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Joe McBeth: “The Next 30 Years!”

From the Desk of Newly Elected MMG President Joe McBeth The Next 30 Years

The Mopar Masters Guild recently celebrated our 30 year anniversary during events held in Las Vegas.

Sorry if you missed it!

As always our mee ngs and events are the highlight of my year and I always bring back more inspira on and knowledge than when I arrived.

I am honored to have been elected as your President along with the new offi cers, Cody Eckhardt, Vice President; Chris Hojnacki, Treasurer and Jim Jaeger, Secretary. We will do our best to uphold the responsibili es of being in this posi on of leadership.

Our anniversary celebra on got me to thinking of what will our business be like going into and beyond the next 30 years. As managers and leaders of our departments and people it is up to us to con nue to mentor, grow and educate our employees to take on the challenges that will con nue to come.

This business has changed drama cally in the last 30 years and I am posi ve the future will be no diff erent. We have to be ready for these changes and the Mopar Masters Guild is the perfect group to be in to stay ahead of the curve.

Seek out your employees that want to excel and mentor them for the future. We talk about the younger genera ons as not being as mo vated as we were coming up in the business but I challenge you to look deeper in to these folks and you will see that they have ambi ons and desires to grow the same way we did.

Most all successful people have a mentor to look up to that played an important part in their success. Mine was Roy Benner and Roy will tell you, I was not the perfect kid that started in his parts department 35 years ago as a warehouse worker. It took Roy to bring out what was the best in me and help me grow to where I am today. Thank you Roy! We must do the same for our employees. We owe it to them. They are the backbone of our business and regardless of changes we face in diff erent areas of our business we will con nue to grow if we have strong teams.

I look forward to seeing you all at future guild mee ngs and our 20 group mee ngs.

If you are not a member already please reach out and join. It will be the best thing you have ever done for your career. Joe

Joe McBeth - jmcbeth@thedallaspdc.com

President - Mopar Masters Guild

Parts Director - Dallas DCJR

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