2024 Spring Commencement Program

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School of Graduate Studies Commencement Exercises

Spring 2024

The Sixteenth of May

Two Thousand and Twenty-Four Nine-thirty O’clock in the Morning

James H. and Louise Hayley Gilliam Concert Hall

Carl J. Murphy Fine Arts Center

Undergraduate Commencement Exercises

Spring 2024

The Eighteenth of May

Two Thousand and Twenty-Four Nine-thirty O’clock in the Morning

W. A. C. Hughes Memorial Stadium

Morgan State University

1700 E. Cold Spring Lane Baltimore, Maryland 21251



Welcome to the 147th Spring Commencement Exercises of Morgan State University The University solicits your cooperation in helping sustain this happy occasion's dignity and solemnity. We respectfully request that you refrain from engaging in conversation as well as moving about while the Commencement Exercises are in progress. Once the exercises have begun, only members of the authorized working press and authorized photographers will be permitted on the arena floor.

We ask our guests to stand as the academic procession moves into the arena and to remain standing until after the singing of the Hymn.

Thank you.

Accessible Accommodations

Our guests who are deaf, have hearing loss or are otherwise hearing impaired may view the livestream of today’s Commencement Exercises on their device. The livestream broadcast will feature a visual communicator who will interpret the spoken and musical presentations of the program using sign language. To access the livestream, please scan the QR code at right.

The list of graduates that appears in this booklet is tentative and contingent upon satisfactory completion of all requirements for graduation, and participation in these Commencement Exercises cannot be interpreted as having completed all requirements for graduation from Morgan State University.


Lift ev’ry voice and sing

Till earth and heaven ring,

Ring with the harmonies of liberty;

Let our rejoicing rise

High as the list’ning skies.

Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.

Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us.

Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;

Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,

Let us march on till victory is won.




Stony the road we trod,

Bitter the chast’ning rod,

Felt in the days when hope unborn had died;

Yet with a steady beat,

Have not our weary feet,

Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?

We have come over a way that with tears has been watered,

We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered,

Out from the gloomy past

Till now we stand at last

Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast.

The Alma Mater


Fair Morgan, we love thee, so tried and so true, Our hearts at thy name thrill with pride; We owe thee allegiance, we pledge thee our faith, A faith which shall ever abide.


We pledge thee our love, we pledge thee our faith, Whatever the future may bring, And thus our devotion, fidelity too, And homage we pay as we sing.


Fair Morgan, as onward the years quickly fly, And thou livest in memory sweet. We bring thee our laurels whatever they be, And lay them with joy at thy feet.


God of our weary years,

God of our silent tears,

Thou who has brought us thus far on the way.

Thou who has by Thy might,

Led us into the light,

Keep us forever in the path, we pray.

Lest our feet stray from the places, Our God, where we met Thee.

Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee; Shadowed beneath Thy hand, May we forever stand,

True to our God, True to our Native land.

Alumni OathofAllegiance

I hereby solemnly pledge unbroken allegiance to Alma Mater in appreciation for opportunities for development afforded me as a student at Morgan State University.

I pledge active membership in the National Alumni Association wherever I may be. Through association with fellow alumni, I shall ever do my best to uphold the ideals and traditions of Alma Mater.

I pledge as a citizen to exemplify the high ideals thus implied, rendering positive service to community, state and nation, and so to live as ever to bring honor and respect to Alma Mater.


Officers ofthe University


The Honorable Kweisi Mfume, Chair

Gen. (Ret.) Larry R. Ellis, Vice Chair

The Honorable Tracey L. Parker-Warren, Secretary

Ms. Swati Agrawal

Ms. Paityn-Amor Brooks, Student Regent

The Rev. Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr.

Dr. Linda J. Gilliam

Dr. Burney J. Hollis

Ms. Emily M. Hunter

Dr. Shirley M. Malcom

Mr. Brian D. Pieninck

Mr. William A. Sherman II, Esq.

Ms. Shelonda D. Stokes

Mr. Carl W. Turnipseed

Mr. Winston A. Wilkinson


Dr. David K. Wilson, President

Dr. Hongtao Yu, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dr. Kevin M. Banks, Vice President for Student Affairs

Sen. Joan Carter-Conway, Deputy Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs

Ms. Endia DeCordova, Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Ms. Dena Freeman-Patton, Vice President and Director for Intercollegiate Athletics

Ms. Julie D. Goodwin, General Counsel

Ms. Armada Grant, Special Assistant to the President

Mr. David LaChina, Interim Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration

Dr. Willie E. May, Vice President for Research and Economic Development

Ms. Kim McCalla, Vice President for Facilities, Design and Construction Management

Dr. Cynthia Mendoza, Interim Vice President/Chief Information Officer for Division of Information Technology

Dr. Kara M. Turner, Senior Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Success

Dr. Don-Terry Veal, Vice President for State and Federal Relations and Chief of Staff to the President


Dr. Abimbola Asojo, Dean of the School of Architecture and Planning

Dr. Oscar Barton, Jr., Dean of the Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering

Dr. Ali Emdad, Interim Dean of the Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management

Dr. Mark D. Garrison, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies

Prof. Jacqueline Jones, Dean of the School of Global Journalism and Communication

Dr. Anna McPhatter, Dean of the School of Social Work

Dr. M’bare N’gom, Dean of the James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts

Dr. Glenda Prime, Dean of the School of Education and Urban Studies

Dr. Kim Dobson Sydnor, Dean of the School of Community Health and Policy

Dr. Paul B. Tchounwou, Dean of the School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences

Dr. Nicole M. Westrick, Dean of the College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies


Dr. Sharon Oliver-Whitehurst, Chair

Dr. Samia Kirchner, Vice Chair

Dr. Sharlene Allen, Secretary

Dr. Maxim Bushuev, Parliamentarian


Brooke Foyles, Student Government Association President Kayla Clark, Student Government Association Vice President



he Morgan State University Presidential Chain of Office is bestowed upon each President of the University at an official inauguration ceremony and is worn by the President at Commencement and all official occasions requiring the wearing of academic regalia. It is a permanent insignia of office and is passed down to each succeeding president of the University.

The Morgan State University Presidential Chain of Office is cast in bronze with an antique patina and consists of a chain of 1 ½-inch medallions engraved with the names of the presidents of the institution and the four periods and dates in its evolution: Centenary Biblical Institute, Morgan College, Morgan State College and Morgan State University. The medallions for the current and past presidents drape around the front, and the medallions noting the periods in the history of the institution drape around the back of the academic regalia. Near the bottom of the Chain are two banners with laurel leaves, attached to two round medallions bearing the official logo of the University. At the bottom of the Chain is a banner, crested with laurel leaves, bearing the inscription President, below which sits the official Presidential Medallion, a 3-inch round medal with a double-faced design embossed relief with the Seal of the University and its colors on the front and engraved with the University logo on the verso plane. Below the Presidential Medallion is a banner inscribed with the name of the current President.

The Presidential Chain was designed by the Inauguration Committee for Morgan’s Tenth Inaugurated President, Dr. David Wilson, in collaboration with the Office of Public Relations and Strategic Communications, and crafted by Medallic Art Company of Northwest Territorial Mint in Dayton, Nevada, in 2010. It was donated by Dr. Clara I. Adams, Morgan State University Class of 1954, former Special Assistant to the President, and Mr. Wilbert L. Walker, Morgan State University Class of 1950.


The mace (Arabic, amūd; Latin, mascea) was originally a weapon: a short handle topped with a metal ball, its bludgeoning force eclipsed that of a club. A common sight in medieval armies, the mace also served as a symbol of authority, appearing on the seals of such monarchs as Edward the Confessor, Philip Augustus and Frederick Barbarossa. In academic settings, a bedellus (lay church official) processed with the mace during commencement; hence, it was adopted by colleges and universities throughout the West and, in the United States, is usually borne by the Chief Faculty Marshal in academic processions.

During its Sesquicentennial Celebration December 2016 through December 2017 Morgan State University retired its sixty-year-old mace and replaced it with a longer mace that can accommodate the names of additional Presidents over the years and that displays more prominently the insignia of the four major periods of its development: Centenary Biblical Institute, Morgan College, Morgan State College and Morgan State University.

The new mace, crafted by the Medallic Art Company in Dayton, Nevada, has a 36-inch-tall fluted mahogany staff with 14 antique brass banners encircling it, the first 10 engraved with the names and terms of the inaugurated Presidents of the University. The mace head is a four-sided mahogany crown that bears images of three iconic Morgan structures and, on one side, the seal of the University, all in bronze, and, at its top the traditional flame of knowledge. The base of the mace is adorned with a tiered brass foot. The new mace was designed by the Sesquicentennial Celebration Coordinating Committee, and it is a Sesquicentennial Gift to the University from the MSU Alumni Association.


1914–1948 Dr. Milton L. Calloway 1974–2009 Dr. Clayton C. Stansbury 1948–1966 Dr. George H. Spaulding 2009– Dr. Milford A. Jeremiah 1966–1974 Dr. Nathaniel K. Proctor



Some colleagues and community friends of the late Dr. Iva Gwendolyn Jones, Professor Emerita of the Morgan State University Department of English, honored her as a scholar, leader and teacher, by extending as a gift to Morgan State University the Dr. Iva G. Jones Medallion Emblem, which is the conception of the late Assistant Professor Emeritus Samuel L. Green, who was one of the two designers of the symbol. The second co-designer, and medallion silversmith, was retired Associate Professor Kenneth Royster.

The Emblem fabric approximates in width the border of the master’s hood, is velvet and employs the University colors blue and orange. The detachable chain, which surmounts the emblem and helps to drape the wearer’s front and shoulders, bears silver mounts that hold the medallions in

Appraisers have assessed each silver medallion at more than ten times the value of the United States silver dollar, which the one emblem medallions which the Philadelphia Mint created exclusively for the Negro Commemorative Society (Membership Number 1043) display the images of African-American notables such as Crispus Attucks, Benjamin Banneker, Henry O. Tanner, Lorraine Hansberry, Mary Church Terrell, Alaine Locke and Ralph Bunche.

Annually, colleagues, employing University-approved criteria, select an individual to wear the Emblem. Those honored by this selection are persons who reflect vividly in their professional lives the qualities distinguishing the individual whose name the Emblem bears.



