Publications, Creations & Events
Young Indigenous Women's Utopia, Young Indigenous Women's Utopia 2.0 & Mandamin, Z. (2022). KÎYÂNAW ocêpihk (Daniels, B. Ed.).
Battiste, H. (2022) Out of Darkness: A Poetic Journey Through Trauma [IUniverse] More Than Words, McGill University & Everfair Research & Evaluation Consulting. ISBN : 9781663244079
ISBN : 9781663244062.
Battiste, H., Daniels, A. & Maome, B. (EDS.) (2021). Circle Back: Stories of Refection, Connection and Transformation. Participatory Cultures Lab, McGill University. ISBN 978-1-77247-027-7
Young Indigenous Women’s Utopia. (2022) Young Indigenous Women’s Utopia [self published, E-Book]
Young Indigenous Women’s Utopia. (2019) Young Indigenous Women’s Utopia [self published]
Wilson, C., Flicker, S., & Restoule, J. (in press) Building Black and Indigenous Alliances for Health and Wellbeing. Harriet’s Legacies: Race, Historical Memory and Futures in Canada.
Wilson, C., Flicker, S., & Restoule, J.P. (in press). It’s all about relationships: The decolonizing potential of digital storytelling and collaborative mural making as research methods. JournalofCritical Anti-Oppressive Social Inquiry (CAOS)
Vanner, C., Goyeau, J., Logan, M., Ryan, K., Weenie, A. & Mitchell, C. (2024) Teaching about Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People: Implications for Canadian Educators. Canadian Journal of Education. Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l’éducation 47:1.
Youth of Spaces & Places, Eskasoni, Liebenberg, L., Reich, J., Hutt-MacLeod, D., Denny, J-F., & Gould, M. R. (2022). Two-eyed seeing for youth wellness: Promoting positive outcomes with interwoven resilience resources. Transcultural Psychiatry. DOI:10.1177/13634615221111025 [IF: 2.221]
Flicker, S., Galusha, A., Sandberg, A.L., Altenberg, J., and Young Indigenous Women’s Utopia. (2023) Decolonizing, Indigenizing, and Making Space for Indigenous Girls Visiting York University, Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 16: 2 ( 118-134.
Vanner, C , 2023. The Centrality of Community in Education about Gender-Based Violence. Journal of Feminist Scholarship 22 (Spring): 18-33. 10.23860/jfs.2023.22.02.
de Finney, S., Bennett, K., & Adams, C. (2021). Centering Community-Led Indigenous Gender Sovereignty. Collaborations: A Journal of Community-Based Research and Practice, 4(1).
Gonick, M., Vanner, C., Mitchell, C., & Dugal, A. (2021). ‘We Want Freedom Not Just Safety’: Biography of a Girlfesto as a Strategic Tool in Youth Activism. YOUNG, 29(2), 101-118. https://doi.org/10.1177/1103308820937598
Moccasin, C., McNab, J., Vanner, C., Flicker, S., Altenberg, J., & Wuttunee, K. D. (2021). Where are all the girls and Indigenous people at IGSA@ ND?. Girlhood studies, 14(2), 97-113. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3167/ghs.2021.140208
Wall, D., Liebenberg, L., Ikeda, J., Penny, D., & Youth of Spaces & Places, Port Hope Simpson (2021). Understanding community, culture and recreation as resilience resources for Indigenous youth. In L. Moran, K. Reilly, & B. Brady (Eds.), Narrating childhoods across contexts: knowledge, environment,and relationships (pp. 163-187). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-556471_7 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-55647-1_7
Lamb, P, Vanner, C, Raissadat, H, Nyariro, M, & Sadati, H (2020), Researchers experience multiple embodiments in a cross-cultural, intergenerational event to support girls challenging gender-based violence. Global Education Review, 7(2), 58-74.
Liebenberg, L., Jamal, A., & Ikeda, J. (2020). Extending youth voices in a participatory thematic analysis approach. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 19, 1-13. DOI: 10.1177/1609406920934614
Liebenberg, L. (2020). Reconsidering interactive resilience processes in mental health: Implications for child and youth services. Journal of Community Psychology. 1-16 DOI: 10.1002/jcop.22331
Liebenberg, L. VanderPlaat, M. & Dolan, . (2020) Communities as enablers: broadening our thinking on core components of youth resilience. Child care in practice, 26:4, 331336, DOI: 10.1080/13575279.2020.1805988.
