Morehead State University Branding Guide

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Brand | Creative


Brand | Promise The Brand Promise A brand promise is a concise articulation of what any institution promises to its target audiences—something that its key audiences view as having intrinsic or extrinsic value for them personally. In the business world, for example, Wal-Mart promises low prices. Apple promises cutting-edge quality, intuitive design, and ease of use. Volvo

Morehead State University operates in a highly competitive

of the University’s brand marketing efforts. Among other things, this

marketplace where prospective students, donors, and other audiences

research helped us identify perceptions of Morehead State, the

have many different choices—based on a diverse variety of criteria—

University’s offerings, and its programs; Morehead State’s competitive

from which to choose. Without a relevant, distinct, and believable brand

strengths and differentiators; descriptors and attributes perceived as

promise, the University risks failing to position itself in the most positive

distinctive to the University; as well as the institutional positions and

and impactful ways within the minds of its most important audiences.

promises most valued by Morehead State’s audiences. In addition to the research with internal constituencies, individual quantitative studies

promises safety. These organizations have become widely known for their brand and for the promises their brand represents. It is no

were also conducted with the University’s most important external

The Methodology

audiences including prospective traditional students, parents of

brand names. They have conveyed a consistent brand message that

The recommendations in this document are a result of insights derived

prospective students, and prospective adult and transfer students.

communicates their promise to their customers, the audiences that are

from a number of different sources using an effective combination of

most likely to find value in those promises.

qualitative and quantitative research.

While colleges and universities may not see the need to have a strong

Morehead State contracted Stamats to help develop a brand promise

brand promise, it is crucial that they work to develop a strong reputation

statement and attributes that would further the University’s brand

based on the distinctive experiences and opportunities they offer. The

marketing and communication efforts. Following a comprehensive

combination of increasing competition, a diminishing pool of traditional-

review of the generous data, materials, and documents available from

aged prospective students, and tight donor dollars necessitates

MSU, Stamats designed, created, and executed a web-based survey,

the need for a stronger brand image and reputation. Colleges and

inviting Morehead State’s various campus stakeholder audiences (and

universities that do not have strong name recognition and reputations

alumni) to contribute toward further clarifying Morehead State’s core

put their futures at great risk if they do not develop, promote, and deliver

values and institutional perceptions, as well as to help establish an

experiences that resonate powerfully with their target audiences.

important baseline of data upon which to measure further progress

coincidence that all three of these companies have become household

Based on all the discovery activities, Stamats developed initial promise statement and attribute options and worked with the Morehead State brand leadership team to finalize.

MSU’s Brand Promise Statement Morehead State University delivers a strong and affordable education for friendly, ambitious students who thrive in a student-focused learning environment defined by small class sizes and faculty committed to teaching and student success.

Morehead State’s brand promise statement reflects MSU’s mission and vision as you want them to be perceived by your target audiences. It identifies the intersection between your core values and what your key audiences define as important, distinctive, believable, and emotionally engaging. Clarifying and communicating the Morehead State brand promise statement consistently and repeatedly will reinforce the University’s brand identity and encourage our faculty, students, and other campus stakeholders to speak about Morehead State in powerful and desirable ways. The brand promise statement will be used as the touchstone of all Morehead State marketing efforts. This is an internal statement— not a slogan or tagline—against which all external messaging willse be measured. After the research and test results were gathered and analyzed, the promise—derived from the statement that emerged as the most important—was agreed upon as the statement that best captures and articulates the specific elements that make Morehead State stand out from its primary competition.

