ISSUE 2 3rd School Conference on Education Moscow 2015 ISSUE 2

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3rd School of Conference EYP Moscow


3rd of May 2015

Editorial It's been an amazing 3 days at this Conference. After Teambuilding and Committee Work you have gone through the sophisticated process of the General Assembly. Maybe for some of you it seemed a little bit boring but look at it from the different perspectives. It highlighted the session and showed how close you are as a team, how well you did your research and how creative you were with accomplishing the Task Of The Day. Anyway, the GA is not a relaxing event , so in order to relieve stress our fabulous press team presents you Issue 2! Find out about PED, get to know about EYP food, take a look at selfies with the Head Orga and much more! Enjoy!

Evelyn Usmanova

THE TEAM Sandra Elpers (BE) Her energy-drinks is happiness and not coffee (it is healthier). 
 She is a huge Harry Potter fan and you might see her in a couple of years playing for the Belgian national quidditch team.

Uliana Belonogova (FI/RU) She is a really dynamic person and right now she studies International Baccalaureate in Finland. She is a sushioholic. If you want to please her you know what to buy !

Olga Sitinska (LV) You can guess she is a Sherlock fan when you are a witness of her watchfullness. quickly she notices small information. She is A detective. She is preparing a surprise for you for the end of the session.

Evelyn Usmanova (RU) Economics expert from Moscow she is looking forward to discover the world. 
 Be careful she cannot live without her camera : she will be here to capture every moment.

Do Hanh (RU) You can call her Toma. She is from Vietnam and studies Advertising and Public Relations at the Russian University of Economics. However she is an artist and she thinks studying design and acting fits more her personnality. 1


COMMITEES ARTICLES Their Enthusiasm Is Breathtakingly Special p. 19 REGI p. 11 CULT I p. 12

Getting To Know The President p. 3 EYP Food in the North p. 9-10

EMPL II p. 13 AFET p.14 CULT I p. 15 EMPL I p. 16

INTERVIEW Тет-а-тет с экспертом p. 6-7

OPINION ARTICLES Высшее образование в России p.7
 Education now and then – are the changes for the best? p.8

FOCUS ON : THE DELEGATES A Pinch Of Brightness p. 17-18 Count Down p. 20 The EYP Future Perspectives p.21


In the previous issue, Sandra Elpers explained to you the roles of the officials. Now she will zoom in on the head of the chairs' team, a very intriguing women; the President of the 3rd Moscow School Conference of EYP Russia.


During the General Assembly, she is the big boss over the debates. Her words are to be followed letter by letter. And apart from being a President, Dasha Chernomorskaya is very active in various positions in a lot of EYP events. The European Youth Parliament is like a lifestyle to her, she explains that “once you do EYP, you want to come back « in different positions ». Our President went to her first session when she was in her first year of university, so she had to go to sessions during summer holidays. Nevertheless, this student of philosophy went through all different positions that are to be found in various EYP events: delegate, journalist, chair, Editor, Editorial Assistant, VicePresident, Head-Organiser, jurors, trainers and even chaperone (supervising teacher) and representative of the national committee. When Dasha is not helping out chairs or being interviewed by journalists, she prefers to sit down and listen to music. But the journalists have also noticed that the President does not have a lot of free time, as every five minutes someone enters the room asking for her. She really enjoys her position because she can share knowledge with the chairs and help them succeed. But she likes it even more to be a chair herself. And besides the sessions, she is the Vice-President of the National Committee in EYP Russia and their representative in the Board of National Committees in Berlin.


A perfect day at school

The third Moscow school conference is coming to an end. Tomorrow you'll all go back to school and report to your friends about these 3 awesome days. But there are many different fractions of storytelling that can make your experiences look more interesting. Sandra Elpers gives you an example by framing this session in its general subject: education.

