Academy Magazine - January 2008

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Morgan Park Academy Magazine Chicago, Illinois 60643

January 2008

It started with a marathon ...

.. .and then marched on to circling the globe

Morgan Park Academy Magazine C hicago, Illinois 60643


January 2008


Susan Oczkowski: The MPA marathon ............................. 1

Morgan Pa rk Academ y Magazin e It started with a marathon."

Emily Drown: Running for one's self ................................ 2 Carolyn Manley: The 2007 commencement address ••••••• 3 Rishi Pandya: A lifer reflects ........................................... 5 Softball 2007: she knew the lingo ................................... 7 Really a sixth grader? ...................................................... 8

Dalyn Drown: looking back on baseball 2007 •.••.•.••.••.•..•. 8 Barry Kritzberg: How I became a mystery writer ..•.••..•.•. 9 1910: A tennis legend .................................................... 10 1920s: The "regs" made it all very clear ....................... 11 1923: The origins of the junior school ••••••••.••.•••••.••••••••• 14 1932: MPMA's artist in residence ................................. 16

1935: Jim McClure: It was my sister's fault ••.•..•.••.••..•.• 18 1948: Philip Cree: Getting acclimated ........................... 18 ClassNotes •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 19 2007 Hall of Fame ......................................................... 23 All School Reunion 2007 ................................................ 24 Morgan Park Academy's Alumni Global Committee ••.••• 25 Taps ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•.••.••.•..•.•.•.•.•.• 26 Veterans' Day •••..••.•••.••••..••.•••.••..•.•••••••••••••••••.••.•.••.•..••.•. 28 Volunteers of the Year ................................................... 29 Thrall Scholarship Fund Supports Outstanding Students ••••••••••••••.•••..••.••..••.••••••.••.••.•.••••••• 30 Reception celebrates Completion of Gym Restoration •.••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••.•.••.••.••.•.•.•.•••• 31 Building on Tradition Pays Tribute to Alumni •.•.••.•.••••••• 32 Salute to Excellence ...................................................... 33 Alumni Giving •••.•••.•••.•••••.••..••..••.•.•••.••..••.••.•.•••••••.••.•..••••• 34 2006-07 Annual Report ................................................... 35 MPA Pathway Brick Program .......................................... 47

About the cover: The weather, obviously, didn't matter. Marathon participants (lower school students in the top photograph) sauntered through snow and sloshed through rain to add on to those miles. See page one for Sue Oczkowski's story of how the lack of a gym inspired her to contrive a novel way to promote physical fitness.

The bottom three panels show middle school mathematics teacher Peggy Scolan, faithfully L._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _-.--l doing her laps for the Walk Around the Globe. Look closely, however, and note that Peggy is continuing a great (but risky, for some of us) tradition of reading while she walked. There are no statistics available, but the odds makers are convinced that she read many more pages than she did laps. Contributors: Susan Oczkowski (The MPA marathon) is an MPA coach and physical education instructor. Emily Drown (Running for one's self) teaches science in the upper school. Carolyn Manley (The 2007 commencement address) is the upper school well ness counselor. Rishi Pandya (A lifer reflects), the 2007 valedictorian, is a freshman at Washington University in St. Louis. Dalyn Drown (Looking back on baseball 2007) is a coach and physical education instructor. Barry Kritzberg (How I became a mystery writer) is editor of the Academy Magazine. Jim McClure (It was my sister's fault) is a 1935 graduate of MPMA. Philip Cree (Getting acclimated) is a 1948 graduate of MPMA. Photo credits: Adriana Mourgelas: front cover (top). Alexa Razma: front cover (bottom panel of three), 5 Morgan Park Academy Archives: 1, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18. Editorial Staff: Editor: Barry Kritzberg Alumni pages: Lisa (Kirk) Bourke (81) Alumni assistant: Sandy Williams Proof readers: J. William Adams, Robert Eichinger, Karen O'Neill, Lisa (Kirk) Bourke (81), Katherine Vandiver (90), Sandy Williams Technical consultant: James Ferguson Design consultant: Lisa Speckhart, Captiva Designs ( Letters and other editorial matter should be addressed to: Barry Kritzberg Morgan Park Academy 2153 W. 11lth Street Chicago, IL 60643 Alumni matters should be directed to: Lisa (Kirk) Bourke (81) Morgan Park Academy 2153 W. lllth Street Chicago, IL 60643

ZOO? The MPA marathon: One step at a time, one day at a time by Coach Susan Oczkowski The days, weeks and months ahead looked gloomy, indeed. It was November 2006, and we were facing the reality of not being able to use our gymnasium for the entire winter. We were, however, still going to have regular physical education classes. I sought guidance and ideas from colleagues, the Internet, prayer, and even considered bribery. Susan Oczkowski What were we supposed to do to keep kids active over the winter when we had no place to go? Teaching physical education in the classrooms is a challenge as it is, but is it physical? How much activity can you safely and effectively pursue in small rooms filled with desks? How can we keep everyone moving and fit when it is just 10 degrees above zero outdoors and the wind chill laughs in your face? And then it came to me - let's run! We ' ll all run together, every day that we can, and make it a challenge. This wou ldn't be about how fast one could finish, but simply if one would finish . What motivation will keep the kids moving, and interested, and goal oriented? Thus, the idea of completing a marathon was born. We talked about the first marathon in Greece, and how messages were relayed by those marathon runners. Our marathon dream became a reality on December I , 2006. The entire lower school (except for the 3-year-old preschool students) took part. The middle school had the option to participate since athletes on sports teams could not undertake the challenge; they had practices during their physical education time. The idea was to try to complete one of three distance challenges around a marked ova l-shaped lap, encircling Jones Bowl and safely tucked inside the campus. All laps were recorded on the honor system and students in grades 1-5 kept their own tally sheets, reinforcing their math skills. If one completed 60 laps, a student would earn the minimarathon reward for going 13.1 mi les. For those hungrier to succeed, a 26.2 mile marathon would be accomp lished with 120 laps and, for those who wanted stil l more, an ultra-marathon of 50 miles (230 laps) was conceived. And MPA began to run, and run, and run, and run ... Second graders Zachary and Banu zipped through that 26.2 mile marathon in what seemed like a heartbeat. They were the first of many to reach a goal. Kids ran before school , after school, at recess and, of course, during warm ups in physical education class. Many students passed the 500-lap mark.

Ask Christopher in first grade about that! Teachers joined in, and the 3rd graders encouraged their 4year-old pre-school reading buddies to run along with them. High-fives encouraged runners on their laps, and the totals just kept getting higher and higher. Then, as the end of the marathon was approaching (spring break was the deadline), questions began to fly: Could they do it? How many would finish? How many could meet the challenge? When the results were tabulated, it was astonishing. 244 people participated and turned in tally sheets to qualify for official recognition. The total number of miles completed by those in the mini-marathon, marathon and the ultra-marathon was a whopping 4,413. That total is more than the distance in miles from Chicago, Illinois to Frankfurt, Germany. Consider th is fact as well; some students participated in the laps, but chose not to work towards a challenge number of miles. There were 82 other participants who logged hundreds of miles that are not reflected in the above total , for they opted not to do it officially. We literally ran thousands of miles to keep in shape, stay fit and active, and remain productive while the gym renovation continued. 58 participants completed the mini-marathon, 65 finished the marathon, and 39 accomp lished the ultra-marathon. What started as an idea to stay warm and keep fit while the gym was being renovated blossomed into a beautiful endeavor by our students and faculty. The gym is available once again, but if we can run from here to Germany in the dead of winter, perhaps MPA could go just a bit farther and run around the world. Now there's an idea!

And she wasn't kidding! Give Sue Oczkowski a little marathon and next, by gosh, she wants the world. And so, off they went, walking, running, singly and in groups, students, faculty, staff and parents, adding up those miles to equal sauntering around the globe - a mere jaunt of 19,536 miles by the path they chose. As of this writing (December 3, 2007), MPA is col lectively between China and Korea, skimming across the Yellow Sea and, with II, 587 miles logged, more than half way to that goa l line. "Fitness," Sue Oczkowski reminds us, "is a never ending journey, but one that reaps incredible rewards."

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ZOO? Running for one's self by

Emily Drown We are here today [May 2007] at this assembly to celebrate you and your accomplishments. I am also here today to tell you about my experiences with a marathon, but first I want to give you a little of my background. I have been involved with sports since I was your age. Even though I am not that old, I have played soccer for 23 years, lacrosse for 16, and I have played many other sports. I also had the opportunity to be on a varsity lacrosse team in college for all four years where I made some great friends and developed my skills tremendously. After so many years of participating in team sports, it was difficult for me to think about doing a sport where it is just me, just running. I was so used to having teammates around me that running for only the purpose of running was a difficult concept to grasp. I had never run as a hobby - I had always run because a coach told me to, or I was trying to get in shape to be able to make the team. When I used to drive by people who were jogging I would think: What are they doing? Why would people run just to run? Were they actually having fun? They didn't look like they were having fun! What made them run day after day? What could they possibly gain from running? As I began to meet more and more people who had already run a marathon, or who were training for their first marathon, I thought to myself, if so many other people can run a marathon, why can't I? So, that is why I signed up for the Chicago Marathon. How hard could it be? The only reason I ran the Chicago marathon last year was to prove to myself that I could finish it. Unlike some of my friends who were running to achieve a better time, I was just hoping to cross the finish line in one piece! The marathon is not like other sports where you can practice day in and day out and feel confident that you have gained the skills necessary to be successful. There are so many other factors involved: what shoes to wear, what clothes to wear, did I drink enough water, is the weather going to cooperate, is my body going to cooperate? All of these are things that are difficult to control. You can train for months and your success comes down to what happens during four hours on a particular day. A marathon is 26.2 miles and, since it about is about 13 miles from MPA to downtown, running a marathon once would be like running from MPA to downtown and back! Needless to say, the second I had signed up for the Chicago Marathon last year I regretted it. Once I began to think about the task at hand - running 26 miles all at once, I started to think maybe this running thing wasn't for me! I almost gave up at

least twice. The first time was when I injured my back in May 2006. I thought that taking time off from running would really hurt my training. I healed quickly, however, and was able to get back to running after missing only a week of training. The second time was near the end of my training, when I had to do my first 20 mile run on a hot September day. After the first three miles I knew I was in trouble. I was too hot and felt so dehydrated and my legs did not want to move at all. After each five mile loop that I ran I stopped by my house to drink some water and have a little snack. Each time I stopped, I was so tempted to walk in the front door, sit on the couch, and give up. Every time I thought about quitting, I kept thinking about how disappointed I would be in myselfifI couldn't run on race day. So, I kept running and running and running until I had finished my 20 miles. I had never been more exhausted, but I was enormously pleased with myself at that moment. At first, when I started to train I thought that I was running to prove to other people that I could do it, but it was on this day that I began to realize that it doesn't matter to anyone else how good you are at running. All that most people know is that you went out to run, and you came back. Just going out there to run is an accomplishment, regardless of how well you do it. So, if it doesn't matter how good I am, why do I run? Obviously, it is a great way to keep in shape. And, as Coach [Dalyn] Drown will tell you, it also gives me an excellent excuse to eat all the candy I want. But, over the past year I have realized that the most important reason is about a promise. Are there days that I do not want to go out and run? You bet. Are there days where it takes me a good hour to get ready for my run because I am dreading it so much and Coach [Dalyn] Drown nearly has to push me out the door? Of course. Are there some runs that are just terrible and I am exhausted during every step of every mile? Quite a few. But the reason that I go out there and run is not because someone else wants me to do it, or someone else has set expectations for me. I go out and run because I made a promise to myself that I would run and I don't want to let myself down. This is what many of you did when you signed up to participate in the MPA marathon. You all set a goal for yourself; you made a promise to yourself that you would complete a marathon - and you did. You should all feel very proud of your accomplishment. During the cold months of December and


lOO? would be enough for me, but now I'm training for the next Chicago marathon and am hoping to qualify to run the Boston marathon in 2008. I guess the most important thing that I have learned from running, is that you run for yourself and no one else. No one is expecting you to perform at a certain level, they are just impressed that you can do it. I am impressed with all that you have accomplished - so, congratulations!

January I am sure many of you thought that you couldn't reach your goal - but today is a day to recognize your success and realize that once you set your mind to something you can achieve it. It takes dedication, motivation, and determination. When I finished the 2006 marathon last year I was so proud of myself. I set a goal that I never thought I would reach and I did better than I had ever expected. For me, at the beginning, the marathon was one of those life goals that I wanted to check off on my list. Last year, at this time, I was thinking that one marathon

The 2007 Commencement Address:

Harry Potter Grows Up by Carolyn Manley Thank you for the honor of allowing me to speak with you today. When Amy and Allison first asked me to speak at commencement, I was honored but also a bit overwhelmed. I wanted this speech to be perfect for all of you. Then, of course, there was the fact that Mark Linnerud gave one of the most eloquent and touching speeches I have ever heard just last year. Each time I tried to start writing the speech, I became more and more nervous. Then Charlie Tokar said something to me. He said, "Mrs. Manley, don't worry. We'll be there to support you." And I remembered something. This isn't about me. This is a celebration of your graduation from this wonderfully supportive school. Once I reminded myself of that, it was easy. You come before us now mature, responsible, articulate, funny, creative leaders of our future. But you didn't all start out that way. Many of you came to us timid, naive, shy, cautious and not entirely sure of yourselves; wondering if you would have friends or if you would pass all your courses. You began your upper school journey much like a certain young man began his educational journey as one of the most best-known and wellloved literary characters of your time. And no, Abdul, we will not be talking about Spiderman for the next few minutes. Ten years ago, the world was introduced to a soon-to-be thirteen year old boy named Harry Potter. For the last four years, we have listened to you discuss, debate, predict and test one another's knowledge of Harry's magical world of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The series has been so popular with your class that Harry Potter has joined our list of categories for the much anticipated annual all-school Jeopardy game. There are those who see the Harry Potter series as simply books about witchcraft and evil. They have missed the true spirit of the books. Harry Potter is, quite simply, about the

power of love, the search for good in the world, the importance and value of friendship, and the significance of belonging. All Harry really wanted was that sense of belonging. The state of being comfortable and accepted in a place or community. We all want to fit in; to feel connected to something, and to find others who help us recognize that we matter. It is important to everyone to find people who notice when we don't show up for lunch, who wait for us to go to class, who defend us when there is gossip or mean-spirited comments and who text message us even when they just saw us five minutes ago. With every year that I work as a counselor, I become more and more convinced that belonging is the key to life's happiness and to life's unhappiness. The first group you belonged to, of course, was your family. Your parents first looked at you with wonder and immense pride, indescribable excitement, hope for the future and tremendous worry about your well-being. Now, they are here with you feeling exactly the same way. For all of you, it may have seemed like an eternity before you got to this point. To your parents, it seems like just yesterday that you were playing with Legos and American Girl Dolls and watching Sesame Street, Eureka s Castle and Thomas the Tank Engine on television. They were the first people in your life to teach you that you matter in this world and they will always be there for you. Don't ever forget that! Then you went to school. A whole new world of hoping and needing to belong! "Will I have friends?" "Will people like me?" "Will I find something I'm interested in and will someone notice my talents?" Year after year, your degree of happiness was often determined by whether or not you "fit in." These last few years, your friends have often meant the world to you. For many of you, it is hard to think about going to different colleges and not seeing your friends every day. Even though it drove you crazy at times, there was comfort in seeing the same people


lOO? every day for four years. And then there are all of us - the faculty and staff who have guided you through these last few years. When I was finishing graduate school, my advisor asked me what I wanted to do and what group of people I wanted to work with. I looked at him and said, very confidently, "I'm not exactly sure but I do know one thing. I don't ever want to work with high school students." I was in for a surprise! If! had stuck with that assumption I would have never realized the immense pleasure of watching young people become adults. Although everyone of you is incredibly intelligent, we recognize that each of you has something special to offer the world. Let's look at the class from the viewpoint of Harry Potter. For Allison, Paula, Lauren, Shilpa, Nadine, Erica, Margaret, Rachel, Sonali, Christina, Sarah, Alyssa, Michal and the two Jessicas: you are the Hermiones of the group. You have learned how to balance intelligence and love of learning with kindness and loyalty both to your friends and to those you care about. May you continue to be curious and seek knowledge while continuing to be true to your friends and to yourselves. For Charlie, the two Toms, Eric Lauryn, Robert, Ferris, Adam, Sean Ring, Aziel and Priya: you are the Ron Weasleys of your class. Never ever underestimate the power of making people laugh. I have listened as many of your friends commented over the years about how they would not have made it through difficult times without your loyalty and your ability to crack them up at just the right moment. Bill Cosby said, "Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it." May you continue to bring joy to the world around you! To Amy, Afra, Alexandra, Noah, Nader, Mariam, Elias, Pat, and Bobby: You are the Hagrids of the world. Each one of you is pure in spirit, kind, humble, genuine and compassionate. Integrity comes naturally to you and you draw people to you with your openness and honesty. May you always remember that compassion is a gift. As Helen Keller said, "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched - but are felt with the heart." To Rishi, Abdul, Salman, Dariusz, Sorabh, Keval, Vinod, Shawn Kothari, and Alex Ingram: you are the Dumbledores in this class. Your intelligence and creative minds make you born leaders whose maturity and wisdom will be a much sought after entity. May you continue to use your leadership abilities and intellect to make this world a better place. And to Peter, Sam, Eric Biel, Katie, Elliot, Ashley, Jacob, Gianina, Jack, Dan, Alex Koht and Alex Teske: you are the lK. Rowlings. You are the creative people in this world who think outside of the box; you have graced us with amazing performances, works of art and creative pieces; you are not afraid to try new things in order to bring beauty and creativity to our

world. You stay true to yourselves while maintaining a willingness to consider different perspectives. May you always remember the importance of independent thinking and maintain your willingness to put yourselves out there to make the rest of us in the world think! Each of you has helped shape who we are as a school and contributed to making lasting memories, never to be forgotten. For instance, I will never forget Robert and Adam dressed as Thing I and Thing 2 for a performance of the Cat in the Hat. The first graders just stared in utter disbelief at these giant young men running around - complete with blue hair to make it more realistic. I will not soon forget watching the boy's soccer team, thinking how lucky we were that somehow Elias, Bobby, Ferris, Sam, Shawn, Sorabh, Alex Ingram and Alex Koht all chose to attend the same small independent school. I will miss Katie's beautiful winter painting that has been hanging in the gallery for as long as I can remember (I am assuming you'll be taking it with you, Katie). I will miss Nadine, Mariam and Christina asking the very serious, 6'7" cowboy R.l at Cowboy Camp ifhe thought Priya and Rishi would make a cute couple. They just loved trying to make him laugh. I will always remember Adbul, Bobby and Pat's performance of N'Sync in 8th grade. I will never forget it because they were actually good - REALLY GOOD! I will never forget the time we were having a VERY serious discussion in our advisory group freshman year about diversity and Noah, in his sincere, honest and genuine Noah way said, "I know what you're talking about. There was an excellent SpongeBob episode that dealt with this very thing." No one in my advisory group challenged the reference, and they proceeded to discuss the episode at length as a group. I will miss that. I will miss Amy's beautiful sets to Sarah and Sarah's spikes that were unstoppable as much as I will miss Gianina, Alex, Priya and Michal's outfits making their way down the runway. I will miss hugs from Ferris and Charlie; Erica and Lauren's optimistic attitude about life; Jessica, Christina and Allison's smiles that can brighten any room; conversations with Eric; Rachel's endearing grin; Ashley's artwork and Abdul and Keval's sense of humor. And I will miss my advisory group. A few weeks ago, the girls' soccer team was taking a bus to an away game when they started talking about college. Stefani Tica said, "My mom is going to cry like a baby when I go away to college." Well, my daughter chimed in, "My mom is going to cry like a baby when Rishi goes away to college." Amy, Allison, Mariam, Nadine, Priya, Sarah, Afra, Noah, Elias and Rishi: I cannot express how much I have enjoyed our time together. I realize that it is almost impossible to have a group of students where each member is blessed with so much character, intelligence, honesty and humor, but then again, this is MPA!