Brand | Attributes Morehead State’s Brand Attributes

Engaging Education

Productive Partnerships

The first step in extending the University’s brand promise into the

With a 17:1 student-faculty ratio, MSU creates an environment in which

MSU understands the importance of partnerships. That’s evident

everyday language of its internal and external constituents is to develop

interaction between students and professors happens easily and

in the way that MSU fosters collaboration between faculty and

brand attributes that emanate from, and support, the promise. Brand

effortlessly. Students have hands-on learning opportunities, including

students. It also values partnering with state agencies, universities,

attributes come out of ideas inherent in the brand promise, and by

paid research positions. In fact, as noted in the 2005-09 President’s

local governments, and communities to improve services and create

articulating them, add substance and depth to its claims. Unlike the

Report, the Undergraduate Research Fellowship program, implemented

operating efficiencies.

brand promise, which serves primarily as an internal guide and touch

in fall 2005, has provided students with nearly 300 opportunities to

point for marketing strategies and messages, these attributes and

work one-on-one with top faculty on research or creative production

language will be used regularly in all communications, from recruiting

projects. Service learning is another priority at MSU, as evidenced by

and advancement materials to informal conversations with visitors.

the 230 faculty, staff, and students who, since 2006, have participated

MSU joined 75 other institutions across the nation to be awarded the classification of “community engagement” institution by The Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching.

MSU, in partnership with Martin County Schools, is the lead agency for a consortium of institutions and agencies working to improve public health by encouraging healthy nutrition and exercise habits in middle school students.

MSU has been recognized for the sixth consecutive year as one of the top public universities in the South in the 2010 edition of “America’s Best Colleges” by U.S. News & World Report.

MSU has provided professional development opportunities to more than 300 teachers through the College of Education’s 21st Century Education Enterprise’s partnership with the Kentucky Dataseam Initiative.

MSU’s students in the space science degree program participate in the Kentucky Space program, which has fostered considerable student success since it was started in 2006. The Kentucky Space Missions have led to three publications in major aerospace journals, with students serving as primary authors, as well as more than 24 presentations at local, regional, and national conferences.

The partnership between MSU, St. Claire Regional Medical Center, and the University of Kentucky is changing the way in which health professionals are trained. It has resulted in the construction of the Center for Health, Education and Research, which will accommodate MSU’s nursing and radiological science programs and enable the University of Kentucky to bring two years of its rural physician track to Morehead and St. Claire.

MSU is working with 15 high schools and four community and technical colleges to provide funds to enable students to visit institutions of higher education within the region; MSU has received about one million dollars to administer this program, impacting 692 high school students who have pursued postsecondary education.

in alternative spring break activities in communities such as Gulfport, MSU’s brand attributes are derived from the brand promise statement

Miss., and Louisville.

and are supported by the findings of our quantitative and qualitative

Sample Proof Points

research into current perceptions about MSU among its different

constituents. Further, they are relevant, credible, and appealing. Together, they can serve to differentiate MSU and comprise the foundation for all future brand-marketing efforts. They are: • Engaging Education • Productive Partnerships • Down-to-Earth Atmosphere • Affordable Learning

Sample Proof Points

The Emerging Leaders Symposium, launched in 2008, gives students practical skills, knowledge of theoretical foundations of leadership, networking opportunities, and access to information on future leadership opportunities. Nearly 170 students participated in the program’s first two years.

Down-to-Earth Atmosphere

Affordable Learning

Again and again, through conversations on campus as well as through

From an affordability standpoint, MSU offers prospective students an

Elevator Speech

research, MSU’s key constituents describe the University as being a

ideal choice. When compared with less expensive community colleges,

An elevator speech is a consistently used, memorable

welcoming and supportive community of learners. Faculty members

MSU can argue that it offers students the full-college experience in an

statement that is meant to concisely capture the essence

are approachable and accessible. Students feel comfortable in their

environment that feels more like a small school than a large university.

and brand of Morehead State University. The power of an

classrooms, interacting with their professors and fellow classmates.

