MORE Magazine

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{cover story |

4 | More | April 2010





| cover story}

April 2010 | More | 5

CONTENT Disclaimer: Where opinion is expressed it is that of the author’s and does not necessarily coincide with the editorial views of the publisher or MORE. All information in this magazine is verified to the best of author’s and publisher’s ability. However, MORE does not accept responsibility for any loss arising from reliance on it.

{April 2010 | Volume 2 | Issue 9} cover story nadra data shared With us, british eMbassies


For the purpose of giving police the access to the data of mobile phone users,...

telecoM Offering electronic payment can also help businesses improve customer retention. A customer is more likely to return to the same e-commerce site where his or her information has already been entered and stored.


cell Phone directory access vs Privacy


To start with, being listed in the cell-phone directory may be voluntary for the customers...

telePresence: increase your groWth oPPortunities


The Government needs to reinforce the importance of telepresence through specific market...

Mobile eMail and sMs, next Mega advertising MediuM


Worldwide, location-based advertising is considered an extremely accountable medium...

Wi-tribe and nokia sieMens Join hands


Pakistan will soon enjoy enhanced coverage for superior online freedom with wi-tribe,...

event solar energy, our ultiMate need


At the end of March, Jang Group organized an expo on alternative energy solutions...

Pta acknoWledged best research ProJects on it & telecoM


Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has awarded gold medals with cash prizes...

Warid organized a Magnificent event Warid Telecom (Pvt.) Ltd hosted a magnificent corporate event for its valuable business...


career guide tiPs for “triMMing your Workday”




If your workday is anything like mine these days, multi-tasking has taken on a whole...

revieW hP: Wireless all in one Printer


Clutter free spaces are desired by all, at homes or offices where there are less wires and...

Pakistani Professionals Pakistani Professionals have enorMous Potential


The MORE team has started a new segment for the talented Pakistani professionals working...


More rePort Pakistan railWays: it’s tiMe to cash in on Public confidence


Pakistan Railway is at a point where the general public has confidence in it...

Month in focus Mobilink Pays back to society

34 36 39

aPns aWard kingston among people

38 42

agri tech seedless kinnoW Production: a great success


The collaborative efforts for the production of seedless kinnows will bear fruit as Pakistan...

41 MobIlE PhoNE-GADGEtS 47 46 lAtESt IN tECh

MORE Magazine printed at Banquet Printing Press 28-A, Nisbat Road, Lahore and published by Mudassar Jehangir Mufti at 2nd Floor, Ali Mansion, 41-A, Lower Mall, Lahore Tel: 042 7321920, 2106737 Email:

Editor-in-Chief Mudassar Jehangir Mufti | Group Editor Sumaira Mudassar | Editor Halima Qureshi | Sub-Editor W. Khaliqdad Advertising Manager Ahmed Malik (Lahore), Amir Malik (Karachi) Designer Assad Chughtai | Marketing Executive Syed Faisal Ahmed, Zain Zahid | International Correspondent Ireland: Alina Amir |US: Ovais Qureshi | Contributor Fahad Chishty Registration No. PCPB 286

{cover story |

More Reprot


The Government of Pakistan has

ity (NADRA), under the instructions of the

France, Denmark, Australia, Canada etc. If

not been able to tackle the issue of secu-

Ministry of Interior, has provided its data

this is true, then it is a matter of great con-

rity and, at the same time, ensure that the

along with that from the mobile tele-

cern for any ordinary Pakistani as this

privacy of the citizens is not compro-

phone operators to the American and

would let very personal and specific data


mised. Though law and order situation in

British embassies in Pakistan, which

to fall in the hands of very unreliable or-

the country has been continuously wors-

means that they have now access to per-

ganizations, especially the intelligence

ening, the Government while going for

sonal information of the people of Pak-

agencies of these countries.

strict security measures has forgotten to

istan as well as records of telephone SIMs

take care of peoples’ privacy.

registered to their names.

NADRA has, however, rejected the news report. An oďŹƒcial spokesperson

According to press reports, the Na-

It has been learnt that such a demand

said that NADRA database is highly se-

tional Database and Registration Author-

has also been made by the embassies of

cure and the Authority has designed a

8 | More | April 2010

{cover story} special system to ensure the database’s

One thing must not be forgotten that

security. “Even the local and provincial

the sharing of users’ information must be

governments do not have access to the

done in the most secured way because a

Our neighboring country China, the

comes much more important in the context of the war on terrorism.

database and NADRA is strictly following

mobile phone is a complete bank now,

most populous country in the world with

rules regarding the provision of limited

and anyone having access to the system

more than 1.3 billion citizens, has set up a

information to the Federal Government

can commit massive frauds.

special Ministry of Public Security for col-

and the security agencies,” he said.

Similarly, if the data of the law-abid-

lecting and organizing information about

But some people believe that a simi-

ing citizens of Pakistan is available with

its populace and is the main domestic se-

lar case in point is the requirement of offi-

the foreign missions and agencies, who

curity agency. It makes the information, it

cial SIM verification before people can

would guarantee that it does not run the

collects, available only to the authorized

use their new cell phone connections.

risk of it falling into unscrupulous hands.

users. Although with over a billion

Aimed at checking the use of modern

And more importantly, do the people of

records, the task is enormous but the Min-

technology for criminal and terrorist pur-

Pakistan even trust the governments of

istry is performing an excellent job. Like-

poses, it is neither clear whether it can

these countries. The issue needs immedi-

wise, the countries worldwide have

achieve the stated purpose, and whether

ate and serious attention. It must be

developed special mechanisms to secure

adequate safeguards have been put in

voiced at every platform, especially on

personal information of their citizens.

place to prevent the misuse of data. Last

the floor of the National Assembly and

Securing public information is not a simple endeavor, as information can leak

If the personal information of the law-abiding citizens of Pakistan is available with the foreign missions and agencies, who would guarantee that it does not run the risk of it falling into unscrupulous hands. And more importantly, do the people of Pakistan even trust the governments of these countries.

at any point in the communication process, from receipt, through storage, retrieval, transmission and so on. Furthermore, each information system element is vulnerable to loss, including hardware,

year, the Government ordered the cell

the Senate. How come the Government

software, and personnel. All relevant or-

phone companies not to issue pre-acti-

of Pakistan provide so sensitive data to

ganizations need to recognize the value

vated SIM cards. They can only sell inac-

the “agents” of the other countries. Can

of the public information they possess,

tive SIM cards which are activated after

our embassies in these countries ask for

and take pains to protect it accordingly.

NADRA confirms that the user is a bona

data of their citizens? They would never

Our Government must realize that to ac-

fide applicant. The registration process is

do that, come what may.

cept each and every demand of the US

meant to make it easier to trace suspects

By using the data of the mobile

Government, without analyzing its possi-

who use mobiles for criminal activities.

phone companies, the exact location of a

ble repercussions, will totally compro-

But there are serious question marks re-

mobile phone user, his/her call history,

mise our sovereignty.

garding the efficacy of the registration

SMS and voice messages may be easily

On the pretext of terrorism, the world

system. And there is no evidence that all

traced. The agencies of these foreign

powers are treating the Pakistani nation

SIMs sold on fake information have been

countries will be able to keep an eye on

in a way as all of us are terrorists. Like

blocked or even traced.

the movements of Pakistani people and

many other institutions, the system of

An important thing to mention here is

there is every possibility that the informa-

gathering, securing and using public in-

that our police does not have access to the

tion is misused. There will be significant

formation needs to be strengthened and

data of mobile phone users. Just recently,

negative consequences to individuals

if any foreign agency needs any sort of

CCPO Lahore was quoted as saying at a

when the data containing personally

public information, it should be a body of

public forum that “if mobile companies or

identifiable information is available to

the Pakistan Government that verifies the

security agencies give us the access to mo-

other countries. The crime of identity

request and then provide the requisite in-

bile phone data, we can decrease the

theft and other types of fraud will be fu-

formation in a most secured manner. Let

crime rate drastically.” So if our govern-

eled. We are already seeing the growing

us not become so weak that we as a na-

ment does not believe in our own police,

problem of individuals who are wrong-

tion have to play in the hands of foreign

how can they trust someone else who is

fully linked to crimes they did not commit

powers, the only thing that will help is

not even a part of this country.

because of identity theft, and this be-

strengthening of our institutions.


April 2010 | More | 9

{telecoM |


W. Khaliqdad


It is a controversial issue whether the cellular

mobile operators should have a cell phone directory or not, since both proponents and opponents have dierent points of view. While there are many against a free cell phone directory, there are many others who support this idea. With the exponential growth and popularity of cell phones it is going to become more and more diďŹƒcult to keep track of cell phone numbers. Of course, most cell phones have built-in phonebooks to store and find personal cell numbers but there comes a time or situation when a cell phone directory is much easier to trace any number.

Sooner or later, cell phone directories have to be a part of the whole system, therefore it’s better to start the process now. For this purpose, the regulator and all the operators may sit together and devise a strategy to roll out the plan. A large-scale random survey will help a lot in this regard.

The supporters of the idea argue that if there can 10 | More | April 2010

{telecoM} be directories of landline phones, why is it hazardous to have a cell phone directory. A cell phone directory may have a huge, accurate and updated database of cell phone numbers, including all necessary particulars. However, the opponents do not want the public to have access to their numbers. For them maintaining privacy is the main issue and the idea of having cell numbers easily accessible to the public is bothersome for a lot of users. It may be a way of getting hold of a particular person first-hand without having the need to call a common phone in the office or a residential landline. Another concern is that a free cell phone directory makes it easy for telemarketers to contact the people, many of whom hate the idea of being bothered by telemarketers from

To start with, being listed in the cell-phone directory may be voluntary for the customers. The permission-based directory may be incomplete and less valuable, but once our society is used to it, the number of people opting for directory may grow.

time to time. Besides, free directories also increase the chance of anyone to receive crank calls. ing to everyday wireless users and business users. Cell phones,

When we look at the websites of other countries, they proudly invite new users, asking them to check their subscriber base before making any decision to use their services. With the rapid growth in mobile phone subscribers and low call rates, most calls we receive are from mobiles.

of course, remain personal communication devices but are often used as business tools. Many small businesses rely on cell phones alone. Professionals such as real estate agents and frequent business travelers heavily depend on wireless phones. They take most of their important client calls on the move. A cell phone is their lifeline for their businesses. They want their clients to be able to find them easily. So the significance of cell phone directory cannot be out rightly rejected, although looking at the general trend of mobile phone users, initially a smaller number of people would like to have their numbers listed. To start with, being listed in the cell-phone directory may be voluntary for the customers. The permissionbased directory may be incomplete and less valuable, but once our society is used to it, the number of people opting for directory may grow. In the world, right now, there are about three billion internet

Sometime back, the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority

users daily, which is a pretty impressive number but when you

(PTA) had asked all the cellular mobile companies to either print

compare it to the cell phone, the comparison is worthless. There

a directory or upload details of both post-and pre-paid sub-

are around 4.5 billion cell phone users worldwide and are grow-

scribers on their websites but the suggestion was turned down.

ing on a daily basis. That is an astounding number and a bit

When we look at the websites of other countries, they proudly

scary when you think of the capabilities of a cell phone user

invite new users, asking them to check their subscriber base be-

both good and bad, while landline telephone service is drop-

fore making any decision to use their services. With the rapid

ping worldwide. In developed countries, the governments are

growth in mobile phone subscribers and low call rates, most

seriously working to develop a reliable and comprehensive

calls we receive are from mobiles. At the same time, to cater to increasing customer-base, the

database of the cellular customers while keeping in view the privacy risks.

operators come up with new series which makes it difficult to

Sooner or later, cell phone directories have to be a part of

remember cell numbers. Also, sometime we just want to trace

the whole system, therefore it’s better to start the process now.

a mobile number for reasons like unknown number in missed

For this purpose, the regulator and all the operators may sit to-

call list, to get hint of caller’s permanent location.

gether and devise a strategy to roll out the plan. A large-scale

The availability of a directory service is particularly

random survey will help a lot in this regard.