ZOO? much of an impact I had on young people. It is now quite a few years later and I have come full circle. I now understand that "To teach is to touch a life forever" is absolutely true; however, it is all of you who touch each of us . We also learn from you. You have had an impact on every single person here today. In a world where reading the daily newspaper shows us despair, visions of war, social injustice and pain, you have given us hope! All of you are filled with potential, but] am not referring to the potential to be an excellent physician or a skilled musician or a talented lawyer. I am talking about the potential to be incredible, kind, compassionate human beings. In Harry Potter, Dumbledore says, "Remember, if the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave." You are all individuals who hold true to the belief that there is good in the world and 1 am confident that you will each make it your purpose in life to draw out the good in others and in the world. I am reminded, finally, that you are in many ways similar to the characters in Harry Potter. As the world anxiously awaits the final chapter in the Hogwarts legacy, I find it incredibly symbolic that you , too, are ending your legacy at MPA. As with the book, we all sit and wonder in anticipation ... What will happen to these people we have come to know and love? Will they all be okay? And most importantly, we all wish we had a glimpse into the future - to know what will happen next and what challenges and accomplishments lay ahead. It is only fitting to end with a Harry Potter quote that is quite appropriate for this moment in time. As Harry receives his wand from Olivanders, Mr. Olivander says: " I think we can expect great things from you!" Good luck to all of you. You will be missed, but I know you will make a difference in this world!

MPA - it has to be hard to believe that you are now about to leave what has been your home-away-from-home for the past several years. Now, it is time to find new places to belong. In a world of ever-increasing technological advances, it becomes more and more crucial to reach out to others. With email , text messaging, blogging and online chat groups, it becomes easy to stay home and remove yourselves from intimacy. I am talking about the importance of making and maintaining personal connections with others. As you head off to new ventures, please do not forget the importance of finding people, comnlUnities and places where you can belong. More importantly, it is your responsibility to observe others and help others find acceptance, love and friendship. As you leave, you take with you the love of your parents and family, the confidence that you are intelligent and capable Carolyn Manley at work. from your teachers, and the knowledge that you matter from your friends . But belonging is not one-sided. Just as you have gained from your relationship with all of us, we too have benefitted from you. When] was a preschool teacher, in what seems like a different lifetime, I received an ornament in the shape of an apple. On the apple it said "To teach is to touch a life forever." I chose to believe that that saying was written just for me, that those words were completely designed so that I knew how


A lifer reflects: the 2007 valedictorian address by Rishi Pandya Unlike most people, I hardly remember my first day of school at Morgan Park Academy. But also unlike most peop le, I did not start MPA freshman year. After more than 12 years of attending this school, 1 recall little from that first day of first grade, except sitting next to Charlie Tokar (an honorary lifer) for the first class, and being worried that Keval was not in my homeroom. Of course, with two older lifer siblings attending the school at the time - Ni shith [2002] and Lopa [2004] - 1

knew my older brother and sister would always be there to protect me; if not out of the love in their hearts, then for fear of my parents' wrath should they ignore their little brother. And yet, although I grew up in school with them until Nishith left after my 7th grade year and Lora after my freshman year, I did not follow in either's footsteps . I took "ownership" of my time at MPA, and after a long run , I am proud to join my alumni siblings as a graduate of the Class of2007.


lOO? I've certainly experienced much at MPA that has made my time here so memorable, but when Mr. Hibbs told me that I would be giving this speech I was actually more worried than excited; with so much history at the school, I had absolutely no clue where to begin, and indeed, I will probably ramble on for much of this speech. But this was the best I could do, compressing 12 years in under 10 minutes, and it is certainly better than the other options I considered. Ankur Shah [1999] almost had me convinced to write a speech describing how I had nothing to write about. After that failed, I was so desperate that I started writing a speech about how MPA students are like cicadas, in honor of their abundance on campus this commencement. That is certainly a convincing comparison. Like cicadas, we emerge every 17 or 18 years, finished with our basic schooling; we never really hurt anyone, but when put in large groups, we certainly make a lot of noise; and of course no one can ever forget that we exist, because MPA students are found in all walks oflife. Unfortunately, the comparison was shot down when I realized that the Class of 2007 is just too good-looking to be compared to such ugly bugs. Lost once again, I searched campus, looking for inspiration. Walking down I 12th Street, it suddenly hit me, why not talk about MPA's Curriculum, Community, and Character! There must be a reason these traits of our school are being advertised, and after serious thought I realized all ISL schools have top-notch curriculums in accordance with their collegeprep characters, but nowhere can you find a community like the one at Morgan Park Academy. Mr. Hibbs mentioned the proverb at awards night that it takes a village to raise a child and, after 12 years at MPA, I am glad to have grown up here at my second home, the MPA village. Of course, stagnancy breeds cynicism, and in fact, writing editorials for the Academy News revealed just how frustrating MPA can be at times. We all know that the school comes a little short in regards to facilities. It's always too hot in Hansen Hall, the chairs are always too sticky in Alumni Hall, and we are just a million dollars short of finishing the gym. But there is not one among us up here today who can deny that MPA has had an important role in shaping the young men and women we have become. I mean, this is the 134th commencement of one of the top 10 high schools in Chicago. There must certainly be a special power within the school that makes MPA so influential, a force that drives parents to spend so much money on their children's education. This force is the community. Mr. Churchill warned us at the end of 8th grade that, come high school, it would be time to take off the "floaties." I hate to break it to you Church, but that is not entirely true. That is not to say that teachers spoon-feed the material to students and offer ample opportunities of extra credit to help struggling and! or overachieving students do better in a class. It is just that with such small numbers of students, teachers cannot help but care

that we do well. From day one they welcome us into their classrooms, often writing their home phone numbers on the board, willingly sacrificing their private time digit by digit. In some cases, we are surprised at how easy it is to remember these numbers by heart, such as Mr. Malcolm's: (773) 4456899. And in other cases, we are even more surprised that the feelings are reciprocal, as sophomore biology teacher Dr. Sadlik still continued to call and check up on us a year after he left the school. These examples illustrate how dedicated our teachers are to their craft because, God knows, they are not getting paid enough. But passion allows our teachers to overcome any financial deficiencies. Over my 12 years, the teachers have changed, the administrators have changed, even the school colors and mascot have changed, but there is a unique combination of subpar facilities and superb personalities - driven by passion - that defines student life at Morgan Park Academy. I merely have to utter Doc Brown's name, and people will automatically know of the thrift and ingenuity with which he builds machines illustrating basic physics principles. Doc does not worry that he does not have a SmartBoard, because he cares enough about teaching that no force can stop him from imbibing us with as much physics knowledge as possible. Not a single thing. And yet, the dedication is not one-sided. For the most part, MPA students are here because they want to be here. If it is not necessarily for the traditional classroom learning, then these students will make their own niche in the curriculum to get the most out of their education. I look at Alex Koht and Jacob Cole, who, among others, participated in an independent film course which culminated in an original documentary. The theme of Alex and Jacob's movie was soccer in America. The film was impressive in both content and editing, and it is just one example of how MPA students combined two of their interests - soccer and film - to produce a work meriting great credit, in all senses of the word. Passion is the key once again, and it is this passion that pervades all aspects of the Morgan Park Academy community; it is the drive that allows us to learn large! MPA is such a close-knit community that the school encourages students to learn not only from teachers, but from each other. It does not matter whether you were here for 13 years or just 3, the relationships you build and the experiences that result often provide more insight than any textbook ever could. Many of us, for instance, have learned more about other cultures through Ferris Odeh's ethnic mixes than we ever could in a classroom setting. And that is another great part about the school. We celebrate our differences. Social groups are inevitable in any setting where large numbers of teenagers are mixed together, but we should not be divided along lines of animosity. There is perhaps not another school that celebrates Diwali, Eid, and the time-honored International Day. Any observer of these holidays would understand that what makes us fight over the last samosa, falafel, or pierogi is not hate, but love and, of


ZOO? positive difference in the world. And since knowledge comes with responsibility, we cannot forget that as we learn more about different places, we are obligated to help those without a voice; simply put, it is a part of the MPA Way we learned about so many years ago. This is the other spirit of learning that motivated Michal Williams and other members of a project week trip to Africa to help collect school supplies for students at a school in Tanzania which had no other way to get them. Such was the spirit that prompted our Student Council to respond to alumnus William Haynes-Morrow's call for help through the innovative MasquerAID Ball where students set the ticket prices by how much they wanted to donate to the cause. Sonali Gandhi and Amy Kaspar then headed the Water Filter Project which hosted a potluck dinner to also raise funds for the cause. Combined with the dance money, Mr. Haynes-Morrow received more than $1500 to continue his charitable work in rural Cambodia. Yet, even in an age of globalization, there is no reason that all school service must be foreign-looking. The MPA community has come together for domestic projects as well, like that of Afra Syed, who has tirelessly raised more than $10,000 for Hunter's Hope by organizing Laps for Life. Or that of Allison Gilbert, who in the tradition of community, continued organizing the charity dance show to support the Dance For Life Foundation, even after show founders Anu Valia and Alysia Vallas graduated last year. It is evident that we support a variety of causes within our school, and as we move on to college from Minnesota to Texas, Massachusetts to California, our communities will certainly be different from what we are used to. But we are bound by a passion innate to all MPA students, a passion which will guarantee success in whatever environment we are placed. Mahatma Gandhi once said "You must be the change you wish to see in this world." Armed with desire and drive, Class of 2007, we have the power to change the world. We have only to act on our passions, and continue looking towards the future. Congratulations!

course, hunger. With such a diverse student body, cultural exchange has always been an unspoken tenet of life at MPA. But as a school, MPA is starting to reevaluate its philosophy and what it stands for, and that is not just because an ISACS evaluation is coming, though that would explain a few other improvements to the infrastructure. We know our core values, and we are finally cementing our attitude of openness in this "World-is-Flat-" era of globalization. Homer once said "The problem with this world is communication. Too much communication." Of course, this was Homer Simpson, so his words should not be taken seriously. And yet, Homer highlights an interesting fact about modem society. In this age of ever-increasing communication, where the internet has made it possible to Facebook nearly anyone almost anywhere in the world, it is now more important than ever that we, the next generation, are ready to utilize that which we learned from the MPA community to hold our own in a global community. With an already-existing partnership with the Sutton Valence school in England and a new connection with the TREAMIS World School in Bangalore, India, it is clear that MPA is making an impression on the international stage through more than sharing food. Global issues and world religions were two new classes introduced in 2006, and they could not be more fitting in a time when our nation is fighting a war in Iraq and our government is being pressured to deal with agendas propagated by people of all religions, from Evangelical Christians to Sunni and Shiite Muslims. The global education efforts are seen during the smallest of moments as well. In a famous chemistry class incident last year Mr. Linnerud noticed that we were wasting free time goofing around and he warned us that "while you're sitting here talking, there are about a half billion Chinese kids doing their homework." MPA is certainly doing its part to get us ready for the future. Our school mission states that Morgan Park Academy prepares its students to succeed in life by helping them make a


Softball 2007: she knew the lingo A girls' softball team can often ride very far on the strong arm of a dominant pitcher. Amy Pruim, the 2006 ISL girls' softball player of the year, proved that as she led MPA to a 17-3 mark and the ISL championship. Coach Lynda Pari so was looking forward to having the strong arm of returning sophomore Amy Pruim help MPA to defend its title. And then the dream dissolved: Amy Pruim, the best pitcher and best all-around player in the ISL, transferred to a suburban public school and the odds ofMPA repeating as league champions seemed to diminish greatly.

Next in line for pitching chores was Katie Sheehy, a freshman, who had pitched a little in middle school, but was without even an inning's experience in high school. She did have some private lessons, however, and Sheehy confidently told Pariso that she had "a fastball, a change-up, and a riser." "Katie at least knew the lingo," Pariso said, "but the team was small, only twelve players, and seven of those were freshmen. I had some excellent assistants, however. First, was Bree Yaksic [2002], who pitched for St. Ambrose University. She and Katie Sheehy were that match made in heaven. Bree was a demanding coach, who came to our indoor practices and


lOO? she was instrumental in keeping Katie in line and focused. And then there was Kate Kozacik [1993] Galley, who provided the quiet kind of leadership to compliment and counter my screaming and yelling." The team had no seniors and only two juniors, but Pariso knew that the seven freshmen, all of whom had played softball in middle school, were quite talented. "Once I got people moved around and playing the right positions, the season went well, fabulously well," Pariso said. "The freshmen were very eager to learn to be successful and we came together very nicely as a team, but it was still a surprise that we won the ISL. Katie Sheehy pitched every inning of every game and she also hit .509 as our lead-off hitter." The season opened against Willows Academy - one of the few teams to defeat MPA in 2006 - on a typical frosty April day. It had been so cold, in fact, that MPA's only batting practice prior to the game had been off batting tees indoors. Katie Sheehy, with nine strikeouts, led MPA to a 2 I -I win.

The cold weather persisted through April, but MPA easily defeated Elgin 14-3 and Latin 14-2. MPA (to make up for a rainout) played a doubleheader against Lake Forest Academy and won both, 16-12 and 16-6. In the first game, MPA had a big lead - I I - I - which they almost let slip away. The second game, after a reminder about doing the simple things - thinking what base the next play should go to, for example - resulted in an easier victory. Katie Sheehy went 4 for 4 (two singles, a double and a triple) in the first game against Parker in a 13-3 win. The second game was a 13-1 victory for MPA. The only conference loss came at the hands of Latin, 2-1, on a steamy hot day on which Latin arrived at 5: 15 for a 4 p.m. game. "MPA was flat and Latin played well," Pariso said, "but we won most of our conference games by comfortable margins, six by the slaughter rule. Sasha Jones was our team leader (she hit .480), but those freshmen were amazing." Q

Really a sixth grader? It was no wonder, then, that the team went 7-0, winning most games by wide margins. The team lost only three games (Willows, Latin and UHigh), but all three of those teams were defeated 2-0 the second time around. "The players were a little tentative, a little nervous in our first game, and they struggled," said head coach Cara Sarcinella. "After that, however, it was steady improvement game by game. The highlight for me was seeing that gleam in their eyes when they knew they had made a good play, done something right. That's why I like to coach."

A coach knows one has a good team when opposing coaches ask, with inquisitive skepticism, if such-and-such a player is really a sixth grader. And such was the case with the 2007 middle school girls' B (sixth and seventh graders) volleyball team. Opposing coaches cast wondering eyes at Sam Panozzo, who seemed to play beyond her years; at Nikki Pietrus, who had such natural ability; at Tara Alfano, who had an overpowering serve. "Tara has one the strongest serves I've ever seen in a middle school player," said Coach Dana Grube.


Baseball 2007: looking back from the sports banquet by

DalynDrown would struggle in the conference and it would be difficult to attain a .500 record. Well, for the first time this season, I will admit to the players I was wrong about this team. One of the most amazing parts of the 2007 season was the amount of growth that the team had. In Florida, over Spring break, Coach Drahozal and I struggled to make a starting lineup. We knew that many positions on the team needed to be

Prior to the 2007 season, people asked me what the prospects were for the upcoming season. Each time I was asked that question, my insides turned and an unsure feeling settled Ill.

I was unable to answer this question for myself, but I managed to utter the words ..."I think that we will be near .500." I thought that, with the loss of key players, including Crane D'Louhy, Tom Prium and Joel VanDerWeele, the team


ZOO? You must take the season seriously. You must have people fight with each other, to push one another, you must play flawlessly when it matters, you must act like a family, you must be willing to take chances and sometimes lose, and most of all, you must be able to laugh at yourself and others when the opportunity presents itself. Overall, the success of this season is due to the dedication of the players and their ability to learn. We improved with each game and anyone who attended games towards the end of the season would attest to this. We fought and beat Momence and more importantly took it to Beecher. I must say that beating Beecher at their field was great and seeing them have to prep the field for our games after that made me so happy. All in all, I want to say thank you to the player's for a great season and Alex and Bobby will be missed dearly. I wish you both the best as you move to college and I hope that some aspect of what we have taught you over the last four years will benefit you either on the field in college or in the game of life.

filled and that players would once again be required to learn and play multiple positions. Alex went from pitching to playing shortstop. Eddie went from shortstop to 3rd base to center field, and Tim would go from center field to pitching. A coach hates making those changes because they are disruptive. We strive for consistency whether at the plate, fielding ground balls, or throwing strikes. As we progressed through the season, however, the team became more consistent in all of these areas. Alex consistently threw strikes, Matt fielded flawlessly, Eddie crushed the ball, and Tim tracked fly balls with ease; Jordan turned a double play, Nolan blocked fearlessly, Bobby ran without a limp, Doug stole second, and Jesse dented air conditioning units; and Joey fell without the aid of anything, Chris and John fought like brothers, Kevin and Murphy gave me hell, Brian lost the Lexus, Kyle barbecued and Chase followed Eddie like a puppy dog, and Richie beat all ofthe umpires' calls. In all seriousness, all of the above comments, are the characteristics that make a team, like this year's team, great.


