Academy Magazine - May 2004

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Morgan Park Academy Magazine ,

Chicago, Illinois 60643


May 2004

Morgan Park Academy Magazine Chicago, Illinois 60643


May 2004


Morgan Park Academ y Magazine Chk~,

nUnoh 60643

May 2004

What valedictorians teach: lessons for us all ................. 1 William B. Owen and the "Owen School" ......................... 5 The saint in shirtsleeves .................................................. 7 Carman, of MPA, and Lewis Institute ............................... 9 The faculty complains .................................................... 10 The dean fights back ...................................................... 11 The faculty takes the offensive again ........................... 12 Faculty preoccupations, 1896·1907 ............................... 14 Accreditation accounting •••••••••••••••••••••..•...•••••••••••••••••••• 18

1893: MPA's Maroons venture into baseball •••.••••••••••••• 21 " Captain Abells at first; Haydn Jones catching" ••••••••••• 22 Game called at 3:30 ....................................................... 24

The black-andwhite photograph on the top half of the cover, spelling out MPA, was probably taken about 1910. The students are wearing uniforms, but the school did not resume the name Morgan Park Military Academy until 1918. The color photograph at the bottom of the page, with MPA's

L---------------------------------------~ second

graders spelling out MPA, is the work of Russell Ingram. Starting at the bottom of the M on the left and going around are: Aaron Fuller, Brianna Fuller, Anthony Zaniolo, Peter Schaible, Mackenzie Odier, Julie Wiegel, Regina Hoyles, Will Barclay and Nick Boarden. Joshua Deanes (left) and Elle Macey form the period after the M.

The other teams prayed for rain .................................... 26

Class notes ....•..........•......................••••••••••.•.•................. 28 Stand rod T. Carmichael: " Also Sprach Standrod" .••.•.•••• 32

Editorial staff: Editor: Barry Kritzberg Alumni pages: Sara Grassi Alumni assistant: Sandy Williams Proof-readers: J. William Adams , Carol Coston Technical consultant: Michael Wojtyla Design consultant: Lisa Speckhart, Captiva Designs

Photo/ illustration credits: Archives: front cover (top) , 1 , 2, 3 , 4, 6, 7, 11, 15, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, back cover. Russell Ingram: front cover (bottom) . University Archives , Paul V. Galvin Library, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago: 9. Special collections, Regenstei n Library, University of Chicago: 22, 23. Alumni office: 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36.

Beginning at the bottom of the P and going straight up and then swinging around are: Ryan McGrath, Jaylon Tucker, Samantha Panozzo, Isabella Pelz, Anthony Ortiz, and Samuel Gettis. Mahdi Sahloul (left) and Kameryn Carter represent the period after the P. Starting at the bottom of the A on the left and following up one leg and down the other are: Jillian Fuller, Adam Glover, Tara Alfano , Daniel Hayes, Meghan LeMay, Sydney Kenton and Shaan Chadha. Completing the crossbar of the A are Nicole Schmidt (top) and Abigail Raser (bottom). Adding the period after the A are Sade Larkin (left) and Justin Gray. Forming the line that underscores M.P.A. are (Ieft-ta-right): Terrence Smith, Matilda Smith, Jessica Greene, Elliott Dryjanski, Jeremy Jordan, and Christina Hease.

The Morgan Park Academy Magazine is published by the office of development and alumni affairs. Letters and other editorial matter should be addressed to: Barry Kritzberg Editor, Morgan Park Academy Magazine Morgan Park Academy 2153 W. lllth Street Chicago, IL 60643 Alumni matters should be addressed to: Sara Grassi, alumni director Morgan Park Academy 2153 W. 111" Street Chicago, IL 60643

What MPA's valedictorians teach: lessons for us all The MPA valedictorians of the last two decades have touched those universal themes that we all need to be reminded of on occasion and they have not shied away from the issues of their own day. David Manno [84), in his address to his class, explored perennial valedictorian themes: individuality and thinking for one's se lf. He quoted (or alluded to) Tolstoy's Anna Karenina, Isaac Newton, Ben Franklin and Jacob Bronowski to illustrate his themes, but he neatly (and wisely, some would say) dodged allusions to the book everyone was quoting that year: George Orwell's 1984. Macduff, in Shakespeare's Macbeth, he said, asked the crucial question: "wherefore did you so?" and inferred that we all need someone to ask that critical question, if we don't pose it to ourselves. He concluded by sounding another perennial valedictorian theme: humility. "Take my words for what they are," he said. "All I can really hope is that my classmates, and my generation will, above all, think." Claire Concannon [85) used a dramatic opening ("It was April 24 and I was sitting calmly waiting for my calculus class to begin ... ") for humorous effect. She related how Mrs. Butler then appeared to summon her for what-she-then-believed to be her first detention ever; but no; it was only to inform her that she was the valedictorian. She made the point that there were many talents besides the academic, but not all of those were recognized by awards. She then named a half-dozen or so of her classmates with varied (but sometimes unrecognized) talents to illustrate her point. She thought Thoreau's observation ("there are as many ways as there are radii that can be drawn from one center") neatly summed up the individual talents of her class. She concluded by urging them to keep marching to the tune of a different drummer to find their own path to happiness. Hope Concannon [86], Claire's sister, used a famous line of Goethe ("One ought every day at least hear a little music, read a good poem, see a fine picture and, if at all possible, say a few reasonable words.") as the keynote of her remarks. She also alluded to (or quoted) Henry James, George Orwell, Shakespeare's King Lear ("reason not the need"), and Nietzsche. "I've followed Goethe's advice," she concluded, "by saying just a few words. I'll leave you to judge if they were reasonable." Hazim Ansari [88) also sounded the note of humility. "At 17," he asked, "what words of wisdom ... could I give?" He also acknowledged, "lowe much to my classmates: they have been a

David Manno

Claire Concannon

Hazim Ansari

Hope Concannon

- 1-

Aras Lapinskas

Kareem Daniel

large part of my education." Aras Lapinskas [89] took the occasion to give his perspective on what was on everyone's mind: the dramatic changes in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, etc., as the Soviet Union splintered and the Berlin Wall came down. It was the youth of those countries that made those dreams a reality, Aras told them. He concluded by urging his classmates to employ their youthful vigor and innovation in solving American problems. Lisa Usher [90], in noting how much she and her classmates had changed in the last four years, was glad to report that there were no John Doe's in her class, but distinctive individuals named Anand and Rachel and Cori and Paul and thirty-seven others." She also remembered history teacher Martin Wolf, who died that year. She recalled seeing him in the hospital, shortly before his death, and reflecting how she would no longer have the opportunity to see "his face light up with pride when we told him of our accomplishments." Kareem Daniel [92] stated bluntly that there were many things more important than being valedictorian. He illustrated his point by a reference to a fictional valedictorian, Orson Ziegler, in John Updike's short story "Christian Roommates." Orson, in addition to being valedictorian, was captain of his high school football and baseball teams. He attended Harvard and, later, the Yale school of medicine, and, although he seemed to have it all, Orson was an empty man. He did not have happiness. There are "an unimaginable number of Orsons in our materialistic society," Kareem told his audience. He also alluded to the riots that were the aftermath of the Los Angeles police video-taped beating of Rodney King and, wondered, with King, "why can't we all just get along?" Liz Chang [93] recalled being chided once for being a "fuzzy-minded dreamer," but reiterated her belief that dreams, like those of Martin Luther King Jr., were as important as intelligence. Intelligence, in fact, could often be destructive, as Sophocles demonstrated in his Theban plays. She noted that her classmates were often at odds on many things, but she also observed that those very clashes often led to learning about other cultures. She hoped that they would learn from Benjamin Franklin's admonition: "If we don't hang together, we will hang separately." Jennifer Lee [95] positively dreaded the thought of the speech because of the Asian-American stereotype she feared it would reinforce: good at science and math , a musical prodigy, too, bound for Yale or Harvard, and with at least one parent who was a doctor. She told of longing to get bad grades just to break out of the stereotype, and of feeling trapped between her aspirations to do well and to break down stereotypes. "I want others to see beyond my GPA," she said. She also shared what she had learned at MPA: "Even when I'm eighty, I won't have the world figured out. I've learned, in my 13 years at MPA, that the wise man is one who knows that


Lisa Usher

Liz Chang

Jennifer Lee

1I~ he can always know more." She reminded her classmates of Mark Twain's remark that a cat who sat on a hot stove lid would never sit on another - but he wouldn't sit on a cold one either. She hoped that her classmates would be smarter than Mark Twain's cat. Deepa Mathew [96] reminded her audience of that famous remark of our own Doc Brown: "Teachers aim to stamp out ignorance." She said that she "felt uncomfortable standing there in the role of a seer, or even as a humble giver of advice. I am very conscious of what I don't know, so I would like to conclude with a heartfelt thank you to all those - parents, teachers, classmates - who have taught me more than they can know." Ramesh Srinivasan [98] told how a dislocated ankle gave him a lot of time for reflection. "One key to an effective valedictorian speech," he found, "was quoting a famous theologian or writer." He took his text, however, from drama teacher Norm Nilsson, who said, "Enjoy each stage of your life. Each is a unique experience." He also reflected on his teachers and concluded that they demonstrated, by their varied examples, that there were many ways to happiness. He also reminded his classmates that all-too-often "we get so concerned with winning the basketball game or getting that A that we forget to enjoy the sport or learn something new." Steffanie Triller [99] informed her audience that she was valedictorian by the skin of her teeth, .005 points. She thanked salutatorian Ellen Concannon for pushing all of them, for being a rival, a co-conspirator, and a friend. She thought that the expanding universe, with all of its uncertain implications, was an apt metaphor for her class. It was not a reason for despair, however. "I am confident that the class of 1999 will write on the blank pages of the future the most eloquent story possible: we will make our dreams come true ." She then invited Ellen Concannon to speak also. Ellen said, "we have grown up here at MPA ... and teachers have taken us and attempted to make us into something better- and then they throw us out into the world. Let us make a fitting tribute to our teachers and their dedication by making the best of ourselves and our futures." Peggy Gatsinos [00], the last valedictorian of the millennium, seized the day and made change the theme of her address. She reminded her classmates that they entered MPA's high school four years ago and were, without a doubt, immature, naIve, and impressionable. "But change," she told them, "is what high school is for. Changing - this is what MPA did for every single one of us." She touched also on another recurring theme: true success is not in material pursuits. "Success is engrained in everyone us," she told her classmates, "but I am talking about the success that you can't hold in your hand - the success characterized by happiness, peace of mind, love, family, laughter, and friendship . These intangibles determine success in life . .. "

Deepa Mathew

Ramesh Srinivasan

Stephanie Triller

Peggy Gatsinos


1I~ She concluded with what she characterized as "a few simple thoughts." And those "simple thoughts" are ones that we all need to hear again: "take risks, be spontaneous, have fun, enjoy life; take in its scents, its sights, its sounds, its flavors." Q

Lucille O'Young

Becky Brown

(It was not that these four valedictorians - - Becky Brown [87], Lucille O'Young [91], Deborah Aruguete [94] and Hemaluck Suwatanapongched [97] - - had nothing of consequence to tell us. It is only that their valedictorian addresses were not deposited in the MPA archives.)

