2012 Synod and Gathering Preview Star Mountain Mission Bring your own Bible …and more!
Special Lenten Discount on Readings for Holy Week Reflect on Jesus’ willing sacrifice on the cross with Readings for Holy Week. A tradition throughout the Moravian Church for nearly 250 years, this version is based on the NRSV translation of the Bible with music from the 1995 Moravian Book of Worship. Hardcover Large Print Edition Reg. 11.95, now $5.98!
Hardcover Pocket Edition Reg. 9.95, now $4.98!
Hardcover Music Edition Reg. 13.95, now $6.98! Special pricing ends April 30, 2012...order today!
Order online at www.moravian.org/publications or call 800.732.0591, ext. 38 Prices do d not include l d shipping. h 50% discount d on Readings d for f Holyl Weekk titles l only, l through h h April 30, 2012. ©2012 IBOC, Moravian Church in America
STORIES AT THE INTERSECTIONS Crossrroa o ds ds is ab abou outt th ou t e ma many ny int nter erse er sect se ctio ct ions io ns of lil fe fe:: sis ck ckne ness ne ess ss and heeallth th,, yo yout uthh to agi ut g ng ng,, gr grie ieff an ie andd ho h pe pe,, caare reggiveer to care rec e eiive ec v r,r, andd the man a y trt an ansisiitition onss inndi on divi viduals and famililies ie go th thro rough as the hey m maatu atu ture re and tak akee on diff iffe ffer eren entt roles. Wrrittten W ten fo forr th thee Mo Mora ravi ra vian an Church by an b Te Tedd Bo B wman, a note teed ed educ ucat ator or speecicial cializizin ingg inn chaang n e and transition and tthhe reesu sultltin ingg gr grie ieef and loss ss fro ss rom thosse sisitu tuaations. Ted tu writess thiis bo book okk fro rom his perspectivee ass fat athe her,r, ste her tepf pfat pf athe her,r,, grandf dfathe df h r,r spouse,, son he on, br b ot othe her,r, fririen ennd, d and sea e rche h r. Crrossroa Cro oaads ds inc nclu lude dess stor torie iess an andd re refle fleect ctio ioon pi p eces that can an be used in Biibl b e st stud udie ies,s, Sun unda dayy Sc Scho hool ol cla lass sses es,, men’’s gro grroups p , bo book ok disiscu cuss ssio ionn gr grou oups ps,, re retrtrea eats ts,, or or jus ustt fo forr indivvi vi ual stu vidu tudy dy and nd refl eflec ectition on..
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On the cover: Teachers work with disabled children at Star Mountain in Ramallah, West Bank. Photo by Bill Ray.
2012 Synod and Gathering Preview Star Mountain Mission Bring your own Bible …and more!
14 Christ and him crucified remain our confession of faith
Special Report: Star Mountain
In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; in all things, love
17 20
Annie B. Mission: Raising funds for a speech therapist at Star Mountain We want to hear the children speak… A mission, a hospital, a symbol of peaceful cooperation
Spring Synod Preview 7 Spring 2012 Moravian Church Synod Preview Moravians in the News 5 Moravian pastor honored with Winston-Salem’s MLK Young Dreamer Award 22 Lifelong Moravian Wilma Lewis appointed federal judge in Virgin Islands
Member, Associated Church Press
Moravian Travels 11 A Feast of Song: Central Moravian Church Choir tours Jamaica In Our Congregations 14 B.Y.O.B. Sunday — that’s Bring Your Own Bible! Moravian History 26 Conference on Moravian History and Music coming to Bethlehem in October
Visit our website at http://www.moravian.org. Letters to the editor, address corrections, and other correspondence may be e-mailed to the magazine at pubs@mcnp.org.
March 2012
Board of Cooperative Ministries 27 Southern Province seeks staff for Board of Cooperative Ministries In Every Issue 4 Ponderings: Nature’s sounds fuel creativity and focus 28 Official Provincial Elders’ News 29 Obituaries 30 Northern Province Society for Promoting the Gospel offers grants
Nature’s sounds fuel creativity and focus While these days I live in a small city, I was brought up in “the sticks.” Hay fields and woods surround the house my parents moved us to in the late 1970s. Instead of the rushing of cars or hum of the neighbors heating system, my world was rustling maple leaves, birdsong, gentle rainstorms and constant breezes. I find myself reminiscing about peaceful afternoons on the front porch and walks in the fields. From that experience, the sounds of nature are a wellspring of creativity for me. The voices of God’s green earth bring a peace to my soul and clarity to my mind that can have a big impact on how I do my work. During the summer, I can open my office window to catch a breeze or the rumble of a passing thunderstorm. But when the city sounds creep through — or when the weather is too cold — an open window just doesn’t do the trick. Thanks to my technical side, I have found ways to feed my need for nature. I play recordings I’ve made of a rushing stream, or the oceanside, or an approaching thunderstorm. I also use a program called White Noise that allows me to select from dozens of different nature sounds and mix them together to simulate any natural environment. As I write this, I hear waves crashing, a light rain and a breeze through windchimes. While they are digital snippets of the real thing, hearing the natural world creates an atmosphere conducive to writing about the work and spirit of our Church. As I reviewed the contributions to this month’s issue — stories of the work at Star Mountain, of a bring-your-ownBible service, of a young pastor being recognized for his work, or of a preview of the spring’s Synods and Gatherings — those crashing waves and gentle breezes made it possible to focus and feel the Spirit moving through the words. I hope you enjoy this month’s issue. For me, it’s back to work with the sounds of crickets, a trickling brook and a light breeze filling my office… 4
Mike Riess, Editor
Photo by Mike Riess
(ISSN 1041-0961 USPS 362600) March 2012, Vol. 43, No. 2 Publications Agreement No. 40036408 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Express Messenger International, PO Box 25058, London, Ontario N6C6A8, email: emi@exmessenger.com Official Journal, The Moravian Church in North America, Northern and Southern Provinces Published monthly, except bimonthly January-February and July-August issues, by the Interprovincial Board of Communication, 1021 Center St., Bethlehem, PA 18018. Subscription rates: $15.00 per year, U.S.A. & Canada; $18.00 per year, all other countries. Individual copies available for $3.00 each. The Moravian is sent to the families of the Moravian Church as a privilege of membership. Periodicals postage paid at Bethlehem, PA. Circulation: 17,800 Postmaster please send address changes to The Moravian, PO Box 1245, Bethlehem, PA 18016-1245. Continuing The North American Moravian, The Moravian and The Wachovia Moravian. Michael Riess, Editor Siobhan Young, Communications Assistant Interprovincial Board of Communication Paul Knouse, Paul Peucker Chair Adam Pristas Jane Burcaw Richard Sides Jane Carmichael Valerie Wagner Lance Fox Jill Westbrook Gary Kniskern Design by Sandy Fay, Laughing Horse Graphics, Inc. Address all correspondence regarding articles, subscriptions, or advertising to The Moravian, PO Box 1245, Bethlehem, PA 18016-1245 FAX: 610.866.9223 Phone: 610.867.0594 800.732.0591 e-mail: pubs@mcnp.org www.moravian.org Contents © 2012, Interprovincial Board of Communications, Moravian Church in North America. All rights reserved
The Moravian
Moravian pastor honored with Winston-Salem’s MLK Young Dreamer Award
The Rev. Russell May, a Moravian pastor who is the leader of Anthony’s Plot in Winston-Salem, N.C., was recognized by the Winston-Salem City Council with the Martin Luther King, Jr. “Young Dreamer” Award at a meeting in January. The award is given each year to honor one male and one female between the ages of 18 and 40 who have made a difference in the lives of others who have been “overlooked, ignored or disadvantaged” of Winston-Salem. The other award recipient, Kenyetta Richmond, is coordinator of Teens-4-Change, a club for girls ages 14 to 18 that teaches leadership skills and educates girls about healthy relationships and healthy living. Russ, who previously served as pastor of The Rev. John Jackman is senior Pastor of Trinity Moravian Church and has been an enthusiastic cheerleader for Anthony’s Plot. Photo above: Anthony’s Plot in the Waughtown section of Winston-Salem. March 2012