When compared with four-year institutions, such as the University of

elevator speech is that it provides a succinct, prepared

They describe their peers and professors as friendly. This warm

Kentucky, MSU can argue that it offers prospective students a quality

statement that can be used by anyone associated with the

atmosphere is further cultivated in MSU’s clubs and organizations, the

education in a much more welcoming environment, evidenced by

University as a conversation guide in a casual setting.

activities offered on campus, and even within the community and the

faculty who care about them, than students would encounter at most

region. Overall, MSU has a very intimate feel, unheard of, generally

public universities. In the past, the University has, perhaps, placed too

speaking, in public universities. This is a key strength that will be

much focus on MSU’s inexpensive education. This has resulted in the

celebrated and cultivated.

perception that MSU offers a “cheap” education versus a “quality”

Sample Proof Points

education that also happens to be extremely affordable. MSU will

MSU offers a 17:1 student-faculty ratio.

not be gun shy about calling attention to this attribute. It is extremely

Included in MSU’s “Values” is the statement: “People come first and are encouraged to achieve their full potential.”

well worth noting, especially in light of challenging economic times.

MSU approved a diversity resolution in spring 2009 to reaffirm the institution’s commitment to an infusion of diversity and a culture of inclusiveness.

Students feel comfortable to get involved, as evidenced by the more than 2,500 who students participated in 100 recognized student organizations in 2008–09, and the more than 3,000 who participated in 24 intramural activities during the same academic year.

However, the message must be repackaged with the emphasis on “affordability” versus “cheap.” Sample Proof Points

Formal Version Morehead State University is a regional public university, located in Morehead, Kentucky, with a rich history of providing an affordable education for ambitious students who want an engaging, down-to-earth learning environment where professors are accessible and concerned about their success.

Informal Version

The MSU Foundation awarded 373 scholarships, valued at nearly $520,000 in private funds, to MSU students.

MSU revised its merit-based scholarship program in 2004 to be more competitive and attract the state’s best students, creating a significant increase in the number of qualified applicants.

public university that has the welcoming, down-to-earth

MSU implemented the Eagle Access Scholarship in 2005 to ensure that students with the greatest economic need attend the University at no cost.

professors who make themselves accessible and who

The graduate student stipend increased from $6,000 in 2005 to $10,000 in fall 2009.

Morehead State University is an affordable, regional feel of a small private college. Students are taught by care about their success.

Brand | Creative Strategy

Why it Works

The “Much More” concept solidifies MSU as an institution that helps ambitious

This concept can also be supported by many of the proof points outlined

students realize their potential and create futures that go beyond what they

previously and is additionally supported by the following facts, also gleaned

thought possible.

from the President’s Report:

Rationale MSU has a reputation for taking average students and making them great. This is evidenced by high pass rates on national licensure exams and the high rate in

which MSU students are accepted into graduate and professional schools. This concept will encourage prospective students to see how they can be, do, and achieve “much more” and, more subtly, cast MSU in a new light (i.e., that MSU

MSU students become productive citizens through experiences such as alternative spring break activities, supporting citizens in places such as Gulfport, Miss., and in Louisville, Hazel Green, and Rowan County.

Students participate in the American Democracy Project, a multicampus initiative that seeks to create an intellectual and experiential understanding of civic engagement for undergraduates.

MSU restructured and expanded its diversity program, including:

MSU has been recognized for the sixth consecutive year as one of the top public universities in the South in the 2010 edition of U.S. News & World Report’s “America’s Best Colleges.” The Undergraduate Research Fellowship program, initiated in fall 2005, has provided nearly 300 opportunities for students to work one-on-one with leading faculty on research or creative production projects in their academic program of study. Through this program, students gain hands-on research experiences typically not available to them until graduate school at most institutions.

MSU holds the Ohio Valley Conference record for the number of academic achievement awards earned by a single institution.

The number of students and faculty mentors participating in the Celebration of Student Scholarship has grown substantially since its inception in 2006. In spring 2009, 241 students delivered 126 presentations supported by 98 faculty mentors. One student presented research at the Council on Undergraduate Research “Posters on the Hill” program at the nation’s capitol.

is “much more” than they may have anticipated).


