MORE Magazine

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Volume 3 / Issue 6 January 2011



While Pakistan is making a history on achieving 100 million subscriptions, a large number of telecom experts


HTC DESIRE Z, AN IMPRESSIVE ANDROID SMARTPHONE We were provided with the test handset which only had USB charger and microUSB data cable but in commercial casing HTC Desire Z is also accompanied by a headset.


IMMERSE YOURSELF IN GAMING WITH INTEL CORE PROCESSORS & DELL ALIENWARE The aliens have landed! Dell, a multinational information technology corporation, that develops,....


LG’S NEW OPTIMUS 2X WORLD’S FASTEST SMARTPHONE LG Electronics (LG) recently unveiled the LG Optimus 2X, the world’s first smartphone with a dual-core processor. Along with more powerful multimedia features,....





The Bloggers Meet-up by Samsung for Galaxy Tab on the new year night was perhaps the most interactive youth event....


OPEN SOURCE TECHNOLOGIES HAVE THE FUTURE The main purpose of the conference was to bring together academia and software industry researchers and practitioners from across the world to share their ideas....


RELIANCE ON IMF WILL KILL OUR INDUSTRY Mr. Tahir Malik, Chairman Trafco Group of industries talked to MORE magazine and highlighted the issues which are destroying the local industry. Following is the excerpt of our discussion









MORE Magazine printed at Banquet Printing Press 28-A, Nisbat Road, Lahore and published by Mudassar Jehangir Mufti at 2nd Floor, Ali Mansion, 41-A, Lower Mall, Lahore Tel: 042 2106737 Email: Editor-in-Chief Mudassar Jehangir Mufti | Group Editor Sumaira Mudassar | Editor Halima Qureshi | Advertising Manager Ahmed Malik (Lahore), Aamir Malik (Karachi) Designer Assaad Chughtai | Marketing Executive Syed Faisal Ahmed, Zain Zahid | International Correspondent Ireland: Alina Amir Registration No. PCPB 286 |US: Ovais Qureshi | Disclaimer: Where opinion is expressed it is that of the author’s and does not necessarily coincide with the editorial views of the publisher or MORE. All information in this magazine is verified to the best of author’s and publisher’s ability. However, MORE does not accept responsibility for any loss arising from reliance on it.

COVER STORY Mudassar J. Mufti


After years of disturbance and mismanagement within

the company, Warid Telecom seems to be in safe hands after Dhabi Group announced on 8th of January the appointment of Mr. Zouhair Khaliq to serve as Executive Director and represent the Group on the boards of Warid Telecom, Wateen and Wincom, while Mr. Naeem Zamindar will hold the position as CEO of Wateen. In his media statement Chairman of Abu Dhabi group, Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan said, “Both Zouhair and Naeem are visionaries, and competent executives, and are highly qualified. Each will continue our Group's strong commitment to the Pakistani market and the people of Pakistan. They lead our efforts to enhance our operations and improve our organizational effectiveness. For us, at the Abu Dhabi Group these new business leaders represent the next generation of senior executives whose focus will be on setting corporate strategies and policies, providing exceptional service to our customers and creating value for our shareholders in times of constant change". The decision came following the annual report released by PTA in which Warid Telecom is shown to have achieved negative growth in the year 2009-10 losing 0.9 million customers and bringing market share to 17.1 percent from 18.9 % in 2008-09. Sources confirm that negative growth of the entity isn't the only reason behind management change. Serious management issues during the tenure of Mr. Pervez Shahid and Mr. Bashir Tahir caused Abu Dhabi group to face legal notices from various vendors apart from continuous declining revenue, loss of customer's trust and brand image which left no other option for the top man but ask for the resignation from both the gentlemen responsible. Contrary to the market impression, media statement has also clarified that Mr. Bashir and Mr. Parvez never performed as the directors of the group. They were the employees and the replacements were being arranged. A source closed to the matter on the condition of

After Marwan Zawadeh left Warid Telecom from the post of CEO, Abu Dhabi group had started the external auditing of Warid, Wateen and the sister concern Wincom through an Indian audit firm since the start of January 2010. The reports of audit firm never matched with the artificial records provided by earlier management.

anonymity disclosed that after Marwan Zawadeh left Warid Telecom from the post of CEO, Abu Dhabi group had started the external auditing of Warid, Wateen and the sister concern Wincom through an Indian audit firm since the start of January 2010. The reports of audit firm never matched with the artificial records provided by earlier management. With ever deteriorating performance after a successful start, Abu Dhabi group started selling its telecom operations in 2009 and 2010 on global level and managed to sell its African and Bangladeshi operations partially. After various at-

8 / MORE January 2011

COVER STORY tempts management at UAE failed to

spired by the warmth, good will and col-

management strategy, built an efficient

merge Pakistani operations with several

laboration we receive at every level. We

and high caliber Operations Control

interested groups including Telenor,

are proud of our accomplishments and

function and team, reorganised Board

PTCL, CM-Pak because of alleged resist-

for the reputation we have earned".

ance from Parvez Shahid and Bashir Tahir. According to reports, In order to straighten things up, Mr. Nahayan es-

This clearly shows that the Chairman

governance in its subsidiaries and implemented closer monitoring and control

has thrown his weight behind Mr.

systems. Mr. Khaliq also represented

Zouhair Khaliq and his plans.

Orascom Telecom on the Boards of its

Pakistan produces and export mini-

tablished a contact with Mr. Zouhair in

mum commodities because our policy

order to take charge of the affairs who is

makers do not bother to pay attention

subsidiaries in Algeria, Tunisia and Pakistan. Mr. Khaliq, a qualified Chartered Ac-

determined to turn around the entire

to fix our deteriorating condition. We

countant from the United Kingdom, has

situation of Warid with in 6 months. He

have been relying on foreign invest-

served in senior management positions

has also asked an 18 months period to

ments for decades. Telecom annual re-

at Motorola, Mobilink, Millicom, ICI Pak-

turn Wateen into profitable entity. Cur-

port of 2010 shows minimum foreign

istan and Price Waterhouse. Before join-

rently, he is taking actions on emergency

investment in the year 2010 which

ing Orascom Telecom he served as Chief

basis in order to fulfill his commitment

should be a matter of concern for all of

Operating Officer for wCities, a location

on time.

us. We are struggling with our reputa-

based information service provider in

tion for which we blame our rulers. We

the UK. During 1996 through 2001,

cent incident when Mr. Shahzad Rauf,

need to see the enemies in the guise of

while based in the UK, he served as Sen-

head of Strategic Affairs at Warid was

friends as well who frighten foreign in-

ior Director of Regional Operations for

The emergency can be felt from re-

stopped by the security staff from enter-

vestors in Pakistan and eventually cause

Motorola's Europe, Middle East and

ing his office. Every thing at his office

the masses to suffer.

African telecom networks, where he rep-

had already been confiscated and he was asked to leave the office without giving any reason. Industry analysts are expecting mas-

resented Motorola's interests on the

A brief background of Mr. Zouhair Khaliq Mr. Zouhair Abdul Khaliq's recent

Boards of several companies in the region including MobiNil in Egypt and Mobilink in Pakistan. During his career with

sive layoff in the month of January from

appointment is preceded by his long

Motorola, Mr. Khaliq held leadership

all three companies. Media release from

lasting relation at Orascom.

roles in the launch of several cellular op-

He was appointed as the CEO of Mo-

erations including Mobilink in Pakistan,

will be run by Mr. Naeem Zamindar but

bilink on June 1, 2003. From mere under

Fastlink in Jordan and MobiNil in Egypt.

Abu Dhabi Group stated that Wateen it did not confirm the future of Mr.

