Academy News - May 26, 1972

Page 1

Roll'em Movie time i s here again. For the past 5 eve r a 1 weeks, MFA student s have been out shooting roll on roll of film, getting ready for MPA ' s film festival thi s Tue 5day and Wednesday . In past years. MPA'sfilnlfes tiv al had been sponsored by Mr . She r r y for his senior English classes . This year , through the

efforts of Paul Sacks. The festival has been opened to all, under the sponsorsh ip of Camera C lub sponsor, Mr. PaTak.

There are s ix or seven films total, and they will be s h own a ll day Tuesday and Wednesday in the Art Center. S t udents may see the films during their free peri ods . The films. hav e been made b y various groups : classes, indiv id u a l s tudent s, and teachers. Mr ~ Porok censors the finished pralu:t before viewing. but h e said he didn't feel held h ave to cut any sce nes; just the threat o f cen ~ors~p would keep the·m clean.

Curriculum Changes Announced MPA i s a school of changing curriculum . Due to our small size , we are n o t able to offer as wide a range of course Oppor tuniUe s a s a larger school. In o rd er to remedy the s tati c , nar row situation that might result. the Academy ever y year makes certain changes in t h e curriculum to better modify ltto the present student body.


(Cont. on page 6)



MAY 2 6 , 19 72

NO . 9

Skit Night Lives! Sk it N i g ht is alive ... and w ill live tomorrow night in the BAC . Thanks to the effor t s · of. B ill Malle ri s and his · skit night comm itte e , Skit night has been re v iv ed , with a few changes . Last yea r, skit night was cance ll ed at the la st m inute, and repl aced with a tlSeniorCla ss Pre sents.IIThis year, in stead of having the clas s es present skit s , any

g roup is allowed to produce i t s efforts. This wa y , onl y students who are really interested get i n v olv ed . Four groups have been formed. They will present their shows tomorrownight, from7:30to 10:30. J'.b mon€tary prizes will be awa r ded, but the skits will be judged and ranked. Judges will be Mr. Bransky, Mrs . Gustafson, Mr . H ertel, and Mr. Scanl on .

AP Examinations are Administered The week of May 15 was for many Junior s and seniors an exhau s ting but a rewarding one . It was AP exam week, that time when s tudent s discover whether or not the y really worked hard enough in the ir Advanced Place_ ment college level cour ses . Are cor d number of examinations were administered thi s year. Sixty s tudents we r e regi s tered for examinations in seven s eparate courses: English, Calculus, Fren ch Lite ratur e , Am erican HisDry, EUI"O(:2an History. History of Art. and Biol ogy.

Throughout th e sch ool year s tudent s in AP courses are expected to perform at co llegiate 1 eve I w ith more work and fe wer moments of l eisure. But the rewards ca n be considerable. For exampl e it is neither impos sible nor imprcbable for s t udents to compl ete one entire ye a r of c o lle ge work while still at MPA. As we l l a s a s aving s in time, this could al so re s ult in a s ub a tantial financial savings . Studmts de s iring further iIiormati on about the MPA AP program are advised to talk to Mr . Stelton.

F o r next year, the Ad mini s tration had dec ide d to offer a Humanities cour se , which would absorb the separate Art and Mus ic cla s ses . But s tude n t demand Dr the sepa rate cour s e s. was considerabl e, and the separate courseshave again been offered: Art!' Art II, Music 1, and MusIc 1l/1lI. A s tudert: may nON fulfill hi s sophomore history re quirement b'l taking either A rt I and II , Music I and II, or Art I and Mu s ic 1.

S .T. P. to Na t ionalize Stude nt Transfer Program i s entering it s second year and i s m a kin g appropriate progres s. Although a tran s fer with Metro fell through for this year, plans for numerous transfer s have been made for next year. Th e c omm ittee. headed by Barb Liedtke. is anxious to en l arge the program t o include ma ny s tudents. The cornnittee hcpe s t o have a program a month with l o cal schoo l s . Each program will be 0 pen t o apprOximatel y f i v e s tudent s who will be chosen by lottery. Sugges tions and critici s ms are appreCiated. The co mmittee i s now plan~ing a lar ge r s cale transfer w ith high school s tudent s in Chesterfiel d , Kansas . The Chestedie1d s tude nt s hav e alr eady designed a successful prog ram called "do_ mestic excha n ge , ·1 and have transfe rred with seve ral school s in variou s parts of the country . We h o pe to hav e Chesterfield Students vis i tin g us thi s fal l. MPA student s will get a chance to vis it Kansas during the Inte rsemester pe ri od . The prog r am will l ast one week.

