Spring 2022 Commencement Program

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School of Graduate Studies Commencement Exercises Spring 2022 The Nineteenth of May Two Thousand and Twenty-Two Nine-thirty O’clock in the Morning W. A. C. Hughes Memorial Stadium ————— Undergraduate Commencement Exercises Spring 2022 The Twenty-First of May Two Thousand and Twenty-Two Nine-thirty O’clock in the Morning W. A. C. Hughes Memorial Stadium Morgan State University 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane Baltimore, Maryland 21251

To Our Guests Welcome to the 145th Spring Commencement Exercises of Morgan State University. The University solicits your cooperation in helping to sustain the dignity and solemnity of this happy occasion. We respectfully request that you refrain from engaging in conversation as well as moving about while the Commencement Exercises are in progress. Once the exercises have begun, only members of the authorized working press and authorized photographers are permitted on the arena floor. We ask our guests to stand as the academic procession moves into the arena and to remain standing until after the singing of the Hymn. Thank you. The list of graduates that appears in this booklet is tentative and contingent upon satisfactory completion of all requirements for graduation, and participation in these Commencement Exercises cannot be interpreted as having completed all requirements for graduation from Morgan State University.


Table of Contents To Our Guests ...................................................................................................................................................................2 “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing” ...............................................................................................................................................4 The Alma Mater ................................................................................................................................................................4 Alumni Oath of Allegiance ...............................................................................................................................................4 Officers of the University ..................................................................................................................................................5 Presidential Chain of Office ..............................................................................................................................................6 Morgan State University Mace .........................................................................................................................................6 Chief Faculty Marshals of the University ..........................................................................................................................6 Dr. Iva G. Jones Medallion Emblem .................................................................................................................................7 Dr. Sandye Jean McIntyre II International Award ...........................................................................................................7 Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Integration of Major League Baseball .........................................................................8 Retirement of Melvin N. Miles, Jr., Morgan State University Director of Bands ............................................................9 Fiftieth Anniversary Classes (1970, 1971 and 1972) Recognition .................................................................................10 Academic Regalia ............................................................................................................................................................11 Academic Degrees ...........................................................................................................................................................12 School of Graduate Studies Commencement Exercises, Spring 2022 ............................................................................13 Undergraduate Commencement Exercises, Spring 2022 ................................................................................................28


Anthem LIFT EV’RY VOICE AND SING Composed by James Weldon Johnson and J. Rosamond Johnson Lift ev’ry voice and sing Till earth and heaven ring,

Stony the road we trod, Bitter the chast’ning rod,

God of our weary years, God of our silent tears,

Ring with the harmonies of liberty; Let our rejoicing rise

Felt in the days when hope unborn had died; Yet with a steady beat,

Thou who has brought us thus far on the way. Thou who has by Thy might,

High as the list’ning skies. Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.

Have not our weary feet, Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?

Led us into the light, Keep us forever in the path, we pray.

Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us. Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; Facing the rising sun of our new day begun, Let us march on till victory is won.

We have come over a way that with tears has been watered, We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered,

Lest our feet stray from the places, Our God, where we met Thee. Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee;

Out from the gloomy past

Shadowed beneath Thy hand, May we forever stand,

Till now we stand at last

True to our God, True to our Native land.

Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast.


The Alma Mater

Alumni Oath of Allegiance

I. Fair Morgan, we love thee, so tried and so true, Our hearts at thy name thrill with pride; We owe thee allegiance, we pledge thee our faith, A faith which shall ever abide. –Chorus– We pledge thee our love, we pledge thee our faith, Whatever the future may bring, And thus our devotion, fidelity too, And homage we pay as we sing. II. Fair Morgan, as onward the years quickly fly, And thou livest in memory sweet. We bring thee our laurels whatever they be, And lay them with joy at thy feet. –Chorus–

I hereby solemnly pledge unbroken allegiance to Alma Mater in appreciation for opportunities for development afforded me as a student at Morgan State University. I pledge active membership in the National Alumni Association wherever I may be. Through association with fellow alumni, I shall ever do my best to uphold the ideals and traditions of Alma Mater. I pledge as a citizen to exemplify the high ideals thus implied, rendering positive service to community, state and nation, and so to live as ever to bring honor and respect to Alma Mater.

Author: Flora E. Strout


Officers of the University THE BOARD OF REGENTS The Honorable Kweisi Mfume, Chair Gen. (Ret.) Larry R. Ellis, Vice Chair The Honorable Tracey L. Parker-Warren, Secretary Ms. McCall Brown, Student Regent The Rev. Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr. Dr. Linda J. Gilliam Dr. Burney Hollis Ms. Emily M. Hunter Dr. Shirley M. Malcom

Mr. Wayne Resnick Mr. William A. Sherman II Ms. Shelonda D. Stokes Mr. Carl Turnipseed Mr. Winston A. Wilkinson

CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Dr. David K. Wilson, President Dr. Hongtao Yu, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Kevin M. Banks, Vice President for Student Affairs Mr. Sidney H. Evans, Jr., Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration Ms. Armada Grant, Special Assistant to the President Ms. Donna J. Howard, Vice President for Institutional Advancement Dr. Willie E. May, Vice President for Research and Economic Development Dr. Adebisi Oladipupo, Vice President/Chief Information Officer for Division of Information Technology Dr. Kara Miles Turner, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Success Dr. Don-Terry Veal, Vice President for State and Federal Relations and Chief of Staff to the President Ms. Erlease Wagner, Interim Vice President for Intercollegiate Athletics Sen. Joan Carter-Conway, Deputy Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs Ms. Julie D. Goodwin, General Counsel

ACADEMIC DEANS Dr. Mary Anne Alabanza Akers, Dean of the School of Architecture and Planning Dr. Oscar Barton, Jr., Dean of the Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering Dr. Fikru Boghossian, Dean of the Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management Dr. Mark D. Garrison, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies Dr. Cleo Hughes-Darden, Interim Dean of the School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences Prof. Jacqueline Jones, Dean of the School of Global Journalism and Communication Dr. Bernard Keels, Dean of the University Memorial Chapel Dr. Anna McPhatter, Dean of the School of Social Work Dr. Farzad Moazzami, Interim Dean of the College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies Dr. M’bare N’gom, Dean of the James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts Dr. Glenda Prime, Dean of the School of Education and Urban Studies Dr. Kim Dobson Sydnor, Dean of the School of Community Health and Policy

UNIVERSITY COUNCIL OFFICERS Dr. Tonya Sanders-Thatch, Chair Dr. Ernest Brevard, Jr., Vice Chair Ms. Keisha Campbell, Secretary Dr. Michael Sinclair, Parliamentarian

STUDENT GOVERNMENT OFFICERS Ms. Jamera Forbes, Student Government Association President Ms. Dia’Shona Jones, Student Government Association Vice President Ms. Karen Irving, Graduate Student Association President Mr. James Morgan, Graduate Student Association Vice President


The Presidential Chain of Office The Morgan State University Presidential Chain of Office is bestowed upon each President of the University at an official inauguration ceremony and is worn by the President at Commencement and all official occasions requiring the wearing of academic regalia. It is a permanent insignia of office and is passed down to each succeeding president of the University. The Morgan State University Presidential Chain of Office is cast in bronze with an antique patina and consists of a chain of 1 ½ -inch medallions engraved with the names of the presidents of the institution and the four periods and dates in its evolution: Centenary Biblical Institute, Morgan College, Morgan State College and Morgan State University. The medallions for the current and past presidents drape around the front, and the medallions noting the periods in the history of the institution drape around the back of the academic regalia. Near the bottom of the Chain are two banners with laurel leaves, attached to two round medallions bearing the official logo of the University. At the bottom of the Chain is a banner, crested with laurel leaves, bearing the inscription President, below which sits the official Presidential Medallion, a 3-inch round medal with a double-faced design embossed in bas-relief with the Seal of the University and its colors on the front and engraved with the University logo on the verso plane. Below the Presidential Medallion is a banner inscribed with the name of the current President. The Presidential Chain was designed by the Inauguration Committee for Morgan’s Tenth Inaugurated President, Dr. David Wilson, in collaboration with the Office of Public Relations and Strategic Communications, and crafted by Medallic Art Company of Northwest Territorial Mint in Dayton, Nevada, in 2010. It was donated by Dr. Clara I. Adams, Morgan State University Class of 1954, former Special Assistant to the President, and Mr. Wilbert L. Walker, Morgan State University Class of 1950. ————————————————————————

The Morgan State University Mace The mace (Arabic, amūd; Latin, mascea) was originally a weapon: a short handle topped with a metal ball, its bludgeoning force eclipsed that of a club. A common sight in medieval armies, the mace also served as a symbol of authority, appearing on the seals of such monarchs as Edward the Confessor, Philip Augustus and Frederick Barbarossa. In academic settings, a bedellus (lay church official) processed with the mace during commencement; hence, it was adopted by colleges and universities throughout the West and, in the United States, is usually borne by the Chief Faculty Marshal in academic processions. During its Sesquicentennial Celebration — December 2016 through December 2017 — Morgan State University retired its sixty-year-old mace and replaced it with a longer mace that can accommodate the names of additional Presidents over the years and that displays more prominently the insignia of the four major periods of its development: Centenary Biblical Institute, Morgan College, Morgan State College and Morgan State University. The new mace, crafted by the Medallic Art Company in Dayton, Nevada, has a 36-inch-tall fluted mahogany staff with 14 antique brass banners encircling it, the first 10 engraved with the names and terms of the inaugurated Presidents of the University. The mace head is a four-sided mahogany crown that bears images of three iconic Morgan structures and, on one side, the seal of the University, all in bronze, and, at its top the traditional flame of knowledge. The base of the mace is adorned with a tiered brass foot. The new mace was designed by the Sesquicentennial Celebration Coordinating Committee, and it is a Sesquicentennial Gift to the University from the MSU Alumni Association.

CHIEF FACULTY MARSHALS OF THE UNIVERSITY 1914–1948 Dr. Milton L. Calloway 1948–1966 Dr. George H. Spaulding 1966–1974 Dr. Nathaniel K. Proctor

1974–2009 Dr. Clayton C. Stansbury 2009– Dr. Milford A. Jeremiah


The Dr. Iva G. Jones Medallion Emblem Some colleagues and community friends of the late Dr. Iva Gwendolyn Jones, Professor Emerita of the Morgan State University Department of English, honored her as a scholar, leader and teacher, by extending as a gift to Morgan State University the Dr. Iva G. Jones Medallion Emblem, which is the conception of the late Assistant Professor Emeritus Samuel L. Green, who was one of the two co-designers of the symbol. The second co-designer, and medallion silversmith, was retired Associate Professor Kenneth Royster. The Emblem fabric approximates in width the border of the master’s hood, is velvet and employs the University colors — blue and orange. The detachable chain, which surmounts the emblem and helps to drape the wearer’s front and shoulders, bears silver mounts that hold the medallions in suspension. Appraisers have assessed each silver medallion at more than ten times the value of the United States silver dollar, which the medallions resemble. The twenty-one emblem medallions — which the Philadelphia Mint created exclusively for the Negro Commemorative Society (Membership Number 1043) — display the images of African-American notables such as Crispus Attucks, Benjamin Banneker, Henry O. Tanner, Lorraine Hansberry, Mary Church Terrell, Alaine Locke and Ralph Bunche. Annually, colleagues, employing University-approved criteria, select an individual to wear the Emblem. Those honored by this selection are persons who reflect vividly in their professional lives the qualities distinguishing the individual whose name the Emblem bears.

