Alumni News Fall 2014 Issue

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ALUMNI•NEWS FALL 2014 Contents Director’s Message ........1 Homecoming 2014 ........1 Chapter and Class News 1

In the News....................2 2014 Life Members........4 Alumni on the Move......5

Necrology.......................6 Football Schedule ..........6 Alumni Calendar............7

Director’s Message

Greetings, Alumni.

Homecoming 2014 will soon be here, and we hope it’s on your radar! How exciting! There is always something happening at our alma mater. The Soper Library has been razed, and the new Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management is in its final stages of construction. Our campus is ever-growing, and its beauty is still beheld. I encourage you to join the Morgan State University National Alumni Association at our Annual Homecoming Business Meeting on Friday, Oct. 17, 2014 at 12 noon, in the University Student Center Theater. Please take time to come out to hear our President bring the alumni up-todate on short-term and long-term plans for the University. We look forward to cheering on our football team and encouraging our new head football coach, Lee Hull, in his efforts to bring home a big win, as the Morgan Bears take on the North Carolina Central Eagles. It’s a new season for the Morgan family. Plan to be a part of it. We are working with some of our Class Agents, as well as some of our sororities and fraternities, in orchestrating special reunion activities. The Gala Committee has been meeting for months to plan another funfilled event; dare not forget “Morgan Memories,” after the game; and the tents have already been secured for tailgating. Whether you choose these activities or the many others scheduled, there is no other event like an MSU Homecoming. After a great weekend of partying and fellowshipping, and before you leave for your various destinations, please attend our Memorial Service on Sunday, Oct. 19, 2014, as we light a candle in memory of our deceased alumni, faculty, staff and students. It is indeed a touching tribute, one that you certainly do not want to miss. As you hear the names of the deceased being read, I guarantee you will recall someone you knew personally, have heard of or came in contact with. Your presence will be an inspiration to bereaved family members and friends. We look forward to seeing you! Homecoming 2014 won’t be the same without you!!



ith a new head coach, a new offense and a new plan to return the program to greatness, change is the key word for Morgan Bears football this year, says Floyd Kerr, Director of Intercollegiate Athletics at MSU. Head coach Lee Hull joined Morgan this past January after six seasons as a wide receivers coach at the University of Maryland, College Park. “Coach Hull likes an action offense, a spread type of offense,” Kerr reports. “He’s hired a seasoned, veteran coaching staff that has diverse experiences. And he has the ability to teach the game of football and teach emerging adults to become full adults. I think we’ve selected a coach who’s going to lead us to that ‘Return to Greatness’ that we talk about so often.” The Return to Greatness initiative was launched by MSU President David Wilson in June 2013, to revitalize the football program and have the University attract more academically talented students. Good students, statistics show, tend to be attracted to schools with winning programs in major sports.

“As part of this Return to Greatness, we’re going to better support the academic lives of our studentathletes, particularly in our football program,” Kerr says. “We’re seeing a noticeable difference in class with our football players already.” Kerr reports that an MSU athletic booster club is being established: another Return to Greatness Steering Committee recommendation. He urges all Morgan alumni to stay alert for more information about the club and to support it after its launch, with contributions and attendance at meetings and athletic events. Morgan’s A.D. expects an exciting 2014 season, including highlights such as the home opener against Bowie State on, Sept. 13, which is the corporate day for Chesapeake Employers’ Insurance Company; the New York Urban League Classic against Howard University at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J., on Sept. 20; and, of course, the Homecoming game on Oct. 18, which promises to be a great offensive shoot-out between the revamped Bears and the North Carolina Central Eagles.

‘Spring Fling’ and ‘Memphis’ Support Columbia/Howard County Scholarships

Baltimore Area Chapter Honors MSU Senior


By the end of 2014, the Howard County Alumni Chapter will have sponsored two annual events in support of its Scholarship Program. This past April, the chapter hosted a ‘Spring Fling’ Dance Extravaganza and Silent Auction. The turnout for this event was very good. On Sunday, Nov. 5, the chapter will sponsor its annual Toby’s Dinner Theatre fundraiser, featuring the award-winning musical “Memphis.” Six deserving students received scholarships from the chapter this year. Their grants ranged from $500 to $1,500.

Delaware Chapter Hears Living History

MSU Alumni Give Back in New Jersey

Fellow members of the Delaware Chapter were among those in the audience as James H. Gilliam, Sr., ’48, kicked off the Circle of Elders Trail Blazers lecture series, presented by the Center for African American Heritage of the Delaware Historical Society. Gilliam shared his 94 years of wisdom and his insight into “the system” and how to make it work for the greater good. The lecture series is designed to bring young leaders together with the “great ones.” Gilliam’s daughter, Patrice Gilliam-Johnson, Ph.D., ’77, is one of the architects of the program.

MSU’s Choir and President Are Hosted in Detroit

Sincerely, Joyce A. Brown, ’86 and ’01 MSU Director of Alumni Relations

Are You Missing Important Alumni Information?

We encourage you to log onto our Alumni Online Community on a regular basis to receive important alumni information and updates. This is an easy way to update your profile and contact information, including your address, phone number and e-mail address. Doing so will ensure that you will continue to receive your Morgan Magazine, the Alumni News, other Morgan publications and important email messages. Sign up TODAY, and be informed! Go to, or call the Alumni Relations Office at (443) 885-3015.

During the rehearsal for MSU’s 2014 Spring Commencement in May, the Howard L. Cornish (Baltimore City) Alumni Chapter presented Brielle Tia Hendricks with the Dr. Clayton C. Stansbury Graduating Senior Academic Award. Hendricks received her Bachelor of Science degree in biology and was seeking employment as a science teacher or research assistant at a local hospital. Her long-term goal is to pursue a master’s degree in biology. Dr. Clayton C. Stansbury, ’55, enrolled 54 new members in the Howard L. Cornish chapter over a period of four months in 2013.

(left to right) Eric Conway, MSU Choir Director; Rosalind McDavid, Detroit Alumni Chapter President; Larry Moore; MSU President David Wilson; Barbara Wynder and Larry Thompson, ’96.

The Morgan State University Choir put on a stellar performance on Sunday, March 30, 2014, at Second Baptist Church in Detroit, Mich. Detroit Alumni Chapter members were very excited to have the choir perform in their city again. Metro Detroiters also had an opportunity to meet with MSU President David Wilson before the concert and hear his exciting news about the new growth and development taking place at Morgan.

The New Jersey Alumni Chapter has given to Morgan and New Jersey communities through numerous activities in 2014. The chapter donated $2,000 to the MSU Foundation to support a deserving student from New Jersey with a scholarship. In April, the group supported the MSU Legacy Track Meet by sponsoring the women’s 100-meter hurdles and, later in the month, sponsored a mile marker and volunteered as food servers for the Franklin Township Food Bank’s “Tour de Franklin” fundraiser. In May, the chapter represented Morgan at the College and Career Expo at Newark Vocational High School and enjoyed the Annual Casino Scholarship Fundraiser Bus Ride. Chapter members attended the Annual All-Class Reunion Picnic and the MSU Foundation New York Cultivation Event in June.

Philadelphia Concert Raises Funds for Students

Hundreds turned out for a concert by the MSU Choir hosted by the Philadelphia Alumni Chapter at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Spring Hill, Pa., near Philadelphia. The 45th annual event raised scholarship funds for Morgan students, including a $5,000 donation from the concert sponsor, State Farm. Electrical engineering major Jasmine Oliver and music major Danielle Muse were among the Philadelphians performing with the choir. The Rev. W. Wilson Goode, Sr., former Mayor of Philadelphia, also attended. The Rev. Goode is a Morgan graduate, Class of 1961.

