More to Life Magazine Spring 2012

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Spring 2012 Edition 19 | ÂŁ3





Journey to the Centre of the Soul The story of



Love Crystals? be found in

and much, much more...

Spring 2012 Edition 19 | £3





Journey to the Centre of the Soul The story of

A Course in Miracles MY FINDHORN EXPERIENCE www.moretolifemag.c


Love Crystals?

In this issue p6

be found in

and much, much more...

Hi guys As 2012 begins to unfold, the More to Life team are embracing the changes and challenges that are presenting themselves on a daily basis on both a personal and professional basis. If you are anything like us you will be experiencing the energies that are flooding on to our beautiful planet in a variety of ways. Tears shortly followed by feelings of great joy and euphoria, confusion and uncertainty one minute, absolute clarity the next. Sleepless nights and then a feeling of overwhelming tiredness. Issues that we thought we had long sorted coming back and pressing our buttons. Sound familiar? We are reassured by those ‘in the know’ that this is all part of the plan and that we should trust that everything is in perfect order. Sometimes easier to say than it is to do but we promise to continue to bring you articles and features that will help your understanding of the journey you are on and help your way through these exciting times. Let’s enjoy the ride and relish the opportunities coming our way. We are here, at this time because we are special. All of us. We have been chosen to help Mother Earth through this period. How amazing? Love, Love, Love Jayne


A Story of a Course in Miracles

The Rising Sun


This Thing called Happiness


p12 My Findhorn Experience


Can Love be found in Crystals?

Healing Humanity



My Journey Home

Journey to the Centre of the Soul



Have you found your silence

The Dream Bridge




Daughters of Dolma

More to Life magazine is published by More to Life Publications Ltd. 1 Liverpool Road North, Liverpool L31 2HB | T: 0151 527 1577 Reg: 6927353 VAT: 976 5944 53 Considerable care has been taken to ensure that the advertisements and features contain accurate information and no liability is accepted by the company for any loss or damage caused by any innacuracy or misprint of any advertisement or feature in this issue. Spring 2012 |



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The Rising Sun By Kate Osborne


o much of what we are immersed in right now is weighing heavy on our hearts and playing havoc with out minds, all of which ‘helps’ to starve the soul… But all is not as it seems, in fact far from 2012 heralding some sort of galactic alignment about to propel us hurtling uncontrollably, purposelessly through time and space I see a bright and beautiful new dawn on the horizon. Why? Well for one the ‘evidence’ at hand suggests we (Earth) will stay put for some time to come, that we as human beings have only ever continued to evolve, against all adversity and most importantly because for some time now all that is ‘good’ – abundant, collaborative and inspirational within us and around us has an unprecedented opportunity to shine!

”an unprecedented opportunity to shine” Now I’m not suggesting that we are infallible, or that by simply ‘doing nothing’ fate will simply guide us home. If you have read any of previous ideas, you will sense I’m not one to turn a blind eye to the ideas, methods and actions that have caused us a good deal of grief, not mention seriously harming the very thing that sustains us. But in the same way that repeatedly telling a child they are not good enough, we too can fall into that belief that life is hopeless, that whatever we contribute to this living planet will never be good enough. However when we view ourselves as custodians rather than just consumers, we can benefit from our own ‘good parenting’ - from encouragement, second chances and a belief that far more is possible than impossible. Just so you can decide for yourself if I am actually backing this up with a few concrete examples, rather than reading this just as the blissfully ignorant meanderings of someone ‘high as a kite’, I would like to share some real 6

life events of our ‘potential new dawn’ with you. Then perhaps you can experience for yourself another reality of our unfolding evolution, one that may well make headline news one day – despite being really good news. My first example is ‘Japan’. Prior to its recent devastating natural disasters – from which the nation is now recovering, unknown to many, their very heavy dependence on uranium-based nuclear energy was being addressed. The earthquake and subsequent tsunami have merely strengthened their resolve to bring the incredible potential of thorium-based nuclear fusion energy to the fore. This technology could solve humanity’s entire energy dilemma as we see it. As physicist and cosmologist Dr Jude Currivan, in her book HOPE reveals, “Thorium’s innate properties and its associated nuclear plant design means that no reactor could run out of control, explode or meltdown as in uranium-based nuclear facilities, and there is also enough naturally occurring thorium to last for thousands of years.” This gives us a ‘second chance’, more time, to develop and integrate natural energy resources such as solar, wind and tidal power!

"a renewed purpose in life” Much of the trauma our entire world is feeling and resonates has been accrued over centuries of conflict, deprivation and disease as differing ideas and their actions gradually encroached on each other resulting in a fear based, knee-jerk reaction. Now we are ‘closer’ than ever, but rather that trying to compete we can choose to understand, let go of that which we don’t and collaborate on the things we do. My second example relates to the aftermath of all consuming conflict; the wars that have ravaged every continent and still continue to do so in some really intense ‘hot spots’. They leave deep wounds that trigger our worst fears and most destructive actions. Although many of these wounds are outwardly visible; loss of limb, senses, More to Life

loss of life, the most heartbreaking are through that destroy the spirit and sense of humanity. For some time there have been many incredible people in established organisations that deal with the fallout of conflict. However, there are now individual’s independently financed and supported that spend there energy delivering a simple yet profound technology that re-patterns our internal wiring, so that we are released from such profound trauma. Cambridge University graduate, engineer, innovator and complementary practitioner, Peter Chappell is such a person. He has spent decades delivering his amazing PPD resonance technology to African genocide survivors that have enabled fundamental and speedy shifts from horrendous trauma and dis-ease to emotional well-being and a renewed purpose in life.

"a fabulously diverse collection of ‘ray riders’” My third example looks at the media industry, one that I was involved in for nearly ten years, and right now is going through a bit of a cleansing. At long last popular opinion – people power – is having a major effect on the once fortress like abode of the, predominantly white, males of a certain age, who manipulate information for their own limited ends. But the light of the new rising dawn has caught up with them too, and you could say, they are feeling the ‘burn’. This enables a fabulously diverse collection of ‘ray riders’ to look up to the light and show case another way of distributing information. Whether its computer technology that has paved the way for social networks to grow, or for people to more easily put their thoughts in print through selfpublishing and e-book opportunities… they are all tools that have the potential to really embrace the ‘spark’ of life in us all. Even to the changing desires and goals of those delivering media solutions to business and individuals. Spring 2012 |

My final example is the evolving work of Simon Sutton, founder of Simon on the Sofa who once resided at ‘Her Majesty’s pleasure’ and his dedicated and multi-talented team. Together they make up Conscious Media who offer film-making, copywriting, event organising and more with a view to do so from a place of integrity, inspiration and transparency.

"more people are gravitating towards the similarities rather than the differences" And in addition to these few examples there is the overriding fact that more and more people are gravitating towards the similarities rather than the differences between us. As ‘children’ of the Universe whose individual parts are as ancient as the Universe we can rejoice and grow in all that is creative about us, instead of being held down by dwelling on constricting experiences. This does not mean that as we take our place under the rising sun we will never again experience, pain, fear or loss, but we will be better equipped to instinctively move through and beyond those feelings, leaving us the time and energy and courage to learn new ways of being human.

To find out more about this and other thought-provoking material visit: or call 01626 362343 7

"to transcend limitations such as anger, guilt, fear, judgement"


More to Life


A Course in Miracles By Anna Bradbury


magine if you will, two people, Professors of Medical Psychology at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City. Their names were Helen Schucman and William Thetford, this was 1965 and they had been working together for seven years in a very difficult and often strained relationship. They were anything but spiritual. In fact, Helen was an atheist and Bill an agnostic. One day, Bill announced to Helen that he was tired of the angry and aggressive feelings their attitudes reflected and that “there must be another way”.

"there must be another way” He fully expected Helen to argue with him as was her way but, as if on cue, she agreed to help him find this other way. Three months previous to this Helen had been experiencing highly symbolic dreams and strange psychic images that she found most unsettling. After announcing their joint venture of finding ‘another way’ Helen began to hear a Voice and when she wrote down what this insistent Voice said, she was startled to read “This is a course in miracles.” Helen later wrote: “That was my introduction to the Voice.

significance, I am sure, lies in that. I would take down what the Voice "said" and read it to him the next day, and he typed it from my dictation. I expect he had his special assignment, too. Without his encouragement and support I would never have been able to fulfill mine.”

limitations such as anger, guilt, fear, judgement, to develop a new thought system where there are no victims... a nd f i na l l y t o see l o v e an d pr a ct i ce forgiveness as the only way Home. That is the practical application of the Course and this is what brings us inner peace.

The whole process took seven years and the Voice dictated three main books to Helen – The Text, Workbook for Students and the Manual for Teachers. These books were first published in 1975 and there are now over 2 million copies in the hands of ACIM students, in 19 different languages around the world. The Chinese translation has just been published for the over 100,000 ACIM students in China. The Course is not a religion; it’s a psychological/spiritual pathway and deals with universal spiritual themes. Other great faiths such as Buddhism and Hinduism are clearly recognised in its writings as well as the psychological teachings of Freud. It emphasises that it is but one version of the one universal curriculum. There are many others, this one differing from them only in form. They all lead to God/Oneness in the end.

I found the Course, or it found me, over seven years ago in New Zealand. At the time I had been unable to work for two years, through having ME, and it would be another three years before I could return to full time work. I had been down many pathways in the previous 20 years including Hare Krishna, Bahai, New Age and even born-again Christianity. They all left me feeling like there was something missing, a piece of the jigsaw that hadn’t fallen into place for me.

“What is the meaning of life?”, “How do I achieve inner peace?”

"It seemed to be a special assignment I had somehow, somewhere agreed to complete"

Do you sometimes reflect on the age-old questions: “What is the meaning of life?”, “How do I achieve inner peace?”, “What is real?” or “Why do I not feel fulfilled?” The Course answers these questions and many more.

It made no sound, but seemed to be giving me a kind of rapid, inner dictation which I took down in a shorthand notebook. The writing was never automatic. It could be interrupted at any time and later picked up again. It made me very uncomfortable, but it never seriously occurred to me to stop. It seemed to be a special assignment I had somehow, somewhere agreed to complete.

It shows you who you truly are, and shows you a way for finding that truth by forgiving yourself for who and what you falsely think you are. It shows that the ego world of duality is a result of mis-thought. We can experience peace by taking every opportunity of attack and look in our minds and see the thoughts that interpreted the act and then turn it around and offer it to forgiveness.