April 2010 | More | 11

{telecoM |




Pakistan Telecommunication Com-

pany Ltd (PTCL) has added another feather in its cap by launching telepresence, the first of its kind in the country. A new technology, which combines rich audio with high-definition video to deliver a true ‘in

The Government needs to reinforce the importance of telepresence through specific marketing initiatives as it is the next big wave in conferencing. Customized efforts targeting sectors like education, government, banks/financial institutions and even small and medium enterprises can significantly increase telepresence in the country.

person’ virtual meeting experience, is aimed to reduce costs, improve corporate

less travel. The service will provide high-

conferencing studios, a Managed Service

social responsibility credentials through re-

quality video that enables access to anyone,

offering is also available for high usage cus-

duced environmental impact and improve

anywhere around the world.

responses to business challenges and opportunities.

The telepresence conferencing studios are for hire currently in Lahore, Karachi and

tomers, whereby enterprises could opt for PTCL to build and equip a studio at their premises.

It has been argued that telepresence

Islamabad. Aside from this, these confer-

Looking at the significance of the tech-

will ensure efficient end-to-end life size

encing centers will be able to connect to

nology, it may be assumed that telepres-

meeting experience by providing fully

Middle East, Europe, and North America

ence market in Pakistan is estimated to

managed and scalable services over PTCL’s

and to any other telepresence suites

grow rapidly over the next few years. The

global network. The customers are allowed

around the world. These studios with the

conferencing market is expected to un-

to come in and rent its telepresence studio

special conference table can seat up to six

dergo a paradigm shift with the emergence

on hourly basis, without having to invest in

people per location and incorporates video

of telepresence as the business solution for

the expensive technology, thus increase

monitors to create a ‘virtual table’ of up to

real time communication. The conferencing

productivity through more interactions and

30 participants. In addition, PTCL operated

market in Pakistan will evolve a great deal

12 | More | April 2010

{telecoM} Looking at the significance of the technology, it may be assumed that telepresence market in Pakistan is estimated to grow rapidly over the next few years. The conferencing market is expected to undergo a paradigm shift with the emergence of telepresence as the business solution for real time communication. The conferencing market in Pakistan will evolve from audio conferencing (PSTN/ISDN) to audio conferencing (VOIP), followed by video conferencing (VPN/Leased line) and finally telepresence. from audio conferencing (PSTN/ISDN) to audio conferencing

SEVP Commercial, PTCL Naveed Saeed demonstrating Telepresence speed up the market entry of their new products as it enables

(VOIP), followed by video conferencing (VPN/Leased line) and fi-

the design and marketing teams who are spreading in different

nally telepresence.

locations of the country or even across the globe to be in touch

Key factors that would take the industry to the next level are improvement in broadband infrastructure, increase in travel cost, going green initiatives and globalization. While sectors like IT and ITES (Information Technology Enabled Services) would become early adopters of telepresence in Pakistan, other sectors where it can truly make strong inroads are education, government as well as banking and financial services. In future, leading professional institutes could migrate to

all the time. Telepresence systems come in three basic formats in terms of suitability for different sizes of business. 1) Desktop models are best suited to smaller offices, ad-hoc use and one-to-many communication. 2) Meeting-room systems are better suited to companies with a large, distributed network of sites that need to hold regular, formal meetings that involve a number of people.

telepresence for guest lectures and classroom discussions. The

3) Boardroom suites have the biggest high definition screens,

Government will definitely invest in conferencing solutions for

in purpose-built suites that are designed to replicate the look,

efficient administration and reduced travel cost while large banks

feel and even sound of a live meeting.

have plans to invest in conferencing to manage their widespread operations across multiple branches.

SEVP Commercial Naveed Saeed said, “PTCL Tele Presence is a giant leap ahead in Multi-media conferencing technology. Our

The Government needs to reinforce the importance of telep-

aim is to provide our customers with the most updated and so-

resence through specific marketing initiatives as it is the next big

phisticated communication technology and also provide them

wave in conferencing. Customized efforts targeting sectors like

with the best solutions possible which serves all their business

education, government, banks/financial institutions and even

needs by increasing productivity through more interactions and

small and medium enterprises can significantly increase telep-

less travel.”

resence in the country. Today’s high-priced telepresence systems

At international level, there have been huge investments in

may be out of reach for most but it won’t be long before this rev-

telepresence, and the awareness and demand of this technology

olutionary visual conferencing tool is as much a part of our lives.

is increasing day by day. An analysis finds that the European

Establishing a virtual meeting place is not the only applica-

telepresence market for products and services is expected to

tion of telepresence technology. With its high definition cameras

reach $409.6 million by 2013, growing at a compound annual

and huge projection screens, systems are also able to illustrate

growth rate of 56.5 per cent by 2013.

physical characteristics and cues, which make telepresence an

In Pakistan, the success and growth of telepresence will rely

ideal vehicle for business negotiations and sales pitches. Then

on a continued focus and investment by major vendors in broad-

there is telepresence’s potential for allowing human resource ex-

ening buyer awareness, as well as their maintaining an adherence

ecutives to interview job candidates from afar while still getting

to the principle of a tight, reliable integration of technologies and

a feeling for an applicant’s personality. In the not-so-far future,

service components in order to preserve its premium-command-

it’s likely that telepresence will aid geographically scattered en-

ing differentiation. It is hoped that the government would make

gineers and product managers in the product development

every effort to unleash the potential of this updated and sophis-

process. Moreover, the technology will also help companies to

ticated communication technology.


April 2010 | More | 13

{telecoM |

Mudassar J. Mufti


Is mobile email gaining more im-

In the preceding years, emailing was

portance than the text messages and is

limited only to the PC and for its access one

brought such email solutions to our

there any need of regulating the mobile

had to depend on a computer system that’s

doorstep, which provides free email access

phone advertising whether it is through

why the short messaging service gained

on ordinary mobile phones. The best part

email or short text messages? Here we shall

much popularity and the best thing about

about mobile email is that the phone mem-

compare the pros and cons of mobile email

SMS is its incredible speed and is available

ory is absolutely free and unaffected from

and SMS, and discuss the rising significance

in every mobile device without exception.

unnecessary storage of messages, as the

of mobile phone advertising and how to

According to a survey, there has been a de-

emails along with the attachments do not

regularize it.

cline in the use of SMS in the developed

get stored in the phone memory. The user

world, which has been linked to re-

only gets a mobile view of them and the

vision in SMS tariffs by several GSM

emails remain in mailbox at the server.


service providers and, more impor-

Whenever someone wants to access

tantly, easy availability of free mo-

his/her email on the mobile phone, he/she

bile emails on the basic mobile

simply has to point the mobile browser to

handset. Now the mobile

the URL like, and the

browser works the same way

mails are pulled from the mail server to the

as the web browser, allowing

user’s phone. Above all, for accessing emails

users to read, reply, com-

on mobile, the user is not dependent on

pose, forward, sent and

his/her personal phone as mails may be

delete emails from their

easily accessed from any mobile phone that

mobile phone. Another

is capable of internet browsing, whereas



the SMS is limited to user’s own handset,

email has over SMS is


and if handset is lost the entire information

the amount and size of text message that can be

will be lost but with mobile email the information is absolutely secured.

sent. Also, the text mes-

It is evident from the statistics and con-

sages also occupy a major

sumer researches that emerging markets

part of our phone memory

possess a great potential and scope in the

stuffing it with unwanted mes-

telecommunication sector and a majority

sages, very few of which are im-

of population in these developing markets


is ready for the technology shift. According

Where SMS is often used for

to a research, each day 1.8 million people

personal short messages with a

globally become mobile phone users, with

small size of the text, email service

the majority of these people being from

can be utilized for sending short as

countries like Nigeria, Egypt, Indonesia,

well as long descriptive emails with at-

Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. From a


14 | More | April 2010

vancement in mobile technology has


technological point of view, these markets

text/doc/pdf file. Though viewing of at-



also represent a broad spectrum of technol-

tachments is not supported by many of

ogy development. Today, a personal com-

the ordinary handsets but the rapid ad-

puter is more expensive than a mobile

{telecoM} device. Most of the people in the developing countries like Pakistan, particularly in

other form of advertising. But the thing is that the experience has

confidentiality while insuring that they only receive relevant information.

the rural areas, can not afford to buy an up-

shown that if there is no proper regulation

Taking an example from the outside

graded computer system with the internet

of mobile phone advertising, it becomes a

world, America Movil, a well known wireless

connection. On the other hand, a huge seg-

nuisance for customers because if mar-

service provider in Latin America, has

ment of rural and urban population owns a

keters get hold of any customer’s number,

joined hands with MyScreen, a Canada

mobile phone. Due to ease of use, mobile

the cell phone is flooded with a number of

based mobile advertising company, to

phone consumption is much higher as

unnecessary and irrelevant messages thus

launch an interactive mobile advertising

compared to PC. It may be safely assumed

causing a lot of irritation. So there must be

service across Latin American and the

that over the coming years, emails on mo-

opt-in services whereby the user can opt for

Caribbean. This is an opt-in service which is

bile will become increasingly popular with

personal favorites and may allow only them

available only to those who subscribe to

million of business and individual users will

to reach the inbox. For example, someone

the service voluntarily. Customers are deliv-

have access to wireless email.

may love to know when a favourite band

ered interactive full screen ads at the end of every call. Banner ads are served when cus-

Worldwide, location-based advertising is considered an extremely accountable medium. It helps marketers to gain better understanding of their customers with real-time market research, resulting in higher advertising impact and greater customer satisfaction. But still many consumers are concerned about LBA invasion of privacy and risk of being monitored. Therefore, in order to ensure continue success and long-term longevity of LBA, consumer trust must be established and maintained.

tomers are browsing the net on their mobile phone. The subscribers who opt in to the service get special discounts, offers, and free services which are not available to the regular subscribers. The ads delivered are highly targeted based on the preferences of each subscriber. The subscribers can get

But whether it is mobile email or SMS,

goes live and when his/her favourite sports

ads from different categories like health, en-

mobile phone advertising is considered the

team is playing. These kinds of advertise-

tertainment, lifestyle, and sports.

next big thing, and the advertisers are

ments should be meant for specific viewers

Although the mobile advertising in

closely watching the mobile phone user

who would certainly respond and make use

Pakistan is still in its nascent stage but is ex-

segment. Everyday, a common man is

of the ads.

pected to grow significantly in the coming

flooded by lots of advertisers screaming to

Location-based advertising (LBA) is an-

get customer attention. We watch TV, listen

other possibility with mobile phones.

