MORE Magazine

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november 2009 | volume 2 | issue 5



teleCom tHE rEal PrOcEss 12 668: First time ever, the country’s cellular phone industry

has shared its complete data on a central platform....

Disclaimer: Where opinion is expressed it is that of the author’s and does not necessarily coincide with the editorial views of the publisher or MORE. All information in this magazine is verified to the best of author’s and publisher’s ability. However, MORE does not accept responsibility for any loss arising from reliance on it.

14 16

mvnO POlicy, a sHady PiEcE Of PaPEr May be PTA is not willing itself to make this model a success as the huge license fee will discourage....

nOkia, sliPPing at tHE tOP Nokia’s Chief Executive said that continuing problems at Nokia Siemens, the wireless network venture....

teChnology WHEn lOvE mEt tEcHnOlOgy 20 “Trin trin” Romeo’s mobile beeped preventing him to take his life but alas! Thus was not the case during....

advErtisEmEnt dEstrOying 22 OvEr tHE Brand imagE


“Telenor, easy paisa badley zindagi”“breaking news is brought to you by Orient refrigerators” *click* *....

tvs, nExt Big tHing 24 3d Technology people are putting great efforts to commercialize this technology while Movie studios are....


E809: HP OfficEjEt 7000 WidE fOrmat PrintEr sEriEs


The HP Officejet 7000 is a B-size printer that produces professional color documents and photo-quality....

Cover Story


It only requires a sensible planning and a little devotion from all the stake holders including our authorities (PTA and State bank of Pakistan). The country has lots of potential which can prove to be a heaven for investors and ultimately for the people of Pakistan

event finally, WindOW 7 launcHEd in Pakistan 30 Microsoft held a joint business launch to introduce a


range of products that included Windows 7,....

review cOrBy, a macHinE fOr tEEn 32 The mega success of star S5230 has encouraged Samsung to bring more entry level touch phones into....

nOkia’s latEst OfficE PartnEr, E72 36 Nokia brings access to Instant Messaging accounts and more than 90% of world’s email inboxes with simple....

heAlth sHamPOO 38 The word shampoo in English is derived from Hindi chāmpo and dates to 1762....

40-42 lAteSt in teCh 43-45 month in FoCuS 46-47 mobile phoneS 48-49 gAdgetS 50 home AppliAnCeS

Cristophe Corsi (2nd From Left), Head of LIVE Marketing, Nokia ME&A with Nokia Pakistan team at the launching ceremony of Nokia's new range of music and touch portfolio devices



28 Intel Pakistan & Dell Pakistan together conducted a series of road shows with notebooks accessorized with crisp widescreen displays to meet user’s specific needs. New products and services were showcased at a colorful even....

Mobilink employees were recently enthralled by Ali Zafar, unplugged, at the spectacular Tree House, Monal. The dinner was hosted in the musician’s honor by JAZZ Brand Team. Mobilink’s Vice President Marketing Bilal Munir Sheikh,...

LG Electronics, a worldwide technology and design leader in mobile communications recently launched its first ever state-of-the-art Service Centre in Pakistan. Picture shows Mr. S.K. Baik (Center),....

MORE Magazine published by Mudassar Jehangir Mufti at 2nd Floor, Ali Mansion, 41-A, Lower Mall, Lahore Tel: 042 7321920, 2106737 Email: Editor-in-Chief Mudassar Jehangir Mufti | Group Editor Sumaira Mudassar | Editor Halima Qureshi | Content Coordinator Zubair Rehman | Advertising Manager Abdul Qayyum (Lahore) | Ahmed Malik (Lahore), Designer Assad Chughtai | Marketing Executive Syed Faisal Ahmed | Zain Zahid | International Correspondent Ireland: Alina Amir |US: Ovais Qureshi | Contributor Ambreen Salman, Halima Khan, Mian Abrar | Legal Advisor Abdul Fayaz Registration No. PCPB 286 Price: Rs. 150

Cover Story

mudassar J. mufti

Cover Story it only requires a sensible planning and a little devotion from all the stake holders including our authorities (ptA and State bank of pakistan). the country has lots of potential which can prove to be a heaven for investors and ultimately for the people of pakistan According to government records, there

can help them explore this potential market.

No way can it be called a mobile banking;

are over 94 million mobile phone subscribers

The concept of Mobile Commerce (Mo-

a practical model would enable a customer to


in Pakistan and it took some 20 odd years to

bile Banking) is not new in Pakistan as few

buy anything using his mobile phone includ-

achieve these figures. If we ignore couple of

banks including UBL, MCB and Standard

ing grocery, fuel, restaurant bills or let him

millions un-registered or in active SIMs even

Chartered have already claimed such services

transfer the amounts within and outside of

then we are talking about some 70 million ac-

but I would not call it a real mobile banking.

Pakistan without any barrier or delay. Mobilink’s

tive users in a population of 170 million where

Even mobile phone companies are practicing

service is limited to its customers, Telenor’s

increasing young generation creating a lot of

it for quite some times in Pakistan but they

easypaisa is a slow process and even for that

potential every year.

haven’t moved ahead from step one.

customer has other choices in shape of exist-

ing banking system, NADRA, Post office.

no way can it be called a mobile banking; a practical model would enable a customer to buy anything using his mobile phone including grocery, fuel, restaurant bills or let him transfer the amounts within and outside of pakistan without any barrier or delay

30 millions physical bank accounts can be converted into 100 million virtual money accounts and even more if teclos and banks could start working sincerely for this. This will bring a real revolution in Pakistan.

us model

In comparison to this, less than 30 mil-

Mobilik’s Gene for paying utility bills is

There are models in world we can follow

lions Pakistanis have opened their bank ac-

around along with the money transfer facility

to expedite the process. Obopay is a US based

counts in the last 60 years. There are several

with the help of GPO. Where ever there are

company which is fueling a social revolution

reasons for this low average in the banking

branches of GPO in Pakistan, Mobilink users

worldwide by enabling scores of unbanked

sector, among them major ones are;

can transfer money in those areas. The in-

people to avail of financial services for the first


There are not enough branches across

volvement of GPOs is because of the element

time in their life. The company allows con-

of trust and confidence and to avoid financial

sumers and small businesses to buy, pay, and

Pakistan to serve every citizen and establishing this kind of network requires billions of rupees n

Average income level is not enough to open a bank account and it becomes expensive to transact small amounts through banks


A large number of population deals in cash


Being a poor country, majority of the

A female confirms a withdrawal with her PIN Code at General Post Office in Narowal to securely receive money via SMS using Mobilink and Pakistan Post’s instantaneous, Mobile Money Order (MMO) Service

population transact through old fashioned money transfer mediums to avoid unjustified banking commissions

upset. Similarly, Telenor’s EasyPaisa and Zong’s

transfer money through any mobile phone via

billing service is limited to their dealers or

a simple text message (or by using the Mobile

Banking sector is experiencing the satura-

franchises and still requires the paper (bill) to

web browser or Obopay's downloadable mo-

tion level because they have not been able to

be stamped to give user a sort of guarantee

bile app). People who send money via Obo-

offer services keeping in mind the affordability

that his/her payment has been transferred to

pay can fund their account either with cash or

of most of the Pakistanis. Telecom companies

the receiver.

by linking it to their credit card or current acNovember 2009 | More | 9

Cover Story count. Receivers can get the money either through an Obopay account or have it transferred directly to their bank account. Developing countries have a huge potential and demand for such services. For instance, India is home to 600 million unbanked

iraqi refugees living in damascus will receive a text message on their mobiles providing a code enabling them to cash in all or part of the “virtual voucher” at selected government shops. they will be able to exchange their electronic vouchers for rice, wheat flour, lentils, chickpeas, oil and canned fish, as well as cheese and eggs

citizens if those people can't go to the bank, then the bank must reach out to them. Simi-

micro deposits affordable, the system must

that there are more than 4 billion mobile

larly, in Africa only 25% of the population is

be anchored by a very low cost business

phone users worldwide and only 1.6 billion

banked whereas people carry mobile hand-

model. And to allow ubiquitous access, the

bank accounts, Nokia has just launched Nokia

sets even though they don’t have a wallet.

system must be built around an open net-

Money, an affordable mobile financial service built on top of Obopay technology to help democratize banking access for the masses.

Customer paying his utility bill at Zong Customer Service Center through a bill payment service that Zong recently launched

syrian model Another example which I would like our telcos to look into is implemented by United Nations just recently. United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has launched an electronic food voucher pilot project to aid 1,000 Iraqi refugee families in Syria.

Obopay today operates in both the US

work that supports all mobile carriers and in-

Iraqi refugees living in Damascus will re-

and India because US is the world's #1 money

terconnects with all banks, thus generating

ceive a text message on their mobiles provid-

sending market, while India is the world's #1

positive network effects. Unfortunately, most

ing a code enabling them to cash in all or part

money receiving market in the form of remit-

carriers ignore this reality and are trying to

of the “virtual voucher” at selected govern-

tance amounting to billions of dollars. India's

create mobile payment offerings that run

ment shops. They will be able to exchange

their electronic vouchers for rice, wheat flour,

india is home to 600 million unbanked citizens if those people can't go to the bank, then the bank must reach out to them. Similarly, in Africa only 25% of the population is banked whereas people carry mobile handsets even though they don’t have a wallet

lentils, chickpeas, oil and canned fish, as well as cheese and eggs -- items that cannot usually be included in conventional aid baskets. This pilot project will allow WFP to meet the needs of refugees living in a city where food is available but they are unable to afford it. Each family will receive one voucher per

other attraction is the fact it is adding 10 mil-

only on their proprietary network, while tra-

person, worth US$22 every two months. After

lion new cell phone subscribers each month,

ditional banks struggle to offer affordable

each transaction, families will receive an up-

making it a fertile growth market for mobile

services because their costs are just too high.

dated balance, also sent by SMS to their mo-

payment services for years to come.

Interestingly, Obopay has also received

bile numbers.

