2017 Faculty Highlights

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Faculty Profiles of Scholarship and Student Engagement 2016-17 1


Morehead State University is recognized among the top public regional universities in the South. A critical component of our success is the outstanding scholarship and commitment to student engagement of our dedicated and talented faculty. By creating and disseminating scholarship that includes research, artistic and professional endeavors Morehead State University faculty contribute to discoveries that enrich our lives. Faculty scholarship also infuses the Morehead State community with intellectual vitality in and out of the classroom, on and off campus. In the pages that follow, Morehead State University is pleased to showcase selected accomplishments of four distinguished faculty. The work of Kenneth Henderson, Christopher Field, Lesia Lennex and David Eisenhour represents the high level of scholarly and professional achievement characteristic of Morehead State faculty. Moreover, the work of these four scholars demonstrates how our faculty effectively meld together scholarship and teaching to engage students in meaningful learning experiences. I offer my congratulations to all the faculty and students whose accomplishments are celebrated in this Faculty Profiles of Scholarship and Student Engagement publication.

Dr. Steven Ralston, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


DR. KENNETH HENDERSON Associate Professor of Marketing

Dr. Kenneth Henderson is an associate professor

Theory, Journal of Marketing Perspectives, Journal

of marketing and has taught both undergraduate

of Product and Brand Management, Journal of Higher

and graduate-level courses with MSU’s School of

Education Theory and Practice and Journal of Social

Business Administration for more than 17 years. As an

Psychology. He also has a combined 60 contributions

instructor, Henderson prides himself on fostering an

to both academic conferences and book chapters.

excitement in his students for the field of marketing while translating the knowledge he’s gained from his

As an instructor, Henderson has continually set a high

years of experience into applications that will benefit

standard for both his in-person and online courses.

them when they enter the workforce.

MSU’s then-named College of Business & Public Affairs recognized Henderson with the Dean’s Citation

Prior to joining MSU, he held senior management

for Excellence in Teaching award and twice awarded

positions at several financial institutions and

him the Dean’s Citation for Professional Achievement

consumer food corporations. His work in marketing

in Research. He also received the 2016 Meritorious

earned him numerous awards, including the

Teaching Award by Hormel Foods.

distinction of being awarded a national Addy Award from the American Advertising Federation for creating the best local market campaign in the country. He made a career change at 40 and went on to earn his

“When I look at my career at MSU, I find it an incredibly gratifying time because of the students. They are a bunch of people who appreciate the opportunities to get an education. It is rewarding finding students like that, and I found them on day one and 17 years later, I’m still finding it.”

Ph.D. in Business Management (major in marketing with a minor in communications) from Florida State University to pursue a career in higher education. Henderson’s scholarly research has been published in numerous national and international peerreviewed academic journals including Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Marketing Perspectives, Journal of Consumer Behavior, Journal of Marketing Communication, Journal of Applied Marketing 4


Assistant Professor of Art & Design

Christopher Field has been an assistant professor of

Fine Arts program coordinator and faculty advisor to

art and design at Morehead State University since

The Artist Collective (TAC) student group. Other roles

2013. He specializes in digital art, teaching foundation

include serving on faculty search committees and

classes along with advanced studies courses in areas

the Recruitment and Retention Committee and Digital

like graphic design, web design, motion graphics,

Humanities Minor Committee, along with being a

live video production, video art, installation, user

juried student art show coordinator and Summer Arts

experience design and 3-D modeling.

Academy faculty.

When he is not instructing students at MSU, Field is a media artist and designer particularly interested in

“I try to teach students a range of programs so they are exposed to various methods of working. Things are always changing, so it’s important to be able to adapt and continuously learn. I hope that through experimentation, students will learn how to learn new technology and techniques, which is a skill that will never become obsolete with a software update.”

how complex ideas can be expressed through visual and immersive media, as well as the way media influences the public’s emotions and perceptions. Field has worked in both production and the art department in Los Angeles for both TV and film which includes The Rachael Ray Show in 2008 and the Sony Pictures Classics feature Redbelt in 2007. He has presented both selected works and art exhibitions at galleries and venues across the country and as far away as Poland. In addition to serving as an instructor, he has served in other roles at MSU including as the Bachelor of 5

DR. LESIA LENNEX Professor of Education

Dr. Lesia Lennex is a professor of education with

United States. Lennex has been extremely involved in

MSU’s College of Education. Since she initially came

MSU’s Undergraduate Research Fellowship program

to MSU in 1996 as an assistant professor, she has

for the past decade. In working side-by-side with

been faculty in the Department of Middle Grades and

students on research projects, she has helped many

Secondary Education with focus areas in P-16 3-D

Eagle students publish research and present it at

technologies and biology in the hopes of changing the

events like MSU’s annual Celebration of Student

way science is taught in the classroom.

Scholarship, Posters at the Capitol in Frankfort and at other events in both Kentucky and Ohio.