Phone advertising very recently. The service

to radio, check our emails, gaze through

Though LBA provides marketers fantastic

is unique in a sense that customers will be

years. Dell Pakistan has launched its Mobile

billboards, and yet, we hardly remember

reach, it must give customers control on

able to know current information about

the flurry of ads that we go through. This

how they receive ads, more relevant infor-

Dell on their mobile phones. They will just

happens because we have a choice to skip

mation, personalized message, and tar-

have to SMS “Dell” on “6969” and they will

or flee when it comes to these media. But,

geted offers. Worldwide, LBA is considered

get information about latest Dell offering,

the one thing that is always on and always

an extremely accountable medium; it helps

availability of original Dell products. The

with you, the mobile phone, is now the

marketers to gain better understanding of

complete information in total 3 SMSes will

prime target of the advertisers. The differ-

their customers with real-time market re-

cost the user Rs. 5 per SMS.

ence is that the mobile phone never goes

search, which results in higher advertising

Undoubtedly, cell phone advertising

unnoticed. The users check every text mes-

impact and greater customer satisfaction.

has a clear edge over other forms of adver-

sage that comes in, responds, makes calls,

But still many consumers are concerned

tising and is expected to have excellent

and do a lot of other things in their phones.

about LBA invasion of privacy and risk of

growth down the line. Mobile advertising is

This serves as a big advantage, as other

being monitored. Therefore, in order to en-

a marketer’s dream. If done right, it will be

media like TV and print have high chances

sure continue success and long-term

incredibly successful. However, if abused, it

of viewers just skipping the channel or

longevity of LBA, consumer trust must be

could turn a lot of people off very quickly.

skimming through the material. There is no

established and maintained. The best way

Thus, for mobile advertising to be success-

doubt that advertisement through mobiles

for marketers to exploit the opportunities

ful it needs to be permission based, rele-

is most likely to get a response than any

is to give consumers choice, control, and

vant, and timely.


April 2010 | More | 15

{telecoM |




Pakistan will soon enjoy en-

hanced coverage for superior online freedom with wi-tribe, the country’s fastest growing wireless broadband operator, as it moves into the second phase of network expansion. wi-tribe has awarded the services contract to Nokia Siemens Networks who will provide a unique solution comprising of site delivery services and project management. “Our aim is simple – to make wireless broadband a way of life in Pakistan,” said Sami Hinedi, CEO of the wi-tribe Group. “This means expanding our coverage to facilitate reliable wireless access anywhere and everywhere. Nokia Siemens Networks’ rich local expertise coupled with strong capabilities in site Mohammad Sadiq, Board Member, Wi-tribe (Left) & Saad M. Waraich Country Director Pakistan & Afghanistan NSN exchanging documents at the signing ceremony held recently

acquisition and project management makes them an ideal partner for our ambitious build out plans.” “Wireless broadband has huge potential in Pakistan to significantly enhance the country’s overall broadband penetration rates,” said Saad M. Waraich, Country Director, Pakistan & Afghanistan, Nokia Siemens Networks. “Our end-to-end deployment contract with wi-tribe will ensure the operator’s network is up and running on schedule and that too with a lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).” Under the services contract, Nokia Siemens Networks will provide comprehensive site build out services including project management, site acquisition,

Nokia Siemens Networks has regained the Number 2 position in vendor rankings for mobile network infrastructure market, according to research firm Dell'Oro in its Q4 Mobility Report 2009. Industry analyst Dell’Oro is well trusted industry analyst and source for market information about the networking and telecommunications industries. Nokia Siemens Networks reclaimed the position backed by 10 new 3G contracts won in Q4 2009. The overall picture in the mobile network gear market: 1. Ericsson (35% market share) helped by an acquisition of assets of bankrupt Nortel 2. Nokia Siemens Networks (21% market share) 3. Huawei (20% market share)

16 | More | April 2010

civil works, and logistics for wi-tribe’s Phase 2 sites. In addition, Nokia Siemens Networks will assume the complete delivery responsibility for the construction of the sites in order to ensure a faster roll-out of wi-tribe’s network and deliver a quick return on investment.




| cover story}

April 2010 | More | 17

{banking |

18 | More | April 2010

Kamran Abbas


{banking} Offering electronic payment can also help businesses improve customer retention. A customer is more likely to return to the same e-commerce site where his or her information has already been entered and stored.

Machines (ATM) during the second quarter reached 4,217 registering a growth of four per cent as compared to 1.4 per cent increase in the previous quarter. Electronic payment is very convenient for the consumer. In most cases, we only need to enter the account information. Electronic payment lowers costs for businesses as the more payments they can process electronically, the less they spend on paper and postage. Offering electronic payment can also help businesses improve customer retention. A customer is more likely to return to the same e-commerce site where his or her information has already been entered and stored. The main drawbacks to electronic payments are concerns over privacy and the possibility of identity theft. However, there are many safeguards available to protect the personal information from falling into the wrong hands. One can prevent the identity theft by using virus protection software and a firewall on his/her computer. It should also be made sure that credit

When it comes to payment options, nothing is more con-

card information is sent over a secure server. Some people may

venient than the electronic payment. There is no need to write

dislike making electronic payments as they may think that the

a check, swipe a credit card or handle any paper money; one

setup is too time-consuming and don't want passwords to re-


has to do is enter some information into the web browser and

member. But as the trend shows, more and more people would

click the mouse. More and more people are turning to electronic

definitely prefer electronic payments instead of writing checks

payment or e-payment as an alternative to other forms of pay-

and dropping envelopes in the mail.

ment, because it does not involve a paper check. Methods of electronic payments used worldwide include credit cards, debit cards and the ACH (Automated Clearing House) network. The ACH system comprises direct deposit, direct debit

Through the collaboration between the banks and the payments industry, the Government should give more focus to improve and widen the access to the payments infrastructure, identify and remove barriers to greater adoption of electronic payments, and provide the necessary support to ensure the smooth transition to electronic payments.

and electronic checks. According to a report of the State Bank of Pakistan, transac-

Through the collaboration between the banks and the pay-

tions in electronic payment have been growing in the country

ments industry, the Government should give more focus to im-

with rapid speed as these grew to Rs 4.1 trillion in second quar-

prove and widen the access to the payments infrastructure,

ter of the current financial year. The report says that the elec-

identify and remove barriers to greater adoption of electronic

tronic payments continued to show a rising trend as both the

payments, and provide the necessary support to ensure the

number and value of such transactions increased in the second

smooth transition to electronic payments.

quarter (October-December) of the fiscal year.

Whilst steps have been taken to increase the offering and

The volume and value of E-payments transactions during

acceptance of all electronic payment services, particular focus

the second quarter reached 46.4 million and Rs 4.1 trillion, re-

should be given to improve the infrastructure to promote

spectively, showing an increase of 0.2 per cent in number and

greater use of Internet banking services, positioning the debit

6.1 per cent in value. In terms of value, the electronic channel’s

card as a convenient substitute for cash and as a more cost-effi-

composition was recorded at 10.90 per cent against 10.1 per

cient payment instrument. For this purpose, the Government

cent share. Whereas, the volume and value of online banking

will have to play a lead role in the migration to electronic pay-

transactions in the country reached 14.2 million and Rs3.9 tril-

ments and a proper strategy will be needed for raising aware-

lion, respectively, an increase of 8.8 per cent in number and 6.4

ness about significance and use of electronic payment methods,

per cent in value. Similarly, total number of Automated Teller

with more initiatives to be undertaken in the years to come.


April 2010 | More | 19

{intervieW |

More Team


Hasan Jameel, Dawlance

by day because of the increase in awareness among the consumers. I would say that media has played a vital role in increasing the consumer awareness. Now people focus a lot on aesthetics which was not the case when I look back at the time when we had only one TV channel. The consumer has become more knowledgeable about the functionality of the product. Dawlance has responded to such challenges very well by bringing in relevant products that fulfills Pakistani consumer’s needs.

What percentage of the market share in home appliances do local manufacturers have and how much of it belongs to dawlance? Pakistan is a different market when we compare it with India and Bangladesh, though the consumer habits are similar but in terms of market share the international players have a high market share in other countries unlike Pakistan. Whereas if you look at our

tell us about yourself and your professional experience? My name is Hasan Jameel and I completed my B.E. in Electrical Engineering in 1991 from NED University, and afterwards did my

country it’s all together different, as local manufacturers are dominating and the international players have less than seven per cent of the market share. Dawlance is by far the market leader in refrigerators, microwave ovens and split ACs.

MBA from the Institute of Business Administration with majors in Marketing. My overall work experience comprises 18 years and I have been associated with Dawlance for the last nine years and the experience has been really wonderful.

What factors would you attribute to the large market share? I would say there are lots of factors associated with it, the first and the foremost being the product differentiation which gives us

how would you describe dawlance? What is the core business philosophy of dawlance? Dawlance is a 30 years old company, which started its oper-

an edge over the competition. Besides that we focus on consumer insight researches, which provide us guidelines to meet our consumer expectation when developing the product.

ations in 1980 by manufacturing refrigerators, and today we are of volume and revenue with products like refrigerators, freezers,

What is the role of research and development in dawlance?

split ACs, microwave ovens and washing machines.

Dawlance is focusing a lot on R&D, the split AC that we launched

the largest and No.1 home appliances brand of Pakistan in terms

Our core business philosophy revolves around reliability and

last year had a filter clean technology which tells the user when

this is not just a marketing statement but it is our commitment to

its time to clean the filter. This was something that came up while

our valued customers. Through our in-depth consumer re-

we conducted the in-depth researches as people have the ten-

searches, we have always opted for relevant solutions that the con-

dency to forget when to clean the filter hence living in an envi-

sumer requires hence giving them relevant and a reliable solution.

ronment which produces unclean air which affects the health, especially of the asthmatic patients.

how is the marketing environment for the home appliances industry transforming with the passage of time? and how are you responding? Overall the home appliance industry is getting challenges day 20 | More | April 2010

Similarly, launch of Dawlance fully automatic washing machine with tilt drum is another example of how we incorporate our consumer’s expectation in our product development through R&D.



| cover story}

April 2010 | More | 21

{event |

More Report


Mr. Ahmed Fazal, Director Marketing, ORIENT


Mr. Steve Han, General Manager Samsung Pakistan

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd, is

known to be the global leader in household electronics and Mobile phones Samsung Pakistan has appointed “Orient Group of

Samsung side-by-side refrigerator comes with a powerful Twin-Cooling feature, while the “Virus-Doctor” technology in the New Air-Conditioner protects your home from Swine-Flu and other infectious viruses

Companies.” as the new official distributor for Home-Appliances across Pakistan. A

potential for growth in Home electronics

press conference and media lunch was re-

market of Pakistan, which has attracted

promising market, with a vast population

cently held in this regards in Lahore.

many players from the international elec-

and sustainable economic growth Thus, the

The General Manager Samsung Pak-

tronics industry Samsung has a firm resolve

demand and competition in Pakistan is in-

istan, Mr. Steve Han said, “There is a huge

and robust plans for investing in develop-

creasing as the customers seek to reduce

22 | More | April 2010

ing countries. It considers Pakistan as a

{event} domestic work-pressure by using more innovative appliances. Mr. Ahmed Fazal, Director Marketing, ORIENT Group of Companies expressed his views and stated, “We are confident to partner with Samsung Electronics feel that these Home Appliances’ are brilliantly manufactured and will fulfill the needs of our consumers. We thank Mr. Steve for having trust in our company and together we will gain success”. A separate Samsung Dealer event will be arranged on the next day product introductions. Orient Group of Companies has a team of

