July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019
FY Annual Report
20 19
June 30, 2019 The Morgan State University Foundation had another successful year of building relationships and resources to enable the University to change lives. Our proud history of creating access and opportunity to higher education has improved countless lives throughout the nation, state and world, and we continue to write the story of empowering ordinary people to do extraordinary things. The role of private philanthropy in Morgan’s mission to prepare high quality, diverse graduates to become leaders in the world cannot be overstated. Our work simply would not be possible without the support of the private giving community. Morgan alumni and friends provide vital support that helps the University meet the needs of students and pursue solutions to some of the most vexing problems facing our society today. The Foundation serves as the channel for private support that is critical to the University’s mission. We are profoundly grateful to all those who invest in Morgan and the transformational power of education. Together we are a mighty force for positive change in our nation and world. As Morgan State University continues to build upon more than a century of excellence, we take great pride in knowing that our students are able to accomplish extraordinary things and contribute to the betterment of our world, thanks to the remarkable opportunities offered them by the generosity of our alumni and friends. With gratitude,
Frank B. Coakley, Chairman Morgan State University Foundation, Inc.
MSUF FY19 Annual Report
A Rich Life and Abundant Giving
by Ferdinand Mehlinger
Mary Elaine Proctor Blackwell’s By Ferdinand Story Reflects Hard Work, Determination and TrustMehlinger in God
Mary Elaine Proctor Blackwell
Mary Elaine Proctor Blackwell of Morgan’s Class of ’49 has been the guiding force behind the establishment of three endowment funds at Morgan State University: the Harold Blackwell Sr. Endowment Fund, the Dr. Effietee M. Payne Endowed Scholarship Fund and the Class of ’49 Alumni House Maintenance Endowment Fund, totaling more than $100,000.
Morgan State University Foundation, Inc.
Her 90-year story is one of perseverance, determination and faith, the three qualities she says young people today must embrace to stay competitive and relevant in a changing world. “Without hard work,” she says, “you risk becoming illiterate.” Mary Blackwell was born Mary Elaine Proctor in 1928, in a log cabin in Cedar-
ville, Maryland, a small community in southern Prince George’s County, just before the Great Depression. Her mother was a housekeeper, and her father was a laborer, truck driver, switchboard operator and Capitol Hill elevator operator. “All the jobs he had he was in and out of depending on pay or the lack of it,” Blackwell says. “As a child, I thought
everyone moved every Christmas, and I realized later in life that it was because of our hardships.” Her high school principal, who was a Morgan graduate, encouraged her to realize her dream of becoming a teacher, and she saw Morgan’s campus for the first time in the summer of 1944. It was known then as Morgan State College, and she was 16 years old. She entered Morgan as a freshman the next year, as World War II came to an end and the struggle for civil rights for African Americans was just gearing up. As an undergraduate, she majored in health and physical education and minored in history and English. She also held a part-time job in the art department on Morgan’s campus and was a member of the Newman Club, an organization for Catholic students.
(we) could not sit at the (soda) fountain in Northwood shopping center. When I first came here, we had to get off the bus at Cold Spring Lane and Loch Raven and walk down the alley to get to Morgan’s campus. We could not walk in front of the houses on the streets, and the dogs were always barking at us….The city bus didn’t even come to campus.” After graduating from Morgan, Blackwell applied to graduate school at the University of Maryland to continue her education. She was rejected because of her race.
The Christian Center (now known as the University Memorial Chapel) was the center of socialization…,” Blackwell says. “We couldn’t go into town, because we didn’t have the money. So we gathered there.” Although younger, she served in leadership roles along with many of her male peers who had just returned from the war. Blackwell was the 1948–49 president of the campus chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and was captain of the women’s basketball team from 1947 to 1949, under the legendary Effietee M. Payne, P.E.D., who was Morgan’s first female head coach, an activist for women’s rights and a role model for generations of female students. Blackwell joined an early wave of Morgan students engaged in civil rights activism. “I was on the planning committee for the March on Annapolis in March of 1948... that was (near) the beginning of what we call the civil rights movement. We were fortunate to have the guidance of two young lawyers in the planning of the Annapolis march: Elmer Henderson and Patricia Harris. At the same time, (we) were trying to integrate the theaters and what we now call performing arts centers here in Baltimore...,” Blackwell recalls. “Downtown Baltimore was very segregated at that time. (We) could only go to black restaurants, and all of our activities were on Pennsylvania Avenue. We could not go to Druid Hill Park, and
MSUF FY19 Annual Report
“I was on the planning committee for the March on Annapolis in March of 1948...that was (near) the beginning of what we call the civil rights movement….” “The celebrated civil rights lawyer Thurgood Marshall together with Lillie May Carroll Jackson, president of the Baltimore Branch of the NAACP, fought for us and won reimbursements for our rejection from the University of Maryland for whatever school we wanted to attend,” Blackwell says, “and I chose New York University in 1950.”
Elaine Proctor was still a student at Morgan when she met Harold Blackwell, the man from Columbia, South Carolina, who would become her husband. But their romance did not materialize until the summer of 1952. Elaine was exiting a bus in Washington, D.C., when her heel was caught in the floor mat. Harold was waiting to board the bus, and when the door opened, she fell into his arms. Friends later teased that her “fall” was no accident, but she insists laughingly that it was. Harold earned his Bachelor of Science from Morgan in 1952, and the couple married in 1954, the same year Elaine earned her master’s degree in education from NYU. They had five children: four girls and a boy. Blackwell began her teaching career in 1949 at Westwood Jr. High School in southern Prince George’s County and was transferred with Westwood’s students to her alma mater, Frederick Douglass Junior/Senior High School, in 1950. After her tenure at Douglass, she taught at Fairmount Heights High School then joined the newly integrated D.C. Public Schools, teaching at McKinley Technical High School from 1959 until 1967. In Fall 1967, she joined the faculty at D.C. Teachers College, which later merged with the University of the District of Columbia (UDC). She retired from UDC at age 55, having served as an educator for nearly 32 years. Blackwell now has four grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. Harold passed away in 2013 at age 90, and her beloved eldest grandson, Marques, passed away in 2007 at age 26. “God has been good. He has given me so many blessings,” Blackwell says. “I almost lost my husband in 1972, but he lived to celebrate his 90th birthday.” Blackwell remains the activist. She is now focused on commemorating the work of Dr. Effietee Payne. She believes such recognition is perfect for Morgan’s campus, which she calls her “third home,” after Prince George’s County, where she was born, and Washington, D.C., where she now resides. “I want to thank Morgan alums, friends and supporters who have helped with our goals,” Blackwell says. “I encourage Morganites everywhere to support and give back to our beloved alma mater.” n
FinancialAuditor’s StatementsReport Independent and Independent Auditor’s Report
Years Ended June 30, 2019 and 2018 Years Ended June 30, 2019 and 2018
TABLE OF CONTENTS Independent Auditor’s Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Financial Statements Statements of Financial Position. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Statements of Activities and Changes in Net Assets . . . . . . . 7 Statements of Functional Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Statements of Cash Flows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Notes to Financial Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Certified Public Accountants & Business Advisors Morgan State University Foundation, Inc.
To the Board of Directors To the Board of Directors Morgan State University Foundation, Inc. Morgan State University Foundation, Inc. Baltimore, Maryland Baltimore, Maryland INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT Report on the Financial Statements
Report on the Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Morgan State University Foundation, Inc. (Foundation), which comprise the statements of financial position as of June 30, 2019 and We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Morgan State University Foundation, 2018, and the related statements of activities and changes in net assets, functional expenses and (Foundation), comprise the statements of financial position as of June 30, 2019 and cash flows for the yearsInc. then ended, and the related which notes to the financial statements.
To the Board of Directors Morgan State University Foundation, Inc. 2018, and the related statements of activities and changes in net assets, functional expenses and Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Baltimore, Maryland cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements. Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this Management’s Responsibility forcontrol the Financial includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal relevant to theStatements preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Report on the Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements
Auditor’s Responsibility We have audited the accompanying financial of Morgan State University in accordance with accounting principles statements generally accepted in the United States of America;Foundation, this the ondesign, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the Our responsibility is toincludes express an opinion these financial statements based on our audits. We Inc. (Foundation), which comprise the statements of financial position as of June 30, 2019 and conducted our audits in preparation accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the Unitedstatements States and fair presentation of financial that are free from material misstatement, of America. Those standards require statements that we plan and perform the audit to obtainand reasonable 2018, and the related of activities changes in net assets, functional expenses and whether due to fraud oroferror. assurance about whether the financial statements are free material misstatement. cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and
Auditor’s disclosures in the financial statements. Responsibility The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control responsibility is to ofexpress an statements opinioninon these financial statements based on our audits. We relevant to the entity’sOur preparation and fair presentation the financial order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose ofstandards generally accepted in the United States conducted our audits in accordance with auditing expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express ofalso America. Thosethestandards that we used plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable no such opinion. An audit includes evaluating appropriatenessrequire of accounting policies and the reasonablenessassurance of significantabout accounting estimatesthe made by management, as well asare free of material misstatement. whether financial statements evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes design, implementation, andto provide maintenance of evidence internalabout control relevant We believe thatthe the audit evidence we have obtained isperforming sufficient and appropriate a basis An audit involves procedures to obtain audit the amounts and to the for our audit opinion. preparation and fair presentation ofstatements. financialThe statements that aredepend free on from materialjudgment, misstatement, disclosures in the financial procedures selected the auditor’s theerror. assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether whether due toincluding fraud or due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to Auditor’s Responsibility design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such An audit includeson evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies Our responsibility isopinion. to express analso opinion these financial statements based on ourused audits. We and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as conducted ourevaluating audits inthe accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States overall presentation of the financial statements.
of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable Wewhether believe thatthe the financial audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis assurance about statements are free of material misstatement. for our audit opinion.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and Opinion disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, In our opinion,of thethe financial referred to above present fairly, in all material respects,whether including the assessment risks statements of material misstatement of the financial statements, the financial position of the Foundation as of June 30, 2019 and 2018, and the changes in its net control due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles relevant to thegenerally entity’s preparation andStates fair ofpresentation of the financial statements in order to accepted in the United America. design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as Nole & Williams, evaluating theAbrams, overallFoster, presentation of theP.A. financial statements. Certified Public Accountants Baltimore, Maryland
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis August 30, 2019 for our audit opinion.