ROTC Alumni Go Cruising for Morgan Cadets

The ROTC Alumni Chapter supported the MSU Bear Battalion’s Military Ball, which was held aboard the cruise ship Spirit of Baltimore on Saturday, April 19, 2014. The ball — the first ever aboard a ship for Morgan’s ROTC cadet corps — was led by Lt. Col. James Lewis, MSU Professor of Military Science, and Dysha Hodge, Cadet Battalion Commander. The keynote speaker was Col. Raymond Scott Dingle, who is an MSU graduate, Class of 1988. In addition, Continued on page 3



Good News from Undergraduate Admissions

Update Your E-mail Address

We often correspond with our alumni by way of e-mail. Make sure that we have your updated e-mail address on file, so you do not miss any important information. Please forward your e-mail address and your other contact information to, or call (443) 885-3015.

Mentor Young Innovators and Entrepreneurs

Are you an innovator or an entrepreneur? Have you started a new venture? Bought a business? Led a significant change or innovation in an existing business? If so, you may want to share your expertise with Morgan students as a mentor, a speaker, or a business plan competition judge. MSU is implementing a comprehensive student program to encourage innovation and the commercialization of ideas among students. The program is designed to address barriers to success and help eliminate longstanding disparities in entrepreneurial success and wealth creation. The program includes courses, skill-development workshops, speakers/panel discussions, student events, a campus-wide business plan competition, a student advisory board, and mentors. Mentors should be willing to spend one hour every two weeks mentoring a student orteam(in-personorviaphone/Skype). If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Dr. Mary K. Foster at mary.foster@morgan.eduor(443)3105116, or Dr. Augustus Abbey at

Celebrate Your Special Day with a Gift to Morgan

Celebrate your birthday, anniversary, graduation, holiday or any special day with a gift honoring your alma mater. Visit and click on “Give Now,” or mail your gift to: MSU Foundation, Inc., 201 Truth Hall, 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, MD 21251.

Remember Your Membership Dues

Enjoy all of the benefits of being an alumnus on an annual basis, for $30 per year: our easiest and most convenient way to contribute to the Morgan State University National Alumni Association! Membership dues cover the fiscal year July 1, 2014–June 30, 2015. If you have already submitted your dues, we thank you. If you have yet to do so, we kindly ask that you submit them as soon as possible. We look forward to your continued support!

The Alumni News is published biannually by the Office of Alumni Relations and the Office of Public Relations and Communications. Any questions or concerns about this publication can be directed to: Office of Alumni Relations Alumni House Morgan State University 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane Baltimore, MD 21251 (443) 885-3015


Morgan’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment is reporting progress on many fronts. This past March 7 and 8, the Office participated in its first European College Fair. Tavon Cooke, Vice Counsel of the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade, Serbia, represented Morgan at the event and provided information and personal attention to prospective international students. MSU Alumni New Student Recruitment Volunteers are playing a larger role and displaying their “Bear Pride.” During the Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 “Explore Morgan Day” open house programs, MSU alumni were present to provide much-needed alumni chapter scholarship information to prospective students and their parents. Explore Morgan is designed to provide students with the opportunity to experience the University by designing their own visit. Participating alumni included Art Lawson, ’74, Nellie Maskal, ’69, Jenette Wade, ’63, and Jacqueline L. Lawson, ’75, of the Washington, D.C. Alumni Chapter; Wilhelmina Frierson, ’73, of the New Castle County, Delaware Alumni Chapter; Gaynelle Fleming, ’74, of the Philadelphia Chapter; and Clarence Jeffers, ’71, Dianne Oliver, ’76, and Robert Sturtevant, ’68, of the Columbia/Howard County Alumni Chapter. At a reception to be held after the MSU National Alumni Association Homecoming Business Meeting, on Friday, Oct. 17, the Admissions Office will present its 2014 Outstanding Alumni Student Recruiter of the Year Award to Kioka Jones of the New York Metropolitan Alumni Chapter, and its 2014 Outstanding New Student Recruitment Chapter of the Year Award to the New York Metropolitan Alumni Chapter. The following chapters will receive Special Recognition Awards for “Explore Morgan Day” participation: the Washington, D.C. Alumni Chapter, the Philadelphia Alumni Chapter, the Columbia/Howard County Alumni Chapter and the New Castle County, Delaware Alumni Chapter.

James E. Lewis Museum of Art to Host Black Enterprise Exhibition

From Oct. 16 through Dec. 14, 2014, the James E. Lewis Museum of Art (JELMA) will highlight the dynamic relationship between the art of business and the business of art with a landmark exhibition titled, “Ed Towles: Black Enterprise and Art.” Black Earl G. Graves, Sr. Enterprise (BE) — a business and investment magazine for and by African Americans — was founded in 1970 by Morgan alumnus, Earl G. Graves, Sr., ’57. During this monthly magazine’s first decade, its covers were decidedly artistic. BE's cover style and the use of art to convey a business or investment issue was developed by BE Art Director Ed Towles. Moving from “the norm,” Towles collaborated with artists — painters, photographers and graphic artists — to create the magazine’s covers. The exhibition will feature a retrospective of the artwork from more than 50 Black Enterprise magazine covers and editorial pages; Towles’ own fine art prints and the art of 15 artists and photographers who contributed to BE from 1971– 1981. The exhibition’s opening reception will be free and open to the public, and will take place on Thursday, Oct. 16, 6:30–8:30 p.m. JELMA is located inside of the Murphy Fine Arts Center, at 2201 Argonne Dr., Baltimore, Md. Please visit, “LIKE” the Carl J. Murphy Fine Arts Center on Facebook, or call the museum at (443) 885-3030 for more information.

Print Sale to Benefit the James E. Lewis Museum

The James E. Lewis Museum of Art (JELMA) Foundation, Inc. proudly presents a print by Chakaia Booker. Booker gained international acclaim at the 2000 Whitney Biennial with “Its So Hard to be Green” (2000), her 12.5 x 21-foot, wall-hung tire sculpture. She has exhibited in group and solo exhibitions around in the U.S and abroad. The work commissioned for JELMA Foundation, Inc. is a multi-process print produced at the Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop in New York City. It is lithography, woodcut and 19 pieces of chine collé. The print measures 27” x 20” in an edition of 50. The pre-publication price for this print is $950. After pre-publication, the price will be $1,250. The cost to reserve your print is only $100. Please make your check payable to “JELMAF,” and mail it to: Otis Robertson, 2410 Parliament Dr., Abingdon, MD 210091523. For more information, contact Robertson at (443) 456-3255 or (410) 458-6397.

Alumnus Inspires Youth with ‘Pens of Power’

After a 14-year hiatus from college, a recently minted Morgan alumnus is taking what he learned during his break, and his rich experience with the music industry, to empower youth with his Pens of Power program. Lennie Bennett, a.k.a. Kel Spencer, ’14, is an allaround creative: writer, producer, actor, emcee and entrepreneur. As an award-winning, multi-platinum songwriter, he has worked with Will Smith, Wyclef Jean, Mary J. Blige, Nick Cannon, Teddy Riley, Rodney Kel Spencer Jenkins and others. Spencer received his Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from Morgan this past May. Pens of Power is a literary program Spencer created to help inner-city youth flex their own creative talents through writing and performance arts. The program is active in four cities, including Baltimore, and is growing, he reports. Learn more about the program at www.

You Deserve a Round of Applause!

Many thanks for your support of Morgan State University’s Fiscal Year 2014 fundraising campaign. Your investment allows us to fund scholarships for students, provide computers and research materials for the classroom, give stipends for travel and provide professional development opportunities for students and faculty. One gift, every year, in any amount from our alumni, goes a long way to strengthen Morgan’s credibility in attracting institutional dollars, experienced faculty and outstanding students. Thanks for helping Morgan continue to soar!

