Mopar Masters Magazine January - February 2025

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From the Desk of MMG President Cody Eckhardt Get Involved

Dear Mopar Masters Guild Members,

Spring is here, and with it comes exci ng opportuni es for collabora on and growth within our Guild.

We recently had a produc ve mee ng with Helm, and we’re looking forward to our first Vendor Visit with them in Moab, UT

Addi onally, the Execu ve Commi ee met with the StarParts Group to discuss the latest improvements and updates that will benefit all of us.

If you’re interested in joining a Vendor Commi ee, we would love to have your input! Please reach out to me at or Susan McDaniel at to get involved. Your par cipa on is key to strengthening our partnerships and ensuring our voices are heard.

Upcoming Events & Membership Opportuni es

• 33rd Annual Mee ng – Planning is underway, and we will be releasing reserva on details soon. Stay tuned!

• Mopar Service & Parts Business Conference – October – If you’re a ending, take a moment to check your eligibility for Mopar Masters Guild membership.

• New members are always welcome to share insights and experiences—because knowledge is power, and by working together, we all grow stronger.

As always, let’s con nue to uphold our Guild’s mo o:

“The exchange of informa on by like-size dealers in a non-compe ve environment.”

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment. I look forward to seeing many of you at our upcoming meetings!

Warm regards,


Welcome to the Mopar Masters Guild

Whether you are a long- me member, just recently joined, or s ll considering involvement, the Mopar Masters Guild offers something for every dealership. I would like to send a quick note to address some of the ques ons you may have:

Ques on: Is the Mopar Masters Guild operated by Mopar?

Answer: No… The Mopar Masters Guild is made up of dealership Parts Managers, Service Mangers and Fixed Ops Directors.

Ques on: How does a dealership qualify to be a member of the Mopar Masters Guild?

Answer: Mopar dealers that are ranked in the top 300 purchasing dealers in the U.S., as reported by Mopar, qualify to be members of the Mopar Masters Guild. Once you are a member, as long as you maintain your dues, you will remain a member.

Ques on: What are the annual dues and what do my dues help fund?

Answer: The annual membership dues are $250. These dues help to fund the Guild’s website, bimonthly magazine, dealership employee forum, mee ngs and events, and conference call lines to discuss various policies and procedure changes being considered by Mopar. Member dues cover about 5% of our annual budget.

Ques on: Once I am a member what should I do next?

Answer: Please make sure you have visited our website. It provides a place where you are able to get your own ques ons answered. Secondly, our website is also where you will find the most recent copy of the MMG Magazine and any upcoming mee ngs and events.

Ques on: What other benefits are there to the group?

Answer: The Guild leaders are in constant communica on with the Mopar management team to communicate how policies may affect our business. In the past, these conversa ons have helped mold programs that help Mopar and all dealerships. Another benefit: the rela onships you develop over me. With membership in the Guild you gain access to mangers at the largest dealerships in the country. This value is only realized if you reach out to other members. The best way to start doing this is through u lizing the website.

Like you, the leadership of the Mopar Masters Guild operate large parts, and in some cases, service opera ons. It is our goal to improve communica on to our member body over the coming year.

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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.

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If you are a new member, please reach out to me and I will have one of our members contact you to make sure your store maximizes on what the group has to offer. If you have been unsure about joining the group, please contact me or one of the execu ve commi ee members in your area and we would be glad to discuss if the Guild is right for you.

The guild has made it possible for all Mopar Masters members to enjoy these benefits, which actually amount to a compe ve advantage for your business.

What do you need to bring with you to our mee ngs? Just a willingness to par cipate and share your knowledge and perspec ve. If you are a Mopar Master, you have something to offer the guild. Somemes the simplest idea, the one you were even a li le embarrassed to men on, is just what another member needed to hear.

See you at our Annual Mee ng in Orlando!