General Manager Samsung Pakistan, Mr. Steve Han, Senior Manager-Samsung Elecqualified and experienced professionals for tronics, Mr. Injae Lee, Mr. Baber Ali Kazmi, Home Appliances Category Head, Mr. promoting innovative electronic products, Ahmed Fazal, Director Marketing, ORIENT Group of Companies are sitting on stage through a swift dealer network across Pakistan. This collaboration will enable Samsung to proactively enhance its services and streamline distribution all over the country. This introductory press-conference was chaired by the General Manager-Samsung Pakistan, Mr. Steve Han along with the Senior Manager-Samsung Electronics, Mr. Injae Lee, while the Home Appliances Category Head, Mr. Baber Ali Kazmi also addressed the media. Baber Ali Kazmi, Home appliance category Head Samsung Electronics also stared, ‘Samsung Home Appliances are very economical and affordable for our consumer, at the same

A group photo of Mr. Baber Ali Kazmi, Home Appliances Category Head, Miss Rabiya time maintain a level of quality and style we Siddique, Manager PR Samsung, Mr. Fawad Raza Sayeed, Asst. Marketing Manager believe that Orient Group of Companies will HA and Mr. Sheraz Saeed, Marketing Manager Orient Group of Companies. surpass our expectations when they will be handling Samsung products in the market”. He added further that ‘Samsung has launched a new range of Air-conditioner, Refrigerator, Vacumm Cleaner, Washing Machine and Microwave ovens. These new products have already proved to be among the best on a global scale and have been customized as per local needs Samsung side-by-side refrigerator comes with a powerful Twin-Cooling feature, while the “Virus-Doctor” technology in the New Air-Conditioner protects your home from Swine-Flu and other infectious viruses. Moreover, the new automatic washing machine, features and especially precise Voltage control.


New range of Samsung products are on display April 2010 | More | 23

{event |

Faisal Ahmed

} n

At the end of March, Jang Group organized

an expo on alternative energy solutions. Government departments and private companies participated in expo and presented their solar energy based solution. A large number of people visited the expo and took interest in alternative energy solutions as a remedy to prolonged power failures, which are adversely affecting their lives. Speakers at the event talked about the benefits of Solar based energy. Managing Director Marketing Jang Group Sarmad Ali in his address of welcome said frequent and prolonged power outages had become a routine in Pakistan. The country faced 4,500 megawatt electricity shortage and rising circular debt, he said adding that hydropower generation could also meet the energy needs of the country. To meet the country’s energy requirements through rental power plants is a question mark, Sarmad said. He further said thermal power generation would take much long time. He said solar power could be generated in a short span of time. “Europe is exploiting solar energy and India also has started work on it as well,” he said, citing Spain where one area had been generating 60 per cent of energy through solar power generation. He said Pakistan could generate solar power at a broader spectrum. Below were the

Electric Motorcycle

items on display;

A Chinese manufactured Electric Motorcycle based on German Technology run on electrical power which it stores in the battery. The bike can attain a speed of 60 KM and if the battery gets exhausted during the travel, it can be fully recharged by using paddles for 30 minutes. The motorcycle is available for Rs. 45,000. Company also plans to introduce a Solar Energy based motorcycle next year. 24 | More | April 2010

{event} Solar Shower

“Solar Shower� is a water heating solution using solar energy through its glass made cylinders. These cylinders can raise the temperature of water up to boiling point.

Solar Water Turbine

This solar panel is capable of running a water turbine

A similar Solar Stove made of special aluminum foil can boil the water very easily. This arc shaped solar stove is made of glass cubes placed on an iron frame. Each glass piece capture the solar light and shift on a single focal point (a frame) placed in the middle of arc. Anything can be cooked easily on the frame with in minutes.

Cooking Box

Solar Lights LED based solar lights on display. Government can save billions by installing such solar lights across Pakistan.

The box is ideal for baking cake, cookies or any other food except for boiling water

April 2010 | More | 25

Event reporting The News & More

Solar Stoves

{event | } PR

Winners of Gold Medals along with the dignitaries

Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has awarded

previous growth patterns. This step can be helpful in creating a

gold medals with cash prizes to 12 students of various distinguished

strong industry-academia linkage which would enable us to under-


educational institutes of the country for the best research projects

stand the views of researchers regarding pertinent issues faced by

on IT & telecom for the year 2009. Secretary Cabinet Division, Abdul

the industry. He said that we can evaluate the practicability and level

Rauf Chaudhry presented gold medals to the winners of the com-

of implementation of these research projects at our levels and can

petition during a ceremony held at PTA Headquarters, Islamabad. Chairman PTA, Dr. Mohammed Yaseen, Member (Finance) PTA, Syed Nasrul Karim Ghaznavi, Member (Technical) PTA, Dr. Khawar Siddique Khokhar were also present on the occasion. The event was attended by faculty members of the universities, parents of the awardees and representatives of the industry. These gold medals have been awarded on the basis of a competition among accredited national universities called by PTA in April 2009 for the best research projects on IT & telecom. Various educational institutes responded to this call and nominated their students for the competition. Total 18 research projects were received from different universities which were later on scrutinized and evaluated by a PTA committee through a transparent procedure of

Chairman PTA, Dr. Mohammed Yaseen presenting momento to Secretary Cabinet Division Abdul Rauf Chaudary during ceremony for award at PTA Gold Medals on best research project on IT and Telecom. Member Finance PTA, Syed Nasrul Karim Ghaznavi and Member Technical PTA, Dr. Khawar Siddique Khokhar are also presentt

marking. On the basis of highest obtained marks four research projects were selected for the award of Rs.50,000/- each and gold medals for the 12 participants of these projects.

bring improvements which could help us in achieving our goals. Chairman said that PTA introduced the Industry Academia Link-

In his welcoming address, Chairman PTA said that as reflected

age in 2008 to fill the gap between sector development and re-

from the telecom indicators, growth in the telecom sector has been

search requirements of the industry. Gold medals to first batch of

immense in recent past years. Similarly education sector has also

students were awarded by the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Syed

shown tremendous growth in terms of adding an increased number

Yousuf Raza Gillani on World Telecom & Information Society Day,

of educational and professional institutions, development of faculty

May 17, 2008. He said that this is the second batch of students re-

and students’ enrolments whereas growth in research on IT & tele-

ceiving these awards. The prime objective of these awards is to en-

com in Pakistan has not been proportionate. Therefore, he said, in-

courage academia’s participation in the development of telecom

tense local research activities are need of the hour to sustain

sector through their research work, he added.

26 | More | April 2010




| cover story}

April 2010 | More | 27

{event | } PR

Warid Telecom (Pvt.) Ltd hosted a magnificent corporate event for its valuable business partners and customers at Mohatta Palace Museum, Karachi. Aiming to fortify the business relations, the participation was made by top leaders from dierent industries. Music maestro Ustad Rahat Fatah Ali Khan made a fascinating performance on the occasion.

28 | More | April 2010


Shahid Khan

| career guide}

If your workday is anything like mine these days, multi-tasking has

you (taking a walk is a great way to do this) — otherwise you shall tend to try

taken on a whole new meaning. I find myself getting busier and busier — but

to “push on through” and end up being less productive than if you had taken a

that doesn’t always equate with being more productive. Sometimes it just means

few minutes to refresh.


more stress and longer workdays.

6. When the list gets daunting — take action. Sometimes we are immo-

In a recent search for tips on time management, I learned that I am not

bilized just from looking at all we have to do. The best cure? Take action. Do one

alone. One article I came across states many of us work more hours than we need

thing. Tackle the easy task that would not take a lot of time and cross it off your

to because we are not using our time as effectively as we could. Luckily, the article

“to do” list. Just seeing that list get shorter is invigorating — and can actually

has a few tips for how to get the most out of your workday and hopefully make

give you more energy for the upcoming tasks.

it a little shorter in the process. As I read through the article, I recognized some

7. Avoid distractions and stay the course. If you are deep in work and do

familiar work patterns — and some great opportunities for improvement. I have

not have time to chat with coworkers, let them know. If you are in an office en-

paraphrased my favorite tips below:

vironment, hang a “busy” sign on your cube for those times you really can not be disturbed. Do not forget to update your status on Office Communicator to “Do

1. Plan ahead. If you map out your schedule and what you want to accom-

not disturb.” If you work from home, have a system in place with your family so

plish at least a day in advance, it will be very easy to jump right in to work when

they know when you can and can not be interrupted. And then stick to your own

your workday begins. No doubt tasks will get added to your “to do” list as your


day progresses, but if you re-prioritize at the end of each day you’ll be able to

8. Only check email periodically. One of the biggest intrusions into our day

see what you have accomplished today and know what is ahead for tomorrow. 2. Prioritize your work, then stick to those priorities. It is very easy to get

list. Set aside certain times of the day when you are going to concentrate on

diverted from your path when another task is added to your list. Check yourself

email, and otherwise do not let it interrupt your work or re-prioritize your list of

throughout the day to make sure you are working on your highest priority work.

things to do.

is email. It is a great communication tool, but it can wreak havoc with your priority

It is ok to add to your list (which you can reprioritize for the next day) but make

9. Do not waste time reinventing the wheel. Create checklists and templates

sure you are always working on the top priority. 3. Recognize your own “rhythms” and schedule daily tasks around them.

for work you produce repeatedly. That way all you have to do is fill in the blanks. 10. When it is too much, ask for help. Taking on more than you can manage

Everyone has their peak energy times, when they are most productive. If you are

does not help you or the people you work with — because ultimately your work

a morning person, dig into the demanding work early and save the easier tasks

would not be done well. If you have too much on your plate, talk with your man-

for the afternoon. If you need a little time to “warm up” in the morning, that is a

ager about balancing your load. Everyone needs a little help sometimes, and

great time to complete the easy tasks (and cross them off your list) before getting

there might be someone on your team who is looking for more to do. Though it

started on the more demanding projects.

may be difficult to totally eliminate projects and tasks to truly “take work out,” I

4. Factor in your surroundings and potential distractions. If you work in a

think these tips can help anyone feel more in control of their workload – and

group that tends to “visit” in the morning, use that time to do tasks that do not

workday – and ultimately be more productive in less time. For me, managing

require concentration. Same if you work from home — use “empty house” time

my priority list and avoiding the diversions on a daily basis has made a big differ-

to do tasks that require concentration and do the lighter tasks when the house

ence in feeling a sense of accomplishment at the end of each day.

gets busy. 5. When you start to lose concentration, take steps to get back on track.