How I becaDle a Dlystery writer by Barry Kritzberg There are two impulses behind the writing of my little mystery novel, She s No Detective, one ancient and one more recent. The ancient one, more than fifty years in the past, was called to mind by a recent obituary in the New York Times. The death of mystery writer Richard S. Prather reminded me of an encounter with the author in my father's secondhand bookstore when I was thirteen or fourteen. Prather, a frequent browser in the store, inscribed a copy of his latest novel to me and (perhaps urged by father) encouraged me to write, saying it was great fun. I said I'd rather play baseball. That autographed copy did not survive various moves and removes and, although I can't recall the title, some of the action was set in Mexico, where, coincidentally, some of the scenes in She s No Detective occur. The more recent impulse came from my wife, but it was not the kind of inspiration one sees so often cited in book dedications. It happened this way. We were on vacation and the unthinkable happened: I ran out of books to read. We travel light, taking only one carry-on bag each, no matter the duration of the trip. We consult on books to take, hoping to save a little space, and can usually agree to share some titles, but sometimes our tastes diverge and we go our separate bookish ways. When I realized that I had read my small stock of books and that there was not an English language bookstore within a hundred miles, I began to forage in my wife's stock of books.

The only books in my wife's stock that I hadn't read were a couple of mysteries. I tried one and gave it up after a page or so. I went on to the second and tossed it aside after the first paragraph. "I can't read these," I complained. "They are poorly written and I think I could do better." "Then, why don't you?" Faced with the choice of either reading indifferent prose or attempting to write my own mystery (better written, presumably), I did not hesitate to venture down that path less well traveled. I sat down with a legal pad and pen (laptops are not part of our standard travel gear) and began to write. The story almost wrote itself and it seemed as though I was merely recording what the characters were doing. I wrote four chapters and handed the legal pad to my wife. I watched as she read. She was so interested, apparently, that she did not complain once about my sorry penmanship. "It's pretty good," she pronounced. "See," I said, triumphantly. The vacation, alas, was over, and I put aside my story. At home, it was tucked in a file and forgotten for several years. When I happened on the manuscript again, I reread it and echoed my wife's judgment that it was pretty good. I decided I should finish it. And so I did, writing some sixty thousand words, mostly over the next summer. And Richard Prather was right. It was great fun, almost as much fun as playing baseball. Q


(9(0 A tennis legend Cup star, was perhaps Kenfield 's most successful player at North Carolina. In 1992, the Cone Kenfield Tennis Center was opened on the campus, named after the coach and one of his players from 1928. Kenfield, born in Louisville, Kentucky, became the first North Carolina tennis coach. He had once been the vice president of the Curtiss Candy Company, but he left that post, he said, because of "the killing hours." He preferred coaching tennis and "being out of doors." John Kenfield died January 20, 1958. He was 66. Q

Kenfield is in the center, wearing the letter sweata It was one of those fabled stories. The Harvard tennis team

Up the hill

hadn't lost a dual meet since 1928 and, by 1931, had notched 38 consecutive victories. North Carolina brought a 12-0 mark and a string of 26 victories to the May 1931 match in Cambridge, Massachusretts

Fred Steers [1941] was, with Mel Randall, the Big Ten doubles tennis champion in 1946 and 1947 for the University of Illinois. Steers, who transferred to MPMA from Morgan Park High School for his senior year, also won the Midwest Prep Conference singles title for MPMA in 1941. He also was a middle distance runner on the track team, a halfback on the lightweight football team, and played the bass drum in the band.

and, in the clash of unbeaten teams, the Tar Heels won a decisive 7-2 victory. The coach of the North Carolina squad was John Kenfield [191 I], a three-sport star in his days at the Academy, and captain of the tennis, football and baseball teams . Kenfield was a legend at North Carolina. His dual match play record, from 1928-1955 was 434-30-2 . His teams won 15 Southern Conference championships and two Atlantic Coast Conference titles. In 1986 Kenfield was elected to the college tennis hall of fame. Ten of his teams were unbeaten in dual matches and his Tar


Heels won an NCAA-record 67 consecutive dual meet victories before finally losing a match in 1949. Vic Seixias, a later Davis

Fred Steers, in 1941 .

- 10-

(9l.0~ The "regs" made it all very clear September 9, 1926.

The following Aoademy are approved

Regulations for the Morgan Park Military to take effect at once, and are published

for the government of all concerned.



Colonel of Infantry, • superintendent.

N G •


ARTICLE 1 COMMAND 1, The Superintendent, in his absence, the Assistant Superintendent, shall be the administrative head of the institution and shall have the immediate government and military command of the Academy. 2. He shall be the reviewing authority in the matter of recommendations ~ade by the Military and Discipline Committee and by other Boards of Offlces convened to investigate matters from time to time. No recommendations or other actions made by such Boards or Committees of Offices shall become effective until approved by the Superintendent. The first page (over the name of H.D. Abells, colonel ofinfantry, I.N.G., and superintendent of Morgan Park Military Academy, and bearing the date of September 9, 1926) lays down the law: "The following regulations for the Morgan Park Military Academy are approved to take effect at once, and are published for the government of all concerned." Forty-one categories of regulations are then presented in 28 (largely) singlespace pages. Article I, "Command," established a military hierarchy, with the Superintendent (Harry D. Abells) in charge of virtually everything. "All promotions and reductions in the Corps of Cadets must receive his

approval [I, 3]; the suspension or dismissal of cadets from the Academy must have his approval [1,4]; and all communications, originating from any department of the Academy in its transactions with outside parties, must be prepared for and signed by the Superintendent [I, 6]." The commandant of cadets was assigned the daily inspection of barracks, "preferably before noon [I,ll ]," and he "shall exercise close supervision over the conduct of cadets in Blake Hall paying particular attention to the marching therein and to the maintenance of a high order of discipline during the intervals between classes [I, 12]." The tour of duty of the officer in charge was to be twenty-four hours and

- II -

during that time he was responsible for maintaining "good order and military discipline. [I, 21, 23]." He was expected to remain on campus during his tour of duty. He also had the important task of inspecting all cadets leaving the Academy on permit, insuring that "they present a neat and creditable appearance [I,24]." Instructors (used, interchangeably in the regulations, with "officer") were expected to be in their classes when students entered and were expected to insist on "proper military bearing, to stand and sit correctly especially in class and at the table [1,27,29]." Instructors were also charged with inspecting "summarily" any breach of discipline or orders and, if need be, sent upward "through regularly prescribed

(9Z0~ inspection form called, simply, "damages." He was expected to promptly report all unusual wear and tear of government equipment and the "normal channel of communication for this purpose shall be the delinquency book [1, 36, 38]." The senior cadet officer in each division was designated as the division

Football ushers 110, 000 football fans watched Army and Navy play to a 21-21 tie on November 28, 1926 at Soldier Field. One hundred of those fans were MPMA cadets, who served as ushers for the game. Q

The dorm, 1929. channels [I, 26]." Instructors were expected to make prompt and appropriate written accounts of all such breaches and instructors and cadets were forbidden to have any discussion of the violation, "unless specifically authorized by the commandant of cadets [1, 26,28]." The cadet adjutant was charged with detailing cadets to various military duties and of publishing and posting all official orders [1, 30, 32]. There was also a cadet quartermaster who, in addition to assisting the quartermaster in the issuance and care

of government equipment, was primarily responsible for filling out a weekly

chief. His responsibility was maintaining good order and military discipline at all times [I, 39]. He was to check each room, immediately after Taps, "assuring himself that all cadets are present, in bed, properly undressed, and that the rooms are properly ventilated for the

Heavy traffic So many MPMA day cadets parked on 11 2th in 1926 that residents complained that all the cars on the street were making it difficult for through traffic. Superintendent Harry D. Abells recommended to the board that a parking lot be constructed to alleviate the traffic problem. Q

inspection, J 929.

- 12 -

(9Z0~ night" and report the results directly to the officer of the day (I, 40, 41]." Assisting in maintaining good order and military discipline were floor chiefs (the senior cadet on each floor). The floor chiefs were to see that "no departures from the proper arrangement of furniture are made" and had responsibility for room inspection for the morning police call [I, 46, 48]. Delinquencies were to be reported at morning inspection in the prescribed way: "he shall report the offending cadet on the reverse side of the regular morning certificate that he submits to the officer of the day each morning at school call {I, 47 , 48]." The wording of this certificate was to take the following form: "I have the HONOR to certify that I have performed all the duties assigned to me as floor chief during the twenty-four hours ending at police call this date; that all cadets living or visiting on my floor have conducted themselves in a proper manner, and their rooms situated thereon have been at the required standard except as noted in the list of delinquencies hereon, which delinquencies I was unable to correct without report [I, 50]." Part II, with 246 items arranged more-or-less alphabetically under 39 articles, seemed to cover every imaginable aspect of cadet life from absence from duty [Article I] to bathing [IV] to smoking [XXXVllI] to uniforms [XL] and visiting [XLI]. Bathing was a frequent expectation, for cadets were expected to be "clean at all times [IV, 1-2]" and cadets were expected to be clean-shaven and wear their hair short at all times [XXII, 125]. Many of the rules, it seems, were there to address specific offenses which had occurred in the past. Cadets were prohibited, for example, from throwing "missiles toward or from any Academy building [V, 19]" and they were not allowed to tamper with electrical equipment. Even the candle power and number of bulbs available in any room was strictly regulated [V, 24].

Article XI (compliments and courtesies) covered everything from saluting to tipping one's cap to ladies. It also provided for the exact language with which a cadet would deliver a message from a superior officer. "Punctiliousness in this matter enables the trained military man to distinguish the novice from the well-trained soldier" [XI, 68]. Day students were on "exactly the same footing as regards military and academic duties" as boarding students and had to be present at 7:45 a.m. inspections and participate in all military activities (hikes, parades, etc.) [XJT, 71 , 72, 74]. Twenty-one items [XYH, 92-113] detailed the manner and precise form in which a cadet should provide an explanation for any report made against him. Inspections, which were covered in Article XXlll, even provided for the precise arrangement of items in a cadet's dresser. The first drawer was to contain soap, comb, brushes, etc. and there was even a diagram presented as to where the items should be placed. There were specified places in specific drawers, too, for each item of clothing. "Puttees are to stand on end at the foot of the bed in line with the shoes, both of which are to be shined at all times. Packs are to be hung on the first two hooks in the closet. Laundry bag on the third hook [XXIII, 129]." There was an article [XXVI] covering miscellaneous matters (prohibiting the reading of " cheap, trashy" magazines, gambling and other games of chance, etc.), but which included offenses for which a cadet would be categorically dismissed from the Academy: drinking, vicious or immoral conduct, and contracting a venereal disease [XXVI, 148, 149, 150, lSI]. The language of this was significant: the cadet who committed offenses for which one might be expelled "dismissed himself." There are al so articles providing regulations for laundry, mail (including

- 13 -

a mandatory letter-writing period), limits (including what is off-limits: pool rooms, cigar stores, basements and attics of Academy buildings, etc.), meetings, the mess hall (assigned seating, by companies), orders , permits and privileges (awarded for those whose conduct and grades met the approved standard), procedures, sick reports, trunks and suitcases, uniforms , and visiting. The life of a cadet at Morgan Park Military Academy was, in short, as structured and regulated as the life of a soldier in the regular army. Q

Standard full uniform, 1929.

r9Z3 The origins of the junior school The Academy, though it admitted qualified boys of quite a young age, was essentially a high school that prepared students for college, business, or the military. Gradually, the school expanded by developing a lower school, comprising grades four through eight. In 1920, the Academy expanded once again by creating a junior school to enroll boys in the "first four grades." Superintendent Harry D. Abells, in a 1923 memorandum to the board, gave these particulars about the origins of the junior school: "For a number of years we have had inquiries from parents about enrolling very young boys. We wished to have some place for them in order to have them enroll with us when older. About three years ago the board of trustees gave Major Wilde and me permission to care for these boys in a privately conducted junior school. "Mrs. Wilde, who is a very good boys' woman, took three or four into her own home. The school was a success from the start. However, she could not get sufficient help and overworked herself to such an extent that she couldn't carryon the school the next year. "Consequently for two years it was suspended. "This year there was the usual demand on the part of parents of younger boys. About the middle of August we conceived the idea of having Capt. Rigby, who is blind at present, care for these prospects and have charge of this junior school. Major Wilde and H.D. Abells are responsible for the finances, and Capt. Rigby [is] to give his time. "Six boys enrolled during August and September. No house was available. The parents waited patiently until October 1, when a furnished bungalow at 11211 S. Oakley Avenue was

vacated and rented for the junior school. Capt. Rigby, through a teachers' agency, secured Mrs. Wakelee, who formerly taught in high school and also in college. She has raised a family of her own and now wishes to teach again. She recommended her friend, Mrs. Pierce, another superior woman, who is also a teacher and child leader. Capt. Rigby and these two women carryon the school. Frankly, I am interested personally for one reason. I have had a strenuous life in our Academy for twentyfive years. I am feeling fine. But men have nervous breakdowns and do wear out. Again we know it takes a number of years for a school like the little boys' school to grow and make any money. I figure that should it become necessary some time from now for me to make a change because of health or age, and do some light work, I would have in this junior school my opportunity. I believe I could develop it to bring in a modest living. It is an anchor out at sea, so to speak, for me and my family. Again, Capt. Rigby came to us four years ago. He became one of our most valued men. The second year his remaining eye gave him trouble and he had to give up teaching in the winter. The trustees carried him on the payroll until June. We were generous toward him. However, I have always felt as though there must be something for this remarkable man to do. He sorely needs to be earning a salary, but much more than this he needs to be working and creating something. He has been brave and full of faith, but the junior school is giving him a new life." Abells account, full of compassion and good sense, did not mention that the junior school had a housekeeper who did cooking and cleaning. He also did not mention the summer

He kept his friends ued as the head of the junior school until his retirement in 1936. About going blind, Capt Rigby once explained: "I began to pity myself and then, one day, it came to me that that was just the easiest way in the world to lose all my friends - and I had certainly come to a time when friends meant more than ever. So I put aside that feeling - and kept my friends." He discovered "talking books" (phonograph recordings), learned to read Braille and became quite adept at using a Braille typewriter. In short, it was business as usual for Capt. Rigby, who was much loved by the boys of the junior school.

Archie Rigby (1871-1940), after earning his A.B. degree from Cornell College (Iowa) seemed uncertain about his future direction. He began teaching in a country school in Iowa at age 18, but then became a farmer. After farming for five years, he set off for Nagasaki, Japan, to teach English in a missionary school, where he stayed for seven years. In 1919, he was hired to teach English at MPMA. He became blind, however, in 1922. Superintendent Abells, very much aware of his teaching and leadership abilities, appointed Captain Rigby as head of the junior school. Capt. Rigby, who also taught English in the junior school, contin-


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(9Z3 recreational program which was sponsored by the junior school. The junior school moved after a short time to J 06 J 0 S. Leavitt, where it remained for seve n years. During the Depression, the school moved for one year (1931-1932) to the south wing of the first floor of East Hall. "There will be no mixing of our Uunior school] lads with the older cadets," a 1931 flyer promised. It then moved to 11256 Lothair Avenue. A 1933 flyer advertised it as the "only military school in Chicago for small boys." When Capt. Rigby retired in 1936, the junior school was once again moved back to East Hall , occupying the first two floors. Mrs. E.E. Hawkinson became the director. There were two other teachers, a housemother, and Ruth Abells, daughter of the superintendent, served as school psychologi st. The boys' uniform consisted of slacks and sweaters during the day, but they were issued the same uniforms as upper school cadets. They had military drill once a week and monthly

in spection s by an MPMA military officer. They participated in the weekly parades. Special activities included swimming at the Ridge Field House and horsemanship at the Academy Cavalry School. The board closed the junior school in 1943. Q

Excused and invited He was "excused" (the polite euphemism/or "expelled") from the Academy in 1907, but he was thrilled to be invited to the 50th anniversary celebration a/the school in 1923. H.E. Brandecker [190 7} responded to the invitation this way "1 have just received your letter a/the 27th and nothing short 0/ breaking a leg will keep me away. .. As to making reservations/or a room, give me No.2 in the west hall as this is on the first jloor, and 1 carry a little 100 much avoirdupois to climb 10 my old resting place on the Ihird jlOOl~"

"Straighten up this line, cadets!"

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(93Z MPMA's artist in residence It was not a good time for artists, not a good time for anyone. It was 1932, the third year of the deepest and most pervasive economic depression in American history. There was one artist, however, who seemed to be lucky, to have it good, in fact, for he had a studio and hi s room and board were secure. Howard Church, the artist, was the beneficiary of a most unusual collaboration between a nun and a military school. Sister Stanisia, of The Academy of Our Lady (then at 95th and Throop Streets), a nationally known artist in her own right, was also the director of the Chicago Fine Arts Guild, which, as one of its missions, sought ways to help struggling artists. It was Sister Stanisia who approached the board of Morgan Park Military Academy in the fall of 1932 with a proposal that she thought the trustees could not refuse, for it not only benefited the artist, but would be a service to MPMA. She suggested that the artist, in return for room , board and materials, would paint three murals in Alumni Hall for the Academy. Dr. Yarrow reported (September 12, 1932) to the MPMA board that "the murals which are being painted by the artist, Mr. Church, are to be mounted in the alcove space on the first floor, directly opposite the entrance of Alumni Hall." The subjects for the murals were suggested by a committee (Abells, Yarrow, and Wells) of the board as "expressing themes in I iterature, and ideals for modern youth." A side panel The art work was under the general direction of Sister Stanisia, who approved Howard Church's final designs for the Alumni Hall murals in February of 1933. The central panel (which would be the first thing cadets saw as they entered Alumni Hall) was a life-size, draped symbolic figure of Education, opening the Doors of Opportunity to the incoming cadets; the side-panels consisted of

geometric sections showing various activities of cadets (athletics, military, study, chapel , etc). The murals intended for the stairway would be of Sir Galahad on one side and St. Francis of Assisi on the other. The model who posed for Education is not known (but one unconfirmed theory is that she was the artist's future wife), but Church did request that the model be paid $10 for posing. A number of cadets were also asked to pose for the side panels, but they were not compensated for their time . The murals of Sir Galahad and St. Francis were completed in 1934 and exhibited at the Century of Progress that summer, and were dedicated on June 16, MPMA Day at the exposition, in conjunction with the first day of celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Academy. The MPMA band also played at the Century of Progress that day and a "picked company" of cadets assisted in the opening of the Sky Ride. Howard Church continued on at the Academy, teaching art to MPMA students and developing an art school , both of which provided income beyond mere room and board. His next mural , a 15-by-6 feet study of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Pilgrims, took eighteen months to research and execute, and was completed in 1935. James O ' Donnell Bennett, writing in the Chicago Tribune (December 15 , 1935) said that Church "not only definitely characterized each and every to Education. figure in the mural, [but] he has also gotten into his painting that radiant spirit of all outdoors which is the glory of the English countryside in the spring." The Chaucer mural was hung in the library of West Hall and is now at the south end of the dining hall. In 1936, the board acknowledged that Church's murals brought national publicity to MPMA and, in recognition of that

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(93Z service, voted to give him an extra $100. Church left MPMA in 1938 to become head of the art department at Michigan State University, where the Kresge Art center was built during his tenure. Howard Church and his wife, !la, visited the Academy campus in 1991. At that time he spoke of restoring the Alumni Hall murals himself, but he died in 1993, before taking up the project. He was 89. Q

Another panel, flanking Education.


