney failure, blindness, and other serious health consequences. High blood pressure is a silent killer, often with no obvious or visible symptoms. Most attention is given to high blood pressure in late middle or old age because the majority of those diagnosed are older people - so it is absolutely right to focus on this group. But what is becoming more evident is that many younger people are walking around right now with higher blood pressure than they realise - and it is during the middle years when the damage is caused by high blood

pressure to so many organs. A recent large scale study has revealed that as many as 19% of Americans in the age range 24-32 years suffer from high blood pressure. Possibly 1 in 4 Britons aged between 45 and 54 years also suffer from high blood pressure. Perhaps the time has come to focus on these groups more than has been the case in the past? Furthermore, a paper published in Nature in August 2013 claims that the origin of the problem for as many as 10% of those with high blood pressure is in the adrenal glands - small organs next to the kidneys which produce a number of hormones essential for our survival. One of these hormones is aldosterone - an excess of it causes a rise in blood pressure and a drop in potassium levels in the blood. Previously it was thought that this phenomenon was rare and due in most cases to a benign tumour growing

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Dr Graham Johnson

within part of the adrenal gland (Conn’s syndrome) but the authors concluded that much smaller benign tumours are responsible for producing just enough aldosterone to cause high blood pressure alone. The good news is that relatively straightforward keyhole surgery could cure this group - and save them from the consequences of perhaps 30 years of high pressure damage to their essential organs. 10% of the 1 in 4 or so middle aged British adults who suffer from high blood pressure is a large number - perhaps half a million individuals who could be spared chronic disease in older age from a single intervention. Whatever the underlying reason for high blood pressure (and often it is not obvious), it is important first to detect it of course, and then to treat it. Effective blood pressure control is essential for the avoidance of long

term complications. A combination of lifestyle changes (eg weight control, exercise, dietary adjustments) and medication will be very often sufficient to win the battle - so don’t be afraid to find out what your blood pressure is today. Dr Graham Johnson

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Bere Alston Primary School

celebrates a remarkable 350 year history and queens, illnesses, medicines, living conditions etc. Where possible all curriculum lessons have been geared towards that 50 year period. The celebrations also included the gathering of as much historical information and memorabilia about the school as possible for an exhibition that was held in the school hall. The children have been involved in many different activities to mark the occasion, including producing a school tea towel with help from the Friends of Bere Alston Primary. A surprise to all staff and pupils was a commemorative coin, designed and smelted by Maria Whettem, and given to the children, funded by the Maynard Trust. The teachers and pupils have also sung a new school anthem with words written by Barbara Birchell and the music by Lesley Wright. Each of the school’s year groups has spent the past school year studying a specific 50 year period within the schools 350 year history, looking at subjects such as fashion, kings 12

June 11th saw the culmination of all their efforts as the children dressed in clothing from their particular era, to spend the afternoon celebrating with friends, family and members of the community at a traditional summer editorial@tavylinks.co.uk

Bere Alston is one of the oldest village primary schools in Devon, opened in 1665 by Sir John Maynard as a school for boys. For more than a year, staff and children at Bere Alston Primary School have been building up to their grand celebration of the schools 350th birthday, which was held on Thursday 11th June.

fair. Amongst the revelers were a number of past pupils, staff and teachers, with one particularly special pupil, Mr Stanley Williams aged 99, who attended Bere Alston Primary in 1921.

See our history pages (60 & 61) to read a potted history of Sir John Maynard and Bere Alston Primary School.

Open Evening Thursday 17th September 6pm - 8.45pm

@TaviCollege Tavistock College is a school to be proud of. Recently judged as Good by Ofsted and rapidly improving towards Outstanding. We are recognised nationally as a school of Inclusive Excellence, valuing every student.




Summer of Fun! Tuesday’s


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1 August – 6 September SPLASHDOWN QUAYWEST, TORQUAY The water park will be running over with

thrills and spills so check out its twisting tyre rides, the near vertical Devil’s Drop and take a slide on the wild side with the Wild Kamikaze. Find out opening times and details at www.splashdownwaterparks. co.uk


Head out onto our new family trail to discover the mysterious beasts hidden in the woodlands. Will you march past a moldiwarpe, catch a coney or hunt for a herinacius? Normal admission applies plus £1 per trail, more information from www. nationaltrust.org.uk or call 01822 853607


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KIDS WHAT’S ON One. £11 children under 16 and over 60s, £13 adults, £42 family. Please book at 01752 221765

23 August

28 August


9 August

Join us as we celebrate our tenth anniversary with a quirky BBQ and teacakes on the lawn. Play old fashioned games with the children all afternoon. Call 01822 870000 for more details and to reserve tickets.



A Fun Dog Show with classes to suit all dogs as well as a BBQ, trade stands and kids activities in aid of Greyhound Rescue West of England. 11am - 5pm, Jubilee Field, Princetown

5, 12, 19 & 26 August FAMILY FELT – BUCKLAND ABBEY

Bring the whole family along for The Wet Felting Company’s popular drop-in workshop. Normal admission plus £3 per person, no need to book 11am-4pm, more information from www.nationaltrust.org.uk or call 01822 853607


A lovely family day out in beautiful surroundings, 11am – 5pm. The treasure hunt will take visitors around the garden picking up clues as they go. Admission to the Open Garden and Treasure Hunt £4 for adults, free for children, in aid of The Mary Budding Trust. For more information call Hotel Endsleigh 01822 870000


26 August

Tamar Trails Centre. Creative workshops for families to get inspired by the landscape and the history of the Tamar Valley. Start at 10am onwards. £5 per person per session Booking essential please call 01822 833409


29 August

Drop the kids off for a day of adventure in the Trees with Tree Surfers at The Tamar Trails Centre: 9.30am to 4.30pm Activities include Tree Surfing, Zip Wire, Leap of Faith & other high wire activities. The children will be with a dedicated instructor all day giving the kids a high energy, fun experience. Price: £35 per child Suitable for: Ages 8 upwards Booking Essential: 01822 833409 or email info@tamartrails.co.uk


Guided family canoe trip to Morwellham Quay. A rare chance to explore all the way from Cotehele Quay to Morwellham Quay and back. 1.40pm – 5.40pm (£21 - £25) To book: 01822 833409

t ride




19 & 20 September Step back to the Elizabethan era with cookery, archery, falconry and musical performances around the property. 11am 5pm, no need to book but usual admission applies, www.nationaltrust.org.uk or call 01822 853607


ods o w d e wil



Playing Fields at Plaster Down. Looking for something to do on the Bank Holiday weekend? Why not bring the whole family to the annual sheep dog trial and family dog show on Plaster Down – bar and refreshments plus a variety of stalls and demonstrations as well as the main events. Gates open around 9.30 am


26 August

Learn about the beautiful butterflies at the TS_Advert_AW.pdf gorge £3 per child. 10am – 4pm.1 01/07/2015



Tree Surfers course


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dream shopping...


The Fourth Young Photographer of the year Competition On 7th July, Tavyside Patients’Association announced the start of its annual search to find Tavyside’s Young Photographer of the Year for 2015. The TPA is very excited to see what this year will bring. Over the past year many patients at the Tavyside Health Centre have been very complimentary about last year’s winning photograph by Lauren Dillon which has been displayed alongside her name engraved on the Maureen Reynolds Trophy shield. Lauren who was a student at Tavistock College, won with her picture in the “Simply Red” category last year. This year, the categories have been changed on the recommendation of the judges to give more scope for young people’s imagination. This year they are- 1) TRANSPORT. 2) AGE. 3) JOY/HUMOUR. 4) FACES. As they are not being judged on technical ability alone, the TPA is hoping to receive lots of photographs from all three age groups: 4 to 7 years, 8 to 11 years and 12 to 18 years.

Photographers now have several weeks and the school holidays to get snapping and to seek out that winning shot, as the last date for submission is 28th September. There are 12 vouchers to be won for each category winner, plus a cash prize for each age group winner and another for the overall winning photograph. The competition is sponsored by Dartmoor Photographic who produce a beautiful enlargement on canvas for the winner and another on aluminium for the Health Centre. The TPA hope for an increased number of entrants again this year, so it has kept the entry fee at 50p for each photograph entered, 3 photographs can be entered in each category of each age group. So get snapping! For further information email DCCG.tavyside@ nhs.nhs.net Barbara Greig, Chairman Tavyside Patients Association

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A new digital archive of historic records The Ward and Chowen Digital Archive is a collaboration between Tavistock and District Local History Society and local auctioneers Ward and Chowen, allowing the general public to access the auctioneer’s historic records for the first time. Daniel Ward, having worked for the Duke of Bedford as his Land Agent, founded the firm in 1930 and as such Ward and Chowen is currently the second oldest auctioneers in the area, with many of their records becoming increasingly fragile. Some of these records hold significant historical interest, including the auction catalogue for the four day auction of the Duke of Bedford’s Devonshire estates in 1911 and the details of the design specifications for some of the Duke of Bedford’s properties, which could be useful for any current owners needing to renovate their property. At the Archive Project launch in June, Neil Woolcock, currently the Managing Director of Ward and Chowen, said that his wish and that of his father Russell in setting up the project was that the archive should be scanned and indexed so that digitised images should be freely accessible in Tavistock for research purposes.

The digitising of the archive is a long-term project, the results of which will be displayed both on the internet and at local events. At present, the Society is working on the period up to and including 1940; the earliest document noted is a lease of property in Calstock parish dating from the early 17th century. Substantial grants have been received from the Town and Parishes Fund, The Dartmoor Trust, Tavistock Young Farmers and The Elmhirst Trust, which has allowed for the purchase of a digital scanner and the employment of Ann Cole as Project Manager. Photocopies of some items from the archive will be on display at Goose Fair and visits to the archive by interested organisations may be arranged by emailing Ann: cole922@btinternet.com

New Tavistock ‘Scrapstore’ turns trash into treasure! upholstery webbing, and wooden pallets. Volunteers at the scrapstore hold free workshops at Tavistock Library two Tuesdays a month for both children and adults. Tavistock Scrapstore is an Alladin’s Cave of interesting art supplies for families and other creative people in the community. We’re looking to work with local schools, community groups, and event managers to help spread creative recycling in West Devon and Cornwall. – Ursula Mann, Tavistock Scrapstore Volunteer and Trustee

Tavistock Scrapstore, a newly registered arts and recycling charity, takes waste and offcuts from local businesses and industry and turns it into art. The scrap available includes wool, fabric, paper, ribbon, buttons, beads, and more unusual items like willow, www.tavylinks.co.uk

If you don’t know what to make with your new scrap, the Tavistock Scrapstore has a large craft book library that members can use for free to find inspiration. Anyone can visit the scrapstore at its new location in Kingdon House, Plym Street, Tavistock, PL19 0AW. The scrapstore is open on Wednesdays and Thursdays 10:00 am – 2:00 pm, and Fridays 10:00 am – 7:00 pm. To find out more about the scrapstore visit www.tavistockscrapstore.org or find us on Facebook / Tavyscrapstore 19


