The Critical Campus Tour (CCT) was developed initially by staff and Indigenous students affiliated with the More Than Words project in the Participatory Cultures Lab. The tour is designed to spark thoughtfulness about the sites that McGill University occupies through a truth-seeking and anti-colonial lens.
Having incomplete knowledge of institutional history can lead to furthering oppressive values and actions within higher education. The CCT is an opportunity to engage with sites and monuments that may at first seem mundane, but if we pay attention, stand to teach us about the complexities of historical and ongoing colonial violence. As we look critically at the campus, we also highlight the hopeful work being done by Indigenous students, staff and faculty members who are working to decolonizing this space.
Engaging authentically with McGill’s colonial history is to engage with details of systemic racism and specific acts of violence. We are seeking truth, but the process of uncovering truth can cause further harm and re-traumatise, no matter how carefully and respectfully conversations are conducted. Indigenous students have led the development of the CCT, and are rightfully positioned to kick-start conversations about the good, the bad and the ugly things that have taken place on the land McGill now occupies. However, we cannot underestimate the toll continuous retelling of these stories has on young Indigenous people. Indigenous students, staff and faculty members are not responsible for the education and enlightenment of McGill’s settler community; the responsibility rests with settlers and visitors to use the wealth of stories, teachings and resources to meaningfully engage with the hard realities.With this in mind, some sites will be introduced only briefly, with the expectation that participants will continue on their own, lifelong learning pathway.
As part of the Skàtne Entewathahìta, We Will Walk Together event, in-person introductory tours will be facilitated by Indigenous students and faculty members. Small groups will depart from the Faculty of Education, directly after the closing of the event (approximately 10:45am) and will highlight some nearby sites and monuments. The CCT is designed to be interactive and conversational. Facilitators will introduce specific locations and pose questions to the group for discussion and consideration.
Whether you take part in an on-the-go or sitting tour or access the materials online, the CCT is designed to be a starting point that sparks thoughtfulness and lifelong truth-seeking investigation. We believe that developing a more complete knowledge of McGill’s institutional history is our first responsibility. Learning the truth about the violent acts and oppressive values that have plagued higher education is an important foundational step in the process of interrupting colonialism.
Be curious. Be critical. Do your own research. Explore the stories told by Indigenous peoples. Build awareness of the lived experiences of Indigenous community members, staff, students, and collaborators. A powerful personal land acknowledgement is seeking out truth and carrying it with you as you walk, work and study on campus.
The Critical Campus Tour was originally developed by the Participatory Cultures Lab in the spring of 2023 for the More Than Words project youth retreat. Indigenous students and graduates have developed and deliveredseveral differentversions of the CCT over the past year – adapting and discovering more about the process with each participating group. Special thanks are extended to Emilee Bews, Margaret MacKenzie, Samantha Nepton and Rune Hartgerink for the work and generosity they invested in the CCT and related project initiatives.Thanks also to Rune Hartgerink, for leadingimportant community conversations about the tour in summer 2024. The work of these students and project coordinator, Leann Brown, the CCT will continue to grow and evolve.
For More information, please contact Leann Brown at leann.brown@mcgill.ca
Access the expanded virtual Critical Campus Tour HERE: