Academy Magazine - Fall 1986

Page 1

headmaster's notebook

Dav'id A.}ml(--5

In our last issue we presented the Board-approved Long Range Plan for Morgan Park Academy_ You mal' recall that one major area for effort was improvemem of our physical plant and grounds. With a number of weeks during the summer when there are no studems present we have an opportunity to concentrate in this area.

lllanks to the success of our recent Raffle, the efforts of the Mothers' and Fathers' Clubs, and the generous participation of parents and friends in our Annual Giving Fund campaign, we have been able to complete work on significant portions of our Long Range planning goals. A focus for major attention has been the gynmasium and surrounding outdoor areas. ll1e field at the northeast corner of the h')'T11 grounds has been graded and seeded , and a girls' softball diamond has been prepared . While additional seeding and fertiliz.1tion is stili necessary, the field will be ready for usc by our outstanding soliba ll team this sp ring. The soccer field has likewise been strip-seeded and fertilized and will provide a muchimproved playing surflce for the soccer team this fall . Continued work on dle varsi ty baseball diamo nd has resulted in a field second to none in our league. 2

Inside , the entire lower gym has been repainted, and work on rehabilitation of the bleachers should begin soon. As resources allow, we hope to install safer and more efficient lighting in the P.E. rooms on the second floor of the gymnasium. Special attention has been given to the campus grounds. ll1e central bowl area has been reseeded and fertilized . We have completed extensive weeding and trimming so

that Ollf campus now is as attractive as I have ever seen it. Finally, we have regraded and filled in the playground area with additional gravel , have remounted the stone stairs to

the three entryways in Alumni Hall , ancl have finished the necessary tlIckpointing at the front of the building. ll1e Library was singled out for

been placed in the Biology Labora tol}' and in o ne of lhe SiXlh grade classrooms. Within a few days we should receive 35 new classroom desks for the Upper School , including a supply of leli-handed desks to accommodate the "lefties" among us. Two other changes should also be noted . ll1e spirit duplicating machine in the Lower School has been replaced with a Minolta photocopy machine . (111is should mark the end of illegible, curled , smelly, purple worksheets which have been so common for several generations.) Finaliy, computers have been installed in our Business Office, and we have begun the process of computerization of the entire financial operation of that office . Needless to say, the Significant efforts outlined above have not kept us from giving the necessary attention to the academic program of our school at all gf'Jde levels. We are confident that with an outstanding faculty , a highly capable sludent body, and a strong and demanding curriculum , we will continue to

insure the excellence of the IOta I program offered by Morgan Park Academy. As is readily evident , all of this takes money. Tuition charges cover less than ninel}' percent of the monies needed for our total operation this year. It is imperative in 1986-87 that we continue to enjoy the generous support of parents, alumni , and friends in the Annual Giving Fund and special fund-raising efforts of the Academy.

improvement using a portion of the

R:tffie proceeds. We have installed much-needed new carpeting in the Library and adjacent office. Perhaps

About the cover . ..

even more importantly we have

been able to add approximately 2';00 new volumes to our library collection including significant additions to our Lower Schoollibral}'. Our classroom facilities in Hansen and Barker Halls have been thoroughly cleaned, and redecorated as needed . New carpeting will soon be installed in three classrooms . New laboratory tables have

The couerfeatul'es tbe symbol selected / 0 represent tbis year 's majo rjundl'Clising ellen /. All Academy parents, alumni [llId jliends Clfe il1l11'/ed and

encouraged to attend. nJe logo ll'as designed by Sili ia De/iC/lj.





March 14, 1987 The Drake Hotel



board of trustees

TABLE OF CONTENTS Board of Trustees .............. Academy News ................ Parents........................ Faculty........................ Lower School ....... . . . . . . . . . .. Middle School ................ Graduation Day in Photos ..... Upper School ................. Alumni....................... Class Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Taps/ Alumni Calendar/Reply .. Calendar of Events. . . ... .. ....

3 4 6 8

9 10


14 16 18



MORGAN H\RKACADEMY 2153 West Illth Street Oticago, nlinois 60643 31~/881-6700 7be Academy Magazine is designed and produced by Qualitype Grapbics, 1034().~ Western AllÂŁ'., OJicago, Illinois 6()643 3121239.fJ65()

You won't want to miss this elegant evening of celebration downtown at the Drake Hotel on Saturday, March 14, 1987. There will be something for everyone ... and more. . For the first time since the Academy's centennial celebration in 1973, parenl'i, alumni and friends will be invited to gather to salute the special brand of excellence Morgan Park Academy represents. Academy trustees, parents, alumni and faculty and staff have been working throughout the summer in preparation for what promises to be a truly delightful event. Proceeds from the "Salute to Excellence" will be used to support the annual fund, and the goal for this special event is S100,000. Unlike previous years, we will not be conducting multiple fundraising events sponsored by the various school organizations. We will instead be working together to ensure the success of what we hope will become an annual celebration. You will be receiving specific information and reservation forms in the next few weeks. Please be sure to make your reservations early because seating will be limited. And don't hesitate to invite your friends. In addition to cocktails and

dinner, a mini-auction is planned, and there will be dancing and entertainment. Selected alumni reunions are planned as well as special donors' dubs activities. We also plant to repeat our very successful S10,000 ratlle, complete with a tuition option for parents. The Planning Committee under the chairmanship of Dr. & Mrs. Raffy Hovanessian, has been working hard to produce a memorable evening of elegance, you just won't want to miss. In addition to Dr. & Mrs. Hovanessian, the committee is under the direction of co-chairmt"n Mr. & Mrs. Roger Us and Dr. & Mrs. Hugo Cuadros. Other committee members include Headmaster and Mrs. David Jones and Mrs. Winnie Theodore, Mrs. Colleen Panos, Dr. Hiram Broyles, Dr. & Mrs. David Ross, Mr. & Mrs. Ravinder Otopra, Mr. & Mrs. Davis Boyd, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Burke, Dr. & Mrs. Leon Witkowski, and Mr. Donald Macdonald '48. A truly delightful evening is planned, and we look forward to having you and your friends in attendance. It's a ~l'ecial way for you to support the Academy while enjoying an evening at the Drake. So mark your calendar now, and watch your mail for your opportunity to salute the excellence of Morgan Park Academy.

academy news

Rorellce ILl Velie

LaVelle Retires

Campus Store -



Rorcnce laVelle, a twenty-year employe e.. : of th e Academy rect:lllly n.:lired . Florence was employed as a

cashicr at Morgan Park Mi litary

Academy from 19 50-1957. She returned 10 the Academy in May of

1973 and remained until the end of August .

Student Council Gift 111e Upper School Student Council presented a check in the amount of 5500 to L1Rabida Children'S Hospital on behalf of the students of Morgan Park Academy. Upper School students \;sited the children at the hospital at Halloween . After viewing the existing facilities the students felt that a donation would be helpful in purchasing recreational eq uipment for the Child Life Section.

Our Apology

Rober' Earles

We regre t that the names of Robert Earles and Christina Bnlley were omitted from the list of 198586 Lower School Science Fair winners . Both Robert and Christina were first place winners. Congratulations'


71JilYl grade studenlS ll'ilb Ibeirjirst "comlJinatioll"/ock.

