Fall 2018 Commencement Program

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The Fourteenth of December, Two Thousand and Eighteen Nine-thirty O’clock in the Morning Talmadge L. Hill Field House Morgan State University 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane Baltimore, Maryland 21251 www.morgan.edu

To Our Guests


elcome to the fifth Winter Commencement Exercises of Morgan State University. The University solicits your cooperation in helping to sustain the dignity and solemnity of this happy occasion. We respectfully request that you refrain from engaging in conversation as well as moving about while the Commencement Exercises are in progress. Once the exercises have begun, only members of the authorized working press and authorized photographers are permitted on the arena floor. We ask our guests to stand as the academic procession moves into the arena and to remain standing until after the singing of the Anthem. Thank you.


Anthem LIFT EV’RY VOICE AND SING Lift ev’ry voice and sing Till earth and heaven ring, Ring with the harmonies of liberty; Let our rejoicing rise High as the list’ning skies. Let it resound loud as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us. Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; Facing the rising sun of our new day begun, Let us march on till victory is won. Stony the road we trod, Bitter the chast’ning rod, Felt in the days when hope unborn had died; Yet with a steady beat, Have not our weary feet, Come to the place for which our fathers sighed? We have come over a way that with tears has been watered, We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered, Out from the gloomy past Till now we stand at last Where the white gleam of our star is cast. God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, Thou who has brought us thus far on the way. Thou who has by Thy might, Led us into the light, Keep us forever in the path, we pray. Lest our feet stray from the places, Our God, where we met Thee. Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee; Shadowed beneath Thy hand, May we forever stand, True to our God, True to our Native land.

The list of graduates that appears in this booklet is tentative and contingent upon satisfactory completion of all requirements for graduation, and participation in these Commencement Exercises cannot be interpreted as having completed all requirements for graduation from Morgan State University.


The Alma Mater I Fair Morgan, we love thee, so tried and so true. Our hearts at thy name thrill with pride. We owe thee allegiance; we pledge thee our faith, A faith that will ever abide. Chorus We pledge thee our love; we pledge thee our faith, Whatever the future may bring. And thus our devotion, fidelity too, And homage we pay as we sing. II Fair Morgan, as onward the years quickly fly, And thou livest in memory sweet, We bring thee our laurels whatever they be, And lay them with joy at thy feet.


Alumni Oath of Allegiance I hereby solemnly pledge unbroken allegiance to Alma Mater in appreciation for opportunities for development afforded me as a student at Morgan State University. I pledge active membership in the National Alumni Association wherever I may be. Through association with fellow alumni, I shall ever do my best to uphold the ideals and traditions of Alma Mater. I pledge as a citizen to exemplify the high ideals thus implied, rendering positive service to community, state and nation, and so to live as ever to bring honor and respect to Alma Mater.


Current Morgan Degree and Certificate Programs

Doctoral Degrees Bioenvironmental Sciences Business Administration Community College Leadership Engineering English Higher Education History Industrial and Computational Mathematics Mathematics Education Nursing Psychometrics Public Health Science Education Social Work Transportation and Urban Infrastructure Systems Urban Educational Leadership

Ph.D. Ph.D. Ed.D. D.Eng. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ed.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Dr.P.H. Ed.D. Ph.D.

Nursing Operations Research Professional Accountancy Project Management Psychometrics Public Health Science Science Education Social Work Sociology Telecommunications Urban Transportation

Ph.D. Ed.D.

Architecture & Environmental Design— Landscape Architecture Architecture & Environmental Design— City & Regional Planning Architecture & Environmental Design— Architecture

Bachelor’s-Master’s Degree Combinations

Master’s Degrees African-American Studies Architecture Bioinformatics Business Administration City and Regional Planning Construction Management Economics Educational Administration and Supervision Electrical Engineering Engineering English Higher Education Administration History Hospitality Management International Studies Landscape Architecture Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics Mathematics Education Museum Studies and Historical Preservation Music

M.S. M.S. M.S. M.S. M.S. M.P.H. M.S. M.S. M.S.W. M.A., M.S. M.S. M.S.

M.A. M.Arch. M.S. M.B.A. M.C.R.P. M.S. M.A.

Engineering Nursing

B.S., M.S. B.S., M.S. B.S., M.Arch.. B.S., M.S. R.N., B.S., M.P.H

Post-Baccalaureate Certificates Bioinformatics Cyber Security Health Leadership & Management Health Records Management Museum Studies and Historical Preservation Project Management Psychometrics Sustainable Urban Communities Urban Planning & Health Management Urban Transportation

M.S. M.S. M.E. M.A. M.A. M.A. M.S. M.A. M.L.A. M.S.L.A. M.A.T. M.A. M.S.

P.B.C. P.B.C. P.B.C. P.B.C. P.B.C. P.B.C. P.B.C. P.B.C. P.B.C. P.B.C.

Bachelor’s Degrees Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Liberal Studies Architecture and Environmental Design Biology

M.A. M.A.


B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S.

Broadcast and Integrated Media Production Business Administration Chemistry Civil Engineering Computer Science Construction Management Economics Electrical Engineering Elementary Education Engineering Physics English Entrepreneurship Family and Consumer Science Finance Fine Art Health Education History Hospitality Management Industrial Engineering Information Systems Journalism Management Marketing Mathematics Medical Technology Multimedia Journalism Multiplatform Production Music Nursing Nutritional Science Philosophy Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology Public Relations, Advertising and Media Ratings and Sales Screenwriting and Animation Services and Supply Chain Management Social Work Sociology Strategic Communication Theatre Arts Transportation Systems

B.A., B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.A., B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.A. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.A. B.S. B.A. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.A., B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.A. B.S. B.S. B.A. B.S. B.S. B.A. B.S.

International Management Community College Administration & Instruction Project Management Public Health Executive Health Management Social Work

Master’s Degrees Business Administration Accounting Finance Management Marketing Management Marketing Research


Post-Baccalaureate Certificates Advanced National Security Product Management Urban Journalism

P.B.C. P.B.C. P.B.C.

Bachelor’s Degrees Electrical Engineering


Off-campus Degrees Bachelor’s Degree Electrical Engineering (Harford Community College)

B.A., B.S. B.A., B.F.A. B.S. B.S. B.A. B.S. B.A. B.S.

On-line Degrees Doctoral Degree Community College Leadership

M.Ed. M.S. M.P.H.

Ed.D. M.B.A.



Officers of the University THE BOARD OF REGENTS The Honorable Kweisi Mfume, Chair Rev. Dr. Frances Murphy Draper, Vice Chair The Honorable Tracey L. Parker-Warren, Secretary Ms. Shelonda Stokes Dr. Tyrone Taborn Mrs. Penelope J. Taylor Dr. Marquis T. Walker Mr. Winston A. Wilkinson Ms. Niraje Medley-Bacon, Student Regent

Rev. Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr. The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings Gen. (Ret.) Larry R. Ellis Dr. Linda J. Gilliam Dr. Shirley M. Malcom Mr. Wayne Resnick

CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Dr. David Wilson, President Dr. Anna McPhatter, Interim Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Kevin M. Banks, Vice President for Student Affairs Mr. Sidney Evans, Vice President for Finance and Management Ms. Cheryl Y. Hitchcock, Vice President for Institutional Advancement Dr. Willie E. May, Vice President for Research and Economic Development Dr. Adebisi Oladipupo, Vice President for Technology Dr. Maurice C. Taylor, Vice President for Academic Outreach and Engagement Dr. Kara Miles Turner, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Success Dr. Don-Terry Veal, Chief of Staff to the President Mr. Claude E. Hitchcock, Assistant to the President for Government Relations Ms. Julie D. Goodwin, General Counsel

ACADEMIC DEANS Dr. Mary Anne Alabanza Akers, Dean of the School of Architecture and Planning Dr. Fikru Boghossian, Dean of the Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management Dr. Mark D. Garrison, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies Dr. Sandra Chipungu, (Acting) Dean of the School of Social Work Dr. M’bare N’gom, Dean of the James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts Dr. Craig Scott, (Interim) Dean of the Clarence Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering Dr. Kim Dobson Sydnor, Dean of the School of Community Health and Policy Dr. Patricia L. Welch, Dean of the School of Education and Urban Studies Prof. DeWayne Wickham, Dean of the School of Global Journalism and Communication Dr. Hongtao Yu, Dean of the School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences

UNIVERSITY COUNCIL OFFICERS Dr. Alice M. Jackson, Chair Dr. Kofi Nyarko, Vice Chair Ms. Tonya Dorsey, Secretary

STUDENT GOVERNMENT OFFICERS Mr. Kenold E. Pierre, Student Government Association President Ms. Bria Hill, Student Government Association Vice President Mr. Chad Williams-Bey, Graduate Student Association President Ms. Thea Celestine, Graduate Student Association Council Lead


Order of Procession GRADUATE CANDIDATES Doctorates Masters

MARSHALS Chief Faculty Marshal of the University Dr. Milford A. Jeremiah

UNDERGRADUATE CANDIDATES College of Liberal Arts Bachelors of Arts Bachelors of Fine Arts Bachelors of Science

Associate Marshals Mrs. Joyce A. Brown Dr. Edwin T. Johnson

Dr. Tiffany B. Mfume Ms. Tanya V. Rush

Marshals for the Faculty Ms. Nina Dobson Hopkins Dr. Roosevelt Shaw

School of Architecture and Planning Bachelors of Science

Marshals for the School of Graduate Studies Dr. Cleo Hughes-Darden Ms. Marsha Logan Mr. Windsor Morgan

Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management Bachelors of Science School of Community Health and Policy Bachelors of Science

Marshals for the College of Liberal Arts Dr. Brett Butler Dr. Amber Hodges Dr. Jose Lara

School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences Bachelors of Science School of Education and Urban Studies Bachelors of Science

Marshal for the School of Architecture and Planning

Mr. Paul Voos

Ms. Suzanne Frazier

Marshals for the Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management Dr. Marjorie Adams Dr. Samuel Ejiaku Dr. Dennis Agboh Dr. Miguel Zuniga

Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering Bachelors of Science

Marshals for the School of Community Health and Policy Ms. Carol-Ann Hendricks Ms. Shelia Richburg

School of Social Work Bachelors of Science __________

School of Global Journalism and Communication Bachelors of Science

Marshals for the School of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences Mr. Van Jones Dr. Haruna Sesay Dr. Ernest Steele


Marshals for the School of Education and Urban Studies Mr. Kenneth Bacote Dr. Simone Gibson Dr. Henrietta Wright Marshals for the Clarence J. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering Ms. Vanessa Branch Dr. Farzad Moazzami Ms. Myra W. Curtis Dr. Monica Poindexter Ms. Lafaun Davis Ms. Aaries Reed Dr. James Hunter Dr. John Wheatland Ms. Judith Wise Marshals for the School of Global Journalism and Communication Dr. OluwaTosin Adegbola Ms. Jacqueline Jones Dr. Baruti N. Kopano


Marshals for the School of Social Work Dr. Charlene Allen Ms. Thelma Rich Dr. Paul Archibald __________ THE PROCESSION ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATORS FACULTY EMERITI FACULTIES OF THE UNIVERSITY


The Presidential Chain of Office .


he Morgan State University Presidential Chain of Office is bestowed upon each President of the University at an official inauguration ceremony and is worn by the President at Commencement and all official occasions requiring the wearing of academic regalia. It is a permanent insignia of office and is passed down to each succeeding president of the University. The Morgan State University Presidential Chain of Office is cast in bronze with an antique patina and consists of a chain of 1 1/2-inch medallions engraved with the names of the presidents of the institution and the four periods and dates in its evolution: Centenary Biblical Institute, Morgan College, Morgan State College and Morgan State University. The medallions for the current and past presidents drape around the front, and the medallions noting the periods in the history of the institution drape around the back of the academic regalia. Near the bottom of the Chain are two banners with laurel leaves, attached to two round medallions bearing the official logo of the University. At the bottom of the Chain is a banner, crested with laurel leaves, bearing the inscription President, below which sits the official Presidential Medallion, a 3-inch round medal with a double-faced design embossed in bas-relief with the Seal of the University and its colors on the front and engraved with the University logo on the verso plane. Below the Presidential Medallion is a banner inscribed with the name of the current President. The Presidential Chain was designed by the Inauguration Committee for Morgan’s Tenth Inaugurated President, Dr. David Wilson, in collaboration with the Office of Public Relations and Communications, and crafted by Medallic Art Company of Northwest Territorial Mint in Dayton, Nevada, in 2010. It was donated by Dr. Clara I. Adams, Morgan State University Class of 1954, Special Assistant to the President, and Mr. Wilbert L. Walker, Morgan State University Class of 1950.