AWARDEES 2019–2020 2020–2021 2021–2022

Dr. Christine Hohmann, Full Professor of Biology, School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences Dr. Celeste Chavis, Associate Professor of Transportation & Urban Infrastructure Studies Dr. Leah Hollis, Associate Professor, Advanced Studies Leadership & Policy, School of Education & Urban Studies For the full list of past awardees, please visit the following web page: https://commencement.morgan.edu/awards.


The Dr. Sandye Jean McIntyre II International Award The Dr. Sandye Jean McIntyre II International Award, a sash designed and tailored specifically for this award, is inspired by the diplomatic sash customarily worn for formal occasions by ambassadors, consuls and other dignitaries. It is red satin accented with a traditional rosette and blue, white, yellow and green ribbons, representing the flags of the United States of America, France, Senegal and other countries with which Dr. McIntyre had contact in his diplomatic and academic careers. In the center front of the sash, a specially commissioned gold medal (struck by Charles Nusinov and Sons) features a world map enclosed by laurel wreaths and the name of the award. The Award was established in 1997 and conferred upon Dr. McIntyre at the annual Founders Day Convocation in 1997. It is given to that member of the Morgan faculty who demonstrates extraordinary commitment to global learning and international understanding and who promotes international programs at Morgan.

AWARDEES 2019 2021

Dr. Mingchao Cai, Associate Professor of Mathematics, School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences Dr. Kimberly Warren, Associate Professor of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts For the full list of past awardees, please visit the following web page: https://commencement.morgan.edu/awards.



Jackie Robinson

Joe Black Morgan State College, Class of 1950

Morgan State University joins the nation in celebrating the integration of Major League Baseball on April 15, 1947. We remember the courage and tenacity of Jackie Robinson, and his determination to blaze a trail to ensure that athletes of color would have the opportunity to distinguish themselves in mainstream professional sports. Morgan State University also remembers one of her faithful sons, Joe Black, a member of the Class of 1950. A teammate of Robinson, Black joined the Brooklyn Dodgers on May 1, 1952. Black was the first African-American pitcher to win a World Series Game, on October 1, 1952 against the New York Yankees. Today, as we observe and celebrate our Spring 2022 Commencement Exercises, we are reminded of our ancestors who persisted against insurmountable odds to attain full citizenship and greater participation in the United States of America. We recommit ourselves to continuing our role in the struggle.



Today, the Morgan State University family pauses to honor the legendary career of Melvin N. Miles, Jr. A member of the Morgan State College Class of 1973, Miles accepted a faculty appointment immediately after his graduation. Upon his retirement in June 2022, Miles will have served his alma mater for forty-nine years. Among the highlights of his career are a performance for President Barack Obama at the White House and leading the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. The performance of “Pomp and Circumstance” during the recessional of the Undergraduate Commencement Exercises will be the last time the Morgan State University Band will be conducted by Melvin N. Miles, Jr. We wish him well and offer him our sincere appreciation for his unprecedented service to Fair Morgan.




1970, 1971 and 1972



The Academic Regalia The traditional black caps and gowns worn by students and faculty in the academic procession have been the historic regalia of scholars since medieval times. Because many scholars of that period were members of monastic orders, the academic regalia probably represents an adaptation of ecclesiastical dress. A uniform code for academic regalia was drafted by an intercollegiate commission in 1893 and has since been adopted by the majority of colleges and universities in the United States. Each of the three academic degrees — bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral — has its own distinctive gown and hood. The gown representing the bachelor’s degree is distinguished by its long pointed sleeve. The master’s gown has a longer, narrow, closed sleeve, extending below the knee. The arm is passed through a slit at the elbow. In contrast, the doctor’s gown is faced with wide velvet bands, which may be black or a color indicating the general field of learning of the wearer — for example, dark blue for philosophy, green for medicine and purple for law. The most colorful and distinctive item of the academic regalia is the hood, which passes around the neck and extends down the back. The doctor’s hood is the largest, and the bachelor’s hood is the smallest. Often the use of a bachelor’s hood is omitted. The wearer’s field of learning is indicated by the color of the hood and the tassel. Among the colors of hoods are: Architecture ....................................... Blue Violet Arts, Letters, Humanities ........................... White City Planning ...................................... Blue Violet Commerce, Accountancy, Business ............. Drab Education ............................................. Light Blue Engineering ................................................ Orange Fine Arts ...................................................... Brown Human Ecology .......................................... Purple Journalism ............................................... Crimson Library Science .......................................... Lemon Medicine ..................................................... Green

Music ................................................................. Pink Nursing ......................................................... Apricot Philosophy ............................................... Dark Blue Physical Education ................................. Sage Green Public Administration ........................ Peacock Blue Public Health ....................................... Salmon Pink Science ...............................................Golden Yellow Social Science ................................................ Citron Social Work ................................................... Citron Speech (Oratory) .............................................. Silver Theology and Divinity ................................... Scarlet

The colors of the silk lining exposed in the center of the hood are those of the college or university which conferred the degree. The tassel may be either black or the color of the field of learning. The tassel of the doctor’s cap is usually gold.


The Academic Degrees The first known degree was a doctorate conferred by the University of Bologna in the middle of the 12th century. Originally, the doctor’s and master’s degrees were used interchangeably, each indicating that the holder was qualified to give instruction to students. The bachelor’s or baccalaureate degree indicated only entrance upon a course of study preparatory to the doctorate or mastership. Gradually, however, the bachelor’s degree came to mean successful completion of one level of study preparatory to the higher degrees. Today, there are more than 1,600 different academic degrees conferred by colleges and universities in the United States. The advanced degrees granted by Morgan State University are the Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Science, Master of Business Administration, Master of Architecture, Master of Landscape Architecture, Master of City and Regional Planning, Master of Engineering, Master of Public Health, Master of Social Work, Doctor of Education, Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Public Health and Doctor of Business Administration.

THE DOCTORAL DEGREE The doctoral degree or doctorate represents the most advanced degree conferred at institutions of higher education in the United States. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a doctor in the academic sense as “one who, in any faculty or branch of learning, has attained to the highest degree conferred by a university.” There are two major types of doctoral degrees: earned doctorates and honorary doctorates. Earned doctorates are further divided into two distinct types: the research degree and the professional or practitioner degree. The distinguishing feature of the research degree is that it normally requires a lengthy scholarly dissertation, which is usually designed to constitute a substantial contribution to the existing body of knowledge in its field. The most important doctorate of the research type at institutions of higher education in the United States is the Doctor of Philosophy. The only other earned doctorate of the research type which has secured wide recognition and use by a large number of leading United States universities is the Doctor of Education.

THE MASTER’S DEGREE * The master’s degree is an academic honor conferred upon students who have successfully completed one or two years’ work beyond the baccalaureate. A thesis and an oral examination are usually required. The word magister connected with a qualifying phrase was used among the Romans as the title of honor, but its present meaning must be traced to the time of the establishment of the oldest universities. Regularly organized faculties were not then known as they now exist in the universities. The whole circle of academic activity was limited to seven liberal arts. Those who received public honors in the completed studies, and who had already received the degree of baccalaureus (bachelor), were called magistri artium (masters of the liberal arts).

THE BACHELOR’S DEGREE ** The bachelor’s degree represents completion of a four-year course of study of collegiate grade and is the oldest academic degree used at institutions of higher learning in the United States. The degree of Bachelor of Arts was the first conferred in the United States in 1642 on nine young men, comprising the first graduating class of Harvard College. Yale conferred its first Bachelor of Arts in 1702; Princeton in 1748; William and Mary in 1753; Pennsylvania in 1757; Columbia in 1758; and Morgan State to George W. F. McMechen in 1895. * Eells, Walter Crosby. Degrees in Higher Education. New York: The Center for Applied Research in Education, 1967. ** Sometimes designated as the baccalaureate degree, from the Latin baccalaris, “under the influence of,” and lauris, “laurel,” used as a designation of honor, distinction or fame.


School of Graduate Studies Commencement Exercises

School of Graduate Studies Commencement Exercises Spring 2022 The Nineteenth of May Two Thousand and Twenty-Two Nine-thirty O’clock in the Morning W. A. C. Hughes Memorial Stadium

Morgan State University 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane Baltimore, Maryland 21251


Order of Procession MARSHALS


Chief Faculty Marshal of the University Dr. Milford A. Jeremiah

Academic Administrators Faculty Emeriti Graduate Faculty of the University Graduate Candidates Doctorates Masters

Associate Marshals Ms. Heidi A. Bruce Dr. Edwin T. Johnson Mrs. Natasha Lewis-Williams Dr. Tiffany B. Mfume

PLATFORM PARTY Marshals for the School of Graduate Studies Dr. Sharlene Allen-Martin Dr. Brett Berliner Dr. Helen Harrison Dr. Dong Hee Kang

President of the University Council President of the MSU Alumni Association Clergy University Registrar Master’s Degree Representative


Doctoral Degree Representative Special Guests Dr. Iva G. Jones Medallion Awardee Dr. Sandye Jean McIntyre II Sash Awardee Assistants to the President University Counsel Chief of Staff to the President Chairman of the Commencement Committee Deans of the University Vice Presidents of the University University Board of Regents Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Chairman of the Board of Regents President of the University


Order of Exercises

Graduate School Ceremony Dr. David K. Wilson President of the University, Presiding PROCESSIONAL “Pomp and Circumstance” ..................................................................................................... Sir Edward Elgar The audience is requested to stand as the academic procession moves into the arena and to remain standing until after the singing of “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing.” WELCOME ............................................................................................................................Dr. David K. Wilson, President INVOCATION.................................................................................................................... Minister Clarence A. Wayman, Methodist Chaplain, University Memorial Chapel HYMN “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing”............................................................................. Led by Mr. Darrin Scott, Baritone GREETINGS ............................................................................................................... Gen. Larry R. Ellis, U.S. Army (Ret.), Vice Chair, Board of Regents SALUTE TO THE GRADUATES ............................................................................................. Ms. Sylvia Nzinga Quinton, Doctoral Candidate Ms. Christi Owiye, Master’s Degree Candidate PRESENTING OF DEGREES IN COURSE ............................................................................................ Dr. Hongtao Yu, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs CONFERRING OF DOCTORATES ...................................................................................Dr. David K. Wilson, President Names Read by Ms. Keisha Campbell, University Registrar CONFERRING OF MASTER’S DEGREES.........................................................................Dr. David K. Wilson, President Names Read by Ms. Keisha Campbell, University Registrar INDUCTION INTO THE MSU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION........................................................... Mrs. Phyllis C. Davis, President of the MSU Alumni Association ALMA MATER.................................................................................................................. Led by Mr. Darrin Scott, Baritone BENEDICTION .................................................................................................................. Minister Clarence A. Wayman, Methodist Chaplain, University Memorial Chapel RECESSIONAL “Pomp and Circumstance” ...................................................................................................... Sir Edward Elgar The Morgan State University Band Mr. Melvin Miles, Conductor


Candidates for Degrees School of Graduate Studies Doctoral Degrees Doctor of Philosophy Degrees Ayobami Adegbite.............................................................................................................................................. Bioenvironmental Science B.S., Obafemi Awolowo University, 2012 M.S., University of theWest of England, 2015 M.S., University of Idaho, 2017 Dissertation: “Control of Neisseria Meningitidis Serogroup W Capsule Polymerase Activity Using Modified Substrates” Advisor: Dr. Pumtiwitt McCarthy Taiwo Adenuga ............................................................................................................................................................... Higher Education B.S., Babcock University, 2010 M.S., Morgan State University, 2016 Dissertation: “Exploring Adjustment Challenges of Nigerian International Students in U.S. Higher Education” Advisor: Dr. Krishna Bista Oyedoyin Aduroja.............................................................................................................................................. Bioenvironmental Science B.Tech, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, 2010 M.S., University of Ilorin, 2016 Dissertation: “Synthesis, Characterization, And Optical Activities of Rhodamine Derivatives with Application in Dye Sensitized Solar Cell” Advisor: Dr. Fasil Abebe Saleh Aljumah.................................................................................................................................................................................. English B.A., Qassim University, 2009 M.A., Notre Dame de Namur University, 2012 Dissertation: “Unjust Laws, Moral Oppression, and Resistance in Selected Works of Harriet Jacobs, Kate Chopin, Richard Wright, and Tennessee Williams” Advisor: Dr. Joy Myree-Mainor


Emelia Asamoah ............................................................................................................................................................................. Nursing B.S.N., Holy Family University, 2009 M.S.N., Morgan State University, 2013 Dissertation: “Efficacy of Using a Mobile Application in Support of Postdischarge Compliance Among Heart Failure Patients” Advisor: Dr. Malliga Jambulingam Derwin Campbell............................................................................................................................................................................. English B.A., Fayetteville State University, 1993 M.A., Fayetteville State University, 1993 Dissertation: “Down Low Dirty Shame: Sexual Identity, Passing, and the Christian Master Narrative in Selected Works of James Baldwin and E. Lynn Harris” Advisor: Dr. Julie Conger Nzube Egboluche ............................................................................................................................................... Bioenvironmental Science B.S., University of Nigeria Nsukka, 2013 M.S., Michigan State University, 2017 Dissertation: “Differential Impacts of Nanoparticle Formulation on Plant Growth and Soil Bacterial Communities” Advisor: Dr. James Wachira Samson Gichuki................................................................................................................................................. Bioenvironmental Science B.A., University of Maryland, 2013 M.S., University of Maryland, 2015 Dissertation: “Ultraviolet Radiation and Iron Nanoparticle-Mediated Oxidative Stress on Nucleic Acid and Gene Expression in Fremyella Diplosiphon, A Model Cyanobacterium” Advisor: Dr. Viji Sitther Denzel Hamilton............................................................................................................................................... Secure Embedded Systems B.S., Morgan State University, 2016 Dissertation: “Exploring Explainable AI for Autonomous Vehicle Assurance” Advisor: Dr. Kevin Kornegay Khir Henderson ................................................................................................................................................ Secure Embedded Systems B.S., Morgan State University, 2015 Dissertation: “Designing a Sustainable and Secure Network Security Architecture for the Internet of Things” Advisor: Dr. Kevin Kornegay Christopher Krauss ............................................................................................................................................ Bioenvironmental Science B.S.N., Elizabeth City State University, 2012 M.S.N., Elizabeth City State University, 2014 Dissertation: “Exploring the Anti-Cancer Properties of Rhenium-Based Complexes” Advisor: Dr. Santosh Mandal Robert Mays ............................................................................................................................................................................. Social Work B.S., Temple University, 2012 M.S.W., University of Maryland, 2014 Dissertation: “Cranes in the Sky: An Examination of Well-Being and the Utilization of Outpatient Mental Health Services for Young Black Adults in Urban Environments” Advisor: Dr. Rhonda Wells-Wilbon


Yeve Montgomery ............................................................................................................................................................................ English B.A., University of Baltimore, 1999 M.A.T., Towson University, 2004 Dissertation: “Blue Fusion: Examining the Outgrowths of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in African-American Literature” Advisor: Dr. A.J. Verdelle Lucy Moran ......................................................................................................... Interdisciplinary Journalism and Mass Communication B.A., Grinnell College, 1976 M.A., University of Wisconsin, 1980 M.S., George Washington University, 1985 J.D., University of Baltimore, 1999 Dissertation: “An Interdisciplinary and Intersectional Contextualization of the Creative Dissertation Genre: A Savant Memoirist Perspective” Advisor: Dr. Natasha Pratt-Harris Abrar Rizq ............................................................................................................................................................ Business Administration B.S., King Abdulaziz University, 2007 M.S., New York University, 2010 Dissertation: “The Influence of Cultural Orientation and Social Networks on Opportunity Recognition and Entrepreneurial Success of Immigrant Entrepreneurs” Advisor: Dr. Robert Singh Genese Rogers...................................................................................................................................................... Business Administration B.S., Norfolk State University, 2002 M.Acc., The George Washington University, 2009 Dissertation: “Constraining CEO Overconfidence: An Examination of the Impact of Board Characteristics on the Relationship Between Firm Financial Performance and CEO Overconfidence” Advisor: Dr. Huey-Lian Sun Megan Schutte ................................................................................................................................................................ Higher Education B.A., St. Bonaventure University, 1999 M.A., Salisbury University, 2002 Dissertation: “Try This Brick”: A Transformative Narrative Inquiry Examining the Lived Experiences of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Community College Students” Advisor: Dr. Sean Robinson Laleh Sheikhi Moghaddam................................................................................................................................ Bioenvironmental Science B.S., Islamic Azad University, 1999 M.S., Islamic Azad University, 2003 Dissertation: “Biochemical Studies of Neisseria Meningitidis Serogroup W Capsule Polymerase Activity for Vaccine Development Against Meningococcal Disease” Advisor: Dr. Pumtiwitt McCarthy Shirley Thomas ................................................................................................................................................................................ English B.S., University of Maryland, 1976 M.Ed., Towson University, 1995 M.S., Towson University, 2008 Dissertation: “The Domestic Figure in African American Literature of the Non-South 1880–1995” Advisor: Dr. Julie Conger


Otily Toutsop .................................................................................................................................................... Secure Embedded Systems B.S., National Advanced School of Post and Telecommunications, 2016 M.S., Morgan State University, 2022 Dissertation: “Internet of Things Platform Security” Advisor: Dr. Kevin Kornegay Tsion Yimer ...................................................................................................................................................... Secure Embedded Systems B.S., New Jersey Institute Technology, 2015 M.S., Morgan State University, 2017 Dissertation: “Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation for Physical Attacks on Building Automation Control Network (BACnet) Systems” Advisor: Dr. Kevin Kornegay

Doctor of Education Degrees Fatima Babih ............................................................................................................................................ Community College Leadership B.A., Queens College, City University of New York, 1994 M.A., Towson University, 2012 M.A., University of Baltimore, 2014 Dissertation: “The Community College as an Alternative for Postsecondary Education Accessibility: Stakeholders’ Perspectives in Sierra Leone” Advisor: Dr. Krishna Bista Regina Bentley ....................................................................................................................................................... Mathematics Education B.A., Kentucky State University, 1991 M.A.T., University of Louisville, 1993 Dissertation: “The Co-Requisite Model: A Step in the Right Direction?” Advisor: Dr. Whitney Johnson Jerome Countee, Jr. ................................................................................................................................. Community College Leadership B.A., University of Maryland, 1985 M.P.A., Western Kentucky University, 1987 Dissertation: “An Examination of California Community College Career Technical Education Program Effectiveness Based on Graduates’ Perceptions and Job-Program Similarity” Advisor: Dr. Carolyn Anderson Ronald Cropper ....................................................................................................................................... Community College Leadership B.A., University of Maryland, 1994 M.S., Western Maryland College, 1999 Dissertation: “Academic Engagement and Success of Latinas with Dependents in Community Colleges” Advisor: Dr. Benjamin Welsh Franceska Jones ........................................................................................................................................ Community College Leadership B.A., The Ohio State University, 2010 M.A., John Carroll University, 2013 Dissertation: “Community College Alumni Giving Behaviors at a Large Mid-Western Community College: A Quantitative Study” Advisor: Dr. Robin Spaid Roshelle Lemon-Howard ......................................................................................................................... Community College Leadership B.S.N., Coppin State University, 1991 M.S.N., Notre Dame of Maryland University, 2015 Dissertation: “An Examination of Influential Factors of Academic Dishonesty and Ethical Decision-Making Among Community College Nursing Students” Advisor: Dr. Krishna Bista


John Meche .............................................................................................................................................. Community College Leadership B.A., John Jay College, 2007 MSED-HEA, Baruch College, 2011 Dissertation: “The Lived Experiences of Male Students from the African Diaspora in Community College: A Portraiture Study on Gender, Ethnicity, and Race” Advisor: Dr. Uttam Gaulee Edralin Pagarigan ........................................................................................................................................................... Science Education B.A., Philippine Normal University, 1993 M.A., Philippine Normal University, 2002 Dissertation: “Middle School Science Teachers' Implementation of Language-based Strategies in NGSS Classrooms” Advisor: Dr. Vanessa Dodo-Seriki Allison Porzillo............................................................................................................................................................... Science Education B.S., University of Connecticut, 2010 M.A., Bowie State University, 2014 Dissertation: “Three-Dimensional Science: The Use of Engineering Design Challenges to Teach Middle School Science” Advisor: Dr. Vanessa Dodo-Seriki Naesea Price ............................................................................................................................................. Community College Leadership B.S., University of Baltimore, 1995 M.A., Towson State University, 2007 Dissertation: “The Influence of Developmental Programs on Student Success at Urban Community Colleges: A Quantitative Study” Advisor: Dr. Wilbur Hicks Sylvia Quinton ......................................................................................................................................... Community College Leadership B.A., University of Maryland, 1983 J.D., Temple University, 1986 Dissertation: “The Influence of Academic Programs on College Choice in Transferring from Community Colleges to Maryland Historically Black Institutions of Higher Education” Advisor: Dr. Henry Linck Eugene Smith ........................................................................................................................................... Community College Leadership B.S., Morgan State University, 2011 M.S., Morgan State University, 2013 Dissertation: “Exploring the Transitions of International Students at a Community College During COVID-19” Advisor: Dr. Uttam Gaulee Paul Van Cleef ......................................................................................................................................... Community College Leadership B.A., Pfieffer College, 1975 M.A., Salisbury University, 1988 Dissertation: “African American Men Respond to Academic and Campus ETHOS Domains of the Socio-Ecological Outcomes (SEO) Model” Advisor: Dr. Rosemary Gillet-Karam Chantal Vilmar ........................................................................................................................................ Community College Leadership B.A., Fashion Institute of Technology, 1995 M.S., Bank Street College of Education, 2003 Dissertation: “Challenges of Supporting Students in Community College Workforce Development Short-Term Training Programs” Advisor: Dr. Uttam Gaulee


Tiana Woolard ............................................................................................................................................................... Science Education B.S., Oakwood University, 2005 M.Ed., Howard University, 2008 B.S.N., Johns Hopkins University, 2013 Dissertation: “No Teacher Left Behind: The Science (and Psychology) of Sustaining PBL PD” Advisor: Dr. Vanessa Dodo-Seriki