Similar to other school days, this special day started the evening before, while doing homework. We had to prepare for this big presentation today. Even though it would be a group task, we had to look up facts and form our own opinion on the topic our class was going to deal with in order to facilitate the discussions. We were all very excited for this new experience that was waiting for us. The first morning, 7 o'clock. The alarm rang, all of us getting up and ready for the beginning of the day. When arriving in school, we all were a bit shy and quiet, because we didn't know what to expect. Before classes started, we were all gathered for a small introduction by the principal and her staff. As it was still the beginning of the day, the introduction started with some icebreakers in order to be able to communicate in group without any shame or uncomfortable feeling.

Then the different classes split up and went to their own classrooms, where we had lots of fun preparing their presentation in different stages. First we did some teambuilding, which was pretty cool, because we could really feel these different people coming closer to each other. After getting to know the other pupils, we started working on the real task. Our presentation contained a problem which required solution. We did not get it going immediately, but there was a guest teacher who explained the topics even better, so after a break we had new energy and realisations. Of course it didn't go very fast, sometimes we lost ourselves walking in circles . But we all finished in time by writing down the presentation, firstly, stating what we were concerned about and secondly, suggesting our solutions.During lunch, we were able to prepare for the big moment: to present our work to the other classes. We were making ourselves ready to defend our findings when there would be question and attack speeches on our operative clauses. Meanwhile, our coaches made the written down version of the presentation look better. They changes almost all the words, without changing the content. It was really awesome to read it when we got to the theatre, all prepared and ready to rock! Before the presentations, we were given instructions on how to present and give comments on the resolutions. It was a bit scary to have to talk in front of all these other students and staff. It made us feel uncomfortable, but at the same time it filled the speakers with this adrenaline that made the defence so intensive and emotional. It went well and everybody managed to make a point. In the end, we all got our vote on the proposed resolutions. After the votes had been counted all together and made public, the day officially ended. We went back home tired, but happy because it had been such a good day. Almost perfect actually, the perfect day at school.


Тет-а-тет с экспертом

Эвелина Усманова считает, что беседа с экспертами — это уникальный шанс получить ценную информацию для написания Резолюции. Второй день Третьей Школьной Конференции Европейского Молодежного Парламента в Москве был посвящен работе в комитетах, которая является основой академической программы сессии. Однако чрезвычайно полезным стал дополнительный, но не менее важный элемент программы: встреча с экспертами. Делегаты получили возможность обсудить с экспертами в области культурологии, образования и экономики те проблемы образования, которые имеют непосредственное отношение к темам их комитетов. Таким образом, участникам к о н ф е р е н ц ии б ы л п р е д о с т а в ле н ш а н с получить ценную информацию из первых рук от людей, которые обладают специальными знаниями и опытом в области темы комитета, а так же взглянуть на проблему с другой точки зрения, что позволит им тщательно сформулировать собственную точку зрения по этому вопросу.

Эксперт Константин Андреев (в середине) отвечает на вопрос делегатов.


Тет-а-тет с экспертом - Эвелина Усманова

Один из эспертов, Константин Андреев, согласился дать нам короткое интервью после беседы с ребятами из Комитета по Региональному Развитию:

Какое Вы получили высшее образование? Я закончил экономический факультет Московского Государственного Университет Экономики, Статистики и Информатики. Что заставило Вас принять приглашение стать экспертом и побеседовать с делегатами? Меня пригласили мои хорошие коллегидрузья (Александр Сурков и Дарья Черноморская), которым, во-первых, я не мог отказать, а во-вторых, я знаю, что это люди, которые делают качественный образовательный продукт. А для меня это очень важно. Что Вы вообще знаете о Европейском Молодежном Парламенте и в частности о Европейском Молодежном Парламенте в России? Я знаю ровно то, что рассказывали мне мои коллеги. Они делились со мной примерами того, как это проходило и как это будет, говорили, в каком формате будет проходить Форум в августе. Я видел много фотографий с большого количества предыдущих сессий. Мне было очень интересно посмотреть, кто это, что это, как это проходит.