Mitchell, C. & Smith, A. (2020). The lives of Girls and Young Women in the Time of Covid-19. Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 13(3). https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/girlhoodstudies/13/3/girlhood-studies.13.issue-3.xml
Vanner, C., & Dugal, A. (2020). Activist networks: By girls, with girls, for girls. Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 13(2).
Williams, T. (2020). Passing the Talking Stick: Resilience-Making through Storytelling Girlhood Studies, 13(2), 134-136.
Chadwick, A. (2019). Imagining alternative spaces: Sexualized violence with Indigenous girls in Canada. Resurgent interruptions: Girls in settler and carceral states. [Special issue]. Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 12(3), 99-115.
de Finney, S., Krueger-Henney, P., & Palacios, L. (Eds.). (2019). Resurgent interruptions: Girls in settler and carceral states. [Special issue]. Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 12(3).
de Finney, S., Shezell-Rae, S., Adams, C., Andrew, K., McLeod, K., Lewis, A., Lewis, G., Louis, M., & Haiyupis, P. (2019). Rekinning our kinscapes: Renegade Indigenous stewarding against gender genocide. Resurgent
interruptions: Girls in settler and carceral states. [Special issue]. Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 12(3), 80-98.
Flicker, S., Wilson, C., Monchalin, R., Restoule, J.-P., Mitchell, C., Larkin, J., … Oliver, V. (2019). The impact of Indigenous youth sharing digital stories about HIV activism. Health Promotion Practice, 1-9. DOI: 10.1177/1524839918822268
Hutt-MacLeod, D., Rudderham, H., Sylliboy, A., Sylliboy-Denny, M., Liebenberg, L., Denny, J.F., Gould, M.R., Gould, N., Nossal, M., Iyer, S., Malla, A., & Boksa, P. (2019). Eskasoni First Nation’s transformation of youth mental healthcare: Partnership between a Mi’kmaq community and the ACCESS Open Minds research project in implementing innovative practice and service evaluation Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 13(Suppl. 1), 42-47. DOI: 10.1111/eip.12817
Liebenberg, L., Wood, M., Wall, D., & Hutt-MacLeod, D. (2019). Spaces & Places: Understanding sense of belonging and cultural engagement among Indigenous youth. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18, 1-10. DOI: 10.1177/1609406919840547
Mitchell, C., Moletsane, R. & Choonara, S. (2019) What’s policy got to do with it? Girl-led ‘From the Ground Up’ Approaches to Policy Dialogue and Policy Change Agenda
Moreno, C. (2019). Love as resistance: Exploring conceptualizations of decolonial love in settler states. Resurgent interruptions: Girls in settler and carceral states. [Special issue]. Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 12(3), 116-133.
Vanner, C. (2019). Toward a Definition of Transnational Girlhood, Girlhood Studies, 12(2), 115-132. DOI: 10.3167/ghs.2019.120209
Wuttunee, K. D., Altenberg, J., & Flicker, S. (2019). Red ribbon skirts and cultural resurgence: Kimihko sîmpân iskwêwisâkaya êkwa sihcikêwin waniskâpicikêwin. Resurgent interruptions: Girls in settler and carceral states. [Special issue]. Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 12(3), 63-79.
Liebenberg, L., Christmas, A., Stevens, R., Nicholas, K., Denny, D., & Bernard, A. (in press). Growing connections: Use of a garden to learn and heal in the context and legacy of systemic and institutionalised racism. In M. R. Carter, Y.-S. Huang, C. Mitchell, D. Ranjan, M. Sorensen, T. Starlight, T. Strong-Wilson, & A. Weenie (eds.). Seasons of Change: Interdisciplinary Pedagogies for Reconciliation and Redress. UBC Press.
Liebenberg, L., Reich, J., Sylliboy, A., Battiste, H., Bernard, A., & Christmas, A. (in press). Interrogating Indigenous gender identity in contexts of SGBV: Weaving together intersectional experiences using PAR and elicitation techniques. In T. Kovacic, L. Moran, & P. Prieto Blanco (Eds.), Reimagining Voices in Uncertain Times: Fragmentation, Legitimation and Reflexivity Bristol University Press.
