September 2009 | Volume 2 | issue 3
Contents TELECOm
Disclaimer: Where opinion is expressed it is that of the author’s and does not necessarily coincide with the editorial views of the publisher or MORE. All information in this magazine is verified to the best of author’s and publisher’s ability. However, MORE does not accept responsibility for any loss arising from reliance on it.
A good honest ad always catches the fancy of millions even if it doesn’t have celebrity faces all over it.
ITCN Asia 2009 was one of the best IT shows in Asia. The exhibition was organized in Karachi in 3 Halls,
Chairman Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) Dr. Mohammed Yaseen recently declared that
I think about pouring Dalda Cooking Oil down my car fuel tank and I still burst out laughing. What is next,
GEnERATiOn in PAKiSTAn 16 ELECTRiCiTY BY WinDmiLLS The coastal belt of Pakistan is blessed by God Almighty with a wind corridor that is 60 km wide
26 An incredible piece of machine which does not let you down whether you make calls, browse internet or watch movies on its mega screen. First set of its kind to have introduced such a movie and camcorder features.
es were unable to ive, the worker be eh be a ar ne pt ke is eggs and resulting When a cell phone ly the queens and on ith w s ve hi e th g return home, leavin n days e colony within te th of e ps lla in the co
19 RAmADAn APPLiCATiOn 2009
Ramadan applications for 2009 are available on Ovi Store. The updated free mobile applications
The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people
Science and technology has benefited humanity in countless ways.
49 LG Electronics, Global Chief Marketing officer, Mr. Dermot Boden and Mr. K. W. Kim, CEO, ME&A region recently visited Pakistan
48 The Nokia Siemens Networks Board of Directors has appointed Rajeev Suri as Chief Executive Officer, effective October 1, 2009.
Your information is secure only if you keep a constant check on your employees,
30 PLAY hARD WiTh F305
It offers all the latest mobile handset features that a user wants in a device. Especially the motion Gaming feature,
34 SAmSUnG LED, SLimmEST AnD GREEnEST The display took care of every line of a DVD source and the shots were clearer than the other LCDs
All- in all, if we tell you about our experience, Wi-Tribe has definitely lived up to the slogan
38 Virginia Tech students build car for blind DOORWAYS OR PORTALS A STEP 39 inViSiBLE CLOSER TO REALiTY, CLAim SCiEnTiSTS SAmSUnG DUALViEW CAmERAS: PUTTinG 40 ThE PhOTOGRAPhER in ThE PiCTURE! 44-49 mOnTh in FOCUS 50-51 mOBiLE PhOnE 52-54 GADGETS
47 Intel Pakistan Corporation in collaboration with the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and National Database & Registration Authority (NADRA), recently launched a program to provide...
44 45 Talking about the enterprise level printing, Shahid Khan Director Marketing, Imaging and Printing Group, HP Pakistan
Rashid Khan, President & CEO of Mobilink, has been nominated for “The CEO of the Year” Award by the World Communication Awards (WCA) 2009.
MORE Magazine published by Mudassar Jehangir Mufti at 2nd Floor, Ali Mansion, 41-A, Lower Mall, Lahore Tel: 042 7321920, 2106737 Email: Editor-in-Chief Mudassar Jehangir Mufti | Group Editor Sumaira Mudassar | Editor Halima Qureshi | Content Coordinator Zubair Rehman | Advertising Manager Abdul Qayyum (Lahore) | Ahmed Malik (Lahore), Iqbal Yousaf (Karachi) | Designer Assad Chughtai | Marketing Executive Syed Faisal Ahmed | Zain Zahid | International Correspondent Ireland: Alina Amir |US: Ovais Qureshi | Contributor Ambreen Salman, Fahd Chishty, Halima Khan, Sacchal Mufti, Safia Aftab, Maryam Aftab, Urooj Khan | Legal Advisor Abdul Fayaz Registration No. PCPB 286 Price: Rs. 150
Mudassar J. Mufti
when a cell phone is kept near a beehive, the worker bees were unable to return to home, leaving the hives with only the queens and eggs and resulting in the collapse of the colony within ten days
8 | More | September 2009
The most crucial part of the wireless communications channel is when
the signal enters the wireless medium. Whatever the source and nature of the signals, there are always a lot of hurdles in the way to make a better communication possible. One of the most basic parts is the tower. It is the only medium for communication between your mobile and your network. Though pivotal, it causes a lot of troubles and potential hazards as well. Just recently PTA, along with Frequency Allocation Board (FAB) conducted a survey to test the harmful effects of radiations on human health which are generated by the cell phone towers during normal wireless communication process. After this extensive survey the results say that the radiation produced by any BTS is much below the prescribed limit which has been defined by Ministry of IT and World Health Organization.
Telecom towers and related equipments have become as important as food and water. This technology has served the mankind in all the areas of life but at the same time it is raising few questions. In India, just recently the radiations coming out of these towers and cell phones have caused the honey bees to die which may disturb out echo system
As far as the radiation emission is con-
80 percent of the energy consumption comes from the radio part including the towers and the BTS. If measures are taken from the regulator and the investor in order to reduce energy consumption in the radio part, we can end up achieving quite a lot of savings
ent, there is a history behind it, normally
cerned, they did their job but they missed
mobile switching centres are connected to
to address the other problems deliberately
the BSE’s and BSE’ are connected to the BTS.
or undeliberately. The tower-density in our
The BTS actually communicate with
country is increasing day by day which is a
your terminal or mobile phone. These
cause of degradation of scenic beauty and
BTSes have to be connected to each other
the environment. Not only GSM but CDMA
and eventually to the BSE. When GSM net-
and now WiMax structures are also being
work started to roll out in Pakistan there
erected with each coming day.
was one way of connecting one BTS to an-
Secondly, we must not rule out that
other and eventually connecting it back to
BTSes consume a huge electrical power
the switch was through microwave radios.
thus putting a massive load on the grid or
Microwaves work in the Line of Sight
burning fuel if connected to the generators
only. Therefore, to establish Line of Sight,
thereby increasing their environmental im-
you have to take the tower to a height
pact or “Carbon Footprint”. These huge towers can be replaced by the smarter and greener technologies
where it reaches the point where you get Line of Sight with no obstruction between tower one and tower two.
which are available today. The size of the
This is the reason we have so much
equipment can be reduced to such a level
towers installed all around the country. Nor-
that you can easily hold it in your hands.
mally, in the western world, towers are built
Technically speaking, the actual size of BTS
on highways and in rural areas. In the urban
is very small. The reason for having these
areas site A is connected with site B
communication towers is completely differ-
through fiber. September 2009 | More | 9
The tower-density in our country is increasing day by day which is a cause of degradation of scenic beauty and the environment. Not only GSM but CDMA and now WiMax structures are also being erected with each coming day
A compact example of modern Flexi by Nokia Siemens
Unfortunately, in Pakistan, when wireless network started to
Just recently, in Saudi Arabia, National Society for Human
roll out there was no fiber optic available everywhere and there
Rights from Jeddah has asked the telecom companies to stop in-
was no concept of fiber network in the metropolitan areas. The
stalling the mobile phone towers in the residential areas as it is
only available option was to build towers so they could commu-
against the Telecom Law issued in 2001.
nicate with each others. Communication among towers is possible
There have been lots of debates on the issue whether radiation
due to microwave antennas which are on the highest level
being emitted from telecom towers and phones are harmful to
whereas RF antennas that play with your phone are installed at
humans or not. World Health Organization has mentioned clearly
much lower height.
in its reports in 1999 that “current scientific evidence indicates that exposure to RF fields, such as those emitted by mobile phones and
current scientific evidence indicates that exposure to RF fields, such as those emitted by mobile phones and their base stations, is unlikely to induce or promote cancers
In the developed countries, RF antennas can be seen on a two or three story building which communicates with the rest of the equipment through fiber cable network. Towers are no more required today, if we have to expand a
their base stations, is unlikely to induce or promote cancers. Several studies of animals exposed to RF fields similar to those emitted by mobile phones found no evidence that RF causes or promotes brain cancer.” This was in response to worldwide public concern over cell phone usage, towers, and RF frequencies being implemented at the time of this report. These findings have not yet, overturned so far. This debate actually started when a US resident David Reynard, sued the cell-phone industry over the death of his wife from brain cancer. Reynard insisted there was a connection because the tumor was in the shape of a cell phone antenna and for his claim he appeared on many popular TV shows. The court ruled out his claim later but a recent study in Indian state Kerala has again raised the alarms. Study says, electromag-
network in the present time but still we see the tower erection as
netic waves emitted by the towers and the cell phones are harm-
a normal activity. Today, the fiber optic network is present in al-
ing the honey bees.
most in every big city. No company is willing to shift on the modern model as it requires investment. According to telecom analysts, now a BTS can be stored under
It was found after several experiments that bee population has experienced a sudden fall due the harmful effects of cell phone towers installed near beehives. The waves emitted by the towers
a park bench and the RF antenna can be placed on a light pole or
crippled the “navigational skills” of the worker bees that go out to
traffic signal poles which are already abundant in our cities. This
collect nectar from flowers to sustain bee colonies, said the re-
model is already in place in the third world countries as well. Delhi,
searcher, Dr. Sainuddin Pattazhy. He says when a cell phone is kept
India is one such example.
near a beehive, the worker bees were unable to return to home,
10 | More | September 2009
leaving the hives with only the queens and
safe technology. Eliminating any element
part including the towers and the BTS. If
eggs and resulting in the collapse of the
of our echo system will result in a greater
measures are taken from the regulator and
colony within ten days.
disaster in the long run.
the investor in order to reduce energy con-
Honey bee population is declining
There is no proven statement so far in
tremendously in the US since 2006. Accord-
the favor of either side. But we have plenty
ing to a survey conducted by Apiary In-
sumption in the radio part, we can end up achieving quite a lot of savings.
of options available to minimize the effect.
Typical consumption of BTS deployed
Tower erection in the densely popu-
around Pakistan by various operators con-
Department of Agriculture, nationwide loss
lated areas may be replaced with the instal-
sumes about 1600- 2000 watts whereas,
is 29 percent from all causes from Sept.
lation of RF and BTS on buildings or light
new technologies take lesser than 800
2009 to April 2009. Their colonies have died
poles. This would restore the scenic beauty.
of colony collapse disorder (CCD), a phe-
Secondly it will help save a lot of energy
I would simply say, technology is defi-
nomenon in which worker bees from a
that is being consumed by all the telecom
nitely a way forward but it should not harm
beehive suddenly disappear.
those who use it. The good part is solution
In Pakistan, we do not go into these
Currently we are facing a severe energy
any technological problem lies in the tech-
kinds of details, I don’t know if PTA was able
crisis. We are short of hundreds and thou-
nology as well so we have to upgrade our-
to think in this direction or not but stake
sands of Mega Watts.80 percent of the en-
selves in order to save ourselves and the
holder must consider measures to provide
ergy consumption comes from the radio
Mother Nature.
By: Tony Worthington
In India Standard Chartered is forecasting an increase in
ondly, value is realized for the operator’s shareholders - either
the number of towers from around 240,000 today to 450,000
through owning equity in the demerged Towerco or through
by 2014. In the country the traditional model of towers own-
the receipt of cash from the sale of equity.
ership has been commonplace for many years. Towers are
The towers model very common in North America and
built by network suppliers (such as Ericsson) and sub-con-
Europe. The model is less suitable to some Middle Eastern
tractors and are ultimately owned by the network operator.
countries where there are just two or three operators in a
The new towers model involves the transfer of the towers into a special purposes vehicle ("SPV" or "Towerco"). The net-
market. In India today many of the network operators have created Towercos.
work operator leases back the towers from the Towerco and
Bharti has two Towercos – Bharti Infratel (with around
acts as an “anchor tenant”. The Towerco then leases spare ca-
30,000 towers) and a stake in Indus Towers, where it has
pacity on the towers to other operators. Typically, the bigger
pooled a combined more than 100,000 towers with Voda-
the tower is the higher the number of potential new tenants.
fone Essar and Idea. Reliance has established Reliance Infratel
Value is then monetized via the sale of a stake in, or all of, the
(48,000 towers) and earlier this year, Tata Teleservices and
company to third party investors.