Summer Scbool1986 '11K 19H(, Summer Sc.:ssioll at Morgan Park AcadLmy was cxtrcmdy SlIcu.:ssful due to a record c nro llment of 17 0 Slulil'lllS and the.: dc<.iicatl'd work of tht' tcachers :Ind tlleir assistants. "1l10Sl' :Illl'llding the session included .::;.::;



studcnt s and II'::;

·"Illest.: co nsc icntiolls and ca ring

young peopll' wen: essentia l to lhe operat ion o f (.Ill' program particularly with the large and une xpcclt'ti incn.:asc in enrollment." said \Vinnie Thcodon:. Prin cipal. Priscilla Paris. a 19H':; graduate pr<)\·idc..:d the c hildn..: n with d rama

youngs tcrs from Ch icago and suburhan areas. Mon: than half of tilt: h()ys and girls agl'!'i ':;·1 -1 participated in a full day program which included two

ciasscs whic h arc cduc;ttional and fun : Wendy Heilman , IOlil g radtT. spe nt her second sumlller as aSSiSI:l 11l in the Hccn:atiol1 Program

hOllrs of acadclllic classes with the

and added ollice ass istance to her duties this yl':l r: ," tonica Rodgers. 12th grader, scrvcd as teacher's aide

rema inder of the day spent in the n.:crc:ltioll program or thL' sports






,- ~~, Sp()rts Cmnp

in academic classes and was an

Enrichmc nt courses in .Junior

assistant in the Ikcn:atiot1 Program;

Great Books . lab sc ience . Fn.:ndl.

Jason Robb. I(llil grader. was an

Spanish. compute rs and English

assistant in the Ikcrt..':ltion Program. "11lL' Summer Sc:ssion pro\'ides a wide \·aric.:rr of learning c.:xpericncc.:s and elljO)111L'nt for youngsters in a safe en\"ironlllc.:nt f()r six weeks each SUllllller. Brochurc.:s dc.:scribi ng the.: progralll arL' SL'nt in Ap ril. \'\ 'L' urge illtlTl"Sl ed parents to app ly earl y to insure a placL' fo r thL'ir chi ld next

grammar and composition for ch il· dren in grades ,";·H wcre offered. in

addition to dc\'dopmcntal n.:ading and mathclll;11 ics classes.

'Ihrn: presenl MPA [ 'pper Sl.:hool stlltieJ1[s and olle AcadclllY alumna prodded leadership I()I" til t.: children . 'nley assisted I h e j\1 PA t:lCllh~' members in c h a rge of tile classes and acti\'itics.

~ 'clr~ : Icllt/emic OIlSS



ReCIl'flli(HI CllllljJ

-------------------------------------------------------Please iJldl/de lJIy

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Ibe MP.rI SlIIlIlIIer

I~TJgr({ 1JI

l110iling li sl:

NAME ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ CI TY, STATE _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Z IP _ _ _ __


Mothers' Qub parents

Welcome to all the new families joining us at M.P.A. We met many of the new parents at o ur

Adopt-A-Parent night on August 27th in the Beverly Art Center. We also had the opportunity to meet several of the new mothers at our Opening Day Coffee which was held in Alumni Hall on the first day of school. 111e Mothers' Club was able to provide info mlation regarding our activities for the coming year and answer questions for our new

parents. 111e first General Meeting of the Mothers' Club this year will be the joint Mothers ' and Fathers' Club evening meeting on Wednesd.1Y, October 1st in Alumni Hall . We will have a guest speaker available to discuss the Rainbows for Children Program . The gist of her talk will be "How to help children deal with loss thro ugh death o r divo rce." Ms. Susie Yehel has recently appeared on several talk shows, induding the very popular local Oprah Winfrey show on Channel 7, and has received a very positive response. I hope all of you will mark your calendar now to

attend this very worth".,ile evening. 111ere will be an outline of the plans for this school year, brief talks by selected faculty members and a

question and answer fomm . Because of the marvelo us success of the first Parent International Dinner, the Mothers' Club is pleased to announce that we

have scheduled our Second Annual [nternational Dinner, October 25th in Alumni Hall. Watch for more details regarding this vell' pleasant

and tasty social evening. Meals representing the many different countries of o ur MPA family were prepared by parents and one dish per couple was the only admission fee charged. Entertainment

representing one of the ethnic groups present will be presented and samples of items from many

different countries will be displayed. Watch the mail for more on this delightful evening. This year the Mothers' Club will be joining the other constituencies

at M.P.A. to combine our eflorts in fund -raising. We will all work for a single major event called "Salute to Excellence," a dinner-dance to be held on March 14, 1987 at the Drake Hotel. We hope all the MPA t;unilies, both past and present will join us for a wonderful evening. Watch your mail for more o n this ga la even t. Welcome Back' Colleell Panos

Va/llllieer motbers (lssist slut/ellts ll!itb book !mrcJxlses ON O/}(!llillp, rltly.



F"tbers' Club As I write this message, we are approaching the big Labor Day weekend and the signal to return to fdst

work once again . .. and so in keep路

ing with the spirit of the Fathers' Club , let me welcome you all to our favorite school , MPA' We have already begun our year of activities with the Parents' Work Dayan August 23rd, and I'd like to thank all of you who turned out to help us add d10se special touches to our lovely campus. This year our Fad1ers' Club meetings will be held the first Tuesday of d1e month at 7:30 p.m. in the school dining hall. We encourage and invite all fathers to join us as often as schedules permit. Please come out to meet other parents and to take an active role in the school. We wi II not be conducting a

separate fundraising event this year. Rather, we will be working with the administration , d1e Mothers' Club, and the Alumni to produce a major event in March of the coming year. We still have a full calendar of events however, and ViC invite you to come share your ideas and opin-

ions wi th us.

Our get-acquainted meeting will be held on Tuesclay, October 7th at 7:30 p.m. in Alumni Hall on campus. We'll be expecting you to come, take a look, and participate. You'll find that Fad1ers' Club members are a great group of dedicated parents. I look forward to meeting you on the 7th. Current Officers and Directors of the Club are listed below. Feel free to call upon any of us at any time. Welcome' Hiram Brayls

- Of"ficers PRESIDENT Dr. Hiram Broyls EXECUTTVE VICE PRESIDENT Gerald Hennelly VICE PRESIDENT jay Biel - Directors Emeritus TREASURER Steve Driscoll Davis Boyd SECRETARY jack Butler Frank Igleski Fred Faia Ken Frederick AI jacques Leonard Le Rose Dr. Edward Strenk George Turk Leland White

Governing Board -

john Alberts Melvin Black Dr. Will iam Buckley jack Butler john Chenier Daniel Coyne Fred D'dniel Robert DiCola Richard Glatz Faculty: Robert Goss David A. jones Mehon Heard (Headmaslel) Gerald Hennelly Martin Wolf i\>\ichael Karai tis (A d visor) Raleigh Kean 1110mas Kwit Roger us Dr. Walter McFarland Michael McCann Richard O'Connor james Shaw Alfredo Tenuta l'====================Eugene Wagner-

Opening day COffee for parents hosted by Mothers' find Fatbers' Clubs.