1 million subscriber base he raised the

On the other hand, Mr. Naeem Za-

Muneer Farooqui who was appointed

figure to 30 million at the time he was

mindar was the second executive who

CEO by Mr. Bashir Tahir in 2010.

elevated to the group level at OraCap.

was hired in Mobilink in 90s. He re-

Prior to Mobilink, he was the Executive

mained with the company for over a

further said, "Our Group is committed to

Officer, Operations for Orascom Telecom

decade and proved his potential under

providing the resources necessary for

in Cairo, responsible for Strategic Plan-

the supervision of Mr. Khaliq.

the highest quality of operations. By

ning, Commercial Operations, Technol-

When Mr. Zouhair Khaliq left Mo-

these appointments today we renew our

ogy, IT, Human Resources and Corporate

bilink, Mr. Naeem was highly ignored by

In his official statement Mr. Nahayan

commitment to the people of Pakistan

Governance for the group's telecom and

the top management. He was made to

that we will honour their trust with con-

technology companies. Earlier in his ca-

stay in the company without any assign-

tinued hard work and dedication. The

reer with Orascom he held the position

ment and portfolio for a year before he

Abu Dhabi Group and I have been doing

of CFO for the Orascom Telecom Group.

eventually resigned.

business in Pakistan for many years and

During his tenure with OTH, Mr. Khaliq

It is expected that Mr. Khaliq and

we look forward to being here for many

successfully led negotiations on debt re-

Naeem will gather more of his past

years to come. We value greatly the ex-

structuring with OT’s banks and princi-

team members to face this immense

cellent co-operation we have from our

pal vendors, developed and successfully


Pakistani brothers and sisters. We are in-

implemented OTH's new operational


MORE / 9 January 2011

TELECOM Malahat Rab


While Pakistan is making a his-

are terms that are used globally as

tory on achieving 100 million subscrip-

indicators of more or less the same

tions, a large number of telecom

thing or may be to reach same num-

experts (so called) and media are criti-

ber. Organizations like International

cizing and questioning the credibility of

Telecommunication Union (ITU),

the figures quoted by the industry and

Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT),

the Authority. With the current situa-

Association of GSM (GSMA) and

tion of our economy in particular and

LirneAsia are concentrating their ef-

country in general, any such achieve-

forts on streamlining these parame-

ment is neither expected nor antici-

ters to define rules for subscribers,

pated from any other sector of the

SIM and subscription count.


Around the globe, large number

Pakistan is homeland to 165 million

of European countries have gone

people spread across length and

past the penetration level of 100%

breadth of the country. The economy is

and some countries in Asia also

not very well documented where even

claim to have penetration levels of

for population count we have ten differ-

over 100%. These countries include

ent figures quoted by Government,

Sweden, Bulgaria, Israel, Russia, Fin-

Non Gov. Organizations and foreign or-

land, Netherlands, Spain, Malaysia

ganizations. The data scams are, for general information, a common phenomenon around the globe and even prevail in the most advanced economies. To give our readers a precise round up of telecom sector achievements, it is one sector of the economy that has

This article was sent to MORE by Pakistan Telecommunication Authority in response to our previous month’s story “100 Million subscribers in Pakistan, a wrong claim by PTA“. We are publishing it here as it is to let our readers know how PTA justifies its position

brought in a Foreign Direct Investment of over US$ 6.3 billion in last 5 years, a

maid and a laborer now communicates

and so on. Estonia is one country whose

share of over 30% in the total FDI enter-

via Mobile. Telecom services are the

penetration rate is over 180%. Penetra-

ing in the country (2005-2010). The sec-

only services in the country whose

tion rate actually tells number of cellu-

tor has contributed over Rs. 500 billion

prices have been reducing all this time,

lar subscribers per 100 people of the

to the national exchequer in the form

thus giving our burdened statesmen a

county and applying math gives total

of taxes and duties in the last 5 years

reason to smile. Although telecoms

subscribers number in the country. It

that shows over Rs. 100 billion per year

cannot fill the empty stomachs but is

does not appeal to common sense that

to FBR. Financial size of the sector is

serving as a mean to the ultimate end

mobile penetration or shall we say mo-

over Rs. 357 billion. Social benefits of

of earning livelihood.

bile subscribers in a country are more

growth in telecom sector are known and visible to everyone as even a house 10 / MORE January 2011

Subscribers count, subscription number, SIM count and mobile density

than its total population (which of course includes children). So over 100%

TELECOM penetration or having more subscribers

tors and ministries have been working

cording to the approved definition

than population tells that there re-

on it very seriously. In this regard, a tai-

based on international standards under

mains an element of miscounting of

lored definition according to the re-

the certificates of commitments re-

total subscribers by every and all coun-

quirements and availability of data is

ceived from all operators. The approved

tries of the world. Similarly, there are of

formed and implemented accordingly

definition says “A Subscription would

course some factors which make it diffi-

by operators, regulators etc around the

be counted as “Active Subscription” if

cult for countries to reach to a solid cor-

world. Regulators collect data according

the subscription that is registered in

rect subscriber number or penetration

to it and operators provide data accord-

the internal subscriber system of mo-

rate. These factors are one person using

ing to it. In case of Pakistan, PTA con-

bile service provider (i.e HLR) makes any

multiple SIMs, one SIM being used by

ducted a study on calculating Active

revenue generating activity including

multiple users ( mobile PCO’s and rural

Subscription and floated a consultation

Outgoing (Voice Calls, SMS, MMS), In-

areas where no communication is avail-

paper in the industry, with recom-

coming (Voices calls) and Others

able) corporate customers who have

mended definition for Active Sub-

(Recharge activity, Roaming services,

multiple SIMs, (generally its 20 SIMs on

scribers, for comments and suggestions

Data transmissions including GPRS/in-

one company’s name) children under

(same is available on PTA website for

ternet access, data transfers, receipt

the age of 18 years (who have no NICs

viewing). In this regard after delibera-

sessions), during last 90 days. In case of

thus no record). Therefore there is as

tion and discussions a standard defini-

no activity the subscription would be

such no formula or rule of thumb de-

tion was mutually agreed and approved

counted off from the billing system re-

fined so far to exactly calculate actual

by the Authority. The operators were

gardless of fact that subscriber has a

subscriber number if total SIM count is

asked to implement the definition and

valid balance within prescribed time-

known. i.e. for every one person we

provide the Active Subscribers data to

line of the credit at IN”. Similarly for a

take two or three SIMs.

PTA on the basis of that definition. Later

count of Inactive subscribers, the cri-

Pakistan Telecommunication Au-

a certificate for implementation of defi-

tiques should be aware of the fact that

thority (PTA) maintains a database of all

nition and provision of data on that

keeping an inactive number or sub-

telecom indicators and a full direc-

definition was also requested from op-

scriber on the technical systems and

torate is designated for collecting

erators (all have provided). Now PTA

networks of operators bear cost which

(Local) and disseminating (Local, Inter-

along with huge number of other indi-

obviously is unnecessary burden.

national) all and every data related to

cators, also collects data of Active Sub-

Pakistan telecom sector. The authentic

scribers from operators, who provide

marvelous job in taking mobile to every

The operators in Pakistan have done

and cross checked data available with

them according to the definition. While

nook and corner of the country. The

PTA related to all telecom indicators is

implementing the Active subscriber’s

Government is gaining a lot in financial

since year 2000 till now. All the data

definition, operators have gone

terms from the sector and consumers

which PTA collects is taken from the pri-

through a process of data cleaning in

are enjoying a facility which is now a

mary sources e.g. operators, Federal

which Inactive subscribers were

necessity at lowest tariffs (as compared

Board of Revenue, Ministry of Finance

chucked out of the systems of opera-

to ever rising tariffs of all the necessi-

etc. and according to international

tors. This exercise resulted in decline in

ties). Therefore commending all our

standards kept for data authenticity,

the number of total active subscribers

stakeholders, we endeavor to take our

data collected from primary source has

of each operator (See month-wise oper-

mobile penetration to the level of most

minimum margin of error. In order to

ator-wise subscribers on PTA website).

advanced nations in the world. It does

remain current with latest develop-

According to the numbers that PTA re-

not matter how people criticize our

ments in ICT indicators PTA officials are

ceives every month the sector now

achievement but what matters is the

also sent for professional development

holds total mobile subscription of over

sense of accomplishment that we re-

courses on indictaors (ICT).

100 million which is growing every

ceive from the telecom consumers


across the country and the interna-

Since Active Subscription has been an important and critical parameter around the world, companies, regula-

Therefore PTA collects data of Active Subscription from primary source, ac-

tional recognition of our services be it ITU or GSM association.