Ussak, J.,Ussak, H., Barcial, J. & Gonick M. (in press) Be Well and Stay Safe: Facebook, Community Activism and Inuit Girls in the time of COVID. Girls Act Out. Berghahn Books.
Young Indigenous Women’s Utopia (YIWU) Girls Group, Altenberg, J., Mandamin, Z., & Flicker, S. (in press). “Creator save the matriarch”: Muraling young Indigenous women’s utopias. In M. R. Carter, Y.-S. Huang, C. Mitchell, T. Strong-Wilson, D. Ranjan, T. Starlight, A. Weenie & M. Sorensen (Eds.). Seasons of change: interdisciplinary pedagogies for reconciliation and redress (CH. 12). UBC Press.
Vanner, C., Holloway, A., J. Mitchell C. & Altenberg, J. (2022). Round and round the carousel papers: facilitating a visual interactive dialogue with young people. In C. Burkholder, J. Aledebi & J. Schwab-Cartas (Ed). Leading and listening to community: facilitating qualitative, arts-based & visual research for social change. Routledge
Chadwick, A. (2021). Alternative Imaginings: Re-searching Sexualized Violence with Rural Indigenous Girls. In Moletsane, R., Treffry-Goatley, A., Wiebesiek, L., & Mandrona, A. Ethicalpracticesinparticipatoryvisual research with girls and young women in rural contexts. New York: Berghahn Press
Wall, D., Liebenberg, L., Ikeda, J., Penny, D., & Youth of Spaces & Places, Port Hope Simpson (2021). Understanding community, culture and recreation as resilience resources for Indigenous youth. In L. Moran, K. Reilly, & B. Brady (Eds.). Narrating Childhoods across Contexts: Knowledge, Environment, and Relationships (pp. 163-187). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave.
Gonick M, Vanner C, Mitchell C, Dugal A. (2020). ‘We want freedom not just safety’: biography of a girlfesto as a strategic tool in youth activism. YOUNG. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1103308820937598
Mitchell, C. & de Lange, N. (2019). Community-based participatory video and social action. In L. Pauwels & D. Mannay. Sage Handbook of Visual Research Methods (second edition). (pp. 254-266). London: Sage.
Mitchell, C.& Mandrona, A. (2019). Rural beginnings. In C. Mitchell & A. Mandrona (Eds.), OurRuralSelves: Memory and the Visual in Canadian Childhoods (pp. 3-19). Montreal: McGill Queens University Press.
Mitchell, C., & Mandrona, A. (2019). Our rural futures. In C. Mitchell & A. Mandrona (Eds.), Our Rural Selves: Memory and the Visual in CanadianChildhoods (pp. 243-262). Montreal: McGill Queens University Press.
Mitchell, C., Moletsane, R., MacEntee, K., & de Lange, N. (2019). Participatory Visual Methodologies in Self-Study for Social Justice Teaching: A reflexive eye. In J. Kitchen, A. Berry, H. Guðjónsdóttir, S. M. Bullock, M. Taylor and A. R. Crowe (Eds.), Springer International Handbooks of Education. Second International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education. New York: Springer
Moreno, S. (2019) Love as resistance: Exploring conceptualizations of decolonial love in settler states. Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 12 (3) 116-131.
The Young Indigenous Women’s Utopia, MacEntee, K., Altenberg, J., Flicker, S., & Wuttunee, K-D. (2021). Cellphilming and Consent: Young Indigenous Women Researching Gender-based Violence. In Moletsane, R., Treffry-Goatley, A., Wiebesiek, L., & Mandrona, A. Ethical practice in participatoryvisual research with girls and young women in rural contexts (pp. 110-133). New York: Berghahn Press.
Booker, E (2023) Dialogues4Change Event Report The Participatory Cultures Lab.
Booker, E (2023) Spring Retreat Event Report The Participatory Cultures Lab.
Booker, E. (2023) Looking at Change in Community-Based Research: An Organic Approach. The Participatory Cultures Lab.
