MY NDENGUE PROFILE IN THE KILAMBA CITY The Blogging Essay for Angola Independancy Day
By Tayta Moncko
When I got the Financial Times ( report on a city designed as 'ghost town', sometime before I've felling that anything should be done to try the best way to discover another reality inside Kilamba’s area of buildings; this way, not forgetting my position as subscriber of this European newspaper through email access. Of course, I've begin describing what has been the transfer of my family from a local kind of shanty, called here musseque(1)in the capital of Angola, to a new habitable quarter, the Kilamba Kiaxi, nothing more than a new Luanda nice outskirt. Anybody is ready to find the local 'via expresso' or mean road arround the Luanda physical century, at the principal access to Kilamba entry from which night light seems a new city next to this useful displacement area. At Kilamba I found a modeled apartment exposing Chinese architecture inserted on the agreement between Angola governement and their one to execute many small towns all around this African country since last 2012. With this tryial of blogs I am looking to set all my texts in this outlined first book under my nickname while a well known citizen by people like the lawyer who accept to write the preface presented bellow. Please, my readers take the chance of all these episodes!
The Author
(1)See Oscar Ribas:DicionĂĄrio de Regionalismos Angolanos, page 281, Lisbon, 2014, Fenacult:
(From Dr Tjipilica, Ombusdsman and my family's friend)
As a citizen of the Portuguese Speaking Country's Community, the author has growth in since 1964. That date marcked him when he has been saved from flooding as child of four years old in the beach called then Praia do Bispo. His own saver has been one of the younger sons Van-DĂşnen couple, also resident in the old capital of Luanda province.He never known his name but it seems that they were two or three yong sons from that family. He also remember his primary school in former SĂĄ da Bandeira small town - today Bailundo - as well as in former city of Nova Lisboa (now Huambo) where his parents had been attached to civil tasks under Conservative public services. His mother has her last couple of children in Bailundo when living with his father as lawyer assistant in the same region also as public servant.
Once lanched in the secondary school he attended four years of classroom in Luanda. It was near the former rubber manufacture today in front of the called sportive stadium Cidadela! His attendance here allows him to get a performance on professional curriculum until the Independance date in Angola by 1975.
Before he started the faculty with a grant to attend science, he was more afected to professional then political activities. While some members of his family as been missed under the civil war all around the coutry he prefered to attache himself to more education curiculum (bachelor, master and doctor application) than political status along with many of his colegues.
Today he use many of his time utside his job as manager of his family real estate heritage in the central plateau of Angola. He does it along with his nine sisters and three brothers-in-law. Without sons or daughters he take care of seven sons of members of his own family who have lost they parents in the civil war achieved last 2002.
Always interested on stories about the Angolan life and culture - from folklore and/or anthropo themes - he used to read many time several classic writers in Angola as well as in Africa and the Portuguese literature: Jorge Amado, AmĂlcar Cabral, Mia Couto, JosĂŠ Saramago, Pepetela, etc. And he is attested to anglo writers like Wole Soyinka, Chinua Achebe, Ruth First, Martin Luther King, Wangary Matai, and many others known figures. Because of his choice of a realy know personnal who acepted to presente the preface, the use of a nickname from the author don't damage the value of his first essay to publish a book. His own readers never forget that Tayta Moncko is trying to present that first edition both in Portuguese and English in behalf of his own academic hhistory at faculty and experiments around the wide word, and not only in Africa. However, he wishes for all his readers to become inspired in this kind of style for blogs essay in the best way of new writers. He expect this model to became a little more developed among others new writers in Angola and especially SADC to produce new lessons of blog users for a new public standard as readers for a new kind of knowledge and test of our cultural reality.
Unit—I: One or two towns in Luanda New Luanda cities called Kilamba? ..................... pp. 9
Unit—II: Same 100 Makas* (or stretches) Recorded First trouble in the sanzala* (or quarter) ____________ pp. 25 Second trouble in the sanzala _________________________ pp. 28 Third trouble in the sanzala __________________________ pp. 34 Fourth trouble in the sanzala _________________________ pp. 38 Fifth trouble in the sanzala __________________________ pp. 50 (*)See Òscar Ribas Dictionary, Fenacult, 2014 Obs: 'Maca' instead of Maka (Kimbundo native language in Angola)
Unit—III: Routine duties under threat Local commission’s master profile _____________________ pp. 54 Classrorm beginner, primary subjets ___________________ pp. 57 Lords’s life style and taximan ________________________ pp. 61 Zungueiro* and other social kisks _____________________ pp. 64 (*)Ibidem: from zunga (mobile seller)
Unit—IV: Extra urbe main records Virtual library unvisible’s user ______________________ pp. 69 TV-Zimbo, TPA and DVD seekers _________________________ pp. 71 Dealing with tiresome visitors ________________________ pp. 74
Storms produce unhealthy water? _______________________ pp. 77 Shopings and Stores under buildings ___________________ pp. 79
Unit—V: Memories and Celebrations What business without a risk? _________________________ pp. 84 Our carnival from television __________________________ pp. 89 Chinese lunar and our footbal _________________________ pp. 93 Good climax next to 100 hints _________________________ pp. 95
Unit—VI: Paradigms and Reflection Start 1st classes without Maths? ______________________ pp. 99 Kind of ligh acidents near builds _____________________ pp. 101 Sanzaleiros* and our Quissângua* ______________________ pp. 104 Native languages assist education? ____________________ pp. 106 (*)Ibidem: Oscar Ribas dictionary Obs - From 'Sanzala' to 'sanzaleiro' (Umbundo language)
Unit—VII: Less impolite matters Receiving teological coverage _________________________ pp. 111 Delicate Sanitation with tecniciens ___________________ pp. 114 Gather parents at a school debate _____________________ pp. 117 Rest by night, diary pollution ________________________ pp. 119
Unit—VIII: Prococatif chats: Eviction for entry and return _________________________ pp. 122 Kinds wish TVs and air-condition ______________________ pp. 124 Sport partnership and mutual help _____________________ pp. 127 Between friendship and a Profession ___________________ pp. 130
Unit—IX: How to Realize Pacifist Dreams? Dismissed and Abused Teacher __________________________ pp. 134 Today tsunamis or even overcast _______________________ pp. 138 New Bus to reach the Embarcadouro** ___________________ pp. 141 Swimming in Cabo** without Ramiro** ___________________ pp. 145 (**) Name of a hanbour to travel on boat to Luanda port; See also google mapps online to find Mussulo linkage.
Unit—X: Hints to Close this Epilogue Didactics review, locking approval ____________________ pp. 147 Nice acrobacy, but not exaggerated ____________________ pp. 150 Water without light, can’t satisfy ____________________ pp. 152 Communicate means ready to co-operate _________________ pp. 155
UNIT—I: One or Two Luanda towns?
The real estate owner is a kind of grand-sister under Angolan costume, and I remerber had most of my kindergarden stage next to phase between her and my maternal grand-mother; but the many mobiles introduced at home were receive as suport from a brother-in-law, himself a Portuguese citizen who raised with my family in Bailundo village, around former Nova Lisboa city (today Huambo) and since 1968.
My wife choise for the fouth floor in the buildng where we stand at home, was the first note of this blog; while I'd like to get the chance to be introcuced at the eight floor, which means became located at the last stage of the building.However, the wide calm we felt since the first week at this house and apartment of Kilamba, mark the second record we noted in the environment that spread all around the quarter where we begun to live. Almost all birds from the morning seems also quit calm, since the first days living at a diferent place than into a musseque, as we the zone we were transfered from.
The third record is linked to the house arrangement: public potable water vailable all the day, particularly whith lack of power, were bloquing its access from basic motors or public power throught local EDEL enterprise, etc. Now we can remember the engineer Mr Paciencia, as Power officer at EDEL when answering question of a regular debate with Mr Jorge Gomes, animator in the Radio Mais programs esch week (FM, 99.1). In fact, my apartment was needed a power contract for electricity, then we had took almost 36 hours waiting to get it at home as new located family. And that was available after the payment of the pre-paid invoice of AOA 2,000 at the EDEL office in Kilamba.
Because we have paid this invoice the same day of contratc signature for the power we were obliged to wait all this time I guess! Then the time to have a power technician ready to install
some tools to start the energy in the house is part of a proceduure that can explain the delay of this figure. The use of other frames to have lights at home ought you to spend more then planned before such contract: body-shop or ushers has been among the kind of lanterns requested from my family member to dealt with everyday pression for light at home.
Of course we ehere satisfied to have enough spece in this apartment: three bedrooms, two wc, a great salon (for TV and dinner), a nice kitchen and its store, as well as two verandas one for flowers and an other linked to the kitchen but to wash cloths. Nevertheless the power emerge with the kinder cry of 'energy come' we were used to earn at the musseque, here in Kilamba it seemed that it never desapear at all.
But for our surprise just one day after get it from EDEL we recorded the first general fall in the intire city of Kilamba Kiaxi, and then just one day after get our connection in building: it was a wide power chute aparently for all of that urbanity.
The best for our curiosity as recent residents here has been to hear from other near at our house that this kind of power cut off never atteint more then half a day (maybe 12 hours)as its limits...And in fact that was what happen in this first eletrical rupture experiment between 10 to 11 a.m. into our fourth day of alocation there in Kilamba, green building zone.
What we never know at this momment has been how the management of the cut off has been conduucted: if steemend diretly from EDEL techniciens of is the CITI Chinese team. Event is both responsibility have imput their knowledge on the case and finaly avoid more time for the final result accessed to relay the power to all housing sistems. Maybe God could become the assurance of the visible answer for it!
Because of the called 'Kilamba ghosts' everything returned to the regular normality. And that's what I'd like to say to my son throught my cellphone, when he connect to me to advise that everytthing where turn on at home. Nevertheless, I discover a great news between this pause under power cut off or 'electrical intervale' in this city inner Luanda: no traffic lights operates along all streets and avenues
in Kilamba. And there were of course a little scramble in the middle of tha crossroads. Anyway, I have to say that no accidents have been recorded at all by myself. But it was visible some nervous trouble among a little part os people looking for taxis and transfer themself from one side to the other in bigs avenues and streets were the traffic has been a little bit agitate! Then it appears especially where people demonstrate they lack of calm to expect the needed time to find the best chance to avoid any acidents.
But other then the power cut off the water sistem has also been shut down at the same time. It was the surprise for me. And probably not only in my apartment! What does this means? A restriction for don’t use a generator suporting the frame model to cover this kind of modern tools ready to answer for that ruptures?
These were my own questions inside my mind: and what would happen with the lift inside our building itself, I guess. This time what would happen whether anybody stand at this apparatus into is own up and down movement throught the building itself, I were reflecing...
It was not running when I get out from my residence in the fourth floor. What I supposed to happen with a neighbour on the front of my home is that he might be stoped in the lift, after I were yet down in the first floor.
But how could it be tested when nobody cry for it and made me recording this fact? I decided to request to another neighbour in the same building: As it was explained to me it happens realy in same case to find people bloqued inside the lift, sppecially when they don't know about the digital frame inside to press this apparatus go down still the next floor. And nothing more then this procedure he said me. Another neighbour said me that in case of more difault Chinese technicians should be called or event the administration officers if it's needed.
Excellent! I though quickly once becaming sensibilized for he most empirical answers for theses subjetcs: some emerged from themselves inn my mind while I was filling that some seemed created more then descover under a theorical approach, based on decisif datas known everywhere...
However, an other matter emerge in behalf on more people linked to market, shopts and wharestores' usual costumers like the 'former domestic employers' today colled in Luanda household managers, under legal status. In fact, we can find at the entree of Kilamba zone a big wheresore designed by KERO - a hypermarket which stands in many areas of Luanda.
My wife and kids began our first buyings there for the new alocation. As usual there are many produtcs anybody needs to his home and under not realy expensives for the middle class in Angola, I guess. They started to get many tools we are looking for best install our television network: ZAP and DSTV channels for exemple, and some other frames to best achieve the image test!
When we request the young staff around the building were we're living, for the channel installation on the top os the household structure, they were quickly available to do it. It was realy different then where we came from since Maianga quarter, in one side located near our supposed shanty area.
Here we can't place the wide parabolic dish exactly on the apartment's veranda. The technicians said they needed to raise the top structure of the eight floor building for such a installation of TV's connection tools. Or then find an other option with telecom farmers like TV-Cabo ti fix they different procedure for channel access...
When I look other buildings around I get the fact that most used the top structure for parabolic installations. That's what anybody could see without reserve along with coloured zones inside Kilamba. And then some parabolic get the same side to fix the signals orietation: to the East!
That's why in the building where stands my apartment we were looking for the best position to fix it, at the residence, before the last choice of top structure as well as many residents here. Accessing this top was available for every body I guess but we need to test the signal figure as well. And our invited professionals were ready to verify it as soon as possible and get the payment we're ready to did for them.
Well, my boys, I said to the technicians, what happens if i choose to installs not both channel of ZAP and DSTV, but one of them? How much it could be? – Oh ‘father’ (as it is usual to call somebody under courtesy in Landa), you will lost yourself because the same price cover both tools fixed on the top of your building! We know that Oscar Ribas alerts in his dictionnary for the pratics of expressions in Portuguese here in Angola, which face in the sentence we need across words like these without the rules required at the grammar - see his last publication by Fenacult in 2014. But my darlings 'sons’..., I answered them: - What I need to know is whether the half value can be payable or not, once only one channel tube seems enough for my house. I have not enough monney today for every spences at home, you know! - Oh, 'old man' said them now. - Ten thousands kwanza (1) (Angolan monney) would be cheap enough, or not? If not we can't find our work rent after many expertise and risks, you know...We are here just to help you to install what seems very difficult to see you TV. And I tried to stop more comments about this theme with them. But remember that it was you who said me by phone that you were ready to here, evaluate quitely the case and then decide with me the proposed technical profile for such a channel, or not? I've charged them again. Now the cost must came from the lat point and the first one under our task exchange I guess. And they seemed a little bit calm starting they job for installation saying my son that for the same price the two channel frame will be available as soon as possible - less then one hours at the top of the building... Okay! We'll wait for you to be back tomarrow. It will be possible to find people at home on the best time to follow you under such a task, ok? My son pressed them to get this pause for more assurance between us and then before the job be achieved. From my wife and children i knew the pressure were hard to get they usual connection for movies and films like the CSI's series at Fox, and other ones! They know that myself were a permanente attached to channels like local Zimbo-TV, RTP-Africa, TV5, BBC, ALJSIRA, RAI, GLOBO, National Geographic, TV-Cap Verd, TVMozambique, CNN, Bloomberg, CCTV-China, Russia Today, etc. Each one get they own choice, that's clear!
As my family head I am educated to respect recognazed personal choices of each member when they're in front of any TV channel at home. Even for CD and DVD programs noot only for kids as well as documentaries and movies I am regularly registered as they preferences once users of it. That the kind of cultural aspect of the ‘globalization’ which atteint my family at home - read Martin Wolf about it, 2006 edition. It means that no job rules from me and my wife are the basic model for the child choice: nor the father application for taximan neigher the mother emplyee at the restaurant's kitchen in the quarter of Mutamba, Luanda. Nevertheless, I can say that we're filling ourself guided by this way from a special psycho-pedagogy that trainning our children how to describe the best samples of our anthropo idendity inserted in African culture - the European assimilation still remains an importat fond of this global face we expose today to the wide world!
Now my ndengue - local designation of 'darling son'- has got a deep outstanding from his faculty (college), when sending under a grant aggreement to Namibia, but not yet graduated; the daughter who follow him is trying to achienve the secondary school in Luanda. However, I need to improve my granddaughter's efforts at primary school - she is caming from her father, my oldest son - with another wife, as we use to do since the young age under plurigamic traditional habits. My daughter dream to become a professional on telecom at her management college located in Viana, a short region in the outkirts of Luanda. As many students here after the secondary school che seems hesitate to choose her best training option what not happens with her brother! That's maybe the result of a certain lack of guide teams and staff available at school and bewteen the parents and educative institutions in Angola (read Dr Filipe Zau, about this subject please).
Thinking on the suport to my children for atteinding their expected results at school, since the low age, I used to manage more exploration at home with them of all study matters. My job time is also reduced some time when they asked my effort to explain several duties in Math and often Portuguese language. Everyday I used to get clients for taxi services with my personal auto - under what is called in Luanda ' processo', i.e. informal taxi service -, regularly from Samba quarter to the clinic of Multiperfil morning. But in the afternoon, many other
routes can became more rental for taxi options. Then I changed the trip as well as reduced the time used to get clients when they request my assistance toimpprove they pprimary or secondary studies... We can remember radiologists like Mr Jorge Gomes - from 'Radio Mais' from Frequency Modulation (FM): 90.1 megahertz (MHz) calling all taximen to take care on the us of they vehiculs as well as the civil relues of taxi businness, adding the correction of many errors in Portuguese language we still made and can avoid it. As he said it for everybody by his Radio antennas: be accurate not only driving but also talking care to the improved by all taximen and people!
As you know we can get our time for everything. Then even hearing a radio we can spend our time fixing notices about: computer or Internet, since its starting days from Silicom Valley in the United States, themes on migration in Europe even from countries which were former parts of the USSR, after the 'perestroika' process (1989), not forgettiing news from Ghandi's daughter in India, or short discussion between China and JapĂŁo around an island each were saying as they propriety (2014), or a xenophobic movement in modern South Africa country post apartheid (2015), our darling SADC region!
The use of computer and Internet is one which gets sometime then the expected space of recreation we prepare for it. user of a vehicle from Hiace (Toyota) and Hiyndai i10, depending of the routine and the trip to get best business my clients, while an informal taxi procedure.
more As a both with
Since I can get the access to Patner Mobile modem with local telecom mark Unitel I payd just 625 UTT (transfer unity). And applied it to the MS-DOS of my Hewlett-Packard it became realy excellent. In case of one who are member of the taximen association interested in the organisation of meeting for the improvement of Internet training and management on behalf of more and more calendar for driving themes and discussions, for exemple, we need to sensibilise the head office to get their reaction about those proposals.
Any quick opportunity to assist these associative members - I am still outside their group - to produce and protecte such technical and training execises would help them to read blogs,
access to GPS system in their auto, navigate into Google mapps, etc, in behalf of their our carreer as public drivers.
Not only Net were among cultural product to which I am interested at this momment: but also get books from authors into the Portugue community countries like Mia Couto, from Mozambique, JosĂŠ Saramago, from Portugal, Gilberto Freire, from Brazil, Germano Almeida, from Cape Verd, etc. Even the former Timor Lorosae's presidente and prime-minister Xanana Gusmao, whether he decide to became writer...
Be indicated as a writer anywhere in the world is something realy valuable for anybody. Even those who had been former politicians and/or entrepreneurs for cientists and technologists it will be noted as his natural profession - but there are people not realy interested in these kind of cultural and literacy adoption as ooriginal trend among its professional and social lifestyle. Now as a Kilamba resident I get the chance to describe many facts and ideas shared with my family, friends and even those not partners at all. Be part of a small or big community, like inside a quarter from the city of Luanda is samethhing special to me. It would not be the picture designed as 'ghostly' urban area as noticed by the Financial Times's reporter, nto her own newpaper but as whom living there and exploring many aspects of the diary figures: cultural, economic, social, religious, healthy, human right affairs, gender and woman conflits as well as many others not usual inside buildings without people.
As you can notice it that 'involontary provocation' from that European journalist from an International newspaper - really reckogned among the best of the wide world - bacame my motivation to create that essay of blogs not tp answer any question her but to complement such a report and its lecturer.
It seems there is no Kilamba without Kiaxi...Or no tree without branchs! That's why such urban context really attached to Luanda outskirts as been the foundation of my efforts to launch my first book - known that many of the six millions of residents in this main town of Angola as recogned by 2014 Census could fullfil many part of its pages...
My 'reseach' doesn't mean set togheter many datas from the Census to answer any statistical requests: even to demonstratate its official side and less controversial approachs or more credible discussion; even to those interested in a deep lecture of opinions linked to all reports from www.expansĂŁ - and them try to find the best formule of the thematic of urbanity in Angola - not at all!
The used model from this weekely Angolan newpaper - designed 'O Expansao' - is what it is exposed several times inits pages: fullfil graphics even for about 24 millions of residents all around the country to best inform its readers.
Nevertheless we ought to allow that other readers would be ready to take care with such proposal not in the fond of my blogs essay. And then expecting that other analists could iprove such a dimension of the urban approach really vast... That's not only a case of expression liberty nor press I guess! Right now we can remmember that as citizen from Angola we are at least aware that without liberty colonial regime no access to Internet for everybody possible today...
liberty, not only from the would be
However, as it was refered on several paragrafs before, the computers systems - hardware and software - are looked for many of our diary tasks. And adding to their profile we discover that Internet is also an excellent tool not forget by anybody for divers branch of excercises and jobs today: to perform our professional competence, even clinical or justice, even manager or executif - since academic and polĂtica to economic and cultural, etc. Thanks to the technology it's available for all citiens of the wide world, so far...
After what there is my last curiosity concerning this Kilamba building apartment where I'm living today: how can I find a ciber post inside this urban zone? The called cybers, in general terms as we know about it, since our kindergarden age.
To find a cyber-coffee I've started to follow from a block of buildings - each one named with special local entities - to another in Kilamba. With a little lucky one Net provider had been found near my own building and apartment: it was inactive not for lack of clintes or officers but just 'closed'.
The same questions had been exposed to more people on the road. The same kind of aswers had been charged: go to the building F‌ or the A‌ or the H‌, and there is what I've done along two or three days when it was possible to my! The corage you fill is to find at the end of such march the targeted cyber-coffee not yet visible in my new quarter...
That's to suppose it would be really difficult for me to it, while my HP laptop at home seems most easy to access the Net network under a UNITEL modem. But the problems were to aid my children and granddaughter to use what they were the habit of access with they friends and college partners. From were we are from a shanty zone that's the most useful provider of Net tools and services to pupils and students as well as scholars ans graduates or even just literates. Then I decided to not desist from this search and go ahead for a week more, I guess. Until that end of March any cyber outside Kilamba still remains the main options for my children and not my laptop of course...
Once at the road to Benfica quarter, full of clients that were travel to Futungo/Mussulo throught what they call 'via expresso' from Kero hypermarket, somebody said me that a cyber were available in the cross road to the beach of Ramiro. I've tryied to find this place and what I found there is a copy center and photo services... At this point when back to my Hiace taxi, my assistant laugh in face of the answer I've found for that proposal. - Say to your children to look for cybers where they use to meet they girl and boyfriends! Then he put this sentence just to enlarge upon his sad commnets...
Well done for who look for places they never meet anywhere, added him, once again to extend his smilling under prococative comments inside our vehicle and made clients ready to follow him in such a sad approach. Who were responsable for this is myself when I get the message as right from other taximan from who I request this question. In fact he was right as thinking that my search seems realy low then for exemple other itens more important in my life: for exemple look for the management of Kilamba municipal program to engage the next autharchic election by 2018... Maybe this subject would be motivated for blogs not aimed political matters
but surely more critics to fullfill this reaction to British Financial Times's reporter on our 'ghost'.
However there may have cybers all around the never could remain the place to connect divers
several points of Internet sharing under Luanda town and it outskirts. Kilamba only side os Luanda without al list one social netweb.
Nevertheless the pricing available for user at web posts realy accesible for middle and high-middle class families, it's commun to find children from groups under low poverty stands visiting and using those computer and its Net services, even to play a little bit any promotional videos. For those accessing programs of the most spread local musics like the called 'ku-duro' - some program at public TV left visible they development -, even throught cybers its usefull to prepare many basic sound for producing this sounds...Who can remember the television master for this kind of program, the autonamed 'Ta-se-Bem', were getting from him the easy way to manage low cost produce and delivering of this local music.
Many cybers I've found and active around Luanda town so far, before became a Kilamba's resident, used manager from Vietman but living in Angola and little local citizens. This happens at some part of this wide urban location and not ought to be spread to the wide city. But the real estate structure where those cybers are located seems to be propriety of Angolan naturalized people, even when the power generator are operating to cover elctrical cut off...
Nevertheless, this kind of Net iniciatives seems very important as private support to spread computer knowlegde as well as Internet social networks. While their restrict space available for a little people gather inside, they value remains still for every body aming those who access it, anewhere iin this country - more then the main city! Friends persons from Vietman, from Philippines, and maybe more southeast Asian countries, I guess, are a small part of those I've found when accessing cybers in Luanda, and not yet in Kilamba zone. Someone among them seems highly performed on computer and Internet management: not only at harware as well as at software experiments.
They hability to cover such a professional approach reveal a special capacity to manage even very small space at little ou great buildings structures - like under mean stears from the basic floor, etc. That's the case of a woman from Asia I found into the build next to Novartis pharmacy at Amilcar Cabral Avenue in Maianga quarter: she makes copies and get photos for clientes in a private service which ocupied less then two square meters - or she stands on at least four m3! It’s successful.
Looking at this exemple of well managed private iniciative I was thinking myself on why not get local people - native or not ready to apply such a experiments for renttal and professional development at the entry of each building in Kilamba. Maybe this minded iniciative would find the recommendable procedure to ‘negociate’ such a motivation with local administrations and business network...
What? I'm trying to say is that maybe the Kilamba's urban civility were projected to conver at least an ammount next to one percent of the six millions of Luanda ihabitantes today - as it was resumed from the 2014 Census study, see INE, please! What means that such a iniciative well organised could atteint maybe 60 thousands of residents on it best planned operations.
Suppose all the seven visible side of buildings in from the great road called 'via expresso' could amount of 10% of the entire new urbaned zone. Then guess for such a cyber and computer development network iniciative would be able to cover around local residents...Just a dream!
Kilamba viwed represent an the project I in a private six thousands
That's what should be a business value in behalf of a team maybe multibased: from Southern Asian like vietnamians or Philippines, etc, as well any African businessmen from Angola, etc; even the kind of moisture linked Portuguese and European or LatinAmerican like Brazilian, etc. We know that Afrocan natives like those called mamadou - see Dr António Miranda, 2010 edition seems not welcamed by nationals when not legalized as foreign living here, etc. As you can note on theses blogs I'm trying to ptovoquue reflexions other then these based in the' reporter comments about a‘ghest city’..., but looking to make it on a new style of write approach without creating misunderstood methods of just talking about what are never links to the well done article from this European well known newspaper!
Exposing myself as a taximan in my professional life in Luanda, too perform this blog essay, I know that this job never allow me or other working this way to get the needed time to develop this writing style. However, I decided to go ahead and try not the answer for the reporter contents but a new style to manage a writing style motivate from her corage to design such a title to her news work. The human imaginary still move our ability to design our drema as well as our best carrer performance test, once in the area of writer or blog producer. Because I was never part of writer carrrer instead of taxi driver so far, under Kilamba resident status, I prefered to provide my readers this essay on my motivation to this reportage on this ghost 'centrality'. My cultural and academic competence still remain realy lower then these needed to ccreate a deep study under essay to publish over faculties or colleges in Angola or elsewhere. That's why this style has been tested ans well as the path I rebuild some datas gather from public and private offices. The many of these sources had never been requested to approach the kind of essay i'm trying to provide to my readers. Neither those editors recorded on several publications I’m refearring about in my pages, please! That's just the methos I made to create this motivated writing blog structure available for any critics.
As the author I'm responsable for the choice made in this style expecting it never be part a criminal procedure. No penalty has been demonstrated once this style appears to me as the one we can manage to create another way to write on short life stories even getting from kilamba. Some people i talk about this proposal said me their found my ability to produce this essay as a personal liberty as well more then a press liberty to insert our thoughts available to a targeted reader.
While taximan I fill myself more as no entiif then as teoligical diliver. That's way think about ghost may be a deep motivated think procedure: we know that Homo sapiens seem be among the type of hominoid’s history which produced such dream style! Expecting to be 'erroneous' in my diary exercise more non crentif then deep engaged in caritative NOGs paths on my life I respect those thinking in opposite side... To exist as a man - with or without cogito ergo sum filling as said siince our kindergarden starting mode - wecan record many
memories some Tv channel explore deeply for a better frame of social communication nowadays. For exemple, that's the case of the program we get from called Science of Stupid. Even other Tv channes like Odisseia, British Broabcoast Corporation (BBC), an other ones, expose to their users more reports on ‘1000 ways to died’, etc.
Nevertheless this informations and analytical programs reveals their ability to make everybody well informed as well as glad for many datas linked and managed for soft knowledge about it, the main target public never remains cientists but every citizens around the wide world interested in such subjects.