The Morgan State University Maces


uring its Sesquicentennial Celebration—December 2016 to December 2017— Morgan State University retired its sixty-year-old mace and replaced it with a longer mace that will be able to accommodate the names of additional Presidents over the years and that displays more prominently the insignia of the four major periods of its development: Centenary Biblical Institute, Morgan College, Morgan State College and Morgan State University. The new mace, crafted by the Medallic Art Company in Dayton, Nevada, has a 36-inchtall fluted mahogany staff with 14 antique brass banners encircling it, the first ten engraved with the names and terms of the inaugurated presidents of the University. The mace head is a four-sided mahogany crown that bears images of three iconic Morgan structures and, on one side, the seal of the University, all in bronze, and, at its top the traditional flame of knowledge. The base of the mace is adorned with a tiered brass foot. The new Mace was designed by the Sesquicentennial Celebration Coordinating Committee, and it is a Sesquicentennial Gift to the University from the MSU Alumni Association.

CHIEF FACULTY MARSHALS OF THE UNIVERSITY 1914-1948 1948-1966 1966-1974 1974-2009 2009-

Dr. Milton L. Calloway Dr. George H. Spaulding Dr. Nathaniel K. Proctor Dr. Clayton C. Stansbury Dr. Milford A. Jeremiah


The Dr. Iva G. Jones Medallion Emblem


ome colleagues and community friends of the late Dr. Iva Gwendolyn Jones, Professor Emerita of the Morgan State University Department of English, honored her as a scholar, leader, and teacher, by extending as a gift to Morgan State University the Dr. Iva G. Jones Medallion Emblem, which is the conception of the late Assistant Professor Emeritus Samuel L. Green, who was likewise one of the two co-designers of the symbol. The second co-designer, and medallion silversmith, is Associate Professor Kenneth Royster. The Emblem fabric approximates in width the border of the master’s hood, is velvet, and employs the University colors— blue and orange. The detachable chain, which surmounts the emblem and helps to drape the wearer’s front and shoulders, bears silver mounts that hold the medallions in suspension. Appraisers have assessed each silver medallion at over ten times the value of the United States silver dollar, which the medallions resemble. The twenty-one (21) emblem medallions—which the Philadelphia Mint created exclusively for the Negro Commemorative Society (Membership Number 1043)—display the images of African-American notables like Crispus Attucks, Benjamin Banneker, Henry O. Tanner, Lorraine Hansberry, Mary Church Terrell, Alaine Locke, and Ralph Bunche. Annually, colleagues, employing University-approved criteria, select an individual to wear the Emblem. Those honored by this selection are persons who reflect vividly in their professional lives the qualities distinguishing the individual whose name the Emblem bears.

AWARDEES 1986-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1993-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2005-2006 2007-2008 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019

Dr. Iva G. Jones, Professor of English Emerita ** Dr. Sandye Jean McIntyre, II, Professor of Foreign Languages Emeritus, ** Dr. Esther J. Ridley, Professor of Biology ** Dr. Cecil W. Payton, Associate Professor of Biology Dr. Vergial S. Webb, Acting Associate Dean, School of Graduate Studies Dr. Ruthe T. Sheffey, Professor of English Dr. Ernest Silversmith, Professor of Chemistry Dr. Nathan Carter, Professor of Music ** Dr. Dinker Raval, Professor of Business Administration Dr. Pamela Leigh Mack, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Mr. Bala Subramanian, Associate Professor of Business Administration Dr. Frederick Oliver, Professor of Physics Dr. Anna R. McPhatter, Associate Professor of Social Work and Mental Health Dr. Ali Emdad, Associate Professor of Information Science and Systems Dr. M’bare N’gom, Professor of World Languages Dr. Gaston N’guerekata, Professor of Mathematics Dr. Asamoah Nkwanta, Associate Professor of Mathematics Dr. Alex Tang, Professor of Finance Dr. Burney J. Hollis, Professor of English Dr. Conrad Williams, Professor of Physics Dr. Sandra Chipungu, Professor of Social Work Dr. Carroll S. Perrino, Associate Professor of Psychology Dr. Yacob Astatke, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering Dr. Halaevalu Vakalahi, Associate Dean, School of Social Work Dr. Farin Kamangar, Professor of Biology and Associate Dean of the School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences

** Deceased


The Dr. Sandye Jean McIntyre, II International Award


he Dr. Sandye Jean McIntyre, II, International Award, a sash designed and tailored specifically for this award, is inspired by the diplomatic sash customarily worn for formal occasions by ambassadors, consuls, and other dignitaries. It is red satin accented with a traditional rosette and blue, white, yellow and green ribbons, representing the flags of the United States of America, France, Senegal, and other countries with which Dr. McIntyre had contact in his diplomatic and academic careers. In the center front of the sash, a speciallycommissioned gold medal (struck by Charles Nusinov and Sons) features a world map enclosed by laurel wreaths and the name of the award. The Award was established in 1997 and conferred upon Dr. McIntyre at the annual Founders Day Convocation in 1997. It is given to that member of the Morgan faculty who demonstrates extraordinary commitment to global learning and international understanding and who promotes international programs at Morgan. AWARDEES 2000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Dr. Joseph Overton, Associate Professor of Political Science Dr. Carleen S. Leggett, Associate Professor of World Languages Dr. M’bare N’gom, Professor of World Languages Dr. Zekeh Gbotokuma, Associate Professor of Philosophy Dr. Joanna Crosby, Associate Professor of Philosophy Dr. Gaston N’guerekata, Professor of Mathematics Mr. Sanjit Roy, Assistant Professor of Architecture Dr. Glenn O. Phillips, Professor of History Dr. Max Hilaire, Associate Professor of Political Science Dr. Eric Conway, Associate Professor of Music Dr. Tsenay Serequeberhan, Professor of Philosophy Dr. Elizabeth Gunn, Associate Professor of World Languages Dr. James Lee, III, Professor of Music Dr. Suzanne Frasier, Associate Professor and Interim Chairperson of the Department of Undergraduate Design


The Academic Regalia


he traditional black caps and gowns worn by students and faculty in the academic procession have been the historic regalia of scholars since medieval times. Because many scholars of that period were members of monastic orders, the academic regalia probably represents an adaptation of ecclesiastical dress. A uniform code for academic regalia was drafted by an intercollegiate commission in 1893 and has since been adopted by the majority of colleges and universities in the United States. Each of the three academic degrees—bachelor’s, master’s and doctor’s—has its own distinctive gown and hood. The gown representing the bachelor’s degree is distinguished by its long pointed sleeve. The master’s gown has a longer, narrow, closed sleeve, extending below the knee. The arm is passed through a slit at the elbow. In contrast, the doctor’s gown is faced with wide velvet bands, which may be black or a color indicating the general field of learning of the wearer—for example, dark blue for philosophy, green for medicine, and purple for law. The most colorful and distinctive item of the academic regalia is the hood, which passes around the neck and extends down the back. The doctor’s hood is the largest, and the bachelor’s hood is the smallest. Often the use of a bachelor’s hood is omitted. The wearer’s field of learning is indicated by the color of the hood and the tassel. Among the colors of hoods are: Architecture ............................................................... Blue-Violet Arts, Letters, Humanities .................................................. White City Planning ............................................................. Blue-Violet Commerce, Accountancy, Business .................................... Drab Education .................................................................... Light Blue Engineering ...................................................................... Orange Fine Arts ............................................................................. Brown Human Ecology ................................................................. Purple Journalism ..................................................................... Crimson Library Science ................................................................. Lemon Medicine ............................................................................ Green Music .................................................................................... Pink Nursing ............................................................................ Apricot Philosophy ................................................................... Dark Blue Physical Education .................................................... Sage Green Public Administration ............................................ Peacock Blue Public Health .......................................................... Salmon Pink Science .................................................................. Golden Yellow Social Science .................................................................... Citron Speech (Oratory) ................................................................. Silver Theology & Divinity ......................................................... Scarlet The colors of the silk lining exposed in the center of the hood are those of the college or university which conferred the degree. The tassel may be either black or the color of the field of learning. The tassel of the doctor’s cap is usually gold.


Commencement Speaker

THE HONORABLE ELIZABETH WARREN Senior U. S. Senator from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 14

Commencement Speaker


he Honorable Elizabeth Warren is one of the nation’s leading authorities on the American economy and personal finance and a fearless consumer advocate fighting for middle-class families and their financial security. For over thirty years, she was a highly decorated law professor at some of the nation’s leading schools of law, and she, with more than one hundred articles and eleven books to her credit, achieved the record of being the third most-quoted scholar in the field of commercial law. In 2012, she was elected to the Senate of the United States and became the first female Senator elected to represent the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Re-elected to that office by a wide margin in 2018, she is now the Senior Senator from Massachusetts and is considered its most outspoken and plainspoken voice for people who have been crushed by predatory lenders and under-regulated banks. One of the nation’s most effective consumer protection crusaders, Senator Elizabeth Warren was a leading advocate for the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under President Barack Obama, and, operating as Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury for that agency, she was a tireless fighter for holding Wall Street and other financial institutions accountable and for protecting consumers from financial tricks and traps. She is known for her original thinking, her political courage and her relentless persistence in consumer protection advocacy. After earning her bachelor’s degree at the University of Houston and her law degree at Rutgers University School of Law, Elizabeth Warren alternated between teaching in elementary school and practicing law from her living room. In 1977, one year after earning her law degree, she embarked on what was to become a thirty-five-year career as law professor, beginning as a lecturer at the Newark School of Law at Rutgers University. Her ascendency as a highly respected law professor, teaching courses in commercial law, contracts and bankruptcy, took her to: the University of Houston School of Law as a Professor and Associate Dean (1978-83); the University of Michigan as a Visiting Professor (1985); the University of Texas School of Law as Professor and the Population Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin as a Research Associate (1983-87); the University of Pennsylvania as a Professor (1987-95), during which time she was named William A. Schnader Professor of Commercial Law; and Harvard University Law School as Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law, and the only tenured law professor there who attended law school at an American public university (1995-2015). Professor Warren’s ground-breaking research in the law brought national attention to the connection between personal bankruptcy and health care costs and revealed the aftermath of family bankruptcies related to astronomical medical expenses. Four of her best-selling books also brought attention to the national economic shame and secured her reputation as a national expert on bankruptcy and financial pressures facing middle-class families: This Fight Is Our Fight, A Fighting Chance, The Two-Income Trap and All Your Worth. Known already for her original thinking, political courage and relentless persistence, Professor Elizabeth Warren was elected to the United States Senate in 2012, where she renewed her campaign to protect taxpayers and hold Wall Street accountable, getting dangerous drugs out of circulation, creating a level economic playing field for working people, tackling the student debt crisis and securing educational paths to good-paying jobs. During her years in the Senate, to which she was re-elected by a wide margin in 2018, Senator Elizabeth Warren was called upon to chair the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, and her actions and advocacy led to the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. She won praise from both sides of the aisle for her tireless efforts to protect taxpayers and to ensure tough oversight in both the Bush and Obama administrations. As a member of the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, she worked for legislation related to financial services, the economy, housing and urban development; on the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, she was a champion for high quality health care, access to good schools, employment protection for workers and secure retirement for seniors; and as a member of the Senate Special Committee on Aging, she supported strengthening Social Security, Medicare and other programs for the elderly. Decorated as law professor and highly praised as Senator, Elizabeth Warren has been acclaimed as “Bostonian of the Year” by the Boston Globe, “New Sheriff on Wall Street” by Time magazine, “One of the Most Influential Lawyers of the Decade” by the National Law Review, and “One of the 100 Most Influential People in the World” four times by Time magazine.