Dr. Celeste Chavis, Associate Professor of Transportation and Urban Infrastructure Studies 2021–2022

Dr. Leah Hollis, Associate Professor, Advanced Studies Leadership and Policy, School of Education and Urban Studies 2022–2023

Dr. Golshan Javadian, Associate Professor, Business Administration, Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management

For the full list of past awardees, please visit the following web page: https://commencement.morgan.edu/awards

TheDr.SandyeJeanMcIntyreII InternationalAward

The Dr. Sandye Jean McIntyre II International Award, a sash designed and tailored specifically for this award, is inspired by the diplomatic sash customarily worn for formal occasions by ambassadors, consuls and other dignitaries. It is red satin accented with a traditional rosette and blue, white, yellow and green ribbons, representing the flags of the United States of America, France, Senegal and other countries with which Dr. McIntyre had contact in his diplomatic and academic careers. In the center front of the sash, a specially commissioned gold medal (struck by Charles Nusinov and Sons) features a world map enclosed by laurel wreaths and the name of the award.

The Award was established in 1997 and conferred upon Dr. McIntyre at the annual Founders Day Convocation in 1997. It is given to that member of the Morgan faculty who demonstrates extraordinary commitment to global learning and international understanding and who promotes international programs at Morgan.


2019 Dr. Mingchao Cai, Associate Professor of Mathematics, School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences

2021 Dr. Kimberly Warren, Associate Professor of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts

For the full list of past awardees, please visit the following web page: https://commencement.morgan.edu/awards.



The traditional black caps and gowns worn by students and faculty in the academic procession have been the historic regalia of scholars since medieval times. Because many scholars of that period were members of monastic orders, the academic regalia probably represents an adaptation of ecclesiastical dress.

A uniform code for academic regalia was drafted by an intercollegiate commission in 1893 and has since been adopted by the majority of colleges and universities in the United States. Each of the three academic degrees bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral has its own distinctive gown and hood. The gown representing the bachelor’s degree is distinguished by its long pointed sleeve. The master’s gown has a longer, narrow, closed sleeve, extending below the knee. The arm is passed through a slit at the elbow. In contrast, the doctor’s gown is faced with wide velvet bands, which may be black or a color indicating the general field of learning of the wearer for example, dark blue for philosophy, green for medicine and purple for law.

The most colorful and distinctive item of the academic regalia is the hood, which passes around the neck and extends down the back. The doctor’s hood is the largest, and the bachelor’s hood is the smallest. Often the use of a bachelor’s hood is omitte d. The wearer’s field of learning is indicated by the color of the hood and the tassel. Among the colors of hoods are:


Blue Violet

Music Pink

Nursing Apricot

Blue Violet

Arts, Letters, Humanities White City Planning

Commerce, Accountancy, Business ............. Drab

Education ............................................. Light Blue

Engineering ................................................ Orange

Fine Arts ...................................................... Brown

Human Ecology


Journalism Crimson

Library Science .......................................... Lemon

Medicine ..................................................... Green

Philosophy Dark Blue

Physical Education ................................. Sage Green

Public Administration ........................ Peacock Blue

Public Health ....................................... Salmon Pink

Science ............................................... Golden Yellow

Social Science Citron

Social Work Citron

Speech (Oratory) .............................................. Silver

Theology and Divinity ................................... Scarlet

The colors of the silk lining exposed in the center of the hood are those of the college or university which conferred the degree. The tassel may be either black or the color of the field of learning. The tassel of the doctor’s cap is usually gold.



The first known degree was a doctorate conferred by the University of Bologna in the middle of the 12th century. Originally, the doctor’s and master’s degrees were used interchangeably, each indicating that the holder was qualified to give instruction to students. The bachelor’s or baccalaureate degree indicated only entrance upon a course of study preparatory to the doctorate or mastership. Gradually, however, the bachelor’s degree came to mean successful completion of one level of study preparatory to the higher degrees.

Today, there are more than 1,600 different academic degrees conferred by colleges and universities in the United States. The advanced degrees granted by Morgan State University are the Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Science, Master of Business Administration, Master of Architecture, Master of Landscape Architecture, Master of City and Regional Planning, Master of Engineering, Master of Public Health, Master of Social Work, Doctor of Education, Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Public Health and Doctor of Business Administration.


The doctoral degree or doctorate represents the most advanced degree conferred at institutions of higher education in the United States. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a doctor in the academic sense as “one who, in any faculty or branch of learning, has attained to the highest degree conferred by a university.”

There are two major types of doctoral degrees: earned doctorates and honorary doctorates. Earned doctorates are further divided into two distinct types: the research degree and the professional or practitioner degree. The distinguishing feature of the research degree is that it normally requires a lengthy scholarly dissertation, which is usually designed to constitute a substantial contribution to the existing body of knowledge in its field. The most important doctorate of the research type at institutions of higher education in the United States is the Doctor of Philosophy. The only other earned doctorate of the research type which has secured wide recognition and use by a large number of leading United States universities is the Doctor of Education.


The master’s degree is an academic honor conferred upon students who have successfully completed one or two years’ work beyond the baccalaureate. A thesis and an oral examination are usually required. The word magister connected with a qualifying phrase was used among the Romans as the title of honor, but its present meaning must be traced to the time of the establishment of the oldest universities. Regularly organized faculties were not then known as they now exist in the universities. The whole circle of academic activity was limited to seven liberal arts. Those who received public honors in the completed studies, and who had already received the degree of baccalaureus (bachelor), were called magistri artium (masters of the liberal arts).


The bachelor’s degree represents completion of a four-year course of study of collegiate grade and is the oldest academic degree used at institutions of higher learning in the United States. The degree of Bachelor of Arts was the first conferred in the United States in 1642 on nine young men, comprising the first graduating class of Harvard College. Yale conferred its first Bachelor of Arts in 1702; Princeton in 1748; William and Mary in 1753; Pennsylvania in 1757; Columbia in 1758; and Morgan State to George W. F. McMechen in 1895.

* Eells, Walter Crosby. Degrees in Higher Education. New York: The Center for Applied Research in Education, 1967.

** Sometimes designated as the baccalaureate degree, from the Latin baccalaris, “under the influence of,” and lauris, “laurel,” used as a designation of honor, distinction or fame.


SchoolofGraduateStudies CommencementExercises

School of Graduate Studies Commencement Exercises Spring 2024

The Sixteenth of May

Two Thousand and Twenty-Four Nine-thirty O’clock in the Morning

James H. and Louise Hayley Gilliam Concert Hall Carl J. Murphy Fine Arts Center

Morgan State University

1700 E. Cold Spring Lane

Baltimore, Maryland 21251




Chief Faculty Marshal of the University

Dr. Milford A. Jeremiah

Associate Marshals

Ms. Heidi A. Bruce

Mrs. Natasha Lewis-Williams

Dr. Edwin T. Johnson

Marshals for the Faculty

Dr. Ernest Brevard

Dr. Tyrone Stanley

Dr. Nilajah Nyasuma Sims

Dr. Dionne Thorne

Marshals for the School of Graduate Studies

Dr. Virginia L. Byrne

Dr. Omari Jackson


Academic Administrators

Faculty Emeriti

Graduate Faculty of the University

Graduate Candidates

Doctorates Masters


President of the University Council

President of the MSU Alumni Association


University Registrar

Master’s Degree Representative Doctoral Degree Representative

Special Guests

Dr. Iva G. Jones Medallion Awardee

Dr. Sandye Jean McIntyre II Sash Awardee

Assistants to the President

University Counsel

Chief of Staff to the President

Chair of the Commencement Committee

Deans of the University

Vice Presidents of the University

University Board of Regents

Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Chairman of the Board of Regents

President of the University


OrderofExercises GraduateSchoolCeremony

Dr. David K. Wilson

President of the University, Presiding


“Pomp and Circumstance” ...................................................................................................... Sir Edward Elgar

Dr. Eric Conway, Organist

The audience is requested to stand as the academic procession moves into the arena and to remain standing until after the singing of “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing.”

WELCOME .............................................................................................................................

Dr. David K. Wilson, President


Minister Clarence A. Wayman, Methodist Chaplain, University Memorial Chapel HYMN

“Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing”

James Weldon Johnson and J. Rosamond Johnson

Led by Darrin Scott, Baritone

GREETINGS ...............................................................................................................

Gen. Larry R. Ellis, U.S. Army (Ret.), Vice Chair, Board of Regents

SALUTE TO THE GRADUATES……………………………………………………………………Jacquetta Ayewoh, Doctoral Candidate Nailah Dawson, Master’s Degree Candidate

PRESENTING OF DEGREES IN COURSE ............................................................................................

Dr. Hongtao Yu, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

CONFERRING OF DOCTORATES ....................................................................................

Dr. David K. Wilson, President Candidates’ Names Read by Ms. Traci D. Williams, Graduate Teaching Assistant, James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts

CONFERRING OF MASTER’S DEGREES..........................................................................

Dr. David K. Wilson, President Candidates’ Names Read by Ms. Traci D. Williams, Graduate Teaching Assistant, James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts

INDUCTION INTO THE MSU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION............................................

Lt. Col. (Ret.) Michael L. Bell, President, MSU Alumni Association

ALMA MATER ....................................................................................................................

Led by Oguchi Egbunine, Tenor

BENEDICTION ...................................................................................................................

Minister Clarence A. Wayman, Methodist Chaplain, University Memorial Chapel RECESSIONAL

“Pomp and Circumstance” ...................................................................................................... Sir Edward Elgar

Dr. Eric Conway, Organist


Candidatesfor Degrees SchoolofGraduate Studies


The James H . Gilliam, Jr., College ofLiberalArts

Doctor of Philosophy in English

Abdulkarim Aldarwish

B.A., Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, 2008

M.A., Notre Dame de Namur University, 2012

Dissertation: “Citizenship in the Mind: An Exposé of Modernist Character”

Advisor: Dr. L. Adam Mekler

Jacquetta Ayewoh

B.A., Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, 2011

M.A., Millersville University of Pennsylvania, 2016

Dissertation: “Black Men and White Masks: Investigating the Literary Transformation from Hegemonic Masculinity to Progressive Black Masculinities in 19th–21st Century African American Literature”

Advisor: Dr. Joy Myree-Mainor

Theron Coleman

B.S., Coppin State University, 2001

M.A., Morgan State University, 2006

Dissertation: “Black Girls on Stage: How Poetry Moves Black Women's Voices to the Forefront”

Advisor: Professor Angela Verdelle

Tiajuana Tillman

M.A., Howard University, 2016

M.B.A., Trinity Washington University, 2019

Dissertation: “An Existential Critique of Identity Politics in Trans Narratives: Establishing the Trans-Existential Hero”

Advisor: Dr. Karl Henzy

Doctor of Philosophy in Psychometrics

Christopher Amissah

B.A., University of Ghana, 2011

M.A., University of Ghana, 2015

Dissertation: “Advancing Scientific Measurement of Latent Constructs: Comparative Evaluation of the Stability and Precision of Exploratory Factor Analyses (EFA) and Rasch Models”

Advisor: Dr. R. Trent Haines



Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration

Mohammed Alsurayhi

B.S., Umm Al-Qura University, 2012

M.S., Bowling Green State University, 2015

Dissertation: “The Effect of ESG Disclosure on Audit Fees, Analysts’ Following, and Forecast Accuracy”

