Kids' Chronicle - Spring 2015 - Morgan Park Academy

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Kids’ Chronicle

Volume 1, Issue 2 May 2015

Amazing Authors in Lower School


Preschool is learning about the life cycle of a chicken while counting down the days until their chick eggs hatch in the incubator. They read “The Missing Chick” by Valeri Gorbachev. When Ms. Beth read the title, many children made sad or worried faces. One child said, “Oh no!” When asked why they said that, they responded, “The baby chick is lost…it’s so sad.” Even in preschool, students learn to predict what will happen in the story by being picture detectives and using clues (in the title) to figure out what is going on in the story. Mother Hen is busily hanging her laundry to dry

on the clothes-line with her chicks when Mrs. Duck stops by. They notice that one of her 7 chicks is missing. The neighbors, police department, fire department, and detectives search for the missing chick. The boys and girls were stunned when Ms. Beth closed the book at this point in the story. She asked them to draw a picture journal showing where the chick might be. After drawing their pictures and having their sentences read aloud, Ms. Beth continued reading the story. The missing chick was asleep in Mother Hen’s laundry basket, under the blanket, the whole time!

Student responses to: “Where was the missing chick?”

Mackenzie: He is in the egg

in the nest.

Remi: He’s with Annie, in her house.

Tony: He’s going in a cave. Savannah: He’s hiding in the basket.

Kendall: He’s hiding in jail.

The police caught him!

Vincent: The Grass Hawk


Lea: He’s in Silly Town. Tenny: He’s in Gushy Planet.

Papr to help the owls.

I will rsicl placi cans.

By Nayia

Happy Earth Day!

By Brady I love the Earth. I want to help to rsicl

Over the summer, be sure to have them continue to write. Students may keep a journal of their summer activities, use writing prompts sent home by some teachers, or find daily writing prompts online. Many enjoy creating books and creative book reports. Remember how they love to illustrate their stories, so be sure to include this option.

London: He’s hiding in a cas-

I will halp the Earth.

I like the Earth.

Just as spring flowers are blooming, the students are blossoming as writers. We are so proud of their awesome growth in writing.

found him in the bush.

Kindergartners Love the Earth Whooo will help the Earth? In celebration of Earth Day, Ms. Misulonas' kindergartners brainstormed ways to help the Earth EVERY DAY. Remember: in kindergarten, we "write what we hear" and use transitional spelling in our writing.

Summer Challenge

I love the Earth. I will rid a bkyk to scoullu that is not wasen gas.

By LaJoie

Happy Earth Day to you. I will take cere of my Earth. I want my Earth to stay clan.

By Adebisi I will help the Earth becas I love the trees.

By Juanita

Kindergartners Celebrate Earth Day! In April, Ms. Davis’ students celebrated Earth Day through a variety of classroom activities. One assignment was creating an earth mobile which included ideas for taking care of our earth. The students listened to several stories about Earth Day and discussed things that we could do everyday to help our earth. The students colored a picture of the earth and then wrote their plans on hearts that hung from their earth.

"I will take the trash. I will water flowers. I will help recycle." By Kaiden "I will plant flowers. I will pick up paper. I will pick up cans."

By Tiara "I will not waste water. I will take care of trash. I will clean up the world." By Madison "I will pick up trash. I will make a bird feeder. I will use both sides of my paper."

By Jaidyn

First Graders’ Tooth Fairy Stories The Tooth Fairy is a wonderful children’s book that tells the story of a young boy who loses a tooth and explores the world of the tooth fairy. After reading the book, our first graders were inspired to share their own experiences of losing a tooth. When I lost my tooth it all started when I went to Burger King. We were eating in the car in front of my Nana's house as usual. I was putting a fry into my mouth and my finger bumped into my tooth and it came out. I wrapped it up in a Burger King napkin and went inside my Nana's house. I got a wet napkin and put it in my mouth where my tooth fell out. At night I put it under my pillow and when I woke up I had a $5 bill. I think the tooth fairy puts your teeth in a can that

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has your picture on it. She keeps all the cans in a secret room.

By: Jasmine When I was in kindergarten I bumped into a wall because I wasn't watching where I was going and my tooth got loose. When I got home I told everyone I had a loose tooth. A week later I asked my mom when is it going to come out. She said soon. I kept playing with it and finally it came out. I put it under my pillow and I got a $5 bill. I think the tooth fairy puts all the teeth in a cone and cleans them once a day.

out. There was blood gushing out of my mouth. I put my tooth in a tooth box that my dad had saved for me. I went to sleep and when I woke up the tooth fairy gave me 5 dollars. I told my dad that I got 5 dollars because my tooth was clean and shiny. I think when the tooth fairy takes our teeth she puts them in a jar and gives it to the dentist. By Ella

By: Parker My tooth came out once when I was in my bed. My dad came into my room and tapped my tooth with his finger. It was so loose that it fell Page 2

First Graders The first graders have lots reasons to love MPA. Hope you enjoy reading the many reasons they think MPA is the best! Our school is the best because we learn a lot of stuff in math. I like learning how to count money. Our school is the best because we have Ms. Zumbaugh and she reads us great books. My school is the best because we have awesome lunch food and we get to talk to our

MPA! friends while we eat and they're nice to us. By Lilith Our school is the best because we go to a different building to have art and music. Another reason is because we learned about Italy and had a taste of Italy and ate some Italian foods. Another reason is that we learned about fractions and made fractions with Graham Crackers, Cream Cheese, blueberries, and sprinkles.

My school is the best because we learn three different languages and my favorite one is French because we learned how to say hi, good bye, and the name of different fruits. We go on cool field trips, too. My favorite one was when we went to the Bulls Sox Academy. By Stephen

By Justin

First Graders Take a Stand Absolutely, 100% the character in the story is a rabbit! First, I can see its rabbit tracks as it is hopping really, really fast through the grass. Next, I can hear the rabbit crunching on his carrot. Last, I see the rabbit’s ears falling behind its head as he hops around the meadow. This is why it is certainly a rabbit! Which do you see, a duck or a rabbit? After listening to the story, the children were asked to take a position, either duck or rabbit, and defend or support their idea with three reasons. We found it very interesting that all 13 students saw a rabbit! I know for sure that the main character in the story is a rabbit! First, the rabbit is going to eat a carrot. It sounds like a rabbit as it crunches the carrot. Next, the rabbit is white and fluffy. Some rabbits are white. Last, the rabbit was hopping in the grassy meadow. The character in the story is 100% a rabbit!

