Academy Magazine - Fall 1987

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headmaster's notebook

Summer provides us an opportunity to complete major projects related to our buildings, grounds, and facilities. You've certainly heard of our new tennis courts and probably are aware of the new sidewalks, improved landscaping, gym painting, the new Pre-1st grade facility, and numerous other physical improvements which have been completed since June. But just as critical - perhaps even more so - to the continued excellence of our school are a number of changes, curricular and otherwise, which have been implemented within our academic program. They have received less publicity than the physical changes, but you should be aware of our ongoing efforts in this regard. In the Upper School, a formal Advanced Placement course in chemistry has been added with 10 students enrolled . This brings to 60 the total enrollment in our six Advanced Placement Course areas: English, Mathematics, Chemistry, U.S. History, Modern European History, and French. These classes will meet six periods per week instead of five to provide the additional class time necessary for the in-depth study required. In addition, a number of students will complete extra required coursework and sit for the AP Exams in Physics and Spanish.

last year's pilot program in 1V courses for college credit has been expanded , and we currently have 28 enrollments in the four course offerings: astronomy, geology, anthropology, and sociology. In addition , the number of Honors Sections has been increased and students are enrolled in 18 different Honors Sections in the various diSCiplines. All freshman and sophomores have been scheduled into Physical Education classes three days a week during the junior and senior years when additional time for academic during the Junior and Senior years when additional time for academic study becomes especially critical. Ninth and tenth grade students will have formal instruction in health including lessons in Physical Fitness and Personal Development, Nutrition, First Aid and Substance Abuse. We have also begun an elective program for seniors which enables them to choose from among twelve interest areas, one workshop during each of three marking periods. Among the electives included are: judo, weight training, aerobics, tennis, gymnastics, and a number of others - especially cross-country skiing which has also been incorporated into the regular P.E. curriculum. Through the entire school our computer instructional program has

been strengthened both by the addition of new hardware and by the incorporation of numerous software programs into the curriculum. Especially in the Lower Grades, skill development in specific subject areas will be emphasized as well as computer literacy. Our sixth grade classes have been completely departmentalized and more closely incorporated into the Middle School Program. This change will permit additional class time for work with study skills and more time for individualized, guided study time with their teachers. last spring all of our Lower School teachers participated in a Teachers' Workshop on the use of the relatively new Open Court Mathematics Program . This program is designed to insure mastery of basic skills along with an added emphasis upon understanding of math concepts. The emphasis is upon the thought processes involved in the study of mathematics rather than upon rote learning. Our enrollment as of today stands at 480 with an increase of 18 students in our Upper School and a second section of the Pre-1st grade. Within the next few weeks we expect to add four or five more students which will virtually fill all openings through eighth grade and leave space only for selected students in the Upper School. Our new faculty members have already demonstrated considerable skill in the classroom. With an active and dedicated Fathers' Club and Mothers' Club, an expanded Development Staff, several new Trustees, a strong student body, and a highly professional faculty and staff, we are looking forward to a most rewarding year. About the cover • • • 1986-87 Independent League Softball OJampions, Front L. to R: Rorence Roche, Mary Kim, Rosy Regas, Muffie March, Melissa Ablan, Nicole Connors, and Nina Dave. Standing L. to R.: Coach Pariso, Monica Rodgers, jennifer Mom, Sarah Wagner, Cindy jones, Heather O'Keefe, Fran Pukala, libby Akers, Wendy Heilman, jennifer Hammond, and Coach Oczkowski.

board of trustees

Whether you're a parent, alumnus, student, faculty member, or a friend of MPA, if you vvere to visit the Academy today I'm sure you'd be extremely proud to be a part of the school family. With the completion of the nevv tennis courts, the landscape beautiful and green and "With tlovvers in bloom, the campus is radiant. To say, "the Academy is on a roll," is putting it mildly. Enrollment is at its highest level since 1981-82 school year. Our athletic teams are doing very vvelI. In fact , the varsity soccer team has vvon its first six games in a rovv. (I think maybe our soccer team is trying to match the girls' tennis and softball teams in "Winning their conferences last year.) For several years , the College Entrance Examination Board has listed MPA among the top schools in the state for the number of Advanced Placement Examinations

administered in relation to school size. ust fall, the Chicago Sun-Times published results of its survey vvhich ranked MPA as number tvvo in number of AP exams administered, and number one in percentage of Scores of 4 and 5 obtained among O1icago area schools. I guess that vvhat I am really trying to say is that the Academy has been able to achieve these results because of the tremendous support of alumni , students, parents, faculty and staff, and friends . I can assure you that the Board of Trustees is avvare of your efforts to support the school financially and othervvise , and vve are committed to vvork to preserve the excellence vve have come to expect at Morgan Park Academy. We thank you for your confidence. G. Davis Boyd President, Board of Trustees

TABLE OF CONTENTS Board of Trustees

... .. ... . .. ... 3

AcademyNevvs ........ ... . .. ... 5 Donors ... .. . ... ............... 6 Parents ··················· ..... 9 Faculty 12 Lovver School


Middle School


Upper School


Alumni .. ................ ... . 22 Alumni Class Notes ......... . . 24 MPA Calendar of Events


DaI'~S &~)'CI. netl'lyelected .President of the &)({rd of Tn/stees, presents outgOing

PreStdent.jeff Hellman.

11 7th

a plaque in appreciation of his years of dedicated semice.

Board of Trustees President ... ... . ..... .. ........ ........ " . . . . .. Mr. G. Davis Boyd 1st Vice President . . . .... . .. .. .. ... . ... . ... . ...... . Mr. Roger Lis 2nd Vice President . .. .. ..... . . . .. ... .. ... ...... Mr. Kenneth Saul Secretary .................... . ........... " Mr. John Krichbaum Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mr. John Ramey Mrs. Arthur Baer Mrs. Vicki Hovanessian Dr. G.R Raj Mr. Ravinder Chopra Mr. Earle Irwin Mr. Michael Rogers Mr. Shawn Concannon Mrs. Jeanne Junker Mrs. Ruthie Ross Dr. Hugo Cuadros Mr. Richard H. Love Mr. Robert Scardon Dr. John Gersack Mrs. O1arlyne Mc Farland Dr. Prabodh Shah Mr. Martin Grenzebach Dr. Tae Hong Park Mr.A. RobertTeresko Mr. Jeff Heilman Dr. Faisal Rahman Mr. Dan Webb


Mrs. jeanne junker

President Davis Boyd is pleased to announce the election of Mrs. Jeanne Connelly Junker, Dr. Faisal Rahman, and Mrs. Ruthie Ross to the Board of Trustees. As the Principal of .Kellogg Elementary School, Junker feels that both public and independent schools have a place in our society. Her son, Phillip, attended the Academy for 13 years. In addition to serving as a Board Member for Morgan Park Academy, Junker is a member of the President's Task Force at St. Xavier College. She also serves on the Advisory boards of the Art Institute and the Junior History Fair. Her extensive community involvement includes membership in the Cotillion Club, St. Barnabas Church, the Writers' Desk and Birthright Volunteers. Jeanne and her husband , George, reside in Chicago.

Dr. Paisal Rahman

Another new trustee dedicated to education is Dr. Faisal Rahman, Dean of the Graham School of Management, St. Xavier College. "I am indeed a strong believer in independent school education, said Rahman , " I have made that my mission in life." Rahman also serves on the Board of Directors of the Oak lawn Chamber of Commerce and the Mount Greenwood Chamber of Commerce. Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from St. Louis University, he is a consultant to the Village of Oak lawn and the Alsip Economic Development Commission. Dr. Rahman lives in Chicago with his wife, Mary, and his children, Melanie and lrnran. Also joining the Board of Directors this year is Ruthie L. Ross , the Director of Medical Management at Primary Care Consultants in

Mrs. Ruthie Ross

Gary, Indiana. She is the wife of Dr. David E. Ross, Jr. With the Ross's four children attending Morgan Park Academy, she has been an involved parent for many years. In addition to being a member of the Academy's Mothers' Club, Ross served as the Raffle Chairman for last year's "Salute to Excellence" banquet held at the Drake Hotel. She supports Morgan Park Academy because she feels the school instills a thirst in children to be better students and citizens. Closer to home she serves as the Membership Chairman of the lake County Medical Auxiliary and the Tournament Director for the Gary Women's Golf Club. She is also a member of Tots and Teens and St. John Lutheran Church .

Hitting the first balls on the recently-completed tennis courts are Varsity Tennis player. Sarah Wagner. and father. Eugene Wagner. ll'ho was instrumental in Ol;erseeing the constnlction of the courts.

"SRlute to Excellence '881" academy news ClIJss of '87 Gift The 1987 Senior Class presented Morgan Park Academy a pin oak tree and a memorial marker in memory of Henry W. Kennedy, who passed away this year. Mr. Kennedy, a member of the Academy Board of Trustees and a long-time resident of the Beverly community, was an avid Academy supporter. He especially enjoyed being with the Academy students. Whatever the activity, Mr. Kennedy was always a participant. Middle School dances, Key Club, bingo at the Washington and Jane Smith Home, drama club plays, "Salute to Excellence," basketball games, and whatever activities the Academy was sponsoring, he was ever present. A scholarship fund has been established at the school by Mr. Kennedy's family, his friends , and the Fannie May Candy Co. The award is to be presented each year to the eighth grade student whose record of service, courtesy and consideration of others best exemplifies the life of Mr. Kennedy.

Henry Kennedy

Planning has been underway since last Spring for this year's gala Salute to Excellence on March 5, 1988. This year the Academy family will gather at the elegant new Fairmont Hotel in downtown Chicago. If you were at the Drake in 1987, you'll discover an even more delightful event at the Fairmont in 1988. In the next few weeks, you will be receiving a personal invitation to join us at "Salute to Excellence '88." Please mark your calendar now and come join us as we pay tribute to the excellence of MPA. You definitely won't want to miss it.

Congressional Award Recipient Junior Elizabeth Crosby received a Congressional Award Bronze Medal for 1987 from Congressman Marty Russo at ceremonies held at St. Xavier College in May. The Congressional Award Program recognizes young people ages 14 through 23 who show initiative, excellence and achievement in voluntary public service and personal growth . The award is based on merit, not on competition, and it is the only award of its kind presented to youth by the Congress of the United States. Beth earned the bronze award by completing a total of 200 activity hours in voluntary public service, personal development, and physical fitness. Fulfilling the voluntary public service requirement, she tutored eighth graders in Spanish at MPA, and organized fund-raising events for the Service League of Hammond and the Ridge United Youth Group.

Beth Croshy

In addition to participating in last year's play "Fame," Beth took horseback-riding lessons as part of her personal development. She went on a skiing trip to Colorado and swam to complete the physical fitness requirement of the program.

ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION REPORT 1986-1987 This has been an outstanding year in terms of fund-raising at MPA. We have met or exceeded our goals in all categories, and the success of the 1986-87 effort has assured the Board of Trustees that we are keeping pace with the Long Range Plan. The year began with news that the Academy would be receiving a major gift from the estate of the late Joseph Ziegler, a client of an alumnus attorney. That bequest totaled just under $100,000. The year continued with the "Salute to Excellence '87" fund-raising event, which provided net income for our Annual Giving Fund of over $100,000. Finally, in early May we learned that Mrs. Dorothy Mancini of florida, would be making a gift to the school in memory of her late husband, Donald, MPMA '30. The bequest and the memorial gift have been invested and placed in endowments to strengthen the overall financial position of the School. In late spring, the Development Committee of the Board launched a

DONORUST -AAnonymous ( I I ) A M International Corp. Mr. & Mrs. Z. Abdishi Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Ablan Dr. & Mrs. Fred Adler KD. Aggarwal, M.D. Inc. Mr. Ronald Aitchison Mr. & Mrs. D. Akers Mr. & Mrs. John Alberts A1mase Surgical Corp. Ms. Adrienne Alton Dr. & Mrs. A. Alton American Express Foundation Mr. Norm Andre Dr. & Dr. H. Ansari Mr. Steven Argires Armando's Cosmetologists Dr. & Dr. Jose Aruguete Dr. & Mrs. David Ashbach Dr. B. Atassi, P.e. Mr. & Mrs. A.R Ayers

-BB & 0 Refinishers Supply Mr. Don Badziong Mrs. Alice Baer Dr. Eugene Balter Dr. Barai Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Barclay Mr. Julian Barish

campaign to raise funds to construct four tennis courts to be ready for use by students in the fall. By midMay, one-half of the necessary funds had been pledge by trustees, parents, and the MPA Fathers' Club. Construction of the courts was supervised by Academy Trustee Roger lis and parent Eugene Wagner, and they are now in use by our tennis teams and physical education classes. Also in May, a very successful phonothon was conducted in an effort to reach alumni and former MPA parents. It is a delight to report successes in support for the Academy. At the very root of these successes is the underlying fact that there is tremendous support for the mission of the School among trustees, parents, alumni, and friends. In order for any institution to be successful in its fund-raising endeavors, there must be very high quality in the services the institution provides. There must also be good stewardship of the resources contributed, and there must be confidence on the part of donors. Without question, quality, good stewardship, and confidence exist at MPA. Under the leadership of the

Mr. & Mrs. Reid Barker S.A. Barnes Co., Inc. Barton Medical Clinic Mr. Robert Beatty Mr. & Mrs. E. Bechtel Mr. Benjamin Becker Mrs. Bonnie O'Connor Becker Mr. Henry Becker Bednar Meats Ms. Amy Wanda Belair Bennett Auto Rebuilders Mr. Albert Bennett Mr. Paul Berezny Mr. Richard Berliner Mr. Jose F. Bicalho Mr. & Mrs.]. Biel Dr. R James Bills Mrs. Jean Silberman Bindokas Mr. & Mrs. Mel Black Ms. Jill Lodi Blaylock Mr. Wilbur Boies Mr. & Mrs. Calvin T. Bomer Dr. Clarence W. Boone Mr. Herb Booth Mr. John Bowman Mr. & Mrs. G.D. Boyd Mr. & Mrs. John Boyd Mr. Alan Boyd Mr. William Braker Mr. Charles Brickman Ms. Tara Brigham Mr. David Brittain Broadway Radiology Services

Mr. & Mrs. R Brodsky Mr. David Brown Dr. & Dr. H. Broyls Mr. Allan Bruno Ms. Melinda Buchannan Mr. Frank Burd Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Burke Mr. Bruce Burmeister Ms. Maria Burnett Mr. Charles Busbey Mr. Michael Butler Mr. James Butler Ms. Karen Butler Mr. & Mrs. Jack Butler

-cMr. Raymond Cahnman Camel Caravan Cameo I'botos Cardiovascular Surgery Assoc. Mr. Chester Carner Mr. Donald Carner Mr. Robert Carpenter Mr. Nick Carperos Mr. Richard Castellanos Dr. & Mrs. E. Del Castillo Dr. & Mrs. William Cataldi Mr. John Catch Dr.]. Cebedo Celanese Corporation Dr. & Mrs. B. Charo Dr. & Mrs. Arturo Chavarria Dr. Ivan Chermel

Board of Trustees and direction of Headmaster Jones, our excellent faculty continues to provide the finest college-prep education available in this area. Our alumni from the military era, as well as those graduating during the past twenty years, continue to report the positive impact of their years at Morgan Park. They are winners, and they attribute their successes to the special lessons learned on the campus here at MPA. The winning spirit is growing among all the members of the Academy family. We look forward to greater victories ahead, and we thank each and every one of you for your support. Your gifts to the Academy represent solid investments in quality eclucation, working to make this a better world for generations to come. Every gift to the Academy is important, and with your gifts you ensure the continuance of the 115-year tradition of academic excellence Morgan Park Academy represents. Thank you. Dr. Leon J. Witkowski

Chainnan, Development Committee 1986 - 1987

Ms. Cynthia Chesbrough Chesterfield Federal S & L Chicago TIre & Supply Co. Chicago Vendor Supply Co. Mr. & Mrs. R Chopra Dr. Sydney Choslovsky Christ Hospital - Blood Bank Dr. & Mrs. Bartholemew Christopher Christopher & Kumarich, Ltd. Dr. & Mrs. David D. Chube Mr. Gary Cinotto Mr. Frank Claxton Clearing Bank Mrs. Alice Coller Mr. & Mrs. Donald Coller R W. Collins Co. Mr. & Mrs. W. Collins Compubill, Inc. Ms. Claire Concannon Ms. Hope Concannon Mr. & Mrs. John Conta Mr. & Mrs. T. Conwell Mr. & Mrs. David Cooley Mr. & Mrs. L Corbin Ms. Paula Wognum Corbin Mr. leRoy Corradino Mr. Earl Correll Mr. & Mrs. D. Coyne Ms. Ruth Dreyfuss Crane Mr. Charles Dennis Cresap Mr. Robert Crist Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Crosby Ms. Mary Jane Cross

Dr. & Mrs. Hugo Cuadros Mr. & Mrs.]. Cuevas Cupid Candies Dr. & Dr. laVerne Currie Custom Data Services

-DO Square Engineering Co. Mr. John Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Fred Danielewicz Mr. Ellsworth Dare Dr. & Mrs. P. Dave Mr. Albert Davia Clarence Davids & Sons Dr. Charles Davidson Dr. DerekJ. Dawson Mr. & Mrs. M. DeHaan Mr. John DeStefano Mr. & Mrs. L. Debock Mr. & Mrs. Charles Delany Dr. Steven Delaveris Mr. & Mrs. John Derose Dr. ~reyas A. Desai Mr. Milton Deutsch Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dicola Mr. Fred Dodd Mr. George Domato Don-Bar Freight Co. Mrs. Judy Dougherty Mrs. Herbert Douglas Dr. H.O. Doumanian Mr. & Mrs. D. Dourdourekas Dr. A. Dragomer Driftwood Restaurant Mr. & Mrs. S. Driscoll Mr. Richard Duchossois Ms. Kimberly Duffek Mr. Gregory Dumanian Ms. Tania Dumania Mr. Peter Dumanian Dr. & Mrs. Ara Dumanian Ms. Betty Jane Dunlap