Cody Eckhardt – President – Mopar Masters Guild

2025 Mopar Masters Guild Execu ve Officers

President Cody Eckhardt - Ken Garff CDJRF - W. Valley City UT -

V. Pres - Jim Jaeger – Bosak Motors – Merrillville, IN -

Secretary - John Russo - Dallas DCJ - Dallas, TX -

Treasurer – Chris Hojnacki – Serra CDJR – Lake Orion, MI -

2025 Mopar Masters Guild Execu ve Commi ee

Dan Hu on - Tom O’Brien DCJR - Greenwood, IN - dhu

Alan Yancey - Hayes CDJ - Alto, GA -

Rick Cutaia - Rick Hendrick DCJR – Charleston, SC -

Steve Hofer – Park Chrysler Jeep – Burnsville, MN -

Susan McDaniel – Bill Luke CJD – Phoenix, AZ -

Joe McBeth - Dallas DCJ - Dallas, TX -

Stellantis plots ‘epic comeback’ in 2025 with more regional ad dollars

Stellan s dealers should get ready for “the most epic comeback in automo ve history” in 2025, the company’s U.S. sales chief, Jeff Kommor, said at the NADA Show.

There was a feeling of op mism at the company’s Jan. 25 make mee ng, Kommor said, as the automaker and its retailers work to move past a rough 2024, when sales declined 15 percent.

Stellan s North America COO Antonio Filosa moved Kommor back to the lead U.S. sales role a er CEO Carlos Tavares resigned in December. Tavares had reassigned Kommor to a commercial sales role last February.

“Keep an eye on us all year long,” Kommor told Automo ve News a er the mee ng. “You’re going to see incremental improvements, you’re going see momentum, you’re going to see sales gains. The dealers got our back, we got their back, and I feel like we’re star ng to gain their trust and op mism back. 2024 was just not where any of us needed to be.”

Stellan s plans to ignite its comeback in a number of ways, Kommor said, including increasing spending on regional Tier 2 marke ng to 2019 levels.

“We’re exploring powertrain opportuni es, ge ng ourselves back into segments that we had exited, pu ng our product in compe ve posi ons, improving our quality,” Kommor said. “And then also helping the deals with adver sing to make sure we’re supported in the marketplace at Tier 1 and Tier 2 to drive the message that we need, which are tools that we didn’t have over the last couple of years.”

Stellan s Na onal Dealer Council Chairman Michael Be enhausen said the increased support for Tier 2 marke ng by regional dealer associa ons opens up opportuni es to highlight vehicle features in a way that na onal Tier 1 campaigns can’t. Dealers have been asking more Tier 2 investment.

“At Tier 1, you can’t talk about some of the accessories on some of these vehicles, some cool features,” Be enhausen told Automo ve News. “Tier 2 gives you that ability and also gives you that ability to e into the local and regional markets to really get the incen ve right and then get your share of voice improved.”

Be enhausen said goals for 2025 include rebuilding the rela onship between the dealer body and execu ves.

He said he hopes Stellan s Chairman John Elkann has given the North American leadership team “all the tools that they need, because this is the team that can definitely get us back into double-digit market share in the future.”

Stellan s ended 2024 with U.S. share of 8.1 percent, down from 9.7 percent the prior year and 11.1 percent in 2022, according to the Automo ve News Research & Data Center.

Source: - Ar cle by Vince Bond Jr.

The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.

OEC Acquires PartsTech to Enhance Service Offerings

The acquisi on will enhance workflow and efficiency for auto repair shops.

OEC, maker of RepairLink, has acquired PartsTech, a company that connects auto repair facili es to a network of more than 225 parts and re suppliers across 30,000 loca ons through its e-commerce procurement soluon. Like RepairLink, PartsTech’s pla orm provides repair shops with access to one of the industry’s most connected, accurate and efficient mechanical parts procurement systems.

As the automo ve a ermarket con nues to evolve, this acquisi on will provide the industry with an expanded network of suppliers and buyers for all part types, as well as access to special pricing and loyalty programs. Together, RepairLink and PartsTech bring industry-leading fitment informa on to repair facili es, streamlining workflows for quo ng and ordering to boost repair efficiency. The combina on now be er serves their expansive network of shops across mechanical repair, collision, and refurbishment.