Recently Indian-born French national

investment capital from Nokia, which Carol

This model can be easily applied in our

Navi Radjou interviewed CEO of Obopay,

describes as the "only mobile company in the

war hit areas where government is unable to

Carol Realini and asked why telecom carriers

world with the greatest reach and a big vision

provide food and other necessities to the

and big banks are struggling to scale up the

for extending banking services to the next bil-

refugees. It only requires a sensible planning

micropayment initiatives they have piloted in

lion people." That doesn't surprise me, given

and a little devotion from all the stake holders

many developing nations. She replied that in

that Nokia boasts an installed base of 1.1 bil-

including our authorities (PTA and State bank

order to be optimal a mobile payment sys-

lion users worldwide and sells 14 cell phones

of Pakistan). The country has lots of potential

tem must boast two qualities: affordability

per second — the bulk of which in develop-

which can prove to be a heaven for investors

and openness. To make small transactions like

ing nations like India and Africa. Recognizing

and ultimately for the people of Pakistan. n

10 | More | November 2009


Cover Story

November 2009 | More | 11


mian Abrar

the Cellular companies. One of the com-

dure (SOP); the customer would require

mon misunderstandings is that once you

producing his/her original CNIC along with

request disconnection of service against a

the SMS response for processing of his re-

certain number that is not in your use, it will


be immediately removed from the data-

Moreover, the companies are not au-

base. The other is perhaps just showing the

thorized to show the actual numbers under

SMS at the CSC will get the job accom-

that CNIC to the complaining customer but


would right away get them removed from

When approached, the PTA spokesper-

his/her CNIC number.

son explained that the change of owner-

As per data available, around 312,000

ship is immediately affected when the

complainants have so far visited the Cus-

First time ever, the country’s cellular

subscriber requests for that but since the

tomer Service Centers (CSC) of concerned

phone industry has shared its complete

PTA database is updated after one month,

mobile operators for their SIM data correc-


data on a central platform to clean up ille-

therefore on rechecking through ‘668’, the

tion, while more than 9,00,000 illegal SIMs

gal subscribers and block illegitimate SIMs

summary information will not show any

have been removed from the com-

through 668 services. So far 6.8 million peo-

change till the data is updated with the re-

plainants' CNICs after they provided under-

ple have hit the 668 service for correction

quested SIMs removed from his/her CNIC.

taking. Those who have visited CSC are 5.9

of data of their SIMs while the 1.04 million

Regarding the second issue, he said that

percent of total complaints received at

unauthorized SIMs have been removed

under the PTA Standard Operating Proce-

PTA's system.

from the names of cell phone users on their request. Subscribers are required to send their CNIC numbers to a designated short code “668” through SMS and get the summary information on the number of SIMs issued under any cellular operator against that CNIC number.

Why it does not work right away? However, there are many questions that keep bugging the subscribers who have taken the initiative and actually visited the Customers Services Centers (CSCs) of 12 | More | November 2009

Chairman PTA, Dr. Muhammad Yasin visiting 668 operations at operator’s premises

Why these sims were registered in my name without my consent?

"However, now we are verifying the data of these 10 SIMs and the data of each and every SIM holder would be verified and corrected. The consumers should

PTA has also been conducting contin-

contact relevant telecom operator's cus-

ued monitoring and customers' percep-

tomer consumer center for verification if

tion/satisfaction surveys which have

they receive any message by the operator

revealed that the customers are con-

or their connection would be blocked," he

cerned that why and how SIMs have been


registered against their CNICs without their knowledge. The authority found that customers did not take interest in registering SIMs in

He said the PTA wanted 100 percent verified data of the consumers and PTA website had recorded 1.2 million hits by customers.

their own names despite the information

"This lower number reflects either the

that it is illegal to use unregistered SIMs

consumers are satisfied with their data

and repeated warnings by PTA and mo-

details or they are reluctant to do so.

bile operators on it.

However, let me make it clear that their

Another reason of this problem had

SIMs would be blocked if data is not veri-

been misuse of CNIC copy at franchisees

fied within the timeframe," he said, adding

and retailers of those customers who did

that the corrected data details would be

not properly fill up the CSAF.

available after one month so the con-

In some cases negligence on part of consumers while making photocopy of

sumers should not get worried after verifying their data.

CNIC at dierent photocopies shops

These Franchisees are only allowed to

where the copy are retained by shop

register the complaints by filling the un-

owners for ulterior motives has also

dertaking forms, copy of which they return

served in bringing up this situation.

to the complainant. The franchisees are not

PTA had informed the mobile sub-

allowed to change/amend the data rather

scribers that they should write the num-

they only forward those complaints to

ber of a particular mobile connection on

concerned mobile company for the cor-

copy of their CNIC before providing it to

rection in the data as desired by consumer.

CSCs, franchises and retailers for a new

It may be noted that CSCs of mobile


companies are experiencing considerable

Chairman PTA Dr Mohammed Yaseen

rush due to the ongoing SIM data correc-

says a foolproof data monitoring and

tion process. PTA has requested the mo-

clearance system has been launched to


verify and correct data of around 95 mil-

CSCs/franchises as every eort is being






lion cell phone subscribers and 12.9 mil-

made to ensure the provision of due sup-

lion illegal SIMs have been blocked.

port to them by the CSCs sta.

Chairman PTA Dr Yaseen said, in the

Streamlining of mobile users' data

first phase, the PTA successfully verified

may take few months but once this

data and around 10 million illegal SIMs

process is completed, it will eventually

were blocked. Later, 2.9 million SIMS were

benefit the telecom consumers. The pur-

blocked in the second phase and any

pose of this practice is to streamline the

consumer was allowed to own not more

data of mobile users which cannot be

than 10 SIM connections.

achieved without their cooperation.


November 2009 | More | 13



may be ptA is not willing itself to make this model a success as the huge license fee will discourage the applicants or there may be some interested but favorite people who will be allowed to take part in the business. n

I can recall the day when Ex-Chairman

PTA, Shahzada Alam Malik raised his finger and said that by December 2007 dozens of MVNO players will be approaching PTA for the licenses and the process would be accomplished by January 2008. It looked very acceptable at that time as GSM calling rates were still high and ARPU

According to reports, there was strong resistance on the license fee issue inside the ptA as well. may be ptA is not willing itself to make this model a success as the huge license fee will discourage the applicants or there may be some interested but favorite people who will be allowed to take part in the business

was much better than it is today. But fi-

nally, on 23 October 2009 PTA finalized

2007 there were dozens of people follow-

the policy frame work of Mobile Virtual

ing the authority to enter into this busi-

therefore, it will have to invest on the areas

Network Operator (MVNO).

ness as was told by then Chairman but

which are of core importance including,

have all the customer ownership rights,

Definition of MVNO according to PTA is

now, according to our sources, there are

customer care, sales, marketing and so on.

“Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO)

just 3 parties interested. Two of them are

A starter will have to spare funds in the

is an operator that does not own any

represented by local investors and one by

range of $ 25 to 30 Million before it start

spectrum; instead, MVNOs have commer-

the foreign investor. It is also being heard

serving the sector provided MNO doesn’t

cial arrangements with conventional Mo-

that the 3rd party, the foreign investor, is

ask for any deposit or security which is

bile Network Operators (MNOs) for

no more interested to work here.

quite expected in Pakistan. In that case

provision of mobile communication serv-

The equation does not look acceptable as

cost will be much higher, if all the MNOs

ices to their own customers”

only two companies are interested cur-

create a cartel and play with MVNOs.

It had become obligatory to launch this

rently to take the risk. YES risk… because

ApnaTime talked to various operators to

as during the last few years PTA has re-

two main hurdles anyone can notice if

find their view point on the feasibility and

mained in a fix to whether to launch 3G

you go through the Policy Framework.

future of MVNO, the only thing we noted

or MVNO. For both, authority has faced a

The first is $ 5 Million license fee which

from everyone that, “what anyone can

terrible criticism from within the authority

any interested MVNO will have to pay be-

earn out of it”.

and telecos as well.

fore starting operations and secondly the

Industry is currently observing the lowest

3G was due, this is what anyone could

ratio of margins between MVNO and Mo-

call rates, 45 Paisas for 20 seconds and the

have guessed from the speeches and

bile Network Operator (MNO).

likes are the practices. If any new com-

seminars arranged and participated by

PTA says in its policy that “The MVNO shall

pany wants to create packages, they are

PTA during the last two years and the au-

address the complaints of its own users and

certainly going to be more competitive

thority was sure enough to start it with all

for this purpose shall establish at least one

than the current ones. Wouldn’t it be hard

the aggression but suddenly, where this

customer care centre and a 24/7 help line

for both MNO and MVNO to share rev-

buried case of MVNO came from, I am

in each city of its operations” Since MVNO

enue within in that package? We must

calling it dead because it looks like. In

will also own the brand name and it will

not forget that it is a price oriented market

14 | more | november 2009

and not the quality oriented.

ate trouble for the regulator and the

An official from the major telecom

customers as well. The PTA had bitter

company while talking on this issue

experience of low license fee in WLL

shared that MVNO are required in

and Payphone licenses cases so it

those countries where due to satura-

would not repeat the old mistake

tions, operators are unable to increase

again, he added.

their sales and they need a hand to fur-

PTA spokesman told ApnaTime that

ther grow whereas in Pakistan no op-

“MVNO fees vary from country to coun-

erator is willing to share anything in the

try from low to very high e.g in india,

presence of cut throat competition

MVNO fee is set to be more than $17

and if they go for any such thing, there

million. Authority has determined $ 5

will be layoffs.

million keeping in view Pakistan’s mar-

A representative of one of the inter-

ket and its dynamics”.

ested MVNO applicant told ApnaTime

Level playing fields and security of in-

that the current Policy has been revised

vestment are few other things which

more than 10 times. It was a license fee

PTA has not answered in the policy. It

of $ 10 Million just few weeks back and

is not unusual in Pakistan to see an SMP

now after repeated follow ups it has

manipulating the sector and it is even

come down to $ 5 Million which is still

normal to see the watch dog doing

impossible to pay. The model is really

nothing in any such issue.

necessary in Pakistan as saturation level

When asked to PTA, what security it

has reached and 3 to 5 MVNOs can cre-

guarantees to MVNOs after this invest-

ate attractive packages based on value

ment from them, the spokesman said,

added services, good calling rates and

“Clause 2.13 of the framework

excellent customer services. It is not a

says:”Once an MVNO commences its

matter of low ARPU, MVNO will create

services, the MNO shall provide service

its own niche and if we could get 10-

to MVNO without interruption. Also, the

20 percent of the market, it would be a

parent MNOs shall not suspend/termi-

healthy sign. According to him main

nate services to MVNOs under the

hindrance at this moment is $ 5 Million

commercial agreement without prior

license .

approval of the Authority. Similarly,

According to reports, there was strong

MVNO shall not stop provision of serv-

resistance on the license fee issue in-

ices to it costumers without at least a

side the PTA as well. May be PTA is not

three (3) months notice and prior ap-

willing itself to make this model a suc-

proval from the Authority. Further

cess as the huge license fee will dis-

measures can be ensured in the agree-

courage the applicants or there may be

ment between an MVNO and the par-

some interested but favorite people

ent MNO”.

who will be allowed to take part in the

It is yet to see if the fee comes further


down or not but it will take another

In a statement to The News, Chairman

year or so before any MVNO can start

PTA Dr. Muhammad Yasin said last

the operation. It is interesting to note

night, “license fee was irrelevant issue

that SIM activation tax will be the re-

as it did not make any difference. He

sponsibility of MVNO and it will also

said the reason behind this fee was to

share the taxes as a normal MNO does

provide an opportunity for serious in-

apart from the 1.5 % of the revenue as

vestors rather than for those who cre-

a royalty to PTA. n November 2009 | More | 15


halima Qureshi

nokia’s Chief executive said that continuing problems at nokia Siemens, the wireless network venture with Siemens of germany, were a result of “challenging competitive factors and market conditions create a big dent but the

the last year. Similarly, in just few months time

company received an over-

Samsung sold more than 5 Million Star

whelming response from

phones across the globe.

the middle order phones

Nokia’s recent decision to sue Apple shows

such as Samsung Star

how desperate Nokia is to change the statistics.