Quippo merged their tower businesses into a combined
This new towers model satisfies at least two main objec-
company with around 18,000 towers.
tives of the network operator. Firstly, value monetization gen-
So with some 200,000 towers to be built there are likely
erates cash for the company which can be used for
to be a number of investment opportunities in the Indian
expansion, for example, M&A or spectrum acquisition. Sec-
towers industry over the coming years. Courtesy: Reuter September 2009 | More | 11
Ambreen Salman
The battle of the sexes now seems to disappear in
thin air with the ongoing battle of the telecom companies. Who will be the victorious party and the knight in shining armor, only the number of customers can tell. Is there a limit or a boundary? No I don’t think so. They believe that all is fair in love and war, so what’s the worry? A battle, well how advertisement can be a battle…this thought led me to search for the true definition of advertisement, which according to Wikipedia is: “Advertising is a form of communication used to help sell products and services. Typically it communicates a message including the name of the product or service and how that product or service could potentially benefit the consumer. However, advertising does typically attempt to persuade potential customers
A good honest ad always catches the fancy of millions even if it doesn’t have celebrity faces all over it. Hence companies should try focusing on honest marketing than over budgeted dishonest marketing
to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. Many advertisements are designed to generate increased consumption of those products and services through the creation and reinvention of the "brand image". For these purposes, advertisements
panies are introducing with time. Zong ad campaign has very impres-
sometimes embed their persuasive message with factual information
sively countered the challenge of other companies by their tag line“
using measures beyond limits too. The telecom industry thus has done the same, attacking the viewers and bombarding them with SMS guns and call charge missiles leav-
very smart…..meray aziz…Zong kay customers pehlay din say 75 paisay mian bat ker rehay hain…aur yehi nahin…belkay kisi bhi network kay aik No per 50 pasiy main”.
ing no one unharmed. From Mobilink to Zong every company is trying
We saw Ali Zaffar going bonkers in this maze of telecom industry
to buy the consumer either by hiring celebrities or by touching the
and helplessly hanging on to the locks of Mobilink when his old brand
funny bone. The first time a big ad campaign was launched by Mobilink
didn’t renew the contract, after all ab kamana bhi to ha. Telenor doesn’t
with many big names endorsing the brand. Hence Mobilink has been
seem to have any botheration with this contract as they move on cast-
able to attract consumers by luring them into the web of celebrity light.
ing fresh faces spreading their message loudly and clearly. What can
If you see the ever charismatic Jamal Shah and the courageous Iman
one say it’s their commercial? Ufone tagging along well catching the
Ali using Mobilink who would not want to do the same! When the bat-
singing and dancing spirit of its competitor irrespective of Zong’s slow
tle became fierce the rest of the telecom companies also started fo-
and steady monologue. The battle of gaining more customers and
cusing on their ad campaigns and today on television you either get
becoming more successful made Ufone go beyond board, but Zong
to see the political talk shows or telecom company ads.
responded back forcefully, but wisely– without using insulting words
With claims such as Mobilink’s “reshaping lives” Zong’s “sub kah do” Ufone’s “tum he to ho”Telenor’s “talkshawk” and Warid’s “life ka network” who would one consider?
and doing the trick as well. No matter how fancy they make their ad campaigns and how funny they look on television if the company is trying to trick the con-
Where Ufone is trying hard to make people happy and attract to
sumer into buying their product it won’t work for long. They should
Ufone by the comic element Zong has launched a campaign to make
have the decency to tell the truth about their products in their ads. In
the consumer aware of what they are providing and what other com-
the end of every ad you can always notice a little asterisk on the side
12 | More | September 2009
of the price they are selling so loudly on every television channel and
of our neighboring country. India’s telecom ads are in a league of
every asterisk has some little writing on the screen which cannot be
its own and they are so strong substance wise that they hardly use
even read by the consumer.
celebrity power to sell their product to the consumer. If we only
A good honest ad always catches the fancy of millions even if it
take Vodafone ads you will agree with me when I say that they are
doesn’t have celebrity faces all over it. Hence companies should try
innovative and a pioneers in their style of advertisement which
focusing on honest marketing than over budgeted dishonest marketing.
does not in any way include ridicule on other brands and are totally
Since the last 5 years telecom advertisement in Pakistan has
customer oriented. I hope one day we can prove to the world just
come a long way and in the battle to prove ones worth I hope it
how creative we are, till then good luck to the efforts being put in
become even better and one day compete with advertisements
by our telecom industry advertisements.
expressed hopes that despite tough competition and local market impacts of the telecom sector the PTCL has great extent of potential to go ahead as a global trendsetter leader. Warid, Telenor, and Mobilink were not at the exhibition. But Ufone came along with PTCL. Internet Broadband operators showed their presence with Wateen, WiTribe and WorldCall’s appearance at the expo. During the three day event many local and foreign companies displayed their products in the halls. Dell Pakistan’s booth was very prominent in the hall number 1. It had displayed Laptops and other hardware products for the general and advanced users. Dell also asked the university students to pose for them by wearing Dell TShirts. CIO WebStudio’s booth was there to know the people’s opinion on the ITCN Asia 2009 was one of the
with the “Multiple Ribbon Cutting” by
event and to record product reviews.
best IT shows in Asia. The exhibition
Naguibullah Malik, Federal Secretary IT &
was organized in Karachi in 3 Halls,
Telecom along with Dr. Khursheed Nizam,
recorded an ITCN Special of “In The
where over 130 exhibitors from more
President, Ecommerce Gateway Pakistan
Line Of Wire”.
than 15 countries participated. The
(Pvt) Ltd, Walid Irshaid, President, PTCL, Mo-
The Exhibition was very promising
Event was attended by approx. 117
hamamd Sadiq, CEO, Wi-Tribe Pakistan, Dr.
especially the ZONG stall had a large
foreign delegates from Canada, China,
Muhammad Yaseen, Chairman, PTA,
wall where students were scribbling
France, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong,
Usman Sheikh, MD & COO, KHL, Pervez
they hearts out.
India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Nether-
Iftikhar, CEO, Universal Service Fund Pak-
Overall the exhibition was a suc-
lands, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, UAE,
istan, Raheel Kamal, Senior Director, Global
cess, a lot of students, foreign dele-
U.K & USA. A number of overseas Pak-
Business Development, Qualcomm Inc.
gates and industry people visited the
istanis also attended the Event.
USA, Sikandar Naqi, Senior Executive Vice
exhibition and appreciated the efforts
The unique and colorful Inauguration Ceremony was held on August 11, 2009
President, PTCL. On the occasion, Mr.Walid Irshad
of the people who organized the exhibition.
September 2009 | More | 13
tion reaching 58.20%. Cellular segment leads the share in total teledensity by 94.10% followed by FLL 2.60% and WLL 3.30%. There are total 10,148 cities/towns/villages covered and 28,124 cell sites installed by all cellular operators covering almost 92% of the land area of Pakistan. Total fixed line subscribers (FLL) in Pakistan stand at 3.7 million yielding a teledensity of 2% (as of March 2009). The Wireless Local Loop (WLL) solution in relation to fixed line requires less investment with high returns. Today WLL services are available in Pakistan From L-R, Mr. Sikandar Naqi SEVP (Corporate Affairs), PTCL, Mr. Aamir Ibrahim CSO, Telenor, Chairman PTA, Dr. Mohammed Yaseen, Fatima Suriya Bajiya, Mr. Pervaiz Iftikhar CEO USF and other dignitaries are seen in the picture
and value added services like EvDO are also available. The WLL services are getting popu-
Chairman Pakistan Telecommunica-
of telecom consumer’s grievances and taking
lar especially in rural areas and total sub-
tion Authority (PTA) Dr. Mohammed Yaseen
number of steps to resolve their issues. In this
scribers of WLL stood at 2.6 million with 1.6%
recently declared that PTA would soon
regard PTA has revamped complaint han-
teledensity. There are currently more than
launch number of new services to protect
dling mechanism of mobile companies, PTCL
11,669 cities/ towns/villages covered by WLL
consumer rights including introduction of
and other telecom operators. A subscriber
services. The Long Distance & International
668 service through which a mobile con-
can launch a complaint with its relevant op-
(LDI) segment of the Pakistan telecom sector
sumer would be able to know all SIM connec-
erator and in case complaint is not resolved
has gone through developmental and
tions issued against his name by just sending
consumer can approach PTA Consumer Cell.
growth phases in a very small period. Tariffs
single SMS. He was speaking at Consumer Forum or-
He further said that PTA would switch on
of LDI witnessed stability. Broadband is expe-
to a new service in September which would
riencing healthy growth since last year and
ganized by PTA in Karachi with a theme of “To-
enable a mobile user to know all SIM connec-
companies are providing broadband services
gether for Consumer Rights”. The Forum was
tions details issued against his name by just
with DSL, Cable, FTTH, WiMax and EvDO tech-
attended by senior representatives of telecom
sending his CNIC to 668. This would help in
nologies across Pakistan whereas DSL is the
operators, consumer rights organizations, ac-
detecting real identification of a SIM user. This
most popular technology. There are currently
ademia, media and other stakeholders. Mem-
new service is part of PTA’s efforts to block all
411,067 broadband subscribers.
ber Technical PTA Dr. Khawar Siddique Khokhar
illegal SIMs and clean the data of mobile
On this occasion Mr. Aamir Ibrahim CSO,
and other senior officers also attended the
users. Under the new regulations, operators
Telenor, Mr. Sikandar Naqi SEVP (Corporate Af-
Forum. Chairman PTA said that PTA was work-
have been asked to seek consumer consent
fairs), PTCL , Mr. Pervaiz Iftikhar CEO USF and
ing on formulation of Spam Regulations under
before activation of any new package. While
Mr. Naseem Ahmed Vohra, Consultant Wa-
which consumers would be facilitated against
responding to various queries of participants
teen Telecom gave detailed presentations on
unwanted and obnoxious SMS and calls. He
the Chairman said that PTCL management
cellular mobile, fixedline and uplift of telecom
said that PTA has already introduced Con-
has been working to improve its system and
services in rural Sindh. Mr. Mujahid Bralvi sen-
sumer Regulations 2009 wherein issues such
they have ensured PTA to make appropriate
ior journalist and Mohtarma Fatima Surrya
as misleading advertisements, call charges and
steps to provide its consumers best services.
Bajya, an pronounced intellectual also spoke
problems related to tariffs of mobile compa-
The overall teledensity in the country has
in detail on behalf of telecom consumers.
nies have been addressed. Chairman PTA said that PTA is cognizant 14 | More | September 2009
reached 61.80%. There are currently 94.30 mil-
Chairman PTA presented shields to the par-
lion mobile subscribers with mobile penetra-
ticipants on this occasion.
Halima Khan
Those greens will have you going all
ing it vegetable oil car fuel, not
the way to your old age, I remember my
only because I am a proud layman but also
mother reminding me of that ultimate
because as a woman my ‘favorite’ kitchen
truth every meal. What she missed out on
health ingredient is doing me proud on the
was how these vegetables will run my car
road now. It is such a household title unlike
world; ahem load-shedding. Blame reces-
to old age too. Shocked! Join the club. The
all those fancy names these white coat peo-
sion, inflation everything and anything even
first time I heard vegetable oil playing dual
ple keep branding simple things as. For once
corruption on the oil crisis if you feel like it,
rule of car fuel was in the Allen Show. She
there is something anything un-mechanical
since this crisis of natural resources is hardly
was having a go at our humor bone like she
about the car that will not be whooshing
as umm easily remedied as planting a tree.
usually did when she brought up vegetable
past my head.
oil as energy conservation alternate.
This new technological advancement
Shrug! Just as corruption the incurable can’t be remedied by the very exhaustible
I laughed like everyone else watching
is no e=mc2, it is pretty simple. Cholesterol
natural resources. There has been talk
that show must have especially when a pic-
free, weight friendly vegetable oil extracted
about solar energy and wind energy has
ture popped up to substantiate her ‘point’.
from vegetables I never liked but was
been roped in too in the list of alternate en-
What was hilarious then became a drilling
forced fed to eat feeding car engines inex-
ergy options alongside to thermal and nu-
reality soon enough. America’s invasion on
pensively. It is as healthy for our environ-
clear energy. Nuclear energy stands
Iraq did not exactly do what they hoped
ment as it is for our anatomy. It is cheaper
disputed because of its byproducts. While
for; the impeding fuel crisis came anyways.
than petrol and even cheaper than diesel
the other natural resources are heavy in-
Myth busters a Discovery show ran a similar
and gas, prices of which are almost as high
vestments if the are to be manually manu-
story on vegetable oil as alternate car fuel
as petrol now. When you go shopping for
factured. The latest fad in this alternate
to petrol etc. The story wasn’t so hilarious
grocery you buy vegetables when you can’t
energy source hunting is going organic.
anymore! They substantiated their conclu-
afford meat, no? So maybe when you go
Vegetables help the go green cause too.
sion with a test run on a Mercedes Benz,
get your tank full you save up cash by
That is an added benefit. It is getting all the
vegetables are miraculous no doubt. Myth
going for the vegetable option.
hype probably only because it still has an
busters conclusion was that vegetable oil/cooking oil can be used as car fuel. The fact is hardly as amazing as it was
Uncle Sam! No need to invade more oil fields anymore, target vegetable fields now. Maybe eh!
when the show was run. From T.V shows and
Biodiesel as vegetable oil or animal fat
comedy talk it has been taken to science
reacted with alcohol components to get an
laboratories. It is seriously under considera-
alternate fuel. Wow! Impressive.
tion for its potential as energy conservation
Oil crisis has not only been a blow to the
fuel. This alternative fuel has a prettier name
economy world over but this energy crisis
too now, biodiesel. Personally I do prefer call-
has directly blown out the light from our
underline of amusement. I think about pouring Dalda Cooking Oil down my car fuel tank and I still burst out laughing. What is next, desi ghee maybe? Vegetables get excused from the dinner menu, hey Vegetarian save some for biodiesel conversion, please! Mom, I am saving the vegetables to run my car. My sacrifice, its gain!
September 2009 | More | 15
Sacchal Mufti
Mankind has been harnessing the
wind's energy for many years. From Holland
Anatomy of the windmill
to traditional farms around the world, windmills were used in the past for pumping water
Windmill electricity tur-
through primitive irrigation systems or used
bines, unlike the machines of
to grind grain. Then, the wind turned large
old, are mounted on very tall
"sails" which were connected by a long verti-
towers in order to capture the
cal shaft that was attached to a grinding ma-
most wind energy available. At 100 feet (30
chine or to a wheel that turned and drew
meters) or more above ground, wind turbines
water from a well.
can take advantage of the faster and less tur-
history of windmills
ergy with their propeller-like blades. Usually,
bulent wind. Turbines catch the wind's enResearch by the prestigious Franklin Institute revealed that the first windmills were in-
two or three blades are mounted on a shaft to form a rotor.
stalled at the beginning of the Islamic
A blade acts much like an airplane wing.
civilization (7th century) and the concept
When the wind blows, a pocket of low-pres-
spread until windmills appeared on the farms
sure air forms on the downwind side of the
of Western Europe in the 11th century.
blade. The low-pressure air pocket then pulls
By the 17th century, the Netherlands had
the blade toward it, causing the rotor to turn.
become the world's most industrialized na-
This is called lift. The force of the lift is actually
tion by extensive use of wind power to drive
much stronger than the wind's force against
trading ships, to power grinding mills, and to
the front side of the blade, which is called
pump water from lands that were once be-
drag. The combination of lift and drag causes
neath the sea.
the rotor to spin like a propeller, and the turn-
Advancement in the science and tech-
ing shaft spins a generator to make power.
The coastal belt of Pakistan is blessed by God Almighty with a wind corridor that is 60 km wide (Gharo to Keti Bandar) and 180 km long (up to Hyderabad.) This corridor has the exploitable potential of 50,000 MW of electricity generation through wind energy
Applications of windmills Stand-alone windmill electricity turbines
nology sector has enabled today's turbines to
The wind turbine operates for 363 out of
are typically used for water pumping or com-
utilize the energy of the wind to turn large
365 days a year and stopped only for two
munications. However, homeowners, farmers,
metal blades which in turn spins a generator
days during the whole year for carrying out
and ranchers in windy areas can also use
that manufactures electric power.
its scheduled maintenance.
wind turbines as a way to cut their power bills.