Appointing a President’s Diversity Council


Updating the Diversity Plan


Increasing funding by more than $700,000 to hire additional minority faculty and staff


Creating and filling the position of chief diversity officer


Hiring a minority retention coordinator


Relocating the Offices of Multicultural Student Services, Minority Retention and Disability Services to enhance coordination and provide easier access for students

The Emerging Leaders Symposium, launched in 2009, has provided 167 students with practical skills, knowledge of theoretical foundations of leadership, opportunities to network, and information on further leadership opportunities


[ Typography ]


Web safe colors: #003399 (MSU Blue)

#FFCF00 (MSU Gold)

[ DESIGN ELEMENTS ] [ intro copy sample ] Picture your future. Broaden the vision. Expand it. See it clearly. With Morehead State University, it really can be so much more. More compelling. More fulfilling. More invigorating. More gratifying. More inspiring. You. Morehead State. Your future. Much More.

[ EDITORIAL ELEMENTS ] The tone of this concept is bold, clear, and

[ HEADLINE samples ] Academics: • Much more than words. • Much more than books. • Much more than classrooms. • Much more than a teacher. • Much more about you.

Athletics: • Much more than winning. • Much more than Xs and Os. • Much more than a coach. • Much more than a team. • Much more than school spirit.

Campus life: • Much more than a room. • Much more than a club. • Much more than a roommate. • Much more than a bunch of buildings.

Outcomes: • Much more than a job. • Much more than a piece of paper. • Much more than an alma mater.

This design incorporates irregularshaped image boxes that emphasize the casual and friendly atmosphere at MSU. By overlapping images, the design creates a layering effect and depth/ visual interest that communicates how students create their future through their MSU education. MSU opportunities are represented as clusters of interactive photos that are fun, engaging, and that build on the “Much More” concept. Further: •

The classic bold slab serif typography allows for a universal audience appeal and complements the more modern design layout.

Elements are flexible and can be used in different configurations to appeal to various audiences.

speaks directly to prospective students. It asks them to consider all the ways in which MSU can assist them in achieving their greatest dreams and aspirations. It also addresses MSU’s strengths and shares the distinctive nature of an MSU education. Throughout communications, factoids can be used to emphasize all the ways in which Morehead State is “much more.”

Brand | Guidelines [ OFFICIAL msu logo with text ]

[ accepted logo variations ]

[ office of athletics - restricted use ]

Morehead State University Eagles™ Eagle Athletics™ [ sample official OFFICE/DEPARTMENT logo ]

Morehead State Eagles™ Eagles™ Eagle Baseball™ Eagle Basketball™

Communications & Marketing

Eagle Cross Country™ Eagle Football™ Eagle Golf™

[ restricted use ]

Eagle Rifle™ Eagle Swimming™ Eagle Tennis™ Eagle Track™

Office of the president

For questions about logo usage, please contact the Office of Communications & Marketing.

UAR NUMBER: 703.01

business without the express consent of OCM.

TITLE: Communications, Media Relations, & Marketing Policy


ORIGINATOR: Jami Hornbuckle



PURPOSE: The Morehead State University Office of Communications & Marketing has primary responsibility for the coordination of an integrated marketing communications and branding program. This policy covers such activities as media relations, news releases, official statements, University publications, advertisements, the institutional Web site and social media presences, and other official forms of communication. It also serves to describe the procedures to be followed when using the University logo, seal, or name in materials.

b. c. d. e.

SCOPE (Who is covered by this UAR?): All Morehead State University personnel and other affiliated employees. The Department of Athletics will be exempted; however, Athletics will follow institutional branding campaigns and guidelines where appropriate and will coordinate marketing efforts with the Office of Communications & Marketing. APPLICABILITY: This regulation applies to all Morehead State University employees, departments, programs, offices and officially affiliated agencies, unless otherwise noted. RESPONSIBILITY: The Division of University Advancement/Office of Communications & Marketing has primary responsibility for this UAR. The Chief of Staff and Vice Presidents are responsible for ensuring that this regulation is administered. RELATED REFERENCES: UAR 331.01, UAR 700.01, UAR 701.01


Branding 1.

Logos and Marks The seal, logos, word marks, and mascot of Morehead State University are copyrighted. They may be used only with the authorization of the University through the Office of Communications & Marketing or the Assistant Director of Alumni & Constituent Relations (Licensing Coordinator). Likewise, the name of the University may not be used for commercial purposes or purposes other than official

The Official Name The official name of the University is Morehead State University.



