Academy Magazine - Fall 1995

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This Issue •••







Table of Contents From the Headmaster School News Bob Love Speaks p 2 Teacher Appreciation p 3 Mothers' Club & Events p 4 Fathers' Club & Events p 5 Commencement 1995 p 6

Development Publishing Info The Academy Magazine is published twice a year by the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs. All information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. All news items should be addressed to: Academy Magazine, Office of Development, Morgan Park Academy, 2153 W. 111 th Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60643 or call (312) 881-6728. Thank you in advance for your efforts and support. These issues would not be possible without your generosity. Alana Mateling - Flatley Director of Development Editor in Chief/Writer Jeff Thieman Dir. of Marketing/P.R./ Alumni Affairs Designer / Assistant Editor /Writer Special thanks to Carrie Swearingen '83 for her assistance with the editing and layout of this issue.

Pathway Brick Campaign p 8 Alumni Hall Discovery p 9 Upcoming Events p 11

Annual Report


Alumni President's Notes p 12 Golf Outing p 12 Captain Jean Landon Taylor p 13 -14 Hall of Fame p 15 - 17 Class Notes p 18 - 20 Lost Alumni p 20 Taps p 21


Frotn the Headtnaster Computers Changing the Way of the Future

Under the capable direction of Dr. Larry Brown, computers were introduced at Morgan Park Academy almost two decades ago. Since that time, we have continued to expand, modify, and update our computer systems to take advantage of the opportunity to integrate technology into our total educational program. From just a handful of stations with relatively primitive hardware, we have progressed to over 100 stations linked together on an education network. Throughout these stages of development we have stressed the importance of student-oriented computer instruction and usage. In addition to our main Computer Center dedicated to word processing instruction and general class usage across all disciplines, we maintain two additional computer centers: one for the Lower lMiddle School students and one for the Upper School students. These centers have been supplemented by computer stations in the library, teacher offices, and selected classrooms. When classes resume in September several significant additions will become operative. Computers are being installed in each Lower School classroom in Barker Hall and in additional Middle School classrooms in Hansen Hall. We are also adding computer stations in the library for student use and additional computer stations in Upper School classrooms and offices. In addition to these changes directly related to the educational program, we will begin the development of a separate administrative computer network which will link the various school operations offices: Admission, Business, Development,

Lower IMiddle School, and Upper School. These changes will ensure the Academy's cutting edge status in the integration of technology and education. But computer systems depend heavily upon the human component, and the use of the hardware and software provided is limited by the knowledge of the personnel using these materials. Our teachers have been encouraged to expand their technical skills independently. We intend to continue to make funds available to our teachers for continous training, ensuring them the maximum advantage of the available hardware and

"From just a handful of stations with relatively primitive hardware, we have progressed to the point where we now have well over 100 stations linked together on an education network." software. An important step in this direction has been the addition to our staff of Mr. Dan Lichter, (Class of '91) as a Computer Coordinator. In this role, Dan will oversee the operation of our computer systems, and will provide individualized instruction for faculty members in computer usage. Dr. Brown's ground-breaking work, with the able assistance in recent years of Mr. Michael Wojtyla, has been significantly enhanced by the addition of the Computer Consultant, our new Upper School Principal, Dr. Michael Hannan, and Lower IMiddle

School Principal Mrs. Winnie Theodore, who has joined the ranks of the computer literate. All of these changes bode well for the future of technology at Morgan Park Academy. These advances embraces our firm commitment to the integration of technology and education made possible by the generous support of many parents, alumni, and friends. Over the past four years we have invested nearly $150,000 for the expansion and improvement of our computer systems. Our Long Range Plan challenges us with continuing this emphasis on technology. With your continued generous support this mandate can be realized, and MPA students will reap the benefits.

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School N eltVs 1SL Basketball Champs Bob Love Addresses MPA Students Most people would easily recognize Chicago Bulls superstar #23 if they saw him on the streets. However, not as many would recognize another great ex-Bull superstar #7.

On February 14th, Morgan Park Academy students revelled at the opportunity to meet former Chicago Bull, Bob Love, when he spoke to the student body at the Beverly Art Center.

Before Michael Jordan dominated the National Basketball Association, Love was a major player in the league and starting forward of the Bulls for eight seasons from 1969-1976, during which he led the Bulls in scoring for seven years straight. He became a three time NBA All-Star. After Love's retirement, his speech impediment stopped his advancement in life and overshadowed his basketball career accomplishments. Love struggled to make a living and keep his dignity. In 1984, after a chain of unsuccessful jobs, he was hired as a busboy for Nordstrom's Department Stores in Seattle. Subsequently Love's life turned around, as he went through speech therapy and rose to become a Nordstrom's representative. Soon afterwards, Love returned to Chicago, becoming the Director of Community Relations for the Chicago Bull's Association. His job includes speaking to schools and businesses throughout Chicago and the United States.

It was the suggestion of Mrs. Lorraine Linnerud, wife of MPA science teacher, Mr. Mark Linnerud, that Bob Love's story be told at MPA. She heard him speak during United Way fundraiser and said he was "very inspirational", additionally noting that he had received a standing ovation. Mr. Linnerud, who passed on the idea to MPA faculty, believes students will get a message out of Love's life. "Love overcame some personal obstacles, and persevered when others wouldn't have," he remarked as though personally motivated. Mr. David Hibbs, English Department Chair, planned the assembly. "Bob Love's life after basketball was tough, despite a college degree," so I read. "I hoped a lot of messages came out of the assembly." Freshman Padma Siramdasu found his message effective. "He talked about how you can do anything if you put your mind to it. I think he got through to people." By Joe Morrow, MPA student

ISL Basketball League Champions Morgan Park Academy's Boys' Varsity Basketball team regular season record of 11-1 landed them their second consecutive ISL League title. Junior Jason Palagi cited the team's focus and concentration as a significant factor in their success. Coach Chuck Schroeder has made a major impact on the basketball program in this first season as head coach for the Warriors. He was chosen as the Independant School League Coach of the Year. Recent graduate and Lincoln College basketball hopeful, Michael Wilson, summed up Coach Schroeder's coaching attitude when he said, "A lot of coaches need to be more like Coach Schroeder." page 2

School N ew-s Teacher Appreciation Day & Drama Club performs "ER" Appreciating the Teachers "In an Oscar Ceremony of Sorts, Teachers Recognized For a Job Well Done" Envelope please. Drurnroll. And this year's Teacher of the Year Golden Apple award goes to Mr. Andrew Joseph. On March 23, Morgan Park Academy students had the opportunity to reverse the roles in the classroom and recognize their teachers for a job well done. In a short speech, students gave thanks to each faculty member for all of their dedication and hard work. Among these teachers were Mr. Andrew Joseph, elected by the Upper School students as Teacher of the Year. "I was very surprised. 1 didn't think that 1 really would be Teacher of the Year because 1 was a new teacher," Mr. Joseph remembers. Mr. Joseph, a graduate of Indiana University, teaches United States

History and Minority Literature at MFA, with elevated involvement in Upper School extra-curricular activities. This past year he aggressively served students as Girls' Volleyball head coach, Junior Varsity Boys' basketball coach, Co-ed Track coach, and advisor for the Model United Nations. Mr. Joseph is very enthusiastic about his teaching and has a reputation for provoking heated class discussions. "I had a few students who were resistant to me at first. They thought 1 was really cool and 1 wouldn't care if they goofed around. Now, 1 believe I've turned them around and they have become some of my best students," comments Joseph humbly. Mr. Joseph was not the only teacher recognized on this day. In fact, in the Upper School, all of the teachers were given special awards with a speech from various students. Lower and Middle School teachers enjoyed homemade baked goods made by

grateful Middle School students. Upper School English and Minority Literature teacher, Mrs. Jacqueline Crnkovich, thought this was the best Teacher Appreciation Day in her five years at Morgan Park Academy. "The lunch the student council provided was a thoughtful and enjoyable addition. What 1 was most struck by, though, was the quality of the speeches and deliveries by the students. They were well written and heartfelt - It made us feel good not only about teaching but about our students as well!" By Dorina Lazo '95

Drama Club Performs "ER" Morgan Park Academy's Drama Department performed the medical comedy / drama "ER" (Emergency Room) on May 5th and 6th at the Beverly Art Center. "ER", written in the early '80's by various Chicagoland doctors and playwrights, later became a half hour television program. MPA's adaptation traced a day in a Chicago hospital emergency room, where a team of doctors and nurses face the trying situations that occur in the course of an 8hour shift. Twenty-six MFA students portrayed both the serious and comedic plots with high energy. page 3

School N elVS Mothers' Club & New Grandparents' Program

Letter from the

Mothers' Club Welcome to a new school year at MPA! The Mothers' Club has already been busy planning events for the 1995-96 school year. The Adopt-A-Family Program began in August, designed for new families who become "adopted" by MPA parents and welcomed into the Academy family. This is a wonderful way to meet new parents and students and acquaint them with upcoming events. One of my favorite Mothers' Club "duties" is helping in the student bookstore. We are solely responsible for staffing the campus store with volunteers during each month. The bookstore is open each school day (except Wednesdays) from 11:30 am to 3:05 pm. This is a delightful way to meet the students. The store sells

books, school supplies, gym clothes and some school spirit items. Please consider joining us and volunteering your time one afternoon per month. This should not be a major time demand on your busy schedules, but looked upon as something important you can do to help your child and others. Several other special events to look forward to are the Joint Parent meeting on Wednesday, October 4th at 7:00 pm. Plan on enjoying some good company and refreshments while listening to a program of interest to all MPA parents. November brings our annual International Dinner served "pot luck" style. Each family brings an ethnic dish to share, creating a delicious array of foods from around the world. This night proves to be a double delight

with the Upper School Drama production held in the Beverly Art Center that same evening. Don't miss out! Mark your calendars. There are many more activities planned for the school year - these are only a sample of what the Mothers' Club provides for MPA's children and families. Finally, a tremendous thank you to our Board and club members for their tireless hours of volunteering to make these events look effortless. Remember, we couldn't have been a success without you, our volunteers! I'm looking forward to seeing you all! Karin Nelson-Rogers Mothers' Club President

New Grandparents' Program Developed I feel privileged to be Co-chair of Morgan Park Academy's new Grandparents' Program. I am proud to be Joe, Jon, Sheila, Susan, and Patrick Bertoletti's grandmother. I am also the proud grandparent of 15 other grandchildren. It is so satisfying to see how the children develop their interests and learning skills, and how their moral character is formed. Grandparenting is a very important part of raising the next generation of leaders. We can still be there for smoothing over small hurts and concerns. By example and experience, we can give comfort to our young people. The pride I feel in my grandchildren is overwhelming and I feel lucky to be able to enjoy all of their page 4

accomplishments. I encourage all MPA Grandparents to get involved with your grandchildren's school lives. The greatest gift of all is love, and your love can guide them into adulthood.

Dolores Delaney Co-Chairman Grandparent of Joe (class of '95), Jon (grade 12), Sheila (grade 10), Susan (grade 5), and Patrick (grade 5) Bertoletti

P.S. Don't miss this year's Grandparent/Parent Visitation on Wednesday, April 10th, 1996. If you would like to be on our mailing list please contact the Office of Development for further details at (312) 881-6728.

School N eW"s Fathers' Club & Special Events Letter from the

Fathers' Club With the beginning of the '95-'96 school year, the Fathers' Club would like to welcome everyone, and especially ask those new MPA Dads to come to our September meeting. We are always looking for new members and you may find it is a good way to familiarize yourself with the operations of MPA. There are several events coming up which will need your input and support. Our biggest event of the year is the Pancake Breakfast and Carnival, held on Homecoming Day, Saturday, October 7th. We are always looking for more dads to help with this project. Last year we helped the Development Office run the 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament at MPA. Those of us who participated, enjoyed the tournament and think that this has the makings of a great annual event. We were not able to go to a White Sox game last year because of the strike-altered schedule; however, we plan to resume this trip in the spring as in the past. Once again, we urge you to come to our first meeting. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month. For more information please contact William Collins at (312) 238-8298. We welcome your participation.

William Collins Fathers' Club President

3-0n-3 Basketball Tournament & The Jesse White Tumblers

MPA's first 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament rocked the field house as alumni and friends poured in for the challenge on April 9, 1995. The Jesse White Tumblers shocked the audience with their high flying acrobatics during intermission. There were approximately 15 teams consisting of MPA students and friends in the tournament. The 3-on-3 Tournament was sponsored by the Fathers' Club and the Office of Development, with various local businesses donating prizes and awards to special event. Special thanks to alumnus John Easton '76 who designed and donated t-shirts for the players. Next year's event is scheduled for April. Mark your calendars and call the Office of Development a (312) 881-6719 for more information. page 5

School N eW"s Commencement 1995 On Saturday, June 10th, Morgan Park Academy conducted its 122nd Commencement Exercise. This year, Bart Conner, a Chicago native and a three-time Olympic Team member, addressed MPA's 1995 graduating class. Conner, one of America's leading gymnasts, is considered to be one of the top five gymnasts in the world. Conner has won numerous awards: Three-Time Olympic Team member: 1976, 1980, & 1984; Fourteen-Time NCAA All-American; Thirteen-Time Finalist at World Championship (U.S. Record); Three-Time Winner of the American Cup: 1976, 1981, & 1982 (U.S. Record); the only American gymnast (male or female) who has won gold medals at every level of gymnastic competition, national and

international; and the 1981 Nissan Award Winner (the Heisman Trophy of gymnastics). After Conner's last competition, his 1984 Olympic goldmedal performance, he officially retired from gymnastics in February, 1986. Conner now resides in Norman, Oklahoma with his fiancee, Nadia Comaneci, where he is currently under contract with ABC as a sports commentator. He is also the associate publisher of International Gymnast Magazine, the only internationally published magazine. Although Conner is retired, he still performs in gymnastic exhibitions around the world. Conner's enlightening speech was an inspiration to all who attended, but most of all to the graduating class of 1995.

