CONTENT Disclaimer: Where opinion is expressed it is that of the author’s and does not necessarily coincide with the editorial views of the publisher or MORE. All information in this magazine is verified to the best of author’s and publisher’s ability. However, MORE does not accept responsibility for any loss arising from reliance on it.
{May 2010 | Volume 2 | Issue 10} IndIa Must stop Water terrorIsM
telecon 2010
actions causing 06 DelayeD investment Drainage MORE got a unique chance to talk to telecom gurus at the 3rd Global TeleCON 2010, which was attended by experts as well as distinguished speakers from leading telecommunication entities. This is what they say about the present and future state of technologies in Pakistan.
IntervIeW As per the Indus Basin Water Treaty, India may build reservoirs with certain limitations but New Delhi started constructing dams without informing Pakistan. India's stubborn attitude is costing Pakistan a lot, especially country’s agriculture sector has been hit hard. Despite continuous efforts of Pakistan, India has never become serious in settling the issue.
touch2, a useful sMartphone
Will Work in Pakistan, 12 We DesPite oF security conDitions By 2015, annual mobile data traffic will reach 23 Exabytes equivalent to 6.3 billion people each downloading a digital book every day.
telecoM DisPute, neeD to Promote 15 etisalat investor-FrienDly Policies Now whether the privatization of PTCL was right or wrong, the decision was taken by the Government of Pakistan and terms of agreement were set to implement the deal so it ...
HTC Touch2 is not a new phone, its here in the local market for last couple of months but this time, actual difference is its official warranty.
technology meDia extenDs neW 18 Digital Dimensions to human liFe Facebook, SMS, blogs, YouTube, Twitter have become buzzwords of our time. We can watch live matches and other television programmes on our computer,...
Don't neeD to get a Phone, 20 you you neeD a Phone that gets you A leading cellphone distribution company with an extensive network across the world, Brightex (Pvt.) Ltd has introduced innovative distribution solutions that have revolutionized...
ProPer regulatory 22 Without FrameWork, mobile banking is a Financial Disaster If there is no proper guidance available for the operators and banks regarding m-banking, the country will lead towards a big financial chaos. Cyber security advisers might ...
it rePort 2010, Pakistan 24 global takes over 11 countries World Economic Forum’s Global Information Technology Report has become one of the most authoritative studies of its kind, providing a unique international benchmarking tool ...
oF Duties is 26 WithDraWal neeDeD, anD not the ban on useD comPuters/ accessories The ban on used computers will only benefit the multinational companies, but will certainly take the technology out of poor person’s reach who would include a large number ...
revIeW technology For healthier 30 neW liFestyle
Most of us aspire to achieve a greater purpose in life. Personal health and fitness is instrumental to our journey towards attainment of our goals...
Month In focus
32 - 40 Pakistani ProFessionals
41 a scholar unnoticeD at home The Government must realize that our youth has enormous potential and if they are provided the right opportunities, they can produce amazing results....
energy reliance on exPensive 42 PeoPle’s PoWer generators Reportedly, generators amounting to $141 million were imported in February alone this year. The deteriorating situation has also provided enormous opportunity of minting....
agrI tech agriculture 46 revamPing lenDing is neeD oF the hour
mobile Phones, gaDgets
47 - 50
32 MORE Magazine printed at Banquet Printing Press 28-A, Nisbat Road, Lahore and published by Mudassar Jehangir Mufti at 2nd Floor, Ali Mansion, 41-A, Lower Mall, Lahore Tel: 042 7321920, 2106737 Email: info@apnatime.com
editor-in-chief Mudassar Jehangir Mufti | group editor Sumaira Mudassar | editor Halima Qureshi | sub-editor W. khaliqdad advertising manager Ahmed Malik (Lahore), Amir Malik (Karachi) Designer Assad Chughtai | marketing executive Syed Faisal Ahmed, Zain Zahid | international correspondent Ireland: Alina Amir |US: Ovais Qureshi | contributor Fahad Chishty registration no. PCPB 286
{cover story |
It took the radio 38 years to have 50
to enable swift economic growth and
2005-2007 and now again the diminish-
million users, TV did it in 13 years, Internet
consumer satisfaction. The Theme of the
ing trend has brought it down to US $ 264
did the same in only 4 years whereas, Face-
conference was “Taking Pakistan to the
Million from US $ 1,937.7 Million in 2005-
book took 9 months to add 100 million
Next Level of Technology Frontiers.
06 and US $ 1,898.7 in 2006-07.
users. A US department of education study
Every one talked about the fact that
Dr. Mohammad Yaseen, Chairman
in 2009 showed that 1/6 students in higher
voice was no more an affective medium to
PTA, highlighted the stimulus in the Tele-
education are registered with an on-line in-
earn profits, the major revenue source in
com Policy, from which the proactive
stitution and that on-line students outper-
the future is data and the local content, this
telecom operators could derive the via-
formed those registered in conventional
is the area where tremendous efforts are to
bility of introducing new technologies.
face to face curricula. 80% of the compa-
be made. Though, the problems were
He provided insight on the expected
nies hire through LinkediN. 80% of the
highlighted but it was also felt that opera-
challenges during such a broad-based
twitter use is on mobile devices. People like
tors, vendors and the government entities
transformation and invited the specialists
to stay connected any where and every-
are not doing sufficient work to make data
to devise solutions for streamlining the
where. in 2009 Boston college stopped giv-
usage a part of people's life style.
current infra-structure with the advance-
ing email to their incoming students,
The much awaited technologies, 3G
ments in global telecom. On behalf of
assuming that they will be connected
and 4G are mainly concerned with data
PTA, he assured the telecom sector about
through some social networking site.
usage but no one from the government
timely responses on all necessary revi-
Youtube has become the 2nd largest
and the regulator could tell the exact time
sions in the regulatory framework.
search engine having over 100 million
frame as to when these technologies will
The conference featured numerous
videos. Wikipedia has over 13 million arti-
be implemented in Pakistan. It appears
prominent personalities as chairpersons in-
cles and over 78% are not in English. 70%
that the year 2010 will not be able to see
cluding Mr. Naguibullah Malik, Secretary IT
of the 18 to 30 year old people watch TV on
3G making grounds in Pakistan despite of
& Telecom, Ministry of IT & Telecom, GOP,
the web. 35% of the books sold on Amazon
the fact few of the network installer and
Dr. Mansoor Sarwar, Dr. Naveed A. Malik, Rector of Virtual University Pakistan.
were for ‘Kindle’, a device to read the books.
the operators are ready but it is also a
Today, 24 of the 25 largest newspaper are
point of concern that among the opera-
The President & CEO, SHAMROCK Com-
experiencing record decline in circulation.
tors, there is no clear consensus on the ex-
munications (Private) Limited, Mr. Menin
These were the statistics from one of
ecution of 3G. This lack of consensus has
Rodrigues, the Chairman of TeleCON-2010
the speakers and it clearly shows the im-
become a major bottleneck for the newer
thanked the delegates from all leading
portance of data and on-line medium
technologies and foreign investments to
telecom companies, for enriching TeleCON
using fixed or mobile devices.
pave way into the country.
as a widely recognized annual forum for
Telecom specialists and distinguished
Currently, Telecom sector is giving
speakers at the 3rd Global TeleCON-2010
17% of foreign direct investment of the
Pakistan. He also spoke about his high ex-
presented some truly worthy ideas for
total FDI in Pakistan. This investment fig-
pectations from the capable telecom ex-
deployment of Next-Generation tech-
ure was lowest in 2001-02 (less than $ US
perts, to speedup economic growth
nologies in the Telecom sector of Pakistan
24 Million), reached at the highest level in
through innovative telecom facilities.
6 | More | May 2010
the progress of telecommunications in
| telecon 2010}
More got a unique chance to talk to telecom gurus at the 3rd global telecon 2010, which was attended by experts as well as distinguished speakers from leading telecommunication entities. this is what they say about the present and future state of technologies in pakistan.
naguibullah Malik, Secretary, Ministry of IT and Telecommunication, Government of Pakistan
What do you say about this conference?
has dropped too much. Investment is coming into the country, it might have
The conference is a big success be-
slowed down to some extent but it is not
cause there has been enough brainstorm-
a danger level. We are taking measures so
ing with all the telecom stakeholders
that we could attract more and more FDI
under one roof. The bigger outcome for
very soon.
me is that I have had lots of ideas which Telecom Policy, currently in progress. It
When will 3g be implemented in pakistan?
was nice to see everyone participating
Though I can not tell you the exact
will be helpful for the reformulation of
and presenting their ideas. I would call it
period but it will happen very soon.
a wonderful opportunity for all the stakeholders.
telecom investment graph has come down drastically over the past few years, your views please?
there is too much talk about It parks and It cities but there is no reality so far? We have created an IT park in Lahore
I do not agree with the fact that foreign direct investment in Pakistan has dropped too much possible time. By the grace of God we
and it is operational. Yes, it is not an opti-
have enormous potential as well as op-
mal activation but you see Pakistan is a
portunities, it will just take a little more
Not at all, I do not agree with the fact
late bloomer as I keep on saying but Pak-
time and we shall be very well placed in
that foreign direct investment in Pakistan
istan has achieved a lot in the shortest
the international market Inshallah.
May 2010 | More | 7
{telecon 2010}
dr. Muhammad yaseen, Chairman, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority
What pta and private companies are doing to make the local content? are you pushing the youth to do it?
SMSes and Emails? So we need local con-
there were 80 million SIMs in the market
tent here. There is a huge gap and only ac-
and 10 million were blocked but at the
ademia can fill this gap. They should guide
same time we can not rule out the growth
the researchers to move ahead in the direc-
factor so we keep adjusting our data. We
tion that could benefit our society and the
have corrected it from 97 million to 95 mil-
lion after the adjustment.
few operator are pushing to increase the rate of sMs by 10 paisas. What pta is doing to undo it?
develop local content for us. It is equally re-
you keep mentioning that millions of unregistered sIMs have been blocked, and still you quote that there are 95 million sIMs?
warding for the students because after
When we say that certain numbers of
the media but sometimes there is no re-
3G is just a pipe. The current pipe which is 2 or 2.5G is smaller than 3G. There will be a change in technology but basic thing is usage pattern and for that we are going to universities and have planned to start a road show with the help of a telecom vendor. We are focusing to urge the students to
We are being asked too many things in
completing their telecom degrees, not all
SIMs have been blocked, we do not mean
search work behind the queries. Networks
will easily get a job. Therefore, students
to block them permanently. If you have a
are designed for certain number of users and
need to create local content keeping in
SIM that is not in your name, we block that
packages are introduced depending upon
view our social values, trends and patterns
and then you get it reactivated by register-
the usage trend on that particular network.
and become entrepreneurs. For example,
ing in your name so SIMs blocked are reac-
To increase the usage, oers are made and
we all know Gmail that how an Indian
tivated at the same time. There is a very
they can be taken o if the target is achieved
started it. We have 95 million subscriptions
small portion that we block permanently.
so there is no point of network being
but still most of people are using roman
Through 668, over 16 million people ap-
chocked. Yes for 10 paisa charges on SMS,
Urdu in text messages and I do not under-
proached us, 0.9 million complained and
operators have approached us that the cost
stand why? Same is the case with emails.
after verification from operators we only
of service has increased and they want to
Are there not enough skilled people who
blocked 0.5 million SIMs permanently while
raise the charges to compensate it, but we
could develop Urdu typing way to write
the rest are active. When we started 668
have not decided it yet and are reviewing it.
8 | More | May 2010
{telecon 2010}
saad M. Waraich, Country Director, Nokia-Siemens
What are your hopes from telecon's discussion?
tail was the 3G area, its licensing and im-
your competitors are working operators and academia very soon. Curfor youth and educating them rently, we have a linkage with one univerabout the next technologies to sity and we plan to add more universities. be implemented in pakistan, what nsn is doing? Investment is slowing down in The required industry-academia part- pakistan, what will be the status nership in the telecom industry has not at the end of this year?
plementation. If we could discuss it
been into action so far like we have seen in
Market was stagnant and we have not
The discussion was very fruitful, especially the last session in which we discussed 3G and 4G. The important aspect which should have been discussed in de-
dedicatedly in the first sessions it would
the IT sector. The reason is that IT is a little
seen investment in the last one year. Local
have been more helpful. But in any case
mature industry in Pakistan whereas tele-
and global economic crunch are the obvi-
it was a good conference.
com is still evolving, however, we are ob-
ous reasons but things have started to pick
In your opinion, should we go for 3g or 4g?
serving consolidation in the industry and
up and we are moving out of that phase
you will be seeing lot of linkages between
and there are signs of growth. So this year is going to be good but you will not see
Long Term Evolution (LTE) is the next generation in the telephony. The thing is we can go for it but the issue is that we would not be doing anything in the data domain for next two to three years, which is not the right approach. The markets which are moving towards 4G are those who are matured 3G operators and they are further evolving. To wait for LTE (4G) for next two years and do nothing right now is highly undesirable. www.apnatime.com
very high growth, it will still be two to three
To wait for LTE (4G) for next two years and do nothing right now is highly undesirable
percent but still that’s better.
how much nokia-siemens will invest this year? Directly or indirectly, we have invested at one university in Pakistan. We are planning to open our test bed facility for development purposes in one or two academic institutions. Apart from this, we develop course work and conduct vocational trainings. May 2010 | More | 9
{telecon 2010}
tanveer ul haq, CTO, Wi-tribe Pakistan
everyone is talking about data. do you think companies should do something to increase the awareness for data usage? Definitely and besides the government, we the telecom companies are also responsible to increase the awareness
acquire a 128KB or 256KB connection
ects that Wi-tribe is working on.
have moved to 512KB now. But you are right, Data usage awareness must be taken care of.