Advisor: Dr. Bilal Makkawi

Honghua Li

B.S., Shenyang Normal University, 2009

M.B.A., Lanzhou University, 2019

Dissertation: “The Double-Edged Sword of Immigrant Entrepreneurs’ Job Demands and Resources on Well-Being and Performance: A JD-R Model Analysis”

Advisor: Dr. Omar Khan

Ba’aba Sule

B.S., University of Maiduguri, 2014

M.S., University of Wolverhampton, 2017

Dissertation: “Essays on Cybersecurity Disclosure and U.S. Firms”

Advisor: Dr. Dina El Mahdy

Doctor of Public Health

Aundrea Collins


B.S., Florida A&M University, 2014

M.P.H., Georgia State University, 2017

Dissertation: “Sexual Health Education for Adolescents in Psychiatric Treatment: A Qualitative Exploratory Assessment of the Experiences, Perceptions, and Needs of Adolescent Mental Health Staff Working with High-Risk Adolescent Males”

Advisor: Dr. Anita Hawkins

Ericka Duncan

M.P.H., University of South Florida, 2016

Dissertation: “Representation Matters: A Case Study Exploring the Underrepresentation of African Americans in Governmental Public Health Executive Leadership”

Advisor: Dr. Ian Lindong

Raneitra Grover

B.S., Florida State University, 2011

M.P.H., Florida State University, 2012

Dissertation: “Explaining the Transportation Dimension of Food Access in Baltimore: A Mixed Methods Study”

Advisor: Dr. David Fakunle

Tevin Warren

B.S., University of South Alabama, 2014

M.P.H., Georgia Southern University, 2016

Dissertation: “Ethnoracial Disparities in Subjective Cognitive Decline Among Sexual and Gender Minority Adults in the U.S., A National Population-Based Study”

Advisor: Dr. Sharon Barrett



Doctor of Philosophy in Bioenvironmental Sciences

Prabesh Bajracharya

M.S., Southeast Missouri State University, 2016

Dissertation: “Thin Film Thermoelectric and Spintronic Materials for Energy Harvesting”

Advisor: Dr. Ramesh Budhani

Muyideen Haruna

B.S., Ambrose Alli University, 2003

B.MLS., Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria, 2007

M.S., University of Lagos, 2009

Dissertation: “Towards Production of Novel Polysaccharides for Heavy Metal Binding Using Molecular Biology and Protein Engineering Methods”

Advisor: Dr. Pumtiwitt McCarthy

Ayat Kutbi

B.S., Brenau University, 2015

M.S., Morgan State University, 2018

Dissertation: “A Meta-Analysis Study on the Effects of Breastfeeding Practices on the Gut Microbiome in Children”

Advisor: Dr. Yuejin Li

Rajeev Nepal

B.S., Tribhuvan University, 2012

M.S., Tribhuvan University, 2018

Dissertation: “Heterostructures of Van Der Waal Semimetals and Soft Ferromagnets for Clean Energy Harvesting”

Advisor: Dr. Ramesh Budhani

Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics

Sahar Almashaan

B.S., Jouf University, 2012

M.A., Morgan State University, 2018

Dissertation: “Analytic Solutions to Interfacial Flows with Nonlinear Kinetic Undercooling in a Hele-Shaw Cell of a Time-Dependent Gap”

Advisor: Dr. Xuming Xie


Doctor of Education in Community College Leadership

Ekanem Bassey

Dissertation: “Social Media and Community College International Student Engagement at a Mid-Atlantic Community College”

Advisor: Dr. Wilbur Hicks

Kimberly Beadencup

B.S., Pennsylvania College of Technology, 2008

M.S., University of Bridgeport, 2014

Dissertation: “Uncivil Behaviors Between Dental Hygiene Students and Faculty: Perceptions of Community College Students”

Advisor: Dr. Robin Spaid

Keziah Colon

B.S., University of Phoenix, 2010

M.S., Coppin State University, 2018

Dissertation: “African American Women’s Perceptions of the Educational Technology Used in Associate Degree Nursing Programs in Rural Mid-Atlantic Community Colleges During the First Year of the Covid-19 Pandemic”

Advisor: Dr. Wilbur Hicks

Karen Irving

B.S., University of Maryland, College Park, 1994

M.Ed., University of Maryland, College Park, 2008

Dissertation: “Examining the Relationship Between Stress and Anxiety and Performance of Students Attending Mid-Atlantic Community Colleges During the Covid-19 Pandemic”

Advisor: Dr. Krishna Bista

Patricia Timmons

B.S., Coppin State University, 2005

M.Ed., Cambridge College, 2007

Dissertation: “Unveiling the Experiences of Black Students in Global Mobility Programs at U.S. Community Colleges”

Advisor: Dr. Krishna Bista


Cyrus Vance

B.S., Delta State University, 2000

M.Ed., Delta State University, 2006

Ed.S., Arkansas State University, 2014

Dissertation: “Social Identity Theory: African American Male Community College Students’ Perceptions of African American Male Community College Instructors at a Community College”

Advisor: Dr. Henry Linck

Doctor of Education in Mathematics Education

Marcus Wolfe

B.S., The City College of New York, 2012

M.S., Morgan State University, 2014

Dissertation: “Gestures: A Bridge Between Mathematical Understanding and Videogames”

Advisor: Dr. Whitney Johnson

Doctor of Education in Urban Educational Leadership

Miracle Chukwuka-Eze

B.S., Abia State University, 2001

M.S., Morgan State University, 2018

Dissertation: “Scholarly Inquiry on Parents’ Mental Health in Predicting Parental Involvement: A Focus on United States of America Public Elementary Schools”

Advisor: Dr. Rhonda Baylor

Alisha Jordan

B.S., Hampton University, 2000

M.A., College of Notre Dame, 2005

Dissertation: “An Examination of Teacher Retention and Attrition in Catholic Schools”

Advisor: Dr. Valerie Riggs

Marie-Gabrielle Ngono-Binelli

B.A., University of Montreal, 1990

B.A., University of the District of Columbia, 1999

M.Ed., Goucher College, 2005

Dissertation: “Lived Experiences of Former High School African Immigrants in US Classrooms: A Single Experience”

Advisor: Dr. Gretchen Rudham

Candice Strachan

B.A., Le Moyne College, 2016

M.Ed., Miami University of Ohio, 2018

Dissertation: “Voices of Bahamian Students: Using Student Voice to Leverage School Reform in The Bahamas”

Advisor: Dr. Rhonda Baylor

Jonathan Turner

B.S., Allegheny College, 2004

M.S., University of Rochester, 2007

Dissertation: “An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of FirstYear College Students Making Meaning of Their Lived Experience as an Urban High School Student During Covid-19 and the Transition into, Through, and out of Remote Learning”

Advisor: Dr. Dia Sekayi

Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education

Kia Kuresman

B.S.J., Ohio University, 1999

B.A., Ohio University, 1999

M.Ed., Ohio University, 2001

Dissertation: “Prioritizing Me: An Exploration of Care for Mid-Level Higher Education Administrators”

Advisor: Dr. Sean Robinson


Doctor of Engineering

Edward Brown

M.S., Morgan State Univesity, 2019

Dissertation: “Water Quality Performance in Best Management Practices Utilizing Simulation Modeling and Machine Learning”

Advisor: Dr. Dong Kang

Ida Mougang Epse Ntonifor

B.S., University of Yaoundé I, 2009

M.S., University of Yaoundé I, 2011

M.E.S., University of Dschang, 2014

Dissertation: “Evaluating the Role of Soil Physicochemical and Biological Properties in Influencing Bioretention Performance in Urban Environments”

Advisor: Dr. James Hunter

Nicodeme Wanko

Dissertation: “An Enhanced Construction Project Scheduling Methodology Considering Risk Factors and Uncertainty”

Advisor: Dr. Oludare Owolabi


Doctor of Philosophy in Computer and Electrical Systems Engineering

Mojeed Bello

B.Eng., Kwara State Polytechnic, Nigeria, 2009

M.Eng., Morgan State University, 2017

Dissertation: “Mitigation of False Data Injection Attacks on Smart Grids via the Implementation of Blockchain”

Advisor: Dr. Kofi Nyarko

Michael Talley, Jr.

B.S., North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, 2009

M.S., North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, 2011

M.A., North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, 2015

Dissertation: “A Deep Learning Approach for Emitter Association Using Channel Identification in a MIMO Radar System Using Channel Propagation Features”

Advisor: Dr. Kofi Nyarko

Doctor of Philosophy in Transportation

Alireza Ansariyar

B.S., Azad University of Tehran, 2012

M.S., Imam Khomeini International University, 2014

Dissertation: “Investigating the V2X Conflicts Cllected by LiDAR Technology Based on an Innovative Post Encroachment Time Threshold Classification”

Advisor: Dr. Mansoureh Jeihani


Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work

Chelsey Henderson

B.S.W, University of Oklahoma, 2013

M.S.W., University of Oklahoma, 2014

Dissertation: “Collective Resilience Strategies of Black Women Who Have Experienced Childhood Sexual Abuse”

Advisor: Dr. Rhonda Wells-Wilbon

Deidre McDaniel

B.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1997

M.S.W., University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1999

Dissertation: “An Antiracist Approach to Eliminating Disparities in Maternal Mortality Among Black Women”

Advisor: Dr. Rhonda Wells-Wilbon

Angelica Mooney

B.S., Morgan State University, 2010

M.S.W., Howard University, 2012

Dissertation: “Concrete Rainbows: A Qualitative Investigation of the African American Young Adults’ Reflections on Barriers and Protective Factors During Their Coming Out Process”

Advisor: Dr. Linda Darrell

Katrina Ross

B.A., Loyola University, 2004

M.S.W., The Catholic University of America, 2011

Dissertation: “Stories My Mother Would Tell: Exploring The Relationship of the Mother-Daughter Dyad Within African-American Families”

Advisor: Dr. Laurens Van Sluytman


Master ’ s Degrees SchoolofGraduate Studies

The CollegeofInterdisciplinaryandContinuingStudies

M.S. in Interdisciplinary Health and Human Sciences

Tushina Yameny

Donald Glover

M.S. in Interdisciplinary Organizational Policy, Governance and Administration

Lewis Ely, Jr.