InterSemester Program Planned Th e Faculty Curriculum Com mittee ha s recently proposed the Inter-Semester Program for the 1 9 72-7 3 acade m ic year. It will be a sho rt concentrated s t udy of one s ubject ar ea by a group of s tudent s under the direction of an MPA faculty member. The pro g ram i s tentatively s cheduled for the mornings of one week and the afternoons of the foll owing week. Al::hru ghin spire dby t his yea r' s "Experiment i n Education. " this pr ogram differs in that s tudents will not be allowed t o switch sub Ject s during the two week pe r iod . The s ubject s now proposed are: Drama Works op. Urban Probl ems, Foreign " guage Works hcp s, Creative Wr n g . Science Laboratory W o r ks hop s , B 1 r th Control Study , M<thml3.tical Prog ram, and a Course in Debate . Stu den t participation is encouraged, and students may s ug ges t additional to pics and/or he l p the faculty member s pre pa re their individual programs. One po s sible date f o r the pro gram i s February 19th t o March 2. Where it i s possible. Independent Projects could coincide with thi s two wee k period. In this way, the participants would mis s as few cl asse s as pO SSibl e .


P a ge 2


Ma y 2 6 , 19 72

Did you have trouble? G eo r ge Argires Th r ee weeks ago the Juni o r cla ss went b ankrupt by s t aging a }unior - senior prom . Atmost, h ali of the members o f the t wo r espective classes were in attendance . A lthough among t h ose who didn't show up , many of them wish t hey cou l d h ave. The prom doesn't make it eas y for everyone due to its formal nature. Since it i s a formal dance one must fo liow man y ru les so as to be acce pted by t h e majo r ity. I know of man y girls w h o didn ' t go to the prom , but wan t e d to . Since the)' had t o b e asked to go, all they cou ld do wa s hope and pray . If some. guys are kind o f s hy , well then the girls ' prayers go unanswered . T he need for a date c r eates s ome disappo intments. Then wh at about the guys wno can't drive? Many Juniors didn't have their licen ses in Ume for the prom, so many of t h em had to double with someone while others were having their troubles even after they we r e al:lsured rides . If you were luck y enoug h to have a date and a ride , then everything was O. K . Or was it? Here you are dressed a certain way, r eady t o fulfill the role that the prom dictates. Since attendance i s rathe r small, further res tricUon s are placed upon you. If you enjoy mus i c and dancing , you are in luck. If not, and you'd rather t alk or go f or a wa-lk , you feel out of place fo r doing what you want to do . I attended our Junio r - sen iO;-prom, and thought we did a good Job in recreating a speak - easy. Yet I realiz.ed how foolis h it a ll was . Todaywe (1. e. youth) a r e an in formal bunch , who go around wea rin grubby clothes , who enjoy, at times , bike ridi ng o r kite fly ing a nd who s hy away from big and eccentric things such as proms . Due th this change towards informalit y, the w h o l e ordeal of p r oms becomes frustrating not only to those wh o do attend but a l so fo r those who do not. What I am suggesting then to you, t h e fut u re prom p l anner s . i s that you a b andon the arc h aic p r om in favor of the informal dance because of this trend towards info rmality. You will have a much better attendance because the youth will feel at nome in its i nformality. The informal dance grants mobil it y fo r the individual be cause he does not have to worry a~ou t d ates , eitquette, etc., li re doesn't want to. One can be himself wit hout l eeUng guilty about doing so . ' And who know s , you might even have som e money left in your treas u ry at the end of the yea r !