Source: - Ar cle by Ivan Rioja-Sco

Dodge seeks army of ‘Badassadors’ to promote brand

the U.S. and have “one cri cal qualifica on,” Dodge said: “Be badass.”

Dodge could have just said it wants social media influencers to promote its vehicles and racing events in exchange for free stuff

But because the muscle car brand always does things a bit differently, it’s formalizing the quid pro quo by appoin ng enthusiasts as “Dodge Badassadors.” Applicants must be at least 18 years old, live in

Those selected can enjoy perks including Dodge merchandise, VIP-level access to product launches and opportuni es to meet with members of the Dodge team. Card-carrying Badassadors also will enjoy “exclusive access to Dodge vehicles to create and promote innova ve content,” the brand said.

“We con nue to push the boundaries of performance, and we’re looking for brand ambassadors who are also ready to shake up the status quo,” Dodge CEO Ma McAlear said in a statement. “If Dodge isn’t pushing boundaries, if Dodge isn’t making people uncomfortable, we wouldn’t be Dodge, and those are the kind of ambassadors the brand is looking for: enthusiasts who disrupt, who will stand out and shine a light on the next genera on of Dodge muscle.”

It’s not the first me Dodge has had an open cas ng call to help engage its passionate fanbase. In 2022, it chose a North Carolina man, Preston Pa erson, out of more than 173,500 applicants for a one-year gig as the brand’s “chief donut maker.” Pa erson got a $150,000 salary and use of a Challenger Hellcat as he traveled the country on Dodge’s behalf.

In contrast, Badassadors will not receive any cash compensa on. The brand, which isn’t saying how many people it plans to select, is taking applica ons at

Source: – Ar cle by Nick Bunkley

The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.

The View From My Office

Reflections of Life

I know it is a li le late, but I would like to say Happy New year to all of you - my faithful readers and friends! I hope 2025 is a great year! A new beginning or the con nua on of your current story.

For me personally 2024 is going to be hard to beat. It was a great year of good mes, travel, and having the chance to spend me with great friends and family. We have pre y much the same goal for 2025 as we did 2024 - more travel, more me with friends and family, and to plan another Amtrak train adventure!

2024 was another successful year for the Jack Powell Parts Department - thanks to Steven Ausencio and Rick just being good at what they do. We also have to give credit to Steven’s dedicated crew who are selling and delivering parts and keeping the warehouse in working order. Rick s ll enjoys si ng at his computer every day, working on numbers, managing inventory, talking strategies with fellow Mopar Masters, and helping Steven rock the department at the store by taking a bit of the load off. I know that the two of them are happy with the arrangement, they talk o en, and they make a really good team - always have - even when Rick was physically at the store plugging away in his office - Steven was his right-hand man.

2025 starts the 3rd year of re rement. It has truly been wonderful. A learning curve for sure, but we are star ng to get the hang of it, and it is pre y awesome!

I have to give a big shout out to Rick for this. As you all know, and I have said it a million mes, he is the numbers guy! He started socking money away in our IRA, Roth, 401K accounts when we were in our 20s! Always saving, planning for the future - I put up a bit of a fight at mes - I was in my 20s and I am not thinking about re rement! But he stuck to it. And when I went back to work full me, I put 95% of my paycheck into my 401K. A er a long couple weeks of work I would get my $20 paycheck, I wasn’t always happy about it, not going to lie! But I am thankful now. And it was totally worth it! It wasn’t always easy, we worked many weekends doing inventories to make ends meet, didn’t go out a whole lot, but when we did it was special.

A er Jessie was born, we decided the best thing for our family was for me to become a stay at home mom. A decision that I am so very thankful for. I spent the next 19 years at home. I went back to work when Terra was halfway through her freshman year of high school. I had a few things I did over those years - some mes I would fill in for parts drivers while they were on vaca on, I went in and did some key punching during the switchover from Reynolds and Reynolds to ADP (we won’t talk about that nightmare!) I also was a nanny for a li le baby girl and a boy who was Terra’s age for a couple years, un l the kids went into kindergarten.