Welcome New FlU:Ulty


lDri Arndt, Pre-Fin;! Grade Lori holds a B. S. Degree in Ele m entary Education from Indiana University and has completed

additional work in the fields of education at Purdue University. Sh e has taught in Michigan City area

schools for several years. Lori is a

member of u,e Professional EduGItion Associati o n 'Old the Pi L1mbda TIlt' ta N ati onal Honor Society. Forf!(~11 La IlgllC/ge. Lower and Middle Scbools

Julie George,

A native of Michigan, Julie ho lds a Bachelor's Degree from Kalamazoo College. She also studied Spanish at Colegio Alto Aragon in Huesca , Spain . While at K;llamazoo, she taught in u,e Spanish l:lIlguage L.abs and was me recipient of a French govemment teaching scholarship as an assistant English teacher at College Paul Gauthier during the 1984-85 schoo l year. For the past

Linda Good, 1.(Jleer alld iHiddle Scbools Linda is a replacem en t for Elaine Gillies who is on sabbatical

Ie,,,路c. A native of Illinois, Unda attend ed Iowa \VLsl e ~~1I1 College and graduated frolll Easten1 Illino is University with a Bachelo r of jvlusic Education Degree. Lincla 's teaching experience inciucil:s teaching general music at all elementary

grade levels. An accomplished flUlist and pianist , Linda has served as

judicator of Illinois District and Stale solo and cl1!'icmble contests. Linda also is clin:ctor of her church 's

chi ldren's choir. Terry Knaus, GlIida ll ce Coullselor A native of SI. John . Michigan , Terry graduated from Grand Itlpids Baptist College where he majored in Psych ology and Communic ltiolls.

MatiJematics (fo17l1er teacher. rellirning )

year she has worked as a translator

of banking busincss and legal

He has since completed extensive work in Education at r"lichigan Sta l e. Terry has worked as Resident A(h~sor and Admission s Counselor at his alma maler, and has had extensive work experience in counseling roles :It several SlImlller

Following a year teaching at No rthwestem Memorial Hospital , Rosemary ( nee Finn) Klomes is rctuming to the Academy as



Rosemary Finn iOomes,

instrllctor in mathematics a t the

secondary school level. A native of Chicago, Rosemary is a graduate of the Universiry of Illinois.

Lydia Kwit, LiiJrmian Lydia Kwit ho lds a Bachelor's Degree in Soc io logy, with mino rs in music ,md English from Northeastern Illinois Unive rsity and an M .A.

Degree in [jbrary Sc ience from Rosary Co llegc. In addition, she has completed c1asswork in elementary education at Chicago State University and Govemors State University. Lydia has held librari an positions in both public and pri"one libraries in the Chicago and nearby suburban areas. Lydia has specialized as a children's librarian, and has worked extensively as a reading instructor.


Sianding: ( Iep to n"gbl) /.Jni Arndl. julie Gem:f.!,e. Sealed: Linda (',ood. 1:J't/ia Kll'iI and 7<my Knaus.

Lower School Closing Exercises

lower school

'Ill" Closing Exercises for the Lo wer School were held on 'Illursday, June 5, 1986. Grades pre-first through five pn':!'icnted a vari<:d program of Frl"llch so ngs and poems. 'nlL" sixth

grade Spanish students pe rformed De Colores and l;, Cucaracha followed by lhl" sixth grade French C lass singing tht.: French National


Mrs, .Iud), I~urke , President of the Mothers' Club presented the Mothers ' Club Music Award to Julie Cuadros and the Art Awa rd lO

IATan)'a Broyls, At the dosl' of the program

students wen: dismissed fo r .summer v;!cltion .


AIm]' /k lb Collills ( hi' ) (llId Cllr/ Adler. Ibe Hrst Cmde Ph~) '.


1985-86 Fourth Grade Deborah Arugete' Tar.t Begeman' Andrew Boyd Adith),a Cattamanchi' Julie Conwell utura De Haan . Dona Id Dennis Jennifer Eastman

Amber Gumm Rob)"l Hambri c Jennifer Hubbard Drew Kornhaber

Hirsch Mohindr.,' Terra Murray PJtric ia Pongched' Kathryn Reid y' Aaro n Seaman'

Chi rag Shah'

Fifth Grade Elham Abdishi Maria Alexander' Leila Buchmann u'tania Broyls Nicole Cataldi Elizabeth Chang' Julie Cuadros Eudora Rt)' Richard Glatz'

ilnt/)rJIIY D;Co/a (le.{I ). Sheila nerIo/eli; mill Rmllesb .\'rilli"(lSall. Ibe Pre¡First


Myriam Gui lien Leah Jayassanke r Faheem Jesani

Meghan Kolodziej' Lori LIPson Adarsh Malhotra Michelle Newsome Niraj Patel'

Ikbekkah Ross' Vi shal Sanwalani'

• Delloles l-fig iJ /-/onor Roll

Nicholas Schaefer i\rpit Shah' Quashane Travis' Eli71lbeth Winger Nellie Veretsian'

SIIZY Adad ( left ). Nicole Cataldi (lnd M(lria Ale.wmder. tbe Spring Music PrrJgmm.


Middle School Graduation middle school


Graduation for the eighth grade students was held on june 6, 1986 in the Beverly Art Center following a reception in the concourse for students, parents and friends. Musical selections were presented by james laL Marissa Pacis, Otristine Panos, Evonne Stavrakos, Gladys Lee, Elizabeth Akers and Rachel Cuadros. The eighth grade class under the direction of music director, Marc Mangold, offered a variety of songs which included "The Way We Were", with soloist Frances Pukala. The slides shown in conjunction with the song showed the children at various ages. "Memory" from the play "Cats" was sung by Hilary Thomas, accompanied by Christine Panos. April Paris and Stephanie Horka sang the duet uThat's What Friends Are For." They were accompanied by Gladys Lee. Newly-elected members of the National junior Honor Society were presented pins and certificates by Mrs. Theodore. New members are: Elizabeth Akers, Shanda Moore, Gregory Coleman, Malini Goel, james Schlenker, Lori Langston, and Melanie Mcfarland. Mrs. judy Burke, President of the Mothers' Club, presented the Mothers' Cub Art Award to Rubin Roche, the Music Award to Elizabeth Akers, and the Drama Award to Hilary Thomas.