The 1995 Graduating Class The following is a listing of the colleges each senior is attending this Fall. Many of the seniors have been awarded scholarships based on merit and these awards are so indicated, along with other recognition awards. We applaud their successes, and are pleased that the institutions they are attending have recognized their past achievements and have confiaence in their future. Ronald Aitchison - Rockford College Audra Apke - University of Illinois, Chicago Joseph Bertoletti - University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana; Illinois State Scholar Elizabeth Boyd - University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana; Outstanding Senior in Class of 1995 - Morgan Park Academy Timnetra Burruss - University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana; National Achievement Program for Outstanding Negro Students; President's Award - University of Illinois; Who's Who Among American High School Students Michael Cappozzo - Calvin College; Outstanding Senior in Class of 1995 - Morgan Park Academy Charles Chandler - University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana; Outstanding Senior in Class of 1995 - Morgan Park Academy; President's Award - University of Illinois; Sigma Tau Gamma Scholarship Finalist - University of Illinois; INROADS internship with IBM Corporation Andrea Chavarria - Hawaii Pacific University Andrea Del Castillo - Drake University; Drake University Multicultural Achievement Award; Millikin University Scholarship Mark Dinos - Illinois Benedictine College; St. Benedicts Scholarship - Illinois Benedictine; AHEPAAthletic Scholarship - Illinois Benedictine Niki Douros -Washington University; American Legion Citizenship Award - Morgan Park Academy Veronica Garza - Universidad de Monterrey Heather Gramberg - University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana; Illinois State Scholar; National Merit Scholarship Program Commended Student; Merit Recognition Scholar; Xerox Scholarship - University of Rochester; Excellence Scholarship - University of Rochester; William Carleton Scholar - Carleton College; Alumni Scholarship - Illinois Wesleyan University; Hugh O'Brien Youth page 6

School N ew-s Leader Award - 1992/93; AP Scholar with Honor - 1993/94; Outstanding Senior in Class of 1995 - Morgan Park Academy; Michael A. Lombard Award - 1993/94; The Fathers' Club Scholarship Award - Morgan Park Academy Shara Harris - Columbia College, Chicago Kristopher Jones - Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Christian Kaiserlian - Grinnell College; National Merit Scholarship Finalist; Illinois State Scholar; National Merit Scholarship Grinnel College; Outstanding Senior in Class of 1995 - Morgan Park Academy Shea Kochinsky - Illinois State University Ola Krad - Loyola University, Chicago Laura Lamerand - St. Norbert College; John F. Kennedy Scholarship - St. Norbert College Dorina Lazo - Calvin College; Dean's Scholarship - Calvin College; Mosaic Scholarship - Calvin College; Hispanic Achievement Award - Drake University; Presidential Scholarship - Azusa Pacific University; Music Scholarship - Azusa Pacific University; Excellence Award - University of Missouri; Humanities Scholarship - Evangel College; Voices of Democracy Speech Competition; Herff-Jones Principal's Young Leader Award; University of Illinois Academic Achievement Award; Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award; Who's Who Among American High School Students; 1993/94 Stephens College Award for Women recipient; Outstanding Senior in Class of 1995 - Morgan Park Academy Jennifer Lee - Brown University; National Merit Scholarship Finalist; Tandy Technology Scholar Program - Top Two Percent Overall Achiever and Outstanding Senior, Honorable Mention; Illinois State Scholar; Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction; Sons of the american Revolution Good Citizen Award; Who's Who Among American High School Students; Merit Recognition Scholar; 1992/93 Kodak Young Leaders Award recipient; Outstanding Senior in Class of 1995 - Morgan Park Academy; Bronze Academic Award - Morgan Park Academy; The Haydn E. Jones Cup and Plaque - Morgan Park Academy Josef Lindsey - James Madison University; National Achievement Program for Outstanding Negro Students - Commended Student; 1993/94 "I Dare You" Leadership Award recipient; President's Award - University of Illinois; Scholastic Art Scholarship - Maryland Institute, College of Art; American Legion Citizenship Award - Morgan Park Academy Tiffany Lis - North Central College; Honor Scholarship - North Central College; Theater Scholarship - North Central College; United States Business Education Award Anndra Masters - University of Illinois, Chicago Vanessa Moore - Howard University Daniel Moster - Eastern Illinois University Florence Poli - hopes to pursue her education at the Universite Paris X Nanterre Kimberly Reed - Northwestern University; President's Award - University of Illinois; Willye White Foundation Athletic Award 1995; National Achievement Program for Outstanding Negro Students - Commended Student; Outstanding African-American Teen commendation Benjamin Rhodes - University of Arizona; Henry W. Kennedy Kiwanis Distinguished Service Award - Morgan Park Academy Amani Rimawi - Northwestern University; Presidential Scholarship - DePaul University; Outstanding Senior in Class of 1995Morgan Park Academy; The Jean Landon Taylor Alumni Award - Morgan Park Academy Steven Rosengard - Columbia College, Chicago Stephanie Schneider - Bard College; Indiana University Honors Division Scholarship; National Merit Scholarship Program Commended Student; 1993/94 Wells College 21st Century Leadership Award recipient; Outstanding Senior in Class of 1995Morgan Park Academy; Merit Scholarship - Kalamazoo College; Bard Scholar - Bard College Karla Tolliver - Howard University; 1993/94 "I Dare You" Leadership Award recipient Anjali Waikar - Wesleyan University; Illinois State Scholar; Outstanding Senior in Class of 1995 - Morgan Park Academy Michael Wilson - Lincoln College; NJCAA Division III Athletic Scholarship - Lincoln College Rita Yeretsian - Northwestern University; Merit Recognition Scholar; National French Contest: 1st place, Northern Illinois region; President's Award - National French Contest; Outstanding Senior in Class of 1995 - Morgan Park Academy; The Harry D. Abells American Flag and Plaque - Morgan Park Academy Maya Younkins - Florida A & M University

** Please note that all scholarships students have received to date may not appear on this list. This list includes those scholarships Morgan Park Academy is aware of, either from notification by the student, or by the college or scholarship agency awarding the scholarship. We congratulate ALL students who received any type of merit scholarship! GOOD LUCK!!!

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Developtnent The Pathway Brick Campaign "Paving the Way to a Brighter Future" Names tell the story of Morgan Park Academy. Morgan. Abells. Jones. Mancini. Blake. Hansen. Barker. Beatty. Wolf. Names of people whose lives have left a legacy of excellence and generosity. People whose names are forever inscribed on Morgan Park Academy's beautiful campus. The names cause us to remember the people who have made Morgan Park Academy what it is today. Their lives have impacted Morgan Park Academy in ways that are private, quiet, unnoticed and in ways that are striking, dramatic, and public. Faculty, students, graduates, parents, benefactors, neighbors, and beloved community members have passed through this place and left their mark upon it. Now, through the Pathway Brick Campaign, your name can be added to the Morgan Park Academy story. When you contribute to the Pathway, a brick inscribed with your name will be set permanently in a pathway joining the walkway between Hansen Hall and Alumni Hall with the graduation steps in front of the Beverly Art Center, in the area which is frequently used during commencement ceremonies. The benefits are many. A name is immortalized, Morgan Park Academy is helped, and you join with others to enrich the campus in an historic way. The Pathway works this way. You give a gift of $100 or $110 (for a third line of inscription) to Morgan Park Academy. A 4" X 8" brick is attractively inscribed with your name(s) and positioned in the pathway. Through a special patented process, epoxy-filled lettering preserves your name(s) for generations to come. Located prominently at the northpage 8

em end of the campus, the Pathway will be seen by hundreds of campus visitors and students annually. Named bricks will be arranged according to the design provided by contracted landscapers. Eventually, hundreds of names of Morgan Park Academy graduates and friends will fill the Pathway; names of alumni who embody the Morgan Park Academy tradition; names of parents who made a Morgan Park Academy education possible; names of children who currently study at this campusthese are all names that create the Morgan Park Academy story. Pathway bricks will be arranged in gift date priority positions according to receipt of the donation, linking Jones Bowl with the Beverly Art Center. Proceeds from the Pathway gifts will directly benefit the Donald Mancini Library. The project will allow the school to renovate and expand the facilities of the library into the third floor of the Alumni Hall building, and will make it possible to

bring our library up to the technological standards demanded for educaMeeting these tional excellence. needs will place Morgan Park Academy in a position of institutional strength, poised to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The first segment of the Pathway bricks will be installed by Homecoming, Saturday, October 14. A public unveiling ceremony will take place and all special donors to the campaign will be invited to the viewing. To be part of this historic moment and to be assured of a brick in the Pathway, order your brick today. As a Pathway donor, your brick will be carefully prepared following your instructions and placed in the walkway in time for the Pathway Celebration. If you would like to order a brick or have any further questions, call Alana MatelingFlatley, Director of Development, at (312) 881-6728.

Developtnent Amazing Discovery Uncovered in Alumni Hall

The Artist and The Work Howard Church was born May 1st, 1904, in South Sioux City, Nebraska. While a member of the faculty of Morgan Park Military Academy in the 1930's, Mr. Church was commissioned by the Academy's Board of Trustees to create three murals for the Alumni Hall entrance way in 1933. The murals were thought to have been removed, and/or destroyed, during the transition from the military school. Recently, plaques honoring Morgan Park Military Academy Alumni who had served in World Wars I and II were removed for cleaning. We were amazed to find behind these plaques the three lost murals! Two scenes depicting various aspects of

Left mural military cadet life flank a central panel. In this panel, Academy graduates are represented passing from the foundation of their education at Morgan Park Military Academy toward their destiny beneath the welcoming arms of a female figure embodying Achievement and Success. In addition to the three newly discovered murals, Mr. Church was also commissioned to create three other

murals. Since local participation in the events and exhibits of the Century of Progress World's Fair of 1934 was encouraged, Howard Church was sponsored by the Academy to submit two murals to the fair. Two of these murals now adorn both sides of the stairwell of Alumni Hall, illustrating the lives of St. Francis and Sir Galahad.

By 1935, Howard Church had received his degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and was the Director of the Morgan Park School of Arts when he completed his final art work for Morgan Park Military Academy. The Canterbury Tales mural was originally displayed in the library of West Hall. This mural is now displayed in the dining area of Alumni Hall. (See story on page 9.) Howard Church went on to study at the University of Chicago with Chicago'S famed John Norton, creator of the statue of Demeter, which tops the Chicago Board of Trade Building. He received his Master's Degree at Ohio State University and then joined and later headed the Department of

Art faculty at Michigan State University. Before his death in 1993, he had presided over the Midwest College Art Association and oversaw and coordinated the construction of the Kresge Art Center on the Michigan State University campus. The recently discovered murals Howard Church painted as they now stand are in great need of restoration and conservation. Restoring these works to their proper condition will be a costly, but necessary endeavor. Only recently has their historical value been recognized as an important contribution to our understanding of the development of the w.P.A. style of mural art. The additional and

unexpected discovery of the three entrance way murals, together with the Chaucer, St. Francis and Sir Galahad murals, represent a significant body of work by a great artist that the Academy gratefully acknowledges. By Robert Langston, MPA Art Teacher

page 9

Developlllent Chaucer's Legend Lives On

The Canterbury Tales mural, which portrays Chaucer's characters gathered together on an English landscape, was the final work of art painted by Howard Church for MPMA. Probably the most complex and well executed of all six that he produced for the Academy's Board of Trustees, it was completed in 1935 to hang in the West Hall library in celebration of our literary heritage. Its history of display and the reasons for its present condition today are sketchy. The Canterbury Tales mural, as it now stands, has sustained numerous conditions detrimental to its preservation. When in 1991, Howard Church and his wife, Ila, returned to the Academy to view the murals, it became Mr. Church's intention to eventually restore the murals himself starting with the Canterbury Tales piece. Soon after, he became ill and passed away in 1993 before getting to work on the project. Mrs. Church began discussions with Headmaster Jones about fulfilling page 10

her husband's wishes concerning the preservation of his work. In September of 1994 the Academy hired art instructor, Robert Langston. Mr. Jones asked Mr. Langston if he would be interested in participating in exploring possibilities for restorative efforts on the murals. Upon seeing the murals for the first time, Mr. Langston immediately saw the historical importance not only for the Academy but for the art community as well. When considering the undertaking of a restoration project for the murals, the question arose as to what level of interest the MPA students would have in such an endeavor. Mr. Langston began introducing the Senior MPA art students to the concept of restoration, explaining the often ethical concerns of the conservator in terms of respecting and interpreting a deceased artist's wishes for his work through research and deriving maintenance and repair priorities within budgetary constraints. The Canterbury mural and the research that Mr. Langston has undertaken provide a perfect model for explaining

these concepts. In January of 1995, the Vanderpoel Gallery, located on the MPA's campus, allowed students to participate in conservation work on the Vanderpoel collection with a respected conservator, Rick Strilky. The mature and professional character of MPA students highly impressed Mr. Strilky and members of the Vanderpoel Gallery. Mr. Strilky was asked to assess the state of the murals and make a recommendation. He was receptive to the idea of allowing MPA students to monitor and survey any work he might be contracted to do on the murals as an instructional and educational component of the restoration project. As for the time being, however, the enormous cost of restoration as Mr. Strilky and other conservators have proposed, cannot be financed. Mr. Langston will continue to include the Canterbury Tales mural restoration as part of the curriculum with the MPA art students, and pursue the development in that area. Ultimately, Mr. Langston believes that student interest in this area is not solely due to the uniqueness of such a curriculum. The charm and connection to the legacy of the MPMA that are so well expressed by Howard Church's murals are what has attracted student interest in their preservation. In today's society and tomorrow's, we can see and foresee the increasing importance of being a part of and maintaining the sense of heritage that the physical body of the MPA campus represents. Restoration of the six murals with an added educational curriculum component will cost approximately $50,000. If you know any person or organization which might be interested in assisting us with the underwriting of this important historical and educational project, please contact Alana Mateling-Flatley at (312) 881-6728.

Al1l1ual Report 1994 - 1995 Purpose & Vision Statement, The Board of Trustees & Development Committee Morgan Park Academy's Purpose and Vision PURPOSE Morgan Park Academy (MPA) is an independent, coeducational, college-preparatory day school (K-12), dedicated to developing students who think critically and accurately, who communicate effectively, and who are able to act both independently and as team members. Moreover, it seeks to do so in an environment that stresses social and moral responsibility, acceptance of differences, and personal fulfillment of goals. In short MPA exists to develop young people into life-long learners and morally responsible citizens. VISION Morgan Park Academy seeks to be a moral, diverse, competitive, adequately financed, school community enrolling 500 students, wherein it can achieve its stated purpose. "Moral" means a school that stresses character development, respect for others, and high ideals that would be consistent across both secular and non-secular codes of behavior. "Diverse" means a faculty, an administration, and a Board of Trustees that reflect the student population. "Competitive" means, a school that enjoys both state-wide recognition among the general public and national recognition among colleges, a school that is fully enrolled (500 students) with competent, well-rounded students, a school that enjoys a waiting list for admission, and a school that can attract a highly competent, creative faculty. "Adequately financed" means that the Academy has a balanced budget; that it increases endowment to $3 million by the year 2000; and that it has an Office of Development which aggressively seeks out external funding for special projects, increased parent giving, and regular giving of major gifts. Finally, "community," means the entire community: students, parents, staff, teachers, administrators, and board members, functioning as a single entity to achieve a clearly defined culture. Additionally, MPA seeks to assume a cooperative and leadership role in the community at large.