Deborah Aruguete

Hemaluck Suwatanapongched -4-

William B. Owen and the "Owen School" William Bishop Owen, president of the Chicago Normal College from 1909-1928, had a way of saying things that students were fond of remembering. The Chicago Normal College Class Book for 1910 noted, for example, that Dr. Owen had told a group of students that the "mind is not a place where an idea gets in and rattles around like a pea in gourd." He was also remembered in The Emblem (1916), the college year book, as "the embodiment of kindness, firmness, energy, and force. When we need encouragement, when we need a friend, we turn with confidence to William Bishop Owen." He was known, too, as a man who could bray like a donkey to help make a point in a lesson for fourth graders, as a college president who could shovel snow with the best of them (to make a path for a coal delivery), and as a man who "could do more thinking when asleep than [others] can do when awake." For two years (1890-1892), he conducted a school, known as the Owen Academy, on the Academy grounds perhaps at the same time as the Illinois Military Academy and before the campus was taken over by the University of Chicago on September 24, 1892. Owen supported himself while a student at the Baptist Theological Seminary in Morgan Park by conducting a school to prepare students for entrance into the University of Chicago, which was scheduled to open in 1892. Most of the very brief later references to Owen's school suggest that it was a very small affair, indeed; little more, in fact, than William Owen at one end of a classroom and a half a dozen or so students at the other. Edgar 1. Goodspeed, in As I Remember, suggests that it was a much

grander enterprise. "After my graduate year at Yale [1891] I was again at home, on my first job. I was very busy learning to teach in a tutorial group, which we called the Owen Academy at Morgan Park. I had come to know William B. Owen in my freshman year at Denison where he was a senior and the most brilliant figure in college. He was our best boxer and also our champion orator, winning the state oratorical contest and losing the national by what his fellow students thought a rank miscarriage of justice. He had gone on to study theology at the Seminary at Morgan Park, supporting himself meanwhile by tutoring boys for college. The prospective opening of the new university greatly intensified the need for such work and he found himself overwhelmed with demands for tutoring. He associated two or three others with himself in the work and invited me to join the group, to teach beginning Latin and Greek, and before the year ended we had more than a hundred students. It was this prospect of earning some money for the first time in my life, in association with him, for he was a most attractive personality, and of learning to teach under his guidance, that drew me back to my home in Morgan Park, instead of going to Europe with Dr. Harper. And it was a most fruitful year for me in teaching experience, and in basic Greek and Latin. The demand was such that we launched a new class in beginning Latin and another in beginning Greek every three months, and this rapidly repeated hammering away at the fundamentals simply did wonders for my knowledge of both languages. Mr. Owen was a wonderful man to work for, the seminary let us use such of its classrooms as were unoccupied any hours of the day, we had our own chapel service in the


seminary chapel in Blake Hall - oh, we could not have been more handsomely treated. The experience in teaching, too, was immensely valuable to me; the classes I had were large enough to be genuine audiences, and many included old friends who had just awakened to college values. In the summer of [18] 92 President Harper's own children were among our students, for we worked harder than ever that last summer before the university opened. It was really a fabulous year." Owen's sights were set, however, on a university career. He quite openly expressed that view in a letter (February 19, 1897) to University of Chicago president William Rainey Harper. "Many parents of children who were with me at Morgan Park," Owen wrote, "urged me to undertake the work [of the South Side Academy]. I refused, because I desired to become a university teacher and a scholar." He would return to South Side Academy, he said, "only under the necessity of making a living for my family." Owen, although his appointment was through the university, continued at South Side Academy, 5467 Lexington [now Blackstone]. By 1901, however, he was worried that university politics might mean that he was out of a job. President Harper wrote (March 11, 1901) to explain the new developments to Owen. "The events that have actually happened are the following," Harper wrote. "First, Mrs. Eammons Blaine has decided, with her trustees, to turn over to the university one million dollars, provided the university will build up the pedagogical work along certain lines. The acceptance of the million dollars carried with it, on the part of the university, the obligation to transfer a

large portion of Col. Parker's faculty to the university grounds. The money provides for the erection of a building, to cost $325,000, and arrangements have been completed for land on the Midway Plaisance, in Mrs. Scammon's block. It is understood further that Col. Parker will limit himself to elementary work and to the training of teachers for the elementary grades. The plan goes further and includes a union of the South Side Academy and the Manual Training School, as the secondary department of the work. This, however, is to be under Mr. Dewey's general supervision and not connected with Col. Parker's work." Harper's letter only seemed to confirm Owen's fears and so he wrote again (from Germany, May 6, 1901). Owen acknowledged that he was "waiting with some degree of anxiety... further information with regard to the union of the schools." He said he had a letter from John Dewey, but "did not know how to answer him. [Dewey] informed me that the school had been put into his hands and that he had asked of you that Mr. Cooley be appointed in my place. You have told me a number of times that I should be the head of the combined schools. I have said to [Dewey] that I am, so far as I yet know,

the head of the Academy..." Harper promptly cabled (May 22, 1901) Owen: "Letter received. You continue next year as principal." He followed that with a letter of the same date: "Today, the trustees elected the more important members of the faculty, including Whaley, Crowe, Mrs. Robertson and others. You are to remain in charge of the school. Dr. Dewey is to be general director of the secondary work. I have no doubt that you and he can cooperate. Relieve your mind of all anxiety." Owen became president of the Chicago Normal School in 1909, when Ella Flagg Young resigned that position to become the superintendent of the Chicago public schools. Edmund W. Kearney, in Chicago State College 1869-1969: A Centennial Retrospective, described Owen as "a conservative in his educational philosophy. No [Francis w.] Parker, the emphasis during his [nineteen year] regime was on the creation of a school which would turn out the type of teacher the board of education - the holder of the purse strings - wanted." "In retrospect," Kearney added, "the Owen years were a microcosm of American society before the great depression. They were the years in

which it was assumed that the purpose of the college was to produce teachers reflective of the solid middle class virtues of a prosperous, Protestant, racially untroubled America. If these were the years of middle class tranquillity in the land, then neither the college nor any other segment of society saw it as its mission to disturb that calm." Owen was also elected president of the National Education Association in 1922 and was, at one time, president of the Illinois state teachers' association (the Springfield, Illinois association building is named after him) . John Dewey said of Owen that "I have never known anyone [as a teacher] who surpassed him. I have known him to take students quite ignorant of Latin and Greek and prepare them in a year for college admission. He did not, however, use to get this result the tricks of a coacher. He imparted to those whom he taught his own sense of the meaning of the subject matter and in some subtle way made them feel that they were studying living, rather than, dead languages." Owen died February, February 17, 1928 while attending a social function at the Chicago Normal School. He was 62.

Morgan Hall, where William B. Owen conducted his school from 1890 to 1892. -6-


The saint in shirtsleeves He was the kind of editor about whom reporters wrote poems. These were not the sneering, scurrilous, behind-the-back attacks reporters often made on the "bosses" who made their lives miserable, but genuine praise, honest admiration for the man who sat in the editor's chair. That the praise and admiration came from two of the most fabled names in Chicago literary circles only made the praise and admiration that much more remarkable. Two of those reporters who wrote poems about their editor were no less than Carl Sandburg and Ben Hecht. The editor in question was none other than Hemy Justin Smith, whose editorial career began at the Chicago Daily News in 1899 and ended only with his death in 1936. Hemy Justin Smith grew up in the house at 2204 W. 111 th Street, the very house where the idea of modern University of Chicago was (according to some) conceived, and it was only natural, then, that he prepared for the University of Chicago by stepping across the street to attend Morgan Park Academy in 1891-1892 when it was known as the "Owen School." Edgar J. Goodspeed, a friend for more than a half-century, noted that Smith was an only child who had "books for his chief play things." His parents were "of the loveliest and loftiest character" and his home was a "shrine of taste and culture." He was "modern saint with the soul of an artist," Goodspeed said, a modest man who believed that "if there was any praise other men should have it. He had a strange capacity of helping other people on toward their goals, and seeing ways of doing it that we had not thought of ourselves." His father, Rev. John Justin Smith,

was the editor of the [Chicago Baptist] Standard, the most influential Baptist newspaper west of the Alleghenies, and his mother was a teacher at Chicago Female Seminary. Henry Justin Smith, in his affectionate Chicago: A Portrait, gives a fond description of the "pastoral village" of Morgan Park, which had, Smith wrote, " a ganglion of streets, some straight, some deliberately curved. Double lines of maples were planted to shade them here and there, gradually, went up modest dwellings to house the professors of theology, church history, Hebrew, literature, music, elocution, and military tactics that made up the varied curricula of this educational center [that included a woman's college,

Charles McArthur, co-author with Ben Hecht of The Front Page, confers with Henry Justin Smith in 1929. a theological seminary, and a military academy] ." When his father died in 1896, Henry Justin took over the editorial duties of the Standard. He wrote, too, on such themes as children's books, the "mission" of American literature, and even a defense offootball. In 1899, he began his long career at the Chicago Daily News. He became, according to Editor & Publisher (1936), "a legend - a newspaperman's ideal of a managing


editor." He was what was known in the trade as an "office man," one who seldom wrote stories, but was there to guide the words of others into print. He was at his post, of course, for all the big stories of his day, the Iroquois theatre fire (December 30, 1903), the 1919 race riot (which Carl Sandburg covered for the Daily News), and the many headline stories produced by prohibition. Smith didn 't think very much of Al Capone and the like and he made it an established policy of the paper to present bootlegging exploits without sensationalism, as the acts of petty criminals. Robert J. Casey, one of Smith's celebrated reporters, recalled that he had a "contempt for gangsters [and] he cried out loudly against the type of journalism that made them picturesque. 'They're small-time hoodlums,' [Smith said],' call them that.'" "Smith knew that publicity could be cruel," Casey added, "but once he knew he was right, he could be implacable at any cost." "His idea of loving a town," colleague (and later collaborator on several books on Chicago) Lloyd Lewis observed, "was not to cover up its sins with smug indifference, [but] the quicker those things were exposed the better." Henry Justin Smith wrote (quite naturally) the preface to Ben Hecht's 1001 Afternoons in Chicago (1921), for the sixty-four pieces of the volume were first published in the Chicago Daily News. Ben Hecht had been, as Smith relates, "divorced from our staff for some weeks and had married an overdressed, blatant creature called Publicity.. ..but he couldn't stand it." Smith offered Hecht his old job, but

Hecht countered with a new idea that would be "presented to the public as journalism extraordinary; journalism that invaded the realm of literature, where in large part journalism really dwells." "Yes," Smith concedes, the columns which he produced every day for over a year, "are newspaper work; they are the the writings of a reporter emancipated from the assignment book and the copydesk; a reporter gone to the heaven of reporters, where they write what they jolly well please and get it printed too!" Hecht was properly appreciative of his editor and wrote in his autobiography, Child of the Century: "I doubt if in all the newspaper offices of the land there was ever such a managing editor as Henry Justin Smith. So odd a newspaperman was he that no hint of him has ever appeared in any fiction 1 have read, or play or movie 1 have seen - but once. 1 wrote him myself, borrowing, however, only his exterior for the look of my first novel's hero, Erik Dorn. Tall, thin and fastidious,with flushed lean cheeks and a royalist droop to his mouth and thin-lined mustache ... scanty-worded, hiding a child-like sensitivity in a chronically fretful air so that he might seem like an executive rather a moon-struck wonderer; bending over to pick up pins from the floor as he walked; incapable of oath or obscenity, scorning liquor and personal scandal and passionately in love with a newspaper - these were some of Henry Smith's qualities." "His love of our paper," Hecht continued, "had little to do with any interest in circulation figures or editorial policies. He saw the paper as a daily novel written by a score of Balzacs. Its news stories were reports of life to him. Bent over his ever-fresh pile of proofs, he smelled humanity in their printer's ink. He read each story avidly, as if his desk were a prison cell and tales of the outside world were pouring into it." It was the editor who allowed such a reporter to go to that "heaven of

reporters" that earned Henry Justin Smith the unstinting praise (and even an occasional poem) from Carl Sanburg, Ben Hecht, Bob Casey, and countless others. He was an editor, but he had the sympathies and instincts of a reporter, and he rarely failed to win the hearts and loyalties of his staff. "He spent more time worrying about the opportunities of copyboys than of department heads," Lloyd Lewis said of Smith. "Carl Sandburg called him a 'saint in shirtsleeves' and [he was] a hero to his secretary as well as his collaborator." He was much-admired, too, for standing up for reporters, for fighting against what Robert J. Casey called "business office restrictions and front-office criticisms." Here is Carl Sandburg, telling Sam Hughes, editor-in-chief of the Newspaper Enterprise Assn., about Smith in a letter of September 12,1918: "He is too slangy, abrupt, direct, simple and human to be able to function properly on the News. This is not 'plugging' in any sense. 1 merely affirm that you ought to know H.J. Smith and his ways because some day he might fill a hole at some vital salient. He is as individual and indigenous an American as Mark Twain, George Ade, or Ring Lardner, and is up to them in personality and writing, only he prefers newspaper work." When Smith left the Daily News in 1924 to establish the ftrst public relations office at the University of Chicago, reporter Keith Preston also wrote a poem to his editor, called "The Old Shop is still here and Waiting, Harry." Here are two lines, more notable as sentiment than as verse: Be sure, old chap, if you should ever crack You'll find us there and keen to see you back. He did go back, too, after just two years on the Midway. Margaret Mann Crolius was one