Smart phones are everywhere, not only

Despite of the efforts from

The company officially says that Apple is in-

they are beautiful but also they are made

rest of the manufacturers, everyone wanted

fringing on 10 Nokia patents that cover wireless

keeping in view all the customer’s needs.

the market leader Nokia to perform some-

data transfer, WCDMA, GSM and WiFi technolo-


Within this domain, touch phones have re-

thing different which it had claimed number

gies for this Nokia has filed a law suit against

ally changed the priorities of manufactur-

of times. But far from the claims, company re-

Apple asking for compensation and damages

ers. It all started with the success of Apple’s

ported a $1.36 billion loss in the third quarter

for the past and future use of its patents.

iPhone few years back. The magical touch

last week also it wrote down the value of its

There is not only iPhone which Nokia has to

screen technology impressed the world

wireless networks venture Nokia Siemens

take care of but RIM and Android based

more than anything else. As a result, all the

Network (NSN) by $1.35 billion and global

phones are eating up Nokia’s share as well. Ac-

manufacturers including the leader Nokia,

sales declined 20 percent. The company said

cording to the research of Taipei based, Market

Samsung, Sony Ericsson etc shifted their

that its leading share of the global cell phone

Intelligence & Consulting Institute (MIC),

focus to amaze the world.

market remained unchanged at 38 percent.

We can see a clear shift in the smartphone

market. The muscle player and dominator,

other than smart phones, nokia Siemens has lost network equipment business to low-cost Chinese makers huawei technologies and Zte Corporation, who have gained in europe and Asia and also have caused problems for Alcatel-lucent

Nokia, is losing its market share fast while the challengers - Apple, Android and RIM - are swelling at tremendous pace. In other words, people are buying other touch-sensitive interactive smartphones who would otherwise be buying Nokia's N Series. Since Google acquired Android in 2005, it was

Though, manufacturers including the big

But it acknowledged that its lead in smart

strongly rumored that soon or later Google is

names produced some very fine and attractive

phones, the fastest-growing segment of the

going to come into the mobile phone market

models but the spell of Apple’s iPhone could

market, had fallen to 35 percent, from 41 per-

with all of its power and glory. The phone is not

not be broken and it continued its success

cent, losing ground to Apple’s iPhone and Re-

there despite the fact Google has already filed

journey. Looking at the trend, Samsung re-

search in Motion’s BlackBerry devices.

several patent applications in the area of mobile

placed its entire lineup with the elegant touch

Contrary to this, Apple Inc. reported a 47%

telephony. Analysts say, it is a must for Google

phones. Though upper level phone could not

quarterly profit of $1.67 billion 7% more than

to introduce their phone, the reason they are

16 | More | November 2009

teleCom not doing is that they are working on it as

ance,” Mr. Kallasvuo said.

Google would never like to market something

From the statement it appears that Nokia

for which it is confident 100 percent.

wants to put all responsibility on Siemens

But just recently New York Times and Telegraph

where as the truth is, since the joint venture

have revealed that Google is about to launch

came into existence, Nokia had the de-facto

its branded smart phone which will be much

control over the operations of NSN.

cheaper than the currently existing phones

According to research firm Susisse, Nokia

owing to open source software (Android).

Siemens had 21 percent of the network

Nokia takes this very seriously which is why it

market when it was formed and at that time

recently did an agreement with Microsoft to at

Ericsson had 26 percent of market share.

least impress the Blackberry users with its E se-

Today, Ericsson has gone up to 32% whereas

ries with built in Office applications in editing

Nokia still stays at 20%.

mode. At the same time, it knows very well that

Other than smart phones, Nokia Siemens

Blackberry user is extremely satisfied and would

has lost network equipment business to

not like to switch over. Not to mention, Mo-

low-cost Chinese makers Huawei Technolo-

torola has already tested its fate with Q series.

gies and ZTE Corporation, who have gained

the company had sold more cellphones in the third quarter than in the second quarter and said that the continuing problems at nokia Siemens, the wireless network venture with Siemens of germany, were a result of “challenging competitive factors and market conditions

Who would like to pay extra charges to use

in Europe and Asia and also have caused

MS-Office when there are alternates avail-

problems for Alcatel-Lucent.

able in the market?

Smart phones demand has to go up in the

Nevertheless, Nokia continues to give

coming years and Nokia has to take its

strength to its applications, but analysts say,

chunk, it needs to reorganize itself, accord-

it’s not far, even if Nokia create a hype of OVI

ing to Gartner by 2012 there will be 525 mil-

store, upcoming Google Android has all the

lion smartphones sold with Symbian and

answers combined with its online power.

Android on top estimating 196.5 Million sets

Just to give an example, currently, it is al-

(37.4 per cent share) and 94.5 Million units

ready giving free songs download facility

(18 percent share) respectively followed by

across China just to defeat the Baidu, a Chi-

73 Million Blackberrys (13.9 per cent), 71.5

nese home built search engine.

Million iPhones (13.6 per cent share), 47.7

In a statement, Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, Nokia’s

Million Windows Mobiles (9 per cent share)

Chief Executive said that the company had

and 23.5 Million Maemo (4.5 per cent share).

sold more cellphones in the third quarter

Linux based Android is much of the concern

than in the second quarter and said that the

for everyone as it is license-free and likely to

continuing problems at Nokia Siemens, the

be supported by a large range of vendors in

wireless network venture with Siemens of

the growing ecosystem just adds extra mo-

Germany, were a result of “challenging com-

mentum (no need to expensively develop

petitive factors and market conditions.”

an interactive, Web-connected platform

“We continue to support Nokia Siemens

from scratch) and creates an even more at-

Networks’ actions to improve its perform-

tractive software environment. n November 2009 | More | 17


more team

things to know What is LED TV? In the history of television there have been many improvements. The first was black and white TV. Then came colour, stylish designs and bigger screens. Now we have the next breakthrough. Introducing the revolutionary Samsung LED TV powered by LED technology.

What is LED?


Recently, CNET UK praised Samsung

The Internet function is differentiated

Normal televisions use a fluorescent lamp backlight to produce an image. Samsung LED TVs create images using white, light emitting diodes (LED). It’s the same technology found in laptop screens. LED lights use much less energy and offer more precise control of colour, contrast and clarity. Unlike incandescent bulbs (which generate light with filaments) and compact fluorescents (which create light from gases encased in airtight glass containers), LEDs feature semiconductors that turn electricity into either white or colour lights.

LED TV 7000 series in its special review,

as well as the picture quality, design and

stating, "With a fantastic design and truly

environmental friendliness. The differenti-

wonderful picture quality, this is a TV to fall

ated “Internet TV*” functionality applied to

in love with" and gave the product the

Samsung LED TV 7000 is coming into the

Why is LED technology revolutionary?

highest score of 9.0 (spectacular).

spotlight, too.

Until recently, normal LED TVs placed LED lights at the back. The Samsung’s designers developed the world’s first white Global LED TV, which positions the LEDs on the edge of the frame. This transformative technology has finally made exceptionally slim TVs a reality.

Samsung LED TV received a high rat-

The Wall Street Journal praised the ex-

ing in almost all categories, including slim

cellent performance of Samsung LED TV

design, overall product functionality and

in its review titled “Yahoo Widgets Lend

clear and vivid picture quality. Regarding

Brains to Boob Tube." The Yahoo widgets

its design in particular, the magazine

function is implemented by LED TV 7000’s

What are the features of Samsung’s LED TVs?

noted that it is different from generic slim

Internet connection.

Superior picture quality When it comes to watching TV, the most important feature is how the images look on the screen. In this area, Samsung LED technology delivers unparalleled images for a truly immersive experience.

TVs commonly referred to in the industry,

The magazine picked as the TV’s

highly evaluating its ultra slim design with

biggest attraction the feature that allows

a total thickness measuring only 29 mm

users to freely navigate the Internet using

or so, equivalent to only one a finger de-

special color-coded shortcuts on the TV’s

spite its tuner embedded all-in-one type.

remote control with just one click.

Moreover, the magazine explained

WSJ explained that you can use the

that what’s impressive are its high-tech in-

widgets while watching the TV at the

terfaces such as four HDMI inputs allowing

same time, and noted that the TV’s sup-

connection to HD products, USB 2.0 func-

port for Internet video content clearly sets

tion and wireless Internet access along

the product apart from its competitors.

with clean and stable pictures imple-

German magazine, Focus also said in its

mented by LED backlighting such as full

recent article that Samsung TV shows the

colors, realistic and smooth motion with-

best performance among various TV man-

out afterimage lag and true black levels.

ufacturers, namely Panasonic and Philips

What Hi Fi Sound and Vision, the largest British AV magazine that sells more

Using the advanced Global LED technology, Samsung’s designers created TVs that are exceptionally thin and light. But the truly revolutionary difference is how easily the TV can be mounted on a wall like a picture frame. This enables them to blend in seamlessly with your viewing environment. Inspired by the beauty of a water droplet, Samsung’s patented Crystal TV design carefully crafts the frame to appear like a water droplet frozen in time. This gives it a reflective quality that is light, clear and unique enough to appear naturally formed. Crystal TV offers smooth lines, soft transparency and subtle colour gradients.

who will be and are introducing a similar


product with Internet access capability.

Samsung has a profound concern for environmental sustainability. The new LED Global technology significantly reduces environmental footprint and enables a dramatic reduction in power consumption and materials usage. LED TVs have earned a coveted Eco-label mark from the European Union. By using more efficient light bulbs and improving the optical structure, Samsung LED TVs use 40% less energy. Samsung has also used greener materials, reduced CO2 and VOC emissions, generated less waste by eliminating the need for spray paint and eliminated both lead and mercury.

than 70,000 copies monthly, publishes re-

The newspaper reported that many

sults of tests conducted in the perfect test

viewers favor a function that allows them

environment by verified experts in each

to switch TV to the Internet* screen when

area. As a result, the magazine is highly

commercials start and to switch back to

trusted by consumers who are often in-

the TV mode when they are over, and

fluenced by its reviews in their

Samsung TV performs the best in this

product purchase.