Fellowship, Giving Marked Alumni Day 2014

The 74th Annual Alumni Awards and Class Reunion Luncheon, held on Friday, May 16, 2014, was attended by more than 550 alumni and guests. One could feel the excitement in the air as everyone reminisced with classmates and friends they had not seen in years. This year’s luncheon attendees included a delegation of alumni and friends from Nigeria that included Bareehu Olugbenga Ashafa, ’78, Distinguished Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Senator’s group purchased three tables at the event. Sen. Ashafa made a $10,000 contribution to the MSU Foundation during the luncheon and pledged an additional $10,000 to be paid in six months. He also presented the MSU National Alumni Association with a check for $1,000. Dr. David Wilson, President of Morgan, brought the alumni up to date with his “State of the University Address.” The Mistress of Ceremonies was Morgan alumna Frankie Darcell, ’84, radio and television personality, author and businesswoman. A highlight of each luncheon has been the presentation of class gifts by the reunion class representatives. Each year, classes try to top each other by giving the greatest amount. The attendees sat with bated breath, hoping their class would present the largest check. The amounts presented included all gifts made by the individual classes, regardless of fund designation, since their last reunion five years ago. This year, the giving period was Jan. 1, 2009 to May 9, 2014. The following is a list of the class and chapter gifts that were presented: Class of 1944 Class of 1949 Class of 1954 Class of 1959 Class of 1964 Class of 1969 Class of 1974 Class of 1979 Class of 1984 Class of 1989 Class of 1994 Class of 1999 Class of 2004 Class of 2009 CLASS CONTRIBUTIONS The MSU On-Campus Chapter GRAND TOTAL


539.00 31,420.00 56,477.00 69,647.00 93,144.00 292,758.69 50,653.96 69,881.54 7,980.68 34,773.00 8,375.00 30,336.87 18,275.04 11,347.87 $775,609.65 11,000.00 $786,609.65

Classes ending in “5” and “0,” what will your class gift look like on Alumni Day 2015? Start giving now. Any amount will do!

CHAPTER AND CLASS NEWS Continued from page 1

several individuals were inducted into the Bear Battalion ROTC Hall of Fame. Inductees included Col. Daniel Joyce, U.S. Army (Ret.) (posthumously); Lt. Col. Aaron Andrews, U.S. Army (Ret.); Phyllis Davis, Second Vice President of Morgan’s ROTC Alumni Chapter, and Col. Thel Moore, Jr., the first inductee from Coppin State University. The Military Ball was well-attended and included not only members of the Bear Battalion and past ROTC alumni but also several cadets from the United States Military Academy at West Point.

The Class of ’64 Savors Its Golden Anniversary

Please call (443) 885-3015 or e-mail, if you have any questions. Let’s plan now, to make your reunion year a success! Class of 1950 Helena J. Johnson (410) 945-5506 Class of 1955 Dr. Clayton C. Stansbury (410) 265-8566 Sara B. Gray (410) 448-1115 Class of 1960 Elaine M. Kirstaetter (410) 486-4238 Class of 1965 Dr. Brenda Brown (201) 218-0583

The Class of 1964 is still basking in the afterglow of its awesome 50th Anniversary, three-day weekend last May. The weekend included: being the featured class during Alumni Day 2014, followed by their own Happy Hour; leading the 2014 Spring Commencement procession, 48 members strong, in their gold regalia; attending a class luncheon; and worshiping together at the University Memorial Chapel, to remember their deceased classmates and gather for a reception. Many of them will be at the last celebratory event, the Gala, in October. The class will see you there, supporting our Fair Morgan!

Southern Maryland Alumni Take to the Waterfront

The Morgan State University Southern Maryland Alumni Chapter (MSUSMAC) held its Third Annual Membership Picnic this year, on June 28. Before the picnic, there was a brief meeting that included the swearing-in of new chapter officers by past Chapter President Wayne Barnes, ’71. Jacqueline L. Lawson, ’75, President of the MSU National Alumni Association, was among the invited guests who attended. Chapter members and guests enjoyed the afternoon of conversation, music and dining at the waterfront home of Vincent Watson, ’68.

Four Classes Honored for Alumni Giving

During the 2014 Alumni Awards and Class Reunion Luncheon on May 16, the following classes were presented with awards for having the highest alumni participation rates for calendar year 2013: Chairman’s Award - Class of 1960 - 49.6 percent President’s Award - Class of 1953 - 41.2 percent President’s Award - Class of 1958 - 41.2 percent Dean’s Award - Class of 1963 - 40.9 percent For the first time, we had a tie for our second-place President’s Award. The participation rate refers to the percentage of alumni who donate to the University in any form.

Reunion Classes Ending in ‘5’ and ‘0’ Let’s Get the Ball Rolling!

Before you know it, your five-year reunion will be here, and we know you won’t want to miss it. On Friday, May 15, 2015, we will celebrate all classes ending in “5” and “0,” 1950–2010. It’s time for you to get together with your classmates and plan to meet at our 75th Annual Alumni Awards and Class Reunion Luncheon in the University Student Center. Special recognition will be given to our 50th Anniversary Class of 1965. Classes of 1964 and earlier will be recognized as the Emeritus Class. Also, it is important that your class begin working on your Class Gift, a gift that you can be proud to present during the luncheon. We are planning a great event in your honor! Listed at the end are your Class Agents. If you have not heard from them, give them a little “nudge,” and inquire as to how you can help ensure your class is well-represented at the luncheon. If there is no Class Agent designated for your class, please help us identify someone to represent you and your classmates. The Alumni Relations Office looks forward to working with your class and is available to assist in any way we can. To get started, we will provide mailing lists and labels. We will also do the mailings.

Lurline Jones (215) 242-9078 Lois S. Waters (443) 540-0149 Carol Whitaker (215) 836-9141 Class of 1970 No Class Agent Identified Class of 1975 Lawrence Banks (410) 552-4740

Class of 1980 Deloris Mabins-Adenekan (410) 486-4238 Class of 1985 Airuel Singletary (410) 922-4889

Follow the MSUNAA on Morgan State University National Alumni Association

Isha Brooks-Western (404) 661-7176 Milton Hawkins (443) 885-4137 Class of 1990 Dr. Stephen G. Hall (614) 286-6121 Class of 1995 Tanetta Isler (202) 567-9977 Class of 2000 Ashanti Foster (301) 928-4734 Class of 2005 Carmen Lockhart (313) 834-8009 Class of 2010 Lyndsey Ellen Williams (443) 415-3419

Your Class Needs Your Help!

We are now looking for CLASS AGENTS for the following classes: 2014, 2012, 1988, 1970, 1954, 1951 and 1948. Do you like to stay in touch with your Morgan State University classmates? Do you want to stay connected to Morgan and help ensure its future success? Then you have what it takes to be an MSU Class Agent! Class Agents educate, inspire and connect. Class Agents provide personal outreach. If you are interested in serving as a Class Agent or would like to learn more, please contact: Alison Hillen, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations,, (443) 885-3015.

Class of ’65 50th Anniversary Reunion, Coming Next May!

The Class of 1965 Fundraising Committee extends a gentle reminder to members of the class: please plan on joining fellow 1965 graduates at your 50th Anniversary celebration! Please save these dates: May 15, 2015 – 75th Annual Alumni Awards and Class Reunion Luncheon and the Class of ’65 Reunion Evening Event May 16, 2015 – MSU Spring Commencement exercises; the 50th Anniversary Class will participate wearing gold caps and gowns. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Carol Whitaker at (215) 836-9141 or Please be alert for more exciting information to come!

MSU Class of 1974 Celebrates Turning 40!