Региональному Развитию? Каково ваше мнение о проблеме неравного доступа детей к качественному образованию в различных регионах России? Сама проблема очень многогранна, а мое мнение неоднозначно. Есть объективные факторы социально-экономического роста региона, а есть такие факторы, как личная мотивация, а так же обстоятельства, завязанные на местных сообществах, на принципах этих сообществах. Немаловажное значение имеет наличие или отсутствие лидера в этих сообществах, который является инициатором различных позитивных установок. Я могу привести множество примеров, когда там, где казалось бы нет возможности для создания качественных образовательных услуг, за счет наличия хорошего педагога — лидера ученикам удалось достичь серьезных результатов. Я очень рад, что многие из делегатов осознают, что они учатся в очень хороших условиях, ведь некоторым детям приходить получать знания в гораздо менее благоприятной среде. Конечно, существует намного больше факторов, но я думаю, что мне удалось осветить главные аспекты темы. Спасибо Вам, Константин, за предоставленную информацию, которая, я уверена, была очень полезна ребятам для написания их Резолюции. - Спасибо Вам!

Напоследок хотелось бы узнать ваше мнение по поводу темы Комитета по


Высшее образование в России Россия – одно из самых мощных, экономически независимых и многонаселенных государств мира. История нашего государства не перестает восхищать и заставлять учиться на сделанных ошибках. Но одно из главны х со ст авля ю щих частей разития страны – это развитие науки и образования. Как мы уже знаем, в Российской Федерации обязательное образование оканчивается на 9 классе, но большинство проходят программу полного среднего образования (11 классов), в целях дальнейшего получения высшего образования.Ни для кого не секрет, что в любой сфере жизни общества существуют свои изъяны и преимущества, но на сегодняшний день следует направить внимание на изъяны: пути повышения качества высшего образования, а также ликвидацию коррупции и барьеров.

Давайте рассмотрим такую проблему, как коррупционная деятельность в секторе образования. Естественно, коррупцию невозможно полностью ликивидировать и устранить, но можно и нужно принимать антикоррупционные меры. Процесс дачи и принятия взятки является «тормозом» не только для государства в целом, но и для образования: абитуриенты и студенты, обладающие высоким потенциалом, теряют возможность развития своих перспектив. Во-вторых, конкуренция поощряется на рынке в секторе экономики, в связи с ее эффектом «мотивации», но в секторе образования, касательно России, она включает в себя больше недостатков, нежели преимуществ. Такие факторы, как нехватка баллов и отсутствие мотивации у учащихся во внеконкурентной среде, устраняют условия для продуктивного получения образования.

Тем не менее, это лишь часть существущих недостатков. Рассмотрение новых программ сдачи экзаменов, ужесточение условий обучения, поступления и получения образования – может стать как антикоррупционной мерой, так и мерой, порождающей «здоровую», справедливую конкуренцию. Так же не стоит обходить стороной и то, что стоит за всем этим, а именно, потребоность в переодической проверке и повышении квалификации преподавательского состава. Крайне необходимо проведение публичных лекций профессионалов в разных областях для поддержания интереса учащихся. Отсутствие практики в процессе обучения делает невозможным процесс развития личности; необходимо, параллельно с теоретическими знаниями, вести практические. Немаловажно, что ряд специальностей утрачивает свою актуальность сразу после получения диплома студентом, что связано с отсутствием мотивации на самостоятельное обучение. Таким образом, это всего лишь часть рассуждений на столь актуальную тему. Российская система образования должна быть более гибкой, умеющей подстраиваться под социальноэкономические изменения.

by Do Hanh 7

Education now and then – are the changes for the best? Olga Sitinska will attempt to understand why is our education process different from the one of our parents ? I often hear from my parents, who were born and raised during Soviet times, that the education now is worse that it was before. But is it true? Or it’s just previous generation, reminiscing about their youth and complaining about modern world that has changed so much? Education in the Soviet Union was a part of well-organized government-run system. It was accessible for all the citizens and post-education employment was guaranteed. The Soviet Union was completely aware of the fact that the foundation of their system depended on the education of its nation in the broad fields of engineering, the natural sciences, the life sciences and social sciences, not to mention the basic education. Apart from that, the Young Pioneer organization of the Soviet Union was an essential part of the education of soviet youth. It was meant for children aged from nine to fifteen. Being excluded was a harsh punishment leaving a huge shame in a kid’s memory.

