Academy Magazine - November 2002

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frlPAlI~ "The buildings and grounds of MPA, 1873-1907" .•........•. 1




"Captain Talcott's School: MPMA in the 1880s" ............. 4 Barry Kritzberg: "MPA in the 1890's: -We have two colored students here ... '" ......................... 6 "MPMA's memorials of the First World War" ................... 8 "Captain Who?" .............................................................. 10


Keith Richmond: "Ethnographer and Explorer Victor W. Von Hagen recalls life at the Academy in the 1920s" .................................................................. 12 "The many lives of Richard J. Stillman [34]: General Patton's secretary, author, professor, lecturer, athlete" •••••••••••.•.......•.....•..........................•..•..• 14 Robert Reid [36]: "It' s a wonderful life" ••.••.................. 16 " Not quite -Dear Paul ' and -Dear Harry' " ••.••••••••••••••••••• 17 "The ring is the thing: a little conspiracy " •••••••••••••••••••• 19

Richard J. Stillman, Bill Arnold and Huda Krad: " The Academy response to 9·11 " ................................... 20 .. Jay Frederick and Jim Fitzgibbons: two Chicagoans who answered the 9·11 (2001) call from New York" ..... 22 Vikram Valia: " A soccer red card teaches an unexpected lesson about MPA" ................................ 23 " Disneyland or Sweden?-Max Cook didn 't hesitate with the answer" ................................... 25

Class reunions: 1951, 1952 and 1982 ........................... 26 Royko slept here? .......................................................... 27 Geographical gatherings .........................................•.•.••• 28 MPA launches online alumni community ....................... 30

Cover design: Mike Wojtyla and his Com· pendium staff chose "636 ways we are a school of ONE" as the 2002 yearbook theme after the 9·11·01 attacks on the United States. The design (with photographs by Mike Wojtyla and layout largely by Milda Plioplys) graced the cover of the 2002 Campen· dium and we thought it worth sharing with the larger MPA community.

Contributors: Barry Kritzberg, editor of Academy Magazine, is also hard at work on gathering material to write the history of the Academy. Keith Richmond was assistant to Victor W. Von Hagen on the Inca royal roads project and several other Von Hagen book projects. Richmond, who is writing a biography of Von Hagen, runs a small olive farm south of Florence, Italy, overlooking the valley of the Arno river. Robert Reid [36] wrote his little memoir in response to a request in the Academy Magazine. Richard J. Stillman is featured in this issue (see page 14). His remarks on 9-11 were made to a reporter shortly the attack. Bill Arnold [02] is a freshman at Shimer College. His article originally appeared as a column in the Academy News. Huda Krad attended MPA through 10t h grade. She is now a graduate student in English at the University of Chicago. Vikram Valia [04] , an aspiring journalist, makes his second appearance in Academy Magazine. Sandy Williams is on the alumni and development staff.

Sandy Williams: " Alumni Briefs" .................................... 31 Taps ••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•...... 34 MPA Annual Report ......................................................... 35 The Academy Magazine is published by the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs. All news items should be addressed to: Barry Kritzberg Academy Magazine 2153 W. lllth Street Chicago, IL 60643 Printed for Morgan Park Academy by PrintSource Plus 12128 S. Western Ave. Blue Island, IL 60406

Acknowledgements: Harold Wolff, registrar of the Ridge Historical Society, provided a goodly share of the information that was the basis for the article on Capt. Talcott. He also kindly corrected a number of erroneous statements in the first draft on the buildings of MPA. The staff of special collections, Regenstein Library, University of Chicago, suggested that the presidential papers of William Rainey Harper might be useful for the MPA period, 1892 -1907, and that led to confirming that Morgan Park Academy was an integrated school in the 1890s. Photo/ illustration credits: Mike Wojtyla : cover and 20-21 (which is a digital composite of several photographs). MPA archives: 2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17. Chicago Historical Society (C.D. Mosher): 4. Mike Weil: 24

The buildings and gpounds ot: MPA, 1875-1907 The formal opening of the school occurred at the beginning of the spring term, April 16, 1874. "The Academy is a large brick edifice, about sixty feet square, with deep bay windows running the whole height of the structure," the Tribune noted the next day. "Two side towers also ornament the Academy. It matters not from what pOint of the compass the building is viewed, it still presents a most pleasing and harmonious effect. It stands boldly out upon the most elevated portion of the park grounds. It is three stories high, with a mansard roof." The reporter then took his readers on a tour of the inside. "The arrangement of school rooms, dormitOries, dining room, kitchen, laundry, and parlor is complete. The rooms are well-adapted to their various purposes. The heating, lighting, and water accommodations are perfect <:lnd abundant. Water, that great desideratum, can never fail the institution. The furniture is substantial, and well selected for an establishment of this kind." The Annual Catalogue of the Morgan Park Military Academy for 1877-1878 - not substantially different from the first

Samuel Sheldon Norton found it necessary, in the 1874 Circular of the Mt. Vernon English, Classical and Military Academy, to correct an "erroneous impression widely existing in the minds of Western people." It didn't necessarily follow, Norton explained, "that because these schools are called Military, instruction is confined to the Military art alone ... The aim and object of Mt. Vernon Military Academy is to prepare young men thoroughly for business and college." There is an engraving on the facing page showing an attractive three-storied building, with a cupola clock tower, with elegantly and gracefully landscaped grounds. The land for the school was the gift the Blue Island Land and Building Company (established 1869), which apparently sensed that a good school might be a way to attract purchasers of real estate. The principal men of the company - EH. Winston (president), Col. George R. Clark, George C. Walker and ].B. Lyon - saw the school as more than financial speculation. They viewed the proposed school as a way of bringing culture to the community as well. A meeting was called in the spring of 1873 to establish the location of a "first-class English classical school with military discipline for boys, at Morgan Park, on Washington Heights. Prof. Norton, of New York City, an experienced and well-known manager of schools in the East, has agreed to contribute $10,000 towards erecting a suitable building, and $6,000 to equip the same, provided the Blue Island Land and Building Company would donate 15 acres of land and $10,000 in money, which the Company have agreed to do, provided the adjoining land-owners will refund them a portion of the same. This the property owners present expressed themselves very willing to do." More than a million dollars worth of property, in acreage and village lots, were sold within a month and some $50,000 had been raised for the military school. The corner-stone for the Mount Vernon English and classical school was laid on June 28, 1873. The architect for the new building was E.S. Jenison, "one of Chicago's best artists," according to the Chicago Illustrated Journal aune-July 1873). C.T. Andreas, in his History of Cook County, stated that the cost of the institution - including "buildings, outhouses, drill hall and fifteen acres of ground" was $40, 000. The Blue Island Land and Building Company had also graded some fifteen miles of streets in that year and planted some ten thousand trees.

Circular of the Mt. Vernon English, Classical, and Military Academy of 1874 - emphasized, however, that the Academy was readily accessible from the city, with frequent trains in both directions, "and yet completely removed from its undesirable influences." There were things of interest nearer at hand: the Baptist Theological Seminary only a block to the north and the Chicago Female College only a short distance to the south. There was also more than just a view to be had from the Academy. "The hill just west of the station," the catalogue explained, "affords excellent facilities for coasting in the winter, and the cadets are allowed to use it for that purpose." And, for more winter fun, "we propose to arrange to flood two or three acres of the grounds for a skating park, which will be at the disposal of the cadets at all seasonable times." The main building, comparatively new and "in a complete state of repair," was lighted by gas and supplied with water from an artesian well 1700 feet in depth, "the water of which possesses special medicinal and invigorating qualities highly conducive to health." Plans were mentioned for the construction of a building that would serve as a gymnasium and drill room, but cadets in the meantime were supplied with "baseball, football, croquet and other kindred games" for use on the extensive grounds. During the 1890s, when the school was Morgan Park Academy of the University of Chicago, the campus had six

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Buildings are, clockwise from the left, Park Hall, Morgan Hall, The Laboratory, and Blake Hall. The photographs were taken in 1894.

Above are West Hall, the Gymnasium (with baseball field in the foreground), and East Hall, about 1905.


original name was Haskell Hall. The kitchen and dining room were there, and provided board for 150 students. Both East and West Halls were steam-heated and had a shower or bath on each floor, and "the sanitary eqUipment [was] of the highest grade. Each hall [had] a piano and parlor, which [was] the center of social life." The upper floor of north division of East Hall temporarily served as a gym, but the athletic activities cracked ceilings below, making the need for a permanent gymnasium all-the-more-urgent. The new gym was to have been officially opened on May 3, 1901, but it was delayed because bowling equipment was not in place. "The earth floor is not an adequate substitute for the outdoor baseball diamond," a reporter noted in the University of Chicago Record (March 8, 1901). "The [gym] building is of brick and brown stone, and contains four large divisions, of which the largest has floor dimensions of 70 x 100 feet and is 35 feet high at the center," the Academy Calendar for 1902 explained. "It has an earth floor, around which with elevated corners, is the running track, 17 laps to the mile. A batting cage, 75 x 22 x 12 feet, is provided for baseball practice, and a jumping pit for pole-vaulting, jumping and shot-putting. Handball courts are also provided. In this division, known as the ball court, the games of indoor baseball and basketball are played. Adjacent to this is the group of rooms given up to bathing purposes, and containing lockers, shower and tub baths, a dry-rubbing room, etc. Over this room is the apparatus room, 60 x 42 feet, equipped with all sorts of apparatus, the best that can be procured. Opening from this are the boxing and fencing rooms, the trophy room, and the offices of the physical director. Next to the ball court is the bowling-alley room, containing a pair of regulation alleys of the first class." The University of Chicago Weekly, in 1899, observed " ... Students [at Morgan Park] have succeeded in establishing four-page weekly called the Academy News which is breezy and interesting, well calculated to foster and reflect an eager healthful college spirit. Its graduates have entered the best universities and colleges - Wisconsin, Michigan, Harvard, Yale, Vassar, Dartmouth, Brown, Williams, West Point and Annapolis, to say nothing of the four score students who have entered the University of Chicago." The reporter did not overlook the pleasing aesthetic sense of the campus: "Few students at the university know what an attractive institution is that academy which bears the name of the university. Neither do they know much of its simple beauty both in architecture and situation."

buildings and, by 1900, several more were added. The central building was Blake Hall, built by W.C.S. Collins, "the University of Chicago architect." It had originally been built, at a cost of $30,000, for the Baptist Theological seminary. It contained seven large classrooms, a "commodious chapel, offices, and a few students' rooms." Across the street, north of Blake, was Morgan Hall, a three-story building which was used as a boys' dormitory. It, too, was originally a building that belonged to the Baptist Theological Seminary, and had been constructed in 1877 at a cost of $20,000. Park Hall (as it was then called), which was one block south of Blake, was the girls' dormitory. This was the S.S. Norton edifice of 1874. It was also the building which had housed the Illinois Military Academy from 1890 to 1892. The Walker Library, an 1889 gift of George C. Walker to the village of Morgan Park, was (under a later arrangement with the University of Chicago) also the Academy library. It was designed by Charles Sumner Frost and was probably completed in 1890. The Laboratory building, east of Morgan Hall, cost $15,000 to build. It contained ample space and complete equipment for work in physics, chemistry, physiography, and botany. It also contained two lecture rooms, one of which was furnished with fittings for the use of the stereopticon. (That building was later moved across Hoyne, north of the Walker Library. It now houses apartments.) The gymnasium, located near Park Hall, burned down on January 1,1897. The Academy dean, Charles T. Thurber, wrote Oanuary 10, 1897) to University of Chicago trustees secretary T.W. Godspeed: "On the occasion of the burning of our gymnaSium building, the fire department of Morgan Park worked very hard and faithfully. The fire had gained such headway that they could not extinguish it, but they prevented any possibility of its spreading to any other buildings ... " It was a volunteer department, he noted, and suggested that a contribution be offered, for they "would be our friends forever. They worked from half past five till 10 o-clock on New Year's Night - a very cold night - without any compensation whatever." (Considerable damage had also been sustained by the gym and a girls' dormitory in a fire which occurred on December 16, 1895.) After the gym building burned, eight acres were acquired by University of Chicago where, as a temporary measure, a one-fifth mile oval was constructed (where the present soccer field is located) for bicycling and running. West Hall, on 112th near Bell, was designed by Dankmar Adler in 1896. It was a three-story building, providing dormitory accommodations for about 60 boys. Two boys' literary societies also had their offices there. East Hall, (also an Adler building) on 112th and Lothair, opened on June 8,1899, and was also intended to serve as a dormitory for boys. It had a capacity of seventy and its



Captain Talcott's school: MPMA in the 1880s Morgan Park Military Academy was Capt. Edward N. Kirk Talcott's school during the decade of the 1880s and consistency was its hallmark. There were minor adjustments, little changes here and there, but the school in 1888-89 was very much the way it had been in 1880-8l. The catalogue for 1880-81 begins with a description of the "exceedingly healthful" location, noting that it is conveniently near a suburban commuter train station, and that it is very near two other institutions of learning, the Chicago Female College and the Baptist Theological Seminary. A sketch of buildings and grounds follows, mentioning that the buildings are lighted by gas and "supplied with water from an artesian well 1,700 feet in depth, which possesses especial medicinal and invigorating qualities highly conducive to health." The sections on location and buildings and grounds in the 1881 catalogue are virtually identical in the 1888-89 catalogue. A change in emphasis is noted in the "instruction" sections, however. The 1880-81 version states, quite plainly, that the Academy "is intended to be simply a preparatory school, having in view especially the preparing of boys for college." Boys might also be prepared for West Point and Annapolis and for the "practical business life," but such aspirations are clearly subordinate to college preparation. That meant, of course, that students would be schooled in the classical languages that were the expected of those who would matriculate in college. By the end of the decade, however, training in Greek and Latin was not the top priority of MPMA.

"The design of the Academy," the 1888-89 catalogue states, "is to furnish adequate preparation for business life, for the best scientific and technological schools of the country, for the government schools at West Point and Annapolis, and [almost as an afterthought] for college." The availability of instruction in art and music in 1880-81 gradually gave way to preparation in mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, zoology, and natural philosophy. Religious and moral training were as constant through the decade, with the Bible as a text-book for moral instruction, mandatory Sunday school lessons and required church attendance. The entire aim of the school was to conduct it "on the plan of a large, well-regulated Christian family." Students were also required to write a letter to parents each Sunday. The 1880-81 catalogue, under the heading "General Remarks," made it clear that students who used tobacco ('in any form"), liquor ("of any kind") or "profane or vulgar language" need not apply. Those who gambled or read immoral literature were also not wanted. "Runaways," furthermore, "are not wanted in our school. No guard is placed to prevent Cadets from running away, and no time is wasted in looking after them if they do." Those tough-sounding words about vices and runaways were included verbatim in the 1888-89 version, but they were softened somewhat by a "boys-will-be-boys" introductory paragraph: "Knowing, as we do, that a boy's idle hours are those which make or break his character, we have, as far as practicable, adopted the plan of spending the usual weekly holiday with our


Edward N. Kirk Talcott, photographed by C.D. Mosher in the 18805. (Chicago Historical Society.)

boys in visiting some point of interest in or near Chicago, where something useful may be learned, or attending some unobjectionable place of amusement in a body." It was called Morgan Park Military Academy, to be sure, but military training was not first and foremost. "We have adopted the military feature," both catalogues state, "not with the idea of training the cadets for a military life, but because it is the best and easiest way to handle such an institution." It was the way, Capt. Talcott and his associates believed, to cultivate good habits and to inculcate physical and mental discipline. It used military methods, in other words, but it was not intended as a reform school for "those boys who cannot be handled at home." Only two prizes were offered in 1880-81 (gold medals for scholarship and proficiency in drill), but that expanded to seven by 1888-89 (gold medals for scholarship, drill, and deportment; silver medals for best essay, best declamation, deportment and improvement in penmanship). The calendar varied only slightly over the decade, but the order of the day remained unchanged: 6 a.m. Reveille 6:30 Breakfast Morning Prayers 7 Commandant's Hour 7:30 Recitation and Study 8-12 Dinner Noon

1:30-3:15 3:30-4:30 4:30-6

Study and Recitations Drill Supper Study 7 9 Tattoo 9:20 Taps These hours were varied on Saturdays and Sundays. Tuition, $400 in 1880-81, was also a constant. It cost precisely the same in 1888-89. Cadets were required to wear "the prescribed uniform, which is made by the Academy tailors, W.S. Downs & Co., 39 Clark Street Chicago, and costs from $27 to $34." The uniform included a dress suit and a fatigue suit (to be worn in off-duty hours). The 1888-89 costs ($24-$30 for the uniform and $24-$26 for the fatigue outfit) seem to be a clarification, rather than a price increase, for the items there are enumerated with specific prices. Cadets in 1880-89 were expected to bring, just as were their predecessors at the beginning of the decade, a

long list of essential items that comprised a proper "outfit." They include everything from a Bible, napkin rings, needle and thread, to a laundry bag. What made a proper outfit was quite specific in some cases. It was necessary to advise Cadets precisely in 1888-89 to bring, for example, six pairs of socks "Balbriggan, British or brown mixed." A note explained that "boys should bring only substantial Balbriggan, British, or brown mixed hose in their outfits. Fancy hosiery cannot be properly washed and mended in such a large institution, and is unfit for wear in such a place." The "large institution" registered 32 cadets in 1880-81, 37 in 1886-87, and 36 in 1887-88. The number of graduates, however, remained quite small: 1881: Arthur S. Bennett and Harry E. Pitkin 1882: Charles W. Hall 1883: Robert H. Sessions

none none Walter S. Marder, John B. Brujes, and Hugh A. Golder 1887: Horace P. Boardman and Frank W. Smith 1888: Royal P. Davidson Such a graduation rate would alarm any educator today, but a high school diploma was not a necessary ticket for college admission in the 1880s. A student, of any age, might be admitted to college if proficiency were demonstrated on entrance exams. Perhaps the low graduation rate was a mark of the school's success at preparing boys for those college examinations in Latin and Greek. The earlier catalogue contained several pages of references, plus a few additional pages of testimonials. The references were retained in 1888-89, but the testimonials were discarded. It seemed as though Capt. Talcott's school could thrive soley on its reputation.