Honorary Degree Recipients DR. CLARA I. ADAMS, ’54 Retired Special Assistant to the President at Morgan State University


r. Clara I. Adams is a Morgan Legend! A distinguished 1954 graduate of Morgan State College who returned to teach on the faculty in 1959, she is the second longest-serving faculty member and administrator and the longest-serving Vice President for Academic Affairs in the 151-year history of Morgan State University, having served on the faculty and in various administrative positions for fifty-nine years under five inaugurated Morgan presidents. Devoting most of her professional life in service to her alma mater, Dr. Clara Adams, who holds the master’s degree from Iowa State College and the doctorate in chemistry from a cooperative program between the University of Massachusetts, Smith College, Mt. Holyoke College and Amherst College, has left an enduring stamp of integrity and excellence in all of her roles of leadership at Morgan—Chair of the Chemistry Department, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Special Assistant to the President. Under her leadership as Dean and as Vice President for Academic Affairs, during the early years of Morgan’s elevation to university status, she guided the growth in quantity and quality of graduate and undergraduate programs that gained Morgan’s Carnegie reclassification from a comprehensive institution to a doctoral research university. After nearly twenty years as Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Adams, in 2004, was promoted to Special Assistant to the President, a position from which she retired in August of 2018. Dr. Adams is considered by many to be the Lady Behind the Morgan Renaissance that the institution experienced in the last two decades of the twentieth and the first decade of the twenty-first centuries. Named a Living Legend for her work in higher education by the Associated Black Charities of Maryland in 2010, Dr. Clara I. Adams is an alumna in whose success and nearly unprecedented devotion the University takes great pride and satisfaction and to whom the University is greatly indebted.

DR. EUGENE DELOATCH Dean Emeritus of the Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering at Morgan State University


r. Eugene M. DeLoatch is a modern-day Morgan Legend! He is a Morgan Phenomenon! As Founding Dean of the Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering, he is the second-longest serving academic dean in the 151 -year history of Morgan State University. With dual bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and electrical engineering, a master’s degree in electrical engineering, and the doctorate in bioengineering, Dr. Eugene DeLoatch set out on his graduation date in 1959, when only one percent of engineering degrees was being awarded to African Americans, to level the playing field and increase the percentage of African Americans entering the field of engineering. During a career that spans fifty years, he has been one of the nation’s strongest advocates for minority representation in STEM professions and one of its most prominent leaders in training African Americans for careers in engineering. After a number of years as lecturer in engineering and more than a decade as Professor and Chair of Electrical Engineering at Howard University, Dr. DeLoatch came to Morgan in 1984 as Dean of its new School of Engineering and, on a Morgan platform that consisted of a single major in engineering physics, built a school that trains students in civil, electrical and industrial at the baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral levels. During his thirty-two-year tenure as Dean at Morgan, Dr. DeLoatch has raised the School of Engineering to local, national and international preëminence as one of this nation’s largest producers of African-American engineers. Under Dean DeLoatch’s unprecedented thirty-two-year leadership, Morgan has awarded nearly three thousand degrees in engineering, including eighty-four Doctorates of Engineering, and the number of engineering degrees awarded annually to African Americans in the United States has now reached five percent.


The Academic Degrees


he first known degree was a doctorate conferred by the University of Bologna in the middle of the 12th century. Originally, the doctor’s and master’s degrees were used interchangeably, each indicating that the holder was qualified to give instruction to students. The bachelor’s or baccalaureate degree indicated only entrance upon a course of study preparatory to the doctorate or mastership. Gradually, however, the bachelor’s degree came to mean successful completion of one level of study preparatory to the higher degrees. Today, there are more than 1,600 different academic degrees conferred by colleges and universities in the United States. The advanced degrees granted by Morgan State University are the Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Science, Master of Business Administration, Master of Architecture, Master of Landscape Architecture, Master of City and Regional Planning, Master of Engineering, Master of Public Health, Master of Social Work, Doctor of Education, Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Public Health.

The Doctoral Degree The doctoral degree or doctorate represents the most advanced degree conferred at institutions of higher education in the United States. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a doctor in the academic sense as “one who, in any faculty or branch of learning, has attained to the highest degree conferred by a university.” There are two major types of doctoral degrees: earned doctorates and honorary doctorates. Earned doctorates are further divided into two distinct types—the research degree and the professional or practitioner degree. The distinguishing feature of the research degree is that it normally requires a lengthy scholarly dissertation which is usually designed to constitute a substantial contribution to the existing body of knowledge in its field. The most important doctorate of the research type at institutions of higher education in the United States is the Doctor of Philosophy. The only other earned doctorate of the research type which has secured wide recognition and use by a large number of leading United States universities is the Doctor of Education.

The Master’s Degree * The master’s degree is an academic honor conferred upon students who have successfully completed one or two years’ work beyond the baccalaureate. A thesis and an oral examination are usually required. The word magister connected with a qualifying phrase was used among the Romans as the title of honor, but its present meaning must be traced to the time of the establishment of the oldest universities. Regularly organized faculties were not then known as they now exist in the universities. The whole circle of academic activity was limited to seven liberal arts. Those who received public honors in the completed studies, and who had already received the degree of baccalaureus (bachelor), were called magistri artium (masters of the liberal arts).

The Bachelor’s Degree ** The bachelor’s degree represents completion of a four-year course of study of collegiate grade and is the oldest academic degree used at institutions of higher learning in the United States. The degree of Bachelor of Arts was the first conferred in the United States in 1642 on nine young men, comprising the first graduating class of Harvard College. Yale conferred its first Bachelor of Arts in 1702; Princeton in 1748; William and Mary in 1753; Pennsylvania in 1757; Columbia in 1758; and Morgan State to George W. F. McMechen in 1895.

* Eells, Walter Crosby. Degrees in Higher Education. New York: The Center for Applied Research in Education, 1967. ** Sometimes designated as the baccalaureate degree, from the Latin baccalaris, “under the influence of,” and lauris, “laurel,” used as a designation of honor, distinction, or fame.


Order of Exercises Dr. David Wilson President of the University, Presiding PROCESSIONAL ................................................................................................................................................................ “On A Hymn Song of Philip Bliss” ................................................................................................ David Holsinger “Sound Off” ........................................................................................................................................ John P. Sousa “Pomp and Circumstance” ..................................................................................................................... Edgar Elgar The Morgan State University Band Mr. Melvin Miles, Conductor The audience is requested to stand as the academic procession moves into the arena and to remain standing until after the singing of “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing.” INVOCATION ..................................................................................................................... Reverend Dr. Bernard Keels Dean of University Memorial Chapel HYMN “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing” ..................................................... James Weldon Johnson and J. Rosamond Johnson Led by Mr. Hakeem Henderson, Tenor GREETINGS ..................................................................................................................... The Honorable Kweisi Mfume Chairman, Board of Regents INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER ............................................................................................. President David Wilson COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS ............................................................................... The Honorable Elizabeth Warren Senior U. S. Senator from Massachusetts CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES .......................................... Presented by Chairman Kweisi Mfume and President Wilson Citations Read by Dr. Burney J. Hollis, Professor of English and Dean Emeritus U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, Doctor of Laws Dr. Clara I. Adams, ’54, Doctor of Laws Dr. Eugene DeLoatch, Doctor of Laws RECOGNITION OF SENIOR HONOR GRADUATES .............................................................. Dr. Anna McPhatter Interim Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Cum Laude PRESENTATION OF SPECIAL AWARDS .............................................................................. President David Wilson President’s Second Mile Award President’s Award for Creative Achievement CONFERRING OF DEGREES IN COURSE ...................................... Presented by Interim Provost Anna McPhatter GRADUATE DEGREES SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES .............................................. Names Read by Dr. Darryl Peterkin, Director of the Clara I. Adams Honors College DOCTORATES ................................................................................................. Candidates presented by Dr. Mark Garrison, Dean


MASTER’S DEGREES ..................................................................................... Candidates presented by Dr. Mark Garrison, Dean UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES .................................................. Names Read by Dr. Shirley Basfield-Dunlap, Associate Professor of Theatre Arts Ms. Keisha Campbell, University Registrar, Prof. Heidi Gerber-Salins, Assistant Professor of Journalism, Dr. Darryl L. Peterkin, Director of the Clara I. Adams Honors College JAMES H. GILLIAM, JR., COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS .......................... Candidates presented by Dr. M’bare N’gom, Dean SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING ................................... Candidates presented by Dr. Mary Anne Alabanza Akers, Dean EARL G. GRAVES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT ...... Candidates presented by Dr. Fikru Boghossian, Dean SCHOOL OF COMMUNITY HEALTH AND POLICY .............................. Candidates presented by Dr. Kim Dobson Sydnor, Dean SCHOOL OF COMPUTER, MATHEMATICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................... Candidates presented by Dr. Hongtao Yu, Dean SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND URBAN STUDIES ............................... Candidates presented by Dr. Patricia L. Welch, Dean CLARENCE M. MITCHELL, JR., SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING ............. Candidates presented by Dr. Craig Scott, Interim Dean SCHOOL OF GLOBAL JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATION ........ Candidates presented by Prof. DeWayne Wickham, Dean SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK ....................................................................... Candidates presented by Dr. Sandra Chipungu, Interim Dean AWARDING OF DIPLOMAS ........................................................................................... By College/Schools, as above SALUTE TO THE GRADUATES ...................................................................................................... Ms. Emani Majors President of the Senior Class INDUCTION INTO THE MSU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ..................................... Rev. Dr. Charles D. Fletcher, Jr. President of the MSU Alumni Association THE ALMA MATER ...................................................................................................... Led by Ms. KeWanna Taylor, Soprano

BENEDICTION ................................................................................................................... Reverend Dr. Bernard Keels RECESSIONAL “Pomp and Circumstance” ...................................................................................................................... Edgar Elgar The Morgan State University Band


Candidates for Degrees School of Graduate Studies Doctoral Degrees Doctor of Philosophy Degrees Darlene Anderson ..................................................................................................................................................... Social Work B.A., Purdue University, 1986 M.A., University of the District of Columbia, 1991 Dissertation: “Factors of Resilience in Black Men: The Role of Microaggressions, Racial Socialization, and Discrimination” Chair: Dr. Rhonda Wells-Wilbon

Iris Barnes ........................................................................................................................................................................... History B.F.A., Temple University, 1982 M.A., Morgan State University, 2012 Dissertation: “Sacrificing Margaret Morgan: Slavery and Freedom in the Upper Chesapeake Through the Lens of Prigg v Pennsylvania” Chair: Dr. Debra Newman Ham

Lela Blue-Campbell .................................................................................................................................................... Social Work B.A., College of Notre Dame of Maryland, 1995 M.Ed., Coppin State University, 2008 Dissertation: “Biopsychosocial Risk Associated with Homelessness Amongst Baltimore City Veterans” Chair: Dr. Sandra Chipungu

