Academy News - October 6, 1972

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NO . I

OCTOBER 6 , 19 7Z

DOES IT BITE? TheDrarnaClubfall season is already o n it s way . On November 17, the D rarnaClub w ill pre se nt Rhinoceros, written by Eugene Ion eseo. It examinin g the hil arious r eact io n s a n d non - reaction of the ci tizens 0 f a French t ow n as th e ir fe ll ow citizens turn into a fore mentioned pachyderm s . The c ast will be as fo llows: Wa i tress Karen Tripam Grocer1 s Wife J ea n Silberman Housewife Marilyn Lama r Berenger Ara Pridjia n Jim Coston J ea n The Grocer Kevin Weldon Ro b er t Evey Old G entleman Logician M ark Schneider Cafe Proprietor Mark lundanian Daisy Sh icl a Sche ll ing Dudard Part s till ope n Peter Babakitis Botard Mr. Papillion Nick Coston Ms. Bee uf Cath y Dunlap A Fir ema n Woo dy Wang

KEY CLUB PACKS OWN ITS K iwanis Peanut D ay 1972 (FrIday, September 22) was a p h eno menon w ell worth remeInberln g. The Wednesday before. a s hipmen t of approximately 850 boxe II we re ordered . That evening , the Southwest Klwan ia n s came tc take their s hare of the s hipment leavIng Mr. Lee 's proud army -Nlth at most 20 boxe s . After franti c efforts to loc ate tlle undelivered peanut s , the KIwanIs Club d ecide d to buy a t o n of fresh roa s ted, salte d in the s hell peanuts. Thursday nlte,

un tll mIdnig ht , K ey Clubb e r s and Southwe 8t Klwanlan s packed peanut s into little c lear plasUc anC\ stapled a mere 24 ,0 00 bags s hut . Then , FrIday morning at 6:00 a . m .• K ey Clubbers and other volunt ee r s were out I)n such fo r

n unS!: corner s suc h a·t. Hlth and Southw es t Highway , or l1 Sth and H ar l e m A ve n ue. The exact co llec tion flgure s ar e unavallable at t h le time, b ut Mr. L ee II e e m 8 co nfident that we and the th~ Kl wa n1 8 Cl ub b o th excee ded las t yea r 's t otal.


From the Editors' Desk -

Change Bill Grossmann Thi s year a s eve r y year , student s h ave c ried out f or a change . From the sc hool we want c han ges in dress s ta ndards a nd major cur rlculum c han ges. If t h e Student Councll 1s the ve h icle f or c han ge as it Is set up to be, w h at then I s the role of the studen t body In relati on to the Councll ? The average .Jtudent wou l d probably answer that he has no direct role. The s t ude nt would reply, "what can I do? Thecouncll never llstens. " What i s there to listen to? Last year a suggestion box was made available so students could make comments anonymously ifthey wished t o the Student CClIncil. One student sub·mltted. " Change the Dre s s Code" eve r y week scrib bled onapicce o f scratch paper . The student didn 't say how it was to be c han ged, he didn't even say why . T h e Student Council must rely upon the criticis ms and suggestions it receIves t o plan activUies. W Ith ou t ample cons tr uctive criticism, the quaUty of its activ ities has t o f all for there i s no direction for the proper c han ges to follow . Student s 'a r e now com planing that the sch ool dance 5 are rep etitive and have lost a great am·ount of t h eir appeal. The same goes for a ctivities such as Homecom ing . .A barn dance was suggested to take the place of the HoboHop t hi s fall axi after much snickeri ng most kids decided that they couldn't see themselves barn danc i ng so th e idea was defeated , with no more suggestions offered. After the Council voted to a tie over the Hom ecoming Kin g i ssue , 1 broke the tie and voted for the K ing. I felt that it would add to the routine of the Queen and h e r court. The next week at the lette rmen' s club meeting 1 was convI c ted of betrayIng the lettermen and had my pants flung out of the second floor wIndow of the gym. Are the lettermen airaI,! of c h ange? The real problem involving c h ange in the Academy I s thIs: too many s t udent s are outwardly in favor of change and too fe w are wUUng t o workhardinorder t o formulate It Intel li gently . How ma ny Student Councll representatives go t o meEttlngs with n o i dea of howtheirclassfeelson cert a in sub je cts? How many c l ass officers sit back after electlons and do little or nothin g? The g reat majority of people In thi s schoo l are in favor of IntellIgent change but that's where Itend s . We n eed mo r e people w h o are motivated for change enough t o put a little thought and a lot of ha r d work Into accomp U s h ing it.