At the end, way not take care to motivate many people who read my blogs essay to improve their recreation with the contects I'm inserted on for more and more glad moments then the sad one? Not sad because we're talking about ghost pictures but glad to be part of thiis kind of lecture: demonstrate the ability we have to reflect about ghost images without fear! Finaly, as it was noticed before, we can't fill hilself enough glad while reading about the blog writed from ghost motivatiion: throught ideas among which slope we found business proposal for best test of manage rental opportunities. Not to be realized by the readers themself but to allow them to discuss with they partners here or at very distant places about the goal of such not hard reflection...
Since the autoroad called 'via expresso' we get the maiin way to enter the Kilamba zone, next to Kero hypermarket. Since then we disting all coloured buildings and the beauty of the SinoAngolan architecture that start another urban image in that former Luso territory. Supose your right to negociate a business network that fullfill just a space of four square meters (m3), under the stears of the first floor from each building. And that it became the focal point of a educatif system of cybers and computer services for children and teens among resindents from that new urban zone. And after a first step this private affairs develop a track to expand their basis to more and more Kilamba's models in the country durng the next three or four years: a great business not I guess, not for drones selling but to deliver more and more tools and frames to improve the computer use and payment! And that's not a dream from a ghost but a Kilamba resident...
Nevertheless, I wish to get under this approach the opportunity to prove that we must deliver for our reader such a thinking model while on blogs essay style. And we need to allow to them the chance to read also the reporter from the that motivates my boost for writing the experiment. It would be a recomendation more then an endevour from a target reader for this stories frm a taximan living in an apartment in Kilamba. Well read conduct us to best understand! I need to know if my model style is another style to write managing datas as it reveal their utility inserted in such procedure of motivation: to write and to understand what ought to be part of this blog. It means that I achieve to the end of my first book on my presence in this urban lifestyle or transfer between two diary life under African civic history modeled by Chinese investment. To more critics that contribute to improve my blogs essay any reader may consult theses bibliographies attached bellow. What I expect from them is never fear to say good monring to me from anywhere in the wide world! Is from a distant East of the Earth we had get the chance to prove our ability to produce an other lifestyle living inner a former 'ghosht city'!
When I refered to them I'm not saying that a study over their academic experience helped the bulding of my deep approach for this essay: each may became a central point for these reader who need to test more lectures about the social reality exposed from Luanda as part of the author project.
Library books exploited for this theme: AFONSO, Luiekakio: «A Influência da dinâmica populacional no processo de desenvolvimento social e económico de Angola», in Letras & Ciências Sociais, 2014, Nr.1, I-Semestre, JanuaryJune (pags. 5-37), Luanda, Agostinho Neto university RODRIGUES, Cristina Udelsman: «O Trabalho Dignifica o Homem. Estratégias de Sobrevivência em Luanda», 2006, Lisbon, Tempo e Espaços Africanos, Nr.6 BABSON, Paul and Roque Santa: «Aqui na Cidade Nada Sobra para Ajudar: Buscar Solidariedade e a Ação Colectiva em Bairros PeriUrbanos de Angola», 2001, Luanda Development Workshop
GOFFMAN, Ervin: «A apresentação do Eu na Vida de Todos os Dias», 1959, Editora Antropos, Brasil RIBAS, Óscar: «Temas da Vida Angolana e suas Incidências», 2014, Fenacult, ou, Phone: (244)222323979 (1)It’s the name of Angola’s money. Not the Afro-American «cultural festival» from December 26 to January 1 as explained by Oxforford Advanced Learner's Dictionary: 'kwanzaa' (p. 858).
The public farm designed EDEL - charged to deliver power - is rreally well touched by the local population, its clients or not I guess. EverybodY depend from them to any cut off or some technical imputs when it is called to assist their consumers in the main city of Angola, Luanda.
However, that neighbours in technician in friend in the him, this way.
is the first record about a dispute between the quarter of Kilamba, connected to the EDEL the field: it was a week-end and my neareast buildings around myself said what happens with
His brother-in-law located in a building call his own neighbour in front of is apartment to gebin a discussion between then and their wives...The first one said that the digital marker which read electronicaly any power spend at home were transfered to the apartment Edel's box in front of their placement. The discussion was based on the lack of the registered sensor the one side - what impeach the accounting of the electrical balance of spent power from each home or apartment. My protherin-law said to me that his neighbour insisted he was awared on the change recorded in his our sensor. He refused formerly get any action in that case with or without EDEL services.
It seems that it happens regularly such a transfer of sensor frame from one apartment's box to another without its inhabitant be awared about this misconduct, said my my brother-in-law following his story. And because he took care to impress a low visible sign on his ownn sensor the case was quickly achieved. Both head of home arrange the best way to test all EDEL's box along the eighth
floor in their building - up and down stears - before they found the searched sensor. Nevertheless, this search result quickly for both parties: they found the sensor two floors down their own location. Called the proprietary of the linked apartment where the box were situated he llow the discussion partner another surprise: EDEL technician is said as the person who has placed this sensor there, said to them the last contacted resident - and where they found a box arraged wth the serached sensor! How it possible that the public firm could be responsible for such a misunderstanding among the expected power services payd for more performance and assurance of this system for Kilamba?
More then just the EDEL technician envonved in such a desviation, they fund an other interesting default: it was after the post-payment done by the resident that the charged operatif act this way...Maybe to quick install the power system this detour of EDEL rules has been allowed by their own staff member without this firm administratiion were advised. After the finding emerged from the inicial discussion both parties calm themselves and deliver more comments to other residents who approach to them to share the contents of the movie produced on the floors of they building. Some presents advised them to write a message about this case to EDEL as quick as possible! And the suspect of such professional crime (or detour) has left his own mobile number as well as identity name and team code at his staff for Kilamba. No pipcture have been got from his face but it seemed enough these datas of his personnal profile. Maybe with such a complaint more and more detours could be avoided since then, I guess... However yo pay a contract for poweer delivering and payd for sensor installation, the final procedure is a detour of the technical procedure from the firm staff member: what create a conflit bewteen neighbours inside the same building and even face-to-face in the same floor. That's what my brother-in-law allows me to know from his apartament.
Instead of informe his own head officer, my broter-in-law said they decided to manage a trap for the suspect technician: calling him for a false service, just to get him present at the building as soon as possible. Then make him in face of the facts
they had connected from the box moved out of the recogned rules designed by his firm staff. And whether he came to the place set for, call every residents as well as the building coordinator to register his alibi as target on such a conflit to gather all datas available for his own return to the opposite side of detourment actions since now. So far what he said to the inquirer at this building is that himself wasn't not concious about this deviation...Maybe somebody inner the building has made the misthrusted operation of stolen the sensor from on to an other place, were his response. - But I follow you inserting the frame at that installation! One of the two parties in conflit at the begining had said to him, quickly. My brother-in-law propose to him a confrontation with other technician in their own entreprise about these situation and then he finish wi th the last comment: - Not a all, my friends. t this point my staff head would suppose that i am accountant of all detourned position because I was the only indicated to verify the appropriate application of this tool... It was at this momment every present residents around him start to conclude that his own explanation was laughable...and unreasonable! In fact he was assumed his own coupable position instead of put a non sense to more reflesion for the residents. They propose to go ahead with a plaint for the head EDEL head officer as soon as possible, but: - My friends please! I can look for another sensor anywhy to change this situation quickly. Thrust me and you must gain more then you think about. You know that other problem can happen and you will need to call us to resolve it, or not? It was that sentence from the technician which make a short silent amoong the presents...Its really a clear announce that himself, the technician seems available to create other problems to any resident when called to answer a cut off, etc. Nevertheless, any mediation behavor were required at that moment. And the first step seemed to be an agrement of good understanding between the residents and this EDEL technician; after what thei might be in a clear open behavior to accept his contact for more and non expect need of his assistance; finaly, it might be clear that a formal plaint on this case must nstroduce more time and costs to every residents who were not set as a united front against the technician behavior. For me it just have to thanks my brother-in-law for his ability to count such a story to myself and became awre of the importance of the 'mediation procedure' when facing any kind of
conflit wiiht its neighbour - with or without the charge of any technician from any entreprise, private or public near or not of Kilamba. For all os us it may be an opportunity to reflect about this chance to promote some legal meeting to promote the mediation lessons in behalf of the residents.
Noadays, our kids never seems with social masques we expect to envolve them inside our family where we were used to supose ritualised before our adult age at the village - most of us! In fact, their path to the teenage stage reveals apparently more adapted too urban then rural area as we were most educated. I think there another break throught over the snob efects by our children today because several enigmas which dominate now may be part of our new imaginations atttached to a new generation. Why did I get such a perspective from my children today? It was at least when I've surprised to hear from some neighbour's child a special hability to expose they concerns throught a new form of young speech, once I arrived at home someday ago. It was a tide morning when I return from my job as taximan - as many of those who are attached to this kind of carrer in Luanda -, and while I'm not registered to their union associations not for informal and not insured drivers. After get up stears by lift to stay in my own floor and access the apartment on the sixth stage. And when I go out the elevator I were pressed by a team of four childrens who get my arm by their hands and talk diverse expressions not really artiiculated between one and another as t ought to became a comun exposition. They were apparently from the ages of six to nine years old. After that proximity to me they were trying to say important to me by talking at same time ...and in level of voices! That's what made me to look recommended mode to perceive what happens exactly and their converns.
something different the best what were
My look looking all of them without any questiion or instead with a quiet pause between the lift door and my apartment entry, left them understand that they need to organise their behavior before be really heared as wel as possible an adult as well as when they were at they own house with they parents. At this moment, one of them takes the head of this team to say what happens and why they were pressed to talk to me about it. A child, who says he is son of my neighbour at left one floor down, claimed that my own son ins't the coupable a charge the young daughter of an other neighbour put to him: - He never was in sexual assault with her, because with know she says always the same others young friens in our bulding! It's then my mind started to look the best reflextionto the case as father and not only as neighbour in the same quarter and building of Kilamba. However, each of other three members of this children team begun to expose their comments around this theme and mixing aparents facts and opinions, I guess... Then I begun to place some question to each of then quietly before decide the maiin conclusion about the first notice I were getting from this tean of children. And I needed tomake then so easy to talk the more detailled points before understand what were their concern exactty as well as my son problably nature of accusation and its targeted slope. That's when I recharge to one of them: - My son makes love with her? And he answers quickly to me: - Not at all, they were just dancing as lovers of some sexist movements! She acsuses your son the look for an 'alembamento' - See Oscar Ribas about this term, please - as soon as possible, as she speech to others ones with whom she gets that cence to launch a conflit position with the same motivation, I guess, achieved in at the end of what were a confused answer to me. Then I thank all of them and said they must go home and never mind about the caso because I expect to find my wife and mother of the accused to prepare the best decision to finish the agitation they noticed to me this way. Some other was trying to adding more informations noot realy new but to repeat the same contects with another style and comments about this behavior from my son and his aparently informal girl friend anywhy... In fact, I were not awared on this case, before returning home nor from my son the oldest in my house neighter from his mother of the suposed girl - maybe a teenage among thoses friends my son used to engage in they recreation of basquetbal in the fild
attached to our quarter section. And from him I never heard about any case of conflit with a local neighbour's daughter because of sexual harassement or violence, this story retired all my tired sense as I returned home. Thank you very much, I've repeated to all of them. After talking to my wife about your sincere contribution for this good neighbour and partnership we are here in this commun building and quarter we share in Klamba, ok? All answer 'yes'to my proposal. After that, I entered to my apartment, which were open by my granddaughter who heared my voice before. However get out of the group I required them they name and from whhat family and bulding they were. What’s assured that at least three were living at the same than us and one little girl were from the bulding just aside our one in the front right. Really I was still concerned about that hints as a probable conflit between my son and a daughter from another neighbour. But how to set all its detailed limits and decided with my wife the best path to negociate with this girl family as soon as possible? That's was reveals to be the must complicated thing to test and elaborate as deady - my son caal me quitly! Then I needed to wait for his mother arrival and then try to gather all answers from him and reflect on his mother proposals to achieve this provocation for adults - as it seems so far! At this momment I discover something more import to think about this aparent conflit: these children talk me on a girl frind of my oldest son at home; but how did they found my son playing with her and where exacatly? From which of both parties has started this protext of misused person from the behavior of the socalled partner at least? She should is named Yara, and living at her apartment with her own grand-mother as they said me quickly in front of the lift. My son Luis at the end of his teenage backgroung seems linked to a teen of around 16 years old - as they said it quickly... From theses children sending such claim to Luis's father it seems that both are used to meet regularly at the garden next to our building. And this ahappens some nights before that destourned behavior appears in their relation - what became the focus of this plaint. Is this plaint from ths children themselves of from this girl as they were tolking to me?
Nevertheless why the main head of the team cliaming, said that she was requiring my son desicion to present himself to her parent as soon as possible and subscribe his acountancy for what is called in Luanda: both compromission to a marriage? How it will possible to me and my wife to know if this children action isn't a trap lanched from other proups them this girl herself, using this low aged children to share they joke about a seriou behavior proposal? Then, my wife cames on openning the door and as usualy get my kiss...
Not yet witnessed to notice she was first of all accupayed with those present at home once arrived: looking the nature of nurture inserted in the dishes for eating, chothes traitment, presence at school, housing clening procedures, appeals by phone from her friends and nieces, etc. Hello, madame! Something was sending to us. Luis may have been linked to a problem with one of his girl-friends or bad behavior requiring your advisor or decision... - What happens? She launch to me before I finished the last sentence.
After all details I get since I've come into our house, she call Luis. -He's not here, moom, says my granddaughter. It seems he has more time at his training today I guess, she added wothout know about my wife point of this cliems. Call him as soon as possible, is what my wife says apointing a fingher to my face...And I just aggred with head movement.
-Then I'm going to find this girl herself and or her parent just know and my son will take a great account with us once back home today. That's what I expect to hear from her usual statements facing our children envolvement in problems like this claim hearded from anybody. Can I follow you, I said to get her more calm position, but answer me to 'never mind'. My granddaughter was appeals to follow my wife and both look aside to find the children who were there for this action, but nobody was at the stears around I guess. Then I debun to call my son to find his really location as soon as possible. No mobile connection as been available during 14 minutes. A message towards his mobile phone was sent expecting his quick answer for my request.
More then half an hour after my madam were going to get back details from this girls house, she was back less agitated then at her first step to find this story explanation: from herself and or from her parents, she repeated twice before get out... Then che begunn to say after sit down in the main table for visitor that all is well done to finish with this story!
Oh, how are the detailled parts of it? I said it looking at her face with that question. - Luis isn't charged for nathing really serious! With this girl and her grandmother I found that she were traying to intimidate Luis sending back this message shared with the children team that talk to you here...
But you kknow about my profile when this kind of behavior is used to provoque my children respect and honour. She continues to let me know more details: after talking to her parents and in front of Yara, I remmember them I never accept any joke like that on my son personality from her or anybody like her.
Then, she achieved saying that her parents decided to punish their own daughter for once again use this scnece to make concern with other family here in Kilamba. That's all, said my wife smiling a little bit after requesting my son mobile.
-Is he near the quarter or not, request my wife? - No answer from his mobile after six calling, I said. But a message has been send to press him to a quick back home today I said. - And nothing must impeach him to work without this concern, said my madam. What happens is now on the best path for him.
Thanks to this children act when became here with such proposal about their understant on tis false plaint, said again my wife. - A false 'alembamento' in our culture never matter, you know! And she adds that Luis ought to select the best friends to whom fond his relation whether aiming to become serious for his own future. That's it or not? She asked to me as final part of her speech as my house butler!
From whom this story has been produced, I added? - This girl has neuropsychotic devioation I guess, said my wife. Or siince they parents dead some years ago at an accident in Benguela, she became really instable, that what her grandfather said when i was with them. That's not my son accounting to repear her
profile detournement was my answer to them and we agreed to adive both young to avoid these kind of sad friendship. Some hours message of earing his to address and all at dinner.
later Luis has come home and been introduced in this conflitual behavior with his own friends here. After own answer for the same question and advising him not any speech to this girl parents, he became then calm home set down at the table: we were at the time to
After dinner my daughter who were not present along with the afternoon for witnessing all steps her parents took to resolve the confliting case, proposes Luis to get a dog for more quietly march at the garden near our building, joking to him I guess: how much is it, asked my son to be part of her laugh while eating.
Just a little dog from Piti Bu specimen cost 45 thousands kwanzas (around US $ 50). And I've got the newpaper announcement from Jornal de Angola, reading it on the cellphone 933900778 (edition of January 26th 2015), is the sellers contact - she said. Her mother advided Luis for never set so expensive cost next to her salary to get a nice pet, instead of good friendship development anywhere.
Finaly after dinner he said himself on this subjet: Dead, I thing that in fact we have all gained in such a false claim. That’s what my son said, refusing any bad behavior against this girl. - I just talk to her a few times ago in a group discussing sexual development and teenage risks based on a schollar thematic from a conference yet realised here in ISCED by Dr Filipe Zau. He exposes to the presents how to analyse and reflect the contects of a text he published in some years ago and we were trying to improve our lectures as young people.
His title has been the harassement of students by teachers, and other similar cases that strike the young development. Then my son contributes his way to conclude our exchanges of points of view at that night before the football meeting...
Now another notice happens: just next to my neighbour residence some kind os insects seems theartens my wife fear of them to be bited from them. She thought the insect bite human skill like other reptiles and tolk me about the strong pain it produces...
But tehn where are the insect location and what happens to be noted to the local administration in case of deep threat to any human kind who where living there or circulated around their niche; event bite to their cluster at any building garden tree or at the windows or up door locations, etc? First of all, my wife talk me about bees next our apartment, them about the kind of dangerous bees, and so on. Where is it, my madame, I've her for with my eyes turning around the main salon at home. Not inside the house but outside, she said me again. Out of where my darling stands, I've still requested her.
This alert from my wife put me nearest on my feed to go and look anywhere the indexed insect which attents to averybody next to my family, specilly bees. We love they honney as well as our bear...Here in Kilamba no bees create they kind of usines or are known from myself or my children and friends, I guess.
What happens realy, I still ask to my wife. Have you been attacked by a bee or other insect today? She said she have found a strong bees niche somewhere at the wall of the building. Themm I did go outside with my wife to look at the point indicated as problable insect cluster. At the wall exactly is that wht you said, I insisted to her speech sense. No bees at my vews nor next to the building neither in a long distance for my singles eyes. What exactly the focus of my wife descovery which seems an insect threat near our apartment?
Now my own question is to know if there is a bee innnovative installation there: or their own inspective fligh to get the best chance to fix a niche and produce more honney as a known part of our bio-diversity around the wide world?
Nevertheless, I was trying to think to whom I needed to talk about this issue. Then I was driving to he next quarter to own
resident set but I've seen a Chinese technician following another one throught Amilcar Cabral Street. And thinking to ask to them about this case, I decided to go right to the Kilamba’s Administration...
Maybe they are the most insured entities available here on such issues. And several colleges work with them on forest and garden studies as well as bio-diversity researchs. Maybe here in Kilamba area some of these items should became important for they studies before as well after the urbe placement in this part of Luanda province. Once in front of Kilamba administration I discover that they service where not ready to receive any request from local people: I forget that it where not the best day for this case; holidays for children and I forget it! Two windows were open but it seems not for civil servants that profide usual services for people. Next to them was visible an agency of MOVICEL, a private mobile telecom. One of my friends here in Kilamba lives at the same bulding in the five floors. And because he was agroeconomist I decided to look at him for this kind of inquiry.
Arriving there and pushing to his home call signal nobody answer to my appeal. And then I took my way back home because it seems no available engineers where ready to my personnal question on bees around Kilamba. Maybe I need to visit other specialised institutions here in Luanda and Angola ti get more datas concerning my wife alert on insects she suppose around our building wall or garden: veterinary, as well as rural program from NGOs which get jobs all inner my country could answer it.
Not yet with a simple hint to quiet my wife talk to a other neighbour. What he said was that 'never mind it'...In case of be attacked you need to shake it and ‘they are all my friends’! Hence, this is almost a commic dialog resulting on my calm position on this issue. Expecting to exchange more informations with my wife at te night I were ready to says her that we need to call specialised techniciens to deal with such a insects threats as she said me.
Of course thare no problem without an appropriate solution if we avoid to get an ostrich behavior! As we know there are those who prefere to hide their head under soil to never see the problem evolution or end...
However I am among those who use to search for ay phenomenon origin and causes before look for they clear evolution and outlook. We know that event scientific methods support themselfs with empirical researches before reckon the tecnological approach ready to the best solutions. I am just a taxi driver so far and thanks to God.
No research to know exactly what surge then and the best behavior or look for the convenable answers from any people who seem specialized for it: what may be our adquate pathern? What avoid the most risky options for aged and children all around the buildings today fully with ihnabitants?
There are some changes that happen when we are taxi drivers. Because I had been on the service for a clinte who used to read a public newspaper at that momment, something has been useful this way for the empirical answer searched by my darling wife. Among it was setting as 'classifyied' list of this newspaper Jornal de Angola, pag. 13. There I found three announcements of chemical products and services against insects under 'soft' contract...
Nevertheless, I knew there are veterinary services even along the called 'via expresso' or the so seemed autoroad along the Luanda city, particularly from Benfica to Kilamba. I got the mobile phone addresse of both address from this newspaper. Why not expect for an appeal to have an answer and more steering position about bees and others insects all around Kibala and Luanda.
Them my wife would be explained on her suspision of a niche next our building or not. On the first call someone said me that if I have an infected house the service would be executed once the contract will be payed and nothing more...Whether a public sector or school and wide garden need these services it would be another contract.
It was an interesting dialog with theses 'classifyied' page: other them the basic speechs i ears more then what i needed at that moment. - There is cockroacks at home, my 'friend', ask me the same on the call? I said him yes; and mouses, I answer yes;
and fly is there, not at all. There is no other insect that troubling you at home my friend?
Oh yes, I said. Yo know about mosquito I test him. Yes I know about, he answer me. But while fly never trouble my tranquility at houme, I finished to talk him, there are a kind of mosquito that realy seems deeply disturbant among many of us at home and also outside the building: it is the so called 'anopheles', did you know about it i request to him...Oh yes the most dangerous female of mosquito among us here is Africa. Oh! Thanks and bye!
Back home by night after this tide speech with this contact from this newspaper I found my wife at home. To whom I said that we need to look the best person ready to explain the insect's question she put to me by morning. Those bees next to the building of others kind of insects it never mind, I said to her at our dinner.
Maybe while we think about it the niche would be managing to get ahead, to any other places inside or out of Kilamba said my darling now not realy fearing they threat to our home as she exposed it to me by morning. Look see if the Chinese product available as repellent of insects could produce best effect!
Not at all! She said to me. Here is may cost quite a double price then from Mutamba at the centre of the Luanda town. Many shops here are selling it by 150 kwanzas instead of 100 kwanzas as it is sold where I get my job, next to my restaurant, she said.
Dont worry, my dear! In the case of bees we can never lost because at leat the honney they produce could serve for my tea as you know...So nothing did threat us here at home or evenn ooutside the house in Kilamba, I guess. What I propose to you is just to live this subject at thiis level. When any other specialist happens ready too explain if there is an insect next to our buinding or not, you should became quite calm and discover the main details to understand the issue of your suspision, I said her after these tide day under taxi driver efforts.
Once again my vehicle has been used to assist one of my neighbours in Kilamba, who is a professional lecturer. That's what Mr. Morengo himself from the Nimi-A-Lukeni quarter (name of the Kongo kindoom founder) says to help getting his access to a public hospital. Since 6:00 am I found him at the road calling to my taximan services to manage to way to go quickly to were he could be tested by a medicacare. INtroducing him to my car he told me about something like headache and muscle pain or alike. Isn't it a Malarial or Typhoid symptom you are filling, I've asked him. That what I need to know under medicine and his own assitance, he said me adding there's no other way to find the right answer for it. He prefer to insist that 'he could be, who know it' instead of that excatly this kind of sick or disease he were filling then...Nevertheless we were talking quitely while going to the nearest medical centre in Luanda, outside Kilamba urbe. The next clinical public service were available in the hole KK area I guess, but he decided to go way lookong to any best centre, as he said to me...on the way and placed back in my car. Then we arrived to HMS, in front of Mundo Verde sector on the road to Golfo-II quarter in Luanda, where he steered me to lead him, first of all. He said he knew some specialised technicians and MD there. And here we enter without calling for emergency reception: the lecturer was ready to be guided on his own feet. Can I wait your returning or you pay me now? I put him on the clinical main entrance saying what my position as taxi driver. There were several children sitting their moms's lap. It seems that paedriatics physicians - particularly from Cuba - are the most required at that clinic centre. Whait here while I'm trying to get my position on the file for a medicare attendance, my friend! He said me smiling when he go head to the clinic reception. And then I was outside expecting to know whatever a brother with another looking an emergent analysis. The amount will rise of course and I then stand on my vehicle outside the building.
Almost half a year after he entered to the emergent service he was back a littlle glad, it seems. His own eyes looking to light in this sense I guess. And then he said: I've been with the doctor, just now and he took me to the laboratory for blood exams for deeper datas before steering my probable cause oof disconfort. My client the lecturer was not the same on his calm voice at this time... However I request my driver guidance. Did you need me to wait for the exam result or not? It was my pression to know if other service could be available for the taximan I was or not. Not yet my friend, he said me. -I need to get all biological results indexed by the physician before be well informed on the eventual couse of my apparantly sick atage. That means I was set for more fouty five minutes next to the clinical centre waiting to this client requested assistance. The medicare would expect more datas from the colected blood before decide on the right diagnose on his state of health. Never mind Mr Morengo, I'll be waiting to you after all, and he return into the same building. In case of not available for you I'll get another taximan...It depends on you, ok? He said yet going throught the main door from which he was talking to me.
Tourning around into the maiin hall of this clinical centre looking what happens with some group comming and going through it I was a little nervous waiting this way. But the client was my neighbour of course and not only somebody U get abroad on the road without reckoning its profile. And were i stand to expect him no infection warning was fixed to the wall for nonprofessional people next to this service. I knew that for my rural background there were different cultural style of description for means a disease on their localy faith and ritual of suspisions. Otherwise, these manias and other snob effects in our community development. Therefore, health care procedure seems not only a clinical profession performance but also rising of cultural perception of life. That's the way i was asking myself about that reality... Between my old brother-in-law who were surgeon - yet died - and my old oncle, traditional ritualist, I need a middle concern to evaluate a mean result for healthcare here. Time never stop and while waiting the next step as driver I decided to go outside the centre - looking at those crying on
the road next to the building. Hoowever, because there were still a lot of time to expect to my client I've took the car and like a zungueiro in Luanda drove a litlte bit around: avoiding then to hear people getting the clinical entrance. Nevertheless the traffic was not so closed at all as it happens at critical points of our city and its outskirts. What we manage then is the well known bad use of the road lines for each group of vehicles running aside. Sometime this pression seems so strong that we fill ourself quite immobilised for long moments. Hello, my friend! My client were just at the centre main hall when i return back to get him from this point of our travel. He said me as having finished his consultation. Then we can go ahead to you apartment in Kilamba, I ask him quickly. Oh, not yet! There is something more I've to do in other clinical centre, he said. Come on to Ingombota area for accessing the public blood DB in Josina Machel hospital, please...he said.
What happens, professor, I request him. - They send me to blood donation as soon as possible, he answered. Here they lack something or the specialised doctor I added. No that's the guided heath point to make this operation in public heath service of Luanda, he said quickly. However I insist to know exactly what has been detected from him as patient: - Are you sick or not, professor? After the physician contact nathing have been found from your body? Then he avoids answer my question, and just indicates with his hand: came on, please! Don't worry. Nothing really critical have been detected by the entrance team. Be calm, my friend, there is no Ebola, ok, he added. On the way to the other heath centre ad after a little time without his voice in the car he return to his last advise: -The physician said I have excessive blood pressure in my body and it seems I need to allow to collect just a small portion now to help stop what make me a little disconfort since yesterday...But no special disease have been register now! I was still just hearing him. We were long on the road because of the traffic fullfilled at that momment between Samba-II and the appointed hospital. So he continues: Excuse me but I can't understand this medical method ... we have to follow what the clinics steering us to do, you know. After a little pause he added: the physician think this way I can also reduce my headache without getting any drugs from pharmacy.
Ok, chief! Finally I've comment. No problem for me. I just follow you to where you need to go. And be quiet on the car because you must be calm and I support any trip you require for this heath treatment or management any where in Luanda, outside or inside our Kilamba area, professor. That whhat I've said when we ehere next to stop the car in front of Josina Machel hospital - also known as ex-Maria Pia from colonial era. So I ought to stay here and wait your return back to my vehicle, I ask him. No problem on the cost, I added to him. As somebody i know next to my house I'll provide a good service to you as you know - and he confirme without more dialog. I've tryied to help him to leave the car but he said not needed. Don't worry I'll be back ensure the cover cost for all the time, my friend said him looking right on my eyes...