MSUF FY19 Annual Report
MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Statement of Financial Position June 30, 2019
MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Statement of Financial Position June 30, 2019 Without Donor Restrictions Assets Cash and cash equivalents Investments Investments - Accumulated earnings Pledges receivable, net discount of $276,486 and allowance of $426,666 Other receivables Prepaid expenses Total Assets Liabilities and Net Assets Accounts payable and accruals
444,182 -
5,967,497 27,443,766 9,980,956
2,248 15,000 12,428
6,411,679 27,443,766 9,980,956
8,741,250 6,254 119,650
8,743,498 21,254 132,078
Total Liabilities Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets
With Donor Restrictions
MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Statement of Financial Position June 30, 2018 MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Statement of Financial Position June 30, 2018 Without Donor Restrictions
With Donor Restrictions
Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 415,059 $ 5,930,173 $ 6,345,232 Investments 25,187,577 25,187,577 Investments - Accumulated earnings 8,520,751 8,520,751 Pledges receivable, net discount of $80,835 and allowance of $314,398 7,181 3,355,945 3,363,126 Other receivables 5,544 “The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements” 5,544 Prepaid expenses 148,539 162,639 3 14,100 Total Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets Accounts payable and accruals
$ 43,148,529
Total Liabilities Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets
$ 43,148,529
“The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements”
Morgan State University Foundation, Inc.
Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets Year Ended June 30, 2019
MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets Year Ended June 30, 2019 Without Donor Restrictions
With Donor Restrictions
Revenue and Support Contributions and fundraising Interest and dividend income Unrealized gain Realized gain
Total revenue and support Net assets released from restrictions: Satisfaction of purpose restrictions
940,781 -
$ 13,073,462 382,277 3,018,961 27,788
Total revenue, support and net assets released from restrictions
14,014,243 382,277 3,018,961 27,788 17,443,269
(7,398,768) .
Expenses Program services General and administrative Fundraising Total expenses
7,431,602 693,874 127,011 8,252,487
Increase in net assets
7,431,602 693,874 127,011 8,252,487
MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Net assets beginning of year 310,310 43,058,247 Changes in$ Net Assets Net Assets End of Year Statement of Activities $ and 397,372 52,161,967 Year Ended June 30, 2018
MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets Year Ended June 30, 2018 Without Donor Restrictions
With Donor Restrictions
Revenue and Support Contributions and fundraising Interest and dividend income Unrealized gain Realized gain
891,320 -
7,327,394 193,316 3,091,102 58,792
$ 8,218,714 193,316 3,091,102 58,792
Total revenue support 891,320 10,670,604 11,561,924 “Theand accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements”
Net assets released from restrictions: Satisfaction of purpose restrictions
Total revenue, support and net assets released from restrictions
Expenses Program services General and administrative Fundraising Total expenses
6,994,831 663,182 128,064 7,786,077
Increase in net assets
Net assets beginning of year Net Assets End of Year
6,994,831 663,182 128,064 7,786,077 3,775,847
$ 43,058,247
$ 43,368,557
“The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements”
MSUF FY19 Annual Report
MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Statement of Functional Expenses Year Ended June 30, 2019
MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Statement of Functional Expenses Year Ended June 30, 2019 Program Services Without Donor Restrictions Personnel & contractual expenses Accounting Awards, plaques and certificates Bad debt expense Conferences, travel and hotel Contracted services Dues and subscriptions Equipment rental, repairs and maintenance Gala fundraising expenses Grants and scholarships Insurance Legal fees Meetings, food and receptions Office supplies and expenses Other general and administrative expenses Postage Printing and photocopying Programmatic assistance Project expenses Promotional Service fees Transfers Total
Support Expenses
With Donor Restrictions
Total Program Services
General and Administrative
$ 2,475,721 $ 2,475,721 $ $ 31,900 109,663 109,663 534,432 534,432 80,002 318,893 318,893 10,303 344,422 247,953 247,953 123,610 123,610 3,998 1,729,658 1,733,656 2,680 24,000 342,535 342,535 25,393 111,907 111,907 68,856 712,239 712,239 559 559 48,282 48,282 14,468 28,836 28,836 31,870 8,129 8,129 29,980 635,187 635,187FOUNDATION, 30,000 INC. MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY $ Statement 7,398,768 of Functional $ 7,431,602 Expenses $ 693,874 $ 32,834
Total Expenses
127,011 127,011
Year Ended June 30, 2018
2,475,721 31,900 109,663 614,434 329,196 344,422 247,953 123,610 127,011 1,733,656 2,680 24,000 367,928 180,763 712,239 559 62,750 28,836 31,870 8,129 29,980 665,187 8,252,487
“The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements” Statement of Functional Expenses 7
Year Ended June 30, 2018 Program Services
Personnel & contractual expenses Accounting Awards, plaques and certificates Bad debt expense Conferences, travel and hotel Contracted services Dues and subscriptions Equipment rental, repairs and maintenance Gala fundraising expenses Grants and scholarships Insurance Legal fees Meetings, food and receptions Office supplies and expenses Other general and administrative expenses Postage Printing and photocopying Programmatic assistance Project expenses Promotional Service fees Transfers Total
Support Expenses
Without Donor Restrictions
With Donor Restrictions
Total Program Services
$ 2,217,098 100,660 26,000 272,931 211,686 103,187 2,162,492 330,516 156,397 548,986 893 69,566 16,981 705,928 $ 6,923,321
$ 2,217,098 100,660 26,000 272,931 211,686 103,187 2,178,242 330,516 156,397 548,986 893 69,566 55,760 16,981 705,928 $ 6,994,831
15,750 55,760 71,510
General and Administrative $
21,910 34,500 19,082 362,449 21,201 12,000 27,652 70,083 17,029 26,535 39,421 11,320 663,182
Fundraising $
“The“The accompanying notesnotes are an partpart of the financial statements” accompanying areintegral an integral of the financial statements” 8
Morgan State University Foundation, Inc.
128,064 128,064
Total Expenses $ 2,217,098 21,910 100,660 60,500 292,013 362,449 211,686 103,187 128,064 2,178,242 21,201 12,000 358,168 226,480 548,986 893 86,595 55,760 26,535 16,981 39,421 717,248 $ 7,786,077
MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Statements of Cash Flows Years Ended June 30, 2019 and 2018 MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Statements of Cash Flows Years Ended June 30, 2019 and 2018 2019
$ 9,190,782
$ 3,775,847
Cash Flows From Operating Activities Change in net assets Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets to net cash from operating activities Unrealized (gain) loss on investments
30,561 (5,380,371) (15,710)
(149,475) 571,615 (4,944)
(42,421) (8,426,903) 763,879
45,846 (25,000) (2,653,061) 1,122,786
(1,852,727) 1,155,295
(2,104,920) 1,724,528
$ 6,411,679
$ 6,345,232
Changes in operating assets and liabilities (Increase) decrease in assets Prepaid expenses Pledges receivable Other receivables Increase (decrease) in liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses Deferred revenue Total adjustments Net cash provided by operating activities Cash Flows From Investing Activities Purchases of investments Sales of investments Net cash used by investing activities Increase in cash Cash, beginning of year Cash, End of Year
“The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements” 9 “The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements”
MSUF FY19 Annual Report
MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Notes to Financial Statements Years Ended June 30, 2019 and 2018 1.
Nature of Activities The Morgan State University Foundation (the Foundation) is a nonprofit corporation organized for the purpose of promoting the growth, progress and general welfare of Morgan State University (the University). Established in 1971, the Foundation addresses the needs of the University’s community in areas where government funding is limited or unavailable. Annual fund appeals and special gift solicitations are the major fund-raising activities of the Foundation.
Basis of Accounting The accompanying financial statements of the Foundation are prepared on the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
New Accounting Pronouncement The Foundation retroactively adopted the requirements in accordance with Accounting Standards Board’s Accounting Standards Update No. 2016-14 - Not-forProfit Entities (Topic 958): Presentation of Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Entities (ASU 2016-14). This update addresses the complexity and understandability of net asset classification, deficiencies in information about liquidity and availability of resources, and the lack of consistency in the type of information provided about expenses and investment return between not-for-profit entities. A key change required by ASU 2016-14 is the net asset classes used in these financial statements. Amounts previously reported as unrestricted net assets are now reported as net assets without donor restrictions and amounts previously reported as temporarily restricted net assets and permanently restricted net assets are now reported as net assets with donor restrictions. The ASU has been applied retrospectively to the prior year. A footnote on liquidity has also been added (see note 9).