16 | More | September 2009
Small windmill electricity systems also have potential as distributed energy resources. Distributed energy resources refer to a variety of small, modular power-generating technologies that can be combined to improve the operation of the electric power delivery system.
Windmills for electricity in Pakistan We Pakistanis are very much conversant with this menace of loadshedding. Pakistan is at present short of hundreds of Mega Watts (MW) of electricity. Well this shortage cannot be overcome in just a few days, but steps are needed to be taken at a very high level to curb this shortfall. First of all what needed to be analyzed is what our present means of generation of electricity are. Our prime sources are the fossil fuels but time has shown that this method or mean is extremely costly as oil prices keep fluctuating, generally having an upward trend. So we need to look for other resources mainly using the alternate energy resources.
Windmills usage in Asia Generation of electricity through wind is not something new in this region of world. India, the fourth in line of countries in the world for the generation of electricity, is pro-
Long coastal belt of Pakistan.
Recently a remote area fisherman Shah Kamal started generating electricity through the use of windmill for several households in his village about 150 kilometers south of Karachi. He is using small scale windmills or wind turbines to generate electricity for an island which had no electricity supply
ducing more than 8000 MW of electricity by
source: Google Map
means is the need of the hour. He commented that as we require a huge number of wind turbines to curb this shortfall so that’s why we need to develop these turbines and windmills indigenously. He gave various examples proving that our technicians are no less skilled than their foreign counterparts and these assets can be used for developing windmills. In his article he also pinpointed all the industrial facilities and their locations which can be used for manufacturing different parts of windmills that is blades, control box, cables and steel towers etc
Wind corridors in Pakistan
utilizing wind turbines. The big advantage is
ideal geographic location and many more.
In Pakistan we possess a lot of wind re-
that they are exporting windmills or wind tur-
We can use this windmill source for electricity
source in the province of Sindh and coastal
bines as well.
generation at its fullest. We have an abundant
areas of Baluchistan. The coastal belt of Pak-
cheap manpower, cheap raw materials and
istan is blessed by God Almighty with a wind
China has a distinction of having the largest wind-power system infrastructure in
technical expertise all that can be used at its
corridor that is 60 km wide (Gharo to Keti Ban-
Asia as an alternative way of producing cheap
utmost to develop this capability of electricity
dar) and 180 km long (up to Hyderabad.) This
electricity, particularly in far away regions. Ac-
generation through wind.
corridor has the exploitable potential of
cording to experts, a wind turbine farm of
Recently Air Commodore (Retd) Azfar A
100-megawatt power can be set up for an ini-
Khan who has been MD of a factory at Pak-
tial investment of $50 million having no con-
istan Aeronautical Complex, Kamra and who
currence cost or extra expenditure.
also delivers lectures on wind and solar energy wrote a very comprehensive article for
Advantages of using windmills in Pakistan
using windmills in electricity generation through wind.
50,000 MW of electricity generation through wind energy
Steps taken by the government The government of Pakistan has taken various steps in gearing up the efforts to use
Pakistan is gifted with innumerable gifts
He argued that as we are facing a major
alternate energy resources for electricity gen-
from God. We have an excellent weather, an
shortfall in electricity so devising alternate
eration. But more steps needed. Following are September 2009 | More | 17
The wind turbine operates for 363 out of 365 days a year and stopped only for two days during the whole year for carrying out its scheduled maintenance
land which had no electricity supply, and fishermen residing there felt that Government of Pakistan is not well placed to provide electricity – hence, they took the initiative and installed 5 turbines to lit 100 homes with 2 bulbs each. Steps like these can really exploit this source in our country and our government A view of Wind Power plant at Jhumpir. courtesy APP
should facilitate local investors to invest in these ventures.
various steps taken and developments re-
dian company Suzman for getting wind tur-
garding wind energy which are undertaken
bines of 100mw each.
form of natural resources and manpower. We
by government.
can use these God gifted resources to the ut-
Wind power plant in Sindh Establishment of ADEB (Alternate Energy Dev Board) The establishment of ADEB is indeed a
Pakistan first ever wind power plant is in-
huge shortfall of electricity in our country. Steps needed to be taken at higher level as
would be able to generate a major chunk of
the ground is all set for the development.
electricity demand in rural
board is specifically made to explore alternate
Sindh. Recently it was told by
energy opportunities in Pakistan and to de-
ministry of Water and Power
velop feasibility plans in this regard.
the government had set a tar-
According to Director Technical AEDB,
get of 5 percent of electricity
Irfan Afzal Mirza, Pakistan would be able to
generation by 2030 from alter-
produce another 1,000mw power through
native energy sources through
wind energy within a few years. The Alternate
the Alternative Energy Devel-
Energy Development Board has said that they
opment Board (AEDB)
have accorded 23 projects. Each project the country would produce 1,000mw energy through wind within a period of next three to four years.
Local fisherman using windmills Recently a remote area fisherman Shah Kamal started
According to a report generated by AEDB
generating electricity through
23 investors have been allotted land in the
use of windmill for several
main wind corridor. 8 companies have final-
households in his village about
ized their feasibility and eight investors have
150 kilometers south of
been given power generation licenses and
Karachi. He is using small scale
four investors have even been issued tariff.
windmills or wind turbines to
Pakistan is also collaborating with and In18 | More | September 2009
most of our advantage and can curb this
stalled in Jhumpir, Thatta in Sindh. This project
great step by Government of Pakistan. This
would be able to produce 50mw power. So
Our country has all the potential in the
generate electricity for an is-
Small Wind Mill installed by a local fisherman in Karachi courtesy: APP
Ramadan applications for 2009 are available on Ovi Store.
clude the Holy Quran, Prayer Times, Hadeeth, Zakah Calculator,
The updated free mobile applications tailored for the Holy Month
Mozzaker, Hajj and Umrah and Cards. New features include Quran
of Ramadan are available on the compatible Nokia devices directly
recitation from multiple recitors, which users can choose to down-
from Nokia’s Ovi Store.
load, based on their preference and in MP3 form. Prayer timings
“Last year’s applications were very well received, as we saw
and Qibla direction are provided for 1000 cities in 200 countries,
over 2.4 million Ramadan applications downloaded. And based
along with the ability to add, remove, update and edit any location
on the feedback we had received from Nokia consumers, we have
using the GPS. The new Zakah Calculator helps Muslims calculate
further enhanced the offering this year to include additional ap-
Zakah based on their income.
plications as well as upgrades to some of the existing features. The
Ramadan applications for 2009 are compatible with a range of
applications this year also support a wider range of devices, to in-
Nokia devices including Nokia N97, Nokia N86, Nokia E75, Nokia E66,
clude both touch and non-touch Nokia devices,” said Imran Khalid
Nokia 7210, Nokia 6730c, Nokia 6720c, , Nokia 6303, Nokia 6300,
Mahmood, General Manager, Nokia Pakistan.
Nokia 6120c, Nokia 5800XpressMusic and Nokia 5130, . The user in-
This year’s Ramadan applications are feature packed, and in-
terface for the applications is in English, Arabic, French and Urdu. n
New sales mark reached in just 4 months, faster than
any previous Samsung mobile Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., a leading mobile phone provider, announced that sales of the Samsung Star, its hugely popular touch screen mobile phone, surpassed the 5-million mark this month. The Star (model number S5230), launched in May, is the fastest model in Samsung’s history to reach the milestone. Launched first in Europe, one million of the touch screen devices were sold in the first month and a half alone, after which the company expanded sales efforts to include markets in CIS, Southeast and Southwest Asia, East-Central Africa, China, and Central America. More than 700,000 units of the Star were sold in May and more than 900,000 in June. Monthly sales in July and August were 1.6 million and 1.8 million, respectively. Based on the current trend, Samsung projects total cumulative sales to reach 10 million globally by November.
September 2009 | More | 19
Safia Aftab
tiny machine. “The production of too many
come for us; mere status and style symbols.
useful things results in too many useless peo-
Around me most of my friends bought
ple.” Karl Marx said this and even though I
blackberry when once they started working but
might not agree with his sociological
sadly none of them used blackberry for the extra
theories but I must say by
features it is proud to have but for the soul pur-
saying this he has nailed
pose of feeling like a “business woman”. Most of
the coffin and now
them don’t even know what blackberry prides
whatever I will say
itself to be, for them it is a device they use to
might not do justice to what already has been said. Recently my friend started her first job
show off, call from, SMS and take pictures which they later upload to their facebook. We are such obedient slaves to fashion and
after graduating from college and what
technology that we cannot resist to buy a 20
she did with her first pay is not surprising
grand or more worth cell phone even though
anymore because almost everyone is
we do not need the special features made to
doing exactly the same thing. Before
cater to a certain class of people.
her first pay came I asked her what she
Long time back I used to judge a man by
will do with her pay, her reply was that
his shoes and the co-ordination of shirt and tie
she will buy herself a blackberry as that
but now I weigh him on the basis of his mobile
gives you a “business woman” look. Does this
phone and its ring tone. And how he says“hello”
sound familiar? I am sure it does because that
is the making or the breaking point of his im-
thought is probably yours as well.
pression on me. When I realized this I was
Every woman wants a mobile phone
shocked at the change time has brought and
which will make her the showstopper of every
what technology has made us. Hence the peer
place she goes to. And every man wants a cell
pressure is intense and the race competitive
which will have all the applications and yet be
and only those will survive who can stay with
as masculine as them. A woman with a chic
the flow and let the technology give them a
pink phone will catch every other woman’s
smooth sail.
Society is an entity which can be ana-
fancy and the attention will elevate her. And a
Only just I was going through a book on T.S
lyzed independently of the actions and the ac-
man with a black manly cell will have the awe
Eliot and I came across this saying by him on
tors which comprise it. Hence all events and
of every man and the women will fancy him.
the invention of radios back then, “It is a
phenomena can be understood by referring
It saddens me to think that we have been
medium of entertainment which permits mil-
them to the wider social forces acting as an in-
so blinded by the little toy of communication
lions of people to listen to the same joke at the
dividual shaping his responses while staying
that we cease to register the impact it has on
same time, and yet remain lonesome.”What he
beyond its control. This is exactly what is hap-
us. Cell phone is just not a tiny machinery made
will have to say about today’s technology
pening now, thanks to technology. Why I am
to stay in touch with someone but it has em-
boom, one wonders. I for one would have
bringing in such a dry subject and linking it with
braced the whole world within itself. If I take my
loved to know his view on the wide spread
one thing everyone loves, cell phones would
friend’s example again and tell you that her
madness of buying the most latest and the
be the question in your mind right now. So give
blackberry is no more than a status symbol for
most “in” cell phone just so you can be the one
me the chance to elaborate and tell you exactly
her, how will you react? You probably won’t
delivering peer pressure and not the one re-
how we have put ourselves to the mercy of a
react at all for that is what cell phones have be-
ceiving it!
20 | More | September 2009
Fahd Chishty
September 2009 | More | 21
Maryam Aftab
Beauty is
skin deep. The person who said this was neither mocking the Goddess of beauty nor criticizing Cleopatra, He
“mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is the fairest one of all?’’
was just a realistic man who knew
That is the tag line behind this great in-
beauty is a trait you are not born
vention. A mirror specifically designed for
with; beauty is very much acquired.
cosmetic application and facial cleansing
Well don’t call me blasphemous I can
can make all the difference in the world -
prove it to you. Have you ever been to a par-
the difference between fine detail and seeing
lor? Too predictable! Then have you ever been
things you would not otherwise know are
Science and technology has benefited humanity in countless ways. It has not just invented ways of saving human life but has also succeeded in making a brunette a blonde. A curly haired damsel does not have to die with her curls
to a gadget shop? If your wallet is full beauty
there. These mirrors come with their own spe-
can be easily bought.
cial lighting as well as one side that is magni-
length or short hair everything is doable with
Science and technology has benefited
fied. They are great for getting into detail with
the new haircut machine. All you do is set the
humanity in countless ways. It has not just in-
makeup as well as spotting areas on your face
notch to the desired length and run it across
vented ways of saving human life but has also
that need extra attention.
your head. It will save money and works great
succeeded in making a brunette a blonde. A
for the kids as well. In car hair salon is the next
curly haired damsel does not have to die with
step to this easy hair do journey. It is cordless,
her curls; she can straighten them in five min-
portable, ceramic strengtheners you can
utes everyday. Science let us all bow to its
charge at work or even in the car. This product
banishes bad hair days for ever.
The tools and gadgets that are designed
Technology has even combated beauty
to help us put our best face on, to the nifty
salons out. So many palm top beauty equip-
gadgets we use to maintain anything else
New versions of straightening and
ments have been introduced that work more
about our appearance, some of us may not
curling irons are bombarding the market.
efficiently and give results in minutes. The
even know these tools exist. Most women are
Irons come with features that add shine to
exfoliator is one of such inventions. It has
unaware of the difference between skin care
hair, combat frizzness and fight against heat
small, round, rotating pads with a jagged sur-
and makeup application with a specialized
damage to the hair. Most come in ceramic
face that work with crystals to remove dead
beauty mirror. Well the step mothers in fairy
form. Moving on to giving you a haircut your-
skin cells and expose new and fresh skin. One
tales can pass as the brain behind this.
self, it was never so simple and easy. One-
such palm top wonders can even fight old
22 | More | September 2009
age .The machine tones facial muscles and
magic powers would have been shunned by
give the skin a nonsurgical lift. Sends an elec-
the technology ghost had they existed in this
trical micro current through the muscles to
age and time.
make them contract and plump up. The cur-
Next is mascara on the acquired beauty
rent also boosts circulation to help drain tox-
list. It comes with a little button on the appli-
ins and calm puďŹƒness and eye bags.
cator to make it vibrate as you use it to coat
All the fairy tale villainish Knights and
your lashes. This thin mascara is capable of
Lords should be glad they only had to fight
7,000 vibrations per minute for perfect for-
dragons and pretty dames. Their empires and
mula application; it coats each individual lash with 360-degree coverage. Lashes are extended, reshaped and appear to be multiplied. Ready to beat Bambi! A semi-permanent, natural lipstick can make you look glossy and pink even in bed.