Doctor of Engineering Degrees Nermeen Abdullah ................................................................................................................................................................... Engineering B.S., George Mason University, 2017 M.S., George Mason University, 2018 Dissertation: “Using Systems Engineering Technology to Improve Efficiency of Small Oyster Farmers in the Chesapeake Bay” Advisor: Dr. LeeRoy Bronner Mohammadreza Jabehdari ........................................................................................................................................................ Engineering B.Eng., Azad University, 2010 M.S., Tehran University, 2013 Dissertation: “Using System Analysis to Evaluate and Improve the Reliability of Green Stormwater Infrastructure Systems” Advisor: Dr. LeeRoy Bronner India Jacobs ............................................................................................................................................................................... Engineering B.S., Morgan State University, 2009 M.Eng., Morgan State University, 2013 Dissertation: “Using Systems Engineering Approaches to Design and Develop a Community-Based Human Service System” Advisor: Dr. LeeRoy Bronner Greig Richmond ....................................................................................................................................................................... Engineering B.S., Johns Hopkins University, 2009 M.S., Loyola University Maryland, 2012 Dissertation: “Blind Image Deblurring Using Compact Neural Networks” Advisor: Dr. Arlene Cole-Rhodes

Doctor of Public Health Degrees Adejare Atanda ...................................................................................................................................................................... Public Health D.M.D., University of Ibadan, 2009 M.P.H., Johns Hopkins University, 2015 Dissertation: “Disparities in Dental Visits and Costs in Veterans, Older Adults, and the Foreign-Born: The Impact of Healthcare Reform (The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act)” Advisor: Dr. Mian Hossain Sebastiana Gianci................................................................................................................................................................... Public Health B.A., George Washington University, 1998 M.A., Johns Hopkins University, 2003 Dissertation: “The Public Health Impact of Genetic Testing’s Misattributed Parentage Phenomenon: A Study of Mental Health Professionals and their Accredited Training to Serve Donor-Conceived Adults” Advisor: Dr. Randolph Rowel


Master’s Degrees School of Graduate Studies Master of Landscape Architecture Degrees Abrar Boghaf ........................................... Landscape Architecture B.A., Taibah University, 2015 Ellie Chetelat .......................................... Landscape Architecture B.A., St. Mary's College of Maryland, 2014 Anthony Dye ........................................... Landscape Architecture B.S., Towson University, 2013 Shahrouz Ghani Ghaishghourshagh ...... Landscape Architecture B.S., Azad University, 2012 David Joffe .............................................. Landscape Architecture B.S., University of Vermont, 2011 Maura Roth-Gormley .............................. Landscape Architecture B.A., Goucher College, 2010

Tyrell Caine ..................................................... Higher Education B.S., Morgan State University, 2019 Dalon Coleman ............................................... Higher Education B.A., University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2019 Trinity Collins ............................................................. Journalism B.S., Southern Connecticut State University, 2020 Kelly Crawford................................................. Higher Education B.A., Towson University, 2004 Julian Cuffie .................................................... Higher Education B.A., North Carolina A&T State University, 2019 Isaac Hollis....................................................... Higher Education B.A., Illinois State University, 2020

Master of Architecture Degrees

Isaac Howard ....................................... African American Studies B.A., Temple University, 2017 Thesis: “Marcus Garvey and the Spirit of African Nationalism” Advisor: Dr. David Terry

Nikyah Barber ........................................................... Architecture B.S., Morgan State University, 2021

Rebekah Johnson ........................................................ Journalism B.S., Morgan State University, 2015

Andrew Bui ............................................................... Architecture B.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design, 2009

Tyree Lewis ...................................................... Higher Education B.S., Morgan State University, 2020

Daniel Collins ........................................................... Architecture B.S., Morgan State University, 2021

Traquoia Lopez-White ............... Museum Studies and Historical Preservation B.A., Academy of Art University, 2014 Thesis: “Erasing the Black Aesthetic: Mainstream Art Museums and Integration Threaten the Black Arts Movement, 1960s–1970s” Advisor: Dr. Lori Johnson

Ashleigh Jubinski ...................................................... Architecture B.S., Morgan State University, 2020 Dulce Nettey ............................................................. Architecture B.S., Morgan State University, 2021 Mudiaga Odudu........................................................ Architecture B.S., Caleb University, 2015 Alexander Whelchel ................................................. Architecture B.S., Kansas State University, 2008

Master of Arts Degrees Abolade Adeyemi ........................................ International Studies B.A., Covenant University, 2015

Izak Mason .................................................. International Studies B.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2016 Thesis: “Using Canada’s Middle Power Identity to Address the Transnational Challenge of Right-Wing Extremist Terrorism” Advisor: Dr. Anne Genin Collins Oswago........................................... International Studies B.A., Egerton University, 2017 Christi Owiye................................................... Higher Education B.A., University of South Florida, 2016 Devin Walker .............................................................. Journalism B.S., Coppin State University, 2012


Master of Arts in Teaching Degrees Jerred Anderson ............................................................. Teaching B.A., Morgan State University, 2021 Kiana Cobb .................................................................... Teaching B.A., Morgan State University, 2020 Taniya Moses.................................................................. Teaching B.A., Morgan State University, 2020 Jonathan Pettus .............................................................. Teaching B.A., Morgan State University, 2019 Darren Richey ................................................................ Teaching B.A., Morgan State University, 2019 Jaedia Smith ................................................................... Teaching B.A., University of Baltimore, 2019

Master of Business Administration Degrees

Kim Dang ..............................................Business Administration B.S., University of Florida, 2018 Jamal David ...........................................Business Administration B.S., Long Island University, 2020 Victor Debah .........................................Business Administration B.S., Cuttington University, 2010 M.B.A., Cuttington University, 2019 La Terria Dodd ......................................Business Administration B.S., Coppin State University, 2018 Kurt Goodlitt .........................................Business Administration B.S., Morgan State University, 2020 Robert Hill, Jr. .......................................Business Administration B.S.B.A., Drexel University, 2011 Juliet Jones .............................................Business Administration B.S., Morgan State University, 1998

Selena Alexander .................................. Business Administration B.S., University of Texas at Tyler, 2006

J. Famatta Kallon Sirleaf ........................Business Administration B.S., University of Liberia, 2009 M.B.A., Cuttington University, 2013

Abdulrahman Alhassan ........................ Business Administration B.S., Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, 2017

Jonathan Mason ....................................Business Administration B.S., Towson University, 2017

Desiree Allen......................................... Business Administration B.S., New Jersey Institute of Technology, 2020

Kori Nance.............................................Business Administration B.S., Morgan State University, 2016

Neil Boudreau ....................................... Business Administration B.S., San Diego State University, 2020

Rebecca Oni ..........................................Business Administration B.S., University of Ilorin, 2016

Michael Bradford-Calhoun ................... Business Administration B.S., North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, 2017

Michael Patton ......................................Business Administration B.S., University of Oklahoma, 2000

Lori Bush .............................................. Business Administration B.A., Morgan State University, 1997 M.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2002 M.A.T., University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2004

Tyrell Reed.............................................Business Administration B.S., Morgan State University, 2019 Ajulae Saddler .......................................Business Administration B.S., Claflin University, 2020

Kiante Bush........................................... Business Administration B.S., Morgan State University, 2016

Ahmed Bastawy Mohamed Youssef ......Business Administration B.S., Suez Canal University, 2005

David Bussey ......................................... Business Administration B.S., Tuskegee University, 2018 B.S., Tuskegee University, 2018

Master of City and Regional Planning Degrees

Jamar Culbreath.................................... Business Administration B.S., Hunter College, City University of New York, 2020

Sabrina Bland .................................. City and Regional Planning B.A., Dillard University, 2011


Byron Gibson ................................... City and Regional Planning B.A., University of Alabama, 2006 Najahla Olumiji ............................... City and Regional Planning B.A., University of Virginia, 2015

Master of Engineering Degrees Feleke Belay ............................................................... Engineering B.S., Morgan State University, 2018 M.S., Morgan State University, 2020 Alexander Dixon ....................................................... Engineering B.S., University of Maryland, 2018 Onyekachi Ekeagwu .................................................. Engineering B.S., Morgan State University, 2020 Ime Essien ................................................................. Engineering B.S., Morgan State University, 2019 Rameal Hill ............................................................... Engineering B.S., Morgan State University, 2017 Murisiku Lawal ......................................................... Engineering B.S., Morgan State University, 2018

Master of Public Health Degrees Kareena Collins ...................................................... Public Health B.S., University of Maryland Eastern Shore, 2020 Uzma Binte Haidary ............................................... Public Health M.B.B.S., Dhaka National Medical College, 2016 Ugochi Ijoma .......................................................... Public Health B.S., Abia State University, 2011 Ruth Nyamongo ..................................................... Public Health B.Ed., University of Nairobi, 2008 M.A., University of Nairobi, 2013 Ijeoma Uzoho ......................................................... Public Health B.S.N, University of Maryland, 2006 PharmD., Notre Dame of Maryland University, 2015 Sequoia Wright ....................................................... Public Health B.S., Spelman College, 2013 M.A., Wesley Theological Seminary, 2018

Master of Science Degrees Roderick Casey ........................................................... Accounting B.S., Benedict College, 2005 Shelaniece Clash........................................Advanced Computing B.S., Morgan State University, 2020 Shelly Ann Daley .............................. Construction Management B.S., Morgan State University, 2020 Olukorede Daniel ........................................ Project Management B.S., Olabisi Onabanjo University, 2008 Victoria Delly ............................................ Urban Transportation B.A., University of Toledo, 2018 Vikarie Elliott ............................................ Electrical Engineering B.S., Morgan State University, 2020 Janelle Fleet.................................................. Project Management B.A., Muhlenberg College, 2015 Shindell Henry ......................................Hospitality Management B.S., Morgan State University, 2019 Everette Jackson................................ Construction Management B.S., Morgan State University, 2021 Olayinka Jolayemi ...................................... Electrical Engineering B.Eng., University of Ilorin, 2011 M.S., University of Ilorin, 2016 Teonshi Jones ............................................................. Accounting B.S., Morgan State University, 2020 Bill McGill Jones ......................................... Project Management B.S., Cuttington University, 2011 M.S., University of East Anglia, 2018 Nematullah Noori ............................ Construction Management B.S., Kabul University, 2009 Taofeek Obafemi-Babatunde.....................Advanced Computing B.S., Morgan State University, 2020 M.S., Morgan State University, 2021 Deborah Pugh.............................................. Project Management B.S., Full Sail University, 1976 Juli Rooks .................................................... Project Management B.A., Upsala College, 1993 M.B.A., Centenary University, 2009


Keyone Swain ............................................ Urban Transportation B.S., Morgan State University, 2005 M.B.A., Morgan State University, 2008 Narges Tahmasebi ............................. Construction Management B.S., Cologne University of Applied Science, 2005

Evelyn Addai............................................................. Social Work B.S., Morgan State University, 2021 Jeril Alexis ................................................................. Social Work B.S.W., Coppin State University, 2020

Takara Wade .................................................................. Sociology B.S., Houston Baptist University, 2020

Manuela Amorin ...................................................... Social Work B.S., Regent University College of Science and Technology, 2017

Tinea White ................................................................... Sociology B.A., Morgan State University, 2019

Glennis Armstrong ................................................... Social Work B.S., Morgan State University, 2021

David Wilkins ................................................................ Sociology B.A., University of Maryland Baltimore County, 2020

Domanick Arnold .................................................... Social Work B.S., Bowie State University, 2018

Wrishmina Zurmati .......................... Construction Management B.S., Kabul Polytechnic University, 2014

Danielle Baker .......................................................... Social Work B.S., University of Maryland Baltimore County, 2018

Master of Science in Integrated Science Degrees

Dennis Barare ........................................................... Social Work B.S., Morgan State University, 2018