MORE / 11 January 2011


12 / MORE January 2011


MORE / 13 January 2011


Camera result of Desire Z

MORE in House

14 / MORE January 2011



We were provided with the test

You can't miss any contact

level phone, Nokia 2700, the applica-

handset which only had USB charger

We have found Desire Z an optimum

tion worked successfully. You are no

and microUSB data cable but in com-

social gadget that integrates famous so-

more required to attach your phone

mercial casing HTC Desire Z is also ac-

cial applications neatly and provides a

with PC to import your contact list.

companied by a headset. 8GB micrSD

comprehensive usability. Desire Z term

memory card was also inside our De-

phonebook as “People” which bring all

sire Z placed under the battery cover.

your contacts from your phone and so-

These are the basic jobs for any

cial networks into one place. People is

phone to do. Desire Z handles both of

tabbed into 4. First tab shows all your

them very beautifully. Voice quality

ance with that solid look it gives, a hall

phone and SIM contact. Next tab shows

during the call is excellent and even

mark of HTC products which Desire Z

the grouping levels, third one is about

better with the speaker phone. Phone


the social networks that can bring any

utility is on homescreen. Keypad is big

number of contacts on your phone

enough to dial anything speedily. Di-

along with their profile and the last tab

aler shows call logs on the top and en-

shows the combined call log.

tire contact list underneath. Typing

Weighing 180 gm, the handset is a little heavy but does maintain a bal-

Entirely New Design HTC Desire Z boast of a unique de-

Calling and Texting

sign we have never seen before. The phone is divided into two halves, raise the upper portion from the left side (where volume rocker is placed), it moves on the Z-hinge located underneath and falls very smoothly on the right side to reveal the 4-row QWERTY

We have found Desire Z an optimum social gadget that integrates famous social applications neatly and provides a comprehensive usability. Desire Z term phonebook as “People” which bring all your contacts from your phone and social networks into one place.

keyboard. The movement of Z-hinge is so swift that you hardly feel anything

We shouldn't forget to mention a

after giving a little push at the time of

very useful utility here, “Transfer

raising upper half of the phone.

Data”, found in the main menu. It pulls

any number or name start filtering the list to locate the desired one. Push and hold a contact and

all the contacts from other available

there pops up few useful options in-

Froyo 2.2 which is known for its power,

phones within the range via Blue-

cluding View contact, Call History, Edit,

usability and user friendliness. It gives

tooth. Even if the target phone's

Send SMS, Add to favorite, Send Email,

all these powers to Desire Z. Also, the

model is not listed in the Desire Z list,

Delete call logs.

phone is equipped with newest ver-

it will still extract the contacts. Apart

sion of HTC Sense user interface of An-

from testing it with other smart-

an incoming call by turning the


phones, we tried this test on an entry

phone's face down. Sometimes, we

Desire Z is powered by Android

We saw a little issues when muting

MORE / 15 January 2011

REVIEW had to turn the phone more than one

blink of any eye. Shuffle and repeat

time to mute it. Proximity sensor takes

can be done from the two small icons

tography, bring out the “Settings”

For a little more professional pho-

care of ringer volume for an incoming

at the top corners of the player but

panel by pushing “Menu” button. Here

call. Ringer volume remain higher

again you will need to wait for two or

you can play with self-portrat, timer,

when the phone is at distant place or

three seconds before it gets toggled.

image adjustment, white balance, res-

in your pocket, the moment you hold

FM with RDS support is able to

it, ringer gets quite but does not stop.

scan everything in the air. The applica-

Texting is also an entertaining fea-

tion UI is clean and large, you can save

ture in Desire Z. Pull up the screen part

your stations.

reveals highly well placed keys of QWERTY keyboard which practically increases your typing speed. You can

olution, ISO level, auto-focus, geo tagging, face detection etc. HTC could have improved the quality of photos by improving internal picture treatment mechanism because it

Gallery what ever you shoot from your cam-

does create undue noise on pictures taken from more than 5 feet but if the

smoothly change the orientation while

era, download and copy and no matter

object is within the range it will not

typing, thanks to a very responsive ac-

which part of the phone you have saved

deteriorate the quality.

celerometer. Not to mention, SMS

your files, it shows everything here. File

gives you a threaded view.

management is excellent within the

25 fps producing 1280x720p. There

gallery. It shows all the files (music,

are some common features it shares

Email configuration is automatic for

Video camera records at maximum

Gmail and shows a same level of ease

with the still camera. 6 Special effects

for other mail box. You can make as

are available against the 12 with still

many mail boxes as you want, display


them separately or even combined. You

Connectivity, Internet and Browsing

get the same feel as you are on a PC. There's hardly anything the HTC Desire

connectivity is perfect and perhaps

Z lacks in terms of email capabilities.

the hall mark of Desire Z. Keeping

There are number of ways to reach the SMS and email applications. The

aside 3G (not functional in Pakistan)

shortest way is to put the icon on the

other available connectivity modes are


Wi-fi and full DLNA support for im-

Videos and Audio Player

Camera effects in Desire Z

The builtin video player is the basic

ages, videos and music, Bluetooth 2.1, USB tethering, Internet Pass through, microUSB and of course

one and can play 3gp, 3g2, mp4, wmv


files. No support for avi though so you

When USB is plugged into PC it

need to convert your avi movies more

videos and images) in their respective

opens a window (Choose a connection

often. Quality wise the player does a

categories along with number of files in

type) on the phone screen asking for

better job. It handles DivX and XviD

each folder. Files are displayed in a

the task phone has to perform. Con-

nicely as well.

thumbnail style in every folder.

nection types are, Charge only, HTC Sync, Disk Drive, USB tethering and In-

On the audio front, again its a simple player and can play aac, amr, ogg,


ternet Pass through. By default Charge

m4a, mid, mp3, wav, wma files. By de-

5 MP auto focus camera produces

fault it displays songs by artist but you

2592х1944 pixels and works good for

change the option for 3 seconds, de-

can always change the order from the

the still shoot. LED flash is a plus point.

fault will be selected.

tabs located at the bottom.

The effect button bring out a panel

Only is selected and if you do not

USB tethering let other devices,

on the left side of the viewfinder with

such as PCs, use the high speed inter-

music application, but in “Now Play-

12 different effect you can apply on

net connection of your phone. Yes, ap-

ing” mode changing songs happen at a

your pictures.

plicable for 3G networks. Similarly,

It takes few minutes to load the

16 / MORE January 2011

REVIEW of the text so you don't have to scroll

download PDF attachments from your

sideways or zoom in/out to read it.

email but it does the job for JPG files.

Default browser can open 4 windows only

Press and hold brings out the selec-

Files are not saved in the system

tion option for the text which you can

memory but you don't have to locate

share anywhere. Similarly when you do

them manually because each applica-

the same on “images”, it will give you

tion locates relevant files.

relevant options for saving, sharing etc.

Quickoffice gives you lots of formating facility for word files as well as

Social Media Name of any famous social application that is not available in side Desire

spreadsheets. Every option can be activated from the “Menu” button. One thing more the executives will

Z. Facebook, Twitter, Peep applications

look for, the stocks, which is there as

are pre-installed. They are integrated


everywhere so you can post and check updates in the phone book, gallery, we can say everywhere. Internet Pass Through does the oppo-

Applications, magic of Android and HTC Hub Android is all about freedom of

site job for your phone.

doing anything. Unlike Windows and Apple smpartphones, you get most of


the things free from the “Market”. Ap-

Browsing on androids are becom-

plications there are categorized and

ing a treat, Desire Z is no different. It

rated for your ease. Same goes right

offers built-in browser along with the

for HTC Hub which provides you num-

Flash 10.1 support. No web browser

ber of customization options.

today can live without good flash sup-

One thing that can pinch you is the

port as you come across the flash con-

wastage of battery time because you

tent on almost every site.

forget to close most of the applica-

The browser's UI is simple and

tions. We remained connected to inter-

clean. While browsing address bar will

net most of the time which kept our

disappear and you will only notice the

phone busy during nights even and for

refresh and rss key at the top corners.

that reason we really had to charge

One user friendly feature that you

our phone every next day.

use every time is double tap zooming

Lastly, after so many months we

Double tap zooming result

Your office is where Desire Z is Most the office work is all about

and text re-flow. You only need to double tap the area of web page you like

have found a perfect phone which can fulfill your almost every desire. One

Word application, Spreadsheet, PDF

must not rule out the power and con-

and JPG. This is what an executive

tribution of Android which is actually

come across most of the time at office.

making things possible. Despite of 800

Desire Z has a Quickoffice app, which

MHz processor, the phone is well bal-

has support for viewing Word, Excel,

anced in all the aspects. We found this

and PowerPoint, including the Office

phone much better than HTC's recent

2007 versions and it can create Office

Windows HD 7 which is a typical Mi-

2003 Word and Excel documents.

crosoft platform that let you down

Acrobat reader version is there for

most of the time. But this thing Desire

to read and browser adjusts the long

PDF files and of course JPG is not a

Z is a blend of hardware and software

horizontal text giving you a full view

problem at all. There is no option to



MORE / 17 January 2011



and M17x laptops to the Pakistani

bilities. Gaming will never be the same

The aliens have landed! Dell, a

gamers’ line of sight with the new


multinational information technology

Intel® Core™ i7 mobile processors

corporation, that develops, sells and

which take you even further with fea-

case evokes feelings of pure speed and

supports computers and related prod-

tures like Intel’s Hyper-Threading and

is a testament of design to form and

ucts and services announced it will be

Turbo Boost technologies that power

function, since every angle and line is

introducing two new laptops of its

through games, multimedia applica-

there to dissipate heat and increase

wholly owned subsidiary Alienware® in

tions and your daily routine all at the

gaming performance. Available for per-


same time.