Edward N. Kirk Talcott was born at Cuba, N.Y. June 10, 1840. His father, William H., a railroad and canal engineer was one of the founders of the American Society of Civil Engineers and Architects. After graduating from New York University in 1859, he studied civil engineering with his father in Jersey City, N.J. He entered in the union army as a private and, during the four years of the Civil War, rose to the rank of captain. He served in Washington in 1861, Baltimore in

1862 and later at Hilton Head, S.c., Fernandina, Florida. He was at Folly and Morris Islands, S.c. during the whole reduction of Ft. Sumter and the siege operations against Charleston (1863). In the Spring of 1864, he was sent to Virginia as engineer officer and A.D.C. to general R.S. Foster, in all the operations of the Army of the James, at Bermuda Hundreds and Petersburg. From the Spring of 1865 until the close of the war he was A.D.C. to General Q.A. Gilmore at Hilton Head, S.c.

After the war he worked for several firms, including the Iron Cliff Company, Lake Superior, in the manufacture of pig iron. He married Antoinette Watkins at Grass Lake Michigan, May 23, 1867. A son, William Hubbard (b. March 27, 1870) and a daughter, Rebecca Williams (b. June 7, 1871), were born at Dover, N.j. After the death of his first wife, he married Lillian Baird on Nov 26, 1884. Capt. Talcott died in 1901, apparently at Goshen, N.Y., where he then lived.


1884: 1885: 1886:

MPA in the IB90s: 路路We have t1AlO colo.ed students he.e..." by Barry Kritzberg I wondered, as I scanned the first page of the letter, why the writer, George N. Carman, took the trouble to write it in the first place. The subject of the letter (dated April 3, 1895) was a seemingly trivial incident in the dining hall of Morgan Park Academy. It was late in the day and I was getting a bit tired. I was working my way through boxes and folders of correspondence of founding president of the University of Chicago, William Rainey Harper, in the special collections at Regenstein Library, searching for items that might illuminate the history of MPA. Why would Carman, dean of MPA, write to Harper, president of the University of Chicago, about a conflict between two students that seemed to be without consequence? Was Carman unsure of himself, I wondered, and did he need Harper to second his every move? Or were Carman's hands tied and was he virtually powerless to act, in even the most minor disciplinary matter, without Harper's consent? Such were my thoughts as I turned, somewhat impatiently, to the next page. And then the word "colored," about two-thirds of the way down the second page, rang out like an alarm bell in the night. I had heard from more than one source that Morgan Park had once, in the remote past, been integrated, but none of my informants had any precise details. It seemed plausible, however, for I knew that Harper's Academy, like Harper's University, was expected to operate on a nondiscriminatory basis. Ability - not gender, race or religionwas the only factor that mattered in determining admission. But every attempt to trace the surmise back to a printed source dissolved, like last week's rumor, into airy nothings. I blinked, drew a deep breath and looked again at page two of Carman's letter, half expecting "colored" to transform into "collar" or "cooler." The sentence containing the word came into sharper focus: "We have two colored students here ... " I turned back to the beginning and, this time, I read more intently. "Mr. Blair entered the Academy November 20, 1894," Carman deliberately began. A few details follow, giving particulars of where and with whom he boarded before moving into Morgan Hall.

And then: "About two months ago Mr. Blair complained that he was not well treated" by another student, Mr. Ellsworth, from Arkansas, who is a waiter in the commons. "At Blair's request Ellsworth was allowed to retain his position with the understanding that he would wait on Blair as well as on any others," Carman continued. "There was no further dissatisfaction until the vacation week. One day while the dining room was being kalsomined the few boarders who were here requested to eat in the kitchen and among the number was Mr. Blair. Ellsworth was sitting at one of the tables and left the room when Blair took his seat at the table. Blair reported the case to me coupling with it a threat of using personal violence if he was again ill-treated by a student. I told him that while he was here I should see to it that he was not in any way discriminated against by any employee of the school but that I could not allow him to remain if he had any intention of securing his rights by means of personal assaults. He withdrew his threat and seemed satisfied. I told Ellsworth he would not be allowed to retain his place as a waiter unless he made a satisfactory apology to Mr. Blair for leaving the table when Mr. Blair came to it. He was about to do so when Blair suddenly left the school without giving any reason for doing so. I think it is well for him to go as he has failed to make any record as a student. His excuse has been ill-health and anxiety because of loss of money." If Carman had stopped there, it would be no means have been certain that the Blair-Ellsworth confrontation was racial in nature. He continued, however, as a way of illustrating a point about the incident. "We have two colored students here," he wrote, "Bell and Griffith, and there has never been any complaint about their treatment. Blair has not been denied any privilege of the school by reason of his color. From the facts submitted you can see how little foundation there is for what Dr. Anderson refers to as 'the story in the Park. 1II There is nothing in Harper's correspondence to indicate what "the story in the Park" might have been, but Dean Carman's letter gives a definite shape to what had been vague rumor: Morgan Park Academy was an integrated school in the 1890s. And, even more Significant, in the year before Plessy v. Ferguson made segregation ("separate, but equal") the law of the land, a dean of Morgan Park Academy with the right-sounding middle name of Noble, took a stand for racial justice.


frfPA 11~ Carrie Thomas, of Albion, Iowa, the Autocrat (another Academy literary magazine) reported in May of 1896. He was a scholarship man, the Autocrat reported, "and stood high in the regard of all who knew him." George A. Bell was captain of the 1895 football team and the Philolexian Oanuary 1896) congratulated the captain and his team "for the brilliant record they [had1 made. But the one thing that brings especial pride to every member of the Academy is their reputation [among other teams] for fairness and honesty." Bell, who graduated from MPA in 1896, also attended the University of Chicago. He died in 1898 and a memorial service was held on April 10th. "All remember him as an earnest worker, prominent in athletics as captain of the football team," the University of Chicago Weekly reported on April 1, 1898, "and in church work as pastor of the Morgan Park mission."

The information in the MPA archives about those mentioned in Carman's letter to Harper is very sketchy. There were three Ellsworth brothers from Hot Springs, Arkansas who attended the Academy in the 1890s, so it is not clear which was involved in the dining hall incident with Blair. One of them, after studying at the University of Chicago and Rush Medical College, became a physician in his home town, and another was, in the polite language of the day, "excused" from the Academy in 1897. Blair, as George N. Carman indicated, left the Academy abruptly in 1895 and was not heard from again. Thomas Lee Griffith came to MPA from Virginia and, after studying at the Academy for two years, accepted (as the Plzilo/exian, an MPA literary magazine, reported in October 1895) a call to the pastorate of one of the largest "colored churches in Iowa." Rev. T.L. Griffith, of Muchakinock, Iowa, married


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Geol!1e Bell is the first person on the left, seated in the second row. The picture was taken in 1894 and, although most are in football gear, it is of the Philo/exian Club, an MPA literary society. -7-

MPM.'S nlenlo.ials 01=

the Wo.ld Wa. They came late to the fray "over there" - to Fismes, to Argonne, to Verdun, to St. Etienne, to Aisne-Mame, names familiar to military historians as part of that final push toward Armistice - but some of them did not come back. Five of the Morgan Park Military Academy cadets who enlisted in that "war to end all wars" were killed in action in an eight-week period in 1918. A sixth MPMA cadet was killed in a training accident in Texas earlier that year. A seventh cadet was killed in 1920, while with the army of occupation in Germany. Perhaps those at the Academy in Chicago were stunned by the deaths that seemed to come in too-rapid succession, or perhaps it was too difficult, too painful to immediately gather the information for a proper memorial to the deceased cadets. When MPMA did act, however, the school established not one, but two memorials for those who sacrificed their lives in World War I. The idea for the first memorial took concrete shape in December 1920. Letters were sent to the survivors of the deceased which stated: "We are framing pictures of all our gold star men [those killed in the war] ... This picture of the group of gold star men will be placed in the chapel of Blake Hall by the school." By December 1921 plans were also underway to honor the seven slain in the Great War with plaques and memorial trees prominently displayed on the MPMA campus. The plaques were carefully worded and told the story of each cadet with simple eloquence: Clarence Julius Bremer [11] enlisted in the aeroplane bombing service in December 1917. He trained initially at the University of Illinois and later at Ellington Field (Houston, Texas), where he was killed in an accident on March 2, 1918. Charles Val Hoffman [13] entered aviation service in October 1917, but later transferred to a machine gun battalion. His company was sent to Europe in April 1918 and he was killed in action at Fismes, France, September to, 1918. John Rolfe Hubbard [11] enlisted in 1917 and became sergeant-major of an infantry battalion. He was killed in action September 16, 1918 in the first Argonne drive. [A copy of a letter in the World War I memorial file gives a slightly more detailed account of his death. Lieutenant Falls, his commanding officer wrote: "We regret that we cannot give you a story in greater detail of the circumstances surrounding Sgt. Major Hubbard's death, due to the fact

that the group of which he was one, is now either wounded or dead. On September 26, 1918 our regiment went over the top as a part of the American forces participating in what is now known as the Verdun drive. Our objective was the village of Cierges which we captured and held after a four days' fight, being relieved on the night of September 30 by the 32nd Division. Sgt. Major Hubbard was killed what we believed to have been shell fire of an Austrian 88 field piece. He was buried within a few yards of where he fell ... "] Lester William Allen [17] joined the marine corps in January 1918. He was sent to France in May of that year and fought at Chateau-Thierry, Belleau Woods, St. Mihiel, Argonne, and the Champagne sector. He was killed in action near St. Etienne, October 3, 1918. Walter Bogle Birkland [14] enlisted in July 1917. His artillery company was sent to France in October 1917. He was killed in action at the Verdun front, October II, 1918. He was buried in the American cemetery at Argonne. [A letter to his parents, from Lucien F. Boyles of his battalion, had this to say about Walter: " ... the entire battalion has heard of the game, smiling way he died ... .! wish it could be repeated to the world as an example of how one American boy met his death .... he said to the men who were bearing him to the dressing station, 'never mind me, fellows. You are going to too much trouble. Leave me here on the field. It will be all over in a minute.' ... From the time he was hit ... he refused to betray his suffering by a word or groan ... only once did he seem to regret the wound that was costing him his life. And then he merely said: 'It's a little tough to get it, when it seems so nearly over. III] Lloyd C. Bute [14] entered military service in September 1917 and was in France by July 1918. He fought in the battle of Chateau-Thierry and was wounded on August 4, 1918 in the Aisne-Mame offensive. He died of complications resulting from his wounds on November 3, 1918. [A printed account, perhaps based on a letter from his parents, adds: "He got wounded with a piece of shrapnel on the left hip, from a trench mortar. He called to his sergeant who was a good friend of his, who gave him first aid and carried him over a mile to a first aid station. From there he was sent to a hospital where he wrote home that he was only slightly wounded, writing a very cheerful letter telling us not to worry that the wound would be healed in a couple of weeks; that he would not have told us at all only he knew we would see it in the paper. September 29 he wrote that it was all healed, and that was the last he ever wrote ... "] Lothar R. Long [10], was killed during the army of

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occupation, Coblentz, Germany, 1920. Col. Harry D. Abells invited the relatives of the slain soldiers to attend a memorial ceremony for the planting of the trees on November 15, 1921, the first Sunday after Armistice Day. Abells' letter made it clear that he saw the significance of the day in larger terms. He saw the planting of the trees as "establishing new traditions for the guidance of our present and future cadets." "It is impossible, we believe," Abells continued, "to overestimate the influence that these memorial trees will exert on the lives of our cadets, serving them as an ever present reminder of those who so nobly have exemplified the Academy's motto of 'Duty, Honor, Country' by their duty well performed, honor untarnished and country armed in time of need by the sons of Morgan Park Military Academy." The mother of Lloyd C. Bute, because of a postal mixup, did not attend the dedication ceremony and, afterwards, sent her regrets to Col. Abells: "I cannot tell you how disappointed I was not have been with you at the time, as I have looked forward a long time to a tree memorial for my precious boy. I think nothing can be any nicer as a memorial. I hope it will be a help to the cadets, as you say, and I also hope the other gold star mothers were able to be there. I hope some day to be able to call at Morgan Park Academy and visit the place where the trees are planted. I appreciate the honor you have shown my hero boy. It does my heart good." A total of 243 graduates of MPA/MPMA were in active service during World War I. Cadet Fisher Mancine spoke about Walter Birkland at the memorial dedication on November 15, 1921. His words seem, however, a fitting tribute to all who were honored that day: "This brave young man was one of us, one of our fellow schoolmates .... He will always be one of the heroes of the Great War and we hope this living memorial will serve to keep him ever present in our thoughts."

The rose window in the Slake Hall chapel.


TWo rare photographs of the 1921 memorial ceremony for those slain in World War I.


Captain who? Abells and Jones and May-who? Captain Herman Mayhew is sometimes overlooked, but he was (as principal of the lower school) a pillar upholding the other end of the structure that was Morgan Park Military Academy for three decades (1918-1948). His wife, Edna, by contractual agreement when he was first hired, was also expected to "teach two periods a day, and cooperate in other ways for the welfare of the lower school." The five letters of recommendation for Capt. Mayhew in the archives were obviously carefully scrutinized, for some of the passages have been underscored and some have been marked in the margin with double vertical lines. The marked passages give a very good indication of the qualities MPMA hoped to find in a candidate for the principal of the lower school. One letter identified him as "a man of wide experience" and "as the best disciplinarian that it has been my pleasure to see." Another commended him for "bringing order and organization out of chaos." Another marked passage spoke of his "knack of overcoming obstacles" and emphasized that he was "always on the square." Capt. Mayhew was a desirable candidate, then, because he seemed to be able to set things right and keep them that way. The fact that he had spent the last several years in the Illinois State Reformatory didn't seem to hurt his chances for a position at MPMA at all. He was in charge of literary schools at the reformatory and, in his fifteen years of experience he had been, teacher, principal, and superintendent. His wife, Mayhew noted in a letter to Abells, had seven years of teaching experience. Abells was interested in Mayhew,

as a matter of fact, before he received that letter. He had sent a telegram to Mayhew, asking that he forward particulars about his experience. Mayhew promptly sent a telegram (collect) in response. It has that odd sense that all telegrams have when the author is very conscious that each word, letter, and punctuation mark has to be paid for: TWO CHILDREN AGES ONE NINE YEARS ONE TWENTY MONTH CAN TEACH MANUAL TRAINING MECHANICAL DRAWING SALARY FIFTEEN HUNDRED AND MAINTENANCE LETTER FOLLOWS The Academy paid, according to a pencilled note on the telegram, thirty cents upon delivery. The two letters and telegram (all sent on August 27, 1918) seem to suggest that Herman Mayhew was very eager for the position at MPMA. Col. Abells was initially less than enthusiastic, however. He thought that Mayhew's wife, with two children, would be too busy to teach; he also didn't think that three rooms could be given to him in West Hall for his family; and the salary requested was more than MPMA was willing to pay. Compromises were made on both sides, apparently, for in hardly more than a week's time, Mayhew was having his measurements taken for a uniform and he was requesting the book titles used in the fourth grade at the local public school for his daughter, Nora Ethel. "I have so many books," Mayhew wrote, "that I may be able to bring all she will need, and thus save buying." Abells responded with these titles: Stone-Mills, Arithmetic; Gordy's History; Dodge's Elementary Geography; Palmer's Method Writing; Hunt's Speller; plus Good English and Good Health. It was stipulated that Capt. Mayhew, for the 1921-22 school year,

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Herman Mayhew

spend less time teaching and more time supervising. He was charged, in particular, with inculcating lower school teachers with "the ideals, purposes, methods and traditions of the lower school./I He was also given the task of standardizing the conduct and discipline of students "so that new teachers and new boys and patrons will find standard methods and a continuity of the same./I Perhaps Col. Abells realized that he was offering counsels of perfection, for his letter concluded: "The opportunity is one for a big man, and in it he will have as big a job as anyone could desire." Mayhew, in 1929, wrote Abells asking if his son, Lewis (then in 7th grade), might be brought into MPMA. "I have been asked many times why my boys are not in the Academy," he wrote. "It is easy in the case of Tom, since he is not old enough, but I have run out of reasons for Lewis." Abells wrote in July (while Mayhew was at Camp Thorpe, Pelican Lake Wisconsin, at a program sponsored by the Thorpe Academy, Lake Forest, Illinois) that the trustees would be interested in having Lewis attend the Academy. "As you know," Abells wrote, "the regular custom has been for the son of a teacher to have half tuition rate./I Attached to the letter is a ticket for a drawing (which occurred on July 4) on an automobile. It seems as though Mayhew was the winner, for Abells writes that he plans to drive the Buick up to the camp and take the train back.