It represented a truly collaborative venture between Bill and myself, and much of its

To take total responsibility for EVERYTHING in your transcend

Spring 2012 |

The Course answered all the many questions about why my life seemed to be going so badly wrong. Not just my health but romantic relationships, family relationships, finances and the lack of peace. If I wanted to have inner peace and feel the love of God within, then I had to find out what was blocking that experience from manifesting and the Course lay the responsibility for this lack of peace and love squarely on my shoulders – I was creating the world I was experiencing. Fortunately, the Course also gave me the perfect way out of the misery I had created for myself – practical lessons to put into practice in my life and a wisdom that gave me the secure foundation on which to launch these lessons from. The Course quite literally changed my life and continues to do so.


To find out more visit Anna Bradbury is the Administrator for the Miracle Network. You can email her on 9




Jacqueline Berg searches for that elusive and slippery experience


he other day I heard someone say that it doesn’t really take much to be happy. True! In fact I have discovered that becoming happy means getting rid of almost everything you have, especially the misunderstandings about happiness.

"There are many misconceptions about happiness" That’s half the job done. There are many misconceptions about happiness. For instance, there are some people who think a happy life is without any dynamics; something deadly dull and therefore unattractive. Others believe happiness to be just as unpredictable as winning a lottery: destiny! Then there are those who believe a second wife, a new car, a lot of money or a high social position will bring happiness to their lives. These people 10

are probably right. A second wife, a new car, money or status do bring happiness. But, only temporarily. Because even your second wife can decide to leave you and we all know how easy it is these days to lose your money, your car or your status. And last but not least, there are people who don’t believe in happiness at all. To them it’s just nonsense. It’s all in the mind So what is this thing called happiness? Happiness has its own conditions. True and everlasting happiness is something which cannot be found outside ourselves. Not in jobs, holidays or food. Not by using alcohol or drugs and not even in other people. All these experiences come to an end. Real, inner happiness is very personal and precious. It’s my right and only I myself am responsible for it. When it comes to this happiness there is nothing or no one I can rely on. No money in this world can buy me a happy life. Real happiness is something only I myself am able to create and sustain. For me happiness is a positive and pure state of mind. And only

I am able to create my own state of mind by choosing the thoughts I want to think. I am the master over my own thoughts, am I not? Or, is my mind mastering me? Am I able to create positive thoughts whenever I want, or do uninvited negative thoughts occupy my mind? Do I actually know what’s going on in my mind? Or is it disorganised, self-governing chaos in there? Let’s take a look inside. Don’t be afraid; it’s your own mind and only you can look into your own mind. It’s all for the better. It might even lead to happiness. By the way, you do want to be happy, don’t you? Preparations for Happiness Happiness can only grow and flourish in a peaceful, positive, pure and powerful mind, and will definitely die in a mental atmosphere filled with negativity, criticism, arrogance or depression. So, in order to prepare myself for the arrival of true happiness, the first thing I need to do is to examine the quality of my thoughts. What kind of thoughts do I have all day long? More to Life

"Happiness is created by concentrating on these pure and positive qualities" "how much time and energy do I waste with redundant or negative thinking?" There are many different types of thoughts going on in my mind - necessary thoughts, positive thoughts, wasteful thoughts and negative thoughts. Am I able to recognise them? These various thoughts are responsible not only for my mental state of mind, but also for my feelings and emotions. Some physicians nowadays even state that health and sickness are deeply connected with our thought patterns - the way we think about ourselves and consequently about others. After all, everything starts in the mind, and one single thought brings peace or war, love or hate, happiness or depression. Now, let me ask myself how much time and energy do I consciously spend in keeping my mind Spring 2012 |

healthy and positive? And how much time and energy do I waste with redundant or negative thinking? The law of energy tells us that positive thinking gives us energy whilst negative or wasteful thinking literally drains us of our mental energy. To be happy I need a lot of mental power and so it’s important not to waste my energy unnecessarily. As happy as I want to be, that positive I have to become. Do you know what is the weakest thought ever created? I can’t do it. And what is the most powerful? Indeed, I can do it! Meeting Myself In order to become happy, it is important to get to know yourself completely. That means to know the positive as well as the negative side of your personality. In this way you are able to see with which side you have identified yourself more strongly. Are you the kind of person who starts his day thinking ‘another fine day!’ Or, is your very thought in the morning: ‘What a mess! Who can I blame it on?”

It takes courage to accept both sides of your personality and look boldly at the bad habits and addictions: biting nails, picking noses, watching television, eating chocolate cakes, blaming others, computers, sex, work, sleep and of course negative thinking. Just as much courage is required to look and accept your positive qualities like sweetness, inner power, peace, lightness, creativity, patience, love, joy, humility and, of course, happiness! Happiness is created by concentrating on these pure and positive qualities, but without denying the negative side. You will find how natural this is because your original nature is positive. To experience your original nature of positivity requires silence. Quiet moments are required, in between the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In these minutes of silence – we call it meditation – you travel into your inner world where your original thoughts are pure, peaceful, loving and positive. Continued on page 13


My Findhorn Experience By Jennifer Clowes


henever I mentioned to folks in ‘the real world’ that I was planning on visiting the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland, I was often greeted with mocking responses such as “Oh you mean woolly jumpers, lentils and open-toe sandals?” The Findhorn Foundation is a sustainable living project comprised of eco-houses and a retreat for spiritual or personal development founded by Peter and Eileen Caddy. Due to unfortunate circumstances, they were forced to move their caravan and three sons to a derelict area of the park and learn to become self-sufficient. Eileen received guidance from a divine source, which she called ‘the still small voice within’ and Peter implemented the instructions with unfaltering faith. They were joined by Dorothy Maclean, who learned to communicate with nature spirits known as ‘devas’, which advised her how to grow vegetables in adverse conditions. From the sandy soil grew huge plants, herbs, fruits and flowers and horticultural experts came from miles around to marvel at the results. The garden became famous and the community grew. Today, it is the centre of a widely diversified community of holistic businesses, all linked by a shared positive vision for humanity and the earth. After registering for experience week, I sat on a small bench in Cluny Hill College garden, opposite the ‘contemplation’ sculpture, a Buddha-esque / meditation figure to calm my nerves. Then I met the rest of my group; there were 3 boys, 9 girls and 2 focalisers, Paul and Catherine. After a brief exercise in which we were encouraged to visualise our journey, we were invited to share our reasons for visiting. I explained how I was interested in spiritual books and new age theories and how fascinating it would be to see people living everyday according to such principles e.g. consulting their inner wisdom / higher consciousness, manifesting reality etc. Sessions began and ended with a process called ‘tuning in or out’ in which we would all link hands to make us feel connected and focussed. We were also regularly invited to ‘share’ our thoughts and feelings. 12

Members talked openly about a particular idea they had been pondering or a dream they had experienced. On Sunday afternoon, we explored the Park, a beautiful, quaint, almost fairy-tale village. When sitting inside the Nature Sanctuary (aka the Hobbit’s House) during the tour, I felt electricity in my hands and feet, like pins and needles, a tingling sensation. It was most surreal.

"Work is described as love in action" Later, we had an ‘attunement’, whereby we were encouraged to listen to our intuition and select a location and department. There were 4 types available: Homecare, Kitchen, Garden and Maintenance. I kept visualising the original caravan and the surrounding garden and took this as a sign to choose park maintenance. So on Monday, I found myself scraping paint off a house in Bagend, which was a housing development beyond the ‘Field Of Dreams’ where the main eco-houses resided. Work is described as ‘love in action’ and chores are chosen on a particular day based on what people feel up to doing, or are drawn to. By mid-week, I was craving physical needs: sleep, food and warmth but emotionally I was feeling rather content. My job involved sanding down paint filler on the sheds in preparation for painting. When standing on the ladder, I could feel the comforting sun on my face and I noticed some needles hanging from the roof in the shape of a star or pentagram. A gentleman with long grey hair in a ponytail asked me what I was contemplating and after explaining, he commented, “Ah yes, it has been ordered or arranged.” It was wonderful to be around so many like-minded, kooky souls, those with a unique combination of qualities: depth, intelligence, open-mindedness, who are always exploring and questioning life, death and everything else. Another highlight was a trip to Randolph’s Leap, a beautiful reservoir of nature, featuring lichen covered mossy trees. Allegedly, Pan, the god of nature, a faun-like creature has been sighted at this particular More to Life

Continued from page 11

In this inner world you meet yourself. You are at one with yourself. You do not feel any shame or guilt, pain or sorrow. There is no negativity. Here, in the depth of your being, you experience yourself to be a well-balanced, positive, spiritual person, filled with beautiful qualities. This experience gives you the power to transform yourself into a constantly happy being! Miss Universe But, be aware! Happiness has a lot of enemies. Not your next door neighbour or the children of your second wife. No, our real enemies are our own misunderstandings and negative ideas about ourselves. It is limited concepts that destroy our happiness. For instance, take the woman who believed herself to be attractive only when she weighed 55kg. When one day the scale told her that she weighed 55.5kg, she instantly believed her beauty to be gone. And together with that, her happiness disappeared as well; she was really much too fat, unattractive. Now, no one would love her any more. This great loss of self-confidence brought her into a depression. She started eating her unhappiness away and became.....fat. A prisoner of her own thoughts! But probably these compulsive thoughts were not even her own, but dictated by beauty magazines, Weightwatchers and Miss Universe. A painful example of how we become what we think.

"it’s possibly one of the closest places to heaven, you will find on Earth" location. We were encouraged to spend some time alone in nature and to be mindful i.e. to notice the intricate details and beauty of the world. I wandered around and settled between two tall trees on a cliff edge. In between them was a large rock pointing out towards the river flowing beneath. I was planning to read but found myself just sitting contemplating events of the day and absorbing my surroundings. And to my utter surprise, underneath the tree nearest me, I found a note saying “I love you dear tree, I promise to stay connected, Mary.” Now and then, my hands felt light as feathers, which seemed to be related to the morning’s mediation and reaching a level of stillness where I could no longer feel my hands. It felt as if there was just empty space between my arms. There were also times when I was holding hands with the group and felt a warm glow of energy between us, so it definitely felt as if something magical was happening. I would not call it a break or holiday because it was overwhelming and exhausting at times but definitely a spiritually enlightening and revealing experience. Even life-changing perhaps…I went to Forres train station, slightly sad to be leaving but relieved to be going home and prepared for my all-day train journey. Suddenly, I felt submersed in the negative energy of the real world: fighting neighbours, trivial discussions on sport and general anger and frustration. They had insisted at the Findhorn Foundation that it was not a utopia, that they have the same problems as other societies but in my humble opinion, it’s possibly one of the closest places to heaven, you will find on earth.

In order to become happy, we need to free ourselves from these limited thoughts about ourselves. Happiness and freedom do go hand-in-hand. It is necessary to understand freedom. For this, you need spiritual consciousness and to be broadminded, farsighted and unlimited. To understand that you are more than your body, name, status or weight, and consider yourself as a spiritual being. Freeing yourself from limited body consciousness and developing a so-called soul conscious vision is a step-by-step process This means letting go of the things you already wanted to get rid of and replacing them with the pure characteristics that are eternally within yourself. Returning to real life: positive and happy! In case someone might comment on your optimistic outlook on life by saying ‘My goodness, you don’t want to become a saint do you?’ just reassure them by saying ‘Why not? Don’t be so terribly old-fashioned. Happy and holy is the new way of living!’ Jacqueline Berg is a freelance journalist and writer based in Amsterdam. She is the author of ‘Happiness? How Boring’ and since December 1987 she has been giving lectures and courses in the Art of Positive Thinking to different groups of people and organisations such as housewives, sports clubs, medical personnel, police officers and drug addicts in prison. She co-ordinates the Brahma Kumaris in Holland. Contact for more information on our activities. © Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK) Registered Charity Number: 269971 (England & Wales) SC040512 (Scotland)

Jennifer Clowes is a self-employed web designer based in South Yorkshire. She is currently seeking creative projects related to the arts, music and spirituality. Visit her website at She also runs a portfolio website for UK based artists You can find out more about visiting The Findhorn Foundation at Spring 2012 |


Can Love be found

in Crystals ?

By Jacqueline Winters - Founder Member of the British Academy of Crystal Healing


nconditional love is the natural order of the Universe and can be found in crystals. However, what many people do not realise is that crystals are in fact Mother Nature/Earth incarnate. They have grown and have been manipulated through the elements into the form we see now. The Mineral Kingdom is the oldest living entity, a kingdom in its own right, just the same as the plant and animal kingdom. Therefore it has many hidden truths to reveal to us, having been around since the start of the planet. I believe that many people, at this time and stage of evolution, are striving to regain connection with the Natural Order of life. Mother Earth has heard our call and is unlocking these secrets by displaying her light and love in the Mineral Kingdom. When someone looks admiringly at a crystal there is an energy exchange. The love, appreciation, respect, marvel, that emanates from the individual is absorbed into the crystal and magnified back to the recipient. This exchange of energy charges the Spirit and heightens connection to the source of life. A feeling emerges deep within the self and a subtle connection with the truth and love emerge. Everything in the Universe is comprised of energy and carries its own unique frequency, as do you and I. Therefore certain crystals may carry a charge which the individual is familiar and comfortable with or a charge that is new and will enhance and attract new experiences into their life. Either way there will be a subtle recognition of energy exchange that can be more keenly developed, helping the seeker communicate and connect in depth to the mineral kingdom. When I first started to develop my communication with the Crystal world I had the usual stumbling blocks: “Is this me talking to me, or am I actually talking to a rock?!!!! AND GETTING ANSWERS?” scenario going on and basically there is no short cut around this.


The mind has to develop an acceptance of what is happening and allow intuition start to leading the way. Trying to override this only slows down the process. Once I had accepted and allowed the process to occur I now have better conversations with crystals than with some people!!! The depth of questions that I now seek, and get answers to, are far more intriguing than when I first started seeking. This tells me that I am finally getting out of my old mind frame and managing to reconnect to a deeper level of my being which resonates with the truth. The mind is manufactured by humanity; this deeper connection is connected to the essence of who you really are. Working with Crystals requires no work at all; in fact the word work is, for many, a heavy word that requires effort. The mineral kingdom teaches that when natural order is restored and flowing, there is no effort and life becomes effortless. With this in mind, I have changed the word “work” to read ”interacting” with crystals instead, as a reminder of the effortless journey we are seeking. When interacting with crystals, place a light awareness upon the self, no judging, analysing or criticising, just a gentle observation toward the subtle changes that occur mentally, emotionally and finally physically.

"I knew that something was missing but was not quite sure what" I can remember one of my first questions to the crystals was “What am I searching for?” I knew that something was missing from my life but was not quite sure what. When the answer came it was simple ….LOVE…Love in all that you do, think and feel. You can, if you choose to, become a bubble of pure unconditional love, reconnected with the source of who you are.

You just need to weed your garden so to speak and eliminate from your life what you are not in love with” It has been, and still is, an incredible journey; one that I am so happy the crystals have encouraged, loved, educated and guided me through. Another issue many have to deal with is the preconceived perception of “being Spiritual”. I feel it is, probably, one of the biggest hindrances to the development of humanity.

"Crystals will re–empower you" Crystals will re-empower YOU; they remind us that the only person we have to be true to is our self. Raising your vibration means raising your spirit, finding what makes you truly happy, allowing yourself to love and be loved, opening your mind to the limitless possibilities available to you in this life. So how do we get started? As previously mentioned crystals absorb energy therefore to ensure that they are pure it is advisable to cleanse them before interacting with them. Here are a few tips: Bathe them in the smoke of pure incense Bury them back in the Earth for 12-24 hours Use sound, bells, drums, singing bowls to purify the frequency. Soak in a sea salt solution Bury them in uncooked brown rice. Next you should dedicate the energy to be directed toward unconditional love. Intention is the driving force of the Universe. Choose a crystal that you feel drawn to, a tumbled stone is good but any crystal will do. Follow the preparatory procedure as previously mentioned. Place the crystal in your hand or your focus on it if it is a geode and imagine

More to Life

"getting out of my old mind frame and managing to reconnect to a deeper level of my being which resonates with the truth" activating it by visualising the crystal becoming a beacon of light. (Awareness is energy therefore by just thinking about something you are giving it life.) Sit quietly and bring your mind into the moment and own your space. Spend a moment reflecting on your life… again do not criticise or analyse it, just accept where you are and the magnificence of your world. Place conscious awareness on Mother Earth and imagine yourself inside a cave of amethyst, see the beautiful formation and colour …..ask for help to bring love and harmony into your life. Relax and allow the energy to wash over you, keep your mind open and still and allow insights to arise from deep within your “beingness” After approximately 20 – 30 minutes of stillness switch off your crystal by imagining it so done. Give thanks to the mineral kingdom for the experience and slowly bring your awareness back into everyday reality.

"cleanse your mind by purifying negative thoughts" Amethyst will help to cleanse your mind by purifying negative thoughts; it will connect you to a deep knowing of what is right for you and promote a sense of acceptance and peace within any stressful environment. I truly hope that you get as much joy and love from the crystals as I have. My life has changed dramatically over the last 20 years or so from when I first started interacting with them, but then that’s another story. A love story, maybe I will have the honour of sharing with you one day.

For more information, workshops and courses please contact

Spring 2012 |


"The ultimate life purpose of any business is not to make a profit, but rather to foster the flow of currency and goods throughout society"


More to Life

Healing Humanity

By Changing The Way We Do Business… By Lynn Serafinn


usiness owners, from sole proprietors eking out a living to those who head multinational corporations worth billions, are no different from any other human being. They suffer the same pains and joys as any other person on the planet. And ultimately, they feel just as dependent upon the same economic system as everyone else in society. But what makes business owners different from non-business owners is that they have another relationship in their lives that needs care and attention, and which greatly impacts both their lives and the lives of others; their relationship with their business. I had never really thought about this concept until I read Michael Gerber’s classic guide for entrepreneurs The E-Myth Revisited some years ago. Gerber explores not only the relationship between entrepreneurs and their businesses, but also what I call the

"Businesses are living entities, going through all the cycles of life" ‘life purpose’ of a business. For something to have a ‘life purpose’ it stands to reason it has to be alive. Businesses are living entities, going through all the cycles of life; conception, birth, growth, propagation (i.e., generating products, ideas, sales, etc), decline and, ultimately, death. And in order to have meaning, every living entity, including our businesses, needs to have a ‘life purpose,’ a reason to exist. Many people who have studied Indian philosophy are familiar with the Sanskrit word dharma. I have seen it often translated as ‘duty’ but my own personal understanding of the word is different. The root of the word is ‘dhri’ which means ‘that which holds things together.’ To perform one’s dharma means to do that which holds life together. Water has a dharma; the Earth has a dharma; we humans have a dharma. While you might call this ‘duty’ I prefer to translate it as ‘life purpose.’ The dharma of water is not merely its ‘duty’; it is what it does according to its Divine nature. Its dharma is to flow, to quench, to nourish, to cleanse, to freeze, to warm, to cool and to be one of the essential building blocks of life. The dharma of the Earth is to be the Source, the shelter, the sustenance and the point of Spring 2012 |

dissolution and regeneration for all life forms within her proximity. And we know we are living our dharma when we feel a powerful connection to ourselves, our work, other people and our world. When we are thusly connected, our dharma indeed becomes the force that holds things together. It becomes a thread in the fabric of Creation.

stagnation. This is the mistake many ‘spiritually’ minded new business owners make. They sense there is something not quite right about profitdriven businesses, but they err in thinking that making a profit is the problem. It’s not. Putting personal profit ahead of greater economic responsibility is the problem. If business owners do not work with the aim of helping money flow easily and continually through our society, Business As Dharma serious imbalances can occur resulting in My personal belief is that our businesses exist poverty, widespread debt and false economies. If to provide us with a vehicle for, and a mirror of, we view our businesses in isolation from the rest our dharma. You can notice this especially when of society, we might be addressing our personal business owners pass away. For example The dharma, but we are not fulfilling the dharma of Walt Disney Company, which after the death being a business owner. The ultimate purpose of founder Walt Disney in 1966 went through of a business is to serve our economy, not our decades of upheaval and identity crises to such customers, our shareholders or ourselves. Thus a degree that, in 2003, Walt’s nephew (Roy E. every business has a dual life purpose - a ‘double Disney) said it had become ‘a rapacious, soul- dharma’ - that of its creator/owner and that of less’ company. Surely, some of that change was society at large. due to the natural shifts in societal tastes and trends over time, but I do believe it was equally due to the absence of Walt’s consciousness. The original company was the outward expression of one man’s vision and life purpose. Remove the man with the purpose, and you remove the purpose for the business. When our businesses are aligned to our true purpose, they take on a life and identity of their own that reflect our own Our Relationship With The Dharma Of consciousness. When they are not, they become Our Business ‘soul-less’ profit-making machines that can be When we regard our business as a ‘thing’ that handed over to anyone else with business sense is separate from us, it is impossible for us to and enough capital. You might call this a kind activate the dharma of that business. When of ‘dharma franchise.’ You can easily sense the we do not see it as a beautiful entity that has difference between a ‘dharma franchise’ and a incarnated to co-create something with us, it business that reflects a true dharma. becomes merely an object that serves the few and not the many. When a business creates While a business might be a reflection of the products and services from this perspective, you personal dharma of a specific human being, can sense dharma is missing. When external there is also an overall dharma of businesses advertising companies are hired by such a in general. The ultimate life purpose of any company, capturing a genuine connection to business is not to make a profit, but rather to the dharma of that company in their marketing foster the flow of currency and goods throughout campaigns can be challenging, if not impossible. society. Without the flow of money and goods, society will go as stagnant as a pond that has Thus, we have today a vast body of marketing no rainwater to wash it clean. But profits are that succeeds more by dint of the cleverness of not enough to ensure flow. If our aim is solely the marketing itself, than from the essence of the profit driven, we are not necessarily contributing company, products or services. When dharma is to the greater flow of currency, as we may cause absent, advertising become an exercise in reinforcing that money to become glutted in one corner brand identity rather than communicating intrinsic of our world without much movement. At the values. The fact that the majority of marketing other extreme, if we take the high moral ground messages we hear come from this place is a clear and are not at all concerned with money in our reflection of how disconnected we have become businesses, we are also contributing to economic from our own businesses.

Putting personal profit ahead of greater economic responsibility is the problem


"advertising becomes an exercise in reinforcing brand identity rather than communicating intrinsic values" At the other end of the spectrum are the small-business owners, who As consumers, we have an equally important role to play. We must can speak for hours about their values and life purpose, but somehow first come to understand the nature of our relationship with business cannot convert these values into the exchange of currency. These as a consumer. We must ask ourselves whether we ever feel resentful, ‘nice people who hate marketing’ often have a sense of altruism that disempowered, separate, victimised or cynical about business in our blinds them to the double dharma of their business. They can see the world. If so, we must then ask what impact this is making not only ‘life purpose’ of their business inasmuch as the value their services upon our own lives, but upon the rest of society. How much do we will provide, but they cannot see the bigger picture of the value their believe in the greater dharma of business, and how we are helping to business will provide. While they detest greed and materialism, they support the actualisation of that dharma. How actively we are setting often fail to see that making their business profitable not only allows boundaries for what we are willing to accept from businesses. How currency to flow, it also enables them to create jobs so others can thrive can we, as consumers, help influence businesses to be more dharmaas a result of their success. So many small-business owners make driven. If business is the ‘digestive system’ of society, fighting against the mistake of waiting too long to bring staff (whether outsourced it is self-destructive. It’s like going on a hunger strike. The only way or employees) into their company. Back in my ‘starving artist’ days, for that digestive system to be healthy is for life-giving substances to I also made this error. As a result, I was always in an economic rut, flow freely in and out. If we wish to have a truly ‘enlightened’ world, it continually living from hand to mouth. But once I started hiring staff must include our businesses. We must come not only to love our own to help me run my business, money actually flowed in faster and came businesses, but the institution of business in general. We must care for in larger quantities. In order to function properly for society, business it and protect it, and allow it to flourish and fulfill its greater purpose. requires both regular feeding (income) and elimination (spending). If Business has a dharma to fulfill. We are not really business owners a business serves only our personal dharma but not its social function or consumers; we are the stewards of that dharma. When business is (its double dharma), it has failed in its purpose, as it is not contributing what the world calls it to be, it will set the world on fire! to the flow of wealth in society.  Being In Good Relationship With Our Businesses The health of business in our world depends not only upon business Residing in the Transition Town or owners, but also upon every member of society. Not only must business Bedford, Lynn Serafinn is an awardowners be in good relationship with their own businesses, but everyone winning coach and teacher, marketer, must also be in good relationship with business as an integral part social media expert and best-selling of our social system. We business owners must see and relate to our author. She is passionate about rebusinesses as living entities, and treat them with all the care and establishing our connection with Earth respect due to another living being. We must not only see clearly and her new book The 7 Graces of our own life purpose or dharma, but we must also be able to express Marketing (available through Amazon) that dharma through our businesses. And then, we must also ensure went straight into Amazon’s top three our businesses serve the greater dharma of business by contributing bestselling books on ethical business. To positively to the economic flow of currency in society. Lastly, we must find out more about healing humanity ensure that every aspect of our marketing is congruent with the double and the planet by changing the way we dharma of our businesses. sell visit 18

More to Life

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"I have witnessed the bravery and tenacity of brave souls, desperate to stay alive" 20

More to Life

Journey My


By David Rabone


was diagnosed with HIV in the late summer of 2003. The journey that followed took me to the brink of death, to the love of my family, and to the knowing that to truly heal, I have to focus on the Divinity within myself, and allow that awareness to inhabit my body, mind and soul. I left home at the age of 23, straight out of university, much to my parents’ heartache. My adventures eventually led me to London, and for a while I enjoyed the party. It didn’t last too long though, as the excitement gave way to disappointment and frustration. I certainly over-stayed my welcome, and I felt like I was being swallowed up by the loneliness, that is so easily felt in London. I wanted to be a successful singer, and whilst I had the talent, I didn’t have the confidence, or discipline to succeed. After years of failing, I resigned myself to the fact that my path lay elsewhere. Life seemed tough, but love was tougher. I was the master of unrequited love, facing one rejection after another until I just stopped searching, and began to close my heart. Looking back, I was so broken, so sensitive and naïve. For most people desperate for love, the line between sex and love can become blurred. I was no different, and over time, I closed my heart to keep myself safe. Ironically, I had unsafe sex once, and I became infected with HIV. Only now can I appreciate what I was attracting into my life, and only now can I take responsibility for all that I created. The circumstances that led me to becoming HIV positive reflected my deep sense of disconnection and unworthiness. I see the perfection in it now, and I have made peace with my choices.

Eventually, I returned home to Scotland and to the love of my family. I had never told my parents that I had HIV, even though it was apparent I was very ill. They knew something was wrong, that maybe I had cancer or AIDS. But I deflected them with half-truths, saying that I just had colitis. I guess it was easier to keep the lie going than to confront the truth. I was too ashamed. But the day after I returned home, I knew I couldn’t lie anymore. I sat across from them in the living room, telling them that I needed to share something important, but that they wouldn’t like it. The world disappeared as I told them. My mother held her head in her hands, crying ‘No!’ Her pain filled the room and broke the heartbreaking silence. The next thing that happened seemed to be magnified in my eyes. She held my father’s hand, as he stared silently ahead. I don’t think I have ever seen them so united, as they were that day. I tried to reassure them that I was going to be okay, and that I would be healed one day. But this fell on deaf ears. I guess I was naïve to expect nonbelievers to believe in the unbelievable. I was still, however, defiant that I would heal. It was only later on my journey that I truly understood my parents’ anguish.

"The next step on my journey led me to John of God, the miracle "For most people desperate for love, healer of Brazil" the line between sex and love can The next step on my journey led me to John of God, the miracle healer of Brazil. John of God, or Joao de Deus, as they called him in Brazil, is a psychic surgeon who channels, or incorporates, high vibrational become blurred" My failed attempts at living the life I thought I wanted, and the love I sorely craved urged me to look within and so my spiritual quest began. At the time of my diagnosis I was involved with a very intense, but wonderful, spiritual process called Shen Chi. It was tough, but I loved every minute of it. I felt like I was on the right path, and I was, at last, beginning to feel at home in London, or maybe at home within myself. The day before I received the diagnosis, I was flying high. My spiritual teacher was in town, and it seemed that I was receiving a huge amount of energy, and love. I felt what I could only describe as bliss, and I felt honoured to be receiving such healing. It was one of the most beautiful times of my life and I felt totally connected, being held in this channel of pure love. Then I received my diagnosis. In a few seconds, I was catapulted from joy to terror. However, through the overwhelming feeling of shock came a glimmer of hope. I knew deep within my heart that my life had finally begun, that I had somehow chosen these experiences, and that one day I would heal, and awaken to my true self. I carried on with my spiritual practice in London for two years, each day tougher than the one before. My body began to deteriorate very quickly, and my spirit rapidly followed. Depression, fear and loneliness began to paralyse me, and no matter how much I meditated and connected with the energy, I felt like I was dying. Spring 2012 |

beings, who work through him to heal all those who visit. The work he does is miraculous and his healing centre in Abadiania, central Brazil, receives many thousands of visitors in search of healing and spiritual sustenance each year.

I didn’t know what to expect. At first, I thought that I was crazy to travel to the other end of the world, and meditate with a group of sick people. As I voiced my inner concerns to my guides, or to anyone who would listen, I felt a hand on my shoulder, a reassuring touch that melted away any resistance I had. As I looked around to see who had gently touched me, there was no one there. I had been touched by the beautiful healing beings, and I was happy that I was, in fact, in the right place. As I went before John of God for the very first time, I was petrified. It was an overwhelming experience. He told me to meditate and that he would work on me. I was very disappointed. He then pulled me back and told me that he would heal me, but that it would take five years. FIVE YEARS! My disappointment had now reached new dimensions. I had heard of people receiving instant healings and I wanted to be one of those fortunate ones. Later that day, I resigned myself to the fact that my healing journey was going to be longer than anticipated. And so the journey continued. 21

Epic Odyssey


to reach 3 million people worldwide

Never doubt that one person can change the world

you are that one person Here’s what to do:

please donate just £1 GBP *

Then ask people that you know through your networks, family and friends to do the same. Find out more and donate online at: The Odyssey Centre has been providing complementary care on a day care basis for over 14 years to people with a cancer diagnosis, their carer and health professionals. It is a well respected and valued service to people not only in the local area but also around the world through their distant healing regime. The centre’s existing premises are now unsuitable for their growing needs. Exciting and ambitious plans have now been made to build a new ecological and sustainable building at a cost of £3 million.

This new building will encompass a Children’s Wing and a facility to teach people how to grow their own food. I have taken up this EPIC challenge to reach 300 million people worldwide in 5 months initially by contacting people worldwide who have received a copy of ‘Beneath the Mask’ to then ask them all to forward on this story and intention and ask their network of family, friends to donate just £1 GBP on the Odyssey Cancer Care website.

I have now visited John of God eight times, met such amazing people, and hopefully inspired them as much as they have inspired me. What I’ve noticed on the journey is that we are all in this together. We are all the same, even though it may appear otherwise. My trips to Abadiania have been humbling experiences, as I have witnessed the bravery and tenacity of brave souls, desperate to stay alive. More importantly, I have seen the flowering of human spirit, witnessing the transformation from fear to surrender and trust. The sense of Oneness in Abadiania is one of the most beautiful experiences, but I could only begin to appreciate this once my sense of disconnection had eased, and I had begun to love myself once again. That took seven visits. When I returned home from my first visit to Brazil, I developed pneumonia, and other HIV-related illnesses, spending almost a month in hospital. I guess sometimes we do have to get worse before we get better. I remember one day in the hospital, my family were sitting around the bed, panic-stricken, fearing the worst, that I would die, but I felt such stillness and peace. Physically, I was a wreck, but spiritually, I was a warrior. I knew that I wasn’t going to die, even though it looked like I might. I remember thinking, “If this is what dying feels like, bring it on”. But deep inside, I knew it wasn’t my time.

"Physically, I was a wreck, but spiritually, I was a warrior" So, my development after that time was swift. I wanted to learn and grow as much as possible, and really stretch myself. I became a Life Coach, learned NLP and Hypnotherapy, where I met some of the kindest, most beautiful people, who became great friends. I then discovered Theta Healing, which enabled me to really look at my belief systems, and how they had enabled me to create the life I was living. It was a beautiful and empowering time of my life. I then discovered a new healing modality called Light Grids, from someone I met on my favourite trip to Brazil. He is called Damien Wynne, and he is my soul brother. From this, I have learnt to surrender and value myself more fully, accept my inner power, and accept the journey I have come to travel, knowing that I have all the power, love and grace in my heart to share with all those I meet. So my journey is never-ending, but it has changed focus. What started out as a journey of healing has now become a journey of awakening, and I am so grateful to all those whose paths I have crossed. As I begin to live more from my heart, I understand more fully the path that has been laid before me, and all the lessons I have come to learn. What a trip!

As a big ‘THANK YOU’ for helping with your donations a Map Of The World will be created using the names of each person who has helped them to complete this Epic Odyssey utilising the skills of local colleges and place this in the Welcome Reception Entrance of the new Centre. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for responding to this call.

David Rabone is a facilitator of Light Grids workshops. e:

*you can also gift aid your donation We hope that we are successful in raising enough money to build our new centre. If we raise more money than is needed, then we may use the funds you have donated to carry out the general good work of the charity. Similarly, if we do not raise sufficient money to achieve our goal, the funds you have donated may be used for the general purposes of the charity. Registered Charity number – 1104244

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"the soul had revealed itself to me spontaneously through my prayer" 26

More to Life

The Journey to the

Centre of Soul By Brandon Bays

Deep inside all of us a huge potential beckons, waiting to open us to of us that is awake while we are asleep at night. He called this the ‘infinite the joy, genius, freedom and love within. This presence is calling us field of all possibilities’, the quantum soup, soul, or Source. home right now, longing to set us free. Yet all of us have issues we have Secondly, it seemed that all the survivors had an ability to access what he called felt trapped or limited by. We hear the whispering of our own soul the ‘phantom memories’ that were stored at cellular level. The cells in our bodies, calling to us but feel unable to access that greatness. Instead, we feel he says, regenerate at different speeds. This is not just an idea but a scientific covered or blocked in some way, limited by our issues – anger, fear, fact, when your tan fades, it’s because your old skin cells are sloughing off and depression, grief, hurt, anxiety. It may be as simple as feeling there being replaced by new regenerated cells. This happens all over the body. We must be more to life, or as complex as feeling a complete failure. It may get an all-new stomach lining in only three days. And eyeballs take less than be as debilitating as an addiction or as life-threatening as a serious 48 hours. Liver cells take just six weeks. illness. Yet, no matter how deep your issue is, no matter how much you have struggled with it, the possibility exists for you to become So Chopra asked: If the body cells are capable of regenerating like this, why is it absolutely free, whole and healed that a liver that is riddled with cancer in January is still cancerous in June? He concluded that phantom or traumatic memories are stored at a cellular level So states international best-seller Brandon Bays in her book The Journey. It and are passed on as part of the degenerative cell pattern. Before a cell dies off, was a tumour the size of a basketball that launched her on a soul-searching it passes on its degenerative programming to the next cell being born. Each and remarkably freeing healing journey in which she uncovered exactly new cell replicates the previous degenerative cell, and so it continues from one how to gain direct access to the soul and the boundless healing potential cell generation to the next. inside each of us. When Brandon was pronounced tumour free just 6½ weeks later with no drugs and no surgery, she recognised the deep power The survivors, Chopra found, were people who, through some act of Grace, and potential of this sacred discovery which had probably saved her life! some spontaneous event, or some life crisis or spiritual realisation, were able to access the exact memory that was stored at a cellular level and to interrupt that As a result of her extraordinary experience, and drawing from a background programming. If the person resolved an old issue which was stored at a cellular in philosophy, comparative religion, psychology and alternative health, level, that negative programming was not passed on to the next cell generation. Brandon felt compelled to share the knowledge that she had gained with others. She went on to pioneer a simple, yet powerful step-by-step means What Chopra had not discovered was a method – how to gain access to to tap into the body’s infinite wisdom, potential and joy, to initiate its the cell memory, or to the soul. But Brandon had. As she explains, “So unlimited healing power, to unearth specific cell memories, resolve them there I was, a therapist to whom this extraordinary, humbling and sacred completely and clear out any spiritual, physical or emotional blocks stored thing had happened. After fifteen years of studying and being a therapist, at cellular level. “Everyone would agree we all sense that there is greatness I realised that I no longer wanted to work with people at the level of mindinside, most of us have glimpsed this potential, yet something prevents us body or even cognitive healing. I wanted to work with people at a level of from accessing it and experiencing it daily”, explains Brandon. soul. I also wanted to understand the process I had just undergone, and find out how I could help other people to have a sustained experience of the soul for long enough to undergo a process such as I had done. In my case, I’d had the experience spontaneously; the soul had revealed itself to me spontaneously through my prayer. Now I needed to find a way to teach others what grace had shown me”. Brandon’s experience was uncannily in line with progressive thinking right at the touch point where science and spirituality meet. Renowned cellular Brandon has since become one of the most dynamic and innovative teachers biologist, Dr Candace Pert PhD, established that repressed emotions, or in the field of mind-body healing today. She developed The Journey method issues we’ve not coped with, release a chemistry into the blood stream into a uniquely repeatable process which is recognised worldwide as a that blocks certain cell receptors in the body. If, over a long period of uniquely potent tool for awakening and liberating the infinite human time, those cells remain blocked there is an increased likelihood that potential. Her simple and powerful step-by-step method has helped tens of disease will be created in that area. The key is to uncover repressed and thousands of people heal from physical and emotional issues, debilitating unaddressed trauma contained within the cell memory, to resolve it and illnesses and many of life’s challenges. It can open the door to joy, inner clear it completely. Brandon explains that only then, “your body and your freedom, vibrant health, boundless potential and wholeness. In the words of being goes about the process of healing quite naturally on its own and you Dr Candace Pert PhD, “The Journey will inspire millions, not only those with are left soaring in a boundless joy, peace and wholeness that is like your physical challenges in their lives but those seeking spiritual understanding.” own essence.” We all yearn to be free of our pain, fears, conditioning and baggage. We long Another eminent doctor, Deepak Chopra, also made a life study of people to live our lives as an expression of our true potential, to directly access our who had successfully survived life-threatening illnesses. He had found there own greatness and to experience the boundless joy and love within. And we were two qualities that the survivors seemed to have in common. Firstly, all seem to believe that this wisdom is somewhere else beyond us, just out of they were able to get in touch with the infinite intelligence of the body, with our reach. The truth is that exactly what we need is already fully contained that part of ourselves that is capable of making our heart beat, that is making deep inside us, we have a direct hotline to the soul straight through our cell our cells regenerate right now, making our hair and nails grow; that part memories - it’s up to us to simply take the first step.

"free of our pain, fears, conditioning and baggage"

Spring 2012 |



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"the silence that is our inner peace, is the ignored companion of a busy life" 30

More to Life

Have you found

Your Silence? By Mike George

Most of us are brought up in a world with a clear association between silence and sadness. A moment of silence normally correlates with some traumatic loss, usually of a significant other. One consequence is we may never realise the true nature and power of silence in our life. Within consciousness silence is not an emptiness or nothingness. It is the very ground of our being. The word ‘silence’ is an inadequate description (all words describing aspects of consciousness tend to be inadequate!) of what is our power and potential to create, to manifest, to bring our life…to life. From Surround Sound to Surround Silence If you can stop occasionally, and fine tune your perception a little, you will find silence is all around you everywhere. It’s in the soundless valley in the early morning mists. It’s in the stillness of the evening after a long hot summers day. It’s in the calm of the ocean before the coming of the storm. It’s in the café conversation in the pause between opinions. It’s in the deafening noiseless vastness of the desert. And it’s in that awesome panorama from the mountain peak.

"the ‘silence of awe’ begins" Most of us have been touched by such moments when the noise of thought ends and the ‘silence of awe’ begins. There is the remembered silence of the past in childhood memories of hide and seek, and the utter silence required lest we be discovered. There is the projected silence of the future in the possibility of ending the noise of our emotional sufferings. There is the silence of the present moment when the history of yesterday and the mystery of tomorrow are dissolved in the practice of being fully present in the here and now. There is the silence of a city overcome by sleep. And there is the silence of the countryside, when only vines and foxes creep. And if you can rest your attention, on the last peel of the village bell, you can ride the sound as it fades… into silence, and you may come to know the deepest inner peace, of which all meditators do tell! Spring 2012 |

Sweet silence, peaceful silence, the silence that is our inner peace, is the ignored companion of a busy life.

"be reunited with your power" There is the dead silence in the passing of the soul from yet another body. There is the muffled silence at the heart of every forest as trees stand tall and thick in a conspiracy to absorb the slightest sound. There is a joyful silence when the mind takes a break from its illusions called ‘I know’ and sees everything exactly as it is, and not by it’s label. Look behind the form and colour in a painting and you may ‘see’ the silence of the canvas that holds the artists creative noise together. Listen closely to the symphony and you will hear pure silence between the notes without which the beauty of such music would be lost. Then become aware of the space between your thoughts. Go into and through that space, and you will emerge into the silence of your being, and be reunited with your power as a master creator. All creation emerges from silence, is shaped by the power of silence and is moved by the silent power of ‘being’. Why do all the mystics and yogis talk so much about silence? Why do they make so much sound about the soundless state? Because they discover that only in silence can everything that has true and eternal value be known. In silence they see the original and singular cause of all action, and how the seed and roots of all things arise from ‘nothing’. In silence they are reunited with the awareness of the unity of all that is, in all time, and in all space. In silence they know that they can ‘float’ any question out into the ocean of their inner silent space that we call consciousness and know, with absolute unwavering faith, that the answer will return to find them, no matter what may pre-occupy their mind. And they remind us that only when our whole being is ‘in silence’ can our spiritual heart receive and absorb the light and love of ‘the source’. A source that is far beyond beliefs, concepts and names. In that same profoundly silent state, they tell us, we may rediscover and be moved once again by our own dormant benevolence towards all creatures great and small.

Do you know silence? Do you know your own silent self beyond those noisy thinking patterns, beyond the crashing waves of emotion, way beyond the invading, distracting forces of a world that is addicted to sound? It is not another self, this silent self. It is not a separate part of the self, this silent self. It is the self in its original and most natural state of being, they say!

"beyond the invading, distracting forces of a world that is addicted to sound" It seems only a few can consciously enter and be in their silent state at will. Their presence is ‘felt’ as they bring their subtle, vibrant fragrance and the hush of their silent being to a noisy world. They say that it is in such an inner space that all is available to the searching soul, where all that we yearn for can be found in full, in an instant? In the silence of our heart everything that we are, and everything that we have that is ‘permanently’ ours, is known and felt to be pure and incorruptible. That ‘everything’ is often known as love, it takes the form of light and it is ‘felt’ as power. All that we have been taught to identify with and pursue in the world is then seen for what it is, filled with illusions and delusions that only serve to sustain our confusions. And so it is those ‘few’ who encourage us to step away from the world ‘out there’ for a few moments at least, step away from the world that is ‘on our mind’, step away from the world that has shaped the story of our life, step away from our story, step away and take a break from all our worldly desires, relax our day-to-day cleverness, release our every urge to judge another and step into that silent state. It is only there, they promise, that we will find and know our deepest peace. It is only there, they say, that we will see and know that what we call the past, the present and the future are always only ONE. 31

"Allow all feelings to dissolve and slip off the pages of memory"

There are many practices to induce and reintroduce your self to your silence, some easier than others. Here are a few to experiment with. Find the Space Day to day life can be like perpetual motion, which always has it’s origins in our thoughts. For many of us we don’t only have occasional ‘trains of thought’ it’s as if our consciousness, and therefore our mind, is an ‘international hub’ with constant arrivals and departures of trains and boats and planes full of thoughts! Stop for a few moments. Observe your thoughts. Notice the space between your thoughts. Rest your awareness within the space and it will open. In those spaces and in behind your thoughts is …silence. It is the very power out of which thoughts are created in almost the same way waves arise out of the ocean. Symphony of Silence If you find it hard to find and be aware of the space between your thoughts, practice first with sound. Buy a symphony that is not continuous sound. Listen for and to the spaces between the notes. Concentrate gently. If you lose your concentration come back and start again. Notice how you start to resonate with the soundless moment in the music as it touches a deeper level of your consciousness. 32

Being a Blank Gently gaze at a blank canvas or sheet of paper. Imagine it is symbolic of your consciousness, yourself. Allow all thoughts to fall off the page of your mind. Allow all feelings to dissolve and slip off the pages of memory. Allow all concerns to disappear from the pages of your imagination. And there you are, blank and yet silent, still and yet profoundly peaceful, fully aware of being fully present without noise. Ride the Sound Ring a largish bell once. Allow the sound to fade. Ride the sound with your awareness until it fades into silence. When you arrive, notice your awareness of silence is within you. Notice that in that moment you are silence itself. Float in Space Stare up into the night sky. See and feel the stillness of outer space. Vast and unlimited the silence of ‘out there’ is almost deafening. Allow your self to be ‘out there’ and yet be aware that ‘out there’ is ‘in here’ where the inner space of your being is also vast and unlimited, also still and silent…still and silent. Be in space. Silence the Buzz Sit comfortably and close our eyes. Imagine that you are walking down a path in a serene forest. Soon you come across a clearing. Walk slowly to centre of the glade and sit down. As if from nowhere, animals surround you. They mean no harm. The larger the animal, the greater

the noise of your anxiety. For example, a fleet footed gazelle may represent a work deadline, a roaring lion, trouble within a relationship. On one part of the glade is a beehive. Bees swarm near by, making the humming noise of free floating worry. Gently touch each of the animals. As you do so, they quieten and disappear into the forest. The only sound left is the buzz of the bees. Imagine all your tiny worries one by one entering the hive, until the glade is silent. Your worries are still; your concerns will be dealt with another day. All around you is peace. You are still. You are silence. Question: Why do you think the awareness of silence and the feeling of stillness are so empowering? Reflection: There is a saying, “If you cannot hear my silence you will not hear my words”. What does this mean? Action: Create Space of Time. In your home create a space, a corner, perhaps a room, that will be your silent space. Then create a regular time you will ‘go to’ and ‘be in’ that space and practice stilling your mind without force and simply being quiet. © Mike George 2010 If you would like to subscribe to Clear Thinking, Mike’s weekly e-article send an email to or go to Room 1 at, It’s Free. More to Life

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the Dream Bridge By Ken Shapley


t all began with dolphins and turtles, over a decade ago. I had been playing my didgeridoo at a talk by Dr Horace Dobbs of International Dolphin Watch ( in Devon, England. The didgeridoo players job is to visualise the totem animal or creation story of a place as they play. This builds a magic carpet or sound and vision for people to travel into the specific dreaming.As I played, I prayed to the spirit of the dolphins to come and communicate with the audience. It was very successful, about 80% of the people found themselves dreaming of dolphins during my long hypnotic “didge song”.

In my lucid dream a whole line of turtles swam towards me in a great curve. One by one they swallowed me. I became imprinted with turtle medicine. I saw a pool of water in moonlight with a single drop of water falling into it, in slow motion. A voice I can trust booms within me “remember you are the master of your own time.” The dream then brought me into space, to an amphitheatre onboard a mothership where 100's of 1000's of people had gathered. I had the same dream, three nights in a row!

Off to the Bahamas I travelled, 200 miles out to sea for 10 glorious days. Up goes the As luck had it Rebecca Fitzgerald was in the shout “dolphins off the starboard bow.” And audience that day. She ran “Dolphinswim,” a 15 swimmers dive into the warm turquoise company taking small groups out to swim with waters. There are 40 or so dolphins swimming wild dolphins in the Bahamas. She invited me around excitedly. At one point three dolphins to come along on board as a guest workshop accelerated towards me, two went either side of leader!! The BBC was also there filming a me, just inches away. The middle one stopped documentary called “Natural Neighbours,” in front of me and held my eye for a long, long which has since been shown worldwide; time. As if it was calling me, I knew it beckoned perhaps you’ve seen it? me to follow. It led me away from the group and then turned around and then repeatedly pointed its nose to indicate the space over my right shoulder. I looked around and there was the

"dolphins are said to be guides into dreams through telepathy and breathing"

The few days leading up to my adventure were full of excitement. Little did I know that this trip was to tap me into something quite profound? It wasn't just going to be about the dolphins, it was to be about turtles too and bridging worlds. You see, for three consecutive nights before going I had the same dream which still has a physical resonance with me today whenever I recall it. I looked up “dreaming with turtles” and to my surprise along with the symbolism of the turtle as mother and messenger from heaven and the one who travels from the ocean to the shore to give birth there was this. “ First father is born through the centre of the turtle's shell in the constellation of Orion.” (Linda Schele Three Thousand Years On A Shamans Path ) So as you read the rest of the story bear in mind that dolphins are said to be guides into dreams through telepathy and breathing. They inhabit a world of sound and have about 20,000 times our range of frequencies to play with. Spring 2012 |

lead turtle from my dream, same colour water, same everything. I looked back to the dolphin who had suddenly became very animated, it let out bursts of sound which tickled me all over. The dolphin departed and the turtle, huge ancient turtle, slowly swam down to the sandy sea bed 18 to 20 metres below. I took a huge breath and swam down next to her. I curled up like a turtle next to her and looked into her big dark wise eyes. This was the first time in my life lucid dreaming and waking life had come together and set me off on a journey which gave birth to honouring such experiences by setting them to didgeridoo music and later a novel entitled “When We All Dream Together.” As for meeting the First Father, a truly humbling experience Thank you Turtles. Thank you Dolphins, and thank you dreams Ken Shappley is a writer, storyteller and didgeridoo virtuoso. A free spirit who has been described as mystical and magical as well as deeply spiritual. A traveller, bridging the worlds of time and space, and dreams.

“The Dancers depart and a being of light Descends from the stars. We need our suits for we are in the presence of A being so magnificent it would Destroy us with its radiance, Burn us up in its love Reduce us to ash Yet we would not mind at all For we would have just gone home. The being of light descends, Its’ chakras are like galaxies, Its’ meridians, great rivers of light, Each acupuncture point a Sun. It asks us how it may be of service? It gives us all exactly what we need, All at once By way of diamond light sounds, Given from its’ body In their hundreds of thousands. All at once we receive A wonderful something No words can describe We just know. And awaken drenched in the scent of roses.” When We All Drean Together K.Shapley 35

Ghosts SOME OF MY OWN EXPERIENCES By Malcolm Robinson

“The technologist who says that these things cannot be so because my instruments do not show them to be so, invites the answer, ‘then build a better instrument’. “No true scientist would be guilty of such arrogance because he or she is always searching for a better understanding of ourselves and the cosmos”. “Only the bigoted believe that they per se know it all”. “The open minded realise that we know practically nothing”. Michael Bentine. 36

More to Life

"did people really survive the death of their physical material bodies?"


y previous articles may have made then”? To which one of my work colleagues said, me seem like a debunker on ghostly “I take it you haven’t heard then”! “Heard what”, sightings, nothing could be further I replied, “Wee Bobby Smith died last night”. from the truth. Because as a researcher With these words, shivers ran down my spine. into the paranormal with over 35 years of For ‘wee Bobby’ was the elderly workmate who experience, it’s clear to me that ghosts are only a few months before had said to me, “When ‘very much real’. For now, I would like to I die, and if it’s possible, I’ll come back to you and give you a few ghostly experiences from my you’ll certainly know about it”. own early years which added fuel to the fire of my growing interest on matters pertaining “LOOK AT ME ROBERT, LOOK AT ME” to ghosts’ and poltergeists I remember my parents telling me when I was growing up that one of my aunts was quite PRESENCE IN THE KITCHEN! gifted as a psychic medium and that there was a There was the time when I experienced history in our family of certain family members something strange in my kitchen, (this time it being interested in things ‘supernatural’. I often wasn’t my wife’s cooking!) It was the late 1970’s wonder if this fascination I have for those self (1978 or 1979) and I was employed by United same things have rubbed off on me somehow. Glass Ltd a manufacturer of whisky and beer bottles in the town of Alloa, Clackmannanshire Scotland. I regularly used to talk about my interest in matters pertaining to UFOs and ghosts to my work colleagues and on this particular day I was in deep conversation about matters ‘spiritual’ with an elderly workmate. We were discussing life after death; did people really survive the death of their physical material As young boys, our parents regularly took my bodies? I explained to my workmate, that if he brother and I on visits to see our aunts and cared to look at the evidence then he couldn’t fail uncles (usually on a Sunday) and a lot of these to be impressed by it. My workmate’s reply to my visits were spent quite frequently at my father’s Bible bashing statements was, “Look Malcolm, mother’s house (my gran). She was a lovely I’m not too sure about all this Life After Death woman who had plenty of time for everyone business, but I’ll tell you this, whenever I die, if and was always fussing around my brother it’s at all possible then I’ll come back to ‘you’ and and I. I grew quite attached to my gran and you’ll certainly know about it”. “Yeah right” I looked forward to those Sunday visits. She was replied. A few months later I arose at 04:45am however, getting on in years and time took its to start at 06:00am for my dayshift at the course and eventually she passed away. She United Glass plant. The house was dead quite was a great loss to the family and a good few and still. I was busy preparing my breakfast tears were shed at her passing. Now my father all alone, my family still being sound asleep, was never a great believer in things ‘spiritual’ when suddenly I became aware of a ‘presence’ and used to scoff at such stories. behind me in the kitchen. I can’t really explain it; I just ‘knew’ or rather very strongly sensed A few months after the funeral my father took that there was someone standing behind me. my brother and I aside and told us of quite an It was an unmistakable feeling. I can still sense incredible experience that he had. He told us that feeling now, the hairs on the back of my that when we had all visited his sister’s house in neck were up and goose pimples raced up and Saltcoats Ayrshire on holiday a few weeks ago, down my body. I very slowly turned round not (this would be around 1967 when I’d be ten years knowing what to expect only to be met with……… of age) he had retired to bed, had switched the nothing, just the usual kitchen décor, ie, chairs, light off the room of course was then enveloped table, etc. No ‘person’ was visibly there. And yet in darkness. He found it difficult to get to sleep I could still sense this ‘presence’ only feet away and was tossing and turning. Suddenly he from my face. I spoke, “who’s there”? became aware of a ‘brightness’ in the room and then he heard the unmistakable sound of his But my question was met with silence. mother’s voice. She called out, “Robert, Robert, Gradually this sensation that was with me look at me, please look at me, I’m perfectly fine, slowly diminished and was completely gone and I just want to say good bye”. Now my father everything appeared and felt normal again. I set knew full well that this was indeed his mother’s off for work and upon arriving into the men’s voice but how could it be, he had helped bury mess room at work, I was met with a room full of her a few weeks previously. The room was still sad faces, I said, “What’s the matter with you lot flooded in this beautiful warm soft light and his

"With trepidation my father slowly pulled back the covers from his eyes"

Spring 2012 |

mother was still asking for her son to look at him. With trepidation my father slowly pulled back the covers from his eyes and looked towards where her voice was coming from. And there, enveloped in a beautiful warm glow was his mother, large as life standing at the foot of his bed dressed in her favourite apron. She smiled at him and slowly dissolved in front of his face. In telling the story to my brother and I, my father said that it was indeed his mother, he wasn’t sleeping or dreaming this, So dear reader, the above is but a few of some of the things that have happened to me as a youngster which have fuelled my desire to continue my interest in matters relating to the paranormal. At the end of the day each and every one of us, are continuing to learn. We read, we listen, we view information and take in images from a wide diverse range of media sources whether that be factually correct, or factually ‘incorrect’! (Take Weapons of Mass Destruction, as a for instance!) How many people have ‘seen God’ I mean actually have ‘seen’ God? Not many I’m sure, yet millions across the planet believe in him. What I’m saying is, belief in something does not necessarily mean that it’s true. More people have see ghosts and UFOs than have see God. That said I am not implying that God does not exist. We know so little about ourselves and the universe around us. New research is opening up new horizons of science. The quantum world is an area of which I’m sure we will be discovering more and more about as the years roll by. Many of the science books written years ago are now old hat. New discoveries in science and medicine change those books, and yet discoveries in the paranormal and UFOlogical sciences are often laughed and scorned at, simply because they appear outlandish and crazy. Let us not forget we imprisoned Galileo for saying that stones fell from the sky, (we now know them as meteorites) but at that time the scientists of the day heaped scorn on Galileo for suggesting such a thing. Of course ghosts are real but the big question is, in which department do they belong? Are they evidence of a life after death or some form of psychic manifestation of which we have yet to properly categorise? One thing’s for sure, there is no denying that people see ghosts and I welcome readers personal experiences and or/ any photographs you may have regarding ghosts. Till then, sleep well. (c) Malcolm Robinson. Author Paranormal Case Files of Great Britain (Volume 1) (£15 includes P&P) more details from 37

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"12 hour prayer sessions earned our admiration and respect"


More to Life

Daughters of Dolma W

e are a group of students from the University of St Andrews, UK, who came together to produce a featurelength documentary entitled “Daughters of Dolma”. We formed a special team of differing skills and interests, bound by our passion to understand the ways of a relatively unheard-of group of people. “Daughters of Dolma” captures the lives of Tibetan Buddhist nuns, exploring modernity, gender and spirituality. Dolma, the Tibetan Buddhist Deity of Compassion, serves as the mother to the nuns on their quest for spiritual awakening. This film is a rare glimpse into how modern-day Tibetan Buddhist nuns live their vocation, what it means to them, and what they want to gain from it. It questions the assumption that serious spirituality and modernity are mutually exclusive ideas that cannot be lived out harmoniously together. Life in the nunnery has been an eye-opening experience for all of us, especially for the boys in the team! I, myself, consider it as a once-ina-lifetime experience, and without the presence of the girls, I highly doubt that the nuns would have ever considered our proposal to film their lives and activities. Living as a modern-day nun in Nepal is serious work. When the team first arrived in the nunnery in June 2011, we were told that they were in the middle of a special month-long prayer ceremony leading up to the Saka Dawa (or the Buddha's birthday) on the 15th June. It is said that the merits one earns from prayer, offerings and good deeds are multiplied a millionfold during this special month, so the nuns took this opportunity very seriously. From the youngest to the oldest (10-66 years old), they would wake up at 3.30am and start the prayers promptly at 4. The prayers would last until four in the afternoon, with short breaks in between. This meant sitting crosslegged and continuous chanting throughout that entire period. On alternate days during that month, all the participants abstained from food, water and verbal communication. While the 12-hour prayer sessions earned our admiration and respect, the "non-spiritual" side of them allowed us to see a better glimpse of their daily activities. The adult nuns have to study Buddhist philosophy and debate Spring 2012 |

alongside their prayers. It was customary for teacher and students to prostrate three times to the image of Jampal Yang, the Buddhist Deity of Compassion, and pray to the Deity, before class starts. For those in this diploma course, they are required to memorise, understand and analyse texts to hone their understanding of the backgrounds of Buddhism. The class is a part of the rigorous 9-year Buddhist Philosophy Diploma for monastic practitioners. The nuns lived their spiritual vocation full time. However, the nuns also lived their lives as normal human beings. During afternoon breaks in the weekends, while the younger ones would play football, the older ones would go down to Kathmandu City to buy their necessities or to visit their families. One such time was when the team went with the nuns to the vegetable market to replenish their stocks. Riding without any pretensions at the back of a pick-up truck, the nuns presented themselves as down-to-earth individuals who did not let their special status as spiritual practitioners affect them.

These selected stories, serious and long prayer sessions alongside studies and ordinary activities, can be unbelievable for many people. This is precisely what our documentary would want to question – the seeming separation between formal spirituality and informal daily living that we hold dearly. We hope that with the documentary, people from all spiritual paths and vocations can draw inspiration from the lives of these modern-day nuns. It has been a wonderful and eye-opening immersion to reside alongside the nuns during the summer of 2011. Most of the team members are not Buddhists, and this diversity and maturity have made it an even more enriching experience for everyone, because of the curiosity and honesty that they showed whilst in the presence of the nuns. We hope you enjoy watching Daughters of Dolma as much as we experienced making it. Thankyou Documentary Contact:


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True Fr

By Daphne Whi


sk people what freedom means to them and you will get an assortment of answers. Freedom means different things to different people. However, they are telling you what they think freedom is. I believe each person sees freedom from their own perspective. Some answers you may get are; “freedom to come and go as I please”, “to be single again as I feel restricted by marriage”, “to be free of responsibilities”, “to be able to make my own choices without having to think how it would affect others around me”, “lots of money would give me freedom because then I could do what I wanted”.

"most of us are prisoners of our own minds" However, a person can have all of the above and still not have true freedom. I feel most of us are prisoners of our own minds. Our thoughts and memories of the past keep us in captivity. If we grew up in families where we felt emotionally or physically restricted, abusive families, unloving or uncaring environments, we may have learnt to protect ourselves by curtailing our emotions and creating our own self-made prison. We may have formed beliefs around those experiences, which were true at the time but are no longer true, because our situation has changed. However, those beliefs are embedded firmly in the subconscious mind, and we are still allowing them to restrict us. We play those hurtful experiences over, and over again,


keeping ourselves locked in our prison cell. Sometimes we play nice experiences, this is like allowing ourselves to step out into the prison yard for some fresh air, but we quickly put ourselves back into our cells again. We built walls around ourselves to protect us from hurt and pain. Those walls also keep us stuck within that hurt and pain and they do not allow us to escape. Although we think, and maybe believe that those walls we have built will keep us safe, the fact is that we are cutting ourselves off from true freedom. We cause ourselves more pain by doing this. True freedom is our natural state. I believe we are born with true freedom in our soul. Just watch young children before they start to learn restrictions from the adults around them. They are completely free, and they feel free to express all their emotions. Their imaginations are fantastic and they believe they can do anything they want to do. They can fight with their friend and be very upset and then within seconds, it is all forgotten and they are best of friends again. They have not as yet, learned from the adults around them to hold grudges, or be unforgiving. The adults around them start laying down rules and regulations, some of which are good, others will cause the child to feel restricted. The child learns to act in certain ways to gain acceptance, and in doing so, cuts off little by little, from their true self. This in turn slowly lays the bricks to build those walls of protection.

More to Life



Once they learn about and experience hurt and pain they start to curtail their emotions, putting up barriers to protect themselves. As they do this, they start to curtail their true freedom.

"keeping ourselves imprisoned" Our memories of hurtful experiences or painful events are registered in the subconscious mind and the subconscious mind causes us to react to new situations from our past experiences. In that way, we are keeping ourselves imprisoned. Then, we react in new situations according to the hurt and pain we are holding onto. The only way back to true freedom is to become aware of the pain from the past, and to work through it and heal it. We need to let go of all that anger, frustration, fear, guilt and shame we hold in our minds and in our bodies. Then we can start to knock down the walls we built around us and get back to true freedom. That way, we can approach new experiences without any emotional baggage getting in the way and with a completely free mind. True freedom is also a letting go of all concerns of what other people think of us, and not needing to look for approval from others. It is accepting ourselves as we are and knowing that true freedom comes from within ourselves. Allowing ourselves to be who we really are is true freedom. To be true to our own emotions and desires is true freedom.

Spring 2012 |

No matter what your circumstances are, you can be free if you allow yourself to be free. We could be held captive and still feel true freedom. True freedom is in our minds and souls. Our thoughts are our captors. All our restrictions are in our minds. We are our own jailors and in many cases we have forgotten where we have hidden the key. The key is to deal with the hurt and pain from the past and set ourselves free.

"we can choose to let go" In the Bible (John 8:32) it says, ‘’and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free’’ Freedom involves a choice. We can choose to remain stuck in our self-made prison or we can choose to let go of the painful memories and set ourselves free. It is the baggage we carry around with us that imprisons us. The way to true freedom is to let go of our fears, to forgive ourselves, and others, to come to terms with our past, and to let it go. Then we can have the true freedom we were born with, and meant to have in our lives. ©daphne whitehouse 2011


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March 21- April 20

The phrase ‘Every Rose has its thorn’ takes on new meaning for you over the coming weeks as you begin to realise who, or what, the thorn is in your life. Of course, the thorns are there to protect the rose, but sometimes the thorns become so big and sharp that the rose becomes completely inaccessible.

Aries Taurus

It seems that on some levels, the thorns in your life have placed you in a protective bubble, and whilst this may feel cosy and safe, it also seems to be preventing you from breathing freely and from taking the next step forward in your life. You are a free spirit and a pioneer, and whilst the thorns may be well meaning, it seems clear that you need to reclaim your power and take over the controls of your life once more. Only you can know how to deal with these thorns, but the time has come for you to be free, to live free and to love life once again...


April 21 - May 20

Deep within you there has been a great deal of ebb and flow, movement and shift. It seems that your consciousness, your aspirations and your priorities have slowly been shifting as you have been gaining a new perspective on your life. However, like the drift of the continents, these things do not happen quickly, and you would be forgiven for feeling a little frustrated that your life is not exactly as you want it - now!

Taurus n Gemi i



Yet, patience is one of your virtues, and biding your time has allowed you to contemplate exactly what you want from your life. As a result, now the tide is turning, you are in an excellent position to ride the crest of the wave straight towards your chosen destination. So, be clear about your dreams, have faith, let go of doubt, stay connected to your intuition to guide you, and the coming weeks look set to transport your life into a brand new dimension...


Like the proverbial game of lawn tennis, your life seems to be swinging back and forth, back and forth. Yet, this movement is not fruitless; it is your inner pendulum seeking out balance and clarity. Your life is something of a paradox: head versus heart, mind versus soul, left versus right...and your inner pendulum swings between all of these, all of the time. It can be hard for you to still the pendulum because you are all of the above and so how do you know when to come to rest? Well, it seems clear that you need to embrace the concept that you are an accumulation of the parts, not just aspects of it every now and then. Try to feel this concept and know it to be true. Once you can fully embrace ALL the different aspects of your whole at the same time, then you can let go of the tennis match and begin something completely different – loving life and your Self exactly as you are!

Cancer Cancer Spring 2012 |

May 21 - June 21

June 22 - July 22

‘Hakuna Matata!’ This phrase from Swahili used in the Lion King, means ‘no worries’, and it seems that this is a phrase that would serve you well over the coming weeks. As you continue to ponder the meaning and the direction of your life, it is all too easy for you to become bogged down in doubts, worries and fears in connection to stepping into the unknown. Yet, life is unknowable; you can never know what’s around the next corner. Clinging to the familiar enables you to maintain the status quo, but does it make your heart sing or fill you with joy? Of course, life doesn’t always allow for joy as there are bills to pay and responsibilities to meet, but it seems that you have become so overwhelmed by all of this that you have disconnected from the bliss completely. Have faith in yourself, trust your gifts, set yourself free and believe! The time has come to find your way back to the bliss...Hakuna Matata! 49


July 23 - August 23


There can be no denying that you are a creative, passionate, bold and strong individual. Like the leader of the pack, your mane (your gifts) glisten in the sunlight as you preen yourself unashamedly because you just accept that you are the king of the jungle. This is not an ego trip, for this is simply the way of life; this is the way it is meant to be. Stop press! What’s happened? You seem to have forgotten your natural state of being! Somewhere along the line you have tied back your mane and tried to blend into the rest of the crowd. However, you weren’t born for blending, you were born to shine! As the weeks progress, it seems that the time has come for you to re-connect to your Truth in order to reclaim your ‘va va voom’ and your passion. You are a magnificent soul, and you need to embrace and ‘own’ this now in order to live the best life possible.


August 24 - September 22



If there ever was a master at ‘keeping on, keeping on’ in life, then it would be you! You are a grafter and you keep going even when the going gets tough, this can mean that you can disconnect from the true meaning and purpose, and switch to auto pilot as you become so focused on keeping on, that you lose sight of why you were doing it in the first place! Perhaps this is akin to not being able to see either the wood or the trees, but it seems clear that you need to address this now if you are to find the path to true bliss and happiness in your life. This is not to say that you should stop ‘keeping on’, but there is a need for you to be clear about why you are doing it, and what you are trying to achieve in the process. Shift your perspective and transform your life...


September 23 - October 22



How you think and how you feel both seem to be at the top of your agenda over the coming weeks. How you think is important, for your thoughts shape your life! Using positive, life affirming and life enhancing thoughts on a regular basis can help you to transform your life from where you are now to where you want to be. How you feel is somewhat harder for you as a natural born thinker, but your feelings are becoming increasingly significant as they are a barometer for how well your positive thinking is doing! More than this though, it seems that the more you can move into a ‘feeling’ place and step beyond your self-made barrier of thoughts, you will begin to see exactly what makes your heart sing in your life. So often your head takes over completely and you can become overwhelmed and lost, for you just cannot see how to move forward. The time has now come to blend head with heart, to re-focus and to embrace the bliss...


October 23 - November 22



It seems that in many ways, you have been standing on the precipice of a major shift in your life. Precipice seems the right word, for there is fear in your eyes and in your heart. You seem uncertain what to do next and this stems from you doubting your gifts and doubting that you have ‘what it takes’ to succeed with your plans. At the same time though, you have spent a long time reconnecting to what’s truly important in your life, and this has helped you to let go of so much on so many levels. So, you are now travelling lighter with a clearer sense of direction and purpose, yet the fear remains. You have a choice, you can remain on the precipice, you can re-trace your steps and go back, or you can take a step into the unknown. Only you can decide, but remaining frozen on the spot doesn’t seem to be the best option now as it is not your natural state of being. Take a deep breath, and let your intuition guide you now...

Scorpio Check out your horoscope update at: 50

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Sagittarius Capricorn

Capricorn Aquarius


November 23 - December 21

It seems that however well your life might be ticking along, there is always someone in the background full of doubt or uncertainty disconcerting and distracting you, and leaving you feeling disempowered and confused. Yet, this voice in the background is not some malicious external force or a negative friend, this voice is yours! No matter how good life gets, it seems hard for you to fully surrender to the joy or the flow. Life has given you its fair share of knock-backs and these have created the doubt, and you seem unable to let go and enjoy the ride through a fear of what may, or may not, happen next. Yet, this is not your natural state of being; you are an optimist and a possibilities person, and allowing doubt to play such a strong role is diminishing your power and your flair. So, the time has come to re-address this balance, to reclaim your focus, power and vision, to let go of doubt, to think positive thoughts, and to set yourself free...


December 22 - January 20

You have been undergoing a fairly major and radical transformation over recent months. It seems that you have taken yourself out of the fog of life and reclaimed your place high up the mountainside (like the goat that you are!) in order to take stock and review your life and your path ahead. This clarity has inspired you and enabled you to think more creatively in terms of what you want to achieve next in your life. Of course, there is a world of difference between knowing your path and living it, but you need to know your path first and this is most often the hardest part of all! Try to keep this knowing close to you now as you begin to consider how to move forward; keep your priorities and your dreams clear, and believe that you absolutely do have it within you to live the life that you can see so clearly ahead of you now. It takes courage and strength, but you have both in abundance, so believe now, this is your time to shine...


January 21 - February 19

It seems that life has left you feeling both overwhelmed and underwhelmed recently; if ‘whelmed’ was a word, perhaps this would best describe where you are at! There can be no denying that you have done a great deal of inner work and soul searching over recent months, and whilst you have learnt a great deal about yourself in the process, you still seem somewhat uncertain when it comes to how to move your life forward. You have processed and pondered the meaning of your life, and you have thought through the complexities of being you, but this seems to be the root cause as to why you are feeling so ‘whelmed’! Too much thinking stops you from feeling, being and living; and you need all four! Whilst you are a natural born thinker, life is for living, experiencing and discovering, and it seems that you need to embrace all of these now. It is therefore time to embrace the fullness, joy and bliss that all aspects of life have to offer you...

Aquarius Pisces


February 20 - March 20

A creative flow is beginning to ebb and flow deep within, and as the energy builds, the flow looks set to become a beautiful waterfall of spiritual and creative insights and inspirations. This is a special time for you; a time to go within in order to connect to the joy that resides there and to carry this forth into every aspect of your life. An air of certainty encircles you, and gives you the confidence and the clarity to make some big decisions about your path ahead. As you let go of doubt, uncertainty, and those ever persistent ‘ought’s’, you begin to connect to the true passion and vibrancy of being you! You are a free spirit and a deeply creative and spiritual soul, and now you have re-discovered this, it seems prudent that you should make the most of this life affirming and life enhancing time, and reach towards a new way of being. Embrace your power, your creativity and your magic – and get ready for the ride of your life...


Spring 2012 |

About Sarah-Jane Grace

Sarah-Jane Grace goes beyond astrology in her readings and forecasts using a unique blend of astrology, intuition, transformational coaching, spiritual counselling and healing. Her aim is to inspire, empower and enlighten, and she works with clients from across the globe on a regular basis. As well as her natural gifts, she has studied a great many healing techniques, spiritual philosophies and teachings over the years. For further information, please see Sarah’s websites: 51 or or email her at:

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Spring 2012 |

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What is Shamanism? Barbara Meiklejohn-Free gives us an insightful introduction to an age-old way of living.

Solar Flares Currently leading the headlines, solar flares from sun are having a massive effect on Earth but what effect are they having on US? 53

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