Feel the thrill of gaming with Alienware® powered by a member of the Intel® Core™ processor family—smarter

The powerful design of the M15x

sonalization in a selection of three colors: Metallic Red, Metallic Silver or

ALIENWARE®M15x The Alienware® M15x with its 15”

Metallic Black. The Alienware® QuickTouch system

processors that automatically deliver

screen helps gamers take charge with

extra performance whenever you need

blazing-fast graphics, the latest in

sors to access and manage power and

it as it features 12-way multitask pro-

processor technology and Hi-def capa-

volume controls, wireless connectivity

control pad uses touch-capacitive sen-

cessing. The Intel® Core™ processors are Intel's ultimate PC processors for laptops, for ultimate performance in extreme games and beyond. Alienware® specializes in high performance gaming machines and Dell Pakistan will be introducing the M15x 18 / MORE January 2011

A smart choice for gamers, the processors also features Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology and Intel® QuickPath Interconnect, which enables each core of your processor to work on two tasks at the same time, delivering the performance you need for smart multitasking.

REVIEW and both Command Center and Stealth

500GB or a Solid State hard drive up to

with the following input slots and op-

Mode launch functions rendering me-

256GB, coupled with a choice of video

tions; IEEE 1394a (4-pin) port, Inte-

chanical buttons and control knobs ob-

cards from NVIDIA GeForce® or ATI Mo-

grated Gigabit Ethernet RJ-45

solete. Adorned with the AlienFX®

bility Radeon™ (512 MB to 1536 MB),

(1000Mbps), 3 Hi-speed USB 2.0 ports

lighting control system it looks and

and the internal High-Definition 5.1

(1 via USB 2.0 / eSATA combo port),

feels as if it’s from a galaxy far, far away.

surround sound audio, the M15x is de-

1eSATA (via USB 2.0/ eSATA Combo

With a range for your choice of

signed to bring you the hi-def genera-

Port), VGA, Display Port-Video Output,

Intel® Core™ i7, i5 or i3 processors,

tion gaming experience on the laptop

8-in-1 Media Card Reader, ExpressCard

ranging from 1.7GHz to 2.53 GHz, it

right now!

Slot, 2 Audio Out Connectors, Audio In/

features unrivaled smart features like

The processor comes equipped with

Intel’s Hyper-Threading and Turbo

Intel HD Graphics, an advanced video

Boost technologies that juggle your

engine that delivers smooth, high-qual-

games, multimedia applications and

ity HD video playback, and advanced

your daily routines seamlessly. With

3D capabilities.

overclock enabled, you can tune your

A smart choice for gamers, the

Microphone Jack (retaskable for 5.1 audio), and Two Built-In Front Speakers.

ALIENWARE® M17x The Alienware M17x has an anodized aluminum body and a cover de-

system for extra performance and feed

processors also features Intel® Hyper-

sign to dissipate heat to offer the

your need for speed. Plus, greater cache

Threading Technology and Intel® Quick-

coolest performance, and not just for

size and higher frequencies make it the

Path Interconnect, which enables each

looks alone. With a choice of Metallic

perfect engine for power users who de-

core of your processor to work on two

Black or Metallic Silver, it has the Alien-

mand unparalleled performance and

tasks at the same time, delivering the

ware® QuickTouch system control pad

unlimited digital creativity. The dual

performance you need for smart multi-

which uses touch-capacitive sensors to

channel DDR3 RAM memory (4 to 8


access and manage power and volume

GB), a choice of SATA II hard drive up to

The hardware design also comes

controls, Bluetooth® and wireless con-

MORE / 19 January 2011

REVIEW nectivity and Command Center and

overcome even the most resilient foes.

memories (4 GB to 8 GB) RAM, a choice

Stealth Mode launch functions render-

The powerful range of Intel®Core™ i7

of hard drive between SATA II up to

ing mechanical buttons and control

or i5 (1.6 GHz to 2.5 GHz) featuring

1280GB and Solid State hard drive up

knobs obsolete. It is illuminated by the

Intel® Turbo Boost Technology for dy-

to 512 GB, an internal High-Definition

dramatic AlienFX® lighting control sys-

namic, on-the-fly over-clocking, to-

5.1 surround sound audio and pre-

tem giving it that ultra stylish appear-

gether with the ATI CrossFireX™

loaded Genuine Window®7 ultra, busi-


dual-graphics processing unit (GPU)

ness or home premium, the Alienware

graphics which provides ultra-fast

M17x is ready for action.

The 17” widescreen LCD display features a dual CCFL back-lit LCD with

frame rates up to a full one teraflop of

By allowing the user to change the

higher brightness. It will display more

sheer graphics power and Alienware’s

core multiplier there is more flexibility

detailed, higher-quality imagery than

dramatic industrial design deliver the

in the overclocking as this is an addi-

ultimate high-definition mobile gam-

tional “knob” to turn. The better stability comes from generally being able to use less voltage when overclocking the cores only. In the past, a user had to use the base clock for overclocking and this called for large voltage increases and instability in the rest of the processor. With the introduction of these exciting new processors in Alienware®, the overclocking sky is the limit! The hardware design also comes with the following input slots and options; 4 Hi-speed USB 2.0 ports, 1

eSATA/USB 2.0 Combo (2-in-1 port) single CCFL displays and with an 8-ms

ing and entertainment experience.

response time, ghosting is history. The

The ultra-performing Intel® Core™

2.0-megapixel webcam and digital mi-

i7 processor is the ultimate, overclock-

with PowerShare , 8-in-1 Media Card Reader, IEEE 1394a (4-pin) port, ExpressCard Slot, Display Port , HDMITM,

crophone helps you broadcast across

ing-enabled, multitasking beast. Wield

VGA-Video Output, Front Speakers

the web, while wireless capabilities

the ultimate gaming weapon for

Audio Out Connector/ Headphone Jack,

have you up and running anytime, any-

greater performance in 3D gaming ap-

Center Speaker and Subwoofer Audio

where. The facial recognition software

plications. The Intel® Core™ processors,

Out Connector/ Headphone Jack, Rear

in its Command Center utilizes the we-

with Intel® Turbo Boost Technology

Surround Audio Out Connector, Audio

bcam to verify biometric measure-

and Intel® Hyper-Threading Technol-

In/ Microphone Jack, Two Built-In Front

ments that cannot be faked or stolen

ogy, provides a rich set of features to

Speakers, Center Speaker and Sub-

unlike a password.

give you smart performance for the

woofer Audio Out Connector/ Head-

If you’re cornered and outnum-

toughest tasks and flexibility to set

phone Jack, Rear Surround Audio Out

bered you’ll need all the power you can

your system specs just the way you

Connector, Audio In/ Microphone Jack,

scrounge, the M17x will provide you


and Two Built-In Front Speakers.

with that extra processing power to 20 / MORE January 2011

With a choice of DDR3 dual channel


REVIEW Mudassar J. Mufti



MORE / 21 January 2011


Specifications g g g g

1Ghz Dual-core Processor (NVIDIA Tegra 2) 8GB memory (up to 32GB via microSD) 8 megapixel rear camera and 1.3 megapixel front camera 1080p MPEG-4/H.264 playback and recording

22 / MORE January 2011

g g g

4-inch WVGA screen 1,500 mAh battery HDMI mirroring

REVIEW Features HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) reflect: The Optimus 2X featuring a 1GHz Nvidia’s Tegra 2 processor has the ability to duplicate whatever’s on the smartphone’s screen on a an external screen in full HD resolution.


LG Electronics (LG) recently unveiled the LG

Optimus 2X, the world’s first smartphone with a dual-core processor. Along with more powerful multimedia features, the LG Optimus 2X’s high-performance Tegra 2 processor makes for faster, smoother web browsing and applications and lets

Web/Internet browsing: The dual-core processor will add wonders to the phones web browsing facilities. The smooth browsing will be facilitated by talented multitasking that allows applications to change with virtually no screen wrap.

users multitask with virtually no screen lag.