Hopewell Moravian Church in Winston-Salem, felt called to explore what it meant to “be” the Church outside the walls of a building and the one hour of Sunday morning worship. He and a group of friends held Bible studies and discussions for over a year, and came to believe that there was more to faith than religious services and more to life than accumulating possessions. The group’s discussions focused on the idea that their faith called them to open their lives and share what they had with the people around them. The group members, Russ said, started asking difficult philosophical questions of themselves: “How much of our lives are we willing to share with each other? Are we willing to share day-to-day, aree we willing to share a house? Are we willing to share economics? And nd then how much are we willing ng to share with other people who ho are not in this group?” says Russ. ss. The questions continued: ntinued: “Can we stand alongongside those who are re struggling economiically, those who aree immigrants or new to the area, to those who are currently unhoused, those who experience
(continued on next page) Rev. Russell May
(continued from previous page) abuse? Can we literally stand in the same space as these folks?” To answer those questions, Russ left his job at Hopewell and began a journey that would become Anthony’s Plot, an intentional Christian Community on the South Side of WinstonSalem. The unusual name is based on the story of Anthony Ulrich, the freed slave who asked Count Zinzendorf to send missionaries to share the gospel with his family in St. Thomas. Critical to that early mission was that the missionaries went and lived among the people, and were even willing to sell themselves into slavery if necessary. An important aspect of the group was the need for a “home base,” a house in the South Side area they felt called to serve. Trinity Moravian Church offered them the use of the parsonage next door to the church in Sunnyside, a neighborhood in that area of Winston-Salem. Today, a small core group of members lives in the house, where they also provide limited transitional housing for some residents. One of those, Mario Trollinger, is a 41-yearold man who struggled for years with drugs and alcohol. After living at Anthony’s Plot for the last seven months, Trollinger is enrolling at Forsyth Tech to earn a certificate in facilities maintenance. When he finishes, he will be certified to take a full-time job taking care of schools or other institutions. Trollinger said May’s influence helps him every day. “His character is just — I had to watch him at times and try to humble myself,” Trollinger said. “I’m now trying to be a positive influence going out the door.” The door of Anthony’s Plot is rarely closed. On Monday nights, neighbors come and share 6
a meal prepared with donated food. When the weather is good, the meal spills out of the house, into the yard and onto the sidewalk. Swings and basketball nets provide activities for children. Supper is followed by a crowded worship service in the living room. On Thursday nights, anyone who feels they are part of the group is welcome to meet to plan work of Anthony’s Plot. Over the summer, they held art and music days for neighborhood kids who couldn’t afford summer camp. They hosted a block party and gave away more than 100 backpacks stuffed with school supplies. Brian and Amy Feezor, who attend a Methodist church, said they consider Anthony’s Plot to be the place where they live out their faith. They bring their three children by a couple of times a week to play and eat and help. May has worked to build strong relationships with area churches of different denominations. Trinity Moravian Church provides the home and acts as fiscal sponsor for the developing organization; Centenary United Methodist Church, a large downtown congregation, provided space for the group’s “Feast of Shelters,” an outdoor “live-in-boxes” event with area homeless persons that was based on the Feast of Booths in the Old Testament. Ironically, the night of the award presentation, Brother May was asked to open the City Council meeting with prayer, as has been traditional. His prayer would end up being the last one that would ever open Winston-Salem City Council meeting, since that same day a Supreme Court decision caused the Council to vote to open with a moment of silence rather than prayer. You can learn more about Anthony’s Plot by contacting Russ at Anthony’s Plot, PO Box 12778, Waughtown Station, Winston-Salem, NC 27117 or at russ@anthonysplot.org. ■ The Moravian
Spring 2012 Moravian Church Synod Preview This spring, Moravians in both the Northern and Southern Provinces will meet in district Synods and conferences to confer, discuss and plan for the future. These 2012 gatherings fall halfway between the Moravian Church’s main legislative meetings — Provincial Synods — which will be held in 2014. In this issue of The Moravian, we preview these gatherings and highlight some of the new ways each of these groups within the Church will come together. Further coverage of these Synods and Gatherings will appear in The Moravian throughout 2012. Southern Province Inter-Synodal Gathering Following the theme “Moving Forward Together,” Southern Province members will meet April 27-28 at Friedland Moravian Church in Winston-Salem to focus on the provincial structure work begun in 2009 and 2010. “This will be a time to get the ‘whole sysMarch 2012
tem in one room’ for conversations about the new provincial structure which we adopted at a Special Synod in September, 2009 and was put in place through acts of the 2010 Synod,” explains Donna Hurt, director of Christian education at Home Moravian Church and chair of the Inter-Synodal planning committee. “We will reflect on how things are evolving as we have been living into a new way of working together, celebrate the progress we’ve made so far, and discuss how to build on that progress.” Attending the event will be those who are directly involved in or affected by the provincial structure adopted at the 2009 Special Synod of the Southern Province. These include elected representatives to the 12 (continued on next page) Photo above: Attendees at the 2008 Southern Province Intersynodal Gathering at New Philadelphia Moravian Church in Winston-Salem, N.C. Photos by Deanna Hollenbach.
(continued from previous page) Regional Conferences of Churches, pastors serving Southern Province congregations and bishops of the Southern Province; full-time, certified Christian educators; and members and staff of the Board of Cooperative Ministries, Provincial Support Services Board, Provincial Elders’ Conference and Implementation Steering Committee. Inter-Synodal conferences are different than Provincial Synods in that there is no legislative work. The 2012 Gathering will feature a mixture of plenary and small group conversations. Survey questions will be answered by attendees prior to the Gathering to provide a starting point for discussion group work dur-
ing the event. In addition, the Regional Conferences of Churches, which are clusters of 4-6 churches and fellowships, will have time set aside to meet to individually evaluate, plan and build on the energy of the two day event. A worship service planned and led by the staff and students at Moravian Theological Seminary from the Southern Province will be a highlight of the event. This service is open to who would like to attend on Friday evening in the Friedland sanctuary. Northern Province District Synods The three districts of the Northern Province — Eastern, Western and Canadian Districts — will each hold Synods this spring. Unlike the Southern Province’s gathering between Synods, the Northern Province District Synods do legislate on District-specific issues. According to the Northern Province Book of Order, District Synods are designed to confirm and renew Christian love and fellowship; stimulate and strengthen the work of the Lord; assemble and distribute information concerning the work of the District, the Province Delegates at the 2008 Western District Synod pray together in Appleton, Wis.