18 | More | November 2009

Stylish design



Cover Story

November 2009 | More | 19


Ambreen Salman

“Trin trin” Romeo’s mobile beeped pre-

of email and texts and

venting him to take his life but alas! Thus

profiles; yes, we can

was not the case during Shakespeare’s time.

say things both flirta-

The lover had to take his life due to the slow

tious and venomous

and negligent postal system. But now with

over those channels


Even after all this time The sun never says to the earth, "You owe me." Look what happens with a Love

the fast moving pace of technology people

we’d never have the

especially lovers seem to be busy all day

courage to utter in person or on paper. But


and night. Their thumbs aching with mes-

we’ve always found ways to flirt before this,

turning phone calls than in activities with

saging but hearts full of joy and love. The

haven’t we? And I’m sure my mother en-

family of friends.

free packages encourage them to go on

joyed throwing those juice glasses much


You spend more time on email or re-

You're late for appointments or en-

and on, never stopping. Telephone, mobiles,

more than I enjoy hitting “send” when ei-

gagements because you got caught up in

internet all ease their way and have become

ther in anger or really badly hurt.

texting, surfing, or talking on the phone.

indispensable for the illicit lovers. In the

When family fails online friends come in


1899 hit song Hello Ma Baby, a young man

thus taking all the “family” time making us

mail when face-to face interactions would

entreats his lover to "send me a kiss by wire"

go online more often. I also sometimes lit-

be more appropriate.

and begs, "Oh baby, telephone, and tell me

erary thank God when light goes as T.V. has


I'm your own." Internet dating sites, match

taken up all the time which has to be spent

but you can't, and you get irritated when oth-

making forums all have paved the way for

together. Children get up and want car-

ers complain about your use of technology.

those who are looking for some one to love

toon having no communication with each

Not only internet but media also plays with

or to find a loving partner.

other at all and when my husband comes

this vital need of love. They manipulate love

Affirmation, love and care are the core of

he want to watch a movie, so where are we

for financial reasons. A mother can not be a

every relationship. When they are not ful-

heading, becoming robots in the hand of

mother if she does not feed cerelac or a

filled by the family or the close ones then

technology. The question to be asked here

daughter can not be a good one if she does

You text, send email, or leave voice-

Your family and friends ask you to stop,

outlets are sneaked for. Facebook, twitter

is that is technology helpful for romance, or

not use the specific tea or ghee. In the same

and other internet communities and blogs

simply something that can prevent people

way a bahu can not be a good one if she

become the focus, only because we are ac-

from falling in love?

does not know how to make the particular

knowledged there and our emotional

Technology becomes a threat when it takes

kheer. Love of a mother, a father, a daughter,

needs are catered there. Dual personalities

away all the “family time” making us stoned

and a son is used to exploit the situation be

make them preoccupied; some people I

to others feelings and needs. We shun the

it in advertisements or dramas or films.

have heard have made cyber wives in-

real world and start living a second life, as

Everything revolves around relationships

dulging in immoral behaviour.

O'Neill from the Menninger Clinic warns of

and love. Probably because that is the most

Sometimes it’s nice to hide behind the wall

the negativities of technology when:

primitive thing to a person’s senses.

20 | More | November 2009




November 2009 | More | 21


halima Khan

That’s when they started coming up with innovative ideas like “Telenor, easy paisa badley zindagi” “breaking news is brought

branding the hourly clocks (time checks) and L shaped ads (in

to you by Orient refrigerators” *click* *switching channel* “tum hee

which the screen becomes small and there is an L shaped ad. It hap-

tu ho” “Warid, we care” *click* “Waves, naam he kafee hai” *click*

pens while the show/drama/match is running) and other things

“Coca Cola, brrrrrrrrr”“Tarang, yahee sahee jor hai”

besides plain normal commercials. But even those are becoming


Advertisements have taken over the world by a storm and there is no hiding from them. They seem to be everywhere and

cluttered.... when thinking from a consumers/TV viewer point of

anywhere you go. It doesn’t matter if you have water to kill your

becomes a bit irritating when you're trying to watch a show and

thirst or food to silent your stomach or electricity to light up your

you have to see so many ads...and sometime if one ad is being

life, the only thing that matters is that you have a constant reminder

shown too many times...u start hating it as well...

of what brands are out in the market through there persistent advertising strategies.

The effect it has on television is...that lead to alot of channel switching..But other than are good for our television industry, because that’s 90% of their income so if there were

the display took care of every line of a dvd source and the shots were clearer than the other lCds we noticed. its noise reduction works perfectly fine to eliminate unwanted

no ads...there would be no private channel and we will have to watch PTV for the rest of our lives. Housewife: madiha abid: (Bsc in economics from lums, currently she is a housewife) Hmmm excessive advertisements; I personally think that the product or service and the quality of the ad coupled with the brand

Overexposure of advertisements tempted me to ask different

ambassadors determine which ad, audiences are more willing to

people, from various walks of life, how they feel about the nonstop

see. Taking the example of telecom ads, we can see that when a

nonsense, known as advertisements, eating up our brains. Here is

company launches a new service or product it advertises exces-

what different ages, classes and minds had to say about this:

sively during the launch period to inform users about it, however, just about a day is enough to turn off the consumers and you see

advertising Person: saira ahmad: (mBa from lsE, currently an

yourself either channel hopping or hitting the mute button to

assistant manager in mediacom)

avoid the continuous rant. However, if the ad is appealing I usually

yaar basically when there are too many ads, it creates a clutter...alot

don't switch. The example is Ufone, they advertise heavily but their

of clutter...and while thinking from a brand point of view...its becoming

ads are humor-based and they have at least two different endings

difficult to make sure that your ad is being seen and retained by the

to the ad which breaks the monotony of the ad The fact that I don't they are exposed to a zillion ads on a TV basis.

switch channels when more appealing ads are aired does not nec-

22 | More | November 2009

teChnology essarily imply that I use the same service or feel motivated to buy

Working woman: aqsa Zahid: (Bsc from lums, currently is a

that product. I just feel indifferent to the product or service but

media manager)

enjoy the ad!

honestly it really hasn’t affected me because I hardly watch TV

Excessively advertising the same thing over and over again ads or no ads TV watching is minimal... however advertise-

makes it lose its appeal given that it had created some in the first

ment minutes have increased heavily in the past few years with less

place. In some cases it makes you despise a certain brand because

and less content on TV channels and more and more ads. Total no.

a) the brand ambassador is somebody you can't stand and b) your

of local channels currently are 85! Cable access has also increased

patience is continuously being tested by their uninterrupted ap-

tremendously. More than anything I feel channels are looking for

pearances on the TV screen. So you just decide never to buy that

business, which means more and more ads. I believe that channels

product even though you have nothing against the product!

should have a capping system, whereby they ensure that in an hour

x no. of advertising minutes are allowed. So that no matter what university student (female): Hina Bhatti:(Bsc in media studies

there is a limit to the advertisement levels. Also it should be ensured

from Bnu, currently doing taship in Bnu)

that all major channels are following this rule.

Hmm...excessive ad' campaigns I guess can be looked at in two

Apart from increasing ad levels, I think that the overall content of

lights; i mean they're providing us with easy information about var-

the channels is at stake, yes there are exceptions, e.g. our local soaps

ious products and services, but more importantly they're corrupt-

(not Indian influenced) some talk shows etc, but otherwise there is

ing us by building on our desires.

nothing to watch on TV...either we have zillions of negative news com-

Their purpose is to play with our minds and transform our needs into our wants.

ing our way or Indian content may it be in the form of movies, soaps, concerts or awards! The focus should be on content, and Coke Studio

At the end of the day, most ad' campaigns use the all mighty

has I believed set an example that great things are possible in Pakistan.

inferiority complex to try convincing people how much hotter, sex-

I also asked a psychologist what effects does this evil have on

ier, cooler, healthier, better looking or more successful they'll be

us and this is what she had to say about it, “children and adults

once they start using that product.

somewhat understand the inherent bias of advertising, younger children do not, and therefore tend to interpret commercial claims

university student (male): sumair tarar: (currently doing mBa

and appeals as accurate and truthful information,” said psychologist

from cornell university)

Dale Kunkel, PhD, Professor of Communication at the University of

I have very strong choices for things but advertisements cer-

California at Santa Barbara.

tainly effect me as well. If I want something the first thing that

Many to my surprise do not agree with what I say for they seem

would come to my mind will be the ad and the logo. The adv

to have accepted them as part of their lives just like many other

companies have target audiences ... I do not know which target

things. Many things we learn to live with aren’t always ethically cor-

audience I fall into ... student? Educated? Married? Father? There

rect but we except defeat. As a common man, it does hurt me that

are many.

our society doesn’t fight for its rights and learn to live with them,

If I go to market place I look for known products and out of the whole basket of shopping there is a likelihood that I may only shop

hence eventually making them social norms. Please mention here, how over advertisement is making a

for 5 to 10 % unknown brands. The adverts works here ... If I have

negative impact and the product itself is losing position and

heard the name I would most certainly go towards that brand...

customer liking.


November 2009 | More | 23


Zubair rehman

technology people are putting great efforts to commercialize this technology while movie studios are investing heavily in 3d animated films. titanic’s director James Cameron's forthcoming Avatar with its $237m budget promises to be the most ambitious 3d film ever released

glasses hit screens in the 1970s. But the terrible color quality and shaky images induced nausea and left 3D's image in tatters. not go beyond 2010.

It's going to be different this time; the technology is entirely different and a com-

Globally, 3D TV has long

plete different experience. Unlike the terrible

been promised as the biggest revolution

anaglyphic, red-green glasses this new tech-

to the broadcasting industry. Three-dimen-

nology is very good.

TV industry

sional films were all the rage in the 1950s,

Technology people are putting great ef-

is undergoing constant

with some of the decade's biggest movies –

forts to commercialize this technology while


revolutions starting from popular-

including André De Toth's horror thriller

Movie studios are investing heavily in 3D an-

ity of cathode ray TV units to the LCDs, LEDs

House of Wax – wowing fans. But most of the

imated films. Disney’s movie Bolt was shot in

and now the next big thing is 3D TV technol-

major studios and directors quickly aban-

3D, and future releases such as Toy Story 3

ogy. Few years back Pakistan was not in the

doned the concept because of poor picture

and Shrek 4 will also get the three-dimen-

race but now with the launch of LCD and LED

quality and high production costs.

sional treatment. But it’s not just animated

TVs, we can expect the 3D technology as well.

A further round of 3D films that had

We can expect a few months delay but it will

viewers wearing red and green paper

24 | More | November 2009

films that are going 3D. Titanic’s director James Cameron's forth-

teChnology speed panel for reproduc-

processing occurs on both the left- and right-

ing traditional two-di-

sided 3D image in every single process – from

mensional images at up

recording, playback and display. Special pair of

to 1080p resolution, and

active shutter glasses that work in synchro-

sends out 120Hz images

nization with the Plasma HDTV enable the

to each eye when in 3D

viewer to experience 3D images formed with

mode. Samsung claims

twice the volume of information as regular full

there is no ghosting dur-

HD images, and enjoy them together with

ing fast scenes in 3D

high quality surround sound.

mode, while no loss of

Well, these companies are sticking to 3D

resolution is endured

glasses while their rivals on the other side of

coming Avatar that is tipped to break the

when watching traditional content. Like with

the world like Philips and Hitachi have gotten

mould. Mr. Cameron said he has been waiting

most 3D systems, special shutter eyewear is

rid of those half century old 3D Glasses.

20 years to make the movie, but the technol-

needed to view the 3D images.

ogy has only recently caught up with his

Philips’ 56-inch HD 3D display has four

LG also has announced its full HD 23-inch

times the standard resolution of any TV.

imagination. With its $237m budget, Avatar

3D LCD panel with twice the brightness of

Philips promises up to 46 views at once,

promises to be the most ambitious 3D film

conventional 3D LCD panels. 3D LCDs apply

which means the resolution is 23 times better

ever released.

than the other 3D TV‘s

After all we see the world in 3D, so it will

you’ve seen before.

be a natural experience for us but the difficult

Hitachi’s Full Parallax

thing is that despite much advancement in

3D TV does not require

3D TV some elements of the viewing experi-

special glasses, can be

ence are less than ideal.

watched from any direc-

Unlike 1950’s when you had to wear red

tion and has a resolution

and blue glasses, now many sophisticated 3D

of 3D image as high as

glasses are in but the fact remains the same

VGA 640 x 480 pixels.

that you need to wear some head gear in-

But Hitachi is trying to

order to experience 3D, as each eye needs to

exceed the current pixel

see the image slightly differently to build a multidimensional picture. The viewing angle

range soon. time-sequential technologies so that the right

Now the question arises, whether con-

for many 3D televisions is quite restrictive and

and left eyes see different images, tricking the

sumers who are using conventional TV’s or

requires viewers to sit face-on at the correct

brain into seeing them as three-dimensional.

