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“Bucket List” in San Antonio

Susan McDaniel checks two items off her bucket list in San Antonio!

The Mopar Masters recently held our bi-annual 20 Group mee ng in San Antonio, Texas with MBA Dealer Services. I went up a day early and experienced this beau ful city. There are many famous people from San Antonio; Joan Crawford, John Schneider (Dukes of Hazard), Tommy Lee Jones, Shaquille O’Neal, and my personal favorite is Carol Burne .

Riverwalk √

The San Antonio Riverwalk history begins in 1929 with an architect by the name of Robert H.H. Hugman. Mr. Hugman came up with a plan to improve the aesthe cs of the river that ran through the city. While many liked his ideas, it took 10 years to get funding for the Riverwalk.

In the late 1930’s The San Antonio River Walk secured funding from the Works Progress Administra on to improve infrastructure along the San Antonio River. The city used the money to build bridges and pathways that made the area more walkable and allowed businesses to move in. The WPA was part of the New Deal Program. At the me it cost $430,000. That gives the San Antonio Riverwalk the dis nc on of being a project that helped pull America out of the Great Depression.

In the 1950’s the Riverwalk gained a reputa on for seediness. To get the Riverwalk back to its former glory, city offi cials hired engineers from Disneyland to help revitalize the area. It was these designers who suggested including shops at the basement levels of buildings just off the Riverwalk.

The San Antonio Riverwalk is now full of hotels, restaurants, bars, shops and boat tours with a touch of history included by the conductors.

The Riverwalk is absolutely beau ful day or night. I really enjoyed strolling up and down both sides, taking in the authen c scenery and visi ng some of the a rac ons along the way. What a spectacular way to release all unwanted energies and rejuvenate!...not to men on ge ng my steps in! Continued on Page 8

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The Alamo √

The Alamo Mission, commonly called the Alamo and originally known as the Mission San Antonio de Valero, is a historic Spanish mission and fortress compound founded in the 18th century by Ramon Catholic missionaries in what is now San Antonio, Texas, United States.

The ba le of the Alamo was an important event in the Texas Revolu on and American History because it rallied the rest of Texas to fi ght against the Mexican army eventually leading to a victory over Santa Ana at the Ba le of San Jacinto.

On March 6th, 1836, a er 13 days of intermi ent fi gh ng, the Ba le of the Alamo comes to a gruesome end, capping off a pivotal movement in the Texas Revolu on. The Mexican forces were victorious in recapturing the fort and nearly all of the roughly 200 Texan defenders – including fron ersman Davy Crocke , died in the ba le.

On April 21st, 1836, Houston’s army won a quick ba le against the Mexican forces at San Jacinto and gained independence for Texas. Soon a er, Houston was elected president of the Republic of Texas.

The Alamo is currently under renova on and has been since 2015. While many have made dona ons to the Alamo Project, singer Phil Collins generously donated his priceless collec on of Alamo and Texana ar facts. He has been an avid fan since seeing the Walt Disney produc on of Davy Crocke , King of the Wild Fron er when he was a child.

The mission off ers guided tours and a 20-minute fi lm to watch that tells a li le about the fateful ba le. There are s ll bunks in the infi rmary and some uniforms on display as well. I was really surprised at how small people were during that era. They made such an enormous stance in our history.


Submi ed by Susan McDaniel - Parts Director - Bill Luke CDJR

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