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understand how to support learning

(K1-1) Generally understand

(K2-1) Understand the content

(K3-1) Choose appropriate

(K4-1) Effectively align learning

in the areas of their expertise

instructional resources based

outcomes to program-level

well enough to identify the

on K1-1. Coordinate class-

learning outcomes and explain

main concepts, and articulate

room resources and space to

the relationships between own

the evidence of learning of

promote learning and ethical

subject outcome and other

such concepts.

use of ICT in learning.

related program elements.

what learning is and how their students learn.


(A1-1) Design structure,

(A2-1) Identify strategies/

(V1-1) Is concerned with

activities, assessment, and

teaching approaches to support

students' academic and

lesson sequences based on

the achievement of learning

non-academic problems.

course learning outcomes

outcomes and to promote

Provide opportunities for

that are explicit, challenging

inclusive and positive student

open communication to all

and achievable.

participation and engagement.

students and willingly assist students in respond to the diversity of their learning performance, prior knowledge, cultural backgrounds and interests.

(A3-1) identify a range of timely

(V2-1) continuously participate

and effective assessment

in activities for self-improve-

strategies to assess course

ment/ teaching professional

learning outcomes.



effectively supporting learning

(K1-2) Begin to apply knowl-

(K2-2) Classify the content

(K3-2) Effectively design and

edge of how student learn to

and able to generalise,

tailor instructional resources

adapt the role of teaching to

relate, and simplify concepts

based on the appropriate

improve learning process

to reduce students’ miscon-

application of K1-2 and K2-1

and the intended learning


to facilitate the achievement of


intended learning outcomes.

(K4-2) Successfully improve

(K5-1) Recognise, associate

(A1-2) Breakdown learning

(A2-2) Facilitate learning

curriculum design/processes

and identify quality parameters

outcomes to small and

using strategies developed

towards the achievement of

effecting education quality of

achievable steps and design

from a combination of K-2,

program-level learning

own program.

coherent session plans

K2-1, K3-2, and results from

including assessment strate-

A3-2 to engage, and support

gies, stretching assignments,

student learning as well as

and instractional strategies for

to maximise the achievement

each of them.

of intended learning outcome

outcomes (PLO).

planned in A1-2.

(A3-2) Provide timely, effective and appropriate assessment/feedback in relative to student’ learning goals. AND Include formative assessments as an integral part of assessment plan. AND analyse assessment results for teaching strategy improvement.

(A4-1) Contribute to the

(V1-2) Create a climate in

(V2-2) Actively seek feedback

University’s educational devel-

which students want to do

from others to determine

opment projects.

their best and build construc-

areas in which he or she can

tive and effective relationships

improve and apply constructive

with students.

feedback from colleagues to improve professional practice.

PROFICIENT highly accomplished as professional expert

(K1-3) Integrate knowledge of

(K2-3) Effectively formulate

(K3-3) Based on A3-2, mea-

how student learn to effectively

subject content knowledge for

sure the effectiveness by

improve student’ learning and

the purpose of teaching using

using scientific methods to

the achievement of the intended

appropriate subjectspecific

prepare, design and continu-

learning outcomes.


ously improve instructional



(K4-3) Design a new curriculum

(K5-2) Evaluate and success-

(A1-3) Modify and improve

(A2-3) (at least for advisee)

in own and related disciplines

fully improve KMUTT process,

lesson plan to promote a culture

diagnose individual learning

to intentionally guarantee

policy, or related education

of high expectation. AND teach/

need and successfully support

program-level learning

systems to guarantee the

support colleagues to design,

individual student’s learning

outcomes aligned with all

program level learning

evaluate, and improve the

to get the best out of him or

stakeholder requirements


effectiveness of their course

her. AND support colleagues


to evaluate the effectiveness

by considering the diversity of learners.

and quality instruction.

(A3-3) Support colleagues to

(A4-2) Actively participate in

(V2-3) Initiate collaborative

(V3-1) Contribute to profes-

evaluate the effectiveness of

national or regional scale

relationships OR actively

sional networks and associations

their approaches to student

development in higher educa-

engage in community of

and build productive links with

assessment and teaching


practice to expand profes-

the wider community to improve

sional learning opportunities.

teaching and learning both


nationally and internationally.


high impact contribution to professional community and society

(K1-4) Lead colleagues to

(K2-4) Strategically trans-

(K4-4) Based on K4-3, guide

select and develop teaching

form and represent difficult

other program designers to

strategies to improve student

concepts/ideas in the way

professionally design outcome

learning AND actively contrib-

that make sense to

based curricula.

ute to learning and teaching


research community.

(K5-3) Lead others on how to

(A4-3) Develop, and imple-

(V3-2) Influence others by

plan, manage, and organise a

ment high impact policies,

being a role model and inspi-

quality assurance system in

and processes for develop-

ration in such a way that build

Thailand higher education.

ment of Thai higher education.

intrinsic motivations, ethical

OR design educational frame-

behaviours, and passions in

work/concept to enhance

teaching for all-rounded

quality improvement of

human development of

student learning to benefit the


international society.

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