Sean Davis ...................................................... Integrated Sciences B.S., University of Toledo, 2019 Thesis: “Static and Dynamic Magnetic Properties of Soft Ferromagnet FeCoB Thin Films” Advisor: Dr. Ramesh Budhami Chiedozie Ogueri ........................................... Integrated Sciences B.S., Texas Southern University, 2019 Thesis: “UV-vis Investigation of Feroxyhite Nanomaterials Synthesized by AC Atmospheric Microplasma” Advisor: Dr. Yucheng Lan

Thoretta Barnes-Scales.............................................. Social Work B.S., Coppin State University, 2004 M.S., Coppin State University, 2010 Taiylar Baskin ........................................................... Social Work B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2019 Keyonna Berry .......................................................... Social Work B.S., Bowie State University, 2014 Tanerra Best-Barnes .................................................. Social Work B.S., University of Maryland Eastern Shore, 2019

Oluwadamilola Oloko ................................... Integrated Sciences B.S., Osun State University, 2016 Thesis: “Microencapsulation of Vitamin E and Application to Textile” Advisor: Dr. Jiangnan Peng

Samantha Bowers ..................................................... Social Work B.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2020

Bandana Ranamagar ...................................... Integrated Sciences B.S., Tribhuvan University, 2017 Thesis: “Optical and Colorimetric Sensors for the Detection of Metal Ions via Rhodamine 6G Based Derivatives” Advisor: Dr. Fasil Abebe

Eleonor Cabrera ....................................................... Social Work B.S., University of Maryland Eastern Shore, 2020

Master of Social Work Degrees Taylor Abron............................................................. Social Work B.S.W., North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, 2021 Natonya Adams......................................................... Social Work B.S.W., Coppin State University, 2015

Rardnina Brown ....................................................... Social Work B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2021

Shenika Carter.......................................................... Social Work B.S.W., Coppin State University, 2016 Sherri Chester........................................................... Social Work B.S., Coppin State University, 1999 Larry Cooke .............................................................. Social Work B.S., Morgan State University, 2005 Amera Davis ............................................................. Social Work B.S., Bowie State University, 2017


Rose Delaney............................................................. Social Work B.S., University of Maryland Global Campus, 2019

Michelle Johnson...................................................... Social Work B.S.W., Coppin State University, 2021

Adrienne Dezurn ...................................................... Social Work B.S., Coppin State University, 2015

Barbara Johnson ....................................................... Social Work B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2021

Mykael Dixon ............................................................ Social Work B.S., Virginia State University, 2016

Tracy Kamau ............................................................. Social Work B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2021

Adrienne Ellison ....................................................... Social Work B.S., Bowie State University, 2019

Sharda Lampkins ...................................................... Social Work B.S., Coppin State University, 2018

Danene Epps ............................................................. Social Work B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2020

Nathan Lee ............................................................... Social Work B.S., University Maryland Eastern Shore, 2011

Jamie Esters ............................................................... Social Work B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2021

Rachael Lindo........................................................... Social Work B.S., Coppin State University, 2018

Carolyn Felton .......................................................... Social Work B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2019

Janice Mason ............................................................ Social Work B.A., Trinity Washington University, 2017

Naioloni Fenner........................................................ Social Work B.S., Coppin State University, 2000

Tevin McCormick .................................................... Social Work B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2017

Marquitta Golston .................................................... Social Work B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2021

Daijah Miles.............................................................. Social Work B.A., University of Delaware, 2017

Dominic Hampleton................................................. Social Work B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2021

Abigail Miller ............................................................ Social Work B.S.W., Marist College, 2021 B.S., Marist College, 2021

Amber Harden .......................................................... Social Work B.S., Coppin State University, 2017 Destiny Harris ........................................................... Social Work B.S., Coppin State University, 2019 Dusty Heller .............................................................. Social Work B.A., Indian University, 2019 Aaliyah Hockaday ..................................................... Social Work B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2019 Melanie Hopkins ...................................................... Social Work B.S.W., Tuskegee University, 2021 Nile Howard.............................................................. Social Work B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2017 Abrihanna Howard ................................................... Social Work B.S., Towson University, 2020 Ayoka Jack ................................................................. Social Work B.S., Bowie State University, 2013

Tatiana Mills ............................................................. Social Work B.A., Western Carolina University, 2020 Chatara Mines .......................................................... Social Work B.S., Towson University, 2010 Jenae Morgan ............................................................ Social Work B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2021 Sandra Okafor .......................................................... Social Work B.A., Morgan State University, 2019 Elka Pinilla................................................................ Social Work B.S., Trinity University, 2015 Deval Popat............................................................... Social Work M.Eng., Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, 2001 Lakeisha Porter ......................................................... Social Work B.S., Coppin State University, 2019 Elizabeth Reid-Ford .................................................. Social Work B.A., Salisbury University, 2007 M.S., University of Maryland University College, 2015


Tara Reilly ................................................................. Social Work B.S., University of Maryland Global Campus, 2018

Veronica Stocks ........................................................ Social Work B.S.W., University of Maryland Baltimore County, 2010

Tasha Roane ............................................................. Social Work B.A., Towson University, 2013

Paige Thomas............................................................ Social Work B.S., University of Maryland Global Campus, 2018

Tyra Roberts .............................................................. Social Work B.A., Coppin State University, 2001

Eleshia Thomas ........................................................ Social Work B.S., University of Maryland University College, 2019

Chynna Rollins ......................................................... Social Work B.S., Morgan State University, 2018

Maya Wallace ............................................................ Social Work B.S., Frostburg State University, 2020

Qudus Saheed ........................................................... Social Work B.S.W., Medgar Evers College, 2019

Samonne Whitehead ................................................ Social Work B.S., Morgan State University, 2018

Aljanat Sanni ............................................................ Social Work B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2020

Kiana Williams ......................................................... Social Work B.S., Coppin State University, 2018

Taylor Seaton ............................................................ Social Work B.S., University of Maryland Eastern Shore, 2016

Mirranda Williams ................................................... Social Work B.S., Morgan State University, 2021

Denetria Simon......................................................... Social Work B.S., Trinity Washington University, 2018

Phyllis Winston ........................................................ Social Work B.S., Bowie State University, 2018

Tenier Sims ............................................................... Social Work B.A., University of Maryland Baltimore County, 2019

Eboni Wright............................................................ Social Work B.S., Purdue University, 2019

Latoshia Smith-Brown .............................................. Social Work B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2021

Post-Baccalaureate Certificate

Camille Snow ............................................................ Social Work B.S., Morgan State University, 2020

Amir Whitaker ............................................ Project Management B.S., Morgan State University, 2018

Taelor Staton-Gutrich ............................................... Social Work B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2021


Undergraduate Commencement Exercises

Undergraduate Commencement Exercises Spring 2022 The Twenty-First of May Two Thousand and Twenty-Two Nine-thirty O’clock in the Morning W. A. C. Hughes Memorial Stadium

Morgan State University 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane Baltimore, Maryland 21251


Order of Procession MARSHALS Chief Faculty Marshal of the University Dr. Milford A. Jeremiah Associate Marshals Ms. Heidi A. Bruce Dr. Edwin T. Johnson

Mrs. Natasha Lewis-Williams Dr. Tiffany B. Mfume Marshals for the Faculty

Dr. Ernest Brevard, Jr.

Dr. Nilajah Nyasuma Sims

Marshals for the College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies Mr. A. Barrington Burke Marshals for the James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Librarl Arts Ms. Promis Crawford Mr. Tavon McLaughin-Steele Dr. Inte’a A. DeShields Marshals for the School of Architecture and Planning Dr. Samia Kirchner Dr. Lewis Waller Marshals for the Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management Dr. Julaine Rigg Marshals for the School of Community Health and Policy Dr. Margaret L. Alston Marshals for the School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences Ms. Rolicia Martin Dr. Ernest Steele Marshals for the School of Education and Urban Studies Mr. Devin Brown Ms. Nia Scott Marshals for the Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering Mr. Lafaun Davis Dr. James Hunter Dr. Dennis Glover Dr. Monica Poindexter Marshals for the School of Global Journalism and Communication Mrs. Angela Gaither-Scott Marshals for the School of Social Work Dr. Georgia Jennings-Dorsey

Dr. Dawn Thurman

Marshals for the 50th Anniversary Classes Dr. Dana Burdnell Wilson Dr. James G. Hunter Mrs. Myra W. Curtis Ms. Airuel Singletary










CLASSES OF 1970, 1971 and 1972




Doctorates Masters


UNDERGRADUATE CANDIDATES College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies Bachelors of Science


James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts Bachelors of Arts Bachelors of Fine Arts Bachelors of Science


School of Architecture and Planning Bachelors of Science


Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management Bachelors of Science


School of Community Health and Policy Bachelors of Science

HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENTS School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences Bachelors of Science


School of Education and Urban Studies Bachelors of Science


Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering Bachelors of Science School of Global Journalism and Communication Bachelors of Science School of Social Work Bachelors of Science


Commencement Speaker & Honorary Degree Recipient DAVID E. TALBERT Doctor of Fine Arts Heralded as one of the most prolific theater-makers in America, David. E. Talbert has written and produced 14 national tours, surpassed box office records and captured the hearts of audiences around the world. Talbert has garnered 24 NAACP nominations and won Best Playwright of the Year for “The Fabric of a Man,” and he has won the NAACP Trailblazer Award for his contributions and accomplishments in theatre. He has also received the New York Literary Award for Best Playwright of the Year for his musical “Love in the Nick of Tyme.” Buoyed by his diverse production credits, David E. Talbert has cemented his rank among the highest echelon of today’s entertainment visionaries. Talbert made his feature film directorial debut in 2008 with the Sony Pictures comedy “First Sunday,” starring Ice Cube, Katt Williams and Tracy Morgan. This successful venture was followed by the very popular romantic comedy “Baggage Claim,” a Fox Searchlight production directed by Talbert and adapted from his best-selling novel of the same name. In 2016, Talbert wrote and directed the holiday film “Almost Christmas” for Universal Pictures with an all-star cast including Danny Glover, Gabrielle Union and Academy Award winner, and fellow Morgan State alum, Mo’Nique. The film became the highest grossing and most critically acclaimed theatrical release of Talbert’s career up to that point. All three of these feature films debuted as the #1 Comedy in America. Most recently, Talbert celebrated the pinnacle of an already fruitful cinematic career, with “Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey,” Netflix’s first original live-action musical, which Talbert wrote, directed and produced. This 20-year passion project and brainchild of Talbert bore a completely original and inclusive cinematic holiday experience for every family and was a significant hit among critics and audiences alike. Debuting in more than 190 countries and translated into 32 languages, the groundbreaking film was nominated for 10 NAACP Image Awards and shortlisted by the Academy for Oscar contention. On the heels of “Jingle Jangle” and his growing global audience, Talbert inked a multiyear, first-look deal with Netflix, launching Golden Alchemy Entertainment, a partnership with his wife and producing partner Lyn Sisson-Talbert. Through the deal, the Talberts will write, direct and produce event films, as well as launch the careers of underrepresented filmmakers through their producing projects. Talbert is now writing two features for Netflix that he will direct, as well as the musical series Madelyn Square Garden for Disney+. Grateful to be doing the work he loves, and understanding the challenges many face in the entertainment industry, Talbert recently launched Lights Camera Access (LCA), a mentorship program designed to give students who are underrepresented in the entertainment industry access, insight and employment opportunities. He is also an active participant in the Motion Picture Academy’s Gold Mentorship Program. Talbert earned his bachelor’s degree in marketing from Morgan State University and later attended New York University’s accelerated film program. A visible alumnus, Talbert remains connected to the Morgan community, having served as Homecoming Parade grand marshal during Morgan’s Sesquicentennial and guest lecturer with Morgan’s Screenwriting and Animation program (SWAN), engaging aspiring auteurs and filmmakers. David E. Talbert will receive an honorary Doctor of Fine Arts degree, today, at Morgan State University’s 145th Spring Commencement Exercises.