But what do we have now? No strict system, there are more and more students who can barely finish the school. Usage of the modern technologies on a daily basis has become inseparable factor often distracting rather than helping the students. Thus, the quality of education has lowered noticeably. However, there are the bright sides too -almost every classroom has its own necessary equipment; lessons have become more than reading a paragraph out loud or learning rules by heart. In my home country, Latvia, we have service which allows you to check your homework and marks online. It’s very convenient, especially for the parents, who can always check on their children’s success. And there is going to be more. Digital books, online curriculum – we already have it, but technologies didn’t take over traditional books. Yet. After thinking about all the innovations that came into educational process, a question comes to mind – what is going to happen with the generation, which is raised with an iPhone in one hand, and an iPad in another? The answer, unfortunately, is not really positive unsociable generation, with bad eyesight and back problems. Being up to date with modern technologies is worthwhile, but everything has to be in moderation.


EYP food

d o

h s i



European Youth Parliament is something Sessions are held in different countries

n i F

depending on where the session is taking place. There is a little insight into Olga Sitinska and

The most traditional Finnish food is rather specific to be fed to hungry foreigners, therefore most of the times it’s just pizza

But if you go to Finnish

session, the one thing you can know for sure is that you won’t need to worry about getting something to eat. There’s always plenty of food left after the session that the organizers don’t know how to deal with, so if you feel like lacking some, the organizers will be glad to get rid of some extra pizzas!

And always a box of bananas is provided! 9





in the North


therefore the way of how delegates and officiales are fed differs


that brings different culture together.


Uliana Belonogova


some typical food in some countries.

The most awaited and desired subject many of us are thinking about right now, is what food is going to be served next during this session and when. Many stereotypes come to mind of foreigners when thinking about Russian food, most often: (This was served in forum in Turkey) 
 But actually EYP food served in Russia fulfills its main purpose: it

Very fitness or fat-low diet can’t be promised, but the most important thing is that EYP Russia keeps its customers satisfied with a wide range of products.

makes you full.

L a t v i a n

Do you know jokes about the Latvians and the potatoes? Well, you should, because every as well as cookies and “Svetlanas” – the most delicious biscuits in the world, made of covered with chocolate.

fo o d

condensed milk in the top of the cookie and


session of EYP Latvia contains a lot of potatoes,



Sonya – Street games and songs; Matthew – Making the Resolution; Anna – General Teambuilding and Committee Work; Katherine – Inspiring Game Outside; Vlad – Chicken Pilot Game

Polina – Polka Dance with the Orgas; Ksenia – Group picture on the street; Vera - Many abilities for working; Lolita – “ Why Lola?”

u REGI is the committee which made me even more satisfied with the session. They are the loveliest delegates who are not afraid of any tasks. They are very proud of the work they have done. For me, the journo who spent a lot of time observing them. They co-operate really well, do not hesitate to laugh, talk and help each other. I think they will be good friends and their first EYP experience is just a beginning of the big EYP journey. t Evelyn Usmanova

Mary – Opportunity to improve my language; Sasha – Teambuilding; Sashka – People I've met; Anastasia – Teamwork 11

Olga Sitinska


u Entering the room of CULT I is a guaranteed mood boost. They are positive youngsters who perfectly cooperate with each other. Committee is ready to change the world and to fight all of the problems connected with brain drains. Members have strong personalities, however, you can feel their team spirit easily. t

Olga – Brainstorming, games and my committee; Olya – Playing Games and Practicing English; Vika – Cooperating with delegates; Ruslan – Freedom of mind; Slava – Solving Problems;

Uliana - “All day, all night EMPL II is right”; Albina – Discussions in the committee; Nastya – The super cool and funny games