Basis of Presentation The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with United States generally accepted accounting principles. Net assets and revenues, expenses, gains and losses are classified based on the existence or absences of donor-imposed restrictions. Accordingly, net assets of the Foundation and changes therein are classified and reported as follows:
Morgan State University Foundation, Inc.
MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2019 and 2018 1.
Basis of Presentation (continued) Net Assets Without Donor Restrictions: Net assets that are not subject to donorimposed restrictions and may be expended for any purpose in performing the primary objectives of the Foundation. These net assets may be used at the discretion of the Foundation’s Board of Directors. Net Assets With Donor Restrictions: Net assets subject to stipulations imposed by donors, and grantors. Some donor restrictions are temporary in nature; those restrictions will be met by actions of the Foundation or by the passage of time. Other donor restrictions are perpetual in nature, where by the donor has stipulated the funds be maintained in perpetuity. Donor restricted contributions are reported as increases in net assets with donor restrictions. When a restriction expires, net assets are reclassified from net assets with donor restrictions to net assets without donor restrictions in the statements of activities and changes in net assets. For the years ended June 30, 2019 and 2018, net assets with donor restrictions were $52,161,967 and $43,058,247, respectively.
Revenue The Foundation's major sources of revenue are donor contributions and pledges and ticket sales from specific fund-raising events. Donor contributions are recognized upon receipt and ticket sales revenue is recognized when the event takes place. Contributions generated from the Foundation's pledge program are recognized upon receipt of unconditional promises to give.
Cash and Cash Equivalents The Foundation considers all highly liquid investments with maturity of three months or less, except for money market funds classified as investments, at the date of acquisition to be cash equivalents.
MSUF FY19 Annual Report
MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2019 and 2018 1.
Promises to Give Unconditional promises to give that are expected to be collected within one year are recorded at net realizable value. Unconditional promises to give that are expected to be collected in future years are recorded at the present value of their estimated future cash flows. The discounts on those amounts are computed using risk-free interest rates applicable to the years in which the promises to give are received. Amortization of the discounts is included in contribution revenue. For the years ended June 30, 2019 and 2018, the discount rate was 2.6 percent and 3.4 percent, respectively, and the amount amortized in 2019 and 2018 was $276,486 and $80,835, respectively. Allowances for uncollectible promises to give are estimated based on the date of the promise, the term, and payment history. Included in promises to give are the following unconditional promises:
Promises to give before unamortized discount and allowance for uncollectibles
$ 9,446,650
$ 3,758,359
Less: Unamortized discount Subtotal Less: Allowance for uncollectibles Net Promises to Give
9,170,164 (426,666)
3,677,524 (314,398)
$ 8,743,498
Amounts due in: One year Two years Three years Four years Five years Thereafter
$ 3,363,126
$ 1,908,925 1,638,058 1,017,400 959,056 401,650 3,521,561 $ 9,446,650
$ 2,564,047 643,914 512,917 33,995 3,486 $ 3,758,359
The Foundation wrote off $614,434 and $60,500 in uncollectible pledges during the years ended June 30, 2019 and 2018, respectively.
Morgan State University Foundation, Inc.
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MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2019 and 2018 1.
Investments Investments in marketable securities with readily determinable fair values and all investments in debt securities are valued at their fair values in the statement of financial position. Unrealized gains and losses are included in the change in net assets in the statement of activities. Market risk could occur and is dependent on the future changes in market price of the various investments held.
Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities as of the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Reclassifications Certain amounts in the prior period presented have been reclassified to conform to the current period financial statement presentation. These reclassifications have no effect on previously reported net income.
Functional Allocation of Expenses Costs of providing various programs and other activities have been summarized on a functional basis in the consolidated statements of activities. Costs are allocated between program services, support and fundraising services. Support service expenses include expenses that are not directly identifiable with any other specific function, but provide for the overall support and direction of the Foundation.
INCOME TAX STATUS Under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Foundation is exempt from Federal and state income taxes, except for unrelated business income, if any. Accordingly, no provision for income taxes has been made in the accompanying financial statements. An informational return Form 990 is filed annually.
MSUF FY19 Annual Report
MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2019 and 2018 2.
INCOME TAX STATUS (Continued) The Internal Revenue Service has not examined (audited) any income tax returns of the Foundation; thus, the previous three years are subject to examination. The Foundation has not taken any questionable tax positions.
STUDENT LOANS RECEIVABLE During the past several years, the Foundation provided financial assistance to students attending the University. Student loans receivable as of June 30, 2019 and 2018 was $750 and $0, respectively, and are included in other receivables on the statements of financial position.
OTHER RECEIVABLES Other receivables represent administrative fees assessed by M&T Bank due from the Endowed Account. As of June 30, 2019 and 2018, the balance was $21,254 and $5,544, respectively.
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS WITH OFF BALANCE SHEET RISK The Foundation maintains its cash accounts with commercial banks as well as brokerage firms. The accounts at the commercial banks are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) for all accounts per depositor of $250,000 at June 30, 2019 and 2018. The cash accounts at the brokerage firm are insured by the Securities Investors Protection Corporation (SIPC) up to $250,000 and the securities are insured by the SIPC up to $500,000 for each brokerage account. The risk is managed by maintaining all deposits in high quality institutions. The SIPC insurance does not protect against market losses on investments.
FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS Fair value is defined as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. Generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (GAAP) establish a framework for measuring fair value. That framework provides a hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. That hierarchy gives the highest priority to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (“Level 1”) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (“Level 3”). The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are described below:
Morgan State University Foundation, Inc.
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MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2019 and 2018 6.
FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS (Continued) Level 1 Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. Level 2 Inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. Level 3 Inputs that are unobservable inputs that are supported by little or no market activity and that are significant to the measurement of the assets or liabilities. Following is a description of the valuation methodologies used for assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis and recognized in the accompanying statement of financial position, as well as the general classification of such instruments pursuant to the valuation hierarchy. There have not been changes in the methodologies used as of June 30, 2019: Cash, cash equivalents, money market and CD’s: Valued at the closing price on the active market on which cash is traded and generally classified as Level 1 hierarchy. Common stocks, U.S government bonds and securities: Valued at the closing price reported on the active market on which the individual securities are traded and generally classified as Level 1 hierarchy. Mutual Funds and Equity Securities: Valued at the last quoted sales price, except securities traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. (NASDAQ), which are valued in accordance with the NASDAQ Official Closing Price. Over the counter securities are valued at the mean between the latest bid and asked prices as furnished by dealers who make markets in such securities. Equities may be classified as Level 1 or Level 2. Corporate and foreign bonds: Fair value is based upon quotes for similar securities; therefore, these investments are rendered Level 2.
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MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2019 and 2018 6.
FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS (Continued) Fair Value Measurement The following table presents the Foundation’s fair value measurements of assets recognized in the accompanying statements of financial position that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis and the level within the FASB ASC fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall at June 30, 2019 and 2018: Fair Value Measurement Using:
Quoted Prices in Active Markets for Identical Assets (Level 1)
1,757,251 4,647,795 1,088,429 1,997,785 367,635 1,596,798 25,969,029 $ 37,424,722
$ 1,757,251 4,647,795 1,088,429 1,997,785 367,635 $ 9,858,895
Significant Other Observable Inputs (Level 2)
Significant Unobservable Inputs (Level 3)
June 30, 2019 Money Market Mutual Funds Certificate of Deposits US Treasury Obligations US Government Securities Corporate & Foreign Bonds Equity Funds Total
1,596,798 25,969,029 $ 27,565,827
Fair Value Measurement Using:
Quoted Prices in Active Markets for Identical Assets (Level 1)
1,346,337 3,235,286 1,073,398 1,753,267 358,573 1,624,251 24,317,216 $ 33,708,328
$ 1,346,337 3,235,286 1,073,398 1,753,267 358,573 $ 7,766,861
Significant Other Observable Inputs (Level 2)
Significant Unobservable Inputs (Level 3)
June 30, 2018 Money Market Mutual Funds Certificate of Deposits US Treasury Obligations US Government Securities Corporate & Foreign Bonds Equity Funds Total
1,624,251 24,317,216 $ 25,941,467
There were no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 at June 30, 2019 and 2018.
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MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2019 and 2018 7.
INTER-FUND RECEIVABLE AND PAYABLE The Foundation maintains several checking accounts for unrestricted, temporarily restricted and endowed funds. As transfers from one fund to another fund take place, the inter-fund accounts are used to balance the transfer of cash as a general ledger entry. The balances of inter-fund payable and receivable are recorded until cash is transferred between bank accounts. Once the cash is transferred the payable and related receivable are satisfied.
