Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP)
Public Issue For the Yarraman Waste Facility EPL 5903
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
1 September 2012
Table of Contents 1.0 Purpose & scope ............................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Pollution incident .......................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................ 2 3.0 Response to a pollution incident ...................................................................................................... 3 4.0 Yarraman maps ................................................................................................................................. 4 4.1 Site plan......................................................................................................................................... 4 8.0 Contact details and procedures ........................................................................................................ 5 8.1 Contact procedure during an incident .......................................................................................... 5 8.2 Other contact details .................................................................................................................... 6 9.0 Communicating with neighbors and the local community ............................................................... 7 9.1 Methods for contacting neighbors and local community ............................................................. 7 9.2 Methods for public to contact council .......................................................................................... 8 9.3 Availability of plan to the public ................................................................................................... 8 9.4 Information required to be made publicly available .................................................................... 8 12.0 Document information ................................................................................................................... 9 Appendix A ............................................................................................................................................ 10 Pollution incident agency contact details and notification record ....................................................... 11 Appendix B ............................................................................................................................................ 12 Water & Waste internal chain of communication for incidents ........................................................... 13
Moree Plains Shire Council | 1.0 Purpose & scope
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
1 September 2012
1.0 Purpose & scope The purpose of this document is to ensure Moree Plains Shire Council complies with the public information requirements of the Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (POELA Act) to prepare and implement a pollution incident response management plan for its environment protection license 5903. This Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP) describes Moree Plains Shire Councils response to pollution incidents at the Yarraman Waste Facility. To make this plan effective as a response management plan, it is designed to be easily followed– and not to be an exhaustive document that is too difficult to be used quickly during an incident. This plan is based on the Preparation of pollution incident response management plans document issued by the EPA and is designed to include the details specified in section 4 of that document.
Moree Plains Shire Council | 1.0 Purpose & scope
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
1 September 2012
2.0 Definitions 2.1 Pollution incident A pollution incident means an incident or set of circumstances during or as a consequence of which there is or is likely to be a leak, spill or other escape or deposit of a substance, as a result of which pollution has occurred, is occurring or is likely to occur. It includes an incident or set of circumstances in which a substance has been placed or disposed of on premises, but it does not include an incident or set of circumstances involving only the emission of any noise. A pollution incident is required to be notified if there is a risk of ‘material harm to the environment’, which is defined in section 147 of the POEO Act as: (a) harm to the environment is material if: (i) it involves actual or potential harm to the health or safety of human beings or to ecosystems that is not trivial, or (ii) it results in actual or potential loss or property damage of an amount, or amounts in aggregate, exceeding $10,000 (or such other amount as is prescribed by the regulations), and (b) loss includes the reasonable costs and expenses that would be incurred in taking all reasonable and practicable measures to prevent, mitigate or make good harm to the environment.
Definition Environmental Protection Authority Environment Protection License (EPA issue) Moree Plains Shire Council Material Safety Data Sheet Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Protection of the Environment Operations Act Plan of Management Personal Protective Equipment Safe Work Method Statements Waste Management Facility Human Resource Information System
Moree Plains Shire Council | 2.0 Definitions
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
1 September 2012
3.0 Response to a pollution incident In the event of a potential pollution incident at the Yarraman facility the following process should be followed: Step 1: Emergency Response: Ensure personnel are safe. Safety to staff is paramount in all situations.
Step 2: Emergency Response: Contain the incident where possible. Use the relevant procedures: FIRE (LF06 Landfill Fires)
SPILL (LF30 Landfill Spills)
DUST (LF31 Dust Control)
Step 3: Notification: Call the Water and Waste Superintendent on (67573222, switch)) (Proceed through chain of communication if unavailable)
Step 4: Notification: Water and Waste Superintendent completes the notification process from section 8.1. This step includes deciding if the incident is notifiable according to the definition specified in section 2.1.