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(935/ (918 Tales from the MPMA homefront

It was Dly sister's fault by Jim McClure [1935]

My elder sister, who went to Morgan Park High School (we lived on Jim McClure Church Street one block west of Vincennes Avenue), was a star student with a superior academic record. The school principal advised my parents that it would be unfortunate for me to enroll there in her wake! My mother, who was very active as Sunday school superintendent at Morgan Park Congregational Church and was acquainted with both Col. Abells and Col. Jones, both of whom attended that church nearby the Academy. I was, accordingly, enrolled at MPMA where my mother also was the faculty advisor to the Academy dramatic productions. Since I lived in Morgan Park I was a day student: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays, 8 a.m. to noon on Saturdays and, there were parades, of course, on Sunday afternoons! I was in "B" Company and Fred Heitmann was my company commander. While at the Academy I went out for most sports, but succeeded only at football because I had use of a family car for taking "away game" trips. Coach "Red" Woodworth, a former Northwestern star, always told us we were a "smart team, Look at McClure here," he would say. But, even though I had the car, I never got into a game! I did have a little professional art schooling at the Art Institute and at the American Academy of Art, so I got the historical junior class job of providing art work, cartoons, and caricatures for the Skirmisher.

At that time, our classes were usually small; and the legendary Captain Gray would toss an eraser with remarkable accuracy at any dolt in our seven-student college algebra class who was inattentive. Capt. Gray was also known for putting on hi s hat and climbing out the window of old Blake Hall to go down to the PX for a smoke. In the meantime, we breathed a sigh of rei ief! Other memorable moments occurred during night study hall , held in the second floor auditorium of Blake Hall. While monitors would vary, the nights that Capt. Mahon (also a football coach) was on duty could be noisy. Should any weary cadet rest his eyes or lower his head for a moment, there would be a resounding thwack! and thud! as a heavy book would hit the back of the dozing head. An elegant variation was slamming down a desk top with a very distinctive, compelling noise. I don't know whether that improved scholarship, but it did keep one alert! Looking back, high school days have a special place in growing up and maturing. I was privileged to be able to do it at MPMA priceless during my time in WWII in New Guinea and Japan . Q

Getting acclimated by Philip Cree [1948] One also had to learn how to drill and march . We marched to all meals and to class. The days were full. Studying in one's room after dinner was mandatory and there was no talking and no one was allowed to leave his room. Being new was a bit daunting, since I knew no one. But it didn't take long to get into the swing of things. The difference between a civilian school and MPMA was that we did not have a great deal of free time. Saturday and Sunday afternoons were generally open, however. It was a good experience and I enjoyed my days at MPMA .

I entered MPMA in September 1946. I had previously attended Ft Lauderdale High School, in Florida. I don 't remember much of my first Philip Cree day in detail. There was confusion in getting settled. I was a boarder, not a day student. One had to get acclimated right away to being given lots of orders by upperclassmen . One was a plebe for the first year, which meant one had to abide by certain rules. Plebes could not enter through the front door of Hansen Hall until the end of that first year and upperclassmen wou ld expect freshman to shine their shoes or boots.


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Dr. Stanley (Stan or Doc) TyIman [39] "Retired from 51 years of dentistry, now living in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. So busy with various community, church activities & hobbies that I don't know how I would have time to work. Mary and I bought a home in Green Valley, AZ in 2005 and are now spending winters down here and are planning on selling home in Upper Michigan next summer. Wonderful spot on a private lake but the winters get to be too much! Still remember the old profs--Gray, Price, Taylor ,McIntosh, Sgt Freer. Keep busy with Lions Club (sixty years), woodworking, genealogy, computer stuff. Got his BS from Elmhurst, and his DDS from U of Texas. Spent 16 years in Illinois National Guard ended up as Battle Group Surgeon. Drop me a note at or in the summer" Bill Getz [42] wrote that he was a guest at the International Air Show honoring WWII P-51 combat pilots in Columbus, Ohio in September. John Stewart [47] of Carmel, California is a retired independent investment counselor. While on a tour of Michigan, John and Ken Nash were re-united at Ken's home, although they have remained friends over the years via the telephone and email. John and Ken played trombone in the MPMA band and both served in the Air Force.

z ::E ~


Kenneth Nash [47] of Howell, Michigan, retired as a consultant on metal casting. Photo right, "A couple of old soldiers." Eric Gustavson [61] Eric writes , - - - - - - - - - - - - . , .---=1..., about his trip with his

traveling to Paris, then to Ste.-MereEglise, the Normandy beaches and they even found the location of the German artillery position at Brecourt

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Manor that was destroyed by Lt. Dick Winters of the 101" ABN on D-Day, as depicted in "The Band ofBrothers" series. Their trip was to celebrate Shawn's recent graduation from grade school and for him to meet some family members for the first time in Stockholm, Sweden. Richard McBride [65] Rich attended MP A on a scholarship from 1961 until 1964 when he then attended Shimer College as an early entrant. Although he attended the Academy for just three years, David Jones presented him with a diploma in 1965 after he had finished his first year of college. Both his father, James McBride, MPMA [31] and his nephew Kevin McBride, MP A [07] are alumni, and it means a lot to Rich to be recognized as a graduate of MP A and to have three generations of his family graduating from the Academy. Jeff Unger, MD [70] Jeff has published his 2 nd medical textbook entitled Diabetes Management in Primary Care. More importantly he writes, "country music fans should begin to hear his singer / songwriter - Chelsea Lena on radio stations and T.V. in 2008 ." Paula Newsome [79] This fall season Paula is costarring in a new TV series, Women's Murder Club on

ABC. Paula is secondfrom the right. (photo courtesy ofABC)

Kevin Ashby [81] "I am a practicing gastroenterologist in Dana Point, California and am active in various local, regional, and national medical associations. In addition to my private practice, I have been active in clinical research for 9 years, helping bring new medicines to the marketplace. I love to travel and get away as often as possible. Locally, I like to go to the beach, and indulge in the local restaurants. Currently I have been involved in a teaching award program for a public school that I attended prior to coming to MP A in the 2 nd grade, and am also working with a missionary group which is focusing on AIDS prevention in South Africa."

ClassNotes ,----L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ Alan Boyd [82]

Allen & Hamilton management consulting) until 1999 . Worked for J ones Lang LaSalle (commercial real estate) from 1999 2006. Currently at Grubb & Ellis (commercial real estate). Wife, Tina,

"I was the US Navy's Liaison Officer to the British in Basrah, Iraq earlier this year. They are in the lower 20% of the country. I was responsible for everything of the Coalition that went across the Iraqi coast to the oil platforms in the Northern Arabian Gulf. I was also the senior US officer for the 150 or so Americans that were stationed in Basrah, Iraq."


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daughter, Kayla , 9 years , and son, James , 6 years , welcomed Maya Catherine to the world on 5/25 / 07. Steven Rosengard [95] Working in the Exhibits and Collections Department at the world-famous Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, Steven's contributions as a textile preparatory may be seen in exhibits such as the U-505 Submarine and transportation gallery. Steven is the youngest of four children. His artistic talents and enjoyment in design were first noted when he was in grade school at MP A and he spent his free time drawing figures , designing gowns and exploring fabric. Steven's path to fashion led him to Chicago's Columbia College for fashion design , but he left after only one year to travel abroad where fashion and fabric continued to captivate him in places such as France, England and Italy. While Steven does not have formal design training, his passion and unique curiosity for all things fashionable have made him a rising star in Chicago's design community.

Ronald Herbst [82] "I currently work at Digital Domain for the last 8 112 years. I have done a few feature films (Supernova), but the bulk of my work has been on commercials. DD is a visual effects company, and my position here is digital artist and occasional CG Supervisor. Basically, I create digital models, animate them and make them look photoreal. .. then integrate them into live action footage as searnlessly as we can manage. On projects where I supervise, I spend a lot of time organizing and guiding teams who do the same . My work is currently being featured in a BMW commercial in which a car grows organically while driving. I also worked on the little Listerine blue man, a fighter jet transforming into a Saab automobile, Tracy McGrady fighting off a mini-army on the basketball court for Adidas, and the Pennzoil engines that jump out of cars in search of their favorite beverage. Also, I should mention my fami1y--my wife , Eleanor and I have three kids--Nathaniel, 10, Isaac, 6 and Lillian, 1. Eleanor is a stay-at-home-mom. "

Jillian (Jill) Clark [99] Hunt "Hey all! Quick update: Divorced in March 2007, will be graduating with degree #2 (BSN in Nursing) this December (2007). NO marriage and NO kids planned in the next two or so years. Maybe traveling nursing after that! I'll come visit all! " Daniel Jarvis [02] "I graduated in 2002 from the University of Wisconsin with a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Minor in Technical Japanese. I am happily married as of Sept 20,2003 to my wife Wendy. We have twin boys who were born in July '04 and the youngest was born in April '06. We are living in the far northern suburbs where I work for Motorola developing cell phones."

Daniel Ablan [85] Dan wrote, "If you fly United, you'll see my safety animations before you take off:) Other work includes medical animations for Abbott Labs and their new drug Humira, among some work for Northrup Grumman, and NASA. I was at MPA last year and brought a few of my books down. I'm working on my 12th at the moment, all of them related to 3D animation and a new one on digital photography."

Michael Salerno [02] Mike has recently joined the Abbott Information Technology Professional Development Program (ITPDP) , and began his first rotation with QICS on August 6, 2007. Mike will be working as a business system analyst (BSA) for Small Point Solutions. In this role , he will be supporting Tearnrooms, pre-defined

Marcellus Moore [90] Graduated Morehouse College (Atlanta, GA) in 1994. Completed an MBA/JD at JL Kellogg/ Northwestern University School of Law in 1998. Worked with Booz

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ClassNotes mailboxes, Quickplaces and Inquisite surveys. Prior to Abbott, Mike worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago as a tech support and project deployment intern. He has also been working at JMS, Inc., for the past few years , where his roles have included technology coordinator, commissions analyst and assistant accountant. Mike holds a Bachelor's Degree of Science in Information and Decision Sciences with university honors and department high distinction from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Mike is currently pursuing a masters in information technology and management from IIT on a Merit Scholarship. Elizabeth Reiter [04] Elizabeth, a soprano, received her early operatic training as a member of the Lyric Opera of Chicago Children's Chorus . She has also studied at the Aspen Opera Theater Center and the Chautauqua Institution voice program. She is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in classical voice at the Manhattan School of Music as a student of Marlena Malas. Carrie Gilbert [05] Gloria Ortiz, Spanish teacher at MP A, and her family enjoy visiting with Carrie Gilbert while in Washington, D. C. during the July 4th week. Carrie served as a congressional intern for U .S. Congressman Daniel Lipinski.

Take a look at our MP A Stars! Paula Newsome [79] Co-star of the series ((The Women 's M urder Club " P aula can be seen on ABC on Friday nights.

Steven Rosengard [95]

Project Runway contestant

Patrick " Deepdish" Bertoletti [03]

Dan Pruim [06] Dan received a 4-year Army ROTC Scholarship, and will be going to Mountain Warfare Training in Alaska this Winter Break, and has been nominated as a candidate for Airborne School for the Summer of 200S .He is double majoring in Aviation Management & Business Administration. Robert Stelton, past faculty member, was the program director of the Summer Archaeological Field School; he is a member of the Chicago Archaeological Society and a certified archaeology merit badge counselor.

Patrick is currently ranked second in the world by the International Federation of Competitive Eating. P at holds m any first place records and travels around the w orld gobbling up the competition and food of course! He recently won the Turkey Bowl held on N ovember 22, 2007 when he ate 6.91 lbs. of turkey in 8 minutes.

Stephanie Gentry-Fernandez [99]

Stephanie recently appeared in M achos at Teatro Luna and is a frequent performer at literary readings around Chicago.

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Important Alumni Dates => Alumni iJrunch. 111212008- 10:00 am Mancini library

Greetings Alumni, E very year we send our Alumni, Parents, Faculty and Friends a letter regarding our annual appeal. This year we hope to increase our alumni participation. The annual fund is the cornerstone of fundraising efforts at MPA and a key to providing the best possible learning environment for our children. Gifts to the annual giving fund benefit students and teachers by providing improved educational equipment and technology, library acquisitions, athletic equipment, art supplies, and a host of other resources. Won 't you consider making your gift today? We ask that you contribute to the best of your ability as we remember the exceptional education that was provided to each and everyone of us.

=> Alumni Career Day As embly 212612008 => AU-School Reunion 912712008 Interested in traveling to Co ta Rica this summer with your fellow alumni? Call the Alumni Affairs office for further details.

Our students are the future and Morgan Park Academy alumni can make that difference. Sincerely,

Lisa T. [KirkJ Bourke [81J Alumni Affairs Coordinator If you would like to participate in any of our events, contact Lisa Bourke at 773-881-6700 x255 or lbour

BECOME A CLASS AGENT! WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A CLASS AGENT? Keep in touch with your classmates and keep them up-to-date on MPMA, MPA & Loring Alumni.

WHAT DOES A CLASS AGENT DO? => Help plan class reunions => Write solicitation letters once a year (with the support of the Annual Giving Fund team at the school) => Call and email classlllates to promote Annual Giving Fund

Thi s role is crucial to the success of the Annual Fund and the School. Alumni/ae participation and financial support are equally important. By supporting the Morgan Park Academy Annual Gi ving Fund you support excellence in education . If you are interested in becoming a class agent, please contact Lisa Bourke in the Alumni Office at or 773-881-6700 x255.


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2007 Hall of F aIDe The Hall of Fame inductions were held on Saturday, September 29th during the All-School Reunion w eekend. Congratulations to this year' s recipients , James Tuthill and Barry Kritzberg.

The Hall of Fame honors ....... .

James Tuthill

Barry Kritzberg

United States Military Academy

Teacher: (English, history, humanities, journalism) at MPA for more than three decades, starting in 1972; English department chair,· editor ofAcademy Magazine; rrH/ .... rr"rr and developed MPA archives and wrote the history of the Academy.

West Point, NY-BS Military Engineering 1948

Morgan Park Academy, Board of Trustees

Washington & Jane Smith, Board of Trustees

Chairman ofN ew Headmaster Committee

President ofBoard of Trustees Committee after David A. Jones was selected as Headmaster

President, Beverly Hills University Club

President, Hydraulic Institute (National Trade Association ofPump Manufacturers)

Chairman ofthe Board, Southwest YMCA

President & Chairman, Tuthill Corporation

Director, Illinois Manufacturers Association

Director, Beverly Bank

Director, South Chicago Community Hospital

Marriedfor 59 y ears to Florence, with three children, Sue, James Jr. and Ann, and twelve grandchildren

&,..,I!IJ!!II!'!I Honors: The Illinois recipient of the National Endowment for the Humanities Teacher Scholar A ward, 1990-1991; recipient ofan NEH grant for independent study in the humanities, and five other grants for NEH seminars and institutes. Writing: some two dozen journals articles-in publications such as Labor History, the Massachusetts Review, The Thoreau Society Bulletin, English Journal, The Richard Wright Newsletter and The History Teacher-and three novels (the Kelly O'Quinn mysteries). Professional: Consultant (Reader and Table, Leader), AP English Exams, 1982-1994; R eviewer ofgrant proposals for the NEH and the Council on Basic Education, 1985-1992; and seminar leader and cojacilitator for NEH national conferences. Collateral: editorial assistant, Chicago Sun Times; editor of Scholarly Adventures and I SA CS Magazine; teacher and department chair (English), Chicago Public Schools; assistant professor ofEnglish (adjunct) ; VanderCook College ofMusic; and instructor for adult courses at the Newberry Library, the Field Museum of Natural History, Morton Arboretum, and the Illinois Humanities Council.

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All School Reunion 2007 Once again we had a very successful Reunion with over 200 people in attendance. Participants joined our students and faculty during the Homecoming weekend in September. We want to extend our congratulations to all of our milestone years, especially the Class of 1957 who celebrated their 50th !

MP A Class of 1967 To m D rahozal and [01] alumni -Christine Linnerud reception-

MPMA Class of 1957


MP A C lass of 1977

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Morgan Park Academy's Alumni Global Committee "The only way we are going to keep our standard of living rising is to build a society that produces people who can keep inventing the future." The World is Flat, by Thomas Friedman. MPA alumni are leading the way in the US and worldwide in making the world a better place. Will Haynes Morrow [98] is helping rural poor in Cambodia gain access to cleaner water; Meg Allison [02] is a Peace Corps volunteer in Senegal. Aura Brickler [00] works with a Ugandan relief organization. At MP A, students-young and old-are also preparing to lead the way in the future as well. Our diverse student body and an experienced faculty are collaborating to better understand a world that is increasingly diverse and competitive. Courses in global issues, world religion, science in the frontiers, and nonwestern geography help broadened students perspectives; students and faculty are traveling to New Orleans, Costa Rica, Fiji, and throughout the world to perform community service; exchange programs with schools in Guadalajara, Mexico and England provide students with cultural and academic experiences as well. We need your involvement as well. Share with us a work or life experience that has improved the world ... volunteer to participate in a career day ... help us write grants so that more students and faculty can become global citizens ... provide a student with a real-world internship ... mentor an MPA student.. .consult with the faculty on global issues ... help us make our curriculum more relevant. If you would like to participate in the program please contact Lisa (Kirk) Bourke [81], in the Alumni Affairs office at 773-881-6700 x 255, or Let us show our support for our students, the future alumni leaders of our global society. Would you like to join us online? Share your experiences with your fellow alumni across the World.