As the new school term approached, Abells wrote that he would be particularly concerned in the coming year about cleanliness in the boys' rooms. He offered his own motto - time, grace, and hardness as one that Mayhew might adopt. By 1936, Mayhew would be running Camp Traverse, MPMA's own summer camp, at Spider Lake, in northern Michigan. That year, however, was obviously one of the "lean years," with only fourteen boys in attendance at the camp (staffed by some eight adults). There is also a 1938 cover of what seems to have been some ceremony in honor and appreciation of the captain's twenty years of service to cadets at MPMA. The pages describing the program seem to be missing, however. The captain's son, Lewis, had meanwhile been teaching at Missouri Military Academy (Mexico, Missouri) and applied to teach "back home," at MPMA. It must have been an odd experience for all concerned. Lewis wrote to his father in that odd formality that often accompanies business dealings with strangers. He even included his resume. Captain Mayhew, in a handwritten note to Col. Abells, alludes to a strained relationship with Lewis, but without giving particulars. When Lewis' candidacy for a position in the lower school came up for discussion before the board of trustees, Capt. Mayhew excused himself from the discussion. A short time later, Col. Abells sent a note to Captain Mayhew about the discussion which took place after his departure. Lewis' experience and qualifications were presented, along with the fact (probably known to all present) that the candidate was the son of the principal of the lower school. This is the way Col. Abells concluded his note: "Each of the three men ... expressed himself spontaneously that he felt the young man for his own good ought to be somewhere other than immediately under his father. I suggested that I was not in a very good position to give my own

judgment since our daughter was teaching [at the junior college] in our organization. Mr. Gear said, My son works in my own department but there are two bosses between him and me and that makes a wide difference.' Please see me at your convenience." There is no record of that conference between Abells and Capt. Mayhew, but Abells' letter to Lewis indicates how he handled the delicate matter. After applauding his growth since graduating from MPMA and praising his qualifications, he offered a bit of personal history by way of illustration. "Some years ago," Abells wrote, "it was proposed to me that I commuI

Capt. Mayhew on the occasion of his 25th anniversary (1943) at the Academy. His portrait is in the upper right comer.

nicate with my brother about coming to Morgan Park in a business capacity. Call it an old baseball player's superstition, but I thought the program would not be wise and did not write. On the other hand, in all fairness I should relate also that, initiated by Dean Dodd and the trustees, Ruth is teaching in the junior college and everything has gone well. She is rather removed from direct personal contact with my office. Furthermore, she had five years, I believe it was, of more or less hard and varied experience before coming to Morgan Park." "Unconsciously," he continued, "I

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have an intuition that were you my son, I should hope that an attractive opportunity might open elsewhere. In some way which I cannot explain, I have a slight feeling that you would receive a broader development elsewhere." The war years at Camp Traverse seemed to also present a constant struggle. As Capt. Mayhew wrote: "With the increased prices of everything, especially foodstuffs, we stand to lose everything but BVDs, but with an average of 17 or 18 [boys] for the last four weeks, we salvage at least half a shirt." The remaining few letters in the archives that relate to Captain Mayhew consist, for the most part, of an annual letter (sometimes two), written from Camp Traverse in longhand, about routine camp or lower school matters. There is a military formality in the entire Mayhew-Abells correspondence. The letters were always addressed to "Captain Mayhew" and "Colonel Abells," but occasionally the warmth of long-sustained friendship overcame the formality. "I am longing for Camp Traverse," Col. Abells wrote in the dog days of one summer, "for the beautiful lake, the exhilarating air, Jim and Lulu's cooking and, best of all, the companionship of Capt. and Mrs. Mayhew and you campers." On another occasion, Col. Abells wrote that his wife, although by then confined in a wheel chair, was as spirited as ever, but she would prosper even more if she had" a good oldfashioned talk with Mrs. Mayhew." There was a 1944 letter from Col. Abells to Mrs. Mayhew, which began: "It is not often that you and I have business correspondence. This is one time." The "business" was to request a photograph of her son, Captain Lewis, serving in France, to add to the roll of honor for the planned Victory Memorial Building. "It will be returned too without any damage," Col. Abells promised. "The chance as are as good as the percent that Ivory soap is pure." Q

Ethnographer and explorer Victor W. Von Hagen recalls life at the Academy in the 19205 by Keith Richmond

While doing research on the life and times of my friend and mentor, Victor Von Hagen, I came across several pages of the unpublished English version of his autobiography in which he describes his years at the Morgan Park Military Academy (as the Academy was then known). From what he wrote, and from what I remember from our many conversations about his long and varied life, it is clear that his time there as a cadet affected the future course of his life in several important ways. First, although Victor complained that " we were turned out like iron ingots," this very rigidity in the classroom led him to look outside for the knowledge that he craved to fulfill his ambition to become an explorer. He read voraciously (this was also true throughout his adult life) and was helped by one of the instructors who procured books that were not in the library. Although Victor's interests were varied, he concentrated on travel, biography, the lives of insects, and botany. "I began to see that history was not merely a catalogue of facts and dates; it was vibrant and alive." Intellectual curiosity and an insatiable appetite for knowledge in those subjects of interest to him were creative urges that drove Victor to journey to remote places and to develop as a writer. Second, it was the Spanish instructor (a Captain Calderon, according to Victor) who encouraged Victor's interest in Latin America by giving him a copy of William Prescott's account of the Spanish conquest of Mexico. This was the start of a long attachment to that region which resulted in a number of expeditions and scientific research on the flora and fauna of Central and

South America, as well as numerous books and films on the archaeology and history of Aztecs, Mayas and Incas. Finally, Victor's experiences at the Academy gave him an important sense of his own independence and the need to rely on himself, indispensable for the future explorer. Victor arrived at the Academy just after his parents' divorce in 1918. He was 10 years old and, after a long drive from St Louis, Missouri, his birthplace, he was deposited and left at the Academy by his mother. This was a formative but traumatic moment in the life of the young Victor Hagen (the 'Von' was added later when he became a writer). Left alone after saying goodbye to his mother, Victor took stock of his situation and realized that from now on he was on his own. In fact, he claimed that he only ever wrote to his parents after that because he was ordered to do so by the Commandant; certainly his relationship with them was soured for ever. The military aspect of life at the Academy did not worry Victor. According to him, some sons of wealthy parents complained of the strictness, whereas he found discipline to be rather slack. This permitted him to use up some of his abundant energy on various pranks which put him on the prescribed list. Demerits were apparently marched off on campus, but Victor was kept from continuous punishment by the intervention of the coaches; he played football and was a boxer and fencer (two sports, incidentally, that he practised well into middle age). Part of every cadet's time was taken up by parades, drills and military chores such as rifle-cleaning, but Victor did not mind these. "It was the church,

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that Sunday march to church wherein I openly rebelled and for which reason I spent so much time on my demerit marches." In those days the cadets wore uniforms based on those of West Point: blue, with rows of brass buttons to be polished, white duck trousers to be kept spotless and black shoes to be shined "like an obsidian mirror." This gave rise to one of Victor's pranks one Sunday, the day of the formal parade. Some time before a cadet had been fatally injured while sliding down a curving bannister, so sliding was thenceforth strictly forbidden. For some impish reason ("a touch of Till Eulenspiegel perhaps") Victor decided to coat the top of the rail with black boot polish, with the predictable result that many of his company appeared on parade with black-stained white ducks. "When the whole company was confined to barracks there was only one thing left to do; once again I was walking off the demerits." This was evidently not as bad as it sounds, however, as a break of ten minutes was allowed for each hour of marching. During these breaks the cadets would gather around "the most beloved man on campus," an elderly Italian who had a peanut stand and, come rain or shine, sold all sorts of chocolates and jawbreakers. One can just imagine the scuttlebutt on these occasions before the marching resumed! Victor graduated - or left - in 1922 (although 14 seems rather young for a high school graduate) but was by no means finished with Chicago. His mother lived there for many years before moving to San Diego (not that Victor was a frequent visitor t6 her house!), and the eldest of his three daughters, Victoria, was born in

Chicago. For several years Victor worked closely at the Field Museum of Natural History with eminent scholars like Paul Standley, Berthold Laufer and the Mayan expert, J. Eric Thompson; in fact, it was Thompson who encouraged Victor to undertake his first expedition in Mexico in search of the Aztec and Maya paper makers. This in turn led to another Chicago connection, for during this visit to Mexico Victor contacted the brothers William and Joseph Cabrera, who had been two of his closest friends at the Academy and whose father was instrumental in obtaining the right documents to permit Victor to travel in a time of revolution and civil unrest. These were just the first steps in a long career exploring the Americas and retracing ancient roads in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. In his lifetime Victor wrote or was editor of almost forty books, and if one adds the various revisions and translations the total is closer to seventy: an impressive total for a man who set out on his last expedition, tracing the Persian royal road across Asia Minor and Iran, at the age of 66! Although his energy was diminished and his health failing, he was still writing and planning projects right up to his death in Tuscany in 1985. Among all his various literary activities, though, there was none that gave him more satisfaction than writing for young people, and I like to think that the importance of communicating history, science or whatever in an enthusiastic and accessible manner was something that he first realized during his formative years at the Academy.

A glimpse of Von Hagen's books and adventures He went on a quetzal quest at a time (1934) when it fashionable to scoff at the possibility of seeing such a bird, when the quetzal's rarity made it seem to belong more to quaint myth than living jungle. No one had ever photographed the legendary quetzal bird, but Victor W. Von Hagen managed to do that and a bit more. He sent nine living specimens to the Bronx and London zoos and, on a subsequent venture, captured one for the St. Louis zoo. The great biologist Julian Huxley called Von Hagen's success lithe outstanding zoological feat in two decades." On the same quest, Von Hagen also found the Jicaque Indians, descendants of the Mayas, living in virtual obscurity in the high sierras of Honduras. This important ethnographic discovery (along with his adventures in pursuit of the quetzal) was recounted in his book, Jungle in the Clouds (1940). He had also made a noteworthy expedition to the Galapagos Islands (1934-1936), where he completed the first biological study of the Galapagos tortoise. He was also instrumental in suggesting measures (particularly the creation of game preserves) by which the Galapagos flora and fauna might be saved from extinction. Another book, Off with Their Heads (1937), was based on an eight-month sojourn with the head-hunting Jivaro Indian tribes of the upper Amazon valley. He provided a sympathetic account of the head-hunters and found much that was admirable in their culture.

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And, in an ironic twist worthy of Jonathan Swift's treatment of Gulliver at the hands of the King of Brobdingnag, Von Hagen reported that the head-hunters thought him crazy for describing the massive slaughter of modern warfare. The Jivaro, after all, killed one person at a time, and only if he were a headhunter from another tribe. His pursuit of the quetzal also brought him to Ecuador, where he first glimpsed the Inca road, and he wondered whether it actually led to Cuzco, some 1500 miles away. Later, he returned to South America and explored the road in more detail. He concluded that there were a number "Royal Inca roads" that radiated from Cuzco and his report of that expedition came in Highway of the Sun (1955). He also wrote about other explorers (Humboldt and Darwin, for example) in South America Called Them (1945) and followed that with a study of the legendary Maya explorers, John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood. Perhaps his best book, however, is Ancient Sun Kingdoms of the Americas (1961), a beautiful piece of book-making, with award-winning illustrations by Alberto Beltran. Some scholars have complained that Von Hagen's work is "dated." It remains, however, a wonderful introduction to the world of the Aztecs, Mayas, and Incas, even if some of the details may not reflect the latest advances in archaeological studies.

The many lives of Richard J. Stillman [34]: General Patton's secretary, author, professor, lecturer, athlete

It was the visit of a tall, handsome, white-haired, impressive gentleman that convincingly persuaded the Detroit, Michigan family that Morgan Park Military Academy was the right school for their boy. The distinguished visitor was Harry D. Abells and the boy was Richard Joseph Stillman. The time was the Spring of 1928 and both the Academy (which had just completed construction of two new buildings, Hansen and Alumni Halls) and the country were riding high on the wave of roaring 20s prosperity. Stillman, much-impressed by an older cousin who had been in the military, was predisposed to attend a military school from an early age. His family was considering Culver, St. John's, and MPMA and Abells' visit (a regular feature of his recruiting tours) was the clincher. Richard came to the 7th grade at MPMA in September 1928, where Captain Herman Mayhew was head of the lower school. He arrived by automobile that first year, he remembers, but later he took the train, the Twilight Limited. "We were delighted by the campus," he said, "and it was all so impressive." And then it all went so fast getting uniforms, puttees, etc., being assigned to West Barracks, eating in East Barracks, learning to salute, to march, to be a cadet. The facilities in West Barracks were not the most modern and, in fact, were quite austere. The cadets used wash basins and Stillman remembers that a matron made daily inspections: no dirty finger nails allowed. Stillman, from a distance, admired upper class cadet officers. "They were so eminent, so esteemed, I wanted to be one, but I was in awe of

them even as a ninth grader." he said. Col. Abells and key staff members sat at a round table in the middle of the dining hall, separating the lower school from the upper school. Capt. Mayhew, "a short, heavyset gentleman," was, of course, "one of the high and mighty" who sat at that round table. Among the teachers he remembers was Capt. Wilson. "He was distinguished," Stillman said, "over six feet tall, helpful, conSiderate, and I

R.J. Stillman in 1934.

liked him a lot. He was young, probably in his 20s, bright and able." Two other teachers he remembers fondly are Halsey and Don Clemer (who later was in charge of a prison system). "Both fell in love with the same young lady," Stillman recalled. "One won out, and the other was sad and tearful." He had a great roommate, Nick Giovan, in 8th grade. His father owned the Drexel ice-cream company and "we got ice-cream cake rolls on a regular basis. Nick's parents were very kind and often took me home for dinners." "Nick, I remember, went AWOL

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once for some reason, but he did come back before it got too serious." The lower school, in general, was very similar to the upper school. "We got up for reveille and did our exercises (every morning: I don't remember an occasion when we didn't), washed up, marched to breakfast, then classes, then athletics, which were so important to me. One could always find some sport to enjoy and I still have my LS emblems." A special treat was the Sunday evening movie in Blake Hall, but lower school students didn't have the privilege of being offered the choice seats. "We did get up-to-date movies, however, because Cadet Meloy's father headed the projectionist's union," Stillman said. As he moved into the upper school, the stock market began its precipitous decline and the Great Depression had its impact on MPMA too. There were always fine, outstanding members of the community, but there was also" a small minority of rough customers. These were often the sons of uneducated immigrants and the parents wanted education and respect for their children. Bennie Factor, for example, the son of Jake ' the Barber' Factor, was one of the stars of the minstrel show. But there were also people like Bob Ickes [son of Harold Ickes, Franklin Roosevelt's secretary of the interior], who taught me how to shine shoes, and who fell in love with an Indian girl on the reservation where he spent his summers." One could not fail to be aware of the depression. It was a subject of class discussions, it was there on the Movietone news, there were attempts to conserve heat and light, rumors of sharp pay-cuts for teachers, and one saw the people selling apples on corners if one went downtown. "Our

Spanish teacher couldn't afford to get a uniform and some of us, who had savings in the Morgan Park bank, lost it when the bank went bust." Sports were immensely important to Stillman (and almost all of the cadets, of course) and Coach Wade "Red" Woodworth was a mentor to many. Woodworth, who had attended St. John's Military Academy and who was an All-American lineman at Northwestern, was an assistant football coach at the University of Cincinnati before coming to MPMA. "Woodworth married a Northwestern beauty queen and all the cadets hoped they would be assigned to the couple's mess hall table," Stillman added, "and as a cadet officer I had the good fortune to sit at his table occasionally." Stillman played football and basketball and ran track and was on the relay team that set a school record in the 4 x 880. One of Stillman's most memorable sports moments, however, was as a spectator - when a touchdown in the final seconds produced a 7-6 win at Culver.


Patton, calling him the "greatest combat commander this country has ever produced," and he is the leading authority on General Patton. Stillman has written numerous books, including General Patton's Timeless Leadership


Principles, Your Practical Guide for a Successful Career and Life (1998) and General Patton's Best Friend:The Story of the General and His Beloved Dog, Willie.


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"I was pleased to be in that environment," Stillman concluded. "One got to know the faculty quite well and that helped us all be better soldiers." The military training at MPMA served Stillman well, for he went on to a military career, attaining the rank of colonel and serving under General George S. Patton as secretary of the general staff (with an office next to Patton) during the entire World War II European campaign. By the war's end, Stillman came to be a great admirer of

He obtained his Ph.D while in the military and credits MPMA with providing a fine academic base with teachers like Captain Gray. Stillman retired early from the military to enter his second career, as professor of management at the University of New Orleans, which led him to write on such topics as small business operations, money management, and the Dow Jones Industrial average. He retired from the University of New Orleans in 1982, but still continues to lecture and write. And, oh yes, his passion for sports has not diminished. He has garnered nine gold medals in senior olympic competitions in track and swimming. Q

R.J. Stillman is seated, third from the left, in this photo of the 1934 MPMA track team. His eighth-grade roommate, Nick Giovan, is standing, fourth from the left. Coach Bouma is standing at the right.