ENDOWMENT NET ASSETS The Foundation’s endowment consists of approximately 300 individual funds established for a variety of purposes and is composed of donor-restricted endowment funds. The endowment net assets also include endowed unconditional promises to give, which are recognized in the year the commitment is received. As required by GAAP, net assets associated with endowment funds, are classified and reported based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions. The Board of Directors of the Foundation has interpreted the Maryland Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA) as requiring the preservation of the fair value of the original gift as of the gift date of the donor-restricted endowment funds absent explicit donor stipulations to the contrary. As a result of this interpretation, the Foundation classifies net assets with donor restrictions as (a) the original value of gifts donated to the permanent endowment, (b) the original value of subsequent gifts to the permanent endowment, and (c) accumulations to the permanent endowment made in accordance with the direction of the applicable donor gift instrument at the time the accumulation is added to the fund. Donor-restricted endowment funds that are not required to be retained in perpetuity are appropriated for expenditure by the Foundation in a manner consistent with the standard of prudence prescribed by UPMIFA. In accordance with UPMIFA, the Foundation considers the following factors in making a determination to appropriate or accumulate donor-restricted endowment funds: (1) the duration and preservation of the various funds, (2) the purposes of the donor-restricted endowment funds, (3) general economic conditions, (4) the possible effect of inflation and deflation, (5) the expected total return from income and the appreciation of investments, (6) other resources of the Foundation and (7) the Foundation’s investment policies.
MSUF FY19 Annual Report
MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2019 and 2018 8.
ENDOWMENT NET ASSETS (Continued) The changes in endowment net assets are illustrated below: 2019
Endowment Net Assets, beginning of year
$ 33,909,918
$ 30,652,044
Investment return: Investment income Net appreciation (realized and unrealized) Total investment return
382,277 3,046,749 3,429,026
132,174 3,149,894 3,282,068
Appropriation of endowment assets for expenditures Endowment Net Assets, End of Year
$ 39,994,534
$ 33,909,918
LIQUIDITY AND AVAILABILITY The following represents the financial assets available for general expenditures within one year at June 30, 2019 and 2018. 2019
Financial assets at year end: Cash and cash equivalents Investments Investments - Accumulated earnings Pledges receivable Other receivables Total financial assets
Less amounts not available to be used within one year: Net assets with donor restrictions Financial assets available to meet general expenditures over the next twelve months
6,411,679 27,443,766 9,980,956 8,743,498 21,254 52,601,153
$ 6,345,232 25,187,577 8,520,751 3,363,126 5,544 43,422,230
As part of its liquidity management, the Foundation has a policy to structure its financial assets to be available as its general expenditures, liabilities, and other obligations come due.
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MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2019 and 2018 10.
RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS The management and administration of the Foundation’s operations are performed by the employees of Morgan State University (MSU) without charges to the Foundation. These services are reciprocated by the Foundation’s disbursements of scholarships and awards to the students of the University. In addition, MSU facilities are provided for operations at no passed through cost.
ADVERTISING Advertising costs are expensed as incurred and were $0 for the years ended June 30, 2019 and 2018, respectively.
SUBSEQUENT EVENTS In accordance with FASB Accounting Standards Codification ASC 855-10-50, the Foundation has evaluated subsequent events through August 30, 2019 the date the financial statements were available to be issued. No events require recognition in the financial statements or disclosures of the Foundation.
19 MSUF FY19 Annual Report
Investment income $3,429,026 20% Total Revenue $17,443,269 80%
Contributions $14,014,243
REVENUE University Support $28,836 0.3%
Fundraising 1.5% $127,011
G&A $693,874 8.4%
Grants & Scholarships $1,733,656
Total Expense $8,252,487 68.7% Program Expense $5,669,110
Note: Percentages total less than 100% because of rounding.
Foundations $3,083,133.50
22% 40%
Corporations $5,605,697.20 Total Contributions $14,014,243
Individuals $5,325,412.34
Morgan State University Foundation, Inc.
Contributions July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019
Corporations, Foundations and Organizations $1,000,000 + The Center for Innovation and Education Ripple Labs, Inc. $500,000 + France-Merrick Foundation, Inc. Goldman, Sachs & Co. $300,000 + Ford Foundation The Travelers Companies, Inc. $125,000 + The Democracy Fund Goldseker Foundation JP Morgan Chase Foundation Kaiser Permanente Foundation National Association of Community College Entrepreneurship The Verizon Foundation $50,000 + Annie E. Casey Foundation The Boeing Company CACI, Inc. – Federal Helping Children Grow, Inc. Lockheed Martin Corporation Lumina Foundation For Education Middendorf Foundation Open Society Institute The Patterson Family Foundation The Alpha Phi Omega Baltimore Area Alumni Association, Inc. Thurgood Marshall College Fund $25,000 + BWE Regional Advertising Assoc. HomeFree USA I am O’Kah! Inc. The M&T Charitable Foundation National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, Inc. National Consortium for Graduate Degrees Park Heights Renaissance, Inc. Principal Life Insurance Company Wells Fargo Foundation $10,000 + American Airlines America’s Charities CMGRP, Inc.
Constellation Energy/BGE The Estate of Charles W. Mayfield Exelon Foundation Exelon Generation Company, LLC HomeFree USA Hyatt Hotels Corporation Intel Foundation The Philip and Harriet Klein Foundation, Inc. Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) Morgan State University Memorial Chapel MSUAA Washington, DC Alumni Chapter The Redeemed Christian Church of God Christ Villa T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc. YourCause, LLC $1,000 + Al Rucker Enterprises, LLC Allan Myers, Inc. American Association of University Women – Baltimore Branch Analog Devices, Inc. Arizona State University Associated Black Charities Baltimore Chapter of The Links, Incorporated Baltimore-Columbia Grad Chapter Groove Phi Groove S.F.I. Barton Malow Company Foundation Behavioral Health Systems Baltimore The Benevity Community Impact Fund The Berger Charitable Foundation, Inc. The Black College Football Hall of Fame Broadmead, Inc. CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Chesapeake Employers Insurance Combined Federal Campaign Delaware Community Foundation Delta Research & Educational Foundation-Chapter Direct Athletics, Inc. The Dorsey Educational Fund, Inc. Enterprise Holdings Ernst & Young Foundation
MSUF FY19 Annual Report
Estate of Charles Giles, Jr. Family Empowerment Institute of Maryland Friends of Nathaniel T. Oaks Funding for Teams, LLC Gamma Omicron Omega Scholarship Foundation, Inc. Goshen United Methodist Church The Harbor Bank of Maryland Hensel Phelps Construction Co. The Herb Block Hilton Worldwide Hord Coplan Macht, Inc. The House of David – S.O.S. Ministries, Inc. James E. Lewis Museum of Art Foundation Johns Hopkins Accounts Payable Service Center Kelly Integral Solutions, LLC Kingsway Bible Baptist Church Legg Mason and Co., LLC LSH GE Gateway 2, LLC d/b/a Residence Inn Gateway Mangione Family Foundation Maryland Chapter American Society of Landscape Architects Maryland Section of American Society of Civil Engineers Maryland Sound and Image, Inc. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore Meridian Management Group, Inc. Monumental City Bar Foundation, Inc. Morgan State University – Mathematics Department Morgan State University Alumni Association Morgan State University Foundation, Inc. MSUAA Baltimore County Alumni Chapter MSUAA Delaware Alumni Chapter MSUAA Howard L. Cornish Metropolitan Baltimore Chapter MSUAA On Campus Alumni Chapter MSUAA Philadelphia Chapter MSU Class of 1949 MSU Class of 1957 Municipal Employees Credit Union of Baltimore, Inc.
