Tailor of the Jewel
Season 2009/2010 - LOOK BOOK
An exploration inside jewels design character, elegance, personality, style, refinement, identity
Collezione 01
Collezione 01
character, charakter, carattere, carácter, caractère, 性質, caráter, značaja, karakter, jelleg, характер, znak, karakter, karakter, merkki, 文字, caracter, характер, karaktär
Collezione 01
Collezione 01
elegance, eleganz, eleganza, elegancia, élégance, 優雅, elegância, elegancija, şıklık, elegancia, елегантност, elegance, elegancija, elegance, tyylikkyys, エレガンス, eleganta, изящество, elegans
Collezione 01
Collezione 01
personality, persönlichkeit, personalità, personalidad, personnalité, 個性, personalidade, osebnost, kişilik, személyiség, индивидуалност, osobnost, ličnost, personlighed, persoonallisuus, 人格, personalitate, личность, personlighet
Collezione 01
Collezione 01
style, stil, stile, estilo, style, 風格, estilo, slog, stil, stílus, cтил, styl, stil, style, tyyli, スタイル, stil, cтиль, style
Collezione 01
Collezione 01
refinement, verfeinerung, raffinatezza, perfeccionamiento, raffinement, 完善, refinamento, istančanost, ayrıntılandırma, finomítás, финес, rafinují, prečišćavanje, justeringsetiketter, tarkennusnimiöitä, 絞り込み, rafinament, уточнение, förfining
Collezione 01
Collezione 01
identity, identität, identità, identidad, identité, 身份, identidade, identiteta, kimlik, identitás, самоличност, identity, identitet, identitet, identiteetti, アイデンテ ィティ, identitate, личность, identitet
Collezione 01
MOPRC01_09 White
MOPRC02_09 White - Brown
MOPRC03_09 White & Brown
MOPRC04_09 White
MOPRC05_09 White & Brown
MOPRC06_09 White
Collezione 01
MOP Massimo Ottavio Pavan. This name is tied to the passion of his bearer, the passion for elegance and design. “Elegance is culture; It is not just a beautiful thing - adds the artist - where subjectivity can work the mind and reproduce the object with different values.” Elegance is a body of things (glamour) which go by slowly and, as somebody said, “Luxury is slow”
Collezione ONE Creations can be distinguished by the material, the hand working and by the new shape concepts, uniques and unrepeatables. In the Collection One the obsession for details and the material, the reduction of the jewels traditional shapes and the attention to the environment are the “constant”of Massimo Ottavio Pavan MATERIAL
MOP has created a jewel exclusive line of design employing a newfangled material. This material - MOP explained - is an artificial material which lends itself to be hand-worked like the wood, but at the same time it has technical features similar to a light metal. By touch it gives you a softness feeling that induce you to touch it, it is renewable and hygienic.”
Tailor of the Jewel
Season 2009/2010 - LOOK BOOK
An exploration inside jewels design character, elegance, personality, style, refinement, identity
Design-Production Massimo Ottavio Pavan Photography Fotopsia - Diego De Martin Massimo Ottavio Pavan Model Sophia Cruz Print Composit - Italy
Massimo Ottavio Pavan