When will we see people using data and applications on the move in pakistan?
should data companies engage in price war at this early stage? If the price goes down, it’s in the interest of user but price should not go down at the cost of quality. Companies
level. There has been an improvement
I think that is a little bit far cry because
can not remain profitable by reducing the
during the last year. Users who used to
for DATA and related applications, the
prices and keep giving quality service.
main device is laptop which is still 10 to
Good service is the most important thing.
We should not do what GSM did by putting the quality aside and started playing with the prices 10 | More | May 2010
15 per cent of the market and this state
When we say we are going towards
will last long in Pakistan because laptop
broadband that means better quality and
is still beyond reach of the masses. To
if we can not provide it then there is no
have the large usage of Data, we should
point reducing the price. We should not
be looking towards cheaper computers in
do what GSM did by putting the quality
the government and private sectors.
aside and started playing with the prices.
Will telcos come forward and help people in this area using installments and financing methods?
What is the market share of Witribe? In the overall broadband space we have some 25 percent market share while
There are quite a few things we are
in the WiMax area we are the second
actively trying as how we could improve
largest and pretty soon we shall be the
the situation. Soon you will see new proj-
largest in this area. www.apnatime.com
{telecon 2010}
aamer Manzoor, Corporate Sales Head, LinkDotNet
your views about the telecon 2010?
unless we have a local content and applica-
Karachi first and we are the leading WiMax
After a long time we are witnessing a
tions available it will not grow the way it hap-
service provider in Karachi. We are working
telecom conference in Lahore. I think there
pens in the developed countries. In USA,
to launch services in Lahore, Islamabad and
should be more events like this as telecom-
Europe and other developing countries, peo-
other cities soon.
munication is a big community. Most of the
ple pay their bills online, search maps, do
events are held in Islamabad and Karachi
banking, buy day-to-day things online. We do
but it is a good start in Lahore as well.
every one is talking about content, where Pakistan stands in Data? Pakistan is in its very early stage. We have only 0.7 million broadband customers. Only
What is your market share in Wimax?
not have such a trend, here people use inter-
In the WiMax category, we have 10 per-
net for entertainment or infotainment rather
cent market share countrywide and in the
than using it for their regular tasks. Organiza-
whole broadband area we cover some 18
tions must make it available to the people
percent of the market.
through local applications. People need to make Internet a part of their lifestyle.
10 percent of our population use Internet
What government must do to support the sector?
that becomes approximately 18 million in a
What are you doing for the local content?
The government must focus on our
population of 180 million so we are begin-
We are just focusing to deliver broad-
backbone for example PTCL provides us
ners unlike the developed world. As speakers
band connectivity because for local content
costly Internet connection as a backbone
mentioned that Google and Yahoo have in-
you need a good bandwidth. Our group has
as compared to its own consumer. PTA
troduced lots of mobile applications which
launched a few portals but we have to launch
should play its role to ensure level playing
are on internet as they are IP based. We are
them here yet. Once the broadband connec-
field for everyone. At the end of the day,
far behind in IP and we are catching up but
tivity is satisfactory we shall be launching our
current competition is not bringing good
we have witnessed a lot of growth and cur-
local portal so we could see local trends there.
profitability to the investor. Prices have gone to a very low level so the government
rently major foreign investment is coming in a lot. We do not have local applications, peo-
Why your Wimax business is limited to karachi only?
ple normally go to Google and read news but
It is our strategy to test the city of
the broadband domain. We need to educate
must support us because down the road when we have volumes, these low prices will not hurt us. May 2010 | More | 11
{IntervIeW |
Mudassar J Mufti
MORE conducted an exclusive interview with
Mr. Kai sahala, Head of Mobile Broadband Marketing, Network Systems at Nokia Siemens Networks
please briefly share with us the latest trends in mobile broadband as well as the impact of smart devices on networks? According to the ITU, global mobile broadband subscriptions topped 600 million in 2009. As mobile broadband connections overtake fixed lines, telecom networks need to be prepared to cope with this new wave of mobile data. A combination of always-on applications, mobility, the growth of smartphones and mobile computing devices like the iPad, will increasingly test operators around the world. By 2015, annual mobile data traffic will reach 23 Exabytes - equivalent to 6.3 billion people each downloading a digital book every day. And it’s not just the fact that downloading a YouTube video is equivalent to sending 500,000 SMS messages simultaneously, it’s also the constant stream of behind-the-scenes frequent keep-alive messages to enable always on connectivity that eats up battery life and generates signalling traffic that jams up the network. The explosion in data traffic is putting increasing pressure on CSPs to be operationally efficient. In a nutshell, subscriber and traffic growth will considerably outstrip revenue growth. Networks will need to carry more data for much less revenue per MByte. To remain profitable, the key will be to adopt technologies that achieve significantly lower costs per MByte of transmitted data.
12 | More | May 2010
{IntervIeW} how do you justify the nsn claim that it has the capability of making mobile networks smartphone friendly? To make mobile networks Smart-
What are the significant achievements of nsn in the domain of mobile broadband?
also be a revenue driver for operators. With over 800 network planning and optimization projects delivered every
Nokia Siemens Networks is transform-
year, other strong assets such as the
ing mobile broadband user experience in
browsing gateway and identity manage-
phone-friendly requires, a deep under-
the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region
ment, and the Smart Labs, which focus on
standing of the challenges and the
with LTE offerings that deliver improved
the relationship between smart devices,
potential opportunities facing communica-
and faster data speeds to support a suite
mobile apps, and networks, Nokia
tions service providers. At the same time it
of multimedia and rich call applications.
Siemens Networks is well positioned to
is important to understand consumer be-
LTE is the de-facto evolution path of the
enhance the mobile broadband experience for smart device users.
haviour, preferences and issues faced by
3G mobile standard that is based on a full
subscribers. NSN has demonstrated that we
flat IP architecture and is optimized for
have the capabilities to provide all these
data and multimedia traffic. In October
and more.
2009, Zain Bahrain became the first mo-
What are the key differences that lte will make while we compare it with the 3g? LTE offers an open and global specifi-
By 2015, annual mobile data traffic will reach 23 Exabytes equivalent to 6.3 billion people each downloading a digital book every day. And it’s not just the fact that downloading a YouTube video is equivalent to sending 500,000 SMS messages simultaneously
cation for next generation networks that will bring scale and efficiencies for vendors, choice in network equipment and devices for operators, and ultimately lower costs and more benefits to consumers. With the demand for mobile data services predicted to go through the roof, Long Term Evolution (LTE) will add a whole new dimension to mobile broadband. Offering
Smartphones have made the vision of
bile operator in the Middle East to sign a
benefits such as extreme efficiency and
being always-on a reality. Applications such
contract with Nokia Siemens Networks to
even more personalized experience, it will
as push e-mail or instant messaging con-
modernize its network and charging sys-
also help bridge the gap between traffic
stantly transfer data to the phone, ideally all
tem based on LTE, and in March 2009
and revenue growth. LTE has all the ingre-
day long. In reality however, users complain
Zain Bahrain announced the Middle
dients to create an enhanced broadband
about the battery of their shiny new
East’s first LTE call.
market in which everyone and everything
phones being exhausted all too quickly.
Nokia Siemens Networks has been
will be connected.
NSN proposes smarter innovations. For
providing GSM and WCDMA/HSPA/All-IP
example, to increase the battery life of smart-
networks for years, offering true mobile
enhanced broadband market in which
phones, Nokia Siemens Networks is the only
broadband for consumers. The LTE solu-
everyone and everything will be con-
vendor to successfully build into its networks
tion will ensure competitiveness of these
nected, transforming how users receive,
an industry standard solution that enables
networks by providing the next smooth
consume and interact with information
an intermediate low-power paging state for
evolution step to the market. LTE ad-
and content distributed over mobile net-
smartphones. This retains the connection
dresses the need for efficiency and inno-
works. With mass market deployment, it
but switches off the transmission, achieving
vation, providing the capacity to carry the
will create a super-fast, extremely effi-
LTE has all the ingredients to create an
a doubling of smartphone battery life. Sig-
projected growth in data traffic, while de-
cient and highly reliable mobile network
naling can also be decreased by device man-
livering an ‘all IP’ experience with both
to support the delivery of a wide range of
agement, which ensures the correct device
data and voice carried over the same IP
services to multiple devices. In the
settings at all times to eradicate unnecessary
network, smoothly interworking with
process, LTE will transform how users re-
pinging from devices. This is just one of the
legacy equipment. With LTE, the win-win
ceive, consume and interact with infor-
examples of the solutions we offer to make
for subscribers, in much faster mobile
mation and content distributed over
networks Smartphone friendly.
broadband services at lower prices, will
mobile networks.
May 2010 | More | 13
{IntervIeW} looking at the rapid adoption of mobile technology in both urban and rural areas of pakistan, and still an insignificant presence of computers in many households, what are the possibilities of the growth of wireless broadband in pakistan Wireless broadband has huge potential
ple and services, which boosts economic
Whether it is the facility to transfer
growth and improves services such as
money to your loved ones using your mo-
healthcare. Our innovative Village Connec-
bile phones, paying bills online, watching
tion gives consumers the option of having
video on your smart devise or simply ac-
a mobile identity for as little as $2-3 per
cessing information at your fingertips, the
month. Village Connection Solution intro-
developments in telecommunications will
duces a novel business model. The village
undoubtedly offer more affordable serv-
Access Points can be owned and managed
ices, better experience and user-friendly
by a village entrepreneur or a local fran-
technology for consumers.
in Pakistan to significantly enhance the country’s overall broadband penetration rates. One of the key operators in the area of wireless broadband in Pakistan is witribe, whose aim is to make wireless broadband a way of life in Pakistan. This means expanding their coverage to facilitate reliable wireless access anywhere and everywhere. Nokia Siemens Networks, with its rich local expertise coupled with strong capabilities in site acquisition and project management, is partnering with wi-tribe to aid the growth of wireless broadband in Pakistan.
Will pakistan’s economic and security situation have any impact on nsn’s business in the country?
We have established strong relations with operators in Pakistan and we highly value our partnership with them. We will continue to work with them and march towards bringing advanced and affordable telecommunications services in Pakistan
regarding your association with the Wi-tribe, how would you ensure that operator’s network is up and running on schedule and that too with a lower total cost of ownership? Pakistan will soon enjoy enhanced coverage for superior online freedom with witribe, the country’s fastest growing wireless broadband operator, as it moves into the second phase of network expansion. Nokia Siemens Networks who will provide a unique solution comprising of site delivery services and project management. Backed by our experience in over 150 countries the advanced technology solutions and knowledgeable team of experts, we will work closely with wi-tribe to ensure
We believe in being available and ac-
the operator’s network is up and running
cessible to our customers when they need
on schedule and that too with a lower Total
us. We have established strong relations
chisee, who interconnects with the GSM
with operators in Pakistan and we highly
operator, for external connectivity to other
value our partnership with them. We will
villages and to other networks. Alterna-
continue to work with them and march to-
tively, operators can own and operate the
wards bringing advanced and affordable
Access Points, or employ local entrepre-
telecommunications services in Pakistan.
neurs to operate them for a salary or fee.
how the latest developments are helpful for a layman to improve his/her life especially when we talk about the developing countries? Telecommunications has the power to
Cost of Ownership.
please tell us about your plans to launch the lte in pakistan? Pakistan is entering the mobile broadband phase with the advent of 3G in the
Even charging and billing methodol-
country. 3G in its current version, the HSPA,
ogy can make a difference to the con-
or High Speed Packet Access, is a good plat-
sumer experience, by understanding their
form for operators to provide good, robust
preferences and convenience. For exam-
mobile broadband offering with adequate
ple, with our unified billing solution, oper-
capacity for their customers. As LTE is a log-
ators can combine pre and post pay
ical evolution and with Nokia Siemens Net-
services, provide separate billing for busi-
works solution it is a software upgrade to
deliver significant economic and welfare
ness and private use of the same phone,
existing 3G networks, Pakistan can enter
improvements. For people in remote
or support community charging and
LTE era anytime the regulatory and com-
areas, mobile communications offer un-
shared accounts between the members of
petitive environment and increasing cus-
precedented access to information, peo-
families or enterprises.
tomer demand are in place.