APPREC IATION Thre e yea rs ago, the Academy News was in a predicament of being short a photographer. The onl y photographer on the stall was Larr y Lavery, the ed i tor . So the call went out to Mark Schneider, a freshman, to be the paper's photographer. Rel uctance and an unapprov in g hesitancy was Mark' s first reac tion upon being approached about the job. Upon furth e r pressuring , he finall y agreed to do photography work but no writing or office work. In a few short weeks though , Mark and Larry became good friends and Mark quickly forgot the "b utl! clause of his ag r eement . The next yea r, Mark w as appointed assistant editor under Mar gie Ten Nape l and reall y l earned how to put together a g ood paper. Last year the Academy News earned a h i g h er n ational rating than any other Academy Paper. Editor - in - Chief was the position Mark hel d this year . Through the use of the r eg ular colum n , proper l ayout techniques, and good editorial policy , Ma rk has done much to s trengthen the paper. He also had the satisfaction of being in char ge of the only self - sufficient school publication. Both of us are deeply indebted to Mark for the excellent staff he has l eft us for the next year . More impo r tantly t h oug h , we cong r a tulate him on the success he achieved with the Aca.dero.'{ News this past year .


This Side of Insanity The Changing of the Guard Our beloved in s titution is proud to announce the annual change in the make - up of the A lumni Hall Social C lub . For all o f yo u numbskull s in the aud ience, s i mpl y stated we have some new clods to parade around th e dining hall and tell un how to eat our curds and whey (spiders included. ) In addition to t e lling us how to masticate our morse l s , our ~uar颅 dians of g ood w ill also f1\1ake our lives exceedin gl y more pleasant b y marching their marvelous physiques up and down the aisles of our entrapment, enabling u s to expe rience cheap thrill s by means of 路 vicarious e xperience . Most important , of co ur se , is the protection afforded us by our happy wanderers. It is p l ain to see that we would probabl y thrash our lit tl e bodies to ge the r and run ourselves into littl e bundles oj butter without these safeguards on the floor. It is probabl e that we have an incr e a se in the number of these protectors because our education has made us l ess abl e to hand l e our sel ves i n a safe man ner. I want you to know that I sleep better at nights knowing that I won ' t be killed in the lun ch hall tomorrow. - Our g reat l eaders a l so se rve in the capacity of shining exampl es of howwe little peopl e should act . Throughout the luncheon period we are reminded by the ir g racious demonstration how to conduct social inte r course. Furthermore, w~ ar e r em inded of the prope r posture of wal king (although one of our l eaders seems to have the p"'.ys ical hand i cap of strid ing much like a brontosauras brou ght up on the lowe r East side of New Yo rk.) As to the me thod of how our shinin g e xamples are cnosen. 1 have it in good a uthority that i t is done by means of natural selection . There is much evidence to c ons t itute suspicion that the ve ry same brontosaurus - t yp e character is 'ind eed what s cientists have been trying to track down for years , the missing-l ink. Informal sources te ll me that these are definite Neanderthal t ende ncies . Upon close inspe ction of the selection, we see that five out of se ven of our heroes are from the same mold. Surprisingly e nough, fi ve out of the seven are football pla ye rs. bel ong to the fa shionable fraternal organization , and didn't hav e sore feet on the night o f April 17. Out of the other two, one is not qualified to play foot ball and the other i s too sma rt to. Just because some peopl e i n po s itions of authority at this school consider i t a personal affront to themselves that one - third of the pride and joy n ew the coup and that prope r restitu~io~ mus: b.e made re ga rd l ess of administr ative policy (unless thn lS. adrrunl strative polic y ) these is no reason to get anymore than mlldl y up set . I mean , What ' s t he matte r with hol d i ng a grudge? When in deferenc e to sanity, too many hard guys spoil the chili.

Published ten times a year by and fo r the studen t s o f Morgan Park Academy, Chica go , Illinoi s. Advertising rates give n upon request of the Busine ss Manager. Features Edito r . . C . Dunlap Ed itor s - in-Chie f B . Gro ssmann Copy Editor. . . . . D. Rich . G. Arg i r es Spo rt s Editors . . . . N. P ri ce Business Manag e r. B . Hamper . . D. Norton Assistant Editor . . M . Sal azar Adviser . . . . . . . R. S telton News Editor . . . M. Schneider


May 26, 1972


Page 3

Viewpoint: Carver - a place to visit During the earl y part of May . a North Central Association Ev-

aluating Committee was scilt t o George Washington Carver High School. Serving on thi s Evaluating Committee as c hair man of the Student Activities Committee and as a member of the Science Committee was MPA's. Mr.