The official university name (Morehead State University) should be used in first references in all formal communications. Second references may be abbreviated as Morehead State or MSU. The University shall not be referenced as simply Morehead. Regional campuses shall be referenced as Morehead State University or Morehead State at (insert location) or MSU at (insert location).

Additional Style & Branding Guidelines Additional style and branding guidelines are available through the online Branding Style Guide. All offices, programs and departments affiliated with Morehead State University are required to follow this guide.

Printed & Electronic Marketing Communications 1.

General Procedures University departments preparing publications (newsletters, magazines, booklets, fliers, program brochures, posters, signs, etc.), advertisements (electronic and print), photographs, Web pages, and/ or audio-visual presentations intended for an external audience must first contact the Office of Communications & Marketing. OCM must approve all external audience marketing communications. Academic and conference presentations are not subject to this review. The Office of Communications & Marketing will review and authorize each print project, then assign each project a job number and either: a. b.

write, edit, design and produce the piece(s) and arrange for printing through Document Services; assign the job to an authorized offcampus vendor for editorial, graphic and/or printing production should


Departments preparing publications for large groups of employees for the purpose of communicating University business outside of a memo (i.e. newsletter, video, multimedia presentation), should follow the above steps. Departments preparing materials that will be seen or used by small groups of internal audiences or used with students in the classroom may either:

In most cases, the originating department will be responsible for costs associated with producing a/the product(s). Electronic advertisements, Web pages, videos, and audio-visual promotional programs will also be assigned a job number and, in most cases, be executed or coordinated by the Office of Communications & Marketing. At its discretion, the Office of Communications & Marketing may assign such jobs to authorized off-campus vendors for production.


OCM has responsibility for final approval of all text, messages, design, photographs, Web page content and design, graphic representations and artwork for work it prepares and for vendor assigned jobs.


All copying and printing is to be completed through Document Services. Document Services, a unit within Auxiliary Services, will accept only those purchase requisitions for composition, printing, advertising, photography and/or audiovisual services that bear the approval of the Office of Communications & Marketing. Document Services, authorized vendor(s), and/ or campus representatives will operate under the Office of Communications & Marketing direction with regard to editorial style (including approved University facts), graphic standards and University messages and images. OCM will supply the vendor(s) with editorial and graphic style guidelines and updates as appropriate. Web Content Authors and Contributors will adhere to MSU style via Web templates as delivered within the institutional content management system. All university advertising placement/buying should be coordinated through the University’s centralized media buying process by contacting the Office of Communications and Marketing to ensure 1) appropriateness and consistency of

press releases or through verbal comments by an official news media spokesperson. All media inquiries should be reported as soon as possible to the Media Relations Director. The Director may determine that the University’s interests would be best served by responding directly to the news media representative or by referring them to another official. No member of the University community is prohibited from responding to news media inquiries but only designated spokespersons are authorized to issue official statements on matters of institutional policy.

University messaging and image and 2) that the university receives the most competitive rates possible for all its advertising purchases.

these services be unavailable on campus; or work closely with campus representatives to complete the project within University standards for the intended audience.


handle their own arrangements for formats based on the University’s Branding Style Guide, where applicable; or b. contact the Office of Communications & Marketing, which will suggest production arrangements for the department. Letterhead, Envelopes, Business Cards and Direct Marketing University divisions and departments must comply with standard layouts for letterhead, envelopes, business cards and other direct marketing mail pieces.


Digital Publications The procedures and guidelines set forth in this policy apply to all electronic and online materials (Web, social media, videos, etc.).


Special Agencies MSU Athletics, Eagle Trace Golf Course, and Kentucky Folk Art Center will retain their copyrighted marks for restricted use. Other agencies affiliated with Morehead State University may use the official University logo with permission of the Office of Communications & Marketing.

Media Relations 1.