Throughout all steps: As personnel become aware of the incident they should follow any appropriate actions identified through this PIRMP or as instructed to do so by relevant authorities. Ensure all incident report forms for work cover/council etc. are completed. This includes Moree Shire Council Hazard & Incident Report Form.
Moree Plains Shire Council | 3.0 Response to a pollution incident
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
1 September 2012
4.0 Yarraman maps 4.1 Site plan
Photograph courtesy of Google. Site information is from Superintendent 31/8/12. Main entry on West side from Mungindi road, 5minutes drive from Moree.
Asbestos: Is dumped in various locations throughout dead animal pits.
Moree Plains Shire Council | 4.0 Yarraman maps
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
1 September 2012
8.0 Contact details and procedures 8.1 Contact procedure during an incident The Water and Waste Superintendent is authorized to decide if the incident is notifiable as defined in section 2.1. Follow the notifiable incident checklist below for the correct reporting procedure. This section is design to be enacted when: personnel are out of harms way, relevant incident procedures have been followed and the Superintendent has been notified.
Will the Incident:
Notifiable Incident Checklist Require assistance from other agencies to contain, isolate or cleanup?
No Pose any actual or potential harm to human health that is not trivial?
No Pose any actual or potential harm to ecosystems that is not trivial
No Result in actual or potential loss or property damage of an amount over $10,000
Notifiable Incident: Complete Appendix A
Complete Appendix B
Moree Plains Shire Council | 8.0 Contact details and procedures
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
1 September 2012
Note: There is a duty to notify the EPA, Ministry of Health, WorkCover and Fire and Rescue NSW immediately after becoming aware of a pollution incident where material harm is caused or threatened. Failure to do so is an offence (Protection of the Environment Act 1997). Appendix A is based on the EPA notification protocol (available at www.environment.nsw.gov.au/pollution.notificationprotocol.htm).
8.2 Other contact details Miscellaneous Incident Contacts Hospital Poisons Information
6757 0000
Local Police Local Fire Brigade
6752 9499
131 126
6752 7620
Moree Plains Shire Council | 8.0 Contact details and procedures
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
1 September 2012
9.0 Communicating with neighbors and the local community A community member who notices an incident (could be smoke, or contaminated water spill) at the facility should communicate to council using methods from section 9.2. You should be familiar with the proper definition of a pollution incident from section 2.1.
9.1 Methods for contacting neighbors and local community In the case of an incident: If a situation arises where the Water and Waste Superintendent deems that contacting any neighbors is necessary the following methods shall be used: Phone call Door knock There are few physical neighbors and a reasonable buffer zone exists between their locations and the site. The caller will advise them of any precautions to be taken according to the incident and its severity.
For the purposes of awareness, education and updates: Council may decide to utilize the following means to convey information to the community about the Yarraman Facility (e.g. education material about asbestos safety & disposal): Council’s Internet site Council’s Facebook page Local newspaper Local radio Local paper
Moree Plains Shire Council | 9.0 Communicating with neighbors and the local community
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
1 September 2012
9.2 Methods for public to contact council 24hr line (to report an incident): 02 6757 3222 (Remember to state if you are reporting a possible pollution incident) Otherwise:
Water and Waste Department Level 2, Max Centre 30 Heber St MOREE NSW 2400 Phone: 02 67573290 Fax: 02 67523949 Email: council@mpsc.nsw.gov.au Website: www.mpsc.nsw.gov.au Facebook: www.facebook.com/MoreePlainsShireCouncil Twitter: https://twitter.com/moreeshire
9.3 Availability of plan to the public A copy of the PIRMP shall be maintained with the Waste Officer as no staff or infrastructure is located on site. It will be readily available to those responsible (a copy in the superintendents ute) for its implementation and to an authorized officer (e.g. Fire and Rescue officer) on request. The parts of this plan outlined in section 9.4 shall be made publicly available within 14 days after they have been prepared by uploading them to the MPSC website in the Water and Waste tab. It is the Waste Officers duty to ensure the WMF and the website are supplied with the latest revision of this document.