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Tavistock Community Football Club – looking for help and new players In Tavistock Community Football Club (TCFC), our town has one of the finest facilities of its kind in the region, the result of £1.2m of funding from the Football Foundation, West Devon Borough Council and the FA / Sport England and the collaboration under a single banner of what were formerly disparate footballing factions. With 10 youth teams and the ambition to run two teams in each age group, from Under 9 to Under 18, TCFC provides fun, fitness and football to hundreds of players and families from Tavistock and the surrounding area. The casual observer might imagine that TCFC is rich in funds and support. However, ever-increasing running costs and a shortage of volunteers means that the very future of the Club can no longer be taken for granted, at least not without additional fundraising, adult volunteers and a push to attract more playing members, girls in particular. With that in mind, some like-minded businesses representing ‘Football in Tavistock’ have come forward to inject additional support - under the acronym fit.gives – a website with the same name to follow soon. Fit.gives is the call to action to players, parents, sponsors, volunteers and fundraisers to ensure that TCFC will meet its current challenges and continue providing a top-notch foundation from which the town’s youth footballers can develop into the Tavistock AFC first-teamers of the future. Fit.gives has seven founding members - Dartprint Limited, Gillbanks Chemicals, GrowGo, Independent Utilities, The Ordulph/Terrace, Tavistock Carpets and Worth Electrical -


and seeks three more to ‘go live’. With each offering £500 to cover a two year sponsorship (which equates to just £5 per week), this £5000 injection will help safeguard the Club’s future. Sponsors, in turn, will be featured on the fit.gives website, and have the right to use the tagline ‘supporter of fit.gives’ and its eye-catching logo, donated by Tim Roberts of fatcalf, in their corporate communications. Signage containing the logos of all fit.gives supporters will also be visible at the Community Club. Finally, all playing shirts used by TCFC’s youth teams will be emblazoned with the fit.gives logo to promote the website, its sponsors and all commercial activity undertaken by Football in Tavistock. We need more business sponsors to help secure the TCFC’s future – could your business help? For more information on fit.gives, or to become a TCFC volunteer, please email Chris Fenner at chair@tavistockfc.com To play for the Under 12s (pictured above), who seek to run a second team this season, email Ian Craggs at iancraggs@ btinternet.com



Rotary Round up - Yelverton & Tavistock Clubs It has been an especially busy few months for Rotarians from both Tavistock and Yelverton Rotary Clubs. Tavistock Rotary Club ran its annual golf day in May which raised substantial funds for the Tavistock Area Support Services and Devon Young Carers. Yelverton Club ran its OAPs’ Spring Tea Party as well as celebrating the Club’s 25th birthday with a special Charter Night at the Moorland Garden Hotel. With the monies raised from, the club have been able to purchase a trailer for the local Riding for the Disabled Carriage Driving Section. Tavistock has continued to fund local youngsters to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership training sessions in addition to organizing a schools’ Youth Speaks competition. Further afield, Tavistock and Yelverton Club support Rotary International’s worldwide campaign to eradicate polio. Yelverton Club is also helping to raise money to provide a well in the village of El Shaddai in Goa, India. Thanks to the hard work of Rotarian John Morton, Tavistock club has been involved in its largest ever international project. Working with the Busoga Trust in Uganda the project will help over 15,000 families in the poorest rural areas of north of Lake Victoria to get access to clean water by restoring wells and boreholes in the region. (See photo) Supported by

Tavistock House Hotel 50 Plymouth Road, Tavistock PL19 8BU 01822 481627 info@tavistockhousehotel.co.uk tavistockhousehotel.co.uk


John Morton far left with some of the members of the Rotary Club of Jinja, local village officials, water technicians and Johnson Waibi the Country Manager of the Busoga Trust

the Tremore Fellowship, David Livingstone Foundation, an anonymous donation and the Rotary Club’s own charity, the Rotary Foundation, the Club is hoping to be able to donate a staggering £37,500 to the Busoga Trust to get the project underway later this year. Gillian and Tony Parker, both former Police Chiefs, became the first husband and wife top team to lead local Rotary Clubs at the start of our Rotary year (1st July). Gillian was Chief Constable of Bedfordshire and became the new President of Yelverton Rotary. Tony was Chief Superintendent and Head of Performance Management of National Police Training and became the new President of Tavistock Rotary. Both hope that by collaborating and partnership working with the two Clubs and other service organisations in the towns and villages much can be achieved in the coming year. Rotary always welcomes new members and if you would like more information on how to join either Tavistock or Yelverton then visit www.tavistockrotary.org.uk www.yelverton.rotary1175.org

Grade II listed Victorian townhouse in the centre of Tavistock Individually designed rooms all featuring new Hypnos Lansdowne Cashmere beds with 500 thread Egyptian Cotton sheets and 40” Smart 3D TVs with free Netflix. High specification bathrooms including rain shower, Anyah Spa toiletries and dressing gowns and slippers.



A visit to The Garden House by Nancy Fortescue The daughter of The Garden House creator Lionel Fortescue, was recently given the opportunity to see a new display charting its horticultural history and featuring her own father as storyteller. Created with the help of a generous grant from the John Spedan Lewis Foundation, it reveals Lionel’s views on the garden as it really began to take shape in the 1950s and 60s and gives a great insight into his determination to create a garden experience of the highest horticultural standard.

Guided Walks at The Garden House Nancy Fortescue joined trustees and other guests for a special anniversary lunch at The Garden House, Buckland Monachorum which this year celebrates its 70th birthday. The event enabled Nancy (who now lives in Sussex, but still visits the garden her father and her mother Katharine Fortescue both lovingly created) to see the new storyboard panels tracing the history of the site and garden from the 14th century to the present day. She was delighted to see the display, which is entitled ‘The Garden House Story’, featuring a number of quotes from Lionel, which were discovered in an article from the Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, dated August 1958.

Are you a Friend of The Garden House? Then join Head Gardener Nick Haworth or one of his team for a guided walk at 2pm on the first Thursday of every month. There are also guided walks each Friday too. To find out more, contact The Garden House on (01822) 854769.

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Buckland Monachorum, PL20 7LQ Tel: 01822 854769 www.thegardenhouse.org.uk Open 1st March - 1st November Open daily 10.30am - 5.00pm (last admission 4.30pm)

6,000 plant varieties * plant and gift sales (free entry) * tearoom (hot meals, cream teas, cakes) www.tavylinks.co.uk



Inspiration from Chelsea There’s nothing to beat the Chelsea Flower Show for stacks of inspiration: gardens both large and small are packed with ideas to ‘take home’, and back in May I spent a day at the show gathering all the latest ones. Clever space-saving features and designs are on the increase, to correspond with diminishing garden sizes. ’Outdoor rooms’ featured in many gardens as home offices, children’s

playrooms and entertaining, and I was particularly impressed by the use of space made by two-storey summerhouses. A rotating spherical glass lounger is perfect for anyone with a fantastic view and a spare £7,000 or so! A N N IN IA DE T R R SE TO GA IC V LED AL W


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Nearly every garden incorporated seating, sculptures or ornaments of some kind, and these make an impressive difference to any plot when used as focal points in key views such as at the end of a path or in the centre of the view from a main door or window for example. A wide range of materials included metal, stone and wood, with prices for every budget, plus ideas can be adapted at little or no cost. The Great Chelsea Garden Challenge garden featured circles made of rusted tin cans threaded onto metal loops and mounted on recycled wooden blocks, whilst driftwood and characterful branches appeared elsewhere. Planting themes cover an immense range so again there’s something

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The middle of summer is a great time for thinking over ideas to give your garden a fresh look: small projects can be done straight away and big makeovers planned for autumn. for everyone. My favourite plantings combined the two: striking contrasts of formally clipped yew domes or blocks of box, next to natural-looking drifts of colourful flowering perennials blended with airy ornamental grasses. The totally naturalistic look continues to be immensely popular with Dan Pearson’s Chatsworth garden winning Best in Show, so if your garden has got somewhat out of hand this summer, simply mow a couple of paths and a neat edge to your lawn, quickly snap off the worst of the weeds, and tell visitors that you’re right on trend. Worth a try anyway!

Seasonal jobs

regular deadheading, watering, and a weekly liquid feed. • Start thinking about spring bulbs. Yes, really. It may seem incredibly early, but narcissi and firstbloomers like crocus really benefit from September planting. Order catalogues now and eye up potential planting sites like under established shrubs and trees, or naturalising in grass. • Make regular sowings (every 3 weeks or so) of quick-growing salad leaf mixes and annual herbs like coriander. Other veg like spinach, leaf beet, Oriental greens and carrots can be sown now to crop in autumn or to stand over winter for an early harvest next year.

• Buy pot grown bedding and patio plants to add bursts of colour to bare spots in borders or containers. It may seem late in the season, but you could still get a good three months of Sue Fisher is a garden designer and writer based blooms. on the Bere Peninsula. • Keep tubs and hanging baskets Tel 01822 841895. blooming for Email: suefisher@talktalk.net months too, by Website: www.suefishergardens.co.uk

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Making hay while the sun shines After a lovely family holiday with Gemma and the boys it has been a mad scramble on the farm to catch up with numerous tasks. I am sure all professions are similar but it seems as though you spend the weeks before a holiday trying to get in front and then a fortnight once you return trying to catch up. It was however lovely to get away from the madness for a bit, I just wish mobile phones had not been invented. It would be nice if the only messages coming through were: “all is fine and nothing to worry about here.” Instead I received “can’t find the cows, they have strayed onto the neighbouring common; one of your sheep has died and the tractor has broken down.” But that I suppose is the nature of the farming beast! The longest day has long since come and gone and the harvest is now in full swing. I’m sure you’ve all seen those large contracting gangs of forage harvesters and convoys of tractors working late into the night. I should imagine a few of you may have cursed these giants for their long night-time hours or for blocking up the road, but to us they provide a vital service. Most farms these days can’t afford to carry such specialist harvesting equipment so these guys fly in and out with their shiny tractors and make short work of it, leaving the little boy in us all with tractor envy! As the old saying goes, ‘you can only make hay when the sun shines’ and these guys get in and out fast, they will have a queue of farmers all watching the weather and all wanting them on the ground on the same day. With the shearing done and the heat of the summer on their backs those baby lambs we all admired back in the spring are now big enough and old enough to fend for themselves and are weaned. Once we separate the lambs from the ewes we take the opportunity to health check the flock, selling any which won’t be fit to breed again. The ewes have spent the summer eating the best of the grass to


rear their lambs, now they need to be prepared for the next breeding cycles which usually start with a summer diet and fitness regime on the commons of Dartmoor. The same applies to the rams (which for most of the year have a pretty easy life) and only the very best will be retained for breeding. I suppose you could liken it to young singles losing a bit of weight and toning up before they go out courting…. Weaning the lambs is a very noisy affair with the lambs totally able to look after themselves, but having never left their mother’s side, will make some serious racket for the first couple of days, until they settle down! They will need checking regularly at this point as their reputation suggests they are quite stupid and will get into all sorts of trouble especially when they are desperate to return to mum. The lambs now fending for themselves will be given the best grass and will be grown on through the summer and autumn. The best of the females will be retained to maintain the flock and any surplus females are usually sold at Tavistock market. The very best males will be kept as rams but the majority of the males will fulfil their destiny with a sprig of rosemary or a dollop of mint sauce. The cows continue to rear their spring born calves and the bulls are busy spreading their love. The young cattle make best use of the lush grass and grow themselves on. We still have the cloud of TB looming with more testing planned for the autumn and still a long way from TB free status. This makes it hard to sell our cattle, which has had a major effect on cash flow this summer. Let us hope that this new government grasps the nettle and commits to seriously tackling this massive problem. Matt Cole Greenwell Farm