14 | More | May 2010
The long-standing controversy be-
Etisalat is entitled to withhold payments
tween Etisalat and the Government of Pak-
until the property titles are transferred to
istan over the sale of 26 per cent stake in
Pakistan Telecommunication Company
Of the total land, 93 per cent has been
Limited is prolonging as Etisalat has refused
transferred to PTCL so far. The Government
to pay the fifth payment, which is already
has assigned the work of land transfer to a
overdue. As per the agreement, the com-
committee, and reportedly on the interven-
pany had to pay US$1.4 billion in 30 days
tion of the Prime Minister, the committee
after the agreement was signed, while the
has speeded up the process. Etisalat man-
remaining amount of US$1.2 billion had to
agement also says that deal requires trans-
be paid in equal installments over four and
fer of properties to PTCL and not Etisalat,
a half years, with one installment every six
and as the Government of Pakistan owns 62
months. Currently, Etisalat has refused to
percent of PTCL so it will be the biggest
pay the amount until Pakistan Government
beneficiary from this transfer of property.
releases the list of properties to be con-
The controversy became ugly when
verted to PTCL ownership. It has been
Senator Waqar Ahmed Khan, Pakistan’s
claimed that as per terms of the agreement,
Minister for Privatisation said that deal be-
More Team
| telecoM}
Now whether the privatization of PTCL was right or wrong, the decision was taken by the Government of Pakistan and terms of agreement were set to implement the deal so it would be truly unfair on part of the government to raise the issue of deal’s legality. After all, the privatization of one of the biggest national assets was done after thorough consultations and debate. There may be some flaws in the process but it does not mean that the government should try to retract from its agreement with the investors. May 2010 | More | 15
{telecoM} tween Etisalat and PTCL was full of flaws
among the buyer and the government had
ment must have to adopt positive atti-
and legal advisers had asked the then gov-
the consent of forums like the Cabinet
tudes towards investors.
ernment to scrap it. However, Etisalat Chair-
Committee on Privatization and the Eco-
The Prime Minister has rightly inter-
man refuted the claim by saying that
nomic Coordination Committee. It was fur-
vened for fulfilling Etisalat’s demand as
Etisalat’s investment in PTCL came in the
ther argued that since the telecom sector
the provincial governments and other
wake of a welcome invitation and encour-
was deregulated, it became necessary to
departments have been asked to expe-
agement by the Government of Pakistan to
privatize the PTCL otherwise it would have
dite the process of transfer of land to
participate in the privatisation process. Eti-
suffered huge losses.
PTCL so that the payment from the Etisilat
salat, a leading operator of the Gulf World
Now whether the privatization of PTCL
could be actualized. We shall have to
having operations in 18 countries, says it
was right or wrong, the decision was taken
learn from our mistakes and devise liberal
has obtained a legal opinion from interna-
by the Government of Pakistan and terms
competitive and investor friendly policies. The situation like that with the Etisalat is hurting Pakistan’s marketing policies, as
The Prime Minister has rightly intervened for fulfilling Etisalat’s demand as the provincial governments and other departments have been asked to expedite the process of transfer of land to PTCL so that the payment from the Etisilat could be actualized. We shall have to learn from our mistakes and devise liberal competitive and investor friendly policies. The situation like that with the Etisalat is hurting Pakistan’s marketing policies, as an attractive place for investment.
an attractive place for investment. During the last few years, the Board of Investment took some very good measures but what is more important is the sustainability of these measures. It is evident that in the telecommunication sector, opportunities are very bright for the foreign investors and the anticipated figures show that the sector would grow at an accelerated pace, and credit must be given to the Government and Pakistan Telecommunication Authority for providing the right impetus. Many
tional and external counsel that all steps for
of agreement were set to implement the
incentives have been provided to attract
sale of the asset had been followed and the
deal so it would be truly unfair on part of
investment in the telecom sector, and it
acquisition was legally valid under the Pak-
the government to raise the issue of deal’s
has been given the status of an industry
istani law.
legality. After all, the privatization of one
whereby subsidies and incentives given
Earlier this year, the National Assembly’s
of the biggest national assets was done
to other industries are now available to
Standing Committee on IT and Telecom
after thorough consultations and debate.
telecom sector. Taxes and duties have
had also called the officials of the Ministries
There may be some flaws in the process
been reduced to the minimum in order to
of Privatization as well as IT and Telecom
but it does not mean that the government
make business viable for the operators.
who were involved in the privatization
should retract from its agreement with the
All formalities for acquiring licenses for
process of PTCL. The Committee’s meeting,
investors. This is not a good gesture for the
any services have been reduced to mini-
presided over by Mr. Birjees Tahir, had
investors, especially when the foreign in-
mum and window operation has been
shown its concern over the entire process
vestors are already reluctant to come to
provided by placing Frequency Allocation Board under PTA.
of PTCL’s of PTCL, which they said was a
Pakistan. The Minister for Privatization
profit-earning entity at the time of its priva-
should have been very cautious while giv-
On one hand, we are attracting and
tization. The Members also observed that
ing the above-mentioned statement be-
facilitating the investors while on the
Etisalat did not fulfill its contractual obliga-
cause even if there are problems those
other every possible trick is being played
tion despite grant of unprecedented con-
should be resolved through dialogue and
to discourage and disturb a major invest-
cessions by the government.
not through blackmailing. At this point in
ment player. It does not mean that there
However, the secretaries of both the
time in the country’s history, when every
should be no checks and balances but
ministries argued that transparency was
sector is badly hit by the financial crisis in
that should not dominate the efforts to
ensured during the whole process and talks
addition to security problems, our govern-
attract huge investments.
16 | More | May 2010
| cover story}
May 2010 | More | 17
{technology |
W Khaliqdad
As soon as the 21st century began,
the world saw an ocean of technological revolutions, which have entirely changed
Facebook, SMS, blogs, YouTube, Twitter have become buzzwords of our time. We can watch live matches and other television programmes on our computer, in some cases on our mobile phone. If the service of your cable operator is disconnected, just connect to the internet and you could watch whatever you like. As an example, when the Musharraf government banned news channels in November 2007, the news clips were available on YouTube and the content was streamed live over the internet.
the way man lives. Just imagine a life without internet and mobile, the two biggest gifts of technology. Whether you are a businessman, an employee, a student or even a housewife, you can not just do away with these modern gadgets rather with every passing day surprising innovations are transforming our lifestyles. Till 80s, there were mostly print and analog broadcast media such as television and radio but the last two decades have seen a speedy transformation toward the
18 | More | May 2010
{technology} new or digital media, which have changed
with the facility of using the mp3 files,
think of can become a reality. New Media is
the old media as is evident from the advent
which helped users to share music and
changing continuously due to the fact that
of digital television and online publications
other audio files. Then came the videos and
it is constantly being modified and rede-
and even traditional media forms such as
as we see the YouTube has brought an ex-
fined by the interaction between the cre-
the printing press have been transformed
citing change for the web users and this is
ative use of the masses, emerging technology, cultural changes, etc.
through new technologies. Basically digital
continuing to grow as we talk about it. Now
media refers to any type of electronic media
with new technology seen in things like the
Thanks to digital media, businesses
out there. Today media can be accessed in
iPhone, this new form of virtual media is
have been earning millions, as they have re-
many ways, including with hand held de-
available in handheld devices as well, and
alized that there is a huge marketing field
vices like mobile phones, laptops, desktops,
undoubtedly the digital media will unleash
out there and that it can help to draw in vis-
mp3 players, and more.
many new things in near future.
Facebook, SMS, blogs, YouTube, Twitter have become buzzwords of our time. We can watch live matches and other television programmes on our computer, in some cases on our mobile phone. If the service of your cable operator is disconnected, just connect to the internet and you could watch whatever you like. As an example, when the Musharraf government banned news channels in November 2007, the television channels uploaded news clips to YouTube and live streamed their content over the internet. Similarly, people are doing big businesses just on the basis of a laptop and a cell
Pakistan has also responded well to the changes brought about by the digital media, as more and more institutions and businesses have started realizing its importance. Options are being weighed as to how best these new technologies may be used for improving the efficiency of organizations as well as expanding the businesses. Even there is a visible change in the functioning of the public sector institutions.
phone. Then the websites have become a comprehensive source of information for
itors. Besides the text content that can be easily kept updated on websites, photographs, charts, diagrams and models are becoming popular online and are helping the marketers to get more visibility. Moreover, the audio allows to use music on pages or to do podcasts for the businesses. Creating videos has become a popular method of digital media marketing today and the videos are doing very well in search engines. Then the mobile advertising has added another dimension to the concept of the digital media, as its reach is far greater and worldwide the marketers are rapidly turning towards this form of advertising. Pakistan has also responded well to the changes brought about by the digital
The development of digital media has
media, as more and more institutions and
users as well as a best communication tool
enhanced communication between peo-
businesses have started realizing its impor-
for the organizations. In very few cases, a job
ple across the globe. Virtual communities
tance. Options are being weighed as to
applicant needs to post his/her application
are there now, which cross geographical
how best the new technologies may be
to the employer, what he/she needs is to
boundaries and do away with the social re-
used for improving the efficiency of the or-
submit the online application form or just
strictions. People from different nations and
ganizations as well as expanding the busi-
send it through email.
societies have become involved in intellec-
nesses. Even there is a visible change in the
The first type of digital media was the
tual discussion. They are conducting com-
functioning of the public sector institutions.
text, which actually symbolizes the very first
merce, making plans, brainstorming, and
We may see attractive and, more impor-
explosion of this type of content on the In-
even becoming life partners. Any person
tantly, updated websites. Latest courses are
ternet. With the advent of the Internet, the
having suitable technology can now pro-
being offered in the educational institu-
web was flooded with different kinds of
duce his/her online media so the new
tions to equip the students with state-of-
content, especially with all the text editors
media with technology convergence have
the-art technologies. But still a lot needs to
and word processing options available
shifted the model of mass communication,
be done and for that the government’s will
today. As the technology improved, images
and shaped the ways humans interact and
and support is very important as the initia-
began to appear. Instead of just text emails,
communicate with each other. Virtual real-
tives and facilities will have to be brought
people were able to forward images and
ities have been created that are becoming
in by the government. In this regard, the
soon images were as easy to share and up-
mere extensions of the world and the peo-
role of the Ministry of Information Technol-
load as the text. In the mid 90s, the audio
ple have more control over this virtual
ogy and Telecommunications becomes
became an integral part of digital media
world where anything that a person can
very important.
May 2010 | More | 19
{technology |
More Team
Why did htc decide to come to pakistan?
naeem tabish, Country Head, Brightex
NT: We have a rich heritage of innova-
out quality of service or product that’s why
tions and aim for our products to continue
it is ensured that there is no compromise on
being the devices of choice on the Microsoft
quality. In some cases, one has to avoid the
Windows Mobile and Android platform in
status-quo and create a more natural way to
Pakistan. We are bringing to the market a
interact. HTC’s strategy of implementing
portfolio of products that is impressive as
HTC sense across its entire portfolio of
much for its hardware innovation as for its
phones will enable it to differentiate and
wide range of features and functionality,
build closer relationships with people.
from business-friendly smartphone for heavy email users to more compact multimedia smartphones for first-time users.
live to ensure that HTC devices suit them. You cannot have successful marketing with-
A leading cellphone distribution
how Brightex will take care of the warranty and after sales service aspect?
the world, Brightex (Pvt.) Ltd has introduced
What makes Brightex different from others?
ranty service but the difference in our after
innovative distribution solutions that have
NT: The Brightex ideology stems from
sales and warranty service is that we focus
company with an extensive network across
NT: We are offering the standard war-
revolutionized the cell phone wholesale
its belief in ‘Innovation’ and delivering
on "YOU", which means that customer is al-
trade. Established in 1986 in Hong Kong
“nothing short of the best”. Everyday re-
ways right and his/her time is precious. The
having its service in 15 countries, Brightex
sellers depend on us to help them cost-ef-
response time we are offering is 48-72 hrs
has been increasing its outreach and taking
fectively support the needs of end users of
and the customer does not need to come
the latest products and services to newer
all sizes. Our superior logistics operations,
to our service center, they can just visit the
markets and finding new ways to bring
which efficiently expedite the delivery of
shop from where they have purchased the
value to the customers. Very recently, the
more than two million pieces a year, are
mobile, from there the Brightex represen-
company started off its services in Pakistan
managed out of our logistics centers in Sin-
tatives will handle it themselves.
as a distributor of HTC mobiles, with a com-
gapore and Hong Kong. The founders of
mitment to develop pioneering technolo-
Brightex have earned the respect and trust
gies and efficient processes.
of their business partners and customers by
In an interview with MORE, Mr. Naeem
their dedication, in-depth knowledge of
how do you see the other cell phone companies involved in sales in pakistan?
