getting paid to write articles online simple 1-2-3 approach

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December 7th, 2012

Published by: WorkWithMorgan

Getting Paid To Write Articles Online | The Simple 1-2-3 Approach • •

Getting Paid To Write Articles Online | The Simple 1-2-3 Approach December 7th, 2012

Getting Paid To Write Articles Online | The Simple 1-2-3 Approach by Morgan Fleur De Lys | on July 17, 2012 Getting Paid To Write Articles | The Simple 1-2-3 Approach Imagine sitting at home, in your underwear, getting paid to write articles online in your spare time. See yourself not only making money from it, but making enough money where it becomes your primary source of income. If you can picture yourself doing that, than I can help you achieve it. I’m going to show you our approach to the big money in getting paid to write articles online. I’ll break it down with a simple 1-2-3 approach with our proven system. Lastly, I’m going to invite you into our inner circle so you can get the mentoring you need to make this happen for you as well. You can put yourself on the fast track right now by watching this video on Empower Network. Getting Paid To Write Articles | The Simple 1-2-3 Approach Let’s get right to the meat and potatoes of getting paid to write articles online: Is this article for you? 1. Are you looking for the BIG MONEY? I’m talking 100% commissions where you keep all the money. 2. Are you looking to have all the difficult work done for you so you focus on writing instead of optimizing everything? 3. Would you enjoy the feeling of having a team of other entrepreneurs also writing articles and getting paid when they produce results too? 4. Is having your articles available on one the most HIGHLY visited websites in the world so more people can view it advantageous to you? 5. Would you find value in expert training from of the most successful online marketers in the world to guide you the success you desire? If that sounds like you, then the post on getting paid to write articles online is for you. But I must warn you. If you are here to learn how to grind it out, writing article after article, hoping that a website somewhere, somehow, decides to pay you to contribute for just that one article, this site may not be for you. Here’s the honest truth, trying to get a steady gig working for a website is a low paying affair. Many websites outsource their content to place like where they can find people in the Philippines with English degrees who will write content for pennies on the dollar. You can compete. Other jobs in journalism are getting fewer and farther between. The real secret is leverage a power of a network, write about what inspires you and what you are passionate about and then share than content with others. When you use Empower Network’s platform to do it, you can unlock the true power of getting paid to write articles online. Getting Paid To Write Articles | The Simple 1-2-3 Approach Here’s how it’s done. The first thing you need to do is have a blog. Setting one up, with no traffic, no history, is an uphill battle. I actually talk more about the struggles you can face in this post here. But step 1 in this approach is to watch this video (If you have already seen the video, you can create an account with Empower Network by clicking here. It’s the best $25 you’re ever going to invest in. 1

December 7th, 2012

Published by: WorkWithMorgan

Step 2 in the getting paid to write articles online approach is to write your articles. Obvious, right? What I really want you to notice is this: you can skip all of the long, tedious, set-up process to get your blog going. It’s all done for you. You can blog about whatever you want. In fact, I encourage you to follow your passions and write a flurry of articles about what gets you going. Have fun with it! Now step 3 is where the magic starts to happen, it’s time to share your content with the world. You can share your blog on social networks, with your friends in person, send out a few emails to people that you and much, much more. Because our website is already considered a high authority website from Google, you can focus on the activities that get people viewing what you have to share with them. Getting Paid To Write Articles | The Simple 1-2-3 Approach If I remember correctly, you and I made an informal agreement that you wanted the BIG MONEY for getting paid to write articles online, correct? How big? Well, here’s some examples: How about $33,000 in her first 90 days while in pain fighting spinal disease? How about a high school dropout making $94,000 in his first 60 days? Any this lady paid her mortgage by blogging right here. So here’s how to do it. You need to activate your affiliate account with Empower Network in your back office so you can start getting paid when people your team join from your article posts. See how simple that is? You write about whatever turns you on, this attracts people to you, they learn about our system, they join your team and you get paid. It’s awesome! The final step to get started with getting paid to write articles online is to go ALL IN. Get all the products we offer, pick up all the training. You want the BIG 100% commissions? Just Get In…. ALL IN. Now! If you are looking to rock & roll and connect with a dedicated leader to accelerate your success, stop what you are doing and get started NOW! I am here to help you crush this thing and live the life you were meant to live! To Your Abundance, Morgan Fleur De Lys PS. If your serious about making money using the Internet and getting paid to write articles online, let’s lock arms and go straight to the top by connecting with me as soon as you are on board so we can get you started IMMEDIATELY!


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