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Hummingbirds and Tigers

The relatively slow start to the seasons this year has left me eagerly awaiting the arrival of high summer and the buzz of insects. Despite urban noise it is still possible to experience this primaeval mix of chirrups and hums on moorland, in meadows or even a well-planted back garden

Moths are largely nocturnal but just a few are active in the daytime with two of the most spectacular being the hummingbird hawk and tiger moths. Like its namesake the hummingbird hawk moth feeds while hovering in front of a flower with the wings lost in a fawn blur. Fortunately for the viewer it will remain in position for some time, often at less than arms length away. Honeysuckle, petunias and especially red valerian (commonly seen growing in walls in the South-West) seem to be their preferred sources of food and we keep several valerian plants close to our patio for this reason. The nectar is stored in long protruding sacs well out of reach of most insects. Even with the naked eye it is possible to watch the moth uncoil its needle-like feeding tube and probe deep into nectar rich florets, working its way round the head of flowers before moving onto the next bunch and returning later as the plant replenishes the supplies. Plant and animal are thus ideally suited to one another. They are resident in southern Europe and migrate to the UK during the summer, with the warmer summers of 2000 and 2006 being recent peaks. The garden tiger moth in contrast should be far more familiar, being a resident known from the Middle Ages and with a 1930’s plane of the same name! Its caterpillar is the ‘woolly bear’, 60mm long and covered in long hairs, www.tavylinks.co.uk

chestnut below and black above. The adult is slightly shorter but with distinctive wings, brown with a creamy network on the fore-wings while the bright orange-red hind wings show large black warning spots as the insect prepares to fly off. With spots rather than stripes the ‘tiger’ label seems a bit inappropriate but a close relative known as the Jersey tiger, which has a more southerly distribution does indeed have cream stripes on the fore-wing and did make two brief appearances in our garden during recent summers. Garden tiger moths hibernate as half-grown caterpillars and need reasonably cold winters to avoid waking up too early. Climate change may be reducing their numbers while ironically increasing the number of visiting humming-bird hawk moths! Even more tiger-like are the gold and black striped caterpillars of the cinnabar, the most common of our day-flying moths. The adults are the pretty pink and black moths that fly up when one is walking through rough grassland. Two common weeds, groundsel and ragwort are the food plants for their caterpillars, both of which have disappeared from our garden. While ragwort was systematically removed around 2003 in a panic reaction to reports of horses dying due to its consumption, in our garden I was able to watch the caterpillars strip these plants down to their bare stalks in a matter of days. Unfortunately early research into their use as a biological control method were inconclusive and the idea seems to have been abandoned. We really do need to learn more about the subtleties of the balance of nature rather than seemingly constantly at war with it! Pete Mayston 29



If you love to sing and live in the Tavistock area, come and try us out! We meet every Thursday at 7.30pm in Melvin Hall of Mount Kelly School and Autumn’s first rehearsal is on Thursday 3rd September. For more details visit us at http://www. kellychoralsociety.com/join/join.html

tamarvalley.org.uk to let us know you’re coming. 1 August


5 – 9 August


Guided visit to Milton Abbot to investigate the connection between Lutyens and Milton Abbot, with Sam Barnes of TVAONB. 2 - 4pm, £5 per person, booking essential on 01822 834964

One of the most comprehensive collections of original mixed media art from across the Tamar Valley. With a wide range of prints and artists’ cards available visitors are sure to come away inspired. At Tavistock Town Hall daily, more information from Sarah-Jane Lincoln on 07808 813492 or visit www.drawntothevalley.co.uk

1 & 2 August

5 – 9 August

Every Friday, a gentle one and a half hour stroll around the town with guided walks led by either Andrew Thompson (archaeologist / historian) or Simon Dell (former local policeman). Learn about the medieval abbey, hear the fascinating story of John Taylor and the Tavistock Canal and discover how the Dukes of Bedford transformed the town using profits from copper mining. Meet at Court Gate at 2pm, cost £5 adults, no charge for children under 16 www.andrewthompsonheritage. co.uk




Join Ross Gray to learn more about the history of Holne. Meet at 7pm outside Church House Inn. A contribution of £1 is requeste


5 August


1 August

Volunteers are needed to join Dave Readman to mount and install artwork on the Tamar Trails created by local schools. Meet at Tamar Trails Centre, PL19 8JE, 10.30am – 4pm. Call 01822 835030 or email volunteering@

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A fun family day turning unusual natural objects into unique pieces of art. Normal admission applies plus £3 - £8 per person (depending on your chosen activity), 11am-4pm, more information from www. nationaltrust.org.uk or call 01822 853607 4 August



The Lord Chamberlain’s Men (TLCM) return to Pentillie Castle this summer for Shakespeare’s best loved romantic comedy, Twelfth Night. Join us for an amazing outdoor performance of this joyous tale of love, longing and laughter and mischief, mayhem and mistaken identity, set in fair Illyria. Book tickets: Please ring the office on 01579 350044, email contact@pentillie. co.uk, or book online at We Got Tickets. Gardens open from 5pm. Performance starts at 7.30pm. Please bring low backed seating or a picnic rug.

A fizzy and fiery version of Shakespeare’s classic tale suitable for all the family presented by Barbican Theatre. Gourmet burgers, summertime cocktails and fizz from 5pm. Outdoor performances start at 7.30pm in the Secret Garden, Residence One. £11 children under 16 and over 60s, £13 adults, £42 family. Please book at 01752 221765 6 August


Nocturnal nature walk into the Devils Cauldron. Arrive at main car park, Devils Cauldron entrance at 8.15pm. £3 per person. Booking essential. 8.30 -10pm 6 – 9 August


Join David, Dickie and Mary on a journey they will never forget – what begins as a game becomes a true test of courage and loyalty as they find themselves tumbling into all sorts of scrapes and adventures. Booking essential, adults £15, children £7.50, call 0844 249 1895 7 August


Revisit the plants and beds at the Tamar Trails Centre to see how they’ve fared, and help with some basic care and editorial@tavylinks.co.uk

maintenance. Led by Dave Readman 10.30am – 4pm. Please let us know if you plan to attend, email volunteering@ tamarvalley.org.uk or call 01822 835030 7 August


Matt, our chef, works closely with Martin, our gardener, and together they plan for the year ahead supplying the hotel with as much home grown produce as possible. Join us for lots of useful information on growing your own and how to store, preserve and cook your produce. For more information call 01566 783222 or email info@lewtrenchard.co.uk 8 August


Watch live bees in their hive and find out about these fascinating insects from Peter of Blackaller Honey, plus all our regulars producers. 9am – 2pm, Bedford Square Tavistock www.tavistockfarmersmarket.com 8 – 15 August


A full programme of events including a study day, breed show and stud visit with time to discover Dartmoor. For the full programme and booking information visit www.dartmoorponysociety.com 9 August


A Fun Dog Show with classes to suit all dogs as well as a BBQ, trade stands and kids activities in aid of Greyhound Rescue West of England. 11am - 5pm, Jubilee Field, Princetown 9 August

TREAURE HUNT & OPEN GARDEN - HOTEL ENDLEIGH A lovely family day out in beautiful surroundings, 11am – 5pm. The treasure hunt will take visitors around the garden www.tavylinks.co.uk

picking up clues as they go. The winner, drawn from a hat from all the successful entrants, will receive a voucher of £100 to spend at any of the hotel’s facilities; lunch, tea, supper or accommodation. Admission to the Open Garden and Treasure Hunt £4 for adults, free for children, in aid of The Mary Budding Trust. For more information call Hotel Endsleigh 01822 870000 13 August


The Show opens to the public at 9am. The main ring will include Carriage Driving Displays, Terrier Racing, Barrell Racing and the Young Farmers Games. West Country Falconry Display, Mountain Bike Displays, Morris Dancing. The Fun Family Dog Show takes place in the Entertainment Ring at 1.30pm Adult £12.50, Children (5-16) £4.00 and Family Ticket £29.00 (Advance discount tickets available online). Online Tickets: www.bradsons.co.uk/tickets 15 & 16 August

21 August


Cake stall, hand painted cards, plants, books, tombola and while elephant stalls. Meet our residents and view their award winning ‘home from home’’. 10.30am – 12pm at Drake Lodge, 60 Plymouth Road, 01822 614934 Come and join us for a meal in our newly refurbished dog-friendly

Bistro & Bar

or our fine dining restaurant

fishing • pampering • horse riding

fine local produce • excellent service


A date for your diary! This year’s event will have the added attraction of a flying display from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight’s Douglas Dakota on both days. (See What’s On Extra for more details) 19 August

dog friendly • luxury country house

peace • tranquility • relaxation


The Red Arrows will take to the skies of Plymouth this summer on the 2nd night of the championships. They will be displaying their acrobatic talents across the setting of Plymouth Hoe from 7pm. 20 & 27 August

MYTHS & LEGENDS WALK – LYDFORD GORGE Find out about the wealth of fascinating facts and legends that surround Lydford Gorge on a walk up and through the village. Adult £4, child £2.