Tabish, Country Head, Brightex emphasizes
markets and customers, reliability and by
NT: I would say what is important for
that as a vital link in the cell phone value chain,
the strict adherence to proven values.
HTC is our capability to show differentiation to the consumers. We will continue to em-
Brightex has created sales and profitability
What will be your marketing strategy?
brace competition through innovation and
sellers through unique marketing programs, outsourced logistics services, technical sup-
NT: “You do not need to get a phone
perience. From day one, HTC has focused
port, product aggregation and distribution.
rather you need a phone that gets you.”This
on creating cutting-edge innovations that
Tabish explains what is different that Brightex
represents HTC’s commitment to focus on
deliver unique value for people looking for
has to offer to the cellular customers:
people, their needs and how they work and
a smartphone.
opportunities for its vendors, carriers and re-
20 | More | May 2010
provide the consumers the best mobile ex-
| cover story}
May 2010 | More | 21
{technology |
Sumaira Mudassar
Worldwide the financial institutions and mobile opera-
tors are oering the facility of mobile banking, which provides access to one’s bank accounts from mobile phone in a quick and easy manner. The customers are able to pay bills and carry out other financial transactions. In the days to come, the m-banking will be more user-friendly, have instant access, speedy transactions and all that at a much lower cost. It will become easier for banks to have higher levels of customer satisfaction and increased loyalty by providing m-banking services anywhere and anytime, besides benefitting from lower administrative cost as well as lesser number of branches. This form of banking is expected to substitute the credit/debit card system, as it has the same infrastructure as that of ATM but as far as its implementation and operation is concerned, it is easy and cheap. The development of m-banking has given a new dimension to the financial services, however in wake of security threats attached to it, the countries have focused on making proper legal and regulatory frameworks so as to cope with the new challenge of branchless banking. It is an open secret now that m-banking is a cost-eective method to provide the monetary services, especially to the low income strata of the society. A study by Gartner (2008) states that the 22 | More | May 2010
{technology} nancial services to such areas. But the thing
If there is no proper guidance available for the operators and banks regarding m-banking, the country will lead towards a big financial chaos. Cyber security advisers might have in their minds the possibility of criminal attacks on cellular networks and modes of transactions but now is the time to act and take necessary steps. The SBP should also lay down stringent criteria for banks to offer m-banking, and ensure that service is not enforced upon the customers. Furthermore, banks and mobile operators should not be allowed to indulge in misleading campaigns.
that might become a hindrance is security problem because the people will trust the banks and mobile operators only when they are given the security assurance by the sectors’ regulators. Pakistani banks have not yet fully secured the online banking services and fraud is a common affair. If such an insecure system carries over to the mobile network, the chaos in the country’s financial system will destabilize the economy. The security risks inherent in financial trans-
biggest share of mobile payment users will
transaction through mobile banking, he
actions and vulnerability of the operators’
be in the Asia-Pacific region by 2012.
forgot to elaborate as to why the telecom
network are very important concerns for a
Among one of the most potential technol-
regulator is so late in the formulation of
common man.
ogy markets, the South Asia is likely to be-
such a framework.
The government will have to work on
come a hub of transactions through mobile
The country will see a great boost in
two fronts. First of all, a proper and compre-
banking. But this can not be done success-
mobile banking activities, with all major
hensive regulatory framework should be in
fully without a sustainable regulatory
banks as well as telecom operators ready to
place with no more delays. Secondly,
framework. The mobile banking may be
compete for capturing the market, and this
spreading awareness and gaining confi-
controlled by a bank or any telecom opera-
should be seen more as a necessity rather
dence of the general public that mobile
tor or may be a third party, so regulation be-
than a business proposition because a big
banking is a viable and secure channel for
percentage of unbanked people will defi-
transactions. Then the mobile operators
non-banks may also be involved in the
nitely rush to adopt an easiest way of finan-
should also have to set in motion an infor-
transaction of money.
mation security drive and ensure that they
Certainly, there has to be a balance between innovation and regulation, especially when people’s privacy is involved. But in Pakistan, we consider doing such things when it is too late. Same is the case if we talk about the regulatory framework for mbanking. Better late than never that Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) are jointly working for a regulatory framework
have the capability to undertake the high-
In one of his recent speeches, the Chairman PTA said that mobile banking regulatory framework would be introduced soon. While expressing astonishment over the lowest cost of money transaction through m-banking, he forgot to elaborate as to why the telecom regulator is so late in the formulation of such a framework.
for mobile banking, although many mobile
risk mobile banking service. If there is no proper guidance available for the operators and banks, and they rush to capture the existing potential in the market, the country will lead nowhere but a big chaos in the overall financial system. The cyber security advisers might have in their minds the possibility of criminal attacks on cellular networks and modes of transactions but now is the time to act and take necessary steps.
operators and financial institutions had got
cial transactions. Mobile banking offers
The SBP should also lay down stringent cri-
into the business long ago. This just shows
facilities like paperless money transactions,
teria for banks to offer this service, and en-
the non-serious approach of our regulatory
bank account maintenance, cash transfer,
sure the service is not enforced upon the
organizations, who should have played a
besides increasing mobile sales and many
customers, and the banks or even mobile
proactive and leading role in their respec-
other commercial activities. The country
operators do not indulge in misleading
tive arenas. On the occasion of an interna-
has a huge space for m-banking with mil-
tional mobile conference in March 2010,
lions of cell phone users, especially the rural
In a nutshell, mobile banking is a win-
the Chairman PTA said that the mobile
population, who do not have bank ac-
win situation for the government, banks,
banking regulatory framework would be
counts but most of them have mobile sets,
mobile operators and above all, the com-
introduced soon. While expressing aston-
and the m-banking applications can be
mon man, only if a proper and comprehen-
ishment over the lowest cost of money
used as an efficient channel to deliver fi-
sive regulatory framework is in place.
May 2010 | More | 23
{technology |
Faisal Ahmed
places, respectively. The performance of Pakistan has been remarkable in the categories of Individual Readiness, mobile cellular tariffs, at 8th position, and residential telephone connection charges at 11th position. In the category of Business Readiness, the country has done well in business telephone connection charges with 15th position and business monthly telephone subscription at 17th. A marked improvement is seen in country’s capacity for innovation, which has gone up to 56th from 73rd last year. A slight improvement is also visible in the quality of educational systems, where Pakistan ranks at 99 from 104 last year, internet access in schools improving by six places to 75 and company spending on R&D getting better by six places to stand at 80. Competitiveness Support Fund (CSF), a collaborator of the World Economic Forum and a combined project of the Federal Finance Ministry and the USAID, has made some recommendations Though pace may be slow but the economies around the
to ensure that Pakistan’s IT and telecom sector contributes in a
world have started improving after the historic recession, but in
more progressive way to enhance nation’s overall competitiveness
this whole process of recovery the role of information and commu-
rankings. It has suggested that telecom operators in Pakistan
nication technologies (ICT) can not be underestimated since it has
should adopt strategies for creating a conducive and competitive
become an integral part of the very fabric of any economy, be it a
infrastructure cost sharing environment. It has also recommended
developed nation or the one that is struggling on the path to de-
amplifying the bundled offers like voice and SMS with value added
services including MMS, Mobile TV, Mobile Banking and GPRS. An
There is good news that Pakistan has improved its position in IT by 11 places and has now taken the 87th as compared to 98th
emphasized has been made on maintaining a close coordination with the universities by setting up incubation centers.
position in the previous year, as revealed by the Global Information
Although Pakistan’s performance in absorbing the ICT inno-
Technology Report ranking for 2009-10. The report, which is being
vations has been encouraging, there is a need to strengthen the
regularly published by the World Economic Forum for the last nine
realization that information and communication technologies
years, gives a detailed account of over 130 nations around the
play a key role in sustaining the economic growth. Besides, these
globe. It is regarded as the world’s most wide-ranging and authen-
have a significant role in ensuring environmental and social sus-
tic assessment of the ICT influence on the development process
tainability, both as an industry and as a key element of enabling
and the competitiveness of nations.
infrastructure. In this regard, the steps taken by the Higher Edu-
During the reporting year, Sweden, Singapore and Denmark
cation Commission (HEC) of Pakistan to strengthen the ICT infra-
have earned the first, second and third positions, respectively, em-
structure of the higher education institutions is a best example
phasizing the fact that these nations have a strong ICT foundation.
follow. HEC’s initiatives like Pakistan Education and Research Net-
The United States has moved two places to 5th, while China and
work (PERN), Digital Library, Video Conferencing and Pakistan Re-
India are at 37th and 43rd positions, improving nine and eleven
search Repository are truly remarkable, especially when we see
24 | More | May 2010
{technology} national benchmarking tool that policy-
World Economic Forum’s Global Information Technology Report has become one of the most authoritative studies of its kind, providing a unique international benchmarking tool that policymakers and all relevant stakeholders can use to identify national shortcomings and strengths, and to design national policies that set their economies on the path toward enhanced networked readiness.
makers and all relevant stakeholders can use to identify national shortcomings and strengths, and to design national policies that set their economies on the path toward enhanced networked readiness. The report
http://www.weforum.org/documents/GITR 10/index.html. The improvement shown by the country at global level has proved the tremen-
it in the context of a developing country
featured in the whole series of Global Infor-
dous potential that Pakistan possesses as a
like Pakistan. Similarly, the National ICT
mation Technology Report, provides a
nation. It is highly recommended that for
R&D Fund, a project of the Ministry of In-
methodological framework that identifies
ensuring continuous progress of Pakistan in
formation Technology, is another success-
the enabling factors for countries to fully
ICT, effective e-strategies should be devised
ful experience, which has promoted an
benefit from ICT advances while highlight-
while taking on board all the stakeholders
innovation centric ICT research and devel-
ing the joint responsibility of individuals,
including government, IT industry, telecom
opment ecosystem in congruence with
businesses, and governments. The Report
companies and academia so that the issues
socio-economic landscape of Pakistan.
has become one of the most authoritative
and problems faced by the industry may be
studies of its kind, providing a unique inter-
highlighted and addressed properly.
The Networked Readiness Index (NRI),
launch of core i3 Desktop firm’s milestones, he further added “Viper Technology has the strongest presence in the Pakistani market offering solutions that are at par with international standards while being cost-effective to the consumers.” Congratulating Viper Technology on the launch of Pakistan’s first Core i3 desktop, Intel Pakistan Corporation’s country Manager, Mr. Ashar H. Zaidi said “On behalf of Intel Pakistan Corporation I congratulate Viper Technology on their desktop launch based on
Mr. Faisal Sheikh, COO, Viper Technology, Ali Zafar, Manager Marketing, Viper Technology at the launch event
New 2010 Intel® CoreTM processor family with unique feature set.
Viper Technology recently launched country’s first Core
tion and continues to play a vital role in the development of the
i3 Desktop machine assembled locally. The event was attended
local IT industry by offering customers the latest technology. Look-
by high-level executives from various sectors including IT, bank-
ing forward to a successful/ seamless ramp of the new product”
Viper Technology has shown tremendous growth since its incepn
ing, textile and media. Event aimed to highlight Viper Technology’s achievements in the last 15 years, as a local IT firm competing at par with international standards. Speaking at the occasion, COO Viper Technology Mr. Faisal Sheikh said “Viper Technology was created with an idea to consolidate its product-line with a brand based approach and to provide the best IT products across enterprise, sme and consumer segments.” Highlighting the www.apnatime.com
Mr. Faisal Sheikh talking to media people May 2010 | More | 25
{technology |
More Team
The Government’s plan to remove
regime, the growth of country’s economy
was a much-awaited requirement of the
the taxes and duty on the import of new
would have been much higher. It became
IT industry to be given a tax holiday that,
and used computers is a welcome step
one of the biggest reasons for Pakistan to
if given, should prolong for at least a
and it is hoped that the initiative will not
lag behind in the field of Information
decade. Also, the Government will have
only give further boost to the IT industry
Technology, as compared to many other
to keep in view that illegal ways may be
but will have positive and far-reaching
countries like India, Malaysia, Indonesia,
adopted to import computers for smug-
impacts on almost every sector. Had this
China etc., who have achieved a tremen-
gling to other countries having higher
policy been adopted during the last
dous growth in this area. In Pakistan, it
rates of duties and taxes.