LCD’s wants to upgrade to this new tech-

range in order to see the three-dimensional

LG is claiming that the new 3D LCD embeds

nology and particularly in the current eco-

image clearly. This works fine in Cinemas but

most of the 3D technologies directly into the

nomic state.

it is not an option in living rooms.

panel, enabling 3D viewing with low-priced

The initial price of such sets is expected to be high - perhaps 20 percent more than normal sets of the same size. But costs should come down in the coming years. According to analysts, 3D-ready TVs could

polarized glasses rather than expensive spe-

industry people have yet to agree on a com-

cial viewing glasses.

mon standard for filming and transmitting in

Sony has also demonstrated its full HD

3D, and for many, the cost of the equipment

3D display which offers users ease of sitting

needed to capture and generate 3D footage

by offering 360-degree 3D display. But like

is prohibitive.

be in 28 million to 46 million homes world-

LG and Samsung it also comes with 3D

wide by 2013. After their launch next year, as

shutter glasses.

many as 2.5 million sets worldwide will be sold with 3D capability.

Lack of 3D Content such as movies aside,

Panasonic’s 3D FHD system comprises a

I think it will be a long time before 3D Television is cheap or persuasive enough to be mass market. The technology is almost there

103-inch Plasma HDTV and a Blu-ray Disc

but will it be able to capture the interest of

Samsung recently showed off its proto-

player that plays back Blu-ray Discs onto which

people, will Samsung be able to keep the

type 3D HDTV sized at 55 inches at IMID

3D video (consisting of left- and right-sided

crown of No. 1 Television manufacturer of the

Show in Seoul, Korea. The set uses a 240Hz

1080p Full HD images) are recorded. Full HD

world, only time will tell.


November 2009 | More | 25



ron laFon

The HP Officejet 7000 is a B-size printer


that produces professional color documents


and photo-quality borderless prints as large


as 13" x 19". It offers the lowest cost per page


among in-class inkjet printers, with 40% lower


cost per page and energy use than compet-


itive laser printers.


This printer is ideally suited for small CAD


Print speed black (draft, letter): Up to 33 ppm Print speed color (draft, letter): Up to 32 ppm Print resolution, black: Up to 1200 dpi black Print resolution, color: Up to 4800 x 1200 optimized dpi color Processor speed: 384 MHz memory, standard: 32 MB monthly duty cycle: Up to 7000 pages

or engineering offices that don't need larger size prints/plots or find that they need smaller,

printer speeds are as fast as 8 ppm for black-

possible with the optional HP Wireless Print-

high-quality output often. The Officejet 7000

only output and 7 ppm for color output. The

ing upgrade kit.

doesn't take up much room, measuring only

monthly duty cycle is a remarkable 7,000

The minimum system requirements for

22.6" x 15.8" x 7.13" (W x D x H), and it weighs

pages per month, well beyond the norm for

the HP Officejet 7000 Wide Format Printer are

a mere 15.4 lbs. The HP Officejet 7000 is easy

an inkjet printer. The processor unit on the

a computer with at least an Intel Pentium II or

to use, making it ideal for offices that don’t

printer operates at a speedy 384 MHz, and the

Celeron processor with 128 MB of RAM, 160

have an IT professional on staff.

printer comes with 32 MB of factory-installed

MB of free hard disk space and running under

I tested the HP Officejet 7000 Wide For-

printer RAM.

Windows 2000 (Service Pack 4) and Internet

mat Printer with a variety of files and applica-

The Officejet 7000 has a 150-sheet input

Explorer 6.0 or later. Operating system sup-

tions, under Microsoft Windows Vista x64 and

tray and a 100-sheet output bin. Print sizes

port also includes Windows XP with Service

Windows XP Professional x32, both with all

from 3" x 5" to 13" x 44" are supported, with

Pack 1 (32-bit) running on a system with an

current service packs and updates. Among

plain paper weights from 20 to 24 lbs and B-

Intel Pentium II or Celeron processor with 512

the applications tested were AutoCAD 2009,

sheet weights as much as 286 g/m. Sup-

MB of RAM, 225 MB of free hard disk space,

Microsoft Office 2007 applications (Excel and

ported media types are brochure, inkjet, plain,

and Internet Explorer 6.0 or later. Windows

Word), and Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended.

photo, envelope, card (index), and trans-

Vista is supported with at least an 800-MHz,

All tests produced excellent output in a rela-


32-bit (x32) or 64-bit (x64) processor in the

tively short time. Vector output produced

The printing system features one spe-

clean, crisp lines; text was clean and easy to

cially designed high-performance print head

read, even at small point sizes; and the

and four individual ink cartridges for the black

This is an exceptionally good printer for

bitmapped images, including digital photo-

and color inks. The HP print head is designed

the price, especially when you consider its ver-

graphs, were quite good. The first page out times can be as fast as 20 seconds (black only) or 21 seconds (color).

system, 512 MB of RAM, 902 MB of free hard disk space, and Internet Explorer 7.0.

to deliver consistent, high-quality output

satility and economical operation for small

throughout the life of the device without user

businesses. There's much here to like. This


model will fulfill the needs for many CAD, en-

The print resolution for black only is as high

The Officejet 7000 requires a power input

gineering, and digital-content creation (DCC)

as 600 rendered dpi when printing from a

of 100 V AC to 240 V AC at 50/60 Hz. Connec-

offices for a very broad range of output needs.

computer and for color output is as high as

tivity options for the HP Officejet 7000 printer

It offers improved operation -- such as a paper

4,800 x 1,200 optimized dpi when printing

include one high-speed USB 2.0 connector

path that is similar to that of HP laser printers,

from a computer on selected HP photo pa-

and one built-in Ethernet wired port. Printer

to reduce paper jams -- while offering greater

pers with 1,200 input dpi. Laser-comparable

languages are PCL 3 GUI. Wireless printing is

speed and lower operating costs. n

26 | More | November 2009

Mobilink employees were recently enthralled by Ali Zafar, unplugged, at the spectacular Tree House, Monal. The dinner was hosted in the musician’s honor by JAZZ Brand Team. Mobilink’s Vice President Marketing Bilal Munir Sheikh, Director Brands and Marketing Operations Sadia Khurram, Director Public Relations Omar Manzur as well as Head of Brand Communications- Jazz Ali Murtaza were among the attendees.


November 2009 | More | 27



Intel Pakistan & Dell Pakistan to-

gether conducted a series of road shows with notebooks accessorized with crisp widescreen displays to meet user’s specific needs. New products and services were showcased at a colorful event with famous VJ Ayesha Omar and designer Munib Nawaz gracing the event. This event provided the visitors with a great visual experience resulting in holistic product knowhow. Experts were also present at

products to the local market. Intel and Dell are

the venue to provide clear infor-

working together to harbor the creation of fu-

mation on the high performance

turistic technology in Pakistan. Bringing Intel’s

products that are tailored to the needs of spe-

killer products, the Inspiron portfolio and Stu-

award winning micro architecture along with

cific consumer groups.

dio series are responsible for creating some

other superior features, these products will

fantastic ripples in the market,” said Nubla

provide a whole new performance experi-

processors has embarked on a colorful and

Iftikhar, Marketing Manager for Consumer

ence to its users.”

exhilarating journey in Pakistan. Our tagline’

and SMB for Dell Pakistan.

“The Dell Consumer series, based on Intel

Yours is Here’, religiously followed, exhibits

Asma Aziz, Marketing Programs Manager

The notebooks are based on Intel Core microprocessors which are enabled by powerful

that knowing our customers is what we do

of Intel Pakistan Corporation, included “Intel

multi-core technology. Providing all the band-

best. The personality of each SKU is uniquely

is passionate about providing value to its con-

width you need for next-generation highly-

positioned for customers that seek a high def-

sumers. It is exciting to see Dell’s combining

threaded applications, enabling faster, cooler,

inition lifestyle at the best price points. Our

its effort in bringing new and innovative

and better battery life notebook experiences.

28 | More | November 2009

Country Manager Intel Mr Ashar Zaidi at the road show closely observing the Dell Mini in Gecko Green color


Built on a foundation of great features and design, the notebooks can deliver on what customers want, need and do with their individual digital experiences. World-class widescreen displays on notebooks support hi-definition lifestyle activities like watching movies, sharing photos, or shopping on the internet. A rich palette of seven color choices, including Red, Midnight Blue and Obsidian Black, gives notebook customers the opportunity to truly express themselves. n

Famous VJ Ayesha Omar endorsing the Dell notebook Inspiron 1440 in gorgeous Cherry Red Color

Nubla Iftikhar, Marketing Manager for Consumer and SMB at Dell and VJ Ayesha Omar at the event

November 2009 | More | 29


Sherif Seddik, GM-Microsoft North Africa, East Mediterranean and Pakistan; Kamal Ahmed, Country GM- Microsoft Pakistan and Zafar Ul-Islam, Technology Strategist speaking at the Press Conference for the Windows 7 Launch


Microsoft held a joint business launch to introduce a range of

products that included Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 at a ceremony held earlier. The international launch, themed as ‘The New Efficiency,’ reflects Microsoft’s thought leadership at a global scale and is targeted towards companies and end users who seek to do more with less. Sherif Seddik, General Manager-Microsoft North Africa, East Mediterranean and Pakistan, commented on Microsoft’s new initiatives, “In today’s environment with tough economies, companies are trying

the display took care of every line of a dvd source and the shots were clearer than the other lCds we noticed. its noise reduction works perfectly fine to eliminate unwanted low quality patches. we also connected the machine with pC and our camcorder

to make optimum use of their resources and budgets. Keeping in mind with our goal to make our customer’s lives better, the intro-

2008 by maximizing uptime and energy efficiency in its call centers

duction of Windows 7 with the optimized desktop, Windows Server

in Pakistan. To improve operations, Warid is deploying a virtual

2008 R2 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 help position IT from

desktop infrastructure based on Windows Server 2008 R2 and

a cost center to a strategic value addition for companies by cutting

Hyper-V. Javed Mushtaq, Chief Information Officer, Warid Telecom

costs, increasing productivity and enhancing innovation for

commented, “We expect a 20 percent drop in our capital expen-


diture and a 62 percent drop in operating expenses by cutting

The launch event started with a seminar where speakers from

power, support, and hardware costs with the Hyper-V solution.”