Lennex currently co-chairs the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Science Education SIG, is a graduate of the President’s Leadership Academy and was a recipient of both the Adron

“I started off wanting to change the world and now I can say I am changing the world, and I’m doing it with Undergraduate Research Fellows. It’s so much more than what they would do in a classroom setting. Within education, we are producing the research that will change the direction of pedagogy and in classroom methodology.”

Doran Fellowship for Leadership in Education and the Distinguished Researcher Award. She is also a faculty member with MSUTeach, a program that allows students already majoring in STEM-related fields the chance to learn the best teaching practices within their content area to earn both a Bachelor of Science degree and teacher certification in secondary education. In addition to her contributions to several books and peer-reviewed journals, she has given many presentations at conferences and events across the 6

DR. DAVID EISENHOUR Professor of Biology

Dr. David Eisenhour has been a faculty member at

During most of his time at MSU, he has served as

Morehead State for the past two decades and a

the primary advisor for students in the pre-pharmacy

professor of biology since 2008. He has taught 13

program, the curator for the University’s Vertebrate

courses at MSU, primarily in animal biology and

Museum and the biology representative for the

anatomy. His research focuses on the biodiversity of

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).

North American freshwater fish, particularly those

Outside of his work in the classroom, Eisenhour is

in Kentucky, and lesser-known non-game fish like

working on writing a book on the numerous species of

minnows, darters and madtom catfish. Through his

fish that can be found in the Commonwealth.

classes, teaching style and research, he hopes to foster an awareness, appreciation and enthusiasm in his students for biodiversity, ecology and conservation. Eisenhour’s research has been published in more than

“I am very pleased and encouraged by the quality of students I get to work with. They’re idealistic and dreamers like me, but I view them as people who can change the world.”

20 publications, approximately 40 technical reports and has been presented at numerous presentations and professional meetings. He was recognized as the Distinguished Researcher at MSU in 2016. Under his tutelage, Eisenhour’s students have been co-authors of seven publications and have given 26 professional presentations that have resulted in eight awards. 7




Associate Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School Research and creative productions outside of the classroom, from the perspective of today’s university, empower the institution by providing new knowledge and cutting-edge competencies to society via the time-tested academic model of undergraduate and graduate students who learn while working as assistants, apprentices, and partners under the direction of experienced faculty mentors. The collective efforts of this community of scholars enable the breakthroughs that advance the academy’s mission of providing benefits to humanity that can be realized on no other terms. In addition to the tangible products of discovery and invention, these benefits include an appreciation of diverse ideas, innovation, collaboration, and critical thinking by informed students who are better prepared to succeed in today’s global culture. This concept is taken to an even higher level at MSU which, as a comprehensive university that is in full partnership with its home region, draws upon all of the truths outlined above, but also directly reflects the socioeconomic, cultural, and historic qualities of Eastern Kentucky and Central Appalachia. This is an altogether appropriate arrangement, for although the depth and breadth of both undergraduate and graduate studies offered by our world-class faculty rivals those offered at national flagship institutions, MSU’s truly focused connection with its home community strengthens the bond with our student base and enhances a sense of shared purpose among faculty and staff in a way that only a fully-engaged regional institution can. In this symbiotic environment, partnerships with alumni and with local government, businesses and industry drive academic, entrepreneurial and economic successes, creating a brighter future for all. At MSU, this convergence of academic excellence, community engagement and shared purpose has yielded quality scholarship, as evidenced by increasing external funding. During the past academic year, 189 grant proposals and contracts were submitted with a total of over $15.5 M in awards funded, a significant increase over the previous year. The total request for indirect facilities and administrative (F&A) costs paid to the university was $1,661,122 (a 17% increase over last year), with $925,185 currently funded (a 39.9% increase). This record of success is made possible by the exceptional efforts of faculty, staff, students and community partners and suggests even greater achievements in research and creative productions in the years to come.


SELECTED FACULTY RESEARCH & CREATIVE PRODUCTIONS Caudill College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Davison, Scott. Petitionary Prayer: A Philosophical Investigation. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2017. DuRocher, Kris. Ida B. Wells: Social Reformer and Activist. New York: Routledge Press, 2017. Green, Bill. Contraceptive Risk: The FDA, Depo-Provera, and the Politics of Experimental Medicine. New York: NYU Press, 2017. Mesa-Gaido, Gary (2017). “Good Bokeh: International Juried Photography Exhibition.” Dab Art H Gallery + Studios, Ventura, California. Yessica Torres, Curator. Images published in “Good Bokeh: Focusing on Fine Art Photographers,” by Dab Art: Los Angeles. Taylor, Alex. The Marble Orchard. New York: Ig Publishing, 2015. Awarded Best Dark Book in Translation by The Crime Film Festival in Beaune, France.