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Octo be I' 6, 1972



~~ Its Only Too Grand Gre etin gs and salutations and welcome to another year withIn the fr Iendly conH nes of Akademla. In keeping with the title of our column , we s ~all agaln endeavor to present t rue stories ofmadncss , a n d b e gin t he festivities this issue. Whether it i s known t o the ave rage Academy student by now or not, we will not be having any Intersemester proposal this year. Rem e m b e I' that brilliant idea thought up towards the end of the la s t school year that would t ake us out of our classes for a week (missing one 's il ft ern 0 0 n clas ses .() n e week and one's mo rning classes the next , havIng all classes In the morning and the special project In the af t ern 0 a n) and expose us t o a new subject for t en days? It was really a g reat Idea. Instead of being conHned to ou r rather re s tr ictive classes for the ent ir e year , we would be released t o seek a n ew Intellectual adventure for two weeks . At an in s titution whe re t h e s tudent is hardly gIven a c h o i ce because of a very l1mIted course of stud y (due to sc h ool size ), thIs would figure to be a fantastic opportunity to expand our minds . But the proJett Is now scrapped. Who did It then ? Who was re spon s Ible for destroyIng this truly Innovative Idea? The administration? No, not this Ume. The Board of Trustees? Not from what we've heard. The student body? Har · diy, they seemed to take to the idea. Who sunk the plan'! Well , Just take a look In front o f your class . At a faculty meetIng held a s h ort ago, the teachers of our fine InstItuUon soundly defeated the proposal , with about eighty percent voting agaInst it. Why? Why In the world would ou r faculty want t o stop this proposal? Because they . feel that it would be takIn g away from our studIes? Would some two hundred minutes lost from ou r usual c I ass time be so detr ltn ental to our mInds, especially when t h at time would be used explo ring new areas we might otherw I se never learn about? Do th e t eac h ers at t hI s place really believe t h at {or $1750 plus aU we deserve I s {our o f five majors , physica l educatlon , the lunch hall and footba ll ? Do they even gIve a damn? Got me. A 11 I know i s that it sort of takes all of the wonder out of w h y ou r teachers ge t l ess that t h e ones a t the bottom of the h ill.

Academy News Staff Published ten U rnes a year by and for the s tudents of M organ Park Academy , Chic ago , IllinOis. AdvertisIng rates given upon reques t of the Buslncs s Manage r. Editors - in-ChIc f. . . . . . . . . . . • • ••• • ....•• • . . . . . . . B . Gr08smann .. ...... • •• •.. . .....••.. . . . .. . • .. G. Argires Asst . Editor ... •.... . • .. •• •• • • ... ...• • •. . . ........ 'M. Salazar BusIness Mana ger .... .. • • • • • • • • • • . . ••• . • ........ •. B . Hamper News Editor •. .. . .. . •.. . .• • •• . .. . . . .•• • •. .... . .. M. Schneider F eatures Editor ..•. . .. . ... . •••. • . . . .••..•... ••... . . C. Dunlap Sports Editors ....••..... • • • •••• • •• . ••• ••• . . .. •.. . • D. Norton .......... . .... . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . .... .. . ... ....... .. . . · N. PrIce

October 6 , 1972


EXPEDITION I "Bus l eaves in fiv e minutes." "\Vhe r e ' s my trowel?" "Who has t he l unch?" "It's too hot at th e Or e nd o rf site . " T h e above were only a few o f t h e ear l y morning c ries o f Ex pedition I 1 a s t Jun e . A persis tent ques t i on ask s why anyone wou ld fo reg 0 the comforts o f home to bake under the hot summer Illinois sun looking for bones ! A pamphle t printed by Hebrew Union Coll ege and A r chaeol ogical School Cor would be a r c haeol og i sts warns that: "T hose who find the contribution of the entire ente rprise to the recove ry of man' s pa st ... the individua l task assignecl t o you may well be difficull and ung l a Inorous , " " It wa s ha rd, hot dirty wo r k !" comp la in ed some of the participants of Exped iti on I--but qui ckly the y adde' "we wa nt t o dig aga in next year , " St udents fr ,o m M o r ga n Pa r k A c ademy. Ferry Ha ll, Oak La w n High S c hool , Stagg High School, Univers ity H igh, 1nd Morgan Park High School joined with students from lhe Universities of !~iinoi >i , Wisconsin , and Corne ll in one of the unique c ha ll enges offered to a few stud e nt s I a s t s Uln m e r in excavating an Indian village si t e in ce ntral lIlinoj"