Delegates at the 2008 Canadian District Synod at Millwoods Community Church in Edmonton, Alberta
and with world-wide Unitas Fratrum; and to review the work of each District’s congregations, boards and institutions, providing and considering ways and means for strengthening their work. In addition, the District Synods elect boards and officers, including the District presidents and executive boards. Legislation on District matters is voted upon. And representatives transact other business related directly to the District. Northern Province District Synods also lay the groundwork for matters that will come before a full Provincial Synod. Representatives at this year’s District Synods will discuss key topics and issues that will help pave the way for province-wide decisions. Among the district-focused topics and discussions, each of these Synods will hold nonlegislative dialogue on a major province-wide topic: the discernment process led by the Provincial Human Sexuality Task Force. The 2010 Northern Province Synod mandated that these discussions take place in preparation for legislation to be brought to the 2014 Synod. The Western District Synod will be held April 26-29 in Appleton, Wis. “Our commitMarch 2012
tee has been drawn to the fourth chapter of Ephesians, which will shape our Synod community,” explains the Rev. Jim Hicks, Western District Executive Board president. “We encourage all of our Synod delegates to study Ephesians 4, a rich chapter that challenges us with ‘unity,’ the work of ‘equipping the saints,’ ‘forgiving one another,’ ‘humility’ and ‘patience.’ There is urgency in this text we believe will guide Synod’s work.” Much of the Western District’s work at Synod will be based on answering the question, “In what ways can the Western District Executive Board assist your congregation to be healthy.” Committees at Synod will be organized to address opportunities including lay leadership training, communication, best practices, financial challenges, youth ministries, spiritual/theological training and more. The Rev. Susan Nienaber, a senior consultant with the Alban Institute, will assist the District as Synod chaplain. She will train com(continued on next page) 9
(continued from previous page) mittee chairpersons, consult with committees and offer encouragement. The Canadian District Synod takes place the following week, May 4-6 at Good Shepherd Church in Calgary, Alberta. Their theme, based on Isaiah 43:19, is “God Speaks In Newness, Faithfulness, Oneness.” To make it even more appropriate, they’ve added, “God speaks and we respond in newness, faithfulness, oneness.” “The Synod Planning Committee has been working hard preparing for the upcoming Synod,” says Lynne Hennig, Synod planning committee chair. “We are looking forward to energizing meaningful messages from our
worship leader, Bishop Chris Gielser and the leadership of Synod chair Rick Santee and vice-chair Graham Kerslake.” Canadian District congregations each send five-to-seven lay delegates and their pastors to the District Synod. In addition, participation from District youth is encouraged, with each congregation invited to send two youth delegates. Elections for the district’s Board of Elders (along with their president), the chair of the Board of Van Es Camp & Conference Center and the Canadian representative to the Board of World Mission will also take place. Pre-Synod meetings are planned for March 31 (Calgary) and April 14 (Edmonton) to complete preparations. The Eastern District Synod will be held At Moravian College in Bethlehem, Pa. from June 20-23. Looking to Psalm 84:4 for inspiration, the Eastern District Synod is themed “Blessed Are Those Who Dwell in Your House, Ever Singing Your Praise.” “As the Visioning Team reviewed the pur(continued on page 25) The Rev. David Bennett leads worship at the 2008 Eastern District Synod in Bethlehem, Pa.
A Feast of Song: Central Moravian Church Choir tours Jamaica
As the new year 2012 approached, a group of 24 Moravians from Central Moravian Church in Bethlehem brought their voices — and appetites — to the sunny climes of Jamaica. Central Moravian organist and music director Rebecca Kleintop Owens shares her thoughts on the hymns, Moravian traditions and amazing Jamaican food made for a fabulous feast of a trip. Our group of 24 Moravians arrived in Montego Bay, Jamaica after seven hours travel from Bethlehem. That first day, we enjoyed the beautiful Jamaican sunshine, sand and ocean; on Wednesday, we traveled in two vans and enjoyed a pig roast in St. Leonards. That evening, we presented our first concert in St. Elizabeth at the Springfield Mora-
vian Church, a beautiful church on the top of a gorgeous mountain. The church was built in 1847, but was founded in the 1750s as a Moravian mission to the large slave population. On Thursday, we had the unique experience of observing the enthusiastic celebration of the Jamaican National Election. Throughout the country, the Jamaican people wore green or orange clothing, depending on the candidate they supported. Since no formal public gatherings were allowed on Election Day, we were unable to present a concert, so instead, we traveled to the North Coast of Jamaica where many of the group climbed the scenic Dunn’s River Falls. That evening, our vans weren’t able to drive us back to the hotel because of the huge crowds of excited Jamaicans celebrating the victory of Sister Portia. Instead, all 24 of us walked the remaining (continued on next page)
Rebecca Kleintop Owens is choir director at Central Moravian Church in Bethlehem, Pa. Photos by Myra Jones. March 2012
(continued from previous page) distance through the crowds of celebrants and military from the heart of the city of Mandeville to our nearby hotel. We all agreed that the enthusiastic participation of the Jamaican voting process was absolutely inspiring! On Friday morning, we visited the National Institute of Jamaica in Kingston and presented a concert at Covenant Moravian Church. Following the concert, we were treated to a delicious dinner at the Morris Knibb Moravian Prep School. On Saturday, (New Year’s Eve), we experienced Juici Patties, a Jamaican fast food establishment… it was delicious! Later that day, we performed at the New Beulah Moravian Church to help celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Bethlehem Moravian College. Returning to Kingston that evening, some of
our group attended the Watchnight Service at Redeemer Moravian Church while others stayed back and enjoyed the fireworks display from our hotel. On New Year’s Day, we celebrated a three hour worship service and Holy Communion (with Bishop Hopeton Clennon, who helped plan and lead the tour, presiding) at the Harbour View Moravian Church. The choir sang several pieces as a part of this worship experience and I even got to play some hymns and play along with their praise band musicians. Following the worship service, we boarded our vans and traveled to Port Royal where we enjoyed yet another wonderful feast of seafood before heading home. We were so thankful for the many months of planning by Hopeton and Alice and Craig Mosebach. What a powerful team! Their joy, enthusiasm, warmth, guidance, and spiritual
leadership were evident throughout the entire journey. We drove over 300 miles and experienced all three counties of Jamaica. The food was extraordinary. Everywhere we went, we were treated to ackee and saltfish, boiled rice and peas, jerk pork, jerk chicken, curried goat, boiled bananas, and the group’s favorite, a Christmas drink called sorrel. What a Jamaican feast! We were overwhelmed by the beauty of the country and most especially, the extraordinary energy, friendliness and hospitality of the Jamaican Moravian congregations. Not only were our physical bodies fed, but so were our spiritual bodies as we worshiped together through daily devotions, and singing hymns and anthems in different Moravian Churches. We were reminded of the privilege we have in being able to worship with our Moravian
brothers and sisters, and that regardless of culture, distance, worship styles or language, “We are all one body, we have the same Spirit, and we have all been called to the same glorious future. There is only one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and there is only one God and Father, who is over us all and in us all and living through us all.” Ephesians 4: 4,5 ■