9.4 Information required to be made publicly available The procedures for contacting the relevant authorities: Section 8.1, Contact procedure during an incident Appendix A, Pollution incident agency contact details and notification record, and is authorized to be enacted by the weighbridge operator The procedures for communicating with the community: Section 9.0 Communicating with neighbors and the local community
Note: This information may be exclusive of any personal information within the meaning of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Moree Plains Shire Council | 9.0 Communicating with neighbors and the local community
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
1 September 2012
12.0 Document information Document number: (TRIM or Bluepoint)
Title: Author: Department: Printed: Document Version:
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan for the Yarraman Waste Facility(Public Issue), EPL 5903 Moree Plains Shire Council Water and Waste NA 12.1
Moree Plains Shire Council | 12.0 Document information
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
1 September 2012
Appendix A
Pollution incident agency contact details and notification record
Moree Plains Shire Council |
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
1 September 2012
Pollution incident agency contact details and notification record Incident Reporter:________________________________ Date: ___/___/___ Time: _____:________ Questions you should be ready for: What happened? Address/location? Has anyone been exposed? What is being or is likely to be contaminated? What is the contaminant? Volume? - if there is an immediate threat to human health or property, otherwise step 2 1 - Emergency 000 Services Date and Time: Time of Arrival: Instructed Actions:
2 - EPA Date and Time: Their rep name: Instructed Actions:
131 555 Time of Arrival: Their reference number:
3 – Ministry of Health Date and Time: Their rep name: Instructed Actions:
02 6764 8000 (Tamworth Office - diverts to Public Health Officer on call)
4 – WorkCover Date and Time: Their rep name: Instructed Actions:
13 10 50 Time of Arrival: Their reference number:
5 – Council Date and Time: Their rep name: Instructed Actions:
See appendix 2 – else 02 6757 3222 Time of Arrival: Their reference number:
6 – Fire and Rescue NSW Date and Time: Their rep name: Instructed Actions:
Time of Arrival: Their reference number:
-if not already contacted in step 1 1300 729 579 Time of Arrival: Their reference number:
Moree Plains Shire Council | Pollution incident agency contact details and notification record
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
Appendix B
Water & Waste Internal Chain of Communication for Incidents (Adapted from the standard W & W chain of communication)
Moree Plains Shire Council |
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
Water & Waste internal chain of communication for incidents DESCRIPTION: For All Incidents / non-routine work, you must ring the next person in the Chain of Communication. Definitions: Incident – any non-routine work, with significant impact on others Information Required: WHAT is the incident/ problem WHEN was it first identified WHEN do you expect it to be corrected WHO has been affected and WHO has been contacted to date WHO is the Outdoors Incident Controller - They are responsible for following the relevant emergency procedures. WHEN can the next update be expected Chain of Communication Title Name Operator / Person to recognize incident W&W Superintendent Waste Officer W&W Manager General Manager
Step Phone Extension 1 2 3 4 5 NB: 1. If your contact is not available you MUST contact the next person in the Chain of Communication. 2. It is the superintendent’s decision to go to step 3 or 4. This decision is based on: Expected duration of the incident or number of customers affected or external Departments involved all pollution incidents must proceed to W&W Superintendent level EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION CHECKLIST (where appropriate) □ Local Residents/Business notified as per the relevant Incident Procedure □ MPSC After hours call centre □ Village Works Superintendent as courtesy and for staff availability □ Local Media if they are on air and are fielding calls i.e Breakfast Radio □ Emergency Services if applicable i.e Fire Brigade □ MPSC Senior Management □ MPSC switch - 6757 3222 □ NSW Health - Tamworth □ State Water □ MPSC Risk Manager □ Other MPSC Departments affected by Incident
Moree Plains Shire Council | Water & Waste internal chain of communication for incidents