Microsoft presented the new products to key personnel from Pak-

Warid Telecom is awarded with Gold Sponsorship and an hon-

istan’s IT industry and spoke about the features and benefits of Mi-

orary shield was given to Warid’s Chief Information Officer. Mi-

crosoft’s new offerings. The event received enthusiastic response and

crosoft has also developed a case study taking a detailed account

was attended by technology decision makers, IT professionals and

on Warid Pakistan, and it will be published on Microsoft’s global



Warid Telecom Pakistan, a mobile telecommunications com-

With this project, Warid Telecom taken a leap forward in carbon

pany, has already capitalized on the benefits of the Windows Server

emissions, honoring its part in keeping the planet greener thus

30 | More | November 2009


the display took care of every line of a dvd source and the shots were clearer than the other lCds we noticed. its noise reduction works perfectly fine to eliminate unwanted low quality patches. we also connected the machine with pC and our camcorder

takes another initiative for environment friendly green technology. Total Power Consumption is reduced by 180% with annual saving of 215,280 KW/Y from power and Total Air Conditioning Saving per Year: 160,030 KW/Y, also Carbon Emission Saving per Year: of 581730 Pound. “The launch of such a powerful product portfolio showcases Microsoft’s commitment to our customer’s top priority and seeks to enhance cost savings, IT efficiency and business productivity,” said Kamal Ahmed, Country Head Microsoft Pakistan. “Companies in Pakistan can use these products to not only drive costs down but also drive down their risk profile through better security and

Warid Chief Information Officer Javed Mushtaq addressing at the launch

compliance, while maximizing the productivity of the workforce they support.” Commenting on the occasion, Ali Jaleel, General Manager Dell, South Asia Growing Economies (SAGE) region said, “Dell has em-

Microsoft and Dell are committed to working together in the systems management space to offer a real change in the solutions customers has—to drive down cost and complexity effectively.”

barked on a comprehensive effort with Microsoft to offer real and

The Windows 7 with the optimized desktop comes with fea-

better solutions for customers. These efforts are aimed at reducing

tures that target both end users and companies. It provides seam-

cost and complexity by closely connecting organizations and con-

less access to data and applications and makes everyday tasks

sumers throughout an application's lifecycle.

performed better and faster. The BIT locker feature promises greater security and control for both laptops and desktops. The product also offers greater control and automation on a larger level which will be beneficial across companies. The Windows Server 2008 is based on a new version of hyper V technology and introduces the highly anticipated live migration feature which allows a user to move a virtual machine between two virtualization host servers with no perceivable internet service. The Exchange Server 2010 is aimed at increasing productivity through access to business communication and to better manage risks by safeguarding businesses through better

Dignitaries at the launch event

protection and compliance.


November 2009 | More | 31



in house review

The mega success of star S5230 has encouraged Samsung to


Since it’s an entry level touch phone fo-

Opening the box, you get a smart and

cusing the budget planners, therefore, we cannot compare it to a high end smartphone.

bring more entry level touch

sleek machine along with 2 extra outer jack-

phones into the market. Not far

ets of different colors so that you could

from Star, Samsung Corby is

change it to match your dress and make this

Outer design

made for youth keeping in view

phone part of your fashion. Other than this,

The phone is really light and compact

their comfort level with all sorts of

you get the ear phone, charger, manual and

weighing only 90gms, as said earlier, major

likes and dislikes especially the bold and

yes, a 2GB memory card for free. Don’t forget

part is touch screen which is capacitive tech-

colorful plastic bodies to cater the need

to ask your retailer if you do not find it in the

nology based, that means, you do not need

box. Unfortunately the box does not come

to press it to execute any command, just a

of most of the teenagers. Though it doesn’t have all the qualities of

with a data cable, which should have been

slight touch will make possible everything and

a high end phone but still it does well for the

there as the phone is for young guys who

that is why people love touch screens now.

age group it is made for. What make this

keep shifting stuff from computers.

Just below the screen there are three but-

phone different from other phones in the

2.8” screen is the most prominent part of

tons for Call, End and Backward movement.

market is its unique and boldly painted outer

Corby. Samsung has gained a lot of experi-

Back button is quite prominent and sur-

bodie and inherited features from Samsung

ence in the touch screen phones, even in this

rounded by silver frame. The other two buttons

Star and Jet S8000. Definitely youngsters

entry level handset with 240 x 320 pixel reso-

are integrated into the body of the phone but

lution; the screen is very responsive and does

pushing them creates an audible sound. The

not miss your command.

only thing on top of the screen is Earpiece.

would love to keep it and socialize through it. let’s find out what we got inside. 32 | More | November 2009


nokia said that its leading share of the global cell phone market remained unchanged at 38 percent. but it acknowledged that its lead in smart phones, the fastest-growing segment of the market, had fallen to 35 percent, from 41 percent, losing ground to Apple’s iphone and research in motion’s

On the right side of phone, there are two buttons, Shutter (for camera) and HOLD key which can also be used for locking and unlocking the phone. You may sometime confuse with their placement as there is hardly any space between them. Just below them is the place to insert your MicroSD card but you need to remove the back cover which opens very smoothly with any creaking noise. Left side contains Volume Rocker decently housed along with proprietary connectivity port for Charger, Data Cable and Headphones. Samsung call the back cover Fashion Jacket which is main selling feature other than touch screen. You get two extra Fashion Jackets with your phone of different colors to go with your mood. On the top of the jacket resides the 2 MP camera and just opposite to it at the bottom is the Loudspeaker grill.

Home screen and inner applications We are seeing the Samsung’s standardized interface 4th time starting from Star, Jet and Omnia and now this entry level handset has the same unique look. You get three home screens that can easily be changed by sideways sweeping left or right. You can pull in and out the Widget tray that holds any kind of application that want there to be. Dragging the shortcut (Widget) out and place your application where ever you want on any of the 3 desktops. Tired of any shortcut, just drag it back. 3 soft buttons at the bottom let you use the virtual Keyboard, Phone book and the Menu. Virtual Keypad gives you the required basic functionality. Number Keys are cleanly placed to give you easy to type feel. Middle button at the bottom is MORE which let you choose from three options for any number you have typed, “Voice call”, “Send Message” and “Add to Phonebook”. Another way of communicating with a contact is through the photo contact which reminds us of Star’s arc shaped photo contacts that you can access by pushing the menu button. Tap the image and it will ask, if you want to make a voice call or send an SMS. Pressing the soft Menu button opens what a user wants from Corby. The entire menu is presented on three different screens which are scrollable by sweeping right or left. These three slides house almost everything. November 2009 | More | 33


music player Music player is simple and does not ask you to do anything complicated. It reminds of Star and Jet. Couple of useful features are, it can be minimized to be played in the background, preset equalizers are there to select as per requirement from jazz, classic, widening, dynamic and surround effects, though we missed the customized settings as music player has to offer a way to play with the controls but, nevertheless, we enjoyed listening to music using Samsung provided earphones. Other than this, it has the ability to filter tracks by author, album, and genre. Moreover, you can select your track from recently added and most played option as well.

fm radio Corby’s radio application is a nice and easy to use thing. It can be launched from the main menu as well as from the widget on the home screen by just taping it. You can save your favorite radio stations as well.

video Player Keeping in view the budget phone and the affordability, video player is made to perform the basic function efficiently. You may not find bundles of option nor you would be able to play all the formats but still the allowed formats will give you enough entertainment to enjoy.

corby 2 mP camera Camera is not Corby’s preferred feature but for a 2 MP camera it is very decent in proper light especially during the day. Activate the camera application from the menu or press the shutter on the right side of the phone. Maximum resolution of camera is 1600 x 1200 pixels. Turning any option on or off is really effortless due to the excellent response of the touch screen.

games All the games are licensed and you are only allowed to play the trial version. It has Asphalt 4, Brain Challenge, Diamond, Pyramid, Crazy Penguin Catapult and Monopoly in it.

internet and connectivity Corby is not a 3G enabled phone whereas you have GPRS and EDGE available for the browsing on Dolphin web browser. It has the built-in flash support so you can directly try flash enabled website for example Youtube. Due to GPRS you may find some streaming issues while watching videos but overall browsing is excellent and the zoom function really work well.

Other applications Dozens of small application make Corby stands out among its competitors. Calendar offers 3 ways to be viewed (Daily, Weekly and monthly), you can set up to 10 alarms with different ringtones, graphic world clock and time zone is interesting. You also get unit converter, calculator, voice recorder, stopwatch, document viewer etc. The phone easily and quickly opens any Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF file; this is a handy tool which we are seeing in almost every Samsung touch phone. The phone also have Smart unlock feature, previously known as Gesture lock. Smart unlock allows users to simultaneously unlock the phone and open a menu item, application - even dial a contact - just by drawing a letter on the unlock screen. You can dedicate any letter from A to Z to perform any action for example, start SMS editor, music player etc. Java applications for example music player, FM etc can be run in background while you can continue with your other tasks on Corby. We can’t term it as a complete multitasking as there is no key or option to switch between two running applications. finally we can just say, if you have this phone, it will not let you down. 34 | More | November 2009




November 2009 | More | 35


(R-L) Imran Khalid Mehmood, Country General Manager Nokia Pakistan, Trude Gajland, Head of ESeries Marketing, Nokia ME and Africa and Khurram Pradhan, Product and Portfolio Manager, Nokia Pakistan displaying the latest E72 at the launching ceremony

e72 launch

more accessible than ever. Nokia’s aim is to

number of areas. “Despite the outstanding

make email usage on mobile phones simple

market performance of the Nokia E71, we

Nokia Pakistan made public its easy to

and convenient to allow more people to ac-

still continually look for ways to enhance the

use setup of Messaging Solutions just few

cess email on their mobile device. If people

device,” said Trude Gajland, Head of Eseries

days back when Imran Khalid Mahmood,

use personal email on their desktop, then

Marketing, Middle East and Africa. “So we in-


Country General Manager, Nokia Pakistan

mobile email with Nokia Messaging is for

cluded the desktop like email experience

and Trude Gajland, Head of Eseries Market-

them. If people don’t have access to a PC

from the Nokia E75 and gave it a new optical

ing, Middle East and Africa presented the

and want to join the digital revolution, then

navigation key for more intuitive scrolling

Company's strategy towards messaging

mobile email with Ovi Mail is their passport.

through menus, emails and fast panning of

and email business.

Expressing his views on the latest develop-

images. We also upgraded the camera to 5

megapixels and added a standard 3.5 mm

nokia brings access to instant messaging accounts and more than 90% of world’s email inboxes with simple on-device setup

Nokia Eseries is the hallmark of enterprise

audio jack.” Performance improvements are evident throughout the user experience including faster Internet up and down link speeds. Other notable features which should make

ments in Email Solutions, Imran Khalid Mah-

the Nokia E72 as popular as recent Nokia Es-

mobility solutions. With strong support fea-

mood, Country General Manager, Nokia

eries introductions include A-GPS and com-

tures for messaging and office documents,

Pakistan said, “The latest Email Solutions

pass with integrated Maps, including

Eseries is geared towards people who want

from Nokia bring to Pakistani consumers a

lifetime walk and 10 days of turn-by-turn

to be productive in both their personal and

winning combination of work and play fea-

navigation if activated within the first three

professional lives.

tures with ease of use, predictive cost struc-

months. Conversations are also clearer with

According to research from Gartner, around

ture and high-end security support.”

active noise cancellation, and a torch can be

300 million people have tried mobile email

Building on the formula from the hugely

activated with a single press of the spacebar

but only 10% of accounts have actually been

successful Nokia E71, Nokia’s best selling

key. The office capabilities have been up-

activated. With over 100 Nokia email-en-

QWERTY device to date, Nokia E72 is the lat-

dated with a new version of Quickoffice,

abled device models – the biggest choice

est arrival in Nokia’s Eseries family that main-

which delivers Microsoft Office 2007 com-

available in the market today – the industry’s

tains essential elements of its predecessor,

patibility as well as free version upgrades

most comprehensive Email Solution is now

whilst still improving its capabilities in a

when new features become available.