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··It's a ""onde •• ul li.e" by Robert Reid [36]

Jimmy Stewart has nothing on me. I've had a wonderful life too. In 1923, when I was seven years old and my brother nine, my mother thought it was time for us to go a summer camp. She had seen an ad for Camp Dewey, in the north woods of Wisconsin. Camp Dewey was run by Major Warren E. Dewey, commandant at MPMA, and it was my first contact with the Academy. Major Dewey was a veteran of the Spanish American war and was one of the nicest men I've ever met. The summer was a real treat and I learned to swim, paddle a canoe, and pitch a tent. The next year my parents wanted us closer to home and we were sent to a camp where arts and crafts were featured. There was no swimming, no canoeing, no woods. It was a disaster, and my brother and I longed to be back in Wisconsin with Major and Mrs. Dewey. We didn't go back, however, and we eventually moved to the north side of Chicago where I enrolled at Senn High School. I ran track and played football and, from 5 p.m. to 11:30 or so, I worked as an usher (earning ten cents an hour) at the old Granada Theater (since torn down). In the early days of the depression, my parents bought a car and we headed for California, that "land of opportunity." Our opportunity ended on the south side of Chicago when the car broke down. We abandoned the car and hopped a freight, but in Los Angeles we were arrested as vagrants and were told to get out of town pronto or we'd be spending the next thirty days in jail. We eventually made our way back to Chicago and I got a job as life-guard at Whalen Pool, in the forest preserves on the northwest side of city. Later, in 1933, I worked at the World's Fair and, after that I worked as a mail-room clerk and as a day laborer. I was pumping gas at a Shell station near the Edgewater Beach Hotel when MPMA came into my life again. It was my mother, again, who read an ad about the school and sent for a brochure, for she was hoping to get my younger brother John back in school. My mother was in the hospital when Major Ed Bouma dropped by for a visit and he and John had a nice talk. John told him, however, that there was no money for private school tuition. John also told him about me - that I was taking night classes (which was true) and hoping to complete high school (also true) and that I was a great athlete (somewhat exaggerated). Major Bouma came back to see me and offered to take care of my tuition if I would be willing to wait on tables in the mess hall for my room and board. I jumped at the chance, of course, and in a few weeks, I was on campus drilling for the upcoming football season. Our coach was Claude Grigsby and we did not see a

football for at least the first week. He was determined to have us in the best condition possible and, as a result, the few injuries we had during the season were relatively minor. We didn't have a great season, but the next year we did better. I do remember, however, centering the ball over Chuck Dewey's head on fourth down against Elgin Academy. His attempted punt was blocked and we lost the game. I have happier memories from track. In 1936, we won the Midwest Prep conference championship. We won five of six dual meets (losing only to Lake Forest, and that by just one point) and, in the conference championship, I was high point man and set a record in the low hurdles. I went to the University of Michigan with the intention of playing football, but freshmen were ineligible. We practiced every day anyway, of course, but on the last day of practice a concussion ended my football career. I did meet my wife there (on a blind date), however, and I was prepared for my career as an industrial engineer. If it were not for the chance that Major Bouma gave me, I might still be pumping gas. So, thanks Major Bouma and MPMA, it has been a wonderful life. Q

Robert Reid in 1936.

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"Dear Col. Franson [Harry D. Abells wrote (May 9, 1940)]: It won't be many years before you and I will be due to forget the formalities and have it 'Dear Paul' and 'Harry.'" It never quite went that far, but the mutual admiration society that existed between Major Paul Franson, the PMS & T instructor at MPMA for just six years, and Superintendent Harry D. Abells, went well beyond his brief 1932-1938 tenure at the Academy. The two men continued to correspond long after military duty took Franson away from the Academy and, although it was not often, the letters were regular enough to make it obvious that each often thought of the other. Franson's letters (some long hand and some typed) seem to be the work of a man in a hurry, a man who doesn't have time for all the little inconsequential words, the articles, conjunctions, and prepositions. He employs dashes in an ingenious way that is reminiscent of Emily Dickinson. Abells' letters (dictated, most often, to his secretary, Mrs. Scott) have the formality of structure befitting his office, but they do not have the guarded caution that is so characteristic of the correspondence of the man who knows that his every word will be construed as the official voice of Morgan Park Military Academy. When Abells wrote to Franson, in other words, he could be at ease and speak freely, man-to-man.

Major Paul Franson

Here, in a letter from Franson to Abells aune 19, 1936) while he was still at the Academy, there is a hint of the measure of the man. "I must insist that ALL juniors," Franson writes, "if they expect to be officers, that they must come clean and then deliver the goods - if not, they will not wear boots or spurs. That because a man goes to camp or is at school four years that he will not automatically be an officer and get away with honors that he does not deserve. The same applies to all. They must raise their standards of personal appearance and their duty before the corps at all times, and, to the corps." The prose may have been a little unwieldy, but the highmind principles that appealed to Abells are unmistakable. Franson's stay as PMS & T instructor was longer than the usual three years, but it was clear that Abells would have liked it to be even longer. When Franson informed Abells (letter of July 29, 1938) that he would be leaving MPMA to take an army position, Abells made one last effort to retain him. He wrote to Maj. Gen. Edgar T. Conley (December 17,

Superintendent Harry D. Abells

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1938), demonstrating that Major Franson's work at the Academy had value far beyond the MPMA campus. liThe influence of our academy upon the general attitude of this city toward preparedness, good citizenship, and the educational value of military training is important and increasing," Abells wrote. "Maj. Franson has brought his unit of 199 cadets to a superior leveL.Under his tireless efforts, activities related to his department have become major interests in the school. Rifle marksmanship now has this rank. Each Spring the annual Midwest Interscholastic Rifle match, which he organized, is carried out successfully under his direction. Maj. Franson is responsible for the Academy short wave amateur radio station which has been organized as a club .... At the time of the Ohio flood of last year this station rendered invaluable service. This is the third year of the voluntary drill team of the Academy, the Grenadiers. This team is a feature of patriotic and military functions throughout Chicago. Maj. Franson has cultivated the Chicago press in the interest of the Defense Act program. The metropolitan press has frequently sent cameramen to the Academy and welcomed all military and related articles which our PMS & T has suggested. At this time he is converting the club of cadets, which for three years has had horseback riding instruction from him at the Woodland Valley Hunt and Polo Club, into an equitation unit. The club is erecting a riding hall 80 by 220 feet for use for all weather instruction and will be invaluable." The appeal was denied. Later, Abells forwarded a catalogue to Franson at his new post, and added this note: "You will be the first, I know, to note that the cadet officer has no chevrons. I think this is the only technical fault you will find in the picture on the cover except that the shako is dark gray instead of black." Abells, shortly thereafter aune 28 1939), wrote in a frank, unguarded way about the abrupt departure of Major Bouma: [His resignation] is accompanied by considerable bitterness and discontent on the part of parents and alumni which he and his family have seen fit to develop. I wish it were the sort of situation which we could present to the parents and alumni so they would have two sides of the question instead of only one." Abells added, sadly, that MPMA may lose a few boys over it, and explained that Bouma was starting the LincolnDouglas School on the old Lundin estate near Fox Lake. It will be non-military because, "according to the founder, the military school just does not work." Franson, for his part, did not walk lightly away from MPMA. He still wished to be informed, and even consulted, on Academy matters. "I am not the answer book, as you say, on everything," he wrote (August 5, 1939), "but [I] may help." When the honors military school rating was denied the Academy in 1939, Abells frankly acknowledged (October 18, 1939) that the cause was lithe field problems and practical work with weapons." There was also, he confessed, "a general lack of enthusiasm and drive on the part of the boys, especially the seniors, throughout the year." The next year, when the honors rating was restored,

Franson sent his congratulations aune 6, 1940): liMy old heart is still with the Corps. My spirit, oh my, when I read it, moved out of the top of the barometer! Please maintain that old leading and driving spirit. Must have it to hold what we have and cannot be a military school worthwhile without honor rating." Abells kept Franson informed, too, of the little things that were happening at the Academy. He wrote aune 17, 1942), for example, that war conditions made commencement just a little different. The twenty or so boys who were about to go into the service were asked to stand and face the audience. That was all he said, and all that needed to be said. A few months later he wrote (October 17, 1942) simply to say that MPMA had substituted a short gray military coat for the more traditional reefer. He also informed Franson (April 11, 1944) of the arrival of the thirty-three new oak tables (built by the Kimball piano company) for the mess hall. The correspondence, filled with mutual warmth, confidence, and affection, continues through 1946, and it is a wonder that Col. Franson wrote at all, for he had a few other matters to attend to after leaving MPMA. He was post commander at Ft. McClellan (Alabama) and during the war he was chief of staff of the Fifth Infantry Divison. Abells did not shy away from those home matters which might be worrisome to an officer overseas. He mentions his own "slight heart attack" (February 18, 1943), the coronary thrombosis of Col. Haydn Jones (April 11, 1944), his own status as superintendent emeritus (March 2, 1946), and, in the same year, the deaths of Capt. Klein and Col. Jones. Franson was shocked at the death of Klein. "He was doing such a fine job of clean sportsmanship for our young cadets," he wrote. "We will all miss him ... I feel like General Lee when he lost General Jackson. I have lost my right arm in the passing of Col. Jones. [It] was a deadly blow to the Fransons and every one connected with the school and the student body. The Academy will never replace him. He was the only one in his class, and the lessons that he drove home to the cadets will never be forgotten - as well as the many lessons to all others - I will take mine to my grave." Perhaps the very essence of the Abells-Franson correspondence is contained in the letter Franson wrote to Abells auly 27, 1943) after hearing that MPMA had been designated an honor school once again: "Congratulations on winning the honor rating. It is with great satisfaction that I hear of my ghost moving around the campus .. .1 still believe the horse movement if properly handled with planning ahead will be one of your greatest publicity and drawing cards .. .1 have received a great many letters from students all over the world where boys are in the Theater of Operations and making good and it makes me feel like all of my efforts at Morgan Park were not in vain. When you see the finished product of your Academy making good as true Americans should during this crisis [it] makes an old man feel good and that the old U.S.A. is still in good hands with good old American stock."


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The ring is the thing: a little conspiracy Sometimes there can be a conspiracy to do good, and this little conspiracy began with a telephone call. Howard Weckel [40], the caller (Howard's wife, Shirley) said, had lost his MPMA class ring while on a holiday in Hawaii with Irwin Martin [40] and his wife. Searches had been made of all possible places - hotel, cab, airport, planes, etc. - and it could not be found. Shirley was asking headmaster Bill Adams if, by some remote chance, the ring (which, of course, had Morgan Park Military Academy embossed on it) had been returned to the Academy. It hadn't. That might have been the end of the story, but it wasn't. Bill Adams, in

talking to Shirley Weckel, sensed the urgency in her voice and understood that this was not much ado about nothing. Howard, like the rest of his classmates at MPMA, put on his ring in 1939. He wore it when he went to college at Miami of Ohio and he continued to wear it when he entered military service in 1942. He was wearing it when he was wounded in the Battle of the Bulge and he was wearing it when he was taken prisoner by the Germans in November 1944. The Germans took Howard's ring away, but about a month later it was inexplicably returned to him. He put the ring on and was still wearing it when he was repatriated by the Russians in April 1945 and he continued to wear it during his two month recuperation in a military hospital in Paris. The ring did not once come off his finger during the

Left to right - Irwin Martin [401, Bob Waggoner [401, and Howard Weckel [40J at Howard Wecke/'s 80th birthday party, June 2001, in Sierra Vista, AZ.

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balance of the 40s, the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s,and 90s, until he lost it in Hawaii in 2000. The conspiracy to do good - to replicate the 1940 MPMA class ring for Howard - soon got under way. There were whispered telephone calls behind closed doors and the plot, orchestrated by the principal conspirators (Shirley Weckel, Irwin Martill and Bill Adams), carefully advanced. The Balfour Ring Company, which designed the 1940 MPMA class ring, was still in business. The process of creating rings is entirely different today, but Jim Cranley of Balfour, thought a new mold might be developed if a 1940 ring in excellent condition could be obtained. Irwin Martin knew that Jim Nazur [40] had his class ring, but seldom wore it. Nazur joined the conspiracy by sending his ring to Irwin Martin from his Florida home. Jim Cranley did the design and the ring for Howard Weckel was cast. Shirley Weckel had the most difficult task, for she had to keep the secret from her husband until the right moment, the celebration of his 80th birthday in June 200l. Irwin Martin remembered that Bob Waggoner [40] had also lost his class ring a few years back and he arranged for him to be given a ring at the same time as Weckel. Bill Adams presented the rings at Howard's 80th birthday celebration at a country club near Weckel's home in Sierra Vista, Arizona and both Weckel and Waggoner were as surprised as they were delighted. Howard has had his new 1940 MPMA class ring for over a year now and, to no one's surprise, he hasn't taken it off for a single second. 11

The Academy response to 9-11 Col. R.J. Stillman [341:

Col. Stillman called the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington "the second greatest tragedy of my life-time."

The first was the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. "Pearl Harbor, however, was an attack on the military. The attack on the World Trade center focussed on civilians and was, therefore, more repugnant."

The attacks on Pearl Harbor and on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center were alike, however, in their "catastrophic effect on the American psyche."

color would now fall victim to the stares and harsh words of the ignorant. Finally, I simply resorted to telling those who asked that if they didn't understand what was wrong, I couldn't explain it to them. I must have been asked what was wrong at least ten times and it made me realize, in retrospect, how lucky I am. It made me realize that everyone at MPA is my friend, or is at least someone whom I care about in some way.

The next day, one of my Islamic friends fervently (almost frantically) defended her religion in our class. It was almost as though she needed to erect a defense for the attacks that would surely come. She was wrong, however, for such mindless, bigoted attacks, are unlikely to ever come from students at MPA. Nuha Krad [02] understood that when, at lunch the next day, she (speaking on behalf of all the Islamic

Bill Arnold [20021:

Once the full impact of 9-11 hit home, I sat by my locker holding back the tears. Many asked, "what's wrong?" At first I tried to explain, explain how wrong it was that thousands of people were dead, and that thousands of children would not have a parent to pick them up that day. I attempted to tell them, too, how wrong it was that not only my Islamic friends, but probably all my friends of

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students at MPA) th anked the entire Academy community for making them all feel comfortable and secure - something which was not always certain even in their own neighborhoods. Nuha, though small of stature, became the tallest person I have ever known that afternoon. I will say it

again, even though here at the Academy it is something that everyone knows. At MPA, people know the difference - it is not just white vs. brown. People here know that being a Muslim, Arab, Afghan, or Martian doesn't make one a terrorist or a terrorist sympathizer. Many people have felt a resurgence of patriotism in the aftermath of 9-11, but I have found a new sense of pride in

my sch ool. Som e, under the banner of patriotism, will no doubt give hostile looks to my friends of a different color or creed, and that is surely wrong. What is right, however, is that here at MPA no one gives those ignorant, hateful stares.


A call to nlY .ellour citizens by Huda Krad

Love me for who I am, not for whom you associate me with. Hate me for my faults, not the faults of those you associate me with. Neglect me when I am soaring with success, not when I am lost, bewildered and left alone. Share with me your joys, respect, and company, not your anger, hatred, and insecurity. Take away my fears, dangers, nervousness, not my freedom, liberty, and happiness. Protect my life, my family, and my home, not my persecutors, offenders, and attackers. Do not deny me my safety, or my rights. Keep me living among you in peace; embrace my differences with open eyes. Call me to your country, make it my own, and let us recognize our individuality as a nation, as one.

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Jay Frederick and Jim Fitzgibbons: two Chicagoans who answered the 9-11(2001) call from New York He kept his Chicago Fire Department cap and long-coat on for the entire time he was on the stage, as if they might offer him a measure of security in that unfamiliar role. He spoke plainly, sometimes struggling for words, sometimes frankly admitting that he didn't have the words to express the enormity of what he had observed. No matter: he spoke from the heart and to the hearts of his audience and the story he told was as riveting as a classic Edward R. Murrow You Are There radio-broadcast. Jay Frederick, father of Rebecca [01], Leah [02] and Natalie [04], is a Chicago firefighter who spontaneously responded to the call for help after the September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade center in New York. He worked in Chicago on September 12th, but since he had the next seventeen days off, he drove to New York and arrived about 4 a.m. He was put in a hotel, but not everyone could volunteer to help. He had to get the appropriate credentials and those bureaucratic details took the better part of a day. Then he went to work. Work, for the most part, was digging, digging for eight hours and more. It took two days, for example, to dig out a single fire truck. He worked for nine consecutive days. "It was extremely hard work," he said, "but no one even thought about that. When we would find anything, a uniform, a hat, we'd stop the heavy equipment and dig by hand. We were hoping to find people still alive, but hope was not realistic after a week had gone by. Finding body parts was especially rough. I had seen death before, but nothing to compare with the magnitude of what I found in New York." Jim Fitzgibbons, another Chicago firefighter (and a friend of Jay Frederick) who also answered the call for help in New York, appeared on the stage and he supplied a few stark statistics to help the audience comprehend the enormity of what they had observed. "One square mile was devastated," he said, " the equivalent of all the area contained within Chicago's Loop. The temperature below ground zero was 1400 degrees. Three hundred and forty-three firefighters were killed. If that happened in Chicago, it would be the same as taking out sixty-eight fire truck crews in one blow. More than one thousand children of firefighters are now fatherless. Photographs, though powerful, don't begin to give a real sense of the devastation." "It was amazing how people pulled together," Frederick added. "It was a tremendous job just arranging to feed and house all of the volunteers. New York is a class-act city, full of strong people who took care of all that needed to be done."

Fitzgibbons, in response to a student's question at that December 4, 2001 assembly in the BAC, described a close call he had had in a Chicago fire. "I crashed through the floor to the basement," he said, "and I didn't know if I would get out of that burning building. Other firefighters rescued me and that was a true of act of love on the part of my brothers." Another student asked if the World Trade center had made them cautious, if they would still charge into burning buildings. "Yes," they both said, simultaneously, and without hesitation. "That is what we do," Fitzgibbons said. "We regularly practice things in drills, of course, but those are not maps for real experiences. We use our instincts." "There is a thin line between bravery and stupidity," Frederick added, "and common sense has to be your guide." Both men agreed that going to New York after September 11 was a life-changing experience for them. "When I came back from New York, "Jay Frederick said, "my every day struggles and concerns didn't seem to matter. My priorities have changed. Work, for example, isn't as important as hanging around with my daughters. And if you think you have problems, you really don't. School, grades, money - all those things are really nothing." Q

Chicago fire-fighter Jay Frederick.