Nevertheless I've look to him getting the stears up into the maisn entrance a little bit tired. Almost one hour more and then he would be back. Turning on the car when he entered it, I've heared a worse comment from the lecturer: -I don't know how the labo system operated here in Luanda! Go please. I'm going at home, Kilamba now...he said after sitting aside me.
Done or not, professor, I ask him. -Yes my friend. But there were different result from the two exams from the laboratories. And so the medical conclusion have also been different for the same pain and disconfort I'm filling now.
However he talk to me about his own heath stories I was trying to undestand exactlly what happens with him at both carre centres we visited. Isn’t he forgetting to say what the physician discovered, or didn’t he accepting the health diagnose? To my opinion a medical decision remains the mains guide to a patient as basic analysis of any human wellbaing of worse heath stage.
On road to Kilamba, I decided to ask a little more for the laboratories different approach he said that applied to the exams and get other clinics results. But how to did it without my clients's privacy and personal datas? Hence, some people may allow me to try a sorte of dialog with more neighbours and then not just as a known local taximan providing his driving services... Oh, God! He said. -It is possible that the laboratory detects what another one avoided before, into the same kind of exam? He
adds to his own story. My client and teacher at faculty here in Luanda, seems realy stupefact...And then he asks to me: can we get any legal procedure to find such kind of professional diversion? Or is it a medical way to prove its scientific performance? Thhe client adjust looking to myself!
As an illiterate of medical issues I simple said him: -I never know what to be answer on such matter dear friend...He seems hearding nathing at all! And I insist to get from him what was more important to that story. Hence and placed in my vehicle he just started talking on the main part of his entrance at the last hospital where he were some minutes ago. Nevertheless, my cliente don't give blood at all to the data base centre on hematology at Josina Machel. In accordance with what was ordered by the first physician from the other clinical centre in HMS. -A young medical officer talk to me like an undergraduated nnot yet achieving his graduation...he said. She was on a stage of preparing her insertion to this main hospital, he added.
Well my neighbour! In fact what happens? Have you get the clinical outcame or not as ordered by the physician? Hence, I insisted. Have they found the disease under your headeache or not? Or maybe you has two differennt kind of sicks detected from both hospital services...I look to him, face to face. -My brother he said. I never know how to explain it to I am realy sad after this trip from one to another centre. And he made a long pause taking care to rest bit on the seat in my taxi. Then I try to calm him: prefer to be examed by a 'quimbanda' (rural medicine as by Ă“scar Ribas) I can help you to go ahead, my friend!
you. But clinical a little -If you designed
-Not at all, he said. Let me at the building in Kilamba, please. Once my sister became home she can assit me to find the next clinical reckoned item for this problem. Don't warry my friend, he add, that a mattter inner the the medical officer themself, he finnished to say to me. She is a surgery from Portugal and is enough easy finding the best answer for such items he said me. After left him at home I'm goig abroad thinking about his wide story because we were hearing about diseases like Ebola outside our country and other mother dangerous inffectious sicks also...Maybe he was trying to detour the main issue to me, I guess. It his possible he wont to avoid to me he was inffected by a dangerous disease, I asked to myself! Maybe not...because he is a doctor at university! I prefer my rural medical servant
as used since low aged treatments, supported by traditions in Bailundo. Hence, I have detailed the same story for two taximen my colegues in Benfica quarter, later afternoon as he talk me on the road. First, when I entered to a clinical centre where I've been well received bby their staff, particularly the physician. That's what didn't happpens on the other side specialy with the young medical officer I've supposed to be a nurse.
In the HMS the doctor wrote the paper for blood recolt inner this hospital and their labo's technician reffused to do it. After the same doctor appeal to know why he makes this behavior he was said I have to make de blood recolt in the national data base centre, instead of in a municipal like their one.
Second, the physician sent me to a health centre’s Data Base of the Josina Machel Hospital - or the former Maria Pia Hospital. Where a younger doctor - or undergradated medical officer at stage - talk to my like the cause or her own sad behavior: she begun to said me that the name on the first physician note were not my name because not well wrote... -That's not my writing style, Madame I said her. That's your collegue medical offiiicer who wrote it as it's made anywhere, ok?
- I can't read your name in the doctor paper, she repeat to me...And so I put my teacher card to her eyes to help the best lecture of my name as it is printed from my university card. Then she correct the paper with letters I guess she were able to read it quietly and said me to wait the appeal from the nurse Serge.
And after the exam achieved she insisted I need to get an other optician test to avooid to write a wrong name such the one she saw in her medical collegue...And quickly I said 'yes' to her! As well as thank you 'doctor'.
Thrid, that youhgest physician start to explain me that their exam in the hemoterapy labo was different from the first one i get from the HMS annd so the order deom the first medical staff was not accepted at Josina Machel DB Centre. I've said again: 'yes, thanks doctor'...
There was no space to discute with a doctor in medicine what happens between two diffetent labo exams on my test. Whether the mobile phone contact was available, of course I will call the other part to exchange the best scientific words on this thematic approach.
Fourth, I was glad to know that I was not a seropitif patient after this test for blood donation ordered by the first physician from HMS. Then, I was able to give my blood for anyone needing it to be saved from any sickness or dangerous disease affection. The last doctor, the youghest one and seemed a nurse by her style of communication with her patients, decided the contrary: - You don't need to donate your blood now as part of your treatment designed by my collegue. The test he was supposed to use for such a decision was wrong. Did you undestand it, she talk to me aside another doctor in Maria Pia who looks a cubain one.
And again I answer: 'yes, doctor'! After it I took care to get some picture from my Android of several papers on this BD Centre's hall saying that it was 'free to donate and not to sell' your blood. That's a 'citizen well instructed behavior to donate free' from anybody, I read it again in the same papers and get picture to my Android files - in Lightroom 5.5.
On these picture I also inserted the image of these youngest doctor that the 'APB level' were not twice atronger then the expeted middle one for good histogram well as other details only ledical staff were ready to understand it. 'Your physician has used false datas from his own labo' said me Mrs Yamira, the well known 'doctor-student' at Josina Machel!
Fifth, I put that young medical officer my sole question: - You wonna say that the drug called Librax, recommended by the HMS's physician ought to be avoided itself? For what she answers me that I can get it while my blood isn't under pression reduction's clinical procedure, she said also. I was confused since then...because I wasn't the doctor neither medicine student att all!
Well, it seems a matter to debate and reflect under a professional circle. Like we heard somewhere this kind approach on the slope based in a legal recept from the medical doctors. - And my client finish his story details with a thnks a lot to me for waiting him all this time untill he get the wide cnnections to find the final answer for his headeache sintoms from the morning to the afternoon, I've said to my two collegues. - Call me any time you can need it, my neughbour! I've said him. And because I get also a little of monney after all I can't avoid this kind of clients anywhy! The taximan allows you to assist people and goods, but also found interesting stories sometime.
However, some questions stayed at my momery to discuss with my son who likes exchange his knowledge of manager beginner with me: it was possible to face this scenes inner Kilamba clinical centre as well? Or the labo expert used inside could be part of this kind of madical divergencies, I was thinking myself...
This way we gonna a start a learning stage while taximan. And the best answer could serve for all people as a good way to be part of the wide world issues on health care and clinical tests too. I need to recognise that this teacher stories have help me to improve my ability to understand several health care problems.
Hence, I don't fill myself bad at all near the old teacher as my client talking on his health case. But I was tired a little bit following his casa step by atep. And I was hearing from him the hight and low level of personal exchange with each clinical staff from one hospital to another here in Luanda. We know how the public services can be linked to anyone as soon as possible!
By night of the same day and at homme, I've called my wife. I've said she must take care to send our granddaughter to the nearest clinic of Kilamba. It may be a way to know not only about her health test as wel as to evaluate the health service performance i've said...We remember, I've thought: 'prevent is better then'.
What happens, she ask me? - Nothing now but maybe we need to take a test as our child is still very little, or not, I insisted...Oh, yes! As my mother said me these childre need to
be followed even at clinics and not only at school. I get it, she said to prove be in accordance to my proposal at home. Nevertheless, and as I said to my wife, we can invent any syntom just to find any clinical test - i've seid to her the kind of confusion my clint have found after visiting two medical centre while drinved by my vehicle ong the day. We don't have an emergency service at all, I insist: any private consultancy from the physician whith this kind of procedure wasn’t applyied to our child, ok? My wife aggrement was global and we seemed absolutly understanding the whole issue.
When arrived at the nearest clinnic to our building in Kilamba we found the used big group of people at entrance. And atacched to then the usual cry and ply of paint and or wounded marks we area realy noticed in such positions. There are visible synptomes as well as claims os several sicks i can't explain myself or my wife at this momment.
However, I was expecting to know how a labo like the founded in Maria Pia can exams that: the 'HGB level' atteind 14,6 g/dL of your blood test, some times after a test hours before at Samba MMunical Hospital foud it like 'Hb of H=22,0 g/dL'. We know that the best answer may be from doctors ready to explain with nonscientific words what they've study at faculty and experiment in hospitals! Otherwise, on Saturday morning we have brought our little child to nearest clinical centre in a quarter of Kilamba. There we were weel received by the nurse in service at that moment, who said no physician were available at all but thay should assist any cases. I was aside my wife because two persons could hear and understand better then just one of themselves, I guess...
As ‘external’ consultancy - we read it on the wall – the medical officer was available from Monday to Friday between 8:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m as legaly labor hours there. All people were well received and as soon as possible. Each person at the entrancy was sent to the indexed special service: pregnancy, emergency, laboratory, vaccination, admnistration, etc...
My granddaughter looked at me inquiring what happens for this presence with her at this clinic without any claim from herself. As any little child she can't refuse to follow us because she
know we are able to devide any kind of health care prevention service or other specialized procedures at care centres.
Then once appelled for clinical observation the nurse said that nothing were visible from our child but if we detect any pain she should present then ÂŤcame back next mondayÂť, not today neither sunday, she detailled clairly! A physician was here some hours before you arrived but not for general consultation; she is an expert on pregnancy cases under intensif care, she added.
Okay, madame I said. Even to know about my shoulders which seems a little tired of long driving exercise I can be back monday... Is there more specialized medical staff and not only for mothers? I requested to the nurse. - Oh yes, she answer. Even myself as nurse I'm authorized to take care of general consultation before the physician when it is possible or when they are absents. Are you ready to get a look with me now if you fill yourself really sad, master!
- Not yet very bbad, then I prefer to become here next Monday as you expose to my and my wife. Thank yo very much, I like to get a physician fiirst of all. Excuse me please, my dear! I added to the nurse talking to me inn face of my wife and my child.
- We have drugs for those which pain but at the internnal service not the external one, the nurse said again. Even to pay drugs like Mebendazol syrup for your child, wether you think she have some parasites we cannot sell it to you now, just for internals. And my wife said we prer to be back Monday to find a doctor...
What I really feared was any possible infections or diseases on the move in all midia - radio, TV and the press - about Ebola along three countries in West Africa. My grand-daughter was sent to me from a province next to Democratic Congo i was affreid after my client case in my taxi service yesterday. My wife says this kind of sickness is quickly detected and that's not to fear at home just now.
- Well, to prevent for parasites I guess we can bay it at Kelly pharmacy, near my building, okay - my wife add to me and go to get it. Maybe including some tablets of Paracetamol, I proposed
to her. How much is it, my wife request to me. At Kelly we found Mebendazon for 600 kwanzas (or around US $6) isn’t bad at all!
The Sunday after our visit to find the test exams for our child, I looked around and found no picture of this teacher my neighbour and client in the taxi. Not at all in his windows neither in the field to play basket with our friends and sons as usually...I'd like to send him some messages about his health care stage and discovers on the medical service divergencies. Well it seemed he were abroad from Kilamba, this week-end. No body from his home was around our regular places of talking about our lives at all.
Still on Monday I was looking for him, quickly. Not only to test his own experience with my child but also to know how was himself alter all - he have payd my service very well but remains a friend and a neigbour next to my quarter in kilamba. Also I needed to find more details about the dubts on test did by hilself - my son has not been at homme the week-end and so no more answers has been part of my daily activities.
A brother-in-law told me from his mobile in a distant province in Angola: sometimes it happens with medical staff not well qualified at all! Then an error may appears from one side as well of another, you know...He add to me. That's what make me filling more fears abbout the case - not my case but from my client in the taxi I used to get my job, while not legaly.
The release of public health care services's aficacity anywhere but especially in our country - as well as Luanda and Kilamba may be well managed and articulated throught the professional staff of this field. Hence for us the users of such services it remain the available notices about it - after what we are almost every time not well informed at all. It is enough too hear a technical language from this staff and we seem swallowed by them.
It is difficult to us to be back for better gget the deep sense of any scientifical ou technical expression under their magical or visionary outlook...while profissionals of public services!
Often they received us like people ready to be engaged on a kind of communication with God or Satan mediator - not an ombudsman
at all. Sometimes they save our lives - not avoiding the dead final - and also they seem to help us to revive our minds - even after deep physical damages! As well as they assit other technicians to revive our body memory and history - even after final dead, with arqueologist and lawyers, for example...See files at!
Local writers in Angola left us identify many experiments recorded to deonstrate the value of popular knowledge still available in some acounts attached to plants and demography of Angola, if it's the only way to warn about it, said my son. Talking with us at home he starded to talk about the cultural contribution found on Oscar Ribas, for exmple: - He explains to us the importancce of local medicine and the rekogned profissional all around Africa as well as in our country - see terms like 'quinbanda' (pag. 339, Fenacult edition, Luanda, 2014).
And that's not all, said my son talking with his parents at night when getting our dinner: not only tradition is imprtant for medical care improvements but also the modern approachs found by economist like Prof Jeffrey D. Sachs - see his analysis on the WHO 2001 report, please!
That's way my blogs essay is used o manage for my readers both aspects of the health care reality not only iin Africa but also in the wide Earth. More specialized areas are developing their analysis as a contribution - see why the interdisciplinarity appears also for mecidine doctor with detailled approachs from sociological, economics and forensic authors among many others.
Hence I said my son that more complicated to me to mixe both side of these reality: - I prefer to stay with my traditional side as I used it since my enfancy in the province...-But why can me now mixe both knowledges whilwe you knew I started like you my father from the one you betther know before be part of the modern world? My answer: It seems I'm not ready to answer now my son. Your generation didn't lies under my own profile. Then, go ahead and win the global knowledge improving both side of such human coin!
It was then Sunday afternoon and I was home. Some noise hearded seemed a slow breeze, maybe announcing a storm near Kilamba. Half an hour the same noise was still heared. But two hours later this noise was still herded from my apartment. Hence, my son goes to the dinning room windows and open it windows.
For our surprise he cried to everybody that a water piping was shooting in the parking of vehicles next to our building. – It’s in the quarter coloured green, daddy! He says when we begun hearing people comments from abroad and a more noising movement of water like a little rain.
In the buildings round our neighbours were reacting like us. Once they detect the same noises and that real fact many were looking from the windows over the same scene. Other windows were opening slowly at more buildings next to our quarter. Maybe supposing it was an accident or any natural emergency with under any underwater sheet in the area...
What happens really? We've asked to people outside and downstears the building: - It seems a strike in one pipe placed to prevent any risk of fire in the buildings! Somebody answer to us. We know there are many of such devices installed on the ground, all around the quarter here. And even over the park for vehicle as well as in many gardens in each quarter of Kilamba.
This kind of litle pivot of the water piping around the building system and architecture is made just to shot any fire accident as soon as possible - particularly emergency tasks. But the local scheme imposed by the China entrepreneur maybe installed a lot of it more then the minimum required there... As a non expert of such a field i need to know if the places where they located each pivot could be enough next to the risk of any chock with vehicle and other mobile devices!
Hence, what has been a false noise of breeze became in fact the noise of water jeted from this pivot inside the auto park next a building. From my windows at home the spectacle has been interesting to see as I’ve got it this way.
Nevertheless, most people seems filling the fear that the wide water providing should be cut off, after this accident. At least that's what we talk about at home! But the time was gone and nothing still remains to prove this bad chance as resident here.
Then along the night, no solution were found to this spectable: the water pivot still eject water covering two or three vehicles closed to its source, in the garden of the auto park. From sunturday to Sunday morning next to a quarter to 9:00h a.m, the same scene was seen in the same place near our buinding in Kilamba Kiaxi. We remeber it because it was then the wateer pipe at home were without water at all.
However, when it was 8:00h p.m a team of Chinese tecnician appears into the located ejected water from a ping pivot and from my wndows I were expecting they could achieve the expected task engineer task to close the water ejection as we were seen it. But nothing at all: them or twenty minutes after they where there and gonna away the same scene still remains visible from our windows all around this auto park.
Looking the China team, some peple were saying: That's nice! Once they came the problem will be got and resolved... Nope! It seems that the souce were not of they accountancy, or maybe they were not ready to solve it at that time! Many people were looking the visible ejection of water without strong comment or voice to be really hearded around the scene.
Hence, also after this team get to resume the best solution for the event that all resident fear by night, somebody seems crying from their windows: the Chineses have come yet! Then everything will be get off...we heard then saying aggain.
- Maybe they would be able to detect the acidental source of this bad water explotion, I said. Other one at home was saying he was always really active when founding the way to restart such a sinisters...And then, after around twelve hours since the
acident begun, everybody expected the retourn of water in our taps. However as a resident without the best informaion about the case how could we be ready to explain what happens? Just looking from the windows and manage some comments from or apartment were not enough to get the exact answer for several questions this spectable provide to everybody...
Sunday morning we hearded some voices saying: water cut off! No more water is available at all at home; or is it in the piping at you apartement, my friend or neughbour, etc. My wife were very preventive and take the care to never left empty our main bottles in the frigo; flagons of water and bowls in the kitchen! She was really right in the corner for such a task.
However, we have had an interesting thing to note after the Cina team were on the place of the water piping accident: next to fourty minutes after they gonna out we remark that at home there were a cut off for some time - maybe five or ten minutes! But it appears without any explanation from these team themself because we were looking the moving from our apartmment not linked to the local administration staff office. What my son asks to me is whether the same accident was often emerged here in this area or not? Or if it is particular of some quarter in Kilamba...Questions for what answer I am not able to find the best and adjusted responses at all. But ecause we were talking between us in our apartment, any answer seems valuable, of course!
It happens esterday night, evebefore China team came to this place, that a rescue fire vehicle appears there. Why no body among us at home was conscious of it. We don't hearded they toot of horn but yes seen the lights signaling they presence once entering the quarter near this auto park. Every body requested among us if there were wonded person from such accident.
Well, morning everything were different while expecting the final solution: water for every apartment and building after the needed adjustments required for this accidented pipering pivot into the park's garden. Beause I used to go ahead with my exercises early I've got the moment to see really close the place and what remains in the
ground, before the final arrangement. Then after my home I projected to visit the targeted pivot. And next the high flux of water of around ten metters; down on the vehicle parking around exatly less metter from the source of the destryied pipe pivot!
breakfast at so I passed and shooting the half of
We remember that a car appears with visible luminous lamps and tooting its horns, at the night yesterday. Nobody knew among us at home, why this fire car was there. It passed throught the accidented place of water pivot; stoped for around 15 minutes and then took away without achieving any process concerning this case.
After my jogging early morning and took some pictures of the located water piping acident, I was back hame not requesting anybody what happens and who were there to finish it. No crowd where gathered neither by night nor the following morning. As it was available to registe it we sow people passed around one by one without no great moving targeted the case...Once my taxi has been take on to start my private service I was outside the Kilamba area throught the day for other tasks waiting that once back home this water spurt will stop yet!
We remember that even after the Chinese team was visible, next to the water pivot piping some EDEL cars came around. Without requesting the neigbours and/or the passant here and accessed by my windows no answer for our questions were available at all. We don't know if they were linked on the case to act on the solution decided for best manage the technical task to stop the water spurt.
Along six hours between the start and the stop of this water pivot piping I never understood something: why the cars around and always wet didn't be removed, as soon as possible. Two or three of them were under water wet all this time; were not their owner informed or near the location? Were these cars destroyed or not after such strong wet of six hours? We look at other people looking the same accidental place quietely. Maybe they were this kind of questions on the solutions requested from the local technicians as well as from the Chinese team, etc. What we expect was that this case should be a sample to avoid or better manage any other somilar situation previsible by Kilamba administration.
Hence time is becaming now the hands of a 'master' among the residents in my buiding: he is nothing more then who were designed chief of the local commission of those getting an apartment in the same buinding of a Kilamba's quarter. When I discover him he was coordonating a grooup of young gardeners in front of our building. Not working with them he seemed guiding all the tasks this group was trying to do in the garden around the building place. So he cries to me: Hello! Good morning. Are you resident? What I remark quickly has been that he looks to manifests his authority to anybody not yet presented to him! Then I agreed to him just by my head and not by words, then avoiding to look to his face, and, and following my walk quietly to the door at the main hall.
Once again he repeats his own presentation to me: that's why i need to talk to you! Then I sign to him to follow me throught the building entrancy. Dressed like many collegues taximan, I used jeens trousers marked by modern styles: tear up next to both knees, as well a vulgar T-shirt! Nothing for bosses or they own staff. He dressed a short-trousers and a open white T-shirt not well covering a semi-obease young body and a face looking like a teenage boy.
- Did you know our rules and normes as resident here? He answers quickly. Because we was outside our talking on the climat, I was seaching first of all its signs in the wall of the building. Oh yes! I said: that's like it's used anywhere in the world, I added to seem well informed. To go ahead, I begun to said that I know how it works in Europe, were I was living since my young age...
Then he turns his regard's profile from a chief to a xerife, I guess. Maybe he thought I knew more about law and rule inside and outside Angola, our country. But what I knew were some province from the colonial era and our short time of civil war, like every body here...And hence he set up more details about his function:
The 'neighbour' ought to pay a monthly service which account for about $ 80 dollars (near to seven thousands kwanzas), ok? He said him to talk on values to well manage out-of-pocket expenses and upkeep our building. Each one contributes with this value to support a daily security staff in the entrancy; the gardeners regularly attached to the building and the car park as well as the cleaning services concerning the up and down stears of 36 apartments; and other non preview services needed for all residents. Does the accountability really exist? I request to him before to say 'thanks a lot'.
Take care to registe my ability to be part of our list, ok? I added once again! I diidn’t say that my apartment was owned by my aunt's husband - an officer from the marine, known as 'war veteran' and reformed so far. Maybe all this dialogue should became another track in such a starting communication. They both lived in Huambo, several hundred kilometers from Luanda (900 km) shorten by a little cellphone call as we know (IT)...
Nevertheless, I request whether he can receive my first payment just now or later. - Not at all, my dear neighbour! You have thirty days each month to fix your deadline, please. - So the next 28 or 29 February? For what he says: 'of course'! And don't worry, he adds along with some hand gesture. We allow each resident to get at least five days more then the fixed deadline of thirty days. - Because many of us didnt get they income just at the previewd time as we know in Luanda. Then He finished.
Awared of monney and its concern as taximan I've push the sing ahead: - There is a bank account to use for this financial contribution from the each resident? To what he quickly answer that: - No my friend, we just receive it cash! I get the monney and quickly deliver to the programmed tasks team all this cost.
Fine my friend, I've said looking him at his own eyes! Then the local Administration is aware of such a domestic expenses, I guess. Hence a put him more tranquile and he answer he his also a lawyer student while resident and acting in our as volunteer in our building resident's commission. - Of course, my dear neighbour. They knew all the details of our procedure, he added.
Anyway, he adjoust, we are awared of our direct accountability inside the building as members of the same community. Then I aded also: - And that's clear the State is the legal owner of that urbanity; so, we expect that any expenses provided here will be known by the public Tresory, as main sector to evaluation it.
About this issue he seems a little sttuter. What comment or critics he made I couldn't heard. Then I added that for more information on this rules and normes as resident he can call me or my wife at any moment. Hence I told him that who payd this apartment to me was my aunt living abroad as part of the alembamento (see Oscar Ribas diccionary) procedure in our family.
From my cellphone that's its number, my dear commission master, I said to him. - Call me at any time morning or night, please! After what he remarks that he own number are not available 'now but later'... he could find the best way to send it to my address. - Remember me you apartment number, dear friend? He said and answer saying he must attach a list on the hall with all participants house and phone nunber as well as payment acomplishement of nor since inhabitant in Kilamba.- Look, anytime I request your time to see our accoutiing sheet and the best way it's managed as well! After what I get the lift and pull on to my floor, saying him a quietly 'good-bye' my friend and neighbour of a blue coloured quarter in KK.
Begining my job of taximan throught via expresso, chance of reading a short but heavy notice from one of free copies delivered by newspaper entitled Nova Luanda: it has been a UNESCO honorable prize for educative organization.
I had the of hundred Gazeta in an Angola
It was wrote in its nr.23, for february 2015, that our country has been placed among several other developing countries in a 'red list' of those who really get a good level at school, inside a cohort of twelve years of regular scolarity.
Once again I found the same edition of that enter the car park of Kero hypermarket, here left two clients with my taxi service. Then about my greatdoughter evaluation at school need of more assistance to improve the primary
newspaper when I in Kilamba city, I begun to think and her probably achievement.
Talking with my first son at home on this issue he help me to know that usualy that avoid school attendance contribute strongly to our national low educative evaluation. He tell me that he know warnings frm many teachers and scholars about several risks reckned inside our educative system - for exemple, Dr. Filipe Zau under his study about Angola Education, Dr. Mario Pinto de Andrade, Dr. João Teta, etc. I never met these people, my son! I said him quitly after all. – Hi, dad! But many students and teachers is following them there, ok?
This paper from Nova Gazeta made me a little bit warned whether times is really changed or not, after all! Then once I was at home, I've started to inquiry my children about the classroom program which had begun last Monday.
Yeah, dad! Said my last daughter, before my grandaughter her self express her position...- We started the class as it was announced, but two days later somebody says we were in hollidays
for a week yet. And then the next twesday teachers expect us at the classroom - said the younger one at home.
Hence, I requist from who such information had been taken and why, while we were on table for dinner in the apartment. - It was a little girl from my class who said she heard this notice from a teacher to deliver to other at the same class as quickly as possible. My grand-daughter told me this, but don’t seemed sure of her own explanation and concern.
Neertheless I filled a little bif confused with both daughter's answers, I remark it was just the begining of the regular cicle of this year classroom. And it was possible to put a pause to any adjustment to instroduce or modify rules and education procedures qickly, I guess. Even here, in the Kilamba zone.
At the first primary class stands my grandaughter while my last gaughter proceeds in the secondary. Both are inserted in schools here in Kilamba whithout no concern for transport and home distance conflits as we know as usual in Luanda.
Maybe there are teacher who desist to act in a classroom or even local transfers for other reasons or anything different, I guess. How to know exactly what happen, I started to think this way. Maybe a trip to the school's leader and then request the right causes for a pause just days after the legal begining.
Many more otther itens started to mix in my mind looking for any adjusted reason for this surprised information from my daughters. There is possible some teachers desist after the last high level of gasoil price, as government decision, etc.
At least, my son was at table for dinner and said, while looking a program on TV-Zimbo at the same time: - Well, dad! I guess water is ready to be used for drink in Kilamba instead of mineral bottle, ok? Look the Epal's manager for media exchances, Eng. Domingos! That's more important then think about what may explain a short holiday at my sister’s class.
He was right, my son Luis. And follow him I said my younger daughter. - See her class agenda and evaluate how many days per
week to learn both Maths and Portuguese language scaled at school, please! She accept to search her sister document talking about my request with loud voice and lifting the dinner table.
My grand daughter get up from her chair her said: – I've not yet received it from my teacher! After what she was looking everybody in the dinningroom like a hunted wild animal. We are trying to help you, my child, I said expecting to avoid to see her cring as I know her profile.
Turning to her mother, my last child adds she don't have the same pression at school, after begining her training program. But that mom should goes to her school for better asks my grand daughter the real causes of such week without classeroom. Her mother says to request this time to her brother or the father because she was out of this job. Never concern her on 'holidays at school at all'.
And to calm my grandaughter I insisted: - My dear, tryied to verify any agenda from other colleages you have here in the buildings front of us, among the blue one, ok? Don't worry about, my dear child, I have to insist on such a delicate language to press her motivation and slow her crying signs.
Adding some words agains I've said: - You I need to know exactly what happens, my dear! Your brother will be sent to contact your teacher and get from him all available answer to my concern on this so quickly holiday as soon the school begun and before at least a week or month, you know? Dont be affreid about my concern at all and be quiet my gaughter...