College of Business & Technology Baranoff, E. G., Sager, T. W., & Shi, B. (2016). The Risk of Variable Annuity Guarantees and Life Insurer Capital. Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance, 10(2), 155-192. Brockett, P. L., Cox, S. H., MacMinn, R. D., & Shi, B. (2016). Best Bounds on Measures of Risk and Probability of Ruin for Alpha Unimodal Random Variables When There is Limited Moment Information. Applied Mathematics, 7(8), 765-783. Heba Elgazzar and Adel Elmaghraby, “Network Science Algorithms for Mobile Network Analytics,” published and presented at the 2017 annual IEEE SoutheastCon conference (SoutheastCon 2017), Charlotte NC, March 30 - April 2, 2017. Minix J., Chapman H., Joshi N., Zargari A. (2016). An investigation of measurement uncertainty of coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) by comparative analysis. Journal of Technology Studies, XLII(4). J. A. Ortega-Moody, R. E. Sánchez, J. J. González and G. Reyes, “Virtual Laboratories for Training in Industrial Robotics,” IEEE LATIN AMERICA TRANSACTIONS, VOL. 14, NO. 2, Pag 665-672 FEB. 2016. ISSN: 1548-0992, DOI: 10.1109/ TLA.2015.7387924

College of Education Beckham, C. (2017). ‘The devil much prefers blockheads and drones:’ Martin Luther and educational reform. Churchman, 131 (2). Coburn, K. & Privott, D. R. (2017). Legal analysis: Sexual assault on campus. Journal of Student Affairs, 26, pp. 49-55. Justice, L.J. & Hooker, S.D. (2017). Creating digital safe spaces for gender expression and sexual diversity. In O. Dreon & D. Polly (Eds.), Teacher education for ethical professional practice in the 21st century (pp. 260-288). Hershey, PA: IGI Global Long, D. and Avery, L. (2017). Cultural Studies of Rural Science Education. Cultural Studies of Science Education. 12(1). 1-5. Schack, E.O., Fisher, M.H., & Wilhelm J.A. (Eds.). (2017). Teacher noticing: Bridging and broadening perspectives, contexts, and frameworks. New York, NY: Springer


College of Science Campbell, D.C., S. A. Clark, and C. Lydeard. 2017. Phylogenetic analysis of the Lancinae (Gastropoda: Lymnaeidae) with a description of the U.S. federally endangered Banbury Springs lanx. ZooKeys 663: 107-132. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.663.11320. Norris, D. H., B. Kraichek, A. C. Risk, D. Lucas, D. J. Alard, D. Rosengren, T. A. Clark, N. Fenton, M. Tessler, M. Phephu, & E. T. Lennette. 2017. On the diversity and richness of understory bryophytes at Nectrandra Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica. Biodiversity Data Journal 5: e11778. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.5.311778 Chatham, D. The maximum queens problem with pawns, Recreational Mathematics Magazine, Number 6 (2016), pp. 95.102. White W, White IM. Amphetamine and morphine may produce acute-withdrawal related hypoactivity by initially activating a common dopamine pathway. Physiol Behav. 2016 Oct 15; 165:187-94. Doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2016.07.015. Epub 2016 Jul 25. S. Lee and K. Price, Variation of Quantum Efficiency in CZTSSe Solar Cells with Temperature and Bias Dependence by SCAPS Simulation, Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 11 (2017) 69-77.

Morehead State University (MSU) is a comprehensive public university with robust undergraduate and graduate programs, emerging doctoral programs and an emphasis on regional engagement. MSU aspires to be the best public regional university in the South through a commitment to academic excellence, student success, building productive partnerships, improving infrastructure, enhancing resources, and improving enrollment and retention. MSU is located in the foothills of the Daniel Boone National Forest in Rowan County, Kentucky. Founded in 1887 as Morehead Normal School, it was a private, church-supported institution known as “a light to the mountains.” In 1926, it became part of the state-supported system and was renamed Morehead State Normal School and Teacher’s College. An increase in enrollment and degree programs resulted in successive renaming as Morehead State College (1948) and its current designation as Morehead State University (1966). The mission statement/purpose of MSU is as follows: As a community of lifelong learners, we will: • Educate students for success in a global environment; • Engage in scholarship; • Promote diversity of people and ideas; • Foster innovation, collaboration, and creative thinking; and • Serve our communities to improve the quality of life. MSU has 135 undergraduate and 70 graduate degree programs in four colleges: Caudill College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences; College of Business and Technology; College of Education; and College of Science. MSU offers associate, baccalaureate, masters, specialist and doctoral degrees, as well as undergraduate and graduate certificates.



Morehead State University is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to all persons regardless of race, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, other protected veterans, and armed forces service medal veterans, or disability in its educational programs, services, activities, employment policies, and admission of students to any program of study. In this regard the University conforms to all the laws, statutes, and regulations concerning equal employment opportunities and affirmative action. This includes: Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Executive Orders 11246 and 11375, Equal Pay Act of 1963, Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Kentucky Revised Statutes 207.130 to 207.240; Chapter 344 and other applicable statutes. Vocational educational programs at Morehead State University supported by federal funds include industrial education, vocational agriculture, business education, and the associate degree program in nursing.

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