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A soccer red card teaches an unexpected lesson about MPA by Vikram Valia

MPA has always touted itself as a universally accepting and culturally diverse school where students from a variety of ethnic and VIKRAM VALIA religious groups can comfortably coexist. I had always known this to be the truth, of course, but only in a very distant and impersonal way. It seemed merely like the stuff of pamphlets and other materials aimed at enticing potential students. I have unexpectedly been given an opportunity to fully appreciate the unfaltering warmth and tolerance that is a part of the strong backbone of the Academy. It was a Wednesday - October 10, 2001 - and we had an away soccer game at Lake Forest Academy. On the bus ride there, Coach Churchill passed out the lineup, and I found out that I would be intermittently subbing in for Bill Arnold at center defense. We were short a few players, so it looked as if I were going to get about twenty minutes on the field. I thought of it as a chance to show what I could do and maybe increase my future playing time. After the forty-five minute bus ride with the volleyball team, we finally reached the school and began our warm-up. We first ran around the field and then went immediately into the stretching. As we were counting out the stretches, I heard one of the referees call my number. I turned around to see that he was motioning me to come toward him. I went over, only to have the ref tell me to "take the hat off" to comply with the IHSA

rule that no headgear may be worn during a game. The "hat" the referee was referring to was the putka, one of the symbols of my religion, Sikhism (a religion of northern India and the fifth largest in the world. There are nearly nineteen million of Sikhs in the world). I refused to remove the putka, explaining (as I had at previous games) that my religion forbade me to remove it. Other officials had understood, and there were usually no problems with my wearing the putka in the games. This referee was not like the others, however. He insisted that I could not play unless I removed my "hat." This infuriated coaches Drown and Churchill, who both began arguing on my behalf. The referee would not budge. Even after the Lake Forest Academy coaching staff stated that they had no problems with my wearing the putka while playing, the referee maintained that I was not to participate and abruptly called for the game to begin. Coach Churchill handed in the starting lineup, but he assured me that he would do "everything possible" to get me in the game. After the first throw-in, about two minutes into the game, Churchill sent me to the midfield line to sub in. I jogged onto the field, knowing that this was going to create a tense situation. The referee had not officially allowed me to enter the game. I had gone on illegally, as he saw it, and I was issued a red card. It meant an immediate ejection and also that I would be prohibited from playing in the next one, a regional match against Riverside-Brookfield.

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I calmly and patiently told the referee he did not have to go through with this. In return, I received a cold stare, and nothing more. In the mean time, I heard voices (teammates, coaches, I'm not sure) urging me to get off the field and not make the infraction worse. They were right, of course, so I stepped off the field. Coach Drown was even more furious. Immediately after my ejection, he began fiercely yelling at the referee. The official responded by handing a red card to Drown as well. By now, the whole team was enraged, and it showed on the field. The game went on and it was clear to see that we wanted the victory all the more. We were winning the fifty-fifty balls, always making sure to come back and help on defense, and working that much harder to anticipate the ball's next move. It felt as though the team had Siphoned their support for me into an extra ten per cent on the field. Even though we lost narrowly 2-1, I was extremely proud to be a part of the Morgan Park Academy Warriors. The support did not stop there. The next day, all of my teachers and friends expressed their deepest sympathies and support. In addition, David Hibbs, the principal, made an announcement at lunch, informing the entire upper school of my situation. He told them that he was working to have the red card rescinded so that I might play in the Riverside-Brookfield game. I found out later that he succeeded. The important thing, however, was not just to play in the next soccer game, but what I realized about MPA. The sympathy and support that I

received from everyone was unwavering. I'm writing this, then, to say thank you, but also to share what I have realized about the people at MPA. I know now that the people of MPA are not just a diverse group of bright kids who can be featured in some nice photographs in a brochure to support platitudes about cultural diversity. Morgan Park Academy, I discovered on the soccer field at Lake Forest, is real. There are caring individuals at MPA who support one another regardless of the color of one's skin, ethnic background, or religious affiliation. MPA's diversity serves to make the school strong and tolerant and it is an impeccable model that others might follow. So, thanks again to MPA for being what it is, for standing by me, and for teaching me an important lesson.

Vikram Valia, center, in a quiet moment before a recent game.


Vikram Valia, in a student feature writing contest sponsored by the Chicago South Town, won the first prize of $400. The essay that appears here is a revised version of that prize-winning essay. - ed.

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Disneyland op S1Meden? - Max Cook didn't hesitate 1Mith the anS1Mep His mother gave him a choice for Spring vacation Disneyland, or Sweden - and he chose Sweden. It was an easy, no-doubt-about-it choice for then 6th grader Max Cook. Disneyland may have been fun, but Sweden meant an opportunity to represent the United States in a hockey tournament for eleven-to-fourteen-year-olds in Stockholm. Max, who brandished a hockey stick before he ever donned skates, traces his passion for hockey back to the age of three. He was given a hockey stick, perhaps as a Christmas present, and he remembers whacking a rubber ball all over the house. He never broke anything, but perhaps to acquire a little peace and quiet, his mother, Karen Butler-Cook [80], suggested that he take ice-skating lessons. It took the better part of a year to learn to skate and taking along the hockey stick, for Max, was as natural as putting butter on bread. Max thought the hockey stick "looked cool." He played in the usual pick-up games, but by age seven he was ready to try out for the Vikings, a team of seven and eight-year-olds who were in a league at the Orland Park ice rink. No parents were allowed at the try-out sessions and it was all rather scary. Forty-to-fifty boys, under the scrutiny of the coaches, demonstrated their skating speed and accuracy in shooting on the goal. Only fifteen made the team and Max was one of them. Max spent four seasons with the Vikings, playing some thirty games a year. In 1998 and 2000 the Vikings advanced to the state finals. In 1998, the Vikings lost 3-2 in a memorable triple over-time game. "I was really exhausted by the end," Max said, "and I remember falling asleep on the ride home." The 2000 state final was less memorable, for the Vikings lost 8-2. Second in the state, however, is no little accomplishment. Later, he played on a team, The Mission, comprised of eleven and twelve-year-olds. The Mission was a kind of allstar team that entered tournaments in such places as Detroit and St. Louis, and even across the border in Toronto and Windsor. Max was the center, the position he has always played. His most exciting game was a 12-2 win where he scored five goals. It was such feats, no doubt, that led to his being selected for an all-Midwest team of twelve-to-fourteen-year-olds to play in a tournament in Sweden. Max acquired his first passport and, in March 2002, made his first trans-Atlantic flight. He stayed in Stockholm for eight days, living with a Swedish family, and played seven games (the opponents came from the United States, Finland, and Sweden). He was adventurous and open-eyed about his experience. He tried such Swedish dishes as a hot dog covered with mashed potatoes, he thought it was cool to figure out a different currency, and he (athlete that he is) noticed that Swedes were generally in good shape.

"I didn't see anyone who was fat," Max said.

Max (on left) with his host Denis Holtman.

He was a little surprised, however, to discover that the parents of the Swedish hockey player with whom he stayed were (like many Swedish couples) not married and, for economic and tax reasons, had no intention of ever doing so. Max's brother, Sam (then a third grader at MPA), also made the trip to Sweden and lived, for part of the time, with another Swedish family. Sam didn't play in the tournament, but his commentaries on the players and play-by-play accounts of the games made him a tournament celebrity in his own right. Max's team, early in the tournament, lost 4-3 to Hammerby, one of the Swedish teams, but won all of their other games. In the finals, they played Hammarby again, defeating them this time 6-4 for the title. Max, in the tournament, scored six goals and had four assists. Max, it seems, didn't miss a thing by not going to Disneyland. And, besides, they had an amusement park in Stockholm too.

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Class of 52 celebrates 50th reunion Members of the class of 1952 from Morgan Park Military Academy and Loring Sch ool for Girls gathered on the first weekend of June 2002 to celebrate their 50th reunion. Several were on hand, almost fifty years to th e day since they bid farewell to high school, to see the latest graduating class sent forth into the world. Thanks to the planning leadership of former cadets Hal Boex and Frank Burd, the class of 1952 (with guests from 1951 and 1953) enjoyed a memorable weekend of activities and events. A reception to welcome back alumni was held in the former headmaster's house on Friday afternoon, June 7. Though many years had passed since they had last crossed paths, it took little time to get back to the common ground of their days at the Military Academy. Several members of the class of 1952 attended the commencement ceremony on Saturday, June 8. As a special treat, two members of the class were invited to share their thoughts with the 2002 graduates and their families, and to present an Alumni scholarship award to a graduating senior. For the Military Academy alumni, it was a long-awaited completion of a round trip that began almost 50 years ago to the day. The presenters were Frank Burd, who went on to West Point and then served as a professor at University of Maryland, and Bob Tierney, also a West Point grad, who spent his career in government service. Both recollected the emotional experience of graduation as they shared their reflections of life at a military academy and beyond. The dining room of Alumni Hall was the setting for the evening's festivities . Alumni and guests arrived for cocktails and donned nametags adorned with their graduation photos in an effort to eliminate the awkward " ... and who are you?" statements. A special video featuring vintage photos from the old school days was a highlight of the evening. A litany of stories about old friends, classroom experiences and exploits on and off the field rounded out the event. The weekend came to a fitting close on the north side of Chicago with lunch at Moody's Pub on Sunday, June 9. Owner John Kahoun [51] treated everyone to lunch on the patio of his popular restaurant. Tales from the glory days continued to flow throughout the afternoon. Bittersweet departures left rekindled friendships and promises to keep in touch, as well as a rallying pOint for their 60th reunion in 2012.

Alumni Association President Madonna Abdishi [63] and fellow officer Jean Doyle [79] chat with Sob Tierney at class of 1952 reunion.

Loring -


This photo is from the 50th Reunion for the Loring class of 1951 in June of 2001. The picture was taken at the Como Inn.

Seated from left to right: Jane Porter Howey, Joan Frehse Swanson, Marge Hoeppner Saunders, Andrea Thunander Miles, Paulette Zimmerman Gear, Jean McCorkle Staebler, Ruth Doyle Gallop.

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Royko slept here?

1982 reunion MPA class of 1982 celebrated its 20th high school reunion at Magnum's, in downtown Chicago, on August 10, 1982. Classmates flew in from all over the country for the occasion, many bringing spouses. A fabulous time was had by all, including welcomed "party crashers" Brad Pechter [80], Rob Goes [81], Kirk Powell [83] and Nata Mackevicius [84]. Party planners Tracy Thorsen Daly, Kelly Stevens McCormick and Carrie Swearingen decorated the room with enlarged candid photos taken more than twenty years before. Videos, including many of the candid enlargements, were also presented to each guest. The video also included the renowned short films of Ron Herbst (which starred many MPA students and staff and were played before packed houses at the 1981 skit night), now a Hollywood special effects artist. The class of 1982 also raised an additional $2000 for the Martin Wolf memorial fund.

Two recent biographies of Mike Royko relate that the legendary Chicago journalist attended Morgan Park Military Academy, but that he didn't stay very long. E Richard Ciccone's Royko: A Life in Print relates that Mike was the only cadet to root for Notre Dame against Army when the two unbeaten teams met in New York city in 1946. Late in the game, Johnny Lujack made a saving tackle for Irish on Army's Doc Blanchard, who appeared to be heading for a certain touchdown. The game ended in a 0-0 tie.

Royko told Cicci one that when Lujack made that tackle, "it was the only time at that place that I was happy .. .! hated [MPMA], so I finally persuaded my parents to take me out of it. I flunked several courses, it was my way of getting out of that hell hole." Doug Moe's The World of Mike Royko relates the Lujack story, but with less detail, and does not say anything about how Royko left MPMA. Here is the odd part of the story, however. If Royko were around long enough to "flunk a few courses," one would assume that there might be a permanent record card, but there isn't. His name also does not appear in the file of students who enrolled at the Academy, but did not finish. His picture does not seem to have appeared in any Skirmisher.

Some MPMA alums have told me that they remember Royko. Can anyone offer any further light on the mystery of Mike Royko at Morgan Park Academy?

Standing in rear (from left): Nate Freeman, Yasmin AI Faruqui, Stephanie (Stavrakos) Sigalos, Ron Herbst, Craig Lenz, Bob Sinickas, D'acy (Thorsen) Daly, Diana (Mackevicius) Sorfleet, Jonathan n"rk, Kelly (Stevens) McCormick, LaMonica Threet, John Pridjian, Stafford Jacques, Bruce Rolfe, Kris Braaten.


Leaning on sofa (at left): Mary Rita (Resman) Guthrie (at right): Terry Waitkus, Carrie Swearingen. Seated on sofa: Kari (Higginson) Misulonas (out of view), Theresa (Farley) Robinson, Anthoula (Siakotas) Lenz. Kneeling: Alan Boyd, Rudy Tanasijevich, Frank Correll, Andrew Me"ick.

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West Coast alumni enjoy summer evening in San Francisco Academy graduates from northern and central California gathered in San Francisco on July 27,2002 for the second annual West Coast alumni dinner. Guests enjoyed great Tuscan food and wine and the company of friends at North Beach Restaurant in the heart of North Beach, one of San Francisco's favorite and oldest neighborhoods. Over 50 years separated our youngest graduate from the most senior former cadet. Military alumni just barely outnumbered the non-military. The most senior former cadet was Bill Getz [42], who also brought his wife, Vicki. Other military alumni in attendance were Carlton Johns [48], Ken [52] and Maria Zubrick, Stan [54] and Mary Jo Eigelberner, and George Mahon, Jr. [54]. "Modern era" Academy alumni included Pete [65] and Page Welton, Joan Driscoll [70], Sara White Grassi [71] and Shannon Silverman [93]. The West Coast group heard a report on new technology at MPA, including a renovated, fully equipped student technology center and "Smartboards" - interactive white boards on which computer images can be projected and manipulated just as if on the computer screen. The group was also the first to hear about MPA's new online alumni community. Volunteers have already stepped forward to begin planning the 2003 gathering. If you are interested in

helping, contact Bob Eichinger in the MPA development and alumni relations department. Q

Shannon Silverman [93J, at left, and Sara White Grassi [7 1J show off MPA cooler bags and travel mugs at North Beach Restaurant during the West Coast alumni dinner in San Francisco.

Fifth grade students visit Ayers Farm Each year, fifth grade students from MPA visit the Central Illinois farm of Richard [36J and Helen Ayers. Students learn about agriculture, soybean and corn production and how technology helps improve farm efficiency. At right, an all-terrain vehicle equipped with a global positioning computer system can determine moisture content in the soil. Mr. and Mrs. Ayers (far left) pose with four students, Tim Smith, from Piatt County Service Company and Robbie Berg of Earth Partners.

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MPMA mini-reunion held in Florida Bob Whitfield [44] had planned to attend, but were unable to for various reasons. The former Cadets spent the afternoon swapping stories about faculty members and events that stood out during their days at MPMA. Each guest also shared information about his life since graduation. In addition, headmaster Bill Adams and development/alumni relations director Bob Eichinger attended and shared some of the achievements of today's Academy students. They also reported progress in efforts to establish a formal archives and athletic hall of fame to honor the accomplishments of students through the years. MPMA souvenirs were distributed to all, and copies of the Skirmisher and other MPMA memorabilia were put on display. Plans are already in the works for another gathering next year. Ralph Schiller has even offered to host the reunion at his home in Palm Beach. So plan to join us, all you Florida residents! Contact Bob Eichinger ( for details.

A group of Morgan Park Military Academy alumni assembled in Lakeland, Florida for a mini-reunion luncheon April 28, 2002. The gathering was organized by Bill Getz [42], who just happens to live 3,000 miles away in California. Dr. Getz had planned to travel to Florida for a reunion with fellow servicemen from the Air Force and contacted MPMA classmates with the hope of getting together with them as well. The result was a memorable afternoon of catching up and storytelling, augmented by a wonderful lunch at the historic Terrace Hotel in Lakeland. Some of the men had not seen each other since graduation over 60 years ago! Fortunately, each guest had a customized nametag featuring his graduation picture to cut down on the guesswork. Joining the festivities were: Warren [41] and Barbara [L41] Weber, Harry [42] and Ellie Bohnett, Bill [42] and Vicki Getz, Bill Kettering [42], Bob [43] and Betty St. Pierre and Ralph Schiller [45]. Several others-Howard Schiller [38], Ed Kelly [41], and


Florida reunion guests smile for the camera. Left to right are headmaster Bill Adams. Bill Kettering [421. Warren Weber [411 Barbara Weber [L-411 Bob St. Pierre [411. Betty St. Pierre. Harry Bohnett [411. Ellie Bohnett. Vicki Getz. Bill Getz [421. and Ralph Schiller


- 29 -

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Alumni Briefs by Sandy Williams

Russell Pisle [47] celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary March 16, 2002. William F. Liptak [49] writes: "Nice to see my picture on page 27 of the Academy Magazine (November 2001). I'm the wrestler on the right at 145 Ibs. Now I am in the heavy weight class. Thanks!/I John S. Novak [50] is dividing his time between Hinsdale, Illinois and the North Woods of Northern Wisconsin where he has a home. He looks forward to hearing from MPMA classmates or, better yet, having them stop in. Office: 708/482-8250 Hinsdale: 630/986-0131 Wisconsin: 715/484-8983 Jane Porter Howey [51] writes: "0 ur senior class president, Andrea Thunander Miles, organized a wonderful 50th reunion Gune 2001) in Chicago. Only 7 of our class of 17 attended, but others sent letters and pictures to share. Jean (McCorkle) and Rich Staebler hosted a great cook-out that Friday evening. Saturday some of us toured our old stomping grounds, followed by a Chicago river boat tour and dinner in the city. Sunday Andrea and Gerry had us all for a lovely brunch at their home before we all went our separate ways ... Paulette (Zimmerman) Gear and

Bob put together an amazing scrap book for us all. Joan (Frehse) Swanson came from Colorado and Marge (Hoeppner) Saunders from Minnesota. Ruth (Doyle) Gallop treated us all at the Como Inn. It was a memorable reunion."