Storage Capacity: The Optimus 2X has a built-in memory of

this technology,” said Dr. Jong-seok Park, CEO and

8GB which is extendable to an inspiring 32-GB of a micro SD memory card.

“Dual-core technology is the next leap forward in mobile technology so this is no small achievement to be the first to offer a smartphone utilizing President of LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “With unique features such as HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) mirroring

Cameras: In addition an 8 megapixels camera on the back with 1080p video capture ability, the Optimus 2X also has a front facing camera for making face-to-face video calls. Motion gaming: The Optimus 2X also has a built-in accelerometer and gyroscope to facilitate motion-controlled gaming. The phone can connect wirelessly to any DLNA compatible device such as gaming console, HDTV for a better gaming or video experience.

Innovations in Optimus 2X: The latest and fresh LG Optimus 2X has a 1GHz dual-core Tegra 2 processor, which makes the Optimus 2X the first smartphone to boast of a dual-core processor, though many more such phones are expected now. For the users who’re sick of the screen wraps while running number of programs simutaneously on their phones, the Optimus 2X is a solution for this problem, this provides not only guarantees best multitasking facility ever experienced but also offers full-HD 1080p view on a large screen using HDMI of the videos captured through the phone’s 8MP camera matching with a 1.3 megapixel front facing camera for face-to-face calling and self shooting.

Price and availability Launched first in the Korea, according to the dual-core LG Optimus 2X will cost about 4,999 KR (approx £470 or $730). It is reported that after Korea the Optimus 2X will be launched in Sweden followed by a UK launch on January 24. The LG Optimus 2X gets in itself a dual-core processor which enhances the smartphones capabilities to run multiple applications and programs more smoothly, which isn’t possible with single core processor phones that show screen wraps in multitasking. The dual-core processor of the phone also lets the phone runs at a clock speed of 1GHz at minimum power, but still enhance performance, video and audio playing abilities, increase and provide better and faster web browsing and gaming experience.

and exceptional graphics performance, the LG Optimus 2X is proof of LG’s commitment to high-end smartphones in 2011.” Developed by graphics processor powerhouse NVIDIA?, the dual-core Tegra 2 system-on-a-chip found in the LG Optimus 2X runs at a clock speed of 1GHz and boasts low power consumption and high performance for playing video and audio. Users will experience faster web browsing and smoother gameplay compared with single-core processors running at the same speed as well as instantaneous touch response and seamless multitasking between applications. The LG Optimus 2X offers 1080p HD video playback and recording with HDMI mirroring that expands content on external displays to full HD quality. The LG Optimus 2X can connect wirelessly to any DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) compatible digital device such as HD TVs for a consolelike gaming experience taking full advantage of the phone’s HDMI mirroring, accelerometer and gyro sensor. The smartphone also includes both rearand front-facing cameras, microSD memory expandability, Micro-USB port and a hefty 1500mAh battery. The LG Optimus 2X will be available in Korea next month with countries in Europe and Asia to follow. The phone will initially be released with Android 2.2 (Froyo) and will be upgradeable to Android 2.3 (Gingerbread). The upgrade schedule will be announced in local markets in due course.


MORE / 23 January 2011


Galaxy Tab meet-up shows Pakistani Youth is more Tech Savvy and Talented g

The Bloggers Meet-up by Sam-

sung for Galaxy Tab on the new year night was perhaps the most interactive youth event I have come across in 2010. There was so much fun and thrill in the air. More than 150 bloggers attended the event who had come from all over the country to show their commitment with technology in Pakistan. Apart from meeting technology gurus in Pakistan, one of the interests for everyone was to win a Galaxy Tab. Badar Khushnood from Google started this competition among attendees that who ever gets maximum unique 'Likes' on his/her status on facebook

A group photo at Bloggers Meet-up will take home this marvelous gadget. Every one had a fair chance to play with Tab for few minutes as Samsung dedicated 3 Tabs for this and made sure everyone feel this 7 inch wide screen.

Winner of Samsung Galaxy Tab receiving the gadget from Zeshan Qureshi, Marketing Head, Samsung Electronics

Zeshan Qureshi showing Nexus One which is scheduled to be launched in Pakistan at the end of February 2011. 24 / MORE January 2011

Almost every speaker was asked

istan. I personally was amazed by the

more than enough questions by this

performance of few young guys who

army of young techy boys which sim-

shown lots of confidence and even out

ply shown how well we have started

performed couple of speakers who got

to understand the technology in Pak-

fumbled and had to correct their

EVENT statements number of times. Zeshan Hanif Qureshi, Head of Samsung Mobile and Corporate Marketing Pakistan & Afganistan highlighted the features of Tab and also revealed Samsugn's plans after February 2011. He said, “we are going to have another meet-up at the end of February 2011 when we launch Gingerbread in Pakistan. Our coming smartphones is like a big army with tons of magical features of open source technology”. To a question that is there any R&D being done in Pakistan by Samsung, he said, “Currently we only check the qual-

From (L-R) Rabiya Siddique, Sumaira Mudassar and Sadaf Majdey

ity and performance of all the Samsung gadgets that land in Pakistan. We have developed a long list of local applica-

the event also focused on the expan-

Pakistanis similarly the official cricket

tions for Pakistanis and plans to involve

sion of our technical work force which

game of world cup 2011 is also devel-

local developers for our operating sys-

can ultimately neutralize negative

oped by team of young Pakistanis”.

tem BADA is also in pipeline”.

image of our country.

PR Manager of Samsung, Rabiya

She said, “Pakistan can't be ignored

Jehan Ara also requested Badar Khusnood, Google's representative in

Siddique and Sadaf Majdy from Mo-

now, our young generation has ab-

Pakistan to make arrangements to

bilink asked various technical ques-

sorbed the latest technologies the

start Android based trainings locally in

tions related to Galaxy Tab and

world is producing and now we have

order to enhance the skills of young

Andriod Froyo and distributed number

started to create new things. While


of goody bags among the winners.

praising the young application devel-

Head of P@SHA, Jehan Ara had flown to Lahore especially to attend

The function ended with delicious

opers, she told that the top most

dinner served at the roof top of hotel

blackberry application is created by

of Bristo 201.


Bloggers Receiving their gifts from Rabiya Siddique, PR Manager, Samsung

MORE / 25 January 2011



Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Com-

future of open-source software. KICS is

puter Science (KICS), University of En-

conceived as an institute for applied

gineering and Technology (UET),

research, covering the general area of

Lahore organized the 4th International

Information Technology and Computer

prizes worth Rs.60,000/- and

Conference on Open Source Systems

Science in UET, Lahore. One of the

shields from the Chief Guest,

event. The winners got

Dr. Naveed A. Malik, Rector, Virtual University Pakistan. The conference also contained the multifaceted Open Source Series Workshop (OSSW-10) on first and second day of the 3 day event. A total of 12 workshops were presented by different national & international institutions and software companies. The purpose of this activity was to bring Open Source practitioners from around the world related to academia and industry on a single platform where they share their experiences 1st Row (L-T): Dr. Noor M. Sheikh, Dr. Waqar Mahmood, Mr. Tariq Badshah, Dr. Tanveer ul Haq, Dr. Naveed A. Malik, Dr. Zubair A. Khan, Dr. Abad Ali Shah, Dr. Abdul Waheed, Dr. Iqbal Gondal, Dr. M. Khaleeq-ur-Rahman, Dr. Sarmad Hussain

and present their work lively. Technical research sessions were planned on the third day of the event, the main conference day. Chairman

and Technologies (ICOSST-10) and as-

main contributions of KICS is its open

PSEB, Rector Virtual University Pak-

sociated Open Source Series Work-

source development lab which targets

istan, Member IT & Teleocm MoIT,

shops (OSSW-10) together with a

development, deployment, modifica-

Chief Technical Officer WiTribe, Dean

student software competitions named

tion and customization of open source

Electrical and Computer Science UET-

BRAINIAC-10 in collaboration with

tools and software.

Lahore and senior foreign faculty

Higher Education Commission and

Conference started in the name of

members and professional attended

UET-ACM Student Chapter on 22–24

Almighty Allah with full swing.

the conference and graced various cer-

December, 2010.

Around 500 students from various in-

emonies during the day with the other

stitutions participated in different

dignitaries from all over Pakistan.