Name any part of the body, come up
Lip Ink is a semi-permanent make-up range
with any problem or to put it bluntly, if you
that is used by most celebrities. Lip gloss for
dislike any natural feature in your body, tech-
teeth can instantly make them look pearly
nology can mould and redo it for you. God
white. The instant pedicure machine can suck
created but technology modified and taught
the strain and tiredness out of your body and
man the instant ways to hide and mend any-
make your feet look clean.
thing they want. Beauty is skin deep.
September 2009 | More | 23
Fahad Chishty
Every single
ber of Firewalls and other IT security measures,
Mac is the most secured OS, does it need
organization in the
if an employee of the organization unknow-
security measures? She said “indeed Mac is the
ingly(or intentionally) makes a wrong click, by-
most secured OS yet with very little malware
threat of Information
passing all the security measures that have
issues but it will always be a universal truth
hijack. In the present
been put, then how much is the IT security
that thefts happen mostly on the corner
scenario, every com-
going to be effective.
houses. This is because it is easy for the people
puter that is conMs. Attiya Akram
nected to the net is
vulnerable to external attacks. This increases the importance of Information and IT security. With a view to enlighten people and company officials about the threats that they can and do face, we talked to Ms. Attiya Akram, Manager IT Solutions at Trillium Information Security Systems. She is one of the few CISSP certified officials in Pakistan. Trillium offers a wide variety of corporate level security solutions for a number of platforms including Windows, Linux, Novell, Lotus and probably for Mac in the future. Kaspersky is one of the products that they provide being the official
Your information is secure only if you keep a constant check on your employees, you know how and where to invest your money and how well to define your security policies for the employees besides having a good anti-malware and intrusion prevention measures installed
to monitor those houses, discover their loopholes and breach into the security. Same is the case with these two OS, Windows being the most used is most vulnerable and prone to attacks from its evil genius users. As the trend is now shifting towards Mac nowadays, there are a few reported issues of Mac as well. And since we tend to provide preemptive measures, Kaspersky team has started working on a Kaspersky product for Mac Hosts as well”. In a message to the students of IT field and their teachers, she said that the course we study at the universities is very much outdated. When we come into the market freshly graduated or after a master's degree, we don’t
distributor. She explained that information se-
Your information is secure only if you keep
have any idea of the industry position. I often
curity and IT security are two dimensions
a constant check on your employees, you
recommend my old class fellows who are
apart. People and organizations regard secu-
know how and where to invest your money
now instructors at various respectable insti-
rity as a cost factor and not as an essential part
and how well to define your security policies
tutes to revise their syllabus according to the
of the organization. IT security is related to
for the employees besides having a good anti-
industry standards.
your computers and the network whereas In-
malware and intrusion prevention measures
We always have to take 6 months in
formation Security demands a whole lot of
installed. We at our end tend to provide the
teaching the fresh degree holders the require-
policies, procedures, regulations and enforce-
best support to our customers.
ments of the industry in the security depart-
ments. IT security is the responsibility of the
To a question about comparison with other
ment. Therefore the institutes should be more
computer or network administrator while In-
anti-malware products, she said “Kaspersky is
industry oriented. If the research that a student
formation Security is that of the Board of Gov-
light, efficient and the world’s best rated anti-
is conducting has no application in the market
ernors. No organization can be secure if the
virus solution. The databases are updated after
then the market has no requirement of such
higher authorities are not aware of the infor-
every two hours and all the updates are tested
an individual.
mation security procedures and guidelines. As
i.e. they will certainly not harm your system. This
Moreover the students should also take
a matter of fact 60% security breaches are due
update rate is the highest among all other anti-
pain in learning beyond their books and
to human error. Suppose you have installed
viruses which accounts for the fact that viruses
course. Only then they will be able to survive
an excellent anti-malware system and a num-
are written every minute in the world”.
easily in the market.
24 | More | September 2009
September 2009 | More | 25
n An incredible piece of machine which does not let you down whether you make calls, browse internet or watch movies on its mega screen. First handset of its kind to have introduced such a movie and camcorder features. This pricey handset is for those who want everything in their pocket, mobile phone, camera, computer and DVD player. Samsung is known for the absolute beauty it gives what it produces, Omnia HD (i8910) is one such thing.
26 | More | September 2009 Samsung Omnia HD comes with a charger, 3.5 mm head set, data cable and a TV output cable. The front of the handset is quite wide (123x 59) mm having 3.7 inches 16 M color AMOLED touch screen. The capacitive touch screen does not require a stylus and is very responsive. Starting from the front, the panel holds video call camera and the proximity sensor at the top. The sensor locks the screen during the
call to avoid accidental touches on the screen. Three hardware keys are displayed at the bottom comprising of Call, Menu and End key. The last key also used to turn the phone o and on. Left side of the phone holds Volume key, MicroSD card slot which is lid covered. Hold key (to lock/unlock) the phone, Camera key and microUSB port are placed on the right side. Top of the phone is dedicated to the audio features. A loud speaker and the 3.5 mm audio
jack is present while a second loud speaker can be located at the bottom of the phone. The glossy black colored back holds the big 8MP camera along with the LED flash. Remove the back cover without any creaking noise and you will find the big 1500 mAH battery and the SIM inserting slot. The AMOLED screen consumes less energy, thus, increasing the battery life many times. Normally our battery lasted for 3 days, but it lasted for 2 days when we watched 3 standard
movies of over 1:30 hrs each, normal calling,
about the home screen Touch Wiz, main
Playing the movie through Real Player is
FM radio and music player remained active
menu and the rest of the software will look
good but it got better when we played the
off and on. We were also able to do a little bit
like N86 and the likes.
same movie on Samsung’s own video player.
of browsing using WLAN option. The con-
Omnia’s inner menu is well planned dis-
The mega 3.7" display and double speak-
sumption of the battery largely depends
play. Unlike Samsung Jet, there are no three
ers on each corner (if you are watching tilting
upon the nature of content you watch and
menu screens. All the related applications are
the phone horizontally) gives you a feeling of
listen to along with the display settings. For-
packed logically so that everything is accom-
real mini LCD which it actually is. When I put
tunately, the phone also gets charged when
modated on a single menu screen.
on the Samsung’s earphone, I can simply say,
connected to PC through data cable.
Menu can be displayed elegantly in the
it was awesome. I was able to save almost 10
grid as well as list format. Accelerometer ro-
to 15 movies though they were a reduced in
tates the display quite well, other than the
size but this phone really partnered me dur-
menu items which always maintain their ver-
ing all my travels. At home, I even attached
tical display.
the external speakers with my amplifier set and I was able to have a feeling of small theater. Yes it is a mobile theater. Samsung player support the subtitle also that you can customize according to you
Omnia HD Touch Wiz
wish. It can play the movies of variety of formats except for the .MKV for which we had to transform it to AVI Omnia HD QWERTY pad
High Definition video is a complete fun, we tried high definition “Angel and Demons”,
messaging Touch Wiz
“Transformers”, “Iron Man” and couple more.
Like the earlier touch phones from Sam-
Never during the movie session the phone
sung, built-in accelerometer automatically
got hung or it missed any frame, thanks to
i8910’s default home screen is Samsung
turns the input display to vertical or horizontal
ARM Cortex A8 600 MHz and PowerVR SGX
default Touch Wiz where you can place as
position. Typing is easy with large buttons
graphics chip. Recording a HD movie through
many widgets as you can. Soon as you slide
may it be SMS, MMS or Email.
this phone was a magical experience as well.
open the widget bar, 3 small shortcuts at the
Though it is very easy to type on the vir-
top appears letting you place the widget on
tual keypad but doing it with speed may miss
three different home screens. Send back the
the letter, very seldom it happened with the
widget bar and the screen short cuts are
gone. Widgets are icons or small programs
Well built email client performs every typ-
meant to open applications or display
ical task that an email client supposed to do.
needed information on the screen. It has be-
Configuration was easy but manual. You can
come quite a handy technique to avoid long
customize various options just like sending
unfolding of menus.
emails at a specified time to avoid wasting
A little sweep to the right on the home
data traffic.
Omnia HD connected to a regular TV
One more thing, you can watch all your
screen will take you to the Photo contact fea-
For SMS, MMS and Email, Alphanumeric,
videos fullscreen on your TV and the phone
tures and sweep to the left opens the main
Querty and Hand Recognized key pads are
handles this quite excellently. Use the TV-out
menu. There are other ways to open your
at the bottom of Touch Wiz which are Tele-
cable and connect your phone with it. TV’s screen orientation remains stable no matter
basic applications by using the four buttons
Video Players
how you rotate your phone. The cable does
Omnia HD is rich for playing HD video. A
not transfer the HD content to the TV but still
First time Samsung has used Symbian
Real Player application and Samsung’s propri-
it replaces the normal CD player and you can
S60 5th edition OS which you will find in
etary video player that supports DivX/XviD
always watch from a variety of movies and
other phones like Nokia’s N series. If you forget
video are a gift for movie geeks.
programs stored in your phone’s memory.
phone, Contacts, Messaging and Menu.
September 2009 | More | 27
REViEWS ideal music player
radio can be minimized to play in the back-
it will capture the image of any visiting card
With internal memory of 8 GB you can
ground. Recording directly from your FM is
just like the camera does and store the infor-
store a huge collection of songs without
also available in Omnia HD along with the
mation in the respective fields very smartly in
needing a microSD card that will, for sure,
RDS support.
the contact book. Very seldom it missed the
double your storing capacity.
information. Normally it follows the standard format on the visiting card.
Office Office has some nice application really helpful to the people who work in offices.
Connectivity and browsing
Player support 3.5 mm audio jack, a
“Converter”, “Note”, “Smart Card”, “Quick Of-
Omnia HD comes with all kind of connectivity
unique experience of 5.1 channel Dolby Sur-
fice”, “Smart Search” etc. Due to the space
options which the smart phones normally are
round. To further increase the voice quality
limit we are unable to discuss all the fea-
known for.
DNSe 2.0 audio enhancement option is pres-
tures of this mega machine. But you can
Bluetooth, USB 2.0, WLAN, DLNA, along with
ent but 5.1 channel and DNSe 2.0 do not
find the detailed review on
GSM based Edge, GPRS and 3G facility are all
work simultaneously, you have to turn any of
or But we will mention the
the options which will make this machine a
them off to activate other.
Smart Card here.
strong competitor among other smart phones.
Searching any track is easiest as you do
Both USB and Bluetooth are version 2.0 and
not need to recall entire track name, you can
the latter naturally also sports A2DP. Wi-Fi with
narrow down the search just like in contacts.
UPnP support is also at hand. There is no
Couple of other shortcuts are available for ex-
shortcut key for the Wi-Fi manager, but it can
ample you can choose any track to make you
be easily found in the Connectivity menu and
ring tone. 3D visualizations to the music
connecting to a WLAN network is two taps
player are eye catching but consume battery;
away. DLNA is also present for sharing digital
therefore, we always turned it off.
content to other devices or computers on the local network
Fm Radio
We remained connected to web mostly
A simple and elegant FM player has the
through WLAN using Wi-fi as it gave us the
ability to auto scan for an alternative fre-
speed we always look for in the absence of
quency. If you travel out from your area, i8910
3G in Pakistan. Web browsing on Omnia HD
will scan the available stations automatically.
Opened Excel file in Omnia HD
Six shortcuts on the screen can be handy
Smart Card, we liked the most in office
if you keep toggling among stations very fre-
package. You do not need to copy and write
is superb, when connected to WLAN; you never get anything less than a computer using its 600 MHz processor.
quently. The selected stations on these but-
the details of visiting cards of your business
Omnia’s web browser works like a computer’s.
tons can be changed through the menu. The
contacts. Just use this small application and
Built-in flash player and java support help you
28 | More | September 2009
open any kind of flash based site directly from
is its 8MP camera. Easy to activate the camera
on any media including PC, LCD, and LED etc.
your browser without needing anything extra
is through a key at the right side which opens
Various options will give you a feeling of
the application even the phone is in lock
camcorder. The recording time was not a
On this big screen and high resolution, read-
mode. Very simple menu displays all the op-
problem; we were easily able to record some
ing a text was not a problem, never it hit our
tions and shortcuts clearly and you can
30 minutes movie, though didn’t go beyond
eyes. There was a little issue with zooming any
change according to your desire.
content and then sliding it back in front of
With or without LED flash light, of course
your eyes. It took some time. Very seldom you
in the day light, the result is impressive. Mul-
will miss your desired link to click, even when
tiple options including white balance, satura-
there are too many hyperlinks tightly packed.
tion, sharpness, contrast and face smile
Multiple websites are easy to handle through
detection are supportive enough to make
multi webpage display.
yourself a good mobile photographer. In the
that. After the recording it processes the video clip and save it in the memory that requires some time. Sample videos can be seen on or
absence of any digital camera you can make
Camera: Photo mode One of the major strength of this phone
use of it during any party or function and it won’t let you down. If your picture has more than one people smiling at the same time, it will capture who ever smiles first and take the picture and will not wait for the rest of the smiles. So you better be careful with your important events. Blink detection is a good function that Samsung has been including recently in its touch camera phones but to us, it is not a big deal. More in the package is built-in GPS re-
ceiver that records the location of your photo
A little disappointment for games lover,
and WDR (Wide Dynamic Range) which im-
Omnia HD comes with only one preinstalled
prove the shadow area in your picture.
game which can be played by titling your
Captured photo on Omnia’s LCD looks
handset for the movement of your car. Ac-
pretty sharp and accurate but when you trans-
celerometer based controls are responsive
fer it to your PC it changes its sharpness and
enough to enjoy your game. There are number
brightness to a little extent. Reason behind this
of other games which can be downloaded at
may be Samsung’s efficient photo software
an extra cost. Gamers usually press the buttons
along with high resolution LCD and PowerVR
hard which is not available in Omnia HD there-
SGX graphics that gives you perfect display of
fore, we won’t recommend playing games on
the photo. Therefore, for keeping both the
this phone or you may end up ruining your
quality same on your phone and PC, you will
machine before the expected life.