Then, she seems a little calm and try to clean her small tears no body could seen at all when she let us heard: - Yeah, dad! Hence, mom said that everybody was looking for little notice about the case to help her not be wrong about the school decision and teacher program, after this called 'short holliday' so quickly the school program started.
My wife also adds to our child that some pupils are found not at school know but into drug groups along with they gonna discos and even attach peoople at road for bud purposes; while faulting the classroom without wright information at home the prepare realy a desviant life and teenage outlook instead of what all
parents are working to everywhere...Radio and TV have tolk about local authorities actions in regards of such risks!
However, my son attacks his sister on another issue: - How one classroom closed its door for a week while other ones seems working along the same period? I see people from the same class at the same school attending the educative entities since she tolk about 'short holiday' at her class. My son is really a visionary person on this issues and never close its mouse without took away the main problem for a serious discussion among us.
At least, when we started dinning at home, he seems more distracted about our talks with these children. Getting his prefered dish while looking his match where a derby from England and Australia fix his eyes; or even the Champions League where Benfica is dealing with Manchester United, etc!
- Go there and try to find what happens really, my son! I said him to do more attention on the case of 'short holldays' at my grandaughter's schools. Because I wish to get out early for some tazi services yet designed, it will be well managed if somebody like him to assume his disposal for such a visit to know exactly with local teachers on the right decision about this notice.
And try to confront decision and notices to the school girls as well as wrote paper from the education authority concerning the eventual proposal of 'short holliday' really strange as we sow it so far from our girls at home. Then the dinner finisshed as well as TV devices available to see films and movies or sports for everybody at home: bedroom and good relax for all, ok? That's what I sow and close my door to clean my teeth!
The TV chainnes from ZAP or DSTV operators required less then 15 Usd to be installed at home in Luanda. If you choose Kilamba quarters you can deliver more then twenty for the ame service.
And this happens because more then half the residents of each building need to place the antennas device in the top of the eighth floors.
When you choose the placement of conditionned air service (AC) you need also to pay around 15 Usd. So when dicided to use both TV and AC disposals you heard from somebody end not your neighbour: Oh, brother...that's a boss life! One of my colleagues taximan said the same to me once he were around my family looking people reqiered to achieved these usual needs at many apartments here.
- And what can we do, my friend, I answer him. Among tigers you can't seems a hare, or not? Evenn just using the masques to be treated as well as the most well received on the ground, I added to him and other among us.
What I didn't was to say him that it was my aunt exigence to well prepare our apartment and demonstrate we were valuable like many other in the same quarter in Kilamba - just use this cultural apparences to be called exatly 'kilambense' like many others she said to us well the AC has been offered to my wife! My aunt and her husband were both very attentif to our life in Kilamba.
- Then who can pay those devices, Mr Tayta? One of my colleagues asks to provoque get rough such environment on who dominate or not ebent at home: I answered it was fifty-fifty, to all my friends! My wife is getting a regular salary by month; and I rescue our family life under what you know: an available payment under daily opportunity which depends in our chance to get more of less money, because the clients may became rares and not even permanents.
After what I get my road ahead from the Benfica quarter to the Multiperfil clinic in Morro-Bento quarter. While my colleagues have took another front: Gamek - Aerporto, etc. Then I was traveling with my vehicle to get an informal job of taximan without legal licenses for it. But it could help at home once again my wife and even my son Luis, assist the apartment expenses each one at they charges for the welfare of everybody!
My son case still remains at his effort to share the higher school application with its stage in a job part-time attended. He has been attachhed to the FILDA pavillions under his summer school programme for six months. As students of management he were well applyed and received this program as a premium for its skills, along with some other students also promoted, he said me. Because he dreamed to atteind the MBA he choose to get this summer programme as a stage to find god jobs for the payment of it cost. Telling myself he expects to find annual earnings of more then ten thousands Usd, he said then he proposed to pay the half each year: this academic program was planned for two years at the FECUAN, at Dr Agostinho Neto University in Luanda.
It seemed my son knew about what means that trip at school for management diplom. Without his parent’s financial assistance, neighter any grants from the state he needed to do more and more himself working to manage some savings for thid diplom value. We were supporting him at home dealing with his clothes, nurture, and even health care tests - he never payed the house allocation.
What a helmet! Said that is one of my colleagues, who are there near my car. Where are you going now, Tayta? Many clients are looking a taxi from Golfo-II to Benfica...I'm from there and you can take care to get more monney today if ready to go there, yeah? Oh yes my friend Manuel. That's exactly what I'm looking for so far, I said. And then always thinking about my son expenses at school i displaced my car to get the main read for these points, quickly.
Hence I found more clients to attend the Benfica place, after then other to go to Kilamba, throught via expresso, and so on till the afternoon. The problem is the effect of some rain and strong winds which started at an inspected momment and just on the closed points. Many clients was bloqued because of there lake enough taxi car to get one quickly.
Therefore, it's an occasion which helps many taximen like me to find the best portion of their daily income: more clients per hours as well as a continuous displacement really filled with many clients. Without this chance to act as taximan we get a modest income even for the whole day or week; and because the gasoil is higher and the car management count for a while when such income increses!
Arriving in Benfica, I was near people next those vehicle taking clients to Kilamba. And then I heard one of them saying to attract the possible clients: Kilamba land of rich people! Come on and just for 100 Kwanzas, please. Who said this where a young boy at a great car like a mnibus. Some seconds more another driver linked to another vehicle, here colled Hiace (Toyota), said the same always smilling.
Then I request to my mind if there were just to attract cloients or more of that it would be to designate as 'rich people' those who where trying to live in Kilamba? Is those boys talking like a comic artist, or saying it’s just a secure conviction about their own position?
My car has been placed just near these minibus for better understand why suuch speaks were deliver to attract clients. More then only heard I get out from my car and try to better heard theses young boys as well as the clients reactions. Hence another driver added: Come on people, to the rich quarter of Kilamba! Then I request to this guy. - My friend why is it 'rich'? People living there or the some KK's quarters?
And then he answers always smilling: - That's the way many people used to disting those living there in Kilamba. Look here for many of our clients. They paid a lot for the apartment as well as paid a lot to displace themself from there to the centre of Luanda. What can be said my friend? Be Rich or not rich to get such adventure when the large majority of Luanda residents can't do it. - Oh, yes I understand. That's a joke and not identifyid with them!
Nevertheless, he exposed this comments: some months after liviing in Kilamba, that is my reflection on my life style as well as every costs of its arrangements for children and veihcle. Is it not a position of envy from those not having the chance to go ahead and pay an apartment in the same quarter, I ask to myself. Or is it the mark of joke to describe with more motivation any other clients near to those taxi drivers?
However without best my colleagues, when Kilamba, I found it saying it as a joke
answers for these issues of procedure from they're calling people looking taxi for interesting as an appeal style. Because and not a real description of the kind of
clients. Then those boys explain they were more intelligents when calling 'rich people or quarter' to attract more themselves to their taxi cars.
- God bless them! That's what I thought and not said. Especially my aunt who decided to offers mysellf with that chance to improve the alembamento procedure under which I married my wife, respecting the local culture domiinant in our country. Whithout such a decision from who represent my own mom still dead during the civil war no way to prove my ability to get a woman for life!
Nevertheless we can find people designed by 'the rich' inhabitants of Kilamba. More are seems not yet as achieving their first stage to attaint this social level. But all residents there can be associated with the small portion of residents who are rrecogned as wearing a lord style. Then why fill myself less 'rich' them these neighbour, once again? Living there we are all friends and play each week or get a beer bottle with many other neighbours and visitants, even with those visiting the local clinics, and so on... Nevertheless it may be an issue of anthropos as it's said by my son, Luis. I remember when he said me that some of its professors - well books as he said - like Bourdieu, Castells, Giddens and many other could explain what happens in this case of joke for attraction even for a better job as driver! - Dad, when I trip to Dakka, Tokyo and a little number of cities abroad I've dealt with such a different treatment because foreigner to be motivated...And I was not a tourist but just a student travelling for my schools summer program at these occasions. Even in China or Brazil's cities you can find this kind of behaviors with jokes!
In the morning I were seat alone at home. My car was under mechanic services and then I was waiting for the usual appeal for the payment and restart my job as taximan. Nobody were at home other then myself by 2 p.m. tinking about my son master class in Dr Agostinho Neto University and his probably default while I am not student myself - that's what can fill a father not able to assist his own son on the main study issues...My wife were still on the her job after guiding our younger children to school, since early period.
Nevertheless, somebody call me knocking at the apartment entrance door, slowlly! After asking who is calling, no answer has been hearded but only another knocking always 'slowlly'. Hence I open the door to see exactly from whom my door is shot to call people at home.
In front of a Caucasian man were a basket and was indicating a carpet in is own shoolder saying to me: - Are you initerested to bay this carpet or some crockery in this basket? All are new prodicts under low price. I got it from abroad and look people who needed it while standing at home, my friend.
However the strange man or vendor try to answer my bizzare regard to him he were searching to put himself the main questions and answer himself throught a marketing 'style'. His white face seens from arabic hommo sapiens as said by my son, and once I continue to observe him as I were looking to find the best ask to dispatch my surprise he added quickly:
- Also a lampshade is there for selling if you are looking more products needed at home, my friend. I'm a vendor who visite several building and deliver the material directly to the buyer at home...and under a very low price, don't worry, mister! Were you ready to see which one you can choose or should you prefer my visite an other day for more details? He answers his own questions and then put a first question to myself at my apartment door.
Nevertheless I don't understand very clearly what he said both in English as well as in Portuguese, I decided to begin my own speack just in my native language: - Good afternoon, my friend! Who are you looking for in this building, please? He answers me: Thank you. Are you ready to choose or can you help me to open all products?
No my friend, I said him. I never paid products at home, but only at wholeseler - I was lying to close my door. However, he insists: - Can you expect my visite an other day to better choose any product? No man I am not usually a buyer at home and then maybe in your own business office. Where is it and what’s your personnal card to get the phone number, etc.? I said that just getting out of my home and closing my door would be sufficient.
In Luanda city I used to find people selling on the road, especially white people called Vietmaniens or Thailands or Chineses, etc. Those who sell on the road even using bicycle or motocycle, I guess. Sometime they mixed with native people in local informal market, in many outskirts for the capital.
Then, this nkocking at door were surprising for me but a white man, still an araic face - I don't know if Libanese, Marrocain, Yemenit, because any citizen he said to me could be to accept by default of documented demonstrations, etc.
After our bye-bye, when he take care to displace with his own products to knock other door in front of available apartment and people inner to open and get business with; I were thinking to discuss the case with my family at home and try to know whether it happens to any more people here in my apartment before myself, today.
However at table for dinner, I prefered to talk with everybody before the seat for food and drink! I was pressed to hhear from my wife as somebody experimented on selling-buying procedure in her own restaurant and woman style for expenses:
1-This kind of people used to provide several products to those who want to receive it to reslling or consumer before achieving the return sometime two or three months after, as I heard about this case. She started to says in the salon; 2-Whe you buy they material to selling as retails and you can assure them with clear invoices, they ghater a little portion of the edges values and give you a premium designed loyalty; 3-Usually they sell products for kitchen, crockery and microwave, etc.; 4-There are also those who came with medicine drugs as well as decorative objects for wal and people like toes and fingers' frames and even piercings or wigs; 5-Whether you can't reselling on retails all the proditcs they left to you then the return available
allow a little stimulus to remain you attached to this kind of contract! When the produtcs are anly to be consummed by yourself they to you more time to pay the programmed agenda of it complete final payment. - That's what I know about theses zungueiros at home! That’s my wife have said to finish her speech.
- That’s really a very good business, I said to my wife and children at home, after hearding her effort to record what is know among many other users of this business and called, traditionnaly 'zungueiros' - see Oscar Ribas's dictionnary. It seems a trade trick to cover this mistake, said my son, adding that more at home are illiterate and domestic manager instead of the husband and or the wife, often more cultivated.
However, I detailed my surprise: -What I used to see here in Kilamba were groups of two women knocking our door to say: There is some job for us? The same women we can see seat at the edge of several road inner Kilamba city who says repeat it while they find you walking next to them. And nothing more so far, about people looking for business this way!
How to be confident with somebody from Arabic or Asiatic regions not able to express his oppinions in Portuguese and/or in native language in Angola? And when could happen this records of international terror acts and horrified movies linking sometime such a people? That's not the case but we can worry.
Nevertheless I don't know how real estate owner here in Kilamba city, like me, have to accept as regular this procedure to buy and/or sell commercial products at an informal delivering scheme. And still under a foreign proposal, instead of native or national citizens suggestions.
However, that's not enough to think every native attached to informal trade and/or acting as zungueiro may be designed as someone under assaults and stolen minds or outlook! That's not the image or picture we are trying to develop with such a exposition, please...The majority of those living in Kilamba must use to act like my wife explained to me and my children above, I guess. It's just needed to say the security gard at the main door of the build: - I'm going to find the coommission master, and that's all needed to get the lift and visit each apartment owner or resident to do its own business.
As a comment to add to this story, I can recall the commission master need in monney - what ought the guard to leave any busineesman to o ahead! In fact, he receives to manage the building next to 80 Usd per apartment; what atteind around 35 thousands Usd, annually - for 36 houses in my building.
This value must assume the guard stipend for 350 Usd by month, i.e. next to 4200 Usd annually; then it rest next to 30 thousands Usd to manage the buiding clearance and garden treatment...In such an account, around half the resident pay the expected global value - still noted once I've started my payment so far; then it must end at near eighteen thousands Usd for all members really paying this commission's account.
Nevertheless this value really received, with the used long delays, serves to cover the rescue of lamps at the lifts - one okay and the other not at all -, some well turned on in front of each apartment entrance by night; And adding to this expenses the garden entertainement, that cover maybe one thirds of around ninety square metters around the building with flowers and plants like 4 or 5 fig threes, etc. It's more visible just in front of the building itself, between the outing and the wall and the wall.
Aiweh mamah weh! That's what more women are crying when those from the south on the country suspect there may have some temptation to search remaks of the so called corruption. - Not at all, I've said! We need God help to never avooid to be confident not only on foreign business but also native informal trade along with the dynamic of resident commission. The risk of assault remains open anywhere and from annybody not well known among us. So, neither the Arabic nor the Asiatic vendors are placed in suppect outlook of terror here in Kilamba, as I know!
In the front of the main garden in the middle of the croosroad between big road Comandante PedalĂŠ and Avenue Agostinho Neto facing the buinding of the Kilamba's manager office - a moving container was registered for library and computer service. Several children from school even with their uniforms get to the entry and find books as well as laptops (or PC) available to theim. In the road to the hipermarket called KERO another container of the same style were used to the public bank called BPC. But the difference was a quiet calm filling in the garden in front of KK Admnistration. At the bank service the deep noises heard from every cars passing this road avoid the motivation to enter a book service like that designed mediateca - a public service from the Angolan minister of Culture: internet as well as DVD and CD for local and classic musician as well as dictionary for children in English and French, etc.
Expecting that my older son Luis along with both two minor girls - daughther and grandaougther - dispose their time after school and stage at work to discover what were available to averybody here aside our building and apartment. From my son it was not enough motivated because as he said me: Dad, good cybers service are available at the building D and A, other quarters distant from here. And they include several other services like photos, scanner, selling digital materias, etc.
Without time to go there and read a little bit, I were no way to exchance my taxi process to the Kilamba's mediateca access. Not at all! Trying to stimulate my chhildren saying that i were thinking about what I've loss once child, when no digital
materials were not available as well as not enough books avery people at the colonial era.
Deciding to visite I get my mobile phone (Unitel android) and take the way to discover this mediateca: arrived near to the mediateca container nobody was around it. Looking to hear if somebody were inside I found that even the door were closed. Maybe there is some ghospel inside it, I guess! No human comments or advisers were heard inside or management of digital material neighter steps or handling of book's papers. A man was turning around this garden taking his time to do jogging, I guess. While he got his physical exercises I remark there is a water torrent on the pavement. This was blocked any passer-by to follow the right access to the surface were the madiateca stands in the garden. Get a sault to be over in the less wet sde of the passer-by i remerber myself my ginm at the colonial college Salvador Correia, when student for secondary level. Looking to hear from anybody inside the called mediateca’s container, I found no sign at all. All I received was a silence which demontrates that no person was inside and it was not operating at all, this time.
Without any phone number on the container wall I was not able to call them and try to find the best answer for my surprise. I'd like to find, as citizen, how this container operates for those interested to use the mediateca services. Can I request such question to those around this place but getting their jogging exercises or at the KK's managing office?
Hence, at home I decided to request to some boys called to install the anthena for ZAP and DSTV whether this container were operating or not. Maybe this structure for books and DVD and laptops users were operating some times before my family installed their affairs inside or because I took a little time to go and look for their officer...
However, the building were I'm resident remain the main space to look for more answers from neighbours as well as particularly next to the Commission master. The young Mr. Aldremar, as I call him, may use his mobile phone to appeals those officers he can recognize as part of the mediateca services or other answer for my question on this issue.
Even if I need to visit the KK administration on this interesting service from the ministry of Culture, I know that i never desist about the available operation for my children: books and Internet may improve their scholastic skills.
Near to a month after my family get the place of this apartment at Kilamba village, TV images arrive finally at home. We expect all detected sign from our anthenna became widely usefullon in our television. Both young technicians request about ten thousands kwanza (around $ 100 dollar) to cover their services as managing the establishment of ZAP and Dstv services on the top of our building. Nevertheless, only at nught my son and I have had the time to testify the anthenna receptive sign on the television. Any people could avoid the use of TV apparatus, before would be assured that it was usefull. While they were not access to the required card for each TV channels from Althech products, registered in South Africa, they expected my son to buy it.
- I get a friend who his ready to test it whether you can't assure their operationnal verification, said my daugther. And I answer to her that from my mobile phone it was also possible to call available manager to introduce the needed test after us if we fall. - Once at home I'll get the best service my daughter, don't worry! All my children alongside my wife were to follow te movies showed at TV; for my son especially the excluse reports and technical new and managers comments at channel like NatGeo, Odisseia, A&E, Euronews, Aljazeera, TV5, France24, CNN, Bloomberg, ABC, and other then I don't know about their title or contents... For me it's enough to see my foot meeting at TPA1 or TPA or even at Sport or Sky channel, or from Mozambique the Mira or the STV - from Cape Verde it was not easy to me to follow really hot mutchs at TVC. Then without forgetting our new at the journal moments both at public channels at well as at Zimbo-TV. Adding
the 'debate' programme developed in that last national private television chain.
Because my madame gona to bed before the younger children as well as myself, they had been at TV to see more then a program after the couple. Hence, the day after we both or one us the referee could be noticed about a news remark or an other from themself; our daily job never allow us to spend more time at TV screen as they can do it, these child at home.
For example have the time to follow the Sampson series or more movies interested for chldren never attract the referee, or they father and mother at home. The Carnival or theater shows as wel as opera or Kassav festivals remains they chance to stay in front of the TV as I'm usually seen their choice for entertainement at home, usng TV chaines products...
My son has the the ability to follow several TV chains with shows in other languages than our 'official' Portuguese frame: ready to hear and speack more then three foreign languages under enough fluency he use the TV listinng to access more TV channel from other countries than the CPLP community one. And particulaly because he likes to access technology and sciency products at TV chains even those with a translator tool!
See the national footbol teams at TV as well as tradiction and local culture by theater scennes motivate everybody at home. I was using my recreative choice to follow what help me to find my chance to win the lotery. I used to play it along eith some of my colleagues taxi drivers in Luanda. While I never no more than understand my amount but it for this foot even thousand
get from this game more than some pieces or coins the equivalent of ten US dollars! Well you can position as lotery player were to find the most never surge at all! -Never withdraw from you deal game, my friiend Tayta. We know those who atteint dollars.
That's what I heard from Zacarias, colleague as taxi driver in Bela Vista quarter, Luanda; or the same from an other colleague named Djamba, working with a Hiace of Toyota since Sambila quarter - former market designed Roque Santeiro. He added to encourage myself that he won more then a million but he was stolen after...
Three Hiaces for taxi has been payed, he continue! Two of them have been done to friends of my wife family. And I reserve one at home to assit my brother-in-law as well as our group regular needs...But first of all I've lost two cars at the hands of my fiends under accidents because they used a lot of alchool daily at work...From my brother at home I received a special lot of charges to pay and it never stop still i were without monney for my own personnal expenses!
- That's why I decided to aplly myself to this job and start another carreer as driver like you today, my friend, he said looking the ground. I've started by the track of travel between one province and another, he added. Without a driver licence for this cathegory I've lost the riight to contiinue such a way, he said still. But finaly, and when took care to get it for this job, I begun since then working with my Hiace for the road Harbord/Island (Ilha do Cabo). He concluded. So far we became good friends and colleagues at such a job, while I am a non professional taxi driver.
Back to TV programmes as Iput it in this blog, I heard my son calling me quickly after dinner. What happens I said him: - Came here dead. We have interesting news to you. Then O gona look at him. - The Zimbo program about justice, called 'The Law Hour' is ready and proposes two great attorney confrontations. That's very nice to understand it. It happens in our big city of Luanda and maybe in our wide and deep country, I guess. He seemed very cheerful while I were looking around to find what he designed as an interesting TV program for me...
Hence and after see the lawyer with his gown and other legal posture used to the court, I desisted quickly: No at all, my son. That's for you such a language and analysis on right and human penalties! See it and then count to me the more deeply conclusion of it, ok? Judgements for me became from the Bilble more then from ourself, the Man, I've added to him.He know about my behavior on the chooice of TV programmes but try always to stimulate my view on his own entertainements and knowledges.
Thare were a small problem at home about the use of the two television available for all users. one at the dinning room and an other in my bedroom. My son has a DVD in his own bedroom but not the TV channnel we installed from ZAP and DSTP antennas.
Then without the refeees at the bedroom we heard sometime a little discussion throught the dinning-room:
- Now I want see my prefered channel or your still remains seen the same channel since on hour, etc! Even the mom sometime when she were then decided to impose: -Now I want to see my prefered movie - from Brazil, of course, which provides the most requested movies averybody tolk about on Angola.
And my son, could take his chance to answer his mother: but I was seeing the environment just now with the NatBeo, mom! Or from the daugthers something equivalent to defend her right to continue with the program alive, etc. My wife get her time to calm all these children at home in such a scenne. She try to find a convergence of positions between herself and them:
- When I am not ready to sleepy I prefer be here with you just to get my time to chance to my bedroom, ok? She said them with a secured ground that they accept her speech and never refuse her reason for such a picture. Oh, our madame and the children...Is what I thing about her procedure! And they calm quickly without any other answer then: -Ok, mom, ok mom.
And our children know that at our bedroom instead of see the TV we start and finish both talking on several problems to be reflected and/or decided between ourself concerned the home. And they can't be aside with us in the bedroom to find each one the programme expect to explore while the referees sleeping and /or ready to stand quiet to sleep...And my wife were efficient this way talking with them and beeing together.
Without the couple at home, neigher myself nor my wife, avisit came to our door as it was said by our granddaughter. There are peoples presented as road vendors of saucepans and curtains,
among other little trading pieces at many apartments in each building of Kilamba.
As it was a surprise forme, once again, I asked for they contacts - it would help us to find the right profile of such a vendors and their real informal profession said. - Oh yes, dad! Our neighbour in front of us take care to regist it, says my daughter. We can ask him for a copy if needed even by sms or not? She added.
Nevertheles, I decided to request it to the neighbour to become more quiete. Hence I discover his name: Jimmy; he was vendor as he said to him; also an Egyptian citizen, said and not prouved. As explained by my neighbour, Mr. Tome. - He is 50 years old and said he get several selling business in Europa (Turkey, Netherlands, etc.), Africa throught Namibia and South Africa and others.
Hence, I acquired the mobile phone of Jimmy and he remains then calm: I not used to deal with such kind of communications for trade at home and still with foreign vendors anywhere and also in Kilamba. I don’t understand what has been the building security job for warrant the appartment’s survey, while standiing at the main door to follow any visitor or unknown appeals for residents.
Then I attack my neighbour with deeper researchs: - How can such kind of people be allowed to enter the building and knock our door in front of each apartment without the security rules well applied and surveyed by the guards, I asked an other resident who where in the blue quarter behind my house location. And he said not understand this case at all.
After be surprised by the noise of my door being knocked by strange visitors what should be your quick reaction dear Helder, my neighbour - from the Airforce services? And he answers that: - We just have to accept or refuse the products their offers to the selling procedure or not! It was his answer.
However, this answer for my concerne has convinced me about the right wings of this informal trading network. We just needed to identify the vendor and his products while have the espected time to decided what pay for or not. Instead of request the legal procedure as well as the consumer quality to be presented
and prouved first of all, that the way many people used to do with it, since a very long time - not only in Luanda but also in Kilamba!
From this neighbour linked to the Airforce services I have the chance to know some photos and other pictures he get from the vendor known by himself used for pubs about their products. With his mobile phone contact and address you can discover their stores, magazines as well as several kinds of shops to buy of choose the available material you seems needed, he said me.
What it means to me where that while these vendor acts like road informal offers they seems inner legal groups of trading in Angola providing many products even focused by public tax and customer fiscal evaluation. But how to prouve that they were not in the majority of those visiting us on such a way not adventurers covered by hyphotetic masks of legal vendors?
- Somebody who said he is from Turkey at a momment and after what he finish to add he was really from Egypt and don't like the elected president after the recent army coup against the muslim alliance and the former elected leader today in jail for trial! Answers that made me very concerned with their real activity.
Hence this neighbour said he suggedted to the vendor to be a quickly seller: just attaching a small papel to the Box at the main entrance of the building! - And then each apartment must receive the picture of all products available and call them for selling. The cost of that displacement could be lower and more efficient, he said adding the vendor has been really satisfied with him.
Since them they send such a ppictures to you? I request him. Yes, but not in the Box at the entrance, he said me. They prefer to put it under our home's door instead of in other location. But it seems that more people call for them I guess - he said finaly.
The Carnival days were almost arriving. Then my wife organizes what our kids needed to attend they school holidays between 16 to 18 February! I was expected to verify if these festivities should rendering Luanda Island group the most qualified or not as I said to theu leader called ‘Dona Jesus’.
Nevertheless, a strong rain got down in Luanda town, while it happens just a bit slowly on the Kilamba area. It was downing along two days. This kind of rain seems not really important for people living in KK when the humidity was very little. But several people were running to get the car and taxi quickly to arrive at job as soon as possible, I guess. The comments I got from theses clients in my vehicle propose me this conclusion.
The time would become more fresh and likely the weather for good relaxing by night almost for everybody! However, more mosquitoes emerge from the builgind’s corridors and upstears towards the appartment’s doors and windows. Maybe it did not happen everywhere in the wide quaters of Kilamba.
Then I propose to my kids to use repellents - like the so called 'Dragao' in Luanda - agains them instead of insecticides which are very skin damaging products, etc. My kids knew the mom preferrance for a lot of insecticides instead of repellents but I say them: never mind my children!
My kids prefered to ear the rain slowly down in frotn of our building or even when running to they school. But my first son did not the same: he avoids summit to the rain on his shoulder or clothing, especially when get out to work or study. For me it was a momment to try a jogging under slow rain around the field for games next to our building but I desit - look for more monney as taxi driver was the priority! It's different of what my son choice as sport even with rain: surf on big waves at a beach for exemple. Really it was two different profiles.
Well, when I return home after a mid-day working I get a new from my daughter: the water we use from the apartment drainage and piping get dirty. - What happens, I ask her. - It is coloured dad, she answers. I gonna kitchen to verify exactly the kind of colour and dirty my daughter said.
Hence I remark the water in the glass was not coloured but cloudy and I said: - Yes it is not good to be used for drink. And my granddaugther add: - When we open the tap today monning there were no water at all, dad. After the time of the power pause we know that the pipe also was dryed. And when the drainage return the water appears dirty. She completes the story.
- Have shoow it to your brother or not, I asked? He is ready to test what happens and from where, I added. They answer that he was not at home when they see the tap without water as well as when it return back. - Okay, I said. Don't drinks it until the dirty stage gona change in fact, okay? Both kids agreed with me.
After that I enter to the two WC we used at home to verify the quality of water used in the lifeguard (bathroom). More then see just the glass when I got it from the kitchen. - To take a shower at the bath is the best my kids. I said to all of them. But to drink just take the mineral botle! Even for cooking you can use the mineral one because we don't know why this appears now so dirty.
Nevertheles I decided to request to the security guards as well as some neighbours and wait for Chinese technicians whether possible to discover the causes of that 'colour' in the water throught our piping and drainage system at home.