reporter among many who was glad to see him back. "Unlike many bosses;' she wrote, "he was never stingy with his praise and his 'this is A-I' on a piece of proof was a kind of passport to happiness." John Gunther had no hesitation in saying, in 1924, that Henry Justin Smith was generally regarded throughout the newspaper business as "the combined patron saint and godfather of most western writers of the younger (comparatively speaking) generation. He helped make the Chicago Daily News a lodestone for ambitious young writers." At work, under the most trying deadline conditions, he was (as reporter Charles Dennis noted), "all poise, all concentration, all efficiency." Dennis remembered Smith as "a slender, eagle-beaked young man with an intent face" when he joined the Daily News in 1899. He had "a quiet strength, [was] scholarly [and] sensitive" and he quickly won the esteem and affection of all who worked with him." Smith was also "courageous, outspoken, considerate." His only fault was ''too large a tolerance of others' short-comings, based upon his perception of some inherent good in even the least deserving of them." His novels (including Josslyn: the story ofan incorrigible dreamer [1924] and Senior Zero [1931 D, looked at from our perhaps more cynical age, have a sweetness underlying them that some would say borders on the sentimental. They were once considered noteworthy, however, although all are out-of-print today. His non-fiction, particularly his three books on Chicago, is marked by the same sweetness, though here it seems to derive from a genuine love for the city of big shoulders. That the word "saint" came so readily to the lips of many of those who characterized Henry Justin Smith speaks volumes about the man who was born on 111 th Street and who simply stepped across the street for a part of his education. Q

1I~ Carman, of MPA, and Lewis Institute George Noble Carman was dean ofMPA from 1893-1895. The University of Chicago trustees confirmed his election to the position on July 25, 1893 at a salary of$ 1500, "with rooms for his family in one of the dormitories," and the rank of assistant professor of English. He had taught previously in various high schools, but turned down an offer to be president of Swarthmore Co ll ege to become the principal of a St. Paul, Minnesota high school. When he came to visit the World's Columbian Exposition in 1893, he was one of a number of people that summer who took their room and board at Morgan Park Academy. His policy, while he served as dean of MPA, was to put every student on hi s honor. The students responded favorably to his leadership and even composed a song (to the tune Daisy ) in his honor:

In his 40-year tenure at Lewis Institute, Carman personally registered each day-student, an estimated 100,000. He was noted, too, for his common sense and he was fond of saying (and others, after him, of quoting) that one shouldn't "use a sledge hammer if a tack hammer will do ." Q

George Noble Carman, wonderful man is he. All the boys love him as you can plainly see; He's the friend of every fellow in this Academy, He does all he can to help every man along to the U. ofC. When he left MPA, there were four resolutions, signed by a total of thirty-seven "citizens of Morgan Park" and seventy-two students. The resolutions stated "our regret at the loss of an able and broad-minded dean, an efficient instructor and a man who has held the love and esteem of citizens and students alike." Among the student signers were Harold Nelson, G.D. Porentiss, Marion McKinnon, George Bell, and Henry Justin Smith. James Drake headed the citizens' list. "He met with wonderful success in handling fractious students, and in the capacity of director of the general policy, he inaugurated many improvements," Th e University of Chicago Weekly commented on his tenure at the Academy. "It is a perfect obelisk to his career that when he resigned the Academy to take up the difficult task of fathering the Lewis Institute, he took with him the love of every student." He was recommended by University of Chicago president William Rainey Harper to be the director of new Lewis Institute (which later became the Illinois Institute of Technology) in 1895. He continued in that position until his retirement in 1935. "He had left the indelible imprint of his personality and character on the school and had earned a reputation as one of the leading educators of the day," Irene Macauley wrote of him in Th e Heritage ofIlT. He was a man who firmly believed that engineering, without the liberal arts, was a great mistake.



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j S ubject: George Noble Carman, ca. 1903 Photographer unknown Imoge scanned from materials housed in t he Archives at: Lewis Annual (school year boo k), 190 3; pg. 9.


George Noble Carman in 1902, early in his long tenure at Lewis Institute. (By permission of University Archives, Paul V. Galvin Library, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago.)


The faculty complains Trouble came soon to Harper's Morgan Park Academy. Six members of the faculty, with the concurrence of a seventh, took the extraordinary step of appealing directly to president Harper, over the head of the dean, George Noble Carman. A twenty-page letter (March 4, 1895), typed, double-spaced, delineates in full the faculty displeasure. The first paragraph outlines five areas of concern: irregular attendance, decline in efficiency of class-room work, disorder and idleness in the dormitories, a large number of individual delinquencies and "the relation of the faculty and the dean, and with the capacity of the dean in governing the school." The frustration of the faculty in these five areas can be felt even when facts are being presented. The letter begins by documenting its complaint in regard to attendance. In chapel, since January 1, 1895, attendance has averaged 120 out ofa school population of 135 and "of the fifty students in Morgan Hall ten were absent eight or more times each" in eight weeks. At Exeter, where faculty member Wayland Chase had been chapel monitor, attendance was near 98 per cent. For physical exercise, which the Calendar catalogue stated (p.8) was a daily requirement, 22 of 48 girls had been "continuously excused," since January 1, the letter charged. And, of the remaining 26, eleven had been absent eight or more times in eight weeks. "It is of course understood that at times the girls should be excused altogether or from the more violent moments," the letter added for good measure. The "vigilance of the teachers" and

"the impulse afforded by examinations" has kept attendance from being a problem in the more advanced classes. "But in the lower class the falling off has been marked." Statistics were provided to substantiate the charge and it was noted that attendance was particularly poor after holidays. Twenty students, out of 80, lost one or more recitations after Christmas, while at Andover only four of 400 missed recitations after a holiday. "The contrast," the letter noted, "is significant." Statistics were also cited to suggest a decline in class work, noting the increase in numbers of those who dropped courses and in those who failed examinations, despite the fact that fewer lessons were covered. Much of the problem in the dormitories was attributed by the faculty to an ill-conceived plan, initiated by dean Carman, to have students in charge of the dorms through an organization called the dormitory association. The students, the letter charged, simply were not up to the task of maintaining order and quiet in the dorms. When matters reached the point where students were destroying pillows and scattering feathers about the halls, dean Carman reacted. (Some furniture had also been damaged in a dorm parlor.) He insisted that those who knew who the culprits were must identify them or they were to be regarded as bad as liars. The culprits were not revealed and students insisted that the penalty threatened was much too severe for such an offense. A majority of students, in a written vote, declared that in such a comparatively innocent escapade it was not incumbent upon them to name those involved. The dormitory association was dissolved shortly thereafter.

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The dean's next move was to require each applicant for admission to the dormitories to sign a contract promising to obey the rules and not destroy property. All boys but one voted to reject the plan. The situation in Park Hall, the girls dorm, was not much better, the faculty letter claimed. One "reliable girl outside the dormitory" was reported to have said "the girls say there are no rules this year." Study hours were neglected, curfews violated, and boys seemed to have free access to Park Hall at virtually any hour. "The relation of the sexes leaves much to be desired," the letter complained. "A pleasant social intercourse is desirable but its is going too far when two couples go to the city alone and return [after] midnight. Incidentally it may be added that this was the night before examinations and that next day two of the four students referred to failed. The Miss Spencer in whose financial welfare you were interested, while competing for a scholarship, attended entertainments in the city on two successive evenings, returning both times [after] midnight." The most striking evidence of the state of the school, the letter suggested, was the number of students who were "culpably deficient in their work." Twenty-six students (21 boys, 5 girls) were identified as belonging to this category. "We think," the faculty wrote, "far too little is being done for their redemption, or if that is impossible, for their removal." Nine ( 7 boys, 2 girls) "delinquent cases" were then presented for Harper's illumination. At the top of the list was Miss Barnhart. "Nearly a year ago," the letter said, "the dean reported this young

woman to the faculty as uncleanly in her habits, indolent in study, a reader and disseminator of immoral literature and of anti-Christian sentiments; one whose influence was thoroughly bad. It was understood that she was to be at once removed . But she has remained." There was Evans, "a boy of monumental conceit, indolent, and mouthy, [who] has failed more than once," but has been favored by the dean with a "lucrative position as a private tutor to two young girls which many of our best students would be glad to have. The attitude of the dean in the case of Evans has certainly not been adapted to conciliate the faculty." And there was Miss Reynolds. "The dean informed us last year that this girl's conduct with the boys was so bold that it was unsafe to allow her to remain. The conduct to which he referred was in fact positively indecent. He nevertheless allowed her to remain

and to return this year." The list of delinquents, in fact, was designed to demonstrate to Harper that dean Carman's unwillingness "to remove students whose influence is, in our view, pernicious" has had many negative ramifications throughout the school. The issue underlying all of these various charges, however, seemed to be that Carman made decisions without consulting the faculty and also that he sometimes did just the opposite of what the faculty had recommended. "For the principal [dean Carman] to disagree with the teachers in exceptional cases is one thing, to disregard their wishes habitually is quite another." Fourteen specific instances were then offered in support of this charge, including (number 10): "has disregarded your wishes and those of the faculty as to dancing." The faculty, however, "was not

unmindful of Mr. Carman's excellencies of character. He is an amiable gentleman, so genial and intelligent in conversation that it is almost impossible for those who have not seen him at work to believe that he can be very deficient as an executive." "On the other hand,"( one might have seen that coming) "from our intercourse of a year and a half, we have been reluctantly forced to the conclusion that he lacks the power to govern this school. He is deficient in judgment and force of will." The letter is signed by Wayland Chase, Luanna Robertson, A.R. Wightman, Robert H. Cornish, Frank M. Brosnan, and Isaac Burgess. The twenty pages, indeed, add up to a vote of "no confidence" in the leadership of George Noble Carman. A crisis, it seems, was at hand. Q

The Blake Hall Chapel, one source of faculty displeasure, in a very faded 1894 photograph. - 11 -