Honorary Degree Recipient DAVID BURTON Doctor of Humane Letters David Burton is a native of Columbia, South Carolina, and is the Founder and CEO of the Diverse Manufacturing Supply Chain Alliance (DMSCA) and DMSCA Supplier Development Foundation. Burton obtained his Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Morgan State University (Class of 1967) and a master’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania in City Planning and Regional Science. He served on the Obama Administration’s Small Business Advisory Council and now serves on the Advisory Board of Morgan State University’s Supply Chain Management and Information Systems Department, in the Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management, and on the Advisory Board of the Morgan State University Robert M. Bell Civil Rights Clinic. Burton has received numerous recognitions, among them the Frank R. Parker Client Award from the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, for perseverance and leadership in the now landmark Coalition for Excellence and Equity in Maryland Higher Education (HBCUs) vs. the State of Maryland lawsuit, and the U.S. Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Administration’s “Making A Difference Award” in appreciation for his dedication in ensuring inclusion of minority manufacturing participation in U.S. supply chains. Burton is a former Adjunct Professor in Planning at Howard University. He served as a Regular Army Captain and is a decorated Vietnam veteran. He has a vast amount of experience in community and economic development, small business incubation and inner-city revitalization. He has authored numerous white papers and articles about minority manufacturing supplier development and supplier supply chain digitization. He is considered a global thought leader in his field. Burton is a lifetime member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and resides in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

Honorary Degree Recipient COLIN KAEPERNICK Doctor of Humane Letters Super Bowl quarterback Colin Kaepernick, holder of the all-time National Football League record for most rushing yards in a game by a quarterback, took a knee during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” in 2016 to bring attention to systemic oppression — specifically police violence — of Black and Brown people. For his stance, he has been denied employment by the league to this day. Since 2016, he has founded and helped to fund three organizations — Know Your Rights Camp, Ra Vision Media, and Kaepernick Publishing — that together advance the liberation of Black and Brown people through storytelling, systems change and political education. Kaepernick sits on Medium’s board of directors and is the winner of numerous prestigious honors, including Amnesty International’s Ambassador of Conscience Award, the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Ripple of Hope honor, GQ magazine’s “Citizen of the Year,” the NFL’s Len Eshmont Award, the Sports Illustrated Muhammad Ali Legacy Award, the ACLU’s Eason Monroe Courageous Advocate Award and the Puffin/Nation Institute’s Prize for Creative Citizenship. In 2019, Kaepernick helped Nike win an Emmy for its “Dream Crazy” commercial. In 2021, he released Colin in Black & White, a six-episode limited series on Netflix exploring his high school years. The show won two NAACP Image Awards. In 2022, he became a New York Times bestselling author for his acclaimed children’s picture book, “I Color Myself Different.”

Please note: individuals receiving honorary degrees may not be present at the ceremony.


Order of Exercises

Undergraduate Ceremony Dr. David K. Wilson President of the University, Presiding PROCESSIONAL “Pomp and Circumstance” ..................................................................................................... Sir Edward Elgar The Morgan State University Band Mr. Melvin Miles, Conductor The audience is requested to stand as the academic procession moves into the arena and to remain standing until after the singing of “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing.” WELCOME ........................................................................................................................... Dr. David K. Wilson, President INVOCATION..................................................................................................................... Minister Clarence A. Wayman, Methodist Chaplain, University Memorial Chapel HYMN “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing”................................................. James Weldon Johnson and J. Rosamond Johnson Directed by Dr. Eric Conway, Conductor GREETINGS ........................................................................................................................ The Honorable Kweisi Mfume, Chair, University Board of Regents INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER ........................................................................................Dr. David K. Wilson, President COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS ........................................................................................................ Mr. David E. Talbert, Award-winning and Celebrated Playwright and Filmmaker (1989) MUSICAL SELECTION “I Know I’ve Been Changed” ......................................................................................... Mr. Damon Dandridge Directed by Dr. Eric Conway, Conductor CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES ....................................................... The Honorable Kweisi Mfume, Chair, University Board of Regents Dr. David K. Wilson, President Citation Read by Dr. Ricardo Howell, Director, Quarles Humanities & Social Sciences Institute/Digital Library Arts Mr. David Burton, Doctor of Humane Letters Mr. David E. Talbert, Doctor of Fine Arts Mr. Colin Kaepernick, Doctor of Humane Letters


RECOGNITION OF SENIOR HONOR GRADUATES ........................................................................ Dr. Hongtao Yu, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Cum Laude PRESENTATION OF SPECIAL AWARDS ......................................................................... Dr. David K. Wilson, President Dr. Hongtao Yu, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs President’s Second Mile Award President’s Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement RECOGNITION OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS ....................................................................... LTC Malika Morgan, Chair, Department of Military Science PRESENTING OF UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES IN COURSE....................................................... Dr. Hongtao Yu, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs CONFERRING OF DEGREES IN COURSE..................................................................... Dr. David K. Wilson, President COLLEGE OF INTERDISCIPLINARY AND CONTINUING STUDIES ............................... Candidates presented by Dr. Farzad Moazzami, Interim Dean JAMES H. GILLIAM, JR., COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS ....................................................... Candidates presented by Dr. M’bare N’gom, Dean SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING ................................................................. Candidates presented by Dr. Mary Anne Alabanza Akers, Dean EARL G. GRAVES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT .................................... Candidates presented by Dr. Fikru Boghossian, Dean SCHOOL OF COMMUNITY HEALTH AND POLICY . ............................................................ Candidates presented by Dr. Kim Dobson Sydnor, Dean SCHOOL OF COMPUTER, MATHEMATICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES ..................... Candidates presented by Dr. Cleo Hughes-Darden, Interim Dean SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND URBAN STUDIES .............................................................. Candidates presented by Dr. Glenda Prime, Dean CLARENCE M. MITCHELL, JR., SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING ............................................ Candidates presented by Dr. Oscar Barton, Dean SCHOOL OF GLOBAL JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATION ....................................... Candidates presented by Prof. Jacqueline Jones, Dean SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK ..................................................................................................... Candidates presented by Dr. Anna McPhatter, Dean

AWARDING OF DIPLOMAS ............................................................................................... By College/Schools (as above) Names Read by Ms. Keisha Campbell, University Registrar, Dr. Ricardo Howell, Director, Quarles Humanities & Social Sciences Institute/Digital Library Arts SALUTE TO THE GRADUATES ................................................................................................................ Ms. Jada Prater, President of the Senior Class


INDUCTION INTO THE MSU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION........................................................... Mrs. Phyllis C. Davis, President of the MSU Alumni Association THE ALMA MATER ........................................................................................................... Morgan State University Choir Directed by Dr. Eric Conway, Conductor BENEDICTION .................................................................................................................... Minister Clarence A. Wayman, Methodist Chaplain, University Memorial Chapel RECESSIONAL “Pomp and Circumstance” ..................................................................................................... Sir Edward Elgar The Morgan State University Band Mr. Melvin Miles, Conductor


Candidates for Degrees Bachelor’s Degrees The James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts B.S., Applied Liberal Studies Vanessa Lynn Addison Nofisat Kofoworola Adeyemi Isaac Amihere Abigail Agyapomaah Appiah Hillard A. Black, Jr. Christopher Brown D'Naysha Tatyana Butler Cynthia Lorraine Byrom Jeffrey Lamont Caffey, Jr. Tessa Renee Collins Katrina Dabney Wright Keturah Ishaani Davis-Gardner Matthew Scott Dodd Myles Jamaal Douglas Khalani D. Gamble Habeeb A. Gbadegesin Robin M. Golden Jordan A. Gregory Regina R. Guy Ebony S. Jackson Erima Jeanty Jessica Evon Lyn Jones Ebony King Darion D. Leonard, Jr. Niageria May-Ricks Calia Iyonna Meads Shanelle Nicole Moore Trevor Charles Ray Moore Angelica Marie Moss Rodneyka Shardae Nelson Melanie Amber Paggett Lisa E. Postell

Ahmeen Cleveland Reese Bryeana Latrice Rhodes Xavier M. Richardson Isaiah Robinson Nyla Rudisill-Black Charlene Rose Shepherd Hasana Simeona Tameshia Latee Slaughter Shanise Leshea Sow Sequoia Elizabeth Stokes Janaé Domonique Swinton Clara Annette Taylor Morgan L. Tunstall Tiona Dawnece Williams Erica Wilson Jayden Thomas Wooden Devin D. York

Mark Gomes Anaiyah Dyese James Ta’Jay L’Kyla Lovitte Shantel Katie Miller Jaya Versha Reid-Johnson Asia Marie Teachey Jazmyn Tyree

B.A., Fine Arts

Taylor B. Boone Cheyenne Fenton

Jaylen Anthony Cofer Makayla D’Nia Cooper Andre Hosea Davis Randolph Matthew Edwards II Meehla Franklin Chukwuemeka C. Iyke-Azubogu Diarra Lynnae Mitchell Tamia Paige Dale Plater Bria M. Shelby Arron J. Stephens Kendra T. Tyler

B.S., Economics

B.A., History

Schneina Rose Jenny Pinchinat Sydney Pearlean Utsey

Coriel Jordan Major Joshua C. O’Neal I Marquise Alonzo O'Neal II Salimah Shabazz

B.A., Economics

B.A., English

B.A., Music

Papa Ekow Austin Gihan Bastien Keith J. Campbell Isaiah A. Everheart

Thomas Blichard Asia Nina Monii Haynie


Alyssa Lillian Holder Stephen Jones, Jr. Nazarene Epiphany Naomi Maloney

B.A., Philosophy Marcus A. Eades Eric Price Mofiyinfoluwa Shotayo Bernice Awah Ngem Tamukong

B.A., Political Science Nyasia Augustson Mia Lauren Cook Jocelyn Alexis Daniels Ji’Na D’amber Gary Cheyenne Jenkins Roje Linton LaTesjia M. Lorfils Brianna Alicson Mincy Nicholas Onwumere Teriana A. Reynolds Taylor J. Richardson Elizabeth Rosie Ulysse Aniyah Victoria Washington Kamryn Washington

B.S., Psychology Equiajah M. Adams Donielle Jahnaé Barnett Jaedynn Renee Nicole Bentz Jonnay Kashawna Berry Lauren Cassie Bettis Amaya Brown Adisa Siyon Buchanan Tylar Rashawn Chappell-Johnson Marissa D. Chin Phylicia R. Cooper Isis Tiara Davis Ashley Ryan Deare Kamilah M. Degraphenreed

Cimiya A. Duffin Micaela Nicole Fleetwood Tracy N. Fonmedig Damian K. Gauthney Sydney Green Angel Lanette Harrington Brianna Elizabeth Hedge Olivia Ann Henderson Ayanna Henry Dai'Shona Anyea Jones Taja Monae Keitt Jalen Marquise Knight Imec’ Lane Tralise Lashai Lanier Gabrielle Lawson Alleena Nay’r McMillan Esther Faith N. Muriuki Jenell Virginia Nickens Deborah Oluwabunmi Olaniyi Lachae Reeder Chyna Roger Tyrae Lanise Russell Yaminah A. Russell Trinitee D. Segar-Barr Aniya Renee Shelton Jessica K. Spence E’Shauna Najla Stevens Tineria K. Thomas Nasreen S. Vanoo I Naja Williams

B.A., Screenwriting and Animation Courtney MeChelle Stanley Yaheshalom Stanley Kiarra Elizabeth Thompson

B.F.A., Screenwriting and Animation Ehiose O. Alenkhe MyKaila N. Alexander Daniel Adedokun Ariyibi

NaShawn Jhalil Callands Arluria Lyndsey Clayton Garrin Michael Griffin Paul Oluwatosin Ijaola Aryana E. King Madonna Lauryn Lewis Darius Tariq Moore Malaysia K. Pleasant Faraji Jasaan Qiydaar Thaiyir J. Sanders Kiarra Elizabeth Thompson

B.A., Sociology Angel J. Abram Tyrek Antwan Boykin Jasean Lamont Brawner Abigale Brown Jamera Nicole Forbes Jaela Milin Fowler Shanyah N. Freeman Juarez Donnnell Herbert Ayanna A. Kaigler Romello La’vasia Kimbrough Travis Justin Langevine Lexia Aimee LeCount Averiana Josette Mitchell Tamia Nicole Morgan Rashon Nugent Maria Rivera Anaika Seide Jalone Zarhee Smith Jameela Smith Casimiran Taylor Andrea Elizabeth White Sydnee Moné Whittington Tiara Tremaine Wiggins Malik Kareem Winborn

B.A., Theater Arts Gregory Coulter, Jr.