-EE/R Crosstown Electric, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. RM. Earles Mr. & Mrs. W. Earman Mr. c.]. Economos Mr. Wayne Eden Dr. & Dr. Egwele Mr. & Mrs. Alan Ekstrom Mr. & Mrs. N. Emanuele Judge Saul Epton Mr. Steven Erickson

-FMr. & Mrs. G. Farano Mr. & Mrs. Garnet Fay Maj. Ted Fehlandt Mr. Jess Taylor Ferguson Mr. Robert Feinberg Financial Federal Savings Mr. Karion Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flanagan Mr. Fleming Flott Mr. Fredrick Flott Mr. Troy Ford Mr. Angelo Fosco Mr. John]. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Jon Freeman Jack Freeman Trucking Co., Inc Mr. Henry Furmaniak

-GDr. Manuel Gabato Mr. lloyd Gabbert Ms. Nathalie Gamet Mr. William V. Gaps Mr. Russell Gardner Mr. Gerard Gausselin Mr. Edwin Gausselin Col. Alexander Gentleman

Mr. & Mrs. Gregor Gentleman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas George Mrs. Katherine George George Washington Savings & Loan Mr. Richard Gerdy Dr. & Mrs. John Gersack Drs. Gersack, DeMarco, Hoyme & Associates Mr. Charles Getz Mr. Thomas Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Frank Giglio Mr. ].R Gilbert Gilles Medical Corp. Dr. & Dr. ].S. Ginde Dr. Lee Gladstone Mr. & Mrs. R Glatz Dr. & Dr. A. Goel Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Goes IV Dr. & Mrs. D. Gojkovich Mrs. Elen R Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Robert Goss Mr. Merwin Grahm Mr. Joseph X. Grassi Ms. Kina Gray Ms. Alexandra Grazys Mr. & Mrs. Grant Grella Great Central Steel Co. Mr. Martin Grenzebach John Grenzebach Associates Mr. George Griffiths Mrs. Yvonne Griswold Mr. Wilbur Groebe Dr. & Mrs. Gupta Mr. Paul Gurney Mrs. Mary Lou Gustafson Mr. John Gustafson

-HMr. Edward Hamar Mr. John Hamar Mr. Bruce Hamper Dr. Daniel Han Mr. Donald Harper Mr. & Mrs. Christ G. Harris Mr. RE. Hartman Mr. Clyde Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Heard Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Heilman Mr. Fred Heitmann Mr. Frank Henke Mr. & Mrs. G. Hennelly Mr. & Mrs. B. Herbst Heritage Bank of Oak Lawn Mr. & Mrs. David Hibbs Mr. Walter Hilger Hilger Mgmt. Group Mr. & Mrs. John Hillman Mr. James Himmel Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Histed Mr. Ralph Hitz Ms. Nancy Coda Hochhauser Mr. & Mrs. Bert Hoddinott Dr. & Mrs. Tammo Hoeksema Ms. Barbara Hoffman Mr. John Hoffstadt Ms. Sara Holzrichter Mr. & Mrs. F. Holzrichter Mr. John Hom Homer Flooring Co. Mr. Armen Hovanessian Dr. & Mrs. R Hovanessian Mr. William Hugill Mr. James Hume -1-

Ideal School Supply Co. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Igleski lllinois Chess Assn. Dr. & Dr. Dennis Ireland Mr. & Mrs. Earle Irwin Ms. Karen Nielsen Isaacs

-JMs. Theresa Jayasanker Mr. & Mrs. Borys Jarymowycz Mr. Arthur Jicha Mr. Allan Jochum Mr. Arthur Johnson Mr. ].R Johnson Mr. & Mrs. M. Johnson Mr. David A. Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David A. Jones Dr. James A. Jones Dr. & Mrs. William Jones Julianne Studio Mr. & Mrs. C. A. Junkunc

-KMr. John Moody Kahoun Mr. & Mrs. George Kanich Dr. ].E. Kapcha Mr. & Mrs. Michael Karaitis Mr. Peter Karavites Dr. Ajita Kasbekar Mrs. Leona Kats Mr. Eugene]. Katz Mr. & Mrs. K Kazanova Kean Bros., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Raleigh Kean Mr. William Keifer Ms. Lynne Kerger Kelly-Kean Nissan, Inc. Mr. Martin Kelly Mr. William Kelly Ken's Refrigeration Mr. & Mrs. Charlie King, Jr. Mr. Robert King Mr. Scott King Ms. lisa Kirk Mr. Fred Kitch Mr. & Mrs. John Kitch Kiwanis Club of S.W. Chicago Mr. Mark Klein Ms. Martha Kleinhans Dr. Vincent Ko Mr. Frederick Koberna Mr. EugeneJ. Kortas Mr. Edward Kole Mr. Louis Kole Mrs. Donna Kosinski Mr. Charles Kozel Mr. Arthur Kralovec Mr. Donald Kreger Mr. & Mrs. John A. Krichbaum Mr. John C. Krichbaum Mr. Wayne Krueger Krishna Foundation Kuecher Automotive Machine ~op Ms. Diane Kumarich Mr. Gus Kumis Mr. William Kwan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kwit

-LMrs. Violet Laban Dr. & Mrs. Tai M. Lai

Lake County Cardiovascular, Inc. Marcia Landgraf, Ltd. Mr. & Mrs. T. Landgraf Mrs. Arlene Larson Mr. Vernon Larson Mr. John Lasser Capt. R]. Lavery Mr. Paul G. Lavery Mr. Greg Leaf Ms. Susan linda Lee Mr. Scott Lee Mrs. Joy Lee Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Lerose Lewellyn Studios Mr. & Mrs. Mark linnerud linton & Aghaji Medical Corp. Mr. William liptak

Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Dr.

& Mrs. Roger D. lis Margaret Lockhart & Mrs. Michael A. Lombard & Mrs. RH. Love Peter Luk

-MM&M Glass Service Mr. Donald MacDonald Maclennan and Bain Insurance Dr. & Mrs. G. Madhav Mr. Edward Madsen Mr. Frank Major Mr. Thomas Malcolm Mrs.' Dorothy Mancini Mr. James Maragos Mr. & Mrs. M. Markarian Ms. Alicia Martinez Mr. Arnold Marzullo Mr. Alan Masters Mr. John Mateer Mr. Philip Maurer Mr. Joseph Maurey Dr. & Mrs. Walter McFarland Mr. Robert McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mclaren Mclaren's Videotaping Service Meadowbrook Egg Company Medical Exchange Answering Service Dr. Mahesh P. Mehta Dr. & Mrs. G.Y. Merai Merrill Answering Service Mexi-Mayan Tours, Inc. Midwest Bumper Mr. & Mrs. John Mikulski Mr. James Mitchell Dr. & Mrs. S.K Mohindra Ms. Debbie Whitsell Mohn Mr. James c. Moore Mr. Don Moore Mr. Walter Moore Mr. & Mrs. John A. Moorman Mr. Fred Montgomery Mr. John Montgomery Mr. Lee Montgomery Mr. Robert Montgomery Mr. Ken Mortenson Mr. H.C. Moultrie II Mt. Greenwood Bank MPA Fathers' Club MPA Mothers' Club Ms. Janet Whitsell Muzatko Mr. Willie Myers

-NMr. & Mrs. Byron Nelson Ms. Margie Ann Nicholson Mrs. Diane Wagner Nippoldt Mr. Patrick Noonan Noral Distributors, Inc. Mr. Armand Norehad Mr. John A. Norman Mr. Richard Norman Northwest Anesthesia Mr. Don W. Norton, Jr. Mr. L Novak Mr. Richard Nugent Mr. Okechi Nwabara Dr. Paul Nyongani

-OMs. Mary Lou O'Keefe Ms. Mary O'Toole Oak Lawn Chrysler Plymouth Oak Lawn Dodge/Oak Lawn Toyota Oak Lawn Trust & Savings Bank Ms. Karen Freeman Ortmann Ms. Judith Hennan Orzechowski Mr. William Owens

-pMr. Walter Page Mr. Charles Pagels

Ms. Priscilla Paris Ms. Carol Palmer Mr. Henry Palmer Mrs. Karyl L Palmer Dr. & Dr. Pandya Mr. & Mrs. George Panos Mr. Louis Panos Ms. Diane Panos Ms. Pamela Panos Ms. Susanne Gnilka Panovich Mr. jack Parchman Park Cleaners Mr. David Parker Mr. Paul F. Paskvan Dr. S. Patel Pechiney World Trade Pediatric Association Mr. john F. Pendexter Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Petso Mr. Louis Philipps Mr. Robert Philpott Mr. Wilbur Pierce Mr. William Pillsbury Polk Brothers Foundation Dr. Thomas Powell Ms. Ruth Price Mr. Harold L Priess Mr. Edward G. Proctor Mr. Mark Prokop Mrs. jane George Przyborski

-QDr. & Dr. Ijaz Qayyum Dr. & Mrs. M. Masood A. Qazi Quaker Oats Co. Mr. Arnt Quist