Later I found residus at the glass low level. Placing it aside to a glass with mineral water serve to compare the 'clartydirty'. When my wife went home it was ready to show it and get her own comments and counsil for our daugthers I guess. In the dirty water at a glass we found a small brown stain - it seems a little amount of mud.
At night and when we saw less residents and people around the bildings in KK, my wife remarks that the water drainage became less and less dirty. And I said to them: - I'ts over now, even we get a little rain still down quitly my dears! The pictures I get outside our building and quarter can prouve that this dirty happens here under the rain we register around the area.
It is really nice shops in the basic shop, pastry shops, barber, laundry and
to get downstears your building and found ground. And then for several types: minifarmacy, realtor, bank agent, multicard box, other commerces and services in KK.
It's when you can read announces on discount and new promotion for some produtcs and services as well. After the two rainning days described in the precedent blog more shops at the first floor of some buildings attached remarks on new prices, the quarter i'm living, for exemples. However I'm tired as informal taxi driver - still trying to avoid tracks with enough bog - between Benfica and Samba II. Some clients request you to go trhought mud tracks to left them in the house or real estate, etc were he wants to stand. We know how several quarters and even musseques located in Luanda became fully of mud after big rain ans storms.
So I'm not interested in promotional prices from shops around my quarter in Kilamba for products like clothing or mobiles for housing, as I saw it in their windows glass. What I'm concerned with were particularly the called crude oil low price causing an economic financial crisis or even budgetary in Angola as well as a new negoiation with the IMF.
However the inflaction seems stable in the country today exposed at - its variation could determine the real
or informal flux of the national monney exchange rate under any foreign curency like dollar.
Hence I decided to follow my client and neighbour in the building next to mine - what I brought to clinic in the last blog. She was wanking with a couple of their kids. After talking about her husband health we dialogue on the drainage water quality always walking next to the car park aside: trhought cross road betweeen stree Agostinho Neto and the Avenue Comandante PedalĂŠ.
She was looking to enter the mini-market shop in front of the realtor designed Imogestin, Ldt. The storage she research was entitled Mini-Arkander and were manager by a native family in Kilamba. - They use a good list of low prices, she said. Very well, Miss Raquel, go ahead and good luck. I answer to her.
At this momment I ave been surprised by my son who appear beside myself. - Hello, dad! I'm goig to buy some fruits and legumes to your wife, she is at home now. He said to me. Okay, Luis. Come on and I should follow you to buy other products or just visit this shop. That was my answer.
What my son was gather to the cash for payment has been his mother of consuming goods: soaps, tuna, maize flour, cauliflower, carrot, natural juice, vinegar, etc. I was aware of the needed goods for kitchen and other amenities at home. Then my son was collected all products listed as well as taking some pictures of the shop exposing hamper maybe to his mother.
But how should I help him to avoid the present people to never think about these photo could be used for bad purposes? Ashamed on the issue when I looked the reacher's wife eyes on my son position getting this smartphone lectures I call him to focus myself. Particularly next to newpapers showed in the shop for selling.
However, many attitudes from our behavior was hiding in fact a kind of record we were mading about the entry and out of people getting several consuming goods in that shop under our mobile. That's not a crime while we use to try a mask of carnival procedure when smilling with each who was included by the photos taken in the shop.
As I noted only the banana called gross michell has a price lower then the established in the wide informal market of Camama, a municipality no longer to Kilamba. I think that were the rest of available bananas in this shoping enough ripe to search to be selled as soon as possible.
The teacher wife and his kids just payed those kinds of products: bananas! And I never known why only this consumer goods as been her own choice in this shop. Maybe she has displayced to find exactly this kind of fruits or another one again. It low price don't really become the rule to compare with any other yet buyed products from her basket when out of the shop. What make me thought her husband may be waiting for a cachuco (tchilapia) roast with pepper and beer like Cuca, Sagres, etc.
After saying bye-bye to door I said to my son family resident near our more consumer goods were stll buyed as mom send looking around.
the teacher's wife in the shop's main to remember she is part of my client building. Then I request to him whether or not needed at home, more then those him. - You can decide, dad! He said
In fact, I began to verify if any more products could be added to what he has paid just for a personal attitude for my madam: There are here manioc flours called ‘bombom’ in Angola, I said. It can't lack at home you know, I remark to my son. I prefer eat manioc instead of banana, and are you aware of it or not? - Yes dad...But one seems more nutricious then other, he said. - Hello my son! What's interesting here is your local culture.
Hence, the best choice is following: my grand-daughter may need some more notebooks and you can help both younger at home to better understand they school matters. He agreed with me and then get a botle of wine saying it's a low price and can be saved to the memory of his grandaunt next visit at home...He know how I like to ear her stories about Moxico villages and soba special acts against those lacking to apply they rules! As well as his mother tribe who comes from Cabinda – the fiotes.
I insist again: - How to say to your mom there are goods with low prices here without getting some of them at home? To what he answer that: Is you dad who have to talk to her about and not me
as send to buy just wat she has requested. He said me. But I have some picture of products/prices I've took for it! He added exposing some images to my view from his mobile.
However, it was nice to me that visit to a shop promoting low prices in Kilamba,, when everybody is talking about a strike rising of consumer prices after the strong low of the crude oil international schedule from Brent and New York. It happens that this warrant may be used as a frame to verify its deep management in our country as it were dealt economic crisis. As an informal taxi driver I ear from my clients they comments.
At that momment my son says his idea of student on economic fiend, staging in management. He adviser me to start with an inquiry, and pushing questions to people in the shops. How not to start with a woman who is a dad client, he said me. They can describe to us they comments on the price here found. What I fill as a good task to better understand the procedure.
Hence we agree to begin the study job: - Hello, Miss Raquel. I sorry but can you help me to know what you think about the banana evolution price today, please? It's here lower or higher? And she reacct looking the bananas they called 'banana-pao' as from Cape Verd citizen: -Ahem, I gess it seems around the same since last year! She said us. Do you found any goods really under low price at that shop? For what my son get time to evaluate his manager language along with math terms and other economic proposals that I can't understand.
However, she added, you can go to KERO hypermarket here in Kilamba and try to find other prices to better compare them. It's avaiable even at Talatona's Kero for more deep approach. Products imported like apple, orange or potato - and not sweet potato - may help you to compare with those produced here, okay?
Hence, I remain without answer or comment, just looking my son, himself a little silent in front of this woman proposal. In fact, I decided to say something: Oh, yes, Miss Raquel, I said. I need to pass there before I would have an opinion. What my son correct me talkin about customer services and cost as well as news published in well known local newspaper like the Expansão ( or other database accessed via Internet on this issue. – Oh, yes my husband usually talk about it, she said to stop this point.
For a final talk I should launch some provocation remerber my neighbour and client, the teacher: - Can I offert you one or two Red Blue to dinner with doctor, Miss Racquel; you know we are in Carnival period? To what she answers slowly that she and her husband don't get alchoolic drinks. This happens because they had an accident on helicoptere from the civil war time, in the province area.
She add he was military inserted in one of the main groups in the battle during the after independence war, but once it finished by 2002 he became teacher at university as a choice! From the closed combats he saved this memory: 'nothing of alchool at all at table'. To what I thank her dialogue and said that I'm happy of they decision. While never revealing that I'm a great drink consumer with or without alcohol. As well as its bad consequences we know about it in the wide country.
At the Carnival hollidays I was in the Marginal street with my wife - the new Luanda's avenue - talking with our children as well as observing several masked group which were brought along this way to be examinated by a jury of the city cultural authority. Then the most ponited would get the higher premium.
- Look it my Django! As she call me since the boy friend pediod. Are you still thinking about the vendors that surprised us knockig our apartment's door? The products they expose to me at the ocasion were not really interesting at home. We were passing throught the croud in the New Marginal for the Carnival show while talking on ths issue beside Hotel Baia, and next to Chevron office. I eard her while almost distract for the event we were looked.
What I answer to her was something like: I remember who called me for the first time. A white man of short height, weel a bit like me I guess! Why did you talking about this issue now, I ask her. - No Ireceived two young white men who were not talking the same language, I means, about the same products.
Without look her eyes I was earing what she said but looking the carnival groups which acting for premiium with dancing and singing as we use to get them each year in Luanda. What I search were the best place to stand and apreciate the wide panoram of theses cultural showing in the large marginal street.
Otherwise, I remerber the location designed to be tranfered to the jury evaluation. It was from the former Praia do Bispo corner throught the entry of Correia quarter in the beach; we look the street after there to go still the bridge we call Zamba-II, before follow to Prenda Hospital or the new Parlement ready to be achieved next to the bishop residence in the Blue quarter! Because I didn't say again, she added:
- I think theses boys are looking the same I saw in my cousin who is still in the Army and living in Miramar quarter. And she continues while I was kinly happy to smile for the carnival group in front of us. - They request me to think about the chance for retailing the crockery they transported; even if I will prefer to give it to my domestic for selling it, you mean? - Ok yes I undestand, madam! But here we are in a festival and not for discussing the surprising vendor at home. Who get the gain after that kind of selling, you or your domestic worker, I request? - I note that it could be for them.
Go ahead madam, I'm earing you while looking the cultural groups we see passing here for the premium, I said. And she added: - My cousin's sister said ne that the domestic worked there get the monney after retailling the product and go abroad without apprear for more jobs in they residence.
So the younger boy vendors - or white Muslim as saying by my son - have colled the Police and then got the monney back, I've asked my wife. And not at all because as she was explaining me: - The girl links to the business were trying to take the cash and look forword after winner the results. Both providers stand in my cousin's condo and press him to allow them the best contact with this girl for stolen suspiction. While ashamed, his wife received them and tryed to negociate between the both parties until the case was finaly regulatted in the house.
This way the girl coarse finiched, I asked my wife. The entire value exppect from this informal selling procedure has been returned to the young Muslim vendor who visited your cousin? - A little bit because she was not in possession of the global value of retail she did. But as said by m cousin's wife, the domestic employee accept and promise a regular discount in her monthly salary of 15% since then to be deposit in the vendor bank account - but they prefer to visit each month for cash instead of banking transfer. And I cut my wife story to show my children the most well dressed group I were noted.
Nevertheless the croud explode some cry of happyness to congratulate the most applauded carnival groups which as been moving in front of the jury platform for premium evaluation. And more and more people was coming to the scene with the comments
and crying to ensure the most wanted dressed and singing for the event.
What I saw seemes at least 18 groups passing for sure or I was wrong under my wife dialogue, I guess. Also I was earing Radio Luanda or LAC by its FM releasing throught my own mobile phone the Android edited by Unitel operator - on the National Board for Culture which deliver the evaluation.
However I terun to my wife comments to rethink what was a big matter for myself, from these vendors: Why not can I try to propose these informal trader maybe not enough legal in such a commerciial network, any business with myself to look for more gain than the slow level of monney I'm managing after such difficult momment driving trhought our town an Kilamba? Happy to think without talk to my wife what, I was questionning!
Hence I get more other sequencial question turning my mind- and I start brevely to forget the event noise: if they are not foreigner well documented as it seems happens wiith the first who surprised myself at home knocking my apartment's door; and even if the consumer products they provide are from illegal traffic, known as often recorded between Africa and the MiddleEast; and finally if those people or a little part of them are linked to trafficants and maybe terror squads.
More then think about the animated event were I was with my family happy for they stands in the croud, I begin to fear on businness with such low list of these environment datas: Maybe I should found a trade cluster to be explored - like my son use to stimulate myself at home. As he said it himself, some cases need a viability study before a good decision afterwards.
And for somebody like me who never get a good management performance even for the best gain with my taxi clients, how to get a recommendable study under this relation with strange persons from where I am not really well informed? That's the more interesting issue of my thinking experiment, I guess. And then why not agreed with my son and exchange this final question with my client and neighbour teacher in Kilamba?
The Carnival festival was totaly forget by myself at this momment. I've gone to my car and expecting my family there my
thoughts was a little bit well turning around. questions than the best answer for each concernigs:
The first one has been - How expose the issue to the doctor my neighbour avoiding a well done rough out of this issue? Maybe he is not Finance or Economic teacher, who can't improve this academic connection for some well tested steering lessons to a taximan and not to both party in a business with all basic datas required fot it success.
However we need to go ahead deciding to do the best business and not only thinking about the one other one is doing! For my surprise my wife was still on her gale of laughter. In my car just aside the Hotel BaĂa back the croud were she was attached with the kids I would ear her voice while slowly.Many people was doing the same that's why its difficult but possible to distingue the sound from each of these groups. Along with the singing noise and the musical bands it's hard.
In fact I'm filling myself really happy on that chance to reflexion on this issue with madam while in the cultural event. The spectacle was really atractif and fresh for everybody who passed the new marginal at the momment. I decided to start with my son: why not request to him an economic evaluation of possible gains and risks os a partnership between myself - or the wide family members - and the vendors to allow us to bettter know their business standards and profiles?
No business cntract is possible without detailled informations about each of the parties, I guess! And later, any personal confidence should seal the trade grassroots from the partners. In a pause of the Carnival event I ear the LAC FM saying that the Nzinba Mbandi group has been weel congratulated by the croud as well as jury speaker.
This group would get around 48 points - say the Radio presenter at FM from my mobile phone. What position it should means I don't understand at all. But the presenter added this points means less two points needed to be the festival winner while the event were not at it own end. Well dresed and nice message from they sings as wel as classified cultural dances!
Nevertheless, another chance is open to my proposal of business: why not know whether from these vendors if they need to use my taxi car for they own release of products anywhere in Luanda
province? Maybe I'll got nothing more then the value so far received from fret and taxi transportation of goods and services.
Otherwise, I need to follow my mindset on such an issue! Even back of my family, here in former Praia do Bispo and next to Hotel Baia assisting the Carnival shows on 2015. As well of remerber this area since my first steps in Luanda, handling from my grand mother who visited the older couple of Van-DĂşnem, when I was just 4 or 5 years old and going to the church with them.
Some kind of business may get my ability to try it and succed even without these vendor friends from the Middle-Est or other Muslim from several zones of Africa or Europe, etc. They have such a mercantil culture well known throught the human story. Then, while attending the Carvinal shows this never could avoid my mindset as taxi driver to thinking on the best way to go ahead as professional.
Second opportunity of rethink this issue: Why not talk about the case to my colleague taximen? They can also assit my proposal to evaluate the possible gain and succed associated to this group of negociator from abroad. Along with they comments I should decide what type of clients used to request they services available to the shopping and storage managed by those to whom we served as taxi driver.
However, a few owner of shops was present in this trade fairs, not especially the most elitist in our Luanda town, but it was accessible to the rural products and enough informal. We should welcome the kind of employees used in those fairs as well as the informal markets released in almost all outskirts of the mains city of Angola.
Then my wife and the kids was returing to my vehicle because the festival (shows) has to check its approval in the last timing. My dearling Maria said: - What are you think about, my darling Django? Always the value not yet received from your bad clients or the taxi cost for more tired and motor performance? All theses questions linked to her own laught. She was really happy and not balanced as when we started talking today in the middle of the festival.
No chance to get any pictures - my son get out from the marginal festival with his photo tolls - about the Angolan carnival as expsed in the last festival I presented in my blog. He avoids the opportunity to spare his time with some cousins and even his referee. I dont't know to where he as been located after the final jury decision, my son!
However, once at home all of us without him in Kilamba, by night - or if we want some details, on 8:00 p.m. - in fact he has had the time to record several images and daners from the groups he were following outside ourself, his own parents. He said took video and pictures with his Androi Unitel mobile phone as well as the record of what has been delivered by TV channels like RTP-Africa, etc.
We know he used to save the video from reports he get alive or not all around the wide world: from other channel then the Portuguese culture one - from anglosaxo comunities, FranceAfrique channels like what he get from TV5 and France24, as well as from Chineses channels available at ZAP and DSTP operator in Angola, without forgeting the American channel (Bloomberg, ABC, CNN, etc) and the Cuban TV called 'cubavision', or samething alike, I guess.
In fact, at home it happens a surprise for everybody, when he has proposing us many channels in which carnival shows were presented as deliver good news and was well managed like highly profiled TV and DVD from recogned expects. What he doen't said is where he has been really located with his own friends and school colleagues!
Once at home, everybody, my wife said 'thanks for God' because no dangers or visible diseases to be concerned as mother. Gather at home,, after any wank or trip for recreation and distraction for cultural and/or institutional raisons, receive her divine sentence with her bible on hands, as I knew.
In the building there are of sure families who get they moral and civic time to request God support with or without a bible or the Al Coran, etc. No problem while Luis has been the last the entry at home, after the festival. No body ask him why nor what justiify his displacement to where he don't say exactly talking about his friends gathering and disk exchanges, etc.
That's what they called the young period as well as they societal paradigms or somethink like this - only specialist of social values are prepared to detail such scientific discour. Hence we were tired when achieving the last step to get upstears and enter our house, or throught the building lift, always available since we became located in Kilamba.
As well as many national holidays this one has been really good for everybody among the kids and the couple. Our kids don't become part of a lot of such events with enough animosity like these carnival movement. There is nothing to pay because we are free to visit the place were the jury is placed expecting to wait the premium released. Then we follow every group presentation, hearing each sings and seeen each dancing style and traditional records.
Dad, says my younger daughter come here to see what Luis recorded as another carnival show from a a little PALOP's country, please! It seems not enough moved and noisy like what we had seen in Luanda or even by TV from Rio de Janeiro. I guess, she add, it's a not known city festival, maybe like Bissau! And his uncle Luis has contradicted her point of view: 'not at all'. - Read quite well what appears wrote at the screen - becuse its part of a RTP Africa programs, ok? This way e try to mark his own understand of the issue for my granddaughter. Mam wre a witness of they dialogue while organising the light evening meal or supper. For poor peoplelike us this dinner substitute a real welfare meal at night instead of a supper used for special evening datas in the European culture.
Neverthelless, time become to everybody at home to focus after dinner in some images and pictures at the TV.We were trying to discover what some kind of video reports as the carnival show marking the same festival turning among other cities in most of Portuguese speaking countries. The environment has been presented on TV has been close to rural areas icons rather then
to urban itens like those towns of Brazil and Angola exposed in such kind of shows. One of the exposed towns was on islands in the Gulf of Guinea, called Trindade village or city, as said by the TV reporter. Where is this place, dady? Said my older daughter once at home. Is it near our country? - Well. I started to answer them. It's a country really not far from Angola, but nearest to Nigeria and Gabon...I said to both younger girls at home. And I followed:
However, this tiny island coutry along with Cape Verd are among the result of the human traffic in the colonial era in Africa. When African slaves had been submited to they selling to Europen settlers at farmers and small industries in America, after Colombo's travel abroad - for discover - many of them had stand at little ports and harbours like Sao Tome as well as Praia, etc, since the XVยบ century. Almost ten thousands of natives from Angola and more then six thousands from Mozambique where still identified by college studies after the World War-II in Sao Tome and Principe, says my son to better explain the daughter what do this means! - And did they talk also in Portuguese, request the younger of both girls. - Of course yes, answer to her my son.
Knowing they brother are well performed in such informations, my daughter launch these question to me while expecting his own reaction as really on higher school level and not they father or mather at all. - Those creole from Africans island coutries are no more then people biologically liked to ourself in Africa in general and in Angola for those from Sao Tome, add my son. Today the Portuguese language approach us as well the national struggle against the slavish and the imperialism, I've included in our dialogue.
For what my son decided to corrige my generic expression: - The imperialism seems a vacuum term for such a story, dady! I prefer to talk about struggle again the colonial regime, he said. Hello, my ndengue! I am a deep knower of our struggle for liberty and independence, okay? Better then you I really know what happen in that struggle and not those born after the end of the civil war in our country. Then he stoped and I added: It's time to finish our show in the TV about carnival because we need to go sleep my dear children! As it is used to say here in Luanda, I added as a goodbye that
ÂŤI'm going to goÂť and good night to everybody. -Tomorrow it will be another day my boy and girls, then no more TV this night, was my last sentence to close the supper.
Hence I was not sure to go sleep so well as it meny days before. At this moment, a little reflection has marked me with itens like 'goods and bads' possible business. The kind of risks with those legal or informal among the partners, still move my mind of taxi driver rather then expert of such kind of markets in our developing world.
Nevertheless, when I remembered the story from my neighbour about Muslim surprided visitors with some goods to sell, nocking their own apartment door, I filled a little bit unhappy especially after a hard labor day. Otherwise, I’ve seem these pictures would insert my dreams today. What has been the personnal aggreement remains the access of mobile phone of one of them: Mr Jimmy, 55 years old, white T-shirt on a black sweater, said my neighbour! My friend from the building aside said he never forget his cell number at all: + (244)933674241. It can be used to verify wheter wright, and be mindful of it.
It was 5:00 p.m. in Luanda and also in the Kilamba urban area when I saw a lorry fully filled with Chineses workers of City enterprise - the one cherged to build Kilamba. They were so enjoyed that I thought it would be a return to they country after the contract closed. But in fact there's not what my son said been heard from the BBC, the day before when I told him.
Open the programme Lunar Year, Beijing Live, BBC China Editor, etc. where the words printed on a web page my son allow me identify his notice; for me thhere were still difficult to understand what it means just attached to 10th class in secondary school before the independence day in Angola.
What happens, I request o Luis. - That's the starting day of the Chinese agenda's celebration, dady! He said. The Chinese culture operates this way, he added. - But are they more advanced or backward compared to us, I said him. Can they be qualifyied like our citizens as neo-occidentals people or not, I request to him. - That's just an agenda cultutally valuable as wel as the one from the Mayas, American natives destroyed by the developped world as it's wrote by experts - he added when we get out the Kilamba main road by morning.
Nevertheless are they better or worse then us, my son, I've insisted again in my taxi vehicle. – No bad neither worse dady! This agenda don't move at all the followed real time known from Physics scientists even in China as well as from many Astronomic international centres around the wide world today. There's futher cultural agenda that liked each cultural signs to each people and its language into the social history attached to each region in the geopolitical mapps of our planet so far, my son detailled his notes agains.
Letf him at the point of his trip on the road I return back to Kilamba by midday for launch. Then I remerber to look at a Chinese technicien to get more news on this filled lorry I've
saw on the road. For what I put a white T-shirt received from the client teacher at university I've told you in a clinic in my precedents blogs.
Searching to get him another officer in EPAL said they are all in holidays for the country cultural agenda. How to get my personnal Chinese friend and officer at City to heard on this strange story to myself. Maybe I would follow my clients in the taxi car till the Ingombota and other quarters in Luanda town, I thought this momment.
Hello brothers! A colleague taxi driver call me, when I road off from EDEL office in Kilamba, to reach the '11 de Novembro' stadium, maybe two kilometers of distant. - There is a mutch today between Benfica of Luanda and the team of DR Congo, you know? Don't miss it because I expect these langa gonna loose we us, he guess - he said me. If at home to see it yow know my position my colleague. Support our team, ok? Distract I don't answer him neigher put on air any pretty: yah!
However, the term ‘langa’ seems used here to discriminate many Angolans come in from the former Zaire or today designed the Democratic Republic of Congo, from were they talk Lingala. Think so I filled no more interest to look for the Chinese technicien. The enironement among us taxi drivers were different. Another driver cry to my ear: Hello, mwangole! A DRC has been put out of the game, you know?
But how tobe really ware of the transit here in Luanda when such behavor can dominate the choice of certain driver among us, when on the road and getting clients in the car, I asked. - When the referee’s decided on this action about the DRC team discussion, many don’t accept it as the expulsion prescribed by state rules to be applyied for default.
Such dialogue happns particularly when the transit is going enough slowly or what people call here 'angarrrafamento' nothing liked to bottle at all, as it was explained by Dr Antonio de Miranda, a former dean at Lusiadas de Angola, as my son said having read it. And in the middle of the cars there are women and men looking to sell several products: from tradiction drops and also imported.
Afterwards, I decided to search a Chinese citizen to get all details of the lunar year – about 354 days! It seem today very nice to appreciate and as soon as possible. Hence, I thought: news on this ‘China Lunar Year’ I will get morre or less and from Chinese or other neighbours in Kilamba. Why not get a little bit about our own ignorance on other cultures even so distant like those from the Orient: Chinese Japanese,Korean and why not on Australian natives, etc.?
Then I was remembering my own profile. A person who need a strategy to overdraw its illeteracy on science as well as in universal history, and I should assume it without ashame. Known some native languages here in Angola, oh yes! Is there who I fill myself really hard and without any other obstacle? Otherwise, it seems that little knowledge were not enough for dealing the daily tasks as taxi driver both in Luanda and my original family from Moxico and Cabinda provinces as well. Maybe that's a consequence of my own level of some kind of illiteracy!
Some days following a hard rain over Kilamba urban area many residents seems filling more refreshed. Maybe over the while Luanda's inhabitants! But it's possible this fresh air help us to tast healthy willingness? There is a problem to present to the residents and not to local physicians (medicine): 1- The used water from the KK buildings pipeline were modified by the last hard rain which refresh everybody after it's end... 2- The Kilamba residents not really cautious on this natural phenomenon - at least on their building management - have fault their task, among my neighbours in the blue quarter. 3- Filters aren't an option in that kind of apartments and so that water cleaning wasn't of 100%. 4- After such a raining period of two days, and without storms here, we saw little soaks in some of our streets. 5- Each Kilamba resident doesn't left to the KK Administration office or the EPAL services the recomended care
of it! 6- O resident master who lead the local commission in each building usualy says to us that any claim from the neughbours can be assisted, while it can take time to be really accepted by themselves as local management assistants among the residents - a law to regulate and reckon the legal nature of that commission in still waiting to be approuved by the Angolan parliement, I guess.
Nevertheless, taking about the 100 makas facing people needing more care to get better health in this case, I just ought to start from myself as a sample. Then it happens I get an infection in the renal region three days after the end of that famous hard rain. What I need to confess is the filling of some small pain exactly at the back of my low belly zone. First of all I get a little difficulty to marsh and walk at home, not operating with the taxi car. My wife heard my lament when I displace myself from one side to another in our apartment. As driver I filled the same pain also once sitting down or getting up from the seat. Not using the steering wheel at all.
And then I decided to stop the vehicle a momment outside the house to get something in a farmacie as my son advise me to do as soon as possible - he like the chimical solution as good student and worker in stage since he begun is colleage study; here it was said there are several kind of drugs available f the case like antibiotics which depend only on my choice.
And from A to Z what I request is the drug presented to me as covering many infection of this kind: ciproflaxina - 500 mg. With mmy son help I found writing notes in the pack. It seemed it inform that his actif matter dealt with adult affections, like those: respiratory, auditory, urinary, of testicles, genital, intestinal, orthopaedic and articulate, etc. That’s right if I read it correctly!
However, the drug I atarted to use was an automadication recommended by another member of my family and not linked to public health sector. So this medicine I've paid includes in its clear notes on the secondary effects, presented as follow: there are twelve of them which emerge among «1 to 10 of each 1000 persons», but also other fourteen differents types which emerge among «each 10 000» persons.
Hence I was happy to know that drug seems from a secure manufacture, while made of Cyprus: Medochemie LTD, and then from Europe; instead it means no piracy could be attached to such kind of exporting medicine, some time. And it was interesting to read in the WARNING/MEDICAL EDUCATION over its own leaflet: «...Sometime an infection emerged from bacterias can not be treatable by an antibiotic». Then I became scared. Then what happen now, I thought! And I continue my lecture of illiterate in almost all this issue, which isn't the road code - or my profession of taxi driver.
And it's followed by this sentence: «What happens often is such cases is the fact that the bacteria responsable for this infection may became resistant to the antibiotic you are using. It means the bacterias may survive and even multiply instead of the used antibiotic». Then I was more scared reading this side of the leaflet. And I fill a little cold sweat on my body thinking that maybe my choice couldn't be the best while I trust my son hints at home! Then I remembered the popular slang: ‘education for everybody’ only with the United Nations's assistance.
But finaly I reach an interesting part of this drug leaflet a little bit more confortable: «Read the instructions in the label and if you dont understand something ask the physician r the pharmacist to explain it». Well, now it was enough clear! Afterwards, I repeat it on a low voice. Hence, I gonna runing to the next clinical centre standing in the blue quarter of Kilamba. Were a big list of people subcribed for consults exist but I signed as the number twenty and go outside to look for something to eat at a pasry shop which operates near this post.
And when I was back to the clinic to use my place in the queue I found a nice physician who said me among many other people expecting to be received: I'm going out because I'm really tired and as well as a little dizzy. - What I need, doctor, is just a quick explanation. Maybe I didn't need a consultation. After bayied this drug I started to get it without a medical instruction then I need to be quited with some details from you?