Arthur C. Gorlick [53] retired in 2000 from the

Seattle Post-Intelligencer newspaper after 21 years as reporter and assistant managing editor. He is now working part-time, covering the state of Washington for Court TV and writing an international trade column for Marine Digest Magazine.

Alfred Hoffman and Marcia Payne Hoffman [52] inform us that Al was one of three 1952 grads to attend West Point. He is currently CEO of WCI, the land ownership company of Westinghouse. Hoffman is a friend of Governor Jeb Bush and was part of George W. Bush's transition team in 2001. He also led a campaign to build an opera house in Tampa. He lives in Plant City, Florida with his wife Marcia, a Loring graduate.

Mark Klein [55] tells us that he, and Carole, his wife of 44 years, have retired to Pacific Grove, California. He still owns Computer Media Technologies in San Jose and his children manage the business. He stays in touch with classmates John Scheuneman, Dick Novak

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Betty Wollenberg Poetker-Short [52] says she retired in 1999 after more than 30 years of teaching physical education. She is enjoying volunteerism and is active with the Venice chapter of the antique automobile club of America, the Venice area orchid society, VFW Post 8118, and is current president of the board of directors of volunteer connections of Sarasota County, Inc. She swims a lot (had both knees and hips replaced), plays euchre, bridge and pinnochle, and is generally enjoying life in the sunshine.

and S. Ward Hamilton. He keeps busy by playing golf, driving classic cars and flying his World War II airplane. His brother Kurt [56] is living in Austin, Texas and is in touch with Jack Frank [56], also in Austin. He wonders if there are any plans for a 50s era class reunion? Henry Lang [55] asks that the Academy Magzine "keep 'the old Warriors' stories coming. I really appreciate them and I have a feeling many others do too./I

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Dianne Holmberg Bastian [59] attended Purdue University 1959 to 1963 (BS Degree). She and her husband Larry have three daughters and two grandchildren. She is currently a sales manager for Zale Homes. JudithJohnson York [60] writes: "I am (with a Ph.D. in educational adminstration) a retired principal from an elementary school in Mt. Vernon, Illinois. I am married with four grown children. I keep in touch regularly with old friends: Barb Jansma Bayersdorffer and Lonnie Freyer Dykstra. Would love to exchange e-mail messages: Judy Krause Wick [61] reports that she is grandmother to five gorgeous children and two of her children are living nearby in Maine, while another (the middle child) is a doctor in Massachusetts. Their sailboat is spending winter in Nova Scotia so that next summer they hope to cruise Newfoundland. She and her daughter, Shari, are starting up a new website - and she hopes you'll visit and share ideas with them. Kingston W. Heath [64] saw Dorothy (Wei send) and her husband this summer when they came to visit him at his summer home in Bozeman,

Montana. Jack Borok (who now has a girlfriend) was out the previous summer. He also saw Ken Mortenson and his wife in NYC in the fall and he treated at the Russian Tea room. ("Cool!" Kingston noted). Kingston's son, Wilder, is at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington. Kingston is on sabbatical this fall from UNC - Charlotte and he'll be spending it in Montana working on a new book. He'll be teaching at Montana State (College of Architecture) in the Spring. - - come visit. His recent book, The Patina of Place (University of Tennessee Press) was just published and he was promoted to full professor.

Ruth Davis MaId [73] writes: liMy husband and I have lived in the Phoenix, Arizona area for the last 18 years. We have two sons, 18 and 20 years old. I am a librarian in an elementary school. I love working with my students and had the privilege of setting up a library in a new school in our district this year." Sidonie A. Lee [78] reports: "I am in my second year as a substitute teacher and am pursuing a teaching license. I'm interested in 5th-7th grades, in any subject area. My son Ryan is 13 and my daughter Jacquie is 10. My husband, Phil, continues to run his very successful restaurant, the Greenbriar Inn in Boulder, Colorado." Paula Newsome [79], whose televison credits include such shows as City of Angels and Law and Order, appeared on the CBS show The Guardians, in March 2002.

Robyne Robinson [79] was the subject of a Minnesota Monthly (December 2001) feature, "R.R. on R & R ((How channe19s Robyne Robinson takes care of herself and puts her feet up." She was also featured on the cover of that issue.

liMy husband, Tom, and I decided to spend the Christmas holidays in a warm climate for a change, so it was on to the white sandy beaches of Maui for a much needed vacation."

Kevin C. Smith [87] says: liMy wife, Jana, and I now have two sons, Ethan, 2, and Aidan, 5 months. I have just recently become a parther in the law firm of Rubino Crosiner, Smith and Sersic in northwest Indiana."

Dale R. Richards [81] tells us: "Our daughter, Olivia, turned 6 in August. She has lost her first tooth; can ride her bike without training wheels; and she loves gymnastics and tumbling. Our son, Lincoln, aka "Zelda", aka "gym leader Lincoln," enjoys skiing, Karate, and swimming. Debra has recently joined Pharmacia -Upjohn and is training for triathalons. I just write the checks between shuttle stops."

Elizabeth Crosby Judson [89] is currently on an overseas assignment to Zhuhai, China for two years. She is a project manager for British Petroleum on a new $400 million chemical facility. She hopes all her classmates are doing well and she hopes they will keep in touch.

Frank Correll [82] says: "On August 16, 2002, Carrie Beth and I had our third child, a boy, Evan Glenn Curtis Correll. He weighed 9lbs. 10 oz. and was 20 inches long. Big brother Benjamin, 6 years old, and big sister Claire, 3 years old, welcomed their baby brother home."

Matthew F. Smith [91] and his wife, Kerie, have a baby daughter, Peyton (and a dog named Ditka), and still live in Los Angeles. He continues to do morning sports on KROG and appeared most recently on Fox Sports Network and in ESPN's documentary, Sidelines. His other job is at Dreamworks, where he promotes alternative music. He was recently named promoter of the year for the second year in a row by the national trade magazine.

Ronald Herbst [82] enjoyed his 20th reunion. He and his wife, Eleanor, have two sons Nathan (5) and Isaac (1). He is working at Digital Domain, where he leads teams of digital artists in creating digital effects for film and commerical projects.

Chante Stepney [92] says, "Hi all, I am currently a graduate student at Columbia College in Chicago. I am majoring in interdisciplinary arts, which is so amazing. For the past 3 years I have been actively involved with Eibur Music, Inc. which is my family's music

Timothy M. Murnane [83] reports: "My wife, Sarah, and I welcomed our third child, Matthew Michael Murnane, on March 22, 2001." Kimberly MarchMuntean [87] writes:

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publishing company. I am looking forward to our 10year reunion. Are we having one? I would love to help."

Jude I. Abbasi [97] says: "I had a beautiful baby girl on February 28, 2002. Her name is Tasneem Abbasi." Christine L.Johnson [97] graduated cum laude from Bradley in May 2002 with a degree in industrial engineering and has accepted a position with Caterpillar's logistics department in Morton, Illinois. Amal Agarwal [98] graduated six months early from Washington University, St. Louis, in December 2001 with a major in business and finance and a minor in biology. Sara M. Strasser [98] graduated with honors from University of Chicago in December 2001 with a degree in English literature and language. She is now teaching at Chavez elementary school and coaching the middle school girls' basketball team. Shaneah Taylor [01] writes: "I am attending Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey, where I am adjusting fine to my freshman year. Thank to Ms. Nolan, I have joined the gospel choir and we will be singing in Florida during Spring break this year. Thanks to Ms. Nolan, too, for opening up the opportunity for me to form the first gospel choir at MPA. I also plan to try out for the basketball team this season. Wish me luck, Coach Drahozal."

TAPS ~lt.IlO" [31], April 9, 2002. . . . . R~ [34],December 5, ZOO1. He was 85.

. . . ... .. . Mircnnthe University of Wisconsin~MadJJon wit1;l ~. ~gree in chemistry an(l/ . ~ emp~ir;. . .•. J hebelped develop the first wattf-based paint. Wilham lived in the HinSdak,ll~noHarea~~ ca~ wtul~ heheld.filanagement positions with various paint and steel companies. He was a U~S.Amly ca~·b! . .W~d~lt.~{\!iqti(NQrth Africa and Italy. . ...., . .' . . . . ..' .'!~.!: y . . ! ·... flIsfustwife, Martha Parrish, whom he ma.rried OctOberU, 1946 diMjUlle 6, 1987.. HetMtr)ed:Mariol)lOCk·

. 1;le·· . Sb ... .







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.......14[36], july 8, 2002.

.... ! ,! 1989-1991, and also servM on the 2001 capital campalgn planning COII1mitt~.!$UtVmhj wi~JJ.ifbMa, two sons, Roy and David, and a daughter, Susan. . ".' ..



'I)r....... William. GObert [42], May 22,2OOZ. He'WiS M1 optometrist in Elgin, illinois from 1951 to 1989. He is survived by Arlena, his wife of fifty.:.mne'ytm'$, a

sOn,.Ridph WWiamJr. and a daughter, Helen. ',i' •

....~ Douglas ThnlMrlake[46], July 5, 2002. '

.,Oha. BolUnaa [491, AprllZ7, 2001.


':~'.NeIIDa [511, a former executive with Carson piii~ Scott, june 30, 200Z. ,., '",


·····::.~~ _ _ [.),SePtember 8, 2002.

G"'_l. SklJatos (53], November 21, 2001. "




.:~ A. V...... [S1J, March 24, ZOO1.

... ... . . ,.He 'IN'aSililthe printing and decal busil1ess from the time he left high school until his_tit; 'Ju~'vo~ mdude his wife, Caroyln, and four children. ..., . v

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..!.N..~(#tv- Gilbert [59], July 20, 2001.

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, .. iSheJs stUvtved her sister, Pamela Cowan Gilbert (61). Classmate .Linda Haynie writes: ItPentiYloVe(l~.~~

LOrwg lQV~'her.'t '.

6twbJ~~JJedrtt!I, former MPA business maltager and Jather of Michael [94], May 8, ~~. ~~ert.mother of Sara (ZOOO),Atiili~.

- 33-

Annual Giving Fund 1873 Society - ($5,000.00 + ) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. J. William Adams Kole Family: Louis [48], Virginia Hess [ 49], Edward [53] and Kim [82] Sappenfield Mr. Kenneth [63] and Mrs. Linda Mortenson Dr. Hareth Raddawi and Dr. Ada I. Arias Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Story Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pruim, Jr. Sustainer's Circle - ($2,500.00 + ) Mr. Kshetij S. Patwa and Dr. Kathryn A. Bryan Mr. Jerome V. Frazel and Mrs. Nancy H. Wilder Mr. and Mrs. James G. Richmond Mr. and Mrs. James F. Seward Guardian Circle - ($1,000.00 +) Mr. and Mrs. John M. Atkinson Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred Boarden Mr. and Mrs. William H. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eichinger Dr. Don R. Fishman and Dr. Elizabeth J. Allen Mr. Michael J. Flannery and Ms. Susan M. Larson Dr. and Mrs. Richard Green Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunter Harrison Mr. and Mrs. John Hill Illinois Tool Works Foundation Dr. Wajid A. Khan and Dr. Rifat S. Khan Dr. and Mrs. Antoun Koht Mr. Kenneth Konecki Dr. and Mrs. Ajit N. Kumar Mr. and Mrs. David P. Lauryn Dr. Richard M. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Marmo Mr. and Mrs. William Mastro Dr. Edilberto Nepomuceno and Dr. Arsenia Nepomuceno Mr. and Mrs. Richard o. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Olivieri

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Petkus Mr. and Mrs. Rodd Rasmussen SBC Foundation Dr. William Schwer and Mrs. Mary Pat Benz Mr. Walter [62] and Mrs. Kathleen Snodell Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Taft Mr. and Mrs. John Tubutis Academy Partner - ($500.00 + ) 3Com Corporation Dr. and Mrs. Anil Agarwal Ms. Lynn Alleruzzo and Ms. Charlene Crotty Mrs. Harriet Arnold Dr. Surendra B. Avula and Dr. Sunitha R. Avula Mr. and Mrs. David K. Barclay Dr. Garfield C. Batchelor and Dr. Minakshi Joshi Mr. Vernon E. Bell and Ms. Adrienne Henry Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Bertoletti Mr. and Mrs. John A. Biel Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bielinski Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Black Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bollacker, Jr. BP Amoco Foundation, Inc. Dr. James Bray and Dr. Linda Janus Mrs. Maggie Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Javier Casimiro Dr. Sandeep Chandra and Dr. Madhulika Saxena Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Churchill Citigroup Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ted D. Cohen Ms. Claire Concannon [85] Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Costin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Cullina Mr. and Mrs. Grant W. Currier Mr. and Mrs. Frank Czarkowski Dr. and Mrs. Juanito Dalisan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dissette Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dryjanski

- 34-

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Edwards Dr. and Mrs. William J. Ennis Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Erzen Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzgerald Ms. Margaret Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Demetrios Gatsinos Mr. Jeffrey Gilbert and Ms. Malinda Steele Dr. Jayant Ginde and Dr. Sunita Ginde Mr. Steven and Mrs. Sara [71] Grassi Mr. and Mrs. John A. Groebe Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Leonard K. Hoyles Mr. Michael H. Hyatt and Mrs. LaVonia M. Ousley-Hyatt Mrs. Celeste R. James Dr. and Mrs. John A. Kalapurakal Dr. John T. Keane and Dr. Shirley A. Maides-Keane Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keelan Mr. Kermit [73] and Mrs. Rose Ann Kelly Kirkland &: Ellis Mr. James Kowalsky and Dr. Vicki Williams Mr. and Mrs. George W. Kruchko Dr. Muhammad M. Kudaimi and Dr. Randa A. Loutfi Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey G. Lacina Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie T. Lewis Dr. Rachel Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. Mark Linnerud Dr. Michael Linton and Dr. Bernadette Linton Mr. and Mrs. Minas E. Litos Mr. Greg Lochow Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long Prof. and Mrs. Errol M. Magidson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marovitch Mr. and Mrs. Ervin A. Moo-Young Dr. and Mrs. Daniel]. O'Reilly Dr. and Mrs. Richard O'Young Mr. and Mrs. Joel T. Pelz

Dr. Peter Perrotta and Dr. Sharon Kraus Dr. ljaz Qayyum and Dr. Naheed Qayyum Mr. and Mrs. Terence Raser Dr. and Mrs. Antanas G. Razma Dr. and Mrs. Gerardo Reyes Major and Mrs. Archie L. Roundtree, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael]. Ruff Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sipich Dr. and Mrs. Chidambaram Srinivasan Mr. Aloysius Stonitsch and Mrs. Helen Witt Dr. and Mrs. Krishna Sunkara Mr. and Mrs. Richard Szkarlat Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Vasquez Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Volkmann Mr. and Mrs. William Walker Mr. and Mrs. William Watson Mr. Mark [79] and Mrs. Jeri Wiegel Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Wladyslaw Wodziak Ms. Linda Wolgamott Mr. and Mrs. James E. Woods, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Yaksic Mr. and Ms. Robert Zaniolo Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Zidek Century Club - ($100.00 +) Anonymous Mrs. Madonna Abdishi [63] Dr. and Mrs. Andre Artis Mr. and Mrs. Stuart B. Baum Mr. Robert [67] Mrs. lona Beatty Mr. James c. Bremer and Ms. Margaret O'Brien-Breme Dr. and Mrs. Larry G. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Browne Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Jack Butler Ms. Karen Butler-Cook [80] Mr. and Mrs. David L. Case Mr. and Mrs. Sanjiv Chadha Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chappelle Dr. and Mrs. Muhammad Chishty Mr. Steven Clark and Mrs. Janet Raymond Mr. Robert A. Cook Mrs. Carol P. Coston [75] Mr. and Mrs. John M. Craven

Mrs. Dorothy Cross-Straughter Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Danielewicz Dr. C. Elise Duffy Mr. and Mrs. George Eck, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Edison Mr. Larry Ekstrom Mr. and Mrs. John Enright Mr. and Mrs. Leo C. Frontera Mr. and Mrs. Clarke M. Gillespie ,III Mr. Eric T. Bell and Mrs. Sherry Grutzius Mr. James Hansen and Mrs. Roseann de la Paz-Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Harmening Hawkinson Ford Mr. and Mrs. Peter Heldak Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hill Mr. Anthony [77] and Mrs. Katherine Kavouris Dr. and Mrs. Edmund Kearney Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Barry Kritzberg Dr. George Kuehn and Dr. Eileen J. Stenzel Mr. Ralph G. Larson and Mrs. Beverly L. Ash-Larson Ms. Susan Levin Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Lewandowski Mr. and Mrs. Baudilio Lopez Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Luetkehans Mr. Thomas Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Maloney Dr. and Mrs. Savio Manatt Ms. Susan Mangels Ms. Connie McGee Mr. Darryl R. McGee and Mrs. A. Michel Phillips-McGee Mr. and Mrs. Gregory McGowan Ms. Kari Misulonas [82] Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mulchrone Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Newell Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Q. Nolan Ms. Susan Oczkowski Mr. Marc E. Odier and Mrs. Marilyn E. Hanzal Mr. Anthony Austin and Mrs. Priscilla Paris-Austin [85] Mr. and Mrs. Carl N. Pettigrew Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Pietrus Dr. Audrius V. Plioplys and Dr. Sigita Plioplys