Pictures taken by Omnia HD
have to tweak up contrast and brightness.
Verdict Camera: Video mode Earlier, there were poor VGA recordings
In the presence of all what I have mentioned earlier, it’s hard to avoid anything
which resulted in a blurry out put. 720p HD
that could satisfy you and serve your every
video recording is a dream come true for the
need. The phone is a bit heavier than the
mobile phone users. Certainly the future
normal phones and too much touch re-
models will be more perfect but this piece of
sponsive, it may be hard for those who are
machine is much better in results. We
big fans of buttons but believe me you
achieved a frame rate of 24fps that gives you
won’t like to come back to a button phone
a good quality video which can be used later
once you use it.
September 2009 | More | 29
Sony Ericsson, a pioneer in Music
mobile phone technology, has brought its F305 Gaming Mobile phone in Pakistan that is not only light on pocket but also comes with power packed features like motion gaming, media player, FM player, web surfing and an integrated camera to store movies and pictures of your loved ones.Targeted for youth, Sony Ericsson has put gaming at the heart of F305. With 96 x 47 x 14.6 mm in dimension, it can be easily carried in your pocket.
Outer Design
It offers all the latest mobile handset features that a user wants in a device. Especially the motion Gaming feature, it is not only interesting to play motion games but an exercise for the people who are less mobile or don’t like to play physical games
out buttons. The buttons on the phone are well placed keeping all the aspects of ergonomics that we didn’t feel any discomfort during usage.
2mP Pixel Camera Sony Ericsson F305 comes with a 2MP camera that can either be invoked by navigating through the phone menu interface or by pressing the camera shortcut button situated on the right side of the phone. The 2MP camera sports an easy to use interface that offers two camera modes: Normal and
We got a cool looking Sony Ericsson
graved on it on the lower-left of the D-Pad
Burst. In Normal Mode the camera per-
F305 slider phone for testing just recently.
on front, which quickly launches all the
forms regularly with the zoom option dis-
The company has fabricated this phone
games stored in it. The gaming buttons are
abled but in burst mode, a user gets more
with great care; the white ceramic plastic
very prominent and are very easy to spot
control on the camera. Using this camera,
body definitely gives the phone a sleek and
even in low light because of their promi-
you can take pictures with a resolution of
neat look. Sony Ericsson F305 comes with
nent placement and backlight. Other than
1600x 1200 pixels. Sepia, Negative, Black
a small 2-inch display screen that delivers
this, the phone has menu and music but-
and White and Color picture options are
decent image quality. This phone is mainly
tons right below the screen and calling and
available in this phone to enhance your
targeted for youth and the two round but-
canceling buttons on the left and right of
photographic skills. Overall, the quality of
tons above the 2-inch screen with letters
the D-pad respectively. Its alphanumeric
pictures taken with F305 camera were
“O” and “X” makes me remember some-
keypad is hidden which can be seen by
passable, a little bit of noise was seen in the
thing, yes! I have seen these buttons before
sliding the screen upward. On the right
pictures. Using its built-in feature “Photofix”,
on my Playstation’s game pad. There is a
panel of the phone you will get a camera
we tried to fix some pictures but still noise
button with Playstation gamepad en-
quick launch button and zoom-in or zoom-
was visible in the pictures.
30 | More | September 2009
REViEWS Gaming
first catching a fish was not easy but soon
As we have told you before that Sony-
we caught some really fat ones, but unfor-
Ericsson has introduced F305 as a full gam-
tunately we couldn’t cook them.
ing phone, so as gaming enthusiasts it will be a bad thing if we miss them especially when this phone is offering Motion gaming where by you can control games with the flick of a wrist or the swing of an arm. The phone comes with 11 pre-installed games like Bowling, Bass fishing, Jockey, JC Does Texas, Tropical Madness, Racing Fever GT, The Sims 2, Jewel Quest 2, Lumines Block Challenge, Asteroids, and Quadrapop. Let’s
off wooden ramps; and the two-wheeling
check some games that we liked in this
events, where special wedges in the mid-
dle of the road turn you onto one side of your car, and you try to hold the position as long as possible.
Jockey Becoming a jockey is one thing but
taming and riding a horse is another thing,
Motion Bowling is a very nice game
both are very difficult things in real life. But
and now you can hit the targets with the
now you can not only ride a fast horse but
swing of your hand. Just bring the handset
you can be a jockey as well. SonyEricsson’s
towards your face and than by tilting the
phone comes preloaded with Jockey game
handset set the direction of the ball and
that supports motion gaming. Just tilt your
then press the launch button so that the
handset forward to increase horse speed,
ball can hit the targets.
tilt left or right to move left and right on horseback. Just repeat these movements on every stage and you are a winner.
The Sims 2 It is one PC popular game that revolutionized the PC gaming once and for all and now it is available in F305. In this game, you can socialize with other virtual characters by either playing a male or a female character. Your character can make new virtual friends, eat, sleep, take care of their hygiene, get into a relationship, go to job and do all the chores that we do daily but only in a safe environment and within the confines of your phone.
Bass Fishing
Racing Fever GT
large size in North America. Now you can
Black Bass is a game fish known for its
JC Does Texas
Here you ping-pong between three
catch this fish with F305. For playing this
An amusing game, in which Johnny
major events. There's the crash derby,
Motion sensing game, just swing your
crash has to accomplish few missions by
where you try to run as many microbuses
hand forward to cast a fish line, after some
becoming a human cannonball on his va-
off the road as you can; the car jump, where
seconds when the fish is hooked than tilt
cation to Texas. The game consists of 12 dif-
you get the power and points by jumping
and twist your handset to catch the fish. At
ferent levels in which you are given September 2009 | More | 31
different tasks like bang with vultures, air-
PlayNow feature is not available in Pakistan,
you and sends you information via internet
planes and hot air balloons; land on an oil
so this offer was not availed.
about the artist, track and release, but this
derrick or on the bed of a moving pick-up truck. Up to four players can play on a sin-
feature was not available in our region.
Web Browsing
Using this phone you can talk to your
gle handset and extreme stunts are stored
Text and image quality was superb,
loved ones using hands free, or speaker
in a scrap book to make you remember the
when browsing the internet using F305. For
phone or standard mode. Overall, this
vacation fun.
viewing images and text in large format,
phone performed well in all three modes
zooming is made available with this phone,
and the reception was superb.
as it has small 2 inch screen and the whole
The hands free headset provided with
One of the early PC games has been re-
website cannot be viewed properly with-
this phone are not easily adjusted in every-
vived again. In DOS, it was available in black
out zooming. A user can view a website in
one’s ears but using third party’s manufac-
and white, but Sony Ericsson has colored
portrait format but image viewing in land-
tured headphones, we really enjoyed
the rocks and your plane. The basic theme
scape format is not available. Sony Ericsson
playing games and listening to music was
is still the same i.e. “Destroy the rocks before
has not really utilized the accelerometer for
an outstanding experience.
they destroy you”.
web browsing and has only limited it for games.. Overall, its web browsing speed is
Lumines Block Challenge It is a puzzle game which requires you to clear the blocks by arranging the twocolor shapes falling down the screen into solid color squares. Always watch for the blocks, if they stack up dangerously high, you won’t have much room to move things around, and the game will be over soon. Overall, Playing Games like Jockey, and Bass fishing was real fun using advanced motion sensor technology. Using motion sensor technology, during the game play the phone easily duplicates the actions by the user, whether you are moving left or right on horse’s back or casting fish lines in the water.
superb and the way it gives information
Sony Ericsson F305 supports GSM 850
about the number of bytes you have ac-
/ 900 / 1800 / 1900 2G networks. It does not
cessed while visiting a page is nice.
support WLAN but has given you USB connectivity so that you can connect to your
Overall, the quality of pictures taken with F305 camera were passable, a little bit of noise was seen in the pictures. Using its built-in feature “Photofix”, we tried to fix some pictures but still noise was visible in the pictures
Sony Ericsson has provided users with dedicated gaming keys and stereo speakers
system and transfer data to and from you device. Blue Tooth is also available as a standard option in this phone.
Conclusion In this time of recession when everyone is in search of phone that offers performance and comes at a fair cost, Sony Ericsson has definitely answered the question by bringing this handset to Pakistan. It offers all the latest mobile handset features that a user wants in a device. Especially the motion Gaming feature, it is not only interesting to
which really enhance the overall gaming ex-
F305 media player supports all major
play motion games but an exercise for the
perience on F305. By adding a 2 inches screen
audio/video compression codecs. Built-in
people who are less mobile or don’t like to
onto this slider phone, Sony Ericsson takes
memory of the phone is only limited to
play physical games. Sony Ericsson has done
playing games on mobile to a new level.
10MB, which was a disappointment for us
the same just like Nintendo has done in
Games like Sims2 takes a lot of your time in
but Sony Ericsson has given an M2 card
Gaming consoles. Unlike Nintendo,instead
playing, although this handset offer 8 hours
socket so that you can expand you phone
of holding a heavy gaming console, you can
of Talktime but still it was a worry for us.
memory to 4GB. You can transfer music via
keep it in your pocket. F305 is an all time en-
a USB connection. The phone features that
tertainment at home, office or on the move.
you can stream your music directly to a
Sony Ericsson did not use its accelerometer
It is one of the main features of SonyEr-
wireless stereo headset using phone’s Blue-
in applications other than gaming, had it be
icsson; using it you can directly download
tooth A2DP profile. You can listen to your
the case if would have been more fun. Over-
songs, games, ringtones and wallpapers.
favorite FM radio with the built-in FM radio.
all, it is a phone for active people, and who
We tried to download some songs but as
TrackID recognizes the music recorded by
can be more active than youth!
32 | More | September 2009
September 2009 | More | 33
Going green and slim is the talk in town. We have seen
the race among cars, computers, mobile phones, LCDs and dozens of other manufacturers achieving this landmark. Sam-
The display took care of every line of a DVD source and the shots were clearer than the other LCDs we noticed. Its noise reduction works perfectly fine to eliminate unwanted low quality patches. We also connected the machine with PC and our camcorder
34 | More | September 2009
sung’s recent LED technology has added a jewel in the crown. With Sony being engaged in its own issues and LG not making good score in this segment, Samsung outshines with its new product range. Beauty and smartness have a high price. In 2009 family of Samsung LCDs, which is now termed as LED, the most affordable is series 6 which is even expensive than normal LCD TV. That doesn’t mean the upper series are just too expensive but in fact, they offer much more hence justifying their value. Unpacking the 40 inch LED of series 6 (UA40B6000) was a thrilling experience. We wanted to see what Samsung has put inside which has created a storm in the world. With a width of 938 mm and height of 631mm, it is one of the slimmest and smartest TV of the world. It’s beautifully designed Rose Black Glass frame is really a heart winner and a big treat for your eyes.
Outer Design
you will always use remote for themIts slimness measures as 1.2
The unit comes with wall mount and table stand option facility. On the back side panel of the LED are four mounting screws for wall mounting. The front panel is subtle red surrounding the screen
inches deep and it runs much cooler than other LCD and plasma displays producing an equivalent amount of light. A decent large Remote is comfortable to hold, buttons are well
which gives a blackish look in dull light environment. Beautifully
spaced, backlit and easy to play with. It is protruded from rare that
placed on the red panel is a transparent and tapered panel which
makes it easy to click on a flat surface. There are few direct accesses
overlaps the red one giving a much desired and awesome look.
like Tools, Source, and Picture Size etc. An attractive feature while watching movies in the dark is its backlit option which can be turned off and on through a button at the top.The glossy black finish keep showing your figure prints just like the LED panel after few touches.
menu Menu is the area you can play in real way with this machine. It matches the overall color scheme of this edge-lit LED. Red and blackish borders along with the transparent background help read the menu options very clearly. Textual words are big enough to remain unnoticed. Best thing in this menu are the help tips at the bottom for every highlighted option for even a novice.
You can honor your room by placing this LED on a matching stand, also edged in red giving a unique look to the entire unit. A transparent pedestal on the stand adjusts this beautiful LED on it and let it swivel to either side. We used the stand option for our display which gives an equally impressive look. Back side of LED has the connectivity options for Antenna Cable, PC IN, PC/DVI Audio IN, 4 HDMI IN, USB, Audio OUT. The connection bay is slimmed down to give a further slim look. You may find a little difficulty while inserting the PC cable due
First in the list is Picture, 4 modes are there to let you choose
to the larger male cable plug but it will
from Dynamic, Standard, Natural and Movie. You can set the
eventually be fixed smoothly. Don’t play
Brightness, Contrast, Backlight, Sharpness, and Color according to
with this slot very frequently as it may
your taste.
loosen the LED female slot.
You can play with Black Tone and Gamma to control the black-
Two built-in speakers with TruSor-
ness on the dark areas of the scenes as well as the black shadow.
round HD options are also found on the
But when we increased the Gamma value to almost 3 in order to
prevent dark areas getting darker, the grayscale lost a bit of accu-
On the front panel, just below the
racy in the dark areas.
Samsung logo is the On/Off button and
Color Tone has multiple options we set it to normal for normal
other more frequently used functions, for
TV programs and Warm2 and Warm3 were the options while
example Channel, Volume, Menu and
watching a movie. More higher you go more color temperature
Source, are placed on the bottom right
there will be.
area of the panel. These are touch based button and can not be located easily but
100 Hz refresh rate and judder reduction processing are something of interest for quality lovers. September 2009 | More | 35
Upgrade and HD Connection Guide is also present there. We did upgrade the software from 1004.0 to 002000 and it was easy like transferring the data from the PC to USB and putting into your LCD. Upgraded software is available on Samsung’s website.