To what she answer: - That's right, but I receive my patients with clinical datas and not only talking outside the office; however I left in my place here some nurses to whom I have my trust for this kind of dialogue, she added. And then she indicates to me a male nurse who was close to her called the ‘uncle’, Mr Antonio into that clinic. He is who take care of my
request of urine exam in the laboratory, one day before. Well, then it rest to me to go and explain to the nurse what happens and get my doubts over or stay shying throught the use of that drug I buyed.
From this consultation result a medical recipe from the nurse steering: take twenty tablets of this drug you buyied, and add to it twenty of Iboprofene as well as ten Vitamin C. Then I request him: effervescent vitamin or not and he said yes, ‘it could be that’. Hence I am waiting the happy achievement for all this treatment, of course! And the male nurse has remembered it afterwards: when you finished those tablets then you can be back here for a little control, okay? To what I answer to him: Of course the uncle, Mr. Antonio, I'll be back!
To finish with this experiment of looking to a good advising on the clinic drug user, I believe that some pathology may then emerge from the bacteria. And also there ir possible their causes are linked to the quality of water we use. This happens particularly after strong rains like the last dropped in KK. Then I must say to my readers for those blogs gathered here, as taxi driver also learning to write: remember that ‘education for health' always is needed to every citizen and/or people in the wide world!
My granddaughter was back at home from her school roaring with laughter among colleagues and all dressing white scholar smock. They were talking on what I dont understand because several voices were crosswide interact between them. But they were talking this way, of course. There is a harmony from they sound and pause as well as starting ppoint and reactions.
Expecting she reach our building entrance to ask my concerns, I said: - So your class have been nice today, my darling? Yes dad, she answer witout great tempers. Then, what have you did at class today for this so sad view back home, like it seems to me?
Oh! We were discussing on a stuggle between two boys at our gymn section at school. For what some colleagues gave raison to one side and other refused this proposal, not more them this exchange of views. To me the stronger was the one who gives 'biloh' - a slang used by younger about they own physical combat at school in Luanda.
So it seems that there is no dialogue between you on scholar matters at all even once you get out from the classrom, I suggest. And I still insist while we both were coming throught the lift upstears to reach our apartment floor. – Sometime yes, dad...That's her answer a bit low profile mask for my grand daugther I know always excited with classrom themes for comments with me and her sister at home.
When I see my little female child attached to do her school tasks at home I'm filling quit happy! But I'd like to know whether she was aware of it while looking at her mobile phone in the same time. That's what I asked him. Nevertheless, inside my
own house and during the launch service what concerned me was the medical exams today on my back pain.
Hello, Luis! I call my son for the launch meal. –Did you certify what my wonderfull grand daughter is getting at her pratical side of the school program, please? And evaluate what her booknotes are revealing on the studies, after the meal taken. - Of course dad! He said me. After launch I set down with our Dikana, he adds to me. This child wasn't present at this moment at home. She went to the classroom to work the day after in her college. The mom also weren't at home at this moment.
Then I gonna take care of my job dispatchs as my colleagues says to me. After what I return home and I heard from my son: Classroom has begun recently he said. Just Portuguese language is teaching since the first course of Dikana, by February 9th. No teaching of Math so far since that starting date but why? He request the raison for this delay for one of theses itens.
My grand-daughter doen't knew why it happens so far in her school, she it said to my son. She is at the five primary years and after three weeks of classroom at school nothing has been presented on Maths. And then she add to me that nobody explain it to herself at school evenn when many classroomm are still without teacher so far.
Maybe they are waiting to be recruited says my son. Or yet are expenting to be designed by the school board he added on this issue. - Well my boy. Once at home this week-end, try to train your niece in this theme of Math, ok? To what he accept without grumbling! There are again some books to buy for you, my darling? And she answers to me: - Our director at school promise books they must offers to every pupil. She said us not yet acquire an amount which she expected for each themes at any primary class year; but she said all as been request to the province governor since we begun the class, added my child.
Howver I decide to avoid another book acquisition, later: - Then my children, take care to informe your mother when she is back home. Request her disposal to to assit your books need, as soon as possible instead of wait for the director promises.
And use the presence of Luis at home to clear your doubts as well of get some more explains to each matter you are following. Then open your eyes my darling: - Ngikwlu-muehzu, I added! It means to have your eyes open enough, in African local dialect.
Therefore, she smiles to me adding it was still early to be concerned with this issue of books. - Oh yeah, I said. With around 140 hours of Portuguese language, 90h of Maths, 70h of Science of Nature and of Manual Education, 30h of each of the following: History, Geography, Physical Education and DCT (Dance, Sing and Theatre), did you think that it's early?
Maybe she is not accounting the lack of one or other teacher since the class is ranning, that's what I guess. Would you fill yourself calm and quiet instead of must prepare yourself to many difficult mattters so far before your exams emerge at they proper momment at school? That's what I insist of when we were taking our dinner along with the presence of her mom. Only my son were absent at this ocasion. And my madam just said: study, study, there is no time to be lost my girls.
Nevertheless, once returned home my son brought still this night and after our dinner nice news: some notebooks and books for pratics at primary school, both for Portuguese language as well as Maths that my grand daughter needed. An interestiing initiative my Luis has decided to realise then assitng his own niece before my own request. Hence and in absence of the parents the onder child take care to fullfill his task as manager that can help on needed actions. God bless him.
People passed on outing as well as throught roads every day in Kilamba. Some was designed avenue, other streets and side street, etc. Midday on February, the Wednesday, when I heard a cry: ayweh! Most of the passant try to see and find the focused
target for this human signal as it was usually in our urban or rural life. -There is a boy over up, from where the nife is shot down, somebody said. It was the outing between the street 'C' and the side street 'B' in the the quarter blue, where I'm living! When I was at home, my little daughter said me what happened. She was looking some movies on TV with her mom at this momment that occured. My son was out. But what really surge for a so excited story my dearling, I asked her: - There are ‘ninjas’ (called public special forces) around the building or our Kilamba's streets?
No dad! She said. In fact, it's my wife who describes this scene in detail: 1st - Our daughter heard some crying on the road beside when she was managing the snack compounds in our kitchen; 2nd - After what she went to our windows and saw on the road several people gathered around one person with blood signs on his shoulder indicating our building's higher floor; 3st - Then she down stears to quickly get the pratical facts and every story any people was talking on the road and a little crowd that gathered around the victim; 4th - Back up home she said don't understand what happens really because from the floor upside nobody answer to the claim from the victim and people around dispered quickly.
More details were deliver to me once I were at home by my daughter herself: people gathered throught the person plainting be targeted to a nife call the security guard of our building to help them to find who lived up stears. He get up to request any answer but he return back down stears saying he couln'd find nobody availabe to explain what happens there...
Instead of request more ways to help the guard who were trying to get local contacts assist the victim looking for what his witness apoint as a truth a older man emerge and dressing a black coat and red tie assert on his odd shaved beard to all presents aside the victim: -Don't lost your time, my friends. Even when you’re going up for don't found nothing there, okay?
In face of this comment somebody resident here added that it could result from an acident: there are people who manage fish in the veranda and so nifes can go down by errors, specialy when used by children! Or it can happen from domestic employee errors when they worked without the requested attention to avoid such a potential accidents like this one.
However I was trying to find what has been the real treatment doing to the noticed victim. Nobody said me exactly whether brought to the hospital or a local clinic or to the police station, etc. Nevertheless I was interested to know if the gravity of the nife cut to the victim body, instead of known who exactly is the person: living here in Kilamba or not.
Hence I knwe that a red car appeared and without clinical or security sign help to get the woman affected by the nife. They take care to lead her to somewhere for medical care as it was said by my daughter. We don't know to where exactly they lead that victim of such an accident.
And why did you get to envolve yourself with this discussion on the road about this woman and people around, I request it to my daughter. She answer that it's this way any person must survive among with everyone in a community - at a musseque or in a 'centralidade' like Kilamba! I've to shut up.
Nertheless I was trying to reflect on this case, while taking my cup of cofee along with my wife. Afterwards, I’ve thought to be our building security. There is or not an organizing model to insure both resident as well those people who passed throught our roads inside KK? Well, no question to myself or my family bit maybe to release to our meetig in the building for resident's commission. God bless the victim of the nife of today accident as well. I expect this case should be heard by my neighbour who is teacher at the Criminology Institute, which has it office near KK. Is this nife were shut down to his professional vehicle stand in the car park aside our building, many other answers would be managed quickly!
SANZALEIROS* TURNING NAST OUR QUISSANGUA* (*see its sense with Oscar Ribas, 2014)
As it appears it many urbans centres also in the quater of Kilamba there are some noisy nights! People from whom nobody knew its identidy made at night in the KK roads a little bit shouts into a mixed flux of laughters and jokes, it seems to me.
In fact, it may be important to discover in behalf of KK residents behalf judicous explanation on such a animation in our street some time while not often al all. In happens in a short period of time and may reach a level of imprudent noisy coverage that even tiresome for residents yet sleeping in their rooms. I've recorded some time this kind of figures when I just tried to stalk throught my windows and see what happen after 11h p.m.
That's right there are residents here in KK who is former shanty's house owner in Luanda as well as honourable distingued person from luxury quarter in this main town. They profile are really diverse both culturally and professionaly. But among them there may surge bad behavior profiles, even between this two kinds of urban condition I’ve described before.
However I decided to request to some guards in front of the building aside my own in the blue quarter of KK. Such things are often detected in the KK resident areas or not? What is doing to assist affacted people from local security team? And among they answers I recorded one: - These afacted people are often provocative for people (specialy girls) and even dogs in the veranda of some apartments; and some time they try to hit them with little smaller stones when the floor is not high enough; and so on they are responsable for resident reactions.
After all, how is this accident proving its relations with the any sad behavior that some residents probably brought from they former area before be stablished here? Especialy for some cases of thoses not yet livinng in high buildings like the one we see in KK. Can this issue affect both victim of a nife and a
supposed resident in his veranda of course! That's reflection on this sinister case I never heard before!
How get a dialogue with some of our neighbours here as well as people we find in several roads and streets in KK about this accident/behavior really dangerous for local harmony? Usually I exchange somme words with people in KK about several questions: in roads called here Amílcar Cabral, Imperial Santana, Comandante Pedalé, Pedro Van-Dúnen, Agostinho Neto, Manuel Norman, 26 de Novembro, etc. throught which I often travel with my taxi car or got a walk alone or with friends.
Meanwhile, at our basket gome the week-end I heard from the teacher my client something he said remembering from a local writer: - I've read from a dean my colleague at university of Lusiadas, in Luanda, several comments and dtas on this issue, he said. At a pause of our game he insisted that he get from a book writed by Dr. Miranda a little number of examples of conflits between people in other conditions.
And that’s for what kind of people, chief? I insist to get the exact detail of his proposal:
Well, he said at least have recorded that author wrote about conflits between citizens supposed poorer without 'ties' and other one more inserted in the local admnistration. What I understand is that the same book has been writen based on the author experience when PhD student in the Nederland. Such papers described a chock between what he called 'blood week': a group described as 'langas' in informal markets and another wrote as officers at local government, that he named the 'luandenses’, in this book my client the teacher read before.
But my frient how could this examples be extended to every cases in our country? After that quetion other members of our teamm became awared of our dialogue. And then the teacher answers me: - I can answer it is realy well extended or not for many other similar cases because my field is just the Maths. But in his study case published in book the author should better find the best answer for this issue, or even my colleague at faculty Prof Marco Pinho! Hence, I don't know how to get the most suitable analist to advise us about this accident in KK.
Amazing to hear from the National Radio in Angola once again, a programme for remember up everybody an important remark: the native languages are indicated to improve modern education! In a ceremonial festivity by last February 21, many public debates and discussions were founded short meetings like conferences and lecture gatherings inner the country.
Meanwhile, I was driving my taxi car when I get this notice, travellig from Benfica and Samba-II quarters in Luanda I thought quickly that's just another advertisement. Or maybe not at all I've return to this theme. Heard a little more the news from this radio I've begun to know we have at least sixteen dialects in our country. And also more then 55 linguistic variations surge into the national territory if we really understand what was heard from the radio at this momment.
Hence I request to one of five client in my taxi car whether it was a joke 'noticed' or even statistical datas really colected wiith serious studies. - Oh, that maybe a learning journalist trying to become famous, said one of them. – To me it’s really news grounded on files recogned from officers linked to international services at UNESCO and UNICEF, etc. That' another of my clients said, answering my question.
Such comments maybe not reach our villages's traditional managers called the Sobas*(see Oscar Ribas’s book), I guess. With them we could get a pratical idea about what it means culturally inner the country to take in account our native dialects among each of the country province. That's what another client just in the achieving point of taxi trip.
The only woman among the clients in my taxi car, herself a mulatada*, almost nothing said along the trip. While it express their point of view as described above. Then, I judged her coloured skin restrited her own availability to participate in the emerged dialogue with the tax driver.
Because theses coloured citizens are often more attached to Portuguese language then natives or evenn creoles deviation I suspect she were not really iinterested in such a issue. That's different to the slang from the official language in the country. We know several creoles emerged from those people living specialy under the colonn settler during the regime before the Independence Day of Angola, inside the main town.
Some linguistic studies prove that a colonial policy were dressed to avoid the use of native languages as a dominant way to submitted many tribes all around the lands so discovered. The dominator, the colon, were trying this way to impose not only they own local language as well reduce the local or native one to support the resistence and rebelion of local people agains the regime of slavery and exploration of human being so imposed.
Many examples can be found along the Africa continent: from English, German - with Boer in Southen areas -, French, Spanish and Arabe in the magreb area in Northen regions, etc.
Nevertheless, you can take care of the sample of bessangana*, from the called island of Luanda, to say in Portuguese: «God bless you mr/mrs…» - as it was explained by Óscar Ribas. And several other sociolinguistic variations in Angola, as it said to my son Luis at home. He offered me this book (see Fenacult edition, 2014, for example). While I'm not easy to realy manage this lecture almost some lexicus same more accessible to my level of literacy. Thanks a lot my ndengue* Luis - * this term means in local slang, a chear child at home (from candengue).
Meanwhile, when I walk throught roads and buildings of Kilamba, I remark that almost no people you face in autobus stops, and stores doors, etc, seems not using creoles instead of native languages once you heard themself talking with their own friends and partners. Maybe I've got not enough contacts with persons to represent a valuable sample to suppose they have presented such a version of language options!
However, to compete with people we found in informal market in some suburbs of Luanda the Kilamba sample remains enough low. I can't answer if the comparative model will prove it become well organised or just expectedto serve for a superficial dialogue. Maybe the physical release of couple and families in KK can't
approach them enough for better filling ready to follow the life style used before by them when living in musseques.
The structure of the urban model in KK is completely different from the one distort and clutter were many Luanda's outskirts. I don't know if such urban condition can explain the probability of more clusters in the same native language for a model then another. But it is supposed that when the clutter operates as proper to gather many people in the some native dialects, it will be more able to improve the use of such tool for communication along the life.
Hence at the Kilamba structure of living housing many families are released not following their native language origin. Then they seem less grouped to exchange little stories in native sorties as usually in the outskirsts areas of the main town of our country. Well that's a taxi driver comment and not a social or languistic study from experts.
A study were needed to suport that kind of thematic subjet or still better this issue interesting to reach some conclusion while not enough conclusive, I guess. Whatever this study isn't realised my purpose still remains even for those ready to visit the 16 universities existing in Angola today to verify whether such kind of essay for studies are available or not in the same sens: it means under pedagogic steering, linguistic and social sciences, and other related to the subjct described above, etc.
To any reader of my blogs in this draft of first book I need to recommend it would be excited on this issue: because it may be available a huge numbers of studies and lectures, even at websites, about natives languages ans its contribution to modern education. Meanwhile, it happens with the assistance of neuroscience and nanotecnology, etc.
Hence, my country's minister of Culture used her perfomance to fixa an interview in the local newspaper – the entitled Jornal de Angola - about several ideas on the International Journey for reflection on the importance of native dialects, in behalf of each region culture around the wide world - our Earth.
Who want to know whether this datas area correct or not might reach this newspaper files - - and verify exactly the executive discours on this issue. That's the main
local papers I usualy access spacially when driving my taxi car and gettingit often from my clients.While my son Luis is usialy fan of other kind of magazines - for managers!
He is a user of several books filled with native as well as secondary languages's grammar and vocabulary's chapters or notebooks. What I thing very tired for me as taxi driver to reach my house and start reading books. As I never knew why he got this option of reading already books and notebooks, when pupil by night and staging as part-time the morning. Just remember what our predecessor tough us, when we was under the ‘overseas impire’ of the colonial regime: learning since our kindergarden period what were our native dialects in the villages or around some small existing cities!
However more frames are ’modernized’ even for language teach, as it's said by my older daughter and the granddaughter. That's why we need to be always updated with the rules and tools to learn and improve a local language: native or not! It seems very interesting to know that even for teologcal pratices in human history the native dialecs’s contributes to perform the predominat schoolastic competence.
Meanwhile, there are today several political and civic mouvements in the wide world accessing the frames to improve the exchange of many native cultures as well as assist they members with improved interpretation and translation.
Even today I remember to heard with my colleagues with taxi drivers and several other mutations into the native dialects we never become ready to understand or use it in our country. In my case I've been particularly attached to linguala and kicongo or umbundo, when installed with my family in the outskirts: the 'congolenses'. From my father the ones and from my mother what rest...C’est la vie!
Once I tryied to downstears the blue building where I live two girls stoped me in front of my home door. Then I recognize them for the profile of bags and classic fashion's clothes: they were two Jeovah witnesses – always coupled girls and/or boys walking aound the area, the outskirts, the roads, the quarter, the building, and so on…! The master of resident commission was passing the same timme with a Chinese technician who seemed ready to repair the lift into our building, I guess. And I said quickly to himself: : Did you need to hear some catholic prayers with them, my neighbour? To what he ansewer while under a sweaty figure: Just now I'm not ready to it, mister taxi driver!
Again after held his hands of this meeting I insist to him: why not try to request out Chinese friend if he isn't interested in receiving catholic prayers visitors at home. And he answers to me in behalf of the electrician: - He didn't really have understands the Portuguese language to develop such a dialogue. Maybe he was Budist, Hindu, or even Taoist, I guess. While the master and the technician follow they course I remain seeying the two girls of J.W. releasing some of their teological papers to people who passed throught us in the building stears. My wife love read it.
- 'Nhy How', I said to the Chinese friend who answer me in the same way, so in own language without looking my face. He was yet looking to the lift's ceiling to make his job task. Afterwards, I'd back my visitors, looking to hear their teological proposals. What's your name I've started woth both girls. - We are looking a young girl in your apartment, called Sezamo, I guess! We promiss to her too come here then, for our Bible
lessons. Said me the most obese of them and seemed less amazing. - My name is Kerala!
Other members of this teological team were less coloured and just slender. She were more available for exchange her speech and deep dialog with anyone. And then, she begun to says to me:
- I’m Delma, pupil at secondary classroom (Grade: nine). And I am taxi driver, etc. She said really like to help her friends to enter they 'moral and civic' mission. To begin reading they newspaper, called Sentinela, anybody can look at the last edited the two girls show me. It shows some news on 'The Creation of Our Life', and so on! And the same newspaper has been edited in South Africa, by 2010. Also get some advisers as following:
«This publication is not selling. It is part of a training world biblic's network, supported by donnors» we can read in this newspaper. Such details are added to another notice: «Without another indication the stated biblic texts are only a translation of Sacred Scripture New World's appointments» (Brazilian Edition). And it ISBN is clearly attached as well as the PO. Box in Angola, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, etc.
Meanwhile, I continue to read other details of such a review or 'newspaper', without a motivation to convert myself in that religious option or track. What I was trying to do is to discover whether its contents were really educatives for daughters. I knew that my son didn't was attached to such civic activities while he respect they messages like me!
We can see in they review many bibliographic references maybe concerning scientifical and tecnical analisys I guess. But there were especially in English language. It remains an obstacle for people available to research these itens here in the local libraries. Even if you can find particular author in that kanguage near the KK, like Steve Job, on Apple's softs or Access's Model, into them!
However for books and lectures available via Internet cookies some examples were exposed in that review towards English language too. In this case maybe accessing this path you could be ready to translate it or get other language version from there. That's why my son Luis never avoid to access any
information he need to perform his knowledge on any theme into his native or foreign languages.
Nevertheless for those interested in a translated version of this review can open the following web site: «» I never know on its contents! But it is printed in the page 30 of this review, but even without a title. Go ahead my friends readers of my bloger essay!
Those who seem funny for that Christian sect or group could choose other opportunities like they basic web site, for example: and revise its datas, okay? Always fulled with their moral and civic details, it can serve such a goal from anybody and anywhere in the wiide world. Some people, even students area ready to use it for they essay on theological processing of what is called the right of each one to find and manage - 'in good faith'- its own faith's rituals, sacrifices, promisses, and so on.
Whatever a Muslim, an Hindu, a Budist, a Jewish original or orthodox, an Animist realy native or even christianised, among 'hundred' of many other religious purposes available and recogned today that you watch to index you preferance. From this human and civic identities you are free to practice it in your dairy affairs and disting it in such activities: bad/sad souls from good/well ones to try to imitate your inner maks of homo sapiens who fill ready to revive a supposed ‘new life’ after deadly hours, moments or seconds.
God bless us remains now an apparent theorem from the religious ethical speach, still among the most ‘popular and common’ here in Angola, I guess! That what I say without acceess to any special anthropological or psychossocial study of course on this ‘competence’ of the human mind along the Men history: that the ipso facto of this nice story of our illiteracy way to understand so important part of the vulgar counscious of our God's system, as it's explain to me by my son - and himself not an atheist!
Thanks a lot, my ndengue (means a boy usually from 'candengue', see Oscar Ribas's dictionary, Fenacult, 2014). With your help I think I'll be able to read and understand any theological language or ceremonies I eventually became part, being invited to participate on they rituals, etc. I remember my maternal
grandmother stories about her attachement to the Muslim period called Ramadan - the 9th month of this faith year: when Muslim do not eat or drink between sunrise and sunset (p. 1254, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, New 8th Edition, 2015).
It's ussually to find in any residence or housing at an urban area that sanitation insfrastructure can't limit its own management to organize the sewer process aside with streets and outing cleaning. In Luanda city, for example, there are many deep tasks for the town authority as well as they senior advisors linked to private company activities for municipal arrangements and road or sanitation improvements in the city what we see specialy at jam trafic on pointed hours of week.
It's known that any buildings anywhere in this town need more attencion on its basic and sanitation infrastructure. But we need to know that inner the buildings and estates there are some essential troubles: appeals to unblock wash-basins, toilets or baths and bidets, etc. It seems here sized up what local residents from above noted quarters to emerge at downstream stage the general waste gathered in the wide town ad its outskirts - before the sazonal rains which help to form it and cover some city's roads and ravines over the sea.
-Nope, brother! Maybe calling the waste firm which turn arund here and they should notice you on this issue, I said him without accuracy. Try to call them and you'd find some precisions about the case, I added. Because I had a client with me in my taxi car at that momment then I ask him to wait some seconds while somebody near to me could offers a detailed note on this issue.
- It isn't exactly my purpose, dear driver! Said to me the teen still bearing a white school smock, on my car to reach her classroom in Samba-II quarter...Dear driver, you can call a Chinese technician there in Kilamba, who are moving on their small and silent motobike throught this urban centre's streets. She adds.
Still a little bit curious I asked this teen some details on the way to call them. - Well mister taxi driver! Call them just at the street when you see one of them passing. And so they will know exactly what answer to you request. And it's free the service they provide us I guess, she addd under a serious look.
- How it operates, little girl? I added now more curious them the teen! It's really free as she said to me or not? Would it not require any special estate contractual document or procedure to be exposed to them and then prove who contact them, etc? This way I was questionning myself before connected to my cousin - a national civil aviation's graduated server.
Hence, I decided to do a particular research on this subject when back at home. That's what I said to my cousin at that momment and he accepted more and better information on the case before he could try to help her sister. Not without saying he was concerned with the emergence of the chance to answer his sister request.
In the afternoon, I asked my son to look at a Chinese technician available when he became at home. The aim was to find their ability to unblock the tilets system. However, he went to the central workshop of the Chinese near the KK's buildiings, designed by 'Citty', as it was prononced by several pupils passing next to they main hall.
While I espected my son answer for more then four hours it was when I reach home he said something more detailled on the case: he found a young Chinese in they office who request 4,000 Kwanzas (around US $ 40) to operate for unblock toilets in the wc or the kitchen. And he said to my son that he will communicate to this service 'without his cell-phone number recorded' by my son, neither comments with anybody on the price applied!
- But how cold you know all this details, I asked my son. - I did photos on the Chinese technician job in the apartment of the pilote's sister, dad, he said to me. This technician called a native assitant to cleaning the blocked toilets while he was only guiding the task procedure. Otherwise, because the young native boy was delaying the job he decided to press the task and did a little more to finish it quickly as professional in such a carrer. I think our old odd in Portuguese language ‘only in China’, can now desapear once it is not doomed among us in Africa, as it seems so!
A long time ago, I’ve been introduced in a public debate for a debate that interested the local government rules. I was then next to a big room (or hall) plenty of invited adults and trying to get the right place inside. I went to a primary school in Kilamba to bring one women - my former colleague at chidhood period - who had her young baby of 6 years old inscribed there. As his mother she were required to be present in such a meeting periodically agended for parents and teachers together with the school administration.
Once lefted to this place I promise this women to return back to get her to her home while not paying my taxi because I accept to do lift with my car. She was my friend in my childhood since my adolescence in my father's province. Then I'd like to new about what happens there after this meeting!
However, that former colleague was living in an apartment in my quarter designed Rei Bailundo - name of the former native Kingdom's head. And because I were drinving my car at the momment she were out of her buiding, Saturday morning, she calls me to say she was late to reach her baby's school meeting.
She needed to walk for around two kilometers between her houseand her baby primary school. As quickly as possible, to not avoid the delay fixed for all parents invited to this meeting as she said me. As my friends I was ought to help such a needed assistance with my car. And I was bringing my daughters to they mass at the church also used by my wife when I found that friendly woman and her baby - not my concubine! Then once I'd been at home, I look at her school and she was among other mothers in that school outlet:
-Hello, old colleague, she said, There’s a little sad watching in my car! We developed the common speechs between friends at such momments. She was always looking to go back home as soon as possible, I guess. Once at my car and looking my children she express sympathy also talking about them and questionning on
their behavior momment.
- My concern remains the survey control offer to my baby, she said. Adding more details, while we were on my car and returning home - first of all left her to her quarter's road and main entry. - There are always many formal secured items promised to any mothers at the starting period of school year. That's what we have discussed today. Why many promised controls to avoid the problem should not really verifyied it at all? That what many other mother and parents discussed with teachers and admnistration in this meeting, she added.
And after what all of you have found more or less promised mesures for the rest of the school programme before the end of this year? I asked r expecting to excite her to allow me heard more details about such kind of meeting and debate at school.
No more question I put her till her home entry, but it was interesting to hear the apparent environment which have been reach among those present in the hall for debate and decisions. It seems to me that some pointed discussed have marked these meeting: both from parents and the administration have exposed they points of view and that kind of procedure contribute to improve the convergence of real understanding about the weel realized program and promises or not so far!
Among some tens I've heard: non accomplished pedagogic plans, didactiic frames not really used by some teachers, lack of presence of a little part of teacher team, and even cases of violence between old and young pupil inner school building, as well as blockage of school entry door by security guard without apparent faulse causes or not approuved reasons.
EhuĂŠ! I get it out instantly. Instead of take the best decision after discussion have you just listed all plaints from every participants at this meeting, I request to my colleague as a pause before she get out the car. Or was it not usefull for all parents getting part of your baby's school management by this king of debates? I press her to get details about the final process of the school administration if took place after all.
It was interesting especially to present many problems from each parents voice, she said. But find other promised solutions like
the entry datas of our child at school, seems not motivating for many presents mothers like me, she added. How to convene such a meeting just for hear plaints and not be ready to present solution to be approved by the parents themself: saying they are pretty to prepare more purposes to be submmited to the province's education department seems not so excited for me and other mother I heard there.
Then my colleague demonstrates to me she was ready to analyse and participate with a deep contribution, yes! Be part of a meeting just to say 'yes, yyes, yes' doesn't prove to be a useful exchange of point of view even in behalf of our child. To motivate her critical ability in more and more meetings with her participation I said: It seems there will be realised other meeting such this first one, my colleague! The classrom have begun just now and many have to be done till the end of the year, I guess. To participate and criticise become part of the mother and parents team along with the school teachers ok?