-RRadiation Oncology S.c. Dr. G.R Raj Mr. john D. Ramey Mr. Ernest Ramsten Dr. & Mrs. Pisit Rangsithienchai Dr. & Mrs. K. Y.N. Rao Mrs. Margaret O'Donoghue Rawles Red Barrel Restaurant Mr. & Mrs. jerry Riedinger Mr. Price Reinert Ms. Cynthia Reyes Dr. & Mrs. Heman Reyes Mr. Norman Rich Mr. & Mrs. Terrance Riha Dr. & Mrs. S.A. Rinella Ms. Ellen Weiss Rissman Dr. & Mrs. Francis X. Roche Mr. Robert Rolfe Ms. Barbara Rolfe Mr. Wilson Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Henry Rogers Mr. james Rosenbaum Mr. Robert Rosi Mr. David Rosi Mr. Hugh P. Ross Dr. & Mrs. David Ross, jr. Mr. Gilbert Rubenstein Cele & William Rubin Foundation Mrs. Nancy Montgomery Runyon

-5S& S United S & Y Cartage Company Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Sacks Mr. Hakam Safadi Dr. urry Salberg Dr. & Dr. Pascual Sales Mr. jonathan Salmons Mr. & Mrs. jonn Salovaara Ms. Kaarina Salovaara Mr. Mikael Salovaara

Mr. & Mrs. james Samuels Mr. Rolf Sandberg Ms. Marilyn Coursen Sandberg Mr. Antonio Santillen Dr. & Mrs. S.c. Sanwalani Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Saul Dr. T. Sawlani Mr. Michael Scanlon Mr. & Mrs. Robert Scardon Mr. S. Howard Schiller Mr. Ralph Schiller Dr. & Mrs. james Schlenker Mr. Roy Schoenbrod Mrs. Robert Schriver Mr. Fred Schuber Mr. Robert Schuldt Mr. john Schulze Mr. & Mrs. Donald Scornavacco Mr. & Mrs. john Segvich Mr. William Semmer Mr. Loren D. Sexauer Dr. & Dr. Dilip Shah Dr. & Mrs. Prabodh Shah Mr. Aaron M. Shaver Ms. Susan L Shimmin Mr. Richard Shopiro Mr. Charles Shotola Ms. Verneta Simon Mr. & Mrs. William Simon Mr. Gene Simonson Mr. Gene Simpson Mrs. Charlotte Welton Singer Mr. james Slama Dr. A. Slezas Dr. George Smalls Dr. Bernard Smith Bob Smith Slate & Tile Roofing Mr. Edward R Smith Ms. Mary Allison Reitz Smith Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Smith Mr. Wellington Smith Soderlund Brothers South Chicago Savings Bank Southwest Cardiology Southwestern Medical Group Mr. David ~akman Dr. & Mrs. Angelo Spinazzola Mr. Bayne W. Spotwood Mr. William Springer Ms. Margaret Spurgin Dr. C. Srinevasan Mr. john Stack Standard Federal Savings Ms. Wanda A. Stang Mr. & Mrs. Steve Stavropoulos Mr. john Stensland Mr. & Mrs. Donald Stevens Dr. Anita Stewart Dr. joseph Stigler Mr. Lemoine Stitt Ms. Charmaine Stopka Ms. Sheryl Stopka Dr. urry Strong Ms. Mary Sunderland Suniti Medical Group Mr. & Mrs. Donald Swan Dr. & Mrs. Herme O. Sylora

-TMr. & Mrs. ZK Tazian Mr. Alfredo Tenuta Mr. & Mrs. A.R. Teresko Mr. Charles Terman Mr. Charles Terzian Mr. Thomas Theodore Mrlt WInnie M. Theodore Mr. jack Thompson William H. Thompson Insurance Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Thorsen Mr. jerome Thrall

Mr. john Threlkeld Time Incorporated Dr. Maria O. Topala, Ltd. Mr. & Mrs. A. Toscas Toyota on Western, Inc. Ms. Karen Tripam Mr. Timothy Troy Mr. C. Robert Tully Mr. George Turk Mrs. Susan Tuscher Mr. Stanley Tylman

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Younkins

-zMr. Warren Zander Mr. james D. Zalewa Dr. Allan B. Zelinger

-UDr. & Dr. Luis Ugarte Mr. Richard Ugarte Mr. joseph Uhrich Ms. Margaret Mary Uhrich Dr. jeff Unger Dr. & Mrs. Y. Uppuluri Uro Surgery, Inc. Mr. Robert Usedom Dr. P.R Unni

-vMr. & Mrs. Robert Vandiver Mr. Robert Velo Mrs. S. Ventrelle Mr. Theodore Vlahos Ms. Sue Ellen Vlasis Lt. Col. 0.). Vogi Dr. G.). Volan Mr. & Mrs. john Vallortigara Voss Equipment Company Mr. Peter Voss

-wMr. & Mrs. Eugene Wagner Dr. & Mrs. john Waitkus Ms. Sara Dauer Walker Mr. & Mrs. R Walton Mr. Dimitry Wanda Mr. john Washburne Mr. Walter Washington Watkin's Flowers, Inc. Mr. Raymond Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Robert Watkins Mr. &.Mrs. Dan Webb Ms. Debra Weinfield Dr. & Mrs. Edwin We infield Mr. Steven Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Westerberg Ms. Elizabeth White Ms. Sara Elizabeth White Mr. uwrence White Robert F. White & Company Mr. George Whitfield Mr. Robert Whitfield Mr. George Wiegel, Sr. Mr. George Wiegel, jr. Wigel and Kilgallen Ms. JoAnn Wilson Mr. Robert Wilson Mr. Lee Winter Dr. & Mrs. Leon Witkowski Mr. john Witous Wogan & Associates Mr. Martin Wolf Mr. Oscar Wolf Mr. Harold Wood Suzanne Gifford Woodruff Mr. Robert Woolson Mr. Maxwell Wortham Mr. Leo Wynd Donors of record as ofJu~y 31, 1987. Mr. Michael Wojtyla Mr. Frank Wozniak Note: In compiling this report, er~ Mr. Walter Wozniak effort has been made to insure that it is


Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Philip Yap LC. Yee,jr. & Mrs. Ara Yeretsian Cheuk W. Yung

accurate and complete. Kindly report any errors or omissions to the Admnce路 ment Office and please accept our apologies.

parents Mothers' aub The new school year got off to an outstanding start with the Mothers' Club Opening Day Coffee. It was one of the most attended and informative coffees we've ever had. All of the "veteran" mothers were delighted to see so many new faces eager to learn more about this terrific new school they have selected for their children, and everyone was happy to meet the parents of their own children's classmates. In just a very short time, the roots of new friendships were started. Bravo to Anna Marie Brodsky and the Board members who worked very diligently to bring about this success. We were all pleased to notice that the school sparkled as it waited to receive the returning children. We toured the new tennis courts, the reception area recently decorated (compliments of the Mothers' Club) and the generally well scrubbed and polished buildings. The bookstore was heavily staffed by volunteers from the Mothers' Club, who were dispensing books and supplies to the children. Everyone seemed happy to return and face the challenge of the new year. The organization of the bookstore volunteers by Julie De Haan and Cindy Seaman was another big job that ran smoothly. Thanks goes to all of those mothers that joined us on opening day, many of whom agreed to serve one afternoon each month in the bookstore selling supplies to our children here at MPA.

jlllie DeHaan recmiting parents to l'ollinteer in the campus store

We have so many things on our schedule for this coming year but don 't forget to circle your calendar for our second annual "Salute to Excellence" dinner dance, March 5, 1988. This year we are privileged to be hosting one of the first social events in Chicago at the beautiful new Fairmont Hotel. Remember, this joint fund-raising effort is a cooperative venture of all the organizations that work for the benefit of Morgan Park Academy. Since our enrollment is up, as well as our spirits, I'm sure all of you will participate in one capacity or another. Welcome back everyone! Now let's roll up our sleeves and get to work and make this a most successful year for our children . Sincerely, Colleen Panos President

held on Saturday, August 22nd. A heartfelt thank you to those who volunteered their time to paint, move the scoreboard and plant flowers around the gym . Plans for the ensuing year are shaping up. The Fathers' Club sponsors the Pancake Breakfast to be held this year on October 17th. Come out to meet your fellow parents, enjoy a delicious breakfast and stay around to watch the Homecoming soccer games. Other projects for the year include an outing to a baseball game, uniforms for the cheerleading squads, Book Awards at the end of the school year and the support of "Salute to Excellence ." Last ~ar the Fathers' Club supported a large project - the installation of tennis courts. Through the leadership of two of our MPA fathers, Eugene Wagner and Roger Us, o~rseeing the construction of the courts, and with the excavating expertise of parent Willi am Colli ns, the courts are now a reality. The Fathers' Club needs your support, both financially and through your acti~ participation . Please join the Fathers' Club and become invol~d . Take the time to come to one of the meetings held the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in Alumni Hall . We welcome your ideas and look forward to meeting you . Thank you , Jerry Hennelly President

The warm sunny days of summer are behind us and our children have once more returned to classes at MPA. While summertime has no doubt held many pleasant memories for them, we hope that this school year will add to those memories. The purpose of the Fathers' Club is to help the school give our children a fully-rounded education. We do this by sponsoring a variety of events. The annual Work Day was

OutgOing President. Hiram Broyls, receiving a plaque of appreCiation from incoming President. jerry Hennelly

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Dedication of the Donald Mancini Metnorial Library

Mrs. Dorothy Mandni, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Callam and son, Christopher.