Henry T. Lee. Mr. Lee returned from his v is it to Carver with

many impressions and awarc nesses which he shared with his Physics classes and a n Academy News reporter.

Carver is a Chic ago PubliC' HighSchool which serves the AJt:geld Ganhns area , Approximat el y 980 students attend Carver with

overcrowding that necessitates t!le presence of severa l mobile classrooms to handle the ove rload. ik t e Academ the

sphere at Carver is not one which is c onduCive t o learning. The Carver student who desires to l earn , must fi g ht to do so. The forces working a ga inst this s tu H dent arc many , whether these forces d i re c tl y or i ndirectly , conf r ont the student. Vandalism is a common oc H curance at Carver H- everything not bolted down i s stol en . The new textbooks reccntly distri buted are l ong gonc, so books t en or twelve years o ld are now in use. Lab equlpment , a lthough g61eroudy supplied to the sc h ool ,} is virtually non - existent . Rec:ently the school rec e i ved 40 brand new electric t ypewrit ers, w ithin 30 days a ll were gone. Unfor tunatel y , m 0 s t 0 f t he thievery is not done by Carver tsiders--with

a student bod y numbering 980, who can determine who of thos e warnerni g about , is not a shrl ent? The classes themsel vesthwart the orogress oCthe conscientious Car v e r student . Disruption in classes occurs frequently, indeed, at times it i s difficult to distingui sh whether or not clas s is actually being held. Barrm.g dis ruptlon, the cla ss room still remains a p lace of frustration fo r the "good" stu dent. As the reading ability of many Carver students is not at grade level, class time i s often spent in oral readin gs from the textbook. The class reads one paragraph aloud in unison, then the teacher call s upon students to rea d one sentence from the paragraph. After the entire pa ragraph has bee n reread s en c b s en ten c e the das s

moves o n to the next paragraph . and be g ins the sequence o v er again. Extra-curric ular acti vities suffer as we ll. Car v er did have a band, but someone broke in and stol e a ll oCthe instruments , l eaving the band without a tooting thin g . As for the spo rt s program at Carver, disruption caused by some at the games i s th reaten~ its future . All dances at Carver are in va riably crashed . Another problem involved with ext r a-cur ric ular activi ties i s that most teachers re fuse to sponsor s u c h activ ities. Although some teachers are t rul y dedicated, too many te a ch e r s at Carver are nothing more than time servers, These teachers placed at Carve r because oCthe faculty integration prog ram, awaithedaywhenthey will gain enough seniority to rans!

Students' Reactions to Blockade 1 . Before the recent developments,

were you in favor of the war

in Vietnam ?

China over th is issue ? 87. 1% No

1.8% Abstain

2. Do you agree with President Nixon IS re cent act ions in Vietnam? 44.7% Yes

54 . 7% No

34. 7% No


1. 817/0 Abstain

Hi lltop 5路9300

50% Y es 29 . 4% Yes

50% No 66 . 6%No

O.O% Abstain 4.0% Abstain

6. If the election were today. and y ou co uld vote , would you vote for R i chard Nixon for President ?

41. 2% Yes

9443 So . Ashlond Aye .


58.8% Yes 100/0 Ab s tain 5. If you were drafted into the armed forces today, would you ser ve? Male : fl 92 Female: # 78

06% Abstain

3. Do you think it is within a president ' s power to do something like this bl ockade of North Vi etnamese ports? 63.5% Yea

4 . Do you thmk that there i s any danger of a war wlth Russia or

48.2 % No

10. 6% Abstain

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May 26, 1972


SPANISH CLUB After a speedy recovery from a blood clot in her ankle, the remarkable Senora Gustafson led fourteen students to Mexico during spring vacation. The students whojourne~dto Mexico City, Guadalajora, and Puerta Va110rta on the Pacific were: Ruth Davis, Vicki Wes t K a r yn Wolken, J 0 s e Toledo Lyle Theile, Mitch Rand, Join Probes, Sherwood Wang, Mike Adams, James Rowe, Marguerite Lopez, Rita Bartolome 0 Sunara Thon:pson, Elaine Gros sman, and Mrs. Swift. On Sunday, May 21, the Spanish Club went to La Margorita for their second annual dinner. One of the highlight~ of the evening was the announcement of the 1972-73 officers. They are: Ruth Davis, pre s id en t; Vicki West, vice-president; Jose Toledo, treasurer; and Marguerite Lopez, secretary.