The 1994-1995 Board of Trustees Ian Aitken Robert Beatty Deborah Bertoletti Charlotte Boissonneau G. Davis Boyd Young Zin Chang Shawn Concannon Diana Cuevas Stephen J. Driscoll Phyllis Duffner Morgan Gasior Jay Ginde Richard Green Martin Grenzebach


Vicki Hovanessian Earle "Win" Irwin Scherrelle Jeffries John Kitch Rachel Lindsey Roger D. Lis, Chairman Greg Lochow George Mesleh Maurice Rhodes Prabodh Shah Judith Ann Thorsen Phillip Vasquez Robert Watkins Dan Webb

Development Committee Debbie Bertoletti Davis Boyd, Chairman Dolores Delaney Steve Driscoll Ron Drynan Wendy Drynan Alana Mateling-Flatley Morgan Gasior Michael Hannan

Tracy Heilman David Hibbs Maria Hibbs David Jones Rachel Lindsey Tom Malcolm Michael Rogers Jeff Thieman Laurene Thomas

Annual Report 1994 - 1995 Message From The Headmaster Dear Friends of Morgan Park Academy:

We began the 1994-95 school year on a very high note with the dedication of the Ross Widney Beatty Memorial Music Room in Barker Hall and the completion of major renovations throughout the rest of the Academy. These successful projects were achieved through the efforts of the Board of Trustees and the generosity of the Morgan Park Academy family. As a result, we were able to enhance many of the programs in the school as well as add areas of enrichment for the student body. In addition to the very significant student accomplishments presented elsewhere in this magazine, some of the accomplishments for the 1994-95 school year include: - ACADEMIC, CURRICULAR, AND EXTRA CURRICULAR Continued computerization of the Library Development of a Lower School Science Room Expansion of the Band and Music Programs School wide participation in an expanded International Day program Establishment of the first All School Art Exhibit Award winning performance by students in Math, Foreign Language, and Music Continued record of 100 percent college admission of graduating seniors -FACULTY, ADMINISTRATION, AND PARENT COMMUNICATION A new Upper School Principal and Development Director were employed Increased faculty participation in workshops, conferences Expansion of computer facilities throughout the school A special reception to honor major donors and increased recognition of all donors Establishment of the MPA Hall of Fame Successful Fashion Show and Salute to Excellence Initiation of the "Pathway" brick campaign Increased alumni involvement and activity Expanded participation in Grandparent/Parent visitation day - BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS New sidewalks on ll1th Street Resurfacing of 112th Street Improved campus and parking lot lighting Refinishing of gym floor and bleachers Repainting gym interior and other areas Establishment of a Mothers' Safety Patrol for 112th Street traffic control after school Continuing attention to outdoor athletic facilities and general campus beautification It is difficult to enumerate all of the many wonderful activities that take place throughout the school year. As parents, alumni and friends of the school, you have had opportunity to observe and enjoy first hand the positive ambiance provided at the Academy. The spirit of the students and the joy they take in their school more than justifies all of our efforts. It is because of your support and generosity that we have been able to accomplish so much. The following annual report recognizes the many friends who have contributed to the school during the 1994-1995 academic year.


Annual Report 1994 - 1995 Statement of Income and Expenses

(August I, 1994 - July 31,1995 - Pre-Audit)

INCOME: Tuition Income Program Fees Student Services (includes yearbook; drama productions) Auxiliary Services (Includes Food Service, Transportation, Campus Store) Endowment Income Annual Giving and Fund Raising RW Beatty Music Room (Contributions) Other Revenue

$2,897,711. 124,593. 25,686. 354,323.



55,749. 175,128. 25,160. 96,856.

EXPENSE: OPERATING: Employee Compensation Employee Benefits Instructional Expense Student Services (includes student publications; insurance; commencement) Auxiliary Services General Administration Advancement and Fund Raising Buildings and Grounds Utilities Major Projects and Repairs Other Operating Expenses Interest - Expense General Insurance SUB-TOTAL - OPERATING EXPENSE:

$2,125,118. 472,030. 87,491. 54,315. 366,363. 89,774. 48,209. 193,666. 126,357. 49,721. 37,688. 33,557 13,006 $3,697,195.

CAPITAL: Mortgage Expense Vehicle Purchases Computers and Equipment Construction Expense SUB-TOTAL - CAPITAL EXPENSE:



9,626. 26,213. 29,360. 26,951. 92,150.

3,789,345. (34,139.)

Annual Report 1994 - 1995 Statement of Income and Expenses

(August 1,1994 - July 31,1995 - Pre-Audit)



Program Fees & Services



Endowment & Contributions




Other Revenue





EXPENSES - Operating: •

Employee Compensation & Benefits


Instructional Expenses & Services



General Administration & Advancement


Building & Grounds, Utilities, Projects


Interest & Other Operating Expenses





EXPENSES - Capital:







Computers & Equipment


D 51 D

Construction Expenses


Vehicle Purchases


Mortgage Expenses

11 %





Annual Report 1994 - 1995 Annual Giving Fund Mr. and Mrs. G. Davis Boyd, Co-Chairs

ACADEMY ASSOCIATES ($2,500 or more) Mr. Shawn Concannon Mr. and Mrs. Earle S. Irwin Dr. and Mrs. Shing-Shong Lee Mr. and Mrs. Walter Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mortenson '63 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tadin HEADMASTER'S SOCIETY ($l,OOO - $2,499) Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred K. Boarden Mr. and Mrs. G. Davis Boyd First National Bank of Evergreen Park Mr. and Mrs. Martin Grenzebach Drs. Ijaz and Naheed Qayyum Dr. Mark Reiter and Dr. Kathleen Ward Dr. William Schwer and Mrs. Mary Benz Mr. and Mrs. Dan Webb GUARDIAN CIRCLE ($500 - $999) Mr. and Mrs. James Bell Dr. and Mrs. Vasireddy Bhoopal Dr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Corwin Dr. and Mrs. George Dangles Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dugan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ford Mr. Handy and Dr. Rachel Lindsey Drs. Michael and Bernadette Linton Dr. A. K. and Dr. Lilly Mathew Drs. Naheed and Ijaz Qayyum Mr. Felix Rodriguez & Dr. Donna Stockton Mr. and Mrs. Renaldo A. Salonis Dr. and Mrs. Suresh C. Shah Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Steinbarth '81 Mr. Jerome A. Thrall '44 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Tuthill '71 Drs. Sub hash and Alaka Waikar Ms. Barbara Zaniolo CENTURY CLUB ($100 - $499) Dr. and Mrs. Ismail Abbasi Dr. and Mrs. Anil Agarwal Anonymous Mrs. Harriet Arnold Dr. and Mrs. Subramaniam Arumugam Mr. and Mrs. A. Richard Ayers '36 Dr. Terrence Bartolini and Dr. Carol Braun Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bertoletti Drs. Deepak and Mita Bhojraj Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bielinski Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Black Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bowden '57


Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cappozzo Dr. Edgar Del Castillo Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chandler Mr. Gulam and Dr. Mumtaz Chinoy Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Churchill Mr. and Mrs. Donald Coller '70 Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Corradino Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cox Mr. and Mrs. Walt Craig '60 Mr. Robert A. Crandall '68 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cuevas Mr. and Mrs. Allen DeNormandie '65 Mrs. Druisalla Driscole Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Drynan, Jr. '79 Dr. Gregory '79 and Mrs. Randa Dumanian Mr. Gerald S. Gately '80 Mr. and Mrs. James Gerdy '61 Dr. and Mrs. Ayoola Gomih Mr. Robert E. Hartman '54 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Heller Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Hendel Mr. David and Dr. Maria Hibbs Mr. Bertram J. Hoddinott, III '83 Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Holmes Mr. John E. Horn '69 Ms. Mary Anne Hunter '74 Mr. and Mrs. Claudell Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jarvis Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Jochum '70 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Johnson Mr. Terry R. Johnson '50 Mr. and Mrs. David Jones, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. David Jones, Jr. '78 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones Mr. John Moody Kahoun '51 Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Kitch '46 Mr. Chris Kokenis '72 The Kole Family Mr. Eric Lager '68 and Dr. Mary French Mr. and Mrs. Mark Linnerud Mr. Greg Lochow Mr. Patrick M. Lonergan '53 Dr. and Mrs. Gopal Madhav Mr. Tom Malcolm Dr. and Mrs. Robert Marquis Mr. Don A. Moore' 45 Drs. James & Francene B. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moran MFA Middle School Student Council Mount Greenwood Bank Mr. Robert P. Neal Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rhodes Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Crista (Jones '76) Riedinger Mr. William Rundle '47

Mrs. Tania (Dumanian '77) Tour-Sarkissian Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Schnur Mr. and Mrs. Randall Schorle Mr. Roy M. Schoenbrod '36 Mr. Ronald E. Seavoy '49 Mr. and Mrs. William Springer '61 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Swan Dr. and Mrs. Ernesto Tan Mrs. Fara M. Taylor Mr. Arthur Teichner '39 Mr. Allan Teske and Mrs. Elsie Duffy Mr. George Theodore Dr. and Mrs. James Tonsgard Mrs. Sandra D. Traback Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Tylman '39 Dr. Jeff Unger '70 Mr. and Mrs. H . Lincoln Vehmeyer, Jr. '47 Mr. and Mrs. William Watson Dr. E. E. Weinfield Mr. and Mrs. George Yaksic FRIENDS (UP TO $99) The Akers Family Arco Foundation Mr. Medgar Armstrong '81 Dr. Joseph Bartush '58 Mr. Michael Bechtel '94 Mrs. Jean (Doyle '79) Bonnan Mr. Jack C. Borok '64 Mr. James E. Bowden '56 Mr. Frank A. Bowes '39 Mr. J. Thomas Boyd '53 Budget Rent-A-Car Corporation Mr. Robert N. Burchinal '43 Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Bushwaller Mrs. Karen Butler-Cook '80 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Carlson '67 Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Casey '50 Mr. John B. Catch '32 Chicago Tribune Foundation Mr. James C. Correll '84 Mr. and Mrs. E. Franklin Correll III '82 Mr. John E. Corrigan '40 Mr. William Counts '47 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Crombie' 43 Mr. Joseph F. Dixon '47 Mr. and Mrs. Douros Mr. Jon Easton '76 The Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. John Erickson '65 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Erickson '65 Mr. John T. Fehlandt '53 Mr. Karion J. Fitzpatrick '47 Mr. Paul and Mrs. Alana Flatley

Annual Report 1994 - 1995 Annual Giving, Restricted Annual Giving, Memorials, Gifts-In-Kind Mr. and Mrs. C. Davis Boyd, Co-Chairs

Dr. and Mrs. Norman Fleming '49 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fonsino '59 Mr. and Mrs. Randy Alan Fox '67 Ms. Deborah S. (Wagner '73) Fulbrugge Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1. Gamble '48 Mr. Russell Gardner '47 Mr. and Mrs. Gregor Gentleman '46 Mrs. Kathryn George Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. George '64 Mrs. Kathleen (Carter '75) Godfrey Mr. Robert Goes '81 Mr. Walter A. Goes '31 Mrs. Janet (Olsen '69) Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Lewis G. Groebe '30 Mrs. Diane (Lacopulos '85) Groenewold Mr. William 1. Herriott '56 High School Principal of the Day Gift Ms. Barbara Hoffman '73 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holzrichter Mr. Harold H. Horton '48 Mr. David C. Howes '53 Mr. and Mrs. James Hurne '42 Mr. and Mrs. Claudell Jackson Heather (Black '89) and Ryan Jara Mr. Marc E. Jones '75 Dr. Diane (Schermerhorn '72) Jundanian Ms. Jodi Kapjon '93 Ms. Lisa A. Karaitis '86 Mr. and Mrs. George Kartsounis Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Katz '59 Mr. Gus Kumis '69 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lacopulos Ms. Cynthia (Kliros '76) Layer Ms. Sidonie A. Lee '78 Ms. Susan 1. Lee '70 Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. LeRose '81 Ms. Peggy Lewis Mr. William A. Lindmark '43 Ms. Aerica Love '88 Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Major '42 Mr. Shawn & Mrs. Amy (Danielewicz '90) McCombs Dr. Ronald R. McCormick '48 Mrs. Karen (Schulenberg '80) Meersman Mr. Jordan R. Miller '75 MPA Eighth Grade Class Haynes-Morrow Family Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Moster Mr. Michael Muller '62 Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Norton, Jr. '73 Ms. Susan Oczkowski Ms. Carol S. Palmer '70 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Pearce '61 Mr. John Pendexter '27 Mr. Jad Peterson '72

Mrs. Rebecca 1. (Brown '87) Phinney Justice and Mrs. R. Eugene Pincham Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Poss '45 Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Price' 44 The Prudential Foundation Mrs. Margaret (O'Donoghue '74) Rawles Mrs. Ellen (Weiss '71) Rissman Mr. Nicholas Roelofs '75 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Rolfe '52 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rosi '55 Mr. Robert R. Rosi '68 Mrs. Janet (Andelman '66) Roversi Dr. George and Mrs. Julie (Coffeen '70) Rudawsky Mrs. Gail (Esses '75) Russell Ms. Kaarina Salovaara '72 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scanlon Mr. and Mrs. Aaron M. Shaver '27 Mr. John and Mrs. Cynthia (Terzian '70) Sheely Mr. and Mrs. A. Robert Sineni '53 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Siuciak Mr. James T. Slama '68 Ms. Judith A. Stark '62 Mr. Kenneth Stransky '56 Ms. Eileen M. Strenk '76 Ms. Carrie A. Swearingen '82 Mr. Jeffrey A. Thieman Dr. and Mrs. James Tonsgard Mr. James and Mrs. Stacey (Manos '70) Toscas Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Vlahos '45 Mr. Gary and Mrs. Suzanne (Richards '64) Von Behren Mr. Peter W. Voss '54 Dr. 1. M. Weinfield '76 Mr. Steven C. Weiss '73 Mr. Henry Porter Welton III '65 Mr. Leland A. White III '80 Mr. Charles and Mrs. Dawn (Goodspeed '46) Wickman Mr. George Wiegel, III '77 Mr. and Mrs. Chandler T. Winkless, Jr. '37 Mr. and Mrs. Leon Winter '45 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Witous '47 Mr. and Mrs. George N. Zafer '53 Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Zoellner '50