In addition, the follOwing awards were presented at this time: Science Award. james Schlenker

JOurnaHsm Award Shanda Moore

Student Council Serrice Awards Gladys Lee George Lee D.A.R. Good Citizenship Awards Rachel Cuadros jason DeHaan Band Awards julie S"lowalter Eli2abeth Akers Keith Stallings George Lee Best Athlete Awards

Malini Goel jasper Strong

Fathers' Club Achievement Awards

Highest scholastic average for the year: Grade 6 - Allan Rangsithienchai Grade 7 - lara jayasanker Grade 8 - james lai

Second Highest scholastic average for the year: Grade 6 - jennifer Zalewa Grade 7 - ~mir Shah Grade 8 -

Gladys Lee

The Stephen J. Kling Award, presented each year to the eighth grade srudent whose distinguished record of scholarship, leadership, and citizenship best exemplifies the program of Morgan Park Academy, was presented to Anand Mehta. Eighth grade diplomas were awarded to the following students: Samue I Adam Vijay Adusumilli Elizabeth Akers William Ash ley, Jr. Gregory Bell Tyrone Black Jerome Burke Ni tet Charo R.1chel Cuadros Torita Davis Jason De Ha.1n EigbtlJ Grade GmdllfllillR Class

Ra)'mond Ewell



Malini Goel Stephanie Horka Laresh Ja)"<lsanker Darius Jefferson Geo rge Jennen IV Faizal Jesani James Lai George Lee Gladys Lee


Year Honor Roll

P"Jtricia Lee

Anand Mehta 91anda Moore 91elonda Moore Marissa Pads Paul Palma-Elam Christine Panos April Paris Biren Patel Richard Prosk Frances Pukala

Emerson Que Rubin Roche Mark Sawyer James Schlenker Atman Shah Julie Showalter Coril)'n Shropshire Keith Stallings Evonne Stavrakos Jasper St ro ng ~lilary


Sarah Wagner

1985-86 Grade


Jeff Biel David Brown Ashok G1 ttamanchi' Melissa Costopo ulos Kareem Daniel Aileen Hovanessian'

Natasha Jarymow)'cz' Emma Kean Kristin I.1i Joy Morrow Anil Neerukonda April PrClm Allan Rangsithienchai' Rachel Ross Olristine Schlenker ' Aruna Upp ulari ' Sergio Urquiza' Jennifer ZaIew,,'



Jori Bailey Brian Begeman

91aun Broyls' Gergory Coleman' Elisabeth Heard' Lara JayJsanker ' Sarah Johnson Michael Kartsounis Craig Kolodziej' Lori Langston' Melanie Mc Farland Vishal Mehta' Ivanna Park Jai Rao Samir Shah' Kevin Shaw Ma!!hew Smith Susan Ugane Suzannah Winger

Grade 8 Vijay Adusumilli Elizabeth Akers William Ashley Tyrone Black

Nick 01aro Rachel Cuadros Jason De Haan Paul Palma-Elam Malini Goel Laresh Jayasanker ' George Je nnen Faiz.1ljesani James Lai Geo rge Lee Gladys Lee' Anand Mehta' 91anda Moore' Biren Patel' Emerson Que' Rubin Roche Mark Sawyer James Schlenker' Atman Shah' Corilyn Shropshire Keith Stallings Evonne Stavrakos Sarah Wagner 11

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The Michael A. Lombard Award

Mr. Fmnk Daily Mount Greenwood Bank

113tb Commencement 1986

upper school

The 1 I 3th Commencement was held on June 7, 1986 in the Beverly Art Center on the Academy campus. Following the Pledge of Allegience and 11le National Anthem led by class president , Jennifer Kraft , Archbi shop Mesrob Ashjian, Prelate of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America, offered a prayer of invocation. The class oration was given by Hope Concannon , Va ledictorian of the Class and the commencement address was delivered by Dr. Arlin Meyer, Dean , Christ College Valparaiso University. The presentation of awards fo llowed. Academic Awards Mr. Robert j. Steiton

upper School Dean of Faculty A bronze medal to tbe student with the third highest academic standing in the Upper School throughout the school year. HAZIM ANSA RI

Presented to a member of tbe junior class for faithfulness to tbe Academy's tmdition of e.xce/lence in citizenshIp,

scholarship alld dedication to the enbancement of the common good. REBECCA BRO WN American Legion Citizenship Awards Mr. Al Haas Beverly Hills Post 407

Presented to the senior boy and girl selected by the senior class 011 the basis of citizenship, chal'acte ,~ and service. Boy - SCO TT KING Girl - LISA KARAl775


A silver rnedal to tbe student witfJ fbe second highest academic standing in (be Upper Scbool

throughout {be school year.

Lisa Karaitis

ARAS L1PIN5K45 A gold medal to (he student with the highest academic standing in the Upper School tbroughout the school year. HOPE CONCANNON Accouncement of names of students in the Freshman, 9:Jphomore, Junior alld Senior classes witb the highest academic averages throughout the school year. Names will be placed on Ihe plaque in Alumni Hal/.


s<:ott King



UPPER SCHOOL - Year Honor Roll 1985-86

Mr. David A. j ones Presented to the Salutato/ian of the Senior Gass. DAVlDCOHN

Danielewicz '

Anl1ell HOl !(l1lessi(l11



Dr. Rudolph Anthony President, Southwest Kiwanis A certificate and monetmJI scholarship presented to a senior Key Gub member, selection based on leadership, charCIcter, and service. ARMEN HOVANESSIA N TIlE JEAN LANDON TAYLOR ALUMNI AWARD

Mr. Lee Montgome/JI '66 MPMA 路MPA Alumni Association

Grade 9 Courtney Armstrong Wael Asaad' Yvonne Chen ' Adele Cobbs jennifer Cohn Elizabeth Crosby Dejuana Daniel' Thomas

DO /lid Cob"

Presen ted to a senior in recognition of academic acbievelnenl, citizensbip, and particijJation in school activities. ARMEN HOVANESSlAN TIlE FATIlERS' CLUB SCHOlARSHIP AWARD

Rina D'Jve Rein DeBock Michael Gersaek Kavita Gupta' Wendy Heilman Aras Lapinskas' Marc Me Farland jason Mikulski Carrie I'Jnagakis Michae I Panos Brijesh Patel' Nikhil Raj Sheila R"lo jaso n Robb jason Robinson florence Roche' Ruth Ross Kathryn Sales Monika Sharma jo)' Somerson Katherine Stopka Sushrut Waikar Grade 10 Hazim Ansari' Stephen Black Eugene Chen' Kimberly Gester' Kristie Goss

Dr. Hiram Brayls Presiden t, Ta thers' Gub Presented to (111 outstanding senior in recognition of scholastic excellence, citizenship, and participation in school activities.


t Ho/X! CO llCtu11l0l1


Mr. David A. Jones Presented to the ValedictOlian of the Senior Gass. HOPE CONCANNON

Hennelly' Mark Holzrichter Ani Hovanessian' Tonya Jarrett Matthew jones Geeta Kandala' Tae Woo Kim Eileen Lee Grace Lee' Aerica Love' MeLisa Mackevicius Nathanie I Ross Marc Sokol' usa Spinazzola' Robert l1l0n1."lS Arthur Usher '

Grade 11 Rebecca Brown' Paula Cuadros Monique Elias Rajiv Gael' Christopher Heuman

fuLie Horka Mary Kim Brian Landgraf Kimberly March Monica Rodgers Kevin Smith Tim Schroer Pakawat Suwansathien

Roxanne Sylora' Stacy Wood Denise Xydakis Ed"md Ynu Grade 12 Adrienne Al ton ' Sheri Baile)' Marvin B1ac~"Well Tara Brigham Brett Bryant janles Butler Claud ia C1laney David Cohn' Hope Concannon' Douglas Drynan Tracy flanagan Sara Holzrichter Armen Hovan essian' Lisa Karaitis