President.}eff Heilman, untl(>ils the Donald Mandni Memorial Lihrary dedication plaque.

Mrs. Domthl' Mandni

Mrs. Mandni visits with Lewellyn Werner Director of Development.

33 and Fred Holzrichter,

Mr. Walter Callam and Mr. A.R. Ayers jo

GiIUl Ad4uci, Lower and Middle Schools


A familiar face and former substitute teacher at MPA, Gina joins the faculty as a full-time French instructor in the Lower and Middle Schools. She is a Cum Ulude graduate of St. Norbert College with majors in French and Business Administration and has recently attained her Master of Arts degree in French from Middlebury College. In addition to a year of studies at three educational institutions in France, Gina has taught English to French students and has tutored students in French.

PRtsy Flnk, First Grade

A graduate of lllinois State University, Patsy has also done graduate work in the Education of the Gifted Child. She brings with her over ten years of teaching experience and most recently served as the Teacher and Director of an Early Childhood Program for Academically Talented Children.

New PllCUlty • • • TbOffUlS DrRbo%lll, Middle and Upper Schools

Graduating with honors from St. Gregory's College in Oklahoma, Thomas then attended Coe College in Iowa where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree with Teaching Certification. He is teaching world history and geography in the eighth and ninth grades and political science in the Upper School. An athlete and sports enthusiast, he will coach the freshman -sophomore Basketball Team and will assist the Head Baseball Coach in the spring. He is also working with seventh and eighth grade students in physical education.

DRrrel VRn Kirk, Middle and Upper Schools

Relocating from Madison, Wisconsin, Darrel joins the foreign language staff as a Spanish instructor for grades eight through twelve. He is an alumnus of the University of Wisconsin where he earned his B.A. , B.S. and M.A. degrees in Spanish and also worked as an instructor, tutor, laboratory technician and translator. For the past two years Darrel was an instructor at the Madison Area Technical College.

, Ad4Iison Goering, Middle School An experienced middle school instructor, Addison is teaching mathematics and science in the sixth grade and social studies in the seventh grade . He received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education at Keene State College in New Hampshire and attained an Endorsement in Gifted Education from the University of Kentucky. He is also working toward a Master's degree with an emphasis on microcomputers in the classroom . His previous teaching experience includes working in middle schools in Nebraska and in Kentucky where he served as teacher/ coordinator for the Program for Gifted Students.

Robert MRyne, Middle School

Another addition to the Middle School faculty, Robert is teaching English, reading and social studies in the sixth grade and mathematics in the seventh grade. He completed his undergraduate work at Albion College and received his Master of Arts degree from Valparaiso University in Indiana. Robert taught at Pine Ridge High School in South Dakota for five years and more recently at The Learning Place , an alternative school in Valparaiso. BIIrb_r_ Wood, Pre-First Grade

Dotudd FlieS, Physical Education/ Athletic Department A former college and semi -pro basketball player, Don will use his expertise as the new Varsity Basketball Coach. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of North Dakota and his Master of Science degree from Mankato State University in Minnesota. Don will also serve as the Varsity Track Coach and the Assistant Soccer Coach. In addition , he will teach physical education and driver education classes.


Barbara joins the faculty as an instructor for the new pre-first grade class. She received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of lllinois and a Master of Arts degree in education from the National College of Education. In addition to her employment as a teacher and teacher's aid in three different schools, Barbara has served as the program supervisor and teacher for the Evanston Environmental Association.

E,";ne Glllies, returning faculty member Elaine rejoins the faculty this fall as the Lower and Middle School Music Instructor. She pursued graduate studies in music during a Leave of Absence from the Academy.

KAren Abe_"" Director of Marketing and Public Relations A native of Pennsylvania, Karen will be representing the Academy as the Director of Marketing and Public Relations. She graduated with honors from Clarion University of Pennsylvania, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication. As an undergraduate she was employed by Clarion University in communication-oriented positions. In addition, Karen completed a public relations internship with the United Way last spring.

BIIrlHlr_ Âťleibert, Advancement

Office Secretary Born and raised in Chicago, Barbara joins the Advancement Staff bringing with her a diverse professional background. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Home Economics from the University of Iowa and later attended Loyola University. He professional experience includes teaching, retailing and administrative secretarial positions. Most recently, Barbara served as a secretary to a senior vice president in the investment and loan department of a bank.

r - - - - - - - - - - Lower

SChool - - - - - - - - - - ,

Yellr Honor Roll -

lower school



John Conta Dorina lAzo Jennifer Lee Guarav Mohindra Farrah Qazi Alice Rangsithienchai Leah Sullivan Anjali Waikar


Joseph Bertoletti Andrea Chavarria Jon Pierre Chenier Andrea DelCastillo Kathleen Driscoll Elizabeth Garza Melvin Heard Emily Holzrichter Raleigh Kean Eric lAndgraf Ttffany Us Anndra Masters Kathy Radek Daniel Rinella Usa Scornavacco Alexia Vanek Edward Wang Bridgette Winger



Deborah Aruguete Tara Begeman Adithya Cattamanchi Hirsch Mohindra Aaron Seaman GRADES H ONOR ROLL

Andrew Boyd Julie Conwell laura DeHaan Jennifer Eastman Amber Gumm Robyn Hambric Jennifer Hubbard Andrew Kornhaber Patricia Pongched Casey Reidy Chirag 91ah


The closing exercises for the Lower School were held on Thursday, June 4. Grades pre-first through four presented a varied program of French songs and poems. The fifth and sixth grade Spanish classes also presented several Spanish selections. The fifth grade French class presented a short play "Le Petit Chaperon Rouge" (little Red Riding I Hood). The prqgram concluded with the singing of the French National Anthem, "Le Marseillaise" by the sixth grade French class. The program was directed by Mrs. Kayla Vodnoy and Ms. Julie George of the Foreign Language Department, with piano accompaniment by Mrs. linda Good. Thet program was followed by the presentation of awards. Mrs. Colled Panos, President of the Mothers' Club presented the Mothers' Club music award to Tracy Kwit and the Art Award to Tara Begeman. Following the presentation of Honor Roll Awards, students were dismissed for summer vacation.

Tracy Kwit and Mrs. Colleen Panos

Mrs. Colleen Panos and Tara Begeman

'Ie Petit Chaperon Rouge "

Third grade French class

middle school MIDDLE SCHOOL GRADUATION Graduation for the eighth grade students was held on June 5th in the Beverly Art Center following a reception in the concourse for students, parents and friends. Musical selections were presented by Shaun Broyls, Lori ungston, Sarah Johnson, Melanie McFarland, ura Jayasanker and Elisabeth Heard. The eighth grade class, under the direction of Mr. Marc Mangold , offered a variety of songs including

"The Way We Were," with soloists Sarah Johnson and Melanie McFarland. The slides shown in conjunction with the songs showed the students at various ages. "Try to Remember," "Yesterday," "Stand By Me," and the MPA School song were also presented by the class. Members of the National Junior Honor Society were recognized by Mrs. Theodore. They included eighth graders : Shaun Broyls, Gregory Coleman, Elisabeth Heard , ura Jayasanker, Craig Kolodziej, Lori ungston, Melanie McFarland, Jaidave Rao, Wren Schaefer, Samir Shah, Kevin Shaw and Susanna Ugarte. Mrs. Colleen Panos, President of the Mothers' Club presented the Mothers' Club Art Award to Brian Begeman, the Music Award to Melanie McFarland and the Drama Award to Melanie McFarland. In addition, the following awards were presented : SCIENCE AWARD

SamirShah Shaun Broyls



Shaun Broyls Elisabeth Heard D.A.R GOOD CITIZENSHIP AWARD

Brian Begeman Sarah johnson BEST ATHLETE AWARDS


Highest Scholastic Average Jor the Year: Grade 6 ...... . . . ..... Atpit Shah Grade 7 .. . ... Aileen Hovanessian Grade 8 . . . . ....... .. Samir Shah Second Highest Scholarstic Average Jor the Year: Grade 6 ........ .. Sanjay Pandya Grade 7 . . . Allan Rangsithienchai Grade 8 . ... . .... lara jayasanker

The Stephen J. Kling Award, presented each year to the eighth grade student whose distinguished record of scholarship, leadership, and citizenship best exemplifies the program of Morgan Park Academy, was presented to Samir Shah. Eighth grade diplomas were awarded to the following students: Jori Lyn Bailey Brian Edward Begeman Shaun Christopher Broyls Audrey Marie Cain Anthony Arseno Chavarria Gregory Brandon Coleman William James Dier Sivadev Kumar Gaddipati Paul Michael Gojkovich Elisabeth June Heard Christopher Sundiata Hinson Lara Josette Jayasanker Sarah Elisabeth Johnson Aaron Scott Jo-Nes Kassandra Grazina Karaitis Michael James Kartsounis Marjorie Joy Sy Kho