1I~ The dean fights back George Noble Carman's impatience with the faculty complaints against him, outlined in a twenty-page letter, is plainly demonstrated by the high incidence of typographical errors contained in his eighteen-page response (March 8, 1895) to the faculty charges. It is almost as ifhe can't wait to respond, in full force, to the next accusation. He took the offensive almost at once. "Though loath to do so, I will, if you wish me to, submit for your consideration the facts that suggest that several members of the faculty are failing to give that support to the dean in his administration of the school that he may reasonably expect and without which the highest efficiency is impossible," he wrote. Two commas were added later with a pen, and an unnecessary "s" was struck from "suggest." Carman's rejoinder addressed the faculty charges point-bypoint, beginning with attendance. Much of the work concerning absences, he avowed, had been divided up among the faculty implying thereby, of course, that if there were a problem, it was of the faculty's making. Many of the absences of the winter quarter could easily be accounted for, he explained, by the high incidence of illness caused by a very cold January and February. As for chapel, several pupils had been excused for, what seemed to Carman, "good and sufficient reason." He further suggested that the faculty figures on church attendance did not consider those students who had been granted permission to attend other services, but he did concede that his recordkeeping may have contributed to the "wrong impression" about church absences. A similar defense was made in regard to absences from physical culture classes. Pupils were excused, he said again, for good and sufficient reasons, and some alternatives (skating, coasting, and the like), were allowed, although these were not always noted on the books. Dean Carman's responses, in fact, seemed more sensible (and often more humane) than the policies the faculty seemed to have preferred. He felt, for example, that MPA students returned after holidays as promptly as might be expected. "The very common custom of giving the Friday after Thanksgiving as a holiday [which the faculty voted against more than once], doubtless, had something to do with the poor attendance on that day, especially on the part of those who had to go some distance in order to be home." The alleged decline in the quality of class work was, in Carman's view, "drawn from very incomplete and unsatisfactory, not to say misleading, data." He devoted four pages to

supporting this assertion. He also found the faculty statement that the dormitory association "originated with the dean, and was put into execution without consultation with other members of the faculty is certainly misleading, if not absolutely false." The plan was proposed by students, he said, and the faculty was invited to attend discussions about the association. Several even accepted the invitation, he added. Carman, after a point-by-point refutation of much of faculty charges made against him about the dormitories, also defended the right to change his mind about things. "A policy," he said, "which guided by my experience, accomplished desired results, may seem vacillating, but it is the only policy possible for those who are not infallible." His response to the charge that he allowed two couples to go to the city, unchaperoned, and that they returned after midnight, is worth quoting in full. "There is no direction in which more care is exercised than in the relations of the sexes. [He had typed, "sections," crossed it out, and wrote "sexes" above it.] One instance is mentioned in such a way as to lead to the inference ["entrance" was what he inadvertently typed] that it is but one out of many when two couples went to the city unattended, returning at 12:30 a.m. I granted the permission under circumstances that seem to me justifiable, contrary to the wishes of Mrs. Carman. Mr. Evans told me that he had tickets to the Apollo club concert, and asked if he and Mr. Hughes might take Miss Steig and Miss Leslie. I told him a chaperone would be necessary. An attempt was made to secure one. He told me that Mr. Bronson, when asked, expressed the opinion, that although it is in order to have a chaperone, in the case of so small a party an exception might be made. When no chaperone could be found, Mr. Hughes was required to go into the city and get permission of Miss Leslie's parents. He was unable to see them. At the last moment with some hesitation, I permitted them to go unattended. Mrs. Leslie, with whom Mrs. Carman at once communicated, expressed perfect satisfaction with the course taken." The case of the notorious Miss Spencer was taken up next. "Mrs. Carman and I went into the city one Friday evening with a number of my students in English, who were studying Twelfth Night, to see the play. One of the girls in Park Hall, knowing how hard Miss Spencer was working in the kitchen, asked for the privilege of taking her with us. It chanced that the following evening another party went in [to Chicago] to [hear] the Thomas orchestra with Mr. Bronson and Mrs. Carman, and Miss Spencer was in the party. Study hours are not required Friday and Saturday evenings. How can anyone begrudge the

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condemnation is certainly out of place in the case of a young man who, against great odds, is making the effort to educate himself." "[Miss Reynolds] familiarity with boys was such that I forbade her associating with them for a time." After the term, Carman suggested that it might be better for her to go to a girls' school. "She urged so hard to be given another trial, that I finally consented. There has been nothing this year in regard to her conduct with the boys to which exception can be taken.... Miss Reynolds is not a scholar, though Mr. Caldwell reports her as one of his best students in geometry. She has made improvement and is deserving of encouragement." The final issue, the relation of the dean to the faculty, is taken up by considering, one-by-one, the fourteen instances where the faculty felt their wishes had been ignored or overruled. Dean Carman showed that in many of those cases the faculty's wishes prevailed or (as in the case of number ten, dancing, among others) no faculty action was taken. The faculty did not appear very advantageously in this exchange with president Harper, but in a sense they had won. g

girl the pleasure of two such evenings or be so unreasonable as to think that such diversion for a girl who is working her way through school, would interfere with her studies?" Perhaps Mr. Carman was living up to his middle name and perhaps the faculty was just a wee bit unreasonable. He seemed to have the better heart, too, in his version of how those three "delinquents," (Miss Barnhart, Mr. Evans and Miss Reynolds) were handled. "Soon after Miss Barnhart entered the Academy, it was discovered that she had peculiar notions," he wrote, "and her case was frequently considered by the faculty. No action requiring her removal was ever taken. She so far improved in her scholarship and her conduct that there was latterly no complaint." When, however, it was suggested by Miss Robertson at a faculty meeting that Miss Barnhart was a bad influence on some of the girls, she was asked to give up her room in Park Hall. "I must take exception to the epithets applied to Mr. Evans," George Noble Carman wrote. "He is a cripple ... and while he is conceited, he has some excellent traits. Unsparing

The faculty takes the offensive again The faculty, it seems, didn't know when enough was enough. Its first letter, expressing displeasure with dean Carman's leadership, occupied twenty typed pages. Dean Carman defended himself in eighteen typed pages a week later. On March 22, 1895, in a letter which appears to be in the hand of Frank Bronson, the faculty was taking the offensive again. "We have read the statement of the dean in answer to that presented you by us," it begins. "It is understood that you do not desire a detailed reply." That second sentence would seem to suggest that Harper had already seen quite enough in the 38 pages which had been presented to him by Carman and his faculty adversaries. What follows, then, in the letter of March 22, is the very kind of detailed reply that Harper had indicated he did not desire. Bronson writes that the faculty only wishes to call his attention

to "certain selected points," but the "selected points" occupy a full tenpages of rebuttal. The tone of the faculty letter might fairly be represented by the first sentence under point one: "It may not be amiss to remark.... [that] the dean is somewhat free in his use of the terms 'misleading,' 'false,' 'misrepresentation,' as applied to the deliberate assertion of six teachers, whose reputations for truthfulness are on a par with his own." Perhaps the real cause of faculty displeasure with Carman is revealed in this statement: " ... we accepted cheerfully his assignment of an extra hour a day in connection with the Blake Hall study room; and accepted charge of the houses, although it was felt that his aim was (in part) to shift upon the teachers responsibility which belonged to the dean." The ten additional pages written by the "faculty six" were probably not

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necessary, for Harper seems to have determined that this conflict between the dean and his faculty was irreconcilable. President Harper, on June 27, 1895, recommended George Noble Carman as principal for the new Lewis Institute. Carman remained in that position at Lewis for the next four decades.

11~ Faculty preoccupations, 1896-1907 They were all personally recruited and selected by William Rainey Harper, president of the University of Chicago, to teach at Morgan Park Academy. The majority of them had been teaching together for the past five years by the time we begin to follow their deliberations as a faculty in September 1896. This is possible because a bound volume of minutes of those deliberations (covering the years from 1896 to 1907) is in the special collections at Regenstein Library, University of Chicago. It is remarkable (or, perhaps not) that the concerns expressed by teachers nearly a century ago are much like those one hears at any faculty meeting today: unexcused absences, smoking, hazing, vandalism, and whether students can successfully balance academics and athletics. Bound with the minutes is a Calendar of the Academy at Morgan Park, Illinois, a pamphlet of twenty-one pages, which outlines the basic information about admission, curriculum, expenses and such. The Academy operated, of course, on the same quarter system Harper had instituted at the opening of the University of Chicago in 1892. There were ten men and three women on the regular teaching staff. The curriculum was designed primarily to meet the expectations for admission to the University of Chicago, including four years of Latin, three of Greek, and three of French or German. Several pages are devoted to descriptions of individual courses, including the books that would be used in those classes. The fees were $30 per quarter, but room, board, fuel, washing, and sundries added another $219 at minimum. The first faculty minutes (typed, double-spaced and covering about a page and a quarter) were the work of Robert H. Cornish, assistant professor of natural sciences and Academy recorder. It took place on September 28, 1896, in dean Charles H. Thurber's study. The names of those present were noted as well as the one absence (Mrs. Anderson). It was three days before the official opening of the Fall quarter and most of the business concerned considering requests from students who asked to be excused from entrance exams. The next meeting, September 30, 1896, approved twelve persons (eight boys and four girls) for Academy certificates (which would entitle them to enter the University of Chicago without taking entrance exams.) Dean Thurber read a circular, which was to be sent to parents, requesting their advice on the frequency of student trips to the city. Most of the matters discussed in the opening weeks were

routine, but on October 19 dean Thurber presented a disciplinary case: Warren McIntire was charged with disobedience for not returning to the Academy on time after being excused to go to the city on October 17. McIntire was asked to appear before the faculty to state the reasons for his absence. He did so and, after "his case was discussed at length," it was voted that he receive eight demerits and be forbidden from going to the city for six months. The faculty voted at its November 2 meeting to suspend study hours on November 3, election night. McIntire was back before the faculty on November 17, for he had been absent from the Academy without permission, and he was suspended for the remainder of the school year. Holt, for a similar offense, was suspended for the rest of the term. (Holt's case was reconsidered on November 30 and he was reinstated.) The faculty also voted at that meeting to add the Friday after Thanksgiving to the recess, but recitation would be held on Monday as usual, "and that no excuses be granted for absences except by vote of the faculty." A copy of a November 11, 1896 letter from EJ. Miller, recorder of the University of Chicago, was made a part of the faculty minutes. It read, in part, that "WHEREAS the Morgan Park Academy is an organic part of the University, with the appointment of its faculty and the selection of its curriculum entirely subject to the administration of the University: and WHEREAS, the members of the Academy faculty are, in their several departments and grades of instruction, the peers of the other faculties; .... THEREFORE, be it resolved by the board of affiliations that the examination and grading of students in the Morgan Park Academy shall hereafter be by the faculty of the Academy as in the case of other faculties of the university, and that grades assigned shall not be subject to revision by the university examiner; PROVIDED, however, that prior to each quarterly examination the examination questions shall be submitted to the university departmental examiners as heretofore and shall be subject to their revision." It was a vote of confidence, in other words, but not without a string or two. In the final faculty meeting of the quarter, held December 28, 1896, it was voted that 88 be the determining mark in the award of full scholarships and, on that basis, a dozen scholarships were awarded (three of which went to girls). The faculty demonstrated that this rule was not rigid, however, for they later (January 4, 1907) voted a scholarship for Sauer, who had an average of 87.6. At the January 5, 1897 meeting, Walker full scholarships were granted to four girls and one boy.

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Photographs of students from the 1890s are rare. The original is lost, but this copy was taken from an alumni bulletin that sought to identify as many as possible. Two items of note were on the agenda for January 19: an encouragement of "contests other than athletic" and the dean urging the teachers "to be more careful in handing in their reports of absences." Dean Thurber, at the February 10 meeting, also "called the attention of the teachers at the close of the term to the matter of sending in reports promptly." Mr. Wightman reported on a recent disturbance in the dormitory and, after discussion, it was voted that Baylies be suspended until the end of the term . A letter from president Harper was read to the faculty on March 2 announcing that the summer quarter be discontinued at

the Academy. Another communication from Dr. Harper asked that "the question of the retention of girls at the Academy be discussed." The faculty discussed the issue and voted that "the statement made on December 18, 1895 upon this subject be reaffirmed and call ed to the president's attention." That statement said: "Voted that we recommend to the trustees the retention of young ladies in the Academy and that ample provision be made for their welfare." The minutes for meetings from March 9, 1897 through October of 1903 seem to be lost. When the record resumes, on November 2, 1903, Joseph M. Sniffen is the secretary (and,

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1I~ therefore, responsible for the minutes), Wayland 1. Chase is dean of the Academy, classes are once again held on the day after Thanksgiving, and MPA is an all-boys school. One meeting is spent discussing why particular students failed certain courses, but Sniffen gives very few details. More decisions, it seems, come from above, rather than faculty vote. Here is an example from November 16, in Sniffen's terse style: "The dean announced that Pinkerton, our representative in the secondary school declamation contest, failed to get a place and said hereafter, those who wish to represent the Academy in this contest spend longer time in preparation." A special meeting was called for December 2 to discuss appropriate punishments for those involved in a disturbance in West Hall on December 1. Three boys were each given five demerits and suspended for their part in the disorder ("throwing crockery, pails, etc., even after warning had been given..."). A committee was appointed at the January 11, 1904 meeting to explore one of those perennial topics of faculty concern: the impact of athletics on classroom performance. (At a November 21 faculty meeting, after the football season, it was reported that members of the team continued to do good work in class, "only one regular player having been kept out of a game because he was down in his studies.") Two other perennial topics - smoking and going to the city (i.e., off campus) - were discussed in a special meeting of the student council and twenty-eight recent alumni (all male) at Reynolds club of the University of Chicago on January 16. A vote of those present recommended 29-6 that "a relaxation of the existing prohibitive rule against smoking would be advisable." The group voted unanimously to make a recommendation that night city-going be made more restrictive "for the betterment of the school and the student." Smoking, under the existent rules, was allowed for those students who had written parental permission. Cigarettes were prohibited, pipes and cigars preferred, but there were other restrictions as well. Secretary Sniffen comments (January 18): "This plan of restricted permission to smoke is an experiment and will be abandoned if the freedom granted is abused .... The purpose of this plan is not to encourage smoking but to control a practice which, though clearly harmful to boys, it has proved impracticable to prohibit." Later, the dean (March 6, 1905) "called attention to the fact that we are not controlling the habit of smoking." The rule then enforced about city-going was simple: "evening city-going for the purposes of entertainment is not to be allowed, except when the student is accompanied by mature relatives or a member of the faculty." Boys continued to go to the city, however, and the faculty continued to hand-out demerits and suspensions. Mr. Lister was elected secretary on February 15 to take minutes, "since Mr. Sniffen is to be absent from Morgan Park the rest of the year working in the interest of the Academy."