By Alexis

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By Max

No ifs, no ands, no nothing! The character in the story is a rabbit. First, the rabbit is hiding in the grass and eating her orange carrot. Next, the rabbit painted beautiful Easter eggs. Last, I see a fluffy tail and pink ears. I know this is 100% a rabbit. By Addysen I know for sure that this character is a rabbit! First, I see the rabbit’s gray fur and toes on its feet. See? Next, I see the rabbit hopping through the garden to eat a carrot. I heard rabbit crunching. Last, the rabbit was putting popcorn inside the painted Easter eggs. I know 100% that this is a rabbit! By Trinton

No ifs, ands, or buts about it – the rabbit is the main character in the story! First, I can imagine the rabbit walking on the right side of the sidewalk. Next, I can picture the rabbit’s blue eyes looking forward and following its nose down the sidewalk. Last, I can see the rabbit sniffing an orange carrot in the cold dew. The rabbit is clearly the character that anyone can see!

By Caeden

I’m 100% certain the main character is a rabbit! First, I saw the rabbit eat a carrot in a grassy meadow. The carrot was very good. Next, I see its bushy tail, gray fur, and a big, black nose – just like a bunny. Last, I saw the rabbit hiding in the grass. No ifs, ands, or buts about it, this is definitely a rabbit.

By Monte

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Second Grade Leprechaun Stories After listening to The Leprechaun’s Gold, the second graders wrote stories from differing points of view. They chose to either be a clever leprechaun who is searching for fabulous hiding spots for his pot of gold, or pretended to be a lad or lass trying to catch the leprechaun using cunning trickery. I’m a leprechaun and I’m trying to hide my prize in 3 secret places. First, I would sit and think about where to hide my prize. While I was thinking, I came across some clever tricks. Then I got it. I’ll hide it at the end of the rainbow, and thought some more and decided that was so last year. Next, I would see how it looked in the garden of the Great Groundhog. But since he lived in the ground it didn’t work out. He offered to let me have his garden, but he just dug it up. Last, I would hide it in my hat like Abraham Lincoln. That reminds me that it was President’s Day. So, after that I finally felt safe. This was worth it to save my treasure.

By Caitlin If I were a cool leprechaun I would

hide my amazing pots of gold in several fabulous places. First, I’d hide my pot of gold in a wetland. I would hide it in the water, but I hope it doesn’t float away. Next, I would hide the pot of gold in a gold mine. There would be more gold in a gold mine, Finally, I would hide it in a cave where no monster can ever take it. If a monster comes I would take the gold and run away. Wow! These are really good places to hide the gold. I would keep my gold forever.

By Mustafa If you want to catch a lucky leprechaun follow my three clever steps, but be careful. I might trick you! First, you must find a net because a net blocks all magic! If you want a lucky leprechaun you have to come to me. Next, get a cage and a rope, but you have to go to Ireland! Don’t leave anything. You have to bring everything. Finally, get in the cage and tie yourself in the rope and cry, “HELP, HELP!” Then the leprechaun will come and make you feel better with gold! It’s all worth it to get gold and trust me it will work. It will really work!

By Serena If I were a magical leprechaun I would hide my gold in three wonderful places. First, I would open a portal to a pizza land and hide it in my house. Then I would open another one except this is a candy one. My third portal opens to a bubble gum land. It’s so cool no one can get my gold. Next, I

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would go to Italy and put it in a high tower in a safe. The tower is made of metal so no one can get in. The door is locked so only I can get in because I am magical. Last, I would go on a pirate ship and put them in a chest. I would put it at the bottom of the ship. I would go to an underwater castle and hide it in there. If I were a leprechaun I would be awesome. No one would ever get my gold. By Madison If I were a magical leprechaun, I would hide my awesome pots of gold in 3 wonderful places. First, I would hide it behind the waterfall. The waterfall has lots of gold so you don’t know which one it is. It will be under the other golds. Next, I would put it in a locked pot. No one can get it but me. I’m the only one who has the key. There is also a group of numbers that unlock it. Last, I would put it in a cave with booby traps. One of them is where you get trapped in a net. Another one is where you get scared to life. It is so cool and fun to be a leprechaun. No one can get my gold. By Kailey

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Sometimes, Second Graders Wonder Inspired by the poem by Laura Numeroff called Sometimes I Wonder, the second graders wrote poems about the many things that they wonder about. Do you wonder too? Sometimes I wonder if dogs eat logs . Do sharks play in parks, Can cats swing bats, Do apes wear capes, Can sloths use cloths, Do snakes eat cakes, Can possums grow blossoms, Do apes eat grapes, Can ants wear pants, Do goats drink on boats, Can owls howl? I don’t know the answers, I haven’t a clue. It’s just fun to wonder, Do you do it, too?

By David

Sometimes I wonder if lizards talk to wizards. Do ducks have any luck, Can dogs enjoy being friends with hogs, Do cows have bushy eyebrows, Can a dolphin grin, Do kangaroos watch the news, Can a snake ride a rake, Do bees have fleas, Can sharks play darts, Do apes like grapes, Can baboons eat raccoons? I don’t know the answers, I haven’t a clue. It’s just fun to wonder, Do you do it, too?

Do snakes eat frosted flakes, Can puppies have buddies, Do stinkbugs drink out of mugs, Can kittens wear mittens, Do rattle snakes drink shakes, Can apes wear capes, Do bats enjoy cats, Can bunnies race puppies? I don’t know the answers, I haven’t a clue. It’s just fun to wonder, Do you do it, too?