Is there any tip that resonate with you? Do you

Taking breaks to restart your energy is important no matter where you work.

have other tips that have helped you “trim your work-

Sitting at the computer for long periods of time can slow your metabolism and

day”? Feel free to share your input at “mr.shahid-

make it harder to concentrate. Build breaks into your schedule that re-energize”

April 2010 | More | 29


white 3.5 pages per minute (ppm) and five pages per minute (ppm) respectively. The output is very impressive especially with graphics and photos. It is equally good for text printing like other inkjets and works very well for office purposes. The LCD preview option for pictures is another auxiliary for the end user. The HP Officejet Pro 8500 is easily connected to a wireless network, by following the setup instructions. The printer prints directly from cameras connected via Bluetooth and USB and the print result is commendable with perfect hues and brightness. It gets good points for printing as well as having a scan resolution that is excellent for office use. The scanning, faxing and copying results of HP Officejet are very satisfying and important for multi tasking in any office. The copier comes with standard opn

Clutter free spaces are desired by

showing the level of ink in the printer.

tions of color and black and white, and

all, at homes or offices where there are

The device comes with two trays with

less wires and more space. Trouble days

a capacity of 250 sheets each; not only

Fax machine has a fair speed of three

are definitely over with the new HP Of-

that it has a 50 page automatic document

seconds per page and a caller ID will en-

can reduce and enlarge accordingly.

ficejet Pro 8500 that can print, scan, fax

feeder (ADF), it can also turn a page over

sure fax blocking too. Another feature is

and copy over the network putting all so-

to print, which means that one can print

the ability to cancel a print job with just

lutions into one device and answering all

on two sides of a page (duplex) as well.

single press of a button, whereby printing


The duplex option is also applicable for

stops immediately saving paper and

scan and fax. Unlike expensive options,


HP Officejet is sleek, sophisticated machine with matte, white and gray pan-

this printer saves cost by using duplex

The HP Officejet Pro 8500 is total

els and a glossy black cockpit which

option. The front panel has an external

value for money when it comes to the nu-

makes it quite suave for offices and

card reader that supports PictBridge USB,

merous services offered in one device;

homes. It offers prints in both color as

xD, Memory Stick, SD and Compact Flash.

which has a quick printing speed and has

well as black and white. The center has a

The 28 pound Officejet is easily installed

a remarkable output for graphics and

3.45 inch color LCD touch screen and a

and can be used on standard computer

photos, and good for text. In a nutshell, in

full telephone keypad for fax purposes.

networks, Mac and windows.

the long run this printer is a solution to

The home screen displays a frequent use

The machine has a remarkable print-

options menu and a graphical indicator

ing speed for both color and black and

30 | More | April 2010

many tasks and is definitely a very secure investment.



Sumaira Mudassar

| Pakistani Professionals}

Pakistani professionals have enormous potential In early 2007, one of my dreams came true when I received offer letter from one of the biggest telecom vendors in the world, Huawei Technologies Co Ltd (Pakistan). At Huawei–Pakistan, I was involved in the Warid project for GSM roll out and also served Wateen Project under different roles. In 2008, I joined Huawei Technologies, Libya where I served as NOC Manager (Network Operation Centre). After 18 months of experience in Tripoli, I was promoted to Project Manager for a Managed Service Project in HuaweiSenegal (Western Africa).

Zeeshan Ahmad n The MORE team has started a new segment for the talented Pakistani professionals working abroad. Here is an interview of Mr. Zeeshan Ahmad, a young telecom professional who has worked in Pakistan as well as abroad. He shares his experiences as well as provides suggestions for further improvement of the telecom sector.

your educational background I did Masters in Electronics from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad in 2003. Earlier, I received my Bachelors in Science from Government Jinnah Islamia College, Sialkot. After my bachelors degree, I also completed Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Sciences. Besides, I have also completed many professional certificates, which include Routing and Switching, Microwave Communication, Optical Communication and Mobile Communication.

briefly tell us about your professional experience, both local and foreign? After completing my Masters, like other young professionals, I started looking for job but my preference was teaching at that time. I served many educational institutes in different capacities, including COMWAVE Islamabad. Meanwhile, I moved to Kuwait in 2005 and served as Network Engineer in one organization.

in your opinion, how different it is to work abroad than Pakistan? While any professional who works abroad, he/she struggles for professional survival as well as personal settlement. Apart from professional survival, the most important are social issues that include, but not limited to, local culture, language, ethical values, religion, legal issues and food. Since I have working experience in Middle East, North Africa and West Africa, generally food is not a problem in Middle East but in North Africa and West Africa, it is almost impossible to find Pakistani food. Hence, one has to cook or survive on fast foods. But in my case, I preferred to cook. Loneliness and understanding the attitudes of other nationals are also big challenges.

how do you see the future of telecom sector in Pakistan? Pakistanis as a nation have tremendous potential and we have shown it practically on many occasions including earthquake in 2005 and Indo-Pak wars. In the last few years, telecom sector has grown with marvelous velocity in Pakistan. With current tele-density of 61% still huge achievements can be made in the coming years. Pakistan is enjoying second number in mobile penetration with 58.2% in regional countries while Malyasia is at top and Srilanka and India are at second and third positions, respectively. Also in broadband growth, Pakistan was ranked fourth all over the world. All these indicators show that Pakistan with a population of over 170 million will welcome any new investment from operators in terms of 3G or value added services.

your views about telecommunication education in Pakistan Though Pakistan has good universities but in telecommunication still education sector has to improve a lot. There are two fronts, production of skill-based telecom for producing engineers for the current and future market, and the research in telecommunication. Currently, our universities are providing excellent knowledge to the students and theoretically they can be compared with engineers of any country. But universities still lack in providing skills, therefore efforts should be made to produce skillful and technically very strong professionals. While on second front industry-based research is required and this is the golden period for the universities to build their research laboratories in collaboration with multinational telecom vendors working in Pakistan. There are quite a few government organizations which are providing support financially for telecom research, one of them is ICT R&D Fund but in my opinion they have chosen a wrong direction. The purpose should be to provide financial support to telecom professionals who will carryout industry-based research but unfortunately ICT is providing funding mostly to well-established organizations, which are just promoting their business with the provided fund, one of the common examples is

What do you suggest for newcomers or professionals in the telecom field? These days there is a little slump in telecom job market but the newcomers have to think beyond the traditional approach. Now 3G is knocking at the door of our telecom market so young engineers should learn the new technology and also get professional trainings and certifications in the field of Radio Network Planning, Core Switching and Data Communication. While for professionals, if they are looking to move across Pakistan, they should also explore Africa instead of preferring only Middle East or Europe. n April 2010 | More | 31

{More rePort |


Fahad Chishty


Travelling in a Continental country

is cheaper by land than air. While by train, it is much more comfortable, safer, faster and cheaper than road. Over a period of time, Pakistan Railways has made eorts to facilitate its users. There has been a lot

Pakistan Railway is at a point where the general public has confidence in it. The policymakers need to take advantage from that confidence, for retaining as well as attracting customers. This can only be done by enhancing facilities and launching new trains. The tracks also need to be improved and new and better carriages made.

of improvement and additions in the Railways system during the last couple of years. With new routes and trains

tween Lahore and Rawalpindi after plac-

quite drastic and pleasant changes. Ini-

launched including induction of a num-

ing new tracks but the dream never came

tially it just consisted of the fare table,

ber of carriages, the overall situation of

true and it landed in the numerous losses.

schedules of trains and some other gen-

Pakistan Railways has improved. There

To cope up with the changing world,

eral information. The interesting part was

was also news in September 2007 that

Pakistan Railways also launched their

the number of visitors counter. Every

they were introducing a bullet train be-

website. Recently, the site has undergone

time, I pressed F5 to refresh, the counter

32 | More | April 2010

{More rePort} People have a mixed opinion about performance of the Pak-

Railways should also introduce online booking of seats, which would reduce the burden on the Reservation Offices as well as save time of the customers. The entire process should be automated and payments should also be accepted through credit and debit cards

istan Railways. Those travelling for the first time are quite impressed by the services and condition of AC Parlor. A traveller said, “It was very pleasant and amazing to see such a nice and comfortable atmosphere. I usually travel by air or Daewoo and was quite afraid of travelling by rail given its general reputation of being old, dusty and time consuming.” Meanwhile, those who have continuously travelled with

increased. I guess the number of visitors increased by ten just

Pakistan Railways are quite disappointed. When an economy-

after refreshing the page. But now the website is quite interac-

class traveller was asked about the general performance of rail-

tive. It gives you a welcoming note accompanied by transition-

cars, he said, “There was a time in the recent years when we

ing pictures of Pakistan. The new addition in the Fare Calculator

experienced much better facilities. Seats were made more com-

and the Journey Planner tells you the fare between your re-

fortable and facilities quite improved but now even the new car-

quired stations and the trains you might have to change if one

riages seem old and worn out. They give more attention to the

train does not fulfill your requirements. The website also pro-

AC Parlor class.”

vides data of seat availability and information about all the trains between any particular route. Though the improvement in the website is quite striking,

The women are also quite distressed. They say, “The female carriage is not really private now. Formerly there was a constant policeman on the door of the carriage who would stop men

Pakistan Railways should also introduce online booking of seats, which would reduce the burden on the Reservation Offices as well as save time of the customers. The entire process should be automated and payments should also be accepted through credit and debit cards. I usually use the train for inter-city travel and have travelled quite sometimes in the last few years. Though I find it easy and movable in the train, the most irksome thing is the timing. Approximate distance between Rawalpindi and Lahore is 280 km and the general train (not the non-stop one) takes five to six hours, stopping at every station. The more promised non-stop was introduced which would take you between the two cities in four hours. In the first few months of its start, the zeal was

Railway workers are repairing the Track using old fashioned tools and techniques

high and so was the speed. At times, it even took three and a half hours. But as the time passed, the zest was lost somewhere

from coming inside. But the situation is quite opposite now.

and we came back to point zero i-e five-hour travel in the non-

Men accompanying women and families also sit with them if

stop, stopping for giving pass to other trains, forcing travellers

they don’t find seat in the general economy-class and there is

to call it “full stop” rather than “non-stop”.

no one to question them.”

With the passage of time, the condition of the train certainly

In a nutshell, Pakistan Railway is at a point where the general

deteriorates, thanks to us the travellers. I don’t know why but I

public has confidence in it. The policymakers need to take ad-

have observed a general habit of people who damage the seats.

vantage from that confidence, for retaining as well as attracting

Even the bulbs, lights and fans are not usually safe until Railways

customers. This can only be done by enhancing facilities and

takes special measures in this regard. I noticed this thing when

launching new trains. The tracks also need to be improved and

the new Chinese wagons were inducted and attached with the

new and better carriages made. Though the Railways is seeing

non-stop, the bulbs, fans and taps were not exceptionally well

financial crisis nowadays, customer base can significantly be en-

locked and tightened. They were just attached as in the normal

hanced by adequate advertisements and facilitating peoples’

cases and with simple crosshead screws. It was after a few days

needs. With its history dating back to the times of the Imperial

travel that I realized that some of the fans and light holders were

Rule, still reminds us of the past. Though there has been a lot of

missing along with taps in the bathrooms.

improvement since 1947, still a lot remains to be done.


April 2010 | More | 33

{Month in focus}

As a responsible corporate entity, in addition to ensuring employees’ well-being, Mobilink has made efforts to support education, health and sports initiatives, protect the environment and promote sustainable business practices.