MARTIN WOLF MEMORIAL FUND Ms. Marguerite (Lopez '75) Burke Mr. John Daniels '75 Mrs. Kathleen (Carter '75) Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gurney Ms. Debra (Weinfield '75) Horberg Mr. Marc E. Jones '75 Mr. Jordan R. Miller '75 Mrs. Margaret (O'Donoghue '74) Rawles Mr. Nicholas Roelofs '75 Mrs. Gail (Esses '76) Russell Mrs. Tania (Durnanian '77) Tour-Sarkissian Mr. Eric Spinazzola '75 Ms. Eileen M. Strenk '76 Dr. Linda Weinfield '76 ERIC LAGER MEMORIAL FUND Dr. Mary French and family Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jablonsky Mrs. Jean Klein Ms. Susan Peckham G IFTS-IN -KIND Mrs. Jean Doyle-Bonnan '79 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Butler Chicago and North Western Railway Company (Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson) Mrs. Alice Coller Correll Company (Mr. and Mrs. E. Frank Correll '82) Dr. and Mrs. David Chube Mr. and Mrs. George Eck Harris Bank (Mrs. Lorraine Linnerud) Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Jeffries Mr. and Mrs. Leonard LeRose Mr. and Mrs. Richard O'Young Rock Creek Center (Mr. Ian Aitken and Mrs. Ruth Davis) Mr. and Mrs. Cruz Tatro-Mendoza Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Watkins

ANNUAL GIVING FUND - RESTRICTED Morgan Park Academy Mothers' Club


Annual Report 1994 - 1995 "Phantom of the Auction" Donors Mr. and Mrs. James Coulas and Mr. and Mrs. Cruz Tatro-Mendoza, Salute to Excellence Co-Chairs

Salute to Excellence Society '95

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bertoletti Dr. and Mrs. Harish Bhatia Allied Minerals International Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bielinski Dr. Vytas Bindokas Mr. Alan K. Anderson/The Dealer Group, Inc. Mrs. Maureen Blake Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bertoletti Mr. Greg Blakely Mr. and Mrs. James Coulas Dr. John Lumpkin and Dr. Mary Blanks Evergreen Bank Ms. Lois Blue Mr. Joseph X. Grassi '43 Mr. Robert Houff Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred Boarden Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bokas Mr. William Bonner Mrs. Olive Jones Mr. and Mrs. James Boulos Lease Marketing Mrs. Carol (Wolk '63) McPherson Mr. Jerry Bowden Mr. Robert Nolan and Mrs. Daryce Hoff-Nolan Mr. G. Davis Boyd and Mrs. Anne Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Pacis (Wiegel '55) Boyd Mr. Steve and Mrs. Jarilyn (Heale '73) Stravropoulos Mr. and Mrs. William Braker Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tadin Mr. Jonathan Brandmeier Toyota on Western, Inc. J. Bready Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Watkins, Sr. Mr. James Bremer & Mrs. Peggy O'Brien-Bremer Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson Mr. James Briley Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brown Ms. Suzanne Buban Ms. Debbie Bump Individual Donors Mr. Frank Burd '52 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bushwaller Dr. and Mrs. Ismail Abbasi Mrs. Dolores Butler Mrs. Patricia B. Aitchison Mr. Brian Bye '80 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Aitchison '57 Mr. Paul Cagnina Mr. Ian Aitken and Mrs. Ruth Davis 1. A. Callen Mrs. Barbara Akers Mr. Arthur Canfield '56 Mr. James Akridge Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cappozzo Dr. and Mrs. Arfan AI-Hani Mr. Brett Carter Ms. Marlena Alexander Mr. Ali Carter Mr. Michael P. Allen Mr. Paul Cassabon Mr. Simon Allen Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Catania Mr. and Mrs. James Allison Mrs. Monica Chambers Ms. Kathy Anderson Mr. Gene Chang Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Anderson Ms. Elizabeth Chang '93 Mr. Dick Anderson Mr. David Chang Mrs. Harriet Arnold Drs. II Wong and Young Zin Chang Mr. William Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chears Drs. Subash and Anita Arora Mr. Edward Cheatham Ms. Rosanna Arquette Mrs. Audrey Chesta Ms. Consuelo Arteaga Mr. Gulam and Dr. Mumtaz Chinoy Dr. and Mrs. Sunday Asaju Dr. and Mrs. David Chube Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ayers '36 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Clark Mr. Charles Bacon '38 Mr. Paul Cloutier Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Baldi Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Co Mr. and Mrs. Peter Barber Mr. and Mrs. John Coffey Dr. and Mrs. Julian Barish '34 Dr. Benjamin R. Coglianese Dr. Terrence Bartolini and Dr. Carol Braun Ms. Janet Coleman Ms. Kathy Bates Mr. and Mrs. Brian Coller '79 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beatty '67 Mrs. Alice Coller Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bechtel Mr. and Mrs. William Collins Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Beja Mr. Shawn Concannon Mr. Robert Beja, Jr. Ms. Ellen Concannon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beja, Sr. Ms. Leah Concannon Mr. Larry E. Benson '54 Ms. Hope Concannon '86 Mr. William Schwer and Dr. Mary Pat Benz Ms. Claire Concannon '85 Mrs. Carolyn Berghoff Ms. Maria Conchita Mr. Glenn Berkovetz Mr. Eugene Connelly Ms. Gina Bernardi


Mrs. Maureen Conway Mrs. Mary Conway Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cooney Mr. Greg Coope Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Corradino Mr. Bill Cosby Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Costin Ms. Carol Coulas Mr. and Mrs. James Coulas Dr. and Mrs. Edward Coupet Ms. Karen Coupet Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cox Ms. Lucille Cox Ms. Sandra Craig Mrs. Pamela Crenshaw Mr. and Mrs. Andy Crnkovich Ms. Shirley Crosby D. Dela Cruz Mr. David Cuadros '86 Ms. Paula Cuadros '87 Ms. Rachel Cuadros '90 Ms. Julie Cuadros '93 Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Cuadros Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cuevas Mrs. Deborah Cummings Dr. and Mrs. George Dangles Mr. and Mrs. Fred Danielewicz Mr. Harry Darabaris '54 Dr. and Mrs. Michael Davenport The Thomas J. De Carlo Family Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeHaan Dr. Edgar Del Castillo Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Delaney Mr. Steven Delaveris '70 Mr. and Mrs. Allen DeNormandie '65 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DiPaolo Mrs. Carmelia DiSanto Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dixon '47 Mr. John Dobrowolski Mrs. Jane Doherty Mr. Henry Doney' 44 Mr. David & Mrs. Jean (Doyle '79) Bonnan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Driscoll Mr. Steve Drougonis Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Drynan, Jr. '79 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Drynan, Sr. '49 Mrs. Ruth Drynan-Mulcahy '84 Mr. Richard Duchossois' 40 Mrs. Phyllis Duffner Mrs. Elise Duffy Mrs. Joanne Duffy Dr. Catherine Duffy Miss Stacey Dugan Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Dumanian '79 Dr. William Earman and Mrs. Linda Wolgamott Mr. Clint Eastwood Mr. Roger Ebert Mr. John D. Ebert Mr. and Mrs George Eck Mr. and Mrs. c.J. Economos '47


Annual Report 1994 - 1995 "Phantom of the Auction" Donors Mr. and Mrs. James Coulas and Mr. and Mrs. Cruz Taro-Mendoza, Salute to Excellence Co-Chairs (Individual Donors Continued)


Mr. Wayne Eden '47 Governor James Edgar Mr. Joseph Einodel Mr. Ronald & Jane (Wiegel '70) Elmore The Honorable Saul Epton '27 Mr. Charles Everett '43 Mr. and Mrs. William Faber Mr. Tom Fanning Mr. Rick Farrell Mr. Steve Fecske Mr. and Mrs. William Feldman Mr. Ed Fiala Ms. Geri Fields The Finnegan Grandparents Mr. Thomas Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fitzpatrick Ms. Sharon Flannagan Mr. Paul and Mrs. Alana Flatley Mrs. Diana Ford Mr. and Mrs. Jon Freeman Mr. Theodore Friedt '45 Mrs. Laura Fugler Mrs. Ruth Fuss Mr. Louis Galimore Mr. Peter Gallagher Mr. James Gallagher, Jr. Mr. William Gaps '52 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gasior '81 Ms. Ann Marie Gervilla '66 Ms. Estelle Getty Mr. and Mrs. Charles Getz' 42 Mr. and Mrs. George Gibbs Mr. Jeffrey Gilbert Mr. Robert J. Gilbert '45 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gillen Dr. and Mrs. Jayant Ginde Ms. Whoopi Goldberg Ms. Jane Goodall Mr. Al Gore, Vice President Mr. Luke Gorinsky Ms. Robin Goss '63 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gramberg Mr. Martin Gramont '77 Mr. Joseph Grassi '43 Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Gray Dr. and Mrs. Richard Green Mr. Edwin Green Mr. Martin Grenzebach Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Griffin Mr. Matt Groening Mr. Ray Guntzelman Ms. Elaine Hall Dr. and Mrs. Mahmoud Halloway Mrs Irma Hammer Dr. and Mrs. Michael Hannan Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hansen Mr. Jack Haran Ms. Linda Harrod Ms. Elizabeth Hartmann '73 Mrs. Juanita Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haynes-Morrow

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Heilman & Wendy '89 Mrs. Lauren Heller Mr. Joseph P. Henry Mr. David and Dr. Maria Hibbs Mr. Herbert Hill Ms. Darlene Hill Mr. Bert Hoddinott '83 Dr. Walter Hofman '50 Mr. Tyrone HOlliday, DD.s. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Holmes '76 Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Holmes Coach Lou Holtz Mr. Bob Hope Ms. Linda S. Horton The Horvath Family Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hosten Mr. Rudolph Hurwich '38 Mr. and Mrs. Earle Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Claudell Jackson Rev. Jesse Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jacobs Mr. Steve Jacobsen Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jarvis Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jenkins and Son Mrs. Diane Jesik Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson Mrs. Margaret Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Johnson Mr. Eugene Johnson Mrs. Elaine Jones Mr. and Mrs. David Jones, Sr. Mrs. Louise Jones Ms. Iris Jones Mr. and Mrs. David Jones, Jr. '78 Ms. Pat Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Charles Junkunc '59 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kaffka Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kaffka Mrs. Penelope Kaiserlian Mrs. Laverne Kalinowski Ms. Linda Kalinowski Mr. Michael Kartsounis '91 Mrs. Lori Kasdan-Soso Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kaspar Ms. Janice Kates Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Katz '59 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kavouris '77 Mr. William Keefer' 43 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kelleher Ms. Melodie Kern Mr. William Kettering' 42 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kiehn Mr. Thomas Kilcoyne Mr. and Mrs. John Kitch '51 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Klarich Mr. Gerald Klein Mr. Thomas Finnegan and Mrs. Carole Klein Dr. and Mrs. Antoun Koht Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kole' 48

Mrs. Patricia Kominiarek Mr. George M. Korda Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kosinski Mr. James Kowalsky and Dr. Vicki Williams Mr. Arthur Kralovec, Jr. '39 Ms. Sharon Krga Ms. Louise Kristin Mr. and Mrs. George Krivsky '56 Ms. Joan Krueger Mr. Wayne Krueger '53 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kuhn Mr. George Kumis '66 Ms. Tma Kusek Mrs. Bobbie Kusek Mr. William Kwan '49 Mr. and Mrs. M. LaFerie Mr. and Mrs. Carl Landahl Mr. and Mrs. Eric Landahl Ms. Donna Larson Mr. Roger Larson Mr. and Mrs. James Lathon Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lavalle Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lazo Ms. Dorina Lazo '95 Mr. Paul Lazo Mr. and Mrs. Leonard LeRose Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Levin '45 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Linnerud Mr. William Liptak '49 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lis Mr. Dennis Livington Mr. Greg Lochow The Lochow Family Mrs. Laura Lopez-Campbell Ms. Susan Lucci Mr. Paul M. Lukis Drs. Dean and Lola Lumpkins-Brock Mr. Kenneth Mack '58 Mr. Harry Mahoney' 41 Mr. Stan Makita Mr. Thomas Malcolm Mr. Robert Malcolm Mr. Dennis Maloney Dr. and Mrs. Savio Manatt Dr. and Mrs. James Maragos '73 Dr. and Mrs. Sander Marcus Mrs. Kathleen Markham Dr. and Mrs. Robert Marquis Dr. and Mrs. Danilo Martinez Ms. Henrietta Mason Dr. and Mrs. Joseph McCartin Mr. Michael McClure Judge and Mrs. Carl McCormick Mr. Harold McGehee Mr. Butch McGuire Mr. and Mrs. William McGurn Mr. Geralyn McKendall Sister Phyllis McMurray Dr. and Mrs. George Mesleh Mr. David Milks


Annual Report 1994 - 1995 "Phantom of the Auction" Donors Mr. and Mrs. James Coulas and Mr. and Mrs. Cruz Taro-Mendoza, Salute to Excellence Co-Chairs (Individual Donors Continued) Mrs. Kari Misulonas and the Pre-First Class Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell '61 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moran Mr. Thomas Moran Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moro Mrs. Norine Morrison and the Pre-First Class Mr. Kenneth Mortenson '63 Drs. Miltos and Niki Moscandrew Mr. Michael Mulcahy Mr. Bob Nabicht Mr. Rick Nabicht Mr. Kenneth Nash '47 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nelson Mr. B. Allan Newburg '64 Mr. Bob Newhart Mr. Jamin Nixon Mr. Robert Nolan & Mrs. Daryce HoffNolan Mrs. Paula O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Ulick O'Sullivan Mrs. Violeta O'Young Ms. Michelle O'Young Mr. and Mrs. Eric Odell '80 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Olson Dr. Mary Onayemi Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Ousley Mrs. Elaine Outlaw Mr. and Mrs. James Palmer Mr. and Mrs. James Pappas '57 Mr. George Pappas, Jr. '55 Ms. Velma Parker Mr. Greg Paul Mr. Gregory Peck Mr. Steve Petso '83 Mr. Gerald Piepinbrink K. Pitchford Ms. Patricia Pongched Mr. Darryl Porter 79 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Price Ms. Laura Prince Mr. and Mrs. Rodd Rasmussen Mrs. Margaret (O'Donoghue 74) Rawles Mr. and Dr. James Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reidy Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rhodes Mrs. Doris Richmond Mr. Jerry & Mrs. Crista (Jones 76) Riedinger Ms. Erica Riffert Mrs. Carol Rilla Mr. and Mrs. Ned Robinson Ms. Linda Rockett Mr. Felix Rodriguez Mr. Michael Rogers '69 & Mrs. Karin NelsonRogers and Family Ms. Derotha Rogers Mr. Robert Rosi '67 Mr. David Rosi '68 Mrs. Rosemary Rowan Ms. Jean (Silberman 74) Rush Ms. Judy Rutkowski