MWPHGL (William L. Taylor Lodge #57) New Wave Foundation, Inc. Nutramax Laboratories, Inc. The PAMS Social Club Patapsco River Chapter, The Links, Incorporated The Philadelphia Foundation Pinehurst Landscape Co., Inc. PNC Bank Corporation Potomac Valley Alumnae Chapter Fund, Inc. PRT Reach Foundation, Inc. Quanser Consulting, Inc. RED Dynasty MSU Alumni Chapter The Reginald F. Lewis Foundation, Inc. Reliable Churchill, LLP dba Breakthru Beverage Maryland Samm Art Williams, Inc. Smoot Construction Company of Washington, D.C. Society of Actuaries Spirit Cruises, LLC Tea Pad, LLC Team Junior Tennis, Inc. Telophase Corporation The Tenacious Ten 1976 Fall & Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. The Tenacious Too Tough Ten, Spring 1989 Omega Psi Phi Frat Thompson Hospitality Services, LLC Threshold, Inc. Toyota Motor Credit Corporation United Way of Central Maryland Walters Relocation, Inc. We Energies Foundation, Inc. The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company $500 + 4imprint ACC Contracting, LLC Active Realty Company Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc./ PSI RHO Omega Chapter Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Rho Xi Omega Chapter Amazon Smile Foundation American Institute of Steel Construction AMT, LLC ATG Coaching and Consulting, LLC
Ballard Accounting & Tax Consultants Baltimore Heritage Area Association, Inc. Baltimore Moles, Inc. Baltimore Museum of Industry, Inc. Bank of America Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD) Benefits Perspectives, Inc. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Brown and Brown Realty Casket Wholesale Direct, LLC Christ United Methodist Church The Community College of Baltimore County The Cryor Group, LLC Deltex Management, LLC Edward M. Johnson & Associates, P.C. EL Education, Inc. Emanuel Moore & Associates, Inc. Emergent BioSolutions Employee Charity Organization of Northrop Grumman Eric Munfert Taylor, Inc. Eventbrite Fire and Smoke Cigar Parlor The Forty-Five Degree Council, Inc. Georgia Chapter of the MSU Alumni Association Gilman School, Inc. Grace Presbyterian Church Greibo K Designs, LLC Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc. IBM Computershare IBM International Foundation (IIF) Imaging Technologies & Services Immanuel Bible Assembly, Inc. Island Spice Cuisine, LLC Johnson, Mirmiran, and Thompson Kalkreuth Roofing and Sheet Metal Katipunan Filipino American Association of MD King, King & Associates, P.A. Laurel Bush Family Dentistry Maryland Chapter APA Maryland Officials Club, Inc. Melnyk & Wiseman, LLC MobileCause, Inc. The Momentum Group Incorporated
Mount Royal Improvement Assoc. MSUAA Charlotte, N.C. Alumni Chapter MSUAA Eastern Shore Alumni Chapter MSUAA Howard County Alumni Chapter MSUAA New Jersey Alumni Chapter MSUAA North Carolina Chapter MSUAA South Jersey Alumni Chapter MSUAA Southern Maryland Alumni Chapter MSU Class of 1970 MSU Greater Hampton Roads Alumni Chapter National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. Network Cable Services New Covenant Community United Church of Christ Northeasterners Baltimore Chapter Northrop Grumman Corporation Pearl Foundation, Inc. Perring Loch Covenant Association Purnell Color Consulting, LLC Quinn Evans Architects RK&K Schwab Charitable Fund Shiloh Baptist Church of Baltimore County SRB Communications, LLC Starbucks Canada Leadership Team Stock Trak, Inc. Tina’s Toddlers Travelers Community Connections Truist United Way of Central Maryland United Way of Greater Atlanta, Inc. Universal Janitorial Services, LLC Valerie R. Cherry Ins Agency, Inc. The Walters Art Museum Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Zion Baptist Church – Baltimore
Contributions July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019
Individuals $1,000,000 + Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Tyler, Jr. $500,000 + Mr. Adolphus G. Crenshaw $125,000 + Mr. Cecil E. Flamer $50,000 + Elwanda D. Ingram, Ph.D. $25,000 + Ms. Aisha DaCosta Anonymous Donor Ms. Donna Clayton Mr. Roland A. Gray Dr. John Laws Nickens, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. W. Stewart Taylor Mr. Artee A. Willis $10,000 + Mr. Lawrence Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Calvin H. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Allen A. Boston Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Cornish, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Currie Mrs. Dolores L. Curtis Gen. (Ret.) and Mrs. Larry R. Ellis Mrs. Angela C. Gaither-Scott The Honorable and Mrs. Peter C. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Bert J. Hash, Jr. The Rev. Dcn. Marsha Evans Holmes Dr. Melanie L. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Jennings, Jr. Mr. Bruce D. Lewis, Jr. Mr. Kevin Liles Mr. Ronald Miles Drs. Thomas Pinder and Esther G. Pinder Dr. Ruthe T. Sheffey Dr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Simmons Dr. Tyrone D. Taborn The Rev. Dr. J. Ruth Travis Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Turnipseed Dr. David K. Wilson $1,000 + Mrs. Berlette L. Adesalu Drs. Timothy A. and Mary Anne Akers Mr. Akinwale Akinpelu Dr. Solomon Alao Ms. Dawn N. Ambrose Ms. Barbara Amos Ms. Stacy L. Anderson Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Aaron R. Andrews, Sr. Ms. Barbara Blount Armstrong Mrs. Kim C. Artis Dr. Yacob Astatke Ms. Latonia T. Bacon Dr. Faye A. Ball
Ms. Sarah Begus The Honorable Robert M. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Jesse James Bennett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Bennett Mrs. Mary Elaine Blackwell Ms. Sharon Y. Blake Ms. Ife J. Blount Dr. Fikremariam Boghossian Mr. Melvin W. Bolden III Dr. Charlene C. Boston The Rev. and Mrs. Louis J. Boston Mrs. Tracy V. Boutin The Honorable JoAnn Bowens Mr. Edwin R. Boyer III Ms. Ramona L. Bozier Dr. Willie A. Bragg Mrs. Monica Y. Brame Mr. and Mrs. David J. Brashear Mr. Lawrence R. Brewer The Honorable Charles Bridges Drs. Leeroy and Yvonne Bronner Ms. Charlotte BrookinsHudson Mr. Edward F. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bryan Dr. and Mrs. William J. Bryant Mr. Lloyd H. Buckner and Mrs. Shirley Marcus Buckner Mrs. Dale C. Covington Buffaloe Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Bunn Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Burgess Mr. Lester F. Buster Mr. Keith F. Butler Mr. Louis Cain Ms. Veronica M. Case Mr. and Mrs. Audie Chesley Dr. Sandra P. Chipungu Ms. Gwen Chisholm-Smith Ms. Rhonda Clyburn Mr. Frank B. Coakley Dr. Shirley B. Colvin Mrs. Tonya J. Combs-Redd Mrs. Rachael Yorke Comer Mrs. Dale Connelly Mr. Dwight R. Cook Mr. Phillip S. Cooper Ms. Anna Mimms Coplin Mr. Michael E. Cryor and Mrs. Erica Fry Cryor Ms. Diane Culbert Ms. Myra Wright Curtis Mrs. Sharon M. Dennis Davis Mrs. Quiana Jenifer Dawson Maj. Gen. (Ret.) and Mrs. Arthur T. Dean Dr. Eugene M. DeLoatch Mr. Vaughn L. Dennis and Mrs. Letra S. Dennis Ms. Beverly Dodson Mr. James Terry Edmonds Col. Deborah M. Ellis Drs. Sidney and Alma Evans Mr. Walter L. Fields, Jr. Ms. Janette Gabriel Dr. Melody A. Garrett
Ms. June L. Gaskins Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Wilbur C. Giles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Gillis Dr. Major P. Gladden Dr. Beverly C. Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Myles E. Goodson Mr. Johnny L. Graham Mr. Grady Grant III Mr. Paul S. Grant Mrs. Marie A. Green Capt. Ronald M. Gregory Dr. Barbara J. Griffin Mr. Bobby J. Griffin, Jr. Mr. John J. Griswold, Jr. Ms. Elsie P. Hall Mrs. Carolyn W. Harp Mr. and Mrs. Forest T. Harper, Jr. Drs. Cecil B. Harris and Delores M. Harris Mrs. Melinna L. Harris Ms. Jocelyn H. Hart Mr. Joseph Haskins, Jr. Dr. Anita S. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Hawkins Mr. Thomas E. Henderson Mr. Sean A. Hendricks Mr. Clifton W. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Willie J. Hill, Jr. Ms. Cheryl Y. Hitchcock Mrs. Catherine E. Holland Dr. and Mrs. Kenny A. Hooper Ms. Anita Maddox Jackson Mrs. Carolyn A. Jasmin Ms. Iris K. Jay Ms. D’Ana E. Johnson Dr. Ebony N. Johnson Ms. Sharronn D. Johnson Dr. Spencer F. Johnson Mr. Warren C. Johnson, Jr. Dr. Barbara A. Jones Col. (Ret.) J. Matthew Jones, Jr. and Mrs. Barbara J. Jones Ms. Shawna R. Jones Ms. Sophia D. Jones Mrs. Brenda J. Joyce The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Keels Mrs. Delores C. Kershaw Dr. Phyllis Y. Keys Mrs. Schelley Kiah Ms. Elaine M. Kirstaetter Dr. Gloria J. Ladson-Billings Mr. and Mrs. Arthuro V. Lawson Dr. Carleen S. Leggett Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel A. Lewie Claude J. Lewis, Esq. Mrs. Rosa K. Lewis Mrs. Gail Porter Long Bishop Ernest S. Lyght Dr. Willie H. Maddox, Jr. Dr. Shirley M. Malcom Dr. Yolande P. Marlow Dr. Kay K. Massey Dr. Willie E. May Ms. Ruth W. Mayden Mr. Jeffrey R. Mays
Morgan State University Foundation, Inc.