Sarah Kim jennifer Kraft Adam laTour Andrea Macke\~cills

Melanye /Y~lclin Melvin Maclin' Patricia Reyes' Steve Semerdjian Charmaine Stopka' Richard Ugarte

. Denotes High HOllar Roll

Adr;ell1/(! A/lOll


Also celebrating annivcrsaI")! years


Class of '46

Alumni Reunion Dinner -1986-



The 1986 Alumni Dinner was held on Saturday, June 7th in Alumni Hall. Alumni from across the country gathered once again to renew friendships and reminisce of student days at the Academy, A number of former and present faculry joined in the festivities, Former faculty members: Jean L1ndon Taylor (accompanied by daughter, Jane Armstrong ) and Arthur Gumbrell were here from C1lifornia, Also attending were Thomas Gumbrell from Hudson , 1Ilinois, and Mary Lou Gustafson, Floyd Olsen , and Andy Bitm of the Chicago area, Current faculty members included: Kathryn George, Martin Wolf, Receptionist Mary Gerlich, Marc Mangold , and Headmaster, David A, Jones, The oldest alum present was William Kuss, Class of 1930, Dick Ayers, Andy Kucharski and Roy Schoenbrod '36 celebrated their 50th anniversary, Celebrating his 35t h anniversary was John Kitch '57 and 30th anniversary was John Frank.


4()lb AnlJiI1erS{IJ:JI Robert Bowyer Ron C.1parros J. R. Johnson Bob Scardon Joe Simo n


25th AIl11ifJersClIJ'John DeStefano Robin Guilford

Class of '6 /

Eric Gustavson

Fred KeksGldt John Krichbaum Robert lioyd James Mitchell William Springer John Stack

Class of '66 - 20tb Al1l1iuersm:)ICheryl Henning Anderson Curtis Anderson

Nancy Coda Hochha user Lee Montgomery Jane George Prybo rski Susan Shimmin John 1l1Ompson Walter Washington

Class of 7 6 /Ofb Al1l1illers{/J),-

Cynthia Kliros Layer Ke\in O'Donoghue Unda Pollack Pawelski Crista Jones Riedinger Gail Esses Russell John 1l1omson Unda Weinfie1d

Leon Witkowski Alumni Award 'Ille 19H(\ l.t:on J Witkowski Distinguishc.:d Alumni Se["\'icc.: A\\';.lrtl was pn.:sl:l1tcd at the Alumni Dinner OIl .lUJ1 C 7th. 'Ihe n...: cipients includnl :

Madonna Farmer Abdishi '63 Allan BMlno '64 Carolyn Smith George '65 Fred Montgomery '64 Lee Montgomery '66 Karen Anderson Natividad '64 Kitty Kliros RoskeUey '70 Susan Shimmin '66

:lI/JI"{IIUJ '6-1 l1ilb


lImiwl"fI and /Jr. I.('oll./. Witlmll'ski.

It was this g roup . untier till' leadership of Lee \,\/itko\\'ski '0':; , who rcorganizc.:d and n:Titaliznlthc.: Alumni A'\socialion . establishing thL' foundation for the pn:sc!1I ()rgani zati ()Il , Also honored fo r their out standing contribution to the tkn:l Opl11l'nt of the Alumni Association

were.: : A. Richard Ayers '36 Henry Furmaniak '32 G. Tracy Heilman

Alumn·; Secremry

r.=======~/;; /(,~II~ r~ l ' !-if ,.HumiaJ,' : U /J l'Oudll ' di.'1J/m '~. /)/\' a~ Il",·a","(;;/~=======;;

Alumni Officers & Board of Directors Pre.,·idel11 Kenneth Sa ul ' .. 2

7bird Vice Presidellt Rohert Goss '63

First Vice H'esidellt Michael Rogers '69

,X)Cre/a l), Madonna Famler Ahdishi '(\3

Secolld \lice Presidenl Carol)" Smith George ' (\5

'lit'aSllrer Oona ld l' vlcDonaid '·iH


at AI'''l,;',

./. R, Johnson ' .. 6

Elected Directors Michael l3utler '79 l3rian Coller '79 Dan Haigh' 34 Lee Montgomery '66 Alllllllli A ss()ciation AI/IIl1al M('eling (left In 17~l.!.bl ) Ant/reu' Kucbarski :i(j . .IfJ/)1I Frallk

'56. (I11t1 DaJl I-/a(f.!,b :,4.

James Orphan ' .. 9 Rohert Triantis '85

Regional Directors Eugene Katz '59 Eric Spinazzoi:! '75 Jerome 'n,rall '4·, O ../. Vogi '55

Board Advisor A. Richarcl Ayers '3(\


':1.c::! wife Ernest ByJield,jr. and his '40 Dr. George WbifJield retired as Infectious , Diana, are in the beer ~-:J

and wine importing business in Middleburg, Virginia. Martin F/"Oe111ke retired in 1970 and has enjoyed traveling for the past sixteen years. 111is year alone he traveled 28,000 miles. He would enjoy hearing from fellow Academy grads at: Rt. 6 - Box 516, Dayton , TN 37321

closs J notes ':16

Diseases Research Manager with the Upjohn Co. and now spends summers in Kalamazoo, Michig,m and winters in the southwest.

john Hol/stacit,

professionally known as John Alvin , recently completed an advertisement for FTD with Merlin Olsen which is scheduled for pre 111anksgiving airing. He has also completed episodes of "Amazing Stories" and "111e Alfred futchcock Show." John will appear in two episodes of "Murder She Wrote" this fall . Roy Schoenbmd writes, "Alumni

'27 Amon Sbaver is retired but active , playing golf, tennis and fishing. He and wife Mary also enjoy trawling.

':10 Dr. Reuben Miller has been practicing surgical podiatry ~

for 48 years and served as chief of the ~lighland Foot Team . Reuben and wife Jane, have three children and nine grandchildren. Oscar lVolfl is retired and living in Venice, Florida where he remains active in the work of his church.

':12 Hemy Funncmiak writes, "It 's a great life! I feel ~

great , working like a true volunteer on community projects." Henry retired in 1972 and has been actively involved on the Home Equiry Committee, Save Our Neighborhood/ Save Our City Coalition and served for six years as President of the St . G:.II Senior Citizens Club , in addition to helping locate "lost " alumni for the Academy.

'1:1 OJ. Vogi is retired and J J resides with wife Ellen in Torrance, California. 18

Day '86 WdS great! I'll be there again next year, God willing. It was wonderful to see Jean Landon Taylor ( he looks terrific) , Dick Ayers and Andy "Kaye" '36. I am working, traveling, and enjoying the "empty nest " time of life. If you remember Cap Gray, please call me at (312) 856-1960 and we will share a few laughs ."

':17 and IV. Seal BI/rwell is retired living in Clearwater, ~

Flo rida with his wife , Ruth . lViliiam C Boebm, Colonel USA has retired from the Army but remains active as a dancing instructor at the Fairfa:< County Senior Centers. Bill also enjoys golf and plays tournament bridge (Master).