Mr. Michael Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Mike Salerno Mr. and Mrs. Michael Salim Ms. Kaarina Salovaara 72 Mr. Joel Sanford Ms. Kim Sappenfield '82 The Sasso Family Mr. Kenneth Sa ul '42 Ms. Ari Sawaya Mr. Robert Scardon '46 Dr. and Mrs. Schaff Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schmelzer Mr. Charles Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schnur Mr. and Mrs. Randall Schorle Mr. P. Schulz Mr. John Schulze '42 Mr. John Segvich '89 Mr. William Semmer '71 Mr. Loren Sexauer '40 Dr. and Mrs. Prabodh Shah Ms. Laura Shallow Mr. Saul Shaoul Dr. and Mrs. Gene Simonson '45 The Simpsons Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sinclair Mr. Gene Siskel Mr. Scott Smally Mr. and Mrs. Ramesh Soparawala Mr. Robert Spong '41 Ms. Mary Spooner Mr. John Stack '61 Mr. S. Stang Mr. Stephen & Mrs. Jarilyn (Heale 73) Stavropoulos Ms. Malinda Steele Ms. Louise Steele Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Steinbarth '81 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steller Ms. Mary Stelter Ms. Pam Stelter Dr. Anita Stewart Dr. Donna Stockton Mr. James Stokes '54 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Strasser Mr. Spencer Stuart' 40 Ms. Rose Szklennik Mr. and Mrs. Michael Szluka Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tadin Mr. Michael Tadin '94 Dr. and Mrs. Ernesto Tan Mr. and Mrs. Cruz Tatro-Mendoza Ms. Elizabeth Taylor Mrs. Fara Taylor Mr. Allan Teske Mr. M. Lee Tew Mrs. Winnie Theodore Mr. Jeff Thieman Mr. and Mrs. David Thieman, Sr. Ms. Laurene Thomas

Mr. Frank Thomas Ms. Bea Elle Thomas Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thormann Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thorsen Mr. Jerome Thrall '44 Dr. and Mrs. James Tonsgard Mr. Timothy Troy '72 Geilo Tucker Mr. C. Robert Tully '39 Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Turner Ms. Gail Turner Turner-Drew Staff Mr. Joseph Tuzikowski Dr. and Mrs. Ng Umi Dr. Jeff Unger 70 Mrs. Juanita Upshaw Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Vasquez Mr. Lincoln H. Vehmeyer '47 Mrs. Janet Venable Mr. Maurice Vick '33 Mrs. Victoria Vlasis Mrs. Charlotte Walters Mr. Michael Warren Mr. Tyler Warren Mr. and Mrs. John Waters Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watkins Ms. Wendy Watkins Ms. Kerri Watkins Ms. Sue Watkins-Klein Mr. and Mrs. William Watson Mr. and Mrs. Dan Webb Dr. Linda Weinfield 76 Mr. Robert E. Whitecotton Mr. James Wickes Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wiegel 79 Mr. John Williams Mr. Pearson F. Williams, Jr. '58 Ms. Nate Willis Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson Mr. and Mrs Robert Winter Dr. Leon Witkowski '65 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wolski Lt. CoL Robert B. Woolson '39 Mr. Walter Wozniak' 47 Mr. L. Wright Mr. and Mrs. George Yaksic Dr. and Mrs. Philip Yap Dr. and Mrs. Ara Yeretsian Dr. and Mrs. Robert Younkins Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zaniolo Mr. Robert Zemeckis Mr. Kenneth Zubrick '52

Business and Corporate Donors 19th Ward Democratic Organization A. & M. Interiors AAAA Towing Able Camera

Annual Report 1994 - 1995 "Phantom of the Auction" Donors Mr. and Mrs. James Coulas and Mr. and Mrs. Cruz Tatro-Mendoza, Salute to Excellence Co-Chairs (Business and Corporate Donors Continued) Advance Bank Aerobics Station Aitchison Insurance Agency, Inc. Ajax Uniform Rentals Al Nalli Music, Inc. Alderman Virginia Rugai, 19th Ward Alex's The Long and Short of it Allan A. Teske and Associates Amblin Entertainment American Trans Air American West Airlines Archibald Candy Corporation Arlington International Racecourse Art Institute of Chicago Artist Cafe Asphalt National Heat Treating Auxillary of Christ Hospital & Medical Center Bailey, Banks and Biddle Barnes and Noble, Inc. BB & A/ AD-Dimensions Behnke Photographers Benji's Sports Fashions, Ltd. Bergman Trucking Company Bandag Bess Friedheim Jewelry Beverly Arts Center Beverly Bean Company Beverly Gymnastics Center Beverly Hills Car Wash Beverly Unitarian Church Beverly Woods Restaurant Big 'N Little Big Shoulders Cafe Biobottoms Birkholz Body Werks, Inc. Blackhills, Inc. Blair Gordon Blatt, Hasenmiller, Leibskeer, Moore & Pellettieri BMW Central Region BMW Financial Services NA., Inc. BMW, N.W. Ayer & Partners/Chicago Bob's Speedy Print Bone and Joint Surgeons, Ltd. Brach's Brack's Towing Brite-O-Matic Manufacturing, Inc. BRK Brands/First Allert Budget Rent-A-Car Bun Siu L. Co, MD., EA.C.P. Burgundy Bistro Business Office Systems, Inc C & K Model Solutions C-7 Sound Service Cafe Luciano/Cucina Roma Caldwell Banker1st American/BeverlyMorgan Park Office Calumet Paint & Wallpaper Inc. Cam-Golf Canteen Lunch Program Capital West Bank

Carl Fischer Music Celex, Inc. Cellularone Celozzi-Ettleson Chevrolet, Geo, Inc. Center Stage Charles Ifergan Chatfield Dean and Company Cherry Communications Chesterfield Federal Savings & Loan Assoc. Chicago Architecture Foundation Chicago Business Systems Chicago Children's Museum Chicago Fire Fighters Union Local 2 Chicago Historical SOCiety Chicago Ski Twisters Chicago State University Chicago Tribune Cineplex Odeon Corporation Clarence Davids & Company Columbia Pictures Television Combined Sales Company Corporate Risk Management, Inc. Cosmopolitan Service Corporation Costa D'Oro County Fair Foods Court Theatre Craig Hallerstein and Associates Crest Lighting Studios Crown Books D & B Comics De Sitter Carpets, Inc. Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. Deer Creek Golf Course Desks, Inc. Desmond and Ahem Destiny Group Douglas Drenk and Associates, P.c. Downers Grove Motor Sales Downers Grove National Bank Dr. Benjamin R. Coglianese Dr. Leroy Perry, Jr., DD.s. Dr. Michel Ilbawi/Christ Hospital Medical Drs. Finley, Helge and Leilby D.D.S. Drs. Hopkins, Mesleh and Krueger, M.D. Drury Lane Theatre DZ's Hollywood Park East Bank Club El Jardin Restaurant Elgin Auto Emporium Eli's Chicago's Finest Enterprise Rent-A-Car Evergreen Bank Evergreen Plaza Excalibur Refreshment Concepts Executive Financial Group Face To Face Farhad Vossoughii, M.D., S.c. Fas Claims, Inc. Field Museum of Natural History Fireplace Inn

First Chicago Flowers by Esther Fort Dearborn Jobbers Supply Company Franconello French, Kezelis and Kominiarek, P.c. Gap Kids Georgette Klinger Salon Georgio's Comfort Inn Gingiss Formalwear Golden Ox Gould-Kelly Travel, Inc. H. Turner and Company Harrah's Casino Heil- Chicago, Inc. Held Travel Bureau, Inc. Helene Curtis Heritage Bank Hillside Chatham Florist Historic Pullman Foundation Holiday Inn Oak Lawn Horton Insurance Agency House of Hughes Hubbard Street Dance Studio Hyatt Regency Oak Brook Hyerdahls Improv Chicago Ina and Elaine Inprint/Salvinija G. Kernaghan Irwin Seating Company Ivan Noel Salon J. & G. Builders J. Ellryn Rocke, D.O., P.c. Jameson Music Corporation Joe Bailly's Restaurant and Saloon Johnson, Jones, Snelling and Gilbert JRC Industries, Inc. Judith Alberts Photography JumpN'Fun KA. Pridjian and Company Kean Discount Service Stations Keepsake Publishing Kirk Tire Car Care Center Kmart Kolnicki, Peterson, Trapani & Company Kupferberg, Goldberg and Neimark, L.L.c. Lakeside Bank Lands End, Inc. LaSalle Talman Bank Lasting Impression Laurel Motors Laurel Motors Leasing Lawry's Leaps and Bounds Lease Marketing, Ltd. Leon J. Witkowski, D.D.S. Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises Linda's Margaritas Restaurant Little Miss Specialty Gift Shop Loews - The Sony Theatres Longwood Foods


Annual Report 1994 - 1995 "Phantom of the Auction" Donors Mr. and Mrs. James Coulas and Mr. and Mrs. Cruz Tatro-Mendoza, Salute to Excellence Co-Chairs (Business and Corporate Donors Continued) Lube Pros M.G. Electric Service Company MacNeil Automotive Products, Ltd. Mare Marilyn Miglin Institute Marina Cartage, Inc. Mark Shale Marquette University Marshall Fields Marshall Supply Martinelli's Marvel Films Mary Lou French, O.D. F.AA 0., M. Ed. Mathias M. Mattern, Attorney At Law Maurice Blackman & Sons Mayors Office of Special Events, Chicago Maywood Citgo McDonalds Mercedes-Benz of North America Merrill Lynch Mobilia, Inc. Monograms Plus Morgan Park Auto Service, Inc. Morrison's Ethan Allen Gallery Mount Greenwood Bank Mount Greenwood Hardware & Supply Co. MPAAdministration MPA Development Office MPA Fathers' Club MPA Fifth Grade Class MPA First Grade Class MPA Fourth Grade Class MPAKeyClub MPA Middle School MPA Mothers' Club MPA Second Grade Class MPA Seventh Grade Class MPA Third Grade Class MPA Varsity Basketball Team & Coach Charles Schroeder Mr. G's Contemporary Furniture Mt. Greenwood Currency Exchange Museum of Contemporary Art Museum of Science and Industry Nails Etcetera New York Life Insurance Company Nick's Fishmarket Nolan and Nolan Noral Jewelers Northwestern Mutual Life Nova Quarter Horses, Inc. O'Hara's Sports Oak Lawn Hilton Ogden Lincoln Mercury Olympia Fields Osteopathic Hospital & Medical Center Orland Bowl Ortigara's Musicville Pagoda Flowers & Gifts Palos Country Club


Palos Sports, Inc. Pandorama Travel Paperback Trading Company Park Cleaners Park Magnavox Paul S. Petrungaro, DD.s., M.s. Paula M. O'Brien, E.A Primavera Restaurant Prospect Federal Savings Bank Provencal Builders Inc. PRPWines PRS Real Estate Services Pullman Bank and Trust Company Quality Truck & Trailer Repair, Inc. Rand McNally RBD and Associates, Ltd. Regal Graphics Richards Building Supply Company Robbins, Solomon and Patt, Ltd. Robert W. Marquis, MD., S.c. Psychiatry Roberts Tire and Auto Service Center Roditys Restaurant Romanelli and Associates Ron's Lock & Key Service Roosevelt University Roxart Gallery Royal Jordanian Airlines Rusek and Associates RW Collins Co. Sacred Heart Church Saint Xavier University Salon St. Clair Second City Sharko's Sheffner Jewelers Sheldon Belofsky, Attorney at Law Siding-I, Inc. Signs of Merit Smith Barney, Inc. South Suburban Hospital Southwest Airlines Southwest Financial Bank Spectrum Art Supplies Split Images Standard Bank and Trust Step-By-Step Academy of Dance and Music Stephen P. Morris, D.D.s. Stress Relief Stuart Brent Books Successories Sweet Things Sybaris Pool Suites Taylor Business Equipment Terra Museum of American Art Terrestris That's A Great Gift, Inc. The Bacin Group The Candlelight Dinner Playhouse The Chicago Bears The Chicago Black Hawks

The Chicago Bulls The Chicago Cubs The Chicago White Sox The Children's Spoon The Deer Path Inn The Drake The Eccentric The Education Depot, Inc. The Fairmont Hotel The Forum Theatre & Restaurant The Fraternal Order of Police - Chicago The Heritage Gallery The Holiday Inn, Naperville The Jenny Jones Show The Jerry Springer Show The Kenwood Academy P.E. Department The Knickerbocker Hotel The Levy Restaurants The Mart Store The Mayfair Theatre The National Jewish Theater The North American Bear Company, Inc. The Northlight Theatre The Plantation Restaurant The Quilt Finder The Royal George Cabaret Theatre The Three Worlds of Santa's Village The Toy Hutch The Ultimate Beauty Store Theatre Building Theodore's Restaurant Thompson & Kuenster Funeral Home Tom Strasser Plumbing Company Top-Notch Beefburgers Toyota on Western Tukais Tulane University Turano Bakery Tyrone Z. Holiday, D.D.s. United Airlines United Financial Group, Inc. University of Michigan Vanderbilt University Victoria Resort Vinci Vocational Economics, Inc. WalMart Wellness Connections Wentworth Tire Service White Fence Farm Wight and Company William Earman, D.O. Raymond Schluter, D.O. World Wrestling Federation York Furriers Zanies Comedy Nite Club

Annual Report 1994 - 1995 Fall Fashion Show '94 Donors Mrs. Carol Green, Chairperson

Fall Fashion Show Society '94 Mrs. Harriet Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cuevas Mr. and Mrs. John Dobrowolski Dr. William Earman and Mrs. Linda Wogamott Mr. and Mrs. Jon Freeman Dr. and Mrs. Richard Green Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Kern Mrs. Joy Lee Mrs. Alzata Pincham Mrs. Dolores Reyes Mrs. Ruthie Ross Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Steinbarth '81 Mr. Douglas and Dr. Sharon Wheeler Dr. and Mrs. Leon Witkowski '65 Business and Corporate Donors Dr. Ani! Agarwal Andriana Furs Auxiliary of Christ Hospital/Medical Center Chicago Model Productions Conceptual Beauty Salon Country Thrift Shoppe Drury Lane Face to Face Fashions with Flair Georgios Comfort Inn Greek Island Hawthorne Race Course Illinois Service Federal Savings Julia's, Mrs. Betty Whalen Khazaha Laracris Corporation La Renaissance Restaurant Morgan Park Academy Key Club Motion Unlimited Rivas Rocky Mountain Chocolates/Engelot, Mrs. Siobhan Engle Ruja Originals, Ruth Drynan-Mulcahy Unreal Shoppe Viceroy of India Whitney'S, Oak Lawn Hilton Wolf's Head Inn Individual Donors Dr. and Mrs. Ismail Abbasi Mrs. Madonna Abdishi '63 Mr. and Mrs. James Allison Dr. and Mrs. Anil Agarwal Mrs. Brenda Asaju Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beatty '67 Miss Gina Bernardi Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bertoletti Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bielinski

Mrs. Maureen Blake Mr. and Mrs. G. Davis Boyd Mr. James Bremer and Mrs. Peggy O'BrienBremer Mrs. Cindy Brinkley Mrs. Anna Marie Brodsky Ms. Ann Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michael Butler '79 Mrs. Dorris Caliendo Mrs. Laura Lopez-Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Terry Chambers Dr. and Mrs. Arturo Chavarria Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chears Dr. and Mrs. David Chube Mrs. Carolyn Collins Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cooney Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Costin Ms. Carol Coulas Mr. and Mrs. James Coulas Ms. Patricia Crowden Dr. and Mrs. Hugo Cuadros Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cuevas Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cummings Mrs. Betty Dahlberg Dr. and Mrs. Juanito Dalisan Dr. and Mrs. George Dangles Dr. and Mrs. Michael Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeHaan Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Delaney Mrs. Candace Heppner-DiCola Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DiPaolo Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Doherty Mrs. Tanya Downer Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Drynan Jr. '79 Mr. and Mrs. George Eck Mrs. Joan Wilson-Epps Mrs. Gale F. Farley Mr. Thomas Finnegan and Mrs. Carole Klein Mr. Paul and Mrs. Alana Flatley Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ford Mr. and Mrs. Jon Freeman Ms. Cora Gero Mr. Jeff Gilbert and Ms. Malinda Steele Mrs. Dorothy Grant Dr. and Mrs. Richard Green Mr. and Mrs. James Griffin Mr. and Mrs. David Hahn Dr. and Mrs. Mahmoud Halloway Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Heilman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Heller Mrs. Joyce Herron Mrs. Lucienda Jackson-Hill Mrs. Barbara Jackson Mrs. Marilyn Jacques Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Julian Jesik Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson Mr. and Mrs. David Jones, Sr.