Katya – Kind people and funny atmosphere; Alina – Selfie with Alexander; Yulia – Games and new vocabulary



Yana – Monster Building; Ksenia – “Honey, tell me that you ♥ me”; Mika – Committee work, teambuilding and games; Igor – My team

u I'm honored to be a part of this committee. Teambuilding for them was a joy. No one can deny that two days of committee work brought this group of people really close together. I am sure that the new found mutual trust of EMPL II and all the challenges they have faced have left them prepared to tackle the complicated issue on lifelong learning. If I was asked to describe these delegates with three words, I'd say they are funny, open-minded and talented people. t Evelyn Usmanova

/Luba – Beauty and the Beast; Radzh – Beauty and the Beast performance; Anonymous 1 – Sekta-games



uď ľ As a journo, I couldn't spend a lot of time with the committee on international affairs (AFET). But everytime I entered the room of the committee, I felt this good athmosphere hanging around there. This athmosphere was established mostly by the delegates themselves. In the beginning, they were the opposite of what they showed during teambuilding; it was a bit silent, not really actively debating, but Anna, the chair, kept hoping and a bit later, there was a vividly spirit in the team. It was really enjoyable to see this committee finishing their resolution and working straight to the point. tď ´ Sandra Elpers



uď ľ The committee on culture and education proved itself to be the most determined and stubborn team, refusing to stop until they get to the bottom of each issue being discussed. Owing to these factors and the unique feeling of unity between the members, they successfully crashed all the objections and attacks, leaving no space for their opponents. Resolution indisputably passed! tď ´ Uliana Belonogova



u EMPL I has a very warm and pleasant atmosphere of mutual support and understanding. Having a few members didn’t prevent them from effective committee work and only contributed to the more in-depth look this committee took at the problem of unwillingness of business to hire young professionals. Having very active and courageous members, EMPL I is persistently marching through the GA with many fresh ideas and suggestions! t Uliana Belonogova

Ilya – New friends and new information; Devika – My Chair and all the games;


Anonymous 2 – Sonic Boom; Anonymous 3 – my friend falling from the roof (Did me missed something?); Lilia – All the fun we had together; Sergey – My committee, chairs and journos

Angelina – All the discussions we had; Dasha – All the work and people; Mikhail – General teambuilding;

Entertaining activities among committee work make a more delightful day by Evelyn Usmanova

A pinch of brightness In the beginning of the session the terrific media team was really worried that there will be a big distance between the CJO team and the delegates. So we decided to introduce the 'Task of the day' competition in order to facilitate a better interaction between the delegates and the officials and also to bring some fun. We came up with two tasks for Day 1 and only one task for the Day 2 and the General Assembly.

Awkward selfies with the HO

So here you can take a look and find out what the tasks were : Day 1 tasks : • Take an awkward selfie with the Head Orga without him noticing it • Do a Russian Style Dance Battle with one of the officials

Day 2 task : •

Make a decoration for one of the officials' rooms

The GA task : • Use one of the following words while developing speech in a context so it does make sense : Reindeer – LIBE Tooth brush – EMPL I Dinosaur – EMPL II Cucumber – CULT I Ski trip – CULT II
 Bikini – REGI
 Opera – AFET

The marvelous media team hope that both the delegates and the officials had fun and shared results of the 'Task of the day' competition.


Decorating the chairs and journalists rooms

More awkward selfies with the HO


Their Enthusiasm Is Breathtakingly Special u Entering the room of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home affairs, the atmosphere of intense work immediately strikes your attention.

However they had their own fears and hopes. Svyatoslav was afraid of the fact that this session was going to be the last one and the girls were afraid of being

I feel like one of the luckiest journos with

m i s u n d e r s t o o d . Fo r t u n a t e l y V l a d a

the opportunity to spend 3 unforgettable

convinced him that that was just the

days with such a team.

beginning and helped the girls to developp

Delegates suceeded in forming a team and

confidence in themselves.

facing challenges.