Lance Hatcher

The James H Gilliam, Jr , College ofLiberalArts

Master of Arts in African American Studies

Kai Clemons

B.A., Kent State University, 2021

Thesis: “The Attempt to Bury a Seed: The Black Panther Party and the Socio-Political Threat of the Young Comrade”

Advisor: Dr. Daryl Scott

Vernon Davis III

B.A., Morgan State University, 2020

Thesis: “Far from the Baltimore Basin: When West Baltimore was White and the Demographic Shift and Economic Growth in the African-American Community of Baltimore, 1880–1910”

Advisor: Drs. Brett Berliner and David Terry

Tyler Dubose

B.A., Albright College, 2021

Thesis: “Exploring Career Shifts in the 1970s: African-American Women’s Empowerment”

Advisor: Dr. Brett Berliner

Le’Evelyn Hammett

B.A., University of South Carolina, 2011

Thesis: “Sacred and Secular: African American Women's Expressions Through Folk Music, 1933–1950”

Advisor: Dr. Brett Berliner

Horatio Kitwala

B.A., University of Minnesota, 1994

Thesis: “Respectability, Black Power, and The Hidden Transcripts of the Civil Rights Movement: An Examination of the Arts of Resistance Established for Equity and Freedom”

Advisor: Dr. Brett Berliner

Courtnie Thurston

Thesis: “Urban Renewal in Lakeland”

Advisor: Dr. David Terry

Master of Arts in English

Catrina Sally

Master of Arts in International Studies

Sierra Deloatch

B.S., St. Mary's College, 2020

Master of Arts in Museum Studies and Historical Preservation

Olubunmi Bakare

Kimari Jackson

B.A., University of Central Florida, 2019

Thesis: “History of The Bass Museum of Art”

Advisor: Dr. David Terry

Master of Arts in Music

Lauren Cohen

B.A., North Carolina Central University, 2010

B.A., North Carolina Central University, 2011

Lambert Corcoran

Oguchi Egbunine


Master of Science in Psychometrics

Micah Russell

Master of Science in Sociology

Tamia Nelson

B.A., Morgan State University, 2020


Master of Architecture

Uyiosa Aimufua

B.S., Morgan State University, 2023

Courtney Carrington

B.S., Morgan State University, 2021

Ricard Charles

B.S., Morgan State University

Tyriq Charleus

Naeemah Merchant

B.S., Morgan State University, 2023

Alvin Ossis

B.S., Morgan State University, 2019

Ian Ross

Devin Simmons

B.S., Morgan State University, 2019

Nasia Whitehurst

Master of City and Regional Planning

Sabrina Bland

B.A., Dillard University, 2011

Gregory Friedman

Morgan Gillard

Taylor Harvey

Jessie Keller

Ethan McLeod

Micah Modesto

April Smith

B.A., Clemson University, 2004

M.Ed., University of Florida, 2014

Stefani Spector

B.S., University of Baltimore, 2016

Master of Construction Management

Devon Hardy, Jr.

B.S., Morgan State University, 2023

Sydney Jones

B.S., Morgan State University, 2023

Kaylen Lifter

Master of Landscape Architecture

Kayla Goldstein


Master of Business Administration

Vanessa Addison

Carson Baker

Kenyatta Bender

Ron Covington

Zaire Dartis

Ololade Fajana

Jeffrey Feaster

B.B.A., University of The Bahamas, 2022

Devan Hebron II


Josephus Ketter

B.S., Cuttington University, 2011

Dionne Letts

Natalia Miranda Vega

Morgan Newton

B.A., University of Maryland, College Park, 2018

M.S.L., Virginia Commonwealth University, 2020

Sade Parker

B.S., Morgan State University, 2017

Melissa Paz

Min Wang

B.A., St. Lawrence University, 2017

Master of Science in Accounting

Victor Olanrewaju

Master of Science in Hospitality Management

Jabahri Seymore

Gabriella Thompson-Riviere

Master of Science in Project Management

Clayton Corley

B.A., Temple University, 2012

M.B.A., Eastern University, 2017

Russell Geater, Jr.

Joseph Harmon

B.B.A., University of Liberia, 2009

DeJuan Hicks

Michel Lette Voueto

B.S., Morgan State University, 2018


Master of Public Health

Japria Davis

B.S., Lincoln University, 2021

Oluchi Eguzo

B.S.N., Babcock University, 2021

Caylin Jordan

B.S., Clayton State University, 2022

Skyy Moorer

Joy Okhuevbie

B.S., University of Maryland, College Park, 2021

QuaAsia Robinson

B.S., Morgan State University, 2021

Olabisi Salami

Ryshawn Scott

Louis Spencer

Tahsin Tabassum


Master of Science in Advanced Computing

Oluwole Adetifa

B.Eng, Covenant University, 2021

Thesis: “Comparative Analysis and Applications of Quantum Random Number Generators: Evaluating Efficiency, Statistical Properties, and Real-World Use Cases”

Advisor: Dr. Guobin Xu

Tijesunimi Adeyemi

B.S., Mountain Top University, 2021


Monsuru Folorunso

H.N.D., The Federal Polytechnic, 1999

M.S., National Open University of Nigeria, 2018

Thesis: “Evaluating The Performance of Machine Learning Algorithms for Intrusion Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Using The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve and Confusion Matrix (CM)”

Advisor: Dr. Guobin Xu

Md Hasan

B.B.A., University of Dhaka, 2012

M.B.A., University of Dhaka, 2013

Thesis: “Transformer and Convolutional Neural Network Based Hybrid Approaches in Medical Image Classification, Caption Generation, and Retrieval Processes”

Advisor: Dr. Md Mahmudur Rahman

Happy Iguare

B.S., University of Benin, 2020

Md Rafsan Jani

B.S., Jahangirnagar University, 2012

M.S., Jahangirnagar University, 2013

Thesis: “Three-Dimensional Convective Cloud Dataset Generation and Deep Learning Based Segmentation”

Advisor: Dr. Md Mahmudur Rahman

Candace Stern

Master of Science in BioInformatics

Bezaleel Akinbami

Rukayat Ariori

Asmaa Awan

Thesis: “Highly Concerned Newer Variants of SARS-CoV-2 Demonstrate Exceptional Mutation Rates and Actively Prefer H655Y Mutation”

Advisor: Dr. Roshan Paudel

John-Paul Toluwase Akinbami

B.S., Morgan State University, 2020

Master of Science in Integrated Sciences

Maison Hackett

Ric-Kell Holmes

B.A., Ohio State University, 2020

Esther Faith Muriuki

Tresherr Reaves

Master of Science in Mathematics

Rhiem Allen

B.S., Morgan State University, 2022


Master of Arts in Higher Education

Alexandra Boone

Nailah Dawson

B.A., City University of New York, Brooklyn College, 2002

Franchesca DelRosario

Delnita Evans

B.S., University of Tennessee

Renee Latchman

M.A., Morgan State University, 2010

Ph.D, Morgan State University, 2016

Ryan Robinson

Master of Arts in Teaching

Mayasah Abdullah

Mawj Aljuboori

B.S., Misr University for Science and Technology, 2012

Aaron Bivens

Cameron Dashiell

B.F.A., North Carolina A&T State University, 2007

M.F.A., Kent State University, 2012

Sherie Jeffreys

Themba Mkhatshwa

Darrin Scott

Hakima Soussah


Alexander Terry

Mioni Wingo-King

B.A., Central State University, 2015

Master of Science in Educational Administration and Supervision

Tamya Valentine

B.S., Delaware State University, 2022

Master of Science in Mathematics Education

Rajendra Bista

Angela Woods


Master of Engineering

Kayla Brown

B.S., Morgan State University, 2022

Hudson Defoe

Kalkidan Dilbo

B.S., Addis Ababa University, 2007

Lance Madden

B.S., Morehouse College, 2020

Justin Oshai

Jawalleh Promise

B.A., Valparaiso University, 2022

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

Daniel Stephens

Trent Washington

Master of Science in Secure Embedded Systems

Tevin Lewis

Master of Science in Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure

Oyinkansola Aladeokin

B.S., Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, 2007

Adrielli Pagnoncelli

Master of Science in Urban Transportation

Amirmasoud Hamedi

Amir Kamyab Moghaddam


Master of Science in Global Multimedia Journalism and Communication

Ariyana Griffin

B.A., Clark Atlanta University, 2022


Master of Social Work

Morgan Anderson

B.A., Hood College, 2022

Karla Anguiano

B.S., Point Loma University, 2023

Ashaley Arnold

B.S.W., Bowie State University, 2018

Kara Bailey

B.S., Bowie State University, 2022

Rashidat Bello

Briyana Bowen

B.S., Monroe College, 2017

Eunice Brewer

B.S., Morgan State University, 2021

Ashley Brown

B.S., Coppin State University, 2021

DeShawna Brown

B.S., Bowie State University, 2022

Abigail Campbell

B.S., Morgan State University, 2021

Malik Carter

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2019

Benita Cheeseboro

B.A., University of North Carolina, 1997

Alicia Clarke

B.S.W., Coppin State University, 2022

David Coward, Jr.

B.S., Towson University, 2020

Tytianna Dow


Jessica Drayton

B.S., Morgan State University, 2018

Tiawana Dugger

B.S., Towson University, 2020

Ja’Quella Duncan

B.A., Trinity Washington University, 2020

Kari Ebmeier

B.S., James Madison University, 2011

Kemanna Eddings

B.S., Radford University, 2018

Breana Evans

B.S., University of Maryland Eastern Shore, 2020

Zachary Fianko

B.A., Salisbury University, 2021

Sydney Fitzpatrick

Elona Francisco

B.S.W., Westfield State University, 2018

Kayiesha Golds

B.A., John Jay University, 2000

M.Ed., Touro University, 2008

Kevin Green, Jr.

Ebony Groves

B.S.W., Coppin State University, 2019

Antoinette Gudiel-Garcia

B.S., Towson University, 2021

Arrington Gutrick

B.S., Morgan State University, 2023

Jasmine Hall

Chanel Harrison

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2023


Lashay Hayes

B.S.W., Coppin State University, 2023

Angela Holmes

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2023

Ziona Huey

B.S., Coppin State University, 2023

Jade Jackson

Portia James

B.S.W., Coppin State University, 2020

Barry Jenkins II

Lacey Johnson

B.S., University of Maryland Eastern Shore, 2014

Autumn Johnson-Williams

B.S., University of Maryland Eastern Shore, 2019

Dianne Jones

Fanesha Jones-Bey

B.S., Coppin State University, 2017

Monica Joseph

Morgan Key

B.S., Morgan State University, 2022

Sheyontay Kimbrough

Chante Knight

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2021

Tracey Lane

B.S., Morgan State University, 2022

Roseline Lawal

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2022

Aja Lecointe-Wilkinson

B.S., Rochester Institute of Technology, 2021

Kenadee Lee

B.S., Bridgewater College, 2021

William Lessane

Dominique Lyde

B.S., Morgan State University, 2022

Josephine MacHaria

Clarissa Madison

B.S.W., Bowie State University, 2023

Dana Manuel

B.S., University of Maryland, Eastern Shore, 2022

Destiny Maple

Chan’tel McIntyre

B.S., Morgan State University, 2021

Jacob Milton

Tanya Milton

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 1991

Orlando Neris Ferrer

B.S., Morgan State University, 2023

Leylah Nur

B.S.W., Salem State University

Jessica Nwachukwu

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2019

Peace Odili

Adebanjo Ojuri

Omotayo Omonijo

B.S., Coppin State University, 2020

Victor Onyekaba

Kayode Opadeji

B.A., University of Ibadan, 1997

D.Min., Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, 2007

Melanie Payne

B.S., Full Sail University, 2019

Adrian Pierre, Jr.

B.S., Morgan State University, 2021


Turner Rascoe III

B.S., Morgan State University, 2011

Staci Scoggin

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2023

Ashley Smith

B.S., Morgan State University, 2020

Brandy Stewart

Janelle Stewart

B.S., Morgan State University, 2013

M.S., Morgan State University, 2015

Vashtaii Strong

Charisma Thomas

B.S., Coppin State University, 2023

Shamara Thomas

Candice Treen

B.S., Morgan State University, 2023

Keena Turner

B.S.W., Coppin State University, 2022

Keon Urquhart

B.S., Bowie State University, 2016

Tyra Vaughn

Andrea Westbrook

B.S.W., Salisbury University, 2023

Sharita Wilkerson

Aysha Williams

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2014

Ginger Williams

B.S., Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania, 2007

Sierra Wilson

B.S., Towson University, 2021

Shanese Wise

Mohamed Yansane

B.A., State University of New York at Albany, 2011


Undergraduate Commencement Exercises

Undergraduate Commencement Exercises

Spring 2024

The Eighteenth of May

Two Thousand and Twenty-Four Nine-thirty O’clock in the Morning

W. A. C. Hughes Memorial Stadium

Morgan State University

1700 E. Cold Spring Lane

Baltimore, Maryland 21251


Order ofProcession


Chief Faculty Marshal of the University

Dr. Milford A. Jeremiah

Associate Marshals

Ms. Heidi A. Bruce

Dr. Edwin T. Johnson

Dr. Ernest Brevard

Dr. Nilajah Nyasuma Sims

Marshals for the Faculty

Mrs. Natasha Lewis-Williams

Dr. Tyrone Stanley

Dr. Dionne Thorne

Marshal for the College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies

Dr. Carla Jackson

Marshals for the James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts

Mr. Devin D. Brown

Dr. Inte’A DeShields

Dr. Amber Hodges

Mr. Tavon McLaughlin-Steele

Marshals for the School of Architecture and Planning

Dr. Samia Kirchner

Mr. Gabriel Kroiz

Dr. Lewis Waller

Marshals for the Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management

Ms. Briana Butler

Dr. Tamera Farrar

Dr. Julaine Rigg

Marshal for the School of Community Health and Policy

Ms. Sheila Richburg

Marshals for the School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences

Ms. Rolicia Martin

Dr. Ernest C. Steele, Jr.

Marshal for the School of Education and Urban Studies

Dr. Thurman L. Bridges

Marshals for the Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering

Dr. James Hunter

Dr. Dong Hee Kang

Dr. Monica Poindexter

Marshals for the School of Global Journalism and Communication

Ms. Angela Gatither-Scott

Marshals for the School of Social Work

Dr. Sharlene Allen-Milton

Dr. Darryl Greene

Dr. Janice Smith

Dr. Georgia Jennings-Dorsey

Dr. Dawn Thurman

Marshals for the 50th Anniversary Class

Dr. Khalilah Harris

Ms. Airuel Singletary







Doctorates Masters


College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies

Bachelors of Science

James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts

Bachelors of Arts

Bachelors of Fine Arts

Bachelors of Science

School of Architecture and Planning

Bachelors of Science

Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management

Bachelors of Science

School of Community Health and Policy

Bachelors of Science

School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences

Bachelors of Science

School of Education and Urban Studies

Bachelors of Science

Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering

Bachelors of Science

School of Global Journalism and Communication

Bachelors of Science

School of Social Work

Bachelors of Science























Commencement Speaker&HonoraryDegreeRecipient

Sir Samuel Esson Jonah’s outstanding business and higher education achievements have left a legacy that enriches the world. Sir Jonah currently serves as Chancellor of the University of Cape Coast in Ghana, western Africa’s topmost-ranked university and one of the top five universities in Africa according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. Sir Jonah’s path to higher education governance emerged out of a transformative career spanning decades in the global mining industry, beginning with his work in operations at the Obuasi gold mine in Obuasi, Ghana, in 1969, and ascending to the highest echelons of corporate leadership, where he became one of the world’s most influential businesspeople.

Sir Jonah was born in 1949 in Ghana’s Ashanti Region and received his secondary education at Adisadel College in Cape Coast. He then traveled abroad to become an engineer, earning an Associateship in Mining Engineering at Cambourne School of Mines in Cornwall, England, and a Master of Science in Mine Management at the Imperial College of Science and Technology in London.

In 1986, Jonah was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Ashanti Goldfields Company Limited, spearheading its advancement from a one-mine operation to a multinational excavation and extraction company. Under his leadership, the company became the first operating African corporation listed on the New York Stock Exchange. In May 2004, when Ashanti merged with another large entity, AngloGold Limited, he became Executive President of the world’s second-largest gold producer, AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. He was lauded by CNN and Time magazine that year as one of the world’s “Top 25 Most Influential Businesspeople.”

Building on his success, Sir Jonah took executive leadership posts for diverse international enterprises, through his service as chairman of Equinox Limited and Moto Gold Mines, in Australia and Canada; Uramin, in the United Kingdom and Canada; Bayport Financial Services, in Mauritius; and Vodafone, in the U.K. He also joined the Advisory Council of the President of the African Development Bank and the International Finance Corporation.

In 2006, Sir Jonah was awarded one of the Ghanaian government’s highest honors, the Companion of the Order of the Star, one of many awards and honors he has received, chief among them an Honorary Knighthood as Knight Commander of the Civil Division of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (KBE), conferred by Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. In 2019, he was elected as a Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering Division, in the U.S.

Highly valued as an adviser, Sir Jonah has counseled heads of state of South Africa, Nigeria, Togo and Ghana and has served as a Founding Member of the United Nations Secretary General’s Global Compact Advisory Council; as a member of The African Regional Advisory Board of the London Business School and the Governing Body of the School of Oriental and African Studies; and as a Trustee of his alma mater, the Camborne School of Mines.


Honorary Degree Recipient

Dr. Valerie L. Thomas made powerful contributions to technology and science during her 30-year career at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Underpinning that career was her brilliant intellect, fearless curiosity and world-class undergraduate education at Morgan State.

Growing up in Cherry Hill, in Baltimore City, Dr. Thomas was frustrated by gender discrimination in her quest to learn more about science and technology. But she later found encouragement at Morgan, where she was one of only two women in her class in the Bachelor of Science in Physics program. Dr. Thomas excelled as a student at Morgan, and after graduating in 1964, she began working for NASA as a mathematical/data analyst.

Her talent and drive eventually moved her up the ranks of the space agency. In the 1970s, she managed the development of image processing for Landsat, the first satellite launched to monitor and study the Earth’s land masses. In 1980, she received a patent for 3D image technology that she invented: an “illusion transmitter,” which is still used in NASA satellites and is being adapted for broader use, such as in surgery and in video and television screens.

Dr. Thomas advanced space science in many other ways as well. Among her other achievements, she helped develop computer programs to enhance research on Halley’s Comet and the ozone layer and to aid conversion of satellite data into information usable by scientists.

Dr. Thomas earned a master’s degree in engineering administration at George Washington University in 1985 and held NASA leadership posts throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, among them Computer Facility Manager for the National Space Science Data Center, Project Manager of the Space Physics Analysis Network and Associate Chief of the Space Science Data Operations Office. However, she believes her most impactful legacy has come from her work as a mentor, motivator and leader of current and aspiring Black scientists and technologists. Among her efforts in those areas, she has served as President of the National Technical Association; as head of Science Mathematics Aerospace Research and Technology, Inc. (S.M.A.R.T.); as President of the Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia Chapter of the aerospace and aviation education group Shades of Blue; and as a substitute teacher and guest speaker in K–12 schools.

Dr. Thomas earned her doctorate in Educational Leadership at the University of Delaware in 2004. She has received multiple honors for her work, among them the Goddard Space Flight Center Award of Merit and the NASA Equal Opportunity Medal.


Order ofExercises UndergraduateCeremony

Dr. David K. Wilson

President of the University, Presiding


“Pomp and Circumstance” ...................................................................................................... Sir Edward Elgar

The Morgan State University Band Dr. Jorim E. Reid, Sr., Conductor

The audience is requested to stand as the academic procession moves into the arena and to remain standing until after the singing of “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing.”

WELCOME ............................................................................................................................

INVOCATION ......................................................................................................................

Dr. David K. Wilson, President

Minister Clarence A. Wayman, Methodist Chaplain, University Memorial Chapel HYMN

“Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing” ................................................. James Weldon Johnson and J. Rosamond Johnson

Led by London Blackwood, Tenor

Dr. Eric Conway, Conductor

GREETINGS ........................................................................................................................

The Honorable Kweisi Mfume, Chair, University Board of Regents

INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER ........................................................................................

Dr. David K. Wilson, President

COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS ...................................................................................................

Sir Samuel Esson Jonah, Chancellor of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, and Executive Chairman of Jonah Capital

CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES .......................................................

The Honorable Kweisi Mfume, Chair, University Board of Regents

Dr. David K. Wilson, President

Citation Read by Ms. Sheri Booker, Professor, School of Global Journalism and Communication

Sir Samuel Esson Jonah, Doctor of Engineering

Dr. Valerie LaVerne Thomas (Morgan State University Class of 1964), Doctor of Science


Dr. Hongtao Yu, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Cum Laude


Dr. David K. Wilson, President

Dr. Hongtao Yu, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

President’s Second Mile Award

President’s Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement


Lt. Col. Nadia Moss, Chair, Department of Military Science


PRESENTING OF UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES IN COURSE....................................................... Dr. Hongtao Yu, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

CONFERRING OF DEGREES IN COURSE ..................................................................... Dr. David K. Wilson, President


JAMES H. GILLIAM, JR., COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS ........................................................



SCHOOL OF COMMUNITY HEALTH AND POLICY ..............................................................


Candidates presented by Dr. Nicole M. Westrick, Dean

Candidates presented by Dr. M’bare N’gom, Dean

Candidates presented by Dr. Abimbola Asojo, Dean

Candidates presented by Dr. Ali Emdad, Interim Dean

Candidates presented by Dr. Kim Dobson Sydnor, Dean

Candidates presented by Dr. Paul B. Tchounwou, Dean

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND URBAN STUDIES ..............................................................