Mrs. Elaine Jones Dr. and Mrs. James A. Jones Mrs. Janice Kates Mrs. Ruby Kelley Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Kern Mrs. Michelle Kochinsky Mr. and Mrs. James Lathon Ms. Pat Laurencell Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lazo Mr. Handy and Dr. Rachel Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lis Mrs. Catherine Lites Mrs. Lois Madison Dr. and Mrs. Danilo Martinez Dr. and Mrs. Joseph McCartin Dr. and Mrs. George Mesleh Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrow Dr. Miltos and Dr. Niki Moscandrew Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nelson Mr. Robert Nolan & Mrs. Daryce Hoff- Nolan Mr. Yemisi and Dr. Mary Ann Onayemi Mr. and Mrs. Michael Orr Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Pazmino Mr. and Mrs. Donald Perine Mrs. Sarah Raines Ms. Liz Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Rodd Rasmussen Ms. Peg Rees Mr. Jerry & Mrs. Crista (Jones '76) Riedinger Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reidy Mrs. Carol Riha Ms. Brenda Robinson Mr. Michael Rogers '69 and Mrs. Karin N elson-Rogers Mrs. Judy Rush Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schnur Mr. and Mrs. Randall Schorle Ms. Helen Smith Mr. Steve and Mrs. Jarilyn (Heale '73) Stavropoulos Mr. and Mrs. Michael Szluka Dr. and Mrs. Ernesto Tan Mrs. Winnie Theodore Mrs. Angenette Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thomas Mrs. Fara Taylor Rev. Dr. and Mrs. George Thompson Dr. and Mrs. Dinker Trivedi Ms. Debra Turner Dr. Susana Ugarte Mr. and Mrs. Albert Usa tuck Mr. Darrel Van Kirk Ms. Kim Vlasis Ms. Patricia Vlasis Mrs. Vicki Vlasis Mr. Douglas and Dr. Sharon Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winter


Annual Report 1994 - 1995 Alumni Dues - The following alumni participated in the 1994-95 Alumni Dues Program by either paying their 94-95 dues or taking advantage of the DueslRaffle Offer. Mr. Ronald V. Aitchison '57 Mr. Simon Allen'40 - in memory of Ralph Hitz '39 and Bill Richards' 40 Ms. Adrienne Alton '86 Ms. Deborah Aruguete '94 Mr. Kannan Arumugam '94 Dr. Kevin Ashby '81 Mr. A. Richard Ayers '36 Mr. John Bacino '54 Mr. Asa Melville Bacon' 44 Mr. Charles F. Bacon '38 Mr. Donald M. Badziong '42 Dr. Julian I. Barish '34 Mr. Nicholas Bathas '71 Mr. Robert R. Beatty '67 Mr. Michael Bechtel '94 Mr. Larry E. Benson '54 Mr. Richard L. Berliner' 45 Mr. Sanjay Bhojraj '94 Mr. Andrew Boyd '94 Mr. Jerry D. Bowden '57 Mr. John Charles Bowman '57 Mr. William P. Braker'44 Mr. Carlos Bravo '90 Ms. Tara Brigham '86 Mr. Joseph F. Brilando '68 Mr. David C. Brown '66 Mr. Robert N. Burchinal '43 Mr. Frank Albert Burd '52 Mr. Brian T. Bye '80 Mr. Robert L. Cain '70 Ms. Jacqueline (Jones '78) Callery Mr. David Campbell '41 Mr. Arthur Jessup Canfield '56 Mr. Edward V. Cerny '37 Mr. Donald Coller '70 Mrs. Karen (Butler '80) Cook Mrs. Paula (Wognum '77) Corbin Mr. E. Frank Correll '82 Mr. James Correll '84 Mr. James Cosentino '86 Mr. Russell C. Craig '37 Ms. Ruth (Dreyfuss '67) Crane Mr. Charles Dennis Cresap '52 Mr. Robert C. Crist '70 Mr. David Cuadros '86 Ms. Paula Cuadros '87 Ms. Rachel Cuadros '90 Ms. Julie Cuadros '93 Mr. Philip Danielewicz '93 Mr. Thomas Danielewicz '89 Mr. John L. Daniels '75 Mr. Harry John Darabaris '54 Mr. Steven L. Delaveris '70 Mr. Allen DeNormandie '65 Mr. Grant H. DeNormandie '60 Mr. Joseph F. Dixon '47 Mr. Henry E. Doney'44 Mr. Ronald D. Drynan '79 Mr. Richard L. Duchossois '40 Ms. Kimberly K. Duffek '77


Dr. Gregory Dumanian '79 Mr. c.J. (Gus) Economos '47 Mr. Wayne W. Eden' 47 Mr. Ronald R. Elmore & Janet Wiegel '60 The Honorable Saul A. Epton '27 Mr. Steven Edwin Erickson '62 Mr. Charles F. Everett' 43 Ms. Yasrnin Faruqi '82 Mr. James A. Fitch '73 Mr. Norman B. Fleming '49 Mr. Theodore K. Friedt' 45 Ms. Nathalie Garnet '84 Mr. William V. Gaps '52 Mr. Frank Gasior '81 Mr. Edwin A. Gausselin '29 Ms. Ann Marie (Johnson '66) Gervilla Dr. Charles W. Getz '42 Mr. J. Robert Gilbert '45 Mr. Rajiv Goel '87 Ms. Robin Goss '63 Mr. Martin Gramont '77 Mr. Joseph Grassi '43 Mr. Robert W. Guilford '61 Ms. Sue Ellen (Vlasis '69) Hale Mr. Charles Hamper '73 Mr. Bruce C. Hamper '73 Ms. Elizabeth Hartmann '73 Ms. Wendy Heilman '89 Ms. Barbara Hennelly '91 Mr. Bert Hoddinott '83 Mr. Alfred Hoffman '56 Dr. Walter S. Hofman '50 Mr. Alfred Hoffman '52 Mr. Kenneth W. Holmes '76 Mr. David M. Honor '67 Ms. Dana Z. Hopings '92 Mr. Rudolph Hurwich '38 Mr. William M. Hutchins '42 Mr. James R. Johnson '46 Mr. David A. Jones, Jr. '78 Mr. Charles Alexander Junkunc '59 Ms. Deborah Jurado '92 Mr. Peter Kanaris '78 Ms. Jodi Kapjon '93 Mr. Michael Kartsounis '91 Mr. Eugene J. Katz '59 Ms. Mary (Arslan '74) Kaufmann Mr. William W. Keefer '43 Mr. Jay Kennedy '55 Mr. William T. Kettering' 42 Mr. Frederick D. Kitch '46 Dr. John I, Kitch, Jr. '51 Mr. Mark Charles Klein '55 Mr. Edward C. Kole '52 Mr. Louis J. Kole '48 Mr. Charles G. Kozel '32 Mr. Arthur J. Kralovec '39 Mr. George Gerald Krivsky '56 Mr. Wayne Krueger '53 Mr. William M. Krueger '62 Ms. Diane Kurnarich '79

Mr. George L. Kurnis '66 Mr. William T.w. Kwan '49 Mr. George L. Lamparter '39 Mr. John F. Lasser '33 Ms. Ellen (Prokop '76) LeClaire Ms. Susan Linda Lee '70 Mr. Burton V. leVee '32 Mr. Jerome S. Levin '45 Mr. William F. Liptak' 49 Mr. Harvey B. Lucas '40 Mr. Michael DeStewart McClure '60 Mrs. Amy Lynn (Danielewicz '90) McCombs Mr. Butch McGuire'47 Mr. Kenneth R. Mack '58 Mr. Harry Thayer Mahoney '41 Mr. Frank A. Major' 42 Dr. James M. Maragos '73 Mr. John C. Mateer '57 Ms. Jennifer Matz '94 Mr. James J. Mitchell '61 Mr. Robert Montgomery '72 Mr. Fred H. Montgomery '64 Mr. Marcellus Harrison Moore '90 Mr. Kenneth Mortenson' 63 Mrs. Janet (Wolk '68) Muzatko Mr. Kenneth H. Nash '47 Mrs. Ellen (Fahrer '78) Nedzel Mr. Alan Newberg '64 Ms. Margie Ann Nicholson '65 Mr. Eric Odell '80 Mr. Warren F. Opitz' 44 Ms. Judith (Hennan '65) Orzechowski Ms. Mary B. O'Toole '81 Mr. Patrick M. O'Toole '83 Mr. William B. Owens '90 Mr. Walter H. Page '44 Mr. Charles F. Pagels '38 Mr. George J. Pappas Jr. '55 Mr. James G. Pappas '57 Mr. Ron Pearce '61 Mr. Steve Petso '83 Mr. Richard S. Phillips' 43 Ms. Patricia Pongched '94 Mr. Darrell Porter '79 Mr. Mitchell Prosk ML RichardProsk Ms. Margaret (O'Donoghue '74) Rawles Major Price O. Reinert '39 Mr. Clark Richards '80 Ms. Ellen (Weiss '71) Rissman Mr. Daniel J. Roberts '36 Mr. Michael Rogers '69 Mr. James V. Rosenbaum '47 Ms. Angela Rosiak '91 Dr. David Rosi '67 Mr. Robert Rosi '68 Ms. Janet (Andelman '66) Roversi Mr. Gilbert Y. Rubenstein '29 Ms. Julie (Coffeen '70) Rudawsky Mr. Edward A. Rund '61 Mrs. Nancy Runyon '74

Annual Report 1994 - 1995 Alumni Dues

Mr. Bentley Rutherford '83 Mr. Jonathan L. Salmons '86 Ms. Kaarina Salovaara '72 Mr. Kenneth Saul'42 Mr. Robert Scardon '46 Ms. Sue (Tuthill '69) Schiess Mr. Ralph D. Schiller Jr. '45 Mr. Ralph E. Schram '33 Mr. John E. Schulze '42 Mr. John J. Segvich '89 Mr. William B. Semmer '71 Mr. Loren Sexauer'40 Mr. Joseph B. Simon '46 Dr. Gene R. Simonson'45 Ms. Allison (Reitz '77) Smith Mr. Kevin Smith '87 Mr. Robert P. Smith '67 Mr. Wellington S. Smith '32

Mr. Eric Spinazzola '75 Mr. Robert Spong '41 Mr. Frank Stacey' Mr. John M. Stack '61 Mr. James R. Stokes '54 Mr. Richard W. Stow'42 Mr. Spencer Stuart'40 Mr. Carl C. Swanson'42 Ms. Carrie A. Swearingen '82 Mr. Michael Tadin '94 Mr. Robert J. Theodore '69 Mr. Thomas Theodore '67 Mr. Jerome A. Thrall '44 Mr. Joseph S. Terry '77 Mr. M. Lee Tew '48 Ms. Angela Toscas '83 Ms. Michelle Toscas '85 Mr. TImothy N. Troy '72

Mr. Charles Robert Tully '39 Dr. Jeff Unger '70 Mr. H. Lincoln Vehmeyer '47 Mr. Maurice R. Vick '33 Mr.SushrutWaikar'89 Mr. John A. Wass '65 Dr. Linda Weinfield '76 Dr. Raymond P. Weiss '76 Ms. Elizabeth (White '77) Grassi Mr. Robert A. Whitfield '44 Mr. Mark Wiegel '79 Mr. David Wilkinson '77 Mr. Pearson F. Williams Jr. '58 Mr. Chandler T. Wmkless '37 Dr. Leon Witkowski '65 Mr. Lt. Col. Robert B. Woolson '39 Mr. Walter Wozniak '47 Mr. Kenneth J. Zubrick '52

OU MORGAN PARK ACADEMY Office of Development 2153 W. 111 th St. Chicago, Illinois 60643

In preparation of this report we have tried to avoid errors and omissions. If any are found we would greatly appreciate having them reported to the Development Office at (312) 881-6728. Donations to the "Pathway Brick Campaign" will be acknowledged in the 1995-96 Annual Report along with any other contributions received after July 31, 1995.

Developtnent Fashion Show & 10th Anniversary of Salute to Excellence" 1/

Fall Fashion Show '95 This year Morgan Park Academy's Fall Fashion Show & Luncheon will be held on Saturday, November 4,1995 at the Lexington House in Hickory Hills from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm, chaired by MPA parents Mrs. Carol Green and Mrs. Shashi Agarwal. The Fashion Show, "Around the World with MPA", will feature seven professional models, as well as our own students, showcasing a wide array of international fashions including apparel for the mature and full-figured woman. The show will highlight local retailers and childrens' stores. As a special treat, the Chicago Children's Choir will entertain us with a special performance. Mark your calendars and plan on joining us for a fun-filled afternoon for adults and children alike. Contact Mrs. Wendy Drynan (312) 881-6631 for reservation information.

Salute to Excellence 1996

Morgan Park Academy's Salute to Excellence '96 is already in the initial planning stages. This major fund raising event will be held at the Fairmont Hotel in downtown Chicago on Saturday, April 27, 1996. This year marks the 10th anniversary celebration, which will serve as the event's theme. The melodious sounds of the Elmhurst College Jazz Band will

inspire you to dance the night away! Plan on joining us for an evening of fine food and exceptional entertainment. This is your chance to rekindle old friendships and make new acquaintances. This night of dining and dancing while overlooking the fabulous view of Lake Michigan promises to be a night to remember.