':18 wife Robert MeCieflatban and Rosa Lee are both ~

retired and living in linle Rock, Arkansas. S. Howard Scbiller retired as President of Fashions Division, K-Mart Corp., World Headquarters. He now has his own consulting firm in Detroit and Boca Raton, Florida.

':1ft retired Col. Robert lViison USAF is from the U.S. Air ~7

Force, having serve d in World War II, Korea, and Viet Nam , Col. Wilson and his wife Christine live in Austin, Texas.

George 1fIbiljieid '40

'41 Edward has been living in Miami , Florida Kel~)I

since 1947 and has been active in numerous civic and military groups. Kelly is the proud father of rwo daughters and he also has rwo grandchildren.

'42 inOJarles ( Bill) Getz is living Hillsborough , California and since 1980 has been publisher of " Property Management." james HI/m e is 01airman of the

Geology Department at Tufts University, Medford, M.1ssachusens.

'4:1 Robert (Bllreb) Blirebinal, moved to Phoenix, Arimna ~

in 1967 and continues to "love life and the lifestyle in the desert. " Burch is President of Standard Printing Company in Phoenix.

'44 law in Chicago,isandpracticing lives in jobn COl7igan

Kenilwonh with wife Sylvie.

'4.c::! IHlliam Dosland,an -:J atto rney, Il\ong IS


Moorhead, Minneso ta. Tbeodore Vlabos was named 1985 Man of the Year in Kewanee, Illinois . Ted is retired and still keeps in touch with several of his Academy classmates.

'46 Concord , MA and working living in

, If!!

Thomas Altshuler,



Robert Hartman of

Gresham, Oregan, writes, "Want to catch a fish in the P'dcific Northwest , call me." Bob is a contractor with North Star Industries.

for Advanced Materials I..~boratory Inc. as a scientist/ engineer. n,e recipient of the Industrial Research Award (IR-IOO) his computer program is currently being distributed by the American Sociery for Metals.

, If!! If!!

Mark Klein was recent ly promoted to Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Memorex, a Burroughs Company. Mark and wife Olrollive in Morgan Hills , California . ~~

Gregor Gentle/nan, Des Moines,

Iowa has estllblished and owns numerous small businesses in Iowa ,

Nebraska, M.issouri, Kansas and

Central Illinois. Gregor's wife , julia is an Iowa St:lle Senator.

Rrmald DI)II1{m 7 9

'46 recently retired from Nalco Alexander MacKimm

i.拢llorence Seres. wife JoAnn and

, If!!

Chemical, after 29 years, and has moved to Maine with his wife, Mary Lou.


children , David and Leslie, are livi ng in Highland Park, IL. ~

6 the U. S. Amlyretired from as Col. jobll Frank


and is now Vice President , Institu-

tional ~lleS with American Founder Life Insurance Co. in Dallas, Texas.

'47 Doris are retired andwife living OJarles Bllsbeyand

Williellll Heniott is currently in s.~les Management \vith Zenith Distribut路 ing Corp. of Illinois and lives in

in Plantation , Florida.

'48 pharmaCist, Howard Mordue, a specializing in

Lincolnshire .

forensic matters is living in Belfast, ME.

7"olJ'ltIs Scblee is in fllrnitllrL' sales

and living in Marion , Indiana. jobn



'49 jane are the proudandparents wife, Ronald Dlynan

of four Academy alums: Ronald and john '79, Ruth '84 and Douglas '86. \fIalter Hilger is President of Hilger

Management Corp. and lives with wife Mary in Bridgeview, Illinois. Fred Kobema and wife, Arlene recently moved into their new home

in Valparaiso, Indiana. Douglas J)lynan '&6

, If!! ~


\fIilliam Bertrand is owner

and sales manager of Travel Industry Marketing - Pacific, in Honolulu , Hawaii.

Charles (Denny) Cresa/J of

Bartlesville, OK is the President of Premium Beers Inc., a who l es~le beer distributorship.


9 President of Financeis Vice at Cbarles .fIll/kline

Harris Graphics Corp. Chuck's wife , Karren Roclighier is a 1960 graduate of Loring School for Girls . 111ey are living in Dover. N. H.

Eugene Katz writes that he's

"Hoping for a big turnout of 1950's graduales at school next june." Gene :md wife, Judy are living in Chesterland , Ohio.

'60 Noml Andre and wife

Roseann , arL' living in Downers Grove, Illinois. Norm is a mechanical engineer wi th Van Norman Molding Co.


nJeor/ore Saydyk is an orthodontist and resides in

Monument , Colorado \vith wife and four ch ildren .


, If!! 2. Richard FTader and wife ~J Yolanda are both attorneys

'62 james Meyers of Glen Ell yo , 1L, is Vice President

with F1ader and Haces in Chicago.

of Administration \vith Miner

john Gislason and his wife, jan, are

Rul}) Dlyn{fn '84

, If!!

living in Terrace Park, Ohio where john is Sales Manager with Procter and Gamb le.

Enterprises, Inc.

'6 J1

GeOige VIC/sis is a selfemp loyed realtor in Oak Lawn , 1llinois. 19

'61::. ::7

Gerard (;(I11sse/ill rccc llf ly brought th e lege ndary Nc w

O rlt'alls ·' I.ucky Dog" to Chicago, Ge rard hopl's to expand the b usi · neSS to the Stat e Strcet ~ 1a1l a rea and to Rush Sl n :L't.

Dr. ./()/)n


is c urn.'IlII)' Research

Directo r at America n In t t'm :tti onai Hosp ital in Zion. Illin ois.

'61:.. "7

j()iJlI I-I()()ks proudly announCeS the birth of daughte r , Renee Elizl bcth , born Ap ril 20, J 986. John is Directo r for

Soles Consultants, an execlIti ve search firm l oca ted in Palos Heights, U1i noi s.


Na ll q' C()r/a /I()cbbollser is

manager at Proft.:ssio na l

Businc..:ss Offic<.:s Inc. and lives ill Darien . lIlinois.


Har1 :r I,eo ViezeJls and wife rVlarc ia travcl through o ut lhl' l 'n i tn\ States sn:king rarc and

unllsual f1n:a rl11!'i f()f collecto rs and investors. I.i\·jng on a fa rm in McHenry. Ill inois . rhey also enjoy riLling and raising horses.

/.i'o nidas ( ~1 yC!ors ) mul N;ko/as ( m(}s.) DeIrIl'eI7·S. SOliS of Slc/'e '-0 alld Ke/~J ' De/mV!lis, Columims. Ob;().


Cllrd(Jz() Feder is Ii\ing in Skokil: . Illinois \"\11e r e sh e is a suhsritlllt' teacher an d instructor ofa mot her ·child gym class. Children in the class ra nge in age from .1 months to - I yea rs. Linda has been ma r ried to ;tItO nle r, Al\'in Feder. for thirteen years. Th L'Y arc the parents of two c hildren . An ;I\'id tennis player I.ind;; has also served as \'ice presidcnt of the P.TA. fo r the past two rears,


Cbarles Terz i a ll is currcntly Chief Residcnt at Mc Nei l H'''TJita l in BtTW)l1. Illinois.