26 | More | May 2010
{technology} In addition to the poor security situation in the country, the increase in sales tax as well as the burden of import duty on computer/accessories has increasingly adverse impact on FDI in the IT sector. A report of the SBP reveals that that foreign direct investment in hardware reduced by 52.1 percent in the first six months of the current fiscal year, as compared to the equivalent period of the last year. The investment in the IT has decreased from $81.9 million to $53.3 million, showing a
The ban on used computers will only benefit the multinational companies, but will certainly take the technology out of poor person’s reach who would include a large number of small businesses as well as students. Once the government withdraws the duties on computers and related accessories, the industry may develop in such a way over a period of time that the lowering demand of used computers automatically stops their import into Pakistan.
decrease of 34.9 percent. Sources in the computer industry say that it is badly hit by increase in sales tax
still investing in the country. This invest-
estimated that 500,000 used computers
and the import duty, which was imposed
ment is still not up to the mark, as com-
are finding their way into Pakistani com-
in the previous budget. The financial pol-
pared to the predictions for the current
puter market each year. But it is not the
icy also had a great impact on FDI in the
fiscal year. One hopes that if the Govern-
solution that a ban is imposed, rather the
hardware development, besides affecting
ment really succeeds in abolishing the
process of sorting of computers should
the purchasing power of the people es-
duty on the import of computer and re-
be toughened, in addition to a proper
pecially the end users. As a result of the
lated accessories, the industry will be on
mechanism for recycling and disposal of
overall increase in taxes the demand of
its way to an urgent recovery.
the electronic waste. Simply throwing the
hardware has substantially decreased.
Furthermore, the reported ban on the
waste in landfills is a wrong approach as
Similarly, the investment in the IT Services
import of used computers is totally unjus-
the metals become a part of the soil and
tified. Although the government has de-
ground water causing serious illnesses.
If arguments are made, there may be some points for imposing the ban such as e-waste, which is emerging as a major problem. But a ban is not the solution, rather the process of sorting of computers should be toughened, in addition to a proper mechanism for recycling and disposal of the electronic waste.
nied any such move, there is still
We can protect our environment and, at
confusion in the industry people who are
the same time, achieve economic bene-
of the view that banning this import will
fits by safely disposing and recycling the
have a highly negative impact on indus-
electronic waste. Planning should be
try’s overall growth. It is impetrative that
done to build proper electronic waste
government introduces policies after
management centres across the country.
thorough consultation with all the stake-
At this point in time, the move to ban
holders. Such a ban, if imposed, would
the used computers will only benefit the
deprive the ordinary consumers of low-
multinational companies, whose profits
priced computers and related acces-
may increase manifold, but it will cer-
sories. Some people may argue that used
tainly take the technology out of poor
computers cost less but the expenses in-
person’s reach and they would include a
curred on their maintenance equals the
large number of small businesses as well
has also decreased and it is also feared
cost, however when we compare the cost
as students. Just see the difference, a new
that many top brands like Microsoft, Acer
of new and old computers it is literally im-
computer costs between Rs. 25000 and
and HP may cancel their future plans to
possible for majority of the population to
Rs. 45000, while a used one ranges be-
invest in Pakistan, so all this should be a
even think of buying the new machines
tween Rs. 5000 and Rs.10000. Once the
matter of great concern for the govern-
as well as the accessories.
government withdraws the duties, the in-
ment. Albeit FDI in some areas, such as
If arguments are made, there may be
dustry may develop in such a way that
software development, has increased but
some points for imposing the ban such as
the lowering demand of used computers
the analysts say that this increase is be-
e-waste, which is emerging as a major
may automatically stop their import into
cause of the overseas Pakistanis, who are
problem having serious implications. It is
May 2010 | More | 27
{revIeW |
More In-House
HTC Touch2 is not a new phone, its here in the local market for last couple of months but this time, actual dierence is its oďŹƒcial warranty. Unlike our regular reviews which we do in detail, we will try to highlight its major features to know how useful this smart phone is.
28 | More | May 2010
{revIeW} call and Messaging Touch2 is good for basic functionality, the voice call. Either press the call button located at bottom left corner or push the
do not get quality pictures in low light but during the day light with a firm grip you can get better pictures. Maximum resolution you can get is 2048x1536 pixels.
soft key, it will activate the soft dialer, keys are easy to push. Voice quality is excellent. Lack of accelerometer disturb you little when are unable to have your key pad in landscape mode. Similarly, SMS, MMS and Emails are also easy to play with.
connectivity since its a business phone, connectivity is up to the standards. HSDPA 7.2Mbps, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB 2.0.
Unlike some of the phones, setting up email is easy. Type your email and password and all the other options are configured automatically.
audio & video This machine has the music player that will not disappoint you. Music files can be organized nicely. Equalizer application is
office applications The phone is full of office utilities, Word mobile, Powerpoint
not the part of player but is available as “Audio Booster” only when you plug in the headset. You will always want to use your
Mobile, Excel Mobile, OneNote mobile, Adobe, Email Applica-
own better head phones because the one with package will not
tion, calendar, calculator etc are packed inside the phone. It will
please you for sure.
take a while to load the heavy files but files of normal sizes will not create any problem.
Video playing is easy with built-in media player but it does it in only two formats mp4 and 3gp. For more formats you need to install a separate video player application.
FM radio is a nice application and only run when you plug
Picture taking is not the hall mark of this phone. The 3 mega
in your headset as they hold the antenna in it. Inside the build-
pixel camera doesn't outperform its rivals with the same
ing you will be able to receive only limited stations, all it
strength. It doesn't have a dedicated shutter therefore, you have
searched were FM 100 and 108 but you can get more if you go
to rely only on the soft shutter key. With no flash on board you
outside in open.
May 2010 | More | 29
{revIeW |
Meraj Alam
weight instantly, high levels of stress or a
is facilitating a fast-paced lifestyle that many
workaholic lifestyle. A study conducted by
young individuals in Pakistan are adopting.
AC Nielsen revealed that in Pakistan one
Increasing demand from work, family and
out of every four adults skip their breakfast.
friends has forced a number of people to
The study also indicated that adolescents
rely on technology for time saving, budget-
are more likely to skip their breakfast than
friendly and convenient solutions.
people of older or younger age group.
Most of us aspire to achieve a
Dawlance – a trusted household name
These statistics shed light on just one of
in Pakistani home appliance market is now
the many aspects in which a majority of
introducing the next generation of healthy
people are careless towards their health.
refrigerators as part of their Health Zone (H-
Not only we ignore the most important
Zone) initiative. These hi-end H-Zone refrig-
meal of the day but satiate our cravings
erators are expected to use a special H-light
greater purpose in life. Personal health and
during the later part of the day by consum-
that forms a protective shield on all items
fitness is instrumental to our journey to-
ing food which is high in calories and de-
stored in refrigerator. This light has proven
wards attainment of our goals.
prived of essential nutrients. What we don’t
to be highly effective in increasing food life
Unfortunately, many of us from 3rd
realize in the process is that by practicing
twice its regular refrigerator life. Lab tests
world countries don’t realise the impor-
this kind of unhealthy behaviour, we rob
showed that the preservation factor is most
tance of good health and the extent to
ourselves off a ore fulfilling and happy life.
predominantly visible on green vegetables.
which it can support us in turning our
Healthy food includes richly coloured
Green vegetables, when stored in these re-
dreams into reality. The rationale behind
fruit, dark green vegetables, lean meats and
frigerators, not only stayed fresh for longer
good health and better performance is
whole grains to give your body optimum
but also retained their natural green color
fairly simple. A healthy person falls sick less
energy. There are different methods of
and texture. The fan attached inside refrig-
often, is more active and has a more atten-
preservation used today to keep the key
erator close to the source of light helps in
tive mind leading to better performance at
nutrients of the food intact. Of all common
spreading the H-light in each and every cor-
whatever task he/she undertakes.
methods of preservation, refrigerator is
ner of refrigerator covering every single
A small section of our society however,
considered the most convenient and effec-
food item in its protective shield. This spe-
is becoming more health-conscious with
tive appliance for short-term food preser-
cial light completely retards bacteria
passing time and is likely to grow as increas-
vation today.
ing number of marketers attempt to raise
growth within the food to maintain the
Realising the need for better health,
original fresh condition in which the food
awareness about health to create space for
technology has also shifted its focus to-
was placed in the fridge. The technology
their health-based products.
wards products that support a healthy
only stops bacteria from growing; it cannot
lifestyle. Technology which is prevalent in
reverse fungal growth already present in
istani population doesn’t pay attention to
one form or the other in our everyday lives
food when it is placed in fridge.
their diet and to make matters worst we
is moulding itself with our changing
This new breed of HZone refrigerators
even skip meals. The reasons for this kind of
lifestyle too which is a positive sign. It is
is a marvellous addition in Dawlance port-
behaviour can be as varied as desire to lose
technology that in today’s dynamic world
folio and is available in the market.
However, a considerable section of Pak-
30 | More | May 2010
| cover story}
May 2010 | More | 31
{Month In focus} Corporate governance, heart of organizations matically follow the path. In telecom sector, other than PTCL and PTA, all the companies are unlisted, just recently Wateen has inducted in. We hope that other telecom player will also get listed. Currently, most of the telecom companies are doing more than one billion business and have a great impact on country’s economy so if they are listed and their corporate governance framework gets stronger it is going to impact the industry and the economy in a favourable manner.
how do you introduce this culture? We were limited to Karachi but now we have moved forward to Lahore and Islamabad. We have negotiated with PTA and PTCL and they are giving positive gestures. Similarly, we are also getting good response from other companies. Though it is not easy to faiza nasir, Manager Marketing and Training Services, Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance
gather all the board members at one point in time due to their ex-
More talked to faiza nasir at telecon 2010 in lahore. following is the excerpt.
ages and time period for them.
What does your company do?
What is your target for the coming years?
tremely busy schedule, therefore, we are making customized pack-
My company aims to improve corporate governance on the
SECP has made our program compulsory for every company. It’s a
level of board members. We provide training and do certification,
certification program and compulsory for all listed companies and they
all of which is of international standards. We believe if the board
have to get one of the board members certified. So we are assuming
level is in the right direction, the company’s other areas will auto-
some 3000 directors to be trained in the next couple of months.
Mr. Nuguibullah Malik, Secretary IT & Telecom presenting shield to Mr. Faisal Khaliq, CIO Ufone
From (L-R) Mr. Naseem Usmani, Advisor & Director, Huawei, Dr. Muhammad Yaseen, Chairman PTA, Mudassar J Mufti, Editor in Chief, MORE Magazine at Telecon 2010
Dr. Naveed Malik, Rector, Virtual University giving shield to Mr. Xu Haiyong, CTO, Zong
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3rd 2010 Global TeleCON Pakistan
Mr. Menin Rodrigues , President, SHAMROCK Communications presenting shield to Dr. Muhammad Yaseen, Chairma PTA
{Month In focus}
Sub Keh Do Day was celebrated for the second year on
children and gives them an avenue for self-expression.
April 12, 2010, with an emphasis on open communication and
To mark its first year in business in 2009, Zong launched an
maintaining relationship. Looking at its popularity and unique-
emotive music video that appealed to all age groups. Directed by
ness, it could be described as a wonderful accomplishment of
Saqib Malik and performed by Shafqat Amanat Ali, the music video
the Zong brand. The day celebrated the importance of self-ex-
is based on the brand’s core philosophy of promoting a healthy
pression superbly, by encouraging people including children,
communication in society, joining hearts and eroding misunder-
adults, housewives, professionals, and workers to express
standings. A clear and uninhibited channel of communication is at
openly whatever is in their minds, and clear misunderstandings
the root of any healthy relationship and this video shows how a
and build positive communication.
bond of love and understanding may be build by removing all barriers, which might exist in communication. The
The latest video urges the youth of the country, which makes the majority, to use their energies in the best possible manner as there is a lot of hope from them, and that they must not forget the duties they owe to their country. It encourages the viewers to work hard so that we prosper as a nation, free of extremism and other such menaces. This also gives a lesson to the Government to come forward with such ideas, not only to spread awareness among the masses but also embark upon development projects for the welfare and betterment of the people, especially the neglected ones.
video eectively shows how satisfying it can be if one does not hold back the deep feelings in heart or the thoughts in mind, but comes out with these to create harmony and understanding. Now another video on the second anniversary of Zong has not only an emotional but a very practical message for the viewers. It gives a message of hope and commitment and tells us that everything is possible provided you are dedicated towards the cause. It tells the youth of the country, which makes the majority, to use their energies in the
A major activity in the Sub Keh Do campaign is the one-on-
best possible manner as there is a lot of hope from them. And that
one interaction with the common public, including painting
they must not forget the duties they owe to their country. It en-
and essay writing competitions in more than 100 schools in
courages the viewers to work hard so that we prosper as a nation
Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. Sub Keh Do teams interacted
free of extremism and other such menaces.
with students and encouraged them to express themselves
This also gives a lesson to the Government to come forward
though painting and essays, and the activities were broadcast
with such ideas, not only to spread awareness among the masses
on all major television channels across Pakistan. This is indeed
but also embark upon development projects for the welfare and
an interesting activity, which cultivates talent and creativity in
betterment of the people, especially the neglected ones.