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Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts

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I wouldn’t change a thing, I loved being a stay-at-home mom, and even during those years when money was ght with raising kids and managing a house on one income - Rick never faltered regarding fully funding our re rement accounts every year, how he always managed this was beyond me. Always the numbers guy!

I look at our life now and I am so very thankful, grateful, astonished, amazed, bewildered at mes - how the heck did we pull this off? Well, it was all Rick! Rick and his numbers and his vision that he had since we were in our 20s! Crazy right?

I am also thankful to Jack Powell - the man himself and his family. They have always been suppor ve of our family. Suppor ng Rick and his crazy ideas during the early years of his 30-year career at Jack Powell CDJR, suppor ng our kids buying Girl Scout Cookies and later giving to their FFA project steers. And always making me feel comfortable and welcome when they had manager dinners and they invited spouses to come along, to when I would visit the store and they never minded me popping in their office door to say hi, to when I started working at the store full me they would let me or Rick know that they thought I was a good face for the store, they let me know I was appreciated.

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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.

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When we had a gathering at the store, where we transformed the showroom with a big buffet and table and chairs to sit the whole dealership - I o en sat next to Judith, Jack’s late wife, and we would sit and chat about life, mostly about the kids!

And now, they s ll appreciate Rick’s involvement in the store, they s ll ques on him for ideas on occasion, and they are s ll thankful for his numbers abili es. And we in turn are so very thankful for the Powell’s for keeping him on as a 1099 employee. It helps in many ways, not just monetary ways. It gives Rick purpose every day, keeps his brain ac ve and turning, keeps him busy. And he is dedicated to his role, even on vaca on! And it is a good thing, and for that I am thankful.

So if you couldn’t tell, I am star ng off the year by being thankful. Thankful for my family and loved ones, for our jobs that helped us get to where we are now. Thankful for being a part of the Mopar Masters and the friends we have made over the years - you all have made our lives be er.

So, I ask you to take a moment and think on what you are thankful for, write a list, send someone a note to let them know you are thankful to have them in your life, just clear your mind of all the clu er and concentrate on the good things in your life me that you are thankful for.

I am planning on making this a year full of mindfulness, and I plan on working on it every day. I hope you all will give it a try.

Happy 2025 - let’s make this a great year!

A Gen Z Woman’s View on Being a Refinishing Technician

An 18-year-old refinishing technician gives shop owners her perspec ve on why appren ceships are as important and valuable as ever.

Madysen Smith is an 18-year-old refinishing technician with Noaker’s Auto Body in Duncannon, Pennsylvania, and a recent graduate of Dauphin County Technical School. She was named a finalist in the 2024 Techs Rock Awards this spring. TechForce staff reconnected with Madysen in September, and the following are Madysen’s insights on her career as a professional technician so far.

Why I Became a Technician

I joined the team at Noaker’s Auto Body in May 2023, back when I was s ll a high school junior at Dauphin County Technical School. My decision to become a technician was influenced by my family and ul mately decided through my educa onal journey.

I have always been around cars and have worked on them with my dad for as long as I can remember. My “aha” moment when I knew I wanted to be a technician came in my freshman year of high school when I toured all the programs Dauphin County Technical School offered. I found the Collision and Refinishing program, taught by Mr. Aaron Dressler, and I haven’t looked back since.

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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.

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Some of my most common responsibili es as a refinishing technician include sanding, masking, color matching, paint mixing, denibbing, buffing and polishing. The wide range of responsibili es has helped me discover that pain ng is definitely my strong suit. When I look forward to my career, I am extremely excited to be a full- me painter. My long-term goal is to be a high-end hot rod painter doing custom paint jobs.

Obstacles I Faced in Star ng my Technician Career

I feel the industry could do a be er job helping and suppor ng younger technicians, especially the young females trying to get into this industry. Throughout my journey, I’ve definitely faced some hate and a lot of cri cism simply because I am a female in a male-dominated trade.