HITS PAY DIRT Working o n a dig is not a frivolous .tre~sure hu~t, stil l ~ve r y Inomen t is o ne of kee n anticipation w hI c h IS some llmes relIeved by s uc h discoveries as a co ppe r go r ge t whi.c h .must have been c ar: ried more than a t housand yea r s ago to Blt nots from t h e Lake Su perior region o f a n [ndian burial 5 00 or more years olds. The arc haeol ogi ca l dig now pr o mi ses to become one o.f t~e more exciting a nd useful ways of spending a summer . In 1I11no1s .alone . Id'g ' for high school s tudents from Arlington Heights , were specia 1 ' . h d'd and Oak Park as we ll a s from Morgan Pa r k A cademy --- whlc t some p ioneering of its own. . Amongthosedig g ingatthe Orendorf s ltewa s Larry La ve r y , MPA gradua t e and former ed itor-in - c hief of the A ca demy News . Larry had made a s pecia l effor t t o join the Expeditionand l ooks forward to digging again nex t year . P l e a s ed with teh success of Exped it ion I, Robert Ste lt on i s a lr e a dy making plan s for next year . Expedition I cost each participant a little ove r $50 fo r t h e two weeks , and th e prospects fo r keeping cos t s down for nex t yea r sC!cm gOOd . With enthusia s m running high there are plan s for Expedition s II and ill. Expeditio n Il will a gain dig in1llinois with probable cost for three wed's at about $100 and Expedition III wi ll t ravel t o E n gl and for a month a t a cost o f about $500 . Students wh o participated in Exped ition I receiving c r edit from MPA, University Hi g h, Oak Lawn, and most s i g nificantly, the Un iversity of Illinoi s rega rd ed the experience as importa nt enough to be included on one sludC! nt' s college tran scr ipt. It may be il long w inte r, but many students will look forward to the challenge and cama ra die of rediscovering the past in II"linois and Eng l and .







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A cademy bi c y c I e exponents ha ve establi s hed a club designed t o promote both the enjoym e nt and physica l fitness aspec t s o f cyclln g . This club , the Wheel People o f the A cademy (W PA) wUI al so oHe r bicycle repal rand mainte na nce s e r v i c e s t o it s members

~ ,( -=- '











lnsurance Agency, Inc .

WILZ STATIONERS 10600 S . Wes t e r n

H I 5- 1 900 DON F ALSTROM President

1985 Wes t 11 lth. Str ee t Ch1 cago , Hllnols 6 064 3

We operale ou r ow n RepaI r Sh op

M em ber s hip requirement s for the WPA s pecify o nl y t hat the prospective member have access t o any type of bicycle, enjoys CYClin g , and agret';s t o pay the dues . Clubo fflc e rs Mark Sc hne1_ der (pre sident). Barb Hoffman (trea sure r), and advisor Mr . Sauve' do no t want anyone t o feel that they must have an expens1ve bicycle t o Join. As Mr. Sauve' soaptlyputs it , "Bullfeather s." The club's first outing i s planned for October 7-8 . WPA members and their bi c ycle s wil l d r l ve (o r be dri ven) up t o Sparta Wiscon s in. There th ey w il l r ide a s ecti o n of the Wiscons i n Bikeway (comple te with three lo ng t un n els) for so me 25 miles. After ca mpi ng ove r night , the club wlll cycle back t o Sparta and return by c ar to Chicago.

OLSON & PETERSON Realtor s &: Bu il de r s 1985 W. I llth St.


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Octob e r b, 1972


Sports Briefs Speaking of Sports ... ~~lt

Can't Be Done"

In a recen t discussion w ith coach Dom, l realized the true pU g ht of a physical education i n s tru c t o r in this sc hool. Last year. my gym c l asses s t a rted with exe r cis e s: push-ups. sit-ups , toe tou c h es (b e lly s lap pers ), and jumping Jacks . Th e cla ss would then breakdown into smaller g r oups and w ould be In s tr uct e d in the fin e a rts of fo o tball, bask e tball, and b aseball t echn iques ac co rding to the s easorL. All ofthls would happe n in forty - four minutes not to m e ntion time to dres a and s h ower. Th i S , howeve r, did n o t la st l o n g . Th ec las Bes soon c ame t o con s i s t o fa scrap game of ba s ketball . Noexe r c l ses , o n instr uc ti ons , n o fu rther kn o wledge of how to Improve In any spo r t. I was th e n Insp i red to t alk with the coac h . I a sked him w hat had happened, w h ere we re the In st r ucUons In va ri ous sports? The gist of hi s ex pl anation was that " it c an 't be ione. 1I H e; po inted out to m e that thre e - quarter s o f any gym class ! ith e r play s on a v a rsity team o r d oes n ' t ha ve any ambitio n t o learn and wou l d rather, to use my own m oder n t ermInology , " r emain a fag . " Whose fault I s this ? . [I ll put the blame o n the s t udents and parUall y t he admIni s tratio n. The stud e nt s attltude o f n o t ca ring pr obably leads the admin i s tration to believ e th e s tudents ain ' t Inter es ted and therefo re put ph ysical e du catl on Improve m ent s far below the othe r field s i n the sch oo l. Coac h Jones prepa r ed a ve r y d etaile d repo rt o nhow he would llke the gym c l asses to b e r u n and submitte d this to t h e Nor th Cen t ral Assoc iati on In r eading t his r eport I foun d some Int e r es tin g Idea s on gym c l ass re fo rm but soon re aUze d the ImpOSS ibiliti es involved In these programs. Since thi s Is my la st yea r, I find very little Int e r es t In Improving gym classes . But any unde r classmen who are Inte r es t ed (and s h ould be) t alk t o your Stu dent Coun c U r epr ese ntative and see what can be cione.