This meeting can prove that each of us have a rule to assume while baing teacher, parent or pupil or security, etc in the education system in our country, my colleague. Did you remember our time from the childhood age? Hence, more and more difficulties mean be ready to better displace and to eat at school. And she finishes by shaking her head signing positively.
Remembering my previews conditions at home in the former quarter - or musseque were I'm from before standing in Kilamba - it was remarkable for its loud sounds on the roads/streets! There were many colleagues taximen using their Toyota's Hiaces even those called among us 'quadradinhos’ (or squared taxis, Hiace) as well as several kind of noisy festivities: hard home parties on birthdays or weddings ceremonies, as well as some local customs parties with sound rituals like the 'alembamento'(see Oscar Ribas's book) or even funeral meetings.
During the first months of my new habitat in KK I've suposed being inserted in a so called 'grouping climate' - really excited. Or does it not appear at all in the perimeter of that centrality I request myself? Otherwise, maybe not around my apartment and it closed building cercle. But what happens here in fact about such issue?
Looking my sister-in-law aside I've questionned her answer, especially because I now she were back home with her sister, some time really tired after her steward job in the same restaurant they both provide service in the Mutamba's area: beside the Avenue 4 de Fevereiro along Luanda Bay.
It means for me to request where are the usually sounds we were accustomed before, particularly myself into my taxi car and many of my colleagues while some haven't a legal license for taxi friving like me since my previous home location!
Hence I decided to walk sometime towards KK's streets looking for sounds similar to these I remember usually around my daily tasks and week-ends months ago in other Luanda's quarters: in Sambizanga (near the 'barroca'), in Rocha Pinto (at 'moagem'), in Corimba (the called 'savana'), in Avo Kumby (near 'correios'), in Maculusso (near the army hospital), in Futungo (aside the faculty - UAN), in Samba—II (at 'correia' slope), and other since my younger age to my 40 years now.
However I take care to provoke my wife when she came to the dinner-room: -Hi, my darling! Did you remember where we were located under most sounds outside our house? Because she avoids answer, I talk to my last daughter, while she born after the civil war: - Of course dad. It was at Moagem's road, near the international airport.
Myself I suposed her answer strange and questionning quickly why: we have been awared even by night or early morning under the effects of hard sounds from the planes and aircrafts, or it isn't right? My younger daughter answered and reinforced her position. - Oh yeah, my baby! But in this case the planes and aircrafts are not blamed of our decision to rent a house so closed to the airport - maybe such houses never have to be builded outside the public engeneering plant.
And I insist with her that everywhere in the wide world we ought to warning the proximity of any plane track as a legal frame to respect the airport management. And I addded still more to my daughter: I guess there are tax inspector to survey any building process and urban infrastructures anywhere. They can steer exactly all edges to be fixed beytween the plane track and the residential zone. Rules I can't understand very well as a little taxi driver my daughter, okay?
Nevertheless my little girl seems not satisfyied with my point of view maybe deep enaugh for her culture, I guess: - Oh dad! As father did you know that it's the public authorities who call for more attention with polution sounds or not? While I've said yes, she followed: - So, how can some members of the public authorities allow some desviations to those engeneering rules that i don't know myself, dad?
Then I filled myself a little bit confuse after her last question and almost in panic I tryied to chance my daughter's sad position: - Look my darling! Do you remember an announcement about polution risks on TV or not? And she aggreed shaking her head slowly, while tryied a face-to-face with me.
The same announcement on TV included WHO issued directives on pollution and applied to every state member states I guess: towards light, sound, smoke, alcohol and other more materials. My daughter continue to shake her head saying she accept warnings. - Nevertheless, what is important to me is allow you understand my point of view or not? She agreed: -Yeah, dad!
- Yeah, now I see your profile! Then you comprehend me. And she accepts a new note to overtake this dialogue: - Remember that yourself my father got sometime your time to do a lot of sound with your own vehicle in or out the jams in some Luanda roads and avenue, she added to finish. - That's to warnings some of my colleagues instead of damage the people tranquility along the outings, streets or houses around...Sometime this sound help us to avoid sleeping while drinving or stay tired in our taxi car, etc! Then I was catch up I guess, like under target by a catapult - or a nice 'slingshot'.
As it happens in any other place or urban quarter, there is space to occupy as well as to freed or unoccupy. But this was a surprise for my neighbours in the same building in Kilamba. Who come on and try to reside has just 'waiting' almost one month to be sent out of the apartment occupied.
How to explain it remains a dilemma for many other residents to whom this kind of scene can't emerge here. Some comments seem more accepted then any other clear statements and supposed recogned documents for this contract. Take in account what my friend and client the teacher has tolk to me about a couple he said found in the same floor he reside in his building:
- Without many surprise, he said, I've found a fiscal seal from the Attorney General a legal order attached to my neyghbour in front of my apartment, and me as professional mecanics like he told to me. This way what my client describes in my taxi car as a story of ÂŤeviction to get out to somebody yet resident hereÂť and from lawyer process.
And I request him: Dear teacher, how can you explain to me what happens? I don't understant exactly your terms about this case of eviction as well as your clinical trouble when I was travel with you last time from Samba-II, under a pretty running afternoon. You know I am not well cultivated on this issue.
Hi, my dear...He said. Its really sad for those people once the eviction applied! And i insisted: For whom dear teacher? - The
same home indexed by this attorney decision to get out from the Kibala urban zone and the apartment they were using, he added. And I questionned him: But what does it means to be «evicted» my friend? I've follow him. - Well! He returned with words of somebody who know about law rules... It means that who is appointed as evicted doesn't respect housing rules both on contract and for the household management here in Kilamba.
Then these people have stolen legal documents, chief? I request him quickly. It seems I was more confused by this answers from the teacher. And I try to fixe him what make me outside his explanation: — Get what from whom, and how, when and why in this case to be submited to such attorney decision?
- As I hear about this fact, he said, the same couple living in front of me has hired this apartment from those who get it by contract from the KK administration and was paying a rent to live there as owner. Hence, because they own names don't figure among the papers used in the office for the same building management, then an alerte has been sent to the main part as well as the attorney for regulation near the administration. This way my client he finnaly help me to know exactly what happens when there is an eviction here in KK.
It seems that several contacts have been exchanged with booth the evicted residents as well as the contracted ones, he added to me. All realised before the attorney action when the llegal sistem discovered the 'business' underway in such a case. And I asked him again: - Till such eviction decision the KK admnistration doesn't knew what happens or nothing about the contract couple guilty? Nope, he said! What has been discovered is that both parties has realised a business to hide the situation and manage the illegal rental pocedure outside the KK administration awareness, then just in behalf of them.
Nevertheless I asked again: - Why the attorney dont invite the residents to call for they lawyer or barristers before decide this eviction legal action? I was filling now that I would be exposed to a risky position when not rightly informed on the contract use among many KK residents I guess. – Not at all, my taxi friend! Said that faculty teacher from a univerity whose name I can't remember myself. Hence he finnished his hints while we reach the end of the trip at his own building:
- What I understand from the story I heard is that the need time to send the best answers was leaved to both parties evolved in
this case. But instead of get out from this zone without a legal eviction the guilty couples were expecting to see exactly what decision would be made before avoid the critical mesures from KK admitration. Then they paid a hard cost for they own bad business and procedure agains legal rules.
But they still have the right to call layers whatever the eviction action has applied to this case. That's what he said while gettiing out of my taxi car. - It means that the law can cover all the citizen rights! He said it adding that this urban area has been founded for all as us and not ÂŤagainst our system of rulesÂť.
Whash both public TV channels called 'TPA1 & TPA2' as well as the private channel: Zimbo, since my house in several Luanda's musseques, were enough for what I look in best momment of football or movies liked by my wife and other family and friends. Our kids seem looking always new products on video, what did't made part of the priority at home. Even films announced at channel like the Fox and NBA, or other ones called Panda, Kid SIC, etc.
ut where is the problem? Apart from the channels referred above they often said looking for channels proposels at school in their colleges and faculties. Addim to that suggestion they need well operating air conditioning (AC) and even an heater if times is cool, under 18 degrees! How did any parent will be able to steering their teens and kids this way? The question is mine and I'm trying to find an answer for it.
Beyond the TV channels no CD list would be left aside both from national and foreign authors to fill up music and dance at home and elsewhere. Hence I've request my children once at home what
where faulting among these listed suggestions for more and more recogned modern culture. And the first answer became from the youngest one, my granddaughter born in a village of Moxico province.
- Dad, I want my AC always switch on to reduce the hot wheather at home. This way I can fill like my aunt Mrs Aurora's house — it was her offert that get all of us from the musseque while paying the Kilamba apartment for her younger brother. However my wife quickly take her point of viwe: — And what you get at home here in KK don't make you enough happy? And the younger resume: - But that's on the case, mam. And my wife wasn't interested at all from such kids positions: - So, what are you looking for seems to me those actress in the movies we watsh in TV dreamming to be more developed then the worl they were from, or not? And my kids: - Oh, mam.
Nevertheless my darling wife take care to use such reactions to remmeber many expenses at home and press averybody about the best way to reduce it instead of increase the amount we are dealing with to reach a middle class life style. And then my older child answers, while reading his prefered newspaper Expansão, after dinner: - Hi, mam! I guess my sister want to say to you what more developed people like to get at home instead of of suggest you pay for themself just now.
While not participate in any reaction I was hearing only:
- Shortly you begun to ask me for special home employees and boss drivers ready to bring everybody to the same school and college we can't paying now I guess? Then, said again my home 'manager' or simple my wife. My nengue Luís keep quiet now and left her mother insist on our out-of-pocket expenses alert.
— What I need to know is who assume to dealt with washing the kitchen or WC, etc when I outside. When I'm back many of you start to said never did the home task because never known about where can find soap, brush, etc. Once back home after my job by night I need to restart to achieve many tasks you are able to do to prove your own ability to manage the house, as my children prepared to follow they mother learning to growth! Talking this way she was annoyed and all of us heard quiet.
However, everybody was looking to mam with their wide eyes fixed to her mouth and arms movements following her statements. Suddenly she perceives the climate inner house and exchanges her dialogue pace introducing maternal hints to her our expressions while the teens/children remains always calm:
- When my girls would be prepared to manage their own prince's palaces and guesthouses plenty of diamonds and pearls as well as great foreign bank accouts never forget: call me to say your old mother how different is probably your house style and its arrangements, for sure. My wife continues her alertes too and nobody seems interested to react to her discussion.
- Even when I'll be requested to call my family and friends to celebrate any diplom you get at school - bachelor, mater or doctorate degree - as it wa recently made by our neighbour the teacher. Don't worry that you must elaborate the cost expensed by parents to assist yourself during the school stage. She added filling more calm, afterwards.
No one among our 'candengues' describes anything more to their mother, in the end of such a partial dialogue. It was my time to send a message to encourage everybody for never left they hope to win in the future of they life whether it would be: we'll take in account your own effort to do more and more then we have been able to did it so far my children.
You'll be descendants of this poor continent today called Africa. Even with car ready to fly or not, drones to be send to asteroids or not, power from crude oil or sunset, go ahead my children. And as it's used to say stll today: God bless you! Who don’t want to live in peace with they own descendants, don't want discover a little more of this wide world and its cosmos around our Sun.
One of our national Olympic’s athlete has passing next to me in a Kilamba street some days ago. Then I asked him if resident here or not, because I am one of his fan! - Yeah, my friend, of course, he said me. But why you have this interest to know where I'm living? He also added. - Well, first of all I'm surprised to find you passing along one of our street this moning, while is Saturday, I said. As well as have this chance to get this face to face with one of our best younger player, like your profile my friend, I finnished to complete my thinking about my excited view aside himself.
Not yet satiisfyied with this first words in our dialogue I insist tto explain him that I like to follow his pictures inserted in some TV Zimbo advertisements. Even at night my friends, I found your advert along with a child about the importance of gymn for everybody. - You know to express under your sportive manners and regards the promoted high quality of social and cultural fair-play any sport help to improve for everybody in our country as well as in the wide world.
While he was followed by somebody who seems his own 'susso' (or older brother, see O.R.’s book) at his native mother tongue said bood-bye to myself not really cheerful for discover one more fan, I guess insite his new location in that area. But we can remember from this contact something important: it emerge at a momment when I tried to gather my friends as basket learning players in the field just aside teacher building residence himself my client in my taxi car, explored everyday without a formal license to do it at all.
Once I reach the game field only my son Luis was present there. He was moving the basket ball as usual to mark the availability of initial players to start the week-end sport trainig among neighbours in Kilamba - as it is the same in other sport fields in our quarter for many other modalities specialy excited soccer training.
Between the time to expect to gather everybody to start our game teams and the training itself, I was thinking about my meeting with with a professional expert like the young Carlos. Samebody really remarked in our country as sport technician for basket
and maybe ready to dispose for us some piece of advices to improve our training - and even for more local teams facing the same difficulties in their game learning. Them an inter quarter cup would be set with better suport, in Kilamba centrality.
As we know, to contract a sport coach it cost must be really hight not only for each participant, but also for the KK cup whether organised this way as requested by residents themself. Hence I was thinking in a program in behalf of local neighbour ut suported by mutual partnership when special traiiner like Carlos would be ready to assist other residents in the quarter himself is located.
Then instead of a random schedule for trainig each week-end on basket in our field such a contribution from a professional himsel resident here would set this game training more planned and with a better result at the end, I guess. Instead of the way we start to get our sport climate without experts his own presence could improve more neighbours - from the young to the older - to be availabe to insert this game practice. Not onlly for bsket but also anyother sport profile with a recognizeble native professionals or even foreign resident one in KK.
Nevertheless, that's my deep think on this issue: why not notice all neighbours at my building towards the local commission for residents such a proprosal? Maybe this way any interested resident should be ready to evaluate their own ability to reach this kind of contact for a global sportive planning inner the use of sport field with local experts or just succefull professionals!
Hello friends! I've think about. Maybe I am only dreaming a little bit. And without any basic reasons to follow this model of suggestion in behalf of a better local sportive improvement at all. Well, at leats why not reflect on the wide extend of this case? First of all calling Mr Carlos - the young sport professional I've found here - for a quick dialogue may became a sad step to launch this proposal. Stablish a discussion between our group of local residents whom used to practice before connect to him may be a really departure procedure.
When we was gather to take in account our usually games in that field I've looked at the best momment to expose my suposed best suggestion: it was when were enough tired after playing and then I tolk them on my interest to request they own comments.
Someones said that's one we need exactly, while other just insist that Carlos's national team isn't the same of many other residents, and other players tolk about a case the Luanda province government never think about, or never exposed to the local sportive press, etc.
What I done was stand to hear everybody without react to their comments neither positions on this personal hypothesis of manage a short propose to improve our week-end sports practices in the quarter of Kilamba!
Somedays ago, I was set in my taxi vehicle - always informal and not authorised to process - next to a bus stop into Kilamba area, waiting for any more appeals from prospective clients to use my trip to Samba-II, a story mark my peaceful alert: a black Audi car appear to my side with smoked glass and stop.
Therefore, I’ve seing a nice young girl getting out quitly, using the modern hair-style, a curly as described by Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionany (see and not shoulder-length. Her own face was not familiar to me, maybe because the strong coloured lipstick coverage and eyeshadow application.
And also without fixe as soon as possible the figure of whom were driving such a vehicle I can't discover whether it was a speaker ar the national assembly, a businessman well placed, or even a wanted criminal linked to drug abuse or worse crimes in te market, said my son ho were aside me, and looking to reach his job centre in Luanda town.
- Hello, my boy! Did you know the boss expensive car almost armoured, and with question was addressed to my son. And the same car next to the mine, stoped out. - It's maybe a cheer choice from a not?
who has got this kind of glass enough smoked? The I insist always looking after the nice girl got famous unknown person or
Quickly his own answer was really practical: get out from my vehicle, Luis gona to this Audi door and communicate himself with the driver while I was surprised. What follow his gesture left me epecting what I don't waiting at all. The same car lean to the outing in front of my taxi car. My son was waiting to his driver get out while still talking. When outside the driver with
sunglasses take care to embrace my son realy excited and animated both parties. My personal questiion then was: are them friends or not or maybe are temm reacting from a first known in the road?
Because my son knew I was waiting clients to escape as soon as possible from the location I stand my taxi car he don't made more time exchanging word and hands with the unknown driver for me. He dispatches the last words with his driver friend and back to my taxi quickly. His eyes seem interested to expose to myself what means his special meet I was looking as strange for me!
Before hearing any question from myself my son Luis launch quietly: - It was a lool chick colleague at college you met, dad! Now it seems he's trying to achieve a bachelor at engineering from an institute where he's attending since the last six years I guess. He didn't be approved at least for two scholars years and said he need now my assistance to help him to read his final monography, as soon as possible.
And my son added that while getting a big wage at his job along the last three years, he said being available to pay the assistance service for his scholar improvement I'd be ready to provide him to manage the terminal text! - And you dont accept it because he is a old colleague at school I suppose? I said to my son expecting to know a little bit details from him about what would be exact or not in a dialogue of kids.
He answer that he accepted to do such a private work because he loves the study issue his colleaguue is trying to achieve for his bachelor level. But also because he wants demonstrate to his friend that he know enough of this matter while not yet employee in a successful career like him. - I'd like to see your friend paying your help towars a so expensive car he expose for us just now. So, I've provoqued my son this way!
- Nope dad! He earns a good salary my father, but he's also the most snatches or grab boy I never knew. He knows to win but never lost then he manages very well his expenses anyway! Said my son addeding that the problem remains that he never has been locked, because he always try to buy his own teacher’s particular services as well as some exams sample at the faculty.
However, some teacher is really severe into their pedagogy and left aside such kind of wilful students, saying at least informaly: they ought to deeply study or get out! In this case, father, my friend take time to apply to his studies I guess but he also dawdles with many friendly festifities not only at the week-end; what means spare time into turistic travels, business trips, even along with a group of boers in Namiby.
Nevertheless, I don't know if such lost times for his own job and friends business could impeach him to attend several matters at school for the achievement of his bachelor degree. That's just my personal remarks! What were strange to me, as your father, is that he was still studing by night and attends a profesional stage dayly morning to fulfill your National Board's requisit, can take care to find a little time to help him manage his text to his own academic request. It's awful.
Don't worry my father, said my Luis! It's easy for me because any details I need to explain to this friend can be get from my study unities yet achieved. So is's easy to send him by email more addicional text he should use to improve his own proposal for his tutor requesed issues.
Tht's why I din't have to spare time talking to him about his own academic defaults in such unities and issues. I just will send him a littlle portion of approved text in my own bachelor level to allow him to get crib what he should need to fullfill the text he is still producing for the school board's jury.
After what I restart my trip as taxi driver because many clients were in my car. And gettiing the road with my son aside myself I said him to end our speach: You seems to say that at least who are presenting the text for such collegue is yourself and not him. So we can say that the final text could be signed with your own name and not himself as the author!
Then and after a short pause once I test him wuth the last question, my son Luis state: in fact, I'll get him my writing contribution to fill himself easy in from of the faculty jury. But what I think, dad, is that he has no choise, because he just need to place exactly in his own text my proposals or expect from the prof and doctors in the jury tram an alert such a 'spam' into an emailed message - an usurpation!
Nevertheless I request to my son: what does this means, my ndengue? And he profit for my distraction talking with an other client who get out the taxi car at this momment, while payment the monney for the trip (100 kwanzas - near one dollar) to seems not interested in its details so far: - We'll exchange more comments about the same issue later my father!
Well, it's usually for me to hear the same ÂŤlater we'll talksÂť from my son, when he prefers avoid some kind of details among our dialogue or speach in the road or street walking or drinving in my taxi car. But he forgets that it's me who looks to prove a little more experiments then what he suppose be a special part of his own sophiticated engeneering procedure.
However, he knew that we follow such a dialogue at home, later or not as usual. Once I'll return from my informal job I'll be ready to spare my time when possible concluding our comments and positions about some subject and issue. Often we set up the needed time to improve our knowledge on such a debate and even try to better prepare ourself for what is called an essaye for intelectual steering management between father and son or evolving other family members at home, etc.
When we arrive at home later a little rain were starting in KK. And we have forgeted the theme discussed before, this morning. After the dinner along with all family members he looked his favorite channel at Dstv operator while my granddaughter was into the kitchen managing our dish on gas ring (or burner).
It was herself who were begining to talk about some notices not really exciting our appetite into the table. But my son regains our last dialogue: - Hi, dad! I've looked to know a little more on the request from my former colleague and I discover that he sent the same help call to several other friends like me. For each task delivered and returned he paid a tip - a kind of extra-monney received by clerks at restaurants. Some other has just received a promise of help in the coming future, for those who believed on his own words!
Then, take care with it, my son! What I expect from this exchange of comments between us is elevate your own linguistic competence and performence among low profile people like your father. This way i supose you'll be always ready to improve the
kind of friendly relations you find anywhere as well as manage the interdisciplinary approach to produce new results between each one inserted in the same study team or case study groups.
We know that in our human life each proposal seems profitable not only for a personal research but also to institutional reinforcement once defined under education and employment balance in professional and/or academic tracks: friends, referees, parents, colleagues at school or work, political partners, sponsors for religious or financial credits, etc.
Why I'm recogning such model for you? Because you have a friend who seemed realy well connected to a successful career, first of all, while still waiting for his premier faculty diplom; and you are lacking still a professional career while you are yet well certifyied under a master level. The worse remains for me the probability for discover that afterwards the same friend turn his back to you instead of the same hands you send him today to assist his own ecademic position, okay? Friendship forever as well as professional colleagues forever!
At my car I found one of my usual client next to it a little bit sad and asked him: - Hello, teacher! The weather was not
agitated, no storming previewed at all for today. Have you lost the car to get the trip to your job? Therefore, he wasn’t looking at my face while talking to me. He is usualy greeted with a show of cordiality. So he looked deeply stressed and filling my eyes on him he decided to left to me:
- The college dismissed me today, my friend at Kilamba. Sending me out of the university without any legal argument attached to de oral statement from the teacher who said me he was appointed to replace myself into my classroom. Afterwards, I’ve requested the dean argument at the administration, while his advogate who represents also the Law faculty and is lecturer there for more then ten years - didn't get any oral or writing answer to my case!
Okho! He left to me before restarting his exposition - he knew I talk native language like umbundo, etc. And i get this pause to sting his comment: - Then you are to connect to the Education miniter to depose a claim as soon as possible I guess? What I was thinking about where to dealt a case of misunderstand between himself and his own dean at faculty.
A little bit calm he invited me to get a tea cup in the next coffe, a kind of pastry shop. - It's not a momment to occupy your need to go quickly for a meeting with your chiefs, my friend and client. We can find another tme to dialogue about this case if you want. Maybe next week-end into our usual field for sport in KK. Even other partners for our games there would be ready to understand your professional case, teacher!
No problem, my taximen and friend! After this tea cup will take more time to develop the exchange of view about my dismissal at university without any legal answer as I said to you just now...And we were entry to the resto near our blue building in Kilamba, not pleinty of clients at that ocasion. Follow what he restart structuring his own story as teacher submited to an erroneous dismissal as he said:
First of all, my fliend and taximan, I teach Portuguese language at this college in my university since the Burity era when he was Education miniter, without any ethical default and really pride of my job there; Second, since I'm working with an other dean at my faculty who seems not enough friend of the principal admiinistrator with
whom I've been recruited, called Nzadgy at the engineer team of lecturer, the climate at work became very sad for me;
Third, I've used for a book which thhe author is just the dean at the university library to organize the thematic plan included in my discussion on phonology and semiology linked to our socio linguistic reality for my student evaluation in the classroom;
Fourth, near a month after this kind of exams preparing my students to the first year of their undergraduation level, based in this book of Dr Felix, an other colleague appeared in the classrom door and said he was appointed to substitute myself in such a class since then, decided by the dean, while I was teaching matters to my pupils at the same momment!
Fifth, I became furious with such an attitude from my superiors without any writen adminitrative paper to expose de dismissal decision. And so I were looking this dean to asking about this mesure and search to discover the legal arguments suporting his foundation and react to it as my reckogned rights since my contract was signed.
Sixth, because no oral answer have been allowed to my ince I found his own secretariat I decided to present to him a writen letter exposing my concerns and requesting legal answers as preview on my contract and the university reagulation. The principal himself don't receive me personnaly but his secretary who were just allowed to say: «professor, you need to be calm. Tis might be resoluted at anytime».
Seventh, I decided to talk to the faculty lawyer managing the university contentius department, who worked directed with the principal at the administration, requesting a legal wtiten answer to my plaint and dismissal case from the main executive faculty direction as soon as possible. To what he answers through an SMS from his cellphone: «it's better to wait another opportunity instead of damage everything»! A message was sent to me in a native language I was not able to deeply understand without to access to a friend. He said.
And so, without teacher - Nope
I returned to him after hearing his structured story comprehend some technical or 'scientific terms of this of Portuguese studies, they said you were right on not? my friend! He answers to me. These admnistrators at
faculty who manage the same college where I was teaching Portuguese language for undergraduated students, avoid to expose the causes of my dismissal as well as comments on my reaction about the way such a procedure were realized.
Otherwise, I also pronounced my view: Then you have to look another faculty, college or university to be recruited and following your scholarship scheme or not teacher, my client? I sent him this comment expecting an okay and more calm reaction at this momment while into the pastry shop. He was taking several cup of coffe while I remained at my first tea cup through our conversation seat at the bar table.
What happen reveal to me that conflits between colleagues seems nothing emerging only among taximen even working at an informal process - not certificated as taxi drivers. From this dialgue with this teacher and my client living in KK as my neighbour, I discover that it can happens among other honnorable jobs and levels of professional ethic as he told me through his own story of dismissed at faculty such a way.
Therefore, our speech became a little less sad. However, we might develop a distinction between all details of this teacher dismissal story to avoid any perception mistake. Once we get out from the bar inner this pastry shop, I was concerned about the real deep learning in Portuguese for the students my client left behind then with his own lecturer carrer! I was thinking if this case of dismissal can't produce brokes into the rape of learn scheme applyied at that faculty, etc. Things I can't explain neither understand at my level of academic training, first of all.
And then I return to my kind of job: under an informal taxi driver experiment nobody would decide to dismmiss me. The car I get is an Audi I was used and pay it gradually till it became my own vehicle. The question remains to avoid the taxi association's decision to suport the Luanda's major policy to reduce the extension of the damage that iinformal business can produce into the gross production of the wide country.
Following my boss dear Tony, we were balancing our accounting on the taxi revenues, while still an informal business. We were at the harbour in Luanda, next his own office as custom expert some morning when he comments what he was reading from a local jornal: - Hello, my brothers! How the international cooperation would leave the Vanuatu pacific country in such a stage? Who don't know they population were always left aside after they Independence Day? Now I suport the IMF position, of course!
Therefore I'd like to ask him what exactly he was trying to expose to us, but he would said the matter were still hard for my slow understand level or samething similar - that's what I imagine! But I disguise not able to require any explication at all on this issue. And I provoque his reactiion with a comment among those present at his cabinet salon for meetings:
- What this so called 'mef' or 'mei' organization that I'm hearing frim you, while it’s unknow for me, is doing in the world, my boss Tony? If it is wrote in this newspaper it means samething really happens. Because he used to look at peoples who know to read and write very well, he answer this way my questions: - It called IMF, what means International Monetary Found, a world financial regulator occuppied to adjust the management of each country member's economy and national accounting policy. And Angola too is also now inserted in they network!
The area they seems failled as you were told in in Africa? I request him quickly once he knew about my level of ignorance on economic issues: - Not at all, my driver friend. When you appear we were comment on news about eighty islands in the Pacific Ocean country called Vanuatu. This territory mesures around twelve thousands square kilometres of homeland extension, but it gather just the population we registered in one of our larger cities in a province, I guess.
And he still added that a strong tornado or even a bigger storm thenn the one we saw here in Luanda or Saurimo is enough powered to distroy everything: houses, vehicles, pantations, etc! Avoiding to don’t disturb my boss, Tony, in his ability to deeply used demontrations that compare other similar realities also in Africa and Latin-America for example; I follow him without more question or additional answers.
While he still tolk on these Pacific Ocean countries economies mesures for everybody present in his cabinet at that momment I was trying to fix my attention on the invoices for my taxi car expenses yet paied last month. It included also charges and burden for insurance, motor maintenance in my boss's garage, as well as road traffic police with costs in fines, etc. Not forgeting the whole used parts of oil for car running by kilometres.
Therefore, boss Tony continue to tolk about what he knews very weel on economy and this IMF experiments on monetary policy in the wide world. For me he was trying to divert ourself with his stories when we are near to evaluate our cars expenses and management costs before he decided to convert this vehicle in the driver owned property - when paiments justify our contract ending procedure as he says hilself.