Also, one of the hopes that my committee

From the very beginning the newcomers were confused by the team-building and the amount of delegates from different

expressed was their wish for the Minister of Education of Russia to get a look at their ideas in the resolution paper.

schools. But later they understood the

Each member of my beloved committee is

purpose of it and enjoyed the rest of the

an incredible delegate which has its own


unique solution and approache to each

Before focusing on the main part of the committee work, the chair-person of LIBE – Vlada - made sure that each member of the committee had clearly understood the topic. To achieve this, she asked Ruslan, Svyatoslav, Olga, Anastasia, Victoria, and Vladislava to formulate the problem in a different way so that even children could understand it. Even more she asked to give definitions of words such as “government” and “integration”.

issue. The problem of integrating immigrants into hosting society was requiring long-term work, but they managed to work out 6 points of solutions. While being as a journo not on so many sessions, these 3 days with LIBE team convinced me, that their performance on General Assembly will be one of the best ones! t

Do Hanh 19



180 minutes for printing resolutions, 540 minutes on checking and approving them, 453 eaten pies with sweet apple and with the diligence of 31 CJO members and almost 60 delegates at the beginning of May( from 1st till the 3rd of May 2015) – the 3rd school conference of EYP Russia at Moscow came true.

The last day of the 3rd Moscow School Conference of EYP in Moscow is coming and some of you might start to experience a feeling of isolation and emptiness : we call it PED.

If you Google it, you will find definitions such as Pressure Equipment Directive, Public Education Department but you need none of them! For those who have never heard and experienced Post EYP Depression before - you are just one step closer to that. But keep in mind, that at the same time you are one step closer to new doors that EYP opens up.

During the whole conference we have learnt to work in extreme situations, dealing with problems and finding different potential solutions, how to help others and receive support from them. And by the end of the session you start feeling nostalgia and questions arise: What will be tomorrow? How about committee work? Remember that is not the end – it is just the beginning of your own story.

G.A. day is drawing to a close and we are all going to remember it with melancholia. Maybe it was a hard and never-ending day but for “every disease there is a remedy”. Now it’s time to answer the main question - How to cure PED? There are a lot of ways to resolve this problem and one of them is to attend another EYP sessions, nothing but going back to another session can soften your pain. We advise to look out for calls for applications to other sessions that will perfectly suit you and never stop participating in EYP sessions. As long as you want to change the world – EYP doors are always welcoming you! Every session becomes an unforgettable memory and EYP become an irreplaceable part of your life. And don’t forget to keep in contact with your co-delegates and chair person, check photos on European Youth Parliament Russia facebook and vkontatke page and together we will cope with PED!

By Do Hanh



PERSPECTIVES By the end of this session you will be familiar with the role and responsibilities of a delegate, and if you find it fun to do, it’s easy to get involved in further activities. First, check out the EYP Russia group in VKontakte with all the futher links you may find useful. Second, the EYP alumni website works as a search engine of the upcoming sessions and other EYP events. You can easily find the session that is most convenient and interesting to you and apply. The instructions will guide you in further actions. Remember to inform the representatives of the board about your intentions, so that they can keep a track of the Russian delegates’ movements and help you represent your country best. Their contacts are also found in the official EYP Russia group.

It’s your last day at this session and you wonder how to continue your journey in EYP? There are various ways you can build up the EYP career and get memories and friends for a lifetime. A useful article by Ulia Belonogova.

Participation in foreign sessions greatly broadens one’s horizons and open-mindedness, therefore we encourage you to participate not only in Russian sessions, but also join the delegations travelling to the sessions abroad. The experience of EYPing abroad will give you the opportunity to present your country’s culture and food (Eurovillage, Euroconcert) and plunge into the international atmosphere. That would be enough for a start, after you get acquainted with the role of a delegate, you may find yourself looking forward to the next step – becoming an official. This opens a whole new array of EYP possibilities. To conclude, how to proceed in European Youth Parliamnet? Being active, communicative and having an endless storage of energy will guarantee you becoming a great EYPer!



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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.