Moose Jaw Express Remembrance Day 2021

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mortlach museum features nearly 1,000 model planes and vehicles by Jason G. Antonio, Moose Jaw Express

Tucked away in the Village of Mortlach is a military museum featuring nearly 1,000 miniature models of planes, tanks, vehicles, and ships — and one man has made them all. Steve Apperley’s interest in model military vehicles began when he was six years old, after his father gave him a tube of glue to play with. His dad — a Second World War veteran — built many models out of wood during his military career following the war. “The coolest thing he ever made (were these) little … C-119s. He made this whole squadron and had them sitting on the living room table. It was pretty cool,” Apperley said. The first model plane Apperley received — planes are his favourite — was a DC-8 Air Canada transport plane. This kick-started his love for the hobby, which continued into high school and adulthood. That first model plane has now grown into a collection of 840 models of various military vehicles and aircraft. Apperley initially stored his collection at home but outgrew that location. After a years-long journey to find a new spot, he moved into a building two years ago along the main street in Mortlach. Since then, he has enjoyed running the Military Memories Model Museum, which features his creations, his father’s military uniforms and memorabilia, and his grandfather’s attestation papers from the First World War. One room features models from the Second World War, while a second room showcases models from the Cold War to today. If you’re observant, you might also notice the four American Sherman tanks from the movie “Fury,” with a little Brad

Steve Apperley owns a museum in Mortlach that features wall-to-wall models of military planes, tanks, vehicles and ships. He has made all 840 models that are on display in the building. Photo by Jason G. Antonio

Pitt figurine sticking out of the hatch. “My wife said to me, ‘Well, you’re retired. You might as well do something.’ And I said, ‘Well OK,’ … and we turned it into a hobby store. A little museum kind of thing,” he said. “We don’t make any money, but it’s a place to go in the morning.” Every model that Apperley made during the last 10 years came from kits. He had more models years ago but sold off many of them, saying he would need a warehouse to keep everything he’s built. Besides the models, the hobbyist has also created dioramas. For example, there is a scene featuring a British Commonwealth Air Training Plan airbase with planes lined up, while another scene shows heavy vehicles pulling a tank out of a lake. Most of his models are from the Second World War since there is more variety of kits. For example, it’s easier to acquire models of German tanks since there were many versions,

while there are only four models of American tanks. Apperley’s favourite models to build are Spitfires and B-17 bombers from the Second World War. Lately, though, the pandemic has made acquiring kits from suppliers difficult because most kit makers are located overseas. As a result, Apperley has found that it takes up to two months to receive one kit, while the cost of models has also increased. “Collectors’ models, for some reason, are through the roof,” he said. For example, a kit featuring the famous Avro Arrow jet fighter is no longer available since no one can find the moulds. Even if you could find a kit, it would cost $5,000. Apperley enjoys making models since he can work with his hands. Furthermore, he likes to fact-check everything he makes to ensure they’re as accurate as possible. Whether it’s a German tank or an AT-6 Harvard plane, he browses through books or the internet to ensure the decals and designs are correct. Sometimes, though, he also likes to paint or design a model the way he wants. It usually takes Apperley a week to build a 1:32-scale model, three to five days to build a 1:48-scale model aircraft or tank, and minutes to build a 1:72-scale model aircraft. “I think all kids should get into this stuff, just for the fact they’re not sitting on the computer. They’re using their hands; they’re using their brains. They’re figuring stuff out. They can research the vehicle,” he said. Apperley will not sell any of the models he has made but does sell boxed kits. His museum is open year-round.

Lest We Forget Phone: 306-693-3229 Fax: 306-693-3251


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