When de-judder mode is active, the machine’s processor kicks in and interpolates extra frames between the ones that actually exist. Imagine the processor drawing extra pages, in real time, in the flipbook, as many as four extra for every original page, to bridge the visual gap between the true frames that were originally captured. What you see is more information in the moving video,
You can store movies,
which you interpret as more smoothness.
songs and pictures of your de-
We noticed it working more on the tickers scrolling at the bot-
sire inside the USB and your
tom of the news channels. The words were sharp and scroll was
UA40B6000 will play them flu-
even smoother.
ently. It would be a fun watching blue-ray movies stored on your stick. We had the sample machine and it did not have the option to play a movie from USB but we are told that commercial pack will have this function. The overall performance of UA40B6000 was impressive with rel-
Samsung claims the displays use 40% less power than conventional Energy Star-certified LCD TVs of similar size. Three power saver options further reduces the energy con-
atively deep black levels, accurate colors and excellent performance. Its numerous picture controls allowed us to calibrate to achieve an excellent grayscale.
sumption and that you can change from the Tools menu. Low
In addition to the three preset strengths of its Auto Motion Plus
would consume greater and similarly Higher would consume less
dejudder processing, called Clear, Standard, and Smooth, Samsung
but you will have to compromise on picture quality.
added a Custom mode this year, and its adjustability makes it the
“Samsung support” is present in the Menu where you can perform the Self Diagnosis to check the picture and sound. Software
best implementation of a dejudder we've seen so far. Custom offers two sliders, one called Blur reduction that affects video-based sources and one called Judder reduction that affects only film-based sources. When connected to a standard-definition source, Samsung UA40B6000 produced solid picture quality. According to the tests, the display took care of every line of a DVD source and the shots were clearer than the other LCDs we noticed. Its noise reduction works perfectly fine to eliminate unwanted low quality patches. We also connected the machine with PC and our camcorder. It resolved every line of a 1,920x1, 080-pixel resolution image with no over scan or edge enhancement. We have come to know that 7 series have the WLAN connectivity and the Yahoo Widgets that means you can remain connected online for news and other stuff.
36 | More | September 2009
Suddenly we are experi-
Web surfing experience using the Wi-tribe connec-
encing some aggression in the Wi-
tion was a cool experience and we were happy to see
Max market, though players have
heavy websites loading within seconds. It even showed
nothing to boast right now but
great caliber, when we started watching movies on
certainly down the road, it is the
YouTube, a single movie of 5 minutes duration runs very
future of data communication.
smoothly on it, simultaneous second one also runs with
One thing is of core importance,
a little bit of buffering when we tried to play a third video
quality and customer services
clip from the YouTube, then all the trouble of waiting and
should be of highest standard.
sweating started.
First we thought to review the
All- in all, if we tell you about our experience, Wi-Tribe
Wateen’s Wi-Max connection but
has definitely lived up to the slogan “Online with No Line”.
finally we had to forget about this
Using the internet services by Wi-tribe is a worth try, we
as we haven’t been lucky enough
hope that their telephony service will be as good as the
to catch the signals at our office
internet connection. We didn’t find any problems with
nevertheless it is one of the busiest
the connection during its entire usage, although during
area of Lahore and we are 3 stories
one session, Windows Taskbar was showing that net-
up from the ground. We have
Motorola supported Modem being supplied by Wi-tribe
bothered their sales team dozens of time and they have always been helpless.
work address is not acquired but still we were able to surf the internet. The smart device provided by Wi-Tribe, was contin-
the needs of its customers.
uously showing signal strength of connection between
Instead, we chose Wi-tribe to
We were impressed to see a sleek and smart modem
two, three or four but it never went to the fifth position,
start with, they do not have cover-
from Motorola. All it had to take was a power cord and
changing signal strength didn’t have any effects on our
age here as well but unlike Wateen
the data cable. In the area of Iqbal Town, Lahore we were
downloading, which was a sense of relief. One thing
they accept they haven’t installed
happy to see four consistent signals.
about this connection is that after first time settings it
the network yet, I have heard that
As a first test we selected free version of Avira An-
never asks you about your login-id and password, every
couple of un-served areas in La-
tivirus. It took about 9 minutes to download a 32.39MB
hore will be up by the end of this
of file from at a max download speed of
This option keeps you from the hassle of remember-
year along with the voice service
61.0Kbps. Throughout the download, it maintained a
ing your password but on the other hand it can take your
time you start your browser.
also. We got the connection at our
steady rate which kept toggling between 60 Kbps and
child to the unsafe environment of cyber world, so Wi-
home and chose 512Kbps pack-
62 Kbps. I believe it was an easy task for it, we therefore
tribe should check this option. Those who are in search
age which cost us some Rs. 1600
started some multiple downloads. We selected a
of a high speed internet at reasonable rates, we recom-
including all the securities, equip-
YouTube to MP3 converter and GOM Media Player.
mend Wi-Tribe to them.
ment and the balance.
The converter with a size of 7.15MB in size main-
Other than this Wi Tribe is pro-
tained a speed of 24KBps and GOM remained constant
viding two more packages of
at 40Kbps. We could see a clear division of data speed
256KBps and 1.0 MBps to facilitate
between the two files.
September 2009 | More | 37
Virginia Tech students build car for blind n
Virginia Tech undergrads packed an all-terrain buggy with tech-
nology lifted from the university’s DARPA Urban Challenge entry to create a car the blind can drive. The semi-autonomous vehicle uses a laser range finder, voice software and other sensory technology, and it worked flawlessly when blind drivers took the wheel on a closed course. Advocates for the blind joined the lead researcher in calling the vehicle a breakthrough in independent living for the visually impaired. The car was born of a challenge the National Federation of the Blind’s Jernigan Institute issued in 2004 when it called on universities to develop a vehicle for the blind. Virginia Tech accepted the challenge in 2006 — the only university to do so — and received a $3,000 grant to begin the project. The steering wheel is hooked up to a distance monitor that gathers information from laser range finders, and it uses voice software to tell the driver how far to turn the wheel. For example, the monitor will tell the driver “turn left three clicks.” As the driver does that, the monitor makes three clicking noises. A vibrating vest provides cues to follow when accelerating and decelerating. The vest vibrates in different places — the back, the belly and the shoulders — to convey different commands. When the entire vest vibrates, it means, “Slam on the brakes!”
RIM Launches Next-Gen BlackBerry Smart Card Reader n
Research In Motion (RIM) has come up with
a new model of the BlackBerry Smart Card
secure pairing and communications between
DNA: The Structure of NextGen Microchips
the reader, the BlackBerry smartphone, the
computer and PKI applications.
-- DNA -- to be the structure of next-generation mi-
Reader -- a lightweight, wearable, ISO 7816 compliant card reader that enables proximity controlled access to a user's BlackBerry smartphone and computer. The BlackBerry Smart Card Reader uses Bluetooth 2.0 technology with advanced AES-256 encryption to enable
IBM is looking to the building blocks of our bodies
The new BlackBerry Smart Card Reader features: a sleeker design measuring
crochips. Microchips are used in computers, cell
3.98”x2.4”x0.57” and weighing 2.26 oz. It also features a larger display and backlighting
phones and other electronic devices. As chipmakers
for easier viewing, as well as power management features that can extend battery
compete to develop ever-smaller chips at cheaper
life between charges (900mAh integrated lithium ion battery).
prices, designers are struggling to cut costs. Artificial
Instead of inserting the smart card into a stationary reader or bulky peripheral at-
DNA nanostructures or "DNA origami" may provide a
tachment, which can easily be left behind, users now insert a smart card into this
cheap framework on which to build tiny microchips.
sleek lightweight reader and wear it on a lanyard. If the user is no longer in proximity,
"This is the first demonstration of using biological mol-
their BlackBerry smartphone or computer will automatically lock.
ecules to help with processing in the semiconductor
The new BlackBerry Smart Card Reader is expected to be available in September.
industry," said Spike Narayan, research manager, IBM.
38 | More | September 2009
Invisible doorways or portals a step closer to reality, claim scientists n
Using a technique known as transformation optics, the researchers have revealed
a way to alter the pathway of light waves that could eventually allow them to create portals that are invisible to the human eye. Pushing the laws of refraction and reflection to the limit, the team from Hong Kong University and Fudan University in Shanghai, describe the concept of a “gateway that can block electromagnetic waves but that allows the passage of other entities”. The gateway uses transformation optics and a "superscatterer" made from photonic crystals to create an 'optical illusion', forcing light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation into complicated directions to hide the portal. The breakthrough, described in the New Journal of Physics, also has the added advantage of being able to be switched on and off remotely. Dr Huanyang Chen, from the Physics Department at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, said that “people standing outside the gateway would see something like a mirror". However, despite being theoretically possible many practical issues have to be overcome, the team admitted. In Harry Potter, wizards catch trains at platform 9 and 3/4 at King's Cross station in London. The platform is invisible to humans.
Heathrow taxi Stealth NW-2000 pods, driverless Rugged transformer reality Notebook n
Stealth Computers has
launched their latest addition to the rugged portable computer line up. The NW2000 (NW stands for Notebook Warrior by the way) is one special rugged laptop, not only has it been well equipped with plenty of protection but on board is actually a convertible tablet notebook with a resistive, 13.3-inch touchscreen display. Finally, we are in the future -- Heathrow Airport is
Running on Intel’s 1.06GHz Core 2 Duo CPU, the NW-2000 has 2GB of RAM (4GB
rolling out those driverless pod taxis it announced two
maximum), a 160GB shock-mounted hard-drive (or optional SSD), WiFi a/g/n, Blue-
years ago, and they look just as adorable as ever. The
tooth, gigabit Ethernet and GPS, optional HSDPA, a standard DVD burner, PC card
ULTra Personal Pod cars are fully automated battery-
slot and fingerprint scanner.
powered pods that zoom around at up to 25mph on a
In terms of how tough this tablet laptop actually is, the NW-2000 has a spill-resis-
special road network, and can transport four passen-
tant keyboard and can cope with being dropped 91cm onto a wood-covered
gers and their luggage between Heathrow's Terminal
concrete surface 26 times in succession without suffering any impairments to its
5 and its business car parks.
functionality. September 2009 | More | 39
The Future of Entertainment: Gesture-Based Remote Control n
We love our mice, really we do. Sometimes, however, such as when we're sitting
on the couch watching a DVD on a laptop, or when we're working across the room from an MP3-playing PC, it just isn't convenient to drag a hockey puck and click on what we want. Attempts to replace the venerable mouse--whether with voice recognition or brain-wave scanners--have invariably failed. But an alternative is emerging. Compared with the intricacies of voice recognition, gesture recognition is a fairly simple idea that is only now making its way into consumer electronics. The idea is to employ a camera (such as a laptop's Webcam) to watch the user and react to the person's hand signals. Gesture recognition systems are creeping onto the market now. Toshiba, a pioneer in this market, has at least one product out that supports an early version of the technology: the Qosmio G55 laptop, which can recognize gestures to control multimedia playback. The company is also experimenting with a TV version of the technology, which would watch for hand signals via a small camera atop the set. Gesture recognition is a neat way to pause the DVD on your laptop, but it probably remains a way off from being sophisticated enough for broad adoption. All the same, its successful development would excite tons of interest from the "can't find the remote" crowd. Expect to see gesture recognition technology make some great strides over the next few years.
Samsung DualView Cameras: Putting the photographer in the picture! n
The next time you take a look at a photo album from a recent family trip or
get-together, you’ll more than likely notice that there’s always someone missing — the photographer! Samsung has announced two ground-breaking digital cameras that will solve the issue of the “missing photographer”. We’re talking about Samsung DualView Cameras - the new TL225 and TL220. With one LCD located on the front of the camera and another one on the back of the camera, photographers can now step out from behind the camera and join their subjects in the photo. It’s also a handy feature for those involved with social networking Web sites, such as Facebook, as it provides the ability to take the perfect profile pics! Since you can see exactly what the camera sees in the front LCD, you can better frame yourself in the photo and capture the shot the way you want it – the first time. The new TL225 in particular impresses with a huge 3.5 inch wide touch-screen LCD. At 1,125K resolution, the TL225’s LCD screen offers one of the highest resolutions of any display on a digital camera ensuring the best viewing experience, even in direct sunlight. Samsung DualView Cameras also offer the intuitive Smart Gesture User Interface. This new user interface simplifies the way users change camera settings, and makes it fun at the same time. Each time an option is selected on the LCD touchscreen, the camera will respond with a short and subtle vibration. Additionally, users can take advantage of shortcuts, such as the ability to rotate an image by drawing a circle, or deleting it by drawing an “x”, right on the LCD screen. 40 | More | September 2009
September 2009 | More | 41
Urooj Khan
applications in a virtual Windows XP environ-
ability to reuse virtual machine (VHD) images
ment. Customers benefit by being able to use
to boot a physical PC.
In today’s economic times, businesses
the productivity applications they’ve already
and their shareholders need to know that
invested in, while not having to worry about
A modern operating system for today’s businesses
when they make an investment in a product,
potential operational downtime as they switch
they are doing so responsibly and securely.
systems. A great feature, Windows XP Mode is
How people buy, use, and experience
only in Windows 7 Professional and above, and
technology has changed dramatically since
nesses prosper in a consistently changing se-
is only available either through OEM pre instal-
Windows XP shipped in 2001. While Windows
curity landscape. If there is a single reason for
lation or post purchase installation.
XP was a great operating system almost a
Window 7 has technology that lets busi-
decade ago, you can now provide a better op-
small business users to move to Windows 7, it will be because Windows 7 will be more secure than Windows XP. Some of the key ben-
An opportunity to offer highvalue recurring services
tion for business customers who need PCs that reflect today’s business environment. This in-
The release of Windows 7 Professional
cludes delivering the fundamentals of per-
provides an opportunity to both upgrade
formance and improved battery life; fast
An operating system that works the way customers wants
customers’ software or hardware and deliver
startup, shutdown, and resume from Standby;
IT-related services such as setting up data
advanced search and indexing; and sophisti-
Windows 7 Professional improves on the
backup, configuring hardware and acces-
cated networking capabilities. For businesses
fundamentals, while delivering the latest in
sories, and optimizing network settings based
that have been running Windows XP, Windows
mobility and user experience. It is fast, stable,
on customers’ unique needs. Operating sys-
7 Professional presents a great partner oppor-
and compatible—with both third-party ap-
tem has been optimized to work well on
tunity to help them update their systems.
plications and third-party devices.
many different hardware specifications. This
efits for businesses include:
gives the opportunity to offer a range of PCs
A cost-effective, simple installation process
multi Lingual User interface
targeted toward what makes the most sense
The Language Packs in Windows 7 en-
for businesses. It also allows you to have the
ables the system to support up to 36 different
Windows 7 Professional simplifies the in-
flexibility to customize your customers’ PC ex-
languages using a single Windows master
stallation process and helps speed up cus-
periences with prominent placement for your
image rather than creating a separate image
tomer order fulfillment. In addition, new
value-added software and hardware—a
for each language used in the organization.
deployment tools have been designed to in-
great feature not available in Windows XP.
product development, thus helping to reduce costs.