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Page 4

MPA Students Apprehended at Speakeasy About 75 high school students, the vast major.ity of whom were MPA juniors and seniors, were a p pre hen d e don May 6 at a Speakea'Sy operating in a seemingly deserted building at 2153 W. 111th St. Local authorities, .alerted ~ the music radiating from the buildipg, r aid edt h e. place at 11:00 pm and closed down operations on its opening night. The S pea k e a s y itself must have had very influential ba-

ckers a s special care seemed to have been taken in setting up the place. The decorations were superb, and carefully prepared ph 0 tog rap h s lined the walls. Milestone, a very desirable group had been contracted to provide the music. Although actualownership of the establishment has not been established, authorities charge that a Mr. & Mrs. James A. Fitch Sr. seemed to be managing much of the action. Also apprehended in the raid, running illicit gambling opera-

tions, were Martin "Ace" GrEnzebachand John "J. C." Torrez. Both are wanted in other states. for various offenses. " Two other men, the baItender identified as Charles tIC r ash" Cleary, and the doolkeeper known only as "Joe Commando" are still being sought. The autholities express optimism about the eventual capture ofthese men. The two men, unable to locate a car were fon::ed to find another means of escape, and were last seen sprinting down 112th St.

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May 26 , 1972


Archaeological Time Machine Readied No , it ha s nothing t o do with s cience fiction , but it does r e late to travel. It was o nc e com monly believed that the s h o rte s t di s tance between two pOint s wa s a s traight line. While thi s ma y s till be true for Euclid ean geo metry, it i s no t true for geo gr a phy-e s pecially if trav e l and tim e is n ot involved . EXPEDITION 1 is n o t some fantastic contraption but a g r oup of s tudent s fr om MPA , Ferry Hall, and the Lab School who wi ll de s cend upon the middle r eache s ofthe Illinoi s Rive r Valley retr a cing man ' s hi s t ory by trav e ling as much as a thou sand yea r s into the pa s t.

of OUT pas t which i s n ow bein g thr eat e ne d by-the O:ntraL Illinois Light Company. Wh at makes the dig im portant i s the fact that the threatened s ite i s re g arded by many a rchaeol ogi s t s as th e most important remaining sit e in Illinois. Larry Conrad, Expedition I a rchaeol ogi s t, sa ys that the r e slnid be many su r (r ises encount e red during the dig- -things could ge t excitin g. A second purpose , but on e that i s equally impo rtant will be to provide s tude nt s with ge nuine a rchae o l ogIcal fi e l d ex pe r ience .

Ten s tude nt s wil l accompany Mr . St e lton on hi s arch aeological dig, June 12-13. The progr am , a unIque one for hi gh s chool s tudent s , wi ll b e a genuine sci entific dig cer tain t o mak e a worthw hile contribution to the histor y of our s tate and our un der s tanding of the pas t . Since th e dig is a re s cue a ttemp t and a cooperative effort, c os t s will be low, about $100.00. The immed iate purpose of the dig will be to h e lp s alvage part

While there are s tlll a few open in gs in the expedition, those who are Interes t ed s hould con t act Mr. Stelton, 239- 1208 immedI ately.

Page 5

MPA Lends a Hand After a successful socia l stu dies assemb l y in wh ichMPA student s we r e t aken from thei r sheltered sur roundin gs ( all by film and sound ) a nd given a view o f a n other worl d, the Lawnda l e ghetto, ove r 30 students an xious l y signed up to journey to that world and vis it the fr ie nds at the Nor th S ta r Mission . On May 13, the day sc h e duled fo r the t rip to the No rth Star Mis sian , one student showed up.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Going to the Prom? ** RENT tHE NEWEST TUXEDO ** STYLES Perhaps mos t un 1 que is the fact that th e dig has become the JOint venture of s tudent s from at l eas t four different s chools . As fo r th e n ame EXPEDI TION I , why n o t ? This c ould be th e fir s t of se ve ral su ch adve nture s . Im agine , g ettin g a h igh s chool ma Jo r in archaeolo g y. Well maybe th a t won 't happ~n. but s t udent s who do complete th e "dl g " ma y petition for cr edit.