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22 August


Sarah, the Salcombe Fish Wife, will give crab dressing demonstrations throughout the day, answering questions and explaining why the waters off Salcombe produce some of the best crabs in the world. See live crabs and lobsters close up! Also, all our regular producers. 9am – 2pm, Bedford Square Tavistock www.tavistockfarmersmarket.com 22 August

SUMMER CONCERT – ST MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS CHURCH Tamar Valley Male Voice Choir summer concert, all proceeds to improve the heating of Princetown Church (Tor Royal Lane). Interval refreshments by Princetown WI. Starts at 7pm, tickets £7.50 available from Princetown Stores, Fox tor Café, BookStop or the choir. Alternatively from www.wegottickets. com/princetownchurch. 22 & 23 August


Meet the artisans that supply Tavistock Country Cheeses. Find out about the science behind cheese and the animal husbandry which is key to getting top class milk. Cheese crafted by people not made by machine! More information at www. countrycheeses.co.uk 23 August


Join us as we celebrate our tenth anniversary with a quirky BBQ and teacakes on the lawn. Play old fashioned games with the children all afternoon. Call 01822 870000 for more details and to reserve tickets. 26 – 30 August



29 August to 6th September

Five days of events & activities throughout the Tamar Valley celebrating 20 years since Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty designation. Look out for FREE booklets in local outlets from mid July, see our website www.tamarvalley.org.uk or call 01822 835030


28 – 31 August

30 August


More exciting art, craft, music, dance and camping is being organised for another fun filled weekend for all the family. For more info and tickets visit: www. facebook.com/theoldminehouse 29 August


A special outdoor screening of Radars of the Lost Ark at Tamar Trails Centre. Try your hand at tree-surfing prior to the screening – if you dare! Booking Essential via the Plymouth Arts Centre website. www.plymouthartscentre. org 29 August


Playing Fields at Plaster Down. Looking for something to do on the Bank Holiday weekend? Why not bring the whole family to the annual sheep dog trial and family dog show on Plaster Down – bar and refreshments plus a variety of stalls and demonstrations as well as the main events. Gates open around 9.30 am 29 August


Join head chef Matthew Peryer on his daily walk to the kitchen garden and let him share his creative ideas on what to cook from the garden. Free event, call 01566 783222 or email info@ lewtrenchard.co.uk for more information

This year there are 87 artists participating in DTTV’s Open Studios. Venues include studios, homes and galleries in and around the Tamar Valley. More info from: www. drawntothevalley.co.uk


Enjoy the bank holiday and relax and enjoy lunch listening to Sonic Jazz. Weather permitting the lunch will be served in our newly paved courtyard. For reservations call 01566 783222 or email info@ lewtrenchard.co.uk 31 August

PETER TAVY VILLAGE FAYRE Fayre opens at 2.30pm in and around the village hall and Chapel. More info in What’s On Extra.

SEPTEMBER 1 September


Join Princetown History Club for Abi Gray’s talk. Meet at 7pm, Princetown Community Centre. 6 September


Our bi-monthly Jazz Sunday Lunches at The Bedford are a great way of spending a leisurely Sunday enjoying delicious food in fine surroundings, whilst being entertained by our house jazz band, Desperate Measures. £23.95 for three courses. Call 01822 613221 to book. 6 September


10am – 3pm Over 30 stall holders from 33

WHAT’S ON Devon and Cornwall in attendancewith many stalls regularly selling out of produce! 10 September


Be shown around the Pentillie estate by a member of the Coryton family who will reveal a great deal about the history, the secrets and the scandals. Tickets are £16.50 per person for a 2.5 hour guided garden tour including tea and cake in the castle. To book please contact the office on 01579 350044. 12 September


13 September

19 September



Please bring your classic car or other head turner to the show! There will also be a family dog show at 1pm and Falconry Display at 3pm along with a barbeque, refreshments and stalls. From 12pm, Walkhamton Village Hall. Call 01822 855140 for more information 16 September


Pentillie Castle’s second outdoor cinema of the year, for this screening of the all singing Grease! Tickets: £10 for adults. Under 12’s £7.50. Book tickets: Please ring the office on 01579 350044

Fresh, local food and drink direct from the producer. 9am – 2pm, Bedford Square, Tavistock www.tavistockfarmersmarket.com

St Mary's Church, Walkhampton 7.30pm Tickets £7 per person available from Mansbridge Balment in Yelverton. 20 September


The fair will again take place this year on the fields north of Lamerton off the C675. 25 September


Join our fabulous wine tasting dinner hosted by Hallgarten Druitt Wines. A fun, informative and sociable evening. Please call 01566 783222 or email to reserve your place info@lewtrenchard.co.uk




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WHAT’S ON 27 September


A fun show for all ages and abilities, novice and nervous riders and their horses are especially welcome. Show classes, fun classes, fun jumping, horse agility, gymkhana and new for this year - barrel racing and pole bending for horses. Also refreshments and stalls. Our charity for this year is the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund. From 9.30am on road between Yelverton & Cadover Bridge. Further details available at www. lovatonfunhorseshow.co.uk or Facebook group: Lovaton Fun Horse and Pony Show


Organised by Dr Ann Pulsford, in aid of Friends of the Wharf

Every Monday at 2pm

AUGUST 3 August

WILDLIFE IN MADAGASCAR Talk by Ian Gasper 10 August

All event listings are FREE Send us event details for our next issue (October/November) by Tue 1st September We need your help…… We are looking for a volunteer or two from each of the villages named on the front cover of the magazine to be our eyes and ears for up coming events or news in their village. Please get in touch: editorial@ tavylinks.co.uk or 01822 853110


Come and enjoy a cream tea made from the best locally sourced products served on tableware made in the pottery out of Dartmoor clay! Potter around the craft shop containing pieces from over 30 local makers. Situated 2 miles west of Postbridge on the B3212, surrounded by beautiful Dartmoor scenery.


21 September

BRUNEL AT BRISTOL & BATH Talk by Ann Pulsford 28 September


Talk by John Carter 17 August



OCTOBER 5 October

NAPOLEAN IN PLYMOUTH SOUND Talk by Clive Charlton 12 October

CHURCH HOUSES Talk by Sue Andrew

SEPTEMBER 7 September

THE BEAT ON WESTERN DARTMOOR Talk by Simon Dell 14 September

MORE GHOSTS OF DEVON Open 10:30am – 5 pm 7 days a week PL20 6SP TEL: 01822 880263 www.tavylinks.co.uk

Talk by Dave Nilsson


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Two Contemporary Japanese Stories Review by Simon Church, Book Stop, Tavistock The Strange Library Published by: Harvill Secker £12.99 The Guest Cat Published by: Picador £7.99

Largely due to the Japanese language courses that have been run at Tavistock College for the last several years, our town has a particularly strong connection with the Land of the Rising Sun, but what of its literature? Two compelling novellas published within the last few months illustrate just how strong it can be.


In The Strange Library, Haruki Murakami, probably the best known of Japan’s current crop, has produced what can be best described as an adult fairy tale, which sees a young boy seeking escape from problems at home only to find himself incarcerated at his local library. The tale grows

ever darker as the boy is tricked into exploring the previously unknown confines of the library, before a shaft of light in the form of a young girl leads to the possibility of freedom and a dramatic, if enigmatic, finale. The book is lavishly illustrated throughout. Quite, quite different, but equally enigmatic is Takashi Hiraide’s The Guest Cat. Set in modern day Tokyo, this novel describes the various relationships between a childless couple faced with eviction from their rented property, and their neighbours, their neighbourhood, and, most important of all, their next door

neighbour’s cat. Whereas The Strange Library is no-holds-barred surreal, The Guest Cat is an exquisitely nuanced study of the reality of modern suburban relationships.

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Queen Victoria’s Visit Thursday 13th August Celebrations on the anniversary of the Queen’s visit in 1856. Join us for a day of glorious Victoriana. Usual admission prices apply. Free for members. For further details see www.morwellhamquay.org. Tel: 01822 832766.

The Old Mine House – Family Festival Friday 28 – Monday 31 August

Arrive early to get dressed in ‘Sunday Best’ Victorian clothing to greet ‘Queen Victoria’ on her arrival. She will be piped ashore between 11 and 12 and will tour the village, talk to the Harbour Master, visit the village school and sample a traditional Devon Cream Tea at the Ship Inn. If you would like to get dressed in Victorian clothes, join in the celebrations, meet the ‘Queen’ and peruse the stalls selling handmade goods, be sure to arrive early. Doors open at 10am and close at 5.30.

The Old Mine House, at Sortridge, Tavistock is holding its second family festival this August Bank holiday weekend. Last year’s event was so successful that more exciting art, craft, music, dance and camping is being organised for another fun filled weekend for all the family. Highlights of the weekend include live music line-ups with Kathryn Roberts, Sean Lakeman and Fallen Cedars, along with lots of family activities from circus skills, tree climbing, drumming classes, yoga, martial arts and dance workshops. Kathryn Roberts will be holding a music workshop, which will then culminate into a group choir to start the evening off on the Saturday. Bring along your own instruments. Weekend tickets (including camping) cost £50 per adult and £25 per child (£125 for family ticket) Day or evening only tickets are also available. For more info and tickets visit: www.facebook.com/ theoldminehouse or call: 07905 276375




Princetown Dog Show Sunday 9th August The Princetown dog show is to be held in aid of Greyhound Rescue West of England. Alongside various Dog Show categories (all starting at 11am) which will include the likes of Waggiest Tale and Cutest Puppy, there will also be a variety of stalls from dog merchandise (dog leads, coats etc) and local crafts as well as activities for children including face painting. Refreshments, a BBQ, tea and cake stall. There will even be a human fruit machine run by the local church group! For the more energetic there will be inter-team Tug of War for young and old alike, a fabulous Tombola and raffle prizes. The Dog Show is kindly being sponsored by Holidays4Dogs. Rosettes will be given for 1st to 4th places, categories will be judged by our local Doggy Behaviorist and trainer, Jacqui Jones from Alpha Dog Training,Yelverton – ably assisted from the girls at Drakes Vets in Yelverton.

Dartmoor Life in the First World War
 Now to 9 September Dartmoor Life in the First World War provides a unique snapshot of what life was like on Dartmoor during the First World War – how life for many continued as normal, how farming changed and women came to work on farms and in the forests. It covers the recruitment marches and the wounded soldiers who were brought to Dartmoor to recuperate as well as the impact on the area of the Conscientious Objectors who were housed in Dartmoor Prison. It highlights the endeavours that people made to raise funds and collect materials to support the war effort.
Venue: National Park Visitor Centre, Princetown 
March 2015 - October Open daily (10am - 5pm)

Treasure Hunt and Open Garden Sunday 9th August Hotel Endsleigh, Milton Abbot are holding a Treasure Hunt in aid of The Mary Budding Trust, a charity that supports children 11 and under living in West Devon and who have special needs. The treasure hunt will take visitors around the garden picking up clues as they go. The winner, drawn from a hat from all

the successful entrants, will receive a voucher of £100 to spend towards any of the Hotel Endsleigh’s facilities; lunch, tea, supper or accomodation.This will be a lovely family day out in beautiful surroundings situated on the River Tamar. Admission to the Open Garden and Treasure Hunt, £4 for adults with children going free”. 11am - 5pm.

