ASSEMBLAGE Issue No. 2 (Digital Zine)

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a digital zine issue no. 2

Be kind to yourself, when you can't

stop thinking about all of the things carrying around tangled thoughts,

that went unsaid,


what if takes a little time before all of this looks and feels

Like A Work of Art?

what if, a little more space of matters of the heart?

is required to try and make sense

lo o s e t h r e a ds i n y o u r h e ad . .

be kind to yourself when you've become a guest in your own head... critically analyzing every word you said. be kind to yourself in realizing, no matter what they say or think of you,

you've already made it through.


*poetry is more than trying to say something

in many of the sentences in a clever, creative way. it is a mode of communication that can remind us: to give words space

The keywords here is "journey" because unpacking what needs to come off the mental to-do list takes time, and is different for everyone

kind to urself you feel you're ning out me to do rything.

the use of the word "where" is intentional here. sometimes it's hard to physically and tangibly locate the impact we've had. thinking about "where" instead of "what" can help to identify one area and build from there...


are example of small yet, meaningful things in which you can consider the possibility of what it could be without be, even b fore it blooms. ybe, we can ind something our life that we observe in way, too...

May you continue to see each day as a garden in which you can sow a seed. A seed that may not always spring up in the most rapid, visible, or tangible way, but know there's no doubting that you did, in fact, sow that seed. And tomorrow, you can sow another one.

There is no way of knowing exactly what will come of each individual seed, but you do know this: as long as you continue to sow them and let the sun and rain find them, eventually, something will grow.

It is only natural to desire to witness the growth of the seeds you planted. But perhaps, even if these seeds take longer than expected to grow, it doesn't mean that the attention you've been giving to sowing seeds is in vain.

the seeds you sow matter more than you know...

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