Drs. Keith and Grishondra Mays Mr. James H. McDonald, Sr. Dr. John A. McKinney Mrs. Brenda M. McKoy Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. McPhail Dr. Anna R. McPhatter Mr. Keith J. Mehlinger and Dr. Linda B. Mehlinger The Honorable Kweisi Mfume and Dr. Tiffany B. Mfume Lynn K. Middleton, Esq. Dr. Kara G. Miles-Turner Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Minor Col. and Mrs. Walter J. Mitchell, Jr. Mrs. Sarah C. Montgomery Mr. Robert E. Newsome Mrs. Rheeta B. Norman Mrs. Katherine B. Oglesby Dr. Joquetta D. Paige Mrs. Rachel L. Penn Mr. Robert C. Penn, Sr. Mr. Robert C. Peterson Mr. Theodore H. Pierce Alice G. Pinderhughes, Esq. Ms. Paula L. Purviance Ms. Beverly G. Randall Mr. Dean Read Dr. Margaret A. Reid Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Resnick Mr. and Mrs. Perry C. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Willie J. Richardson Ms. Karen A. Robertson Dr. C. Anita Robinson Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Robinson Dr. Randolph A. Rowel Mr. and Mrs. Stephen O. Russell Mrs. Carolyn F. Scriber Dr. Fatima Senghore Dr. and Mrs. Roosevelt Shaw Mr. Alan Shecter and Mrs. Joanne Shecter Ms. Keisha D. Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Simms III Mr. Leroy Simon Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith, Jr. Mr. Timothy L. Smoot Mrs. Barbara J. Speight Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield M. Spicer Mrs. Joyce H. Stanley Mr. Charles P. Summers Dr. Kim L. Sydnor Mr. Floyd E. Taliaferro and Dr. Gwendola L. Taliaferro Mr. Alex P. Tang Mr. Dwight S. Taylor and Mrs. Frances A. Taylor Dr. and Mrs. Maurice C. Taylor Mrs. Carolyn B. Theodore Mrs. Catherine J. Thomas Ms. Miaela Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Thompson Dr. and Mrs. Willie L. Thompson III Mr. and Mrs. James L. Tibbs Mr. William P. Tonkins, Sr. Mr. James Tristani Mr. Stanley W. Tucker Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Larry D. Turner Mrs. Rosalie R. TurpinBelcher Mr. and Mrs. Brett M. Tyler Mr. Donald Tynes, Sr. Mrs. Marsha Walton Vaughn Dr. Don-Terry Veal Mr. Wilbert L. Walker Ms. Pearl Wallace Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ward, Jr. Gen. (Ret.) and Mrs. William E. Ward Mr. Jerry N. Warfield Mr. John H. Warrington III Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S. Washington Dr. Ronald L. Watson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Watts Mr. and Mrs. Weyden W. Wedderburn Mr. Larry Wilkerson Ms. Patricia Wilkerson Dr. and Mrs. Cletus W. Wilkins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Winston A. Wilkinson Mrs. Beomi Williams Ms. LaGreta Williams Ms. Lisa B. Williams Mr. Reginald G. Williams Mrs. Sybil E. Williams Mrs. Waltine C. Wills Mr. and Mrs. Garrett L. Wilson, Sr. Mr. John S. Wood Ms. Doris D. Wooten $500 + Ms. Sarah D. Adams Ms. Elizabeth Taiwo Akinyele Ms. Myra T. Alexander Mr. Gregory Allen Mr. Curtis R. Atkinson Ms. Janice E. Atkinson Mrs. Bernice D. Austin Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bacon Dr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Banks Ms. Yvonne W. Banks Ms. Ruth E. Banks-Crowder Ms. Toni M. Barber Mr. Edward M. Bergman Mr. Victor L. Bonaparte Mr. Gary A. Bowden Ms. Elizabeth B. Boykin-Ransom Mr. Jeff Bozier Mrs. Ann C. Branch Mr. Leon Bridges Mr. Clifford S. Brown Mrs. Joyce A. Brown Ms. Joyce M. Brown Ms. Lisa Bryant Mr. Arthur Bugg
Ms. Anna Burkett Mrs. Catherine W. Burks Ms. Lori B. Butler-Harris Ms. Phyllis C. Byers Dr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Byrd, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Cage Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Carr, Jr. Maj. (Ret.) and Mrs. Joseph C. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Clark Ms. Vera E. Clarke Mr. Bobby G. Clinton, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Colbert III Ms. Khadijah A. Coleman Dr. Arlene A. Cole-Rhodes Ms. Jacqueline R. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Collins Ms. Valerie D. Collins Ms. Heather D. Corasaniti Ms. Jennifer A. Dasilva Mr. and Mrs. Alexis Dean Dr. and Mrs. George F. DeFord Mr. and Mrs. Chester E. Dorsey, Jr. Ms. Megan Doscher Mr. James A. Dozier Mrs. Diane Walker Elam Mr. Jabari D. Emanuel Mr. Ali F. Emdad Mr. Francis C. Eze Mrs. Linda F. Farrar Ms. Niaja N. Farve Ms. Candace Feit Mrs. Marian R. Finney Mrs. Linda D. Frazier Ms. Diane Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Giles E. Gibson Ms. Gloria A. Gilliam Mr. and Mrs. Clay W. Goldston Mr. Gregory Tyrone Goode Mrs. Shirley R. Gordon Mr. Arthur Graves Ms. D. E. Green Mr. Sylvester M. Greene Ms. Tamara W. Greenhill Mr. and Mrs. Elvord Guidry Ms. Lisbeth Haines Ms. Deborah Hairston Mr. Frank J. Hajek Mrs. Nancey Flowers Harris Dr. James H. Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge L. Hill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Hobbs Maj. and Mrs. Reginald G. Holloway Mr. Warren J. Howze Dr. and Mrs. Dolan Hubbard Dr. James G. Hunter, Jr. Ms. Audrey L. Ingram Mrs. Darnelle C. Isom Mrs. Celia O. Hudson Jenkins Mr. Ransom F. Jenkins Mrs. Delores P. Jessup Mrs. Glenda Denise Johnson Dr. Marguerite A. Johnson
The Honorable Norman E. Johnson, Jr. Dr. Sandra Poitier Johnson The Rev. Dr. Deborah A. Hoy Jones The Rev. Mattie Ruth Stubbs Jones Mrs. Lueretha Jones-Slack Mr. John D. Kirkendall Dr. Kevin T. Kornegay Mr. Brian Lawson Ms. Tenekia S. Lindsay Dr. Samuel B. Little Ms. Daniela Maldonado Mr. and Mrs. Ambesso Maskal Mr. Milburn A. Matthews, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert D. Matthews Mrs. Florence L. Maultsby Ms. Tonya L. McCombs Ms. Kathleen L. McCusker Ms. Rosalind R. McDavid Ms. Britt McKenzie Mr. and Mrs. Claude W. Mickle Mr. Christopher Minor Joyce Mitchell, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie R. Morris, Jr. Ms. Pearl Moulton Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Mouzon, Jr. Ms. Salimah A. Hashim Muslim Ms. Qimmah S. Najeeullah Mr. Allen R. Nash Dr. Eugene H. Newman Mr. and Mrs. Malverse A. Nicholson Dr. Adebisi Oladipupo Dr. Doris A. Overton Mr. and Mrs. Alfredy Pinder Mr. Gregory T. Pinn Ms. Janice M. Posey Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Pretlow Mr. Kevin F. Prince Ms. Vanessa C. Pyatt Dr. Pamela E. Queen Ms. Sakinah I. Rahman Mrs. Shirley F. Reason Dr. and Mrs. Warren A. Rhodes Ms. Sheila I. Richburg Mrs. Jeanne L. Robinson Mr. Reginald M. Robinson Mrs. Roseanna S. Robinson Ms. Shirley M. Robinson Dr. Carolyn Hunter Rogers Ms. Clarice A. Runkles Mrs. Sharon A. Russell-Hunt Mr. Mauricio J. Salinas Ms. Robin R. Sanders Mrs. Lillian B. Scott Dr. Delvin D. Seawright Mr. Roland R. Selby, Jr. Mr. Jeffrey Shelly Mrs. LaKeshia M. Shephard Ms. Candace S. Simms Mr. Robert E. Simpson Ms. Denise A. Smith Ms. J. Dennise Smith Ms. Jacqueline E. Smith
Individuals Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie L. Smith Dr. Mary A. Smith Mr. Oliver A. Smith Ms. Rachel Smith Ms. Rhonda Y. Smith Ms. Patricia Snello Ms. Robin L. Spaid Mr. and Mrs. Craig I. Spencer Mr. Michael Spencer Dr. Bonnie T. Stanley Mr. Matthew Steeple Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strader Mr. Godfrey A. Streat Dr. and Mrs. Otis A. Thomas Ms. Myra A. Thompson Mr. Alvin D. Thornton Ms. Elva E. Tillman Ms. Edith H. Walker Ms. Thelma Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Washington Mr. Edwin A. Waters The Rev. and Mrs. Elliott M. Waters Mrs. Gloria E. Wayman Mr. J. Martin Weikart Ms. Stephanie S. Wells Ms. Tiana Wells-Lawson Mr. Carol A. Whitaker Mr. and Mrs. Roland J. White Mr. Andre R. Wickham Ms. Lillian K. Wiggins Mr. Christopher Wilds Mr. Gordon Williams Mr. R. Rocque L. Williams Mr. Randolph Williams Mr. Brady W. Willis Mrs. Rosemarie Wilson Ms. Leslie J. Wright Mr. Ramon C. Wright, Jr. Mr. Franklin D. Young Ms. Marion H. Young Dr. Hong Tao Yu $100 + Mr. Theodore Abernathy Dr. and Mrs. Frederick K. Adams, Jr. Mrs. Lois J. Adams Mr. Mayowa V. Adekoya Ms. Terri T. Alexander Ms. Rhonda Allen Mr. Quinton T. Alston-Spratt Mrs. Felicia AngevineRichardson Ms. Claudia E. Anyaso Mr. Blane Armor Mr. Joseph E. Armstead Mrs. Teresa P. Armstrong Mr. Idehen Aruede Mr. Dennis Aryee Dr. and Mrs. J. David Ashford Mrs. Joan Askew Mrs. Eldrean E. Attaway Ms. Hope W. Austin Mr. Maurice Austin Mrs. Jennifer J. Awkard Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey G. Baden, Jr. Dr. Tyrone R. Baines Mrs. Janice M. Bakari Mr. Alex Baker Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander Baker Dr. Susan D. Baker Mrs. Diane C. Baker-Freeman