The MSU Class of 1974 Planning Committee (left to right): (standing) Phil Cooper, Sharon Russell, Gordon “Chuck” Williams, Cassandra Wilkinson Lighty, Arthuro “Hema” Lawson, Diane McAllister Grandberry and Floyd Taliaferro III; (seated) V. Diane Fields Chesley, Angela Gaither-Scott and Linda Marshall; (not pictured) Sally Cherry, Laverne McCain Chandler and Debbie Blackwell Whittleton

The Class of 1974 is celebrating 40 years as graduates of Morgan State University. A planning committee of classmates was formed to organize a class contribution to the school’s scholarship funds, implement campaigns for Lifetime Alumni memberships, plan and Continued on page 4

Donate to the Professional Career Closet

The MSU On-Campus Alumni Chapter is seeking year-round clothing donations for its Professional Career Closet. The program provides free professional apparel for male and female students seeking internships and/or jobs. The program also helps students who can’t afford to purchase these items and are attempting to enter the workforce. The chapter is seeking men’s business suits, women’s business suits, professional shirts, blouses, slacks, belts and ties. All items should be cleaned and on hangers. All donations may be brought to Earlene Goodson at the MSU Center for Career Development Office, Montebello Complex, C224. Or, call her at (443) 885-3111.

Life Membership

Become a part of an elite group of alumni by starting your $400 Individual or $600 Family Life Membership today! Only $50 to start, and you have four years to complete the membership process at your own pace.

Support Morgan through Leading Charities

Morgan State University is proud to participate in the Chesapeake Bay Area Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), the Maryland Charity Campaign, the United Way and the Combined Charity Campaign (CCC) for Baltimore City, which link Maryland’s employees with opportunities to give to our state’s leading charities. Workplace giving benefits employees, employers and charitable partners such as Morgan. Don’t forget to give during this year’s campaigns:

* Use Agency Code #3052 for Morgan State University in giving through the United Way, the Maryland Charity Campaign and the CCC for Baltimore City. * Use Agency Code #49337 for Morgan State University in giving through the CFC.


Gala XXX Friday, October 17, 2014

VIP Reception & Gala 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. $300

General Admission

8 p.m.–12:30 a.m. Buffet Dinner at 8:30 p.m. $150

Martin’s West

6817 Dogwood Road Baltimore, Maryland 21244

For more information, call (443) 885-3535 or e-mail


MSU Foundation, Inc. 26th Annual Invitational Golf Tournament Friday, May 1, 2015

Proceeds support the MSU Department of Intercollegiate Athletics. For more information, contact Shonae Francis at (443) 885-3535 or

Help Fill In Our Alumni Network!

Do you know any MSU alumni who are not receiving our mailings? Please check with your MSU family members and friends, and contact the Office of Alumni Relations at (443) 885-3015, if you hear of any missed connections.

CHAPTER AND CLASS NEWS Continued from page 3

oversee events scheduled to celebrate the 2014 Homecoming Weekend and establish a Class of 1974 endowment fund. The class presented a check for $50,653.96 at the Alumni Awards and Class Reunion Luncheon last May and has established the Class of 1974 Endowment Fund. You may make contributions to the endowment at, using the designation “Class of 1974 Endowed Scholarship Fund.” The Committee has set up a website, www., to communicate the Class of ’74 Homecoming activities. Classmates are asked to provide updated contact information and submit photos that reflect their time at Morgan. Please submit your photos by e-mail to Cassandra Wilkinson Lighty at For additional information about the Class of 1974 Homecoming activities, contact Angela Gaither Scott at or (410) 382-1704, or visit the MSU Class of 1974 website.

Travel Abroad with the Class of 1970

In observance of the 45th anniversary of their graduation, members of the Class of 1970 invite you to accompany them on a 12-day trip to France and England in August 2015. All adults are welcome. The trip is arranged and managed by Philadelphia’s Cultural Heritage Alliance, the nation’s oldest educational tour operator. For more information, please contact Paul Evans at (410) 728-6421 or

Class of 1991 Seeks 25th Reunion Committee Members

The Class of ’91 will celebrate its 25th Anniversary Reunion in 2016. If you’re interested in being part of the planning team, please contact Tisha Lynton Rose at (443) 722-8273 or

Class of ’94 to Host Homecoming Hospitality Suite

As part of the celebration of its 20th Anniversary Reunion, the Class of 1994 will host a hospitality suite for class members before the 2014 Homecoming game, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the University Student Center.

Year Five Approaches for the Class of 2010

The Class of 2010 is planning the celebration of its fiveyear Anniversary Reunion, a milestone to be recognized by the MSU National Alumni Association next May 15, during the 75th Annual Alumni Awards and Class Reunion Luncheon. Classmates interested in getting involved as reunion committee members or Class Agents may contact Lyndsey Ellen Williams, Class Agent, at

Malika Barber is one Class of 2010 alumna who should have plenty to report on reunion day. Since graduating from Morgan with a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology, she has earned her master’s degree in counseling from West Chester University and started her own styling consultation company called Make Me Over Malika (MMOM). MMOM touts a unique approach: “The Psychology of Styling.” With her experience in observing human behavior, Barber gets to the “root” of each client before providing any styling services. Barber has been featured this year in the Delaware News Journal, on and on fashion blogs and other websites. The class encourages all MSU alumni to support her in her endeavors.

I Am a Morganite

By the Late Thelma Banks Cox, ’48 and ’72 I am a Morganite, I have grown and developed under the nurturing of Morgan State University, because Morgan is the place where you can be SOMEBODY. Since its founding in 1867, Morgan has been a committed, a supporting and a giving institution. Throughout its existence, Morgan has been able to turn adversity into advantage, strife into strength, uncertainty into confidence, and shame into pride. Yes, I am a Morganite and proud of it, and I am proud of my fellow Morganites, who have graduated from these halls of learning and have gone to take their place as leaders everywhere. Leaders in education and politics Leaders in social services and law Leaders in business and religion Leaders in science and medicine Leaders in sports, art, music and dance Leaders who have excelled when given the chance. Many will continue to graduate from this great University, and they will be inspired by the good works of those who have preceded them, and they, too, will leave their mark on civilization as Morganites who realize there is still much work to do. You name it, and a Morganite has done it You point to it with pride, and a Morganite will claim it You declare that it must be achieved, and a Morganite will achieve it. Because Morgan State University, my University, is the place Where you can strive for excellence Where you can reach for the heights of glory, and Where YOU, too, can be SOMEBODY.




Norfolk Scope Arena, 215 E. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, VA 23510 Website: http://www.




This list includes members who completed their Life Memberships between Alumni Day, May 17, 2013, and May 7, 2014. Although we have done everything possible to present a full list of Life Members for this period, we apologize should there be any omissions or other mistakes. Please contact the Alumni Relations Office for any corrections.

Denise D. Adams, ’76 Col. David L. Adderley, U.S. Army (Ret.), ’60 Adewole Akpose, ’04 and ’07 Leah Player Anthony, ’11 and ’14 Michael Artson, ’80 Richard A. Avant, ’54 & Janice Howard Avant, ’55** Cullen Banks, III, ’68 Evelyn Bennett, ’66 Walter Weldon Black, Jr., ’58 & Clairdean E. Riley Black, ’61** Phoelicia N. Blagmon, ’91 Charlene E. Bratton, ’75 Dr. Brenda Scott Brown, Ed.D., ’65 Ronald B. Brown, ’84 Maj. Jared L. Buchanan, U.S. Army, ’00 & Toi L. Buchanan, ’00** Dr. Eugene D. Byrd, Jr., ’65 & Laura Phillips Byrd, ’64** Jonathan S. Carpenter, ’91 Stephanie M. Chapple, ’93 Melissa A. Charles, ’91 Col. Patricia D. Cole, USARNG, ’83 Rodney Connor, ’91 Ronald F. Craig, ’58 Deborah L. Cupid, ’74 Delores B. Davis, ’86 Cynthia L. De Leaver, ’74 and ’76 Cystale A. Dunham, ’84 Ashley Rawlings Edwards, ’03 Roderick O. Ford, Esq., ’91