,7 J1

Lllcy Zelillger I'orl has tempo rarily retired from nursi ng to be ful l -time mother to daughter LaUfl:n w h o will ce lebrate her first birthd",· this month. lyle 7beile is c urn:nrly a special educat io n tL':tcher with thc Ch icago Board of Educ ation.

Hoh (;oss td alld Mike /(ogers 'OY


MiciJael Rogel:> and w ife Karin arc th e pro uci parents of a second daugiller, Amelia . bo rn Ma\· 27. 1986.

'70 SIlS("~

Lc! e. is c urren tl Y:l parHlml' IIlstrLlclOr at st'\'l" community colleges and is Jj\ing in Oak Llwn . 1'-.


De/Jorab l l"a~~ller sroppl'd by the Academy in August on her way home f ro m a fou r -week safa ri i n l'asr Africa (Kenya and T:u1i'..,an i a). which incl uded a dimh of Mount Kili man jaro. Dehb y is an altorn cy wirh the Federal Lab or Relat i ons Au th orit y i n Los Angel es. Ca lifo rnia .


IHic/.Jael ."itllazar is i n Instituti o nal Securities Sal es \vith Unibank Trust i n Ch icago .

RaYJJu)}u/ \\!ollek holds a pri\~lt l' p il o t li cc n se, coml11crcia l pi lot and g ro und schoo l instru c tor r:n ings and is c mploYl'd b y l Tni ted Airlin es. Hay also en joys scuba didng. He Ii\'cs in O rland Park. Illi no is wi th wife PL'nny.

.I0/JII /.Jalliels '-5

,7 "7 t::.

./()I.m /J(flliels is li \'ing in E\';lI1stOI1, Illinois and is a manager with Marquis \'\11<) 's \\ 'ho l j\ tac,\lill an Directory Dh·ision.

'7t::.. "7

fHic/.Joe/ Sardi is c urrel1l ly cmployed as a legisl:it jvc liaison for tilt· NL'\\, Jersey Dept. of Environmental Protection in Trent o n , New Jerscy. l\tichacl anti w ife j\'tan' reside in Prin ce ton . New ,Iersey.


killd,,,r/) ' /)1111""'. artist and illustrat o r. is Ih'ing in Tucson, Ar izona where she is Sl'rying as Presi del1l of thc T ucson Came ra Club.

Arll.1l1r Ltlluw 'sl..'i is c lllTL' ntl y (~ene ra I j\'lanagl' r I Opera l i()ns Director with Oil Express National in So uth Ho lland, Ill inois . Uiza/Jel/.J lFbite i s Ihing in St. Petcrsburg. Florida and p r od ucing a loc al Idl'\ision sh ow ca lled " Inside Tampa Bay·' for W T OG-TV. Iktsv is w o rking in the newS an d puhli c :lfl~l irs dcpartmclH at the stati o n . She cont i nues t o enjoy pl:t~ing hluegra ss ha njo and guit ar . si ts in wi th l oca l hands :I lld teaches a fcw studcnts.

,78 joined Peter Kal1a/is recently the Glicago law E.

finn of Clausen, Miller, Gorman , C,tffrey and Witous, P.c.

'78 Margaret Ma/y UlJlich is a

We'd like to hear from you! Tell us something about your life now SO we can include your name in our next Class Notes column.

nurse at the National

Cmlcer Institute/ National Institute of Health , Bethesda, Maryland.

(Please pn'nt)

'79 Master of Sciencereceived her degree Helel1 OJrol1is

from illinois State Un iversiry.

,79 engaged in researcb is currently at tbe J oh l1 Dly"a"

microelectronics resecm:h labs oj NEC, ill Tokyo, JapclI1 lInder al1 AmelicClI1

Electronics Associahon

Fellowsbip .

'80 working Karen 811tler is c urrently as a therapist in a mental health center while pursuing a masters degree in Psychology.

Include your name, address, class year and a photograph, if available, and mail to: Alumni 0liICe, Morgan Park Academy, 2153 W. Illth Street, 07icago, 1L 60643. Stepbanie ,\'/t! lIJ"aM(}S, a senior at Illinois Slale UniVl'fsit y. Spcnt lilt.' Slimme r stud ying at tht.: University of Grenobll' in Grenoble. France . \Vhile at school , Stephanie serves as a Iksident A"isistanl.

'82 graduated from Illinois recently Ccmie SII'<!cllillgell

State Universiry.

'8 ;.:, 1 Sean \'(Ias!Jak , a junior al Illinois Institute of Mike ('79). Kmrm ('80) {lilt/jim ('86) Btlt/el:

'81 Martha Kleil1hclI1s, a 1985 graduate of McGill Universiry, is currently C1lief Operating Officer with CFRM Radio , Inc., and is living in Montreal, Canada.

'81 Lisa Kirk is a management trainee with the Apollo Detective Agency while pursuing studies in business management at St, Xavier College.

'82 Alan Boyd was graduated with distinction from the United States Naval Academy and commissioned an Ensign in the U.S. Navy. Boyd will be assigned to the Pentagon until he reports to Nuclear School at Orlando, Aorida. While at the Naval Academy, he participated in the Trident Scholar

Technology recently completed a co-op ten" wi th the Naval Sea Systems in Washington , D.C. Sean assisted wi th the sel up and programming of damage control

Program which provides a limited number of gifted students the opportuniry for independent study and research during their Scnior year. Boyd's project researched the dynamics of detonation in an energetic molecular crystal.

'8 ;.:, 1 Kim \'(Ii/son is a student at Stephens College where

Fml1k Con-ell graduated Cum Laude

majoring in communications.

from Wabash College with a degree in Marine Biology. He is employed by Xenun Corp. as Project Head for the California division of OceanographiC Operations. Frank and Debbie Hackman will be married in December.

computers in a ne\v Navy destroyer.

she is on the Dean 's ust with high honors, National Mortar Board and listed in Who's Who . Kim is

'85 at Lake Forestis a College sophomore Kil1a Gray

where she is on the Honor Roll.

'86 Annen Ho vanessian is a freshman al Startford University.

C!Jannail1e Stopka is a freshman at Charles Didricksol1 spent a year in

Vail , Colorado and has resumed studies in design/ photography at the Universiry of illinois.

Northwestern University. During the summer, Glannaine spent two weeks studying French in Quebec , Canada at International Universities 21

-mapsThe entire Academy fami Iy expresses deepest ~;ympathy to the family and friends of the following alumni who have passed away since publication of our last Magazine: '40 William G. Burke (10126/85) '38 George J. Duncan (6/12/86) '41 C. Richard Glasebrook (7/7/86)

Alumni Dues



Name _______________________ Class Year _ _ _ _ __ Address Enclosed is my check for S 1987

_ _ _ the year graduated

Hontecondng The Alwnni Association is plan· ning to actively participate in the 1986·1987 Academy Homecoming activi ties. The Fathers' Club with the assistance of Upper School students will be serving a pancake breakfast in Alumni Hall from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Hopefully alums will arrive no later than noon to allow time for visiting with classmates before the varsity soccer match at 1:00. Halftime activities will include the parade of floats and the introduction of the Homecoming queen, king and court. The alumni float is being designed and assembled under the leadership of Bob Goss '63, Alumni Homecoming Chainnan. Anyone interested in serving on the Homecoming Committee, please contact Bob Goss at (312) 239·8078 or the Alumni Office at (312) 881·6700. Evening activities will include dancing and refreshments in the Beverly Art Center.