It was moved and carried at the April 4 meeting that "the boys of the Academy be allowed to play billiards in Oberg's billiard hall during the spring quarter." A letter from Dr. Harper announced that Academy teachers would be given free tuition at the university during the summer. A special meeting on May 4 resulted in suspension or, in some cases, lesser penalties for six boys caught playing cards for money in an empty room of West Hall. These decisions were accepted by president Harper, the minutes later show, suggesting that very little was allowed to happen without Dr. Harper's say-so. Mr. Sniffen was back as secretary for the Fall term and he reported (October 24) that the faculty was in favor of continuing a football relationship with University School, of Cleveland, Ohio. "This raised the discussion," Mr. Sniffen continued, "as to whether these games with teams from so great a distance are desirable and the following points were brought out: 1st, that during the three years that we have met the University School it has been shown that it stands for high ideals and purity in athletics and, 2nd, that since during these days of frenzied athletics when there is a demand that teams from the west meet teams from the east, this game satisfies that demand and so makes it much more to be desired than one with a team from a greater distance." (In 1907, University School would break-off football relations with Morgan Park Academy on the grounds that the MPA team "was too old and mature in comparison with their own.") Since the presidential election was November 8, it was decided (at a November 7 meeting) that students be allowed to go to Silva hall (where early returns were received) on election night from 9:30 to 11 p.m., provided that the boys worked a part of the evening. All of the boys were back by 11 p.m., and there was no disturbance in the dorms because of their arrival at that late hour. Northwestern Military Academy, dean Chase announced on December 5, had applied for admission to the Inter-Academic Athletic League, but the prevailing sentiment was against admitting that Academy. No reason was given. A faculty committee was appointed on January 9, 1905 to meet with a committee of students to choose the best school song from those that were submitted. (It was announced on January 23 that the five dollar prize, offered by the students, was to go to Robert W. Burgess [05].) Another perennial problem was referred to a committee at the January 16 meeting: keeping students at the Academy until all exams were finished and then getting them back on time after Christmas. At a special meeting called for January 19, one student was suspended for going to Blue Island and drinking intoxicating liquors and the cases of his companions were referred to president Harper for determination. Suspensions, ranging from one week to "indefinite," were handed out March 13 to a half-dozen boys who drank intoxicat-

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that MPA would be closed at the end of the school year. The reasons, as recorded (single-spaced) by secretary Baird, were that that MPA had not become self-sustaining, that it had not sent the numbers of students to the university of Chicago as had been anticipated. Another factor which made the Academy obsolete (in the eyes of the university trustees) was that high schools, once uncommon (even rare) were flourishing everywhere. And, moreover, "the university has established, as a necessary part of its school of education, a high school whose unique features and exceptional advantages have already made it one of the best schools of its kind in the country. It is considered by many of the trustees to have taken the place of Morgan Park Academy in the educational scheme of the university." The faculty then convened in principal Johnson's office to hear a letter from president Harry Pratt Judson, expressing sorrow over the necessary action and offering to find suitable appointments for MPA's teachers and, if not, to be responsible for their salaries for the next year. The next faculty meeting, March 8, was a somber affair, consisting primarily of expressions of regret from various alumni and parents of current students. A committee which had been appointed to answer the action of the trustees recommended that no answer be given. Over the next several months, the faculty, like a riderless cavalry horse executing battle maneuvers, continued its ordinary, routine work: bestowing scholarships, giving demerits, etc. On May 7, however, the faculty seemed to accept the inevitable: it asked the university to make suitable provisions for the various class gifts which had been given to the Academy. On May 14, president Judson announced if suitable positions were offered to members of the Academy faculty and were refused, "the university would no longer be responsible for the salaries of the same." There was a kind of stunned indifference on the part of the faculty, it seems, for they voted on May 21 to excuse seniors from examinations who had an average of 65 or better. The faculty also acceded to a student petition requesting that the Friday after Decoration Day be made into a holiday so students could go home for a short vacation. Forty-three students were unanimously voted to receive diplomas and certificates of graduation. Mr. Chase, Mr. Burgess, Mr. Abells, and Mr. Bronson were appointed to a committee on June II "to consider and decide any business necessary after the closing of the school." The phrases which occur most frequently in the faculty minutes of 1896-1907 are, on the one hand, baffling and frustrating ("Student cases discussed.") and, on the other, obvious and expected ("Meeting adjourned.")

ing liquors in a saloon at 11 Oth and Vincennes. In May 1905 those implicated in a water-throwing prank (target: the faculty in Morgan Hall) were referred to dean Chase for the final decision. A new regime stepped forward in September 1905, with 1. C. Baird and principal Franklin W Johnson signing the approved minutes that were sent to the University of Chicago. There was more disorder brought before the faculty on November 3, this time in East Hall, where demerits were given for the throwing of crockery and glassware. A law enforcement committee was instituted on November 20 to "assist in the temperance movement of the churches of the village." The faculty noted, December 11, that there were eleven absences on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and eight on the following Monday "which could be attributed to the holiday on Friday. The vote of the faculty was that the holiday, given after Thanksgiving was a success." A student, considered the ring-leader, was indefinitely suspended at a special December 14 meeting for hazing. Eight others were given three demerits each. A motion was carried on February 6, 1906 "to remove at once any boy who is afflicted with a venereal disease." University of Chicago president Harry Pratt Judson, replacing the late Dr. Harper, heartily approved. On May 4, 1906 a privilege was extended to seniors by faculty vote: seniors with an 85 average or better for the quarter were to be excused from final exams. The faculty met in special session December 11 to consider the case of vandalism of Mr. Leonard's apartment in West Hall. The events leading up to the vandalism had centered on dissatisfaction with restraints put on students. The students desired more frequent trips to Chicago, relief from study-hour requirements, and "permission to congregate and sit up in their rooms without restraint after lO:30 o'clock at night." Twentyfour boys were suspended for answering "yes" to two questions which seemed to indicate that they were conspiring to cover up for the real culprits. A special faculty meeting was convened on Christmas Eve morning to further consider the recent suspensions for "conspiracy" in West Hall. A half-dozen or so were to be allowed to return January 2, but the remaining number were to continue under indefinite suspension. A second special meeting, held December 27, approved the lifting of suspension on January 2 for all but the two ringleaders, Risser and Fairbanks, of the West Hall disorder. An apparent loop-hole was closed on February 15, 1907 when a motion carried to the effect that no student should have the status of a senior who is not taking the third year of English. And then, without prior notice, the unexpected happened. A mass meeting of the faculty and student body was held in the Blake Hall chapel at 3:30 on March 4. Principal Johnson read an announcement, from the University of Chicago trustees,


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Accreditation accounting The North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCACS) has been accrediting colleges and schools since 1895. The North Central Association was founded in 1895 by five men, one of whom was George Noble Carmen, then dean of Morgan Park Academy. Each member-school is required to file an annual report, a statistical compendium that serves, therefore, as a kind of yearly "state-of-school" accounting. An almost-complete set of those annual NCACS reports exists for the years 1910 to 1945, and it is a veritable treasure house of information about the Academy. The report for the school year beginning September 21, 1910, for example, hand-written by Harry D. Abells, provides basic statistics that reveal much about the school. It was called Morgan Park Academy, then, and the school was located in the suburb of Morgan Park, which had an estimated population of 3500. There were 76 students enrolled in the high school, another 30 in the lower school, and there were ten teachers on the staff. Salaries ranged from $800 up $1400, with the principal (Abells) drawing $1200. The senior member on the staff was Frank M. Bronson, with 26 years of experience. The school year was 36 weeks and recitation periods averaged 45 minutes. Sixteen units of credit were required for graduation and, since the school was reorganized in 1907 (when the University of Chicago severed the connection, which had existed since 1892,with the Academy), 38 ofMPA's graduates were then attending college. By the 1915-16 school year, the village of Morgan Park had been annexed to Chicago and the school had acquired a new name, Morgan Park Preparatory Schools, to reflect its notfor-profit corporate status, with a charter based on that granted to the University of Chicago. Lt. Col. Thomas

W Winston, U.S. Army, retired, is listed as the superintendent, Abells as principal, and E.l Price as president of the board. Salaries for the superintendent and principal are listed at $2600, and faculty salaries range from $800 to $1800. Enrollment, including lower school, was down to 73. A marginal note to the December 1918 report indicates that the name of the school was changed to Morgan Park Military Academy the previous Spring. Enrollment continued to fluctuate. It had been up to 165 in 1918 (boosted, perhaps, by the war in Europe), but it had dipped to 134 in 1919. Teacher turnover continued to be high: four new teachers were listed in 1918, five in 1919, five again in 1920. Abells, in the 1920 report, indicated the most popular books among high school pupils were Stories of the World War and "Theodore Roosevelt's productions." The most widely read magazines were Review ofReviews and The New Republic. Of a faculty of eleven, only Abells and Haydn Jones had taught during the days when the Academy was a part of the University of Chicago. Enrollment had steadily been improving, 181 in 1926,212 in 1927, 239 in 1928. It was fairly constant during the first years of the depression, but there was a precipitous drop - to 158 - in 1933. IF.Casimer submitted an "inventory of typing equipment" for the 1934 report. There were 15 typewriters (two Remingtons, 13 Underwoods), 15 typing manuals and one "keyboard diagram of no value." The Latin department also submitted an inventory that included such things as a stereopticon, one bronze dagger, and models (actual size, or made-to-scale) to illustrate Roman warfare, valued at $600. The student-teacher ratio had been consistently listed as about 14-1, but a 1936 document suggests that the reality

- 18 -

was otherwise. There were 34 in a first period algebra class, 29 in general science, 26 in chemistry, 26 in biology, 24 in world history, and 14 in typing. Only five of the thirty-plus classes had less than the listed ratio. The average salary in 1936-37 was $1387, plus living (room and board). This represented about a ten per cent increase over the previous year, something made possible perhaps by an enrollment figure over 200 again. "Innovations" (a separate sheet included with the NCACS report) included the addition of business arithmetic, for tests showed "a definite need for work not on a college level." Conferences were planned for the coming year to eliminate over-lapping and to make the various divisions (grades 1-14, divided into a junior school, a lower school, and upper school, and a junior college) more inter-related. There was considerable attention devoted to "the problem of safety, particularly in regard to the hazard of auto driving." On occasion, the task of filling out the NCACS report was handed over to Hugh Price, then serving as principal. He noted, in the 1940 report, that while "our formal instruction in government was apparently making our students aware of structure, nevertheless, it indicated quite clearly that actual political practice was not understood. As a result, a course in practical politics was substituted for American government, using as a basic text, Frank R. Kent's The Great Game ofPolitics. The course aroused great interest in seniors and it was felt, upon completion, that it was superior to the formal course in American government." During World War II, enrollment in the high school reached all-time highs: 312 in 1943, 330 in 1944. And, just for the record, accreditation was granted to the Academy every year.