Craig Thomas Kolodziej Ken Evans Koomalsingh Lori Noel Langston Jayce Christine Love James Joseph McCann Melanie Dawn McFarland Vishal Mahul Mehta Stacy Roseann Mills Daniel Jude O'Connor Michael Armand Pacis Sameer Bakul Pandya Ivanna Park Peter Scott Radek Jaidave Simha Rao Sean Christopher Riha Wren lincoln Schaefe r Michael Homer Schnur Samir Dilip Shah Sandeep Sharma Kevin James Shaw Joseph William Smi th Matthew Franklin Smith Susana Delia Ugarte Sergio Hector Urquiza Suzannah Winge r

Wfidd1eSchOOl ========================~11

Yellr Honor Roll

Headmaster, Dauid A. Jones and Samir Shah

Mathezl 'Smith, President of the eighth grade class. leading the Pledge of Allegiance




Elham Abdishi Maria Alexander Latania Broyls Leila Buchmann Nicole Cataldi Elizabeth Chang' Julie Cuadros Eudora Fay Richard Glatz' Myriam Guillen' Nicholas Hirsch Leah Jayasanker Faheem Jesani Lori Lypson Michelle Newsome Sanjay Pandya' Niraj Patel' Rebekkah Ross' Vishal Sanwalani' Robert Schlenker Arpit Shah' Quashane Travis' Elizabeth Winger Nellie Yeretsian'

Jalron Bell Jeffrey Biel David Brown Mark Brown Ashok Cattamanchi Melissa Costopoulos Kareem Daniel' Jason Ervin Aileen Hovanessian ' Natasha Jarymowycz' Emma Kean Kristin Lai Joy Morrow' Anil Neerukonda Fidelia Park April Preyar Allan Rangsithienchai' Shantanu Reddy Rachael Ross' Christine Schlenker' Aruna Uppuluri ' Jennifer Zalewa'

Jori Bailey Brian Begeman Sbaun Broyls Gregory Coleman' Elisabech Heard' Lara Jayassanker ' Sarah Johnson Kassandra Karaiti s Michael Kartsounis Joy Kho ' Craig Kolodziej' Ken Koomalsingh Lori Langston' Jayce ~ve Melanie McFarland Vishal Mehta' Sameer Pandya Ivanna Park Jai Rao Wren Schaefer Samir Shah' Kevin Shaw Matthew Smith Susana Ugarte' Sergio Urquiza Suzannah Winger

• denotes High Honor Roll

114th Commencement upper school

"To say it is a great honor to be here today would be an understatement. Forty-seven years ago, my class sat where you young men and women are sitting today. We had the same opportunities to experience the same challenges and excitement and the same commitments to serve our country, our families and our fellow man as you have. Let's talk for a few minutes about commitment and how much it affects your lives and your success or failure. Your parents have made a commitment to educate you and to prepare you for the rest of your lives. Members of the Morgan Park Academy faculty made commitments to prepare young men and women for a future in this exciting, challenging and competitive world. Now it is your turn to accept the challenge you are so well prepared for and to make a commitment to give your best to whatever endeavor you choose for the future - your success or failure depends upon how you handle your commitments.

Richard L. Duchossois Morgan Park Military Academy Class of 1940 Your parents have been magnifi cent. They accepted the commitment to prepare you for the future , and I know you join me in saying thank you and congratulations. The faculty members of Morgan Park Academy have dedicated their lives to preparing young men and women to face the challenges of this great world. Yes, they are committed and they have met their commitments well, and I know you join me and your parents in saying thank you and congratulations. All of you are committed to excellence. I don't believe I have ever read more remarkable biographies for so many outstanding students, or heard of more achievements than each of you as individuals and collectively as a class have accomplished.

You have fulfilled a commitment to your parents and to your school and you have fulfilled it well. Just being here today and receiving your diplomas is proof of that. Your parents and the faculty join me in extending our congratulations to you. You now have the tools to build whatever type of life you choose. How you use them is entirely up to you. There is no concern in my mind that you young men and women will use them well. But I appreciate that along with your confidence, you have the same feelings my class had 47 years ago. You ask yourselves: Can I really do it? Will I let my parents and friends down? Will I let my school down? Will I let myself down? What is really out there in the future, and can I handle it? I know all of these concerns are on your mind, they have to be. They go through every intelligent person's mind. These thoughts stir up your adrenalin and become the challenges that drive you to fulfill the commitments you will make. Forty-three years ago today, a commitment was made by the free world. This is an ongoing commitment. My generation was there when that commitment was made, and now we need you to help us fulfill it, just as you will need the next generation to help you fulfill your commitments. Let us stop and ask what keeping a commitment really means. 10 simple terms: It is keeping promises and meeting obligations whether they are large or small. It means having or not having a reputation for keeping your word. It is an acquired habit. Whether or not you can handle your commitments will have a tremendous influence on your most important relations in life: at college, in a career, within your community, among your friends, and within your family. Keeping commitments clearly matters most to the people you make them to. Someone else may be planning a part of their life around you. They

are counting on you to come through. If you don't, it can cost them not only their time and money but even their reputation. They have made their commitments based on yours. Keeping a commitment also is having the good judgement and common sense not to over promise, not to say you can or will do what you can't or shouldn't do. The old expression of "Don't commit what you can't fulfill' is as old as the expression "Don't expect what you don't inspect." Commitments are a way of life. Your parents have made many sacrifices to fulfill their commitments to you. Now you have a commitment to yourselves, your parents, and your teachers to make the most of the opportunities they have given you. Going to college will give you the opportunity to test these skills and to develop the habits of making and meeting your commitments. For example: To do your best to warrant the money spent on your education by your parents or scholarship sponsor and to deserve the faith they have placed in you. To meet the new financial obligations you will acquire, whether by working to earn part of your education or handling the allowance provided to you by your family. To be a good roommate, dorm resident, or fraternity or sorority member. To meet the educational, social, or monetary obligations these relationships entail. Some of you may be working to pay all or a portion of your tuition and will be committed to your employers to be at work and put in a little more than the job requires. When you enter the workplace, your success will come in direct proportion to how well you have learned to fulfill your commitments. You may have thought life had been great up until now, but I promise you, you haven't seen anything yet. The excitement, the challenge and the opportunities that lie in

front of you are only limited by your imagination. You are most fortunate. You are better prepared to meet your new world than most people, because commitments were made to prepare you and these commitments were met. You now have the opportunity to get out in a rarefied atmosphere and do things that have never been done before, the things people say are impossible to do. 10 this atmosphere, your competition will be less because very few people will accept the challenges and the risks, or be willing to make the commitment to excellence. I, like others, look for the situations where there is less competition but where the competition is the best. It stimulates you to heights which even you question if you can reach. If you are committed, you can go the extra mile to insure success. Few people will do this, but it is the difference between great success and mediocrity. In the competitive world you are now entering, there are but a handful of people who are willing to take the risks and meet the commitments. The choice is yours. My class served in World War II and that class was outstanding. They met their obligations and fulfilled their commitments. I am sure your Class of 1987 will far exceed ours in everything you do. Without a shred of doubt, we can say that your class will meet the challenges of the future and leave its mark on .this great world we live in because commitments were made for you and these commitments were fulfilled. Congratulations, God bless and Godspeed. The best is yet to come." R.L. Duchossois

The Michael A. Lombard Award Mr. Frank Daily Mount Greenwood Bank Ani Hovanessian

114th Commencement

-June 6, 19B7The I I 4th Commencement was held June 6, 1987 outdoors on the Academy campus. Following the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem led by the class president Rajiv Goel, the Rev. Fred Milligan of the Morgan Park Presbyterian Church offered a prayer of invocation. The class oration was given by Rebecca Brown , Valedictorian of the Class and the co;nmencement address was delivered by Morgan Park Military Academy alumnus, Richard L. Duchossois. The presentation of awards followed : Academic Awards Mr. Robert Stelton Upper School Dean oj Faculty

The Fathers' Club Scholarship Award Dr. Hiram Broyls President, Fathers' Club

American Legion Citizenship Awards Mr. Robert Guilfoyle Beverly Hills Post 407 Kellin Smith Monica Rodgers

Harry D. Abells American Flag and Plaque Class Salutatorian

Henry W. Kennedy Kiwanis Distinguished Service Award

A bronze medal to the student with the third highest academic standing in the Upper School throughout the school year. Aras Lapinskas

A silver medal to the student with the second highest academic standing in the Upper School throughout the school year.

The Haydn E. Jones Cup and Plaque Class Valedictorian Mr. David A. Jones Headmaster

Ani Hovanessian

A gold medal to the student with the highest academic standing in the Upper School throughout the school year.

