Introduction Letter: MTW Trail of Promising Practices

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January 2023



WearewritingtoshareresourcesfromMoreThanWords(MTW),aresearchprojectthat uses art and intergenerational mentoring in the empowerment of Indigenous girls, youngwomen,andLGBTQ2+youthtoaddressviolenceintheirlivesandcommunities.


More Than Words’ youth groups are using their training in arts-based methods, leadershipandfacilitationskillstobuildawarenessofsexualandgender-basedviolence (SGBV)andprovidesurvivorsupportwithintheircommunities.Youthandadultallies involvedintheprojectarebuildingaTrailofPromisingPracticestosupportcommunity membersandgroupslookingtoimplementsimilarwork.TheTrailisbeingdeveloped intoacomprehensiveresourceoftoolswhichwillbelaunchedintheFallof2023

TodaywearesharingjustonepartoftheMoreThanWordsTrailfocusedonIndigenous Authorship&YouthStorytelling Thisisanimportantcomponentthatrecognizesthat youthvoice,livedexperienceandreciprocityareattheheartofthiswork


Attached you will find the first publication from Young Indigenous Women’s Utopia (YIWU), a MTW youth group based on Treaty 6 territory, the Traditional Homeland of the Métis in Saskatoon YIWU was established in 2017 and now consists of 2 distinct generations of youth. Generation-1 are the founding members and produced their self-titled publication in 2019, sharing their lived experience and teachings of self-love and support survivors.

Generation 1 have now become mentors and aunties to Generation-2 youth, who were invited into the circle in 2019. Together, both generations of YIWU produced the group's 2nd publication in 2022 ‘KÎYÂNAW OCÊPIHK’ sharing stories through words and pictures, chronicling the journey of the youth group. This second book is available in print only

Claudia Mitchell, Project Director claudia mitchell@mcgill ca Leann Brown, Project Coordinator &

We also attach both web and print versions of the Indigenous Storytelling & Youth Authorship Collage Zine, produced at the book launch event for ‘KÎYÂNAW OCÊPIHK’ in November 2022.

Together with a simple Activity Plan to ‘Create a Collage Zine’ Collage making and zine production are accessible and impactful methods for youth to explore their voice, share stories and speak-back to issues in their lives.

We invite your organisation to Create a Collage Zine using and/or adapting the enclosed plan


As we put the finishing touches on the MTW Trail of Promising Practices, it would be very meaningful for us to receive feedback from community members on the resources and activities included within the Indigenous Authorship & Youth Storytelling component

If you are interested in holding your own zine activity and require support with facilitation or any other aspect, please reach out to project coordinator, Leann Brown ( Similarly, please be in touch to share any feedback on these materials and to sign-up to receive the complete More Than Words Trail of Promising Practices when it becomes available later in 2023

The work of More Than Words (and little-brother project, Pathways2Equity: Youth-led, Indigenous-Focussed, Gender-Transformative, Arts-Based Approaches to Challenging Gender Norms in Addressing GBV) is supported by Women & Gender Equality Canada as well as a collaboration of organizations and researchers committed to arts-based activism and ending SGBV Out of these projects, a national Indigenous-focused network on the arts and youth-led approaches is being developed to sustain support to survivors and their families. We hope to count your organization as part of this network and we will keep you updated on future events and opportunities

We hope to hear from you soon.

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