HJ Edesign and Yearbook Design check sheets

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You don’t know what you don’t know. Once you master each of these tasks, you will know what you need to know.


RIGHT CLICK OPTIONS IN LIBRARY Save image as Select for send and sell Edit image RIGHT CLICK OPTION ON PAGE Find my image Build a caption, tag image Saving a template Saving part of a template PLACING PHOTOS Cropper tool Enlarging photo DPI warning PHOTO ENHANCEMENTS Cut out background, Color splash Red eye Filters Exposure

THEME COMPETITION Email Maureen with the following info to: mmolofsson@herffjones.com Name School Use the cover, endsheet and pages templates in eDesign. Indicate page numbers to be reviewed. To qualify for the competition, you must email the info by: AUGUST 1ST


UPLOADING PHOTOS Keywords Section THE TOOL BAR Selection tool (arrow) Edit path Tool TEXT OPTIONS Changing font style & size Adjusting leading Adjusting paragraph style Text wrap PEN TOOL Straight line objects Rounded line objects BOX TOOL Rectangle Ellipse Star Polygon MORE TOOLS Line Tool Background Tool Hand Zoom Post it notes Fit in Window Toggle name overlay OBJECT EFFECTS Lines Fills Colors Drop shadow Transparency Aligning items Proportion tool Tagging captions



MO’re than yearbooks


CATEGORIES Overall best theme package Cover Endsheet Divider Feature idea Title Page Theme elements RULES Students may work as groups - please list all names. Students may submit only one entry per topic Prior to e-mailing MO, make sure you have reviewed the rules in the camp booklet. www.moreyearbooks.com


Start with the rules and then . . . slowly break the rules with intent always able to answer the question . . . why does this work



DRAW a dominant photo first.

Make DOMINANT more than twice the size of all other photos.

Make DOMINANT PHOTO cross the gutter, or one pica from gutter)

Use a VARIETY of photo shapes. (rectangles and squares)

Establish an EYELINE.

Touch all external MARGINS.

Stay within the COLUMN GUIDES set.

Design pages as a SPREAD.

Maintain a consistent INTERNAL MARGIN. (one pica or less)

Put a CAPTION with every photo.

Place all COPY TO THE OUTSIDE of the spread.

Avoid trapped WHITE SPACE.

Use SIMPLE AND FUNCTIONAL GRAPHICS that add to your theme.



LAYOUT COMPETITION Email Maureen with the following info to: mmolofsson@herffjones.com Name School Page number(s) in eDesign To qualify for the competition, you must email the info by: AUGUST 1ST


ACTION in photos toward the gutter but no content is trapped in the gutter. DESIGN GUIDES READERS around the page with clear intention of which content is most important. AN ORIGINAL LOOK for each section but all sections fit the overall TONE/ PERSONALITY/VOICE . EACH ELEMENT serves a PURPOSE and is NOT used just to DECORATE the pages. ENHANCE the design and content without calling attention to individual elements. EVERYTHING fits with the TOTAL LOOK of the section and the book. SPREAD needs to be easy to read CONSISTENTLY uses same size and leading for copy and captions. UNIFIED TYPE choices for headline packages, copy starters and caption lead-ins. CREATE YOUR


MO’re than yearbooks

CATEGORIES Overall best layout Most creative use of features Best headline package Best section consistency RULES Students may work as groups - please list all names. Students may submit as many layouts as the want Prior to e-mailing MO, make sure you have reviewed the rules on the left and are following each.

> www.moreyearbooks.com

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