Candidates presented by Dr. Glenda Prime, Dean

CLARENCE M. MITCHELL, JR., SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING ............................................

Candidates presented by Dr. Oscar Barton, Jr., Dean

SCHOOL OF GLOBAL JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATION .......................................


Candidates presented by Prof. Jacqueline Jones, Dean

Candidates presented by Dr. Anna McPhatter, Dean

AWARDING OF DIPLOMAS ............................................................................................... By College/Schools (as above)

Candidates’ Names Read by Ms. Sheri Booker, Lecturer, School of Global Journalism and Communication, and Ms. Traci D. Williams, Graduate Teaching Assistant, James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts

SALUTE TO THE GRADUATES ...................................................................................................... Crai-Symone Watson, President of the Senior Class

INDUCTION INTO THE MSU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION............................................ Lt. Col. (Ret.) Michael L. Bell, President, MSU Alumni Association

THE ALMA MATER .......................................................................................................................... Quamir Payton, Tenor

BENEDICTION ....................................................................................................................

Minister Clarence A. Wayman, Methodist Chaplain, University Memorial Chapel

RECESSIONAL “Pomp and Circumstance” ..................................................................................................... Sir Edward Elgar

The Morgan State University Band Dr. Jorim E. Reid, Sr., Conductor


Candidatesfor Degrees

Bachelor ’ s Degrees


B.S., Interdisciplinary Educational Studies

Debborah M. Burnett

Michelle Latimore

DaQuan Marquez Patterson

Akilah Thomas

B.S., Interdisciplinary Engineering, Information and Computational Sciences

Dominique Anderson

Leroy Miller, Jr.

B.S., Interdisciplinary Health and Human Sciences

Ayanna Abena Brown-Caesar

Laurrae Patria Fogo

TyKesha S. Hayes

Shuntina Hearn-Ehirim

Demari Kline

Shantel Little

Janice Weatherspoon

B.S., Interdisciplinary Organizational Administration

Kandyce Alford

B.S., Interdisciplinary Sciences

Jabari Lyles

B.S., Interdisciplinary Studies in Societal Equity and Urbanism

Madonna Ebony Gamble

Maya Pleas Guy

Deanna Neal

The James H . Gilliam, Jr., College ofLiberalArts

B.S., Applied Liberal Studies

Adelaide Adelson

Summer B. Adkins

Powerful Rasheem Aguilar

Rasir R. Ahmed

Medina A. Ali

Reneé D. Allen Henry

Reginald Tremayne Barnes, Jr.

Andre S. Benson

Sadeeya Kyla Bentham

Tiara L. Berry

Aliyah Marie Bonds

Shemiah Brittany Branch

Darius Isaiah Broach I

Eric Orlando Brooks, Jr.

Dazsha K. Brown

Darryl Wayne Bryant, Jr.

Kaleb Dwain-Lawrence Coleman

Denia Gabriella Colon

TaTyanna Comfort

Kaela Dothard

Iris Ellerbe

Ibinabo Ellis-Dokubo

Michaela Joi Ferrell

Tyasha Ford

Yahnae T. Greene

Surafel Bedilu Hailu

Keyra Hall

Leesha Marie Hardy-Henderson

Ryan L. Harvard

Kaneshia Holmes

Tyler N. Holmes

Tamia Lynaé Jackson

Stephen Incoom James

Christopher Jamel Lampkin

Matthew Lowe

Linaysha L. Marshall-Eden

Malik Trevon Miller


Lesley Milton

Sean H. Morris

Kevina R. Morris Day

Anjanae Mueck

Eric Evan Oberlechner

Oseghale O. Okojie

Arianna Jacqueline Osborne

Sedayjha Payne

Angella Sofia Ramos

Jasmine Reneé Rowley

Mojolaoluwa Matilda Sanusi

Amir Hakim Scott

Monica Spann

Tracy Michelle Thompson

Jordan Toles

Alicia J. Wallace

Jasmine Sade Ward

Lenae Paige Wharton

Salena Lashá Wheatley

Kevon Wiggins

Marlo Wilson

B.S., Economics

Ehizojie O. Alli

B.A., English

Cepeda Yesenia Cole

Autumn S. Wilson

B.A., Fine Art

Abubakari Malik Jabari-Kitwala

Rachel Temiloluwa Osunjimi

Danaya Sakinah Thomas

Jasmine K. Thomas

B.A., History

Kaela Iman Buchanan

Darrell K. Davis, Jr.

Tyler A. Dixon

Yasmine Dorothy Guy

Camille James

Kevin Niles Robeson, Jr.

B.A., Music

Gerardo A. Granados

Maurice Rashaad Harrington

Anthony J. Kinney

Tylar Montgomery

Quamir Payton


Political Science

Alexis M. Fletcher

Eric Thomas Gilbert

Tyrane Amil Graham

Zyunquais Kimora Johnson

Ashley N. Macharia

Cynthia Faith Olds

Hosea Josiah Robinson

Danielle Felicia Sheppard

Sasha F. Thompson

Jahmaka West

B.S., Psychology

Segun Adewara

Lolade Teslimot Ajose

Nyah S. Anthony

Jada Arline Marie Avery

Nazaiah Akil Barber

Kennedy Lynne Bates

Jade Elnora Berryman

J-Ajanaé L. Bey I

London C. Blackwood

Bethel Victoria Brannon

Essence Nicole Braswell

Zora Brown

Alycia Burnham

Starr Aleecia Cooper

Vera C. Cruz

Daynah Chanté Desir

Amiya Nala Dorsey

Tatyanna Markita Ellis

Emily Eternity Evans

Isaiah Zion Fahie

Rubina Giri

Ashley Glenn

Latasha J. Hammonds

Kory D. Hayes

Carla Charisse Holt

Sianni James

Christopher Mark Jones

Jasmine Jahnae Jones-Howard

Imani Yvette Lewis

Dylan Healey Manning

Janelle E. Martin

Kailynne C Mccorvey

Janae Nicole McDowell

Jayla Kiyani Morrison-Newsome

Stefania Stefania Moysiadi

Nadine N. Musong

Destiny Iheoma Nzenwa

Meghan Gyasi Ofori

Onyinye Chinagolum Okeke

Jessica A. Ononaku

McKayla Penn

Mathew Christian Pratt

Brooke A. Riddick

Mehki James Riley

Charle C. Robinson

Imani Scott

Makayla Karin Scott

Regina Naomi Shepherd

Kayla Alexis Shipley-Willis

Jasmyne Ashante Singleton

Marvin Joshua Spinner II

Kailynn A. Stallings

Endia Vonise Stinnette I

Saygee C. Suku

Aliyah J. Terrell

Anique A. Thomas

Jha'la Raeona Tucker

Desiree N. Veney

Maxine D. Wise

Khadeejah Woods

Ayona Diane Young

B.A., Screenwriting and Animation

Jahid J. Carr

Christopher E. O’Neal

Amber G. Ross

B.F.A., Screenwriting and Animation

Chazz Rashard Akles

Malcolm Jordan Andrews

Daniel Adedokun Ariyibi

Paige Alexi Blackwell

Dajsia Chanel Carty

Russell Josef Cash

Reina K. Finch

Lauren Elizabeth Jennings

Jeffrey Knox, Jr.

Quasim Deshawn Marshall

Julius Osioh Sesay

B.A., Sociology

Alonzo Jameel Artis

Jasiah Barnes

Coree D. Bellamy

Keon M. Blake

Brea A. Bryson

Kayla S. Clark

Vonetta A. Daniels

Courtney A. Hamlett


Olabode A. Jegede

Donshay T. Johnson

Jazmin Brelle Lovett

Kierra McClellan

Danielle Mckeithan

B.A., Theater Arts

Amy Christine Roberts

Kaiya Alexis Milburn

Jenneh Sando Moore

Jennifer Nakato Mugerwa

Ayanna Nelson Cameron

Brianna Chantel Richardson I

Jahwill Taylor

Evana Upshaw

Summer-Raven Nicole Williams

Iyanna Nicole Wright


B.S., Architecture and Environmental Design

Jordan Tyler Allen

Chandler E. Bell

Madison Tyler Bolyea

Devion Marquelle Bryant

Evan Charles Cage

Mikaela Justine Terado Carandang

Joseph Isaac Ibanga

Christina Nicole Krastel

Darren Marshalleck

Joy McFadden

Britany R. Metzler

Olufemi P. Obe

Tiffany Oduro

Raimi Lorenz Philips

Joel Julian Randolph

Van Thang

Cheyenne Washington

Lilleana Watson

Inari N. Wilson-Idris

B.S., Construction Management

Kingsley M. Achu

Morgan Agnew

Kamal Rashad Al-Mateen

Ante Chinazaekpere Essang

David Johnson

Willie Jones, Jr.

Mateen Ademide Kareem

Timothy Immanuel Lawrence

Maximiliano Mejia Herrera

Jonathan W. Pinchinat

Mekayle J. Powell

Imani Singleton I

Kameron Jarod Webster

Joshua E. Wilson

B.S., Interior Design

Sandra Abrahams

Destiny D Butler

Ismelda Sarai Mariona-Parada

Jovanni Trevon Portillo-Holsey

B.S., Accounting

Latavia Debra Bails

Cianni Q. Bradford-Mack

Nicholas Christian

Jaymon Shawn Franklin

Daymond Terray Hamler, Jr.

Ryan L. Hemphill

Jordan M. Johnson

Bryana I. Jones

Shiru E. Kimani

Kayla A. McDonald

Amirah Shamiyah Rascoe

Wayne Tyrone Sewell III

Jordan E. Smith

Kiara Charlise Smith

Xavier Matthew Taylor

B.S., Business Administration

Ehidiame A. Akojie

Samuel R Alborta

Munif A. Alsabhan, Sr.

Ishana Savella Asinor

Gloria A. Awojobi

Ayanna Betters

Makila J. Billingsley

Janiya Rae Boone

Kierstyn Bailee Clahar

Kimberly A. Crawford

Myah Rhyana DeRoche

Nia Nicole Donaldson

Steve Bryan Fankem Lemanga

Kayani S. Fray

Russell Gantt, Jr.