Directory An updated Alwnni Directory will be published early in 1987. It was agreed by the Board of Direc· tors that phone numbers of alumni will be included in this publication. If you do not wish to have your phone number published, please notify the Alumni Office at (312) 881·6700. . Advertising space will be sold to he Ip defray printing and mailing expense.



amount due (if tbe difference is more tban

25 on{y S/O.OO is due.)

l ___________________________________


- Jellfl, Llltulon TIIYlor AtlJllr" The 1986 Jean Landon Taylor Alumni Award was presented to Armen Hovanessian in recognition of academic achievement, citizen· ship, and participation in school activities. Armen was a National Merit Commended Scholar, a member of the Cum Laude Society and National Honor Society, a finalist in the Pdsteur Research Institute Program, recipient of the DAR Good Citizen

Award, and the Michael A lombard Commended Scholar Award. Included among the manyactivi· ties Armen has participated in are: Key Club (serving as president), Student Council (treasurer ),. member of the Model U.N. Delegation, the Academy News and the tennis team. The presentation was made by Lee Montgomery '66 during Commencement.


c:.Jen4R,r of Bwm,1s • • • SEPI'EMBER 13

Alumni Board Meeting .......................... 1:00 p.m.lBAC Lounge OCTOBER 18

Homecoming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. BreakfastlAlumni Hall 1:00 p.m. Soccer GamelSouth Field TBA Dance I Beverly Art Center

NOWMBER8 Alumni Board Meeting .......................... 1:00 p.m.lBAC Lounge DECEMBER 2'

Basketball Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6:00 p.m.! Gym

M.P.A. Calendar of Events SEPTEMBER 2

4 9 10 13

16 18 19

14 26 li 19

Opening Day of School Opening Day Coffee, Alumni Hall, 8:00 a.m. Student ID Pictures Board of Trustees, Alumni Hall, 8:00p.m. Mothers' Club Board Meeting, BAC Lounge, 8:30 a.m. Middle School Cycling, 8:00a.m. Key Club Meeting, BAC Theater, 9:56 a.m. Upper School Stratford Trip (thru 21st) Middle School Dance, Alumni Hall, 6:00-9:00 p.m. Assembly, Grades 7-9, BAC Theater, 12:45 p.m. Key Club Peanut Day Middle School Cycling, 8:00a.m. Middle School Candy Sale thru 10/14


6 , 10 11 13



Mothers' Club Board Meeting, BAC Lounge, 8:30 a.m. Mothers' and Fathers' Club Joint Meeting, Alumni Hall, Upper School Field Trip Day Fathers' Club Meeting, Alumni Hall, 7:30 p.m. End First Marking Period, Lower School SAT Exams, Various locations Columbus Day - No Classes Assembly, BAC Theater, Grades Pre-First-6, 9:30 a.m., Grades 6-12,10:30 a.m. Board of Trustees, Alumni Hall, 8:00p.m. Lower School Parent Conferences, Barker Hall, 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

HOMECOMING Fathers' Club Pancake Breakfast, Alumni Hall, 8:00 a.m.-l :00 p.m. Soccer Game, 1:00 p.m. Upper School Homecoming Dance, Alumni Hall, 8:00 p.m. Alumni Homecoming Dance, Beverly Art Center 20 End First Marking Period, Middle and Upper School 21 Key Club, BAC Theater, 12:41 p.m. 2S ACT Exams, Various Locations Mothers' Club International Dinner, Alumni Hall, 6:30 p.m. 31 Lower School Halloween Party, 1:00 p.m. Middle School Halloween Party, Alumni Hall, 3:00-6:00 p.m.






9 10



NOl'EMBER 4 Fathers' Club Meeting, Alumni Hall, 7:30 p.m. S" Mothers' Club Board Meeting, BAC Lounge, 8:30 a.m. 7 Middle School Science Fair, Small Gym 11 Board of Trustees, Alumni Hall, 8:00p.m. 14 Middle & Upper School Parent Conference, Alumni Hall, 3:15-7:30 p.m. MPA Drama Production, BAC Theater, 8:00 p.m. IS MPA Drama Production, BAC Theater, 8:00 p.m. 18 Key Club, BAC Theater, 2:09p.m. 19 8th Grade Students visit the Upper School (thru 21st) 21 Middle School Roller Skating Party, 11 :30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. 26 End of Marking Period, Lower School



l' 18

Classes Resume Mothers' Club Board Meeting, BAC Lounge, 8:30 a.m. Middle School Dance, Alumni Hall, 6:00-9:00 p.m. Board of Trustees, Alumni Hall, 8:00p.m. Mothers' Club Dessert Buffet and Holiday Bazaar, BAC Concourse, 12:36 p.m. Students Holiday Program, BAC Theater, End of Second Marking Period, Middle School Assembly, Robert Crown Center, Alcohol & Drug Abuse, BAC Theater, Grades 4-7,9:15 a.m., Grades 8-12,10:00 a.m. End of Second Marking Period, Upper School Middle School Semester Exams Begin ACT Exams, Various Locatio"ns Upper School Semester Exams Begin Lower School Play, Grades 2&3, BAC Theater, 1:30 p.m. End of First Semester, Middle & Upper School Middle School Party, Alumni Hall, 12:00 noon Lower School Party, Barker Hall, 2:00 p.m. CHRISTMAS RECESS BEGINS, 3:00p.m. CLASSES RESUME, JANUARY 5, 1987

Board of Trustees

- 1986"-1987Mr. Jeff Heilman .......................................... President Mr. G. Davis Boyd ................................ 1st Vice President Dr. I.eon J. Witkowski, '65 ........................ 2nd ~ice President Mr. Earle "Win" Invin .................................. : .. Secretary Mr. John D. Ramey ........................................ Treasurer Mrs. Alice Baer Mr. Martin Grenzebach Dr. William Jones Dr. Tae Hong Park Mr. Ravinder Chopra Mrs. Vicki Hovanessian Mr. Henry Kennedy Mr. Michael Rogers '69 Mr. Shawn Concannon Mr. John Krichbaum '61 Mr. Kenneth Saul '42 Dr. Hugo Cuadros Mr. Roger Us Mr. Robert Scardon '46 Dr. John R Gersack Mrs. Charlyne McFarland Dr. Prabodh Slah


Hansen Hall -


MOVING? Let us know too. Each change of address returneclto the Academy by the post office costs us. E\"e~'one can make a wonhwhile contribution simply by keeping his or her address current with our office.




_______________________________________ STATE ___________ ZIP ________

Clip and mail to: Morgan Park Academy, 2153 W I111h SI., Chicago, IL 60643



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