B.Y.O.B. Sunday — that’s Bring Your Own Bible! If you stacked all the Bibles sitting in American homes, the tower would rise 29 million feet — nearly 5,500 miles high! Like televisions, most homes today have multiple Bibles. But for the most part they are sitting untouched on shelves. According to a recent study conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, half of Christians cannot name the four Gospels and a third cannot identify Genesis as the first book of the Bible. With each passing generation, research indicates that fewer people read the Bible or know what it says. This sobering truth applies to people both outside and inside the church walls; and from my perspective this is particularly true within the Moravian Church of North America. This is why Palmyra Moravian Church held its second B.Y.O.B Sunday in September. That’s right — you read that correctly! This special Sunday morning was B.Y.O.B — Bring
Your Own Bible! B.Y.O.B Sunday is an attempt to lift up the importance of the Bible in an intentional way within our congregation. I put together a Bible Rededication Liturgy for the day — and for the Prayer of Confession we humbly declared: Lord, we know we do not read the Bible, your word, as much as we should. We open up magazines and books on the bestsellers list instead of opening up the Good Book. Our Bibles sit stagnantly when they should be in our hands. Forgive us for our lack of devotion to reading and studying your holy words. By your grace and the empowerment of your Holy Spirit, help me to reach for my Bible, open it, read it, be intrigued and challenged by it, be comforted by it, and ultimately be blessed by it. Amen. During the worship we gave a time for people to fill out an anonymous Bible Survey that included questions like, “How often do you
read your Bible?” and “What keeps you from reading the Bible more?” The results were helpful for our congregational Elders and me in understanding the level of interaction our congregation has with the Bible outside of Sunday morning. After the sermon everyone prayerfully filled out the “B.Y.O.B Commitment Card.” Each person was able to commit to one or more of the following: ❑ Get a personal Bible that I can begin reading. ❑ Put my Bible in a location where I will be more likely to see it and pick it up! ❑ Read my Bible more than I do now… with the intention of reading it: ___ Once a month ___ Once a week ___ Once a day ❑ Join the Adult Bible Study Group on Sunday mornings. To conclude our wonderful morning we held up our Bibles for our responsive benediction. The physical act of lifting up our Bibles
paralleled our desire to have the Bible lifted up in our homes and our hearts. B.Y.O.B. Sunday is definitely one of my favorite worship services here at Palmyra. Holding a B.Y.O.B Sunday each year is a simple and effective way to remind ourselves as Christians that we are called to be people of the Book. It is my belief (and I believe good Moravian theology) that the more we open up the Bible the closer we will be drawn to the Word — Jesus! Maybe your church could begin to hold a B.Y.O.B or other Bible-related Sunday (we are very willing to share resources). What other creative ways can your church elevate the importance of the Bible? On a congregational level and a personal level, let us continue to open up and lift up the Bible again and again. What a worthy task for Moravians in the day in which we live! ■ The Rev. Andy Kilps is pastor of Palmyra Moravian Church in Cinnaminson, N.J. You can reach Andy at palmyramoravian@ verizon.net
Annie B. Mission: Raising funds for a speech therapist at Star Mountain “The Annie B. Mission is all about love. We seek to follow God’s calling through service and ministry.” During Young Adult Convo 2010-2011, 50 college students of the Moravian Church had the opportunity to visit Star Mountain Rehabilitation Center in Ramallah, West Bank. They toured the facility, met the students there and spoke with Ghada and other staff. (see the accompanying stories for more on Star Mountain.) The hearts of four participants — Ashley Green, Diana Green, Matthew Green and Elizabeth Alexander — were touched by what they had seen and heard, and they wanted to support and bring awareness to the ministry done by the center. At the same time, Steve
Green, a member of New Philadelphia Moravian Church, was searching for a way to honor his wife, who passed away in September 2010. The four participants joined forces with Steve and formed “The Annie B. Mission.” They have teamed up with Bill Ray, Moravian and photojournalist, for their current project of funding a speech therapist for Star Mountain for four years. In December, a covenant agreement was signed between the Board of World Mission and the Annie B. Mission. Donations to the Annie B. Mission can be made to the Board of World Mission, PO Box 1245, Bethlehem, PA 18016 (be sure to put “Annie B. Mission” in the check’s subject line). Visit www.AnnieBMission.org and our Facebook page for more information on the project and how to be a part of this important effort. ■
Annie B. Mission founders Ashley Green, Elizabeth Alexander and Steve, Diana and Matthew Green
We want to hear the children speak‌ At Star Mountain Rehabilitation Center in Ramallah, Christmas has been celebrated for many years with a mixture of European and Palestinian culture. In the first week of December, one can already smell the beautiful scent of the natural Christmas tree, standing in the dining room, decorated in red and gold, with both handmade and bought decorations. The tree is actually a group of small branches cut out of a bigger tree from within Star Mountain’s forest, pulled together in a very nice natural manner, since we cannot afford to cut off a whole tree. Unfortunately, in Palestine trees are becoming rare. With the high prices of petrol, people tend to cut trees to secure heat in winter. Also, being enclosed in a very narrow area called the West Bank and Gaza, not much land is left for the Palestinians as natural reserves. Constructional expansion of Ghada Naser is Director of the Star Mountain Rehabilitation Center in Ramallah, West Bank. All photos by Bill Ray, of Clemmons, N.C. March 2012
homes, villages and cities, are natural consequences of demographic growth, yet unfortunately gradually eating up open areas. This makes Star Mountain a unique place, where hundreds of pine, cypress and olive (continued on next page)
(continued from previous page) trees are standing over the hilltop creating a special atmosphere and allowing for the local Palestinian natural wilderness to grow in between with oak trees, shrubs and different types of flowers, including lilies, anemones, daffodils, among many others. In 2011, over the four weeks prior to Christmas, Advent has been celebrated together with staff members and students with intellectual disability. Every Monday morning one part of the Christmas story has been read aloud accompanied with pictures, Christmas songs and sweets. For our intellectually disabled students, this atmosphere is very special due to coming from mainly a Muslim culture. Christians and Muslims have been always living side by side in Palestine with very good relations, understanding each other’s customs and holding mutual respect to one another. The students come from nearby villages and one refugee camp in the Birzeit/Ramallah area. Their ages range from 3 months to 45 years old distributed among five programs: the integrative 18
kindergarten, the school education program, the autism program, the vocational training program, the community work program. Support services include psycho-social support, art education, physiotherapy, sports and music education. For years, the Center strived to add speech therapy to its specialized services. Yet, due to lack of funds, this was never possible. Some staff members compensated the lack of a speech therapist by taking external courses on the topic, and practicing some vocal exercises with the students. However, this was done on a personal initiative without a systematic or specialized approach. A gift to Star Mountain Star Mountain’s present for 2011 was the new partnership with the Annie B. Mission, which committed itself to securing the salary of a speech therapist for four coming years. The search for a professional speech therapist has been ongoing since last September, undergoing a rather difficult process of allocating specialists, interviewing them, building high expectations towards some of them, The Moravian