Melissa Buckley ......................................................................................................................................................... Social Work B.S.W., Oakwood College, 2002 M.S.W., University of Alabama, 2004 Dissertation: “Exploring Fatherless Woman Syndrome and the Perceptions of Attachment in Jamaican Women” Chair: Dr. Rhonda Wells-Wilbon

Marquis Chandler ...................................................................................................................................................... Social Work B.A., Centenary College, 2011 M.S.W., Morgan State University, 2013 Dissertation: “Predictors of Health Care Utilization Among Older Returning African American Men” Chair: Dr. Laurens Van Sluytman


Seyedehsan Dadvar ....................................................................................... Transportation and Urban Infrastructure Systems B.S., Islamic Azad University, 2006 M.S., Islamic Azad University, 2010 Dissertation: “Improving Crash Predictability of the Highway Safety Manual through Alternate Local Calibration Process” Chair: Dr. Young-Jae Lee

Tonya Phillips ........................................................................................................................................................... Social Work B.S.W., Coppin State University, 2007 M.S.W., University of Maryland, 2008 Dissertation: “Invisible Heroes: Lived Experiences of Former U.S. Service Members That Were Separated with

Non-Honorable Discharges Secondary to Substance Use” Chair: Dr. Rhonda Wells-Wilbon

Omar Price .......................................................................................................................................................................... History B.S., Alabama A&M University, 2005 M.Ed., Alabama A&M University, 2007 M.A., University of Louisville, 2011 Dissertation: “Freedom, Faith and Education: The Formation and Legacy of Freedmen Schools in Princes George’s County, Maryland, 1865-1870” Chair: Dr. Debra Newman Ham

Shvilla Rasheem ......................................................................................................................................................... Social Work B.S., Coppin State University, 2010 M.A., Notre Dame of Maryland, 2013 Dissertation: “An Interpretative Phenomenological Study of African American Mothers with Adolescent Daughters” Chair: Dr. Melissa Littlefield

Stacy Smith ............................................................................................................................................................... Social Work B.S., Morgan State University, 1996 M.S.W., University of Maryland, Baltimore, 1997 Dissertation: “Formation of the Hybrid-Gang Family Structure: A Secondary Analysis of the National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence II Using an Epidemiological Criminology Framework” Chair: Dr. Halaevalu Vakalahi

Charmaine Troy .............................................................................................................................................. Higher Education B.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1997 M.P.A., North Carolina Central University, 2010 Dissertation: “Examining Media Bias Surrounding Black Higher Education: A Content and Discourse Analysis of News Surrounding Critical Incidents that Have Occurred at Two Historically Black Colleges and Universities” Chair: Dr. Sean Robinson

Doctor of Education Degrees Areej Alatawi .............................................................................................................................. Urban Educational Leadership B.Ed., University of Tabuk, 2004 M.Ed., Yarmouk University, 2011 Dissertation: “Relationship Between Perceptions and Behavior of School Principals in the Implementation of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Policy in Saudi Arabia: Tabuk School District” Chair: Dr. Warren Hayman

Mohammed Ali ........................................................................................................................ Community College Leadership B.S., University of Maryland University College, 2002 M.S., University of Maryland University College, 2007 Dissertation: “A Correlational Study of Types of Interactions and Student Satisfaction in Online Community College Mathematics, English, and Information Technology Courses” Chair: Dr. Joseph Drew


Milbert Brown, Jr. .......................................................................................................................Community College Leadership B.S., Ball State University, 1978 M.A., Ohio University, 1982 Dissertation: “A Study on the Academic Success of Black Male Community College Students in Male Initiative Programs” Chair: Dr. Rosemary Gillette-Karam

Patrice Frazier-Watson ...............................................................................................................Community College Leadership B.S., Morgan State University, 1990 M.Ed., Bowie State University, 1998 Dissertation: “Transition Services that Prepare Students with a Specific Learning Disability to Transition Seamlessly to Community Colleges in Maryland” Chair: Dr. Rosemary Gillette-Karam

Dana Gaskins ............................................................................................................................ Community College Leadership B.S., Trinity Washington University, 2003 M.S., Towson University, 2007 Dissertation: “The Impact of Performance-Based Funding 2.0 on Community College Institutional Behavior and Outcomes” Chair: Dr. Wilbur Hicks

Edwin Green, Jr. ......................................................................................................................... Urban Educational Leadership B.S.W., Morgan State University, 1988 M.S.W., Howard University, 1999 Dissertation: “Students’ Perceptions of the Effect of an Afterschool Program on their Path to College” Chair: Dr. Dia Sekayi

Marsha Koger ............................................................................................................................ Community College Leadership B.A., Swarthmore College, 1984 M.A., University of Baltimore, 2011 Dissertation: “Exploring the Attitudes, Subjective Norms, and Behavioral Intentions of Maryland State Legislators Regarding Tuition-Free Community College Education” Chair: Dr. Sylvester E. McKay

Derrick Little .............................................................................................................................. Community College Leadership B.S., Towson University, 2006 M.P.H., New Mexico State University, 2009 Dissertation: “Financial Aid Warning and Intervention: A Quasi-Experimental Study at a Mid-Atlantic Community College” Chair: Dr. Rosemary Gillette-Karam

Danyelle Maddox ....................................................................................................................... Urban Educational Leadership B.S., University of Maryland Eastern Shore, 1995 M.A., University of Maryland University College, 2005 Dissertation: “Quasi-Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Flipped Learning for Middle School Students’ Science Achievement” Chair: Dr. Warren Hayman

S. Ayize Sabater .......................................................................................................................... Urban Educational Leadership B.A., Moorehouse College, 1992 M.Div., Wesley Theological Seminary, 1998 Dissertation: “Does Parental Involvement Matter? A Comparison of the Effects of Two Different Types of Parental Involvement on Urban Elementary Students' Academic Performance” Chair: Dr. Glenda Prime

Jamila Scott ................................................................................................................................ Community College Leadership B.A., University of Maryland Baltimore County, 2007 M.A, University of Montana, 2009 Dissertation: “The Effect of the Maryland Dream Act on Student Outcomes: An Examination of Undocumented Students at a Maryland Community College” Chair: Dr. Uttam Gaulee


Adrian Wright .......................................................................................................................... Community College Leadership B.S., American InterContinental University, 2009 M.P.A., Fairleigh Dickinson University, 2010 Dissertation: “Barriers to Online Teaching at Predominantly White and Predominantly Black Community Colleges” Chair: Dr. Carolyn Anderson

Kimberly Wright ........................................................................................................................ Community College Leadership B.S., University of Maryland Eastern Shore, 1994 M.Ed., Salisbury State University, 1996 Dissertation: “The Relationship Between Mandatory Placement Tests to Student Success at a Community College” Chair: Dr. Joseph Drew

Doctor of Engineering Degrees Hailu Kassa ................................................................................................................................................ Electrical Engineering B.S., Defense Engineering University College, 2005 M.S., Addis Ababa University, 2009 Dissertation: “Adaptive Energy Efficient Cellular Network” Chair: Dr. Kevin Kornegay

David Oyediran ......................................................................................................................................... Electrical Engineering M.Eng., Enugu State University of Science and Technology, 2004 M.S., Delft University of Technology, 2009 Dissertation: “Spectrum Sharing: CRMAC Protocol Implementation in the 3.5 GHz Band” Chair: Dr. Farzad Moazzami

Doctor of Public Health Degree Carolyn Nganga-Good ............................................................................................................................................. Public Health B.S, University of Maryland, Baltimore, 2005 M.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore, 2007 Dissertation: “Linkage to HIV Care in Emergency Departments: Understanding the Core Components of the Implementation Process” Chair: Dr. Lorece Edwards

Master’s Degrees Master of Architecture Degrees

Abdulwahab Alghamdi ................................................... Economics B.A., King Saud University, 2014 Thesis: “Women Empowerment in Saudi Arabia” Chair: Dr. Ashraf Ahmed

Mitchell Pinkney, Jr. .................................................... Architecture B.S., Coppin State University, 2009

Rehab Alghammas .......................................................... Economics B.S., King Saud University, 2012 Thesis: “Is International Trade Successful in Reducing Poverty in East Asia?” Chair: Dr. Muhammad Quibria Makaram Alhamad .......................................................... Economics B.S., King Faisal University, 2013 Thesis: “The Effect of Foreign Aid on Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries” Chair: Dr. Ashraf Ahmed

Master of Arts Degrees Asimiyu Adeniyi .............................................................. Economics M.S., Vladimir State Technical University, 1994 M.S., All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics, 2008 Thesis: “The Effect of Outward Trade Orientation on the Economic Growth of Nigeria” Chair: Dr. Muhammad Quibria Olanrewaju Agau ............................................................ Economics B.S., Morgan State University, 2011

Reem Alnemari ................................................................Economics B.A., Taif University, 2013 Thesis: “The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth in China” Chair: Dr. Muhammad Quibria

Samar Al-Abbas ............................................................ Mathematics B.S., Najran University, 2012 Thesis: “Statistical Analysis of Mortality in Saudi Arabia” Chair: Dr. Ashraf Ahmed


Aminah Alrehaili .......................................................... Mathematics B.S., Taibah University, 2008 Thesis: “A Mathematical Model of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in China” Chair: Dr. Najat Ziyadi Grace Bell ......................................................................... Journalism B.A., McDaniel College, 2016 Shamara Bownes .................................................. Higher Education B.A., University of Baltimore, 2012 Joanna Carey ......................................................................... History B.A., Morgan State University, 2006 Thesis: “A Sense of Racial Pride and Personal Worth: The Evolution of Historical Revisionist Benjamin Arthur Quarles” Chair: Dr. Debra Newman Ham

Diana Gbalah ........................................... Business Administration B.A., African Methodist Episcopal University, 2011 M.B.A., Cuttington University, 2015 Brooke Goddard ...................................... Business Administration B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 2013 Lydia Kariuki ............................................. Business Administration B.A., Kempala International University, 2006 Chinedu Okeke ........................................ Business Administration B.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2015 Suryodaya Timsina ................................... Business Administration B.S., Tribhuvan University, 2007 B.S., Morgan State University, 2015

Master of City and Regional Planning Degrees

Jonathan Davis ............................................... International Studies B.A., Morgan State University, 2014

Latisha Johnson .................................... City and Regional Planning B.S., University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2009

Sadaf Hashimi .................................................................... Sociology B.S., Virginia Commonwealth University, 2012 Thesis: “Factors that Influence Retention of Affiliation in Christianity” Chair: Dr. Ashraf Ahmed

Kafayat Lawal ....................................... City and Regional Planning B.A., Spelman College, 2008 Randy Radford .................................... City and Regional Planning B.S., Bowie State University, 2010

Felix Omondiale .............................................................. Economics B.S., Ambrose Alli University, 2005 Thesis: “The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Growth and Development of the Nigerian Economy” Chair: Dr. Muhammad Quibria

Cedric Southerland .............................. City and Regional Planning B.S., University of Maryland University College, 2011

Marsha Price ......................................................................... English B.A., Morgan State University, 2011

Master of Education Degree Joan Carter-Conway ......................... Community College Administration & Instruction B.A., Morgan State University, 2016

Le Von White ......................................................................... Music B.A. York College of Pennsylvania, 2013 Timothy Winn-Evans ............................. African American Studies B.S., Rutgers University, 2012 Thesis: “Integration: The Leadership of Dr. Martin D. Jenkins, 1948– 1970” Chair: Dr. David Terry

Master of Engineering Degrees Akinade Akioye ............................................................. Engineering B.Eng., Covenant University, 2016