"Reproduced on this and the next page are the first two pages of Harry D.Abells careful report to North Central Association in 1910. Unitorm blank adopted by the North Oentral Asaooiatlon ot Colleges and Seeondary Sohools.

Nortb Central AssociatioQ of Colleges

and Secondaa Schools. ANNUAL REPORT of the~_Q~d~___ aC-.-~~:JadKj' h School for the school year

beginning~---VY't/t-Ly;;z,4 191~'



Population of city--,-'~7--Lo,r;,--"O«--l...Q,,-- _ _ __


Total enrollment in high school to date_.L7-!<p~_ _ _ _ _ __


Total number belonging to date---_ _ _ _ _ __


Number of teachers in high school ___/wt1""-_ _ _ _ __


Number of weeks in school year _ _------'.,£Z--,ofD"--_ _ _ __


Number of daily recit'ations for each teacher in the high school


Average length of recitation period--:-d-l-----..LL _ _ _ _ _ minutes.


Number of classes enrolling more than thirty plJpils


l'rl- a' j . t 4 r n u l crrJ ,~ Give names of

subjects and number of pupilsi--_______________________ Number of units of work required for graduation, a unit being a subject pursued four or five recitation periods per week throug'h the school year-_.L1....0<--_______________ How many learning? 11.


of your

high school

are now attending higher institutions of

J! ~L< 4 e - _-tJ1-r--t:L---~ J.&~ yt..<i-yt./'" / 9(') 7

How many of your high school teachers have had special training, either in normal school or college, undergraduate or graduate, in the subjects they are now teaching in the high school? ( For example, have your teachers of English or mathematics made special preparation in that subject?a"£



How many are graduates of colleges or universities of recognized standing?


How many are not graduates of such college or university?


Of these, how many possess culture and teaching ~bi.1ity: equivalent to that of a c o m p e - * (J".,-,.v -}11~-r. (jJ ~ -~- J.yw. ci~ _ _u/ ';..h -a/ tent graduate? d; . u..--<L . ~/ :~~"'t~..,.., 4~~A "~ -.u Cij __ _ 'r.(M.vvV)--~~....{ ~r~cA (a) Present salary of superintendent , of high schopl principaU.z ,1) '¥ {dkMtr fn~·


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Salary of high school teachers, maximumM ~JU;~inimum r'tlO t. , ;..rr--rro' vi')'''' , /.ov--<-4 1'1... --/fI,-<", u---~ (J In the seleci;Z:/ n~'1!!J!r:.: it the POli;J~ch~~oar~ -~~ em~ne.,u1f~e b'~---' graduates?" td:u (b)



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- 19 -


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Names of High Sohools or Aoademies, State Normal Schools, Col:res or Untversities attend ,witb Degree received from each.





Please give all the information asked for on this page.



1893: MPA's Maroons venture into baseball No records were found for 1897, but the 1898 team posted a modest 8-6 record.

The earliest known Academy baseball team (consisting of nine players: Smith, Liebenstine, Head, Jones, Kelly, Haughey, Airey, Rainey, Wood) was formed in 1893. The record of only one game has been found thus far from that season, an 18-18 tie with the Acorn Club, although records suggest that more than one game was played. Three games, at least, were played in 1894, including a win over Morgan Park High School 10-5 and a loss to Hyde Park H.S. 13-1l. A second MPA team lost to Auburn H.S. 8-6. The record for 1896 is somewhat fuller, and definitely more successful, with nine straight wins before falling to St. Ignatius: MPA 21 17 15 11 12 5 13 10 17 5

Northwestern Englewood North Division Lakeview Oak Park Auburn Park Reserves Lake Forest Evanston St. Ignatius

1898 scores: MPA 1 University of Chicago 15 North Division HS 4 Hyde Park 33 Oak Park 4 Englewood South Side Academy 5 Austin Northwestern Academy 7 12 Lewis Institute 12 Lake Forest Academy U. Chicago [reserves] 13 2 Northwestern Academy 4 Northwestern Academy 28 Lewis Institute

18 2 13 10 9 4 [2 extra innings] 9 3 5 8

32 10 8 5 3 3 7 9 4 12 12 2 7

MPA beat Austin High School 10-3 and Northwestern Military Academy 17-10 on their way to a successful 11-1 season in 1899, the Academy News reported. In the decade of the 1890s, then, the baseball team compiled a very impressive 38-9-1 record, a winning percentage (.808) that would please alumni anywhere and even satisfy a few coaches.

There are even a few highlights from that season. "The much talked of Englewood team proved a rather easy match," the Autocrat, one of MPA's literary magazines, reported. After spotting Englewood two runs in the first, MPA scored the next 17 tallies for an easy win. MPA trailed Lakeview 10-5 after 4 innings, but came back to narrow the margin to one run and then win by scoring two runs after two outs in the ninth for an 11 -10 triumph. Eight runs in the first inning led to an easy 12-9 win over Oak Park. A 17-5 win in Evanston took four hours and ended by moonlight. Auburn Park fe ll to MPA in the 11 th inning when the Auburn pitcher walked in the winning run. "Our team ran bases like fiends , and stole like jail birds," the Autocrat declared. "The other side tried to do the same, but we were watching them, and many a man was caught napping. After the first few innings they reformed and quit stealing." MPA's record (9-1) brought them the Inter-Academic championship for that season and one of its former players, "Buck" Ewing was playing shortstop for Gibson City, Illinois, apparently a professional team at some level.

The earliest extant photograph of baseball action at the Academy dates from about 1900.

- 21 -

"Captain Abells at first; Haydn Jones catching" fielding mark on the squad with .978. Harry Abells and Haydn Jones did First baseman Abells, with 10 errors in not pour their hearts and souls into MPA in the 1890s. Their eyes were on 170 chances, had the second best baseball at the University of Chicago, fielding average, .944. where they were both students. When the season concluded, the team elected a captain for the following Harry Abells was "among the season. "From the first Captain Abells handy new baseball players," according to a pre-season report in the University a/Chicago Weekly, and in the opening game he played "a strong game at first" in a 17-12 win over Evanston. The fielding averages for the University of Chicago 1894 baseball team were listed in the 1895 Cap and Gown, the university yearbook, but not the batting averages. Harry Abells played eleven games (probably at first base) for the Maroons, made 90 put outs, had 7 assists, and 10 errors for a fielding percentage of .907 on a team where fielding averages ranged from .639 to .976). The 1895 Maroons, captained by Harry D. Abells, posted a 17-5 mark, with one of its losses being to "Anson's team" [the Chicago Colts, later known as the Cubs] by 5-2. Abells was one of those who played "surprisingly good ball" and a fellow by the name of Haydn Jones, "behind the bat, has supported all three pitchers in a style that has made him the idol of the 'rooters' and his Captain Harry D. Abells in 1898. (By work with the stick has 'over-thepermission of special collections, fence' order." Regenstein Library, University of Chicago.) Jones was second on team in hitting with .386 (34-88) and Abells was clearly the popular candidate and was fourth with .330 (32-97), but both after a preliminary ballot received an were overshadowed by Nichols who hit almost unanimous vote." .505 (40-97) and had 8 home runs in 20 The University of Chicago played games. "Over-the-fence" Jones had but more games (29) in 1896, but the one home run. opposition must have been a lot tougher, Jones, in 17 games behind the plate for batting averages were down from the and one in right field, made only three previous season. errors in 136 chances and had the best

- 22-

Nichols "slipped" to .406, but had the distinction of not striking out once during the season. Jones, with .308 (37120) was second and he also led in stolen bases. Abells hit just .243 (29119). Jones, for the second straight year, topped the fielders with a .956 average (197 chances, 9 errors) and Abells was second with .935 (260 chances, 18 errors). Abells improved his batting average to .289 (22-76) in 1897, and committed only four errors in 197 chances for a solid .979 fielding average. The team record was a splendid 18-4. Abells, after graduation, planned to spend one year teaching at Morgan Park Academy, but (as we all know) he stayed on for just a few decades longer as captain of a different enterprise. Jones, who turned down a professional contract with Anson 's Colts, followed his captain to MPA and stayed almost as long. Q


On the facing page is a caricature of Hayden Jones, taken from an 1896 student publication. (By permission of special collections, Regenstein Library, University of Chicago.)


- £z -

1.1 1\:1


n)[ J

Game called at 3:30 Ah, they were different times. It began with a letter, post-marked in Chicago at 12:30 p.m. on May 1, 1908. It was received (according to the stamp

on the back of the envelope) at the suburban Morgan Park postoffice at 2 p.m. and, presumably, delivered on the same day. The envelope was confidently and simply addressed: Mgr. Base Ball Team Morgan Park Acad. Morgan Park, Ill. The hand-written note, on the letterhead of Armour Institute of Technology, stated all the particulars in a businesslike way: "We will expect to see you Wednesday, May 6th, at our grounds, Ogden Field, 33rd and Armour Ave. Game called at 3:30. Jack Pickett will most likely umpire. We admit 15 men as a team into our field - also ladies - all others a fee of 25[cents] is charged except for our fellows who have regular athletic tickets paid for annually. Hoping for a bright day and a good sportsman-like game, I am Yours very truly, IB. Scarborough"




The Armour invitation was found in a 1908 Spalding's Official Base Ball Score Book, which seemed to have belonged to Clyde Tegard, who played first-base and batted cleanup for the MPA nine. Tegard's name and "El Paso, Ill." are boldly printed on a page advertising the "Spalding Official League Ball," available at $1.25 each and "warranted to last a full game when used under ordinary conditions." The first of the six games recorded in the score book was against Lake Forest Academy, at Lake Forest, April 29, 1908. MPA scored one run in the first, three in the second, and six in the third in posting an easy 15-5 win. Third-baseman Sauer led the victors with 5 hits in 7 at bats, including a double and a homerun. The time for the nine-inning game was a snappy two hours and fifteen minutes and it seems as though Haydn Jones, MPA's coach, also doubled as umpire. There are suggestions for scorers, from Jacob Charles Morse of the Boston Herald, "arranged in accordance with the new league rules on scoring." There is, however, one idiosyncrasy in the otherwise easy-to-follow methods of the anonymous MPA scorer: "LIFE" seems to have indicated a fielder's choice. The next game, against Englewood, was played at MPA

and incorrectly dated as occurring on May 6th. Berner and Stephenson pitched for MPA, giving up only two runs on four hits, while striking out eight and walking only two. Four MPA batsmen (Monroe, Robinson, Tegard, Berner,

- 24-

who moved from pitcher to catcher after the fourth inning) had two hits each and Stephenson contributed three in a 17-2 route. The Armour game was played on May 6th and MPA suffered its first lost, 11-9. It was not as close as the score suggested, however, for MPA trailed 10-4 before rallying for five runs in the eighth. The game was high-lighted by two homeruns by Armour lead-off man Hale. Losing pitcher Berner notched a round-tripper for MPA. MPA suffered its second successive loss, this one at home, against Evanston by a score of 14lion May 20th. The game, again, was not as close as the final score indicated. MPA was down by seven before the Warriors scored a run. There were 18 errors in the game, 8 by MPA and 10 by Evanston. The fifth game in the score book, against Crane High School on May 20th, featured sharp pitching by both sides, Stephenson for MPA and Whitehead for Crane. The game was scoreless through five innings, but Crane pushed across single runs in the sixth and seventh. MPA took advantage of two walks and a hit-batsman in the eighth to tie the score, but a walk, an error and a single gave Crane a 3-2 victory. Stephenson took the mound against Morgan Park High School in MPA's final outing recorded in the score book and, after giving up a lead-off home run, pitched eight consecutive shut-out innings in a 5-1 MPA win over its "down-the-hill" rival. MPA scored 59 runs in that six-game stretch, but it was not because of great hitting. There were only two homeruns (Sauer and Berner) and the top hitter for the six games, third baseman Sauer, hit .322, with 10 hits in 31 at bats. Only one other MPA hitter, second base man Monroe, with .303 (9-29) was over the .300 mark. The high scores were due to fielding errors, perhaps, more than any other single factor. During those six games MPA committed 27 miscues, while opponents fumbled 29. Near the end of the score book is an advertisement for the "Spalding Mushroom Bat, patented," with endorsements from John McGraw, manager of the New York Giants, James J. Callahan, manager-captain of the Chicago White Sox, and eight members of the Chicago Cubs, including Tinker, Evers, and Chance. Charles Comiskey, president of the Chicago American League Club, also gave it his approval: "The Spalding Mushroom Bat, introduced by Jack Pickett, receives my hearty endorsement. My experience as a ball-player enables me to thoroughly appreciate its good qualities."