By Dion

By Tyler

Sometimes I wonder if sharks bark, Do dolphins grin, Can robins have a chin,

Third Grade Letters to Ruby Bridges During Black History Month in February, we studied Ruby Bridges during social studies class. Students wrote letters that were sent to Ms. Bridges. Dear Ruby, My name is Jerell Moore and I am in third grade at Morgan Park Acade-

my in Chicago, Illinois. We learned about you and watched a movie in school. You were brave to got to the all-white school. I did not like it when the people were yelling mean things at you. That was mean and terrible. What was it like going to that school? Your teacher seemed very nice. Do you still talk to her? I hope you are doing well. Please write back if you have time. Sincerely, Jerell Dear Ruby, My name is Jaden Reeder and I'm a third

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grader at Morgan Park Academy in Chicago, Illinois. We watched a movie about you and how you went to an all-white school. How is your life now? What was it like growing up back then? Did people threaten you? You were a brave woman and took a lot of risks. You and your family did the right thing. I know you must have been scared. You changed lives and helped black people get equal rights. You became friends with people who did not like you for the color of your skin, but you changed their minds. I hope you can write back. Your friend, Jaden

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Third Grade Journal Entries In third grade, journal writing is one outlet for creative expression. Sometimes students respond to a prompt; other times a “Free Write.” Journal writing is an opportunity for students to encode their thoughts. Here are a few journal entries. If I were president, I would help people who are sick or hurt because no one likes to be hurt or sick. I would help people pay for medicine they need. If they are sick or hurt, I would give them a free hospital check up to make sure they get healthy. I would also help citizens pay for food. By Joshua

feel lucky to have what I have. It also reminds me of what he went through to make it. Lastly, it makes me think I am happy he can cook so well. By Elo

I would not cut down any trees in the California Redwood Forest because they help us breathe. People should not cut down the trees because they are nice to look at, too. We should take care of trees because they take care of us. They help us live better lives. By Moses My favorite smell is my grandfather’s famous gumbo. It makes me

I should stay quiet for five minutes and think about all of the veterans in the USA. I will take those five minutes and think of all the veterans who are alive and who have passed away. After I am done thinking of that, I will think of how they risked their lives for everyone in the USA now. By Samara

Third Grade Fairy Tales After studying fairy tales and folk tales, the students wrote and published their own fairy tales!

Sleeping Beauty Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sleeping Beauty. She was a kind princess. But the evil witch hated her. The witch put a spell on Sleeping Beauty. The spell was if she fell asleep, she would be sleeping forever! Only a true rock star could wake Sleeping Beauty with his music. One night when she fell asleep, she did not wake up the next day. She slept more than 2 days and still Volume 1, Issue 2

did not wake up. Then, the King and Queen called a musician from the town. He played some old-fashioned music and that did not wake Sleeping Beauty.

in town, the King and Queen, celebrated. The evil witch, very upset, flew off on her broom.

By Rehman

Next, a pianist came and started playing the piano. The King and Queen liked the music but Sleeping Beauty did not wake up because, she did not like classical music. Finally, a famous rock star wearing black clothes and blue hair came to the palace. He played his electric guitar so loud and so well that Sleeping Beauty jumped out of bed. The spell was broken! Everyone

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Third Grade Fairy Tales (cont’d) The Owl's Weird Clothes Once upon a time, there was an owl, and that owl was the king of owls. The king was very fond of clothes. He spent all his money on new clothes; he had a different outfit for every hour of the day. He did not care about anything else in the world except clothes. While the other king and emperor owl spent their time in the council chambers, this king spent his time in the dressing room. One day two sewers came to the village. The king heard of these two sewers and sent his guards to go get them. The king told the sewers

to make him a new outfit. So the sewers did as the king said. The king sent one of his guards to see how the sewers were doing; the guard told the sewers that no silk was in the machine. The sewers told the guard that the cloth was magical and only smart people could see it. If you couldn’t see it meant that you were dumb. So the guard said, “Oh, I see the silk!” and told the king. It was night time and the king told the sewers to finish the clothes over night. So the sewers did as the king said. In the morning, the sewers finished the clothes, the king was surprised. The sewers pretended to wrap the

clothes around the king. Soon the king went out and the king was naked! Everybody was complimenting the king so they wouldn’t feel dumb. Then one of the little owls said, “The king isn’t wearing any clothes” in a tiny voice. Everyone saw that it was true. Then the sewers were thrown into prison because they lied about the clothes. By Angela

The Adventurous Town Once upon a time, deep, deep in the woods there was a very small village that had one clothing store, one market and only four homes. Ana and Bob, a married couple, lived in the first home. In another home there lived Gene, Rosebud, and Shawn and they shared TWO homes because there were a lot of people. Also, on an old street where the oil lamps didn’t work, there was a ramshackle home where the Evil Scientist lived! One day, just because he was evil, and maybe because he wanted all the space for himself, the Evil

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Scientist decided to blow up the town up with TNT! When he was about to set the first one off, he heard a noise and lots of running feet. It was the police coming to arrest him. The police had been on their way to the food market when they saw some light coming from the dark street and they went to check it out. That was bad luck, Evil Scientist! Now the town was NOT poor since the Evil Scientist had been hogging all the food and the money so the people turned his home into a huge shopping place and lived a great life until his. . .um, let’s call him, um, let’s just say one of his brothers came (and he had some BIG magic.) The brother was planning to destroy the town because he wanted revenge since his brother was arrested.

The brother remembered the town was poor and he thought he could defeat that little town, but now the town was rich and they were prepared. Ana and Bob shot cannons that shot out fire balls, Gene and Rosebud shot bow and arrows and at the tip was some faint potion left over from the abandoned home, and last but not least, Shawn shot the most powerful gun in the tristate area! The little war went on for two months. The people had enough food and so did the brother. Finally, the town defeated the Evil Scientist’s brother and when the war was done the families were pooped. But, boy, it was worth it to defeat the brother. That was bad luck, Evil Scientist’s brother! The families had a wonderful celebration and lived happily ever after.