Master of Arts in Teaching Degree

Adeniyi Aluko ............................................................... Engineering B.Eng., The Federal Polytechnic, 2006

Robert Horne ..................................................................... Teaching B.A., Morgan State University, 2016

Bria Anderson ............................................................... Engineering B.S., Tuskegee University, 2016

Master of Business Administration Degrees

Ahnyjah Bradley ............................................................ Engineering B.S., Virginia State University, 2016

Adegoke Akingbade .................................. Business Administration B.A, George Washington University, 2010

Andargachew Bezabih ................................................... Engineering B.S., Morgan State University, 1998

Michael Awotoye ...................................... Business Administration B.S., University of Ilorin, 2005

Arielle Gaither................................................................ Engineering B.S., West Virginia University, 2014

Michael Cassell ......................................... Business Administration B.A., Stella Maris Polytechnic, 2009

Kevan Graham .............................................................. Engineering B.S., Morgan State University, 2016

Freddie Davis ............................................ Business Administration B.S., Morgan State University, 2015


Monique Hart ................................................................ Engineering B.S., Morgan State University, 2012

Olen Oliver ...................................................... Project Management B.A., Hampton University, 2004

Nicholas Horn ............................................................... Engineering B.S., Tennessee State University, 2017

Oluremi Omosebi ........................................... Project Management B.A., University of Ibadan, 1992 P.G.D., University of Lagos, 1998

Tesleem Lawal ............................................................... Engineering B.S., University of Lagos, 2017 Chibuike Nosiri ............................................................. Engineering B.Eng., Federal University of Technology, 2014 Derek Riley .................................................................... Engineering B.S., Morgan State University, 2015 Orion Robinson ............................................................ Engineering B.S., Morgan State University, 2014 Nicholas Strawn ............................................................ Engineering B.S., Virginia State University, 2016 Martina Taylor ............................................................... Engineering B.S., Morgan State University, 2017 Adugnaw Tizazu ............................................................ Engineering B.S., Morgan State University, 2016

Master of Landscape Architecture Degrees

Handy Phyall, Jr. .......................................... Urban Transportation B.S., Morgan State University, 2013 Oluwatoni Samagbeyi .................................................... Accounting B.S., Babcock University, 2015 Shadi Samman ......................................... Hospitality Management B.S., Alfaisal University, 2012 Sabitha Schools ......................................................... Bioinformatics B.S., Morgan State University, 2002 Thesis: “A Genetic Algorithm for Sorting Lists Implemented in the Programming Language Netlogo” Chair: Dr. Vojislav Stojkovic Anup Thapa ................................................. Urban Transportation B.S., Advanced College of Engineering & Management, 2015 Jenee Tucker .................................................... Project Management B.S., Virginia Union University, 2001 Cortney Williams ............................................ Project Management B.S., Morgan State University, 2005

Caitlin Cunningham .................................. Landscape Architecture B.F.A., Maryland Institute College of Art, 2005

Master of Social Work Degrees

Ahmed Zeeb ............................................... Landscape Architecture B.S., King Saud University, 2012

La'shawn Allen .............................................................. Social Work B.S.W., Coppin State University, 2016 Terrell Blackwood.......................................................... Social Work B.A., SUNY College at Old Westbury, 2009

Master of Science Degrees Sunday Alina ................................................... Project Management B.S., Babock University, 2010 B.S., Oxford Brookes University, 2016 Sara Althamali ................................................................ Accounting B.S., King Abdulaziz University, 2012 Toluwase Ayanleke .......................................... Project Management B. Eng., Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, 2010 Oluwafemi Ebilakun ....................................... Project Management B.S., Bowen University, 2012 Osman Iddrisu ................................................ Project Management B.A., University for Development Studies, 2013 Leena Mathew ................................................. Project Management B.S., Towson University, 2007 Letitia Matthews .............................................. Project Management B.A., Sojourner Douglass College, 2014 Olutayo Ojo...................................................... Project Management B.S., Federal University of Technology Akure, 2012


Candidates for Degrees Bachelor’s Degrees The College of Liberal Arts B.S., Applied Liberal Studies

Amber B. Shephard ........................................ Baltimore, Maryland Kalada D. William-Jumbo ................................ Pikesville, Maryland

*Sekia A. Adams ................................................... Bowie, Maryland Patricia Agendia ...................................................Lanham, Maryland Kiana R. Baham ............................................... Teaneck, New Jersey Ayana A. Bailey ....................................... Riverdale Park, Maryland Dennis N. Barare ............................................. Rosedale, Maryland Sukari B. Barnes ........................................ Staten Island, New York Kathryn F. Bedneau ........................................... Arverne, New York Tisa A. Brown ................................................. Baltimore, Maryland Derrek R. Cole ................................................ Baltimore, Maryland Carmen R. Coleman ........................................ Odenton, Maryland Dakera Day ........................................................ Odenton, Maryland *Stevaughn F. Doss ............................................. Towson, Maryland Raymond F. Edmonds ............................... Reisterstown, Maryland Damar L. Fletcher ................................ Schwenksville, Pennsylvania Channell Freeman .............................................. Clinton, Maryland Orim A. Graves ........................................... Lumberton, New Jersey Autumn E. Gregory .......................................... Frederick, Maryland Jazzmyn Gross ................................................... Hanover, Maryland Eric Harrell, Jr. ........................................................ Orlando, Florida Jada L.J. Harris ........................................................ Chicago, Illinois Reina M.A. Haughton ................................... Edgewood, Maryland Peggy A. Horton .............................................. Baltimore, Maryland *Kirsten Howell ............................................... Baltimore, Maryland *Warith E. Jumuah ....................................... Plainfield, New Jersey *Kristian S. Kelly .............................................. Baltimore, Maryland Traci S. Lambert .............................................. Baltimore, Maryland Brianna P. McFadden ........................................... Severn, Maryland *Mackenzie J. Menefee ..................... Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin *Shaquille M. Nelson ...................................... Baltimore, Maryland *Briana Peterson ....................................... Owings Mills, Maryland *Johnny C. Peterson, II................................ Mitchellville, Maryland DeLarrah J. Randall .............................................. Severn, Maryland Myrell Redmond ............................................. Baltimore, Maryland Jerrod A. Reed ..................................................... Clinton, Maryland Kaysandra Rodriguez..................................... Kensington, Maryland Unique C. Seldon ............................................ Rosedale, Maryland Matthew E. Thompson ....................................Perry Hall, Maryland Malcolm Williams ......................................... Catonsville, Maryland

B.A., Fine Art Russell A. Davis ................................... Fort Washington, Maryland Rochae N. Harris ................................................ Omaha, Nebraska Rochelle K. Johnson ........................... Fort Washington, Maryland Assata Lewis ..................................................... Baltimore, Maryland Veronica Morales ............................................. Baltimore, Maryland Demetrius Selby, Jr. ............................................ Savannah, Georgia Samuel A. Temple ....................................... Silver Spring, Maryland

B.A., History Travon L. Belinfante ....................................... Accokeek, Maryland Afrikiia Robertson ........................................... Baltimore, Maryland

B.A., Music Gene A. Alestock, II ............................. Upper Marlboro, Maryland Yusufamir K. Fenwick ........................... New Carrollton, Maryland Tarik R. McKeython ............................. Capitol Heights, Maryland John W. Newsome .......................................... Baltimore, Maryland Chidinma G. Okwum-Emulo .............................. Laurel, Maryland Adiel A. Salazar .............................................. Hyattsville, Maryland *Catherine Silver ....................... Washington, District of Columbia Sherice F. Walker .................................................... Essex, Maryland

B.A., Philosophy Javonte M. Pearson ........................................ Oxon Hill, Maryland

B.A., Political Science Adeshina A. Adegoke ...................................... Baltimore, Maryland Destiny A. Butler .............................................. Baltimore, Maryland Timothy Davis ................................................. Hyattsville, Maryland Joanne R. Harding-Stanton ............................. Baltimore, Maryland Laco M. Johnson, III ............................................. Bowie, Maryland Natassja S. Pupuma ............................................ Suitland, Maryland

B.A., Economics B.S., Psychology *Carlton J. Harris, Jr. ....................................... Pikesville, Maryland Subhadra Paudel .............................................. Baltimore, Maryland

Bolanle Y. Alade ............................................... Baltimore, Maryland *Brianna K. Bagby ............................................ Gambrills, Maryland Assata Barnes ................................................ Bloomfield, New Jersey Alexis R. Becton .................................... Upper Marlboro, Maryland Makeese R. Bell ......................................... Tappahannock, Virginia Markea B. Carter ....................................... Randallstown, Maryland *Jonee' D. Daniels ........................................... Baltimore, Maryland Lawrence Freeman ............................................ Suitland, Maryland

B.A., English Maya S. Carpenter .................................... Owings Mills, Maryland *Ashlee Faulcon ............................................... Baltimore, Maryland Jordan N. Honeyblue ................................ Randallstown, Maryland


Talitha A. Frison ............................................. Baltimore, Maryland India Harper ................................................. Middleton, Wisconsin *Timia A. Hord ........................................... Glen Burnie, Maryland Lloyd J. Hylton...................................................... Minneola, Florida Maya S. Johnson ....................................................Bronx, New York *Isis D. McCray ............................................... Baltimore, Maryland Aniya Morina ..................................................... Fallston, Maryland Jordan A. Thompson ...................................... Baltimore, Maryland

B.F.A., Screenwriting and Animation Richard D. Bennett ......................................... Pikesville, Maryland Kayla A. McDaniel........................................... Baltimore, Maryland Kaiya Spence-Hines ........................................ Baltimore, Maryland

B.A., Sociology

Destiny N. Bryant ........................................... Hyattsville, Maryland Marissa Culp ................................................... Baltimore, Maryland Shanel M. Edwards ............................................ Clinton, Maryland *Alex L. Ennis ......................................... Ocean Grove, New Jersey Asia N. Hughes .................................................. Lanham, Maryland Tyler E. Kensey .................................... Upper Marlboro, Maryland Jimmy A. Odumesi ......................................... Baltimore, Maryland Notchelle Pierre ...................................... Hyde Park, Massachusetts Amonta J. Poteat ....................... Washington, District of Columbia Jarret Richardson ............................................ Paterson, New Jersey Mikaila T. Wallace ................................................ Laurel, Maryland *Aunesha S. Williams ...................................... Baltimore, Maryland

B.A., Theatre Arts Tracy N. Hall ................................................. Catonsville, Maryland Kayla A. McDaniel .......................................... Baltimore, Maryland

Chariane Bangna .................................................. Laurel, Maryland Amy R. Begg ......................................... Christchurch, New Zealand

The School of Architecture and Planning B.S., Architecture & Environmental Design

Jackey V. Robinson ...................................... Temple Hills, Maryland Philip A. Robinson ........................................... Suitland, Maryland Stephon A. Vandergrift ............. Washington, District of Columbia

Emmanuel E. Balraj ...................................... Baltimore, Maryland Ta'Kesihia S. Barnes ....................................... Baltimore, Maryland David T. Carter ............................................... Baltimore, Maryland Racquel D. Clarke .......................................... Forestville, Maryland Lashia C. Daniels ........................................... Baltimore, Maryland Kristen I. Hoover ............................................... Freeland, Maryland Blake C. Jackson ................................................ Beltsville, Maryland Jonathan T. Melgarejo .................................... Baltimore, Maryland Nathaniel D. Mitchell ................................ Bryans Road, Maryland

B.S., Construction Management *Feleke D. Belay .......................................... Burtonsville, Maryland DaJaun R. Griffin ........................................ Wyandanch, New York Murisiku S. Lawal .............................................. Lanham, Maryland Najah I. Westbrook ............................... District Heights, Maryland

The Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management B.S., Accounting *Saud Alalhareth ................................................ Parkville, Maryland Brianna D. Brown ................................... Capitol Heights, Maryland Olaleye Fasuyi ......................................................... Essex, Maryland Malik N. Moorer ............................................ Plainfield, New Jersey Portia Osei............................................................... Laurel, Maryland Nickida J. Pegus .............................................. Glenarden, Maryland Desean C. White................................................ Waldorf, Maryland Justin J. Wilson ............................................. Jacobus, Pennsylvania

B.S., Business Administration *Adeoluwa Adewami .............................. Landover Hills, Maryland Rakan Alarjani .................................................. Parkville, Maryland Mohammed Alasmari ....................................... Baltimore, Maryland Waverly C. Allen ...................................................... Suffolk, Virginia Anas Z. Almadani .............................................. Towson, Maryland Samaher H. Alshanbari ..................................... Towson, Maryland *Moataz Z. Alsuwida ........................................... Towson, Maryland Mohammed Alzahrani ...................................... Baltimore, Maryland Latifa A. Athumani-Tyson ..................................... Laurel, Maryland Saeed O. Bajahzar ............................................ Rosedale, Maryland Robert L. Barclay ................................... Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Omari T. Brookes .............................................. Clinton, Maryland Arin M. Brown ..................................... Upper Marlboro, Maryland Clinton D. Brown, Jr. ..................................... Baltimore, Maryland Dwayne L. Cole ...................................... Mount Vernon, New York Tre'zur R. Corbin ................................................... Laurel, Maryland Crystal C. Ellis ................................................. Baltimore, Maryland Marcus A. Flowers.................................................. Bowie, Maryland Bennie F. Frazier, III ......................................... Landover, Maryland Brandon J. Griffin............................................. Baltimore, Maryland Ricardo Griggs .................................................. Waldorf, Maryland Deanard L. Holmes, Jr. .................................... Landover, Maryland Arnnette James ................................................ Baltimore, Maryland Ceirra A. Johnson ........................................... Baltimore, Maryland Kayla Jones ....................................................... Baltimore, Maryland Shaina Lowe-Ham ........................................... Brooklyn, New York Stephon R. Martin ........................................... Baltimore, Maryland Chloe R. McLaughlin ............... Washington, District of Columbia Kai J. Miller ................................................ Owings Mills, Maryland Jameerah Y. Morant ................................... Randallstown, Maryland Ian Mwaniki ..................................................... Baltimore, Maryland Morgan S. Poole-Brooks ............................ Middle River, Maryland Ernisa Rembeci ................................................. Parkville, Maryland Ayanna T. Richardson ..................................... Baltimore, Maryland Tyreke S. Richburg ................................... Randallstown, Maryland


Abdulrahman L. Alharbi ................................... Towson, Maryland Fahad B. Alotaibi ............................................. Rosedale, Maryland Alaa S. Alrubayyi ............................................. Baltimore, Maryland Abdulaziz O. Altuwaijri .................................. Baltimore, Maryland Aderoju A. Awodipe ................................. Owings Mills, Maryland Jefferson W. BuggBey ................................ Temple Hills, Maryland Devin T. Burke ................................................ Baltimore, Maryland Irene Love D. Camunag .................................. Rosedale, Maryland Simphiwe Denalane .................................... Mitchellville, Maryland Johnathon W. Honeycutt ................................ Baltimore, Maryland Roy D. Hubb ............................................... Reisterstown, Maryland Alvin Korie ................................................ Randallstown, Maryland Everett J. Maples ............................................... Jackson, New Jersey Brian C. Ogu ....................................................... Lanham, Maryland Oladapo M. Olawuyi ............................................ Bowie, Maryland Sean L. Osborne, Jr. ....................................... Springdale, Maryland James K. Quarles ................................... Upper Marlboro, Maryland Tamajung T. Tcheffo ............................................. Bowie, Maryland Alemanji Wenja ................................................. Lanham, Maryland

Khiya A. Robinson ............................... Upper Marlboro, Maryland Diamond V. Smith ............................... Upper Marlboro, Maryland Wayne A. Smith .............................................. Baltimore, Maryland Ehijele O. Ubuane .......................................... Baltimore, Maryland Gerard Webb .................................................. Baltimore, Maryland Taemar Weise ............................................ Silver Spring, Maryland Brittany S. Williams ........................................ Baltimore, Maryland

B..S. Entrepreneurship *Christian D. Caldwell ......................... District Heights, Maryland Mercy Ekomuenrenren ................................... Baltimore, Maryland Abdoul M. Mohammed.................................. Hyattsville, Maryland

B.S., Finance *Faleh Alarjani ..................................................... Towson, Maryland Salman M. Alharbi ............................................. Towson, Maryland Ahmad Alharthay ....................................... Nottingham, Maryland Badr Almutawa ...................................................... Tempe, Arizona Fares K.F.A. Z. Alshammari .............................. Towson, Maryland Abdulaziz Alshehri ............................................. Towson, Maryland Ahmed D. Alshehri ........................................... Towson, Maryland Lanisha Barnes ................................................ Baltimore, Maryland Dudley Dodoo ................................................... Lanham, Maryland Devon Hines ..................................................... Parkville, Maryland Princess N. Knott ............................................. Rockville, Maryland *Justin C. Morris ............................................. Paterson, New Jersey Javan Stewart .................................................... Brooklyn, New York

B.S., Management Jazmine Bibb .................................................... Pasadena, Maryland Tatyana D. Moore ........................................... Baltimore, Maryland Ahniya S. Muhammad ....................................... Lanham, Maryland Brian K. Phillips, Jr. ............................................... Buford, Georgia

B.S., Marketing Joel P. Aggrey-Smith, Jr. ................................... Baltimore, Maryland Nasser A. Alohali ............................................... Towson, Maryland Brianna L. Butler ............................................. Baltimore, Maryland Jamilah T. Dabo ................................................ Baltimore, Maryland Osmine Gbesso ............................................... Linthicum, Maryland Heather D. Guzman .......................................... Ewing, New Jersey Zachary L. Hatchett .............................................. Fulton, Maryland Justin C. Morris .............................................. Paterson, New Jersey Jara S. Salter ................................................... Chesterfield, Virginia Michael E. Wynder .......................................... Baltimore, Maryland Kenisha Y. Young ............................................... Milford, Delaware

B.S., Hospitality Management Kelsey S. Bowman ........................................... Baltimore, Maryland Rasheedat Green ............................................ Edgewood, Maryland Jodian P. Hamilton ............................................. Parkville, Maryland Nathalie F. Ngassa ..................................... Randallstown, Maryland Kiera D. Randolph ......................................... Baltimore, Maryland Destiney D. Talley ......................................... Hagerstown, Maryland

B.S., Information Systems Oluwafemi D. Adepoju .................................. Edgewood, Maryland Nnaemeka J. Agbaeruneke ....... Washington, District of Columbia

The School of Community Health and Policy B.S., Health Education

Tyra M. Sellers ...................................................... Bowie, Maryland Gloria G. Smalls .............................................. Rosedale, Maryland Nakilia N. Thompson ................................ Silver Spring, Maryland Saphir R. Vilmar ......................................... Silver Spring, Maryland Shalanda A. Wellington ......................................... Laurel, Maryland

Ahmed Abdulmajeed ..................................... Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Jessica I. Abumere ........................................Owings Mills, Maryland Henrietta Batts ................................................. Baltimore, Maryland Stephanie C. Donaldson Brown ............... Windsor Mill, Maryland Devonte M. Hall ....................... Washington, District of Columbia Carrie M.D. Henderson ................................ Catonsville, Maryland Aziza-Isake F. Hunter .......................................... Parkville, Maryland Joya E. Jenkins ................................................. Baltimore, Maryland Kiara R. Jenkins ........................ Washington, District of Columbia Oreoluwa K. Oluyen ......................................... Parkville, Maryland Danyelle R. Owens .................................................. Riva, Maryland Esther Sakyi ........................................................ Beltsville, Maryland

B.S., Nutritional Sciences Linda A. Odei ............................................ Owings Mills, Maryland


The School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences B.S., Biology Naimat Ajilore .......................................... Randallstown, Maryland Ashley M. Bailey .................................... New Carrollton, Maryland Leon Carter ..................................................... Baltimore, Maryland Ugomma J. Etoh..................................... New Carrollton, Maryland Ijeoma D. Eziefula ............................................ Baltimore, Maryland Akunna C. Mezu ............................................ Finksburg, Maryland Alvina C. Okafor .............................................. Baltimore, Maryland Mopeninujesu Oluyinka .................................. Baltimore, Maryland Rita N. Omekam ................................................. Clinton, Maryland Akhenaton J. Pierre .............................................. Bronx, New York Oluwatobi N. Samagbeyi ................................ Baltimore, Maryland Simone E. Sampson ......................................... Cheverly, Maryland Alexis L. Staten ................................................... Waldorf, Maryland Amanda R. Sukhram ............................ Havre De Grace, Maryland Devyn D. Wilkins ................................. Upper Marlboro, Maryland Andre Williams ................................................... Clinton, Maryland

Hamzah A. Alseeni ...................................... Silver Spring, Maryland Olakunle H. Awotedu ............................................ Bowie, Maryland *Micah Egiefameh ........................................... Baltimore, Maryland Benjamin Hall ................................................. Baltimore, Maryland *Keith A. Newman .......................................... Baltimore, Maryland Busayo Phillips ................................................. Baltimore, Maryland Avishek Thapa Magar ................................ Windsor Mill, Maryland

B.S., Engineering Physics Kayondo-Amunmose T. Kamafrika .......... Windsor Mill, Maryland

B.S., Mathematics Jerel K. Roane .............................................. Gwynn Oak, Maryland

B.S., Physics Kara A. Green .................................................. Baltimore, Maryland

B.S., Computer Science Abdullah A. Alghanmy .............................. Silver Spring, Maryland

The School of Education and Urban Studies B.S., Elementary Education

Cheunta E. Fulwood ..................................... Hagerstown, Maryland Cierra D. Haley .......................................................Jessup, Maryland Jacqueline Mullen ........................................... Baltimore, Maryland Chassie C. Pickett....................................... Grand Rapids, Michigan Najah D. Ray .......................................................Belcamp, Maryland Chynna Rollins...................................... Upper Marlboro, Maryland Conica Smith .................................................. Baltimore, Maryland Lariel Tunstall ................................................ Baltimore, Maryland

Dina Brown .................................................... Baltimore, Maryland Karen M. Escobedo ......................................... Baltimore, Maryland Alexandra E. Harper ........................................... Bel Air, Maryland *Raven-Simone J. Johnson .............................. Aberdeen, Maryland Monica Lewis ................................................... Baltimore, Maryland Apryl Danielle Morris .......................... Upper Marlboro, Maryland Nfundiko Nzigire ............................................ Baltimore, Maryland Kenny E. Orsot ................................................ Baltimore, Maryland Lorrenzia D. Rollerson ................................... Baltimore, Maryland Shanita A. Swann .................................................. Laurel, Maryland Kevin A. Tracey .................................................Pikesville, Maryland Briana D. Wilkins ..............................................Parkville, Maryland

B.S., Physical Education Kristina L. Boykin ................................................. Laurel, Maryland Janae M. Ganaway ....................................... Glen Burnie, Maryland Shalena L. Harris ............................................ Baltimore, Maryland William King ................................................... Baltimore, Maryland Morghan C. Lobban ......................................... Centreville, Virginia Melvin C. Mbah ............................................... Columbia, Maryland Chinonso B. Modozie ........................................ Lanham, Maryland Raven S. Penn.................................................. Baltimore, Maryland Cierra Plummer ........................ Washington, District of Columbia Terrell W. Thompson .......................................... Severn, Maryland Osman V. Turay ............................................. Hyattsville, Maryland Pearl Umoh ........................................................... Bowie, Maryland