Nevertheless another citizen who knew about accounting and newspapers appears. I guess he was also speaker at the local parliament same time ago. Today he is called political analyst at a local TV channel. The dialogue became then between both experienced persons: my boss and this analist. To understand their discussion some people get out for its complexity anytime. This new arrived is known as somebody who confronts so far at TV's programs for debates with the sociologist JP Ganga. And I was still following them:
- How could it have had a cooperation aggrement since the 80s between the European Commission and the Pacific island country of Vanuatu to an adjustment called STABEX, without a grant mesuure for what is designed as ÂŤcyclone-related insurance claims and concessional aidsÂť? Said the new visitor detailed that such purpose appears at the page 166 of an IMF book, published by Mr Browne, as he insisted on this issue.
At this point of their discussion everybody in boss Tony's salon, seems not understanding in detail the slope of this datas. Both parties in such dialogue looked all papers and referances into their smartphones (iPads and tablets). My rule was just to hear it as well as reviewed the nature and legal forms for my own car invoices!
As it follow the discussion allow my boss Tony to answer the last visitor of his office's salon that it was interesting to remark in Mr Browne's book: the ÂŤinflows of foreign aid were received for cyclone reconstructionÂť and would deserves from this Commission the kind of multilateral cooperation developed since then. He tryed to prove with such words that it was the most required cooperation instruments to deal with and prevent first of all any natural catastrophe, which emerges and destroys both urban and rural fields and its contents - human body and buildings!
- See what tornados and storms as well as headquaquers produce, etc? He added in the end of his speach to contrast his analist. And this commission financement seems target the catastrophe damage rather then to prevent its emergence and consequences.
Maybe both partie was trying to say under that short and personal debate as friends in the manager private office which datas in the newspaper at which the notice appears were enough good to support the co-operation partnership, instead of became worst for those without access to it at all! However, it was difficult to my comprehension enjoying these terms so complexes which I can't expose in my bloggs very well.
Therefore, for me who can't understand such economic issues at all it was at least interesting to hear a little bit on this friendly debate. Not really hard as we see on TV channels where a 'moderator' may take place between the two parties or more I guess.
Then hear about 80 island of Vanuatu coveriing around 12 thousands square kilometres became more complicated to an low scale reflexion - from low level class people I guess! Instead I expect more ability to analyse it from people at the top of the social and political pyramid in my country as well as in the wide African continent. The IMF contribution for the apropriate demonstrations on national accounting policies and catastrophies
prevension financemment cooperation, whether realisable should be a well being focus in our honnour. Please take care to get as reader of my essaye bloggs the cited book: edited from IMF by Christopher Browne (with Douglas A. Scott) since 1989 in Washington DC - ISBN Nr. 1-55775-035-1.
And my readers would never forget to look at any other publication to contradict this honorable analysis, both in and, among many other editors.My son Luis are prefering and as my ndengue in Kilamba still living in his parent's home!
When I'll be back in KK and told him about this issue he complicated my mind on this economic cooperation between countries and international institutions. He said that even a book from Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs ought to be added to a lecturer of the prevention model to small and big countries: Both father's boss and his analist friend should look at the book intitled Macroeconomics and Health edited by te WHO in Geneva, by 2001, and published with ISBN Nr.-924154550 (NLM classification: WA 30) said my son as this book details.
Finaly what can I do? Maybe say: 'No Comment' like from the Euronews! I’d expect it from every readers of this bloggs essay deep analysis.
One of my woman neighbours in KK's building says me she works weekly in the Cabo Island - usually designed Luanda Island. Therefore, I could not imagine how should she been arrived at work early morning, while resident in Kilamba. Should she use a personnal vehicle to attend her job 7 a.m. at the restaurant
called Marisqueira? As well as get out from it by 3 p.m. to trip to her house in KK or not?
Once at home I asked my wife how she gona work early morning from Kilamba to Ingombota area. Is the busses available sifficiently quick to travel between these two areas and allow a client to get the job at any post in expected hours: from 7 to 8 a. m. at leats! Without forget peoples engaged in special services starting earliest then that: cleaninng, clinics, secutity and end public hygiene or sanitation, etc.
Therefore I decide to inspect my neighbour trip and find the best answer myself. While my wife take care to get a taxi using the called 'Hiรกcy' or regular buses froom Benfica quarter to the International Airport zone and there to Maianga and Mutamba areas. From Kilamba to Benfica you cover a road distance of around 10 kilometres using also others Hiaces.
My wife get out home since 6 a.m to get her job and its taks at 8 or 9 a. m. and I don't understand very well her job program in such a restaurant, along with her coleagues...It seems their have a sistem of workshop shifting. And also because my taxi car was a little damaged and under a mechanical garage's services.
Then I decided to go ahead with a shot test of the transports available to that trip between Kilamba and the farryboat harbour of Capossoca - located almost in the middle line from Benfica to Samba-II in Luanda city. I needed to use thisway to atteint my boss garage too. Therefore, I began to get a semi-bus I never know between Kilamba and Capossoca, since 5:30h a.m. which is plainty but easy and well organized.
We get inside the buses, without the name of its own company. It was clean and don't receive more than the programmed number of passangers. Most of them very well dressed, using high quality suits and ties and lefting top perfum on air! Many women used high quality bags and there were no children at all on my trip to Capossoca...even with scholar clothes! And really silent inside!
Again in this semi-bus I request who is the collect le travel payment and somebody said it's the driver himself. Then not like many busses from public or private companies in Angola. - Set down please, said the semi-bus driver when you find it in stop placed along the KK main road - Avenue Cdt. Pedalé.
The stop points where scalled all along the main road. Hence, the passangers didn’t put their hands on air to index the street or road reached to get out. Then they call this taxi services not like it is used on many Hiaces taxi in Luanda. Otherwise, even the A.C. to reduce the hot weather was turned on, then supporting a quite calm and glad environment inside this semibus. What is rare among the most known big busses in Luanda from companies like Tcul, Macom and thoses called inter-provincials – it’s used from a province to another in Angola.
Therefore, once all seats are plenty we can hear the driver saying to other appeals from more stops along the trip: - It's fully of passangers now, excuse-me please! Or he said just 'no more places available'. This way it seemed we were inside a semi-bus prepared for special service in such a trip. And not used under the known profile we find along many other trip in this main city of my country.
It's a pity that I cannot identify the semi-bus owner name or company while using it for displacing this time. Neither the driver name nor his mobile contact, a really sympatic person workin like a well placed professional, were quickly available. Everybody inside this bus seemed looking first of all for their concerns with the time to reach the harbour stop, as soon as possible: time is monney as we know! The driver opens the bus’s door and get from each passanger just humdred kwanzas for this trip.
This urban area of Kilamba brought really several news many people don't remark on some time. Even for person living next to the busses stop, I guess. Since its own urban model KK reveals its particular design once we arrive here as resident. Not only for the colours used it was a quite simetric delivering structure of basic buildings never seen before in Angola. Therefore, the roads and streets are simetric in their design from one side to another of this urban centrality. Most of the gardens emerging all around the residence buildings everywhere in this area demonstrates the special model of living it allow to those people installed here: car parks, primary and secondary or even higher schools - see ISCED, for example -, public
clinics, and relaxing parks without avoding mini-forests (not really jungles) which extend all around KK placement reveals he project concern for a green living space.
This reality reveals it became a cautious public approach for development of a new urban exercise — said me in this semi-bus to Capossoca a passanger aside myself on his seat with whom I comments of our wins as residents of KK. - You have many others news to gather, he said.
Adding that it could be nice or nope in his point of view but many notices are available for everybody without discrimination neither lack of expression freedoom as assured by the local legislator. The native officers seem more able to talk about it then the Chinese technicians! He added about the access of such urban model informations.
Finaly I noted we took around 40 minutes for this trip from Kilamba to Capossoca! So from 5:30h to 6:10h a.m. - Way are you using this semi-bus to reach your officer dear engineer? I asked him. - Beause it reveals to be the best way for those living in KK looking to be at office as soon as possible. With my car I spent around three hour from 6 to 9 a. m when I search to be there at 7:30h a.m., he looked really satisfyed once at the Capossoca’s ferryboat harbour! And now i understand the choice for this kind of transport since Kilamba. He can take now a ferry from capossoca to the Luanda port facility in less then 30 minutes or even 40 minutes as well.
- Other people came here with their own vehicle and after parking it in the Capossoca take care to pay a ferry tichet to go ahead and stop in the port to arrive early at they job in the central parts of Luanda town, he added to me. This way we found a mean to avoid the strong traffic blocage in many roads and streets as local newspapers notice every month, he said. Then I win my test and discovered this interesting initiative!
One of my neighbour's chldren in KK - he is a lecturer at local college -, like to require my informal taxi car every week-end even for lift to walk abroad. This is the way we usually get for our friendship and common understanding. That's what allows me to bring the kinders to the nearest beach as requested while he was ready to pay the taxi driver service.
Hence, I accepted to look for a best place regarding these children interests to enjoy a beach. And the nearest from KK should be all around the Luanda Province coastline. He assured I'll be payd after he take care of their students at faculty it measn once back home after the exams agenda. And I aggred without any refusal because I'll win with my job!
Absolutely! Said my older sister well aside wile earing my comments. She tried to confirm being in accordance to my proposal as driver. — No problem teacher. I answer quickly to him. Once back I'll get the taxi cost, including the time spent to wait the children at the beach, okay? - That's right he said. Therefore I always fill good serving people like children wiith my car even for this kind of trip. It should rent more for the time spent waiting the client return back to the starting point. No more then one hundred kwanza at least it should rent it guess.
But a great experiment happens at the beginning of this trip from Kilamba to ‘Praia Ramiro’- a beach - the nearest one we decided to visit with these children. It was located aside Benfica quarter: with cleaning water and sands to attrack tourists and allowing the little boys and girls to stands on without fear to sink while no able to swim. We stop several times because there was a closed traffic along this travel with my vehicle. Many people on the road to Ramiro as well as several informal businesses (vendors) on foot to reach the same beach!
However, I was looking to get the teacher aggreement on the best choice for this trip with their children. He used his smartphone to connect and exchange his point of view with muself on this issue: ask my children they choice, please, he said. And then I did it: - The Luanda Island’s beach! Every child said quickly.
- Okay my kambas or kids! I've said. Therefore when questionned by your own father naver said it was my own decision and choice? Each child signs his aggrement with my remark. And then we were going to the island main road or the Avenue Houari Boumedienne, its official name.
Also, there is a little bit vehicles towards this road in the sens of the island ended by what is called the lighthouse. Towards this avenue from the begining to its end you have the chance to look many people on the water, swimming and diving under tropical sunshines of Luanda and Angola.
It's well known how this kind of natural pictures attract many tourists from every parts of teh world. As well as Africans native peoples or 'modern melting pot citizens'! Local nature is beautiful even without estate management both for its environment and ultural proposals as it describe our history value since the colonial period.
Nevertheles, the main places we found for this children enjoyment were enough full of beach users. More peoples stands at the cool water side of this island extension facing the Luanda harbour which gather several oil and conteners ships in the middle. In the hot side of it more sportive ships are placed as well as several buildings for caterings, hotels and even clinicas like 'Sagrada Esperança', also called ENDIAMA's estate and/or service – the country diamond corporation.
Next to the lighthouse there is an interesting real estate entrepreneurial facility said as preparing a good extension of the hot water side to emerge some toutistic instalation, as soon as possible, I guess. The label placed in the wall seems identify a Chinese or Japanese firm to achieve it.
To avoid any complaint from this children's father, the teacher, I decided to not dive or swim myself. Just follow the kids along with assure them the secure presence of my txi car where they
prefered to stay in the beach. Once they finished the enjoyment in this place I was ready to get them back to KK as soon as possible. Expecting they would be enough cheerful to repeat such a trip request any other time with my car!
Its known that our children, sons and nieces, younger brothers, cousins and godchild or adopted ones - or even children under friends care temporarily - have some difficulties to understand the best way to prevent they exams at school and review the programmed contents. This means they can profit of time not spared with they friends enjoying abroad to more deeply manage all courses issues yet started at school they attend so far.
Hence I'd lik to remember to our candengues or ndengues (children) that ths way were used by their parents to reach the study level achived today under such efforts! And it must be regular, weekely, onthly or quarterly and so on till the attainnements acquired after the college. My grand-aunt gave a kinder book to my granddaughter as her birthday offer and it was in behalf of the Portuguese language improvement as well, instead of test her pleasure for several dolls available in her own bedroom today!
- Never forget your younger brothers and sisters my son. Prees them to always improve they exercises also on the matters from school. I insist as well with my Luis. For what he answer he is requesting them more and more exercises each day about what they study at school and exchange with they teacher.
By the way it seems really enough sending this kind of message for our children aattention on the importance of their effort for the best results from exams and exercises? For me it's a chance to remember to my younger what my older one obtained under my pression to him since his first class, since we were living in the musseque areas of Luanda and other province of my country. Now he ought to do the same with his sisters!
- Call some teacher at home, said one of my colleagues taxi driver, when I told about this procedure attached to my job. Why not get even referees from your own family to do it, instead of not really known people as professional for learner at home? That's my questions for them.
Nevertheless, I need to defend my position and so I talk about the academic enforcement each teacher was oblige to prove, from his pedagogic method. However, as it seems right, some little research allows me to find if there are many available teachers at home for English and Internet lessons. Announcements are put on walls everywhere in Luanda, as I heard from my colleagues. But it seems not a priority for my kids, so far!
Therefore, I request to one of my neighbour's daughter yet experienced on laptop user in her own apartment to evaluate the chance to become my grand daughter's teacher on such issues. - I prefer you don't include Internet since the starting lessons, please! That's possible? I ask to her.
For what she answer it was almost impossible for her basic ability to teacher for example the office package like Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint, without including browser open with Net softs, I guess. Then I remember that I’ve exchanged my 14 years old daughter's expensive smartphone to another really cheaper just valuated arount 2.500,00 Kwanzas (next to $ 25). This way she could avoid many time sparing lessons opportunities opening social media as well as using chats, etc, everyday. But now I don't know what it worth really: now she is able to use Internet with her access on her computer.
One of my taxi driver colleagues warns me to verify whether she was really using Net soft each time: request her help to learn how access the word office application to write a letter or even the excel soft one to calculate the shift! He said that's just a sample to allow me to be able to follow my daughter improvement on the computer if I suspect she became a developer or even hacker volontier.
Nevertheless, it sounds really interesting for me such an idea. But I need to get her aggrement before any other step forwards. She could prefers to present to me just some exercices she she filed from school instead of allow me to realise what she are really procuced herself with the laptop.
So, like it happens at home, she get the presence of myself, her mam or old brother, or even her uncle when the movies are on the TV at home between 5h to 7h p.m. to access the Internet in her bedroom. After what she gather with us to see films, news, and other channels for environment programs, as well as teens accounsels or heath care for fashion dealt, and so on.
Therefore, I don't know if every parent was able to apply this kind of training model at home to their children. Especialy in case of burdens without highs costs. And however, I'd like to try and expect to verify if I can with my wife succeed like it happens with our fisrt son, at least ten years before.
In the case of good outlook that model ought to me extended to our friends not only in Kilamba but either in Luanda city and the wide country. Maybe this must prove that get book trade market in KK for our children would became not enough for their needs to improve their study's management and success!
Our teen children are forgetting sometime they are filling realy excited. Particularly when doing juggling with scaters. As well as other tools for this games. We know that most of its choice seems realy admirables and manificents. But we are often surprised by themselves when they pass towards outkits an streets not only in Luanda city but also in Kilamba. From the windows of autobuses, taxi cars or even houses and offices they are looked as small people trying to exercise their enjoying juggling games and abilities in urban areas.
Other youngs use they moto to balance in its seat suports and left many people looking at them not expecting they gona shot down while doing what they called 'penduras’ in such vehicles. Therefore I know that my son also likes this kind of games often really dangerous for they lives and future as person.
There are exercises with a moto under what they raise the frontal weel even with someone attached back of the driver. He has some friends here in Kilamba with whom he joint to deal on this games realy risky. Who can’t avoid the right of choice even since the childwood age? For a non sportif act less courageous then a simple gymno acts exploited by some entrepises with trained experts my opinion remains be outside such choice myself, too old to learn it.
In fact, that is something I never learn in started to train for drive since my early teen act and gesture or human practice is linked period, as we know! But in this special case, may become attached to unwished results.
my life while I age...Well, each to a particular its consequences
Therefore I was seat on my sofa at home when my granddaughter asks me to look the dinning room Tv's special programm. It was some images at our TV screen connected via the operator ZAP: I've read just the program title as ‘Science of Stupid’ from the National Geographic channel, monitored by Mr Richard.
Hence I also look my child to understand what exactly she was trying to say and appoint to my attention: instead she started to laugh looking the same images and pictures as well as Mr Richard comments on what happens to people who don't respects particular rules of physical or chemical science when juggler, or linked to personnal experiments at home or labor anywhere!
There were anonimous persons this channel designed as accessing the web site, as my child added to me. The most important for herself, as she said me, was be able to follow several kind of dangerous situations anybody produces without be awared of its results in the dayly life. She focuses on the consequences of certain behaviors and attitudes people engaged on while drunk or not. Among theses acts were included exactly the used practice os penduras using motos in KK or the wide Luanda city, sometime even deadly.
It was a Sunday morning. My son was prensent in our group. Himself who lie to expose his abilities for some risky games and juggling on the road, at least in KK. However, I'm not sure if he is still using his spare time to envolve himself into suposed 'sportif' demonstrations like the called 'penduras'. Sometimes ago he seemed really available for friends enjoyments linked to such a dangerous mouvements. But today he try to defend more acurated behaviors and most serious attitudes connected to the profile he learn for his new job's office.
More then a dialogue about this kind of images from the NatGeo channel I was trying to understand what made my child strong laughs looking at it. What I expected was to see of she were able to explain her comprehension on the TV debate edited by Mr Richard: science of stupid, etc! However it was edited in English as NatGeo channel via ZAP operator, thei added a subtitle in Portuguese that appear on the screen at the bottom, especially to help deaf people, even quickly presented.
Nevertheless, I called my son to discover and detailed whhat this program was esposed to us. Then I'd be ready to find whether it could serve as additional tool for children at home who used its contents to improve their school matters with good example from the TV programs: - When I used to get this sample from TV programs with teacher at home. After the course done It's myself who were interested to catch some images related to
my courses and improve the matters with more examples to present to my teacher at school, dad! My son said.
- The Odisseia channel also presents this kind of programs we saw at NatGeo. My younger daughter said. Used it for school proposal may be dangerous if our teacher don't aggree to done so, dad, she added again. Then my son alert us that this kind of programs on TV may be usefull for students whether it follow the teacher course pedagogy. He can't assure himself!
Therefore, I take care to remember my son on the risks of juggling with motos with his frinds in Kilamba roads. What he always accepted. Otherwise, while he said his not responsable for the juggling but thoses who are in such games with him! The same answer I receive when I alert him about this case.
During my residence in Kilamba, the first time I noted n intant both water and power switch off begun at 7h a. m and ended by 3h p.m. It was almost incredible to me on last Mars. Maybe something has blocked the pipes as well the power post or its cables carring electricity to KK. I thought too. To me as resident, without smartphone contacts with Chinese technicians or our urbanity's Administration, nathing remain to do more then wait to see iits extension!
Therefore, nobody was commenting about this cut off in my building neiter on the windows from next estate the same quarter were I live. And nor in the streets aside I don't get signing of neighbour complaint on this case. What it could means there were no particular accidents or protests from users at the lifts in the buildings?
However I was awake to receive any alert about the resident needs for power and water at home as it happens regularly. As it happen often from the garden workers, for example. But nothing at all was remarkable to this kind of cut off, I've not exppected in KK, a urban zone newly installed and supposed highly managed by its Administration and technicians, as many people said us.
Or is that the result of the fact that it happens at a week-end linked to a national holiday which extending it? In case of such a cut off emerge when the hockey games were developed in the pavillion called 'Multiusos', in to Kero hypermarket - in front of the soccer estate designed as '11 de Novembro'many complaints would be noticed, I guess!
Nevertheless I remember what we used to do in such cases: attack both entreprises managers from EDEL, water, as well as from EPAL, power. Or in the KK Administration before remember to say that maybe the Chinese technicians would be also guilty. Then I reproduce some answers from an EDEL's officer, Mr Paciencia, every week invited to explain several cases of cut off, among other mismanagement of power in Radio Mais - FM 99.1 in Luanda, always talking as spokesmanon!
Hence, what are interesting me to say is just two things: 1ยบ) the electricity returns back in my building and KK area, around eight hours after. Nobody complaint about be encosed inthe lift or have machines damages at home. 2ยบ) the water was back turning on the taps at home maybe everywere also without complaints we would heard out of the residents house, always concerning damages produced, etc. Neiter a case similar to the cloudy water my son have catched with his android last time, and described before in my bloggs!
Then, my friendly readers! I'm talking about my own point of view and what I've recorded personnaly at home in KK. No more then it in my blogg. Therefore, I can add I'm noot part of the team designed as bulding residents commission in one of two blue small 'quarter' (or block) of the Kilamba big quarter or urban area in Luanda; neiter I've received outlooks from any pools realised from specialised institutions for press media of national research authorities, of course! Or even the national commission to defend customs, etc. to improve water and power executif policy inserted in radio and TV programs by free debate with invited citizens and experts.
However, that's nothing to compete with strong sounds we get from the usual enjoyed meetings in our musseques around Luanda city and province. Where even discussions between peoples getting water from house's tanks inside our family back yards produce several interesting stories – always addding meny other supposed pictures to what was really recorded, and so on.
Elsewhere, this is another aspect of the same subject: when I was passing towards the means rooms of EDEL and EPAL's offices in Kilamba I was excited to go in and request answers for the incident verifyied. Both are located in the building next to the one of my friend teacher and my client for taxi, at the road called Amilcar Cabral. Therefore such a behavior should expose de sign of somebody who seems a reporter or enquirer but nothing that I'm really aware, so far.
What I decided to deal for the following day was a challenge:
Look out for the water fro the tap a home to find wheter it appears so cloudy as the last time it happens and I discover; an analyser to the power speed or samething alike fault also to verify if after the cut off the electrical current were enough fixed as it were before this pause!
About the water quality I was concerned with the kind of filter probably used into the sanitation around the KK area. Because I can't dscribe its title and technical terms I prefere to talk about anyother procedure to maintain the water so drinkable as it was treated by the public office here.
As consumers we never kknow what happens when we cloudy from our taps at home, even into the apartment of KK buidings. Nobody seems ready to explain exactly what can be lay behind such a bad quality after runs discover water distributed in KK. At least for residents like me as modest taxi driver, even when it could be possible to expose it throught the resident commission meeting. And that's never happens so far with me!
The British economist Stuart Holland said sometimes ago in Lisbon that Europe is in the imminence of a IV Reich, when he told about the Greek's crisis and what he called Berlim hegemony in the European Union. We have a german hegemony that (the former Chancellors) Willy Brandt and Helmut Kohl never wanted. They didn't whised a Gemanic Europe, but Angela Merkel seems prefers other concepts of Occidental Europe, was noticed at the home page of the Angolan newspaper,, titled 'O Pais', as I read it in my kitchen at home in Kilamba, while taking my tea called in Angola caxinde — its web site was the follow: to access it via Internet anywhere, please!
However, I was questioning how can we understand this newspaper language on political isssues related to the old Europe continent, always friend of Africa? «Is Germany liable to Athens for loans the Nazis forced the Greek central bank to provide during World War II»? It was another sentence I read in my son laptop, open I was in the dinner room during afterwads the breakfast at home.
Anybody can access this media’s web address as the following: And what I read without understand the kind of message he exposed then! And so I continue to read the same info sentencened at my son laptop looking to discover the common sens of their contents. Therefore I started to read that Merkel and Tsipras tryed to «overtake the stereotypes», then exposed froman other European newspaper web site identifyied as I recorded it quickly byy this way: Of course, this is nothing more than lectures any Kilamba resident are able to do and maybe improve it each time better...
Nevertheless I prefer local stories about our neighbour quimbanda's activities. Or even description on the neighbour domestic violences and cultural details of the victims guilty. Also I prefer it specialy by my native language the Umbundo. Hi, Luis! Then I called my son because he was dressing himself to go to his job.
- Please, my darling son! Could you explain me the contents of this message about the «VI Reich», in our private newspaper? Not now, dad. He answers me excited to go quickly abroad. But he still added: Well, that's simple just a word and no more. I supposed this term ‘reich’ is a German word that would means samething like a state, nation or even a government. Or even a system of laws, my father! You can see the dictionnary in my bedroom, please! And later we could review other examples about this paper we had used, he said too. There’s anything more, my dad? He said.
The last word of my son explanation was forgetten. Otherwise, and maybe because he was achieving his bath and has closing his door. I continue to take my tea and manage to read both the local newpapers and my son laptop. I like notices ut I need people aside to explain me what some terms does means, especially when linked to expert languages, I guess.
Still with the cup of my tea on hands I remains intrigued on the cited person profile, while not ready to understand politics praxis neiter theories. And beause my son gather several
newspapers in his bag and room's bookcase I get an other UK newspaper among the heap of papers: it was the Financial Times or, and an other European press tool, even from the European speacking country, called Portugal: this one is designed ‘O Publico’ or without time to 'hack' others available there, at the some time.
And instead to read very well and better undestand the notice I get quickly more questions emerge from my head: Among European politician how can they introduce they debate style? I request to my son while he was finishing his dressing management into his room. I suposed he heard me after all. How did you read all this newspapers everyday using four differents languages, my son? It's not enough tied for your head as students and starting job stage so far?
He didn’t answers me but I guess he was hearing me at least. I was interested to press him more for my concering on his sparing time with political debates among his friends and collegues then for his own school post graduation stage! My ndengue was more important to me then my citizen's rights for better comprehend the TV debates extension severalmonths ago – after 15 teen pacific protests against the Angolan president and a Eurospeacker demonstration in well as local authorities’ political responses, as soon as possible!
However, I think my son would avoid allows me to understand for what side of political affairs he seems runing to, I guess. He prefer envolve himself with both mean political parties free and faiir activities everywhere in Kilamba as well as in Luanda to remains quite neutral instead of axiological. The so far known ideologies didn't interest him clearly I guess. Otherwise, he can't assure his father on something even the two parties didn't weight enough in his mind, as he said it himself...
It’s havy known that: ‘citizen family life isn’t his boss business! And then the behavior at school differs from the job market, anywhere. Hence, God bless my ndengue Luis as he could be inserted or not in his own friends’ civil preferances, among many Africans like his father and mother. Two reformed military officers from our family are still proving their attachement to the designed two parties and ideologies in my country, since the civil war finished by 2002. But my ndengue can't be ‘divided’ personnaly as citizen, wheter his parents became divorced. He seems has just a dream: get his own sons enough united as well!
Therefore, what the EU help Tsipras ro do in Greece is first of all allow his citizens to learn to talk on economics as well as in politics - so in economic policies, I guess! This exchange has found also the best tie of cooperation between this country and the other three EU members: France, UK and Germany. Among them, they remain the strongers in terms of Euro decision and European Banking weight I suppose. This was my son position on these emails and newspapers he gathered in his school bag, as he said slowly to help me understand his answers to my questions.
What are the linkk between talk and cooperation, my son? I recharge to him. - That's my language my dad. The simple way to relate to these governments discussion in the EU Parliement and the debate inner the Greece's political parties and they civil society on the issue of remain or be out of Euro zone. After such discussion between several member countries as well as many parties in the Greek community they prove to the wide world the main conclussion: learn to talk has help all parties to learn to better cooperate not only to maintain this poor contry in the EU but also to really organize elections and improve they people choices for the economic policy they need. However, I was a little bit more comprehensive about my child position linked to the newpapers and web sites used for his studies and job tasks as well. Then, no need to request wheter there are policies to improve taxi driver policies, I guess. They don't in EU informal vehicles for taxu like here in Angola, that’s what I suppose correct. The lesson remains suggestive for our citizens who get the 'processo' - informal taxi in Lluanda to improve the nation transport policy of even the low income family access for more rent. Also, several economic policies may be articulated in such a way even between two or more countries it must be integrated, like it happens in the European Union, talking on the Greek crisis. For the regional economic policies, when we talk about the SADC or Southern Africa Development Community, many more ought to be done in term of learning to talk among members countries to reach a high level of cooperation between all af us. Then God bless all SADC's citizens so far, expecting a best future. Nevertheless, we are talking about a 'future' often without blogs initiative, but always full of citizen’s ideas supported by our personnal writings, expecting to develop the wide world! This means before and after the rover in Mars as well as the Roseta attached to an asteroid...God bless them, I guess!