Partner opportunities for offering Windows XP mode
Finally another advantage for small business users is Windows 7’s simplified configu-
crease flexibility, speed, and efficiency in
Virtual Desktop infrastructure (VDi) Optimizations
workgroup networking, which allows de-
It delivers desktop functionality in Win-
tailed control of who has access to what. Far
ration from easy-to-use interface for
dows 7 using virtual machines hosted on
too many small businesses run with few or no
servers—a solution known as Virtual Desktop
access controls due to the lack of technical
Windows XP Mode provides the flexibility
Infrastructure (VDI). VDI enables users to ac-
knowledge about configuring access to
to run many older Windows XP productivity
cess their desktops remotely as well as the
shared resources.
42 | More | September 2009
Uroos Ahmed
September 2009 | More | 43
mOnTh in FOCUS
In the picture, Shahid Khan, Director Marketing, IPG, HP Pakistan and other dignitaries from HP are seen n
Recently, Hewlett Packard Pakistan organized a dealer function
less and save more. Most organizations print without the need of print-
at a local hotel in Lahore to announce the broad expansion of its im-
ing, and we help these organizations to understand the need of print-
aging and printing portfolio for large businesses. The theme of the
ing and cut costs in printing by using intelligent solutions from us”.
function was “Alternate Thinking about Printing”. During the function HP representatives made presentations on different HP enterprise level printing products, services and new of-
HP’s latest offerings help enterprises manage secure and simplify their imaging and printing environments and improve workflows to reduce costs and enhance productivity.
ferings. The new offerings include HP LaserJet printers, enterprise-class
Talking about the enterprise level printing, Shahid Khan Director
scanner for document capture, access control printing solutions, print-
Marketing, Imaging and Printing Group, HP Pakistan said, “In today’s
ing services, certification and test program for HP’s software solution
economy when everything is going down people are thinking about
development partners along with other solution.
cost cutting, jobs of people are at stake. Hp being the Industry leader
HP representatives told the audience about the benefits of using new HP print cartridges instead of the used ones. “Living of the Dead Cartridge” movie was shown to the audience to further solidify HP’s claim against the use of refurbished cartridges. Mr. Rajesh, Director HP, talked about cost saving in enterprise print-
of printing, thought about giving something back to the society. Our range of printing solutions, if deployed intelligently by organizations they will end up saving a lot of costs on paper and electricity. Using our office solutions IT Managers can optimize their infrastructure, manage their environment and improve workflows”.
ing. He said, “Typically IT managers and CFOs don’t know about the expenditures they are making in printing, HP in facts wants you to print
At the end of presentations, questions by media and HP’s main dealers were answered.
9th int’l Telecom Conference held in Karachi 9th Int’l Telecom Conference inaugurated recently by Naguibullah Malik, Federal Secretary, Ministry of Information Technology & Telecom, Govt. of Pakistan at Karachi Expo Centre. President Ecommerce Gateway, Dr. Khursheed Nizam accompanied the Chief Guest. The conference was co-chaired by Dr. Muhammad Yaseen, Chairman, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority. Walid Irshaid, President, Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd., Abdul Aziz, President & CEO, Ufone GSM were the Guest of Honor. The Speakers of inaugural session were Walid Irshaid, President, PTCL, Mohamamd Sadiq, CEO, Wi-Tribe Pakistan, Dr. Muhammad Yaseen, Chairman, PTA, Usman Sheikh, MD & COO, KHL, Pervez Iftikhar, CEO, Universal Service Fund Pakistan, Raheel Kamal, Senior Director, Global Business Development, Qualcomm Inc. USA, Sikandar Naqi, Senior Executive Vice President, PTCL. Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited, Konnect Holding Ltd., Wi-tribe Pakistan and PAKSAT sponsored the conference.
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mOnTh in FOCUS mobilink CEO nominated for CEO of the Year
Rashid Khan, President & CEO of Mobilink, has been nominated for “The CEO of the Year” Award by the World Communication Awards (WCA) 2009. Rashid Khan is the only Pakistani to have been shortlisted for CEO of the Year Award, winners of which will be announced in November this year after a vigorous voting process. A forum that aims to bring together over 500 influencers and decision-makers, CEOs and senior executives from the communications industry, WCA recognizes the best industry players every year for their contribution. Commenting on the recognition, the company spokesperson said, “We are extremely humbled to represent Pakistan positively on international forums and it is extremely inspiring to see our very own CEO being ranked with the best of the best. Such a prestigious global acknowledgement from the WCA for Mr. Rashid Khan’s leadership brings a great sense of pride and accomplishment among the individuals and teams working at Mobilink.” The World Communication Awards were established in 1999 and recognize excellence amongst global telecom operators in various categories. Previous winners include Bharti Airtel, Etisalat, O2, Orange and VNL.
mobilink introduces BlackBerry Storm 9500!
mobilink’s Ratings Raised To 'B-'
Mobilink once again takes the world by storm by proudly introducing for the first time in Pakistan, the next generation of functionality mixed with the perfect blend of style: The BlackBerry Storm 9500.
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said it raised its long-term corporate credit rating on Pakistan Mobile Communications Ltd. (Mobilink) to 'B-' from 'CCC+'. The outlook is stable. At the same time, we raised our issue rating on the company's US$112.2 million senior unsecured notes due 2013 to 'B-' from 'CCC+'. Rashid Khan, President & CEO Mobilink “Despite a very challenging operating environment credit fundamentals of Mobilink have been broadly intact and it has managed to retain trust of international and local investors. The upgrade in rating reflects an improvement on the operating environment that was weighing negatively on our rating previously. "We raised the rating on Mobilink to reflect our opinion of the improvement in its funding profile and Pakistan's macroeconomic situation," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Yasmin Wirjawan. This follows Standard & Poor's decision to raise the long-term sovereign credit ratings on Pakistan (B-/Stable/C). Pakistan's cellular market continues to face intense competition, resulting in lower subscriber numbers and market share for Mobilink. Nevertheless, Mobilink has maintained its No. 1 market share both in terms of subscribers and revenue in Pakistan's wireless market.
The BlackBerry Storm 9500 is a first-of-itkind BlackBerry, as it provides a touchscreen which responds to your every touch – whether you are typing away an SMS or email, playing games, or simply browsing the internet. Along with this wonderful new technology, it provides users with high-end email and Web capabilities, and is equipped with a 3.2 MegaPixel camera with auto focus and 2x digital zoom that will bring out the photographer in all of us. A crisp and brilliant display (480x360 resolution), larger internal memory (expandable up to 16 GB), various multimedia features, built in GPS, and lots more that just fits perfectly into your hand and your life.
Telenor Pakistan, most preferred employer Telenor Pakistan has been chosen as the most preferred employer for their HR practices in a survey conducted by ROZEE.PK, recently. The survey is an initiative of ROZEE.PK, Pakistan’s online recruitment company with the objective to connect talent with opportunity. As a part of their research program, ROZEE.PK developed a poll for the visitors and the registrants of the web site about their perception of top ten HR brands of Pakistan from 2005 to 2009. Country Consultant, Google Pakistan, Badar Khushnood, Manager HR, United Bank Limited Asma Ahmed, Director, Head of HR PakistanTobacco Company LTd., Q. M Shahed, Manager HR Development TCS, Sajid Mehmood Khan are some of the best Human Resource specialists who served on the Advisory Board for the survey. Vice President Human Capital Division Telenor Pakistan Nayab Baig said, “Telenor Pakistan is pleased with the results of the Top Employers survey conducted by Rozee.PK. We appreciate the initiative and believe that such surveys help to create an in-depth understanding of our culture, environment and perception of HR practices in the market. Telenor Pakistan is dedicated to improvement through our people which we believe are our greatest strength.” A total of 13,753 fully completed surveys were received which were further analyzed and validated by employing statistical software. 739 companies were covered by participants in this survey and 126 universities were represented by survey respondents. More than 66% of respondents are working professionals. Telenor Pakistan was voted as the most preferred employer by a pool of professionals between the ages of 22 and 40.
September 2009 | More | 45
mOnTh in FOCUS Telenor Pakistan launches Telenor Smart menu” Telenor Pakistan becomes the first telecom operator to launch Telenor Smart Menu, that brings access to all value addition services by dialing *345#. Telenor Smart Menu enables direct access to the user’s account, its utilities, News updates, Sports updates, Infotainment, Smart tunes, Music and Movie charts. Package plans can be changed and information on available packages can also be easily acquired by using the menu. Friend and family options can be effectively managed through the service. No third party software installations or set up procedures are required to use this menu. A menu appears on the handset screen when *345# is dialed. The options can be easily scrolled through and selected by entering the number listed next to the service. Music and any other content that are ordered through the menu are delivered via SMS or MMS. The *345# menu can be accessed at any time of the day for any number of times. The access and use of the service is totally free for Prepaid (Talkshawk, Djuice) & Persona Postpaid Customers. Charges only apply once a particular service in the menu is used. Chief Marketing Officer Telenor Pakistan, Lars Christian Iuel sharing his thoughts on the launch of ‘Telenor Smart Menu’ said, “Telenor Pakistan is pleased to have taken the initiative to bring Smart Menu service that enables easy availability to all value addition services with just a dial of a number. In current times, where subscription numbers are on an increase and the potential of this increase is enormous, such services are the need of the hour.
Ufone introduces “Utrack” to track all Ufone has devised yet another unique tracking service known as Utrack which not only locates friends but also allows users to find or locate anyone amongst friends and family or just monitor employees and work force based on the location of the tower. This location based service is the only improved tracking version available in the market so far. Mr. Akbar Khan, Head of Marketing, while giving details of this unique service confided that all ufone services are aimed at improving the life style of its customers no matter what their priorities are. Utrack tops the list of our wide range of services which have brought about healthy changes in telecommunication. The service he has been divided into four segments Utrack Find, Utrack Buddy, Utrack Family and Utrack Business while the last one is offered on post paid package only”. Utrack Find can help find out the whereabouts of one’s friends besides finding one’s own location while Utrack Buddy can help locate the availability of friends in surrounding areas by typing “Sub” and sending it on 2010. Ubuddy will inform/alert whenever you and your friend are in the same area. U Find will let user locate the whereabouts of the desired MSISDN, following is command for UFind – find<space>Number to short code 2002. User can also locate POI by sending a SMS to short code 2002 (Find<space>Near, for list of categories). The customers through this service can also take care of their family members while still busy at their work place. The service will update the location of family members. The customers may avail the facility by typing “Sub” and sending it on 2004. The amazing service of Utrack Business can help track all employees besides tracking the location of an individual employee. This service is available for post package customers who have an option to select a package by typing “Sub’ and sending it either to 2310, 2320 or 2330 according to one’s need.
Ufone launches Live Customer Support with Web chat Ufone while expanding its already elaborate Customer Services has now introduced live customer support through Web Chat facility, a 24 hour facility to provide its valued subscribers an opportunity to have online assistance from Customer Services Representative via its website. There will be no charges on subscription of this service and initially the service will be available to post pay subscribers only as the management plans to extend the service to its pre pay customers in the next phase. Customers will access Web Chat through Web Chat (Live Support) option available on Ufone’s website; after accessing the website the customers will have to register through 'Register New Customer' option. Afterwards subscribers will have to select 'Login' option and enter the Login Credentials in order to proceed, after successful login subscribers will have to click on 'Request text chat'. The subscriber will have to enter the nature of Query and Subject and click 'Start Chat'. The service also has the facility of resending the forgotten password to the clients through an SMS.
Warid promotes youth through “TOm, DiCK & hARRY” Warid Telecom (Pvt.) Ltd. in its efforts to provide a platform to the talented youth of Pakistan, has sponsored Pakistan’s largest English Play ‘Tom, Dick & Harry’ by Centre Stage Productions. Making people of Islamabad feel great with the hilarious extravaganza that is produced by Omer Hameed and directed by Shah Sharahbeel and choreographed by Wahab Shah. The talented team of actors has been drawn from various elite educational institutions of Pakistan. The cast includes Rubada Nasir, Taimoor Shakoori, Ibraheim Kayani, Ijlal Khan, Sara Riaz, Shams Aftab, Gohar Rasheed, Amy Saleh and Muaz Raja. Commenting upon Warid’s backing of the play, head of marketing Mudassar Bilal Malik said, “We feel proud to be a major contributor in promoting arts & theater in the country. There is no scarcity of talent in Pakistan and we are encouraged to provide them with a platform.”
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mOnTh in FOCUS ZOnG’s Unique Call and SmS block Service ZONG, the first international brand of China Mobile has taken a step ahead of all of its competitors in the telecom industry, with the launch of its unique Call and SMS block service. Through this service, subscribers can block any particular number from making calls and sending SMSs to their numbers. This facility allows subscribers to block a total of 50 numbers. This new service offers great convenience in terms of usage. In order to subscribe to the Call and SMS blocking service, subscribers need to dial 9211. Furthermore, ZONG is launching an application on the social networking website Facebook, which will enable subscribers to block / unblock numbers and edit their block list. Subscribers can log in on Facebook directly or go to ZONG’s website where they would find a link to sign in and access this application.