B.S., Family and Consumer Sciences Breionna A. Bailey .......................................... Baltimore, Maryland Anika Brown ...................................................... Waldorf, Maryland DeMarkus J. Bullock ....................................... Baltimore, Maryland Janet Conteh......................................... Upper Marlboro, Maryland Dominique Davis .......................................... Timonium, Maryland *Alex Ennis .............................................. Ocean Grove, New Jersey Sydney W. Flanagan .................. Washington, District of Columbia

The Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering B.S., Civil Engineering

Mushabbab Alageel .......................................... Baltimore, Maryland Abdulmuhsen Alajmi ................................. Nottingham, Maryland *Abdulrahman Alajmi ........................................ Towson, Maryland *Mobarak Alajmi ..................................................... Pocatello, Idaho Rakan Alajmi ...................................................... Towson, Maryland

Mayowa Adeyemi .................................................. Laurel, Maryland *Theeb J. Al Rizq ............................................. Baltimore, Maryland *Ibraheem S. Alabdallah .............................. Nottingham, Maryland


Saad Alajmi ........................................................ Towson, Maryland Ali Alamer .......................................................... Parkville, Maryland Abdullah Alazemi ....................................... Nottingham, Maryland Abdulrahman Alazmi .................................. Nottingham, Maryland Khaled Alazmi ............................................. Nottingham, Maryland Mohammad Alazmi ..................................... Nottingham, Maryland Abdulaziz Aldahoom ....................................... Baltimore, Maryland *Mohammad Aldhafeeri .................................... Towson, Maryland *Fares Alenezi .................................................... Towson, Maryland Yousef Alenezi .................................................... Towson, Maryland Khaled A. M. N. A. Alfadhly, Sr . ............................ Kuwait, Kuwait *Turki Alhajeri ............................................. Nottingham, Maryland *Hamud Alharbi ....................................................... Moscow, Idaho *Ahmad J. Alhemaidi ...................................... Baltimore, Maryland Yousef Aljahdali ................................................. Arlington, Virginia Naif Almarri ........................................................ Towson, Maryland *Abdalaziz Almutairi .............................................. Pocatello, Idaho Ahmad Almutairi ............................................... Towson, Maryland *Athaar Almutairi ................................................... Pocatello, Idaho *Khaled Almutairi ............................................. Towson, Maryland Mohamad Almutairi .............................................. Pocatello, Idaho *Omar Almutairi .............................................. Parkville, Maryland Omar Almutairi ................................................. Towson, Maryland Ahmad M. Alorifi .................................................. Laurel, Maryland Faisal Alotaibi ............................................. Nottingham, Maryland Abdullah Alqahtani ...................................................... Boise, Idaho Mouad Alqasiri ..................................................... Laurel, Maryland Ahmad Alqasseri ................................................... Laurel, Maryland Abdulaziz Alrashidi ............................................. Towson, Maryland *Saoud Alrashidi ......................................... Nottingham, Maryland Talal Alrashidi ............................................... Cookeville, Tennessee Torki Alrashidi .................................................. Parkville, Maryland Thamer Alsagoor ............................................... Towson, Maryland Saad A. Alsalem .................................................. Towson, Maryland Hasan Alsarraf ............................................ Hunt Valley, Maryland Ahmad Alshammari .......................................... Towson, Maryland Khaled Alshammari ........................................... Towson, Maryland Salman Alshammari .......................................... Towson, Maryland Bader Alshemali .......................................... Nottingham, Maryland Karen T. Alvarez ............................................. Baltimore, Maryland *Hamad Alyami ................................................ Parkville, Maryland Nicolette C. Archie ........................................... Parkville, Maryland Mohammad A. Atsh .............................................. Sarasota, Florida Carolina Ayala-Alvarado ................................. Baltimore, Maryland Killian T. Baptiste ....................................... Burtonsville, Maryland Deondre Brown .............................................. Baltimore, Maryland Christopher Fatogoma................................ Owings Mills, Maryland Trashawn N. Mackey ...................................... Baltimore, Maryland Asia K. Mitchell .............................................. Baltimore, Maryland Jessie Ondoa Seunga .......................................... Towson, Maryland Shaneice Richardson ...................................... Baltimore, Maryland Emerson Henri Sanders ............................... Halethorpe, Maryland Kayvon Simpson ............................................ Bridgeton, New Jersey Matthew A. Thompson ..................... Cambria Heights, New York Gabriel M. Upton .......................................... Timonium, Maryland

*Latora D. Brockington .................................. Baltimore, Maryland Saxfield T. Chatmon ............................................ Bowie, Maryland Tsgakrstos A. Dafla .......................................... Baltimore, Maryland Brittany A. Dail ................................................ Columbia, Maryland Byron Eaton .............................................. Randallstown, Maryland Tobechukwu G. Ejike ........................................... Laurel, Maryland Demetrius T. Farley, Sr. .................................. Baltimore, Maryland Jabari Gaylord ................................................. Baltimore, Maryland Alvin E. Ilechie ...................................................... Bowie, Maryland De'Vaughn L. Jackson ..................................... Baltimore, Maryland Sydney D. Johns ......................................... Randallstown, Maryland Jordan Joines ................................................... Baltimore, Maryland Isaiah Jones ..................................................... Baltimore, Maryland David L. King, Jr. .............................................. Waldorf, Maryland Tobiloba B. Komolafe ..................................... Baltimore, Maryland Daniel J. Liberto, Jr. ...................................... Hampstead, Maryland Mohammed A. Madkhali .............................. Parkville, Maryland Abdulrahman Mendkar .................................. Baltimore, Maryland Brian J. Newell-Turner .................................... Baltimore, Maryland Emmanuel O. Olanrewaju ............................. Baltimore, Maryland Oghenevoke J. Omoniyodo ............................ Baltimore, Maryland Utsav Sigdel .................................................. Nottingham, Maryland Ayodeji B. Wemida ............................... Capitol Heights, Maryland

B.S., Industrial Engineering Hassan A. Alruwaythi ...................................... Baltimore, Maryland Naif Alsati ........................................................ Baltimore, Maryland Mohammad S. Arroag .................................... Baltimore, Maryland Abdulrahman Batarf i ........................................ Parkville, Maryland Fernandes Boyd, II .......................................... Edgewood, Maryland Gabriel C. Ezimorah ....................................... Hyattsville, Maryland *Iman S. Gaylord ............................................. Pikesville, Maryland Ghassan A. Hammodah ............................... Nottingham, Maryland

B.S., Transportation Systems Hassan Alhawkash ............................................. Towson, Maryland Abdullah Almutairi ......................................... Baltimore, Maryland Waleed K. Alotaibi ..................................... Nottingham, Maryland *Mubarak Alsalem ...................................... Nottingham, Maryland Dennis N. Ayuk .................................................... Bowie, Maryland Edgar A. Cisnero ........................................ Glen Burnie, Maryland Joseph D. Jennings ............................. North Brentwood, Maryland Christopher K. Smith ...................................... Baltimore, Maryland Aaron M. Thomas.................................................. Bowie, Maryland Christopher B. Thompson, Jr. .......................... Waldorf, Maryland

B.S., Electrical Engineering Ayodeji D. Agbelese ........................................... Lanham, Maryland Talib Al Marri ................................................... Rosedale, Maryland Omar Aldosari ................................................... Towson, Maryland Mohammed S. Alharbi ...................................... Towson, Maryland Hassan Alqahtani ............................................... Towson, Maryland


The School of Global Journalism and Communication B.S., Broadcast & Integrated Media Production

B.S., Multi-platform Production

*Justin Black ............................... Washington, District of Columbia Cameron D. Butler ................................................ Bowie, Maryland Shanice Carter ........................................... Randallstown, Maryland Marlon S. Hynson ............................................ Dundalk, Maryland

Brandon Buckson ........................................... Baltimore, Maryland Jordan L. Cry ....................................................... Detroit, Michigan Lamar Lundy .................................................... Baltimore, Maryland Tyler L. Mack ............................................... Glenside, Pennsylvania Jasmin S. White ............................................... Baltimore, Maryland

B.A., Journalism

B.A., Public Relations, Advertising & Media Sales

*Samantha A. Kwaku-Mensah .................... Westminster, Maryland

*Alexis Smith-Butler ................................. Randallstown, Maryland Jonathan I. Travis ............................................ Baltimore, Maryland

B.S., Journalism

B.A., Strategic Communication

Christine L.M. Brooks ....................................... Clinton, Maryland Ariel Craig ................................................... Bladensburg, Maryland

Habiba Fagge ..................................................... Lanham, Maryland Tamar A. Jiles ....................................... Upper Marlboro, Maryland Kellie N. Johnson ........................................... Baltimore, Maryland Drew E. Mitchell.............................................. Baltimore, Maryland Iyanna R. Patterson ........................................ Forestville, Maryland Kye A. Thomas .......................................... Owings Mills, Maryland

B.S., Multimedia Journalism Stephanie A.M. Douglas ....................................... Lakeland, Florida Imani Lewis.......................................................... Elmont, New York Mesha R. McDonald ................................ Randallstown, Maryland Rebecca J. Olatunji ........................................... Beltsville, Maryland William H. White ............................................... Detroit, Michigan Zuri A. White ........................................... Durham, North Carolina

B.S., Telecommunications *Andre R. Harris, Jr. ........................................ Baltimore, Maryland

The School of Social Work B.S., Social Work William Houston ............................................ Baltimore, Maryland

* These students completed requirements for the degree during the Summer 2018 Session.


Honor Graduates Names of these students will be read at Commencement. These students will wear a gold Honors Cord and the orange and blue tassel.

University Honors Program Graduates These students earning a GPA of 3.40 and higher will wear the Honors Stole at Commencement.

Announcer Dr. Darryl L. Peterkin .......................................................... Director, Clara I. Adams Honors College

Degree Candidate Readers Dr. Shirley Basfield-Dunlap ........................................................... Associate Professor of Theatre Arts Ms. Keisha Campbell .............................................................................................. University Registrar Ms. Heidi Gerber-Salins ..................................... Assistant Professor of Multi-platform Productionym Dr. Darryl Peterkin .................................................... Director of the Clara I. Adams Honors College


The President’s Second Mile Award


he President’s Second Mile Award was established in 1953 by Dr. Martin D. Jenkins, President of what was then Morgan State College, and the tradition has been continued to encourage and give recognition to outstanding leadership and participation in student affairs. It is intended that this award will go to that member of the graduating class who has made the most outstanding contribution to the campus community during his or her undergraduate days. “Going the Second Mile” means doing more in any given task or activity than can reasonably be expected. It is hoped that “Going the Second Mile” will be characteristic of every Morgan State University student and graduate and that it will become one of the firmly established traditions of the university community. The winner of the Second Mile Award is selected by a committee consisting of the president of the Junior Class and Junior Class representatives in the Student Government Association. Organizations and individuals are invited to submit nominations for the award. Nominations are supported by a description of the individual’s achievement. Previous Recipients of the Award 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992

Louis Randall Clarence Dunnaville George Outen Herbert O. Edwards Ruby Plummer Thompson Walter W. Black, Jr. Louis J. Boston Ronald B. Merriweather John W. H. McClain Hughlyn F. Fierce Beresford Swan M. Reginald Lewis Karen Elaine Brownlee Thomas Pinder, Jr. Robert M. Bell Doris A. Reynolds Burney J. Hollis, Jr. Carolyn P. Loney Geneva A. Jones Mary L. Jackson Samuel B. Little Marilyn Lewis Anthony Kai Kai Jerry Pittman Denise Theodora Spence Stephen A. A. Glaude Linwood Nilson Henry Givens Sheila Tillerson Grace C. Greene Wilma D. Beckwith LaRue Wesley Laura C. Murdock Sharon A. Thomas Latonya S. Cargile Airuel D. Singletary Derrick S. Campbell Florence Marcus Sandra Johnson Donald M. P. Sharpe Stephen G. Hall Satima Fofana Nicole Love