General Procedures All official news and information communicated to the news media by Morehead State University as “official” news releases, statements, tips, and reports, shall be initiated and approved in advance by the Office of Communications & Marketing (Media Relations). The University may choose to state its position through the issuance of official



News Conferences All official Morehead State University news conferences are to be planned, coordinated, and arranged through the Office of Communications & Marketing. The necessity and appropriateness of all news conferences shall be determined by the Chief of Staff, the Vice President of University Advancement, the Assistant Vice President for Communications & Marketing and/or the Media Relations Director.


Official Spokesperson The Chief of Staff or his/her designee (the vice president with related area of responsibility) shall be the official University spokesperson. In “crisis” situations, the official spokesperson or designee shall have sole authority for making statements about the University’s “position” concerning the “crisis.” The MSU Police Department, in collaboration with the Offices of Communications & Marketing and Information Technology, is responsible for dissemination of emergency management/ police information and alerts.

Review This policy shall be reviewed by the Vice President for University Advancement and the Assistant Vice President for Communications & Marketing annually or as needed.

Brand | Recruitment


Picture your future. Broaden the vision. Expand it. See it clearly. With Morehead State University, it really can be so much more. More compelling. More fulfilling. More invigorating. More gratifying. More inspiring. You. Morehead State. Your future. MOREHEAD STATE UNIVERSITY



Academics......................... ...............4 Campus Life....................... ..............9 Athletics............................ .............11 Outcomes............................ ...........14 Admissions........................... ..........23

Brand | Advertising



about you

Keith Nunn, Class of ‘11, Sports Management

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2010 issue 1, Volume 2


Brand | Alumni





n Alumni in philanthropy (p.10) n SIFE team offers hands-on experience (p.19) n Athletics earns full certification (p.26)

Delivering Promises

John Marcus, ‘07 business, delivers more than just packages for FedEx.



2010 issue 1, Volume 2





n Alumni in philanthropy (p.10) n SIFE team offers hands-on experience (p.19)

Painting Vision

Bottom Image: Uciatemperae omnima coribus nulpa dolores acerum liquo tem faccus et erferist, comnihi lluptas perest, od quianim poreceped quodis dernatquis velit eatis estiossectas earumquo volest, unti dolupta spienit

aectenisciis doluptat.

n Athletics earns full certification (p.26)

Feature Alumnus Mary Boldger teaches

those less fortunate how to discover


Ro mod qui reremporest autatusam eum aborporenis ea estrum aut as dolorerchil id maios dolupta testia sit quaecum et fuga. Les ea sed quos incipis vit, eturionseque quosam quatinctum que net quid eosam aborpor ecerum facim excest, omnit, ium aut hicil magnis nost ant doluptas aute nobit, sitiae



Painting Vision

Alumni Mary Boldger teaches those less fortunate how to discover the world through painting.

the world through painting. Uciatemperae omnima coribus nulpa

dolores acerum liquo tem faccus et erferist, comnihi lluptas perest, od quianim poreceped quodis dernatq uis velit eatis estiossectas earumquo volest, unti dolupta spienit aectenisciis doluptat. Leni dem nobis sima voluptas et quiam re officabor rem. Aspid et unt earum untintem. Rum exeresc imusam, te nisquat ionseque quis qui aut quisinve l magnia cupta nonsenessum volor sectam, nullupta te et duciendit, corerum iunt volupta tecturios idelessi aliae desto blantum facea volumen diciaectia con possinum ventem faccusam volupta qui bea doluptatio. Nam, cus aute maximint. Ipsum imus quis sim sequunt eaquiam , sequatur, undera doloreicat plis utem soluptam quam facestrum qui aborit disiti nulparuptur? Beaquia sitatiant eos magnam reprovit ati dolorep eliqui totatis quis debit iderspicid quo et asped quo et es everfernam aut verepta doluptatas experep udam que officid elestiunt, corpore rovitatis sanis aut volorem oluptibus debis alit hilia consequiae aliam fuga. Im quid quas estios et re nat doluptas similiq uaturibus esti aut qui iusda corpora dolorionet as vellacc uptat officit et

