W elcome
Kecia McAlpine Mistress of Ceremony
Region I Representative, Morehouse College Parents Council
o pening p rayer
Davida Morgan-Washington Chair, Morehouse College Parents Council
p arent r ecognition
aParent Miracles
Sponsor, Parent Pinning Ceremony
l itany of a ppreciation
“Parents’ Pinning Ceremony”
Katina Hawkins Director of Parent Engagement
c losing r emarks
Henry Goodgame, Jr.
Vice President, Office of External Relations & Alumni Engagement
r eception
Lobby of Forbes Arena
Refreshments! Music! Fun!
Blessed sons, on behalf of the ancestors, we stand with you today to celebrate this milestone on your journey and in the life of our family.
Mom & Dad, I want to THANK YOU for your love, your commitment, all your support and for never giving up on me! Your example has inspired me to commit to excellence in all that I do.
The way has not been easy for you son but, you have risen above obstacles and challenges to achieve greatness. Today you bring honor and pride to our family. May God’s grace go with you as you depart this sacred place; some to graduate school, some to new jobs, other to military service – that your presence will make a difference in the world.
…up from a past rooted in pain, I rise
I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. Leaving behind nights of terror and fear, I rise Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise.
I am excited to celebrate this momentous occasion with you. Your sons have worked hard and were not discouraged by the health pandemic that impacted our entire nation. You should be proud. This is a time to celebrate but also a time for them to reflect on what it truly means to become a Morehouse Man! Who will they now influence to be their best selves? What critical decisions will they make to determine their future beyond today? And, how will they reach back for those following behind them when they are needed most?
This moment belongs to you! The parents, family members, friends and neighbors who provided these young men with the love, support and even just an encouraging word that got them through some of their toughest times. But they deserve tremendous credit because they followed through and accomplished their goals. As you know, their lives are just beginning, so continue to encourage them to sustain those relationships and show their appreciation for the shoulders that they stood on to be here today.
Thank you for sharing the best of you with us. Your Morehouse Man has made us all proud and we are honored to have had the opportunity to spend these last four years with him. Thank you for trusting us even during some of the most turbulent times of our nation. Morehouse is a better place today because of partners like you. Thank you!
It has been a pleasure partnering with you and I encourage you to stay engaged with the College. If I can ever be of assistance to you in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
to all parents and family members who provided the love and support needed for our students to ensure their success!