An Online Resource for MPA Global Education http://mpatravelers.wikispaces .coml This is a site created by Morgan Park Academy students and alumni to share their global experiences. If you have ever lived, worked, studied or volunteered abroad, we encourage you to contribute your stories and advice to the various country pages, listed by region, so that your experiences may be of benefit to others. If the information on this site inspires you to seek more information about travel opportunities, feel free to contact the students and alums who have contributed to this site.

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John E. Fellowes [33] passed away this summer at the age of 91. He was the brother-in-law of Gordon B. Alcock [49] and Liddell J. Parchman Jr. [44] .

Liddell Jackson Parchman Jr. [44] Brother of Robert Parchman [42] . Passed away in May 2002. He loved MPMA and had many life long friends from there. After MPMA, he was in the Army Air Corps during WWII and attended U of Illinois. He married Marguerite Anderson in 1949. She survives him. He spent his career as a cattle buyer for large packers. He taught Sunday School and was an active athlete until his death. He had three children, two of whom, Todd and Robert preceded their father in death, and a daughter Leslie OLson. He has four grandchildren. Liddell Jackson Parchman III who is a senior at the US Air Force Academy, Andy Parchman who is a freshman at Harvard - both of whom are varsity lacrosse players at their respective Division I schools and both attended Culver Military Academy (as did son Todd and a host of other MPMA alumni sons) and Kallie Parchman and Max Olson.

Donald C. Carner [35] passed away on August 22,2007 . Don graduated from MPMAin 1935 and from Morgan Park Junior College in 1937. Donald was very proud to be a graduate of the schools. He attended the University of Chicago and earned his BA (1939) and MBA in 1947 after serving as 2nd Lieutenant in the Army Medical Group and subsequently as Captain in the US Air Force in the South Pacific. In 1940 he married his childhood sweetheart, Hazel Mae Kruse, who shared his life for the next 67 years. Don was well known in the Long Beach area, having been selected as the first Administrator of Seaside Hospital in 1955. Under his leadership at Seaside, his success made possible the move of Seaside Hospital to the "space age" Long Beach Memorial Medical Center in 1960. In 1977 Don received the Gold Medal Award and was named the nation's top hospital administrator by the American College of Hospital Administrators. After retirement, Don began a second career in the Bay area as a consultant. He was also the author of more than sixty articles and seven books and editor of three bi-monthly newsletters. Donald is survived by his wife, Hazel, three children, four grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.

Richard Leonard [46J passed away on September 23, 2007. Richard was the beloved husband of Darvaia and loving father of Rick and Douglas. Richard was the President of C.B. Const. CO and the owner of Leonard Steel Co. He was also a member of Local I Ironworkers Union for 56 years. Much of Dicks free time was spent volunteering as a coach for the Palos Youth Baseball Association. Walter Wozniak [47]. Jules Martin Perlberg [48] Passed away at the age of 76, of Glencoe and Longboat Key, Florida. Loving and devoted husband and best friend for 38 years of Dodie, most treasured father of Julie (Keith) Radner and Michael (Emily), adored Papa of Lauren and Joshua Radner and Grant Perlberg. Retired Sr. Partner with Sidley Austin, LLP, practiced law with the firm for 50 years. Graduate at University of Michigan, Undergraduate and Law School. On the law review and faculty member at University of Michigan Law School. Past President of the Glencoe School Board, active member of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and Past Board Member of the American Jewish Committee.

Audrey McClure wife of James McClure [35] passed away after a sudden illness on March 25, 2007. Warren F. Opitz [44] passed away in June 2007. Warren worked for the Lockheed, Martin Marietta Aerospace Corporation in Virginia. He is survived by his wife Maria, who said he cared a great deal for Morgan Park Academy.

William LaSarre [48] passed away on May 11,2007.

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Gordon B. Alcock [49] passed away on February 13, 2007.

Martin Kelly [69] passed away on July 28 , 2007. Brother of Kermit Kelly [73] & Lee Kelly. Martin was an outstanding student at MP A for 8 years and recipient of the Stephan Kling award. He was a fireplug on the football field, basketball court and tennis team.

Robert Ditzler, [49] passed away on February 12, 2007. Frederick Stocker [50] passed away on June 1,2007.

Ana Raquel Steinbarth - mother of William [78], Ralph [81] and Brenda [84] .

Dewitt Casey [SO]. Jean Junker - mother of Philip Junker [85] . Mrs. Junker was the long time principal of Kellogg Elementary school in Beverly.

Jane Porter Howey [51] passed away on November 23,2006.

Robert Landgraf - Father of Robert [94], and Brian.

Fran [Owen] Krueger [52], Loring, passed away on September 9,2007. Fran, the loving wife of Wayne [53] .

Anahid Ann Pridjian - alumni parent, beloved wife of Ara Pridjian and cherished mother of Ara [75], Claudia Nazarian [78], and John [82], passed away on Thursday, Aug. 2, 2007 at her home in Palos Heights, Illinois.

Robert H. Smith [56] of Oak Lawn, Illinois. William Irving Herriott [56] passed away on August 9, 2007 in Bridgman, Michigan. He was a loving husband and father of four. His father Irving [32] and grandfather were both Morgan Park Military Academy alumni. He was also the cousin of Madame Martha H Swift [52] . Bill was a well-liked man and will be greatly missed by all who knew him.

Dolores Butler - assistant to the upper school head at Morgan Park Academy for 33 years. Beloved wife of -",-~~~-John "Jack"; devoted mother of Michael [79], Karen [80] Trapp and James [86]; loving grandmother of Amanda, Max, Ryan, Sam and Addison; dearest sister of Phyllis Kennedy and Janine Bee. Mrs. Butler always had a kind word and a contagious smile for everyone. Her years of devotion and work at Morgan Park Academy was outstanding.

Karren J. [Rodighier] Junkunc [60], The Loring School for Girls, passed away on November 8, 2007. Karren was the wife of alumni, Charles Junkunc [59]. Peter L. Monzures [64] passed away on November 20,2007 after a valiant battle with cancer. After graduating from Morgan Park Academy, Pete went on to graduate from the University of ----"''---..,.,..... Illinois-Champaign, and the University of Denver Law School. For the past five years Pete was a wealth adviser for The Planning Group in Scottsdale, Arizona. He is survived by his wife of 33 years, Mary, his son Timothy, his sister Maria [67], brother George, and his sister Jane. Pete was a 30 year member of the Lions Club International and a Melvin Jones Award recipient. He loved family, jazz, The Honeymooners, the Chicago Bears, the White Sox and he knew the true meaning of friendship and trust. As his sister Maria wrote to his fellow c1assman, "his time on this earth was much too short but may he rest in peace and may his memory be eternal."

Dr. Mary Babakitis mother of Peter [76] and Mary [78], passed away in September.

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organ Park Academy commemorated Veterans Day with a special ceremony on November 12, 2007. Students, faculty and staff welcomed veterans from MPMA and MP A as well as relatives of current students for a tribute to our heritage as a military academy and to all who have served in the military.

The morning was appropriately grey , but unusually warm for November as students in grades 3 thru 12 joined our veterans in Jones Bowl for a special tribute to the veterans ofMPMA & MP A . A new American flag was dedicated on this day, a gift from alumnus Warren Zander [67] . Students from the lower, middle and upper schools performed skits, recited poems and read the names of our Academy graduates who lost their lives in service to our country. Our school band performed patriotic songs and the Marine Corps color guard also participated in the ceremony. A luncheon for our veteran guests followed in the "mess hall" in Alumni Hall.

25th Reunion The dass of 1982 celebrated its 25 th reu n ion th is past sum mer at a dinner downtown foHowed by a pady at one of their dassmate's h om es. Everyone h ad a great time together. The dass made a generous donation to the Martin Wolf Schoaarship Fund .

P ICT URED FROM LEFT: (Back Row) : Stafford Jacques, Bruce Rolfe, Paul Chronis, Craig Lenz, Andy Merrick, Judi Rogers , Rudy Tanasejevich , Walter McFarland, Bill Clark, Jonathan Turk, Kris Braaten (Center Row, Standing) : Anthoula (Siakotos) Lenz, Carrie Swearingen-Mereu , Kari (Higginson) Misulonas, Diana (Mackevicious) Sorfleet, Phyllis Stopka (Seated): Kelly (Stevens) McCormick, Bob Sinickas, Liz (Yang) Kang

- 28 -

Morgan Park Academy 2007 Volunteers of the Year Volunteers make a tremendous positive impact on every aspect of education at Morgan Park Academy. Parents, alumni and students give generously of their time and ta lent to enrich the learning environment for teachers and students. Amidst the myriad of impressive volunteers, two individuals from the Academy parent community stood out from the crowd in 2006-07. Their generosity spread from the classroom to Jones Bowl, from fundraising events to stage performances, from mothers' club events to classroom parties. Congratulations to Rosie Brannin and Alice Nunez-Katskee on being named 2007 Volunteers of the Year at Morgan Park Academy. For many years, Rosie Brannin has created Broadway-quality theatrical costumes for MPA student performances. She received rave reviews for her skill and creativity in designing dozens of show-stopping costumes for the spring production of Beauty and the Beas/. Alice Nunez-Katskee also brings her high level of creative energy and expertise to transform a simple room into a garden cafe, a patch of ground into a lush garden and a table of auction items into an elegant display that would make Marshall Field proud. Alice's "can-do" attitude and creative eye has made MPA events look high fashion without the high price. Whether remaking Alumni Hall into an authentic western saloon or a 20s speakeasy, Rosie and Alice provide the inspiration and the effort to make transform a vision into reality. Both ladies bring boundless energy, dedication and amazing talent to every volunteer task. And, they do so behind the scenes, shunning the recognition they so richly deserve.

L - ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - '

Please join us as we honor Rosie Brannin and Alice Nunez-Katskee as our 2007 MPA Volunteers of the Year. They represent the finest in dedication, commitment and selflessness and inspire our students and teachers, as well as fellow parent volunteers. Nothing is impossible when Rosie or Alice apply their magic touch!

Fundraising Update

CAPITAL CAMPAIGN DOLLARS AND PERCENTAGES As of Deremb er 20, 2007 $ 4,955,915.03

FRIEND $ 602,864.00 12%

ALUMNI $ 2,557,503.05 51%

1RUSlEE $ 4 71 ,069.00 10%

PARENT $1,29 2, 624.~

.. -_ _ ,

26% Hierarchv of Co nstit uents

FACULlY STAFF $31,854.84 1%

I-Trustee 2-Pa rent 3-A lumni 4-Fac ulty/Staff S-Friend

- 29 -

To date, we have raised more than $4.95 million towards our goal of $6.7 million, thanks to generous support from members of the Academy community who are helping carryon a tradition of excellence that spans more than 134 years. The second and equally important portion of the Building on Tradition Campaign is the construction of our new gym and lobby. While we are eager to take t hat next step, we must raise the additional funds to break ground for the new facility. In an effort to reach this goal, we continue to seek the support of alumni, parents and friends who share your commitment to preserving and improving the school for its current and future students.

Thrall Scholarship Fund Supports Outstanding Students Scholars at Morgan Park Academy are hardly rare. Students are regularly recognized, locally and nationally, for outstanding academic achievement. Thanks to the leadership of generous alumni, faculty, staff and friends, the Academy is able to reward a select number of these students who excel in the classroom, on stage, in the lab and on the fields of play. The Jerome A. Thrall Junior Class Leadership Award is one such prize that provides scholarship support for deserving students and honors one man who embodies the Academy tradition of excellence that spans more than 134 years. Jerome A. Thrall graduated from Morgan Park Military Academy in 1944. After serving more than two years in the US Navy, he married his high school sweetheart in 1947. He and Lynn raised six children together. He achieved great success in his family business and continues to work alongside his children to this day. All the while Mr. Thrall has kept the Academy close to his heart, wearing his class ring every day since graduation. In 1997, to honor their 50th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Thrall's children established a scholarship fund in his name. Generous contributions and helpful advice and input resulted in a permanent endowment that each year honors upper school juniors who combine academic performance with participation and leadership in extracurricular activities. In essence, this award goes to someone who best exemplifies the Morgan Park Academy tradition of excellence. This year, three MP A juniors, Stefani Tica, Ekua Davis and Joseph Raser, were selected by a vote of the upper school faculty to receive a scholarship to be applied to their annual tuition. Stefani is a leader on the student council, soccer team player and member of the National Honor Society. Ekua is a member of the volleyball team, yearbook staff, National Honor Society, French National Honor Society and was elected president of the student council for 2007-08. Joseph is also a member of the French National Honor Society and National Honor Society. He is co-editor of the 2007-08 yearbook, plays for the golf team, sings in the chorus and performs in the school plays. Morgan Park Academy is proud to be to able reward students for outstanding achievement and grateful to the family of Mr. Thrall for their generous support that makes these awards possible. More than twenty different scholarship and endowment funds have been established to provide financial assistance for Academy students and teachers. A list of these funds is included in the Annual Report section of this issue of Academy Magazine. If you would like to find out more about these funds or if you are interested in creating your own, please contact the Department of Development and Alumni Affairs at 773-881-6700, ext. 231.

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Reception Celebrates Completion of Gym Renovation


n Friday, June 29,2007, more than 150 alumni, parents, students, teachers and staff members celebrated the reopening of the newly renovated gymnasium, completing the first phase of the Building on Tradition Capital Campaign. We have raised more than $4.9 million towards our goal of $6.7 million, thanks to generous support from members of the MPA community who are helping carry on a tradition of excellence that spans more than 134 years. It was a privilege to honor the remarkable campaign contribution made by Dick Duchossois [40], whose visionary leadership has transformed the future of MPA. Head of School Bill Adams presented Mr. Duchossois with a desk chair, embossed with the Morgan Park Military Academy logo in thanks for his donation of $1.5 million to Building on Tradition, the single largest gift ever received by Morgan Park Academy. Mr. Duchossois received two standing ovations from a very grateful audience. As guests celebrated this milestone occasion, Bill Adams expressed heartfelt gratitude to Campaign Chair Imre Boarden, for her leadership and commitment to Building on Tradition, the first step toward the realization of a twenty-five year master plan to revitalize the entire MPA campus. Donors enjoyed student guided tours of the newly renovated gymnasium. The reopened gym features: new plumbing, electrical, heating and air conditioning as well as completely restored courts, new locker rooms, office space and recreation areas on the first and second floor. Head of School-Bill Adams and Dick Duchossois [40]

Head of School-Bill Adams and Campaign Chair-linre Boarden

The challenge that lies ahead is to raise the remaining funds in order to begin the next phase of the campaign, construction of the new gym and lobby. Built adjacent to the existing gym, the new regulation size gym will permit the I-r, student volunteers: Academy to host ISL tournaments and Maggie Kealy 1101 , Amy Kaspar 1071, and Rachel Boarden 1071 provide additional space for cheering fans. The grand lobby, which is described as a beacon of light due to its glass enclosures, will display Academy ~~_...l..Zl"''''' memorabilia for receptions in addition to a new Athletic Hall of Fame. I-r, student volunteers: Alex Ingram 1071, Ed Wimp 1081, Jim Bourke 1081 and Groundbreaking for the new gymnasium and lobby will begin when the Joe Misulonas 1101 necessary funds have been raised. Please contact Karen O'Neill, Major Gifts Director at 773-881-6700, ext. 268 or koneill@morganparkacademy.orgto learn more about ways that your gift could make a difference to the future of MPA. - 31 -

Building on Tradition Pays Tribute to Alumni Building on Tradition is a meaningful way to honor the past through our commitment to the future. Thanks to the insight and generosity of the Academy community, notable alumni and faculty members have been memorialized through campaign naming opportunities. The renovation celebration included presentations on these very special individuals and the indelible mark they made on MPA. George Kumis [66] shared reflections about the impact Andy Bitta made on students as a teacher and basketball coach in the 1960's. Several members of the Bitta family, including his wife , Ramona , children and grandchildren were on hand to take part in the The Bitta and Montgomery Families celebration. More than $500,000 has =------""1 been raised by alumni to name the main court in his memory.

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Bill Hickey [71] paid tribute to Donald Coller, a teacher, coach and administrator who touched many lives prior to his sudden death in 1970. Mr. Coller's wife , Alice , her two sons ; Brian [79] , Donald [70] and their families were on hand to help promote the effort to raise funds to name the upstairs gym in his memory. David Hibbs, Head of the Upper School , spoke about the impressive academic and athletic accomplishments of Christine Linnerud [01]. Christine, the daughter of long-time chemistry teacher Mark Linnerud , died of Leukemia in November 2006. Members of the MPA faculty and staff initiated an effort to name the upstairs multipurpose room in her memory. Bob Eichinger, Director of Development and Alumni Affairs , noted that the boys' locker room has been named in memory of Edwin Gausselin [29], thanks to a generous gift from the family of his daughter, Mary, her husband Tom , and son David , who attended MPA, were on hand for the festivities.

Hall of Fame induction in 2006.

The reception provided a forum to celebrate the lives of these very special members of our community and secure a lasting and meaningful tribute to individuals whose lives embodied that which we value most here at MPA. The tradition of MPMA and MPA lives on and will provide momentum for the successful completion of the campaign. For further information regarding these endeavors or to learn about naming opportunities not yet reserved , please contact Karen O'Neill , Major Gifts Director at 773-881-6700, ext. 268 or .

L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _-----l

- 32 -

路 .. a night on the town! Salute to Excellence 2008 Saturday, March 8th

Cadillac Club at Soldier Field Come experience the Cadillac Club's unparalleled views of Lake Michigan, the magnificent city skyline, and the legendary stadium.