As per international business practices

An exemplary CSR initiative has been

cussed out in the open. The disease is not

in relation to the corporate social responsibil-

taken by Mobilink by actively promoting

only fatal but is also one of the most com-

ity (CSR), Mobilink has set excellent prece-

Pink Ribbon Breast Awareness Campaign

mon forms of cancer that is killing women

dents not only for the corporate sector but the

since 2008 and in the last two years the

across the globe and one of the biggest rea-

government entities as well. To embrace re-

company has educated over 250 of its fe-

sons is ‘unawareness’ among women about

sponsibility for the impact of their activities on

male employees about breast cancer by

this dreadful disease. The Pink Ribbon is the

customers, employees, communities, envi-

regularly hosting seminars at Mobilink of-

symbol for breast cancer awareness that

ronment, stakeholders and all other members

fices across Pakistan. Unfortunately, in some

was invented in 1991 and since then this rib-

of the public sphere, Mobilink has started a

parts of our country, the breast cancer is still

bon has travelled across the world spread-

number of wonderful programs.

considered a taboo issue dared to be dis-

ing awareness and helping women to

34 | More | April 2010

{Month in focus} survive and conquer the disease. Pink Rib-

Abdul Razzaq, who enjoyed an interactive

Starting on a motivational note, the

bon came to Pakistan in 2003 and till date it

session with the winners. The cricket stars

video sets the tone for the current year. In

has brought awareness to millions of

answered questions of the participants and

2010, Mobilink as a family aspires to “Dream

women in the country.

gave them helpful tips.

Bigger, Connect Better, and uphold its prom-

But it is not responsibility of only one or-

Speaking on the occasion, Wasim ap-

ise of Reshaping Lives”. Full of memorable

ganization to spread awareness and help

preciated the efforts of Mobilink and Jazz for

moments of Mobilink employees, the video

fight this disease in the country. More so-

the uplift of cricket in the country. He also


cially responsible entities, like Mobilink, need

praised Mobilink’s Hunt for Heroes Program.

MwHNg) is in fact a beautiful idea on part of

to come forward and promote this cam-

“In association with PCB, Mobilink is playing

company’s management to pay gratitude to

paign. Both local and multinational compa-

a significant role in grooming and polishing

its loyal employees. Companies should definitely continue to acknowledge and appre-

nies must actively participate in spreading

the young talent of Pakistan,” Waseem said.

this awareness not only among their female

The winners were thrilled to meet the

employees but to the larger communities as

cricket heroes. While expressing his feelings,

ciate their workforce from time to time. All of these steps taken by Mobilink

well. No doubt, prevention is better than cure but in some cases, early detection can actually save our or our loved-ones’ life and Mobilink’s efforts in this regard are really commendable. They have not only supported Pink Ribbon Campaign to spread

Mobilink’seffortinpromotingPinkRibbonBreastCancerAwareness Campaign is really commendable. The company has not only spread awareness among its female employees but has gone an extra mile to educate the customer base as well.

awareness among female employees but have gone an extra mile to educate its cus-

Hanif Soomro, one of the lucky winners said,

are worth following. Surely, Mobilink

tomer base as well. Every year, Mobilink

“Standing in a room full of heroes, Jazz has

maintains market leadership through cut-

sends flyers to its customers inserted in their

made us feel like heroes.” Belonging to dif-

ting-edge, integrated technology and the

bills, which spread awareness to a much

ferent ages, cities and professions, the

country’s largest voice and data network

wider audience. The company also con-

cricket expert winners were truly thankful to

with over 7,800 cell sites covering more

tributes towards Pink Ribbon fund raising

Mobilink for giving them an opportunity to

than 10,000 locations. To date, the com-

campaigns by frequently purchasing their

meet the cricket legends. It is pertinent to

pany has invested over US $2.5 billion

merchandise on Pink Ribbon seminars. The

mention here that Mobilink is an official mo-

providing countrywide connectivity, first-

call from Mobilink to declare the current year

bile partner of the Pakistan Cricket Board.

class customer services and international

as the Pink year for Pakistan is an encourag-

No company is complete without its

roaming in over 130 countries. And as a

ing demand. It is hoped that 2010 will be

human core. It may be a building with high-

responsible corporate entity, in addition

dedicated to the women of this nation.

tech equipment, it may be an entity with a

to ensuring employees’ well-being, Mo-

Sports, another important but neg-

hefty monetary value yet at its very heart,

bilink has made efforts to support educa-

lected sector, has been given attention by

an organization breathes and lives everyday

tion and health initiatives, protect the

the Mobilink. Tapping into the pulse of na-

through its workforce. All companies across

environment and promote sustainable

tion’s flare for cricket, Mobilink frequently

the world realize the importance of human

business practices. The establishment of

brings interesting campaigns for cricket

resource and the uniqueness of this organi-

the Mobilink Foundation is also a reflec-

fans. Mobilink Jazz Cricket Experts was a

zational asset. They know that, through

tion of the commitment of the company

trivia contest based on cricket knowledge

good and bad times, it is the people of a

and its employees to benefit the commu-

promising the lucky winners a chance of a

company who own up to success and strive

nity in which they operate. The Founda-

lifetime to meet their favorite cricket stars.

to maintain stability against the tough tides.

tion is a grant-giving organization, which

To enable the lucky winners of Jazz Cricket

Keeping in view this very important fact,

provides support for the local community

Experts contest to meet the cricket legends,

Mobilink has taken quite a touching initia-

not only financially but also through ded-

Mobilink organized an exciting event at

tive and produced a magnificent video to

icated volunteer hours. The company has

Royal Palm Country Club. Present on the oc-

acknowledge its employees for their dedi-

made the lives of countless Pakistanis

casion were Mobilink Brand Ambassador

cation and untiring efforts for company’s

better, giving them a voice and helping

Wasim Akram along with Shahid Afridi and

success and strong performance in 2009.

them to live up to their aspirations.


April 2010 | More | 35

{Month in focus}

Moazzam Ali Khan Head of PR & CSR, Ufone receiving the APNS award of the Public Relations Officer from the private sector from President Asif Ali Zardari at the recently held APNS award ceremony at the presidency.

Mr. Ahmed Hussain Kapadia, Managing Director, Synergy Group of Advertising receiving APNS awards 2005 – 08 from the Presidnent of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari in the recognition for the agency’s creative excellence.

Rustom Boga, C.O.O. of Manhattan International (Pvt.) Ltd. receiving the award for the best advertising campaign (Visa brand) of 2007-2008 given by A.P.N.S., from Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan.

Advisor to the Prime Minister on IT, Sardar Muhammad Latif Khan Khosa inaugurating Urdu version of PTA website on Internet at PTA HQs. Chairman PTA, Dr. Mohammad Yaseen, Member (Finance) PTA, Syed Nasurl Karim Ghaznavi, Memebr (Technical) PTA, Dr. Khawar Siddique Khokhar are aslo present on the occasion.

Dell celebrates Dream Valentines

Nubla Iftikhar presenting Dell Netbook to Muzzamil Ijaz Ahmed, Lucky winner of “Dream Valentines Competition” n Dell partnered with Wi-tribe in a week-long competition, where consumers were invited, through social-media networks, to submit a creative idea on how to celebrate a memorable Valentines-Day with their loved one. Two winners of this exciting “Dream Valentines” Contest were presented with Free Dell Net-

36 | More | April 2010

books, while the first-prize was a Free-trip to Dubai for the winning couple. The Marketing Manager for Dell-Consumer & SMB, Nubla Iftikhar said, “It was a delightful and interactive experience for Dell to be a part “Dream-Valentines” competition. Such initiatives highlight and enhance the popularity of Social-Media networking throughout Pakistan. The creative winners of the innovative net books from Dell will have an enriching experience using these sophisticated machines fully enabling the end user to express their creative identity”. After countless enthusiastic responses from Social-Media Networkers, three lucky winners were selected on the basis of originality and creativity of their ideas. Simultaneous ceremonies were held at Wi-tribe offices in respective regions to announce the winners. The Dubai-Trip prize went to Ms. Misbah Imran from Lahore. The second prize, a sophisticated NetBook from Dell, was presented to Ms. Atoofah Rehan from Karachi, while the third runner-up Mr. Muzammil Ijaz Ahmed from Islamabad, received a stylish Dell NetBook too.



| cover story}

April 2010 | More | 37

{Month in focus} Pakistani woman awarded Samsung Launches the World’s First 3D HD LED TV

n Dell Global Consumer, AsiaPacific has presented the Most Valuable Player (MVP) Award to Nubla Iftikhar, The Marketing Manager at Dell Pakistan. Nubla manages the Consumer and SMB domain for Dell Pakistan. It is a commendable achievement as Nubla is the first Pakistani female to get this award. Under her able marketing leadership, Dell Consumer and SMB closed the last Financial Quarters attaining the strongest yearly growth in the region. Dell Notebooks are rapidly becoming a household name in Pakistan, with Nubla making a substantial contribution in creating proactive and remarkable marketing strategies. Dell’s competent resources and strategic excellence have provided highly evolved products and services to the local market, elevating the stature of this global IT Giant in the region.

CIO Year Ahead ’10 Roundtables n Year Ahead’10 Roundtables were held on 3rd March’ 2010 in Karachi. The event was divided into two parts – the first main roundtable discussion where 33 business technology leaders gathered to discuss challenges and strategies for Dignitaries at CIO Year Ahead 10 Roundtables 2010. The discussion was moderated by Country Manager Cisco Dr. Aamir Matin and Chairperson for the Standing Committee on IT, Shahid Saleem. This was followed by 3 simultaneous roundtables where technology leaders engaged with delegates in focused discussions in the areas of Hardware/System Integration led by Country Manager Intel Pakistan, Ashar Zaidi, IT Security led by CEO Trillium Information Solutions Mahir Sheikh and Managed Services led by Head of Technology Services and Central Depository Company. Furthermore, the discussion and interaction is geared to help them engage in active discourse on how to plan IT buying and selling for the year in focus. Humayun Bashir, Country Manager IBM Pakistan said, “This was a great opportunity for strategy building. The focus for every organization is on the bottom line and everyone has to do more with less. This discussion helps us to ensure and businesses are steered in the right direction.” Some of the participants included Kumail Dehradunwala, CIO of UBL, Asher Faiser Khan, CEO of CommTel Systems, Mary James, CIO of NIB Bank, Syed Asif Shah, CIO of CDC, Kamran Meer, CISO of HBL and Hammad Siddiqui from CIPE.

38 | More | April 2010

Samsung’s launched the broadest 3D home entertainment product-lineup in the world recently, where the President-Consumer Electronics Division, Tim Baxter and the President-Visual Display Business Boo-Keun Yoon of Samsung were photographed with the CEO of DreamWorks, Jeffrey Katzenberg. Samsung also expanded its partnership with DreamWorks. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., has redefined the homeentertainment experience by launching the world’s first Full HD 3D LED TV and a full lineup of 3D home entertainment products. Samsung also announced the expansion of its strategic alliance with DreamWorks Animation SKG, Inc. (Nasdaq: DWA) to feature exclusive 3D offerings of the company’s enjoyable film series. To make 3D TV more accessible for consumers globally, Samsung unveiled a promotional program where buyers of 2010 Samsung 3D TV and 3D Blu-ray Player or Home Theater System, will receive two pairs of Samsung 3D active glasses and 3D Blue-ray versions of famous releases like; “Monsters vs. Aliens” and ”Shrek”. The Country Manager, Samsung Pakistan, Mr. Steve Han said, “Samsung is the global leader in Televisions since four years. This new, immersive 3D TV experience will gain rapid popularity through our in-store display plan, which will enable US consumers to experience 3D in over 5,000 stores, by the end of 2010. 3D TV is the future of TV. Its ad campaign captioned “Dedicated to Wonder” is created by Oscar-winning director-Mauro Fiore”. Samsung deployed B-Boys dancers throughout New York City, that added to the festivities. A mega 3D screen display composed of 36 TVs was also installed out doors. The famous TV channel ABC featured the Samsung 3D LED TVs and the stylish 3D glasses, during the famous Jimmy Kimmel Show and on Good Morning America, which is the 2nd most watched morning show in the USA. This particular episode was watched by over 4 million people. To complement the popularity of 3D in theaters globally, Samsung’s Full HD 3D LED TVs were globally launched in a press-conference in New York City. These include the LED C7000, C8000 and C9000 Series, LCD 750 Series, and the Plasma 7000/8000 Series. These TVs create lifelike depth and color clarity at home, when combined with the BD-C6900 3D Blu-ray player or HT-C6930W 3D home theater system, using stylish 3D glasses.


