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Echoes Success (Again!)

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Craft Corner

Craft Corner

Sunday 2nd July saw our annual ‘Echoes of the Past’ day. Well, it was – brilliant, fantastic, awesome, amazing. THANK YOU all for coming and making the day so very special.

From our Chairman:


“Echoes of the Past” on Sunday was a fabulous day, if a little breezy!, I’d like to thank all volunteers, reenactors, exhibitors and especially the public for making this small show the success it has become. Special thanks to Steve Suttle for his amazing PA work again, the show wouldn’t be the same without the soundtrack. Paul Groves and I were swamped on the BBQ and I didn’t get a chance to get the camera out (thank you photo contributor’s). Keep an eye out for “Echoes” next year, it should be around the same time but we’ll confirm soon. It will be bigger and better with hopefully a BBMF flypast and a skirmish between the Allies and Germans. Thank you all again.”

As Graham has said – THANK YOU - The committee, volunteers and many more, are all to be congratulated in making this such a memorable and successful event.

So, our season ‘marches on’! We are still open on Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 for Tea, Coffee, Ice Cream and … Wait for it …. CAKE!!! Yes the famous ‘Death by Chocolate’ at cake-o-clock (3.00pm) is still on the menu.

There is still ‘No rest for the….. volunteers!’ With the dust gently settling, Mr Chairman is again ‘rallying the troops’ for Wednesday evening Work Parties – ALL are very welcome to join in with the ‘Jobs’ and maintenance that are always needed.

So – See You ANY SUNDAY – We Need You!!!

(All very Welcome)

P.S. Our Tea Dance had to be cancelled due to the weather – it is being rescheduled, date to be arranged. We will update when this has been booked and please watch our website/FB page and of course, in here for the details.

See you again next month in September, here in The Directory.

For our details please refer to our website: www.rctam94th.co.uk E-mail info@rctam94th.co.uk Mobile 07931 971771

In the last few months we have had a good look at cavity wall insulation and loft insulation, but there are still 2 other sources of fresh air entering your home which can push up your heating bills in the Winter months, these being draughts and ventilation. The best way to reduce this heat loss is draught proofing your home. This is a job you can do yourself so no need to call in the experts. It shouldn’t cost you much, roughly £120 with annual savings of about £50, so there is a 2+ year payback but it is still an efficient way to save money and reduce your carbon footprint.

Currently there are no grants to help you with draught proofing unless you live in the council of Cheshire East. Lucky them!

1. If you have windows without double glazing or poorly fitting double glazing, then buy draught-proofing strips to stick around the window frame and fill the gap between the window and the frame. There are three types: Self-adhesive foam strips, metal strips or plastic strips, the latter two with brushes or wipers attached. Make sure the strip is the right size to fill the gap in your window. If the strip is too big it will be crushed and you may not be able to close the window. If it’s too small there will still be a gap.

2. Outside doors can be the source of heat loss but you can reduce this for just a few pounds. Here are the main things to consider.

Keyhole – buy a purpose-made cover that drops a metal disc over the keyhole. Letterbox – use a letterbox flap or brush, but remember to measure your letterbox before you buy. Gaps around the door – fit foam, brush or wiper strips similar to those used for windows.

Inside doors need draught-proofing if they lead to a room you don’t normally heat, such as your spare room or kitchen. Keep those doors closed to stop the cold air from moving into the rest of the house and if there is a gap at the bottom of the door, block it with a draught excluder.

3. Loft hatchesPut strips of draughtexcluding material around the hatch edges.

4. Chimneys and fireplaces

Buy a chimney draught excluder – devices that help stop draughts and heat loss up the chimney, usually fitted within the chimney or around the fireplace. Remember to remove the draught-proofing if you decide to light a fire!

Once you have completely insulated your home you may want to check if you have missed any spots where hot air is escaping. In which case you could employ someone with a thermal imaging camera who can scan the outside of your house and highlight any points where excess heat is lost.

There are plenty more simple ideas to help you draught proof your home, please take a look on our website for the full list: ecofrenzy.com/home-insulation-savings

None of us know how the cost of energy will fluctuate in the future so any savings are a bonus, and with the climate crisis really starting to ramp up, any reduction in your Carbon footprint is a help.

We Remember our mantra at Ecofrenzy - Lots of little adds up to a lot.

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