I o en have to overcome these obstacles on my own, but I’ve used this to drive me to be be er than all the people ha ng on me, proving me and me again I have what it takes to be extremely successful in this industry.

Helping women grow in this industry is important to me. I am learning as much as I can so that I can be a mentor in the future, and I am documen ng my experiences on Instagram (@autoaddic ons_) to help other young female techs learn more about what it’s like to be a technician.

Mentorship is the Reason I Stuck with Becoming a Tech

I’d like to give a shoutout to my high school instructor, Mr. Aaron Dressler. Throughout my me in the program, he always pushed me to succeed and gave me every opportunity to be successful in the collision industry. He really did everything in his power to help me succeed and pushed me to learn everything I could throughout the four years he had me as a student. I give him all the credit for my knowledge and abili es in the industry.

Thanks to Mr. Dressler’s guidance, I have been recognized as a Category Winner in TechForce’s Techs Rock Awards, a SkillsUSA A.R.T. Na onal Finalist, and earned a 2024 Women’s Industry Network (WIN) Award from the Collision Repair Educa on Founda on (CREF.)

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Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts

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What’s Next and How You Can Help

I take pride in my work in the collision industry. I am looking forward to achieving my career goals and inspiring other females to become technicians. I hope that the industry increases the ways it supports us and that our fellow classmates and technicians accept us as the talented, skilled technicians we are. Either way, I will con nue to strive to be the best at what I do because I love doing it.

Profile supplied by TechForce. Also check out what she had to say as one of three young painters profiled in The Painter’s Playbook.

FenderBender and ABRN are partnering with TechForce Founda on to share perspec ves from the new genera on of collision repair technicians. Read on for insights you can use to grow your talent pool on why working in a shop appeals to Gen Z.

Our Supporting Vendors: Support those who support you .

Our Supporting Vendors:

Support those who support you


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Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts

With our me culous approach, we ensure every claim is handled accurately and efficiently, allowing dealerships to focus on serving customers and growing their business.


In today’s data-driven landscape, ac onable insights are cri cal to op mizing dealership performance. Powered by Benchmark Data Suite, our Dealer Analy cs pla orm transforms raw dealership data into meaningful intelligence to drive smarter decisions.

New for 2025:

 Enhanced Performance Metrics: We’re introducing real- me dashboards, enabling managers to idenfy and address opera onal issues as they arise.

 Predic ve Market Trends: Improved predic ve analy cs tools to an cipate customer behavior and market shi s, helping dealerships stay ahead of the compe on.

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 Parts Matrix and Labor Grid Op miza on: Streamlining pricing strategies to improve profitability and customer sa sfac on.

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 Data-Driven Decision Making: Turning complex dealership data into ac onable insights to op mize inventory, service opera ons, and pricing strategies.

With these advancements, QB Business Solu ons con nues to posi on dealerships for long-term success in an ever-evolving market.

The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


With over 75 years of combined experience in the automotive in Warranty Reimbursement, Warranty Claims Processing, and De reflected in our three core business areas, each designed to dri

ndustry, QB Business Solutions is a leader in aler Analytics. Our expertise and dedication are ve dealership growth and operational efficiency:



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We’ve launched a newly redesigned website

We’ve been busy behind the scenes, and now it’s time to pull back the curtain—Activator has a brand-new website,, designed to give dealers a smarter, faster, and more powerful way to understand, engage, and convert customers

Whether you’re looking for a next-level Customer Data Platform (CDP), multichannel marketing automation, or highly targeted digital advertising, our new site makes it easier than ever to find the right tools to drive measurable results.

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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.

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Name Address

David Harris San Antonio,TX ANCIRA CDJR 448630 1/6/2024

Shunda Auto Repair FREMONT,CA AutoNation CDJR Roseville CA 767112 12/31/2024

Law Automotive Springfield, IL ED MORSE CDJR 835870 6/7/2024

Dana's Towing Hampton, NH Foss Motors 90918 8/23/2024

Welker Automotive Sanford, FL Greenway CDJR 204668 9/6/2024

Leaders in the Sale of

Stellantis scraps incentive ‘shell game,’ boosts marketing to recoup lost share

Stellan s is promising less erra c and confusing incen ves in a bid to ignite a sales rebound.

“Last year, we were in and out, souring our funnel and our customers,” U.S. sales chief Jeff Kommor told Automo ve News. “We were all over the place. The dealer has to know what direc on we’re going in. Customers didn’t know what direc on. Now it’s consistency. Pick your price point on a product, s ck with it and don’t change it.”

Dealers must be able to “order cars with confidence that the price is going to be the price when it shows up in 60 days and they can retail the car,” Kommor said a er the company met with retailers Jan. 25 at the NADA Show here.

Incen ve consistency and stronger marke ng are among the changes on the company’s 2025 agenda to produce “the most epic comeback in automo ve history,” Kommor said he told dealers at the mee ng.

The strategy shi s follow the December resigna on of CEO Carlos Tavares, who reined in promotional spending. The company is increasing Tier 2 ad dollars for regional dealer associations to 2019 levels and will air commercials for Jeep and Ram — two brands on multiyear streaks of U.S. sales declines — during the Super Bowl on Feb. 9.

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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.

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Dealer Ralph Mahalak, who has Stellan s stores in Michigan, Ohio and Florida, said he’s already seen a more aggressive approach to incen ves. The company carried over discounts from the December sales push into January rather than pulling back as it normally does in a new year.

“It was just a damn pleasant surprise,” Mahalak said. “That was a big deal.”

The automaker is in the early stages of a reclama on project to recapture lost market share and deliver a product por olio with a variety of powertrain op ons amid sluggish electric vehicle demand. It’s just now launching two EVs — the Dodge Charger Daytona and Jeep Wagoneer S — but has delayed Ram’s first fully electric pickup until 2026.

“We’re exploring powertrain opportuni es, ge ng ourselves back into segments that we had exited, pu ng our product in compe ve posi ons, improving our quality,” Kommor said. “And then also helping the deals with adver sing to make sure we’re supported in the marketplace at Tier 1 and Tier 2 to drive the message that we need, which are tools that we didn’t have over the last couple of years.”

Mahalak said dealers who a ended the NADA Show mee ng gave execu ves mul ple standing ova ons and appreciated their apologies for a difficult 2024, when Stellan s’ U.S. sales fell 15 percent.

The company ended last year with U.S. share of 8.1 percent, down from 9.7 percent in 2023 and 11.1 percent in 2022, according to the Automo ve News Research & Data Center.

Mahalak said the company had forced dealers to play a frustra ng incen ve “shell game.” Stellan s would “put rebates on these 10 cars, but not these 10 cars. Then the next month, they flip it,” he said. “That’s not a strategy to win.”

Tennessee dealer Doug Wilson said the constantly changing rebates caused a pileup of inventory they couldn’t easily sell.

“Some mes they put an incen ve on a vehicle that’s enough to sell the vehicle and get customers excited,” said Wilson, who owns Collierville Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep-Ram. “Then you order some and they remove the incen ve and you’re stuck with a vehicle that is a completely different price and is not of interest to the customer.”

Mahalak said he le the NADA Show mee ng pumped up and expects more good news this spring that he can’t talk about publicly yet.

He’s already told his stores to hire more salespeople and managers in an cipa on of sales rebounding toward levels not seen since 2019, before Fiat Chrysler Automobiles merged with PSA Group to form Stellan s. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles sold 2.2 million vehicles in the U.S. in 2019, versus 1.3 million deliveries here for Stellans last year.

Source: - Ar cle by Vince Bond Jr.

Menefee: Reflecting, Resetting, and Improving

Now is the me to review your opera ons and iden fy areas that need a en on or improvement.

As I head into the new year, I always find it a good me to take a step back and reflect on the past year in the shop. I usually aim to do this in December, but with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it o en gets pushed to the side. Instead of stressing about missing that target, I’ve made it a habit to evaluate everything in January. Amid running the shop and handling the constant frustra ons that insurance companies throw our way, it’s easy to overlook key areas of our business. Many shops focus on things like paint discounts because they’re o en being solicited by vendors, but when was the last me you took a comprehensive look at your business as a whole?