{Month in focus} Silicon Technologies represented Kingston Inc. at a local event held in Lahore. Below is the pictorial view of their stall

HP Inspires Students to Discover New Ways of Learning HP, a leader in education technology, is enabling students from early to tertiary education, including those with special needs, to discover new ways of learning. HP recently announced that it is bringing PC access to more students at a lower cost, empowering students to learn beyond the classroom with the latest mobility solutions; and helping students cultivate specialized professional skills to take them from basic computer literacy to being able to collaborate, create and solve problems through technology. “HP is helping educational institutions transform towards student-centered, personalized learning environments by leveraging technology in an affordable and sustainable way,” said Mr. Philip Lau, General Manager Personal System Group, HP AEC. “Our offerings empower students to learn at their own pace anytime and anywhere, allow teachers to easily manage a classroom and free up IT managers from time-consuming maintenance.” Evolving from a student’s first learning experience to higher education; HP offers the very best tools to cater to every stage of a student’s learning life cycle so that they can discover the very best in themselves.


April 2010 | More | 39

{agri tech |


More Report

The collaborative efforts for the pro-


tute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB),

United Kingdom, Canada, Denmark, Ger-

duction of seedless kinnows will bear fruit

Faisalabad and Citrus Research Institute

many, Norway and Greece are the largest

as Pakistan is expected to start exporting

(CRI), Sargodha” he said.

export markets for Pakistani Kinnow. Official

seedless Kinnow to meet the European

The work for developing mandarin hybrid

data reveals that this year’s Kinnow exports

countries demand by 2011. The country is

was started in 1999. Crosses were made be-

are expected to be 232,000 metric tons as

looking forward to produce citrus fruits hav-

tween Kinnow and Salustiana for early matu-

compared to the exports of 215,000 million

ing 3-5 seeds each as compared to 20-25

rity, less number of seeds and lower acid

tons during the last season. The total area

seeds each piece, which was the sole reason

contents as compared to Kinnow. The process

under citrus cultivation in Pakistan at pres-

behind the neglected importance given to

after going through various developments

ent is about 1.85 million hectares and the

them by the Europeans. The world citrus ex-

and modifications ultimately culminated in

Pakistani Kinnow is grown under totally nat-

ports are valued $2.135 billion in which Pak-

producing a seedless mandarin type. These

ural conditions and is sun-ripened on the

istan’s share is around $33 million that is

seedless mandarin varieties are being multi-

trees and carefully hand picked at precisely

around 2.5 percent. This is due to the export

plied for further distribution among the farm-

the right time, which enhances its export

of citrus to low priced countries.

ers. “With the production of seedless Kinnow

value. Efforts are also underway to export

Good news is that the export of fruits

varieties, the country’s exports will increase

Kinnow to China which could prove poten-

and vegetables has increased by 35 and 63

and once the seedless variety starts bringing

tial market for the country’s exports. Accord-

percent respectively in the first half of the

fruits it would help generate precious and

ing to officials, a major hindrance in this way

current fiscal year, showing a quantum

much needed foreign exchange for the coun-

is the certification from Good Agriculture

jump over the corresponding period of the

try as it would attract attention of western

Practices (GAP). For GAP-certified fruit,

last year. Pakistan is enjoying a persistent

markets where people otherwise do not pre-

about 1000 acres of land is being utilized in

presence in the top 10 producers club of few

fer Kinnows due to seeds.

Sargodha where farming practices are done

major items, including Kinnow among oth-

Kinnow was first developed by H.B Frost

in accordance with the procedure set by the

ers and it is expected that the completion

at the University of California in 1935 by

Spain based, GAP. It is hoped that the areas

and success of the F3 research to produce

cross-pollinating the King and the Willow-

will be further expanded and exports to

Seedless Kinnow will help local growers and

Leaf varieties of mandarin, and this is a big

China would start soon.

exporters to increase their share in the world

success for Pakistan to emerge as one of its

However, the overall Kinnow produc-

market. The Seedless Kinnow has a good

leading producers in the world. The citrus

tion faces pre and post harvest losses as

demand in Europe, and Pakistan is expected

fruit types, varying from Kinnow (mandarin),

high as 25 percent due to weak picking,

to penetrate 50 per cent of European mar-

orange, lemon, lime and grape fruit grow

packing and handling practices. There is also

ket after its export from 2011.

primarily in plains of Punjab at Sargodha,

lack of proper cold storage system which

An Agriculture Scientist of the National

Sahiwal, Faisalabad, Toba Tek Singh and in

enhances the post harvest losses as fruits

Agriculture Research Center (NARC) said

some areas of NWFP including Nowshera,

and vegetables are kept under one roof at

that the production and export of Seedless

Khanpur and Palai (Swat).

similar temperature which results in rotting.

Kinnow (mandarin) is likely to begin from

The share of citrus in total exports of

There is a rising need to launch awareness

next year as the agriculture scientists have

fruits and vegetables is about 19.5 percent

campaign to train farmers on handling the

been focusing on multiple cultivation of

and its share in country’s total exports is

fruit from picking to packing, besides estab-

such varieties. “Seedless varieties of man-

about 0.26 percent. Russia, Iran, Ukraine,

lishment of adequate cold storage to mini-

darin have been developed in Nuclear Insti-

UAE, Saudi Arabia, Philippine, Indonesia,

mize the post harvest losses.

40 | More | April 2010


{latest in tech}


Samsung mobilephones experi-

enced an increase in global market share last year and this year they have increased their goal once again forecasting higher

handset, WAVE, is yet to be launched but

As a result of this mass-market push,

sales figures. Samsung sold approximately

the company claims it will revolutionize the

Samsung claims it will have a minimum of

40 million full touch screen mobile phones

entire mobilephone industry in the very

1,000 apps on board by the end of the year.

in 2009 and aims for 100 million in 2010.

year of 2010.

Hong also stated that the company's Wave

The market potential is high and there are

Since Nokia is the market leader due to

handset, the first bada phone when it

more opportunities for developers. In total,

its mega share in the lower end handset

launches in April, should sell around 10 mil-

Samsung claimed second place position

market, Samsung seems to be less inter-

lion units in 2010, and that subsequent

behind Nokia as it reported it delivered 227

ested in fighting Nokia in this domain. It is

mass-market phones will quickly follow.

million handsets, far surpassing its pre-

establishing its own area in the middle and

"We plan to oer developer support in

dicted 200 million sales units for 2009. Sam-

higher end segment through its touch

20 countries. Bada is very important to

sung's combined position has highlighted

based smart-phones where it is giving

Samsung but we're pursuing a multi-plat-

the company in 2009. It passed Hewlett-

tough time to all the market players. The

form strategy," he continued.

Packard as the largest electronics firm by

journey started from the success of Star, Jet

Bada is set to enter a smartphone mar-

sales last year.

and Corby and since then Samsung is con-

ket already in the midst of a major OS battle,

But Mobilephone is the domain where

tinuously expanding its presence by bring-

Android making significant ground in the

Samsung is taking major steps. Company

ing much demanding features to its budget

States thanks to Motorola's Droid, Microsoft

says, more and more people want the rich

phones. This is the area where Samsung is

rejuvenating its mobile presence with Win-

and connected application-experiences

beating its competitors. Samsung wants to

dows Phone 7, and Nokia working with

that are currently only available for early

fully utilize its expertise by playing with its

Intel on new smartphone OS MeeGo.

adopters, wealthy consumers in advanced

own operating system in order to achieve

economies or any specific lifestyle. Sam-

its targets.

sung has committed to develop bada to

Another dierence that Samsung plans

It's a market so packed, in fact, that Samsung's South Korean rival LG recently ruled out working on its own proprietary

deliver a smartphone era available for

to create is though its application."Bada has

OS until 2013, at the earliest. n

everyone, to make a true democracy for bil-

the potential to deliver huge volumes


lions of people on all continents in all cor-

straight away because Samsung is now the

ners of the world. Yes, bada, Samsung's own

world's number two handset maker, We

Operating System (OS) for mobilephones

want to push feature phones into the

which it launched in November 2009. bada

mass-market, and get feature phone users

is designed for use in smartphones. Its

into smartphones�, Samsung Mobile VP Dr.

name is derived from the Korean word for

Justin Hong told during Mobile World Con-

ocean. Though, the first bada enabled


April 2010 | More | 41

{latest in tech} Pakistani young engineers 30 teams of engineers from different Pakistani universities are participating in a global event which aims to maximize the fuel efficiency. These young and hopeful engineers exhibited their fuel efficient cars in a ceremony in Islamabad prior leaving for the event which is to be held first time in Asia in Malaysia from July 8 to July 10. These teams belong to the major universities of Pakistan and they will display their echo friendly vehicles along with 120 other teams from Asia. The event, Shell-Eco Marathon was started in 1939 when it was thought who would travel furthest on a single litre of fuel. Since then, the event has grown into a global competition and attracted everyone from across the world. Ever increasing pollution, fuel prices and diminishing resources have increased the importance of this event. n

Shell Eco-Marathon has grown into a global competition to develop solutions to society’s most pressing dilemma, the energy challenge. Picture shows Syed Naveed Qamar, the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources, Mr. Zaiviji Ismail, Country Chairman Shell Pakistan and Abid S. Ibrahim General Manager External Affairs Shell Pakistan.

Students poses for a photograph during the launch of Shell Eco-Marathon held in Islamabad. These students will be representing Pakistan in Shell EcoMarathon in Malaysia July 8th to the 10th this year.

Students team of UET, Lahore exhibiting their invention during the launch of Shell Eco-Marathon 2010.

World’s first, fastest, ultra-low voltage Performance Memory Kingston Technology released the world’s first ultra-low voltage memory running at 1.25 volts at 1600MHz. The new offering is part of the new Kingston ‘LoVo’ (low voltage) HyperX DDR3 High-Performance memory product line. The dual-channel kit (Kingston part #: KHX1866C9D3LK2/4GX) comes preprogrammed with two XMP-ready profiles: 1.25 volts at 1600MHz and 1.35 volts at 1866MHz. The latter profile is also a world’s first for speed matching higher frequency with a lower voltage. The flagship product, running an ultra-low 1.25 volts at 1600MHz, is the lowest voltage to date for desktop PCs. In all, Kingston is debuting three HyperX DDR3 dual-channel products in the ‘LoVo’ line: the dual-profile kit, a mainstream low voltage 1600MHz, 1.35 volt kit and an ultra-low voltage 1333MHz, 1.25 volt kit. Kingston tested all three kits to great success on the Asus P7P55D EVO motherboard. All of the memory offerings are designed for use in eco-friendly PCs as systems delivering higher performance while using smaller energy footprints become reality.