8 |

ipsunda ant fugitasimi, quibusam esci coremporest, saecti comnimus nones doluptam, ullorunt e nis incipsuntis ratibus exerfera volupta tectior aut libusande dolendam liquia del inusdae natquid iorit, con re, sene voluptaquis ape conecaepre re nat erit, optiati stinvelendam quos doluptas earchit iantotat magnimp ellaut esequi volupitatiis et pra si optatia debitiumet volorep uditis idem sit et, cusaero quis atet vernatur? Quibus, sunt, essimusant possent veribus am est aut istiur, unt, que pre por samus, quatios earum, eos volo tem ut autem atur sitataqui quiam fuga. Ut inus, corio. Et everaturiat laboristiam raeperum ullis pratqui quias as reperatem quam adis eati voluptis exera ne nes imus ipit, idis et voluptatem voluptat utectas ipsanda dem unt, que net alictaqui sit, iurio et quis eostio. Itaeces equodit, ipis et magnate inctibus. Uga. Minustibus vendae re poreceaqui ditasim estio inulliqui delluptasped que consequi sa quaes aut quaesti dignihi lluptat omnihil eum inus dunt de pedia quam, nonsed.

www.m orehea dstate. edu/sta tement Summe r 2010 |


Brand | Interactive

[ SAMPLE Web Home Page ]

Brand | Getting Started Develop a Clear Vision

What is your deadline?

The key to a successful marketing project is understanding. Know the goals you

Start planning far enough in advance that you can allow sufficient time with your publication. Communications & Marketing shouldn’t be the last to know!

want to achieve. By answering the questions below, you clarify the purpose and logistics of the project.

Who are you trying to reach? Prospective students? Current students? Graduate or undergraduate? Alumni? Donors? Internal audiences? All of these? The message should be tailored specifically for your readers.

What’s your message? Are you trying to recruit? Educate, publicize, bring in audiences, generate goodwill or raise funds? How does your message tie in with the University message?

How will the publication be distributed or marketed? Do you have a mailing list? Have you thought about how to drive people to the site?

Gather your content Once you’ve answered these questions, start gathering your information. Be sure you are writing for your audience. Your approach should be different for a high school senior than for a prospective graduate student or prospective donor. If you are updating existing content, be sure the text is accurate, up-todate, and of appropriate length.

Are you trying to update/improve a current publication or site, or do you want to develop a new one? Either way, content is key.

Now it’s time to get us involved. Jobs in the Office of Communications and Marketing start with a project/job request . This assists us in assigning your publication to the appropriate people and helps us keep track of the job while it’s in progress. Submit all supporting graphics, Word files, etc. to

Consult with OCM Staff When we receive your work order, we’ll contact you to set up an initial meeting with the creative staff assigned to your project. From this point, we work with you to develop the print or Web publication you want. You have several opportunities along the way to review drafts and proofs and make alterations.

Project Delivery

Look at other publications or Web sites you like... we do! Bring examples to your

get you a printing estimate. Modifications can be made, if needed, to stay within

marketing consultation meeting and tell us what aspects you think are effective

your budget. When everything is approved and ready to go, the job is sent to

or interesting.

print. You will receive a final proof to ensure all specifications are being met. Once you approve that proof, the job is printed and your publication is delivered

The text should be as accurate and complete as possible when you submit

Photos can make or break a piece. How will you use photos in communicating your message?

substantial changes will delay completion of the project.

Knowing your budget up front can help us decide what is most cost effective.

We take care of developing print specs and working with Document Services to

Do you have the photographs you need or do you need photographers to help?

What is the budget for the project or piece?

Fill out the Project Request Form

to you.

it to us. Minor changes after we start working are usually not a problem, but If your project involves the Web, when everything is approved, the site will go live. Maintaining the site will be up to you. Remember that people who will visit your Web pages expect them to contain the latest and most accurate information. It’s vital that you keep everything current.

For more information, call 606-783-9328 or e-mail MSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity, educational institution.

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.