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From the Desk of MMG President Joe McBeth: “Happy Holidays!” MMG’s 31st Annual Meeting at

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From the Desk of MMG President Joe McBeth Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays Everyone!

I hope you have fi nished all your holiday shopping and are gearing up for events with family & friends this holiday season. This is a special me of year that gives me to refl ect on everything we have accomplished over the last year and be grateful for all we have.

Another very exci ng event that is just around the corning is our next annual Mopar Masters Guild annual mee ng at NADA 2023 in Dallas

It will be here before you know it.

We have several days of mee ngs and fun events scheduled and hope you are all making plans to a end. Our guild was formed with the mo o of “The exchange of informa on by like-size

dealers in a non-compe ve environment”.

With all the changes we have experienced over the past year, now more than ever we should be collabora ng on ideas to help grow our business and maintain profi tability.

We have many of our suppor ng vendors that will be a ending our annual mee ng and presen ng to our group over the days of our mee ngs. This is a great me for us to interact with each other on ideas to help us all grow our business as well as gain effi ciencies in our day-to-day opera ons.

Mopar execu ves will also be visi ng us during our mee ngs to discuss with our group, plans for 2023. There are exci ng things coming with the launch of the bProAuto parts line.

We have more informa on on the mee ngs along with the tenta ve schedule of events in this edi on of the newsle er. Please make your plans now to a end if you have not already. I look forward to seeing you all in Dallas, TX


Joe McBeth - jmcbeth@thedallaspdc.com

President - Mopar Masters Guild - Parts Director - Dallas DCJR

If you are interested in joining the Mopar Masters Guild, please visit their website to see if your dealership qualifi es to become a member. h ps://moparmastersguild.com/membership/

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