while disregarding others who seemed uninterested, unable to accept the work with intellectually disabled children or who were not qualified to work in this field. After almost agreeing with one of the best applicants, she apologized last moment. Her previous employer was unwilling to lose her and gave her the best option, namely to make her a permanent fixed worker immediately, as opposed to being an employee on a timebound project. This was her dream: job security for long years to come. We on the contrary were not able to offer her a permanent employment contract, having promised funds for four years only. We also follow the Palestinian law, which gives a new employee in the first two years a timebound contract, then after that the contract becomes automatically fixed. All in all, we interviewed more than eight people, who were also not easy to find. The West Bank had until now only one college that offers speech therapy as a diploma for two years. Only in September 2011, Birzeit Uni-
versity started a BA degree in speech therapy. Therefore the field is very rare and the demand on the graduates is high. However, we strongly believe that a good speech therapist will ultimately be found. We are continuing the head hunt aiming at a positive outcome. Once found, the speech therapist will focus her/his work on the younger children in the integrative kindergarten and the school education program. It is scientifically proven that therapy provided before age 5 is crucial for the intellectually disabled, since this is the time when they can benefit most and when their lives are practically shaped, with the acquired skills. The room for the speech therapist is being prepared right now. It needs painting, furniture, a computer for therapy purposes and curtains. This room will not only be used for individual, one-to-one work with the students, but also with parents of students, whom the (continued on page 31)
A mission, a hospital, a symbol of peaceful cooperation In our neighborhood it is easy to explain where Star Mountain is situated. Since it is the only hilltop with this type of vegetation in the region, our green one can be seen from far. It is a unique place and thanks to the huge pines, it looks as if it has been there forever. From people in our direct surroundings we sometimes hear questions like, “Above the gate of Star Mountain is written: ‘Moravian Church’ — where is the church?” Or, “I thought Star Mountain was a hospital — where is the hospital?” This last question offers a good starting point for explanations about the history of Star Mountain. Walking around the compound with visitors, it is rather easy to tell about the past, for there are so many links to the history to see. We start our tour at the entrance. After a 10-minute ride from Ramallah north toward Birzeit, the green hilltop comes into view. Upon entering the gate, visitors are greeted 20
by an astounding number of huge pines. An experienced eye can guess the age of the tall trees: planted in the early 1960s, the eldest one will count over 50 years. Talking about the history of Star Mountain, is also talking about the history of the care for Hansen’s disease patients and the history of the Moravian mission. The plot of land for Star Mountain was bought in 1958 by an order of the Unity Synod of 1957 to build a new hospital for patients afflicted with leprosy, or Hansen’s disease. This new hospital would continue the work done of the hospital for leper patients called ‘Jesus Hilfe’ that Moravians had operated for more than 80 years in Jerusalem. Where the building was raised as a hospital for leper patients in 1960 (and the school building of today) one can still see the structure of the former hospital: two corridors with small rooms on both sides — the former rooms for the patients, one side for the The Moravian
men, the other for the women. Because of the change and expansion of the work, in later years a second floor was added. Also a big dining room and a more appropriate kitchen were built on the eastern side of the building. On the east side of the mountain are three tiny little houses — now a place for guests or volunteers, but originally built for the couples among the patients. This was a rather revolutionary idea: until then the prevailing view was to force couples to live separately. To give them useful activities in daily life, each house had a small stable for chickens, a goat, or, maybe, a donkey. Thanks to the progress of medical science, during the 1960s the number of patients declined significantly. In 1974, the Unity Synod decided to focus upon another disadvantaged group: intellectually disabled children. Two of the last leper patients who left star Mountain were two women, named Khadra and Ghazali — nowadays they are commemorated at Star Mountain by their name, given to two guestrooms. Both of them still live in nearby villages and there are still contacts on a regular basis. As a responsibility and honorable obligation, Star Mountain continues to give her a small monthly allowance. In 1980 Star Mountain made a new start as a boarding school for intellectually disabled girls. It started with a few, but soon more came. Due to several circumstances, including second intifada in the year 2000, the parents were asked to keep their children at home during the night. During all changes in the recent history, the steady growth is a constant factor. From a boarding school in the early 1980s, it grew to an institution with five programs: Community Work Program, Kindergarten, School Education Program, Autism Program and VocationMarch 2012
Star Mountain’s main building
al Training Program. Digging in the archive shows another frequent factor: the growth of the number of Palestinian employees. Where a newsletter of the early 1980s mentions the arrival of the first Palestinian employee (between staff members of mainly German origin and most of them members of the Moravian Church), nowadays all staff members (34) are Palestinian, of both Muslim and Christian background, except one, the training and liaison officer, member of the Moravian Church in Zeist, The Netherlands. One of the questions I mentioned is still not answered. Where is the Church? There is no church. I mean, there is not a church building at Star Mountain. But as written in This Month in Moravian History : ‘The work at Star Mountain continues to be a symbol of peaceful cooperation and Christian love for one’s neighbor.’ That’s the church of Star Mountain. ■ Marianne van de Glind from Zeist, the Netherlands, is training and liaison officer Star Mountain Rehabilitation Center. For more on this history of Star Mountain, see the July 2006 and June 2010 editions of “This Month in Moravian History” from the Moravian Archives in Bethlehem (www. moravianchurcharchives.org) 21
Lifelong Moravian Wilma Lewis appointed federal judge in Virgin Islands On Thursday November 10, 2011, more than 250 local and federal dignitaries, relatives and friends gathered in the Almeric L. Christian Federal Building in Estate Golden Rock on the island of St. Croix to witness the fulfillment of a long held dream of lifelong Moravian, Wilma Lewis. Moving graciously towards the podium and placing her hands on the Bible held by her mother Julia, Wilma promised to “administer justice without respect to persons, and to do equal right to the poor and to the rich according to the best of my abilities and understanding.” Today, Wilma Lewis tells the story of a dream she had of pursuing a successful legal career when she saw her godmother, Superior Court Judge Eileen Petersen — the first female Judge in the United States Virgin Islands — preside over her courtroom.
She hurried home after one visit and shared that dream with her parents, the late Walter Lewis, a United States Postal Service worker, and Julia Lewis, the Assistant Director of Customs for the Virgin Islands. They were excited about the revelation of their daughter and encouraged her to pursue those dreams. Early Excellence Two months after their daughter’s birth in 1956, Walter and Julia Lewis brought Wilma to the Memorial Moravian Church in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, to be baptized by the Rev. Marvin Henkelmann. The Memorial congregation and her 13 godparents were happy to welcome this beautiful baby girl into their midst. The members immediately embraced Wilma and her brother Warren as their parents brought them to the worship services each
Wilma Lewis, second from left, performed with the Memorial Moravian handbell choir at the Handbell Festival in Kentucky in 1971.