Henry Fuller, ’70 Angela C. Gaither-Scott,'74 Irma Gorham, ’74 and ’76 Ueritta Grant-Crocker, ’00 Rasheeda R. Green, ’97 Dr. Sonya L. Greene, ’97 Lt. Gen. Arthur J. Gregg, U.S. Army (Ret.)^ Azharul Haque, ’12 Maj. Israel Height, RSCP, ’57 Shaun A. Hester, ’94 Deidre Jackson Hicks, ’86 Denise S. Holley, ’78 Sylvia Wooden Holley, ’68 and ’77 Renita Holsendorff-Corbett, ’94 The Hon. Helen L. Holton Deborah J. Huey, ’66 Gwendolyn V. Johnson-Deville, ’64 Jaimee N. Jordan, ’95 Dolores Cruse Kemp, ’65 Eugene C. King, ’66 & Frances L. King, ’67** Byron Jeffrey Lee, ’87 Michele S. Lee-Cadogan, ’75 Grace E. Mack, ’64 Phoelicia N. Macon-Blagmon, ’91 Tia Malloy, ’98 Florence L. Maultsby, ’59 Lydia T. McCargo-Redd, ’73 and ’79 Cassaundra P. McClerkin, ’77 Mrs. Tonya Stepney McNeil, ’85 Lawrence D. McRae, ’80

Ernest Middleton, Ph.D., ’60 Tanya Alicia Milton, ’91 Celestine Baxter Morgan, ’67 Jacqueline Wilson Muldrow, ’85* Dr. Doris Venable Overton, ’74 Leonard R. Parks, Esq., ’70 Blanche Hudson Colbert Payne, ’54 Len Perry, ’71 Alfredy Pinder, ’70 Astrid Raquel Prieto, ’98 Rodney Redmond, Ed.D., ’08 Leonard E. Richardson, ’70, ’74 and ’80 May S. Richardson, ’77 Cynthia D. Simpson, ’72 Kenneth R. Smith, ’75 Nkeisha Maddox Smith, ’96 Joyce A. Sturgis, ’69 and ’89 Richard Thaxton, ’95 Alice L. Tinsley, ’59 W. Harold Tuck, Jr., ’74 Tamu Walton, ’99 Michael B. Wells, ’73 William H. Wells, ’69 Curtis Levy Williams, D.D.S., ’76 Dr. Alease J. Wright, ’70 and ’07 Christina Ward Young, ’73 ^ Associate, *Deceased, **Family Life Membership

ALUMNI ON THE MOVE A book by Sadiq Ali, ’04, has been released for publication. The volume, “Millionaire Manners: The Men’s (and Boy’s) Guide to Social Grace in the New Age,” offers tips and tricks to help its readers excel personally and professionally. Etiquette, and how not to be bullied, are two of the topics addressed in the book, which was launched at an event at Morgan’s James E. Lewis Museum of Art and is available for purchase on Ali earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration at Morgan and went on to earn an M.B.A. Lynette Banks-Harris, ’86, has opened her second day care location, Burning Bush Day Care, Learning Center and Academy – New Kent, in Richmond, Va. Since leaving Morgan, she has received her master’s degree in early childhood education, opened Ellé Boutique in Atlanta, Ga., and toured South Korea as the National Director of Exhibits and Vendors for Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. She recently celebrated 20 years in business. Dr. Frances N. Beckles, ’61, has launched a program called Life Cycle Chair Yoga, which brings a gentle form of yoga to members of the community who are unable to practice the ancient disciplines in the traditional way, on a mat on the floor. Dr. Beckles is an author, editor, journalist, retired college professor and now a Certified Kripalu Yoga Teacher. Morganites interested in participating may contact Dr. Beckles at (410) 484-7277 or The Smithsonian Anacostia Museum led an artist studio tour group of 20 art collectors and enthusiasts to the home art studio and gallery of Camellia A. Blackwell, Ph.D., ’71, last spring. Dr. Blackwell is a mixed-media artist, photographer, educator and art consultant, and cofounder and executive director of the International Center for Artistic Development, Inc., a not-for-profit arts education organization. Dr. Blackwell earned her B.A. in architecture and environmental design from Morgan. CollegiatesuccesscoachTiona Blyden, ’11, has launched her new book, “College 101: 7 Ways to Hit the Ground Running.” Blyden earned her Bachelor of Science degree in telecommunications at Morgan. An underachiever, she admits, as an undergraduate, she is now on a mission to help students overcome their educational setbacks and become overachieving graduates. Blyden is a wife, mother, community leader and CEO of two businesses: a public relations firm and a career coaching practice. Former MSU basketball standout Ian Chiles, ’14, played for the Washington Wizards in the NBA Summer League this year, in Las Vegas. Chiles earned his B.A. in sociology from Morgan in May. As a center for the Bears, Chiles was one of only two players in the MidEastern Athletic Conference to finish last season in the top 10 in scoring, rebounding, field goal percentage and blocked shots. The Summer League serves as a means for NBA teams to discover undrafted talent. President Barack Obama has announced his intention to nominate Carolyn Watts Colvin, ’71 and ’73, as Commissioner of Social Security for the Social Security Administration. Colvin, who earned her B.A. and M.B.A. from Morgan, has served as Deputy Commissioner of Social Security since January 2011 and as Acting Commissioner of Social Security since February 2013.

Among her previous positions, she was Director of the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services from 2003 to 2006 and Director of the District of Columbia Department of Health and Human Services from 2001 to 2003. Patricia DeMaio, ’96, attorney with Chesapeake Employers’ Insurance Company in Towson, Md., has been elected as a Board Member of the Negligence, Insurance and Workers’ Compensation section of the Maryland State Bar Association. DeMaio’s Bachelor of Science degree in telecommunications is from Morgan. President Barack Obama has appointed Gen. Larry R. Ellis, U.S. Army (Ret.), ’69, as a member of the American Battle Monuments Commission. As “guardian of America’s overseas commemorative cemeteries and memorials,” the commission “honors the service, achievements and sacrifice of U.S. Armed Forces,” its website reads. Gen. Ellis earned his Bachelor of Science degree from MSU and was commissioned through Morgan’s ROTC program in 1969. He served in the Army from 1969 to 2004 and achieved the rank Four-Star General in 2001. Since 2013, he has been president and CEO of VetConnexx, LLC, a company that provides career opportunities for veterans based in Atlanta, Ga. He is also president and CEO of ESSE, LLC, a facilities management consulting company. MSU political science graduate Lea Gilmore, ’93, Director of Network Coordination for The Moving Maryland Forward Network (MMFN), was named to The Daily Record’s 2014 listing of Maryland’s Top 100 Women. The award, presented at a reception at the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall in Baltimore, Md., recognizes leaders for “stellar achievements in their careers, for their exemplary citizenship and for encouraging and shaping the lives of a younger generation through mentoring,” said The Daily Record Publisher Suzanne Fischer-Huettner. MMFN is an initiative to connect individuals focused on social advocacy in Maryland. Angeline Hall-Watts, ’69, a member of Morgan’s South Jersey Alumni Chapter, is now the author of five children’s books that have themes related to the nation of Ghana. The books — “Ghana’s Ant Hills,” “What Is an Ant Hill?”, “Palm Trees,” “When I Look at the Ocean in Ghana” and “The Tro-Tro in Ghana” — were written in 2005 and were published during her recent trip to the West African nation. Hall-Watts, who earned her Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education from MSU, is also the owner of Damali Creations, a New Jersey-based company that offers African-inspired clothing suitable for everyday wear. Her books can be ordered by e-mail at A new book by University of Dayton law professor Thaddeus Hoffmeister, ’95, has been published by Praeger. “Social Media in the Courtroom: A New Era for Criminal Justice?” examines the complex impacts of social media on the major players in the criminal justice system and outlines the many ways social media affect the judicial process. Hoffmeister earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in French from MSU. Terry Jenifer-Boone, Ph.D., ’80 and ’83, has opened a Christian counseling practice, Trinity Counseling & Family Services, LLC. Her goal for the firm is “to apply sound Biblical and Christcentered counsel to the problems of life through counseling, emotional and spiritual support to