The School of Architecture and Planning B.S., Architecture and Environmental Design Harold A. Antoine Yesenia Lilian Aquino Aguilera Roberson Kharleinz Bateau

Jasmyn Louise Caffey Danyel A. Chisley Dominique Cunningham Aniya Brianna Darby Aris B. Davies Rahmah Omar Davis Tyree L. Dodson


Brian Philemon Easter, Jr. Amina Etienne Ryan Joseph Eubanks Kyley A. Fijalkowski Danaya Nicole Gaines Jonathan M. Gerdes Garrett Grayson Hicks

Brandon C. Jones Marshay J. McCain Rosemary Ulumma Mezu Ashley Morand Devin Blackwell Parker Najuane Giovanni Phillpotts Claire Purvis Reggie Robertson Aysia Sharif Jamie B. Solomon Simeon Christopher Stephens Fatoumata Tenin Thiero Kevin Isi Ufua Carl Edward Williams Isaac Malcolm Womack

B.S., Construction Management

B.S., Interior Design

Siafa Lex-David Andrew Jeffrey Brown Yakira S. Brown Ranya Ganeva Daniel Shileke Westley Edmond Tyree Robert Georgie Trayvon Cartez Hines William B. Holmberg Gabe Hugh McLeod I Faisal Mohamed Marquis Pierre Imani Precious St. Jean Marlo Antonio Stephens

Sabrina Elizabeth Correa Sarah Gabirelle Francis Devin Tyler Funderburk Phillis Alexis Holley Kayla Ashley McDevitt Tyrone Anthony Shaw, Jr. Marian Precious Wiggins

The Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management B.S., Accounting Ahmari J. Benjamin Duane J. Boyd McCall Brown Vernee Carr Semonique Elizabeth Constant Kyoko D. Coren-Hawkins Jordan I. Dease Deiygerhria Floyd Karis Yvonne Gorham Zakyr D. Grimsley Michael Wayne Heier, Jr. Ykendi Hood Christopher Anthony Jones Daisha Latonya Keys Nadezhda Merrie-Alice Lebbie Samya Akyva Queen Ante’Nia Denise Turner Kiyanna Naomi Turner Martin Wokocha

B.S., Business Administration Khalid Abayomi Brittney Adams Terence Trent Barnett Morgan Angel Barrett Victor C. Briscoe Tamia V. Broadwater Rashaad Corey Bryant Tony Campbell, Jr. Persia L. Chambers Christina Danielle Coleman Chyanne Cook

Adam Daley Aaron G. Downs Nouh Duhduh Haley Elizabeth Dutton Hope I. Egie Morgan S. Eugene Nyah Jordan Garrett-Moore Jordan Domnique Graves D’Asia N. Grimes Herbert Tarik Hardin Stefan Maurice Haskins, Jr. Toreenor Pat Hawkins Danetta Tyjae Huggins Dionta L. Hunter, Jr. Mohamed Bashir Janneh, Jr. Zachary Isaiah Jeffers Morgan Nicole Jemison Daryian Johnson Keith Damone Johnson Dwight Dakarai Jones Akintunde Bernard Kadiri Aminata Kante Dejah J. King Tasha Lynnay Montague Excellent Chidinma Monu Hafeesah Aamirah Moore Aleisha Daisy Murdock Aliyah B. Newby Omari I. Ranson Keon Troy Rantin Alicia R. Roberts Nia Smith Cedric Dashon Streeter Kayla Joy Tyson Taylor C. Wade


Naiya West Maurisha La’trice Williams Jayla R. Woods

B.S., Entrepreneurship Khalea D. Conway Faith T. Dodson-Bey Niah Frazier Jayla Manning Jewel Kathleena Russell

B.S., Finance Sakara A. Adolphine-Prass Kimassae Bayemake Tyson Christopher Brown Quiera Bunch Juwan K. Carter Tyler M. Dent Taylor Sidney Harmon Purnell Hill Osagie M. Imhienintama Isaiah David Jensen Chibuzor Davis Martins Amaiya T. McNeil Peter A. Mensah Tia J. Thomason Nadirah Antoinette Umrani-Sanders

B.S., Hospitality Management Keia D. Alexander Cierra Nicole Bland Alissa Hannah Marie Calloway

Ayana Dolores Collins Adriean Jenai Gabriel Lee Roy Granston Da'Mesha N. Grayson Essence Chivonne Riley Felyncia Tyler Simon Zinevich

Alycin Renae Labbe Leroy B. Miller Oluwatobi Anuoluwapo Oke Sampson Chukwudi Okereke Mya M. Queensbury Andrew T. Rowlette III Jordan Skelton Torrin Walker

B.S., Information Systems Mukhtar O. Abbas Demilade Stephen Ajifa Hadel Almutairi Trinity M. Bratton Toryron D. Brown Maeleeyah Phladreka Cartryce Davis Ibraheem O. Edu Jevelle Leeanna Everett Justin Oladeji Fabiyi-King Abdulhaqq O. Fatunbi Christina S. Gaymon Leah J. Gough Azhar B. Harris Nabeel Ibrahim-Futa

B.S., Management Tykeyria D. Green Melanie P. Hooker Genevieve Arnette Keeton Destiny L. Thompson

Julian Matthews Tationa Offer Haffiz O. Oladokun Haroun Savage Tamia Antionette Underdue-Wells Miniya Azana Williams

B.S., Services and Supply Chain Management Charlanda Britney Stewart

B.S., Marketing Elijah Bowens Joshua I. Brown Aleyah M. Craig Delfon Le’brew Hare Asia Jahneé Hebb Brandon J. James

The School of Community Health and Policy B.S., Health Education

B.S., Nursing

B.S., Nutritional Sciences

Hanadi Altarfan Cristina Eileen Buckner Taylor Nykol Butler Kevin Kaise Chukwura Devon Dorrel Gaitwood Lagio L. Grantsaan Devan Antonio Hebron II Jimmesha Y. Jones Michaella Kamara Kayla M. Mallory Leah Oliver Kameron Makenzie Pondexter Michael Sandy Guerin Sikop Ata Taliah Chantel Staten Chrysale Ursul Tchako Godwill Ulysse

Jason R. Anderson Makiera Marie Anderson DiAvion Daniels-Johnson Madelle Grace Djomou Dianne Chidera Eboh Ebunoluwa Hannah Efe Precious Eriakha Diana O. Ijioma Raquel Alegria James Amaya-Michelle August Moore Olabisi Jimmy Odumesi Oreoluwa Dolapo Odumesi Kabita Rijal, Jr. Nuela Nkechinyere Serrano T’Chelle Tonija Thomas Briana Adia Wilfong

Leah Rebecca Goldstein Kianah T. Green Kendal Simone Hoges Emily Grace Lutz Jon’yea K. McCooty David J. Ondande I Govanna Parker Essence Ada Smith Caroline Ruth Stanka Cicily Lynnel Stephens Tehila Traub Iris Irene Walker Amber Wall Taliyah D. Warden Faige Willner Nicole Danille Wright


The School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences B.S., Actuarial Science Rayven Regina Collins Ayanki Sarah Laethitia Aida Gnissi Alexandria Yvette Robinson

B.S., Biology Tolani F. Akintayo Kluivert Chidubem Akubuo-Onwuemeka Ashley Angelica Allen Jordyn Imani Andrews Talind Deabra Andrews Tatiana J. Blue Autumn Milan Boyd Lourdes Byrd Deja Aaliyah Caton Carah Lené Conner Nyasia M. Dean Micaela Nicole Fleetwood Chasidy Kayla Forbes Ariel Gasque Maryam Gbadebo Dominique Grant Mikayla Niara Harris Tyana Nicole Haskins Lauren D. Herring Katirah L. Howell Tamia Mahagony Johnson Christian Jones Keira L. Lewis Morgan Tatyana Lewis I’yawnna Destiny Maple Jordan Armani Moore Asia Jalise Moseley Yona Nguerekata Perpetua Nkem

Taylor Rene Odoms Madison Monique Caroline Pleas Mya Sharpe Candace A. Spencer Stephanie Denae Stone Autumn Camille Taylor Deja Simone Thomas Alanna Jarae Thompson Senita D. Watson Maya Sierra West Alexis Williams LaDonna Bernice Wyatt

Jada Talia Grant Sydnee Rejon Hicks Mardokai Habtemariam Hintsa Navissia Antonette Jaggan Carl A. Levine, Jr. Makenly Panosky Teanna D. Pearson James Wesley Rich III Nyjel Turner Shamariah T. Walker Makhya S. Wilridge Byron M. Wilson

B.S., Chemistry

B.S., Engineering Physics

Barrington DuVal Henry II

B.S., Cloud Computing

Angelica M. Groves Maison Hackett Mohammedali Mohamed

Keith Witherspoon, Jr.