Event chair Greta Pope Wimp, co-chair Asta Razma and the Salute 2008 Committee invite you to attend this exciting Chicago-themed event. To purchase tickets contact Sandy Williams, at 773-881-6700 ext 256 We extend a special invitation to MPA classes ending in "3" and "8". Celebrate your milestone year with your MPA friends. Alumni contact Lisa Bourke

See you there! - 33 -

ALUMNI GIVING Gifts received July 1, 2006 thru June 30, 2007 Gilbert Rubenstein (1929) Edward Kole (1953) Jack Borok (1964) Donald Carner (1935) Peter Stogis (1953) Thomas George (1964) James McClure (1935) George Mahon (1954) Fred Montgomery (1964) Frederick Flott (1939) Peter Voss (1954) Alan Newberg (1964) Arthur Kralovec (1939) Mark Klein (1955) Charles Goes (1965) C. Robert Tully (1939) Ronald MacDonald (1955) Leon Witkowski (1965) Stanley Tylman (1939) George Pappas (1955) George Kumis (1966) Hobart Van Deventer (1939) Lee Montgomery [1966] Alden Smith (1955) John Corrigan [1940] Marjorie [Bollhoffer] Schofield Nancy Nainis [1966) James Nahser [1940] (1956) Jane [George] Przyborski [1966] Charles (dec.) Pagels [1940] Charles Blackmore [1956] Susan [Shimmin] Trefil [1966) Edward Kelly [1941] Arthur Canfield [1956) Wally Washington [1966] Robert Spong [1941) Gary Cinotto [1956) Theodore Carlson [1967) Fred Steers [1941] Michael Fishman [1956] Dana Green [1967] Donald Badziong [1942) Harry Gear [1956] Peter Matson [1967] George Froemke [1942] Stephen Grice [1956] Thomas Theodore [1967] Charles Getz [1942] Charles Hart [1956] Harry Viezens [1967] Frank Major [1942] William Herriott [1956] Warren Zander [1967] Stanley Balzekas [1943] Ira Kahoun [1956) Donald Hayner [1968) Joseph Grassi [1943] Harry Klein (1956) Guy Rohe [1968) William Keefer (1943) Kurt Klein [1956] John Horn [1969] Asa Bacon [1944) ~ George Krivsky [1956] Gail [Scruggs] Lauryn [1969] Jerome Thrall [1944] John Lasson [1956] Michael Rogers [1969] Robert Whitfield [1944] Jay Levine [1956] Richard Shopiro [1970] Theodore Friedt [1945] Peter Lipe [1956] Jeff Unger [1970] John Robert Gilbert [1945] Wi iam Hickey [1971] James Paloucek [19' Jerome Levin [1945) John Peterson i19 6J Chan on Price [1971] Raymond Re!;l William Lingas (1945) 1 56) Elle 路 [ e s] Rissman [1971] Gene Simonson [1945] 56j '~'l Mil<"a I Salovaara [1971] Richard Scho le~ Bonnie [Kistner] Wefler (1945) 6) Rol;)e D lehide [1972] Robert Sm h [ Paul Byron [1946] 956) Robe 0 gomery [1972] Kenneth Stral1l Richard Leonard [1946] James Swa 1956j ne [Gnilka] Karion Fitzpatrick [1947] .... ~ J-'a]1ovich [1972) Raymond Zie n ki [95"61 Ronald Aitchi 0 H. Lincoln Vehmeyer [1947) 95\J~Sr Sh'i~ min-Hickey [1972] Jimothy Troy [1972] Earle Combs (1948) Jerry Bowden 195Z) Rex Stengele [ 9 '1] Philip Cree [1948] R bert Carpenter [1973] Francis Flynn (1948) Orlando Caravette [f958 Deborah [Wagner) Fuhlbrugge Edward Haney [1958) (1973) Robert Gamble [1948] Kenneth Mack (1958) Karen [Nielsen] Harry Hager [1948] Dominic Amadio [1959] Isaacs [1973) Louis Kole [1948] Charles Junkunc [1959] Francis Burns [1974] Ronald McCormick [1948] Karren [Rodighier) Junkunc (1960) Michele Majeune [1974) Lawrence Novak [1948) Grant DeNormandie [1960] Nancy [Montgomery] Runyon Lee Tew [1948] Danilo Lenzi [1960) (1974) Virginia [Hess) Kole [1949] Michael McClure (1960) Maria [Burnett] Thomas [1974] Virginia [Merring) Combs [1949] Janet Wiegel-Elmore (1960) Carol [Patejdl] Coston (1975) Frederick Koberna [1949] Bruce Burmeister [1961) Leonard LeRose (1975) William Kwan [1949] John DeStefano [1961] Eric Spinazzola (1975) William Liptak [1949] James Gerdy [1961) James Strenk [1975] Walter Hofman [1950) Robert Guilford [1961] Elaine Grossman-Reich [1~76) Terry Johnson (1950) Eric Gustavson (1961) Crista [Jones] Kettenhofen [1976] James Meck [1950) Manfred Kekstadt (1961) Cynthia [Kliros) Layer (1976) Robert Gear (1951) Robert Lloyd [1961) George Maragos [1976] John Kitch (1951) James Mitchell [1961] Maria [Lembares] Mazur [1976] Paulette Zimmerman-Gear [1951) Edward Rund [1961] Arthur Nicholas [1976] Frank Burd (1952) William Springer [1961] Helen [Arslan] Smoker [1976] Charles Cresap (1952) Charlotte Welton-Singer [1962) Linda Weinfield [1976] William Gaps (1952) Madonna [Farmer] Abdishi [1963] Robert Behrns [1977] Hugh Kennedy [1952) Warren Crist [1963] Kimberly Duffek (1977) Robert Rolfe [1952) Robin Goss [1963] Diane [Wagner] Nippoldt [1977] Bernard Steuber [1952) Kenneth Mortenson (1963) Allison [Reitz) Smith [1977] Martha [Herriott) Swift (1952) James Wognum [1963] David Wilkinson [1977] John Fehlandt [1953]



- 34 -


Olga [Kurylak] Derkach [1978] David Jones [1978] Marla [Hoffman] Lunderberg [1978] Diane Panos [1978] Verneta Simon [1978] Susan [Waitkus] Westcott [1978] James Branit [1979] Jean Doyle (1979) Gregory Dumanian [1979] Robyne Robinson [1979] Dana [Bogle) Otanez (1981) Joni [Springs) Duncan [1981) Michael Flanagan (1981) Robert Goes (1981) F. Morgan Gasior (1981) Lisa [Kirk] Bourke (1981) Vernon Larson (1981) Mary OToole (1981) Dale Richards (1981) Clarence Simmons (1981) Ralph Stein barth (1981) Mary [Resman) Guthrie [1982) Kari [Higginson) Misulonas [1982] Diana [Mackevicius) Sorfleet [1982) Carrie Swearingen (1982) Michael Giglio (1983) Sanjeev Rathi (1983) Rajeev Rathi [1984) Claire Concannon [1985] Philip Junker [1985) Tara Allen (1986) Adrienne Alton-Gust (1986) Hope Concannon (1986) Armen Hovanessian (1986) Jennifer Kraft (1986) Wendy Heilman (1989) Katherine Vandiver (1990) Chante Stepney (1992) Kathryn [Kozacik) Galley [1993] David VanderWeele [1994] Ronald Aitchison [1995] Mark Dinos (1995) Daniel Heller (1996) Ann Kimble-Hill [1996] Dana [Sasso] Wright [1996] Jude Abbasi [1997] Demetrios Douros (1998) Nitin Bhojraj [1999] Ellen Concannon [1999] Yara Koht-Zawisza [1999] Peggy Gatsinos [2000) Ellen Rasmussen [2000] Margaret Allison [2002] John Koht (2002) Ryan Rasmu.ssen (2005) Sonali Gandhi (2007) Allison Gilbert [2007) Keval Parikh (2007)


Z006-0?~~ Building on Tradition Capital CaDlpaign This list contains the names of donors who contributed or pledged their support since the beginning of the Capital Campaign through June 30, 2007.

$1,000,000 and Above Mr. Richard Duchossois [40]

$500,000 - $999,999 Salute to Excellence [2003-2006]

$250,000 - $499,999 Anonymous

$100,000 - $249,999 Anonymous William and Mary Lou Mastro Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Story George & Terri Venturella

$50,000 - $99,999 Dr. Kenneth and Mrs. Linda Bielinski Frank M. Clark and Michelle Clark The Crist Family [63, 70, 71] Jeff and Lisa Kenny Lou Kole [48] and Virginia Hess-Kole [49] Kenneth Mortenson [63] Mr. Richard and Mrs. Lisa Nichols

Mr. Minas and Mrs. Stasi a Litos EdwardJ. and Lori R. McGunn Howard Meyer [64] Fred [64] and Michele Montgomery Allan & Sharon Olthoff Mr. and Mrs. Joel Pelz In Memory of Basilio & Tomasa Casado - Grandparents of Lauren Rodriguez [2006] & Isabella Pelz [2014] Albert & Anne Petkus Dr. Hareth Raddawi & Dr. Ada Arias Rajeev [84] and TJ Rathi Sanjeev [83] and Sapna Rathi Dr. Antanas and Asta Razma Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Ring Mr. Michael and Mrs. Lora Salerno L. Mikael Salovaara [71] Mr. Vijay & Dr. Priti Singh Al Stonitsch & Helen Witt C. Robert Tully [39] James Tuthill [71] Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Wimp and Edward W.

$10,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $49,999 J. William, Nancy, Katie and Maggie Adams Dr. Anil and Mrs. Shashi Agarwal Khaled & Aida Akkawi Anonymous Anonymous-MPA Parents Anonymous-MPA Parents Anonymous-MPA Parents Mr. and Mrs. John Atkinson Drs. Terrence Bartolini and Carol Braun Dr. Wilfred and Mrs. Imre Boarden Boex [52] - Colby [52] - DuBoise [52] Bob [73] and Sally Carpenter Tom & Lori Daker Hammond Beeby Rupert Ainge, Inc. David J. and Dr. Maria Hibbs Mr. William Hickey [71] and Mrs. Leslie Shimmin-Hickey [72] John Keane and Shirley Maides-Keane Drs. Anil and Sun ita Kothari

The Baum Family Mr. Louis and Mrs. Deborah Bertoletti Michael and Deborah Bertucci Chicago Community Trust Coller Family Mr. John Corrigan [40] Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eichinger Mr. Michael Flannery & Ms. Susan Larson Paul and Sharon Fuller Sharon Raglin-Fuller (Mothers' Club) Jeffrey B. Gilbert and Malinda Steele Richard Green and Carol Green Ajit and Padma Kumar Leo Burnett Company, Inc. Leonard J. LeRose, Jr., Ltd. H. Irwin Martin [40] Peter L. Monzures [64] ThomasJ. and Suzanne M. Olivieri Mr. Carl and Mrs. Karyn Pettigrew Rexam

- 35 -

Mr. Irv Ruder Dr. Sundarshan & Mrs. Nirupma Sharma Sylvester, Mercedes, Rachel Rose & Anna Marie Sheppard The Sipich Family Stephen & Marcia Thomas Mr. Phillip and Mrs. Mary Ann Vasquez

$5,000 - $9,999 Mr. Robert Beatty [67] Mr. and Mrs. Abi Boxwalla Mr. Ronney V. & Mrs. Rhonda E. Deanes Mr. Francis Flynn [48] Generations Barbecue Company Ed and Melissa Harmening David A. and Leora Jones Jack and Carolyn Jucewicz Lynda Pari so - Athletic Director Rodd and Joyce Rasmussen Dr. and Mrs. Nabil & Samar Shabeeb Dr. and Mrs. Mark Slaughter The Sori Family Melissa Wall Mike Wojtyla & Lynne Kerger Linda L. Wolgamott

Up to $4,999 Mrs. Madonna Abdishi [63] Mr. Ronald [57] & Mrs. Patricia Aitchison Mr. DeWayne Anderson [54] Anonymous Harriet B. Arnold Mr. John Bacino [54] The Bitta Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bollacker Mr. Jack Borok [64] Bill and Lisa (Kirk) [81] Bourke Mr. Douglas Braun [65] Mr. Richard Bright Mr. Frank Caravette [54] Antony and Mechelle Carter Mr. William and Mrs. Patricia Collins R.W. Collins Company Earle [46] and Virginia [49] Combs Ellen Concannon [99]

Z006-0?~~ Dr. and Mrs. Hugo Cuadros Mr. Keith Cunliffe [66] Mr. and Mrs. Michael Danis Tom Drahozal and Dianne Durham Mr. John Drennan [54] Mr. Stephen J. and Mrs. Mary Kay Driscoll Dalyn and Emily Drown Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dryjanski Mrs. Catherine Dunlap & Mrs. Betty Dunlap-Quigley [77] Mr. Stanley Eigelberner [54] Mr. and Mrs. John Erdahl Mr. Williams Erickson [65] Mr. and Mrs. Mark Erzen MPA Fathers' Club Sydney Fishman [2012] Dr. John Fitzgerald [54] Mr. Karion Fitzpatrick [47] Peter McCafferty & Katie McCafferty Brenden [2018] and Alexandre [2020] Fleming Steve Grassi and Sara White-Grassi [71] Robert Hartman [54] Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Heller Mr. & Mrs. John Higgins Alex Hibbs [2002] Michelle and Elisse Hill

Laura Dixon Ingram Karen Nielsen Isaacs [73] David Jones, Jr. [79] Charles Junkunc [59] and Karren Rodighier-Junkunc [60] John and Bindu Kalapurakal Kathy and Bob Keelan David and Gail [69] Lauryn Dr. Richard Lewis Rachel Lindsey, Ph.D. Greg Lochow George Mahon [54) Thomas Malcolm Susan E. Mangels Don and Bonnie McGrath & Family Dr. Candace McMillan-Wolf James E. Meck [SO] Lee Montgomery [66] Miss Isabella Mourgelas [2015] and Miss Olga Mourgelas [2020] James Nahser [40] B. Alan Newberg [64] Coach Susan Oczkowski Mackenzie Odier [2014] and Thomas Odier [2012] Rev. William O'Donnell The O'Neill Family Estate of Charles Pagels [40]

Roger Peterson [54] Mr. and Mrs. Cornel Raab Dr. and Mrs. Gerardo Reyes Michael Rogers [69] Mr. Richard Sack [65] Barbara Schaaf & Jacquelyn Leach Steven, Heather, Kelly & Rachel Sorfleet Mr. John Stack [61] Skylar Taft [2013] & Storm Taft [2015] Ellen Thomas [2010] The Tica Family Mrs. Susan Trefil [66] John & Barbara Tubutis Dr. Jeff Unger [70] Pete Voss [54] Dr. James Wallace & Mr. Colin McFarland Dr. and Mrs. Jesse Wardlow Mr. Howard [40] and Mrs. Shirley Weckel [44] Mark [79] & Jeri Wiegel Master Donald Williams [2016] and Miss Shelby Williams [2018] Pearson Williams [58] Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Williamson

Designated Gifts Claudette LeRose Scholarship Fund Ms. Claire Concannon [85] Mrs. Leora Jones Mrs. Cynthia Layer [76] Mr. and Mrs. Mark Linnerud Mrs. Diane Nippoldt [77] Mr. David Wilkinson [77]

Jerome A. Thrall Scholarship Fund Mr. Jerome A. Thrall [44]

Pauline Kroll Scholarship Fund Dr. Frank Burd [52]

MPA Faculty Endowment

David Jones Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. J. William Adams Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eichinger Ms. Esther Hershenhorn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jarvis Mr. David Jones, Jr. [78] Mrs. Leora Jones

Francis Gray Scholarship Fund Mr. Robert Guilford [61] Dr. Calvin Johnson [46] Mr. C. Robert Tully [39]

MPA Mothers' Club

Martin Wolf Scholarship Fund Ms. Carrie Swearingen [82]

Special Projects Mr. F. Morgan Gasior [81] Mr. and Mrs. Khaled Akkawi Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bertucci Mr. James McBride and Mrs. Mary Morse

- 36-

Gifts in Kind Mrs. Michelle Alfano Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bollacker Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cantrell Dr. Demetrios Douros, MD Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fleming Mr. Jon Freeman The Heritage Gallery Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sipich Mr. and Mrs. Mariano Sori-Marin Mr. Bernard Steuber [52] Mr. Thomas Theodore [67] Mr. and Mrs. John Tubutis LargerPond Marketing Accurate Printing Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Baum Emilios Tapas Steuber Florist & Greenhouse Mr. and Mrs. Philip Vasquez Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dryjanski Mrs. Rosie Brannin Mrs. Alice Katskee Health PCP R.W. Collins & Company Mr. Nitin Bhojraj [99]

Thank You! The Annual Giving Fund is a critical aspect offundraising at Morgan Park Academy, and at all independent"schools. Our sincere thanks go out to parents, alumni, trustees, faculty, staff and friends who contributegenerou~ly to help.sU$tain the higl1standard of academic excellence that is a defi~ingelement of the Academytra<iition. In 2006-07, members of the Academy community responded to ~eals for support on the b~half of our students and'feachers with donations totaling nearly $185, 000 ~roviding resources tllatenrichedthe learning experience forevery student. Your support is not only greatly appre~_d, but;al~essenti~."

.As vv~~.1~tet~e;;t~ademtSJ:35~~sth,OOl.~r, one needs to look no further than the caliber ofour graduateS fromtneClass of2001toapprepiate the positive impact that an MFA education makes on the lives of students. MFA grad:ltates·i~;;~sistentlya.ccepted into the nation'§leadin~ coijege~and universities. FrOinPrinceto~f<>~ehon0;" am~t~~~~university ofMichig~n~ from ~?qhwestem to Stanford, the tradition ofexceIlericeHV:'eJori~O;i;lriraduates and our community ofmorl'tnan 4,0()(;7 fellow alumni. , we aC~OWledge,e+dred~;~f;~nors t~r:.l~st yeaf shared in th~l~\iest to ~~~ir the . best in "e<lucation 1t the Acaaemi, w~tu!rff&/everymem1leJ:' of the Academyc(j~uni1yfor;SUppp:~ in the coming year. We make acon:erted;efibrtt()~ChOUUO every member oftheJtt~my;contmunity, by letter,by pho~f'and in Pers,?~t to as~;~ to co~\>~te to the best of their#t)i: Ifk~.r your chil~~~~fite~f!d1l1a1n edu~~~atthe~:;;;my.,»~~.consider helping tad "S~~Si~~~ey are provided~~:~he same opportunitie~.~Venrsnt,~~U1atterthe size,reaIly matte~J;;~~?$i~$;~~~U enrich the.:l~atninge~vironment tOdayandden;tO_~~~e~~:O\1rSmfentsthe importatlt itllpact philanthropy makes af;6nr school and on our sodety as a whole. Carryon the tradition with your gift today!