Contributions July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 Ms. Cecilia J. Bankins Mrs. Ashley M. Banks Mr. and Mrs. Cullen W. Banks III Mrs. Henri Banks Mr. Marcolm K. Banks Ms. Onya D. Barnes Ms. Calu R. Barnes-Evans Mr. Lyle C. Baron Mr. Donald J. Barrett Mr. John B. Bartkowiak, Jr. Ms. Janelle N. Barzie Ms. Deborah D. Bassett Mr. and Mrs. Calvin S. Beads, Jr. Ms. Lolita G. Beathea Mrs. Rachel W. Beathea Mrs. Maureen Beavers Ms. Nadine A. Beckett Mr. Kevin A. Belcher Ms. Alfra M. Bell Mrs. Alma T. Bell Ms. Bridget Bell Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Bell Mrs. Gloria F. Bell Mr. Richard J. Bell Mrs. Juanita S. Bellamy Mrs. Patricia Belton-Bates Mrs. Maybelle Taylor Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Aaron H. Berry Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J. Black Dr. Justin R. Black Mr. Harolyn Blackwell Ms. Carolyn E. Blagmon Ms. Melissa F. Blair Ms. Kristen Blandford The Rev. Wade T. Blount Mr. Eric J. Blue Mr. Arnold D. Blumberg Mrs. Kim E. Boddy Ms. Phyllita D. Bolden Mr. Brian D. Boles Mrs. Laura E. Bollin Blanton Mr. William R. Bolling Ms. Melinda Bolton Mr. and Mrs. Jason T. Bonardi Mr. Arthur I. Boone Mr. William H. Boone, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Bowens Ms. Isamae S. Bowie Mr. and Mrs. James A. Boyd Dr. Jerome R. Boyd Mrs. Wanda Shelton Boyd Dr. Earline Boyer Mrs. Valerie G. Boykins-Pair Ms. Bernice D. Bradley Dr. Cynthia B. Bragg Mrs. Marie H. Bragg Ms. Charisse D. Branch Mrs. Symra D. Brandon Ms. Robin K. Bratcher Ms. Lynette Braxton Ms. Edith Breland Mr. T. Dennis Brennan Mr. William A. Brent Ms. Elaine G. Breslaw Mrs. Lonzella P. Brice The Rev. and Mrs. David W. Briddell Ms. Patricia J. Briggs Mr. Scott E. Briggs Mrs. Varnell W. Britt Ms. Doris E. Brodhurst
MSUF FY19 Annual Report
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Brookes Ms. Dana D. Brooks Mrs. Donna J. Brooks Ms. Erica M. Brooks Mr. Jonathan A. Brooks Mrs. Michelle A. Coleman Brooks Ms. Sandra Brooks Dr. Sylvia R. Brooks-Brown Ms. Michele Broom Lt. Col. (Ret.) Annette Brown Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Devon Brown Col. Eric L. Brown Gladys Brown, J.D. Dr. Heber M. Brown, Jr. Ms. Janice D. Brown Mr. Jerry Brown Ms. Jessica Brown Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, Sr. Mrs. Joyce Brooks Brown Mr. Nesbitt D. Brown Ms. Phyllis A. Brown Ms. Sheila Brown Ms. Tracy M. Brown Mr. Warren A. Brown Mrs. Zelma A. Brown-Allen Ms. Rachelle V. Browne Ms. Shaquetta BrownGibbons Dr. Kingsley Bryan Dr. Thelma J. Bryan Bishop John R. Bryant and The Rev. Cecelia WilliamsBryant Ms. Alcelia Parker Buck Ms. Regina M. Bullock Dr. Myeasha K. Burgess Ms. Patricia A. Burgess Mrs. Pamela A. Burney Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Burrell III Mr. Chip Burroughs Mrs. Beverly K. Burwell Mr. Derrick M. Butler Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Joseph N. Butler, USA Mr. Erroll G. Butts Mrs. Shirley R. Byron Mrs. Mendele G. Cager Mr. Samuel Caldwell, Jr. Mr. Christopher Calhoun Dr. L. Diane Campbell Ms. Carol P. Camper Mrs. Tawanda M. Cannon Miss Consquilla T. Carey Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Carey, Jr. Ms. Gwendolyn P. Carroll Mr. William M. Carson, Sr. Ms. Anna Carter Mr. Damien J. Carter Ms. Jacqueline Carter Ms. KaWanda Carter Ms. Terri Carter Dr. and Mrs. Wenzell E. Carter, Jr. Mr. Carl J. Case Ms. Emily Cashen Mrs. Andrea M. Caviness Mrs. Joyce M. Cephas Ms. Gloria J. Chance Mr. David S. Chancellor Mr. and Mrs. Boris O. Cheek
Mr. Irvin E. Chester Mr. Nnaemeka O. Chima Lt. Col. (Ret.) Samuel Chisolm, Jr. Ms. Julie Chmura Mr. Calvin R. Christy Mrs. Barbara R. Clark Ms. Beryl S. Clark Cmdr. James M. Clark Mr. and Mrs. John D. Clark Ms. Ethel E. Clarkson Ms. Tiffany Clemmons Mrs. Elaine W. Clinton Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Clinton, Sr. Mrs. JoAnne Coates Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Colbert, Jr. Mrs. Shirlene B. Colbert Mrs. Deborah B. ColbertWhittleton Mr. Lamont W. Colclough Mrs. Carolyn H. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Cole The Honorable John A. Cole II Mr. and Mrs. Walter W.L. Cole, Sr. Mr. and Mr. Walter S. Collins Ms. Carolyn W. Colvin Ms. Davette A. Conner Dr. and Mrs. Eric A. Conway Mr. Richard V. Cook Ms. Nicole S. Cooksey Mrs. Mary E. Cooper Mrs. Valerie A. Cooper Ms. Dayena M. Corcoran Mr. Gregory L. Covington Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Covington Mr. Eugene Cox Dr. Khalilah L. Cox Ms. Velma Cox Ms. Barbara E. Crawley Mrs. Rita F. Crews Col. (Ret.) James E. W. Crosse Dr. Garry S. Crosson Mr. Earl B. Culpepper Ms. Joyce E. Cummings Mr. LeRoy Cunningham Mrs. Olivia CurbeamSommerville Mr. and Mrs. James R. Curry Mrs. Norva L. Dancy-Gladden Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Daniel Ms. Henri A. Daniels Ms. Pinkie Daniels Ms. Frankie Darcell Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Darden Mr. Bobby J. Davis Ms. Linda S. Davis Mrs. Patrice A. Davis-Rose Ms. Virginia E. Dean Ms. Windy L. Deese Ms. Kathryn B. Defries Ms. Deborah Dennis Dr. Anthony L. Dent Mrs. Teleshia Taylor De Sanchez Ms. Jackie Diggs Brig. Gen. Raymond S. Dingle Mrs. Annabelle C. Dix Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver W. Dobbins Col. and Mrs. Chauncey D. Dockins Mr. Ernest R. Dolison Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Dorsey Mr. Nicholas G. Dorsey Dr. Mara R. Doss Mr. D’Argenio Douglass Ms. Lea C. Douglin Ms. Alice Gettys Downs Ms. Shelia D. Drake The Rev. Dr. Frances M. Draper Mr. Lee Driskill Ms. Sandra T. Duckett Ms. Mardecia Dudley Ms. Odessa F. Dunston Ms. Lear E. Dutton Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Earl, Jr. Mrs. Ronnette Earle Ms. Sandra E. East Ms. Sally Clark Edler Mr. Charles R. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Doraldo L. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. R. Mark Edwards Mrs. Bonnie Y. EdwardsJackson Mr. and Mrs. Antoine J. Elias Mr. Thomas Ellington, Jr. Mrs. Tanya T. Elliott Ms. Annjanette T. Ellison Ms. Ann R. Evans Dr. Bernice I. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Darryl C. Evans Mrs. Mary F. Evans Mr. Rodney A. Evans Mr. Wayne Evans Ms. Joyce E. Everett Ms. Lakeisha L. Fails Mrs. Barbara A. Faison Dr. Linda Y. Fassett Ms. Wendy H. Faulkner Col. and Mrs. Victor J. Fenwick, Jr. Mrs. Rhonda Lyles Ferrebee Mr. and Mrs. Leo B. Ferrine Dr. Sharon G. Finney Mr. Howard A. Fitzgerald Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Fletcher, Jr. Ms. Lois E. Flowers Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert B. Forbes Mrs. Lois G. Forrester-Frye Mr. Ernest P. Fortson II Mrs. Virgie I. Foster Mr. Earl L. Fountain, Jr. Mr. Maurice A. Fountain Ms. Denise C. Fowler-Moott Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Fowlkes Mrs. Nancy W. Frazier Mrs. Teresa D. Frazier Mrs. Maritha J. Frederick Mr. and Mrs. Hilton W. Friend Mrs. Wendy Frisby Ms. Carthy Frye-Thomas Mr. Everett C. Fullwood Mrs. Mary E. Furbush Ms. Mattie F. Gaines Ms. Thelma A. Gaither Mr. Kinyatti Gakuhi