- 35 -

Ms. Jennifer Pool Mr. and Mrs. Prince A. Qualls Mr. and Mrs. Chirumamill P. Rao Dr. and Mrs. Mohammad A. Razzaque Mr. and Mrs. James A. Reddington Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Reed In name of Savannah Mae Ruff Mr. William D. Rundle [47] Mr. and Mrs. Michael Salerno Mr. and Mrs. John Somerville Mr. and Mrs. Mariano L. Sori-Marin Target Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Taylor The Prudential Foundation Mr. Charles E. Thompson Mr. Ricardo M. Tostado and Mrs. Jacqueline V. Cibils Trans Union, LLC Ms. Pamela L. White Mr. and Mrs. Byron L. Williams Mr. Pearson F. Williams Jr. [58] Mr. and Mrs. Guy J. Wolgamott Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Yeskis Contributor - ($99.00 ) Mrs. Margaret Allison Ms. Ann B. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Catania Ms. Melissa Frew Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Gagnon Mr. and Mrs. David Goesel Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Haley Mrs. Sharon Jeffrey Mr. E. J. Konker Mr. and Mrs. David L. Madigan Oberweis Dairy Rev. William O'Donnell Mr. Robert Reid [36] Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Sarabia Dr. and Mrs. Mahendra Shah Ms. Susan Shimmin [66] Dr. Leon A. Slota and Dr. Susan J. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. John Toomey Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Vega Mr. Kevin E. Waller and Mrs. Jean M. Roche Ms. Jean Waterman Ms. Rolanda Watson Mrs. Lyna M. Williams

Gifts In Kind Mr. and Mrs. J. William Adams Mrs. Harriet Arnold Mr. and Mrs. David K. Barclay Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Black Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred Boarden Ms. Rosemary Brannin Mr. James C. Bremer and Ms. Margaret O'Brien-Bremer Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Brown Mr. and Mrs. Craig Byrd Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Churchill Mr. Brian [79] and Mrs. Maria Coller Mr. and Mrs. William Collins Ms. Claire Concannon [85] Mrs. Carol P. Coston [75] Country House Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. John M. Craven Mr. John Cvengros Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Dillon Ms. Sandra Drabant Mr. and Mrs. David Edison Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eichinger Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Gagnon Mr. Matthew Gallagher Mrs. Arlena Gilbert

Mr. Jeffrey Gilbert and Ms. Malinda Steele Mr. and Mrs. James Gillies Dr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Greene Ms. Myrtle Guice Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Harmening Mr. David Hibbs and Dr. Maria Hibbs Mr. and Mrs. John Hill Ms. Dawn Hillstrom Mr. Robert E. Nolan and Mrs. Daryce Hoff-Nolan Hudson's R & R Hyperion Solutions Johnson, Jones, Snelling, Gilbert & Davis Mr. and Mrs. David A. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Antoun Koht Mr. James Kowalsky and Dr. Vicki Williams Mr. and Mrs. Barry Kritzberg Learning Techniques, Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Lis Mr. Thomas Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Maloney Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mikulski

MPA 5th Grade MPA Mothers' Club Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Olivieri Mr. Terrence Peigh [71] Mr. Bruce Posey R.W. Collins Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Terence Raser Dr. and Mrs. Gerardo Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Carl Riggenbach Mr. and Mrs. Randy Robertson Mr. Michael H. Rogers [69] and Ms. Karin Nelson-Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Reno Rosi Mr. and Mrs. Michael Salerno Roy M. Schoenbrod Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sheehy Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sipich Skidmore Owings and Merrill Mr. Jim Smenos Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith COL and Mrs. Leroy Stephens Jr. Ms. Martha H. Swift [52] Mr. and Mrs. William Watson Mr. and Mrs. George R. Yaksic Mr. Kevin S. Zigman and Ms. Rebecca L. Bernal

Funds Claudette LeRose Scholarship Fund Ms. Claire Concannon [85] Martin Wolf Scholarship Fund Ms. Claire Concannon [85] Jerome A. Thrall Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mazza Mr. and Mrs. A. Jay Thrall Mr. J. Christopher Thrall Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeffrey Thrall Mr. and Mrs. J. Randall Thrall Mr. Richard L. Weinberger and Ms. Nancy B. Thrall

Capt. Francis S. Gray Fund The Martha G. Moore Foundation, Inc. Mr. C. Robert [39] and Mrs. Sandra Tully Crist Family Fund Robert & Barbara Crist Foundation Kole Family Fund The Kole Family

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Designated Gifts Mr. and Mrs. J. William Adams Ms. Jean Doyle [79] Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eichinger Ms. Sydney Fishman [2012] Mr. David and Dr. Maria Hibbs Dr. and Mrs. Antoun Koht Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pettigrew Ralph E. Steinbarth [81] Mr. and Mrs. George Yaksic

Alumni Dues Ralph E. Schram [33] Julian 1. Barish [34] Donald C. Carner [35] Robert Reid [36] Roy (dec.) M. Schoenbrod [36] William C. Boehm [37] Charles F. Bacon [38] Rudolph Hurwich [38] Robert J. Keefer [39] Arthur J. Kralovec [39] George 1. Lamparter [39] Price O. Reinert [39] Arthur C. Teichner [39] C. Robert Tully [39] Stanley G. Tylman [39] Robert B. Woolson [39] Richard 1. Duchossois [40] Loren D. Sexauer [40] Howard F. Weckel [40] Harry Bohnett [41] Donald M. Badziong [42] George Froemke [42] Philip C. Freund [42] Charles W. Getz [42] William M. Hutchins [42] William T. Kettering [42] Frank A. Major [42] James E. Smith [42] Van C. Argiris [43] Stanley Balzekas [43] Robert A. Crombie [43] Charles (dec.) F. Everett [43] Joseph Grassi [43] William W. Keefer [43] Gail [Frew] Martin [43] Richard S. Phillips [43] Robert M. St. Pierre [43] Asa M. Bacon [44] Dawson (dec.) V. Forbes [44] Walter H. Page [44] Jerome A. Thrall [44] Robert A. Whitfield [44] Richard 1. Berliner [45] Fleming W. Flott [45] Jerome S. Levin [45] Ralph D. Schiller [45] Gene R. Simonson [45] Theodore D. Vlahos [45] Robert E. Bowyer [46] Paul E. Byron [46] Frederick D. Kitch [46]

Robert Shetler [46] John F. Aberson [47] Allen M. Andreasen [47] C. J. Economos [47] Karion J. Fitzpatrick [47] Russell Pisle [47] John F. Stewart [47] H. Lincoln Vehmeyer [47] Philip R. Cree [48] Francis E. Flynn [48] Robert B. Gamble [48] Harry J. Hager [48] Louis J. Kole [48] Ronald R. McCormick [48] Stanley Nichols [48] Lawrence A. Novak [48] M. 1. Tew [48] Thomas 1. Tiernan [48] William A. Giannos [49] Frederick W. Koberna [49] William F. Liptak [49] Lewis G. Rundle [49] Ronald E. Seavoy [49] Barbara [Wing] Buikema [50] Dewitt C. Casey [50] RobertJ. Cecrle [50] Eldon Hartman [50] Walter S. Hofman [50] Terry R. Johnson [50] James E. Meck [50] John S. Novak [50] Michael E. Pontarelli [50] Jerrold Voss [50] George E. Wiegel [50] John M. Kahoun [51] John 1. Kitch [51] Harold A. Boex [52] Frank A. Burd [52] Charles D. Cresap [52] William V. Gaps [52] Betty J. [Wollenberg] Poetker-Short [52] Robert E. Rolfe [52] Martha H. Swift [52] Betty [Bollhoffer] Zeilstra [52] Carole [Lundren] Currey [53] John T. Fehlandt [53] Arthur C. Gorlick [53] Edward C. Kole [53] Patrick M. Lonergan [53] John Bacino [54] Star Eigelberner [54]

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James T. Goss [54] Robert E. Hartman [54] George A. Mahon [54] Peter W. Voss [54] Milton T. Hansen [55] Edward R. Johnson [55] Jay Kennedy [55] Mark C. Klein [55] GeorgeJ. Pappas [55] Arthur J. Canfield [56] George G. Krivsky [56] Ronald V. Aitchison [57] Jerry D. Bowden [57] John C. Mateer [57] Judy [Crawford] Stahl [57] Richard F. Vitkus [57] JuliusJ. Zschau [57] Virginia [Miletic] Ferrell [58] Edward P. Haney [58] Kenneth R. Mack [58] Kenneth B. Thomson [58] Pearson F. Williams [58] Dianne [Holmberg] Bastian [59] Linda 1. Haynie [59] Dabney [Woodley] Hoon [59] Charles A. Junkunc [59] EugeneJ. Katz [59] Karen [Rodighier] Junkunc [60] Janet Wiegel-Elmore [60] Michael D. McClure [60] Bruce Burmeister [61] Eric M. Gustavson [61] Robert W. Guilford [61] JamesJ. Mitchell [61] Ron Pearce [61] Edward A. Rund [61] William Springer [61] John M. Stack [61] Judy [Krause] Wick [61] Kathryn McEachern Baker [62] Charlotte [Welton] Singer [62] Madonna [Farmer] Abdishi [63] Jeffrey Fox [63] Robin Goss [63] Richard E. Jennings [63] Kenneth Mortenson [63] Joel Tornabeni [63] Frederick V. Favor [64] Kingston W. Heath [64] Fred H. Montgomery [64] Suzanne [Richards] Von Behren [64]

Allen DeNormandie [65] John S. Erickson [65] Margie A. Nicholson [65] judith [Hennan] Orzechowski [65] John A. Wass [65] Henry P. Welton [65] Keith W. johnson [66] Ruth [Dreyfuss] Crane [67] Dana Green [67] David M. Honor [67] Jerome M. Levit [67] David R. Rosi [67] Thomas Theodore [67] Warren E. Zander [67] Janet [Wolk] Muzatko [68] Guy D. Rohe [68] Robert Rosi [68] James T. Slama [68] Sue [Vlasis] Hale [69] john E. Hom [69] Gus L. Kumis [69] Michael H. Rogers [69] Sue [Tuthill] Schiess [69] Robert C. Crist [70] Steven L. Delaveris [70] Julie [Coffeen] Rudawsky [70] Carol [Evans] Foster [71] Ellen [Weiss] Rissman [71] Lauri M. Salovaara [71] William B. Semmer [71] james G. Tuthill [71] Marilyn Meunier [72] Robert Montgomery [72] Susanne [Gnikla] Panovich [72] Timothy N. Troy [72] James A. Fitch [73] Deborah [Wagner] Fuhlbrugge [73] Bruce C. Hamper [73] Barbara D. Hoffman [73] Kermit O. Kelly [73] Ruth [Davis] Maki [73] Don W. Norton [73] Maria [Burnett] Thomas [74] Mary L. Derwinski [74] Nancy [Montgomery] Runyon [74] Carol P. Coston [75] John L. Daniels [75] Alexandra [Levin] Zizmor [76] Eileen [Strenk] Hofstetter [76] Linda M. Weinfield [76] Paula [Wognum] Corbin [77] Kimberly K. Duffek [77] Anthony Kavouris [77] Diane [Wagner] Nippoldt [77] jeff Roberts [77] Allison [Reitz] Smith [77]

Tania Tour-Sarkissian [77] David Wilkinson [77] Patricia Martinez [78] David A. Jones [78] Sidonie A. Lee [78] Ellen [Fahrer] Nedzel [78] Susan [Waitkus] Westcott [78] Jean Doyle [79] Gregory A. Dumanian [79] Debbie Jacques [79] Diane L. Kumarich [79] Brian T. Bye [80] Karen Butler-Cook [80] Gerald Gately [80] Patricia [Argiris] Mamone [80] Karen [Schulenberg] Meersman [80] Michelle M. Murphy [80] Pamela Panos-Volk [80] Dawne [Rogers] Davis [81] F. Morgan Gasior [81] Robert L. Goes [81] Anthony R. Mackevicius [81] Mary B. OToole [81] Dale R. Richards [81] Paul Chronis [82] Frank Correll [82] James Doljanin [82] Mary [Resman] Guthrie [82] Ronald Herbst [82] Kari [Higginson] Misulonas [82] Bruce C. Rolfe [82] Kim [Kole] Sappenfield [82] Carrie A. Swearingen [82] Mary [Vallortigara] Andersen [83] Bertram J. Hoddinott [83] Scott Lee [83] Timothy M. Murnane [83] Steve Petso [83] james C. Correll [84] Claire Concannon [85] Priscilla Paris-Austin [85] Tara [Brigham] Allen [86] James Butler [86] Hope Concannon [86] Armen Hovanessian [86] Jennifer Kraft [86] Jonathan L. Salmons [86] Charmaine [Stopka] Lowe [86] PaulaJ. Cuadros-Roche [87] Kimberly March-Muntean [87] Kevin C. Smith [87] Stephen J. Black [88] Stephen Dudley [88] Aerica C. Love [88] Heather [Black] Gregg [89] Wendy Heilman [89]

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Nikhil R. Rangaraj [89] Monika Sharma [89] Steven Vandiver [89] Jennifer [Coyne] Cassata [90] Rachel Cuadros-Steigbigel [90] Amy [Danielewicz] McCombs [90] Angela Rosiak [91] Jason Ervin [92] Deborah Jurado [92] Chante Stepney [92] Benjamin W. Von Fischer [92] Elham L. Abdishi [93] Latania Broyls [93] Julie Cuadros [93] Jodi [Kapjon] Gaertner [93] Elizabeth M. Hendel [94] Jennifer Matz [94] Daniela Ford Silaides [94] Joseph Bertoletti [95] Timnetra Burruss [95] Mark Dinos [95] Shara Harris [95] Kimberly Reed [95] Genevieve DiCola [96] Todd Schorle [96] Jude I. Abbasi [97] Daniel W. JarviS [97] Christine L. Johnson [97] Matthew M. Klarich [97] Danielle R. Mondschean [97] Amal Agarwal [98] Samantha C. Chears [98] Jonathan D. Freeman [98] Sara M. Strasser [98] Michael Webb [98] Stacey Dugan [99] Bennett Kalafut [99] Yara Koht [99] Anup Patel [99] Christina Rogers [99] Ellen Tatro-Mendoza [99] Bonnie Yap [99] Jason Freeman [00] Peggy Gatsinos [00] Jeffrey Johnson [00] Ryan Chappell [01] Nicholas N. Elliott [01] Michele Jeffrey [01] Cristofer Kowalsky [01] David Kudla [01] Jaclyn Mortimer [01] Shaneah Taylor [01] Elizabeth Toomey [01] Melissa Tribue [01] Victoria E. Yeskis [01]

Salute to Excellence Platinum Society - ($5,000.00 + ) Dr. Benjamin Coglianese Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lambrecht Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Olivieri Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pruim, Jr. Gold Society - ($2,500.00 + ) Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bielinski Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred Boarden Dr. and Mrs. Richard Green Mr. David Hibbs and Dr. Maria Hibbs Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Michael Salerno Ms. Linda Wolgamott Silver Society - ($1,000.00 + ) Mr. and Mrs. J. William Adams Mr. and Mrs. John A. Biel Mr. James c. Bremer and Ms. Margaret O'Brien-Bremer Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Erzen Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fuller Mr. Jeffrey Gilbert and Ms. Malinda Steele Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guminski Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hart Dr. and Mrs. Antoun Koht Mr. Kenneth Konecki Dr. and Mrs. Ajit N. Kumar Mr. and Mrs. Minas E. Litos Dr. and Mrs. Danilo Martinez Sample Medical Center Mr. Bryan M. Spencer and Mrs. Pamela Randle-Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Thomas Dr. Samir Y. Wassef and Dr. Wafaa G.Hanna Bronze Society - ($500.00 + ) Mrs. Margaret Allison Dr. Terrence Bartolini and Dr. Carol Braun Mr. Vernon E. Bell and Ms. Adrienne Henry Mr. and Mrs. John Cater Mr. and Mrs. Sanjiv Chadha Mr. and Mrs. Ted D. Cohen

Lisa Nichols, Kermit and Rose Kelly at Salute 2002.