B.S., Mathematics

B.S., Computer Science

Rhiem Jordon Brandon Allen Olivia Rose Johnston Kit Sze

Adam Abaker Haroun Abaker Taylor Dante Blake Michael Breckenridge, Jr. Caleb Malik Caviness Ben Harold Clinkscale Antonio Coffey Demarcus Anthony Core Sakinah C. Cottman Derrick A. Desvignes Elisee Kendja Djapa Joy O. Falaye Anthony Ricardo Feenster Steven Fuller Pawan Giri


B.S., Medical Laboratory Science John Dadzie Christiana O. Daramola Suze Dylie Gerard Afera Hailu Hishe Keashia Latrice Johnson Rose Kastah Emmanuela A. Kodjo Charlene L. Shoetan

The School of Education and Urban Studies B.S., Elementary Education Lisa F. Boyd Jordan T. Branch Lailah Caleah Cain Jelani Delaine Hines Glen Marshall Jackson, Jr. August Shamaya Jackson-Sutton Kierra Lynae Johnson Kylah London Dianna Kay-Ann Nicole May Andisha S. Reyes Eric Michael Sann Ashley Sheffield

Jordan Thomas Jordyn Jasmyn Nicole Williams

B.S., Health Education

B.S., Family and Consumer Sciences

Taj Jamon Jenkins

Kayla K. Cumbo La Kaya B. Davis Symone Jones Sol A. Leandry Jeremy McQueen-Bey Nichole Nance Yatajah Malikah Parramore Miazziah Jewel Rose I Jewel Kathleena Russell

B.S., Physical Education Adelaide Adelson Jarrod Emil Caldwell Jalen Evans Deandre N. Harris MaKaela Henderson Jerrod Jackson Jermika J. Miller

The Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering B.S., Civil Engineering Zelal Alfaraj Naser Alkhaldi Kafayat O. Alli Khalid Faisal Alqarni Ikenna Ifeanyichukwu Anazodo I Kayla Janaye Brown Nia Zhane Campbell Saadiq Anwar Edmonds Sidney Alexander Elliott Brianna Marie Ezeigbo Steve Levin Irving-Perry Rand Nabeel Khaleel I Faisal Khan Brandon Donyell Lawson Ellson Kwasi Nyim-Asare Morgan N. Rawlings Andreana Louise De Sagun Roxas Zaid A. Whitney-Wiles

B.S., Electrical Engineering Oluwatosin Adeyeri Omar Al Namshan Faris Abdullah Alsalmi Micah Bush Kaylynn Renee Butler

Nathaniel Tajai Coger Ambria S. Dolison Joseph Asare Donkor Chinedu Godfrey Egeolu Ime Maiciah Essien Roderick Lydell Eubanks, Jr. Dunsin Fadojutimi Ololade Peter Fajana Devin Michael Gray Neville G. Hodge III Michael Trent Holland Mohamed Isamotu Precious E. Isidahomen Sierra Lache Johnson Tierra Brionna Johnson Kierra N. Jones Patrick Armand Laakak Samuel Alexander LaBeach IV Michael Lemar Laury Tevin Lavel Lewis Ashia McCalla Laura McDaniel Saquon O. Moody Jason Ikechuckwu Nweke, Jr. Chinenye Nwosu Charles Omonfoma Odigie Oluwatosin Isaac Owolabi I Juane Robinson Olumide Oluwaseun Sarumi


Leon Christopher Scott James Oluwafolahan Shonubi Mya T. Thompkins Terrell Chamar Williams Miguel Eugene Wimbish

B.S., Industrial Engineering Faisal Mohammed Q. Alkhayat Kalah A. Cross Aimanosi Promise Daodu Charles Alexander Demery Kyle Garcia Bobbi Dominique Heard Aria I. Jones Blaise Kalmia Deric N. Njinyi Joshua Okwaisie

B.S., Transportation Systems Saleh Almansour Davon Hall-Dingle

B.S., Transportation Systems Engineering Habib Durodola

The School of Global Journalism and Communication B.S., Multiplatform Production Caitlin Kiara Davis Sherwyn Rondi Devonish-Prince, Jr. Lamya Marie Hedgepeth Michael Hudson II Daquan C. Jones Cameron Nicole McMillan Teaira Alexus Nicole Randle Alexus D. Spruill Maliha S. Walthall

B.S., Multimedia Journalism Alana M. Bynes-Richardson Lawrence-Jason Lashay Dukes

Alexis J. Durham Kiaira Neve Elise Hutchinson Chardonnay Irmia Jackson Brian Anthony Jeffries Joshua D. Moore Kendra Taylor Pugh Onya J. Solomon Cayla D. Sweazie Tariq Hayes Turner Yolanda Adell Waters

Jared W. Grizzle Makayla Keyona Hall Peter Iwuh Autumn Nichell Jackson Stephanie Skyy Jackson Jasmine Marie Johnson Rahbia A. Lighty Nicholas Griffin O'Shea Jada Delisa Prater Jaden L. Scott Reggie Carlton Wilson, Jr.

B.S., Strategic Communication Sierra C. Austin Charnyse Burton Joshua Joseph Campbell

The School of Social Work B.S., Social Work Kaitlyn Lanae Adams Omolade Bola Adejumo Tyeshia Adeoye Fiyinfolu Alice Atanda Breyona Ballard Sewella R. Barnes-Ige Tashara Branch Jamoni Shammah Brockington Sydni La'Ryn Brown Jada Kelis Brunson Brianna J. Byard Darriel A. Cerrato Marie Charles Danielle Yvonne Crawford Daizhah Samone Cuyler Honor Fountain Tamarra S. Francis Marisa Gardner

Edwin Gordon Moesha Gillian Graham Kiybria Green Dy'Nasia R. Gross Fanta Beverly Hargrove Daria Charlene Hawkins Zakiyah Janea Hoes Raniya Monyaé Holmes Rodney LaMar Horton, Jr. Haja Fatima Jalloh Khadijah Hadiya Aliyah Johnson Dianne Nichole Jones Morgan Key India E. Kutcherman Tracey Renee Lane Roseline Chineye Lawal William Lessane Dominique Brasae Lyde Ayshia Matthews Brea Lenae Matthews Brandon M. McKoy


Brianna Marie McLeod Kesharra Andrea Meadows Tomas S. Norman Jayla Oliver Angela E. Patterson Aysha O. Peterson Dianni Simone Rice Jianna Ridley Mariah Rivera Noah M. Sann Jasmin l. Shaw Danyell Thompson Rayne Turnage Nikita West Elizabeth Jewel Williams Markeisha Renee Williams Lynelle Nicole Wright

Latin Honors Graduates These students will be recognized at Commencement. Summa Cum Laude graduates will wear the gold Honors Stole. Magna Cum Laude graduates will wear the silver Honors Stole. Cum Laude graduates will wear the bronze Honors Stole.

Clara I. Adams Honors College Graduates These students will wear the blue Clara I. Adams Honors College Stole.

Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Commissions The following students were commissioned into the United States Army as 2nd Lieutenants:



Makiera Anderson ............................................................................ Active Duty, Army Nurse Corps Joshua Brown ................................................................................... Active Duty, Infantry Charnyse Burton............................................................................... Army National Guard Hope Egie.......................................................................................... Army National Guard Leah Gough ...................................................................................... Active Duty, Quartermaster Corps Isaiah Jensen ..................................................................................... Army National Guard Ebony King ....................................................................................... Army National Guard Alycin Labbe ..................................................................................... Active Duty, Ordnance Corps Latesjia Lorfils ................................................................................... Active Duty, Ordnance Corps Brianna Mincy .................................................................................. Army National Guard Taliyah Warden ................................................................................ Army National Guard Alexis Williams ................................................................................. U.S. Army Reserves Reggie Wilson ................................................................................... Active Duty, Armor/Signal Corps

Announcers Mr. Paul Voos ................................................................................... Associate Dean, School of Graduate Studies Dr. Ricardo Howell ........................................................................... Director, Quarles Humanities & Social Sciences Institute/ Digital Library Arts

Degree Candidate Reader Ms. Keisha Campbell ........................................................................ University Registrar


The President’s Second Mile Award The President’s Second Mile Award was established in 1953 by Dr. Martin D. Jenkins, President of what was then Morgan State College, and the tradition has been continued to encourage and give recognition to outstanding leadership and participation in student affairs. It is intended that this award will go to that member of the graduating class who has made the most outstanding contribution to the campus community during his or her undergraduate days. “Going the Second Mile” means doing more in any given task or activity than can reasonably be expected. It is hoped that "Going the Second Mile" will be characteristic of every Morgan State University student and graduate and that it will become one of the firmly established traditions of the university community. The winner of the Second Mile Award is selected by a committee consisting of the president of the Junior Class and Junior Class representatives in the Student Government. Organizations and individuals are invited to submit nominations for the award. Nominations are supported by a description of the individual’s achievement. For the full list of past awardees, please visit the following web page: https://commencement.morgan.edu/awards. ————————————————————————————————————————————

The President’s Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement The President’s Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement was established in 1953 by Dr. Martin D. Jenkins, President of what was then Morgan State College, and the tradition has been continued to encourage and give recognition to the expression of worthwhile original ideas among the students of the university. It is intended that this award will go to that member of the graduating class who has made an exceptional contribution of a creative nature. One of the most important functions of an institution of higher education is to stimulate the development of original ideas. Although major contributions are hardly to be expected, certainly the techniques of creative thought and the habit of expressing original ideas should be developed during the undergraduate days. The budding techniques and habits so developed, it is hoped, will come to fruition in post-university years. The Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement may go to a student who makes a creative contribution in any field or area. The winner of the President’s Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement is selected by a faculty committee. Departments and individual faculty members are invited to submit nominations for the award through the appropriate department chairperson. Nominations are supported by adequate description of the nominee’s achievement. For the full list of past awardees, please visit the following web page: https://commencement.morgan.edu/awards.


INDEX Academic Degrees ................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Academic Regalia .................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Alma Mater ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Alumni Oath of Allegiance ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Anthem .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Board of Regents ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Chief Administrative Officers .................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Chief Faculty Marshals of the University ................................................................................................................................................. 6 Dr. Iva G. Jones Medallion Emblem ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 Dr. Sandye Jean McIntyre II International Award ................................................................................................................................... 7 Graduate Commencement Exercises, Spring 2022............................................................................................................................... 13 Candidates for Degrees .................................................................................................................................................................. 16 Doctor of Education ................................................................................................................................................................. 19 Doctor of Engineering ............................................................................................................................................................. 21 Doctor of Philosophy ............................................................................................................................................................... 16 Doctor of Public Health ........................................................................................................................................................... 21 Master of Architecture ............................................................................................................................................................. 22 Master of Arts ........................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Master of Arts in Teaching ...................................................................................................................................................... 23 Master of Business Administration ......................................................................................................................................... 23 Master of City and Regional Planning .................................................................................................................................... 23 Master of Engineering .............................................................................................................................................................. 24 Master of Landscape Architecture ........................................................................................................................................... 22 Master of Public Health ........................................................................................................................................................... 24 Master of Science ...................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Master of Science in Integrated Science ................................................................................................................................... 25 Master of Social Work ............................................................................................................................................................. 25 Order of Exercises .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Order of Procession ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14 Historic Anniversaries ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Index ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 45 Morgan State University Mace ................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Officers of the University ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Presidential Chain of Office ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Student Government Association Officers .............................................................................................................................................. 5 To Our Guests .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Undergraduate Commencement Exercises, Spring 2022 ..................................................................................................................... 28 Announcers .................................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Candidates for the Bachelor’s Degree ........................................................................................................................................... 36 The James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts ................................................................................................................... 36 School of Architecture and Planning ...................................................................................................................................... 37 Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management ............................................................................................................. 38 School of Community Health and Policy ............................................................................................................................... 39 School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences ..................................................................................................... 40 School of Education and Urban Studies ................................................................................................................................. 41


Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering ................................................................................................................... 41 The School of Global Journalism and Communication .......................................................................................................... 42 School of Social Work ............................................................................................................................................................. 42 Degree Candidate Reader .............................................................................................................................................................. 43 Latin Honors Graduates ................................................................................................................................................................ 43 Order of Exercises .......................................................................................................................................................................... 33 Order of Procession ........................................................................................................................................................................ 29 President’s Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement ........................................................................................................... 44 President’s Second Mile Award ..................................................................................................................................................... 44 Reserve Officers' Training Corps Commissions ........................................................................................................................... 43 University Honors Program Graduates ......................................................................................................................................... 43



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