42 | More | April 2010

{latest in tech}

n Apple's iPad is off to a good start but the device has faced some criticism for lacking features such as a video camera, USB ports and support for technology called Flash that enables Web video. But those technologies could be available in iPad alternatives reaching the market soon, including Neofonie's WePad, HP's Slate, Notion Ink's Adam and Innovative Converged Devices' Ultra. These handheld devices have diagonal screen sizes from 7 inches to 11.6 inches and will be based on Google's Android Linux OS or Windows 7.

WePad German company Neofonie has announced WePad, which it says has features the iPad lacks, including Flash support, a larger screen, a webcam and two USB ports.

The WePad has an 11.6-inch display compared to iPad's 9.7-inch display. But at 800 grams (1.76 pounds), it is heavier than the 680gram iPad. This is a big drawback considering tablets are supposed to be handheld devices. The WePad runs on a 1.66GHz Atom N450 processor, compared to Apple's A4 chip, which includes a 1GHz processor. Apple's chip may offer better graphics than the WePad, as the Atom processor is barely capable of 720p video. The WePad offers 16GB of storage and runs the Android OS.

hP's slate HP hasn't been as successful as Apple with handheld devices, but hopes to get some mojo back with its upcoming slate product. The HP Slate, running Windows 7, was shown by Microsoft CEO

Steve Ballmer during a keynote at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January. Like the iPad, the HP Slate is designed to allow users to read e-books, surf the Web, view video and play games. HP worked on the slate concept for five years, and the device takes advantage of the low-cost, low-power processors and touch features offered by Windows 7, said Phil McKinney, HP's chief technology officer, in a video. The device must run on an Intel or x86 processor, as Arm processors don't yet support Windows 7. It's a real product, not just a concept, McKinney says, adding that it will be available later in 2010 at "mainstream" price points. Recent rumors suggest the device will be available in May for around US$550. HP declined to comment.

innovative converged devices' ultra ICD promises two new tablets: Ultra, which could be an iPad alternative, and Vega, which the company calls a "low-cost, largescreen, in-home device with complete connectivity." The Ultra comes with a 7-inch screen, which is smaller than the April 2010 | More | 43

{latest in tech} iPad, but includes a 1.3-megapixel webcam, USB ports and support for Flash with the Android 2.0 OS. The device is powered by the Tegra 2 mobile processor, which should allow for full 1080p high-definition video playback. The iPad includes Apple's A4 chip, which can handle 720p video and is not yet capable of playing full 1080p video, an Apple spokesman said at the iPad launch event in January. The Vega is perhaps the closest a tablet comes to a PC. The device has a 15.6-inch touch screen and includes a webcam that could make it a videoconferencing device. Attach a keyboard, and you get a full-fledged, all-in-one PC. The Vega is powered by the Tegra 2 mobile processor, runs on Android 2.0, and includes 32GB of storage. The Vega will also be available with an 11-inch screen, bringing it closer in size to the iPad. The Ultra and Vega have wireless connectivity options for 3G mobile broadband, Wi-Fi b/g and Bluetooth. The company did not respond to requests on pricing and availability.

notion ink's adam There is plenty of buzz around Notion Ink's Adam, especially for its unique Pixel Qi transflective display. The 10.1-inch LCD screen can absorb natural light sources to brighten screens, which can increase the battery life of the device. The screen is readable in direct sunlight, which could make it a somewhat superior e-reading device than the iPad. The Adam runs on a Tegra 2 processor, and it has a camera that can swivel 180 degrees. The device can play back full 1080p HD video, and comes with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and 3G connectivity. The device also comes with storage of up to 32GB and two USB ports. It weighs between 600 and 650 grams, according to the company. It comes with an SD card and SIM card slots, and an HDMI port to connect TVs or monitors. Based on Android, it offers Flash support as well. The company did not respond to requests for comment on pricing and availability.

stantum's reference design Stantum has taken a Dell Inspiron Mini 10 netbook, stripped out the keyboard and trackpad, and created a tablet it calls the Slate PC. The device is a reference design, with a 10.1-inch multitouch screen to view content. Up to 10 fingers can be used simultaneously on the screen to manipulate images, write notes or zoom into maps. Data can be entered through a virtual keyboard and onscreen gestures. The device runs the Windows 7 Home Premium operating system, according to the company Web site. The proof-of-concept device's hardware is also impressive: It runs on an Intel Z530 Atom processor at 1.6GHz. Wireless connectivity options are Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Also included is an Ethernet port and an HDMI (high-definition multimedia interface) port to monitors. For a handheld device it is pretty hefty, at 1.03 kilograms. Stantum won't make the device available, but companies may build products based on the design, said Gauthier Chastan, marketing and communication manager at Stantum.

other tablets A number of PC makers also demonstrated tablets based on Arm processors and the Android OS. Dell has already announced a tablet with a 5-inch display, which makes it more like a mobile In44 | More | April 2010

ternet device than a slate. Asustek Computer also showed off a slate with Nvidia's Tegra 2 chip. However, the companies haven't commented on when those devices would ship. source:

levitating sports basketball 30 teams of engineers from different Pakistani universities are participating in a global event which aims to maximize the fuel efficiency. These young and hopeful engineers exhibited their fuel efficient cars in a ceremony in Islamabad prior leaving for the event which is to be held first time in Asia in Malaysia from July 8 to July 10. These teams belong to the major universities of Pakistan and they will display their echo friendly vehicles along with 120 other teams from Asia. The event, Shell-Eco Marathon was started in 1939 when it was thought who would travel furthest on a single litre of fuel. Since then, the event has grown into a global competition and attracted everyone from across the world. Ever increasing pollution, fuel prices and diminishing resources have increased the importance of this event. n

sandals with headlights

n These flip flops from Teva are no ordinary sandals. They come with a set of LED lights strapped to the front. They’ll shine out brightly in front of you, ensuring you won’t step on anything. This is one of those things that you don’t buy until you’re already very securely in a relationship. Otherwise, you’re probably going to repel the opposite sex with these sandals.

{latest in tech} desktop carnivorous Plant set There's nothing more relaxing than having indoor plants and herbs, but who wants to be relaxed all the time? If you're sitting in a cubicle 40 hours a week, every bit of excitement counts, especially when your boss is constantly nagging you to be more productive. The Desktop Carnivorous Plant Set can bring excitement to the home or office by letting you grow untraditional and exotic plants indoors. Watch your plants slowly grow into floral monsters that can eat insects in seconds. Seeing a Venus Fly Trap in action is pretty remarkable and is sure to impress colleagues, friends and family. If your boss is suspicious, just point out the lack of insects in the office! The Desktop Carnivorous Plant Set comes with seeds from over ten different kinds of meat-sucking plants included varieties are the Venus Fly Trap, Yellow Trumpet, Hooded and Purple Pitcher plants, Pale Trumpet, Temperate Sundew plants and Cobra lilies. n

germ eliminating light

telelphone voice changer

Whether you really don’t want someone to know who you are or if you’re a prankster looking for hilarious new jokes to play, this telephone voice changer is a must have. Disguise your voice so your closest friends, relatives, even your spouse won’t recognize who they are talking to. All you have to do is choose the setting, place it over the phone mouthpiece and speak in your normal voice. The Telephone Voice Changer comes equipped with extreme settings that make hilarious practical jokes as well as settings that can make anyone sound like a man. This fun gadget can also serve a more practical purpose by allowing women and children to change their voice to protect themselves when home alone. Only requires one 9-volt battery for operation. n

Scrubbing and spraying surfaces with antibacterial solutions helps to kill germs but nothing eliminates 99.9% of bacteria and viruses like this Pocket-Sized Germ Eliminating Light. This handy gadget uses UV-C light which is naturally found in the sun's rays to kill the germs on any surface you might come in contact with. Small enough to fit in a purse or pocket the Germ Eliminating Light uses the same kind of ultraviolet light that is used in hospitals and doctor's offices to sterilize their instruments. If doctor's trust it you can trust it as well to eliminate bacteria, viruses, and mold that can be found on a keyboard, doorknob, or even your toothbrush. If using a public restroom is scary for you because of all the germs simply pull out the Germ Eliminating Light, flip it open, and sterilize the surface of the toilet and sink before you use it. The Pocket Germ Eliminating Light flips open easily with the touch of a button and when you hold it three inches above any surface it will kill the DNA of microorganisms that cause sickness in a matter of seconds. n

Pc mods: Woodguy’s steampunk desktop in victorian style n If you have a fascination for antiquities, you’ll love Woodguy’s 19th century style Steampunk Desktop PC mod. It is a perfect gift for those who are tired of looking at the same black or silver computers and keyboards made of plastic. Even for luxury aficionados, the latest Steampunk Desktop in brass finish is a thing to delight. It perfectly fuses modern technology with antiquity and proves that Woodguy can even show his expertise on metals not just the wood. This computer works like your usual Computer system. The designer used Oak wood along with melted bronze, copper, early Victorian brass gas value, and Custom Laser Cut Keys to create this striking computer mod. This Steampunk computer isn’t just a thing to adore, but it is completely functional. This artistic masterpiece makes one realize that gadgets can be built with artistic perception. In case you don’t want the messy wires, you can opt out for Modded Wireless keyboard, or a Wireless laser mouse with similar looks.

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{latest in tech} Jewelry external hdd for ladies LG has paired up with one of the famous design agencies of France, NellyRodi, to come with a designer HDD that is bound to attract the opposite sex. The 2.5 inch XD6 Jewelry external hard disk drive will be launched in Korean market and should soon be available for the rest of the planet. The newly designed hard disk drives have been developed especially for those section of females who look for exciting fashion statement in all the possible accessories that they carry. Moreover, the metro sexual males could also give a shot to thesehard disk drives. After all, we re-write the definition of fashion every other day! This XD6 Jewelry will be USB 2.0 compatible and will be available in dierent disk sizes like 640 GB, 500 GB and 320 GB. n

steering Wheel bluetooth speakerphone n Keeping your hands on the wheel while driving and talking on your cell phone has gotten easier, with this Steering Wheel Bluetooth speakerphone. Unlike other Bluetooth devices that require you to reach into other areas of the car to answer the phone, the Bluetooth speakerphone is conveniently located directly on the steering wheel so you can continue to drive even when answering a call. The small, 3 inch gadget contains a microphone and two, 2-watt speakers that attach easily to your steering wheel making conversations eortless. The use of echo cancellation technologies and noise reduction allow for clear communication. Getting a call you don't want to take while driving? The Steering Wheel Bluetooth even has the capabilities to reject calls with the simple press of a button. Along with a volume, mute, and phone book button you can control every aspect of your cell phone without compromising your driving safety.

Mobile Phone bracelet

iPod speakers

iPod speakers have been designed to look like just about anything and now they have been made to look like tiny building blocks too. Although you won't be able to actually build anything with it, the iPod Building Block Speakers will let you share your favorite tunes anywhere you go. And carrying a tiny building block is much easier than trying to take a big boom box or large set of speakers. The iPod Building Block Speakers are a tiny three and a half inches long by a quarter of an inch tall but they pack a punch for good sound with their Active Bass System. Simply plug your iPod onto the top of the brick and it will get its power straight from your iPod, no batteries or plug in required. Another cool feature is that the volume controls are hidden on the front of the stereo brick as one of the small building pegs. n

A prototype of a flexible bracelet from Asus, that when unrolled, can function as a mobile phone


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