Annual Giving Fund Gifts received July 1, 2006 thru June 30, 2007

Founder's Circle [$10,000+] The Estate of Mr. Frederick Flott [39] Mr. James [61] and Mrs. Linda Mitchell Dr. Audrius and Dr. Sigita Plioplys Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Story

Headmaster's Circle [$5,000 $9,999] Mr. and Mrs. J. William Adams Anonymous Mr. Kenneth [63] and Mrs. Linda Mortenson Dr. and Mrs. Kaushik Pandya Mr. Scott Woodard

Mr. and Mrs. William Mastro Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pellar Mr. and Mrs. Joel Pelz Mr. and Mrs. Albert Petkus Mr. and Mrs. Cornel Raab Mr. and Mrs. Rodd Rasmussen Dr. and Mrs. Mark Slaughter Mr. and Mrs. Steve Swinea Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Taft Mr. Lee Tew [48] Mr.Jerome [44] and Mrs. Lynn Thrall Mr. and Mrs. John Tubutis Mr. and Mrs. Dean Vallas Mr. and Mrs. George Venturella

Academy Partner [$500 - $999] Benefactor's Circle [$2,500 $4,999] Mr. and Mrs. Jim Byczek Mr. James McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Ring

Laureate Circle [$1,000 $2,499] Dr. Surendra and Dr. Sunitha Avula Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Beckham Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bertucci Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred Boarden Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cantrell Mr. Robert [73] and Mrs. Sally Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Daker Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeLaney Mrs. Catherine Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eichinger Mr. and Mrs. Mark Erzen Mr. Thomas [64] and Mrs. Carolyn George Mr. Jeffrey Gilbert and Ms. Malinda Steele Illinois Tool Works Mr. Philip Junker [85] Mr. William Kwan -[49] Mr. David and Mrs. Gail [Scruggs] [69] Lauryn Leo Burnett Company, Inc.

Mrs. Harriet Arnold Mr. Asa Bacon [44] Dr. Terrence Bartolini and Dr. Carol Braun Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bollacker Mr. and Mrs. Javier Casimiro Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Doherty Dr. C. Elise Duffy Dr. Arvind Gandhi and Dr. Jayshree Bhatt Mr. and Mrs. Michael Giglio Mr. Joseph Grassi [43] Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hoyles Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jucewicz Dr. John Keane and Dr. Shirley Maides-Keane Mr. William [43] and Mrs. Gayle Keefer Kirkland & Ellis Dr. and Mrs. Antoun Koht Dr. Richard Lewis Dr. Rachel Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. Mark Linnerud Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marmo Mr. Michael [60] and Mrs. Brenda McClure Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCready Mrs. and Mr. Karen O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. Scott Panozzo

- 38 -

Dr. Peter Perrotta and Dr. Sharon Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pettigrew Mr. and Mrs. Terence Raser Dr. Mark Reiter and Dr. Kathleen Ward Dr. Louis Rutland and Mrs. Tara Tillman -Ru tlan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Salerno Mr. Ignatius Stonitsch and Ms. Helen Witt Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Vasquez Mr. and Mrs. Robert Volkmann Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walton Mr. and Mrs. Donald Witte

Century Club [$100 - $499] Dr. and Mrs. Anil Agarwal Mr. Ronald [57] and Mrs. Patricia Aitchison Ms. Margaret Allison [02] Mr. Dominic Amadio [59] Mr. Donald Badziong [42] Hon. Stanley Balzekas [43] Dr. Garfield Batchelor and Dr. MinakshiJoshi Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Baum Mr. Robert Behrns [77] Mr. and Mrs. John Biel Mr. William and Mrs. Lisa [81] Bourke Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Boyd Mr. James [79] and Mrs. Ting Ting Branit Mr. James Bremer and Ms. Margaret O'Brien-Brem Dr. and Mrs. Larry Brown Mr. Donald [35] and Mrs. Hazel Carner Dr. and Mrs. S. Josiah Chan Dr. San deep Chandra and Dr. Madhulika Saxena Dr. and Mrs. Muhammad Chishty CitiGroup Mr. Charles Cresap [52] Mr. and Mrs. John Cummings

Z006-0? ~1(ernt= Mr. and Mrs. Fred Danielewicz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donahue Dr. Gregory [79] and Mrs. Randa Dumanian Mr. John [53] and Mrs. Patricia Fehlandt Dr. Don Fishman and Dr. Elizabeth Allen Ms. Margaret Fitzpatrick Mr. Theodore Friedt [45] CPT George [42] and Mrs. Annelore Froemke Capt. John Robert [45] and Mrs. Marilyn Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Gillespie Ms. Dana Green [67] and Mr. Thomas Clancy Mr. Steven Griesbach and Ms. Diane Berkowitz-Griesbach Mr. Edward Haney [58] Mr. and Mrs. John Higgins Dr. Walter [SO] and Mrs. Ellen Hofman Mr. John Horn [69] and Ms. H. Elizabeth Kelley Mr. Michael Hyatt and Mrs. LaVonia Ousley-Hyat Mr. Earle Irwin Mr. Charles [59] and Mrs. Karren [Rodighier] [60] Junkunc Mr. James Kallianis and Mrs. Andrea Lieberman-Kallianis Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kaspar Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kealy Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kenny Dr. John [51] and Mrs. Betsy Kitch Mr. Mark [55] and Mrs. Carole Klein Mr. Rayshon Knight and Mrs. Wanda Cruz-Knight Mr. Frederick [49] and Mrs. Arlene Koberna Ms. Jennifer Kraft [86] Mr. and Mrs. Barry Kritzberg Dr. and Mrs. Joseph LeBlanc Mr. Jerome [45] Levin Mr. and Mrs. David Lewis Mr. William Lingas [45] Mr. and Mrs. Minas Litos Mr. Greg Lochow Ms. Mary Lynch Mr. Ronald MacDonald [55] Mr. Frank [42] and Mrs. Betty Major Mr. Thomas Malcolm

Ms. Susan Mangels Dr. and Mrs. Robert Marquis Mr. Peter Matson [67] Ms. Connie McGee Dr. Candace McMillan-Wolf and Dr. Lonn Wolf Mr. Robert W. Montgomery [72] Mr. Robert Morrow and Mrs. Patricia Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Niko Mourgelas Dr. and Mrs. Chiedu Nchekwube Ms. Crystal Phillips Dr. and Mrs. Mohammad Razzaque Dr. and Mrs. Donald Reed Mr. Guy [68] and Mrs. Vicki Rohe Mr. Robert Rolfe [52] Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Rosen Mr. Gilbert Rubenstein [29] Mr. Edward [61] and Mrs. Ronalee Rund Mr. Richard Sabatini Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Sarabia Mr. Richard [56] and Mrs. Marjorie [Bollhoffer] [56] Schofield School Pop Mr. Richard [70] and Mrs. Paula Shopiro Ms. Verneta Simon [78] Col. Gene [45] and Mrs. Ruth Simonson Mr. Leon Slota and Ms. Susan Lambert Mr. Alden Smith [55] Mr. and Mrs. William Somers Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sorfleet Mr. and Mrs. Mariano Sori-Marin Lt Col Robert Spong [41] Mr. William Springer [61] Mr. Peter Stogis [53] Target-Take Charge of Education Mr. and Mrs. Jovan Tica Mr. Charles Tokar and Mrs. Janice Prible Mrs. Susan [Shimmin] Trefil [66] Dr. Stanley [39] and Mrs. Mary Tylman Dr. Jeff [70] and Mrs. Lisa Unger Mr. Hobart Van Deventer [39] Mr. H. Lincoln [47] and Mrs. Nancy Vehmeyer Mr. Harry [67] and Mrs. Marcia Viezens Mr. Peter [54] and Mrs. Janet Voss

- 39 -

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Walker Mr. Kevin Waller and Mrs. Jean Roche Mr. Eudell Watts and Mrs. Julie Culberson -Watts Ms. Sarah Webb Mrs. Charlotte Welton-Singer [62] Mr. Ronald Elmore and Mrs. Janet Wiegel-Elmore [60] Dr. Mark Williams and Dr. Stephanie Whyte Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wimp Mr. Steven and Dr. Cheryl Wolfe Ms. Linda Wolgamott Mr. James Xeros and Mrs. Georgia Petropoulos Mr. James and Dr. Doris Zegel

Academy Friend [Under $99] Mr. Lafontant Augustave Mr. Sean Barnes and Mrs. Kimberly Pickens-Barnes Mr. Dan Fleck and Ms. Alison Becker Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Berkey Box Tops for Education Ms. Carol Coston [75] Mr. and Mrs. Michael Danis Ms. Cynthia De Boise-Davis Ms. Kimberly Duffek [77] Ms. Pat Egan Ms. Emily Fitch Mr. Charles Fitzgerald and Mrs. Mary Ellen Dennehy Mr. Robert and Mrs. Debroah [Wagner] [73] Fuhlbrugge Ms. Kathryn Galley [93] Mr. Robert [48] and Mrs. Elizabeth Gamble Mr. William Gaps [52] Ms. Peggy Gatsinos [00] Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Griffin Mr. Robert [61] and Mrs. Beth Guilford SGM Eric [61] and Mrs. Barbara Gustavson Mr. James and Mrs. Mary [Resman] [82] Guthrie Ms. Marilyn Hanzal Dr. Terry [SO] and Mrs. Janet Johnson Dr. Matthew Kamin and Dr. Diane Zamojski Mr. Edward A. Kelly [41]

l006-0?~~ Mr. Hugh Kennedy [52] Mr. Jamie and Mrs. Crista Uones] [76] Kettenhofen Mr. and Mrs. Martin King Mr. John Koht [02] Mrs. Yara Koht-Zawisza [99] and Mr. Shawn Zawisza Mr. Todd Lafayette and Mrs. Donielle Charise-Agee Dr. Marla [Hoffman] [78] and Mr. Jon Lunderberg Ms. Michele Majeune [74] and Mr. Renny Fagan Mr. and Mrs. William Manley Dr. Ronald [48] and Mrs. Barbara

McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Donald McGrath Ms. Carol Metzcus Ms. Mary O'Toole [81] Mr. David and Mrs. Jane [George] [66] Przyborski Dr. and Mrs. Antanas Razma Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rhodes Mrs. Nancy [Montgomery] [74] and Mr. Paul Runyon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Tim Scolan Mr. Paul and Mrs. Allison [Reitz] [77] Smith Mr. Eric [75] and Mrs. Ann Spinazzola

Mr. Fred Steers [41] Mr. Ralph [81] and Mrs. Annette Steinbarth Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Tangel Mr. Timothy N. Troy [72] Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Turnock, MD Mr. David VanderWeele [94] Ms. Katherine Vandiver [90] Verizon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Wallenstein Mrs. Jean Waterman Mrs. Bonnie [Kistner] [45] Mr. W. Daniel Wefler Mr. Dwan Westmoreland and Mrs. Lida Stewart-Westmoreland Mr. Robert Whitfield [44] Mr. and Mrs. Russell). Williams Ms. Dana [Sasso] Wright [96]

Salute To Excellence 2007 Diamond Society [510,000+] M.T. Transit, Inc. Marina Cartage, Inc. Mat Leasing, Inc. Mr. James [61] and Mrs. Linda Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. James Seward

Platinum Society [55,000+] Dr. Liza Allen Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Beckham Bella Flowers & Greenhouse Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fleming Mr. Jeffrey Gilbert & Ms. Malinda Steele Greta Pope Entertainment Dr. Anil & Dr. Sun ita Kothari Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Joel Pelz Dr. and Mrs. Mark Slaughter

Gold Society [52,500+] Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bertucci Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred Boarden Mr. and Mrs. Myron Brick Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeLaney Ms. Goldie Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fuller Dr. and Mrs. Antoun Koht Mr. and Mrs. Cornel Raab Dr. and Mrs. Sundarshan Sharma

Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Tillman Mr. Ronald Winkle Ms. Linda Wolgamott

Silver Society [51,000+] Accurate Printing Mr. and Mrs.). William Adams Anonymous Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. David Brannin Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Brokemond Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cantrell Country House Mr. and Mrs. Michael Danis Mr. and Mrs. Mark Erzen Dr. and Dr. Arvind Gandhi Groen Concrete Mr. Hama Amadou and Mrs. Debra Christian-Amadou Mr. and Mrs. Jamal Hassan Dr. John Keane & Dr. Shirley Maides-Keane Sabah and Justina Khalifa Mr. James Kowalsky & Dr. Vicki Williams Mr. David and Mrs. Gail [69] Lauryn Mr. Leonard [75] and Mrs. Ilene LeRose Lombard Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William Mastro Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGunn

- 40-

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Munsey Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Alice Nunez-Katskee Dr. and Mrs. John Parise Mr. and Mrs. David Perry Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pettigrew Dr. Hareth Raddawi & Dr. Ada Arias Dr. and Mrs. Antanas Razma Dr. and Mrs. Mohammad Razzaque Dr. Louis Rutland & Mrs. Tara Tillman-Rutland Mr. Jerome [44] and Mrs. Lynn Thrall Dr. Robert and Mrs. Susan [66] Trefil Mr. and Mrs. Dean Vallas

Bronze Society [5500+] Mr. Fernando Ortiz and Mrs. Michelle Alfano Mr. and Mrs. Mohammad Atassi Dr. Garfield Batchelor & Dr. Minakshi Joshi Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Baum Mr. James Bremer & Ms. Margaret O'Brien-Bremer DeLaney Law Office, Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eichinger Mr. Joseph Grassi [43] Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Griffin Mr. Richard Guminski & Mrs. Chris Guminksi Ms. Marilyn Hanzal

Z006-0?~~~ Mr. David and Dr. Maria Hibbs Mr. Robert Nolan and Mrs. Daryce Hoff-Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hoyles Michael and Rita Kealy Mr. Michael Kochanny and Mrs. Mary Morrissey-Kochanny Mr. and Mrs. David Leeb Mr. Greg Lochow Mr. and Mrs. John T. Long Mr. and Mrs. George Macey Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marmo MPA Mothers' Club Dr. and Mrs. Kaushik Pandya Ms. Lynda Pari so Mr. Lewis Putman Mr. and Mrs. Terence Raser Mr. and Mrs. Rodd Rasmussen Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Ring Mr. and Mrs. Michael Salerno Dr. and Mrs. M. Nabil Shabeeb Mr. and Mrs. Richard SkopickJr. Mr. Darryl Strait Mr. Allan Teske Mr. and Mrs. Jovan Tica Mr. and Mrs. John Tubutis Mr. and Mrs. Robert Volkmann Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wimp

Gala Club [5100+] Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Abi Mansour "Aesthetica Chicago, LLC" Mr. Ronald [57] and Mrs. Patricia Aitchison Alderman Ginger Rugai Mrs. Margaret Allison Dr. Jafar and Dr. Maysoon AI-Sadir Mrs. Harriet Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Arslan Jr. Dr. Surendra and Dr. Sunitha Avula Mr. and Mrs. John Bakker Mr. Daniel Baltierra Bankfinancial Mr. Sean Barnes and Mrs. Kimberly Pickens-Barnes Mr. Dan Fleck and Ms. Alison Becker Beckham Transit Ms. Pam Benson Beverly Area Planning Association Beverly Review /TR Communications, Inc. Dr. and Dr. Adarsh Bhan

Mr. Jermone Bonner & Mrs. Joyce Ann Gardner-Bonner Ms. Susan 1. Bonner Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Borden Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bosack Mr. William and Mrs. Lisa [81] Bourke Mr. Jerry Bowden [57] Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Roger Brewin Ms. Cicely Bryar Dr. George Bryar & Ms. Nancy Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bryar Cardiovascular Surgeons, Ltd. Mr. Theodore Carlson [67] Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Catania Center for Pych Services Christopher John Floral Designs Clarence Davids & Company Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark Columbia College Chicago Columbus Auto Rebuilders Ms. Carol Coston [75] Cover-All Remodeling Mr. Philip Cree [48] Crown Corr Dr. and Mrs. Hugo Cuadros Mr. and Mrs. John Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Daker Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daley Mr. and Mrs. Ronney Deanes Mrs. Olga Derkach [78] Diwali Ladies Mr. Jay Dobrutsky Mr. and Mrs. Denis Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Richard Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Dubose Dr. C. Elise Duffy Mr. and Mrs. George Eck F & B Construction Services, Inc. Mr. Roger Findley Ms. Emily Fitch Mr. Charles Fitzgerald & Ms. Mary Ellen Dennehy Mr. Michael Flannery & Ms. Susan Larson Mr. Francis Flynn [48] Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Frank Capt. George Froemke [42] Mr. William Gaps [52] Mr. F. Morgan Gasior [81] Mr. John Gavin

- 41 -

George Washington Savings Dr. Charles Getz [42] Mr. Benjamin Ghess & Mrs. Michele Pitman Mr. Michael [83] and Mrs. Lisa Giglio Capt. John Robert Gilbert [45] Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Grant Griffin & McCarthy, LLP Ms. Dana L. Grube Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Guest Mr. Harry Hager [48] Ms. Cheryl A. Harris Ltc. Charles Hart [56] Ms. Judith A. Haustein Mr. Donald Hayner [68] Mr. Paul Hease & Mrs. Carol McGury Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Heilman Mr. and Mrs. John Higgins Dr. and Mrs. Mahmoud Ismail Mr. and Mrs. Robin Jesk John Sheehy & Sons Funeral Home Johnson, Jones, Snelling, Gilbert & Davis Mr. David Jones [78] Mrs. Leora Jones Mr. Charles [59] and Mrs. Karren [60] Junkunc Dr. and Mrs. John Kalapurakal Dr. Matthew Kamin and Dr. Diane Zamojski Ms. Alice Keane Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keelan Mr. Auntone Kelly & Mrs. Gloria Reveron -Kelly Dr. Mohayya Khilfeh Dr. John Kitch [51] Mr. Frederick Koberna [49] Mr. Edward C. Kole [53] Mr. Louis Kole [48] & Mrs. Virginia Hess-Kole [49] Mr. Arthur Kralovec [39] Mr. and Mrs. Barry Kritzberg Ms. Paula Kubilius Dr. Muhammad Kudaimi & Dr. Randa Loutfi Mr. George Kumis [66] Mr. Lehrer and Ms. Rothenberg Mr. Jerome Levin [45] Dr. Rachel Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. Mark Linnerud Mr. William Liptak [49] Mr. and Mrs. Minas Litos

Z006-0?~~ Little Company of Mary Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacDonald Mr. Kenneth R. Mack [58] Mr. Allen W. Madeja Mr. George Mahon [54] Mr. Frank Major [42] Mr. Thomas Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. Matt Maloney Ms. Susan Mangels Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Marmo Mr. and Mrs. Sam Martarino Mr. Peter Matson [67] Ms. Anne McAloon Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCready Mr. and Mrs. Donald McGrath Mr. Lonn Wolf and Dr. Candace McMillan-Wolf Mr. James Meck [50] Metropedix Michael's Steak & Seafood Ms. Kari R. Misulonas [82] Ms. Kathryn Morrissey Mr. and Mrs. Niko Mourgelas MPA Board of Trustees MPA Development Committee MPA Salute Dr. and Mrs. George Nahra Mr. Lawrence Novak [48] Ms. Susan Oczkowski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Sullivan Ms. Karen Page Ms. Diane Panos [78] Mrs. Susanne Panovich [72) Mr. George Pappas [55] Dr. and Mrs. Dilipkumar Parikh Mr. and Mrs. William Patejdl Dr. Peter Perrotta and Dr. Sharon Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pietrus Mrs. Jane Przyborski [66] R. W. Collins Company, Inc. Mr. Richard Raser Mr. Ryan Rasmussen [2005] Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rhodes Mr. Dale Richards [81] Ms. Robyne Robinson [79] Joan Roman Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Rosen Col. Gene Simonson [45] Mr. and Mrs. Jacek Skawiniak Somerville Design

Mrs. Diana B. Sorfleet [82] Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sorfleet Mr. and Mrs. Mariano Sori-Marin Mr. William Springer [61] Mr. Rex C. Stengele [57] Mr. Zirko Radujkovich and Ms. Lela Steriovsky-Radujkovich Steuber Florist Structure Management Midwest, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Richard Szkarlat Mr. and Mrs. Delroy Taylor Mr. Lee Tew [48] Ms. Angenette Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Thomas Tica Enterprises, INC. Mr. Charles Tokar & Mrs. Janice Prible Ms. Jean Tourville U.S. Minerals, LLC Dr. Jeff Unger [70] Mr. Hobart Van Deventer [39] VanderCook College Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vandiver Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Vasquez Mr. and Mrs. George Venturella Mr. Harry Viezens [67) Mr. and Mrs. Ignatius Villasenor Dr. Samir Wassef & Dr. Wafaa Hanna Mr. Eudell Watts and Mrs. Julie Culberson-Watts Mrs. Charlotte Welton-Singer [62] Mrs. Janet Wiegel-Elmore[60] Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wiles Mr. and Mrs. Donald Witte Mr. and Mrs. Wladyslaw Wodziak Mr. Michael Wojtyla & Ms. Lynne Kerger Mr. and Dr. Steven Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Woodhouse Mr. and Mrs. James Woods Ms. Dana Wright [96] Mr. Warren Zander [67]

MPA Club [Up to $99] Mr. Ronald Aitchison [95] Mr. and Mrs. David Bendell Ms. Susan Berzanskis Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bollacker Ms. Joyce Bonner Mr. and Mrs. Abi Boxwalla Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Boyd Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Byczek Mr. and Mrs. David Case Mr. and Mrs. Javier Casimiro

- 42-

Ms. Angel Catania Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Clott Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cohen Mr. and Mrs. John Craven Ms. Cynthia De Boise-Davis Mr. Mark Dinos [95] Mr. David Bonnan and Ms. Jean Doyle [79] Ms. Valerie Driscoll-Kirk Mr. and Mrs. Dalyn Drown Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dryjanski Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Edwards Mrs. Joan Eichinger Dr. Don Fishman & Dr. Elizabeth Allen Fox's Beverly Pub Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gagnon Ms. Kathryn Galley [93] George Poulos & Associates, Photographers Ms. Robin Goss [63] Mr. Steven Griesbach and Ms. Diane Berkowitz-Griesbach Mr. Donald Grover Dr. Mehmet and Dr. Yesim Gulecyuz Mr. Jerome Hojnacki Mr. Erin Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Martin King Lisa Nails Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long Messerle Architect Mr. Eric Morgan and Mrs. Sonya Williams-Morgan Mr. and Mrs. James Nichols Orland Cleaners Ms. Mary O'Toole [81] Mr. and Mrs. George Poulos Mr. and Mrs. Terence Raser Ms. Ellen Rasmussen [2000] Dr. and Mrs. Donald Reed Dr. and Mrs. Gerardo Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rosa Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Sanford Mr. and Mrs. Michael Savage Mrs. Meg Simmerling-Faeh and Mr. Paul Faeh Mr. and Mrs. John Somerville Mr. Ralph E. Steinbarth [81) Mr. Aloysius Stonitsch & Mrs. Helen Witt Mr. James Strenk [75] Mr. and Mrs. Edward Szofer Ms. Cheryl Vittori

Z006 -01 ~1(e;xnr Mr. Dwan Westmoreland and Mrs. Lida Stewart Mr. and Dr. James Zegel

Gifts In Kind Mr. and Mrs. J. William Adams Adler Planetarium Astronomy Museum Dr. and Mrs. Anil Agarwal Mr. Fernando Ortiz and Mrs. Michelle Alfano Mr. Trevett Allen Mrs. Harriet Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Baum Mr. Dan Fleck and Ms. Alison Becker Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Berkey Bertoletti Family Beverly Art Center Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bielinski Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred Boarden Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bollacker Mr. William and Mrs. Lisa [81] Bourke Mr. and Mrs. Abi Boxwalla Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Boyd Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Brannin Mr. James Bremer & Ms. Margaret O'Brien-Bremer Mr. and Mrs. Myron Brick Calabria Imports Mr. and Mrs. David Case Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Clott Anonymous DePaul University/The Theatre School Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Doherty Mr. David Bonnan and Ms. Jean Doyle [79] Mr. Thomas Drahozal & Ms. Dianne Durham Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dryjanski Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Edwards Evergreen Racquet & Fitness EZ Links Golf Mr. Charles Fitzgerald & Ms. Mary Ellen Dennehy Mr. Michael Flannery & Ms. Susan Larson Foodlife Mr. Michael [83] and Mrs. Lisa Giglio

Mr. Jeffrey Gilbert & Ms. Malinda Steele Ms. Marilyn Hanzal Mr. David and Dr. Maria Hibbs Dr. and Mrs. Raffy Hovanessian Innisbrook Wraps Michael and Rita Kealy Ms. Alice Keane Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keelan Mr. Mark Klein [55] Dr. and Mrs. Antoun Koht Mr. David and Mrs. Gail [69] Lauryn Mr. Greg Lochow Ms. Susan Mangels Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marmo Mr. and Mrs. William Mastro Mr. Lonn Wolf and Dr. Candace McMillan -Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Niko Mourgelas MPA Fathers' Club MPA Mothers' Club MPA Physical Education Department MPA Summer Program Mr. Swifty Cleaners Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nichols Oak Lawn Hilton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. Cornel Raab Dr. Hareth Raddawi & Dr. Ada Arias Mr. and Mrs. Terence Raser Ms. Ellen Rasmussen [2000] Mr. and Mrs. Rodd Rasmussen Mr. Ryan Rasmussen [2005] Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Ring Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Salerno Mrs. Meg Simmerling-Faeh and Mr. Paul Faeh Ms. Anna Stange Mr. and Mrs. Moqueet Syed Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tadin Mr. Allan Teske Mr. Evan and Mrs. Maria [74] Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Thomas Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Tillman Mr. Charles Tokar & Mrs. Janice Prible Dr. Robert and Mrs. Susan [66] Trefil Mr. and Mrs. John Tubutis Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wimp

- 43 -

Ms. Linda Wolgamott Ms. Dana Wright [96]

Board Designated Unrestricted Net Assets As of June 30, 2007 2007 Capital Fund: Morgan Park Academy Endowment Fund Alice H. Baer Fund Donald Mancini Fund War Memorial Fund Morgan Park Academy School Advancement Fund Faculty Endowment: Edward E. Ford Foundation Fund Martin Wolf Fund Claudette LeRose Fund Morgan Park Academy Faculty Endowment Fund Scholarship: Heilman Family Endowment Fund Loring School Fund Mrs. Patricia Grassi Memorial Fund Morgan Park Academy Restricted Fund Morgan Park Academy Undesignated Fund Morgan Park Academy Staff Endowment Fund Not Yet Designated: Henry W. Kennedy Memorial Fund Davis Boyd Fund Donald E. Coller Fund Ross Widney Beatty Jr. Fund George E. Wiegel Memorial Fund Jerome A. Thrall Scholarship Fund Andrew Bitta Scholarship Fund Pauline Burd Kroll Fund Crist Fund Captain Gray Fund Phyllis Montgomery Fund

$ $ $

24,988 371,248 216,971 3,684 3,750,716 4,367,607

$ 24,403 $ 362,566 $ 211,897 3,596 $ $3,004,208 $3,606,670

$ $ $ $ $

177,855 13,999 18,786 186,483 397,123

$ 173,695 13,570 $ $ 17,053 $ 146,062 $ 350,380

$ $


$ $ $ $

1,875 64,321 552 247 9,204 3,691 79,890

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

4,445 2,623 9,495 36,955 12,686 57,310 15,579 25,019 36,954 73,049 3,417 277,532


$ $



$ 5,122,152

- 44-


$ $ $

$ $ $

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

1,831 62,817 539 1,531 3,707 3,605 74,030 4,341 2,561 9,273 36,091 12,389 49,125 15,215

60,468 3,337 192,800





Tuition Income ............ ....... ...... .. ... ..... .. .. .. ..................... ... . Program Services ............................. .. .... ... ...... .... .. ..... .... .. . Student Services ................. .... ........ .... ........ .. .... .... .. ..... ... . Auxiliary Services ............. .. ... ..... ... ..... .. .. .......... ............ .... . Investment Income ..... ...... ...... ..... ... ... ..... .. ..... .... .. ...... ..... ... . Annual Giving and Fundraising ............................ .. ............. .. Other Revenue .. .. ......... .. .... ... .... ... .... .. .... .. .... ... ... ... ........... . Total Income ...........................................................

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

6,254,394 281,625 57 ,753 92 ,262 88 ,060 1,188,320 61,740

77.9% 3.5% 0.7% 1.1% 1.1% 14.8% 0.8%



4,495,419 1,233,073 202,750 79 ,580 77 ,522 401 ,258 105,726 213,462 78 ,561 243 ,012 57 ,850 70,157 147,288

60.7% 16.7% 2.7 % 1.1 % 1.0% 5.4% 1.4% 2.9% 1.1% 3.3% 0.8% 0.9% 2.0%



EXPENSES 08% 0.0% 3.3%路 0.9% 2.0%

2'7% ~~

Employee Compensation ......... ..... ..... .. ... .. ..... .............. ...... . Employee Benefits ..... .......... ...... ...... ......... ......... .......... .... . Instructional Expenses ... .. ...... ... .. .. .. .... ..... ............. ... .... .. .. .. Student Services .... ... ... .... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .... .. ...... ... .. ..... ... .. . Auxiliary Services .. ... ... .. ..... ........ .... .... ....... ..... .. .... ...... .... .. General Administration ... ............ .... ... .. ...... ......... .. .... ... ..... . Admissions and Marketing ....... ....... ... .. ....... .......... ...... ..... .. Advancement and Fundraising .... .. .. ...... .. .. ............... .... .... .. . Building and Grounds .. ....... ... .. ........ ...... .. .. ... ........ ..... .. .. ... . Utilities .. .... ....... ............ ..... .... .... ........... .. .. ...... ... ........ ... . Computers and Major Projects ... ... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ... .. ... .... .... .. Other Operating Expenses ... ........... ... ............. ...... .. .... .... . . Depreciation ............ .. ..... ... .... ............. ...... .. ......... .... ... ... . Total Expenses ....... .. ........................... ..................... .

Total Income.. ..................... ....... ......... ........................ Total Expenses............ ............... ......... .. ...................... Net increase in assets...................................................

- 45 -

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

$ 8,024,154 $ 7,405,658 -7---:..!...:..::..=.!==$ 618,496

Annual Report 2006-2007 Audited Financial Summary (July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007) Assets:

Cash and Cash Equivalents ............................................ $ 1,160,603 Investments............................................................... $ 1,324,131 266,062 Student and Other Receivables....................................... $ Pledge Receivables ...................................................... $ 771,816 43,852 Pre-paid Expenses....................................................... $ Plant and Equipment..................................................... $ 5,656,622 LongTerm Receivables ...................................................~$_ _ _5:;,.1.:..:.,.;..;72:;,.4:Total Assets ........................................................... $ 9,274,810 Liabilities and Net Assets: Liabilites Accounts Payable ........ , ................................................ $ 730,084 Notes Payable ............................................................. $ 213,005 Accrued Payroll/Expenses .............................................. $ 419,604 Deferred Revenue ........................................................ $ 907,432 Long Term Liabilities ..................................................... _$;.-_...,:3::.!,.:....70::..:6~,6::..:3::..:3:...Total Liabilites ........................................................ $ 5,976,758

Net Assets Unrestricted ................................................................ $ (1,823,407) Board Designated ....................................................... _$;-_...,:5::.!,~12:::.:2::.!,::,.;15::.:2=Total Net Assets ..................................................... $ 3,298,745 Total Liabilities and Net Assets: .................................... $



Tuition Income ............................................................. $ 6,254,394 Program Services......................................................... $ 281,625 57,753 Student Services.......... ... ... . ................. . .... .................. $ 92,262 Auxiliary Services ......................................................... $ Investment Income ........................................................ $ 88,060 1,188,320 Annual Giving and Fundraising ........................................ $ 61,740 Other Revenue ............................................................ ...,:$:::-_ _-=-:...!..:.....:..::.8,024,154 Total Income .......................................................... $

77.9% 3.5% 0.7% 1.1% 1.1% 14.8% 0.8% 100.0%

4,495,419 Employee Compensation ............................................... $ Employee Benefits ........................................................ $ 1,233,073 202,750 Instructional Expenses ................................................... $ 79,580 Student Services.......................................................... $ 77,522 Auxiliary Services......................................................... $ 401,258 General Administration .................................................. $ 105,726 Admissions and Marketing .............................................. $ 213,462 Advancement and Fundraising ........................................ $ 78,561 Building and Grounds .................................................... $ 243,012 Utilities....................................................................... $ 57,850 Computers and Major Projects........................................ $ 70,157 Other Operating Expenses ............................................. $ 147,288 Depreciation ................................................................~$_ _...-....:...:...:...!=.:::.:=-7,405,658 Total Expenses ....................................................... $

60.7% 16.7% 2.7% 1.1% 1.0% 5.4% 1.4% 2.9% 1.1% 3.3% 0.8% 0.9% 2.0% 100.0%


Net change in assets .................. ............................. $

- 46-


Honor a family member or friend with a personalized brick on the Morgan Park Academy campus. Your contribution of$100 will provide a permanent tribute for a loved one and enrich the learning environment at MPA. Each brick may be printed with up to three lines, including an individual or family name, as well as your message (class year, "in memory of, " etc.). Fill in the boxes below with your message. Leave a space between words. Each line accommodates up to 14 characters, including spaces. Bricks are placed in the Jones Bowl pathway between the flagpole and the Arts Center. To order more than one brick, simply copy this form.

DDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD Name: Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City/State/Zip: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ x $100.00 Total enclosed: _ _ _ __ No. ofBricks: Method ofPayment:_ Check _VISA/MC/AMEX/Discover Credit Card No. Exp. _ _ __ S~nature: - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Make your check payable to:

MORGAN PARK ACADEMY Please mail form in the enclosed envelope or fax to: 773/881-8017 L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~

*Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent that the Internal Revenue Code allows. Since your brick remains on the property ofMorgan Park Academy, no goods or services are provided to the donor by Morgan Park Academy in exchange for a charitable donation.

- 47 -

Take a minute and write your classmates


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Please update your information Year of graduation: Name: Address: Profession: CollegelUniversity: Degrees: Contact phone number: day: night: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Email address:





- 48 -

TELL YOUR TALE: CONTRIBUTE TO HISTORY The Skirmishers, the Compendiums, the Academy News -like the bulletins and catalogues, and other official publications of the Academy - don't begin to tell the real story of student life. Only you can do that. I invite you, then, to tell your story so that when the second and third volumes of the history of the Academy comes to be written your story will be a part of the record, not just a yarn that is told at alumni gatherings. -

Barry Kritzberg Editor, Academy Magazine MPMA/MPA archivistlhistorian

Please include the following information on a cover sheet: Name/ Address/ Telephone number/ Date Year of Graduation Grade/ Year entered MPA

Suggestions and Guidelines: Write chronologically and be as specific as possible about dates, names, etc. Write for the Kansas City Milkman: remember that things which are perfectly plain to you today will be perfectly obscure to readers years hence if you don't include the basic elements (who, what, when, where, why, how). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Describe, if you know, how you came to attend MPA. Describe your first day at MPA. If you attended another school, you might discuss the differences. Were you following (or leading) a sibling? What was that like? Friendships: who/ howl what/ why/ where/ when? Classes and school work: what did you like? Any funny moments? Memorable ones? Books: significant readings, from The Poky Little Puppy to Walden, etc. Activities: sports, plays, dances, newspaper, year-book, parades, drill, key-club, all-nighters, etc. Teachers: adventures in learning: what was it like to learn to draw, to read, to write, to add and subtract, etc? Any memorable characters? Inspiring moments? Depressing ones? 10. Friendships? Romances? 11. The above is not intended to be exhaustive and there is much more, no doubt, that was important to you. Write about that, too.

Mail to: Barry Kritzberg Morgan Park Academy 2153 W lllth Street Chicago, IL 60643

e-mail: [Please send your story as an attachment.]

She's NoDetective IA Kelly O'Ouinn Mystery)

A Tale of Two Books

Morgan Park Academy A History (Volume I)

Two books, without much in BaJ'I'Y Kritzberg common (except that r wrote them both) were published just a few weeks apart in the summer of 2007. One, the first volume of a projected three volume hi story of the Academy, was seven years in the making. Readers of all ages have been pleasantly surprised to find that a book about a school can actually be interesting, fun , and informative. The research and the writing (and, yes, the editing too) have been worthwhile, then , for my goal was to produce a history that people would actually want to read, and ...l .1I1 Re90rter Iely O'QuiM 11l1li 楼.l WlrshaWlki, llut In III'Itit all not just one to be stored on the shelf or 'taryolmurderlndmternatlonaiUten"lrtlfltiqultla, 1he dilcoverstnatshe hll In act Hk,. detectiv.. (Now also available online from Barnes & Noble or Amazon.) the coffee table as a monument to (A lso available online from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.) Morgan Park Academy's rich past. CaU 1 800 AUTHORS to order or VISII IUmverse com IUnlVerSe Call1 路aOO AUTHORS to order, or VISit \'IWW .Unlverse com ,Umverse The second book, admittedly, did not take as long to write as volume one of the history of MPA , but the writing of She's No Detective (A Kelly 0 'Quinn Mystery) was an equally pleasurable experience (See " How I became a mystery writer" on page nine of this magazine) . Both books are available online from Amazon or Barnes & Noble and from MPA. TllllillhItt.,.oI.tdIHI.~IIlIt"IIIl~lnstitvli




Barry Kritzberg


MORGAN PARK ACADEMY 2153 W. 111th St., Chicago, lL 60643


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