That ' s a ll the re is to the story.


MPA students wh o visited the No r th Sta r Mission on May 13 . Can yo u find you r 5 e lf in the crowd?

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May 26 . 1972


P age 6

Dear Mr. President, You are faced with the task of reInstituting those councll proJect s which you feel are valuab le and discontinuing t h ose which you feel have n o t been valuable endeavors. Insofar as spec Ifi c projects like Student Tr a n s fer or the Experiment in Education are concerned . 1 am s ure that s tudent response wlll be the determining factor In the lo ngevity of each . However . there are anumber of t hings which a re le ss spe c ific. m o re difficult to describe. but ultimat e l y more Important than any o f the s pecifics . ThI s year as Pre s ident of the CouncIl. 1 have noticed a chang e in attitude to ward the c ouncil tn the Adm1nIstratlon . the Faculty . and most importantly the Student Body. Faculty members have be gun to be m o re o pen with s t udents. both student council member s and o ther s tudent s have been invited to par ti Cipate as memb e r s of faculty c ommittees to an i ncreaslng .extent . The adminis trati on ha s bec o me more willing to submit its decIsions to student review, a nd ha s begun to escape the type of philosophy which all o w s them t o dI s cu ss anything with students yet give students no r e al pl a c.c in m a kin g d e cisIons whIch involve them. The greatest c hange in an y g r o up s ! attitude toward the Council has been am o ng s t u dents . The u ltimate power in a school therefo r e must rest in the hand of the people which the instituti o n ha s created to serve. Student s have begun to reaU z.e that the s tudent council i"s t he most acceptabl e way to focus their power where it is mos t needed. However , they have a l s o realiz.ed that when normal, 'acceptable' method s o f s tudent expre s sion fail it is their r esponsibility to find an othe r effective m e thod of making themselve s heard. The new C o uncil ac c ept s the re s pon,sibility of undertaking the rather large numbe r of pr o Jects which the old Council has started . Making all the se pr o jects work will be an awesome task , but maintaining the s tudent s ' trust and support i s the most Important one . The key words fo r next yea r then seem to be organization and authority , both of which s hould come wUhtime. 1 hope as a new pre s ident you can forsee the problems which will aris e wIth a new year and will use the s tudents' powe r in the be s t Intere s t s of the s tudent b o dy. Re s pectfully , Brent Grossmann Sturent Co.m:il Preslcent (Ret.)

Curriculum Changes

Cant. from Pa g e I A traditional are a o f change and Advanced Fhysics . will be is the s enior hi s tory elective s . offered . Mr. Brown will te ach These are chosen by po ll of the the Ph Y sic s, and Mr . Lee the Junior cla s s the year before the V Che mistry . Each cour s e will deare itnplemented. This year' s vote apprOximately ZOOJo of it s time to the other physical scie l ectives are Behaviora l Science/ Soc I a 1 Ecology (taught by Mr. encc, m 0 5 t 1 Y for background . Ste l ton), AP European History The courses will be much more (Mr. Sauve). and Pol1t1cal Sci lab orie nted. There Is a possi_ ence (Mr . Irwin). bility of a new labin the basement This year, Advanced Biology of Alumni Hall . The Adminls was the only advanced science tration will try to free the pres o ffe r ed. But next year, t he Bioent lab s of homeroom s s o that logy cou r se will be dropped, and s tudents may leave experiments C< crurses , Advanced Ch emistry set up.