By Tess

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Third Grade Fairy Tales (cont’d) Dave's Magical Bricks A long, long time ago a boy named Dave and his dad lived in a cottage. One day his dad told Dave to sell their cage of squirrels, so Dave went walking down the road. A man saw the cage of squirrels that Dave was carrying. The man asked Dave, "Is that

Taming the Dragon Once upon a time there were a prince and a princess that lived in a kingdom in an enchanted castle, and there was a dragon that wanted to attack the kingdom. So one day the prince and princess were on a walk and the dragon came! The prince and princess did not know that they lived in an enchanted castle until the dragon was starting to corner the prince and the princess, then they stepped on a hidden pressure plate that teleported them to a secret chamber filled with riches such as gold, silver, diamonds, and emeralds. Then they stepped on another hidden pressure plate that teleported them back to the same corner that the dragon had cornered them in but this time the dragon wasn’t there – he had gone looking for the prince and princess. But this time they prepared for the dragon’s next attack. They got more knights and built Volume 1, Issue 2

cage of squirrels for sale?” Dave said,“Yes,” and the man offered Dave some magical bricks. Dave ran home to tell his dad that he had magical bricks. His dad didn’t believe they were really magical, so his dad threw them out of the window. The next day Dave got up really early. Dave looked out of the window and he saw a tall brick staircase where his dad threw the bricks. He said, “Dad, I am going up there.” When he got to the top, he found a house. The house belonged to a troll. The troll was never hap-

their walls out of obsidian, so they were prepared for the dragon’s next attack. The next day, the dragon came back! But everybody was ready this time. The knights did not do anything while the dragon was trying to break the walls down. The prince and princess were planning to tame the dragon. They would feed it magic treats and fruits and vegetables and meat. So the next day they had a massive supply of magic treats, fruits, vegetables and meat. The dragon spot-

py. When Dave got inside he saw a magical pig that brought you food. He decided to take that home. The next day Dave went again. When he got up there, he saw a boom box. It sang for you. The troll was asleep. Dave took the boom box but the troll woke up and tried to smash Dave! Dave was too fast and got home safely. Dave and his dad both lived happily ever after.

By Leo

ted the food and went flying to all of the food and started eating the magic treats, fruit, vegetables, and meat. The prince and princess knew they would need a lot more food than what they had now, so they threw a magic treat to the dragon island. The dragon chased the treat to his island so the prince and princess made a cloning machine to make more magic treats, fruits, vegetables and meat. They cloned all of the food so they had enough fruits, vegetables and meat to tame the dragon. When the dragon came back from Dragon Island it wanted more of the magic treats, fruits, vegetables, and meat. The dragon was hungry so the prince and princess started to make more food. While the dragon ate the food, the prince and princess were making more food. When the dragon was almost tame the prince and princess were watching the dragon

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Taming the Dragon (cont’d) eat and wondering how much longer until the dragon would be tamed? So the dragon ate and ate and ate. The prince and princess watched and watched and watched. The dragon was still eating the food. It had been hours since the dragon started eating and the dragon still wasn’t tame. The prince and princess took a nap and when they woke up the

dragon had finished half the food that the prince and princess had made for it. When the dragon was done eating all of the food it was close to being tame. The prince and princess made another batch of food, so when the dragon was done, they put more food out. The dragon saw the new batch in the crate and started eating. When the dragon was done eating the new batch, it

was so close to being tame! Quickly, they made a third batch, and this time it was a huge batch and the dragon took longer to eat. The prince and princess knew that the dragon was almost tame. When the dragon finished the crate, it was tamed. And everyone lived happily ever after. Forever. Or did they?

By Demon

Crime Fighters It was 1971 and was a beautiful day in Paris. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and everybody was outside. But wait... there were three scoundrels causing trouble and I think their names were Simon, Raymond, and Mark. They were curious kids, but they were causing trouble, so I went to get my friends because they're crime fighters. By the time we got back, they were gone. We said hi to

Mrs. Elie. We waited a couple of days and we heard something from one of the scoundrels about stealing one of the most prized possessions, the one million dollar diamond. One problem was we didn’t know when they were going to steal the diamond. Secondly, if we started fighting, security might kick us out or call the police. Finally, we had to wear proper clothes. We would wear our super hero costumes under our

proper clothes. Off we went and noticed Raymond distracting the crowd. The Crime Fighters captured them and turned them in.

By Charlie

The Little Girl deep, deep mountains. When she was in the woods, she found a potion. It was not a random potion, it was a wishing potion.

A LONG, LONG time ago... 20 brothers and 20 sisters and a princess lived in a cave in the mountains. One day, the middle sister got mad, so she went into the woods in the

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She wished that she only had one sister, so all her siblings went away. Then she found out that it was terrible without her siblings.

diamond, and water. They went and got them all, mixed them up, and poured them in the river. When she went home all of her siblings were back! By Grace

She went to the sorcerer on the other side of the mountains and asked if she could have her brothers and sisters back. There were three things she needed: sand, one

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Third Grade Fairy Tales (cont’d)

Once upon a time there lived a water wizard. He knew all the right spells involving water. He lived in a land surrounded by water. One day he was walking in the country when he saw an old abandoned house. In the house was an old wicked witch. He was surprised to see her and just before he could throw water at her, she put a sleeping spell on him. Once upon a time a princess, named Diamonds, was walking when she fell into a hole which led to a witch’s cave. The witch put a spell on her. The spell made her talk like a frog every time she tried to speak. The princess was mad at the witch. She was trying to talk but every time she said, “Ribbit.” The witch said, “To break the spell you need to get sugar, snow and a pair of sparkly shoes.” “You have to get them really fast or you will lose your voice forever.” “You have three nights,” she demanded. The princess climbed back out the cave but she never made a sound for two hours. She thought the spell was gone. She thought the witch was playing a joke on her so she opened her mouth to speak, “ribbet,” was all she heard. Everybody heard her too, even the prince. Everybody went to Diamonds, so did the prince. The prince said, “What is your name?” She replied, “Ribbet.” He tried to Volume 1, Issue 2