-----------------------------HONORARY CHAIRPERSONS ........... Dr. and Mrs. Raffy Hovanessian

GENERAL CHAIRPERSONS ............. Dr. and Mrs. George Mesleh AUCTION CO-CHAIRPERSONS ......... Mrs. Linda Wolgamott & Mrs. Luba Johnson 'f

PROGRAM BOOK CHAIRPERSON ....... Mrs. Sandra Boulos RAFFLE CO-CHAIRPERSONS ........... Mrs. Colleen Coulas & Mrs. Mary Ellen Tatro-Mendoza GIFT GATHERING HOSTS .............. Mr. Michael Rogers '69 & February 23, 1996 Mrs. Karin Nelson-Rogers For more event information please contact: Mrs. Wendy Drynan, Special Events Coordinator, at (312) 881-6631. page 11

Al ultlni N e""s Letter from the President & Upcoming Alumni Events Dear Alumni: The first thing that I would like to do is welcome the Class of 1995 to the Alumni Association. The past year was one of the most successful years the Association has experienced. The Alumni held its Annual Basketball Game in December and in March added a 3-on-3 Tournament with an appearance by the Jesse White Tumblers. There was also a fine turnout at the All-Class Alumni Reunion Dinner in June. The Class of 1970 celebrated their 25th reunion during the dinner. A few weeks later the Classes of 1974, '75, and '76 held a weekend long reunion. Congratulations are extended to our first inductees to the Hall of Fame:

1st Annual Alumni

Golf Classic to Benefit Martin Wolf Fund & Others Martin J. Wolf and other favorite MPA legends will be remembered at the 1st Annual Alumni Golf Classic to benefit MPA's Scholarship Funds. The Golf Classic will include a tee off package for all participants, greenfees, cart, lunch and dinner. A separate "dinner only" fee will be availwho just want able for non-golfers to enjoy the party. We will hold a small auction following dinner. Prizes will be awarded for fourI some low net,


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: low net, longest


drive, closest to the pin, and \~l longest put~. Prior r to the outmg we will have a golf

page 12


clinic hosted by alumnus Tim Troy. We will also conduct a chipping and putting contest. One of the par 3's will have a major prize for a hole-inone while the other par 3's will be betting holes. Start setting up your foursome for this event. Those alumni that won't be able to participate are encouraged to sponsor a hole or contribute towards the tee off package. The Golf Classic will be held in May of '96 with the exact course, date and time to be determined. Please look for more information regarding the outing in the next Academy Magazine. If you wish to help with this event please contact Alana Mateling-Flatley in the Alumni Office at (312) 881-6728. Thank You, Brian Coller '79 Golf Outing General Chair

A. Richard Ayers '36, Donald C. Carner '35, Richard L. Duchossois '40, Louis J. Kole '48, Kenneth H. Saul '42, and

Captain Jean Landon Taylor. This coming May, the Association is planning on holding our first Alumni Golf Classic. This event will serve as the "All-Class" Reunion this year with emphasis on the 10th, 25th and 50th year anniversaries. If you do not wish to golf, please plan to attend the Reunion dinner later that evening. We will keep you posted on this event and all of our upcoming affairs in '95-'96. Sincerely, Mike Rogers '69 President

Al ulDni N e-ws Captain Jean Landon Taylor... A MPMA-MPA Legend in Review (1902 - 1995)

It is with deep sorrow, we must announce that Jean Landon Taylor, affectionately known as "Cap" Taylor, recently passed away on July 27, 1995 from natural causes. The following is a biography of the late writer/editor of the RAN (Retired Academy News). Quotes in this story were taken in part from an article written about Jean Landon Taylor by Virginia Twohy, in the Palos Vedes Review, a local journal in southern California. We would like to thank Ms. Jane Taylor Armstrong, Captain Taylor's daughter, for providing us with the necessary information needed to write this for our readers. Capt. Taylor was a kind-hearted man which many of his former students reflected as being strict, witty, but most of all straight to the point. The pen or pencil point that is! Jean Landon Taylor was born in Marcellus, Michigan, on February 24, 1902, where his father was the superintendent of schools. At the very

early age of eight, he had already been an orphan for three years. His father's health failed in 1905. Shortly there after, Jean, his two brothers, and his mother came down with measles. The three Taylor boys survived the terrible disease; however, their mother soon passed away "from what they called 'consumption' in those days". The three sons soon separated. Jean's brother, Wendell, went to live with one of their uncles on Jean's mother's side and his oldest brother, Paul, feeling he was old enough, decided to be on his own. Jean, being the youngest, lived with his "Auntie Ella" in Benton Harbor, Michigan until 1918. Jean's first love was Lillian Freer, whom he would walk 30 miles one way to visit. Having a variety of parttime jobs to earn money, Jean left school his sophomore year of high school. At that time, he and his good

friend, Byron Calhoun, found jobs as bellhops in a nearby hotel. They decided they would travel to Kansas City, "as far as their money would take them," to visit with Taylor's minister uncle. "I got a job first with a music publishing company, and then near Christmas, when a streetcar strike started, I was hired as a conductor. I was all of 16," recalled Taylor. Jean's next travels lead him to Los Angeles where he then joined the Navy. He weighed less than the 128pound Naval requirement at that time so his diet soon consisted of huge quantities of bananas and milk. Being underage and underweight, Jean asked his brother, Paul, to sign permission to let him join the armed forces. Being stuffed with enough calcium and potassium, Jean was soon accepted. Jean spent two years in the Navy, "Much of that time in San Pedro, where five ships were anchored with the 1st Pacific Fleet. I did get to sea and visited Alaska, Hawaii, and South America, trips that strengthened my lifelong love for the sea and travel". Upon discharge, Jean contacted a reporter in San Francisco he had met while serving in the Navy as a yeoman in communications. "I walked the Embarcadero from one end to the other, checked the Marine Exchange Report, and listened to the tall tales of an old sea captain who had a shack with a big brass telescope on Land's End". Five years after receiving a "Dear Jean" letter from his first love, Lillian Freer, Jean married a former high school classmate, Thelma Vogt in 1923. Jean often credited his former wife, Thelma, for persuading him to return to school. He then went on to enroll at Western Teacher's College and earned his degree while working at the same time. Thelma was training student teachers at the University of Chicago. page 13


Al uInni N e-ws Captain Jean Landon Taylor... A MPMA-MPA Legend in Review (1902 - 1995)

The Great Depression made it very difficult for Jean to find a job once he graduated, so he took a position at Chrysler as an automobile body inspector while taking classes toward his master's degree from the University of Chicago. After a brief teaching job, Captain Jean Landon Taylor was offered the position as an English teacher at Morgan Park Military Academy in 1929. During the 16 years he served as the head of the English Department, Capt. Taylor was Faculty Advisor to the Academy News, founded and advised the Camera Club and advised the well-liked Cartoon Club. In addition, he volunteered to be the announcer of football games and assisted with the public relations of the Academy. The Taylor'S daughter, Jane, was born in 1933. Jean also completed his master's degree from Columbia University. In 1945, the Taylor family moved to Orange County in southern California where Jean took a job as a professor of page 14

journalism and photography at Compton City College for 22 years. Jean's numerous interest led him to receive various titles and awards over the years, including co-founder of the West Coast Division of the National Association of Journalism Directors and the California Journalism Association of Junior Colleges; member of the Phi Delta Kappa men's educational fraternity; Board of Director, Vice President, and President of the California Teachers Association, Southern Section; President of the California Retired Teachers Association, South Bay; Gold Key Award recipient from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and the Scroll of Community from the California State Senate. In 1983, Morgan Park Academy honored Captain Taylor by announcing that an alumni scholarship award would be presented to an outstanding senior at Commencement each year. Very active in his retirement years, Capt. Taylor continued to write seven booklets and served many years as church parliamentarian and historian. Although his accomplishments have been vast, Capt. Taylor stated that his most cherished honor came from MPA most recently. On June 10, 1995, Captain Taylor was chosen as one of the first of six Charter Members to be inducted into Morgan Park Academy's newly established "Hall of Fame". The "Hall of Fame" honor was developed to recognize the outstanding achievements of Alumni and Friends of MPA. (see page 14) "Dad was just elated! It was the most recent award he received. We hung the plaque on the wall at his bedside at the nursing home for all of his friends, family and nursing staff to view. He was extremely proud," said Jane Armstrong. Although Captain Taylor may no longer be with us in body, he will

forever be remember at Morgan Park Academy. His dedication and loyalty to MPMA - MPA lives through the lives of the many cadets, students and friends his thoughts and words touched. At Ms. Armstrong's request, memorial gifts may be made in memory of Captain Taylor to the "Captain Jean Landon Taylor Scholarship Award" Fund, c/o Morgan Park Academy. This scholarship award is presented to an outstanding senior during Commencement based on scholarship, citizenship, and activities. Please make checks payable to Morgan Park Academy. Condolences may be sent to Ms. Jane Armstrong, 380 Cienaga Drive, Fullerton, California, 92635. Future correspondence to the RAN newsletter should be sent c/o Col. James Vogl, 4909 Via El Sereno, Torrence, CA, 90505-6245, (310) 3781803 or FAX to 310-378-0246. The Office of Development would like to thank Col. Vogi in advance for his assistance with the upcoming publication. Alana Mateling-Flatley Director of Development

Al uInni N ew-s Hall of Fame Inductees judge at numerous county fairs. Dick was mayor of Bement, Illinois from 1965-1969, served on the Central Illinois Economic Development Commission from 1966-1970, and was Executive Secretary of the Illinois Rural Safety Council. Mr. Ayer's varied career has included teaching on the faculties of the University of Illinois and Richland Community College in Decatur, Illinois. He and his wife, Helen, are the proud parents of four sons and one daughter, all of whom graduated from the University of Illinois.

Donald C. Carner '35 Five Morgan Park Military Academy Alumni were inducted into the school's newly established "Hall of Fame" on Saturday, June 10th, as part of Morgan Park Academy's 122nd Commencement Exercise. The "Hall of Farne" honors men and women and friends of Morgan Park Academy whose lives exemplify to an extraordinary degree the values and standards which Morgan Park Academy represents.

A. Richard Ayers '36

Mr. Ayers holds a BSME from the University of Illinois and has also attended Armour Technology, Lewis

Institute of Technology and Yale He is founder and University. Chairman of the Board of Central Illinois Manufacturing Company. A member of both the Illinois and National Societies of Engineers, he invented a storage tank vent that reduces evaporation in gasoline storage tanks, and over one billion are in use today. His firm is the largest producer of fuel filters for dispensers in the world. Dick also holds membership in several mechanical, engineering, and agricultural engineering societies. After service in World War II with the U.S. 8th Air Force in England, he was recalled to active duty during the Korean War and saw service with both Wings as a Squadron Commander and Staff Officer. He also served in the Headquarters of the Strategic Air Command as a staff officer, and is a member of the 98th Bomb Group Vets Association. Mr. Ayers holds numerous medals and awards from the U.s. Army Air Force. Dick's volunteer service has included membership on the MPA Board of Trustees and as a Board member of the Methodist Church. He was President of the Academy Alumni Association and was President of the Scout committee, Arrowhead Council, BSA. In addition, he has served as a

Donald C. Carner, MPMA Class of 1935, was Commander of the Academy Company that won the Honor Award that year. He completed undergraduate and graduate work in the School of Business at the University of Chicago, receiving an MBA. A Major in the U.S. Army Air Force, he served as Group Navigator with the 346 Bomb Group. The father of three children, grandfather to four, and great-grandfather to one, Donald resides with his wife, Hazel, in Tiburon, California. After service as Administrative Assistant to the Commission on Hospital Care from 1945-47, Mr. Carner became Assistant Administrator at Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis until 1950 and then Administrator at page 15

Al uInni N eW"s Hall of Fame Inductees Parkview Memorial in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, until 1955. He next served as Executive Vice President and then President of Memorial Hospital Medical Center of Long Beach, CA., until 1981. During his distinguished service there, he initiated the development of an entirely new medical center as well as the creation of Miller Children's Hospital and of Women's Hospital which together constitute one of the two largest non-governmental medical centers west of the Mississippi River. Mr. Carner then was President and Publisher of Health and Care Magazine from 1981-83. He currently is President of Carner, Ltd., in Tiburon, CA. Listed in Who's Who in America in 1983, Mr. Carner is a Fellow of the American College of Hospital Administrators and recipient of their Gold Medal Award. He has authored six books, published over 60 articles, and was Founder of EXECUTIVE LETTER. In addition, he was Cofounder of MultiHospital Shared Services and MultiHospital Mutual Insurance Co., Ltd. Donald is the recipient of the Lambert Foundation Award, and received the Award of Honor from the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists.

Richard L. Duchossois 140

Born and raised in Beverly, Richard Duchossois graduated from page 16

MPMA in 1940 and was attending Washington and Lee University when he was called to military service in World War II. He served on the front lines in five European campaigns, was repeatedly decorated and awarded various citations, and was released from active duty as a Major in 1946. Mr. Duchossois has spent his entire business and professional career in the Chicago area. He is founder and Chairman of Duchossois Industries Incorporated which includes the Thrall Car Manufacturing Company and the Chamberlain Group Incorporated. The family is involved in the breeding and racing of horses and in the operations of Arlington International Race Course, Incorporated, and Quad City Downs. He is a member of The Jockey Club and was only the third person to receive the Gold Medal of the American Jockey Club. In addition Mr. Duchossois is a Director and Vice President of the Thoroughbred Racing Associations and Director of the Harness Tracks of America. He is also a member of the Illinois Thoroughbred Breeders and Owners Foundation Advisory Board. It was Arlington International Race Course which made this already successful businessman into a public figure, recognized for having created the world's finest horse-racing facility which has set international standards for quality and customer satisfaction. His efforts to transform the image of thoroughbred racing, to initiate international horse racing competition and to provide industry leadership have won Dick Duchossois racing's highest honors in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. He was honored with the United Kingdom's highest racing recognition, the Lord Derby Award. The Jockey Club of Canada made Dick Duchossois the recipient of its premier recognition, the Special Sovereign Award. He is also three time winner of the Eclipse Award, American thoroughbred racing's highest honor, and

has been inducted into the Chicago Sports Hall of Fame. A widower, "Dutch" (as he was called at MPMA) is the father of four children and grandfather to seven. His significant philanthropic endeavors are based on a philosophy of giving back more to the community than is taken out. He lives on Hill 'N Dale farm in Barrington Hills, where he also breeds and races thoroughbred horses.