Kino Glover

Colby Simone Gray

Brian Jamanji Hawkins

Jaidon Caire Hayes

Dominique Alease Higginbotham

Taylor Aleece Jackson

Miniya Ashar Evans Jefferson

Kayla C. Jones

Jazmyne Kelly

Amani Jahnece Kibby-Young

Aminata Jenny Kone

Babacar Mbodj

Tamia Shonté McEachin

Glory Misomali

Kareena E. Nicholson

Hillary F. Nkrumah

Sabrina A. Ozimba

Jourdan Brianna Page

Kimberly Renee Parker

Myles Nasir Pollard

Emily Ann Raubuch

Erin Simone Raysor

Derick Chevon Robinson


Mitchell Robert Shelton

Yasmeen Mahasin Tavares

Jada Arnelle Thomas

India Zhane Thompson

Morgan N. Thompson

Tamea A. Thrift

Kayonna Nydera Tinsley

Roderick James Walker II

Jannenae Michelle Warmack

Annaya Williams

Aubri Oseanae Williams

Autumn D. Williams

Saniah Williams

Alexandra M. Willis

B.S., Entrepreneurship

Peja J. Bell

Morgan A. Briscoe

Myshe Jean Callaham

Daniel Clark, Jr.

Zoe Myka Cole

Jaeden Antoine Davis

Brian A. Hebou

Jalen Hill

Aubrey Paul Smothers

B.S., Finance

Evan C. Benberry

Montez Maurice Berry

Noah Bowen

Willie C. Cole

Kendall E. Medlin

Shatuanda Alicia Moore

Jade Nicole Nieves-Calderon

Wanjiru Njenga

Sh'ton Olivia Pickering

Sekai Ausar Poles

Storm T. Reaves

Kaia A. Watts

B.S., Health Education

Hellen Abimbola Adekalu

Destiny Chambers

Gabrielle Constance Flynn

Jada R. Jones

Mamawa Jenneh Kposowa

Kendra M. Lawrence

Damon Lamont Mitchell

B.S., Hospitality Management

Nia Bishop

Anyia Aleiba Clement-Dick

Jayda P. Helmick

Mackai Isaiah Hill

Ky'Anah A. Lake

Dante Evan Taylor II

Victoria Angella Taylor

B.S., Information Systems

Edward Agyabeng-Dadzie, Jr.

Hanif Aina

Adebola Ajibade

Adetola Zainab Bamgbose

Iyanna E.I. Brown

Melina Domenech

Reon Harriott

Cameron-Davis F. Hill I

Javate A. Joseph

Jacob Alexander Kelley

Chukwuemeka Christian Martins

Nyah N. McDaniel

Zoe E. Moses

Emma I. Ologohe

Phillip A. Taylor

Rabiat Morenike Yusuf

B.S., Management

Nailah Bishop

Takiyah Danaé Blalock

Alaa Abdullah Bokhari

Ahnad T. Bowens-Garrison

Malaika Damon

Tia Lynne Jackson

Stephen Eric Peeler

Morgan Tiana Sephes

Tearra Thornton

B.S., Marketing

Adeyemi Micheal Adeduro I

Jaden Isaiah Chambers

Allen Joseph Dixon I

Mario DeJuan Hall II

Chiderah Ayana Harley

Antoine Harris

Anaya Hunte

Kobe Aaron Lee Logan

Kyah Symone Marshall

Nadira Amina Martin

Ralph O’Donald Martin II

Jala McDaniel

Boluwatiwi Zoe Odutola

Myia Peterman

Taj Antonio Pittman

Ivy Elon Rudisill

Elijah A. Williams

B.S., Services and Supply Chain Management

Emani A. Byrd

Kareema R. Pearson


Christine F. Njinkeng

Zahniah Marie Parker

Keiona C. Pittman

Jah'ki Robinson

Sydney Nicole Sharp

Rayonea D. Smith

Tylia Springer

Tawhyah Yisrael-Holmes

B.S., Nursing

Adedayo Jemilat Aderinsola Adesoye

Omorinsola I. Agbebakun

Whitney N. Bacon

Aja Billingsley

Alanna Renee Brandt

Rabia Chaudhry

Tremaine Abagale Cox


Brooke Janae Foyles

Fayzal Ganiyu-Adewumi

Kennedy Henson

Shalanyuy Ayeh Kuhvesege

Niala Ezra Kutcherman

Kyla Vaniece Patterson

Machelle Lyn Powers

Janay K. Worley

Deja M. Yarborough

B.S., Nutritional Sciences

Bianca Nickela Anderson

Amelia Buchanan

Latavia S. Cave

Ivana G. Dyett

Stacey Brianna Herring

Brea Nicole Jones

Destinee A. Mickens

Kailah A. Sherrod

Kayla Zellous


B.S., Actuarial Science

Taylor Danae Ellis

Tarique Khaleeh Gooden

Sierra N. LeBue I

Kaylah Starks

Aniya N. Wilson

B.S., Biology

Mojisoluwa S. Awolowo

Fatoumata Binta Bah

Autumn Milan Boyd

Erin Kennedi Bynum

Macemia H. Chambers II

Ne’Ari Curry

Precious A. Durojaiye

Markahya B. Evans

Danielle Ferguson

Monisha Tiarra Gray-Agent

Alexis Green

Iyana Gross

Brandon Hatley I

Kanijaa Zahiyaa Hickson

Tashai Houston-Smith

Takaiya Humes

Tyra M. Jackson

Justyus Jackson-Allen

Paul L. Jones

Kyndall Reign Lennon

Jalen A. Mack

Oceane Kircha Nana

Jorae K. Phillips

Tyrus Crews Pincham

Dinisha La Chare Preddie

Anaya Niché Robbs

Alyssa Miranda Sampson

Sophia M. Selenou-Yemgang

Midori Kyna Smith

Zya Spruell

Taylor A. Thomas

Erykah Danielle Tolbert

Nasya A. Turner

Anaya Deshawna Van Heyningen

Jordin Sydney Walters

Amirah Weems

Ajenee Allya-Samantha Williams

B.S., Chemistry

James Donte Evans

Indira Jackson

Amaya Renee Kelly

Amya Simone Nance

Kennedi C. Sullivan

B.S., Cloud Computing

Mohammed Abdul Muqeet Siddiqui

Adedayo Adebuoye Titiloye

B.S., Computer Science

Noorula Abdul

Nyla Jade Alston

Oluwakanyinsola T. Awolowo

Nasir Barnes

Perry Morrell Bennett

Nigel Xavier Bouknight

DeAndre Charity

Yahmirah A. Cherry

Marcus B. Cusaac

Oluwadara Dina

Deborah N. Ezekiel

Joshua Lemuel Neal Hamlett

Adrian Eshawn Holley I

Vincent D. Ingram

Chibuike Frederick Iwuchukwu

Monteray Melva Jackson

Bocar Jallow, Jr.

Tyrese Knight

Ra'Mel A. Manley, Jr.

Mariah Gabrielle McMichael

Shaimeira B. Meekins

Gloria Mugure

Mekeih J. Nelson

Kyle Brian Nkafu

Teqwon D. Norman

Oluwadamilola Adetola Ogunjimi

Richard Pianim

Savannah Chanel Sales

Telly S. Smith, Jr.

Ja’Maeca Stanton

Olamilekan Olaoluwa Sulaiman

Kye L. Toussaint

Theodore Donald Wimberly, Jr.

B.S., Engineering Physics

Paul M. Kigaya

Mia Tamara Merritt

Mya Merritt

Tomas Sujeta

Don-Terry Veal, Jr.

B.S., Mathematics

Kaelah Yazmin Bryant

B.S., Medical Laboratory Science

Temidara Badmus

Kacey Regena Brown

Kelly Allyson Del Rosario Gaetos

Eddllyn Nathaly Mactavious

B.S., Medical Technology

Teresia Mwaniki



B.S., Elementary Education

Eneesa Nicole Abdullah-Hudson

Nyasia S. Arrington

Oluwatosin Giwa Bankole

Tania Bethea

Stephon Boulware

Kenya T. Brown

Anaiya C. Carter

Michaela Nicole Dickerson

Julia M. Francis

Amaya Tonay Freeman

Khandi R. Harrison

Jaide Destini Holland

Nyree F. Jackson

Kamyah M. Jefferson

Diamond Deanna Jones

Jadin C. Jones

Nimota Kazeem

Taylor I. Merriweather

Asha Lena Minott

Jaineen T. Nelson

Adrian Hubert Phillips, Jr.

Jaylin Xavier Pringle

Airis Sireel Robbs

Victoria D. Spence

Raizel Ahlise Stebbins

Brittney Strickland

Nia Denise Taliaferro

Jamaun J. Tatum

Iyanna J. Taylor

Jasmine Octavia Wall

Charisse Rolanda Whittington

B.S., Family and Consumer Sciences

Laaiqah Abrams

Layla Nicole Banks

Jennifer Carter

Raeann Kaychelle Ellison

Khyri Rashad Gambrill

Joi Monique Elise Jones

Venetia Teresa Love

Llewellyn Donald Means III

Maryum Khadejah Shadeed

Tamia Shaneé Williams

B.S., Physical Education

Kyree Jamal Bryant


B.S., Civil Engineering

Abdullah A. Alajmi

Hope F. Atkins

Diarrah Ballo

Hana Desta

Femi I. Epps

Christopher Lee Gray

Erick Bladimir Hernandez-Centeno

Ryan Patrick Hilditch

Justin Holland

Sherwin M. Johnson, Jr.

Kevin Louine

Mario Alejandro Merlo Anduray

Harmony C. Obasi

Victoria Nkechiereym Owolabi

Niesha L. Walls

Queron Watkins

Mohammed Omar Zarir

B.S., Electrical Engineering

Ehizojie O. Alli

Dominik Robert Allison

Bassel Alotaibi

Khalil E. Bethea

Skye A. Breese

Mark A. Burnham

Kayla Carroll

Branden Devante Castle

Jeremiah B. Conway

Baraka Karim Derua

Godwin Chierika Eke

Tyrome A. Fowlkes II

Kourtney Elizabeth Garrett

Otokini N. George

Sterling C.J. Holliday

Perry Jordan

Emmanuel Michael Lewis

Favour U. Okonkwo

Stride C. Okorie

Oluwatobi J. Owolabi

Brooke Price

Darnell Kadeem Richards

Jasmine Lamia Richardson

Jaden I. Robinson

Myles D. Sanders

Hunter M. Saylor

Leon Christopher Scott

Saliah A. Sirleaf II

Jaaron André Walls

Cedric Zoguing Kuete

B.S., Industrial Engineering

Isaiah K. Dornelus

David Michael Freeman

Oghenetega Judith Omoniyodo

Renford V. Richards, Jr.

Isaiah William Sergeant I

Timothy R. Smith

Alvin Conrod Tucker

Camryn Turner

Duane Nickolas Vaughn

B.S., Transportation Systems


Jordan Cleveland Shawn Hendry



B.S., Multi-Platform Production

Andrew Adeniyi Adeolu

Ayanna Gabriele Francis

Brittany Gardner

Brooke Amanda Gibson

Samuel N. Kane

Kayla Ann McKinnon

Temia A. Smith

Trevor G. Strigler, Jr.