Later he woke up and stretched out his arms. A lightning bolt flew out of his hand at the town, 5 miles away. Then he saw the witch destroying other parts of the town. He went to the town to stop her. The witch saw him and threw a potion at him and he couldn’t dodge it and he fell asleep again. When he awoke, he was tied on a rope. She was about to drop him in a pit of lava. He quickly used a water spell to protect himself. He narrowly escaped the lava pit. He hunted down the witch and when he found her, he used a potion to put her in a crystal ball. He used

teach her English but she could only talk like a frog. She decided to get sugar, snow and sparkly shoes. She went to the castle and got the sugar but she didn’t know where the snow could be found. She found a horse by the castle and she rode it very far to find snow. Diamond’s horse was so thirsty he was licking the snow. Diamond got back on her horse and went to the shoe store. She saw one pair of shoes that were so sparkly but someone went right in front of her and took them. Diamonds noticed it was the witch. She tried to yell at her but again, all that came out was “Ribbet.” The witch said, “Hello,” and left with the shoes. The princess was so angry that the witch tricked her. The princess cried all the way back to the castle. The prince asked, “Why are you crying?” All she could say was, “Ribbet.” The prince decided to get

the magic words and the crystal ball was carried away by a wave of water. The wave went all the way to the ocean. The water wizard thought she would be lost forever but he forgot one thing in the spell and the witch came back. The witch crept up on him in the woods. She made a bubble and put water wizard in the bubble. The water wizard used a super powered, water jet spell to break the bubble. He chanted the entire crystal ball spell again. This time it carried the witch to the ocean and she would be lost forever. The wizard lived happily ever after. By Saeed

paper and have the princess write on it to see what the princess was trying to say. She wrote the whole story out and he read it. The prince decided to find the witch. The princess led him to the witch’s cave. The prince demanded that the witch give the princess her voice back. He said that he could not marry a princess that talked like a frog. The witch said that if he really loved her, then he could break the spell by a kiss. He immediately kissed the princess and her voice came back. The next day they were married. The king and queen were very happy but the witch was not. She moved to another kingdom. They all lived happily ever after,

By Miya

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Third Grade Fairy Tales (cont’d) Once upon a time there lived a princess girl named Emma. She was swimming, but then the princess was amazed! There was someone screaming, and when Emma came closer, a turtle turned into a girl named Eve. Eve was an evil witch disguised as a turtle, waiting to kidnap the princess. The princess was trapped by the witch’s evil spell. Eve took the princess to a castle protected by sharks. Back at the king’s castle, he was getting worried. “The king wants the three knights to look for the

princess,” said the Queen. The knights looked and looked everywhere. Then they saw her in Eve’s castle and swam to the princess, not realizing there were sharks in the water. The first knight went to fight the sharks, but he lost and was eaten. The next knight went to help his fellow, but was eaten, too. Finally, the last knight was very clever. He needed special ingredients to save the princess. He found a good hiding spot, and threw a bone to the sharks. He was able to get the princess back.

Once upon a time there lived a princess named Jeanell. She lived with her mom and dad, the king and queen, and two sisters, Bella and Emily. When she was sleeping her sister Bella came and woke her up. ‘Jeanell, Jeanell wake up, mom said if you do not wake up you will not get any pancakes.” ‘Hi Emily,’ said Jeanell. “Hi Jeanell,” said Emily with a mean voice. “Mom can I go upstairs and play on my phone?” said Bella. “You have to eat first,” replied mom. “OK,” said Bella. “I am done,” said Jeanell. “I am going to my room.”

Then Jeanell’s evil sister Emily came in Jeanell’s room when she was sleeping and she put a spell on her so she can not taste any more sweets. The next day the princess went to eat breakfast; she noticed that it tasted funny. After trying to eat several items, she realized it was sweet food she could not taste.

Once upon a time not long ago there was a prince named Adam. He was a nice boy. He liked cupcakes as much as he liked his powers. He received his powers when he was first born by angels. He could fly just by thinking about it and he could run fast, very fast.

Power Taker. He was as ugly as an ogre. He took anybody’s powers in Powervill. Adam had to stop him. He took his sword and flew to the center of Powervill. They battled.

One day there was a villain named Volume 1, Issue 2

The king was proud the princess was home safe in the castle. The princess was so impressed by the knight’s bravery; she insisted her father allow them to marry. The king agreed and everyone lived happily ever after. By Jia

Jeanell was seriously depressed. She sent for the prince to help her. He had the best baker bake the sweetest dessert he could bake and tried it on the princess. After her first bite, she cried because it tasted horrible. The second time he had the baker make dozens of desserts hoping the smell would work but it only made it worse. The last time he had a better idea. He went to Emily’s evil

It was a big battle and Adam lost.

lab and he made a potion that would make her taste sweets again. The next day he came over to see the princess. Then the prince gave her the potion when she was done the prince gave her a brownie. The prince said, “a little bite.” Once she took her first bite she was so happy that she could taste sweets again. The next day the prince asked, “Will you marry me?” She said, “Yes, I will.” They had twin girls one was named Bally and the other was named Hally. The prince also adopted a female cat because the evil sister was allergic to cats and would never bother them again. Then they lived happily ever after.

By Jeanell

He lost his power. He felt like he could not do any thing without his powers. The only way to get his powers back is to believe. He took his sword and walked to the center of Powervill and battled the evil Power

Taker. This time he won the battle got his powers back. Power Taker was never heard of again. By Noah Page 11

Third Grade Fairy Tales (cont’d) Once upon a time there were two princesses, Ella and Bella. One day they were at yoga class. Evil Barnicle, a mean but clever witch, was disguised as the yoga teacher and trapped Ella. Bella had to save Ella. She warned everyone in the town to stay inside. They lived in a place called Springer. She thought of everything. She commanded all her guards to attack Evil Barnicle. She turned them all into frogs and not so shining armor. Barnicle sent her guards out to counter attack. Bella was able to defend herself against the evil

guards with her magic cane. Evil Barnicle’s powers, however, destroyed the magic cane. Bella was able to run away. When Bella recovered from the battle, she went to Hollywood where Evil Barnicle lived. Bella found her brother, Jackson, to help save her. Bella and Jackson went to the evil witch’s castle. Jackson was turned into a harmless rabbit the second the evil witch saw him. Bella hid in a dark room and thought of a way to save her sister. Bella went into the castle disguised as one of the witch’s

Once upon a time a queen and king lived in a royal palace made of candy. King Chocolate and Queen Peanut Butter were very happy and their kingdom, Candyland, was a beautiful place. Candyland creatures lived nicely. A prince, Gumdrop, lived in a huge castle far away. He traveled through Jelly Mountains, Licorice Fields and Marshmallow Clouds to get to the king and queen so that he could marry the princess.

and were very curious because they have never seen a human before.