The main purpose of the conference was to bring together academia

competitions like Differentiation with

and software industry researchers and

Innovation (DIFFON), speed program-

audience of OSS researchers and prac-

practitioners from across the world to

ming and quiz competitions in which a

titioners from academia, industry, and

share their ideas and experiences re-

total of 50 teams from all over Pak-

public administration who presented

lated to the state-of-the-art and the

istan participated during first day of

research papers, tutorials and invited

26 / MORE January 2011

The Conference gathered diverse

TECHNOLOGY Badshah Member IT and Telecom MoIT admired the efforts and teamwork in successfully managing and hosting the event. He offered his full support as head of IT division in Ministry of IT and Telecom, Islamabad. Dr. Tanveer CTO WiTribe appreciated the conference and motivated the stu-

Dr. Naveed Malik (right) presenting Shield to Dr. Tanveer ul Haq wi-tribe

Dr. Waqar Mahmood giving shield to Lt. Gen (R) Muhammad Akram Khan dents to work with full dedication and integrity, if they want to bring out our country from crises. He also acknowledged the overwhelming efforts of KICS for last few years in Open Source Software especially in a country like Pakistan, where government budget and ordinary person cannot afford heavy licensed software. The Chief Guest, Zia Imran, Managing Director PSEB, Dr. Naveed A. Malik and Vice-

Lt. Gen (R) Muhammad Akram Khan presenting Shield to Mr. Imran Zia, Chairman PSEB

talks addressing the state-of-the-art open-source research and development in the critical areas such as E-Business, EGovernment, Telecommunication, Enterprise Security, Healthcare, Higher Education and Research, Enterprise Resource Planning, and Educational Institution Management and Administration. KICS is proud to be the first institution in the country that is working and leading the Open Source Software (OSS)

Participants at the Event

movement not only in Pakistan but all over the world. The Chief Guest, Mr. Zia Imran Chairman PSEB admitted and en-

Chancellor, Lt. Gen (R) Muhammad Akram Khan distributed

couraged KICS efforts for being a leader in the open source

shields among the competition winners, workshop presen-

software and technologies since last five years. Mr. Tariq

ters and dignitaries.


MORE / 27 January 2011

Interview MORE Team

Q: Please share how you became an

own country which will eventually play

started in Pakistan in the year 1999 by

a role in our economy. This was my vi-

a company in Karachi but we entered

sion to support my local manufacturers

with the different approach. Before en-

ble Muslim. My career started with the

so that could maintain a smooth busi-

tering into the industry, we studied

logistics business when I formed a

ness relation with their foreign part-

deeply about the demands and re-

company by the name of Trafco. In its

ners. Time has proven that our clients

quirements of this industry. Before we

early days, Trafco mostly performed

are satisfied by the services we provide

started, it was a SMS based activity

the custom clearance activities and

and by the grace of God Almighty,

but we were the first one to introduce

industrialist? I am a simple Pakistani and a hum-

then we gradually moved towards in-

Trafco Pvt Ltd is included among the

the GPRS based tracking in Pakistan.

ternational logistics. In all these years I

best companies in Pakistan.

For this we entered into contracts with cellular operators which was not the

have regularly visited international conferences on logistics and learned a lot from there. Reason behind learning new techniques was to implement them in my 28 / MORE January 2011

Q: When did you start the tracking business? We started tracking business in 2005. Though, tracking has been

case before. The benefit of GPRS is that we are able to do real time monitoring that means, you know all the time what ex-

Interview actly a vehicle is doing at any particu-

ing but problem in Pakistan is that

be impossible to increase the rev-

lar moment.

only those people are being burdened


Trafco Tracking has become Pak-

by RGST who are already paying taxes.

istan's largest tracking company which

Secondly, government never re-

Q: How we can fix this issue? We Muslims should straighten our-

is being operated from the 10 cities in

turns the amount of taxes it has col-

Pakistan. Where ever cellular network

lected in excess from the local

selves. Look at the beautiful system of

is available, our service exists.

businessmen. For the last 8 years ex-

Zakat that Prophet (PBUH) gifted us;

cess tax collected from textile, steel

we can support and develop ourselves

in infrastructure; we are the only com-

and other industries are still pending

by implementing this system in its

pany to have installed IBM E-Blade

on government's end.

true form.

We have invested a huge amount

Server to enhance our tracking capa-

How justified it is to squeeze those

Unfortunately, we forgot the basics

bilities. After looking at the success

businessmen and salaried people who

of our religion and adopted the capi-

rate, most of the companies have

are already paying huge taxes, how

talism based interest model that

shifted on the GPRS model.

will they survive with this extra bur-

caused our economy to rely on foreign


hands than our own. We can never

We are not staying here, our technical team is working on the 3G technol-

I have been an executive member

ogy and by the time it reaches here in

of the federation of Pakistan chamber

Pakistan, we will be able to shift on it.

of commerce and industry and also the

progress unless we stop relying on IMF and World Bank. Another way to fix this is to in-

existing chairman of standing commit-

crease our export business which is

tee on export and trade. We have tried

currently the backbone of Pakistan.

our best to convey this simple mes-

Again I would repeat, no one in the

faction level of your client. With every

sage to the government people, policy

government keeps the vision to in-

passing day, we gain more trust of our

makers but unfortunately, no one has

crease our exports. You can maximize

clients. Being the chairman of Trafco

time to listen to our genuine demands.

the foreign exchange with the help of

Tracking Company, I keep myself in-

Before deciding anything with refer-

good exports.

volved personally by calling few of

ence to taxation, they never take us in

clients randomly on regular basis to


Q: How do gain your client's trust? Business is based upon the satis-

know their valuable feedback. My

Another thing I would like to ask

US and the European countries have started canceling our orders because we are unable to meet the dead-

clients can always call the customer

the decision makers, why to tax the in-

lines of our foreign partners due to

services center at any time or they can

dustrialist only, why not the land lords

energy crisis and law and order situa-

directly call me. I always thank them of

and the feudal as well?


their timely feedback which has helped us improve our services.

Take an example of a textile mill in

Government is happy to announce

which more than 10,000 workers are

that export figures have reached al-

working on each shift. That means

most 15 billion. This is not the true pic-

Q: What is your view point on RGST

more than 30,000 families are associ-

ture. It has swelled only because of

and how government takes care of tax

ated with the survival of that particu-

exchange rate. Currently US dollar is

lar mill. If that mill stops working due

equal Rs. 86, few years back it was Rs.

revenue? RGST has become an annoying

to the prevailing energy crisis in Pak-

56. But I can tell you we can double

phenomenon for our local industry. I

istan, what will happen to those fami-

this figure if our government starts

personally think, RGST itself is not a

lies and how that mill will be able to

paying attention by replacing all the

bad thing but the way it is being im-

pay taxes. And it is happening now in

Commercial AttachĂŠ with those people

plemented by our government is ques-


who are from the business community.


It is our request to reconsider its

For policy making our government

policies and do a little sympathy with

should hire those who are already in

countries rely on taxes for their rev-

our industrialist. Support the industry

business and can understand the is-

enue as there is no other way of earn-

and increase the tax net or else it will

sues of this community.

This is a fact that all the developed

MORE / 29 January 2011

Latest in Tech

Dell's IPS and multitouch ST2220T finally shipping

SmartFish releases shapeshifting Engage ergonomic keyboard Unlike other ergonomic keyboards that adopt different key layouts, the Engage Keyboard is a QWERTY keyboard that is the first to feature a patented motion system that studies the user’s typing frequency and automatically makes periodic adjustments to the position of the keyboard’s two halves and its tilt. These changes in positioning are is designed to promote the natural motion of the user’s hands and wrists and ensure the user’s hands aren’t in a fixed position all day long. According to Dr. Jack Atzmon, President and CEO of SmartFish, “En-

Dell's glorious 21.5-inch multitouch ST2220T monitor with an IPS panel is finally coming into

gage ensures movement in the user’s typing experience which is crucial for increasing flexibility, circulation and alleviating stress and pain.”

market. The 1920 x 1080-resolution display is finally available through both Dell and LogicBuy. The IPS display is said to provide extra wide viewing angles, but perhaps even more enticing is the monitor's A-frame stand, which tilts the screen forward, backward and even flat. Put that all together with its infrared multitouch and you've got a larger than life tablet for gaming.