Three illegal gateway exchanges seized in Peshawar Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has seized a network of illegal gateway exchanges at Peshawar which was causing loss of billions of rupees to the national exchequer during the last three months. PTA and FIA’s National Response Center (NR3C) Peshawar launched a crackdown on the network of three illegal gateway exchanges and arrested one foreigner. The raid was conducted based on the information obtained through PTA traffic monitoring facility which detects grey traffic. It was found that the illegal facility consisted of three GSM Gateways with 97 SIMs installed in the gateways. Chairman PTA, Dr. Mohammed Yaseen while appreciating the joint efforts of PTA and FIA teams, has given direction to PTA Zonal Directors to expedite actions on such illegal activities by conducting raids throughout Pakistan.
inTEL, PTA AnD nADRA to provide employment opportunities Intel Pakistan Corporation in collaboration with the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and National Database & Registration Authority (NADRA), recently launched a program to provide employment opportunities to the unemployed people & increase IT Awareness and PC Penetration in the country. The program offers a low cost Telecentre starting from PKR 33,000. NADRA will contribute in this cause by offering e-sahulat to these Telecenters as per conditions of e-sahulat franchise scheme. The Intel World Ahead Program has been working with Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom to accelerate technology education and usage in the country. David Fosberg, Regional Director, Intel World Ahead Program for Asia Pacific, elaborated, “This is an initiative that aims to bring self employment opportunities for the unemployed & increase PC usage in the country.” It is a scheme which will entitle individuals to earn a decent livelihood by introducing and extending ICT based solutions. Intel has introduced special affordable low cost platforms and brought regulators and industry leaders like PTA and Nadra together to offer a sustainable and viable solution under the name of Apna Karobar,” he added. Intel has been involved by bringing innovative PC purchase and accessibility programs and introducing affordable platforms and bringing worldwide experiences as a technology leader to Pakistan. Intel firmly believes that ICT is a driver and growth catalyst for the economy and well being of the nation, and places a greater emphasis on usage and penetration of ICT and aims to bring innovative programs to achieve the goal. “The greatness of technology for the shaping of the community and for providing pragmatic benefits for development policies is no longer questionable. While looking at the radical changes introduced by technological advancements in developed nations, one can simply say that technology plays the most critical role in the development of a country. It opens new horizons for a better economy”, asserted Mohammed Yaseen, Chairman, PTA. He further added, “Partnering on this front with Intel will enable both economy and technology, and if we keep working together with a healthy interaction, we can transform our nation in a much better shape. It will not only be profitable for the entrepreneur, but for everyone involved” “With Intel’s help, we aim to stimulate the unemployed to achieve mastery through the use of technology,” said Saleem Rafique, Chief Operating Officer, NADRA. “With the launch of this program and by making technological impacts our first priority, we can make our nation financially strong by providing plentiful opportunities to people where they can set up their own businesses and earn a decent living in these tough times of recession.”
Motorola, Inc. has launched its MOTOTRBO professional digital two-way radio system in Pakistan. The digital system offers improved range, voice quality, security and battery life for use in a variety of RF environments. Professional business customers benefit from enhanced voice communications, advanced data capabilities and lower operational costs. September 2009 | More | 47
mOnTh in FOCUS Rajeev Suri appointed CEO of nokia Siemens networks
Rajeev Suri NSN new CEO
The Nokia Siemens Networks Board of Directors has appointed Rajeev Suri as Chief Executive Officer, effective October 1, 2009. Suri succeeds Simon Beresford-Wylie, who will support Suri during a transition period through November 1, 2009 before leaving the company. Beresford-Wylie will leave the Nokia Group Executive Board as of September 30, 2009. Suri will be based at Nokia Siemens Networks’ headquarters in Espoo, Finland. “I am extremely pleased to announce Rajeev’s appointment as Chief Executive Officer of Nokia Siemens Networks,” said Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, Nokia CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nokia Siemens Networks. “We began a comprehensive succession process when Simon shared his desire to depart at the appropriate time. That process has made it clear that Rajeev brings the right values, experience and industry expertise to take Nokia Siemens Networks forward.” Suri, who currently leads the Services business of Nokia Siemens Networks, brings 20 years of experience in the telecommunications industry to the role of Chief Executive Officer. Previous positions have included leading the Asia-Pacific region during a time of significant growth in both product and service sales; overseeing teams for important customers such as Hutchison; and managing products, such as the early cellular transmission portfolio of Nokia. In previous roles, he has been based in various locations including India, Finland, the United Kingdom, West Africa and Singapore. Suri, 41, is an Indian citizen and is married with two children. “I would also like to thank Simon for his many contributions to Nokia Siemens Networks and to Nokia before that,” said Kallasvuo. “I respect his decision to pursue opportunities in a new industry after 27 years in the telecommunications infrastructure sector. He leaves a remarkable legacy as the architect of Nokia Siemens Networks and as a close friend.” 48 | More | September 2009
Green Revolution: Smart, Efficient, Cost Saving Technology for the Future ClearCube ME, a recognized leader in the rapidly growing centralized computing and desktop virtualization market, hosted their first event on the Green Revolution, produced by CIO Custom Solutions Group in Karachi, Pakistan Green computing is dependent on energy efficient hardware such as blades, servers and thin clients which further save energy through the centralization and efficient management of resources. ClearCube solutions provide Network Administrators with greater control and power across their networks enabling them to do more with less through virtualization software, also reducing their energy footprint in the workplace. ClearCube ME is now in Pakistan to provide its integrated solutions at affordable prices to a diverse client base that covers the large corporate sector outfits, government agencies, educational, financial institutions, small and medium businesses and NGOs. During the event, Salman Ansari (CEO, SATC) spoke about Green Computing and its potential in Pakistan, Zafar Ul Islam (Enterprise Technology Strategist, Microsoft Pakistan) gave a presentation themed “Get Virtual, Get Green”, Khawaja Tanveer (CIO, Unilever Pakistan) gave the perspective of an FMCG and the benefits of going Green, while Jehan Ara (President of P@SHA) and Hasan Rizvi (CEO, ClearCube ME) covered various aspects of how Green Computing was quickly growing to meet accelerating demands of the corporate markets today.
Kingston Technology First to Ship 2133mhz memory for intel Core i5 Platform Kingston Technology says it is leading the charge in memory support for Intel’s new LGA1156 Core i5 and Core i7 systems by shipping super-fast 2133MHz HyperX running at a low 1.65 volts. HyperX memories running at 1.65 volts are shipping in 4GB kits at 1333, 1600, 2000 and 2133MHz frequencies. In late September, Kingston will launch 8GB kits of two in 1333and 1600MHz frequencies for users who wish to take advantage of 64-bit operating systems.
Etihad Airways donated two Pearl Business Class tickets to London, United Kingdom, to the Rotary Club of Karachi Sunset Millennium (RCKSM) to sell raffle tickets for a lucky draw to raise money for two local charities - Panah Shelter Home for Women and The Brenton Carey Hostel for Girls. Both organizations support young girls and women who have been a victim of domestic violence, financial crisis and unemployment, harassment, etc. Picture shows; Amir Khan Country manager Etihad Airways presenting the ticket to the lucky winner along with the representatives from RCKSM.
mOnTh in FOCUS Ranking of the most dangerous computer threats of the last 20 years
LG Electronics, Global Chief Marketing officer, Mr. Dermot Boden and Mr. K. W. Kim, CEO, ME&A region recently visited Pakistan to review business and marketing strategies being undertaken by LG Electronics in Pakistan.
LG GLOBAL TOP mAnAGEmEnT TEAm ViSiT PAKiSTAn LG Electronics’, a leader in consumer electronics and mobile communications, Global Chief Marketing Officer, Mr. Dermot Boden and Mr. K. W. Kim, CEO, ME&A region recently visited Pakistan to review business and marketing strategies being undertaken by LG Electronics in Pakistan. The other main objective of this trip was to provide LGE’s global support and endorsement to the recently signed deal between LGE and Pak Electron Limited (PEL). Earlier this year, a strategic partnership agreement was signed between LG and PEL after which, PEL became the distributor of LG home appliances and air conditioners throughout the country. Mr. Boden and Mr. Kim appreciated and valued the initiative taken by LG Pakistan Team and discussed various strategies to make LG a successful brand in Pakistan. “LG aims to obtain sustainable growth and profits with top-quality marketing capabilities worldwide. And such goals can only be achieved by genuinely understanding the needs of our consumers and by making measured marketing investments”, said Mr. Dermot Boden, “This initiative will enhance the position of LG as a truly global brand and improve its expansion and wider recognition”. Mr. K. W. Kim said on the occasion, “Home appliances sector in Pakistan’s market has a remarkable potential for growth and investment. LG believes in achieving its goals by solely focusing on providing the best customer experience, by making it main concern to understand what its customer really wants”. This alliance of brands will bring further enhancement in the area of home appliances and propose better products to the customers.
Lahore: Picture shows, from the Samsung, Mr. George Chung Senior Manager (Right) and Mr. Jaisul Yu, Vice President TV Sales (left) at the IFA 2009.
Coinciding with the 20th anniversary of Panda Security in the month of August, experts from Panda Labs have drawn up a ranking of the most dangerous threats, for home users and for businesses of the last 20 years. The threats have been selected in line with the notoriety they achieved through widespread epidemics. So here's the Hall of Fame: 1. Friday 13 or Jerusalem. Created in Israel in 1988 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Israel. Whenever the date was Friday 13, it activates to infect your computer. 2. Barrotes. This Spanish virus appeared in 1993. It remains hidden on the computer and activates on January 5, displaying just a series of bars on the monitor. 3. Cascade or Falling Letters. Created in Germany in 1997. Whenever it infected a computer, it would make the letters on the screen fall in a cascade. 4. CIH or Chernobyl. This virus was produced in Taiwan in 1998, and took just one week to propagate and infect thousands of computers. 5. Melissa. First appeared on March 26 in the USA. This ultra-smart malicious code used social engineering to spread, with a message that read “Here is that document you asked for… don’t show anyone else ;-)”. 6. ILoveYou or Loveletter. So famous, it hardly needs introduction. This romantic virus emerged from the Philippines in 2000. With the subject ‘ILoveYou’ it infected millions of computers around the world and even organizations like the Pentagon. 7. Klez. Created in 2001 in Germany, it only infected computers on the 13th of odd months. 8. Nimda. The name is basically ‘admin’ spelled backwards, as it was able to create administrator privileges on infected computers. It originated in China on September 18, 2001. 9. SQLSlammer. This was another major headache for companies. It first appeared on January 25, 2003, and affected more than half a million servers in just a few days. 10. Blaster. This virus, created in the USA on August 11, 2003, contained a message in its code: “I just want to say love you san!!” (We still don't know who ‘San’ is), and “Billy gates, why do you make this possible? Stop making money and fix your software”. 11. Sobig. This German virus was famous in the summer of 2003. The F variant was the most damaging; it attacked on August 19 of the same year and generated more than 1 million copies of itself. 12. Bagle. This emerged on January 18, 2004, and has been one of the most prolific viruses with respect to the number of variants. 13. Netsky. This worm also came from Germany in 2004 and exploited vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer. Its creator was also responsible for the notorious Sasser virus. 14. Conficker. Last on the list and most recent, it appeared in November 2008. Oddly enough, if your keyboard is configured in Ukrainian, it won't affect you…
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Dimensions: Memory: Camera: Talk time:
116 x 49 x 9.9 mm MicroSD, up to 16GB 3.2 MP Up to 8 h
Dimensions: Memory: Camera: Talk time:
110 x 45 x 14 mm MicroSD, up to 16GB 5MP Up to 8 h 30 min
Dimensions: Memory: Camera: Talk time:
114.9 x 47.4 x 12 mm MicroSD, up to 16GB 3.15 MP Up to 4 h 20 min
Dimensions: Memory: Camera: Talk time:
98.4 x 55 x 11.6 mm MicroSD, up to 8GB 5 MP Up to 3 h
50 | More | September 2009
LG Arena looks trendy, with the dark grey polished metal exterior. It Measures about 105.9 x 55.3 x 12mm and feels solid when held. It sports a 3.0â&#x20AC;? color TFT touchscreen that provides a sharp and lively viewing experience. LG Arena boasts the new Sclass user interface (UI) which results in better responsiveness. It comes with nice features that include a music player with Dolby Mobile, A-GPS, FM radio and FM transmitter. The phone also has wireless connectivity options including, quad-band GSM, EDGE, HSDPA, Bluetooth with A2DP profile and WiFi 802.11b/g. It has a 5-megapixel camera with autofocus and flash. The phone comes with an 8GB of internal memory to store all your pictures and videos.
• 24x Zoom-NIKKOR lens with focal range from 26mm wide-angle to 624mm super-telephoto • 3-in. vari-angle LCD with anti-reflection coating for greater framing freedom • 12.1 effective megapixels for high-resolution images • Image sensor shift VR image stabilization • Motion Detection for sharp, steady results • Advanced shooting modes including • High Sensitivity up to ISO 6400 • Sport Continuous Mode enables shooting at up to 45 consecutive pictures at 15 fps • Optimize image (including monochrome filter effect) • Distortion Control • Quick Retouch for the best balance of contrast and saturation
• • • • • • •
1920x1080 HD video recording 4.0 MP still image capture 120GB hard disk drive Built-in GPS Receiver Map Index function Face Detection Technology Smile Shutter Technology
Sony α900, a camera whose stellar image quality eclipses everything you have known before. At its heart is a 35mm full-frame Exmor CMOS sensor that represents the culmination of a dream. With 24.6-megapixel resolution that captures details so fine, and color so rich and natural, you will never be satisfied with anything less again. In truth, it is a camera like no other.
World’s Smallest Professional Camera with interchangeable lenses! • 12.3 Megapixel Live MOS Sensor • Two new kit lenses (M. Zuiko 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 and 17mm F2.8 Pancake) • TruePic V image processor • 3.0" LCD screen (fixed, 230k dot resolution) • HD movies (720p) with stereo sound • Linear PCM sound recording • 3.0 fps sequential shooting • Optional Adapters for all ZUIKO DIGITAL & OM lenses • Newly developed GUI for easier operation via Live Control • Automatic recognition of common scenes possible with i-Auto • Dual control dials • Face Detection & Shadow Adjustment
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