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

and Mrs. William H. Collins and Mrs. Gerald Costin and Mrs. John M. Craven and Mrs. Jean-Raymond Desruisseaux, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dryjanski Mr. and Mrs. George Eck, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eichinger Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Engelien Mr. Matthew Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Clarke M. Gillespie ,III Dr. Jayant Ginde and Dr. Sun ita Ginde Mr. Steven and Mrs. Sara [71] Grassi

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Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Harmening Mr. Cornel W. Hunter and Mrs. Valerie T. Cadenhead Mr. Michael H. Hyatt and Mrs. LaVonia M. Ousley-Hyatt Dr. John T. Keane and Dr. Shirley A. Maides-Keane Mr. Kermit [73] and Mrs. Rose Ann Kelly Mr. James Kowalsky and Dr. Vicki Williams Mr. and Mrs. David P. Lauryn Dr. Richard M. Lewis Marina Cartage, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Marmo

Mr. and Mrs. William Mastro Mat Leasing, Inc. MPA Fathers' Club MPA Mothers' Club Mr. Richard A. Nelson and Mrs. Kathryn Zeledon-Nelson Dr. and Mrs. Richard O'Young Mr. Marc E. Odier and Mrs. Marilyn E. Hanzal Dr. Peter Perrotta and Dr. Sharon Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Albert Petkus Mr. and Mrs. Carl N. Pettigrew Dr. Hareth Raddawi and Dr. Ada 1. Arias Mr. and Mrs. Rodd Rasmussen Dr. and Mrs. Mohammad A. Razzaque Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Reidy Mr. and Mrs. James G. Richmond Mr. Michael H. Rogers [69] and Ms. Karin Nelson-Rogers Salute Tea Mr. and Mrs. James F. Seward Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sipich Mr. Michael Skerniskis and Ms. Pam Orda Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Taft Ms. Angenette Thomas Ms. Barbara Thomas Mr. Jerome [44] and Mrs. Lynn Thrall Mr. and Mrs. John Tubutis Mr. and Mrs. RobertJ. Volkmann Mr. and Mrs. George R. Yaksic Mr. and Ms. Robert Zaniolo Gala Club - ($100.00 + )

19th Ward Democratic Organization Dr. and Mrs. Anil Agarwal Alderman Ginger Rugai Youth Fund Alliance Realty Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Ariana Mrs. Harriet Arnold Atlantis Tile & Marble Mr. Daniel Baltierra Mr. Stanley Balzekas, Jr. [43] Mr. and Mrs. David K. Barclay Mr. Vincent Bardis Mr. and Mrs. JeremiahJ. Barry Dr. Garfield C. Batchelor and Dr. Minakshi Joshi

Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Bertoletti Beverly Area Planning Association Beverly Theatre Guild Dr. and Mrs. Larry G. Brown Dr. George Bryar and Ms. Nancy Reilly Ms. Shirley Bumba Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Burnett Calumet Paint & Wallpaper, Inc. Mr. Donald [35] and Mrs. Hazel Carner Casino Tours & Charters, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Catania Chas J. Klees Golf Shop Dr. Brian O'Leary and Dr. Elaine Cheng Dr. and Mrs. Bhupindar Chhabra Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Churchill Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Clott Mrs. Carol P. Coston [75] Country House Restaurant County Fair Foods Mrs. Pat S. Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Cullina Mr. and Mrs. Grant W. Currier Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dal Corobbo Dr. and Mrs. George Dangles Desmond & Ahem, P.c. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dissette Mr. and Mrs. William Dods Mr. David Bonnan and Mrs. Jean Doyle [79] Ms. Sandra Drabant Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Driscoll Mr. Ronald [79] and Mrs. Wendy Drynan,Jr. Mr. Stephen Dudley Dr. C. Elise Duffy Mr. and Mrs. George Eck, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ehlers F & B Construction First Attorney Consultants, Ltd. Dr. Don R. Fishman and Dr. Elizabeth J. Allen Mr. Steve Fiske Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzgerald Ms. Margaret Fitzpatrick Mr. Michael J. Flannery and Ms. Susan M. Larson Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Frank Ms. Verlane Franklin Mrs. Ruth Fuss Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Gagnon Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Garaffo

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Mr. and Mrs. James Gillies Mr. Eric M. Gustavson [61] Ms. Patricia Hibbs Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Higgins Mr. Robert E. Nolan and Mrs. Daryce Hoff-Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Leonard K. Hoyles Mr. Anthony Humphrey and Mrs. Leah Offutt-Humphrey J & G Builders Mrs. Celeste R. James Java Express Johnson, Jones, Snelling, Gilbert & Davis Mr. and Mrs. David A. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Jordan Dr. and Mrs. John A. Kalapurakal Dr. Wajid A. Khan and Dr. Rifat S. Khan Mr. Frederick [46] and Mrs. Beverly Kitch Mr. Frederick [49] and Mrs. Arlene Koberna Ms. Ann Konecki Ms. Joyce Krause Mr. and Mrs. Barry Kritzberg Dr. George Kuehn and Dr. Eileen J. Stenzel Mr. Ron Kusek Ms. Tina Kusek Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey G. Lacina Ms. Maria Lanier Mr. Larry Larkin and Dr. Robin Snead-Larkin Latsko Properties, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Lewandowski Dr. Rachel Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. Mark Linnerud Little Company of Mary Hospital Mr. Greg Lochow Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Maloney Ms. Susan Mangels Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Marmo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marovitch Mr. Robert E. McGuire [48] McNellis and Company Meadows Golf Club of Blue Island Mr. and Mrs. David A. Mekarski Midwest Anesthesiologists, Ltd. Midwest Surgical Group, S.c. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mikulski Morgan Park Auto Service

MPA/MPMA Alumni Association Ms. Yvonne Mullins Orthospine Center, Ltd. Ms. Lynda Pariso Mr. Richard B. Patrick and Dr. Nanette James-Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Joel T. Pelz Ms. Marianne Piet Dr. Audrius V. Plioplys and Dr. Sigita Plioplys Mr. and Mrs. Terence Raser Dr. and Mrs. Antanas G. Razma Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Reed Mr. Robert Reid [36] Robin Philip Jesk & Associates Dr. Vytas Bindokas and Ms. Jean Rush [74] Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ryan Dr. James J. Rydel and Dr. Valerie C. Walker Mr. Lauri M. Salovaara [71] Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Sarabia Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Schmidt Ms. Marsha Schopper Mr. William [71] and Mrs. Mary Semmer Ms. Susan Shimmin [66] Dr. Leon A. Slota and Dr. Susan J. Lambert Ms. Judy Stahl [57] Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Staszak State Farm Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Jason Stone Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Strasser Mr. and Mrs. John E. Stratta Mr. and Mrs. John Stratta Mr. and Mrs. Richard Szkarlat Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Taylor Mr. Allan Teske Mr. Robert A. Tetu [36] The Taub Eye Center, S.c. The Ultimate Smile Mrs. Winnie Theodore Mrs. Brenda Thomas-Asaju Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Thompson, III Thompson & Kuenster Funeral Home Tinley Park Frozen Foods Mr. and Mrs. John Toomey Ms. Jean Tourville Ms. Lucinda Trice Dr. and Mrs. Dinker Trivedi Mr. Julius Tucker and Mrs. Jennifer Holt-Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Vasquez Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon Wallach

Mr. Kevin E. Waller and Mrs. Jean M. Roche Mrs.JudyK. Wick [61] Mr. Mark [79] and Mrs. Jeri Wiegel Mr. and Mrs. Damon G. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Williams Ms. Louella Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winter Dr. Leon [65] and Mrs. Kay Witkowski, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wladyslaw Wodziak Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wolgamott Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Zidek

Friends - (-$99.00 ) Mr. John [47] and Mrs. Patricia Aberson Mr. Amal Agarwal [98] COL Allen [47] and Mrs. Ursula Andreasen USMC(Ret.) Dr. Surendra B. Avula and Dr. Sunitha R. Avula Mr. Charles [38] and Mrs. Dororty Bacon Mr. Donald M. Badziong [42] Dr. Julian [34] and Mrs. Judith Barish Mrs. Dianne L. Bastian [59] COL William [37] and Mrs. Reva Boehm USA(Ret) Mr. Harold [52] and Mrs. Mary Helen Boex Mr. Harry Bohnett [41] Mr. Jerry [57] and Mrs. Virginia Bowden Brach's Auto Center, Inc. Ms. Stephanie Bryant Mr. Brian T. Bye [80] Mr. Paul E. Byron [46] Mr. RobertJ. Cecrle [50] Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Cobbs Ms. Claire Concannon [85] Ms. Hope Concannon [86] Mr. Robert A. Crandall [68] Mr. Philip [48] and Mrs. Gilda Cree Mr. Robert [70] and Mrs. Bonnie Crist IV Mr. Robert [43] and Mrs. Morag Crombie Ms. Julie Cuadros [93] Mr. Glenn Steigbigel and Mrs. Rachel Cuadros-Steigbigel [90] Major Dawne M. Davis, USA [81]

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Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Delaney Dr. Steven [70] and Mrs. Kelly Delaveris Mr. Allen [65] and Mrs. Peggy DeNormandie Ms. Mary L. Derwinski [74] Mr. Richard L. Duchossois [40] Ms. Stacey Dugan [99] Dr. Gregory [79] and Mrs. Randa Dumanian Mr. C. J. [47] and Mrs. Alice Economos El Jardin Mexican Restaurant Mr. Jason Ervin [92] Mr. Charles (dec.) Everett [43] Mr. John [53] and Mrs. Patricia Fehlandt Ms. Virginia M. Ferrell [58] Mr. Karion [47] and Mrs. Doris Fitzpatrick Mr. Fleming W. Flott [45] Mr. Francis [48] and Mrs. Dolores Flynn Mr. Dawson (dec.) V. Forbes [44] Mr. Jeffrey Fox [63] CAPT George Froemke USA (Ret.) [42] Mrs. Deborah S. Fuhlbrugge [73] Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fuller Mr. William V. Gaps [52] Mr. F. Morgan [81] and Mrs. Gasior Mr. Gerald Gately [80] Ms. Peggy Gatsinos [00] Dr. Charles [42] and Mrs. Vicki Getz Mr. William A. Giannos [49] Mr. Joseph Grassi [43] Mr. Thomas Clancy and Ms. Dana Green [67] Mr. Harry J. Hager,Jr. [48] Mr. Edward P. Haney [58] Mr. Eldon Hartman [50] Mr. Robert E. Hartman [54] Hillside Chatham Florist Dr. Walter [50] and Mrs. Ellen Hofman Mr. John E. Hom [69] and Ms. H. Elizabeth Kelley Mr. Rudolph Hurwich [38] Mr. William M. Hutchins [42] Indiana State University Dr. Edward [55] and Ms. Lizbeth R.Johnson Mr. Keith W. Johnson [66]

Dr. Terry [SO] and Mrs. Janet Johnson Mr. David [78] and Mrs. Socorro Jones, Jr. Mr. Charles A. Junkunc [59] Mr. John [51] and Mrs. Kathleen Kahoun Mr. Anthony [77] and Mrs. Katherine Kavouris COL RobertJ. Keefer USA (Ret.) [39] Mr. William [43] and Mrs. Gayle Keefer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keelan Mr. William [42] and Mrs. Anna Kettering Dr. John [51] and Mrs. Betsy Kitch, Jr. Mr. Edward C. Kole [53] Mr. Louis [48] and Mrs. Virginia [49] Kole Mr. and Mrs. John Kozlow Mr. Arthur [39] and Mrs. Dolores Kralovec Mr. George G. Krivsky [56] Mr. Ralph G. Larson and Mrs. Beverly L. Ash-Larson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Lazo Mr. Scott Lee [83] Mr. and Mrs. Jerome [45] and Mrs. Elaine Levin Mr. Jerome M. Levit [67] Ms. Peggy Lewis Mr. William [49] and Mrs. May Liptak Mr. Patrick [53] and Mrs. Gloria Lonergan Mr. Kenneth [58] and Mrs. Barbara Mack Mr. and Mrs. David L. Madigan Mr. George A. Mahon Jr. [54] Mr. Frank [42] and Mrs. Betty Major Mr. John [57] and Mrs. Nancy Mateer Mr. Michael [60] and Mrs. Brenda McClure Mr. James [SO] and Mrs. Marty Meck Mr. Robert Montgomery [72] Mr. and Mrs. James Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Niko Mourgelas Mr. Timothy M. Murnane [83] Ms. Michelle M. Murphy [80] Mr. Stanley Nichols [48] Mr. John S. Novak [SO]

Mr. Lawrence [48] and Mrs. Sheila Novak Rev. William J. O'Donnell Ortigara Musicville Mr. and Mrs. Mario Ortiz Panamericana Auto Parts & Repair Ms. Pamela Panos-Volk [80] Mr. David and Mrs. Susanne [72] Panovich Mr. George J. Pappas, Jr. [55] Mr. Anup Patel [99] Patio Restaurant Mr. Russell [47] and Mrs. Margaret Pisle, Jr. Mr. Michael E. Pontarelli [SO] Mr. and Mrs. Charles Powell Mr. and Mrs. Prince A. Qualls Mr. Nikhil R. Rangaraj [89] Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Reiter Mr. Dale [81] and Mrs. Debra Richards Mr. and Mrs. Carl Riggenbach Mr. Robert E. Rolfe [52] Mr. Robert [68] and Mrs. Mary Rosi Mr. Lewis G. Rundle [49] Mr. C. Gary and Mrs. Sue [69] Schiess Roy (dec.) M. Schoenbrod [36] Mr. Loren D. Sexauer [40] COL Gene [45] and Mrs. Ruth Simonson Ms. Charlotte Singer [62] Mr. James E. Smith [42] Mr. William Springer [61] Mr. Robert [43] and Mrs. Betty St. Pierre Mr. John [61] and Mrs. Cynthia Stack Ms. Martha H. Swift [52] Mr. Arthur [39] and Mrs. Cory Teichner Mr. Bill Tervo Mr. M. L. Tew [48] Mr. Kenneth B. Thomson [58] Mr. Thomas L. Tieman [48] Mr. C. Robert [39] and Mrs. Sandra Tully Dr. Stanley [39] and Mrs. Mary Tylman Mr. H. Lincoln [47] and Mrs. Nancy Vehmeyer, Jr. Mr. Richard F. Vitkus [57] Mr. Theodore [45] and Mrs. Penelope Vlahos Mr. Peter [54] and Mrs. Janet Voss

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Walsh Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James Wardlaw Ms. Jean Waterman Mr. Michael Webb [98] Dr. Linda M. Weinfield [76] Mr. Henry [65] and Mrs. Page Welton, III Mr. Craig and Mrs.Susan [78] Westcott Mr. George [SO] and Mrs. Carolyn Wiegel, Jr. Mrs. Janet Wiegel-Elmore [60] Mr. Pearson F. Williams Jr. [58] Mr. Warren [67] and Mrs. Nancy Zander Mrs. Alexandra Zizmor [76]

Gifts in Kind Mr. and Mrs.J. William Adams Adler Planetarium Astronomy Museum Mrs. Margaret Allison Anne Rice Antioch College Apple Tree Theatre Auditorium Theatre Augustana College Ball State University Bally Total Fitness Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Barber Baskin Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Stuart B. Baum Mr. Vernon E. Bell and Ms. Adrienne Henry Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Berkey Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Bertoletti Beverly Woods Restaurant Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bielinski Mr. James c. Bremer and Ms. Margaret O'Brien-Bremer Butch McGuire's Tavern Butler University Mr. and Mrs. Jack Butler CEO College Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Catania Charlie Trotter's Restaurant Chicago Architecture Foundation Chicago Children's Museum Chicago Historical Society Chicago State University Chicago White Sox Chicago Wolves Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Clott Cole Taylor Bank Columbia College Comedy Sportz

Country House Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. John M. Craven Creighton University Dairyland Greyhound Park Ms. Cynthia De Bois-Davis Ms. Sandra Drabant Drury Lane Oak Brook Mr. and Mrs. George Eck, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eichinger EI Jardin Mexican Restaurant Eli's Cheescake World EZ Links Golf Facial Cosmetic Surgery Mr. Joseph K. Frederick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fuller Gap Kids, Midwest Regional Offices Mr. Jeffrey Gilbert and Ms. Malinda Steele Mr. and Mrs. James Gillies Gino's East of Chicago Grand Valley State University Mr. Steven and Mrs. Sara [71] Grassi Hair Artists for Ron Eilers, Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Harmening Harvard College Hawthorne Race Course, Inc. Mr. David Hibbs and Dr. Maria Hibbs Hillsdale College Mr. Robert E. Nolan and Mrs. Daryce Hoff-Nolan Hoops The Gym Mr. Cornel W. Hunter and Mrs. Valerie T. Cadenhead Illinois Wesleyan University Improv Olympic Indiana University Innisbrook Wraps Iowa State University Jerry Springer Show Jewel/Osco Joe Bailly's Restaurant John Carroll University John G. Shedd Aquarium Dr. and Mrs. John A. Kalapurakal Dr. John T. Keane and Dr. Shirley A. Maides-Keane Mr. Kermit [73] and Mrs. Rose Ann Kelly Ken's Restaurant Dr. and Mrs. Antoun Koht Ms. Tina Kusek

Lakeshore Athletic Club - Lincoln Park Lawrence University Mr. and Mrs. David P. Lauryn Lehigh University Mr. Geoffrey J. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Mark Linnerud Mr. Greg Lochow Loews Cineplex Entertainment Mr. and Mrs. David L. Madigan Marian, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marovitch Matzie Golf Company, Inc. Meadows Golf Club of Blue Island Millikin University Milwaukee School of Engineering Mornginside College Mr. and Mrs. Niko Mourgelas MPA 3 Year Old Preschool MPA 4 Year Old Preschool MPA Kindergarten MPA 1st Grade MPA 2nd Grade MPA 3rd Grade MPA 4th Grade MPA 5th Grade MPA 6th Grade MPA 7th Grade MPA 8th Grade MPA 9th Grade MPA 10th Grade MPA 11th Grade

MPA 12th Grade Museum of Contemporary Art Museum of Science & Industry Mr. and Mrs. James Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Richard o. Nichols North Central College Northlight Theatre Notre Dame Novelty Golf & Games Dr. and Mrs. Richard O'Young Oak Brook Racquet & Fitness Club Oak Lawn Hilton Mr. Marc E. Odier and Mrs. Marilyn E. Hanzal Ohio Northern University Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Olivieri Mr. and Mrs. Ethan M. Payne Pick-Staiger Concert Hall Dr. Hareth Raddawi and Dr. Ada I. Arias Mr. and Mrs. Rodd Rasmussen Ravinia Festival Relaxation Station Dr. and Mrs. Gerardo Reyes Riviera Country Club Rockford College St. Louis University St. Mary's College Mr. and Mrs. Michael Salerno Savannah College of Art Ms. Susan Shimmin [66] Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sipich


Headmaster Bill Adams demonstrates the "smart board" at the 2002 Salute to Excellence.

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Skyline Gymnastics Southern Illinois University Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies Ms. Debra Spraggins Mr. and Mrs. John E. Stratta Sybaris Romantic Getaways Syracuse University Szechwan East Restaurants Terra Museum of American Art Texas Christian University The Cooking Hospitality Institute of Chicago The Language and Music School The New John Hancock Oberservatory The Newberry Library The Organic Theater Company The Second City The Theatre Building Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Thomas Mrs. Brenda Thomas-Asaju Tony & Tina's Wedding Trinity Christian College Trinity International Truefitt and Hill Barbershop Truman State University Mr. Julius Tucker and Mrs. Jennifer Holt-Tucker University of North CarolinaChapel Hill University of Pennsylvania Untouchable Tours Valparaiso University Vanderbilt University Victory Gardens Theater Village Video Washington University - St. Louis Western Illinois Univesity White Fence Farm Mr. Mark [79] and Mrs. Jeri Wiegel Ms. Linda Wolgamott Zanies Comedy Club

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