Outdoor Cinema – Tamar Trails Centre Saturday 29th August

Plymouth Arts Centre is bringing ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ for an outdoor screening at Tamar Trails Centre as part of the Tamar Valley’s 20 year celebrations. Why not try your hand at a bit of tree-surfing Indiana Jones style before sitting back and watching pure screen brilliance as Indiana Jones races the Nazis to find the lost Ark. The bar will be open and the pizza oven will be fired up so bring a blanket or a picnic chair and enjoy the film. Tickets: film only £8 per adult, Tree-surfing and film £22 per adult. (Adult and Junior rope courses available). Visit: www.plymouthartscentre.org Box Office: 01752 206114 40



RAF Harrowbeer 1940s Event – help needed 15th & 16th August

Organised by the RAF Harrowbeer Interest Group (HIG), this year’s 1940’s event held on the former WWII airfield at Yelverton, will have the added attraction of flying displays by the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight’s Douglas Dakota on both days, providing the organisers can raise the £2,000 fee. Chairman Stephen Fryer said, “Because this event is free to all, we have to raise the money to pay for attractions such as the Memorial Flight and other not such fun things like toilets, in advance. Local businesses have been terrific in sponsoring us but we still need further donations to help make this year’s event as successful as possible. We hope the local community will be generous and donate in lieu of an entrance fee.” Full details on how to donate are on the show’s website, www.rafharrowbeer1940s.co.uk

Shelter Museum open and there will be a second replica Spitfire on display in the Knightstone Tea Rooms car park. The Harrowbeer Archives Museum there will also be open. The Robey Trust, with two or more engines in steam, will be giving trips around the Airfield and there will also be regular guided mini-bus tours of the Airfield, provided by Tavistock Ring & Ride. On both afternoons there will be a Family Dog Show so all in all, this is going to be a great day out for the whole family! The event will be centred around the Dispersal Bay restored by the RAF Harrowbeer Interest Group, at Axtown, Yelverton. Entry and parking are both free. Visit www.rafharrowbeer1940s.co.uk or ring (01822) 855336 for further details.

Attractions this year include the popular, full-size replica Spitfire MkIX, with working Rolls Royce Merlin engine, Military and Vintage vehicles, classic motorbikes, WWII Re-enactors, living history displays, vintage Farm and AVAILABLE FOR HIRE. Garden Machinery displays, stalls selling The Centre provides a choice of large or small halls to suit your requirements. vintage items and memorabilia, plus lots Also available for hire is a large kitchen and changing rooms with showers. Ideal for those special events or for regular weekly or monthly events. of other displays and exhibits. Musical entertainment will be provided by Miss Memphis Belle and Buckland Drama Group will be presenting a radio play. There will be plenty of on-site catering and refreshments available too.

Princetown Community Centre

The HIG will have their Airfield photographs display and Air-Raid www.tavylinks.co.uk

Only £10 per hour or £7.50 for residents of Princetown

Call Wendy Stones on 01822-890345 or Ian Morgan on 07812-023642 41


All the fun of Peter Tavy Village Fayre Monday 31st August The bells of St., Peter’s ring out to herald the opening of the Fayre at 2.30pm. In and around the Village Hall and Chapel, there are traditional games - including skittles, a coconut shy and other ingenious home-made tests of skill – and there are delicious home-made refreshments to sample. The stalls include plants and garden; home-made cakes; Granny’s attic; jams & preserves and books. Alongside tombola and the raffle, there’s also the Duck Race down the Colley Brook through the village, which rounds off the afternoon.

plans for this year are still under wraps, but if you do come along, bring your teddy bear to join in, and take home one of the coveted ‘Teddy Bear Certificates of Bravery’.” The Fayre Day also sees the running of the 12th annual “Peter Tavy Plod” foot race and fun run. Registration for the 5-mile race and 1 mile fun run takes place from 12.00, and the runs start at 1.00pm. You can find out more about the “Plod” at www.petertavyplod.co.uk.



Demonstrations of sheep shearing, and other activities are also on offer to keep you amused. For the past 14 years, Peter Tavy Village Fayre has also hosted the annual gathering of the ‘Dartmoor Teddy Bears’ Dangerous Sports Association’. In previous years visitors have brought their cuddly toys along to try out a whole range of high-adrenalin activities – from bungee jumping and hang-gliding, through riding a rodeo bull and trips in a rocket, to wing-walking, ski-jumping, surfing and mountaineering! The Association’s

A range of bikes, clothing and accessories to suit all needs Come and see us at our large shop at Leg O’Mutton, Yelverton. A wide selection of bikes, expanded clothing and accessory ranges and top quality workshop facilities. Cycle hire available for Drakes Trail Demo electric bike available to test

Quality Brands, Quality Service and Friendly Expert Knowledge Unit 7+8 Harrowbeer Mews, Leg O’ Mutton, Yelverton, Devon PL20 6WE

01822 258 022 Open 7 days a week. Free parking. 42



Lamerton Tractor Day and Country Fair Sunday 20th September Lamerton Tractor Day and Country Fair will again take place this year on the fields north of Lamerton off the C675 on Sunday September 20th. Lots of signage will help you to find us on the day. Following last year’s extremely successful day when we were able to give over £5000 to our chosen charities, we invite you to join us again this year. Our road run starts at 10.30am and we expect to have more trailers for our visitors to enjoy our leisurely tour of Devon lanes. When we return around mid-day, many will

be demonstrating ploughing and various field cultivations with opportunities for our visitors to try their hand at tractor driving. We hope to exceed last year’s 100 vintage and modern tractors on display and many of our classic car and vehicle colleagues will be with us. Along with these we will have steam engines, old farm artefacts and local history presentations. Fran Mudge’s threshing box is always a great attraction! Alfie Tretheway’s magnificent Shire Horses Angel and Lad will again be ploughing and meeting the people. A full programme of events are planned for the ring including the very popular Dog Show, a display of Shetland ponies, donkeys, hand bell ringing and more. Numerous stalls will ensure there is something for everyone to enjoy. An abundance of refreshments will be available - burgers, sausages, ice cream and delicious cream teas. A number of charities with a local connection will benefit from the day. These include St Peter’s Church, Cystic Fibrosis Trust, Brain Tumour Research, Myeloma UK and West Devon Adventure Scouts,

Dinos on the rampage at Eden this summer Dinosaurs are roaring back to the Eden Project this summer (July 24 to September 2) with a whole new programme of prehistoric mayhem. The 2015 season features five times as many dinosaurs as last year, including a giant Australovenator that will be regularly rampaging across the Eden site.

visits to Eden until October 31, 2015. A pass costs £10 for adults, £8.50 for concessions, £6 for children and £30 for a family of two adults and two children. The passes are available to buy at Eden only on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays until Sunday June 28, 2015. For more information see www.edenproject.com or call 01726 811911.

Intrepid Eden visitors will be able to trek through Cretaceous caverns on an adventure to meet all manner of rampaging reptiles. They can dive into a spectacular underwater scene, marvel at the sight of a life-size dinosaur skeleton and test their skills and knowledge to survive. There will be fun for all ages. Visitors can turn dinosaur hunter in the ever-popular Dig Pit, which will give youngsters the opportunity to use pickaxes to uncover a fossilised dinosaur skeleton, or piece together Eden’s giant Jurassic jigsaws. All activities are included in the standard Eden admission price. Eden’s Locals’ Summer Pass is now available for people living in Cornwall or Devon, giving holders unlimited www.tavylinks.co.uk



Play Pooh Sticks, go bird watching or spot those hidden bugs! The trees in the gorge turn a darker shade of green as summer takes hold. On bright sunny days the gorge provides a shady retreat. There are delightful picnic spots in the orchard and in Pixie Glen to stop and pause a while. There is plenty for families to do during the long summer holidays from ticking of activities from the list of 50things to do before you are 11 ž to joining in our events in the orchard. The bridge at the bottom of the waterfall is a great place to play pooh sticks and the bird hide an ideal place to go bird watching. There are lots of logs to spot bugs hiding under and in too. The summer is a great time for butterflies and this year we have activities for all to learn about the beautiful butterflies and bugs at the gorge. There is also our bat and moth evening where you can listen out for the bats and spot moths. All these events are run by our ranger team. They are also leading two hour guided walks starting from the

gorge and up through Lydford village looking at the local myths and legends that surround the gorge and the local area from the Gubbins to the Black pig. See our website for further details www.nationaltrust.org.uk/lydford-gorge As we move into early autumn the gorge feels more mystical as early morning mists linger at the waterfall. Heavy morning dew creates jewels on spider webs and with more dappled mellow light the gorge turns more magical. Fungi start to appear, if conditions are wet enough, and leaves start to turn into a spectrum of reds, yellows and bronzes. The shop is a great place to pick up local food and drink from Dartmoor ales and Hunt’s cider to local fudge and our very own chutney. The tea-rooms are great places to stop for a while and indulge part way round the gorge.

an adventure A challenging walk full of adventure. You will find potholes and waterfalls along the way. The river thunders, swirls, bubbles and meanders through what feels like an ancient woodland. Members and under 5s go free.

01822 820320 nationaltrust.org.uk/lydford-gorge


Š National Trust Images/John Millar. Registered Charity Number 205846.

Lydford Gorge, nr Tavistock



Will you find a Medieval Beast…? Fingers crossed for glorious sunshine throughout the school break as we have lots of activities lined up to keep all the family entertained. Whether we’re lucky enough to experience some sunshine or to see the typical British rain, there’s still activities to discover both inside and out. Visit our website for more details of our rolling programme of events throughout August. Head out and explore the great-outdoors as we launch our new medieval beast family trail. Starter packs are available daily from Visitor Welcome (normal admission plus £1 per booklet). We’re inviting you all to discover mysterious medieval beasts hidden around our woodlands! Step back in time over the August Bank Holiday as the Medieval Free Company camp on-site between 29-31 August, showing what life was like back then with cookery, archery and more throughout the weekend. Buckland Abbey’s open for all to explore daily, visit our website www.nationaltrust.org.uk/buckland or like us on Facebook or Twitter to find out more about our opening times and program of events.

Outdoor Theatre: Lone Pine Club Thursday 6 – Sunday 9 August Join David, Dickie and Mary on a journey they will never forget – what begins a game becomes a true test of courage and loyalty as they find themselves tumbling into all sorts of scrapes and adventures. Adults £15, Children £7.50. Booking essential. Book now on our website or by calling 0844 249 1895 Great Big Tree Climbing Company Sunday 23 – Monday 24 August Discover Buckland from a different angle as the Great Big Tree Climbing Company arrive onsite to give all the chance to see the Abbey from a unique view. £18.50 per person. Booking essential. Visit our website for details. Elizabethan Weekend Saturday 19 – Sunday 20 September Step back to the Elizabethan era with cookery, archery, falconry and musical performances around the property.

Discover tales of Drake, try on a Tudor outfit, explore the estate or marvel at our Rembrandt. There's lots to do at Buckland Abbey this summer. Near Yelverton 01822 853607 nationaltrust.org.uk/buckland


© National Trust Images. Registered Charity Number 205846.