The vars ity football team recor d no w s tands at .500. Afte r dC!feat in g Go rdon Te ch 27 - b , th e t ea m suffered an embarassing defeat to North Shore. The de fea t wa s embara ssing s impl y because bad m i stakes and penalti es forced the l oss . Al so on the bad side , two ofNo ih Shore's t op pla yers suffered in juries during the game . On the b r ight side of bot h games, the \Va rrior s execut ed we ll. Despite c ritica l I a c k s of depth at a ll positions, the team is exper ienced, t alented a nd we llcoached. Thete ami s again wor king from t he "Y" forma ti on and a few varia tions. The 1ine of J im Ma ragos, S t eve Menzies, Steve Nelson, Tom Ka r e l , To n y Nakvosas, and Joe Whi t e i s deve l o pin g into a good, qui c k-moving , and aggress ive group . Doug Coll er. Bob Carpente r, and Bruce Barker a r e th e 路 ba ll -carriers and each ha s two years of va rsity exper ie nc e . P l easant su rpris es h a v e b ee n Reggie J ohnson , Greg Wolf , Tim K I i r a s, E ri c Spinazzola, and M ike Jones. Johnson and Wolf have played very we ll at the end!!, coming up w ith key plays. Allhou gh he is relative l y sma ll, KJiros has been outstanding at corne r lin ebacker . H e has been a l-e&ci ng tackl er and ha s pl ayed l op -n otched de f ense .

FIELD HOCKEY OFF TO SLOW START On Septe mber 25 the fi eld hoc key t ea m com m e nced it s season by play Ing to a 2-2 tie with Ferry Hall. The fir st goal wa s score d In the first min ute of play by J ean Lemons . Late In the first half, the se cond goa l was scored . Pat J o ne s sc o red It w ith assists f rom Gra ce Tho m son and C r ista Jones . The offe n se was s hut o ff after the se cond goal and could n o t sco re a ga In in the s e co nd half. Thoug h the offense was able to perform well in the fir s t half, t h e fullbacks almost d i dn't perfo rm at all in the en Ur e ga me . The halfbacks played better In th e s eco n d half but extreme fa ti gue slo wed t hem d o wn so th a t by th eendofth e game the y we re m ov in g t oo slowly and couldn ' t ke ep upw lthth elr offens i ve lin e . N o excuse ex.ists fo r th e fullbacks w h o mls sed m<:.ny c h a n c e s t o c le a r th e ball out away from th e goa lie and l ucked out all but two time s . The team should be congra tulated s i nce the y tl ed and didn ' t lose the game . but the ir s t yl e of playing left something to be des I red. The team. t hanks the spe c tators who came out to cheer them on (and t her e w ere many sp ec t a t ors ).

'HOLDING OUR OWN' Both players a nd coa c hes are o ptimisti C ab ~u t thi s year 's Frosh-Soph football team. Although only 18 players went out all Involved fe el that prospects are good for anoth er winnIng s eason . T he se 18 players also Include a few who s uit up for varslty . Con trary t o rum 0 r, the enUr e sc hedule w ith the exception of the October 2 Parker game, is in t a c t. FrancIs Parker h as been unable t o H e l d a t eam . Th e remaInder o f th e sc h e dule 1n_

clude s hom e games with Emman uel , Glenwood , and La tin . The away gam e 8 are agaIn s t North Sh o re. Wheaton Chrlstlan , and Lake F o rest. Coach Saathoff assess ed the t eam by s aying , " We ha ve a good bun c h, and we expec t t o be In ev e r y b a II gam e h o l ding OJT o wn. " A I tho u g h he wou l d ntt make a saUd predlct1on , his ent hu s Iasm was evIdent. Am 0 n g the many adJectlve s he and Coac h DiSta s i o used I n describin g the t eam were "v er sat ile, agUe , and m o b ll e. "

BELMONT FOOD MART 18 b3 W. 107th S tr eet

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