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May 2": . 1972


Page 7



------Speaking of Sports ... - - ;

Who will be MVP

Sport swri ter s Needed Contact me for Details

(I am writing thi s artlcle before the voting fo r the Most Va lu able Player in any o f the sp ring spo rts.) Thi s ha s been t h e best year f o r varsi t y s port s in this sch ool' s hi s tory. The sc hool ha s been b l essed. with many fine athle t es j many of w h om are leaving this year . Some examp les are: Frank Jone s , Bob MontgolTlery , John Ke ane , Joe Keane , Fred Manos , and Bill Walk. The se athl e t es a r e excellent exampl es of what I h ave tried to express a ll year; the team it se lf is important , b ut i ndividual s lTIake up the tealTl . It will be easy to make "guesses" at sOlTle of the s pring sports, due t o the obviously s t and - out per formance s i n the spor t s. The two s ports are tenni s and golf. In tenn i s , I alTl picking Don Widde r. Do n ha s once ag ain s h own MPA spectato r s ( ? ) t ennis at its best. The salTle appli es to TilTl Troy , my pick fo r MVP of the golf team . The Most Va l uabl e Pl aye r ofthe track team though i s a h ard c h oice t o lTIake because 11m on the track team andI know h ow hard each performer ha s work ed. On the other hand , I know whi c h player had the most desire;an important quality for any MVP. My pick is Bob Carpenter . Even though he is a junior and though K evin Reilly runs a c lose second as a senior , Bobhas scored t h e mos t points and I feel he

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was t h e lTIos t valuable . Now the harde s t task o f a ll ; picking t he Most Valuable Player o n the baseball team. My choicels a se ni o r . That i a a hard enough task b ecause of the h igh quality o f t h e u nde r classmen on the team. Bob M o ntgome ry, J oe Keane, F r ank Jones, Fred Manos , Jay Corabi. a nd Bill Goe s have all ex hibited fine hitting. pitching. and fie l ding respectivel~ I fee l that in h igh schoo l ba seball, where a pitcher i s 85 % of the galTle . My c h oice . t h erefore , is J oe Keane . In my o pinion . Joe ha s a serious atti tude towards the game and a strong arm to compliment his attitude. T h e re is no rea son why Frank , Bob , Fred. Jay . or B111 s hould not receive the award, but I feel Joe h as been the Mo s t Va l uabl e on thE:' team . In some spo rt s, c h oos ing MVP i s easy andin other s , we ll. not so eas y. Next year , MPAteams wIll have a har der time winning the way they hav e this year . But the t alent is going to be there, with many player s . hoping for MVP. For my fin al pr edi ction, I will s t re t ch my vocal chords way out a nd say the MPA' s toughe s t com . petition is in football , ba s ketball and baseball wiU be North Shore . K eep it in mind.

Girl Warriors Honored The G i r 1 s ' Sports Banquet, h e ld on May 11, was the final highlight of the' gir l s ' 1971-72 se ason. The banquet , hel d in Alumni Hall, was followed by an Awards Presentation in the Be verly Art Center. T he progr am began with a we lcome by Kaarina Salovaara, foll owed by movies of fie l d hockey games c ourte s y of Mr . Walter Montgome ry . Mi ss Summerlin and M r s . Saathoff then presented award s to the 7th and 8th grade , Frosh - So ph and Varsity Cheer leader s. The member s o£the field hoc key team we r e then called up to receive their award s . The Most Valuabl e P l ayer Award went to F ranci e K lu::k, the t eam I s goali e . The Junior Vars ity and unde feated Var s ity basketball team s

were then introduc e d . The var sity MVP a ward went to Bet s y Hartmann and the Juni o r Varsity MVP to Kim Ganzer . Mrs. Saa thoff introduced the members of the J. V. and Var s ity Volle yb all team s , with MVP awards going toPatJone s (J . V.) and Janet McConnell (V arsity). The 19 721973 c heerl eader s we r e pre sented by the co a che s , f o llowed by a raffle given by the GAA. The. final award wa s the Out s t andi ng Senior Gir l Awa rd , wihch i s pre s erted by the coaches to the sen io r girl who h a d s h own the great es t alTlount of l eade rs hip, s pirit. c h aracte r , an dfal.h· fulness in attending p ractises . This award woot to Fran::ie Kl uck. (V a r 5 i t Y cheerleading , fi e 1 d hockey , volleyball and b as k e t ball) .

Next Track MVP See Speak ing o f Sports [or details.