Buckland Abbey



Devon Open Studios Art at its Origin 5th – 20th September Devon is known for its exceptionally lovely landscape as well as its vibrant artistic community, one of the largest of any county in Britain. For 16 days in September many of those artists will be opening their studios to the public. At Devon Open Studios can you experience artists at work, surrounded by examples of their art, at its origin. Expect to find abstract, figurative and conceptual art, prints, sculpture, ceramics, sculpture, glass-blowing, photography, drawing, jewellery and more. This year there are over 60% new artists to discover outside of the traditional gallery. Cafés, garden sheds, parish halls all have their part to play too, transformed into galleries and artists’ spaces. We help you to venture out on self-guided art tours using our colour coded area maps in our brochure or just by spontaneously following the yellow arrows dotted about the countryside. Take this rare opportunity to buy art directly from artist, get inspired, and find a treasure to take home.

Please check the brochure to confirm dates, times, and find out helpful directions. The brochure is available from tourist information centres, libraries, hotels and galleries from late July. More information can be found on the website: www. devonartistnetwork.co.uk (Image by Lucy Griffith - Lucy is an artist who lives in Dousland near Yelverton, whose illustrations are heavily influenced by its colours, textures and wildlife.
 www. facebook.com/lucygriffithsart

Walkhampton Art and Craft Exhibition and Sale 3rd - 6th September This year’s Walkhampton Art and Craft Exhibition and Sale will be held from Thursday 3rd September until Sunday 6th September in Walkhampton Memorial Hall. A wide range of art will be featured – in oil, watercolour, acrylic, and pastel – with works by several new exhibitors as well as established favourites. Craft in textile, wood, clay, glass, and beadwork will also be on sale, along with handmade soaps, candles, cards, and photographs.

For further details, please take a look at our website: www. walkhampton-arts.org

Every year we endeavour to support a local good cause, and this year commission from sales, a raffle, and voluntary contributions will go towards ‘Project George’, Walkhampton’s plan for an extension to the Memorial Hall. The project was initiated following a generous bequest from George Eggins, and aims to deliver greatly improved facilities for all hall and sports field users. The Pantry will be serving teas, coffees, home-made cakes and light lunches throughout the exhibition. Parking is plentiful and entry free. Opening hours are Thursday 3rd to Saturday 5th September 10am until 7pm; Sunday 6th September 10am until 4pm. 46



Drawn to the Valley Open Studios 29th - 6th September This year there are 87 artists participating in DTTV’s Open Studios. Venues include studios, homes and galleries in and around the Tamar Valley. The range of work is outstanding from watercolours to oils to acrylics, glass to ceramics, Photographs to digital art and jewellery to felt and other materials – plus even others! Styles go from the traditional to the contemporary so there should be something for everybody. This year for the first time a select number of students from the Collage of Art in Plymouth are participating which is enabling them to find out what the life of an artist is really like! Another first is through one of our sponsors,

Front Cover Image With Drawn to the Valley and Devon Open Studios along with celebrations of the Tamar Valley AONB’s 20th Birthday we thought it appropriate to choose something a little different for this issue which captured all these events. We are very grateful to Roger Croxson for allowing us to use his incredible images for both our covers of Moor Links and Tavy Links. Roger Croxson is a local digital artist who uses the clarity of the lens, the strength of the computer and the imagination of the mind. Roger’s images turn your head and make you look again and again! Roger’s work will be on display at local exhibitions – Drawn to the Valley Summer Show 5th – 9th August at Tavistock Town Hall and Open Studios at Art at the Works, Dolvin Road Tavistock 29th August to 6th September.
 www.tamarvalleyphotos.co.uk www.tavylinks.co.uk

The Moorland Gardens Hotel, who are offering a 3 day break during the Open Studios and this will include visits to as many artists as can be organised. Open Studios generates a considerable contribution to the local economy and the knock on effects such as encouraging people to visit the area are also valuable. The Open Studios Catalogue will be available from Tourist Information Offices, Libraries, Hotels, Art Centres, and places of interest from mid July. A pdf version is available at www. drawntothevalley.co.uk and for further information contact sarah@dttv.co.uk.

Drawn to the Valley Summer Exhibition Tavistock Town Hall 4th - 9th August The summer exhibition is Drawn to the Valley’s flag ship event. With over 50 artists exhibiting a very wide selection of media and styles, including 3D art, a wonderful feast for the eyes will await our visitors. This year the layout and design of the exhibition is likely to be a work of art in itself with an increased number of pieces from each artist. As well as pictures on the wall there will be a spectacular selection of cards and prints from many of the artists. There will also be a special Mini-Art section of small pictures all priced at £50 and below which in previous years has proved to be very popular. Entry is free and we encourage visitors to come and browse. For further information contact sarah@dttv.co.uk 47


Tamar Valley - Celebrating 20 years of Outstanding Natural Beauty On 30th August 1995, the Valley was designated an AONB because it is; • a rare valley and water landscape, based around an unspoilt estuary • a landscape of high visual quality • a unique wildlife resource • a remarkable heritage • a landscape of artistic and public appeal AONBs are designated under the Countryside & Rights of Way Act (2000) (prior to this, the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949) to conserve and enhance natural beauty, whilst recognising the needs of the local community and economy. The Tamar Valley Discovery Trail was launched in 1998, extending from Launceston to Plymouth. The following year, environmental enhancement projects began in Calstock, Callington, Gunnislake, Okel Tor and Clitters. £2.9million was attracted from a range of partners. This work was directed by Countryside Officers. In 2000, a dedicated AONB Partnership and staff team were established, with Manager Tim Selman leading the delivery of the Management Plan that steered the work of the AONB 48

team. In this year, the ferry service was re-established along the River Tamar from Calstock to Cotehele and crossing to Ferry Farm on the Devon bank. Work began in 2001 on recording memories and researching the market gardening history of the Tamar Valley. Subsequently, a book with accompanying CD of voices from the market gardeners of the Tamar Valley was produced in 2004, entitled Sovereigns, Madams and Double Whites. 2002 saw the creation of the Tamar Valley Marketing Project, set up with help from the Phoenix Fund, following Foot & Mouth, to help establish the Tamar Valley Tourism Association (TAVATA – today with over 230 members) and Tamar WoodMeet. The second Management Plan, directing the work to conserve and enhance the AONB between 2004 and 2009, was launched in 2004. In this year, an initial meeting was held by a small group of artists working in the Tamar Valley to discuss joint exhibitions and the promotion of art in the Valley. From this meeting, Drawn to the Valley emerged, today celebrating over 160 talented artists exhibiting regularly throughout the Valley and beyond, and displaying their work and techniques at the annual Open Studios event held in early September. Working the Woods, a 3-year project aimed at making our www.moorlinks.co.uk

This summer, the team who work to look after the landscape of the Tamar Valley are celebrating 20 years since it was designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) woods more viable, also began in this year. 2005 was a big year in the Tamar Valley AONB’s short history; £7million was awarded from a variety of funders, including the Heritage Lottery Fund, for the Tamar Valley Mining Heritage Project, which would celebrate and conserve the rich mining history on the Devon bank of the Valley. Old mining features were made safe and consolidated, new tracks and trails were created making heritage sites accessible once again, significant survey work to aid habitat management and wildlife took place, plus much more. Visit the Tamar Trails Centre at Gulworthy to find out more. The following year celebrated the East Cornwall Regeneration Project - £1.9million to safeguard the mining heritage in the Callington, Gunnislake and Cotehele area. In this year, the Sustainable Development Fund was launched nationwide, encouraging AONB teams to award funding to local projects that help to deliver the aims of their Management Plans in keeping the area special. £90,000 was awarded to 21 successful projects in the Tamar Valley. In 2008, AONB staff visited northern France to begin the development of a new ‘French connection’ with similar landscape organisations in the year. From this, the Cordiale project began, which recently provided funding to help establish Tamar Valley Food Hubs, through Tamar Grow Local. This initiative is delivering weekly produce to 127 people, supporting 46 local suppliers. A permanent home for the AONB team was built in 2009. Prior to this, the team had rented space in portakabins at West Devon Borough Council, and more recently office

space at Cotehele Quay. The purpose-built Tamar Valley Centre – a Zero Emission Development just 5 minutes’ walk from Gunnislake Train Station - offers exhibition space and a visitor orientation point, as well as office space for the AONB team, Calstock Parish Council and Calstock Parish Archive Trust. It was officially opened in July 2009 by HRH The Princess Royal. The community archaeological dig was big news for 2011, as a Roman Fort was discovered in Calstock. The work was made possible through the Calstock Parish Heritage Project, £35,500 granted from the Heritage Lottery Fund. Last year, the team were successful in securing £126,400, mainly from HLF, for a two-year project to develop and support volunteers in the Valley. In its first year, Helping Hands for Heritage has engaged with over 440 people through its events and has built up over 2,300 volunteer hours. This equates to almost £19,000 worth of equivalent time. I have been fortunate to be a part of the AONB team since 2003. For me, the reason for its success is the essential mix of a dedicated and passionate staff team, the sheer dedication and enthusiasm from the AONB Partnership and other supportive bodies and individuals, and our ever-loyal band of volunteers that venture out in all weathers to see the job through. Charlotte Dancer, AONB




Coastal path walk

Bantham to Thurlestone It is only an hour’s drive from Yelverton or Tavistock to the glorious south Devon beach of Bantham. You could easily spend your day here enjoying the unspoilt sand and sea. Why not try your hand at surfing (lessons available), kayak down the Avon estuary (bring your own kayak) or as we did, take the dog and children for a scenic walk.

This footpath is popular, well-worn and well signed. It has suffered from some erosion but the track never strays far from the cliffs. You begin from the car park with a stiff ascent, the Atlantic on your right, rolling farmland on your

left and a handy bench half way up for a quick rest and a look back across the bay to Bigbury-on–sea and Burgh Island with stunning art deco hotel. From the cliff tops you can see small, sandy, secret bays, some accessible if you’re part mountain goat. The path runs along the edge of Thurlestone golf course past Yarmouth bay and then to Thurlestone Sands where you can see the distinctive holed Thurlestone Rock. We’d been strolling for about an hour by this time so we stopped for lunch at the Beach House café which serves local fresh seafood specials beside the beach. This was enough of a walk for us so we turned back and retraced our steps to Bantham, making good use of the many well placed benches on our return to enjoy the views and abundant coastal wildlife. Alternatively there is a regular, if infrequent, bus service linking Thurlestone and Hope Cove or you can continue walking - just a short stretch along the road before re-joining the coastal path along the shoreline and low cliffs to Outer Hope then follow the path behind the delightful harbour down to the old lifeboat station at Inner

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A stunning coastal walk (there and back) approximately 3 miles, allowing an hour each way. Hope. Inland a little way is the old village centre with the picturesque Square and historic cottages – well worth the extra stroll. Nichola, Sennen the dog (and family!)

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Eating Out


Welcome to our new Eating Out Guide. This is just a small selection of some of the fantastic places to eat out in our area. We hope you find this guide inspiring and informative. If you have a business that you feel should feature in this section, please give Jane a call on 01822 615627

The Fat Goose Bistro Paul would like to welcome you to his refurbished setting offering a contemporary, stylish experience. The bistro now sets the ambiance for any occasion. Offering fresh and local produce,with extensive seafood menu, Dartmoor steaks and vegetarian menu to name a few. The Fat Goose Bistro is the perfect place for an intimate meal to a large group party.