May 2010 | More | 33
{Month In focus} Shahid Afridi becomes Samsung’s Brand Ambassador bust Cricketer Shahid Afridi. Together these two iconic players will take fresh initiatives, to win the hearts of all progressive consumers”. Shahid Afridi appreciated this new status of being Samsung’s Brand Ambassador and said, “It is a pleasure for me to represent a global leader in electronics. Samsung has always inspired me with its fantastic products. Just like the game of cricket, the technology arena is also very competitive, where Samsung has always showed great performance, determination and innovation”. The truly innovative Samsung products Samsung and Shahid Afridi exploring new boundaries. From left Zeshan Ahmed Head of Mobile Division, Samsung and services - like revolutionary 3D TVs, Pakistan and Afghanistan, Steve Han General Manager Samsung Electronics Pakistan & Afghanistan, Shahid Afridi cutting-edge smart-phones, and an endBrand Ambassador Samsung Electronics, Injae Lee, Senior Manager Samsung Electronic Pakistan & Afghanistan, and less store of “Samsung Apps”, reflect the Khurram Farooq, Head of Consumer Electronic Samsung Pakistan & Afghanistan at the brand ambassador ceremony technological advancement of Samsung. Through such evolution, Samsung conn Samsung Electronics Company Limited, a global leader in tinues to be among the “World’s most admired companies” of home appliances, mobile phones and electronics, has an- the Fortune magazine. nounced the appointment of cricketing icon Shahid Afridi as its new Brand Ambassador. This announcement was made at a press conference held by Samsung at a Country Club in Lahore. Shahid Afridi will be engaged in various media activities and events to promote the latest electronic appliances and cellular devices from Samsung. Afridi enjoys an international fan following, including millions of young active fans and sports enthusiasts, who aspire to use trendy new devices and appliances in their daily lives. Similarly, Samsung is perceived as a successful modern and stylish brand globally. Therefore, Afridi’s sporting personality and trendy attitude truly complements the Samsung brand concept. The General Manager, Samsung Pakistan, Mr. Steve Han, expressed his anticipation for a dynamic association with this leadMr. Steve Han giving a gift to Samsung's new brand ambassador ing cricket star and said, “Samsung is a youthful, active and Shahid Afridi. Also present are Mr. Zeshan Ahmed, Mr. Khurram high-spirited player in the electronics industry, just like the ro- Farooq and other officials
Samsung focus on rural areas Samsung Electronics is engaging rural populations in a fun-filled Activity across Sindh and Punjab. This Float activity is supported by the “Samsung-Guru” cellphones series. The idea is to provide recreation in the entertainment starved rural areas. The theme of this campaign is “Samsung Guru comes to your town with excitement and prizes”. These colourful floats will feature sound systems for live musical performances of popular local musicians and performers. Samsung products will be displayed on the float including; Guru E 1105 and Guru
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E 2120 mobile phones. The floats will stay two days in each city, while travelling through Sindh and Punjab provinces. Mr. Zeeshan Qureshi, Head of the Mobile Phones Division, Samsung-Pakistan and Afghanistan said, “The rural populace has always shown complete faith in the high-quality of Samsung products. It is a pleasure for us to create opportunities of entertainment and excitement for these customers, who are generally deprived of fun-filled amusement. Samsung Guru Floats will engage the participating enthusiasts in
simple Quizzes and singing competitions where attractive gifts will be presented to the winners.” The live product demonstrations at the float allow potential customers to experience and purchase the Samsung Guru mobile phones that feature; Dual Speakers, Torchlight, FM radio, Three color variant, etc. The floats will entertain rural areas around Gujranwala, Jehlum, Rawalpindi, Attock, Abbotabad, Muzaffarabad, Faisalabad, Sahiwal, Multan, Hyderabad, Nawabshah, Sukker and Rahim-Yar- Khan etc. www.apnatime.com
{Month In focus} Mega Business Machine brings new incentives n Mega Business Machine (MBM) held their annual dealer convention in Lahore. The event was attended by Director Ruba Group, Manzoor Khan, Executive Director Ruba Group, Mehmood Naqvi, Country Head Sales, MBM, Khursheed Abbas and other MBM officials. In order to acknowledge the efforts of dealers, MBM had invited all its major dealers from Punjab especially those who had performed excellently during the last one year. In his address, Mr. Khursheed shared the key facts that how MBM is gathered world's renowned brands under one umbrella and it is continuously adding products and brands to facilitate its customers and dealers. Mr. Ijaz Kiyani, Global Photo receiving shield from Mr. Manzoor Khan, Director Ruba Group He said, “ the reason to hold this event is to bring your people closer and let you know what we feel for you. We are in the distribution business, our task is support and service and your job is to make profit. Currently our dealers are just trying to rotate their investment instead of making good profits because of current economic down turn. We want to make sure that this economic crunch does not hurt you. We are making use of our Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmed, Billu Photo receiving sheild from marketing funds for the Mr. Mehmood Naqvi, Exec. Director Ruba Group product development so that you get more customers. Our plans for coming months are aggressive and we are going to change our advertising techniques and the business model”. He further added, “We are amending our master dealer concept to give you more incentives. For example, I proudly announce, starting from this year, MBM will present a car to our master dealer who will meet the targets”. Later the guests presented shields to the leading dealers.
Mr. Tahir, Fest International receiving shield from Mr. Manzoor Khan
Sheikh Javed, Al-Hafeez Photo receiving shield from Mr. Manzoor Khan
Khursheed abbas, Country Head Sales, MBM
Manzoor Khan, Director Ruba Group
Mehmood naqvi, Executive Director Ruba Group
May 2010 | More | 35
{Month In focus} Nokia, the most trust worthy partner
Mr. Haseeb Ihtisham, Marketing Manager, Nokia Pakistan and Afghanistan presenting Nokia's four new affordable entry devices at the launch event Expanding the portfolio of its Entry Solutions in Pakistan, Nokia Pakistan today announced the latest additions to its most affordable device range at their launch event: Nokia 2690, Nokia 2220, Nokia 1616, Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1280. Leading analysts around the world believe that it is emerging markets like Pakistan that will lead the future of mobile communications in coming years. By 2015, 83 percent of the global population will be living in emerging markets. As developing world incomes rise, household spending on mobile phones, and the opportunities they are bringing people, grows faster than spending on energy, water or indeed anything else. So where will the next billion mobile phone subn
scribers come from? Analysts at Juniper research believe that 80 percent or more of all new mobile phone subscribers per annum will come from emerging markets. Talking about the significance of Pakistan as an emerging market, Imran Khalid Mahmood, Country General Manger, Nokia Pakistan and Afghanistan said, “Pakistan is a market with a growing telecom sector that provides us with many new avenues to bring more affordable and valuable solutions to this market. Most of us take the convenience of using a mobile phone for granted, but for billions of people, mobile devices and services can transform their lives. Many people in emerging markets are using the mobile in more powerful ways than those in the devel-
oped world. Their first ever internet experience will be on their mobile phone and services like mobile email are seeing some of their highest adoption rates in developing countries. Nokia doesn’t apply one size fits all strategy to all emerging markets; rather we study the consumer patterns in each market to bring out the most relevant solutions to the market. Making more possible for Pakistani masses, we are now introducing the most affordable Nokia devices to date that offer a great value for money.” Sharing the details of new entry mobile phones launched, Haseeb Ihtisham, Marketing Manager, Nokia Pakistan and Afghanistan said, “Nokia offers to Pakistani market the widest product portfolio to choose from at all price points. The launch of these new entry devices today, Nokia 2690, Nokia 2220, Nokia 1616, Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1280 adds to the growing entry mobilephone range offered by Nokia. The relevant features packed in these affordable phones are flashlights, calendars, durable keypads and long battery life. Nokia has combined these standard features and add-ons like pleasant form factor to bring to Pakistani consumers a perfect low-cost package.” The new Nokia entry phones announced today the Nokia 1280, the Nokia 1616 and Nokia 1800 are priced very competitively; with the Nokia 1280 being the lowest cost mobile phone to date.
Mobile Monday Arrives in Pakistan n MobileMonday (MoMo), the global community of mobile industry visionaries, developers and companies, launched its 100th chapter in Islamabsad in April at a glittering event attended by key players of the telecommunication industry, government officials, diplomats, dignitaries, media and others. Representatives of the global MoMo community who had especially flown into Pakistan for the launch were also present. The remarkable MobileMonday phenomenon began almost by accident in Helsinki, Finland in the autumn of 2000.
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Jari Tammisto, CEO, MoMo, Zibber Mohiuddin, Country Manager, Ericsson Pakistan, Mohsen Tavakol, President, Ericsson Pakistan, CIIT Rector, Dr S. M. Junaid Zaidi and other dignitaries at the launching event www.apnatime.com
{Month In focus} A couple of well-known Finnish visionaries invited the who’s who of the Finnish mobile industry to an informal get-together and incidentally the time that suited everybody was Monday evening. After this first meeting the group decided to continue meeting on the first Monday of each month — and thus, MobileMonday was born. Towards the end of 2004, the movement started to spread to other areas of the world and new MoMo chapters were started in Tokyo, the Silicon Valley in USA and Rome and Milan in Italy. Since then, the number of MobileMonday chapters and members has dramatically increased making MobileMonday the world’s leading mobile community. MoMo today is a hub of influential stakeholders of the ICT industry, fostering cooperation and cross-border business development through virtual and live networking events to share ideas, best practices and trends from global markets. It also facilitates the creation of peer net-
working and partnerships locally and globally by providing a platform for industry players. MoMo also contributes to generating awareness amongst the broader public through various means. Pakistan has now come into the global limelight with the launch of MoMo’s 100th Chapter in Islamabad, which began with an address by H.E. Osmo Lipponen, Ambassador of Finland to Pakistan. This was followed by speeches by H.E. Shahid Kamal, Ambassador of Pakistan to Germany, Jari Tammisto, the Founder and CEO of MoMo Global and other speakers. "Pakistan is a huge mobile market where there is much innovation the world should be aware of. MobileMonday is excited to invite Pakistan's mobile community to connect with peers globally," said Tammisto and added “After several successful launches in other countries, including the most recent ones in Uganda and Kenya, MoMo's global team is excited by this milestone - the Islamabad launch
is very special as it is the 100th.” In Pakistan, the COMSATS Institute of Technology (CIIT) is the local counterpart for the Mobile Monday network. The CIIT with 7 campuses countrywide, 42 degree programs, 17,000 students’ enrollment, 11,000 graduates and 1700 faculty members of its own is the fastest growing institution. It is currently ranked at seven by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. CIIT Rector, Dr S. M. Junaid Zaidi (S.I.) said that Pakistan has immense potential to benefit from the global networking and peer support offered by MoMo. Some of the activities that MoMo Chapters initiate are workshops, seminars, information hubs and a website with the latest mobile technology information in one place. Just like mobiles and internet services the important thing is not the device but the opportunity created by its existence. Similarly, the MoMo community creates tremendous opportunities for the ICT industry and the general public.
The ceremony began with recitation of Holy Quran by Mr. Naseem Ahmad Usmani. Later on the director Al-KICS, Dr Waqar Mahmood formally welcomed all the honorable guests and the graduates of HUTIC. He talked about the role that the centre has been playing in providing quality technical training, in the vital area of GSM technology, to the students and professional from all over Pakistan. He described the two phases of investment made by Huawei and counter investments made by UET Lahore, making the centre such a success. The centre has trained 2000 students and professionals and the same numbers of professionals are trained by Huawei’s staffs which come from Huawei’s customer companies. Deputy CEO, Huawei Technologies Mr. Xiao Ning shared his views about telecom market in Pakistan saying: “Pakistan’s telecom sector has flourXiao Ning, Deputy CEO, Huawei Technologies, Dr. Khawar Siddique Khokhar, ished greatly in the recent years. Scores of new Member Technical, PTA, Naseem Ahmad Usmani, Advisor & Director, Huawei, Dr companies are gearing up to provide service, and Waqar Mahmood, Director, Al-KICS, Kashif Bashir, Manager Marketing Al-KICS cellular subscription has crossed 9 million--along with successful students making Pakistan one of the fastest-growing cellular markets. It’s an absolute revolution.” n Al-Khwarizmi Institute of Computer Science (Al-KICS), UniHe closed his address by saying, “Long lives Pakistan-China friendversity of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore organized ship bringing technological improvement for generations to come.” a ceremony to award certificates to the successful graduates of Dr. Khawar Siddique Khokhar, technical member PTA, praised the Huawei UET Telecom & IT Centre (HUTIC). Xiao Ning, Deputy the telecom training facility and said, “It is a matter of immense CEO, Huawei Technologies was the chief guest of this ceremony, pleasure that Pakistan has such state-of-the-art GSM equipment Member Technical of PTA, Khawar Siddique Khokhar also at- at UET, Lahore with the collaboration of Huawei Technologies, tended the ceremony as guest of honour and Several Huawei China. I strongly recommend UET to focus on further collaboofficials including Huawei’s advisor Naseem Ahmad Usmani, di- ration with Huawei-Technologies in the field of software develrector Lahore office Mr. Poundss Peng were also present. opment and transfer of technology to Pakistan”.
