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Joe McBeth: “Welcome to Summer!”

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No Early Losers

From the Desk of MMG President Joe McBeth Welcome to Summer!

I hope everyone is doing well through the ho est part of the year. We are currently being blasted with some of the earliest 100 degree days on record in Texas. This heat wave is gripping most of the central U.S... Although it is not the most pleasant me of year it does certainly bring opportunity for service and parts sales.

Several members of the Mopar Masters Guild recently a ended our 20 Group mee ng in San Antonio. These mee ngs are hosted by MBA Dealer Services. Mark Beaton and Jen Short always do a fantas c job in pu ng these mee ngs together and making sure we get the most out of the day and half we spend together.

During these mee ngs we go over fi nancial data, business prac ces, current events and opportuni es. There is always great conversa ons about many things that affect our day to day business. There is no other venue I know of that we can get so much out of in such a short period of me.

Not only do we have great mee ngs during the day we also have the opportunity to network with our peers. We had a fantas c dinner at the Republic of Texas on the San Antonio River Walk. It was a great night with lots of conversa on and laughter. There was also a stop on the way back at a dueling piano bar. A ton of fun!

We are hoping more Mopar Masters Guild members will be able to join these mee ngs in the future. Our next mee ng is scheduled for September 22nd & 23rd and will be held in Grand Rapids, MI. This mee ng will take place at the same me a great annual event is happening in Grand Rapids. The event is ArtPrize 2022. This should be another fantas c mee ng. If you are interested in joining our 20 Group. Please reach out to Jen Short at jen@mbadealerservices.com or Mark Beaton at mbeaton@mbadealerservices.com

These mee ngs along with our Annual Guild mee ngs are most certainly the key to my success and I am forever grateful for all the knowledge and help I have received through these mee ngs over the years.

Come join us!

Be safe and con nued good selling!

If you are not a member already please reach out and join. It will be the best thing you have ever done for your career. Joe

Joe McBeth - jmcbeth@thedallaspdc.com

President - Mopar Masters Guild

Parts Director - Dallas DCJR

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