75 West Street Tavistock PL19 8AJ 01822 614280 mail@fatgoosebistro.co.uk www.fatgoosebistro.co.uk 52

Robertson’s Opened in 2006 and described by the Observer food magazine as “the best pizza in the south west, with a huge local following .“ Serving a broad selection of delicious lunch and evening meals Robertson’s welcomes you to our fully licensed restaurant in the heart of Tavistock. Can’t make it? Don’t worry, we deliver within Tavistock between 5 & 9 everyday but Sunday. Open 11 Monday - Friday. Food served ‘til 9pm. Open from 9.30 Saturdays.

8 Pepper Street Tavistock PL19 0BD 01822 612117 www.robertsonstavistock.co.uk

Bird’s Nest - Chinese Restaurant and Take Away The secret of the Bird’s Nest long-running success can be attributed to two factors; the rich experience of its staff and management, and the high quality of its ingredients. Browsing through the menu is like taking a journey across Asia: from the fresh, exciting flavours of Thailand and China to the rich, complex spices of Malaysia, and from innovative Japanese dishes to the timeless classics of traditional Cantonese cookery.

4 Barley Market Street Tavistock PL19 0JF 01822 610611 www.birdsnesttavistock.co.uk

The Who’d Have Thought It Inn 16th Century Inn Fresh food cooked daily using local produce by our new team of chefs in their brand new Kitchen. proud to be in the Good Pun Guide for 4 years running with local beers served plus Extensive wine list provided by our own Sommelier. Come and enjoy our new beer garden.

Milton Combe PL206HP 01822 853313 info@whodhavethoughtitdevon.co.uk www.whodhavethoughtitdevon.co.uk

Olde Plough Inn A traditional 16 century pub, located on the banks of the River Tavy, offers a wide range of dishes from traditional pub to amazing homemade specials, to compliment our range of dishes we also have a selection of real ales, ciders and wines. Check out our website for future events.

Fore Street Bere Ferrers Devon PL20 7JL 01822 840358 contactus@theoldeploughinn. co.uk www.theoldeploughinn.co.uk editorial@moorlinks.co.uk editorial@tavylinks.co.uk

FOOD & WINE With gardens and allotments now overflowing, Giuseppe has put together a delicious risotto using lots of seasonal fresh vegetables….

Mixed Vegetable Risotto Ingredients (serves 4) • • • • • • • • • • • • •

320 g Carnaroli or Arborio rice 6 tblsp extra-virgin olive oil 100 g Courgettes 100 g Cherry tomatoes 50g Peas 50g Broad beans 1 medium-sized carrot 1 celery stick 40 ml white wine 1 litre Vegetable stock 4 tblsp Grated Parmesan cheese 20 g Butter 2 tablespoonfuls Chopped parsley

Method: First of all you need to prepare your vegetables: chop the onion, carrot and celery very finely, the tomatoes in quarters and the courgettes in small cubes, shell the broad beans (to do this, cook them for approximately 2 minutes, drain them and gently squeeze them until the bright green beans come out of their skin). Once you have prepared all your vegetables, heat the olive oil in a large frying pan on a medium heat; when hot, put in the carrot, onion and celery. Let it cook for 2-3 minutes and then add the courgettes, peas, tomatoes and broad beans; keep cooking for a further 6-7 minutes adding, if necessary, one ladleful of stock.



At this point add the rice, mix well and pour the white wine; let the wine evaporate; add enough stock to keep the risotto moist but not covered in the liquid. From now on you will be stirring your risotto while it absorbs the stock, adding more stock when it begins to be dry. Risotto rice grains release their starch slowly from the surface while they absorb the flavour of your ingredients and they have a very good resistance to cooking which means that they grow in size while keeping a compact core. It is important to keep your risotto moist throughout the cooking process, but never covered in stock, or it will boil. Keep stirring and adding stock for about 15-20 minutes or until the rice is cooked to your liking. Taste occasionally to check. When the rice is cooked, remove from heat, add the butter, the Parmesan cheese and the parsley, mix well, cover and leave for 2 minutes. Your local online grocer Your risotto is now delivering the best of Tamar Valley food ready to be served.

Tamar Valley Food Hubs

Giuseppe Baggiani Totally Tuscan - Pannier Market

Fresh, Local, Affordable & Friendly! Fresh Bread • Local Meat & Dairy Fresh Fish • Fruit & Veg • Honey Apple Juice • Cakes & much more!

The Ordulph Arms and Terrace Restaurant are Under New Ownership! Experienced hospitality professional Kevin Moore and his team are breathing new life into the pub and restaurant with a fantastic refit and delicious new menus.

Vist www.ordulpharms.co.uk to find out about our special events! www.tavylinks.co.uk

and drink every week tamarvalleyfoodhubs.org.uk

Serving Lunch & Dinner Every Day (except Sunday Night)

Pym Street Tavistock PL19 0AW 01822 610046 53


AN AUTHENTIC TASTE OF THE ORIENT The secret of the Bird’s Nest long-running success can be attributed to two factors; the rich experience of its staff and management, and the high quality of its ingredients. Browsing through the menu is like taking a journey across Asia: from the fresh, exciting flavours of Thailand and China to the rich, complex spices of Malaysia, and from innovative Japanese dishes to the timeless classics of traditional Cantonese cookery. We do not use MSG in any of our food! Sunday – Thursday 5 – 10:30pm Friday & Saturday 5 – 11pm Open All Bank Holidays Closed Tuesdays


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A nostalgic trip to Bordeaux Charles Steevenson headed off to Bordeaux to remind both himself and us, why some of the best Bordeaux and claret wines can be just a little pricey. One of the great pleasures and rewards for those in the wine trade is the occasional jaunt to not only visit the regions of wine production, but also to meet the dedicated band of winemakers who are responsible for the making and experimenting with new innovative concepts in wine production. On such a recent visit to Bordeaux it was a reminder not only to the finer things in life but also reinforced a few concerns about the perception of Bordeaux wines, reference quality versus value. There is no doubt that Bordeaux, the very heart of iconic wines, continues to have immense clout. The market is strong and continues to gain in strength, on the emerging Asian markets demand to be in the wine loop as regards aspiring to drink the top quality wine, but also to exploit wine for investment purposes. That said, prices do need to be questioned. At the end of the day, Bordeaux vineyards are large and they continue to govern high

prices. In short, business is good in Bordeaux. One never ceases to be overwhelmed as you drive out of the historic city of Bordeaux on what can only be described a nostalgic trip down the very smartest restaurant wine list. One is also mindful that each Chateau has their own interpretation of how they can strive to produce the very best wines ... yet never losing sight of that Chateau’s history, aspirations and reputation. It is worth remembering that Bordeaux wines are on the whole ‘blended’, that being wines made up of a combination of up to 5 grape varieties ~ Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Malbec and Petit Verdot. In fact, only a tiny percentage of Bordeaux reds (Clarets) are made of a single grape variety. The skill of constructing a blend in itself does create large complications and uncertainties. Not all grape varieties either flower or ripen at the same pace. A couple

of weeks delay waiting for one element of your cuvee to ripen can be devastated by an unwelcome rain storm. Equally, rain and hail as the flowering sets can literally decimate the grapes before they even form. The unpredictable influences of the weather play a major factor in the uniqueness of every vintage, hence prices, flavours and ageing potential, can all vary. After what can only be described as an extensive, often exhausting, and yet nevertheless thorough, research trip, my handy hint is that 2010 is a great vintage offering heaps of lush expressive fruit, great structure and poise. In this, their very early stage of development, vibrance and youthful charm can often more than compensate for the older more developed softer nuances. 2010 is, also in no doubt, a very sound vintage for the top flight ‘Grand Cru’ Clarets. However, just remember... time costs money.


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Dartmoor Bakery A family dream turning into a booming business On the 11th of May 2015 Dartmoor Bakery at Leg O Mutton first opened its doors for business and was met by a rush of customers from near and far, all keen to see inside the newly refitted store and taste their wares. Since then Avis Jones and her family have built a fantastic reputation for artisan bakery and their tasty business is booming. Matriarch Avis is head of a creative family who all bring a unique skill to this new venture. Her daughters Sorrel and Autumn along with their partner and husband all have experience in commercial kitchens and the food industry, while her son Troy is the brains behind all of the technological hardware installed, such as free wi-fi, charging points for phones and computers and a huge smart screen TV. Her nephews are the talented carpenters from The Upcycled Pallet Company who have fitted out the bakery beautifully using nothing but recycled pallets. All in all they www.tavylinks.co.uk

are a strong family team who have all pulled together to produce this contemporary coffee shop and bakery. Avis’ daughters first dreamed of opening a coffee shop together building a business around their catering skills. They wanted the place to be in the Yelverton area as they live locally and spent many happy childhood hours here on the moor. When Avis was made redundant the girls decided to all go in to business together. Avis raised her children on homemade meals made from scratch – an ethos they bring to the bakery. For the first few weeks after opening the bakery was without an oven and all of the baking was done at home and brought in to the shop fresh each day “It nearly killed me” says Avis who was putting in 100 hours each week creating and preparing original menus each day ranging from homemade soups, bread rolls, quiches, and flans as

well as a full assortment of cakes, muffins and biscuits. Avis and her family have been delighted with the reception they have received from their customers and believe their insistence on the finest fresh ingredients, coupled with innovative modern recipes, such as their pesto and parmesan swirls or hummingbird cake made with tropical flavours have aided their popularity. They hope to increase their opening hours to include breakfast and are considering options to reopen some evenings to serve visitors such as cycling and running groups or private parties. They have already been approached to bake for other businesses and aim to update their website to include recipes and special events. “Perhaps, one day, we can take our brand all over Dartmoor” says Avis, but for now they are really enjoying baking on our doorstep. Nichola Williams 57

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Drakes Auctions – the ‘green’ way to buy and sell Drakes Auctions, set up a year ago by Peter Williams and Matthew Helm, is located in Parade Business Park off Pixon Lane. Auctions are currently held once a month on a Monday, with viewings from 10am the Sunday before. Demand is proving strong and specialist auctions are being planned, but for now each sale deals in any good quality item with a second hand value of £10 and over. If you’ve never bought or sold at auction before don’t be afraid! Peter and Matthew keep the process simple and are always happy to offer friendly advice, calling in trusted experts for detailed valuations when needed. For the seller you can bring your items in or arrange for a home visit. Buyers must register with their name and address before the auction to receive a bidding number. You can then leave a bid or attend the sale yourself, attracting the

auctioneer’s attention when needed. Waving, nodding and winking are all perfectly acceptable! Buying and selling at auction is not only fun but a way to create an individual interior and the ultimate ‘green’ way to shop.

