Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
The View From My Office
With Kat Monteiro
Here we are again, almost the end of June. Time has really flown by. Things seem to be ge ng be er somewhat with the whole COVID thing. People are ge ng vaccinated and it’s easier now than ever to get a vaccine shot. California is doing very well on ge ng a good majority of our popula on vaccinated and as of the 15th of June we are now open for business. I was sorry to hear on the news that some states might have opened up a li le too soon without a good part of their populaon being vaccinated and are again experiencing surges in cases of COVID. The airplanes are flying and are packed with people anxious to get out and go somewhere. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do, for over a year now we’ve been wearing our masks and now I really don’t know how to go out without it on and I’m not sure I’m ready to take it off in all situa ons yet. I am s ll working at our front retail parts counter and I’m s ll loving it. Maybe in the Fall I’ll get back out on the road and start visi ng customers again if everything goes well. I do enjoy talking with customers and helping out where I can. We have been crazy busy in the parts department which is a good thing. Things at home are about to change again. Our daughter Terra who has been home and going to school for Avia on Mechanics has since finished her program and got her cer ficate of comple on. She has spent the last two and a half years going to school in a very intense program and has done very well. She has really enjoyed it so that makes all the difference. She finally found her niche and I believe she is going to be happy doing this kind of work. We are very proud parents. I am pleased to announce that she has already been offered a job at Duncan Avia on in Lincoln Nebraska. In fact, we will be making a road trip out there at the end of this month to move her. We have already been out there a couple months ago and found her an apartment to live in for her and her dog. She starts her new job on July 12th. Duncan Avia on has a very good reputa on in Lincoln Nebraska and seems like a really great company to work for. We are all very excited for Terra to start her new adventure! She will be an Airframe Tech working on corporate and business jets. I am sure I will have plenty to tell all of you in the next issue of the MMG magazine about our trip back there. Her and I will be driving our Ram Diesel truck, towing her car on a car trailer, with her dog! We plan on driving two days, 10 hours each day, so 2 nights in a pet friendly hotel, and then get to Lincoln on day 3. Sounds like a great adventure! I am so excited for her, but I know I am really going to miss her. I have already checked in with Lyne e Oakes and let her know she was coming. I know they are not in Omaha anymore but at least they are only 2 hours away if she needs something. Continued on Page 12
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