The bats were available at a dollar apiece, costing less than the price of a good Spalding baseball. Was Jack Pickett, inventor of the famous Spalding Mushroom bat, the same Jack Pickett who was scheduled to umpire the Armour-MPA game? Q






Monroe 2B





Sauer 3B





Robinson CF





Tegard lB





Springate RF





Stephenson P-RF





Peterson SS





Berner P-C





Sonna C-RF





Phelps LF









Team Totals

Team Batting Average: .221

- 25 -

The other teams prayed for rain "Rain is the only opposition that seems able to stop our The Academy took on the YMCA College on May 20 and cadets," the Academy News declared May 8, after the 1929 triumphed by a 6-2 count. MPMA baseball team notched its seventh straight victory. In an away match against Luther on May 22, MPMA The season opened on April 17, with a 10-2 victory over posted another easy victory, 14-3 . The game was virtually Harvard at Washington Park. No box-score was printed and the clinched in the third when pitcher Wood's two-run home run reporter apologized for not providing more details about the sparked a five-run inning. Five more runs were added in the game. There was no room for him in the cars that took the team fifth on two hits, two walks, two hit batsmen, and an error. to the away game, he said. He did know, however, that Rube The next two games were against Pullman, away on May Miller hit a home run for the winners. 29 and home on June 1. MPMA dropped both games, losing 4-3 away and 8-5 at home. Errors He did report, nonetheless, that Hesler inadvertently took the keys to Keating's Ford, were the primary reason for both defeats. and poor Keating was stranded in Washington The only MPMA highlight was Rosenberg Park for some two hours. Hesler did not going three-far-three in the first Pullman game. realize his mistake until he had returned to the There were two more games on the schedAcademy. He dutifully drove back to the park ule, a rematch against Bloom on June 5, which to return the keys to his teammate. MPMA won 10-3 and a surprisingly tough game The next game, on April 27 at Howe against the alumni on June 8, won by the Cadets Military, was a sloppily played affair in which 11-7 . No accounts of these games were reported, the Academy committed nine errors, three by however, for the last Academy News issue for the third baseman Fisher. The game opened well school year was published on June 5. for MPMA, however, as Rube Miller and Complete records were not available, but Sinclair hit back-to-back homeruns. It was the after nine games Rube Miller was leading all sharp pitching of Captain Blacklidge, though, hitters with a .538 average on 14 hits in 26 at who held the Howe batters to just three hits, bats. He was also leading in doubles (2) and that was instrumental in the 8-4 MPMA win. home runs (3). Other leading hitters were Leatzow (11-24, 0458), Eddie Miller (11-26, The home opener, against Blue Island on April 24, resulted in an easy 9-2 win. 0423 ) and Rosenberg (6-15,0400). Pullman, then, was the only team that the Blacklidge pitched a four-hitter and lead-off Academy did not defeat in 1929, as MPMA man Rube Miller contributed two doubles and Coach Fleming winds up posted a 12-2 mark for the season. scored three runs . There is a foot note to that season, however, The team defeated Bloom 8-2 at Chicago and fires during batting practice. and it is a sad one. Heights on May 1 for its fifth straight win. John W. Blacklidge, Jr., ace of the pitching staff and The Academy News duly noted Rube Miller's second homerun, captain of the team, died of pneumonia in April 1930, just two but found humor in a second inning play where "Goose" Goglin weeks after his father died of the same malady. and Sinclair "put on a necking party" in the outfield, colliding "We can't quite make ourselves believe," the Academy and allowing the ball to drop safely between them. News commented on April 23, "that we will not hear his Three days later, in a home contest against the unbeaten infectious laugh anymore, joke with him, talk with him, play Luther nine, the Academy scored eight runs in the second with him as we used to. In those three years which he lived with inning as the team batted around and went on to an easy 17-7 us at Morgan Park we came to regard him as one whom we victory. could count on for all time; a friend to lean on; a pal, one of Captain Blacklidge took the mound against Fenger, in a those chosen few whom no one hates and everyone loves. He home contest on May 8, and pitched a five-hit shut-out as the was always out for something, always so interested in everyAcademy won 9-0. Blacklidge had a season-high ten strikeouts thing, so vitally alive that we came to regard him as one who and gave up three walks, two of which were intentional. was immortal. Now he is gone." MPMA's 10th straight win, a 17-4 romp over Wheaton Q Academy at home on May 11, featured a grand slam home run by Orme.

- 26-

John W. Blacklidge Jr., in his graduation photograph and on the mound.

The 1929 baseball team. Top row: Coach Mahon, Furmaniak, Matthews, Hesler, Sundstrom. Middle: Wood, Goglin, E. Wagner, Lange, Orme, Keating. Bottom: Credido, E. Miller, R. Miller, Capt. Blacklidge, Rosenberg, Leatzow, R. Wallace. - 27 -

Alumni Activities and Regional Events


June 5, 2004: the 131st Commencement Ceremony

July 2004: Summer Home Golf in Northern Wisconsin

July 2004: 5th Annual Northern California Alumni Dinner

October 1-3, 2004: 1954 MPMA Class Reunion

October 1-3, 2004: Homecoming All-School Reunion

November 11, 2004: MPMA Veterans Reunion & Program

Winter 2004: Young Alumni Basketball Game

Classmates from the 60s enjoy the evening with the Carmichaels Homecoming Reunion 2003 January 2005: Chicago Alumni Wine and Cheese Gathering

February 2005: Florida Alumni Dinner

March 2005: Arizona Alumni Dinner

April 2005: Southern California Alumni Dinner

CLAssNoTES The University of New Orl eans recently honored Dr. Richard J. Stillman [34] with the UNO Co llege of Business Lifetime Achievement Awa rd, which is now named after Dr. Stillman.

Dr. Julian Barish (34) writes, " It' s been a long life since MPMA- more education, WWU, a wonderful fam ily: my late wife, Judy; son,

- 28 -

Ri ck; an d daughter, Tri cia. But it's gone so quickly. 1 am 86 with limited mobility; semireti red, still practi cing psychiatry a few hours a week. Best wishes to all my classmates and fellow graduates.

ClassN otes E d K elly [41] reported, "doubt in can make it to Naples (dinner). Recently had surgery and am in rehab. I have been, re-elected president of the Ancient Order of Hiberians (that is, the Fighting Irish) and am ROA chairman of the Jr. and Sr. ROTC's in Brevard County. It keeps one busy (15 units). Keep me informed."

Florida Dinner February 2004

John St ew a rt [47] writes to say, "there are three Academy grads in Carmel, CA. Glad to hear of the Academy's good work." Dorothy E cklund [Loring 481 writes, "We have 2 weddings coming up. May, we're in Maui. Sold home of 31 years and moved to Florida. It ' s beautiful here." Ron a ld R. M cCormick [48] writes: "Just a note to express my appreciation for the November 2003 Academy Magazine. I was particularly impressed with the MP A history section of the magazine that featured an article, "Captain Talcott' s school: MPMA in the 1880s" Talcott's statements, "we have adopted the military feature, not with the idea of training the cadets for a military life, but because it is the best and easiest way to handle such an institution" and that "the Academy is intended to simply be a preparatory school , having in view especially the preparing of boys in college" reflects my life at MPMA in the 1940s. I graduated with a love of learning and an attraction to the military and defense industry. Colonel Harry Abells was not privileged to know the outcomes of his labors with many of the graduates of MPMA. However, those of us who were privileged to know and benefit from Col. Abells ( and Col. Jones and others) are the "proof of the pudding." MPMA was a special place to be that was apart from every day life and it was designed to mature us and make us responsible men."

Bob Eichinger, Bob Whitfield [44], Bill Kettering [42) , Nicholas Limperis [45], Fran Limperis, Sara Grassi [71), Karren Junkunc [601, and Charles Junkunc [59); not pictured: Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rusgis and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dodd. Barry C olem a n [49] e-mailed that he was here " in 1999 for our SOth ...and enjoyed re-visiting with Dr. Ron Seavoy, Fred Koberna and Al Richard .. .Baldasarri and Tierman were the idols of the under class at that time, and great high school athletes, along with Ted Heitchschmidt...and Butch McGuire ..a good guy." Mr. Coleman donated a beautifully fram ed photograph of the entire MPMA school from J949. We thank you! SG W illia m K w an [49) has lent his expertise, commitment and enthusiasm to the Academy as we plan for the future stewardship of our beautiful campus and historic buildings. We are grateful for Mr. Kwan 's expertise. SG

This past Veterans Day, November I J, 2003, Morgan Park Academy had the pleasure of having six MPMA veteran alumni, plus one guest, join the school community and share their stories. The veterans military service ranged over a half century, and included four wars. My alumni te ll me they graduated on a Saturday morning only to have a bus waiting for them in the afternoon to take them to war. It was our privi lege to meet these men and it is our hope that this event bridges the years as our MPMA alumni assist us in honoring our past.

Sgt. Brian Beatty, Jack Frank [44), William Braker (44) , Pearson Williams [58), Richard Phillips [43), James McClure [35), and Asa Bacon [44)

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Ronald E. Seavoy [49] tells us, "three of my books have been published. They are: Subsistence and Economic Development, a highly critical critique of the failure of development economists to prescribe policies to end endemic hunger and privation of peasant nations; Origins and Growth 0/ the Global Economy, which traces the origin of the contemporary global economy to the competitive imperialism of Spain, Portugal, Netherlands and Britain from the 15c. and how it evolved into the global economy- a cooperative venture by the world's industrial nation to preserve global peace after catastrophe ofWWII; A New Exploration 0/ the Canadian Arctic, travel adventure," recounts some incidents of Seavoy's employment as an exploration geologist working for International Nickel Company in the western arctic north of Yellowknife, Northwest Territory, Canada.

Carol Lundgren Currey [Loring 53] says she is a teacher at the Culver City Adult School, and is the Vice-Chair on the board of trustees at Santa Monica College. She's been recently reelected to the board for the 7th term and is the past president of California Community College trustee organization . John Bacino [54] writes that he 's a restaurant

Internet Survey: Go to:

Ken Thomson [58) stopped by the campus last fall. He's an attorney practicing in Maitland, Florida.

Dominic Amadio [59) is an attorney at law

owner and is currently trying to contact classmates for their class reunion in October 04. John and Pete Voss are the reunion contacts.

"wondering how fast the years have gone by. I often think of my days and years at MPMA. They were fantastic."

BiU Clasen [551 has sent yearbooks, emblems

A special 'thank you' to Harry Klein [56] and Alan Canfield 159 )for supporting the Academy

and photographs from the years 1947-1955. This assists in building our archives. Thank you Bill!

Marjorie Schofield (Bollhoffer) [Loring 56J identified the three Loring girls on page 34 of the November Academy Magazine as Adele Lucas, Nancy Iverson and Judy Nielsen. All were from the class 1956. Judy Nielssen is married to Henry (Hank) Lang [54].

Bonnie Davis [Loring 58) writes that she has just retired in February from Crate and Barrel. "1 am in Florida visiting my high school friend Linda Haynie [Loring 59] who is living here for the winter. Edward Haney [58] has been on the go. Just some of his travels this year included Pearl Harbor (twice), Port Hueneme, California and Yokohama, Japan. We are hoping Ed canjoin us on Veterans Day 2004.

by donating a week at the 'Klein-Fields ' home in Jamaica/or the Salute school auction.