Reviewing Vendor Rela onships and Discounts

One area I always revisit at the start of the year is my rela onships with parts vendors. Over the last year, I’ve no ced a trend where discounts on parts slowly drop from 40% to 38% or even 36%, only to bounce back and forth, gradually se ling at the lower rate. It’s as if the vendors are hoping we don’t catch the fluctua on and change. To avoid this, I track these changes closely and call vendors out when I see it happening. I also pull my invoices at the beginning of the year to compare spending with previous years. This helps me assess whether our purchasing volume is increasing, decreasing, or staying the same.

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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.

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If my purchases are steady and my discount is average, I’ll use this data to nego ate a be er deal. A er all, I’m a loyal customer who always pays on me, and that loyalty should be rewarded. If I’ve been buying more, I don’t hesitate to push for a be er discount and contact the parts manager directly. Along with looking at discounts, I also evaluate delivery speed, return processes, and order accuracy. This is a good me to explore other vendors who may offer be er terms, and I’ll reach out to nego ate with them if necessary.

Fleet Accounts and Referral Partners

Another key area I review annually is my fleet accounts and referral partners. These accounts play a significant role in our business, so it’s important to evaluate how frequently they’re sending us work and whether we’re maintaining good rela onships with them. Some of my larger fleet accounts receive special rates due to the volume of business they provide. I’ll assess whether these rates are s ll valid, especially if the volume of work has decreased. If needed, I’ll raise the rates accordingly.

When it comes to referral partners, I review what we’re doing for them to ensure that the rela onship is mutually beneficial. Am I offering meaningful incen ves for their referrals, such as a discount on repairs or a free service like headlight restora on? Do we take the me to show apprecia on with small gi s or gestures of gra tude? I also evaluate how o en they refer customers and how we can keep those referrals coming in. Each referral partner should be treated uniquely, so I tailor my approach depending on the value they bring to our business.

Standard Opera ng Procedures (SOPs)

I also take the me each year to review our shop’s standard opera ng procedures (SOPs), especially regarding capturing the keys. Are we following the procedures as outlined, or have employees made changes to the way things are done? If there have been tweaks, are they improvements we should adopt or should we revert to the original processes? It’s important to regularly assess whether our SOPs are s ll working efficiently and whether there are areas we can improve to save me and resources. Efficiency in opera ons leads to be er use of me, improved customer service, and ul mately, more profitability.

Reviewing the Budget and Financial Efficiency

Reviewing my shop’s budget is another crucial part of the annual reset. I constantly look for ways to cut costs and improve financial efficiency. One of the best decisions we made a few years ago was switching to paying our charge accounts with a cashback credit card. This has earned us between $35,000 and $50,000 in cashback annually, which has been a great boost to our bo om line. However, this year, we saw some companies start charging a surcharge for credit card payments. To offset this, we’ve had to switch back to paying some accounts with checks, as the cashback reward was no longer worth the surcharge.

The Big Picture: A Comprehensive Reset

The point of this annual reset is to review everything in the shop and iden fy areas that need a en on or improvement. Even if things seem to be running smoothly, there’s always something that can be improved upon.

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It’s easy to become complacent and turn a blind eye to issues that are affec ng efficiency, customer service, or profitability. By taking the me to do a comprehensive review of your shop’s opera ons, you’re not only idenfying areas for improvement but also ensuring that you stay proac ve rather than reac ve to challenges.

Remember, you don’t know what you don’t know, and by conduc ng this review, you can prevent blind spots from damaging your business in the long run. Doing so will help you avoid le ng pride or ego get in the way of growth and success. A li le humility and self-assessment go a long way, and with a clear focus on the year ahead, you can ensure that your shop con nues to thrive.