HUTIC Graduating Ceremony
May 2010 | More | 37
{Month In focus} New AMD Phenom Dell awards students II X6 Processor Dell recently held exciting compen
AMD announced in India the immediate availability of the AMD Phenom II X6 processor and AMD 890FX chipset ushering in a new era of immersive 3D entertainment and visualization. Trailblazing consumers seeking immersive 3D entertainment and high definition multi-monitor display now can affordably upgrade to six-core performance and award-winning ATI Radeon™ HD 5000 series graphics. Today also marks the availability of the flagship AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Black Edition processor, AMD’s fastest and most tunable desktop processor ever. AMD Phenom II X6 processors feature new Turbo CORE technology that transfers performance to three dedicated cores operating at higher frequency. n
Redtone's license canceled n PTA has suspended the LDI license of Redtone Telecommunications (Pvt.) Ltd on account of concealment of minutes pertaining to the international incoming traffic. The details of international traffic (CDR) for the month of October 2009 provided by Redtone Telecommunications were compared with the CDR of licensee’s interconnect partner (access provider) and the analysis of these CDRs highlighted discrepancy in minutes terminated on mobile network which were not found in the licensee’s CDRs. The decision was passed pursuant to the Show Cause Notice issued to the company by the Authority on March 1, 2010 in response to which the company could not satisfy the Authority during the hearing thus resulting in the immediate suspension of the LDI license of the company.
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tition activities at leading universities in Karachi, where Dell organized stimulating interactive sessions with large groups of students. The latest Dell LCD monitors were awarded to the student groups who won the competitions. Other attractive gifts and Dell T-Shirts were also distributed among the participating students. The latest products from Dell were also displayed at the “Institute of Business Administration (IBA) and Institute of Business Management (IoBM-CBM) in Karachi. The students also got an opportunity to experience their favorite technology products. Dell-Inspiron Cheerful students holding Dell gift-hampers and Dell-Studio notebooks series offer during Dell’s University Activity at Institute innovative computing and Internet caof Business Administration (IBA), Karachi pabilities, whereas the Dell LCD technology delivers pioneering features with striking visual display and clarity. The participants were thrilled to know more about the capabilities and lifestyle advantages of Dell products. The Marketing Manager for Consumer and SMB at Dell Pakistan, Nubla Iftikhar was also present during this competitive interaction, where she said; “Interacting with these brilliant youngsters studying at these prominent universities was a fabulous experience for Dell. We have always gained from exchanging ideas and insights with our customers. The university students are among the vital market segments for Dell, as they are truly inspired by the fresh and innovative Dell technology”.
Customer's Complain Recently, a customer used Telenor easypaisa service to transfer Rs. 3,000 from Islamabad to Lahore. At senders’ location, the process was as per the guidelines of the company as the sender submitted the NIC copy and paid Rs. 174 additionally as transaction fee (Trx ID 5357813). The EasyPaisa shop at the receiver’s end in Lahore asked for Rs. 30 as his personal fee to deliver the amount. The shopkeeper did not provide any receipt of the amount nor did he ask for any NIC copy. The shopkeeper in Lahore was not entitled to receive any amount from the receiver (Waheed Ahmed Butt). n
telenor's response Thank you very much for your report “Telenor easypaisa needs strong supervision” dated April 8, 2010. We appreciate the media for playing their role in helping us establish branchless banking in Pakistan. Telenor Pakistan has processes in place for addressing all concerns and complaints regarding easypaisa transactions. For easypaisa Money Transfer, the schedule of charges is clearly communicated and displayed on posters at all Merchant Locations. Only the sending customer is charged a fee while sending funds. No such charges apply at the receiving customers end. A retailer that is in not in compliance with these guidelines is in direct violation of the company’s policies. The retailer in such cases is issued a warning at first and if another subsequent complaint of this nature is received, the retailer is then taken off the easypaisa panel and is blacklisted for any further business opportunities. The specific incidence you have mentioned is being investigated and the complainant will be contacted soon. Telenor SIM users can always dial 345 and from other networks 111-345-100 to report such incidents, ensuring a quick resolution of such incidents. www.apnatime.com
{Month In focus} Rashid Khan meets Latif Khosa
n Advisor to Prime Minister for Information Technology, Sardar Muhammad Latif Khan Khosa has said that cellular companies have major contribution in the promoting the national telecom sector and have created job opportunities in the country. He expressed these views while talking to Chief Executive Officer and President of Mobilink, Rashid Khan who called on him here on Monday. The Advisor lauded the services provided by the cellular companies to the public and recognized that they have invested a huge amount in Pakistan which has expanded the job market for the Pakistani youth. The Advisor said that government is making all out efforts to boost up the national telecom sector and spreading the telecom facilities all over the country to benefit maximum people. ‘Suggestions from the cellular companies to promote the network will be welcomed and the discrimination and disparity between cellular companies and local loop operators will be addressed, he maintained.
PIA achieved operating profit of Rs. 2.84 billion for the year 2009 after four years of operating losses, operating loss for the year 2008 was Rs. 7.3 billion. Managing Director PIA, Captain Muhammad Aijaz Haroon informed the Shareholders at the 53rd Annual General Meeting of PIA held at a local hotel today. In his address to the shareholders, Managing Director PIA said that the year 2009 proved to be a challenging year for the national flag carrier as global recession continued widening financial crisis. Globally, airlines have recorded dips in passenger loads, cargo loads and yields. Higher inflation in the country also exerted pressure on the cost structure of the airline. He added. www.apnatime.com
New and handy netbook is about to introduce in Pakistan in May. The machine can perform everything a mobile phone and a computer can. It has a keyboard as well as a touch display. The price is expected to be around PKR 35,000
Connect To Learn Madonna joined the Earth Institute, Ericsson and Millennium Promise to announce a new global education initiative aimed at supporting access to primary and secondary education for every child in the world, with an emphasis on secondary schooling for girls. The initiative, ‘Connect To Learn’ , will provide secondary school scholarships, with a special focus on scolarships for girls. This powerful partnership is designed to address the current global crisis regarding education. It works to encourage individuals on all levels to respond to this urgent call, which requires action not only from individual people but also from corporations, non-profit organizations and governments worldwide. The main reason that this initiative has come into being is because of the fact that close to 70 million children world wide do not have access to good education institutions. “It’s time for a change,” Madonna commented on the issue. “There are millions of kids around the world not in school so we’re inviting everyone to join us in hooking kids up with access to a basic education through scholarships, and the opportunities that come with access to technology.” n
May 2010 | More | 39
{Month In focus} WorldCall at Jinnah International Airport
President and CEO PTCL Waleed Irshaid with the senior management team at the concluding session of annual way forward meeting of PTCL 2010/2011 , that marked this year as "Year of customer and Employee care"
CEO of WorldCall Telecom Limited Mr. Babar Ali Syed and Regional Director & CCMO Headquarter (Karachi) Mr. M. Hanif Aurakzai launched the Business Center at Jinnah International Airport
President inaugurates USF project for broadband in Punjab n President Asif Ali Zardari inaugurated a project to provide Broadband Internet in Southern Punjab funded by Universal Service Fund (Ministry of IT) on April 22, 2010. The project was originally launched by President Zardari on January 20th 2010 and within a short span of a few months, more than 25,000 broadband connections have already been provided in 32 cities. While addressing the gathering, President Asif Ali Zardari said that government is committed to mainstream the less-developed areas, like southern Punjab. Advisor to Prime Minister on Information Technology, Sardar Latif Khan Khosa, Secretary IT, Naguib Ullah Malik and Parvez Iftikhar, CEO-Universal Service Fund were also present at the occasion along with Federal Ministers and Secretaries, MNAs, MPAs, government oďŹƒcials and other notables. This project (being implemented through PTCL and Worldcall) involves providing broadband facilities in un-served urban areas of Southern Punjab.
Dummy mafia looting innocent customers
40 | More | May 2010
malik khalid iqbal owns younus mobile, he is also the vice President of electronics trader association, Hall Road. While talking to MORE, he highlighted that we are facing a big issue of Dummy Mafia. These crook minded people are looting the customers who ever comes to the market to purchase a mobile. It is bringing us all a bad name. I want to end this mafia and we will call a meeting to discuss the issue. I also request the administration to help us out. Unfortunately, other leaders of the association are not interested to solve the issue.
saqib malik, ceo sagir mobile (secretary ithad group) says, Union plays an important role at Hall Road. Current union should address the Dummy Mafia issue but unfortunately, oďŹƒce bearers have failed to end the menace. This mafia befool the ordinary customers and replace their new handsets with their own old ones or replace it with dummy mobiles and then flee away. I appeal through MORE that don't listen to any such guy for a discount.
mian muhammad rafiq, chief executive, aa mobiles, told us that Dummy Mafia is strengthening its roots at Hall Road and looting innocent people. Though, we have guards who keep an eye on the business and try to catch Mafia people but they are still running their show. Few of the shopkeepers support these Mafia people.
ali Qizilbash ceo of mobile outlet says, Dummy Mafia is active at Hafeez Center as well. We try to minimize the loss of customer by asking the guards to keep an eye but these people follow the customers, ask them to buy cheap handset which they can't get from a shop and then sell them something Dummy. We have caught them couple of times but due to the support of other shopkeepers they get freed.
{paKIstanI professIonals}
Dr. Mohammad Azam n
Muhammad Azam has success-
fully completed his PhD under a scholarship
variables regarding investor’s behaviour
haviour that helps to scrutinize the stock
on the KSE. The study covers the most sig-
market in future. It can also explain the
nificant variables that have a great impact
worth of stocks, where do they stand, and
on investors’ decision-making behaviour
facilitates the investors whether their risk
and provides a pattern for investors par-
has been increasing or decreasing and
ticularly ‘ordinary investors’ as how to
what is the point where investors should
make a better investment in the equity
enter or exit from the stock market?
The research done by Dr. Azam
It has been argued that the model will
proves that if our academia and industry
Commission (HEC) of Pakistan from the
eliminate the bubble also or any great
work in collaboration with each other
University of Paris Ouest-Nanterre La De-
crash like “KSE March 2005 Crash” perma-
keeping in view the national priorities,
fense, France. The title of his thesis was
nently in the stock market. KSE “March
nothing can stop Pakistan to prosper and
“Investors’ Behaviour and Stock Price Vari-
2005 Crash” inspired the scholar to work
stand high in the comity of nations. And for this to happen, it is indispensable that the government plays a proactive role.
The Government must realize that our youth has enormous potential and if they are provided the right opportunities, they can produce amazing results
The analysis and findings of the aforementioned research should be duly considered by the relevant government agencies like Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) and related ministries so that the proposals
ations in the Karachi Stock Exchange”.
on stock price variations to save the small
made by the researcher are translated
Dr. Azam, who is currently an Assis-
investors’ capital from big players who
into practical steps.
tant Professor at Iqra University Karachi,
manipulate the stock market through
The Government must realize that our
completed his PhD studies under Com-
media announcements and many other
youth has enormous potential and if they
mission’s scheme “Overseas Scholarship
sources. No similar studies have been
are provided the right opportunities, they
Programme (Phase-I)”, which was aimed
made earlier on the Karachi Stock Market.
can produce amazing results. Lack of gov-
to create a critical mass of highly-quali-
The researcher has developed a Stock
ernment’s attention is costing this nation
fied human resource in all fields taught at
Prices Variations Model (SPVM), which fol-
a lot as many of our bright young minds
the advanced level in the world.
lows the approaches of M. J. Gordon
are preferring to stay and work abroad
Dr. Azam’s research deals with the in-
(1959) and Kothari and Zimmerman
where, unlike Pakistan, they are given ap-
vestors’ behaviour and stock price varia-
(1995) models by adding more explana-
preciation as well as incentives. There is a
tions for the period 1998-2008 on the
tory variables according to the institu-
dire need to capitalize on the precious
Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE). The objec-
tional/professional Investor’s behaviour
human resource that Pakistan has, and
tive of this research was to determine the
of KSE (Fund Managers, Brokers, Financial
encourage and support scholars like Dr.
stock price variations with respect to the
Analysts, etc). The model has been devel-
Azam so that they may serve their moth-
macroeconomic, firm-specific accounting
oped by observing the past investor be-
erland in the best possible manner.