youth, individuals, couples and families.” Dr. Jenifer-Boone earned two degrees from Morgan: a Bachelor of Science degree in mental health and an M.B.A. in business management. Her doctorate in clinical and pastoral counseling is from the University of Family Bible College, Institute and Seminary in Baltimore, Md. Tanisha Kemp, ’00, Assistant Coach of the MSU softball team, has been inducted into the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) Hall of Fame. As a member of Morgan’s softball team from 1995 through 1998, Kemp was a four-time firstteam All-MEAC pick and a two-time All-American. She led the NCAA in 12 individual statistical categories during her career and holds 13 Morgan season and career records. Kemp came to Morgan from Sacramento, Calif., and earned her Bachelor of Science degree in physical education. Her most cherished memory as an MSU athlete is the Lady Bears’ second-place finish in the MEAC tournament after being at the bottom of the conference in previous years. David Marshall, Ph.D., ’87, former religious studies undergraduate at Morgan, has been appointed President of the International College of the Cayman Islands. Dr. Marshall has more than 12 years’ experience in higher education, including has previous post as Vice President for Academic Affairs at Olive-Harvey College, one of the City Colleges of Chicago. Dr. Marshall was born in Baltimore, Md., and has a Ph.D. in mass media and communication and a Master of Journalism, both from Temple University. Sterling McKinley, ’06, CEO of McKinley Media Group, reports that his company has been awarded a contract to rebrand the websites of the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development and the Maryland Office of Tourism. The company, launched in 2007, focuses on advising organizations on use of online marketing to increase sales. McKinley received his Bachelor of Science degree in communications and public relations from Morgan and has been an Entrepreneur in Residence at the University of Baltimore since 2012. Tenyo Pearl, ’93, was recognized as a Living History Maker in Education by the National Negro Council of Business and Professional Women, Inc. at The Forum in Baltimore, Md., this past March. Pearl is the Campus Director of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance at Coppin State University. She is pursuing a doctorate in community college leadership at Morgan, where she also earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology. Montgomery College has appointed Rodney Redmond, Ed.D., ’07, as Dean of English and Reading. Montgomery College is the oldest and largest community college in Maryland. Dr. Redmond earned his doctorate in higher education administration in the Community College Leadership Development Program at Morgan. In his new position, he will be responsible for leading Montgomery College’s 80-plus fulltime and 140-plus part-time English and Reading faculty and will oversee three literary journals. Johnette A. Richardson, ’97, Executive Director of Belair-Edison Neighborhoods, Inc. since 2007, has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Morgan Community Mile. The Mile is an initiative that partners the University with Northeast Baltimore neighborhoods and with the private, public and nonprofit sectors to make a positive impact on the community. Richardson serves in a number of other volunteer positions, including President of the Board of the public charter school organization Afya Baltimore, Inc. She was a biology major at Morgan, where she earned her Bachelor of Science degree.

The Rev. Albert P. Rowe, ’58, longtime clergyman, civil rights activist and politician, has retired as Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Paterson, N.J. The Rev. Rowe was born in Syracuse, N.Y., and played football for a year with Jim Brown at Syracuse University before transferring to Morgan. As a Bear, he was a standout athlete, became active in the civil rights movement and earned his bachelor’s degree in political science. During his tenure at Calvary Baptist, he became an effective mediator between Paterson’s African-American and other communities and led church programs to help the poor. He served on the Paterson City Council from 1982–90 and was an observer of the election that made Nelson Mandela President of South Africa. Issachah Savage, ’03, former MSU music major and choir member, won all four prizes in the International Wagner Vocal Competition. Savage won the first place prize, the Orchestra’s Choice, the Audience's Choice and the Speight Jenkins Award, which is a featured appearance in a special concert full of famous opera celebrities. Savage happened to win the last award on the occasion of his birthday. Brittani Thompson, ’08, has been promoted to the Corporate Office of Travelers Insurance Company as Director, Commercial Accounts Product. In her new role she will serve as an IndustryEdge team member, focusing on business insurance industry-specific initiatives and strategies. Thompson earned her Bachelor of Science degree in finance at Morgan, where she also completed one year of the M.B.A. program. She is continuing her M.B.A. studies at the University of Hartford, in Connecticut. Donald Tynes, Sr., ’65, received two awards recently for his community service work and his business achievements. Tynes is chairman of the Board of SECU, a Maryland-based, state-chartered financial cooperative that has more than 230,000 members and assets of $2.7 billion. The African Methodist Episcopal Church, Second Episcopal District recently named him the Bishop’s Man of the Year for Community Service, during the district’s 198th Baltimore Annual Conference. Shortly thereafter, the Zeta Sigma Alumni Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity honored him with its Bigger and Better Business Award, during the chapter’s Dare to Dream Awards Banquet. Tynes has a Bachelor of Science degree in geography from Morgan and an Executive M.B.A. from Loyola College of Maryland. Janice T. Walthou, Ph.D., ’68, was recently chosen as St. Mary’s County’s, Maryland Woman of Year by the St. Mary’s County Women’s Commission. The Woman of the Year award is for exemplary charitable and civic community service. Also, in May, Dr. Walthou was presented the Mary Ann Chasen Humanitarian Service Award by the Democratic Club of St. Mary’s County. She was the first recipient of the award, which honors those who support democratic ideals. Harrison West, ’14, former Morgan undergraduate in psychology, was recently featured in an article in the Washington Post about his work with boys at Camp Moss Hollow in Markham, Va. The summer camp is a program for at-risk children aged 7 to 14 from the Washington, D.C., area. West attended the camp as a 7-year-old. Now 24, he has served as a counselor there for the past seven years. “A lot of kids that go there are from my community,” he told Post columnist John Kelly. “And even if I don’t live in these kids’ neighborhoods, I still feel like we have a lot in common….” West plans to attend graduate school to study social work.



Aug. 30, 2014

at Eastern Michigan

Ypsilanti, Mich.

Sept. 6, 2014

at Holy Cross

Worcester, Mass.

Sept. 13, 2014

Bowie State

Hughes Stadium

Sept. 20, 2014


The Meadowlands, East Rutherford, N.J.

Sept. 27, 2014

at Norfolk State

Norfolk, Va.

Oct. 4, 2014

at Florida A&M

Tallahassee, Fla.

Oct. 18, 2014

North Carolina Central Homecoming

Hughes Stadium

Oct. 25, 2014

at Villanova

Villanova, Pa.

Nov. 1, 2014

at Hampton

Hampton, Va.

Nov. 8, 2014

at North Carolina A&T

Greensboro, N.C.

Nov. 15, 2014

South Carolina State

Hughes Stadium

Nov. 22, 2014

Delaware State

Hughes Stadium

Home games are in boldface.

Take Non-Credit Courses This Fall!

Civil Rights and the African American Experience Cost: $60 (5 weeks) Instructor: D. Conley Tuesdays, Starting Oct. 7, 3–4 p.m.

Event Planning

Planning a Wedding on a Shoestring Budget Cost: $60 (5 weeks) Instructor: Dr. N. Nyasuma-Sims Tuesdays, Starting Oct. 14, 5:30–6:30 p.m.

Health and Wellness

Arts & Hobbies

Certification First: CPR, First Aid, AED Cost: $140 (6 hours) Instructor: S. Henry Tuesday, Sept. 30, 9 a.m.–2 p.m.

Introduction to Digital Photography Cost: $85 (5 weeks) Instructor: T. Raymond Wednesdays, Starting Oct. 8, 5–6:30 p.m.

Dance and Cultural Enrichment Cost: $60 Instructor: S. Black Tuesdays and Thursdays, Starting Oct. 14, 6–7:30 p.m. Tai Chi Intermediate Cost: $65 (5 weeks) Instructor: S. Jenkins Fridays, Starting Oct. 10, 6–7 p.m. Holistic Hair Care and Styling: Level I Cost: $100 (10 weeks) Instructor: A. Hardy Wednesdays, Starting Sept. 3, 6–8 p.m. Holistic Hair Care and Styling: Level II Cost: $100 (10 weeks) Instructor: A. Hardy Mondays, Starting Sept. 8, 6–8 p.m. Traditional Herbalism Cost: $60 (5 weeks) Instructor: Dr. A. Zenzele Thursdays, Starting Oct. 2, 6–7 p.m.