Sunday. Wilma was enrolled in Sunday School and participated in other youth activities. Rev. Norman E. Prochnau, who prepared Wilma and her classmates for confirmation, was impressed with this particularly bright and articulate member of the confirmation class. “Wilma Lewis was a person who exuded confidence in every undertaking she committed to, and displayed the keen interest of a great student,” remembered Rev. Prochnau. When she entered the All Saints Cathedral High School in 1970, Wilma was disappointed that the school did not have a band that would have allowed her to pursue her musical interests. That changed when Rev. James Salzwedel arrived in St. Thomas with an illustrious musical background to serve as the interim Pastor at Memorial Moravian. He saw the opportunity to put into practice the motto that characterized his entire music ministry —“Uniting People Through a Musical Art.” With the encouragement of the Joint Boards of the Memorial Congregation, Rev. Salzwedel introduced hand bells to the Virgin Islands and trained the first bell choir on St. Thomas. He had a great impact on the lives many Moravian young people, but it was his commitment to excellence that attracted Wilma to this new and exciting form of ministry. She embraced the challenge and became a member of the newly-formed hand bell choir. Wilma trained with the hand bell choir while maintaining high standards in her work at school. She maintained High Honors (95 % and above) in the major academic subjects. Among other awards, she received medals for The Rev. Leon Matthias is a retired Moravian pastor living in Silver Springs, Md. Portrait (right) courtesy of Swarthmore College/Dept. of Interior. March 2012
Wilma Lewis, right, with the Rt. Rev. Chris Giesler hosted the Quiz Bowl portion of 2010 Youth Rally in Battle Hill, N.J.
the highest scores in the Territory for two consecutive years in English Language and Science, and was the top student for three years in mathematics. In addition, she excelled in basketball, volleyball and lawn tennis. It was no surprise when this accomplished student was chosen as All Saints Cathedral High School’s Valedictorian in 1974. In her address to the graduating class, Wilma challenged them to join her in pledging a portion (continued on next page)
Wilma Lewis
(continued from previous page) of their time and talents to public service. For her achievement at school her parents presented her with a framed copy of a poem by Helen Steiner Rice entitled “Climb ‘Til Your Dream Comes True” — a prized possession she still displays. Armed with a scholarship from Hess Oil Company on St. Croix and the encouragement of her family, Wilma enrolled in the Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania to continue her education. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science, with distinction, and later attended Harvard Law School and graduated in 1981 with a Jurist Doctor degree. Wilma saw many firsts in her illustrious career. In 1995, she was appointed Inspector General at the Department of the Interior — the first African-American to hold that position. In 1998, Ms. Lewis was appointed United States Attorney for the District of Columbia — again, the first woman to hold that position. In 2009 President Obama invited Ms. Lewis to be a part of his administration, appointing her Assistant Secretary for Land & Minerals Management at the Department of the Interior. She was the first African-American to serve in that capacity. A Moravian focus Always willing to share a positive experience with young people, Wilma Lewis launched the Hand Bells Ministry at Faith Moravian Church in the Nation’s Capital, Washington D.C. Not forgetting the religious roots that nurtured her, Wilma dedicated much of her time and talent to the Moravian Church. She has been involved in the leadership position of the congregations to which she was attached and served on the Board of Manage24
ment of Faith Moravian Church. In 2006, Ms. Lewis was elected to serve on the Moravian Theological Seminary Board of Trustees and was later elected its chairperson and vice-chair of the Moravian College Board. During her time on these boards, she provided significant leadership to the development and implementation of a new strategic plan for Moravian College and the Seminary’s most successful fund raising campaign in its long history. Christopher M. Thomforde, president of Moravian College, suggests that Wilma Lewis has been endowed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit that have made her an excellent worker in all areas of her life. “Wilma works hard balancing zeal with knowledge and compassion,” said Dr. Thomforde. “Before she makes judgments and pronouncements, she deliberates on the issues involved, but above all, she pays attention to you and she listens to what you are saying because she cares about you. Wilma is good humored, bright, steady, encouraging and has always displays a faithful Christian disposition,” concluded Dr. Thomforde. A Virgin Islands judgeship Last spring, when President Obama nominated Wilma to succeed the retiring District Judge Raymond Finch in the Virgin Islands, she knew that the dream that captured her heart as very young girl on St. Thomas was about to become a reality. The U.S. Senate confirmed her to the position on June 30, 2011. In preparation for the investiture ceremony, Wilma needed to complete two urgent and important activities. First she, had to return to say thanks to God who gave her that dream and sustained her through the circuitous The Moravian
journey. She invited her friends and family to join her at the Memorial Moravian Church on St.Thomas for a praise and thanksgiving service in November. She could not stop thinking about the words which are inscribed boldly on the wall at the Memorial Moravian Church: “Bless the LORD, o my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” Psalm 103:2. Secondly, Wilma shared the good news of her appointment with her dear Godmother Superior Court Judge Eileen Petersen. Wilma thanked her for being the great role model she had been and invited her to officiate at the investiture ceremony on November 10, 2011. Judge Petersen graciously accepted the invitation and thanked her for the honor bestowed on her. As she led the Investiture Ceremony, thousands of thoughts flowed through the mind of Judge Petersen. She reflected on the responsibility she accepted when she promised at Baptism, “in reliance on divine grace, to teach Wilma Lewis the truths and duties of the Christian and by prayer, precept and example, to bring her up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” She kept that promise as she followed Wilma’s progress through frequent telephone conversations on the island or abroad. She also made frequent inquiry about her progress from her parents. In addition to the significance of Wilma’s appointment, Judge Petersen suggested that two important lessons were unwavering in her mind. “First, parents and guardians have the awesome responsibility to be vigilant in training their children and assisting them in wholesome activities,” says Petersen. “Second, Wilma Lewis demonstrated that one is not too young to have dreams and that they should do all things to accomplish them. She has certainly fulfilled those dreams.” ■ March 2012
