Mercer, Charlotte Messner, Jacob Milligan, Leonard Moffat, Aubrianna Molsberry, Kyle
Munroe, Bruklyn Murrell, Ethan Mushens, Skye Nash-Wilson, Jenna Pasquet, Sean
Kapovic, Nikolina
Kiwas, Veronica Kell, Kayde
Liang, Mei
Kell, Payton
Litzenberger, Macy
Kelly, Michaela
Lynds, Natasha
Kiefer, Seth
MacDonald, Aiden
Character Equals Destiny
Patterson, Jaxen Pellegrinelli, Nathan Pettigrew, Ari
Philipenko, Chasidey Polupski, Jillian
Raaschou, Klara
Rossetti, Sofia
Railton, Jillian
Roszell, Terren
Richer, Rieley
Sand, Akela
Richer, Taylor
Schellenberg, Hannah
Rivera, Rhyza
Seaborg, Cashton
Tatum, Aydin
Sinclair, Brody
Thibodeau, Dawson
Sloan, Eris
Thoumelin, Emilie
Smith, Ella
TiRay, Caron
Steeves, Madisyn
Unser, Ava
Surtees, Avery
Voegele, Celine Wagner, Hailey
Walker, Kade Wall, Adam
—Tom Hanks
Wen, JiKang White, Zakery Young-Benko, Cade Yu, Marvin Zacharias, William
“For the great doesn’t happen through impulse alone, and is a succession of little things that are brought together.”
—Vincent Van Gogh
It took a lot of hard work to be where you are today! This is to be commended and celebrated!
Prairie South challenges each of you to be lifelong learners. Never stop #learningtogether, never stop exploring, never stop dreaming, never stop growing, and never stop challenging yourself to be the very best you can be!
ChabeDjadji, Christopher
Let this accomplishment be your reminder to shoot for the stars because the sky is the limit!
Adam-Chow, Paige Adams, Isabelle
Afolabi, Momoireoluwa Ahmed, Ahmed Al Modtafa, Kawthar
Ally, Aisha Andrews, Griffin Angus, Lincoln Ansell, Brodie Archand, Andras
“All those adults that you used to think were in charge and knew what they were doing? It turns out they don’t have all the answers. A lot of them aren’t even asking the right questions. So, if the world’s going to get better, it’s going to be up to you.”
—Barack Obama
Stashewsky, Emma-Grace Tkachuk, Taisiia
Usher, Hayden Watson-Jennings, Jackson Williams, Mason
Williams, Walker Wilson, Cole Wilson, Sara Yee, Josef Yevenes Bastian, Ignacio
“You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream.”
—C.S. Lewis
Anderson, Keira Artavia, Matthew Benallick, Cole Biette, Kyra Chamberlain, Kenna
Galbraith, Aiden German, William Janzen, Olivia Martens, Mandy Mercer, Easton
Mercer, Maguire
Thomas, Gabriella
Nadeau, Sebastian Thorn, Anna
Rannie, Ethan
Wanner, Serenity
Ross, Jordyn Salsman, Caleb
Beef on the bun (Roast Beef), Bread & Buns, Dainty Tray, Veggie Tray, Fruit Tray, Wrap Tray and Sandwich Tray.
Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the