The Ordulph Arms and The Terrace Restaurant – under new ownership Experienced publicans and hoteliers Kevin and Jane Moore bought the Ordulph Arms and Terrace restaurant in March. Since then they have extensively renovated and are already open for business. Kevin and Jane brought trusted chefs Lewis and Dan with them and have created a great menu around the fantastic fresh, local food of Dartmoor and the Tamar Valley. The Terrace Restaurant offers a wide selection of food with outdoor dining area and is open Wednesday to Sunday. The Ordulph Arms next door will offer an edited version of the restaurant menu and has some great events planned.

Sales are held at Parade Business Park, Tavistock, fortnightly on Mondays. Viewings held from 12 - 6pm on the Sunday preceding sale. See our website for the full auction calendar. Antiques • Collectables • Jewellery • Quality Furniture • Household Appliances • Garden Furniture • Tools & Machinery We offer house clearance and valuation service’s, and take in goods at our office, every Wednesday to Friday 10am to 5pm. Saturday 9am - 12 noon.

For more information call us on: 01822 616992

www.drakesauctions.co.uk Unit 6 Parade Business Park, Pixon Lane, Tavistock PL19 9RQ www.tavylinks.co.uk



Gidon from The Technology Company answers your technology questions

Q. I’m not even getting a full day from my smartphone without recharging. What are the best ways of increasing the battery life?

Q. I understand I can upgrade for free to the new Windows 10. Should I do it and how do I go about it?

Start by reducing the screen brightness and only increase when desired, in bright sunlight for instance. Turn off Bluetooth and even WiFi if not needed all the time, and just turn on as required. Check any programs that use your location and configure them to only use GPS when the app is open for example, not in the background.

Windows 10 has taken the best bits of Windows 7 and Windows 8 and looks to be a worthwhile free upgrade, although it’s still early days. You have up to a year to get your free copy so there’s no urgency.

Q. I’ve heard of a nasty virus that encrypts all the files on my PC. What precautions should I take? The Cryptolocker virus and its variants are particularly nasty and you’ll only know you’ve been infected when it’s too late and all your files have been irreversibly encrypted. Firstly, ensure you keep an up to date backup of your system. Standard virus protection doesn’t seem particularly effective for this type of virus. We’d suggest a secondary anti-malware protection like Malwarebytes Premium. Typically this virus has come through a zip file in an email program so be vigilant. There is also a free program called CryptoPrevent designed primarily to prevent this infection.

Ensure you take a complete backup image of your computer before you start, so you can always revert back if you have any issues or just don’t get along with it. The upgrade is only available if you have Windows 7 or later and you’ll get prompted to upgrade via Windows Update or a special taskbar icon. Just follow the prompts. If you have any questions now or for a future column, and for all previous articles, please visit thetechnologycompany.co.uk/linksqa. Gideon Reid The Technology Company, Tavistock If you have any questions now or for a future column, and for all previous articles, please visit thetechnologycompany.co.uk/linksqa.

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Investment for the future Geoffrey Cox, Member of Parliament for Torridge and West Devon explains plans for our area for his next five years of office. I was delighted and honoured to have been returned for the third time as Member of Parliament for Torridge and West Devon back in May, and I have enjoyed a busy few months since the election.

promote British food abroad; and to support our fishing and coastal communities by reforming the quota system to help the under ten metre inshore fleet and defending our hardwon Common Fisheries Policy reforms.

It is clear, from both the Queen’s Speech and the Chancellor’s visit to Torridge and West Devon earlier this year, that the next five years is set to be a positive time for the South West, and that delivering for the region will be a real priority for this Government.

We will also see major investment in the region’s transport network with improvements being made to the A361, M5, A358, A30 and A303, and the electrification of the Great Western Main Line – bringing new faster trains to the area. Closer to home the roads will also be a focus, which is why I have launched my Public Petition to the House of Commons on improving the maintenance of local roads. The issue has been raised with me time and time again over the past few months, and it is plain to see why as I traverse the country lanes between the many small settlements that characterise our communities. For too long rural roads have been neglected and have been allowed to fall into a state of serious disrepair. I hope that by gathering as much support as possible we will be able to send a strong signal to ministers that action needs to be taken. I am hoping that as many people as possible will get involved; please check my website for more information on how to do this.

Investment will be made to strengthen rural economies by securing the future of 3,000 rural post offices and providing near universal superfast broadband by the end of the next Parliament; to champion our farmers and food producers by developing a 25 year plan to grow more, buy more and sell more British food, liberate farmers from red tape and

The next few years promise to be a time of opportunity for Torridge and West Devon, and for the South West as a whole, and I am very much looking forward to working with the Government to achieve what is needed. Geoffrey Cox, MP

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The History of Sir John Maynard’s School, Bere Alston This year it is 350 years old, and is therefore one of the longest running schools in the country. Before the 1870 Education Act it was not unusual for schools to be founded by local benefactors, but what is remarkable about Sir John Maynard’s School is the fact that it survived, and continued to be used as a school right up to the present time. It is one of the oldest primary schools in Devon. Sir John Maynard was not only Lord of the Manor, but also Member of Parliament for Bere Alston several times between 1659 and 1689. He was born in Tavistock in 1602, and died in 1690, outliving his four wives and all his children. He was a lawyer and a politician, a staunch Presbyterian who served in high office during the government of Oliver Cromwell and, remarkably, was also welcomed by Charles II at the Restoration in 1660, becoming King’s Serjeant and serving under Charles II, James II and William and Mary. Samuel Pepys was disgusted by this and wrote in his diary that he considered that Maynard was a turncoat. Sir John Maynard had a lifelong interest in education. In his capacity as trustee of the Elize Hele charity, he founded the girls’ school in Exeter known as the Maynard School, which still exists today as an independent school 62

for girls aged 7 to 18, and is the third oldest girls’ school in England. He also founded a boys’ grammar school in Exeter, now a comprehensive, and a grammar school in Totnes. In Bere Alston, Sir John Maynard set up an endowment fund to provide for both the annual rent of the school building and to provide a salary for the schoolmaster, who actually lived on the premises. The school was to be ‘for the education of 8 free scholars’ who should be taught reading writing and arithmetic free from all charge and expense. In 1826 the Charity Commissioners, reporting on the school, mentioned a document dated 24th July 1788 which explained that the rector and churchwardens acted as trustees of the charity, and were also responsible for its management. Rents from lands in Tutwell, in the parish of Stoke Climsland, just over the Cornish border, provided the funds. On the 13th of February 1817 four rules were laid down: that the master should teach, free of charge, 16 boys or girls of the parish of Bere Ferris, in reading, writing and spelling; that editorial@tavylinks.co.uk

The school, founded in 1665, was to be ‘for the education of 8 free scholars’ who should be taught reading, writing and arithmetic free from all charge and expense. no more than ten boarders should be taken by the master; that he should instruct such poor children as should be sent to him, for two hours every Sunday morning, in reading and the church catechism; and that he must not let any part of his lodgings. The schoolmaster had a house and garden, with a schoolroom under the same roof. In 1826 he was teaching 16 boys and girls, all children of poor people of the parish. The boys were taught reading and writing, and some of them were instructed in arithmetic. The girls were taught reading and plain work (sewing) by the master’s wife, and some of them were taught writing by the master. There were no boarders at this time, but the master had about 25 other day scholars, for whose instruction he was paid, and who were taught with the other children. Since the rents from the endowment were by the 19th century quite low in value

- only £21 per annum in 1868 - the master was obviously able to augment his income by taking fee-paying scholars. White’s Directory of Devon stated in 1878 that the school had recently been enlarged and rebuilt to accommodate 210 girls and infants. There was by now a separate boys’ school built in 1853 as a Church of England school, and a small National school in the village of Bere Ferris. Schools were also attached to each of the three chapels in the parish, and there was a small parochial library. Education in the parish had clearly expanded greatly during the 19th century. By 1902 Kelly’s Directory stated that the school held 150 children, with an average attendance of 126. In 1912 a new building was added to the school, and in 1996 a further extension was built. Sir John Maynard’s school was therefore able not only to survive but also to adapt to changing circumstances. Had it not survived, the terms of the endowment meant that the rents would have been used for the parishioners of Bere Ferrers in lieu of the poor rates, it being the intent of the donor that it should be for ever for the use of the parish. Susan Francia www.family-historyresearch.co.uk


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Trade Secrets Our section ‘Trade Secrets’ delves a little deeper into the myriad of possible careers we choose and why we choose them.

Mike Downman HEAD KEEPER AT DARTMOOR ZOOLOGICAL PARK Why did you become a zoo keeper?

I grew up in south Wales and was always interested in the native wildlife. A local man had collection of parrots which he would occasionally open to the public. I was amazed by them and at 14 years old I began working for him part time, looking after his parrots. This led on to my first job in a zoo just emptying bins and picking up litter, but I didn’t mind because I was close to the animals.

Where do you work?

I have had the pleasure of working in ten different zoos both abroad and in the UK. I am currently Head Keeper at Dartmoor Zoological Park at Sparkwell.

How much training is involved, what qualifications do you need to become a zoo keeper?

Much of the training is on the job although many zoos these days prefer some animal based qualification like an ‘A’ level in biology. The DMZAA (Diploma in Management of Zoo and Aquarium Animals) is also a very good course. I continue to learn new things every day both here at Dartmoor and also through courses, conferences and visiting other zoos. We run an onsite course here at Sparkwel in partnership with both Duchy and Bicton Colleges.

How long have you been there?

I have been a zoo keeper for over forty years working with a variety of collections although I still have a deep affection for birds.

Who else works with you?

The zoo is a charity and as such we have a board of trustees, a director, operations manager, curator, keepers, volunteers, students as well as staff at reception and the restaurant area. There are different sections: animal department, education 66

and presentation, research and maintenance but we all work collaboratively.

What is involved in being a head keeper ? How does your day usually unfold?

We start early with a staff meeting where information is shared about the health and wellbeing of our animals and the diary for that day. We are open 7 days of the week so staff overlap - it’s essential we keep each other informed. From 8am the animals are fed, watered and cleaned out ready for the public opening at 10.00. I have an office from which I spend time on administration such as arranging animal transfers, coordinating volunteer rotas, booking feed supplies, answering queries and liaising with vets. In the afternoon key species are fed with a public talk which I am involved in. We also have wedding receptions on site, outreach sessions and parties at the park, all of which need to be organised.

What would you say to someone thinking of this as a career?

This is a wonderful job and I would encourage anyone with a love of animals to get involved. It’s a busy job, long unsociable hours and much of it outdoors in all weathers but I have immense job satisfaction and never tire of working here; it keeps me mentally and physically on my toes.

What is the best thing about your job?

You can get a bit blasé working with these incredible animals but you only have to watch the public’s reaction when they are up close and personal to one of our big cats to appreciate the privileged position we are in. We try and keep a professional distance but it is difficult not to become attached. There is a great sense of achievement when breeding endangered species successfully, that is one of the best things. It is not an average job! Nichola Williams editorial@tavylinks.co.uk




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