TRANSFORM THE HOLIDAYS took place at the Participatory Cultures Lab (PCL) at McGill University in Tiohhtià:ke (Montréal) on 12th December 2024. The gathering was attended in full or in part by 40+ culturally diverse, gender diverse and neurodiverse research allies.

As part of the PATHWAYS2EQUITY and TRANSFORM research projects, the gathering made space for dialogue, creation and co-creation around the topic of gender transformation. Cellsurveys, drawing, photovoice, collage and button making were experimented with to communicate the ideas of the group.

This Zine recap shares just some of the TRANSFORM THE HOLIDAYS productions.
best ways to engage boys and young men in Gender Transformation?

“Arts based methods, music and videos (tv and movies, and possibly video games. Technology and entertainment are great ways to engage young men. ”
“Boys and young men respond to their peers — gaining their approval. Having men model consistent attitudes and behaviours of healthy masculinity improves the possibility of men challenging unhealthy gender norms. If men can support each other to be better and do better, rather than have peer culture that leads to masculinity creep and unhealthy power dynamics and displays of toxic’ masculinty”
“Encourage them to feel their feelings!”
“Through encouraging them to reflect on the impacts of harmful gender norms.”
“Give them many and varied opportunities to engage over time!”