Skahan, G. (2022). Collaborative Masculinities: Indigenous young men building positive masculinities and engaging in gender-based violence prevention: A review of literature, approaches, and programs. The Participatory Cultures Lab
Skahan, G. (2022) CollaborativeMasculinities: Reflections & Resources to Support Gender Transformative Youth Work. The Participatory Cultures Lab. (in progress)
Booker, E (2020) Mentoring Literature Review with a Focus on Indigenous Girls and Young Women. The Participatory Cultures Lab.
Booker, E. (2020, August). A conversation on mentoring with Indigenous girls and young women The Participatory Cultures Lab. Montreal, QC.
Booker, E (2020 November) Addressing Sexual and Gender-based Violence: A Dialogue on the Impact of Indigenous-focused Youth-led Engagement Through the Arts on Families and Communities. The Participatory Cultures Lab. Montreal, QC.
Flicker, S., Gagnon, M., Gilbert, J., Guta, A., MacEntee, K., Oliver, V. Sanders, C., Goldstein, A., Maitland, H., Malenfant, K., Newbigging, M., Switzer, S., Williams, D., and Antoniw, J. (2020). Changing the Rules: Ontario Teacher Reflections on Implementing Shifting Health and Physical Education Curricula Research report from the Enacting Sex Education Update: A view from Ontario’s Teachers Research Project. York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Girls Leading Change, & Booker, E. (2019). Girl Groups to Address Sexual Violence. Montreal, QC: Participatory Cultures Lab.
Garcia, C, Mitchell, C., Carter, M. R., Ezcurra, M., Reid, N., Nyariro, M. Tissenbaum, S., (2022). Artsbased Interventions for Sexual Violence Prevention: A toolkit, McGill University. Montreal, McGill University.
Booker, E. & McCook, A. (2021). A Toolkit on Creative Approaches to Studying Change: Looking Back and Determining the Path Ahead. The Participatory Cultures Lab.
D'souza, N., Mitchell, C. (2021). Cellphones, Connections, & Community: Harnessing Technology to foster Community Communication and Connection. Montreal, McGill University.
Liebenberg, L., Bernard, A., & Paul, H. after Unsworth, R., Saskatchewan Prevention Institute and Green, M. (2021). TheWay Forward:Conversationsabouthealthymasculinity. Mi’kmaw Toolkit for implementing Guy’s Groups. Eskasoni Mental Health Services, Eskasoni.
Vanner, C., Ezcura Lucotti,M., Khan, F., Lamb, P., Mitchell,C., Nyariro, M., Raissadat, H. & Sadati, H. (2019). Creating Circles: A Handbook on Art-Making with Young People to Address Gender-based Violence Montreal: Participatory Cultures Lab, McGill University.
Mitchell, C. (2023, April). The dismantling journey: Our research/our teaching/our institutions. . American Educational Research Association. Chicago
Altenberg, J. Flicker, S. (2023) "Creator Save the Matriarch": Muraling Young Indigenous Women's Utopias. More Than Words: Indigenous Girls, Public Art, and Public Pedagogy. AERA, Virtual Paper Session.
Booker, E. & Mandamin, Z. (2023, November 13). A Lesson Plan to Empower Youth. Indspire National Gathering. Montreal.
Bews, E., Nepton, S., & Mackenzie, M. (2023, November 12). Decoloni‘zine’: Building Community through Arts-based Projects. Indspire National Gathering. Montreal.
Battiste, H., Morris, E., Morris, J., Stevens, A. & Liebenberg, L. (2023, August 21). Advocating with Cellphilms: Using participatory research approaches to advocate for our needs. Youth forum workshop, Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy Communities Annual Forum, PEI, Canada
Mitchell, C. (2023, October 13). Disrupting shameful legacies. Girls and young women speak back through the arts to address sexual violence. Seminario Permanente de Etudios Canadienses. UNAM
Mitchell, C. (2023, October 30). TRANSFORM: Engaging with young people for social change. DTHF-IAVI Participatory Research Methods with Adolescents. University of Cape Town.
Vanner, C., Logan, M., Ryan, K., Goyeau, J., Weenie, A., & Mitchell, C. (2023, May 29). Teaching about missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA people: Implications for Canadian educators. Canadian Society for Studies in Education Conference Toronto: May 27–June 1, 2023
Gonick, M. (2022, April) Be Well and Stay Safe: Facebook, Public Pedagogy, and Inuit Girls in the Time of COVID. More Than Words: Indigenous Girls, Public Art, and Public Pedagogy. AERA, Virtual Paper Session.
Liebenberg, L., Battiste, H., Bernard, A., Paul, H., & Young, N. (2022, August 24). Applied tools for community problem solving and community resource development: Sparking the imagination! Skills development workshop, Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy Communities Annual Forum, PEI, Canada.
Liebenberg, L., Battiste, H., Bernard, A., Paul, H., & Young, N. (2022, August 23). Applied tools for community problem solving and community resource development: Sparking the imagination! Skills development workshop, Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy Communities Annual Forum, PEI, Canada
Battiste, H., Bernard, A., Paul, H., & Young, N., & Liebenberg, L. (2022, August 22). Learning about CommunityResilience: How we did it & why it matters. Youth forum workshop, Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy Communities Annual Forum, PEI, Canada.
Liebenberg, L (2022, April) Growing Connections: Use of a Garden to Learn and Heal in the Context of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls More Than Words: Indigenous Girls, Public Art, and Public Pedagogy. AERA, Virtual Paper Session.
Mitchell, C. (2022, November). Jose Vanconcelos Invited talk. How we see it. Coimbra University
Mitchell, C. (2022, November). Invited talk. How we see it. Albert Einstein University. Virtual.
Mitchell, C (2022, April). On the politics and pedagogy of making public. American Educational Research Association. San Diego.
Mitchell, C. & Moletsane, R. (October, 2021). On the ethics and politics of consent. Researching and writing histories of sexual violence. Methodological challenges and ethical complexities. University of Exeter.
Young Indigenous Women’s Utopia (2021, November) Community-Based Research Canada: Annual General Meeting Stories of Impact.
Young Indigenous Women’s Utopia (2021, May). Saskwatonminiskak Speaker Series. Chokecherry Studios, Saskatoon.
De Finney, S. (2020, June). Land-Body Retellings: Indigenous Responding to Colonial Gender Genocide Keynote address given at Imagining Virtual Symposium Imagining the possibilities and potentials for pedagogies of reconciliation Canada, McGill University, Montreal, QC.
Mitchell, C., Moletsane, L., et.al. (2020, October). The Girl in the Pandemic. Policy Talk as part of the McGill Institute for Health and Social Policy (IHSP) Webinar series.
Mitchell, C. (2020, March). Arts-based approaches to addressing gender-based violence. Impact & Law Society. McGill University, Montreal, PQ.
Young Indigenous Women’s Utopia (2020 November) Community Arts As A Source Of Resistance. Workshop 4 at Indspire National Gathering, Online. (Lesson Plans; English, French)
Mitchell, C. (2019, November). Keynote: Making the Margins Visible and Accessible in Addressing Genderbased violence. . Republic of Childhood Conference, Ottawa
Mitchell, C. (2019, June). Keynote address. The situation for girls globally. International conference of the Olave Baden-Powell Society, Toronto, ON.
Mitchell, C. (2019, April). Keynote address Me too, we too: Inclusive strategies to address sexual violence and rape culture. Concordia University, Montreal.
Mitchell, C. (2019, June). Keynote address. The situation for girls globally. International conference of the Olave Baden-Powell Society, Toronto, ON.
Mitchell, C. (2019, March). Keynote address. The politics and possibilities of girl-led and youth-led artsbased approaches to addressing gender-based violence, Peter Wall Institute & Green College, UBC, Vancouver, BC.
Smith, A. & Mitchell, C. (2019, March). The girl in the text. Second International Girls Studies Conference. South Bend, Indiana.
Vanner, C. (2019, June) Youth-engagement on addressing gender-based violence in schools. Saskatoon, Saskatachewan.
Vanner, C. & Mitchell, C (2019, November). Arts-based methods. Canadian Women’s Foundation. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Lamb, Pamela (2023) Knowing differently and feeling differently: A practice framework for affective reflexivity in participatory art. McGill University.
Rassaidat, Haleh (2021). Participatory visual researchers reflect on youth-led policy dialogue. McGill University.
Sam, Shezell-Rae (2021). A Community-Based Research Project on Sexualized Violence. University of Victoria.
Keenan, Andrew (2021). Re-weaving legacies of gender-based violence with Indigenous young men. University of Victoria.