May 2010 | More | 41
{energy |
More Report
Due to the ill-advised planning and
People have been forced
wrong policies of the successive govern-
to go for alternate energy options and
The depreciation in the value of rupee
ments in Pakistan including the present
that’s why the demand for generators has
against dollar has further sky-rocketed the
one, all of whom claimed to have served
been growing immensely. Reportedly,
prices. How interesting and pathetic also
the masses, the energy crisis has engulfed
generators amounting to $75 million and
that on one hand the import of generators
the whole country. Whether it is industry,
$141 million were imported in January
is increasing, while on the other hand the
agriculture, corporate sector or govern-
and February this year, respectively. The
stocks available for customers are limited
ment organizations, it seems that every-
deteriorating situation has provided enor-
and that too on exorbitant prices. So due
thing has come to a standstill as there is
mous opportunity of minting money to
to lack of any enduring solution to the lin-
almost no electricity. The students prepar-
those traders who had accumulated
gering energy crisis, the people are help-
ing for exams or busy in regular studies are
stocks till massive power failures hit the
less to bear the brunt of the higher costs.
badly affected by the increase in load-
nation and the demand increased mani-
In the last few months, prices of power
shedding. In the urban areas, people face
fold. The traders release inadequate
generators have increased by 40 %. Usu-
it for more than 12 hours, while in rural
stocks despite greater demand in the
ally the demand picks up from April, as per
areas the duration crosses 18 hours a day.
market. Looking at the worsening electric-
practice in the previous years, but realizing
Despite surging energy crisis in the coun-
ity situation, even before summer is in full
the government’s inefficiency the public
try, the government is feeling so relaxed as
swing, the customers are thronging the
has lost hope of any immediate solution
if the problem will be solved itself.
markets to purchase the generators.
and have decided to help themselves.
42 | More | May 2010
{energy} Two kinds of generators are available in
Adding insult to injury, the Sui gas au-
any nation. Any sort of local or foreign in-
the market, including 2-stroke generators
thorities are taking action against the uti-
terference in the energy sector will fur-
that work with petrol and the 4-stroke gen-
lization of gas generators for household
ther aggravate the situation. Moreover,
erators that work with both petrol and the
purposes. Interestingly, there is no curb
plans to privatize the energy sector
natural gas. These range from five-hundred
on the import of gas generators and a va-
should be abolished because if control of
to three-thousand watt. There is no local
riety of such generators are making their
the state is removed, the private sector can not have the capacity to tackle the situation and, more importantly, their foremost aim is to earn profit.
Reportedly, generators amounting to $141 million were imported in February alone this year. The deteriorating situation has also provided enormous opportunity of minting money to those traders who had accumulated stocks till massive power failures hit the nation and the demand increased manifold. The traders release inadequate stocks despite greater demand in the market. The policy makers should also seriously start planning for alternate energy sources. There is much talk of building dams and setting up nuclear power plants way into the market, however the users
but there is no proper planning for sources
are being stopped from availing the facil-
such as solar, windmill energy, etc. Around
manufacturing and different sort of gener-
ity, who just want to reduce the effects of
the world, the dependence on traditional
ators are imported from China, Japan, USA
unending outages. The plight of end-
sources of energy is decreasing with a fast
and UK. A one kilo-volt generator of Chi-
users aside, the Pakistan Electric Power
pace. A vast majority of sunlight reaching
nese origin that you could buy between
Company (Pepco) has also complained
the earth is left unabsorbed and Pakistan
seven to eight thousand rupees last year
that SNGPL is not supplying enough gas
has been gifted with this precious source.
has crossed the figure of 10,000. Likewise, a
for power generation. If our planners had
Internationally, solar engineers are trying
two kilo-volt electricity generator is avail-
come up with a proper gas load manage-
to develop more efficient and effective
able at around 20,000, as compared to 12-
ment plan, the use of natural gas would
solar cells so as to rely on solar energy for
13 thousand in the previous years. Both the
be much better, not only for generating
majority of appliances.
wholesalers and retailers are exploiting the
electricity but also for other sectors.
Similarly, the power of wind is also used
shortage of generators and charging exor-
It is high time that government
to generate electricity. Wind is converted
bitant rates from customers on the pretext
should learn lesson from its mistakes as
into electricity through the utilization of
of their non-availability. The customers ac-
well as those of its predecessors and work
wind turbines, which have taken on a thin,
cuse traders and importers of making artifi-
on a comprehensive energy policy to end
three bladed shape in modern times. Cur-
cial shortage of generators and maintaining
this whole trauma and provide relief to
rently, wind power supplies one percent of
that no government agency was taking no-
the masses. After completing two years in
the world's electricity needs, although with
tice of the shortage as well as high rates of
power, the government has miserably
coming advancements in technology and
generators. However, the importers say that
failed to resolve the energy crisis and its
expansion of the industry, that number
if the government waives off duties on their
ongoing policies give no hope of ending
could rise substantially in the next few years.
import, the people could easily access the
the acute shortage in the coming years.
Pakistan can also effectively utilize this
generators for their houses, businesses and
At least, there should be no politics in the
source as some of the areas in the country
other requirements.
energy sector, which is the backbone of
are best suitable for this purpose.
May 2010 | More | 43
{energy |
Halima Qureshi
} Pakistan. It bound India from stocking water of western rivers, which flow into Pakistan. Although
as per the Indus Basin Water treaty, India may build reservoirs with certain limitations but new delhi started constructing dams without informing pakistan. India's stubborn attitude is costing pakistan a lot, especially country’s agriculture sector has been hit hard. despite continuous efforts of pakistan, India has never become serious in settling the issue.
Pakistan fully abides by the treaty, India has openly violated the agreement. In 1984, it unveiled its project to build Wullar barrage on Jhelum River but it had to halt because of increased protests from Pakistan. In 1992, another controversial project of Baglihar came to light, which again made it clear that India is in no mood to follow the treaty and Pakistan's demand, not as forceful as it should have been, to stop the work fell on deaf ears. Rather Indians insisted that treaty has no provision for stopping work and invited Pakistan for talks just as a time gaining tactic and the result was that the dam was completed in 2008. The aggression did not stop here and India planned a number of other projects, including Kishan ganga and many others. If only India stops water at Head Marala, the origin of two most strategic canals, the irrigation of the Punjab province may collapse. The issue is so severe that if India builds a few more hydropower projects violating the agreement, it will make the Punjab dry and destroy the irrigation system. India’s water terrorism is also verified by the
The water resources are rapidly depleting in the region and the global warm-
revelation that it has offered technical assistance to Afghanistan to construct a dam
ing is rapidly melting the glaciers, big source of water for both the countries. While
over Kabul River, and such reports prove that India is using water as a tool of ter-
seizing Pakistan's water share, India is planning to use this for irrigating millions of
rorism. While taking benefit of different local and external challenges faced by Pak-
acres of the land, a big part of which falls in the disputed territory. As per the treaty,
istan, the New Delhi intends to advance its hostile aim of prolonging its unjust
India may build reservoirs but there are certain limitations, but the New Delhi started
occupation of the Kashmir valley. It is for this purpose that India is creating the
constructing dams without properly informing Pakistan. India's stubborn attitude
problem of insurgency as well as taking wrong cover of the Mumbai attacks. But
is costing Pakistan a lot, especially country’s agriculture sector has been hit hard.
the main problem is that the government of Pakistan has yet to adopt a straight-
The issue has been taken up with the World Bank, treaty’s main guarantor, with the
forward and assertive policy, which should force India to solve this problem, once
hope that the Bank will play a positive role to amicably solve the problem. The United
for all. Even General Musharraf, who was considered a tough man for India, could
States has also shown its willingness to mediate for a long-term solution, although
not do anything except rhetoric. The aggressiveness by India should be given a
India has never become serious in settling the issue despite continuous efforts of
strong response, and this water terrorism should be highlighted at every relevant
Pakistan. The international community is very right in its concern that water dispute
forum. Mr. Yousaf Sarwar, who is part of the Indus Basin Water Council, has warned
among the two nuclear countries may lead to a bigger conflict.
that if the issue of water flow to Pakistan is not addressed urgently, the country
Most recently, an Indian delegation led by Oranga Nathan, Indian Water Com-
will become a disaster-affected by 2013. And, God Forbid, this will be last nail in
missioner visited Pakistan, but the three-day dialogue ended without any devel-
the coffin of a nation already hit by rising inflation, shortage of wheat, sugar and
opment and, as usual, promises were made to hold another session probably in
a host of other problems.
May. The Government of Pakistan has been facing India's hostile attitude for too
The non-serious attitude of Indus River System Authority (IRSA) for proper man-
long now and our leaders will have to devise and adopt a firm policy, otherwise
agement of the use and distribution of water has also caused enormous loss of the pre-
India will continue to linger on the matter, which is a big threat to even Pakistan's
cious resource. The rift among the provinces over water supply has further aggravated
existence. There should be no hesitation to clearly voice country's stance and for
the situation. If we can not solve our internal differences, we could not even think that
this purpose all the political parties will have to stand united with the government.
India will take the water issue seriously. This is high time that our politicians and insti-
The Indus Water Treaty provided India rights to construct reservoirs on the
tutions devise a comprehensive strategy to address both internal as well as external
eastern rivers while a limited use was allowed from the western rivers reserved for 44 | More | May 2010
threats and protect the country from an endless disaster.
May 2010 | More | 45
{agrI tech |
More Report
While presiding over a mid-term re-
tain their outstanding loans. The Govern-
89 percent of agriculture loans in 2009
view meeting of the ‘Agricultural Credit Ad-
ment on its part should take immediate
against 86 percent in 2008 and 81 percent
visory Committee’ recently, the Governor of
steps to develop cordial environment and
in 2007 respectively, which is a good omen
the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has asked
mechanism for the promotion of agricul-
because if the loan recovery system is
the banks to revamp and restructure their
ture credit through banking system.
strengthened, it will become much easier
agriculture lending mechanism through in-
A proper strategy should be in place to
novative products and by adopting best
spread awareness among farming commu-
practices. This is a very timely directive as
nity about banks’financial services and other
for the government to allocate much more funds for agriculture lending. It needs to be analyzed whether credit
the agriculture sector is one of the most sig-
cropping-related information. Unfortunately,
going to farmers is sufficient and whether
nificant areas for country’s economic
the smaller provinces have always been
it will have any meaningful effect in the ab-
growth. And unless small farmers are
given a lesser share in the agricultural credit,
sence of other measures for ensuring their
strengthened through agriculture lending
the issue needs to be given top priority.
and other related measures, the sector will remain unable to play its due role.
For fulfillment of their basic needs like
economic viability. In this context, creation of production and employment opportuni-
seed, fuel, fertilizer, pesticides etc, a big ma-
ties in the rural sector through public in-
There has been a considerable develop-
jority of the farming community is depend-
vestment assumes critical importance.
ment in this sector, however the issue of
ent on the credit support. Therefore, while
Besides increasing the agriculture credit,
agriculture lending has remained a neg-
working in a crisis-like situation, the banks
the banks should also be asked to restruc-
lected area. Surveys show that banks have
must devise plans to spare money for this
ture and reschedule the outstanding debts
shown least interest because of which per-
purpose, with a special attention to rural
and make special offers for farmers of the
centage of agriculture credits has de-
and far-flung areas. The fact of the matter is
affected areas, which will definitely lead to-
creased in the last couple of years. But the
that of cities and tehsils have better oppor-
wards strengthening the whole sector.
latest SBP initiative is a welcome step and
tunities, while those of rural areas are al-
things are expected to change gradually.
most devoid of them.
Being one of the largest producers of cotton, rice wheat as well as milk, what Pak-
The banks should adopt special strate-
Critics say that Zarai Taraqiati Bank Lim-
istan urgently needs is streamlining the agri-
gies for lending to small scale farmers. In
ited (ZTBL) caters to a large community of
culture lending, and facilitating the small
this regard, coordination with the associa-
farmers who have no problem of access to
farmers. The country that was self-sufficient
tions of farmers for raising awareness as
institutional credit and enjoy debt write-off
in basic food is now importing even onions
well as marketing of agriculture industry
by the bank. If it is true, it would be in the
and tomatoes, not to speak of wheat at
and loan products is very important. This
fitness of things to convert it into a rural
times. Our problem is not resources but
will also help the financial institutions to ob-
bank. A good news is that ZTBL recovered
proper planning and implementation.
46 | More | May 2010
{MoBIle phone}
May 2010 | More | 47
{MoBIle phone}
48 | More | May 2010
May 2010 | More | 49
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50 | More | May 2010
university students, young professionals, home users, women- price point is great.
| cover story}
May 2010 | More | 51
{cover story |
52 | More | May 2010