Louis J. Kole 148

Mr. Louis J. Kole of Oak Lawn, IL, is a member of the MPMA Class of 1948. He holds a B.S. in Business Administration from Northwestern University, and attended John Marshall Law School. Mr. Kole was a Pontiac, GMC, and VW dealer for 30 years, and currently is President of First Republic Investment and Development, Inc. He and his wife, Virginia (Loring '50), have three daughters; the youngest, Kim, is an MPA graduate, Class of '82. Mr. Kole has been a Director of Oak Lawn National Bank, Evergreen Bank, Concordia Savings and Loan, and the Chicago Auto Trade Association. He was Chairman of the Pontiac National Dealer Council, and has also served on the General Motors Council and the National Auto Relations Industrial Dealers

Al ulllni N elVS Hall of Fame Inductees Committee. Mr. Kole has received the Time Magazine Quality Dealer Award and the Illinois Quality Dealer Award, and is a Charter Pontiac Master Dealer.

Kenneth H. Saul '42

Kenneth H. Saul, of Galesburg, IL, is a member of the MPMA Class of 1942. Ken graduated from Officers Candidate School, and served three years on active duty and 21 years in the Army Reserves, attaining the rank of Lt. Colonel. His numerous decorations include the Silver Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Presidential Unit Citation, Combat Infantry Badge, European Theater of Operation with Seven Battle Stars and an Arrowhead, Army of Occupation, Reserve Medal, and the He is an World War II Medal. Honored Life Member of the 36th Division Association. Mr. Saul retired in 1986 as the President of Galesburg Canvas Products after 40 years of service, and is an Honored Life Member of the Industrial Fabrics Association and the U.K. Canvas Products Association. He has held office with the Junior Chamber of Commerce, and served for two years on the Knox County Board. His many church activities have included Vice-Chairmanship of the Trinity Lutheran Church Board.

Ken and his wife, Rose Anne, have two sons and two daughters.

Captain Jean Landon Taylor

Captain Jean Landon Taylor received the AB degree from Western State Teacher's College, (Kalamazoo) in 1928 and did graduate work at the University of Chicago and Columbia University. He joined the MPMA faculty in 1929 and remained through 1945. Captain Taylor was married for 48 years to Thelma Vogt Taylor, former librarian for MPMA and the Junior College. His second wife Lillian passed away in 1981. During his Academy tenure, Captain Taylor was Faculty Advisor to the Academy News and was founder and advisor to the Camera Club. In addition he advised the Cartoon Club and frequently volunteered as announcer at football games. For many years he performed yeoman service as editor of RAN (Retired Academy News) which has kept military alums up-to-date on many of their former classmates. Active in his retirement years, Captain Taylor continued his literary endeavors as author/editor of six

booklets, mostly collections of essays, prayers, poems, biographies, anecdotes, and personal observations. His lifetime of faith and service to his church were recognized in 1990 when he was presented the Neighborhood Church Medallion. He has been president of Kiwanis Club and of the LaRochelle Chapter of the Hugenot Society of California, served as chaplain of the Retired Teachers Association and, for many years, was church parliamentarian and historian. A well remembered honor was Captain Taylor's role as part of the Naval Honor Guard for President Wilson in 1919. His long career with Morgan Park Military Academy and Compton College together with his numerous interests and activities, made it a privilege to induct Captain Taylor into our Hall of Fame. This past July, Captain Taylor passed away from natural causes. (Please see page 12 for memorial tribute.) If you would like to nominate a former classmate or teacher for consideration, please contact Alana Mateling-Flatley, Morgan Park Academy, 2153 W. lllth Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60643, or call (312) 881-6728.

page 17


Al ulllni N ew-s Class Notes

'32 Burton Levee Burton, who just turned 80, spent 40 years with A.e. Nielsen Company, retired as the Executive V.P. in 1977, and moved to Florida from Lake Forest, Dlinois. Burton and his wife have four children and eight grandchildren. His main hobbies are sailing and cruising. He said he would be happy to hear from someone.

children, two from each of their children. Charlie maintains close contact with Irwin Martin '40.


Bob Woolson

Bob is still snow skiing at the age of 74. Bob started to ski at the age of 70 and this year he has advanced to the "Blue" slope. Way to go, Bob!


Charles F. Everett

Charles and his wife, Betty, his high school sweetheart, have reached 50 years of marriage. They have seven children, 13 grandchildren and a new grandchild on the way. They heard from many old MPMA friends on their 50th anniversary.

'45 Don A. Moore '33

Maurice R. Vick

Maurice lives in a life care facility called "Friendship Village" in Schaumburg, Dlinois. Maurice and his wife, Lenore, spend approximately 6 months each year in Harlingen, Texas, "so they don't need a snow shovel. They arrived in Texas in October and haven't needed to wear a jacket until a cold spell of a low of 45 to 50 degrees blew through Texas./I

'37 Edward Cerny Edward and his wife, Betsy, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at the Ft. Jackson Officers Club in Ft. Jackson, South Carolina on April 16th, 1994 - they were married April 14th 1944. Congratulations!


Charlie Bacon

Charlie retired after 36 years with Sears where he spent the last 10 years of service as the v.P. of Personnel and Labor Relations. He is active in golf and community affairs. He and his wife, Dorothy, a Beloit College sweetheart, have been married for 50 years. They have a son who is the Manager of a Sears store in Tallahassee, Florida and a daughter who is married to a FBI Agent in Baltimore, Maryland. Charlie and his wife have four grandpage 18

'42 C.W. "Bill" Getz The Secretary of the Air Force awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross to Bill for a mission he flew on December 19, 1944 while with the 8th Air Force. If you are interested in the details, call or write Bill. This is his second DFe.

'42 Carl G. Swanson After traveling and seeing more of the USA, Carl and his wife, Phyllis, have settled down in the friendliest neighborhood in Florida! What else Beverly Hills!

'43 Robert N. Burchinal The last of Robert's five children was married in August '94. With each of them having graduated from college and now married, that leaves him a little older with fewer dollars to jingle. He continues to work a reduced schedule but is glad to have the daily challenge. His 70th birthday arrived on February 14th which is also his wedding anniversary, Arizona Statehood Day and Valentine's Day.

Don gives his regards to the survivors of the class of 1945. This is a brief resume of Don's life: Admitted to practice law in Dlinois -1950 Dlinois General Assembly -House of Representatives -1962 -1972 Dlinois General Assembly -Senate 1972 - 1980 Dlinois Circuit Court Judge 1980 - 1984


J.R. Johnson

J.R. has retired for the 4th time. He is keeping active with the Elks Lodge in Prescott, Dlinois which celebrates its 100th year while the class of '46 celebrates its 50th year. J.R. says, "I enjoy reading Captain Taylor's RAN, even though I did not meet him until 1986./1


Bob Scardon

Bob is doing great, and is semiretired. He is looking forward to his 50th class reunion in 1996. Bob and former classmate Fred Kitch would like to invite their old friends to join them in May. The 25th & 50th Reunion will be part of the Golf Classic Dinner. Call Bob or Fred for details. Bob still keeps in touch with Ted Vlanos '45 and Bill Liptak '49. Bill was Bob's emblem club plebe.

Al ulllni N eW"s Class Notes

'47 Wayne W. Eden Wayne wants to say "hi" to all his friends!

'47 Kenneth H. Nash Kenneth is a semi-retired consultant in the cast metals industry. Kenneth and his wife, Ellen, their three children, and their one grandchild are all blessed with good health. His brother Bob '46 is doing well and living in Richland, Washington. Bob is a retired Atomic Scientist/Engineer and has a "BIG FAMILY".

'48 LeeTew Lee's youngest daughter gave birth on President's Day and his middle daughter gave birth to triplets on St. Patrick's Day for a total of 10 grandchildren. Lee plays golf on occasion in Beverly, IL with Lou Kole '48 and John Brdecka '48.

'55 Mark C. Klein Mark now owns a business in Silicon Valley called Computer Media Technology after spending 20 years with mM in sales & marketing. Mark and his wife of 36 years, Carole, are the proud parents of four. Mark is a private pilot, an avid golfer, biker, and ex-marine. He is getting ready to retire and travel.

'55 Robert Metsker Robert is currently working for UNC Aviation Services at Hurlburt Field, Florida, where he is a simulator instructor for the MC 130E combat

talon special operations airplane. This is a part of the (SOFATS) special operations forces, Aircrew Training System.

'70 Jeff Unger, MD Jeff is the consulting physician for World Championship Wrestling and the World Wrestling Federation. Jeff says, "I never have problems moving furniture around in my office."

entering third grade at MPA, Matthew (4) in MPA pre-first, and Anne (3). Mark is the Executive Vice President at George Washington Savings Bank in Oak Lawn, Illinois.

'83 Bert Hoddinott Bert owns a freelance graphic design/ type studio specializing in the things people need in business newsletters, brochures, advertisements, and production. You'll have to see it to believe it! Mac-powered!

'72 Janet (McConnell) Coleman

Janet moved back to Chicago a few years ago from Tampa, Florida. Janet and her husband, David, have two children, John and Kristen. She is an at-home mom, volunteer and parttime student.

'86 Adrienne Alton Adrienne is enjoying work as materials engineer at AT&T Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey.


David Cuadros

'74 Peg O'Donoghue -

David is traveling often to avoid" the excitement in Decatur!

Peg has recently been appointed Assistant University Counsel for the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. This office represents the Board of Trustees of the University and all of its departments.

'87 Paula Cuadros


'77 Martin G. Gramont Martin says, "I am alive and well and living in Mokena with my wife, Kari, and son, Andrew (born on November 15, 1994)."

'79 MarkJ. Wiegel Mark and his wife of 11 years, Jeri, have 3 children; Emily (7) who will be

Paula is teaching at Medill Elementary School in Chicago, where she is enjoying the true challenge of educating young children.

'87 Kevin C. Smith Kevin passed the Illinois & Indiana Bar exams in July '94. He was admitted to practice law in both states in October of '94. He presently is an associate with Ruman, Clements, Tobin & Holub, P.e. in Hammond, Indiana. In January of '95, Kevin was appointed to the Dyer, Indiana Water Board and elected as the president. page 19

Al ulTIni N e\t\Ts Class Notes


Wendy Heilman


Matthew F. Smith

Wendy is still working on ships. She left for Greece in April to work for a shipping company and will continue to sail throughout the Mediterranean.

Matthew graduated from Pepperdine last spring. He will, for the time being, continue to work at KROQ, 106.7 PM in Los Angeles as "Money" for the Kevin & Bean show in the mornings.

'89 Sushrut Waikar

'93 Julie Cuadros

Sushrut graduated from Amherst College, Maine in 1993 with majors in English and Neurosciences. He joined Yale School of Medicine in 1994.


Rachel Cuadros

Rachel is in her first year at University of Illinois, as a dental student. Rachel states, "Lots of work, tough classes, great classmates!"

Julie is studying hard in her second year at Carleton. She is declaring an Economics major with a concentration in Women's Studies. This summer she will study at Kings College in Cambridge, England with a Carleton Economics program. She says, "Hello to Mr. Kowalsky, Mr. Hibbs, Dario, Doc, Mr. T. and Dro."

Frank Stacey

'90 William B. Owens William is happily married to his beautiful wife, Stephanie. He is currently working at the Chicago Tribune as a Reader Room Operator.


Angela A. Rosiak

After Angela graduated in June '95 from Northwestern, she moved to Baltimore, Maryland to work for United States Gypsum Company as a project engineer.

Former MPMA Teacher Frank writes, "Thank you for the copy of the RETIRED Academy News (RAN), 1994. Soon I will be leaving for Florida to join with some of the members of the Class of 1939 for which I was Faculty Advisor: former debaters Bob Keefer '39, Bill Keefer '43, and Harry Gustafson '39."

Tracy Heilman Former Parent Mrs. Heilman would like to invite all mothers of Alumni to a special luncheon to be held in November. If you think your mother would like to attend, please contact the Office of Development at (312) 881-6728 with name and address information.

page 20

Lost Alumni List Help us locate lost Alumni The Office of Development is currently updating our Alumni Mailing list. If you have information or addresses for any of the following Alumni, please contact the Alumni Office at (312) 881-6719.

John E. Bell '28 Frederick A. Hemerick '28 Milton S. Cohen '29 John E. Qualkinbush '29 Harry C. Wall '29 Jerome Factor '30 Elliott L. Thrasher '30 John Campbell '31 Samuel Vogel '31 Richard M. Calvert '32 James E. Kent '32 James Sperekas '32 William H. Byford '33 William A. Bateman '34 Richard S. Joseph '34 James Baird '36 Andrew L. Kucharski '36 Franklin Warden '36 Edward S. Baracree '37 Philip J. Howell '37 George S. Taylor '37 Col. Robert M. Wilson '39 John W. Anhut '40 Robert R. Blend '42 William L. Jacques '42 JWilliam R. Barksdale'44 Pete A. Magrini '44 William T. Lingas '45 Roy L. Wolter '45 Dale Barnes '46 Laurance Woolard '46 James Aszman '47 Larry H. Wolin '47 Edmund F. Bennett '48 David Kenny Anderson '49 Donald S. Leifer '49 Martin M. Allen '50 Thomas R. Hudd '50 Robert H. Zimdahl'50 Kenneth WIlson '51 Michael W. Banes '52 Atlee S. Hart '52 Marilyn Miller '53 Matthew Bertash '54 Rand Winski '61

Al ulllni N ew-s Estate Planning & Taps If Only We Had Known ... Morgan Park Academy received a bequest from the estate of an alumni we never had a chance to thank. Of course we appreciated the gift immensely. It revealed a gracious and generous person -- someone special. And the gift will certainly help us accomplish our mission. But we feel just a bit saddened we never had the opportunity to express our gratitude for such kindness. We were unable to let our benefactor know how much this gift would mean. If only we had known, we could have said, "Thank you." And so we encourage our friends to let us know when they include MPA in their estate plans. Not only can we express our appreciation, but we can make sure they are kept up to date with all the developments here at MPA. Have you named MPA in your estate plans? If so, please contact the Development Office at (312) 881-6728 to let us know. If not, perhaps you would let us send you a free but valuable brochure on gift or estate planning. It would be worth reading, whether or not you choose to make a future gift to MPA.

The entire Academy family expresses sympathy to the family and friends of those who have passed away since the last publication of this magazine.

William Richards' 40

Dr. Phillip Hodonos '55

Raymond C. Kirn '34

Ralph Hitz '39

George E. Schnur '29

Walter Elsner '51

Eric A. Lager '68

Richard A. Dina '54

Arakel Hovanessian, Alumni Grandfather

Colleen Panos, Alumni Mother

page 21

Over a Century of Superior Education ...

And Holding Strong for a Reason.

Morgan Park Academy. Become a part or our creative, diverse, & highly respected family. For admission information, please call (312) 881-6713.

Office of Development and Alumni Affairs Morgan Park Academy 2153 W. 111th Street Chicago, IL 60643 Address Correction Requested

Non-Profit Org. U.s. Postage Paid Blue Island, IL Permit No. 328

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