Moreno, Shantelle (2021). Our world to come: decolonial love as a praxis of dignity, justice, and resurgence. University of Victoria
Booker, Emily (2020). How is the Settler Colonial Project Advanced or Challenged in BC Schools Through Teachers’ Resources? Unpublished Masters Dissertation, McGill University.
Chadwick, Anna (2019). Lighting fires: re-searching sexualized violence with Indigenous girls in Northern Canada. Unpublished Masters Dissertation, University of Victoria.
Networks 4 Change. (2021, July, 14). Introduction. (No. Introduction) [Audio Podcast Episode]. In Circle Back: The Podcast. Anchor. https://anchor.fm/n4c
Networks 4 Change. (2021, October, 6). Transformation. (No.1) [Audio Podcast Episode]. In Circle Back: The Podcast. Anchor: https://anchor.fm/n4c
Networks 4 Change. (2022, March, 8). Reflections on Personal Spaces. (No.2) [Audio Podcast Episode]. In Circle Back: The Podcast. Anchor: https://anchor.fm/n4c
Networks 4 Change. (2022, March, 8). Connections. (No.3) [Audio Podcast Episode]. In Circle Back: The Podcast. Anchor: https://anchor.fm/n4c
Community Dialogues4Change Event (14 November 2023), McGill University Campus, Montreal
Dialogues4Change: Indigenous youth in Conversation with Adult Allies (12-14 November 2023), McGill University Campus, Montreal. (Program)
We Will Walk Together / Skàtne Entewathahìta & Critical Campus Tour (29 September 2023), McGill University Campus, Montreal.
More Than Words Spring Retreat (29 April – 03 May 2023) McGill University Campus, Montreal.
Cellphilming Workshops (18-19 March) Chokecherry Studios, Treaty 6, Homeland of the Métis, Saskatoon.
We Will Walk Together / Skàtne Entewathahìta (30 September 2022), McGill Campus, Montreal.
Young Indigenous Women’s Utopia’s Book Launch, (November 2022), York University (Web Article, August 28, 2023)
Collaborative Masculinities: Youth-led Indigenous-Focussed Approached to Challenge Harmful Gender Norms and Address GBV (24 February 2022) Zoom Platform.
We Will Walk Together / Skàtne Entewathahìta (30 September 2021), Zoom Platform & McGill Campus and Montreal Downtown March.
ᑭᐢᑭᓯᐃᐧᐣ (kiskisiwin) National Truth & Reconciliation Day Smudge Walk (30 September 2021), led by Young Indigenous Women’s Utopia & Chokecherry Studios, Treaty 6, The Traditional Homeland of the Métis, Saskatoon.
Creator Save the Matriarch : Official Mural Reveal (27 June 2021) Young Indigenous Women’s Utopia, Treaty 6, The Traditional Homeland of the Métis, Saskatoon.
Virtual Imbizo (15 June 2021), Zoom Platform
A Conversation on Mentoring with Indigenous Girls and Young Women (25 June 2020), Zoom Platform.
More than Words in Addressing Sexual and Gender-based Violence: A Dialogue on the Impact of Indigenous-focused Youth-led Engagement Through the Arts on Families and Communities (3 & 4 October 2019), McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.
Ohpikihihcik Okawiymaw Onikanewa: Raising Matriarchs (July 2021) Young Indigenous Women’s Utopia, Treaty 6, The Traditional Homeland of the Métis, Saskatoon.
Sohkeyimowin: Studying the Impact on Families (2019) Young Indigenous Women’s Utopia, Treaty 6, The Traditional Homeland of the Métis, Saskatoon.
ᐊᑭᐊᒃ. Akiak. Brave. GET ART Collage Zine. (March 2024)
More Than Words Trail Flyer (January 2024)
Taking Action Together Travelling Exhibition (November 2023) Various locations in Quebec, Saskatchewan, Nunavut.
YOU(th) Inspire Newsletter (Fall 2023)
Critical Campus Tour (September 2023).
Youthfesto (May 2023)
What does “Indigenous Mentorship” Mean to You, IMPRESS Collage Zine (July 2023)
Indigenous Authorship & Youth Storytelling Zine (November 2022)
YOU(th) Inspire Newsletter (Fall 2022)