Source: - Ar cle by Tiffany Menefee

2025 Mopar Masters Guild

2 0 2 5 M o p a r M a s t e r s G u i l d


O f f i c e r s & C o m m i t t e e s

Officers & Committees

President Cody Eckhardt - Ken Garff CDJRF - W. Valley City UT

V. Pres - Jim Jaeger – Bosak Motors – Merrillville, IN

Secretary - John Russo - Dallas DCJ - Dallas, TX

Treasurer – Chris Hojnacki – Serra CDJR – Lake Orion, MI

Executive Committee - All Officers Including:

Dan Hutton - Tom O’Brien DCJR - Greenwood, IN

Alan Yancey - Hayes CDJ - Alto, GA

Rick Cutaia - Rick Hendrick DCJR – Charleston, SC

Steve Hofer – Park Chrysler Jeep – Burnsville, MN

Susan McDaniel – Bill Luke CJD – Phoenix, AZ

Joe McBeth - Dallas DCJ - Dallas, TX

Guild Committees

MMG Annual Meeting 2025

Jill Vance - Apogee Event Agency

Cody Eckhardt - Ken Garff CDJRF - W. Valley City UT

Finance Committee

Chris Hojnacki - Serra CDJR – Lake Orion, MI

Susan McDaniel - Bill Luke CJD – Phoenix, AZ

Don Cushing – MMG Magazine

Newsletter/Website/Social Media

Don Cushing – MMG Magazine

Vendor Committees

Reynolds & Reynolds

Rick Cutaia - Rick Hendrick DCJR – Charleston, SC (Co-Chair)

Susan McDaniel – Bill Luke CJD – Phoenix, AZ (Co-Chair)

Joe Handzik - Bettenhausen Auto - Tinley Park, IL

Randy Rogers - Huffines CJDR - Plano, TX

Kent Cogswell - Jack Phelan CDJR - Countryside, IL

*David Kiser - Spartanburg CDJR - Spartanburg, SC

*Chris Hojnacki - Serra CDJR – Lake Orion, MI

CDK Global

Joe McBeth - Dallas DCJ – Dallas, TX (Chair)

Ian Grohs – Stateline CDJR – Fort Mill, SC

Robert Chatwin - Larry Miller DCJR - Sandy, UT

Dan Hutton - Tom O’Brien DCJR - Greenwood, IN

*Steve Hofer – Park Chrysler Jeep – Burnsville, MN

*Jim Jaeger - Bosak Auto Group - Merrillville, IN


Dan Hutton - Tom O’Brien CJD – Greenwood, IN (Chair)

John Russo - Dallas DCJ – Dallas, TX

Jim Jaeger - Bosak Motors - Merrillville, IN

Chris Hojnacki - Serra CDJR – Lake Orion, MI

*Steve Hofer – Park Chrysler Jeep – Burnsville, MN

Snap On Business Solutions

Cody Eckhardt - Ken Garff CDJRF - W. Valley City UT (Chair)

Randy Rogers - Huffines CJDR - Plano, TX

*Steve Hofer – Park Chrysler Jeep – Burnsville, MN

AER Manufacturing

Robert Chatwin - Larry Miller DCJR - Sandy, UT (Chair)

Ted Hawkins - Cerritos Dodge - Cerritos. CA

Chris Hojnacki - Serra CDJR – Lake Orion, MI

*Josh Gouldsmith - Gladstone CDJR - Gladstone, MO

*Joe Handzik - Bettenhausen Auto - Tinley Park, IL

Elite EXTRA - Epicor

Joe McBeth - Dallas DCJ - Dallas, TX

Alan Yancey - Hayes CDJ - Alto, GA

Chris Hojnacki – Serra CDJR – Lake Orion, MI

Steve Anderson - Tonkin Parts Center - Portland, OR

Steve Hofer – Park Chrysler Jeep – Burnsville, MN

Vendor Chairs

Susan McDaniel - Bill Luke CJD – Phoenix, AZ

Cody Eckhardt - Ken Garff CDJRF - W. Valley City UT


“The exchange of information by like-size dealers in a non-competitive environment”

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