Synod Preview (continued from page 10 poses of a District Synod — and certainly these events attend to the matters of electing district leadership and reviewing issues related to the work of the Province — they were reminded that District Synod offers a broader opportunity for us to gather in a spirit of prayerful exploration, discernment and ministry collaboration,” says David Bennett, Eastern District Executive Board president. The Synod will use a process called “Discerning Circles” to facilitate discussions on key issues within the Eastern District. After studying data from district-wide pre-synod meetings, five Discerning Circles have been established to assist the work of the 2012 Eastern District Synod. Topic areas include “In-reach/Out-reach” (dealing with communication, mission development, worship ministry and more); Spiritual Formation; Christian Leadership Development; Complimentary Youth Ministry; and Stewardship. This year’s process will offer a more focused approach to synod dialogue. Each Discerning Circle will determine what is important under its “ministry umbrella” and then select what it feels is worth further deliberation and possible advancement to the Synod plenary. Delegates were asked to choose which Discerning Circle they felt most called to by the Holy Spirit. The Synod will also be set up “in the round,” making it easier for delegates to see each other and work together. In upcoming issues of The Moravian magazine, we will report on the results of each of these important events. Synod news will also be shared on www.moravian.org. ■ 25
Conference on Moravian History and Music coming to Bethlehem in October The third Bethlehem Conference on Moravian History and Music is coming to the campus of Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary October 11-14, 2012. Scholars, musicians, historians and Moravian enthusiasts will convene in downtown Bethlehem to explore the latest research on a wide range of Moravian topics. The weekend will be filled with lectures, concerts and events, which anyone interested in Moravian culture can appreciate. Activities will begin on Thursday with student papers and a meeting of Unity archivists followed by the Walter Vivian Moses Lecture presented in the evening by Rev. Dr. Peter Vogt on the topic of “Moravian Identity.” Conference lectures and recitals will take place Friday and Saturday with the keynote
speaker sponsored by the Center for Moravian Studies. On Friday evening Moravian choirs will perform a concert focusing on the music of the Moravian composer, Johannes Herbst. Historic Bethlehem Partnership will offer tours of museums and historic buildings to conference participants throughout the weekend. The conference will conclude with a banquet Saturday evening, followed by the annual meeting and lecture of the Moravian Historical Society on Sunday afternoon. The conference is sponsored by Moravian College, Moravian Archives, and the Center for Moravian Studies, in partnership with the Moravian Music Foundation, Moravian Historical Society, Moravian Theological Seminary, and Historic Bethlehem Partnership. The program committee is now welcoming proposals for individual papers, panels, lecture recitals and reports on current research projects regarding any topic related to Moravian music and history from the 15th to 20th centuries, but special consideration will be given to the following: • The sustainability of Moravian communities: economics, climate, geography and ecology • Nineteenth-century Moravian history • The Ancient Unity and Comenius • Moravian composer, Johannes Herbst (1735-1812), commemorating the 200th anniversary of his death (continued on page 31) The Moravian
Southern Province seeks staff for Board of Cooperative Ministries The Board of Cooperative Ministries (BCM), created at the 2009 Synod of The Moravian Church, Southern Province, provides support to Moravian congregations and Regional Conferences of Churches to develop and maintain a high level of health and growth. The BCM carries out the Moravian Church’s long commitment to education as an essential part of Christian witness and equips Moravians of all ages and situations in life for spiritual growth and Christian discipleship. The BCM also continues the tradition of Moravian missions by providing resources to assist pastors and lay persons in bringing good news to the poor and hopeless, seeking out the lost, lonely and neglected in the Southeast and the wider world. Part of the Board’s charge is to “recommend to the PEC staffing needs, including staffing structure, as well as professional staff for call and appointment” and to “recommend to the PEC special commissions, committees, and task forces.” (Southern Province Book of Order, Sections 9.3.b and 9.3.c) Over the course of 2011, the BCM conducted an assessment, discernment and decisionmaking process to fulfill this charge. This process considered the strategic direction set by Synod, needs expressed by congregations and Regional Conferences of Churches and the availability of financial resources. Ruth Cole Burcaw is a member of Unity Moravian Church in Lewisville, N.C. and serves on the BCM’s Communications and Outreach Team. March 2012
To “empower us for the work of ministry,” the BCM staff team will consist of the following positions: • Director of Congregational Ministries and Resources: Responsible for assisting congregations with resources as they focus on the eight characteristics of congregational health; managing the work of the Resource Center (providing quality curriculum and materials to Moravians and non-Moravians); and providing specific ministry outreach on children & family life to congregations.
The BCM carries out the Moravian Church’s long commitment to education as an essential part of Christian witness and equips Moravians of all ages and situations in life for spiritual growth and Christian discipleship. • Director of Youth, College and Young Adult Ministries: Fulfills a strategic directive of Synod by continuing ministry to youth and college-age members with an additional focus on outreach to and retention of young adults (18-30 year olds). • Director of Communications, Southern Province: Responsible for development and execution of comprehensive communications strategy for Moravian (continued on page 31) 27
OFFICIAL PROVINCIAL ELDERS’ NEWS Prayer Day for Moravian Unity Work March 4, 2012 The first Sunday in March is designated as a day of prayer for the special causes which are supported by all provinces of our Moravian Unity. This year the Unity Offering is designated to assist widows and orphans in Nicaragua who were impacted by Hurricane Felix in 2007. Watchwords At the close of 2011, members of the Provincial Board of the European Continental Province met in Herrnhut, the birthplace of our renewed Moravian Church, and drew Watchwords for the Unity Board, Unity Provinces, Mission Provinces and Unity Undertakings. The 2012 Watchword drawn for the Southern Province is from April 28, “Say to those who are of a fearful heart, ‘Be strong, do not fear! Here is your God.’” Isaiah 35:4 The Northern Province Watchword, from March 23, is “Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty.” 2 Chronicles 14:11 (NIV)
NORTHERN PROVINCE Edmonton, Alberta Sister Sally Boyle, a pastor with the United Church of Canada, has accepted an appointment to serve as interim pastor for Edmonton Moravian Church, Edmonton, Alberta. Sister Boyle began her work November 15, 2011.
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania Sister Rebecca Craver, who has been serving as church planter at Zacchaeus’ Tree, Indianapolis, Indiana, has accepted the call to Provincial Service effective February 1, 2012 following the closure of Zacchaeus’ Tree on January 31, 2012.
Retirement Sister Valerie Lehman requested and was granted permission to retire from the active call of the Moravian Church effective January 1, 2012. Sister Lehman was ordained a deacon of the Moravian Church June 25, 1989 and has served the church in pastorates in Wisconsin (Watertown) and Minnesota (Chaska and Berea). The church is grateful for her 22 years of faithful service.