Eric Gustavson (61] wrote that, "every Memorial Day and Veterans Day I reminisce about those service members I have met, veterans of WWII, Korea, Desert Stonn and now Operation Iraqi Freedom, those service members whose paths had crossed mine, in particular, over the 30 years of my own association with the US Atmy. This Memorial Day was especially important to me as I attended the day's services at Lincoln National Cemetery where my father rests with his buds, and someday I'll be there with mine. In memory of our only known classmate to die during Vietnam, Ensign John Wesley Coghill [61]: John was single when he entered the US Navy in April 1965 and received a commission and was a pilot in Vietnam. Ensign Coghill died on May 13, 1967 at Thoi Airfield, Phuquoc Island, South Vietnam. Among Ensign Coghill's decorations were the national defense service medal, Vietnam service medal with one bronze star, Republic of Vietnam campaign ribbon and the air medal.

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PlanetAlumni came to us by way of Ralph Steinbarth [81], who felt we were needing a site for our alumni association members. It is a 'free' service to the alumni. What a gift! No more yearly fees for the alumni, no more pop-ups & privacy guaranteed. The alumni internet site was slow catching on. As recently as last December, the company planetalumni became iliIodules. With the reorganization, a much easier site was born. That begs the question, what do the alumni want the site for? How will they use it? For those of you who took the survey, we thank you! For those of you who wish to participate, there is time left to include your input. The site will be 'under construction' but you have given us direction. Over the next few months you will see a different landing page and a useful tool for all us to use to keep in touch. The opportunities are really quite remarkable. The site, when used to its fullest, could be a solid source of communication/information regarding not only your friends, but the school community, alumni located in other states, mentoring programs for the young alumni, former faculty ""hereabouts and doings, resources for colleges and universities, the best golf courses and maybe even favorite fishing holes (but don't count on that).

Roland Lawrence [63) writes that he is in Squaw Valley ski area near Lake Tahoe in Northern California.

Gary Hall (65) wrote Rev. Carmichael that he has been married for 33 years and has three sons; Erik graduated magna cum laude from Trenton and is studying for the ministry, either Princeton or Rutgers, in the fall of2004; Joshua, a cum laude grad from Ramapo College, is married with two children; and Jonathan, summa cum laude from Harvard. Gary said the 'smart' genes are from the wife.

Steve Kahn [68J writes that he has come out with a new book entitled Changes in the Therapist. In a review in The American Journal a/Clinical Hypnosis- "This book is a welcome and important contribu-

Terry Peigh (71) wrote to say he was" thrilled ... The Academy Magazine was an interesting read for me .. .I even gave my son a live demonstration of book bouncing." Kathy Hartman Moroney [711 writes "1 have moved again. It seems I can't grow roots in anyone place too long. J am also engaged to a wonderful guy although no date has been set yet."

Judge R. Eugene Pincham, father of, J a mes Pincham [771 , was the recipient a/the Civil Rights Award presented at the DuSable Museum in February 2004.

tion, consisting of personal stories about change and the reflections on the factors that may have influenced that process ... Readers will find [it] to be stimulating and thought-provoking ... This fascinating book has the potential to stimulate clinicians and researchers alike to learn more about the multitude of ways in which we are changed by... therapeutic encounters."

Aida Rodriguez (68), at the 2003 reunion stated, "I wish every kid in this world had the good fortune of having at least one caring adult like this one (referring to Stan Carmichael, English teacher 1965-1968) in his or her lifetime. I learned the value of inspiration through STC."

professors that I encountered, there is no question that STC was the finest and most memorable of them all . For better or worse, I have never been the same."

Sue Ellen Hale (69) says she's a business manager of her husbands oral and maxillofacial surgery center. "My husband Robert Hale was called to active duty in the US Army October 2003 and is currently serving in the Middle East in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. We have two boys ages 13 & 11 and reside in California. Our family enjoys tennis, golf and traveling. Our days are currently filled with promoting and honoring our service personnel who are protecting and defending our country."

Jerry Levit (67), referring to Stan Carmichael, says "of all the

John Daniels [75J e-mails that he "just saw The Academy Magazine this weekend. It was very nicely done. You all should feel good about the way you reach out to the alumni. Thanks for your efforts."

Pamela Russell [75] wrote to inform us that she "lives in Aurora with her children. 1 am working downtown (Chicago) for a company that provides ebusiness solutions for mostly government sectors and some

Robyne Robinson [79]

own boutique PR firm, RRPR; happily playing 'auntie Mame' to my nephews who live in LA; spent New Years in Berlin with friends and buying art; learning Greek; planning to volunteer for the summer Olympics in Greece, 2004."

writes that she is a news anchor for Fox 9 in Mpls. MN. "I closed my contemporary art gallery, Flatland, and now am showing my own work in my first exhibition. My line of jewelry can be purchased at; started my

Robyne goes on to say, "an MPA reunion Minnesota style ... Diane Wagner's son plays for Socrates Soccer Club, I am a friend of the club's coach. Coincidentally Diane was talking with the coach who mentioned me and a reun ion came to be!"

- 31 -

private. My BS is in education, type 3 certification with 5 teaching endorsements, but I left the teaching sector in 1999. I'm now working towards my MBA in finance."

Kevin 0' Donoghue [76J e-mailed that "from the looks of the info on the website, it appears the Academy is doing some pretty terrific things!"

Diane Wagner-Nippoldt [77] and Robyne Robinson [79] cheer on their favorite Rochester soccer team.

"ALSO SPRACH STANDROD" Now, about the kilt I'm wearing: I'm a Carmichael , somehow sprung from Carmichael, Scotland, Chaplain of Clan Carmichael , USA, as well as Chaplain of VFW Post 7726 back in the southwestern Virginia mountains. Not many Carmichaels have ever amounted to much, but they tend to marry well eventually. I certainly have. Besides, I wanted to set myself up to say that the legs look like two white snakes that have swallowed tennis balls. [pause for polite laughter. It's a tension breaker.] When you get to be 79, you can wear just about anything you please. [Allow for more restrained mirth.] Thanks be to headmaster Ted Withington, who hired me in 1964 as an unaccredited English teacher, a pig in a poke as we say back home. Thanks be to headmaster David Jones, who retained me as a loose cannon in his school in a time when outspoken civil rights advocacy collided with the genteel resistance of people who were cautious about sending their children to racially unsegregated schools. In the winter of 1965, a handful of area residents purchased a full page in The Beverly Review, to say they thought good people make good neighbors. Combustible stuff, given the times . Perhaps one of you will be so kind as to remind us who opined, "the evil men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones. So let it be with ... " (Susan Shimmin [66] shouted out the answer.) Bingo, Miss Shimmin. That was from Mark Anthony's funeral oration, according to William Shakespeare. Thanks be to the several members of the classes of 19651968, who were sufficiently curious to see what had happened to us since last sighted, to invite us here to share this alumni reunion with them. By doing so they have rescued me from an ignominious fate. Thanks be the Episcopal bishop who, because I was a loose cannon and a cathedral canon, at that, in addition to being a highprofiled member of his diocesan staff, put me under the stern discipline of the Episcopal church on June 30, 1964, for violation of the church's marriage canon. That would shelve me as a priest for four years. Without his having done so, I would never have spent the happiest and satisfying years of my life as a teacher at Morgan Park Academy. In addition to being an English and history teacher I also directed the drama program, coached baseball, drove a school bus, monitored study hours in the dormitory, functional as a college counselor to some and as an avuncular friendly mentor to others. Thanks be to God for renewing age through the company of youth. To those whom I've taught, and I was much younger than I am now, I'll tell you what you can do, when you're 25 or 30 years older than you are now. When it's time, turn down the flame, but leave enough light to see things as they are and have been; enough warmth to keep the heart thawed. (Godfrey! Did I say things like this, when I was in my forties?) If ever I was a successful teacher of high schoolers at MPA, it was not because I understood them, but because I really liked

Marietta & Standrod T. Carmichael

them ... much of the time. (Pause again for titters.) I believe strongly in good , independent, secondary school education. It is generally safe to assume that private school students already have something of a leg-up on the power structure that makes the world go round. They are vulnerable to idealism worthy of citizen pursuit, to realism that helps them focus responsively on the hurting places of their world. I do not believe that the strident and protesting voices of the agitated young are magically infallible in their diagnosis of the problems and faults of our society and our world , nor uncritically to be heeded in their proposals of solutions. But I admire the courage of the young, their stubborn unreadiness to make peace with the oppression or to sacrifice principles on the altar of expediency. I admire their audacity in dreaming bold and humane dreams and addressing the challenging question, "why not?" to their elders. At 44, I am neither anarchist not Pharisee, flaming liberal nor blinkered company man ; am yet to be convinced by the young that all of us over 30 have lost our minds, hearts, or backbones. As a schoolman I would like to have the reputation among my students and faculty as one who speaks the arguable truth and calls the plays as he sees them; as one who cares that effective teaching and learning of things good and true and beautiful take place in his school; as one who tries to use good judgment, as he makes his moves or speaks his piece. And that's enough. Marietta and I thank you for inviting us to share this celebratory occasion with you. God bless.

- 32-

ClassN otes Jennifer Coyne Cassata [90] "I am living in Alexandria, VA. I work for the Fairfax County Public Schools, doing Program Evaluation. My husband (Steve) and I have been living here for 3 112 years (came after graduate school). We have a fourteen month old daughter, Bridget, who keeps us busy and happy.

Matt Quinn [96] e-mails to say, " I enjoy getting all the updates . I'm a second year graduate student in physics at Notre Dame now, due in no small part to MPA."

Ron Aitchison [95], Joe Morrow [97] and Mark Dinos [95] at the wine and cheese party 2004.

Santosh Chandy [99] "As an alumnus ofMPA, I was excited to recently run into a good friend of mine while in Chicago (I grew up in Beverly) . After a few hours, I realized I have not received any mailings. I am interested and want to give you my address. Kudos for MPA's good efforts, including Mr. Hibbs, and the status of which you have raised MPA's reputation."

Jillian (Jill Clark) Hunt (99) is a case manager for children with mental health issues/supervises at retail store/ Mary Kay independent beauty consultant. Married on July 12,2003 to Ryan Hunt. "Currently we live in Indiana and I'm interested in a reunion."

Chef Patrick Bertoletti [03]



Marriage Announcement Julie Cuadros [93] weds Don Perry on September 20, 2003 David Cuadros (86] and wife Susana Ugarte Cuadros (91], Glenn Steigbigel (holding son, Jack) and wife Rachel Cuadros-Steigbigel(90], Don Perry, Julie Cuadros-Perry (93], Mrs. Linda Cuadros and Dr. Hugo Cuadros (parents of the bride), Paula Cuadros-Roche (87] and husband Erin Roche.

Gus Kumis [69] serves up a Chicago style hot dog (above). Stop by his truck (left) and say you're from MPA and get a free hot dog at HoHoKam Field, home of the Cubs Spring training in Mesa, Arizona.



Michael Hammond [51) in Arizona 2004 shows us that he can still fit in his letterman sweater that he donated to MPA.

Serena Westcott - Xmas 2003 Susan Waitkus Westcott [78)

Madonna Farmer Abdishi [63) alumni association president 02-04, Carole O'Connell [62), and Jerol Hillard Hanlon [53) at the 2003 reunion.

Josie Crist Kirk [71) and her daughter, with Bonnie and Robert Crist [70) at the Scottsdale, Arizona reunion in March 2004.

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Headmaster Bill Adams gives the Outstandin!llllumni Jlward to Mark Wiegel [79] with wife Jeri at the 2003 homecoming reunion.

Kermit Kelly [73] with wife Rose Ann at the Four Seasons Hotel at Salute 2004 event.

Sara White Grassi [71] accepting the lIlumni :leadership Jlward on behalf of Jerome A. Thrall [44] and family at the Salute 2004 event. - 36-

Alumni at MPA marquee dedication ceremony at the 2003 homecoming reunion. Gus Kumis [69], Jean Doyle [79), Merton Fish [52), Pearson Williams [58], Mark Wiegel [79), and Kermit Kelly [73] .

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The lower school takes Morgan Park to the Indiana dunes in 1924.


MORGAN PARK ACADEMY "A world-class education" 2153


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