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hofay 26 , 1972

League Championship at Stake The situation looked good for the MPA baseball team after they beat Lake Forest Academy 5 - 3 and took sal e position of fir st place . Suddenly. the Wa rriors were s hoc ked back into a tie with University HighSchool when the team l ost a su r p ris in g game

6 -4 . Things looked promising with a 4 -1 l ead (two of those run s on Eric Sp innizol a IS home run) but the Warr ior s l et down just long enough to l et St. Mi k es score five runs. B y then it w a s too late , and

the team l ost itls second game. The ve r y next day .Joe Keane ls pitching a nd ' Bob Mont gome r y 's hot bat gave the t eam an 11-1 vic tor y in- six innings ; the game ca ll e d a r r due to the 10 run s laughter rul e. To expl ain the rule, if a team is ahead by ten runs after fi ve innin g s . of pl ay... the t eam ahead wins and any called un - earned. Therefore, Joe Keane is cred ited with no e ar ned run s for the game. making h is earned run s av era ge , an outs tandin g 1. 49 . Third Baseman S t eve Menzies ta gg in g a Harvard-St. - George runner out at third .

Tennis This has been a disappointing season for the tennis team, which compiled are cor d of 2 - 8 with two matches l eft to go. It ha s been a seas on of three se t mat ches, with the opposition win ning m ost of them . Most of the mat chp.s have been close enou gh so that the difference between th e scores was only a few game s . In the latest matches. we l ost to L ake Forest 3 - 2. W inning for MPA was Don Wid der a t first s ingle s and Tom B r zez inski & Bob Dolehide a t fir s t 路lJoubles . At North Shore. we won4- 1, Winning were Don Widder, B ill Grossmann . and Jim Maragos a ll s in gl e s p l a ye r s. and Bob Dol ehide & Tom Brzezinski at

Golf Strokes This year's golf t eam . with a 3- 4 r e cord, i s hoping to balance out the s eason with a . 500 average . The team member s found a tough as s i gnment thi s yea r in trying to fin the (our vacanci es that were left by l ast year's graduates . Coach Torrez feels that the rookies did no t do as well as he had hoped, but i s l ooking for ward to a mo r e improved and mature cl ub next year (only one

l etterman I s l eaving). Sornt of the highlights of t he pa s t season in cluded an 8 - 0 bllt zing of E l gIn Academy , and t h e one over par thir t y- s e ven turned in by Tim Troy (9-1 fo r the sea son) in a match again s t Lake Forest. A l so the verba l discharges t hat we r e made by Gene Rose and N 1 c k An dricopoul os , a n d t h e s o un ds of T im Breake y' s ball landing in the water.

first dou bles. In our last match against Latin. we lost 4 - 1. Jad Pe t e rson & the new man on the t eam Tim KHros won at second doubles. Next yea r. most of the t eam will return and it is r umored that the r e w ill be a new student to pla y firs t singl es . This year was a buildin g year w ith eve r yo ne improving wi t h each match. Bob Dolehide & Jim Ma ra go s have improved tremendously. and Bob has devel oped the agg r ess ive net game n ecessary to ado u bl e s player . T his season ha s been a vahlabl e e xpe ricns: e for all t h e pla ye r s . a nd all th e r e turning players are l ook in g forwa rd to a good season next yea r .

Track Team Places 2nd for Season The tra ck t eam finished its dual - meet season In s econd pl ace ; it s r e c o r d was 7 - 3. L os ses were t o Franci s Pa r ker (l eague c h ampion s ) twice and to U - High (third place) once . Par ker finished the s ea s on with a record of 8 - 2. The ISL Confe rence Meet was hel d l a s t Tue s day, aft e r thi s article wa s written. T h e t r ack t eam was spar ked

thi s year by consistently exc e l lent perfo r mances by Bob Carpent er , Bruce B arker , Don Nor to n , and Doug Montgomery . Th e Academy ' s t eam , h owe ver . r e lled more on it s depth and se c ond and third plac e pOint s than on its superstars and first pl ace point s . Thi s was evidenced by the man y 1- 2 - 3 fini s he s in the s hot put and discuss . and once in the 220 yd. dash.

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