Elizabeth D. Miller Provincial Elders’ Conference 28
The Moravian
The Rt. Rev. Robert Allen Iobst Brother Robert Allen Iobst, a bishop of the Worldwide Moravian Church, died on January 2, 2012 at the age of 96. He was born July 23, 1915 in Emmaus, Pa. He received degrees from Moravian College and Theological Seminary and Princeton Theological Seminary. Bishop Iobst was ordained in the Moravian Church on November 12, 1939 and accepted a call to serve the church as a missionary in Nicaragua. While on missionary deputation at Camp Hanes, he met Helen Stoufer, the camp nurse. They were married several months later on October 17, 1942 and returned together to Nicaragua, where they served in pastoral ministry at Bluefields, Bonanza and Puerto Cabezas. He was consecrated a presbyter on May 25, 1947. Bishop and Mrs. Iobst returned to the US in 1954. For the next 29 years, they served pastorates at Grace Moravian in Mt. Airy, N.C., and New Philadelphia and Union Cross Moravian Churches in Winston-Salem, N.C. Bishop Iobst was active in denominational ministries and served on the Provincial Elders’ Conference and on the Board of World Mission. He was a lifelong advocate for overseas mission and a great encourager of missionaries. He returned several times to Central America for ministries of short duration in Nicaragua and Honduras and was a fluent speaker of Miskitu, the native language of many Moravians there. Retiring from active pastoral ministry in 1983, Bishop Iobst served several interim pastorates and taught often on prayer. He was elected a bishop of the Unitas Fratrum and consecrated on May 21, 1989. In his remainMarch 2012
ing years he devoted himself to intercessory prayer, Episcopal ministry and to the congregational life of New Philadelphia Moravian Church. He always described himself as a “lover of Jesus.” He and Mrs. Iobst led a Saturday morning prayer breakfast in his home that endured for more than 35 years. Bishop Iobst was predeceased by a son, Samuel, who died in infancy in Nicaragua and his wife Helen, who died in 2002. He is survived by three daughters, seven grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. A celebration of life service was held on January 5, 2012 at New Philadelphia Moravian Church with interment in the church graveyard, God’s Acre. ■ (Obituaries continued on next page)
VISIT THE MORAVIAN MAGAZINE ON FACEBOOK! The Moravian Magazine is now on Facebook! Visit <www.facebook.com/MoravianMagazine> to learn more about what’s happening with the magazine, view current and back issues online and interact with The Moravian editorial staff. So next time you’re on Facebook, check out The Moravian Magazine and hit the “Like” button to become a fan! And while you’re there, let us know what you think. You can also get the weekly Watchwords through Facebook by visiting the Moravian Daily Texts on Facebook.
OBITUARIES (continued from previous page)
The Rev. Dr. Harold David Cole Brother Harold (Hal) David Cole passed away on January 28, 2012 in Winston-Salem, N.C. He was born February 6, 1937 in Reedy Creek, N.C. He graduated from Moravian College and Seminary in 1963 and earned his doctorate from McCormick Seminary in Chicago in 1989. He married Joy Wheland Cole in 1963, while serving his first congregation, Konnoak Hills Moravian in Winston-Salem, N.C. He then served Grace, Mt. Airy, N.C.; Advent, Winston-Salem, N.C.; Kernersville, Kernersville, N.C.; Boca Raton, Boca Raton, Fla.; and Messiah, Winston-Salem, N.C. Following that he served the denomination for six years as an Intentional Interim Pastor in many other Moravian churches. Brother Cole retired from fulltime active service in March 2002, after which he worked part time at New Philadelphia Moravian Church as Visitation Pastor. He and Joy enjoyed traveling, visiting all 50 states and about 150 lighthouses in the US and Canada. Brother Cole was an avid golfer and sports fan, having played basketball, football and tennis in his younger years. He is survived by his wife Joy, their two daughters and five grandchildren. A memorial service was held February 4, 2012 at Unity Moravian Church, Lewisville, N.C. ■ Ad Policy for The Moravian — The Moravian accepts paid advertising that is consistent with the magazine’s objectives and editorial convictions as they are stated in the purpose and mission of the Interprovincial Board of Communication. Advertisements for activities, services, and products of specific interest to members of the Moravian Church have priority. The Moravian does not accept purely editorial advertisements that advocate specific ideas or issues. Articles, columns, and letters to the editor are the appropriate vehicles for the presentation of ideas and issues. The Interprovincial Board of Communication is responsible for the content and design of the magazine, including advertisements. Ad rates are available by contacting Deb Swanson at deb@mcnp.org.
NORTHERN PROVINCE SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING THE GOSPEL OFFERS GRANTS Is your congregation or agency considering a new mission initiative? Are you providing mission outreach ministries? The Board of Directors of the Society for Promoting the Gospel (SPG) invites you to consider applying for a grant to help fund your ministry. The SPG, chartered in 1745, exists to distribute funds to the Board of World Mission and “mission causes of the Moravian Church, Northern Province.” Any congregation, mission society, or agency within the Northern Province is eligible to apply for funds. The SPG distributes about $10,000 each year. SPG grants are open to the membership of all Moravian congregations and agencies in the Northern Province. Grant proposals should describe the scope and purpose of the project or program, explaining how it “promotes the gospel.” When awarding grants, the directors of SPG consider the cost and duration of the project, the amount of funding requested and the ongoing past history of the project, if it is not a new enterprise. Proposals may be submitted annually. Groups requesting grants will be required to show a budget for the current year and a list of responsible parties involved such as directors, management or board members of that church or agency. A report of the project’s progress and the assessment of the number of people served or the impact of the project on a target population will be expected of the grant recipients. Only one grant application per church or agency will be considered. Complete details are available on the Grant Application Form. SPG Grant Application forms are on the www.mcnp.org website or may be requested from gloria@mcnp.org. Deadline for applications is April 15, 2012.
The Moravian
Hear the Children
(continued from page 19)
(continued from page 26)
speech therapist will include early on in the therapy process, to assure a partnership between family and the Center. Star Mountain’s outdoor facilities under the trees can also be a good setting for therapy sessions, depending on the disability level of the child and his/ her acceptance. The endeavor of hiring a speech therapist would have not been possible without the belief, great efforts, trust and dedication of members of the Annie B. Mission. On behalf of all Star Mountain parents and staff, I want to convey my deepest gratefulness for this new partnership. It is an honor for all of us to work with the Annie B. Mission and the Board of World Mission, North America. With the dim political horizon, in which Israeli Occupation continues and in which the internal Palestinian dialogue is failing to take concrete reconciliation steps on the ground, one can only focus on the direct family and work realms. Working with intellectually disabled children and adults gives us all hope. Even if political change is slow or non-existent, positive change can be seen among the students despite the hard working conditions and severity of the disabilities. It is amazing to see how Ali is now walking on his own, when he was not able to do so before. It is wonderful to notice Lama’s reaction to sounds, when she was unable to make any physical responses before. How inspiring it is to see Halimeh able to write a few letters and recognize her written name. Those are only few examples, but each and every student has a story. Our wish for 2012, is to start hearing children verbalizing basic sounds and words to express basic needs. ■
Interested parties may send a proposal of no more that 300 words by April 1, 2012 to: Lanie Graf, conference chair, Moravian Archives, 41 W. Locust St. Bethlehem, PA 18018 or to lanie@moravianchurcharchives.org. The program committee will notify accepted applicants by May 1, 2012. A limited number of grants for housing and travel costs is available. Visit the conference website for more information and updates: www.moravianconferences.org. ■
March 2012
Province seeks staff (continued from page 27) Church, Southern Province. (This is a shared position with the Provincial Elders’ Conference). One of the primary purposes identified for re-organizing provincial ministries was enhanced communication. • BCM Executive Director: Oversees the work of BCM and its staff, leadership support and development initiatives, social concerns activities, stewardship and more. (The hiring process for this position is in progress now.) • Administrative Assistant: Provides administrative support to BCM staff; including the ordering and bookkeeping duties of the Resource Center. Any and all interested candidates should visit http://bcmsearch.wordpress.com/ to read about the various positions and how to apply for them, and download and print an application. ■ 31
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