On his way there, he met a witch. The witch tricked him into drinking a potion which turned him into a human. He felt strange but continued on his journey. As he got closer, the townspeople noticed him

Meanwhile, the princess, Pie, was in her garden tending to her candy apple trees. The evil witch put a spell on an apple just before Pie picked it off the tree and took a bite. Just as she swallowed the bite of apple, she turned into a human. She ran to the king and queen immediately. The queen fainted as soon as she saw her daughter. The king yelled, “What happened to you?” The princess said that she ate an apple then turned into a human. The queen awoke and said sad-

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When the prince finally arrived at the castle, he introduced himself to the king and queen. He asked for permission to marry the princess. The king immediately said, “No!” The queen explained, “We can’t have our daughter marry a human.” The prince was devastated that the witch turned him into a human and he could not marry the princess. He left the candy castle.

minions. She walked in and trapped Evil Barnicle into a room and locked the door. She knew the witch would not be trapped for long. She reached Ella just in time to use their special “sister” power. Together they cast a spell on the evil witch and turned her into a tiny fly. She flew away and was never seen again. They lived happily ever after. By Erick ly, “No one in Candyland will marry you if you are a human. What are we going to do?” The king had an idea. He ordered his most trusted guard to find the human prince and bring him back to the castle. The guard found Prince Gumdrop and brought him to the king. The king told the prince what happened to the princess and that he would give permission to marry her. The prince was surprised. He wondered why the witch turned the princess and him into humans. On their wedding day, the witch magically appeared in front of the prince and princess. At first she looked old and ugly but transformed into a beautiful young women with wings. She told them that she was not a witch but a fairy sent to fulfill a prophecy. She turned them into humans so that they would get married and rule a land with other humans. So the prince and the princess became the king and queen of America and lived happily ever after. By Nicholas Page 12

Fourth Grade Poetry As part of a poetry unit, fourth grade students learned about rhythm and rhyme. Students used this knowledge to write special poems to their mothers entitled, If I Could Grant a Wish for You. These were given to their mothers as a gift for Mother's Day. If I could grant a wish for you, I would get a thrill or two. May you eat vegetables as much as you like, May you be able to buy a new bike. May you get a pleasing new job, May you not ever get robbed. May you win the billion dollar car, May you eat all the cookies in the cookie jar. May you be able to fly up, May you be able to buy a new tea cup. May you have as much purple as you want, May you have 1 new dog and taunt. May you get a new TV, May you always love me. May you be able to complete your dream, May you be able to make that team. May you be able to have some fun, May you be able to have a ton. Oh, if I could grant a wish for you, I would get a thrill or two.

By Christian

If I could grant a wish for you, I would get a thrill or two.

May you always be bright, May you never get in a fight.

May you always watch Empire,

May you be served a cup of tea, May you always be with me.

May our love never expire. May you always be great, May you never be late. May you always eat German chocolate cake, May you always give and take. May you stay cool, May you relax in a ten-foot pool. May you always be in a good mood, May you always stuff you mouth with seafood. May your everything be clear, May you never shed a tear. May you drink hot tea, May you always be free. May you love the color black, May your spirit never lack. Oh, if I could grant a wish for you, I would get a thrill or two.

By Ta'mia

If I could grant a wish for you, I would get a thrill or two. May you be happy for the rest of your life, May you be a beautiful wife.

May you always be in luck, May you never fall in muck.

May you always be good at art, May you always be smart. May you always be sweet, May you always have a treat. Oh, if I could grant a wish for you, I would get a thrill or two. By Sean

If I could grant a wish for you, I would get a thrill or two. May you like the color red, May you kiss my forehead. May you live life to the fullest, May you know that you are the coolest. May you get kisses on your hand, May you be the queen of the land. May you be smart, quick, and clever, May you be the best mom ever. May you eat chocolate and sweets, May you never have to eat a beet.

May your hair always flow, May your eyes always glow. May you always be kind, May you always have a great mind.

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Fourth Grade Poetry (cont’d) (continued on next page)

May you always watch SNL, May you voice chime like a bell. May you be an awesome mom,

er ever trip on our toys. May you like blueberries, May you always like strawberries. Oh, if I could grant a wish for you, I would get a thrill or two. IfMikhai I could grant a wish for you, By I would get a thrill or two.

May you sparkle like a pom-pom. May you keep us all in order, May your love never have a border.

May you have plenty of Starbucks, May you not be chased by Aflac ducks.

If I could grant a wish for you, I would get a thrill or two. May you live a long and happy life, May you be a strong and supporting wife, May you have another child, May this one make you go wild! May you have an awesome wedding, May you have one when you're ready. May you have a lot of money, May you make each day be sunny.

Oh, if I could grant a wish for you, I would get a thrill or two.

May you have good times, May you have no bad lies.

May you get a diamond ring, May you get one that always blings!

If I could grant a wish for you, I would get a thrill or two.

May you live a nice life and be healthy, May your hard working job make you wealthy.

May you get a brand new house, May you get one with your spouse.

By Nora

May you have a lot of Starbucks coffee, May you always eat toffee. May you have a drink of wine, May your dress be so fine. May you have time to read a book, May you read it in a special nook. May you always love hearts, May you never meet a shark.

May the 10th be with you, May you get lots of clothes and a new type of shoe. May you be nice and happy, May you days not be sappy. May you enjoy your favorite color turquoise. May you have fun with your childhood toys.

May you have nice shoes, May you have nice dance moves.

May it be easy for you to pick us up from school, May you always hear us call you cool.

May you not like red meat, May you have everything neat.

May you have fun at Forever 21 shopping, May you watch me when I am kind and mopping.

May you always think about your children that are boys, May you nev-

Oh, if I could grant a wish for you, I would get a thrill or two.

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May you get an AWESOME new phone, May you never be alone. May you keep going to church, May you remember what you're worth. Oh, if I could grant a wish for you, I would get a thrill or two.

By Genesis

By Kole

Page 14

Fourth Grade Tall Tales

After reading Maniac Magee, students were inspired to write Tall Tales. Through these stories, students learned that Tall Tales have unbelievable elements told as if they were true. Their creative characters have some amazing experiences.

Billy Diggerton Once upon a time there was a family of moles who loved to eat the petals

Go, Charlotte, Go! Charlotte Crawford was the fastest and strongest person ever born in the state of Florida. On weekends Charlotte worked at the neighborhood beach. One day she woke up in her apartment at 10:00 A.M.! She was late for work at the beach! She

grabbed her bag and a bagel and ran down the street. She got there, changed, and then ran for her station.