36 | More | November 2009



nokia and music Capturing the magic of music and touch,

heart and the music of their soul. Nokia has the

ten to music at the same time. Today, music

Nokia recently held its Music Event at a local

most comprehensive Music and Touch Portfo-

has gone digital.


hotel in Karachi. The event setup exuded tons

lio across many price points. Nokia is making it

Nokia will bring Nokia 5230 to Pakistani market.

of lively colors and disco appeal. The guests at

possible for people to touch the music by

This device will touch you with its appealing de-

the event were first ushered into the Xpress-

bringing to the market more and more devices

sign and vivid color skins. Nokia 5230 is an af-

Music lounge where they got to experience

with touch and music optimization.

fordable touch device. The touch interface

the latest touch and music devices from Nokia.

Christophe Corsi talked about the changing

comes with Nokia’s intuitive UI. Packed with crisp

The two Nokia spokespersons for the evening

trends in the way we listen to music and Nokia’s

3.2”widescreen and resolution of 640x360 pixels,

were Imran Khalid Mahmood, Country General

strategy through which Nokia will stay at the top.

Nokia 5230 features a Media Bar with quick ac-

Manager, Nokia Pakistan and Christophe Corsi,

Most of the people enjoy listening to music. In

cess to your favorite media and applications,

Head of LIVE Category, Nokia Middle East and

Pakistan specifically, youth enjoys music a lot.

such as music, photos, YouTube or Ovi Share.

Africa who talked about company’s strategy

Nokia is in a strong position to lead music

Nokia X6 is the ultimate touch phone with ca-

towards its music and touch phones business.

phone market. Mobile phone is the new plat-

pacitive touch, metallic accent and a sleek de-

First to speak about Nokia’s Music and Touch

form for digital music. New technologies are

sign. It is a powerful entertainment device,

Portfolio was Imran Mahmood who talked

driving the music industry. In the 80s, people

combining 32GB of on-board memory with a

about Nokia’s leadership in music technology

enjoyed music on Vinyl Disks, then came Cas-

slick 3.2” finger touch interface. The ultimate

and customer-centric approach. Nokia’s com-

settes which were replaced by CDs in late 90s

device for music lovers and social butterflies,

mitment to music is evident from the fact that

to bring more music. CDs were followed by

the Nokia X6 has a 16:9 widescreen optimized

it understands people, the passion of their

Video/DVD as people wanted to view and lis-

for photos, videos and browsing.


November 2009 | More | 37


more team

composition Shampoo formulations seek to maximize the following qualities: n Easy rinsing, n Good finish after washing hair n Minimal skin/eye irritation, n No damage to hair n Feels thick and/or creamy, n Pleasant fragrance n Low toxicity, n Good biodegradability n Slightly acidic

commonly used ingredients Ammonium chloride, n Ammonium lauryl sulfate, n Glycol, n Sodium laureth sulfate n Sodium lauryl sulfate n

specialized shampoos Dandruff, n All-natural, n Baby, n Animal Solid, n Jelly/Gel, n Paste/cream, n Dry shampoo n n

have either animal or vegetable origins. Glycol distearate is a wax. The word shampoo in English is derived

was first introduced in the 1930s with Drene,

from Hindi chāmpo and dates to 1762. The

the first shampoo with synthetic surfactants.


a Bengali introduced the head massage to

The effectiveness of vitamins, amino acids and "pro-vitamins" to shampoo is also largely

Hindi word referred to head massage, usually with some form of hair oil. Dean Mohammad,

vitamins and amino acids

How shampoo works Sebum is oil secreted by hair follicles that

debatable. Vitamins and amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and enzymes

Basil Cochrane's vapour baths while working

is readily absorbed by the strands of hair, and

within the body. While vitamins may be able

in London in early 1800s. Later with his Irish

forms a protective layer. Sebum protects the

to penetrate cells through the skin, amino

wife, he opened "Mohammad's Steam and

protein structure of hair from damage, but it

acids and proteins are too large to enter a cell

Vapour Sea Water Medicated Baths" in

also collects dirt, styling products and scalp

outside the bloodstream, and they can have

Brighton, England. His baths were like Turkish

flakes. Shampoo strips the sebum from the

no effect on dead tissue. A strand of hair is a

baths where clients received an Indian treat-

hair shafts and thereby removes the dirt at-

long protein chain continually being added to

ment of champi (shampooing), meaning

tached to it.

at the root. The only way for an amino acid to

therapeutic massage. He was appointed

Undamaged hair has a hydrophobic sur-

be of any use is to be intentionally bound to

‘Shampooing Surgeon’ to both George IV and

face to which skin lipids such as sebum stick,

other amino acids in a specific fashion by a liv-

William IV.

but water is initially repelled. The lipids do not

ing cell. Hair is not alive, and there is no possi-

In the 1860s, the meaning of the word

come off easily when the hair is rinsed with

bility for an amino acid or protein to have any

shifted from the sense of massage to that of

plain water. The anionic surfactants substan-

permanent effect on the health of the strand.

applying soap to the hair. During the early

tially reduce the interfacial surface tension

The case for vitamins is not as well under-

stages of shampoo, English hair stylists boiled

and allow for the removal of the sebum from

stood. Some have demonstrated a moderate

shaved soap in water and added herbs to

the hair shaft. The non-polar oily materials on

effectiveness in improving the health of skin,

give the hair shine and fragrance. Kasey

the hair shaft are solubilised into the surfac-

but most likely the benefit is derived from the

Hebert was the first known maker of sham-

tant micelle structures of the shampoo and

effect of vitamins on living cells below the

poo, and the origin is currently attributed to

are removed during rinsing. There is also con-

epidermis. Extending this benefit to hair, the

him. Commercially made shampoo was avail-

siderable removal through a surfactant and

vitamins and minerals could improve the

able from the turn of the century. A 1914 ad

oil "roll up" effect.

health of new hair growth, but the benefit to

for Canthrox Shampoo in American Magazine

Many shampoos are pearlescent. This ef-

existing hair is unsubstantiated. However, the

showed young women at camp washing

fect is achieved by addition of tiny flakes of

physical properties of some vitamins have a

suitable materials, e.g. Glycol distearate chem-

temporary cosmetic effect on the hair shaft

ically derived from stearic acid, which may

while not having any bioactivity. n

their hair with Canthrox in a lake. Modern shampoo as it is known today 38 | More | November 2009


Cover Story

November 2009 | More | 39

lAteSt in teCh

Titan the robot thrills visitors at Gitex 2009 Eight Foot Tall animatronics Robot, Titan performed its breathtaking acts during the region’s biggest ICT exhibition, GETEX 2009. The public watched it walk across the halls during the exhibition. "The Titan Robot has proved to be a big hit with all the visitors at GITEX TECHNOLOGY WEEK," said Trixee Loh, Senior Vice President, Dubai World Trade Centre. The Titan Robot thrills the crowd with an exciting mix of heart stopping action and entertainment that makes the show a perfect complement to GITEX TECHNOLOGY WEEK. Titan talks, sings, dances and even cries enticing the crowd throughout the show. n

Panasonic Acer goes 3D with Convertible Aspire 5738DG Notebook wheel chair helps disabled

Acer America, part of the world's second largest PC vendor, recently announced its new Aspire 5738DG - an innovative notebook with 3D viewing technology. Featuring advanced display capabilities, high-definition graphics engine, premium Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo processor and Dolby(R) surround sound, the Aspire 5738DG delivers cinematic images that literally pop from the screen, while maintaining the performance and productivity features of a desktop replacement notebook. n

Etisalat showcases branded Kids Phone n An employee of Panasonic demonstrates a new robotic product that transforms from a bed into a wheelchair at the annual Home Care and Rehabilitation Exhibition in Tokyo on September 29, 2009. The innovation is designed to help people with limited mobility maintain an independent lifestyle. Japan has one of the world's oldest populations and faces a constant shortage of care workers.

40 | More | November 2009

n Etisalat reinforced its leadership position in the delivery of innovative solutions in the Middle East market, by introducing a new range of safety products and a comprehensive Safety Service that was showcased in this year’s Gitex Exhibition. Etisalat new service is the integration of Etisalat's branded mobile telephony with the GPS technology. The Kids Phone service allows parents to provide their children with a controlled mobile device providing them the convenience of calling four programmed numbers and being alerted by SMS or email when their child leaves a programmed safety zone, such as school, Club or even Home.

lAteSt in teCh

Virus Washer Smart Dust by Sanyo fights every virus An employee of Japan's electronics giant Sanyo displays the new air purifier for office use, the Virus Washer, which has a unit with electrolyzed water to disinfect the air of bacteria, viruses and allergens such as pollen in Tokyo. Sanyo and the Gunma Prefecture Institute of Public Health and environment research announced that the Virus Washer technology is highly effective for suppressing the H1N1 influenza virus (swine flu). n

SanDisk to Ship flash X4 memory SanDisk Corporation has announced to ship flash memory cards based on the company's advanced X4 flash memory technology. This innovative new technology holds four bits of data in each memory cell, twice as many as the cells in conventional multi-level cell (MLC) NAND (2-bits-per-cell) memory chips. Based on 43-nanometer process technology, the 64-gigabit (Gb) NAND flash chip is the highest-density single-die memory device in the world to enter production. n

n A cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology being perfected at the University of California at Berkeley works on an incredibly small scale. "Smart dust" is a network of wireless micro- electromechanical sensors the size of dust particles—imagine grains of sand with a brain—that could monitor everything from temperature, light, vibration, and movement to radiation and toxic chemicals. The particles of smart dust, called motes, could be as small as one cubic millimeter, which would fit on the tip of a ballpoint pen. At present, prototype smart dust motes are about the size of a pager and run on AA batteries. But these sensors have infinite possibilities. Scientists hope that these minisensors can be sprinkled throughout a large area like tiny dust motes floating in the air.

Panasonic unveils World’s lightest interchangeable lens camera Models pose with Panasonic's new 'Lumix DMC-GF1' world's lightest digital interchangeable lens camera

n Japanese electronics giant Panasonic unveils the world's lightest digital interchangeable lens camera with built-in flash called the 'Lumix DMC-GF1', equipped with a 12.1 mega-pixel CMOS image sensor which enables it to shoot high-definition movies in AVCHD or Motion JPEG formats, during a display in Tokyo. Panasonic will soon bring it to the market with a newly developed 20mm/F1.7 compact lens.

November 2009 | More | 41

lAteSt in teCh

Moon Sensitive Street Lamps Could Save Gigawatts The Lunar resonant Street Lamp by Civil Twilight dims itself depending on how much light the moon is putting out, saving energy and providing a consistent amount of light. If the moon is beaming, it'll hold back, but if it is a new moon, or cloudy then the lights will be on full blast. Each lamp contains a photo-cell sensitive enough to detect subtle changes in moonlight. In addition they use LED lights instead of regular bulbs. All together, the lamps use 95% less power than regular streetlamps. A worldwide switch to these lights would literally save Gigawatts


OPhone ready to challenge iPhone Supremacy A hostess shows a mobile phone with 'O phone' technology at the China Telecom booth during the opening day of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Telecom World 2009 exhibition in Geneva. China Mobile launched its independently developed OPhone operating system, together with the designs of OPhone handsets, to meet competitions from China Telecom and China Unicom. n

Apple introduces world’s first Multi-Touch Mouse n Apple recently introduced the new wireless Magic Mouse, the first mouse to use Apple’s revolutionary Multi-Touch technology. Pioneered on iPhone, iPod touch and Mac notebook trackpads, Multi-Touch allows customers to navigate using intuitive finger gestures. Instead of mechanical buttons, scroll wheels or scroll balls, the entire top of the Magic Mouse is a seamless Multi-Touch surface

Japanese electronics giant Toshiba employee displays the handheld electronic gadget, a direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) battery 'Dynario' for the external power source for digital products such as mobile phone or iPod and its methanol cartridge for refueling (L), containing 50ml concentrated methanol, at the company's headquarters in Tokyo. Toshiba will start selling Dynario through the company's direct-order website soon. n

42 | More | November 2009

Models show off KDDI's latest mobile phone handsets, SH003 (L) and CA003, during a press preview in Tokyo. KDDI announced the upcoming release of 20 new handset models for their 2010 spring collections.


Charge iPhone with ReNu n ReNu personal solar panel from Regen Inc. can collect and store energy from the sun that can later be used to charge a range of personal electronics devices including an iPod or iPhone.

month in FoCuS Etisalat’s global customer Base reaches 94 million Etisalat announced today its international subscriber base has reached 94 million and that the number will soon reach 100 million subscribers soon with operations covering nearly two billion people across its eighteen markets around the world. “We have witnessed a significant increase in the number of subscribers which clearly indicates the strong performance of our operations in the UAE and internationally. We will reach 100 million customers soon”. said Mohammad Omran, Chairman of Etisalat. The statements coincides with Etisalat’s participation in SAMENA Telecommunications Council’s, 'Convergence to Istanbul 2009'. The event was held from 3-5 November 2009. Themed 'A Broadband Rising...With Efficiencies Maximizing Profitability', this CEO-level annual gathering features a number of high profile speakers and industry experts. Ahmed bin Ali, Senior Vice President Corporate Communications represented Etisalat in the event shared with the audience a paper on behalf of Etisalat titled “Efficiency Strategies for Reaching Record Results”. The paper highlighted Etisalat successful 33 years history including the time global financial crisis noting that Etisalat maintained year on year 9% growth in net profits and 6% in revenues in 2009. The paper explained how Etisalat managed to achieve growth in its revenues the last three years faster than pervious years allowing sufficient cash position to finance its operations and strategic expansions. As a result Etisalat became one of the few global telecos to maintain negative debt position. The paper also highlighted how Etisalat excelled in its operations with no adverse effects on the quality of services and has continued to spend where needed, whether it is on infrastructure such as fiber optic network, which will be accomplished in UAE in 2011 making Abu Dhabi the first city in the world be fully connected by this network, or in maintaining the quality of services and networks upgrades.

syed Hasnat masood leaves telenor Telenor says, after a period of four years, Syed Hasnat Masood, Director Corporate Communications & Responsibility has decided to move on from Telenor Pakistan. Chief Strategy Officer and VP Corporate Affairs, Aamir Ibrahim, in his comments said, “Hasnat has been a wonderful team player and his contribution to Telenor Pakistan cannot be overstated. We will definitely miss him and wish him best of luck for his future endeavors”. Syed Hasnat Masood expressed satisfaction with his tenure at Telenor Pakistan, “I have decided to move on from Telenor Pakistan to pursue personal ambitions. Telenor Pakistan has provided me with growth opportunities and has a huge social contribution to its credit, some of which I am honored to have been a part of. I am grateful to have worked with a great team and will miss them.”

Ufone and HBL signed an agreement for Mobile Commerce Solutions. Picture shows Mr. Abdul Aziz, President and CEO Ufone and Mr. Zakir Mehmood, President and CEO HBL exchanging documents.

Chairman PTA, Dr. Muhammad Yaseen, awarding momento to one of participants during 5th International Information Security Conference 2009. DG FIA, Mr. Tariq Khosa is also seen in the picture.

Mr Steve Han, MD Samsung Electronics, Mr. Injae Lee Senior Manager, Mr. Baber Ali Kazmi- Category Head-HA and Mr. Azam Mehmood – Manager Retail DWP at Samsung brand shop opening in Wapda Town Lahore

Rabia Siddiqui PR Manager SAMSUNG Electronics with the winners of SAMSUNG + U Online Campaign. The lucky winners were awarded SAMSUNG Star mobile phones November 2009 | More | 43

month in FoCuS kingston digital releases ssd desktop upgrade solution

LG Electronics, a worldwide technology and design leader in mobile communications recently launched its first ever state-of-the-art Service Centre in Pakistan. Picture shows Mr. S.K. Baik (Center), Vice President LG Customer Services inaugurating the service centre

Kingston Digital, Inc. recently announced the release of the SSDNow V Series 40GB Boot Drive, the latest addition to its V (Value) family of solidstate drives (SSD). The Kingston SSDNow V Series 40GB Boot Drive is one of the best and most cost-effective ways to accelerate any desktop’s boot, shutdown and application load times. “The SSDNow V Series 40GB Boot Drive offers instant performance enhancement coupled with reliability and lower power consumption at a fraction of the cost of a new system,” said Nathan Su, Flash Memory Sales Director, APAC Region, Kingston. “The 40GB Boot Drive is the latest offering in our V Series SSD line. It provides a low-cost upgrade solution that complements the installed hard-disk drive to extend the life cycle of existing desktop computers and workstations in homes and offices.” Kingston’s SSDNow V Series 40GB Boot Drive is designed for novice SSD users looking to increase their current desktop performance. As part of Kingston’s goal to provide an easy upgrade path for first-time users and do-it-yourself system builders, the drive is also available with a bundle that includes cloning software, 2.5" to 3.5" brackets and SATA data and power cable extenders. The SSDNow V Series 40GB Boot Drive is designed for a desktop system to be used in conjunction with an existing harddisk drive (HDD). A PC operating system and key applications reside on the SSD while all data such as documents, music, files and photos remain on the HDD.

nadir sHiEkH frOm BluE ray tEcHnOlOgiEs gEts tHE dEll salEsPErsOn Of tHE QuartEr titlE Nadir Shiekh from Blu Ray Technologies Karachi was recently awarded the Dell Salesperson of the Quarter title at a Dell Resellers Training conducted in Karachi. Nadir achieved an outstanding figure of sellout for the quarter. Dell also gave cash prizes to the resellers on performance. At the Dell Resellers Training Nubla Iftikhar The Marketing Manager for Consumer and SMB domain said:' At Dell we are passionate about rewarding those who perform. In future we hope to get even more sellout numbers that will help push our powerful products in this fascinating market'. Above picture shows Marketing Manager for Consumer and SMB at Dell, Nubla Iftikhar awarding the Dell Salesperson of the Quarter shield to Nadir Shiekh from Blue Ray Technologies. 44 | More | November 2009

Intel Pakistan Corporation recently held the Intel® Channel Conference in Karachi and Lahore. This, twice a year event, is a face-toface forum and training program for channel members in Pakistan. Intel® Channel Conference provides a central forum to launch products and programs, promote key Intel initiatives, and equip channel customers with the tools they need to embrace and deliver new and emerging technologies. Seen in the picture is (L-R) Faisal Qamar, Ashar H. Zaidi, Country Manager, Intel Pakistan Corporation, Faisal Habib, Salman Ahsan and Asma Aziz, Marketing Programs Manager, Intel Pakistan Corporation at the event

month in FoCuS motorola mobilizes 100 Employees to volunteer in Pakistan More than 100 Motorola employees volunteered in the three cities including Lahore, Karachi and Rawalpindi during the company’s fourth annual global community service program. This year’s Global Day of Service, themed “Green & Global,” engaged nearly 8,000 Motorola employees in 41 countries and included volunteer projects focused on sustainable solutions for improved education and the environment. Motorola employees spent half the work day supporting more than 300 projects that addressed a variety of community concerns, including education, environmental sustainability and social services. Locally, SOS Children’s Village of Pakistan benefited from Motorola’s work at three of its sites.

nvidia iOn Wins Windows middle East Product of the year 2009 award NVIDIA ION graphics processor tops the charts at annual award ceremony held at Gitex DUBAI — NVIDIA® ION™ has won the Windows Magazine Middle East Product of the Year 2009 Editor’s Choice award. ION is NVIDIA’s revolutionary graphics platform which enables an unprecedented visual computing experience on affordable, small form factor PCs. The award was presented at the GITEX trade show in Dubai. The Windows Middle East awards recognise the best in consumer technology in the Middle East region, recognising outstanding IT products and the most customer-focused firms. Awards are given on technical merit to the best-performing products from group tests and reviews conducted by the Windows Lab over the past 12 months.

With every single passing day Pakistan is going deep into proxy war imposed by US and other hidden international powers. Terrorist activities are increasing and every single Pakistani is feeling unsafe even inside the boundaries of their home. Seeing unreliable economic scene foreign investors are avoiding further investments in Pakistan and waiting for some better time to come. Due to this uncertainty, business of local mobile dealers and resellers is very much affected. Recently, MORE team conducted a market survey to know about the views of these mobile dealers. abid ali, cEO mobile center, Hafeez center, lHr said, “Due to terror actives and lapse of security, people avoid going to crowded and security sensitive places as anything can happen there anytime. To give people more sense of security we have closed all entrance gates except three main gates of Hafeez Center. People will not come out and shop comfortably until they are not satisfied. After global economic crisis, now these terror activities have reduced our customer to almost negligible numbers”.

khalid iqbal, cEO younis mobile, Hall road, lHr said, “First I want to thank More Magazine for supporting local dealers in increasing their business locally. Secondly our Government should understand that businessmen play a vital role in country’s economy, if they are affected than the country’s economy is affected. Due to increasing terrorist activities, we are no longer safe. Government should consider this fact and should seriously try to stop any further killings and try not to fight some other country’s fight in their own territories”.

khurram rafique, cEO sell n sell, Hafeez center, lHr said, “Our business is suffering as customers are not sure whether they will be safe from terrorists if they will come out in the open. Due to this unsure situation of business, all major financial firms have moved their asset outside the country, and if the situation remain the same then I am also considering to move all business to Malaysia, as it is a heaven for foreign investors these days”.

rana azhar, cEO Brothers mobile, Hall road, lHr said, “At first Government laid unfair Taxes on every mobile handset and now these terrorist activities are also taking away our customers from us”.

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