Talking Hands: American Sign Language II Cost: $60 (5 weeks) Instructor: L. Boyd Tuesdays, Starting Oct. 7, 6–7 p.m.

Fall/Winter/Spring 2014/15

Concert at James Madison University When: Wednesday, Sept. 24, 8 p.m. Where: Forbes Center for the Performing Arts, Harrisonburg, Va. Concert at John Wesley Methodist Church When: Sunday, Oct. 26, 4 p.m. Where: 3202 W. North Ave., Baltimore, MD 21216 New Shiloh Baptist Church Concert When: Sunday, Nov. 9, 6–8 p.m. Where: 2100 N. Monroe St., Baltimore, Md. Founders Day Convocation When: Thursday, Nov. 13, 11 a.m. Where: Murphy Fine Arts Center, Gilliam Concert Hall Bill of Rights Convocation When: Thursday, Dec. 4, 11 a.m. Where: Murphy Fine Arts Center, Gilliam Concert Hall Annual Christmas Concert When: Sunday, Dec. 14, 4–6 p.m. Where: Murphy Fine Arts Center, Gilliam Concert Hall


MSU alumni: consider expanding your knowledge by taking non-credit courses through Morgan’s Center for Continuing and Professional Studies. The Fall 2014 schedule follows. For more information, call (443) 885-3048.


Write That Book Cost: $100 (10 weeks) Instructor: D. Ricks Tuesdays, Starting Oct. 7, 6–7 p.m.

Support the Adopt-A-Game Program

We are moving into the third season of the MSU National Alumni Association’s Adopt-A-Game Program. The goal and objective of the program remain the same, and that is to get our alumni chapters to come out and support MSU Athletics. We hope this will encourage other alumni to come out and support the athletic programs here at Morgan. For details about how your chapter can participate in this program, please contact the Rev. Dr. Charles D. Fletcher, Jr., ’70, First Vice President, MSUNAA Board of Directors, at or (302) 678-2862. Remember to wear your ORANGE and BLUE to all athletic events!

2015 Howard L. Cornish Baltimore Metropolitan Area Alumni Chapter 30th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Breakfast When: Saturday, Jan. 10, 9 a.m. Where: University Student Center, Calvin and Tina Tyler Ballroom Mitchell Quarles Convocation When: Thursday, Feb. 5, 11 a.m. Where: Murphy Fine Arts Center, Gilliam Concert Hall Epworth United Methodist Chapel Concert When: Sunday, March 1, 4 p.m. Where: St. Lukes Ln. and Liberty Rd., Baltimore, MD 21207 Women’s History Convocation When: Thursday, March 12, 11 a.m. Where: Murphy Fine Arts Center, Gilliam Concert Hall Honors Convocation When: Tuesday, April 2, 11 a.m. Where: Murphy Fine Arts Center, Gilliam Concert Hall Concert in Philadelphia for Philadelphia Alumni Chapter When: Saturday, April 26, 4–6 p.m. Where: Bethlehem Baptist Church, Spring Hill, Pa.


Deceased MSU Alumni, Faculty, Staff & Students “Gone But Not Forgotten” Kim M. Allen-Nance, ’79 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3/12/2014 Mary Carol Ammons, ’55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5/23/2014 Dr. Walter Amprey, ’66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4/22/2014 Lt. Col. Hayes Banks, U.S. Army (Ret.), ’62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7/28/2014 Conrad M. Beach, ’65 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10/20/2011 Sabrina B. Beckman, ’72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9/2/2013 Dorothy Mae Harris Bell, ’44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2/28/2014 Brian Bellerand, ’02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12/19/2013 C. Errol Bodie, ’64 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/18/2013 Lt. Col. Joseph C. Bozeman (Ret.) (Staff ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4/26/2014 Rutherford J. Brice, Jr., ’50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4/18/2014 Charlotte Edmonds Brooks, ’71 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5/20/2013 Loretta C. Bryant, ’51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5/10/2014 Danitra M. Bundy, ’76 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6/17/2013 Gloria J. Carpenter, ’49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9/10/2013 Alma A. Colclough, ’61 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7/14/2014 Lemuel W. Cousins, Sr., ’53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6/16/2011


George R. Dennis, ’59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7/30/2014 Albert Ernst (Former Staff ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4/19/2014 Clara Ann Fenwick-Turner, ’75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7/20/2014 Cornelius L. Hall, ’78 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7/21/2014 Pamela A. Harrison, ’80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3/24/2014 Dorothy Bernice Irvin, ’46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5/4/2014 Melvin M. Johnson, ’49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/28/2013 Arnold M. Jolivet, Sr., ’66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7/27/2014 Charlotte Dawson Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10/31/2012 Mollie Bivins Jordan, ’55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7/23/2014 Sue Haden Kimbrough, ’76 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3/24/2014 The Rev. Archie D. LeMone, Jr., ’62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6/28/2014 S. Lee Martin, ’62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5/17/2014 Ralph Dawson Matthews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4/3/2014 Lena M. McKinney (Former Staff ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4/14/2014 Raymond McLean, ’84 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4/16/2013 Marquese Meadow, ’18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8/24/2014

Claude Atlas Parker, Jr., ’65 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4/7/2014 Donald A. Roberts, ’69 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5/24/2014 Angela L. Russo, ’73 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10/16/2013 Laundria Jo Roberts Sensabaugh, ’67 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2/15/2014 Naomi Heath Shafer, ’33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10/4/2012 Debra Griffin Shannon, ’90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4/5/2014 Dr. Delores M. Spriggs, ’54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6/23/2013 Charles W. Stills, ’55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4/22/2014 Dr. Claudie J. Thomas (Faculty) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6/24/2014 Paul N. Thompson, ’66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6/21/2014 James H. Turk, ’65 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6/2014 Claude D. Urquhart, ’53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6/29/2014 Alvin T. Wallace, ’76 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3/18/2014 Dr. Corinda Octavia Stewart Waters, ’37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5/30/2013 Jasper L. Williams, ’60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6/28/2014

Morgan Alumni Are ‘Bear’ to the Bone!

Show Your Morgan Pride! Wear Blue and Orange to All Games. CARL MURPHY FINE ARTS CENTER

Please visit us on the Web for the most current event schedule:


Alumni Events, Summer 2014 to Winter 2015 Sept. 27 Class Agents Meeting, Alumni House, 10 a.m. MSUNAA Board of Directors Meeting, Alumni House, 12 noon. North Carolina Alumni Chapter Annual Picnic, Bryan Park, Greensboro, N.C., Shelter # 5, 11 a.m.–3 p.m. All alumni in the area are invited to attend. Please bring a canned good to donate to a non-profit organization. For contact information, please call Barbara Faison, Chapter President, at (910) 590-7846 or e-mail her at Oct. 16 Advisory Board for Department of Family and Consumer Sciences Meeting, 6 p.m., 403C Jenkins Bldg. For more information, please call (443) 885-3355 or 3360. Oct.25

Nov. 2

Murphy Fine Arts Center Events Fall 2014

Sept. 27 XXIV Hour Play Slam Turpin-Lamb Theatre, 7:30 p.m. Contribution to Theatre Arts.

Class of 1974 Brunch, Celebrating 40 Years, University Student Center, Room 315, 9 a.m.–12 noon. For more information, please contact Angela Gaither Scott at (410) 382-1704.

2015 Jan. 10

Oct. 9–12 Manchild in the Promised Land Turpin-Lamb Theater; Oct. 9, 10:30 a.m.; Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m.; Oct. 11, 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Oct. 12, 3 p.m.; $15/$10/$8. Tickets available at the MFAC Ticket Office.