Engage was developed in collaboration with leading orthopedic hospital, The Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, with a portion of all proceeds from sales being donated to the hospital to help further research of technologies. The Engage Keyboard complements the company’s Whirl ergonomic mice (previously known as the ErgoMotion Mouse) and is compatible with PCs. It is available now at

Samsung crafts 'world's lightest' 3D glasses Sammsung has partnered up with Austrian design firm Silhouette to deliver what it claims are the world's lightest 3D glasses, weighing a measly 28g. The design is such that all the electronics are housed in two compartments at the rear of the specs, permitting for a perfect weight balance between the front and back. They'll supposedly fit on adults and children alike, will recharge wirelessly, and will also detect when 3D content is being beamed at them and automatically switch on and off. Their ability to deliver compelling content to make 3D TVs worth it, however, remains a mystery. 30 / MORE January 2011

Latest in Tech

Eton Mobius Solar Charging Case

Well Timed Sockets

Eton has introduced the Mobius solar charging case for iPhone. Mobius is equipped with a monocrystal solar panel that gathers the sun’s energy and charges up the iPhone. With a battery built into the case, it almost double iPhone’s talk and play time. The sale price has not been released yet. Every little step towards saving energy is a good thing; and thus we have the Ring Socket. The design is based on how a timer works. Set the ring for an hour, two-hours, more-hours; and at the end of it, the power supply shuts off. A thoughtful design but I guess suitable only for single sockets; as a long strip it would look too comical!

Griffin adds remote control functionality to smartphones Meteor USB foldable mic

Next level of smartphone-as-universal-remote tech-

Samson is to introduce a USB foldable microphone called Meteor which is suitable for those who want a better micro-

nology is here.

phone for voice recoding and voice chat via Skype, iChat or

Beacon Universal Re-

any voice recognition software on your computer. The Sam-

mote Control System

son Meteor USB mic comes in a fold-back leg design, which

from Griffin Technol-

allows for optimal positioning for any recording application

ogy and Dijits turns

from acoustic guitars and vocals to speech.

your iPhone and other iOS devices into

Despite the small size, it packs the largest con-

omnipotent remote

denser which delivers

controls, by convert-

great quality of audio

ing Bluetooth signals into infrared com-

recording. It also has a stereo headphone output

mands that your stereo, TV, and other devices can rec-

for no latency monitoring

ognize. Paired with Dijit's Universal Remote App,

and a headphone volume

Beacon, which looks something akin to a game show

control. The Meteor USB

buzzer, converts your touchscreen to a remote, making

microphone can be used

all the added cases, dongles, and even cords unneces-

on your computer right out of the box as it requires no in-

sary -- it can run up to two months on four AA batteries.

stallation of drivers and is compatible with most digital

Beacon is expected to hit the market in May 2011 for

audio software.

$79.99 MORE / 31 January 2011

Month in Focus

LG awards distribution to MBM g

LG Pakistan has

appointed Mega Business Machine (MBM) as its distributor for its IT products in Pakistan. In this regard, a ceremony was held in Lahore which was attended by the dealers and distributors from all over the Punjab. In the colorful cerKhursheed Abbas, Country Head, MBM

emony, Mr. Khursheed Abbas, country head, MBM expressed his gratitude for the trust LG has put into MBM. While addressing the event he said, “MBM has been working with its international partners and product manufacturers for many years and it is our passion and dedication towards our business that help us maintain a strong relation with them”. It is merit mentioning here that MBM is already distributing Canon, ADATA products in the Pakistani market.

A group photo at the end of event


Proud Pakistani g

Abbas Shahid Baqir is the young

2010-2011. The contest was partici-

In Computers” an organization being

pated by number of companies and

run for promoting the educational, e-

professionals from India, Sri Lanka,

Learning, networking & software in-

China, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore,

dustry in Pakistan. The organization is

Hong Kong, Indonesia, New Zealand,

HP Alliance ONE Educational Institu-

Thailand and Dubai. HP has selected

tions Partner, Softline Group Partner,

Student Shelter In Computers for Year

Microsoft IT Academy Partner and

2011 to Provide education and solu-

Cisco's Regional Networking Academy

tions to HP Partners including stu-

Partner in Punjab.

dents, professionals, industries,

Just recently, Student Shelter in 32 / MORE January 2011

Computer won HP Annual Awards

Managing Director of “Student Shelter

schools, colleges and universities


Month in Focus

MORE / 33 January 2011

Month in Focus

PTA organized a seminar on 3G Pakistan Telecommunication

ticularly in developing countries where

com also made presentations high-

Authority (PTA) organized a seminar in

teledensity and Internet penetration

lighting impact of 3G services. During

collaboration with (Zhongxing Tele-

are low.

the seminar speakers of national and


com) ZTE Corporation at Lahore on 3G

On the occasion, Chairman PTA, Dr.

international fame focused on the

mobile services. The theme was “To be

Mohammed Yaseen said that by the

benefits of 3G to: businesses, educa-

or not to be is not the question: 3G is coming”. Federal Minister for Informa-

end of 2010, there will be an esti-

tion, government, national economy,

mated 5.3 billion mobile cellular sub-

urban/rural populace, indigenous soft-

tion Technology & Telecom, Sardar

scriptions worldwide, including 940

ware houses and local contents devel-

Minister for IT and Telecommunication Sardar Aseff Ahmad Ali, Chairman Pakistan Telecommunication Authority Dr. Mohammad Yaseen, CEO ZTE, representative of Qualcom and Other at seminar on 3G organized by ZTE Aseff Ahmed Ali was the chief guest

million subscriptions to 3G services.

opment. On this occasion all five

on this occasion, while Chairman PTA,

Access to mobile networks is now

cellular mobile operator signed MoUs

Dr. Mohammed Yaseen, presided over

available to 90% of the world popula-

to boost localized applications, con-

the ceremony, Chief Executive Officer

tion and 80% of the population living

tent and services.

ZTE Pakistan Mr. Peng Aiguang, IT &

in rural areas people are moving rap-

telecom industry experts, CEOs of

idly from 2G to 3G platforms, in both

telecom operators world-wide have al-

telecom companies, academia and

developed and developing countries.

ready embraced the 3G technology,

media representatives attended the

In 2010, 143 countries were offering

enabling them to provide their cus-


3G services commercially, compared to

tomers with diverse and rich voice and

95 in 2007 towards 4G: a number of

data service, thereby sparking social

countries have started to offer services

and economic growth and increasing

said that “The introduction of 3G net-

at even higher broadband speeds,

their revenues. 3G Mobile Broadband

works, devices and services in coun-

moving to next generation wireless

is an important step in modernization

tries around the world is enhancing

platforms. PTA will also be organizing

of mobile telephone system. With the

Federal Minister for Information Technology, Sardar Aseff Ahmed Ali

It may be mentioned that most of

quality of life and providing expanded

a conference on “Opportunity for all –

launch of 3G, in future, Pakistani cell

economic opportunities, both in the

Development of 3G” on January 11,

phone subscribers will be able to

public and private sectors. It has

2011, he added. During the seminar

transmit and receive high speed data

brought around development of inno-

Chairman PTA delivered also a com-

through their mobile phones. High

vative new services for consumers and

pressive presentation to highlight the

speed data means possibility of video

greater productivity for enterprises.

worldwide practices regarding 3G

calls, internet browsing and down-

Going further down the pyramid, 3G is

services and the case studies thereof.

loading at a much higher speed which

improving the lives of underserved citizens, bridging the “digital divide”, par34 / MORE January 2011

Mr. Cao Long, of Wang Li Heng, Mr. Rahel Kamal, representative of Qual-

also includes usage of data intensive applications.


MORE / 35 January 2011

Month in Focus

PTCL upgrades customers contact centers Pakistan Telecommunication

tated to submit their suggestions and

and follow-up on faults and service

Company LTD (PTCL) has upgraded its

feedback regarding all services pro-

provisioning regarding all PTCL serv-

contact centers for the maximum facil-

vided by PTCL. Furthermore, an online

ices. The SSCs also coordinates with

itation of its customers.

complaint form would enable cus-

local exchanges for expediting Cus-

tomers to register their complaints

tomer Service issues.


PTCL Contact Centers which previously were man-reliant have now been advanced and developed into a process-

using web based services.