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of roses. They would invade house by house on the block, one at a time. All the neighbors were upset. Each morning was another shout of, "Oh no! My precious roses! Gone!" The moles were very proud. "These humans can't catch us! They're too big and cannot fit into our little holes in the ground. Ha Ha!," they laughed. What the mole family did not know was that on that very block lived the best human digger in the country, Billy Diggerton. Kids would say he could actually turn into a real mole himself because of his amazing tunnels. The next day, Billy noticed his roses were gone, but in their place was a mole hole. He decided to put a stop to those moles, himself.

She was sitting at her station and something caught her eye. There was a little girl swimming all by herself. It was not bad until the girl got antsy and then screamed! Charlotte jumped off her post and ran as fast as she could (which is really fast.) She could see a figure behind the girl but could not make it out, but then she recognize its pointy face and black eyes it was a shark! Of course she had dealt with sharks before but this one was pretty big. She got there right before the shark could clamp sharp pointy teeth on the girl. Quickly she freed the girl and told her to run as fast as she could to the back of the beach. Meanwhile Charlotte was doing what she had to, to get rid of the shark. She started out by swinging the

So, he dug and he dug. He dug so fast that he dug right around the moles and cornered them. Billy snatched the roses from the moles, but he did not leave them hungry. He dug until he had created a mole city of tunnels where they can grow and eat their own roses. Soon, Billy's neighborhood was beautiful once more. Thanks Billy Diggerton!

By James

shark over her shoulder. Then, she spun it over her head and used all her strength to whip that shark as far as she could till it was another star in the sky. She walked back up to the beach where the little girl’s mom was sitting in awe. It just so happened that a million people plus her boss were watching and she was promoted to head lifeguard. That night she got home after having dinner with the mayor and fell right asleep. In the morning she thought she had dreamt it all and went to work like it was going to be another boring day at the beach, but instead she found herself surrounded by a bunch of people wanting to congratulate her on a job well done!

By Rose Page 15

Fourth Grade Tall Tales (cont’d) Gabby the Great Grape Picker Once there was a girl named Gabby. She had a special power to pick grapes so fast it looked like she wasn't even moving. She had to pick 1,000 grapes or else she would be fired from her favorite job. She only had 1 hour to pick grapes. Twenty minutes after she started she had 100 grapes, 30 minutes later she had 500 grapes.

When her boss saw her he said, "Wow, you pick a lot of grapes! How many are in there?" She told him, "573." He was very surprised and told her that if she didn't pick 1,000 grapes in the next hour she would be fired. "Okay." Gabby said. Then, she sped up and she picked grapes so fast her boss could barely see her. After 35 minutes 800 were picked. Gabby did not want to be fired because she loved her job. She only had 25 minutes left, so she picked as fast as she could. Five

sion was to catch a robber that robbed 30 stores. Her nails were now Once there was a little girl named 5 feet long. Her nails could help her Cameron. She was born with long catch that robber. Cameron only nails. When she was only 2, her nails knew two things about the robber, he were 3 feet long. She helped her travels a lot and she knew what he mom cook by cutting food. Cameron looked like. The robber had black really wanted to help the community. hair, a mustache, and glasses. CamerShe wanted to help the Chicago Police on woke up at 4:00 to get an early Department. When start. She was first looking around she got older, Cam- her town. Then, all around Chicago, eron became a po- but couldn't find him. Cameron went lice officer. She to Indiana, but still didn't find him. had a big mission She ended up going to every state. coming up soon. Cameron decided to look for him in Canada. Cameron's mis-

Nail Sword

their pizza. One day, more recently, they ordered a pizza from their There once lived a man named favorite place named, Beets By Jumper Parker. He lived in HouDre. Thirty minutes later, the ston, Texas. Jumper Parker wasn’t pizza man came and put the pizza ordinary. He could jump more than in the kitchen. 100 feet!!! He helped out his mom The chubby polar bear was ready and dad in their house. to eat. He next disguised himself His family had heard about a as Parker’s mom. Jumper Parker polar bear that lived in town. The asked his mom for a Dr. Pepper. polar bear would take everyone's His mom was asleep, so Jumper pizza, but he took the pizza in dis- Parker got up and walked to the guise. One time long ago, the polar kitchen. bear took someone's pizza disThe chubby mom, which was reguised as the pizza man and took ally a bear, was in front of Parker.

Jumper Parker

Volume 1, Issue 2

minutes later she had 957 grapes. By the time the hour was over she had 103, 015! She was so excited to tell her boss. Her boss said, "Wow, now you can work here forever and your new name will be Gabby the Great Grape Picker!" She smiled and thanked him. She worked there until she was 73. By Melia She had a special power that she did not know she had. It would track people down when you are close to them. She kept getting closer and closer. She could tell when she was getting close when she heard a beeping sound. Cameron did not have any luck in Canada, so she went back to the United States. She went to Nevada and after awhile her tracker started to beep. The tracker helped Cameron find the robber. With her long nails she caught him and he never robbed another person again.

By Sheridan

When he went in the kitchen, to Parker's surprise, the bear ran like a Minotaur. Jumper Parker ran like a cheetah. By the time he caught up with the bear, it was stuck. You know what he did? He jumped 300 feet into the air and landed on the bear. Jumper Parker saved the town from the pizza stealing polar bear!! By Andrew

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Fourth Grade Tall Tales (cont’d) The Deep Blue Sea

Here is the story of me, Audrey Delaney. One day I got up and went to work at the Aquarium. I was so excited because of the big show, but kind of worried because it seemed like something was wrong with the animals. My boss told me this was my last day to practice and that tomorrow is the big day.