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Chemistry Political Science Sociology History Education Business Administration Political Science Chemistry Economics Economics Chemistry History History Biology History Sociology English Business Administration English History Sociology History Biology Sociology Psychology Mental Health Accounting Biology Psychology Business Administration Speech Communication Business Administration Mathematics Psychology Telecommunications Business Administration Physics Biology Elementary Education Marketing History Political Science Political Science

2014 2015 2016 2017



Cindy Yvonne Hooper Political Science Alanna Dixon Physics Sheronda Rae Ball Social Work Kaliq Hunter English Lonnie Morris Marketing Dara Govan Physical Education Michelene Desroches Biology Angela McMillan Sociology Jenelle Murph Marketing Kizzie Smith Telecommunications Aisha Oliver Business Management Ashika Severin Chemistry Jakeisha Frierson Political Science N.Dama M. Bamba Biology Christopher Cash Physical Education No Award Made Sally McMillan Philosophy Akeem O. Croft Telecommunications Shade Y. Adu History Eugene H. Smith Psychology Arlene A. Asante Biology Christian Kameni Hospitality Management Emmanuellé P. Willis History Glenn George, II (May) Mathematics Shaquayah McKenzie (Dec.) English Triston R. Bing-Young (Dec.) Civil Engineering Brian L. Stewart (May) Business Administration Khir Henderson (Dec.) Electrical Engineering Marcus A. Patterson (May) Computer Science Jillian C. Curry (Dec.) Elementary Education Esther Aribilola (Dec.) Biology Adrien Feudjio (May) Electrical Engineering Kayla Lawrence (May) Public Relations Anthony Lovelace (Dec) Accounting Sarai Nwagbaraocha (May) Electrical Engineering Matthew Reeds (May) Information Systems Corey Dyson, Jr. (May) Business Administration Hamidah Famuditimi (May) Political Science

The President’s Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement


he President’s Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement was established in 1953 by Dr. Martin D. Jenkins, President of what was then Morgan State College, and the tradition has been continued to encourage and give recognition to the expression of worthwhile original ideas among the students of the university. It is intended that this award will go to that member of the graduating class who has made an exceptional contribution of a creative nature. One of the most important functions of an institution of higher education is to stimulate the development of original ideas. Although major contributions are hardly to be expected, certainly the techniques of creative thought and the habit of expressing original ideas should be developed during the undergraduate days. The budding techniques and habits so developed, it is hoped, will come to fruition in postuniversity years. The Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement may go to a student who makes a creative contribution in any field or area. The winner of the President’s Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement is selected by a faculty committee. Departments and individual faculty members are invited to submit nominations for the award through the appropriate department chairperson. Nominations are supported by adequate description of the nominee’s achievement. Previous Recipients of the Award 1953 1954 1955 1956

1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976-77 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985

Clifton Sands Clara Adams Gilbert Ware John H. Onley Paul M. Neale Franklin D. Tucker Raymond B. Webster No Award Made Donald C. Gwynn Vasily C. Cateforis Oliver P. Scott Thomas E. Arthur Earl Russell Barnes Stephen H. Foreman Germaine Dennaker Harmon Watson Preston H. Winkler Michael E. Cryor Joseph Kokosinski Joseph C. Dorsey Gregory A. Shannon Gayle L. Martin No Award Made Sandra Swann Barbara Armstead No Award Made Anita Joyce Willis No Award Made Evette E. Strothers No Award Made Alpha J. Williams Karl Thompson No Award Made Curtis L. Jones

1986-93 1994 1995-96 1997 1998

No Award Made Weyden Wedderburn No Award Made Kim Sydnor No Award Made

1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964

Chemistry Chemistry Political Science Chemistry Music Psychology Psychology

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Art Education Mathematics Art Education Music Mathematics English Biology English History Psychology Physics Modern Languages Psychology Chemistry

2015 2016 2017

Psychology Biology Psychology Theatre Arts Telecommunications Physics


Physics, Engineering Physics Electrical Engineering Psychology


Akilah L. Boomer Andrea Jones Malini M. Jagdel Tanika Allen Vernon Paris Webb Jesus J. Hernandez Elwood Green, III Brandon A. Reid Abidla Odesanmi Ronnie L. Thompson Olusanmi Fewehinimi Christina F. Southhall Melissa A. Pinard Tsehai Grell Craig S. Cornish, Jr. Courtney Culpepper (May) Ralph Harper (May) Courtney J. Morgan (Dec.) Christine Doherty (May) Brian Asson (Dec.) Brian Baksa (May) Andrea M. Ngure (Dec.) Daniel Beatty (May) Brittney Gordon (May) Chey Harris (Dec.) Dana Holland (Dec.) Edward Leedy (Dec.) Oluwaseun Ojimi (May) Joshua Payne (Dec.) Nishone Thompson (May) Saudah Ahmad (May) Paige Ja’nae Harvey (May) Thabang Nyondo (May)

Biology Psychology Biology Chemistry Engineering Physics Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Engineering Physics Computer Science Arch. & Environ. Design Arch. & Environ. Design Arch. & Environ. Design Chemistry Chemistry History Biology Arch. & Environ. Design Arch. & Environ. Design Arch. & Environ. Design Arch. & Environ. Design Arch. & Environ. Design Arch. & Environ. Design Arch. & Environ. Design Biology Psychology Electrical Engineering Arch. & Environ. Design Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Biology Social Work Electrical Engineering Arch. & Environ. Design

The Commencement Committee Dr. Linda Mehlinger (Chair) Dr. Don-Terry Veal (Co-Chair) Mrs. Linda Newson (Secretary) Mr. Emmanuel Adjei Dr. Mary Anne Akers Mr. Keon Allen Dr. Kevin A. Banks Dr. Fikru Boghossian Mrs. Joyce A. Brown Ms. Keisha Campbell Dr. Charlene Chester Dr. Sandra Chipungu Mr. Dwight R. B. Cook Ms. Myra W. Curtis Ms. Sherrie Eaton Mr. Sidney Evans Dr. Anthony Fitchue Dr. Mark Garrison Ms. Earlene Goodson Mr. Lance Hatcher Mrs. Carol-Ann Hendricks Dr. Burney J. Hollis (Past Chair) Dr. Edwin T. Johnson Mr. Larry Jones Mr. Claton Lewis Ms. Marsha W. Logan Ms. April Lopez Mrs. Monica McKinney Lupton Ms. Emani Majors Ms. Carlyn Moody Dr. M’bare N’gom Dr. Gaston N’guerekata Dr. Darryl L. Peterkin Ms. Shelia A. Richburg Mr. Evan Richardson Ms. Tanya V. Rush Dr. Craig Scott Mr. Philip Stewart Mr. Ron Stevenson Dr. Kim Dobson Sydnor Mr. Floyd E. Taliaferro, III Mrs. Moni Tenabe Dr. Kara Miles Turner Mr. Paul Voos Dr. Patricia Welch Prof. DeWayne Wickham Dr. Hongtao Yu

Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness Chief of Staff to the President Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness Acitng Manager of the University Print Shop Dean of the School of Architecture and Planning Office of Procurement Vice President for Student Affairs Dean of the School of Business and Management Director of Alumni Relations University Registrar Assistant Dean of the James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts Acting Dean of the School of Social Work Production Manager of the Murphy Fine Arts Center School of Engineering Retention Support Specialist Administrative Assistant to the Office of Academic Affairs Vice President for Finance & Management Assistant Dean of the School of Education and Urban Studies Dean of the School of Graduate Studies Recruitment Coordinator in the Office of Career Development Chief of Police Student Affairs Coordinator of the School of Community Health and Policy Professor of English and Dean Emeritus of the James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts Assistant University Archivist Assistant Vice President of Public Relations and Strategic Communications Director of SCMNS Transfer/Pre-professional Programs Director of the School of Business and Management Undergraduate Programs and Student Services Administrative Assistant to the Chief of Staff to the President Director of the Murphy Fine Arts Center President of the Senior Class Administrative Assistant to the Dean of the James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts Dean of the College of Liberal Arts Assistant Dean of the School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences Director of the Clara I. Adams Honors College Director of Undergraduate Student Support Services and Outreach of the School of Community Health and Policy Assistant to the Dean of the School of Architecture and Planning Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Interim Dean of the School of Engineering Assistant Director of the Physical Plant Interim Director of Business and Auxiliary Services Dean of the School of Community Health and Policy Director of the University Student Center and Student Activities Bursar Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Academic Support Success Assistant Dean of the School of Graduate Studies Dean of the School of Education and Urban Studies Dean of the School of Global Journalism and Communication Dean of the School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences


Index Academic Deans ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 Academic Degrees ................................................................................................................................................. 17 Academic Regalia .................................................................................................................................................. 13 Alma Mater .............................................................................................................................................................. 4 Alumni Oath of Allegiance ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Announcer ............................................................................................................................................................. 32 Anthem .................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Board of Regents ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 Candidates for Degrees ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Bachelor’s Degrees .................................................................................................................................... 6 James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts .................................................................................. 26 School of Architecture and Planning ............................................................................................... 27 Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management ...................................................................... 27 School of Community Health and Policy ........................................................................................ 28 School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences ............................................................. 28 School of Education and Urban Studies .......................................................................................... 28 Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering ............................................................................ 28 School of Global Journalism and Communication .......................................................................... 31 School of Social Work ...................................................................................................................... 31 Doctor of Education ............................................................................................................................... 21 Doctor of Engineering ............................................................................................................................. 23 Doctor of Philosophy ............................................................................................................................ 20 Doctor of Public Health ......................................................................................................................... 23 Master of Architecture ........................................................................................................................... 23 Master of Arts ......................................................................................................................................... 23 Master of Arts in Teaching .................................................................................................................... 24 Master of Business Administration ....................................................................................................... 24 Master of City and Regional Planning ................................................................................................... 24 Master of Education ............................................................................................................................... 24 Master of Engineering ............................................................................................................................ 24 Master of Landscape Architecture ......................................................................................................... 25 Master of Science .................................................................................................................................... 25 Master of Social Work ............................................................................................................................ 25 Chief Administrative Officers .................................................................................................................................. 7 Chief Faculty Marshals of the University ............................................................................................................. 10 Commencement Committee ................................................................................................................................ 35 Commencement Speaker ...................................................................................................................................... 14 Current Morgan Degree and Certificate Programs ................................................................................................ 5 Degree Candidate Readers .................................................................................................................................... 32 Dr. Iva G. Jones Medallion Emblem .................................................................................................................... 11 Dr. Sandye J. McIntyre, II, International Award ................................................................................................. 12 Honor Graduates .................................................................................................................................................. 32 Honorary Degree Recipients ................................................................................................................................. 16 Index ..................................................................................................................................................................... 36 Morgan State University Mace .............................................................................................................................. 10 Officers of the University ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Order of Exercises ................................................................................................................................................. 18 Order of Procession ................................................................................................................................................. 8 President’s Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement .................................................................................. 34 Presidential Chain of Office ................................................................................................................................... 9 President’s Second Mile Award ............................................................................................................................ 33 Student Government Association Officers ............................................................................................................ 7 To Our Guests ......................................................................................................................................................... 2 University Council Officers .................................................................................................................................... 7 University Honors Program Graduates ................................................................................................................ 32


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