Hamid Farooq SEVP Business De-

The four Contact Centers, two in

velopment on the up gradation of cus-

oriented Contact Centers with multi-

Lahore, one in Karachi and one in

tomers contact centers said that, PTCL

segmented approach to handle both

Rawalpindi work round the clock 24/7,

has always strived for providing its

in-bound and out-bound customers ac-

365 days a year ensuring support to

valuable customers with the best serv-

cording to their needs by using state-of-

the customers at all times with a staff

ices and offers majority of its services

the-art technology. The Contact Centers

of 1200. To ensure that quality services

through its contact centers gives cus-

have been improvised by settling

are provided to our customers regular

tomers the convenience of utilizing

guidelines together for efficiencies and

trainings are also given at the Contact

PTCL services and products without

effectiveness and keeping in mind the

Centers and today PTCL has become

leaving their homes or offices.

aim to provide First Call Resolution and

the obvious choice for people and this

better customer services.

up gradation would further enhance

Customer Care said that this step will

PTCL image as a customer oriented or-

have a very positive impact on our per-


formance all over the country. PTCL as

PTCL is also in the process of developing an effective online interface through which customers would be

To provide improved Customer care

Mohammad Kamran Malik EVP

per the need of time and keeping in

able to order PTCL’s products. This

in the Regions, PTCL has also estab-

mind the needs of customers will also

unique web portal will enable cus-

lished Service Support Centers (SSCs)

keep on upgrading the customers con-

tomers to manage their accounts and

throughout the country. These centers

tact centers in future, so that the con-

billing as per convenience of their time

perform core functions such as com-

cerns and needs of our customers are

and location. Customers will be facili-

munication with customers, analysis

met instantly.

CTO (PTCL) Mohammad Nasrullah signing the MOU in the presence of President and CEO Walid Irshaid for the joint development of ICT infrastructure in DHA 36 / MORE January 2011


Irfan Akram, Vice President Customer Care Mobilink (R) handing over Rs.1 Million cheque to Muhammad Naveed Sarwar (L), the first monthly winner of Mobilink Jazz SMS Khazana Round IV from Lahore.

Month in Focus

Legendary cricketer and Mobilink Brand Ambassador Wasim Akram with participants of the cricket match arranged by Mobilink and PIA for special children

ZONG continues its support of education in Pakistan with the ZONG Scholarship Program for the talented students. Picture shows Amer Siraj, Regional Director S&D, ZONG is presenting cheque to Gen (R) Muhammad Akram Khan, Vice Chancellor, University of Engineering and Technology of Lahore.

Samsung Sells 10 Million Galaxy S Smartphones within 7 Months g

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., a

global leader in mobile phones and

world are living the Smart Life. The

aired it on broadband, mobile and

Galaxy S has set a new standard in

video-on-demand. It was viewed by

electronics, has sold 10 million of its

Smartphones and outperformed even

over 4.5 milllion viewers. Working di-

Android-powered Galaxy S Smart-

our expectations”.

rectly with Galaxy S users, Samsung

phones. The milestone was reached

The company initiated a number of

fosters creation of user-generated

within seven months after the device

innovative global content initiatives

commercials and videos. Selected win-

was launched, in June 2010.

and consumer engagement programs.

ning videos were promoted on the

NBC and Samsung produced a comedy

Current Media website and Samsung

Show "FCU: Fact Checker’s Unit" and

mobile fan page.

The Android-powered Galaxy S incorporates a 4-inch Super AMOLED


screen and a 1 GHz application processor that enables vibrant HD videos, rich augmented reality content through Layar Reality Browser, and advanced LBS (Location Based Services). Samsung Pakistan’s Managing Director, Mr. Hee Chang Yee said; “The Galaxy S is the result of our 22 year heritage in the mobile industry. It is the realization of our concept of ‘the Smart Life’ - we wanted to makes users’ lives more convenient, more exciting, and more integrated. This milestone shows that we have succeeded: 10 million Galaxy S users around the

Etihad Airways staff donates funds to Emirates International Mobile Humanitarian Hospital in Pakistan who have been working on various projects since the floods hit the country last year. (L-R) Peter Baumgartner, Chief Commercial Officer Etihad Airways, Dr Adel Al Shamry, Chief Executive – Emirates International Mobile Humanitarian Hospital. MORE / 37 January 2011

Month in Focus

Kingston Announces SDHC UHS-I UltimateXX g

Kingston Digital, Inc. has

announced the SDHC UHS-I UltimateXX memory cards. The high-

paired with a UHS-I device, although the card is backwards compatible with Class 4, 6 and 10 equipment. “Kingston is pleased to be one of the first manufacturers

est speed class available today,

to offer SDHC UHS-I memory cards to our customers,” said

the UltimateXX meets standards

Nathan Su, Flash Memory Sales Director, APAC Region,

set by the Secure Digital Associa-

Kingston. “Being a member of the SD Association enhances

tion for next-level performance in

our ability to bring new technology to market. As the de-

SD card technology.

vices that support SDHC UHS-I become prevalent, our Ulti-

Shipping later this month, Kingston’s UltimateXX memory

mateXX cards are at the ready.” Kingston’s UltimateXX line meets the SD Association

cards are ideal for the serious pho-

standards for the UHS-I speed class with speeds up to

tographer or videographer. Photographers will appreciate

60MB/sec. read and 35MB/sec. write. At this performance

the ability to easily capture sequential shots that were once

level, the write speed of SDHC UHS-I memory cards is more

a challenge due to the speed limitations of memory. The Ul-

than three times as fast as SDHC Class 10 cards. The Ulti-

timateXX also makes it easy to capture HD video. The per-

mateXX product line will offer capacities of 8GB, 16GB and

formance of SDHC UHS-I memory card is optimized when



Mr. Hee Chang Yee, Managing Director Samsung Electronics and Mr. Khalid, CEO Mobo International at the inauguration of Customer Service Centre on Lawrence Road, Lahore

PTA and UET Taxila sign MOU for Mutual Cooperation Representatives of PTA and UET, Taxila are signing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance cooperation between the two organizations. Chairman Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), Dr. Mohammed Yaseen and Vice Chancellor UET Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abbas Choudhry are also seen in the picture.

38 / MORE January 2011

Month in Focus

PIA’s 329th Board of Directors Meeting g

Board approved the Corporate

Budget for the year 2011 with a revenue target of Rs 133 billion which is 22 percent higher than the expected actual revenues of 2010. Board emphasized that Management should take all out efforts to meet the assigned target. Board appreciated the efforts of Management which despite volcanic eruptions and snow storm in Europe and slowdown of economic sit-

Ahmed Mukhtar, Minister for Defence

Akhtar, Lt Gen (Retd) Syed Athar Ali,

uation all over the world, enabled PIA

& Chairman-PIA and attended by Cap-

Federal Secretary Defence, Mr.

to surpass the budgeted revenue tar-

tain Muhammad Aijaz Haroon, Man-

Mubashir Iftikhar, Dr. Waqar Masood

get of 2010.

aging Director PIA, Syed Naseer

Khan, Federal Secretary Finance and

Ahmad, Malik Nazir Ahmed, Mr. Javed

Mr. Hussain Lawai.

The Meeting was chaired by Ch


PIA and Turkish Airlines sign Mou and Chairman Board of Investment were also present at the meeting. The Turkish Airlines delegation comprised of Mr. Orhan Sivrikaya, EVP Commercial, Ms. Ozlem Salihoglu, SVP Business Development & Agreements and Mr. Hasan Hulki Balakbabalar, SVP Network Planning among other officials of Turkish Airlines. PIA Officials at the meeting included Mr. Imraan Ahmed Khan, Director Marketing PIA and Mr. Irshad Ghani, General Manager Industry Affairs, Mr. Tahir Niaz, General Manager Passenger Market Planning and & E-Commerce among other officials of the airline. g


A Memorandum of Understanding was signed be-

tween PIA and Turkish Airlines for increased commercial cooperation and work on avenues to bring the people of these two countries closer. The Mou was signed by Managing Director PIA, Captain Muhammad Aijaz Haroon and Dr. Temel Kotil, President & CEO, Turkish Airlines. Both airlines explored the possibilities of utilizing each others resources for their mutual benefit. Collaboration in the fields of Maintenance, Training, Ground handling and Marketing activities were discussed in detail. His Excellency, Mr. Fethi Ethem, Counsel General of Turkey, Mr. Saleem Mandviwalla, Federal Minister of State 40 / MORE January 2011

Chairman, Travel Agent Association of Pakistan (TAAP), Yahya Polani, hosted A Reception recently in honor of Voice Consul General of Saudia Mr. Anwar Mirza on this occasion group photo shows Haji Masood Parekh, Hashim Baloch, Hanif Dossani and Khizar Polani.


42 / MORE January 2011


MORE / 43 January 2011



44 / MORE January 2011


MORE / 45 January 2011


46 / MORE January 2011

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