So I went back home to my condo at the end of the day. It was a hot night that night in Monterey, California and I couldn’t sleep. When I finally went to sleep on that very weird night, I woke up. I heard chitter chatter, although I was the only one in the room, and I thought I was hallucinating. So when I lifted my hand to put my shirt on, BAM! A splash of water from the faucet hit me in the face. By then I was terrified, thinking why does this have to happen on my 21st birthday? So I was about to walk over to the phone to call 911 when I got there in 7 seconds. That very day I knew I had super powers! I noticed that I could talk to animals because I heard chitter chatter which I now know was from the animals were trying to

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talk to me , the water was from when I lifted my hand, and my most favorite power is super speed. But the annoying thing is I can barely understand the animals when they try to talk to me. That day when I went to work I tried to put my powers to the test but at the same time keep it a secret. So right before the show I said good luck and break a leg., surprisingly they seemed to nod. Also I heard a jumbled up sound which I knew was from the animals but couldn’t quite understand what they were trying to tell me. Later that day after the performance, I jumped into the water to feed them, then BAM! The most exciting thing happened! I could actually here them clearly. But the thing was they weren’t talking to me but amongst each other until they noticed me of course. At first it was kind of weird but then I got used to it of course. When I got home from work today I was pumped…until I thought in the good part of fairy tales there is always a down side. After that I was really worried something could happen to me! Then on Saturday morning weird things started happening with my powers! Dun Dun Dun! Ok, I know this might sound dramatic but I was dying.

Although I only had a cold, but my powers were. But finally I thought since I was sick my powers were also. The next day on Sunday I just decided to go to the coast to talk to some animals, to make me feel better since I still felt sick. So when I just got in the water on that split second BAAAAAM ! Every animal in the ocean was talking. It gave me a huge head ache, so I tried to tune them out and surprisingly it worked. So when I tried to talk to about three creatures they all told me they and I are were in GRAVE danger ! After that they brought me in a cave to tell me I was half sea lord since my dad was one, [oh and that’s how I have the powers] and that an evil sea lord is planning to let out a pollution to harm the animals. So that he can be king of the sea and make all the rest of the animals slaves. So in about two days I trained and taught the animals to fight !!!!!! After that I had a sea creature army. On Saturday night 8:00 pm the war started!!! Surprisingly the other army was stronger than I thought, so I decided to use my powers!!! Ok, long story short we won!!!! We captured the pollution and put the evil sea lord in jail. That’s the story of me. Audrey Delaney and how I saved the DEEP BLUE SEA. By Aria

Page 17

Fourth Grade Tall Tales (cont’d) Lazy Lewis Let’s begin our story, shall we? A couple of days ago Lazy Lewis, who was half normal and half AMAZING was sitting on his couch watching T.V. when it all started, that seems pretty normal right? NOT for a superhero! Anyways Lewis lived in Sydney, Australia and went to work at the store T.V.’S PLUS which is located in China!

Now onto the part of him that is AMAZING! Lewis can fly, is super strong and even though he watches a lot of T.V., he has sharp eyes and can hypnotize people! It’s sad that he didn’t have those

The Amazing Super Dog One day there was a German shepherd named Rose who was chosen to be a police dog. When Amy, her partner adopted Rose she had so much fun playing and training Rose. Amy and

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powers for long! One day Lewis was flying to work, it was like a normal day! When lunch hour was over, things changed for Lewis, and he did NOT like it! He got called to his boss’ office, and when they were alone his boss drained the power out of Lewis! The boss of Lewis wanted to become the boss of the world!! Lewis was sad, but he knew he couldn’t do anything about it, so he boarded a plane that took him back to Australia. Mr. Lazy was tired and frustrated after that day, he decided to have his favorite dinner and watch his favorite show. He did this for days until a commercial changed his whole life!!! The commercial was, “COME TO TARGET FOR A NEW HYPNOTIZE AND FLY KIT!” After

Rose live in Chicago in a house on a hill. Amy had no idea of Rose’s powers until she, Rose, lifted 44 heavy boxes at once and carried them outside in 2.1 seconds. When Amy found this out they went on the hardest mission possible. What Amy did not know was that Rose’s old enemy Doctor Madness was trying to bring Rose out of hiding by turning the people and animals that live in Chicago into 20 foot houses. Finally doctor Madness got Rose out, but Rose had an idea how to stop him. Rose was

watching this, Lewis rushed to Target and bought the life changing kit! He was ready to fight the bad boss!! Lazy Lewis wanted to gain his powers as quick as possible so he flew to China in 2.3 seconds, using the “life changing” kit! He used the same POWER DRAINER the “Bad Boss” used to get his powers back. While the Bad Boss was sleeping, Lewis’ revenge quest was almost finished! As soon as Lazy Lewis gained his powers back, he hypnotized the “BAD BOSS” into a deep, deep sleep so he would NEVER wake up! Long story short, being a couch potato can be VERY USEFUL!!!!!!!

By Saanvi

going to make a tornado faster than the speed of light and bigger than a skyscraper to catch doctor Madness. After 4 tries Rose finally caught doctor Madness and forced him to turn all the 20 foot houses back into people and animals. By Cydnee

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Fourth Grade Tall Tales (cont’d) Elemento Eric vs Soul Keeper

a famous NBA basketball player.

got, the more

He could shoot five elements out

powerful he

of his hand, earth, fire, air,

became. He

water, and lightning. He also had

tried to de-

super speed, he could jump all

feat him but

the way to the moon and has a

he was too

fire sword.

strong. In order to defeat him he had to use

One day something was wrong.

Once there was a super hero named Elemento Eric. He lived in America in Santa Monica. His real name was Eric Fullilove and he was

Davy Saves New York Once upon a time there was a

all of his elements in one final

People were passing out, more

strike. Everyone was awake and the

and more each day until Elemento

souls were back. When soul keeper

Eric figured it out… it was the

was taken to jail, the president

one and only soul keeper. He

came and gave Eric an award for

could take people’s souls away

the best super hero of them all!!!

and the more people’s souls he

By Eric

the Houston River. Davy was not an ordinary boy, he had super powers and can teleport.

man. His name was Davy Jones. He worked as a fisherman. Davy

One day something went horri-

Jones was a young boy. He wasn’t

bly wrong. A giant robotic fish

much older than a baby. He was 2

started to destroy the city of

years old. Davy Jones was fast and

New York! Only one thing could

magical. He worked and lived by

stop it, and that was little Davy Jones. Davy Jones ran round and

hero he could be and saved New

round to make the fish dizzy. He

York. After that he got his pow-

teleported inside of the fish. But

ers back. One year later Davy

one thing went wrong and he found

Jones gave up his super powers to

out his dad controlled the fish.

be a normal boy. Years passed and

Now little old Davy knew his

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Davy got older and became a full

parents were evil, and he lost his

time fisherman.

powers. Davy became the best

By Justin

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