Rebecca Brown

Hazim Ansari

Announcement of the names of students in the freshman, sophomores, junior, and senior classes with the highest academic averages throughout the school year. Names will be placed on the plaque in Alumni Hall. 9th - Atman Shah 10th - Aras Lapinskas 11th - Hazin Ansari 12th - Rebecca Brown

The Jean Landon Taylor Alumni Award Mr. Kenneth H. Saul , Class of '42 President, MPMA-MPA Alumni Association Monica Rodgers

Following the presentation of awards, Mr. Jeffrey Heilman, President of the Board of Trustees, assisted by Headmaster David A. Jones, presented a diploma of graduation to the following students: Andrew Akers Rebecca Broum Gina Lacopulos Paula Cuadros Monique Elias Denise Xydakis Ri:ljiv Gael Gina Griffiths Gejalisia Hinson Juli Horka Christopher Heuman Christopher Jones Katherine Kennedy Mary Kim

Brian Landgraf Kimberly March David Nobel Margaret Norris Roselle Regas Noah Robinson Monica Rodgers Diane Sales Kevin Smith David Stopka Pakawat Suwansathien Roxanne Sylora Stacy Wood Edward You

Upper School Honor Roll - 1986 - 1987 -



Rebecca Brown' Paula Cuadros Monique Elias Rajiv Goel' Kathrine Kennedy Mary Kim Gina Lacopulos Brian Landgraf Margaret Norris Noah Robinson Kevin Smith Pakawat Suwansathien Roxanne Sylora' , denotes High Honor Roll

Lakshman Adusumilli' Hazim Ansari' Stephen Black Courtney Davis Kristie Goss Mark Holzrichter Ani Hovanessian' Tonya Jarrett Cindy Jones Matthew Jones Geeta Kandala' Tae Woo Kim Eileen Lee Grace Lee' Aerica Love' Melissa Mackevicius Nathaniel Ross Marc Sokol' lisa Spinazzola' Laura Swan Arthur Usher'

Adele Cobbs Elizabeth Crosby Dejuana Daniel ' Tom Danielewicz' Rina Dave Kavita Gupta' Wendy Heilman Aras Lapinskas' Jay Mikulski Carrie Panagakis Michael Panos Brijesh Patel Sheila Rao Cathy Reyes Jason Robinson florence Roche' Ruth Ross Kathy Sales' Monica Sharma Joy Somerson Katy Stopka Steve Vandiver Sushrut Waikar' Meredith Watkins'

GRADE 9 Vijay Adusumilli ' Elizabeth Akers' Nick Charo Jennifer Coyne' Rachel Cuadros' Amy Danielewicz' Jason DeHaan Terrence Free Stephanie Horka Laresh Jayasanker' Faizal Jesani Jim Lai' George Lee Gladys Lee' Anand Mehta' Jennifer Moro April Paris Biren Patel Tina Sacks Matt Segvich Atman Shah' Corilyn Shropshire lisa Usher' Sarah Wagner

Alutnni ~tbering


A number of Morgan Park Military Academy and Morgan Park Academy Alumni gathered on the campus to celebrate the 114th Commencement, June 6, 1987. The commencement address was given by MPMA alumnus Richard Duchossois. Immediately following the exercises, the library in Alumni Hall was dedicated to the memory of Donald Mancini '30. Mrs. Mancini , from Ft. Lauderdale, florida was present, along with her nephew Mr. Walter Callum, his wife and son. The assembled group was welcomed by Mr. David A. Jones, Headmaster, followed by remarks by alumnus, A. Richard Ayers and faculty member, Martin Wolf. Mrs. Mancini expressed her gratitude for the memorial and her pleasure at being able to visit the school her husband had such deep feeling for. The official dedication followed with the unveiling of the plaque by


Kenneth Saul '4 2, President of MPMA - MPA Alumni Association presenting the Jean Landon Taylor Alumni Award to Monica ' Rodgers.

Lewellyn Werner '33, Charles Shatola '34 and wife, Libby

Jeffrey Heilman of the Board of Trustees. MPA students Ani Hovanessian and Mark Holzrichter then unveiled the portrait of Mr. Mancini in his cadet uniform. An informal reception at the home of the Headmaster followed. The Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association was held at 6:00 p.m. in the Mancini library. The slate of officers was ratified as presented, and Kenneth Saul '42 presented the gavel to newly-elected president Robert F. Goss, Jr., '63. Following the Annual Meeting cocktails and dinner were held in the dining hall. The dinner was catered by Paul Djikas '60. During the dinner, individual classes were recognized with Ellsworth Dare '27 of Cape Coral, florida being the oldest alumnus in attendance. A special plaque was presented to Ken Saul outgoing president in gratitude for a job well done .

Director of Development, Fred Holzrichter and Ellsworth Dare '2 7

Class oj '69

Witkowski Aw"rd The 1987 Leon). Witkowski Distinguished Alumni Service Award was presented at the Alumni Dinner on June 6th. The recipients were: Dan W Haigh '34 Robert Rolfe '52 Dan has actively worked toward organizing a Class Agent program for the Association which will keep classmates in closer contact with one another. Dan has served on the Board of the Association and was instrumental in having the Blake Hall lintel made into a memorial. Bob has served on the Alumni Board, and through the years has spent countless hours searching for alumni for whom we do not have a current address. The efforts of these two men have greatly strengthened and enriched the MPMA-MPA Alumni Association.

Roh ert Rolfe '52

Dan Hai;<b j 4 a lld Dr. Leoll j.

Witko ll 'ski '65

------------------------------------Alwnni Dues Name _



Year _ _ _ _ __


The entire Academy family expresses sympathy to the family and friends of the following alumni who have passed away since publication of our last magazine.



my check Ii lr S

Howard Buxbaum' 39 William Droegemueller '23 Lowell Koenig , 38 Roger Lane '28 Charles Orr, Sr. '55 William White '38 Oliver Williford '47

S 1lI(),.e t/JOII

the year graduated amount due (i( the dif{e,.el/ce is 25 ()II~)' 5 I ()()(J is dll(')

MPMA - MPA Alumni Association - Officers,.,", BORrd of Directors 1987-1988 President ..................................... Robert F. Goss, Jr., 1st Vice President ......... . ...................... Michael Rogers 2nd Vice President ............... . ......... Carolyn Smith George 3rd Vice President ...................... Madonna Farmer Abdishi Secretary . ................................... . ...... Brian Coller Treasurer .................................... Donald MacDonald Sergeant-at-ArmS ............................... Leon). Witkowski

A. Richard Ayers '36 Kenneth Saul ' 4 2

'63 '69 '65 '63 '79 '48 '65

- Directors Dan Haigh, '34 Michael Butler '79 James Orphan '49 Eugene Katz '59 0.]. Vogle '33 Don Badziong '42 Lee Montgomery '66 James Goss '54 Robert Triantis '85 Eric Spinazzola '75 Jerome Thrall ' 44

, 7 retired from business, although

'44 President of Stemmler is

continues to keep active in Rotary Club and the United Way. He also finds time for fishing, golf, some tennis and traveling.

Communications, Inc., an advertising and public relations firm in St. Louis, MOo His wife, Guin recently published her fourth book, "Putting life Together."

~ ~

Aaron Shaver,

,2..2.. Harold Wiersema reports

closs notes

~ ~ that he has thoroughly enjoyed 8 1h years of retirement and has also retired as a Lt. Col. from the Army Reserves after 28 years of service. He still sees George Goes '34.

Francis Patrick retired in August of

'86 and moved to Sarasota, Florida. He keeps busy with AARP volunteer activities including Tax-Aide and Mature Driving Assistance. Francis and wife, Willa, enjoy entertaining "northern" friends and relatives.

'2..4 Dan Haigh and wife ;.7 Bette are in the process of moving to Florida. Dan is looking forward to getting an active alumni group going in Florida.

'2..6 Harry Londelius spends his summers at Lake ~

Arrowhead and winters in South Pasadena. Harry's oldest daughter is working at the University of Washington State and his younger daughter at the College in the San Fernando Valley. He is also the proud grandfather of two. Roy Schoenbrod retired but busy as

a counselor for Service Corps of Retired Executives, an organization that offers help to those asking for business advice. Roy also enjoys golf, work at the gym, and traveling.

George Stemmler

'41f:.. the law firm Levin a partner in Jerome Levin,



Rosen Ltd., specializes in matrimonial and domestic relations law. He and wife Elaine have been married 39 years, have two married children and four grandchildren.


ArthurJohns is a self-

employed attorney at law, living in Chula Vista, CA.

'48 Dr. Ronald McConnick is the lead human factors engineer for General Dynamics National Aerospace Plane Project, the X-30 hyper velocity research plane.

'4ft "7

Dr. Ronald Seavoy visited

mainland China recently to do research for his third book entitled: "The Commercialization of Peasant Agriculture". He expects the book to be published sometime in 1990.

, If:.. If:..

Dr. Phillip Hodonas and family are currently living in Michigan City, IN. Phillip is a physician, and served as a medical volunteer for the 1987 Pan Am Games. ~~

'6~ Robert Taylor is currently

~ a counselor at a community college and living in Glendale, CA.

'2..8 enjoys Robert McOenathan still retirement in little '64 Edemployed Haggard is selfas a commercial Rock, AK, and actively continues his ~

hobbies; stamp collecting, woodworking and camping.

'40 also found timeandto hisstopwife Richard Stow

and visit the Academy this summer. The Stows spend their winters in Yuma, AZ and their summers traveling throughout the U.S. Don Badziong writes that he is in

the process of selling his business so he can be "retarded".

photographers' representative. In addition, he is currently taking courses toward an MFA degree in photography. Ed has already had two, one-man shows of his fine arts photography at northside Chicago galleries. Ed writes fiction as a hobby, exchanging it with fellow writers.