Mr. Robert Galligan Ms. Renee N. Galloway Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Gamble Ms. Florence S. Gardner Ms. Sherrard D. Gardner Mrs. Marlene P. Garner Mrs. Jewel Sue Garonzik Mrs. Melonie B. Garrett Ms. Nancy J. Gaskins Ms. Andrea M. Gaskins-Battle Ms. Lois W. Gatewood Mr. Phillip W. Gee Ms. Wilma B. George Mrs. Lillian J. Gill Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Gill Mr. Matthew C. Gillette Mrs. Karen Johnson Gilmore Mr. Eric L. Rankin and Prof. Sonia Gipson-Rankin Mrs. Deborah S. Givens Mr. Jeffrey Givens Mrs. Peggy P. Gladden Ms. Kathryn L. Glenn Mrs. Elva H. Glover Ms. Barbara G. Goldsmith Mr. Vincent Gonzalez Mr. Edward Gough IV The Honorable Clayton A. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Karl Graham Mrs. Patricia C. Grainger Mrs. Diane C. Grandberry Mr. and Mrs. Basil E. Grant Mrs. E. Carletha Grant Mrs. Barbara A. Graves Mr. Earl N. Graves Ms. Robin L. Gray Mrs. Terrelle E. Gray Mr. Zander M. Gray Mrs. Patricia E. Gray-Daniels Mr. Craig S. Grayson Mrs. Jacquelyn W. Green Dr. and Mrs. Washington Green, Jr. Ms. Winona A. Green Ms. Gloria J. Greene Mr. Michael E. Greene II Ms. Rhonda Greene Mr. Jeff Gregory Ms. Vanessa M. Grey Mr. Wilford Griffin Lt. Col. (Ret.) Ercell A. Grimes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Groce, Jr. Ms. Sylvia W. Gundy Mr. Shannon T. Gunter Mr. Michael B. Guy Mr. and Mrs. Melvin H. Hackerson Ms. Jacquelyn Hair Mrs. Michelle L. Hairston Mrs. Donna M. Hall Mrs. Doris Webb Hall Ms. Tanya Hall Mr. Tom Hall Ms. Vanessa Hall Ms. Donna L. Halper Mr. Jason T. Hamilton Ms. Karen Hammond Mr. Randy L. Hampton Ms. Christie Hargrave Mr. Jimmie W. Harrell Mr. Aaron C. Harris Mr. Charles Harris
Mr. I. Michael Harris Janie Greenwood Harris, Esq. Ms. Jennifer R. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Harris Mr. Lynn Sherwood Harris Mrs. Martina M. Harris Mrs. Patelle G. Harris Mr. Willie M. Harris Mrs. Janice M. Harrison Mr. Mark W. Harrison Dr. and Mrs. Miles G. Harrison, Jr. Mrs. Elnor J. Haskins Ms. Twyler Lamb Haskins Mr. Hugh O. Haywood Mr. Glenn F. Hazell Mr. Scott Heckstall Ms. Carol Hendricks Mr. Kirson E. Herbert Col. Michael E. Herndon Mr. and Mrs. Marvin N. Hicks Ms. Pauline S. Hicks Mrs. Cynthia B. Hightower Dr. Deidra R. Hill Dr. Ivy M. Hill Ms. Alison D. Hillen Dr. and Mrs. William F. Hilton Mr. Claude E. Hitchcock Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodge Mr. Neville G. Hodge Mr. Eugene J. Hoffman Mr. Andre Holden Dr. Donna T. Hollie Mr. Larry E. Hollingsworth Ms. Vivian F. Holmes Ms. Yolanda Holmes Mr. and Mrs. John W. House, Jr. Ms. Donna J. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Richard Howard, Jr. Dr. Sandra L. Howard Dr. Angela L. Howell Mr. Dennis W. Howland Dr. and Mrs. Freeman A. Hrabowski III Ms. Deborah J. Huey Mrs. Janet Oakley Huggins Mr. Arthur L. Hughes, Jr. Mrs. Mary M. Hughes Ms. Erica N. Hunt Mrs. Anita T. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Reed Hutner Mr. William A. Hylton Jr. Mr. Ifeanyi Igwulu Mr. William Isabelle Dr. Alice M. Jackson Ms. Alicia M. Jackson Mr. John H. Jackson Mr. Marvin Z. Jackson Ms. Nancy Jackson Ms. Wanda E. Jackson Mrs. Yulonda Gravette Jackson Mrs. Yvonne A. Jackson Mrs. Stacey Y. James Ms. Elisha M. James-Palmer Mrs. Carrie M. Jenkins Mrs. Judith P. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Randolph E. Jews, Jr. Dr. Brenda M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Johnson Mrs. Edith G. Johnson
Individuals Dr. Elizabeth F. Johnson Mrs. Harriet Renee Johnson Ms. Laurie A. Johnson Mrs. Margaret H. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Noah L. Johnson Mrs. Ruth A. Johnson Ms. Susan D. Johnson Ms. Sylvia L.M. Johnson Mr. William I. Johnson Mrs. Diana M. Jolley Ms. Chrishaun P. Jones Ms. Emily L. Jones Mrs. Gloria V. Jones Mrs. Jacqueline P. Jones Mr. James E. Jones Ms. Monica D. Jones Ms. Ramona Jones Mrs. Sandra L. Jones Mr. Valentino J. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Van R. Jones Mrs. Willie Mae T. JonesBrown Dr. Pamela E. JonesWilliamson Mr. and Mrs. Dwight P. Joseph Ms. Jo Ann K. Joseph Mrs. Kyria L. Joseph Mr. LeMont E. Joyner Mr. and Mrs. Lamont A. Judd Ms. R. J. Jupiter Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Kane, Sr. Ms. Pamela B. Kane Mrs. Veverly M. Karim Ms. Susan B. Katzenberg Mr. Jawaan Kellam Ms. Lenita Kellam Mr. Douglas A. Kelso Mrs. Dolores C. Kemp Mr. Gary Kennedy Ms. Katherine M. LockhartKikivarakis Ms. Conchita M. King Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Kirby Ms. Kim M. Knight Mrs. Jo Emily G. Knox Mr. and Mrs. George H. Kullgren Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. LaBeach, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Alex LaBeach, III Dr. Jumoke O. Ladeji-Osias Ms. Patricia Hales Laidlaw Mrs. Alana T. Lamar Ms. Doris S. Lamb Ms. Pamela S. Lamb Mr. Craig Lambert Mr. T. W. Lansey, Jr. Mr. Bruce Larson Dr. Ernest L. Lassiter, II Mr. Jerome Lavender Frank B. Lawrence Mrs. Kimberly T. Lawson Mr. Andrew R. Lee III Ms. Brenda A. Lee Ms. Claudia S. Lee Ms. Crystal D. Lee Ms. Veris E. Lee Dr. Willa M. Lee-Adams Mrs. Bonda E. LeeCunningham Mrs. Lakisha P. Leeks Mrs. Patricia Leith-Tetrault
Contributions July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 Mrs. Barbara F. Lemon Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Levy Ms. Chumaine Lewis Mr. Daryl E. Lewis and Mrs. Tarmesha L. Lewis Mr. Jimmy Lewis Mr. Malcolm S. Lewis Ms. Taryn D. Butler Lewis Ms. Wanda Lewis Mr. Jiang Li Mrs. Ena M. Lindesay Miller Dr. Derek J. Lindsey and Dr. Glenda L. Lindsey Ms. Patricia Lister Ms. Stephanie Littles Mrs. Jeanette M. Lloyd Ms. Cathryn M. Lo Grande Mrs. Stephanie J. LockhartTurner Dr. Stephanie R. Logan Mrs. Faye L. Long Mrs. Theresa C. Longmire Mrs. Dawn A. Lopez Ms. M. Charlene Love Ms. Sonia M. Lynch Ms. Deloris Mabins Mr. and Mrs. Leewood Macer, Jr. Ms. Grace E. Mack Mr. Edward N. Madden, Jr. Ms. Barbara J. Major Mr. John A. Makell, Jr. Mr. Brian Malloy Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Malloy Dr. Santosh K. Mandal Mrs. Lillian J. Manning-Hill Mrs. Angela D. Merritte Mansaray Mrs. Lucy Manyara Mr. Gaftie B. Marlow, Jr. Mr. George A. Marshall, Jr. Mr. Kwame J. Marshall Ms. Patrice Marshall Mr. Ronald Marshall Ms. Olivia L. Martin Mr. Virgil O. Martin, Jr. Mrs. Dorothea P. Mason Mr. Brandon C. Matthews Mrs. Eleanor P. Matthews Mr. Levin C. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Mauer Ms. Catherine L. Maupins Ms. Lisa N. Maupins Mr. and Mrs. Alix Maurice Mr. Gregory M. McAdoo Ms. Kim I. McCalla Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. McCarthy Ms. Florine A. McCreadyLewis Mrs. Deborah McCrimmon Mrs. Vinetta McCullough Ms. Connie L. McDonald Mr. Charles W. McFadden Mr. Joseph McFadden Mr. Wyatt McGinnis Jr. Mrs. Lillian H. McGuire Mr. James C. McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. McKay, Sr. Ms. Donelle D. McKenna The Rev. and Mrs. Martin L. McKenney Mr. Clifton McKinney Mrs. Floryne O. McLean-Spence
Ms. Deborah McMillan Ms. Odette M. McNeil Mrs. Tonya Stepney McNeil Ms. Lillie G. McNeill Ms. Sheila McPhaul Mrs. Debora Gavin Merlock Mrs. Vera W. Merritt Mr. Sinkler Metts Mrs. Patricia W. Middleton Dr. Carolyn T. Miller Mr. Rob Miller Mr. Steve W. Miller Mrs. Ruth H. Milliken Ms. Bronda L. Mills Mr. Paul R. Mills Mrs. Sonya Y. Mills-Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Mingo Mrs. Cathy A. Minor-Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Fredric L. Minus Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Mitchell, Jr. Mr. George Mitchell, Jr. Mrs. Karen E. Mitchell Mrs. Marion Quarles Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Ryan J. Mitchell Dr. Farzad Moazzami Mr. Duncan Moir Ms. Jovita I. MontgomeryManuel Ms. Maritza Montiel Mrs. Brenda H. Moore Mrs. Celestine B. Morgan Dr. Alicia Morgan-Cooper Ms. Rosalyn F. Morgan-Smith Dr. Dolores O. Morris Dr. Kenneth D. Mosely Ms. