Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Moree Sewage Treatment Plant 1. Purpose and Scope The Moree Plains Shire Council (MPSC) as holder of an Environmental Protection Licence (Licence No. 723 with variation) for the Moree Sewage Treatment Plant (MSTP) is now required to comply with new requirements introduced in February 2012 under the Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (POELA Act) to prepare and implement a Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP). The Act includes specific requirements under Part 5.7 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act) and the Protection of the Environmental Operations (General) Regulation 2009 and includes the preparation, keeping, testing and implementation of a PIRMP for EPA licenced facilities. As a consequence this MSTP PIRMP has been developed to document the process required to prepare for and respond to a pollution incident. In addition, this MSTP SPIRMP is based on the ‘Environmental Guidelines: Preparation of Pollution Incident Response Management Plans’ document issued by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and is designed to include the details specified in Section 3.3 of that document. 2. Description of MPSC Sewage Treatment Plant The original MPSC STP was built in 1953, as a conventional trickling filter works (biological bacteria beds) with an assessed treatment capacity of 5,500 EP. In 1985 the plant was augmented by the construction of an intermittent decanting extended aeration tank (IDEAT) to relieve overloading and allow for growth. A maturation, or tertiary treatment, pond is used for natural sunlight disinfection of the effluent. The STP is currently providing for 12,000 EP and has an assessed treatment capacity of 15,000 EP with an inlet works capacity of 22,500 EP. It is planned to increase the treatment capacity to 22,500 EP should the need arise due to industrial or residential increases. Treated effluent is piped from STP to irrigate the following facilities: • • • • • •
Ron Harborne Oval Moree Cemetery Moree Golf Course Mike Shaw Park and Agricultural Property (to the North of the Gwydir River). Moree Sewer Treatment Plant.
Stage 1 augmentation in 1985 of the STP consisted of: • • •
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inlet works (22,500 EP capacity) incorporating a flow balance tank, mechanical screening, grit removal equipment, flow measurement and flow division; one IDEAT with 7,500 EP capacity; and two sludge lagoons with 15,000 EP combined capacity.
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Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Moree Sewage Treatment Plant Stage 2 augmentation in 2001 of the STP consisted of: •
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Modifications to the Stage 1 inlet works by replacing the mechanical screen with a new step screen together with screening conveyor and bagging unit and providing a new flow divider to apportion the flows downstream of the inlet works; One new IDEAT with a design capacity of 7,500 EP. IDEAT contains a decanting system, a surface aeration system, a submersible pump and rising main to transfer waste activated sludge to sludge lagoon; One sludge lagoon including a supernatant pumping stations; Site works including earth works, water and power supply, drainage, sewerage, roads, carpark, lighting and fencing; Amenities and Office Building including design and construct air conditioning system; Modifications to existing switch room; Pits and pipe work; Design, supply and install all mechanical and electrical equipment; and Demolition / refurbishment of the existing trickling filter plant and restoration of site.
3. Maps and Localities for MPSC Sewage Treatment Plant 3.1. Location of MPSC STP The MPSC STP is located on the North West edge of Moree. The STP can be accessed by driving North along Balo Street (Main Street of Moree) turning left into Gwydir Street and driving in a Westerly direction for 1.9km’s. Turn right into Boundary Street and drive North 425m to the intersection of Boundary Street and Mitchell Street. Turn left into Mitchell Street and continue 300m to the entrance of the STP, Mitchell Street runs parallel to the Northern perimeter of the Ron Harborne Oval. The nearest residential areas are 380m away from the STP.
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Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Moree Sewage Treatment Plant
Moree Sewerage Treatment Plant Locality Picture
Moree Sewerage Treatment Plant aerial photograph
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Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Moree Sewage Treatment Plant 6.
Pollution Incident Emergency Contact Details
Definition of Pollution incident
Pollution incident means an incident or set of circumstances during or as a consequence of which there is or is likely to be a leak, spill or other escape or deposit of a substance, as a result of which pollution has occurred, is occurring or is likely to occur. It includes an incident or set of circumstances in which a substance has been placed or disposed of on premises, but it does not include an incident or set of circumstances involving only the emission of any noise. A pollution incident is required to be notified if there is a risk of ‘material harm to the environment’, which is defined in section 147 of the POEO Act as: A. Harm to the environment is material if: (1) It involves actual or potential harm to the health or safety of human beings or to ecosystems that is not trivial, or (2) It results in actual or potential loss or property damage of an amount, or amounts in aggregate, exceeding $10,000 (or such other amount as is prescribed by the regulation), and B. Loss includes the reasonable costs and expenses that would be incurred in taking all reasonable and practicable measures to prevent, mitigate or make good harm to the environment. 6.2
Notification of Pollution Incident
Notification Speed of Response
The requirement for notification of a pollution incident has changed from ‘as soon as practicable’ to ‘immediately’. In short, ‘immediately’ means ‘promptly without delay’, but it does not mean undertaking notification ahead of doing what is necessary to make safe. 6.2.2
Notification of Relevant Authorities
If the pollution incident is a wet weather overflow, dry weather overflow, wet weather bypass or dry weather bypass procedures need to be followed. In all other pollution incident cases and where the pollution incident causes or threatens material harm to the environment or human health, all of the following authorities must be notified by the Site Supervisor.
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Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Moree Sewage Treatment Plant Notification of Relevant Authorities 1. Emergency Call Services Emergency Hotline Number (24 hours) 000* *The Site Supervisor should call 000 if the incident presents an immediate threat to human health and/or property and a combat agency is required (i.e. NSW Fire and Rescue, NSW Ambulance Service, NSW Police Force) and then notify all other parties below including NSW Fire and Rescue via a local telephone number. 2. Moree Plains Shire Council Moree Plains Shire Council Environmental Services 1300 369 511 (24 hour Emergency Hotline Number) Sewer Oncall to notify Manager of MPSC Water and Waste Department or a delegated representative. They will then notify MPSC General Manager 3. The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) NSW EPA Environmental line 131 555 4. NSW Ministry of Health (via Public Health Units) Tamworth Regional Office (02) 6764 8000 (Public Health officer On Call) 5. WorkCover NSW Hotline Number 13 10 50 6. Fire and Rescue NSW Moree Fire Service (02) 6752 7620* If there is no immediate threat to human health and/or property i.e. a combat agency is not required, then the Site Supervisor is still required to follow that outlined above except for dialling 000. Other Contact Details Miscellaneous Incidents Moree Hospital Balo Street Medical Centre Associate Medical Practice NSW Police Ambulance Service of NSW Poisons Information
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Address 35 Alice Street, Moree 72 Balo Street, Moree 342 Frome Street, Moree 60-62 Frome Street, Moree 70 Alice Street, Moree
Contact Numbers (02) 6757 0000 (02) 6752 2600 (02) 6752 2644 (02) 6752 9499 13 12 33 13 11 26
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Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Moree Sewage Treatment Plant 6.1.3
Information to be Notified
Under section 150 of the POEO Act 1997, the information about a pollution incident that must be notified to relevant authorities includes: • • • • • • •
Environmental Protection Licence No. 723 The time, date, nature, duration and location of the incident The location of the place where pollution is occurring or is likely to occur The nature, the estimated quantity or volume and the concentration of any pollutants involved, if known The circumstances in which the incident occurred, including the cause of the incident, if known The action taken or proposed to be taken to deal with the incident and any resulting pollution or threatened pollution, if known Other information prescribed by the regulations.
Notification is required by the Site Supervisor immediately after a pollution incident becomes known. Any information required that is not known at the time the incident is notified must be provided when it becomes known. 6.1.4
EPA Powers of Direction & Notification of Neighbours
Where the pollution incident causes or threatens material harm to the environment or human health, the EPA is notified in accordance with Section 6. Once the EPA is notified, it is then for the EPA to determine whether commercial, industrial and residential neighbours of the site need to be contacted by Council and informed of the circumstances of the incident and what action is being taken in response to it. If deemed necessary, the EPA then has powers to formally direct Council to notify the neighbours of the site. Irrespective of whether the EPA directs Council to notify neighbours and depending on the circumstances of the particular pollution incident, Council may at their own discretion voluntarily choose to notify neighbours. Council may notify neighbours of the STP along Boundary Street, Gwydir Highway and Sunnyside Road. A summary of the neighbour notification procedure is provided in the general flowchart - Pollution Incident Decision Flow Chart. The nearest residential dwellings to the perimeter of the MSTP occur 220 metres to the South along Gwydir Street, and 300 meters to the East along Boundary Street. The closet dwellings to Greenbah Creek MSTP discharge point are 520 metres away in Sunnyside Road and 440 metres distance from Callaille Avenue. Due to the distances to nearest residence, the design of the STP and the buffer areas between the MSTP and those residents it is unlikely that any incident at the MSTP will have an effect on them. As a result MPSC will generally door knock should the need arise.
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Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Moree Sewage Treatment Plant MPSC may also consider other methods to notify neighbours which would include: -
Phone Calls Site Visits/Door Knocking MPSC Internet and Facebook Pages Media Releases (Radio, Television, Newspapers as required) Letter Drops Warning Signs Other methods as the situation requires.
All situations MPSC will endeavour to provide early warning to directly affect premises by phoning or door knocking affected premises. Early warning will include details of what the imminent incident is, how those affected can prepare and respond, and provide important advice eg. avoiding contact with pollutant. 6.1.5
Sewer Treatment System Council Contact details
The public can contact MPSC in regard to an incident by calling a 24 hour line: 1300 369 511. MPSC can otherwise be contacted: Moree Plains Shire Council Water and Waste Department Level 2, Max Centre 30 Heber Street MOREE NSW 2400 Phone: (02) 6757 3222 Fax: (02) 6752 3934 Email: council@mpsc.nsw.gov.au Website: www.mpsc.nsw.gov.au Facebook: www.facebook.com/MoreePlainsShireCouncil Twitter: https://twitter.com/moreeshire
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