Trinidad and Tobago Alumni Chapter Scholarship Fundraiser Get Together, PISCES, Hyatt Baltimore Inner Harbor, 30 Light St., Baltimore, MD 21203, 1 p.m.–4 p.m. Music by DJ Ekstasis, $50. For more information, contact Daniel Yearwood at (917) 833-7195, Marlon Browne at (301) 523-2955, Lyneisha Jackson at (443) 559-7491, Dr. Jawad Abdullah at (443) 794-4351 or Osaze Romany at (914) 514-7572. Columbia/Howard County Alumni Chapter Annual Scholarship Dinner Show Fundraiser, “Memphis,” Toby’s Dinner Theatre, 5900 Symphony Woods Way, Columbia, MD 21044. Doors open at 5 p.m. Buffet opens at 5:25 p.m. and closes at 6:30 p.m. Show begins at 7 p.m. Tickets $55. For tickets or additional information, please call (410) 730-5325.

Howard L. Cornish Baltimore Metropolitan Area Alumni Chapter 30th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Breakfast, to aid deserving students. University Student Center, Calvin and Tina Tyler Ballroom. 9 a.m.–12 noon. Tickets: $60; free parking. For more information or for tickets, please contact Anthony McPhail at (410) 461-3931.

Class of 1994 Homecoming Brunch, University Student Center, Room 201. Public Health Alumni Chapter Homecoming Brunch, University Student Center, Room 316. Society for Advancement of Computer Sciences Annual Alumni Brunch, University Student Center, Rooms 204 and 208. School of Education and Urban Studies Annual Homecoming Brunch, University Student Center, Room 210B, 9 a.m.–1 p.m. For more information, please contact Dr. Lurline Whittaker at (443) 885-3949 or (443) 885-3355. School of Global Journalism and Communication Annual Alumni Homecoming Brunch, University Student Center, Calvin and Tina Tyler Ballroom C, 9 a.m.–1 p.m., cost $25. For more information, please contact Victoria Valentine at (443) 885-3505. School of Architecture and Planning Homecoming Alumni Breakfast, CBEIS Building Atrium, 9 a.m.–11 a.m., $25. For more information, please contact Evan Richardson at (443) 885-4309 or, or visit the website at “The Divine Nine” 30th Anniversary Welcome Home Breakfast, University Student Center, Room 210A, 9 a.m.–12 noon. Cost: $10. For more information, please contact Val at (301) 728-7562. First Annual Alumni Football Players Tailgate Tent, bridging the gap between the old and new players, on Lot M behind Cummings House. Donations will be taken to defer the cost of the tent, food and beverages. For more information, please contact Thomas Potts, ’11, at (443) 226-4698.


Ed Towles: Black Enterprise & Art James E. Lewis Museum of Art, through Dec. 14, 12 noon–4 p.m. Free and open to the public. Opening reception: Oct. 16, 6–8 p.m.

Oct. 23

The Nacirema Society Requests the Honor of Your Presence at the Celebration of Their First One Hundred Years Turpin-Lamb Theater; Oct. 23, 10:30 a.m.; Oct. 24, 7:30 p.m.; Oct. 25, 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Oct. 26, 3 p.m.; Oct. 31, 7:30 p.m.; Nov. 1, 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Nov. 2, 3 p.m. $15/$10/$8. Tickets available at the MFAC Ticket Office.

Oct. 24–25 Do You Trust Your Best Friend? Gilliam Concert Hall; Oct. 24, 8 p.m., $40–$53; Oct. 25, 3 p.m., $43–$55; Oct. 25, 8 p.m., $46–$60. Nov. 7–9 Dorothy P. Stanley Modern Dance Festival Hosted by the MSU Modern Dance Ensemble, Dr. Charles Carter, Director; Gilliam Concert Hall, 7:30 p.m.; $15/$10. Tickets available at the MFAC Ticket Office. Nov.19–22 Reparations (A Staged Concert Reading ) Turpin-Lamb Theatre; Nov. 19–21, 7:30 p.m.; Nov. 22, 5 p.m.; $10. Tickets available at the MFAC Ticket Office.


Class of 1974 Pre-Homecoming Happy Hour, Marriott Towson, 10 Burke Ave., Towson, MD 21204, 6 p.m.–11 p.m.


Annual Homecoming Business Meeting, University Student Center, Calvin & Tina Tyler Ballroom, 12 noon. Repast immediately following the meeting in the Ballroom. Homecoming Gala, Martin’s West, 6817 Dogwood Rd., Baltimore, MD 21244. Pre-Gala Reception, 7 p.m., $300; General Admission, 8 p.m., $150. For more information, please contact Shonae Francis at (443) 885-3535, or e-mail her at Class of 1969 will attend Gala as a group, $150. Make checks payable and mail to: MSUF, 201 Truth Hall, 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, MD 21251. Write “Class of 1969 Gala Table” on the memo line of the check. Forty seats are available, “first come, first served.”

Oct. 18 Life Members Reception, University Student Center, Ballroom B, 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Admission is free with a Life Membership Gold Card.


North Carolina Central, Hughes Stadium, 1 p.m.

Dec. 5–7 A Prayer!?! (A Staged Concert Reading ) Turpin-Lamb Theatre; Dec. 5–6, 7:30 p.m.; Dec. 7, 3 p.m.; $10. Tickets available at the MFAC Ticket Office. Dec. 6

The Marching Band Show: “The Magnificent Marching Machine” (a.k.a. the Morgan State University Marching Band) Directed by Melvin N. Miles, Jr.; Gilliam Concert Hall; 4 p.m.; $15/$8. Tickets available at the MFAC Ticket Office.

. Schedule is subject to change.

Class of 1966 Annual Homecoming Brunch, University Student Center, Calvin and Tina Tyler Ballroom A–F, 9 a.m. –1 p.m., costs TBD. For more information, please contact James Waddy at (410) 298-0300.

AKA Sorority, Inc. Alpha Delta Chapter Homecoming Reception, University Student Center, Room 316. For more information, please contact Zsanai Epps, Chapter President, at (240) 460-1245 or Justice Alexandra Hinannt, Vice President, at (571) 991-5469. Calling All Morganites!!! Morgan Memories Party. Have your class reunion, sorority or fraternity reunion, departmental party or family and friends gathering at this event. Special anniversary request and announcements, table reservations are accepted. University Student Center, Calvin and Tina Tyler Ballroom, 10 p.m.–4 a.m., $35. For additional information, please contact the University Student Center at (443) 885-3120. MSU Fraternity and Sorority Members Who Pledged in 1974 will celebrate their 40th Anniversary with an Old School 1970s Party Boat Ride aboard the Spirit of Baltimore. Boarding starts at 10:30 p.m. at Baltimore Inner Harbor, Light St. Sail 11 p.m.–2 a.m. Tickets: $70. For complete details, please contact Maureen Dodson at or (201) 259-8333, or see the “MSU Fraternities/Sororities 1974 Lines Reunion Moonlight Cruise” Facebook page. Oct. 19 Annual Homecoming Candlelight Memorial Service, University Chapel, 11 a.m. Honoring recently deceased alumni, faculty, staff and students. For more information, please contact the Alumni Relations Office at (443) 885-3015. Class of 1969 Candlelight Memorial Service Group. Please notify Nellie Maskal at by Oct. 3, 2014 if you plan to attend service with the class.

Class of 1969 Annual Homecoming Brunch Celebration, University Student Center, Room 212, 10:30 a.m.–1 p.m. Send a $25 check made payable to Jesse Bennett/Class of 1969, to 9811 Tolworth Circle, Randallstown, MD 21133. Provide your address, phone number and e-mail address. No tickets will be mailed; names will appear on list at the door. Space is limited. Oct. 3, 2014 is the deadline for payment.


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