Chase Logan Swoope

Gabrielle N. Timpson

Edoghogho Ugiagbe

Teyana L. Watson

Dwight N. Williams, Jr.

B.S., Multimedia Journalism

Zoputa C. Difini

Layla Mya Eason

Langston Noah Fraley

Imani Cymone Jackson

Victoria N. Jenkins

Jaleyah Desireé Morton

Keith Parker

Michael John Pope I

Kayla Meli Ray

Jah’I M. Selassie

B.S., Strategic Communication

Justice T. Georgie, Jr.

Yasmine Jaye Jenkins

Ashton K. Phinney

Amaya B. Verley

B.S., Social Work

Dennise Michelle Alvarez

Michaiah Jeremiah Austin

Ifelola Zainab Bakare

James A. Cozart II

Lakisha Tamara Davis

Rhea S. Davis

Osazia Aaliyah Garwood

Jalen Fred Hansley


Makaela Nafia James

Nakyra A. Johnson

Desiree Lane

Taiwo Lawson

Brittany Miller

Treasure Jewel Nesbitt

Kadidjatou Niare

Chukwuemeka Wisdom Nwanegwo

Cordelia O. Otono

Mylezha Shebri Robertson

Jazmyn N. Royal

Khalia Scott

Rachel Z. Sims

Anesha Stelly

Alayla M. Watson

Crai-Symone Watson

Micah Grant Way

Nyala Ali West

Kianna Nevaeh Monique Wills

Diamyn Michelle Wilson


Latin Honors Graduates

These students will be recognized at Commencement. Summa Cum Laude graduates will wear the gold Honors Stole. Magna Cum Laude graduates will wear the silver Honors Stole. Cum Laude graduates will wear the bronze Honors Stole

Clara I . Adams Honors College Graduates

These students will wear the blue Clara I. Adams Honors College Stole.


The following students were commissioned into the United States Army as 2nd Lieutenants:

Name Branch

Kierstyn Clahar ................................................................................. National Guard, Ordinance

Hana Desta ........................................................................................ National Guard, Signal Corps

Melina Domenech ............................................................................ Active Duty, Military Police

Kory Hayes Active Duty, Armor

Stephen James National Guard, Infantry

Shayanyuy Kuhvesege ....................................................................... Active Duty, Nurse

Kevina Morris-Day ............................................................................ National Guard, AG

Kyla Patterson ................................................................................... Active Duty, Nurse

Jamaeca Stanton ................................................................................ National Guard, Military Intelligence

Victoria Taylor U S Army Reserves, Transportation


Ms. Sheri Booker Lecturer, School of Global Journalism and Communication

Ms. Traci D. Williams ....................................................................... Graduate Teaching Assistant, James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts

Degree Candidate Readers

Ms. Sheri Booker Lecturer, School of Global Journalism and Communication

Ms. Traci D. Williams ....................................................................... Graduate Teaching Assistant, James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts



The President’s Second Mile Award was established in 1953 by Dr. Martin D. Jenkins, President of what was then Morgan State College, and the tradition has been continued to encourage and give recognition to outstanding leadership and participation in student affairs. It is intended that this award will go to that member of the graduating class who has made the most outstanding contribution to the campus community during his or her undergraduate days.

“Going the Second Mile” means doing more in any given task or activity than can reasonably be expected. It is hoped that "Going the Second Mile" will be characteristic of every Morgan State University student and graduate and that it will become one of the firmly established traditions of the university community. The winner of the Second Mile Award is selected by a committee consisting of the president of the Junior Class and Junior Class representatives in the Student Government. Organizations and individuals are invited to submit nominations for the award. Nominations are supported by a description of the individual’s achievement.

For the full list of past awardees, please visit the following web page: https://commencement.morgan.edu/awards.

ThePresident’sAwardfor ExceptionalCreativeAchievement

The President’s Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement was established in 1953 by Dr. Martin D. Jenkins, President of what was then Morgan State College, and the tradition has been continued to encourage and give recognition to the expression of worthwhile original ideas among the students of the university. It is intended that this award will go to that member of the graduating class who has made an exceptional contribution of a creative nature.

One of the most important functions of an institution of higher education is to stimulate the development of original ideas. Although major contributions are hardly to be expected, certainly the techniques of creative thought and the habit of expressing original ideas should be developed during the undergraduate days. The budding techniques and habits so developed, it is hoped, will come to fruition in post-university years.

The Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement may go to a student who makes a creative contribution in any field or area. The winner of the President’s Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement is selected by a faculty committee. Departments and individual faculty members are invited to submit nominations for the award through the appropriate department chairperson. Nominations are supported by adequate description of the nominee’s achievement.

For the full list of past awardees, please visit the following web page: https://commencement.morgan.edu/awards



Morgan State University joins the nation in observing the 60th anniversary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. This act was born of the courageous activism of countless Americans, including Morgan students, faculty, staff and alumni who were determined to create a better nation.

On June 6, 1963, President John F. Kennedy addressed the nation by television and declared that America must take intentional action to guarantee equal treatment of every American citizen regardless of race. Shortly thereafter, the President proposed that Congress consider civil rights legislation that would address voting rights, public accommodations, school desegregation, nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs and more.

After President Kennedy was assassinated in November 1963, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., pushed for President Lyndon B. Johnson to continue championing the cause of his predecessor. Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., the namesake of Morgan’s School of Engineering, was the NAACP’s chief lobbyist and is credited with leading the successful campaign that secured passage of the legislation. President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law after it was passed by Congress on July 2, 1964.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the nation’s foremost civil rights legislation. The Act outlawed discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin; required equal access to public places and employment; and enforced desegregation of schools and the right to vote. It was the most sweeping civil rights legislation since the Reconstruction era. It did not end discrimination but established a precedent for further progress.

As we celebrate the achievement of our 2024 graduates, we pause to remember the dedication, commitment and sacrifices of our Morgan predecessors, who fought for us to achieve full citizenship. We rededicate ourselves to keeping their dreams alive and continuing their struggle, which now rightfully belongs to us.






In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Morgan State’s graduating Class of 1974, the speech delivered by Mr. Floyd E. Taliaferro III, Class President, at the May 19, 1974, Commencement Exercises before an assembly of graduates, faculty and administrators is shown below .

44 INDEX Academic Degrees ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Academic Regalia ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Alma Mater 3 Alumni Oath of Allegiance 3 Anthem .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Board of Regents ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Chief Administrative Officers 4 Chief Faculty Marshals of the University 5 Dr. Iva G. Jones Medallion Emblem ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 Dr. Sandye Jean McIntyre II International Award ................................................................................................................................... 6 Graduate Commencement Exercises, Spring 2024 9 Candidates for Degrees, College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Health and Human Sciences ....................................................................................... 17 Master of Science in Inrerdisciplinary Organizational Policy, Governance and Administration ........................................... 17 Candidates for Degrees, James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts Doctor of Philosophy in English 12 Doctor of Philosophy in Psychometrics.................................................................................................................................... 12 Master of Arts in African American Studies ............................................................................................................................ 17 Master of Arts in English .......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Master of Arts in International Studies 17 Master of Arts in Museum Studies and Historical Preservation .............................................................................................. 17 Master of Arts in Music ............................................................................................................................................................ 17 Master of Science in Psychometrics .......................................................................................................................................... 18 Master of Science in Sociology 18 Candidates for Degrees, School of Architecture and Planning Master of Architecture .............................................................................................................................................................. 18 Master of City and Regional Planning ..................................................................................................................................... 18 Master of Construction Management 18 Master of Landscape Architecture ............................................................................................................................................ 18 Candidates for Degrees, Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration .................................................................................................................. 13 Master of Business Administration 18 Master of Science in Accounting 19 Master of Science in Hospitality Management ......................................................................................................................... 19
45 Master of Science in Project Management ............................................................................................................................... 19 Candidates for Degrees, School of Community Health and Policy Doctor of Public Health............................................................................................................................................................ 13 Master of Public Health ............................................................................................................................................................ 19 Candidates for Degrees, School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences Doctor of Philosophy in Bioenvironmental Sciences 14 Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics ...................................................................................................................................... 14 Master of Science in Advanced Computing ............................................................................................................................. 19 Master of Science in Bioinformatics ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Master of Science in Integrated Sciences 20 Master of Science in Mathematics 20 Candidates for Degrees, School of Education and Urban Studies Doctor of Education in Community College Leadership ........................................................................................................ 14 Doctor of Education in Mathematics Education 15 Doctor of Education in Urban Educational Leadership 15 Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education ............................................................................................................................. 15 Master of Arts in Higher Education ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Master of Arts in Teaching 20 Master of Science in Educational Administration and Supervision 21 Master of Science in Mathematics Education .......................................................................................................................... 21 Candidates for Degrees, Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering Doctor of Engineering 15 Doctor of Philosophy in Computer and Electrical Systems Engineering 16 Doctor of Philosophy in Transportation .................................................................................................................................. 16 Master of Engineering ............................................................................................................................................................... 21 Master of Science in Electrical Engineering ............................................................................................................................. 21 Master of Science in Secure Embedded Systems 21 Master of Science in Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure ................................................................................................ 21 Master of Science in Urban Transportation ............................................................................................................................ 21 Candidates for Degrees, School of Global Journalism and Communication Master of Science in Global Multimedia Journalism and Communication 21 Candidates for Degrees, School of Social Work Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Master of Social Work .............................................................................................................................................................. 22 Order of Exercises 11
46 Order of Procession ........................................................................................................................................................................ 10 Historic Anniversaries 41 Index ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 44 Morgan State University Mace ................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Officers of the University ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Presidential Chain of Office 5 Student Government Association Officers .............................................................................................................................................. 4 To Our Guests .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Undergraduate Commencement Exercises, Spring 2024 ..................................................................................................................... 25 Announcer 39 Candidates for the Bachelor’s Degree 32 The College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies ....................................................................................................... 32 The James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts ................................................................................................................... 32 School of Architecture and Planning 34 Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management 34 School of Community Health and Policy ............................................................................................................................... 35 School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences ..................................................................................................... 36 School of Education and Urban Studies 37 Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering 37 The School of Global Journalism and Communication .......................................................................................................... 38 School of Social Work ............................................................................................................................................................. 38 Clara I. Adams Honors College Graduates 39 Commencement Speaker 28 Degree Candidate Readers ............................................................................................................................................................. 39 Honorary Degree Recipients .......................................................................................................................................................... 28 Latin Honors Graduates ................................................................................................................................................................ 39 Order of Exercises 30 Order of Procession ........................................................................................................................................................................ 26 President’s Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement ........................................................................................................... 40 President’s Second Mile Award ..................................................................................................................................................... 40 Reserve Officers' Training Corps Commissions 39
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