'61f:.. family are living in Gilroy, and Henry (Pete) Welton


CA where Pete is self-employed in the garlic processing business.


David Brown writes that

he has been working actively with the mother of television star David Janssen to raise funds to purchase a star on the "Hollywood Walk of Fame". He was interviewed on National Public Radio about the project.

Lee Montgomery and wife Colleen

, 7 J2..

Barbara Hoffman is on

,7 7

Kimberly Duffek an artist/

leave from practicing law after the birth of her third child. Barbara and husband Jeffrey are also the parents of Courtney ( 4) and Andrew (2). illustrator, is living in Tucson, AZ.

degree in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University and recently received his master's degree through the AT&T Advanced Degree program at VIC.

'82.. recently J graduated from the Raja Kandala

University of Chicago and is currently a medical student.

are the proud parents of Caitlin Montgomery who recently starred as the daughter of Eliot Ness in the movie "The Untouchables."

'60 "7

'!1usette Ko~cher Conover

IS a partner 10 an aquarium service business while continuing to work as a staff nurse in the Post Anesthesia Recovery Room, in Boerne, Texas.

William Matthews is Director of Sales for Ohio Fasteners & Tool, Inc., and is in his second year as a member of the Board of Education for Strongsville, Ohio City Schools. The district totals 5700 students.


Kim Duffek 77 with Harris' hawk

Bob Cain, his wife lisa

and their daughter Megan are proud to announce the arrival of Robert Miles Cain, born April 1987. Bob is currently the head of the Architectural Dept. of an engineering firm in Binghamton, NY. Carol Palmer writes that she just

moved into her first home and is enjoying the pleasures of being a homeowner. Donald Coller and wife Ann Yardley Coller 72 spent a great deal of the

summer in Chicago while son Christoper underwent surgery and therapy.

Luis Redondo is a physician at Rush

Diane Pappageorge is living in New

Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center in Chicago. Luis, wife Maria and daughter Melissa reside in Indianhead Park, IL Debbie DeMichael Cain is a

York City where she is employed by First Boston Corporation in International Equity. She received her B.A. in Econorpics from Columbia UniverSity.

computer programmer/ analyst with Mantech International Corp. (Naval software contractor). She and husband Paul are living in Norfolk, VA.

Patrick O'Toole received his B.B.A. from Notre Dame and is now employed as a staff accountant with Klayman, liss, Green, and Schultz in Chicago.

Betsy White has joined the ABC - ]V

Timothy Murnane recently graduated from St. John's University and is employed by Rolodex Corp.

affiliate in Tampa, FL as Associate News Producer.


Donald DeSlover is

working for an executive search firm in the insurance field and is the proud father of a twoyear-old daughter.

'80 flight attendantis currently a for Jane Cooley

Midway Airlines.

'82 second year of graduate is in her Kari Higginson

school at the University of lllinois Champaign. She is working toward a master's degree in Elementary and Early Childhood Education. _t

(lJ ristopher and Catherine Coller

Marc Blackwell received his B.S.

Sanjeev Rathi is attending graduate

school at the University of Illinois Champaign, pursuing a Master's Degree in Managerial Accounting. Sanjeev received his B.A. in Economics from the University of Chicago. Kim Wilson recently received her

B.S. degree from Stephens College, with Broadcast Communications as her major. Kathy Kim , a graduate of the

University of Michigan, is currently a medical student at Loyola University Medical School.

Scott Lee received his private pilot license recently. Scott will receive his B.A. in History from the University of Wisconsin in December. Steve ?etso received his AA degree from Oxford College of Emory University and is currently a senior at Findlay College where he is Treasurer of the Student Council and a disc jockey with the college radio station. Nicholas Nowicki recently completed a jewelry mailers apprenticeship in Sausalito, CA Nick is employed by the Lee Weitzman Studio's of Chicago. Rebecca Lindell is currently a senior at Oberlin College in Ohio. She will receive her degree in history in December.

Tara Brigham, a sophomore at the University of Southern California has been elected to the 1987-1988 Student Senate. She is also a member of the Alpha Lambda Honor Scoeity and will serve as a Resident Advisor for the current school year.

'87 Andrew Akers

received the Honorable Mention in the High School Writing Category of Purdue University - Calumet's Sigrid Stark Literary Contest, as a high school senior, Andrew is a freshman at Bradley.

Stacy Wood writes that she is excited about starting her freshman year at Mills College in California but finds it difficult to think about not returning to M.P.A.


POsmONSAVAIIABLE Non-profit organization is seeking entry level volunteers, for immediate active alumni duty. No interview necessary. No experience nee~ed , on-the-job training. CHI or write : MPMA MPAAlumni Office, 2153 W. 111 th Street, Chicago , IL 60643, (312) 881-6700.

D. Terry Stanton is a junior at the UniverSity of Arizona, majoring in finance.

'86 sophomore Tiffany Neal is currently a at Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI. She is a pre-law major with a minor in Spanish . She writes that although she loves Marquette, she misses Mr. Wolf at MPA.

Adrienne Alton who is studying Materials Science and Engineering at Cornell UniverSity received an Eastman Kodak Fellowship for her next three years. She spent the summer working as a research assistant at the University of Connecticut's Institute of Materials Science.

furtrait of Donald Mancini 30

1987 - 1988 -


Homecoming Alumni Association Board Meeting, Mancini library, 12:00 noon Pancake Breakfast, Alumni Hall, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Varsity Soccer, 1:00 p.m. DECEMBER 26:

Alumni Association Board Meeting, Gym, 5:30 p.m. Alumni Volleyball - Basketball Game, Gym, 6:00 p.m. JANUARY 21, 1988:

Senior Breakfast, Alumni Hall, 7 :30 a.m. FEBRUARY 6: Alumni Association Board Meeting, Mancini library, 1:00 p.m. Alumni Career Conference, to be announced MARCH 5: "Salute to Excellence," Fairmont Hotel APRIL 23: Alumni Association Board Meeting, Mancini library, 1:00 p.m.


OCTOBER 3 PSAT/ACTWorkshop, Room 111,9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 7 Mothers' Club Board Meeting, BAC Lounge, 8:30 a.m. Joint Meeting, Mothers' and Fathers' Clubs, Alumni Hall, 7:30p.m. , End First Marking Period, Lower School 10 Middle School Bicycle Trip SAT Exam, Various locations, Required for Seniors PSAT/ACTWorkshop, Room 111,9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 12 Columbus Day - NO ClASSES 16 Lower School Parent Conferences, As Scheduled 17 Homecoming Fathers' Club Pancake Breakfast, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Middle School Soccer, 10:00 a.m. J.Y. Soccer, 11:30 a.m. Varsity Soccer, 1:00 p.m. Homecoming Dance, 7:30 p.m. End First Marking Period, Middle & Upper School 20 PSATINMSQT Exams 24: ACT Exams Middle School Workday 30 Halloween Parties, Lower School - 1:00 p.m. Middle School-3:00 p.m 6:00p.m.


NOVEMBER 4: Mothers' Club Board Meeting, BAC Lounge, 8:30 a.m. Fathers' Club Board Meeting, Alumni Hall, 7:30 p.m. S Middle School Science Fair 6 Teacher Institute Day NO ClASSES 7 SAT-ACH Exams Mothers' Club International Dinner, Alumni Hall, 6:30 p.m. 11/ Eighth Grade Discovery 12 Days 13 Middle School Roller Skating Party Middle & Upper School Parent Conference, Alumni Hall, 3:15- 7:15 p.m. 14: Drama Production, BAC Theater, 8:00 p.m. 2S End Second Marking Period, Lower School, Classes dismissed 12:00 noon 30 Classes resume

DECEMBER 2 Mothers' Club Board Meeting, BAC Lounge, 8:30 a.m. Fathers' Club Board Meeting, Alumni Hall, 7:30 p.m. 4: Middle School Dance, Alumni Hall, 3:00-6:00 p.m. S SAT-ACH Exams

, Mothers' Club Bazaar & Dessert Buffet, BAC Concourse, 12:30 p.m. MPA Christmas Program, BAC Theater, 1:30 p.m. 10 End Second Marking Period Middle School 11 End Second Marking Period Upper School 12 ACT Exams 14: Middle & Upper School Semester Exams Begin IS Mothers' Club Christmas Store, Student Lounge, 9:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. 16 Lower School Program, BAC Theater 17 End First Semester Lower School Party, 2:00 p.m. Middle School Party, 12:00 noon - 3:00 p.m. Classes Dismissed for Christmas Recess, 3:00 p.m.

JANUARY 4: Classes resume 6 Mothers' Club Board Meeting, BAC Lounge, 8:30 a.m. Fathers' Club Board Meeting, Alumni Hall, 7:30 p.m. 8 Middle School, Winter camping Trip, Return 1/10 18 Martin Luther King Holiday NO ClASSES

1944 Grenadiers

(Center): Dodd, Forbes. (From left to right) : Snarski, Winter , Behrens. Peshke, Kuhina, Gilhert, Schiller, Welker, Whittier , Sward, Doney, Scott, Linquist, Moore j. , Williams R.. 7brall, Timherlake, Lel'in,johnson, R.

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