College Counseling Newsletter - Spring 2015 - Morgan Park Academy

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Published by College Counselor Theresa Wright 773-881-6700 ext. 233


College Counseling Newsletter

April 16: Career Day


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for Upper School April 18: ACT April 20: Aspire Testing for 9th Grad-

Making the Big Decision

ers May 1: National Reply Date for Admission Deposits May 2 : SAT May 8: Registration Deadline for June ACT May 4-15: AP Exams June 13: ACT

Individual College Meetings with Juniors have begun and will continue through April. Once I have met individually with your student, I welcome parents to schedule an appointment for a Junior Family College Planning meeting where we will discuss your child’s search specifically. Please call or email me to set that up.

During the next several weeks, students and families will be making what is seemingly the biggest decision you’ve made thus far in your student’s educational career: Where to attend college. For some, it is an easy decision while others struggle to narrow down their list of many great options. While students and parents began this process by examining size, location, cost, majors and other “factual” components of colleges and universities, the decision-making part of the process requires you to dig

a layer deeper and ask yourself some very important questions. At which school did I feel at home? Where will I learn in a manner that suits me best? Which school will help me to grow into an adult and young professional? Where will I be surrounded by people who will encourage me to grow? Where can I afford to go? Where will my talents and passions be nurtured? Where will my confidence be bolstered? At the end of this process lies tremendous relief,

excitement, and anticipation for the next phase of your child’s development. Remember that, while quantifiable statistics and reputation may be a part of your decision, many students choose the school that simply “feels right.”

Tips for Decision-Making Go back and read your campus visit journal, if you kept one. Talk to students who currently attend the schools you are considering.

“Great Jobs Great Lives,” Gallup-Purdue Index

Take a second official campus visit or attend an Admitted Student Open House.

According to the Gallup – Purdue Study, “Great Jobs Great Lives,” it is not merely where we go to college that leads to a productive and happy life. Rather, it is HOW we go to college that matters most. The study cites the correlation between professors who care personally about students, who excite and engage students, to satis-

Create a balance sheet with likes and dislikes about each of the schools you are considering.

faction in life and work after college. Long-term projects, mentorships, and internships also further enhance your satisfaction in work and life after college. Regardless of where you choose, remember to seek out and take advantage of the opportunities that are available on your campus.

Talk to your counselor or another adult whom you trust about your schools.




New Career Exploration Opportunities I am excited to announce that the offices of College Counseling and Alumni Relations are collaborating to host the MPA Career Exploration Day. Our offices have sent invitations to a select group of MPA alumni to speak to our upper

school students on their respective careers in sectors of healthcare, business, education, engineering, hospitality, law, art and film, and the military. Career Day is scheduled for April 16th. Details

regarding this event are forthcoming. To complement our Career Day, we are compiling a list of MPA Alumni who would be willing to mentor current MPA students on their respective career. The mentorship relationship can be as

simple as exchanging emails or as in-depth as workplace visits or internships. Students may sign up for a mentor in September.

New Feature Added to Naviance! An exciting new feature has been added to the Naviance site under the “Careers” tab. “Roadtrip Nation” is a compilation of 3552 Interviews of famous and ordinary folks around the country who are “living lives that center around what is meaningful to them.” Their stories are inspiring and can be a tremendous resource to students who are exploring different career options or just need a little motivation to keep pushing toward their goals.

Tips for 9th and 10th graders: Begin with the End in Mind Colleges and Universities cite students’

year, remember to challenge yourself

can complete those courses suc-

performance in chal-

when/if you are


lenging courses as

ready. Adding honors

one of the top factors in reviewing applica-

and/or AP courses to your schedule will

tions. As you consider courses for next

strengthen your profile, so long as you

Outside of the classroom, be sure you are using your time productively

and being an engaged member of your school, neighborhood or church community.


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