The Imposter Syndrome Lookbook

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IMPOSTER syn drome lookbook

“imposter syndrome (IS) refers to an internal that you are not as competent as others this definition is usually narrowly applied achievement, it has links to perfectionism

experience of believing perceive you to be. while to intelligence and and the social context.“

i’ve always had a strong mantra that the smaller you view yourself, the more humble, modest and likeable you are. with such consistent practice of this idea, i think i lost a sense of who i am. even though my friends and family could list each of my personality traits, i felt that i was playing an imitation game - for a while i took characteristics from people i admired and became an accumulation of those to become the perfect person. this ideal is futile, of course, but i let it consume me. one of the ways i managed these multiple personality traits was through my wardrobe. i believed that it enabled me to have control over how people perceived me. soon enough, i felt that my outfits were costumes employed to impress people or belong to them. here i display my fraudulent wardrobe and tell you what these costumes meant to me. i originally was producing this as a self portrait, but it quickly became a project of self discovery, constantly posing the question:

how do i channel my true, authentic self through the clothes i wear?

Indie Soft Boy Main Accessory: rex orange county

i’m guilty of trashing the indie boy aesthetic whilst simultaneously being a part of it. the characteristics of this stereotype tends to involve guys that are a lot more sensitive. they are nurturing and open minded. they don’t necessarily care what you think about them, but they aren’t confrontational either. what i admire most about them is their pursuit to challenge norms wrought by toxic masculinity. they aren’t afraid to wear jewellery, paint their nails or wear clothes some may consider feminine. whatever they can score at the thrift store is good enough! usually the soft boy plays guitar or is involved in a band. even if they don’t write the material, you can garuntee that they are wielding their emotions into some form of secretive media. these gentle giants might just have a poetry journal you don’t know about, or heck, they might be making zines!



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My Dad Says This Is Too Emo Main Accessory: none of your business!

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there’s always been something about grunge and emo fashion that has appealed to me. i think it’s the anti-mainstream imperative, because it’s a sign that you want to be different and unique - it’s very non-conforming and bold. i never dress emo or goth, but this is what my dad considers to be too emo and edgy. it’s interesting how fashion can belong to subgenres of art also, like grunge fashion and its prominence in the punk scene. i partially feel intimidated by people that dress this way. there’s something so empowering about being confident while being a non-conformist. it’s a massive fuck you to the norms and major claim of individuality. though it doesn’t suit my personality whatsoever, sometimes i want to appear intimidating too. as a timid, gentle and insecure person, these deceiving outfits give me a lot more confidence in my own skin. maybe im guilty of being a fraud. as i said, all clothing is a costume. even grunge has its conventional items of clothing that people identify and make assumptions off of. the real pressure starts when strangers get to know you, because then your outfits no longer define you.

Chapel St Celeb Main Accessory: extroversion

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alien nick ward

an ode to introverts


i don’t like telling people this, but i’ve only been clubbing once. also, it was for a university-planned event. i know that’s lame. at my core, i’m a devoted introvert. over the last three years i’ve pushed myself to drop this mindset and behaviour, but it’s attached to me. the noise, the lack of space, the lights, and all the strangers touching my arms and back as we dance frightens me - i feel claustrophobic in that environment. i’ve learnt my go-to space is a friendly bar. they’re spacious and i can actually talk to people. there’s a total bonus if it’s trivia or if you’re going out to a karaoke or mini golf bar. even though i’m still learning to not be so timid, i don’t think i should feel pressured to be a part of the chapel street party culture. it’s cool, but it’s not my vibe. if i’m not at home watching a movie, i’ll be content with my cosmo at holey moley.

Funeral Frequent Main Accessory: grief

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your greatest accessory here, is your face - hold it together



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i feel like funerals are kind of surreal. it’s one of the only places where collective grieving is normalised. seeing some of your family and friends brought to tears for the first time is as upsetting as the funeral experience itself. a few years ago, we lost our grandpa to cancer. this was the first funeral i had been to where i really felt the impact, except, it wasn’t really a funeral at all. as my family reiterated throughout the ceremony, our grandpa wouldn’t have wanted a funeral, but more an opportunity to celebrate his life and the person he was. while many of us were saddened by his passing, we were able to overcome the deep impact of grief by sharing humourous stories and memories we shared with my grandpa. the grief is inevitable, but this celebration perspective helped to revitalise the way i cope with death.

Sk8 er Boi

Main Accessory: longboard (because they’re easier to use)

would you even truly know how to dress for yourself?

i’ve always wanted to bust out an ollie on the footpath. i think it’s quite impressive , but from the small amount of experience i have had longboarding peacefully on the side of the road or sidewalk, a lot of people see us as delinquents. you receive a lot of stares and car honks for skating alone or even with a friend. i’m not the type of skater to be doing tricks in the middle of a busy walkway or street corner - i hate confrontation and stares, so i avoid it at all costs. i got a longboard for my 18th birthday in the middle of our 2020 lockdown. it helped keep me sane after long days of online learning. dressing the part feels like an unspoken requirement. i mean, you wouldn’t take some nerdy introvert very seriously if you saw them skating. i don’t want someone thinking i’m the netflix high school nerd in his character arc trying to become popular with the skater group. dressing the part is ironic - you feel a sense of belonging and confidence but you know you’re a fraud.


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Nerdy Introvert

Main Accessory: resting think face

key tip: dress smart to be taken seriosuly

by velma’s hub

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once finishing year 12 and achieving a better result than i expected, i was happier than ever to be accepted into rmit’s media course. the stigma of doing an arts degree completely went over my head though, and recently i’ve found that i have had to justify my academic choices after achieving a high atar. i would have pursued a media course regardless of what my atar was, but it’s frustrating that people challenge it. wearing outfits like this make me feel empowered in response to the arts degree stigma. dressing like a stereotypical geek makes me feel as if people will respect me more when i tell them i’m an arts student. we’re smart creative people that just like to have fun with our work!

Speedy Gonzales Main Accessory: good tunes

running has proven to be a coping mechanism for me. when i run, i feel like i’m exerting all this emotional energy alongside my physical energy. it’s relieving and freeing . i think i hold it responsible for maintaining my mental health during stressful times, especially while we were in a lockdown. everyone has their niche thing that makes them feel like a main character, and this is mine. listening to high energy bangers while running only fuels you even more, adding to the adrenaline and momentum until you feel like your body is on autopilot. as important it is to maintain physical health, i’d argue that mental health is even more significant - i don’t hold my body accountable for a new personal best, but my mind and the thinking processes i adopt while in the midst of a race.


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i’ve ran s ince i was 9



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quiet on set

remi wolf

Jack Crowe Main Accessory: Beanies for taming my chaotic hair

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i think that this outfit describes me best, having worn similar styles incorporating a beanie and flannel since i was 12. it’s cozy, stylish enough, and it makes me feel comfortable in my own skin despite my imposter syndrome. the fit pairs nicely with a set of headphones, whilst the thick shoes enable me to look taller.


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my best friend and i always joke about dressing up when we go into the city so we can make it onto melbourne fashion tik toks, where they secretly capture people’s outfits. this probably wouldnt make the cut, but i think that’s because i want to fit in most of the time - i don’t need to stand out, i just want to be respected.

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produced by jack crowe

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