#MORGANADVENTURE If you are using social media we’d love to see your pictures of the day. Join in the online conversation and get your adventure pictures shared world wide using the hashtag #MorganAdventure.
Twitter: @morganmotor Facebook: morganmotor
Pickersleigh Road, Malvern Link, Worcs, WR14 2LL
WELCOME Following a hugely successful event last year, the Morgan Motor Company is delighted to welcome you to the famous Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb. The hill is 1000 yards long. The current track record is 22.58 seconds or around 90mph AVERAGE from a standing start, up and through two blind corners. First used in 1905, Shelsley Walsh is the oldest motor sport venue in the world. It has continued to be at the heart of vintage and modern sporting innovation. It featured the first electrical motor sport timekeeping and hosted the first BBC outside broadcast of any type. This truly unique and historic part of British motoring heritage continues to evolve and innovate, much like a Morgan sports car...
AN AUDIENCE WITH... For a real insight into the Morgan Motor Company and its future plans, drop into the Courtyard bar behind the start line. Morgan Directors will be sharing their thoughts and opinions on the brand and products in a personal Q&A session at 11.00am Learn a little more about the people behind the cars that we are all so passionate about and don’t forget to come armed with some questions!
POPBANGCOLOUR – IAN COOK Ian Cook is a contemporary British artist internationally known for his unique form of painting. Ian creates his art solely using the method of radio-controlled cars, car tyres and toy car wheels as his paintbrushes. With a first degree in Fine Art Painting from Winchester School of Art, Ian has a quirky edge and describes his work as a ‘friendly explosion of colour’ which captures attention through his unusual method of working and the premise of live performance art at automotive events. Ian will be painting a Morgan picture in the Stratstone Cottage grounds throughout the day.
MUSCLE BIPLANE – RICH GOODWIN Exhilarating, daring and unique, allow Rich Goodwin and his Pitts S2S “Muscle Biplane” visually demonstrate how exciting the combination of a 9 litre engine and a dare devil pilot can be. Flying in at 1pm, just look to the skies and enjoy the daring, smoke filled, moves of the Muscle Biplane.
KINDLY SPONSORED BY We would like to thank both PPG Industries, Leacy Classics, Strastone Morgan Stourbridge and Turtlewax for their sponsorship and input into Thrill On The Hill 2014.
100 YEARS AT PICKERSLEIGH ROAD 2014 marks 100 years of Morgan manufacture at Pickersleigh Road, as part of celebrations for this milestone we will be holding an event at the factory on Sunday 13th of July (tomorrow). The event is FREE and will host a range of attractions including a ‘100 years’ line up of cars from each decade of production at the factory. We would be delighted to see as many Morgan owners there as possible and look forward to welcoming you and your Morgan back to the factory in which it was crafted.
EVENTS AND TIMES 9.00am – Hillclimb opens 10.00am – Welcome talk from Steve Morris in the Morgan Theatre 11.00am – Q&A with Company Directors in the Courtyard Bar 12.00noon – Spitfire fly past 1.00pm – Muscle Biplane stunt display 1.00pm – 2.00pm – Hill closed for lunch 1.15pm – Paddock aerial photograph gathering in the paddock 4.00pm – Final hill runs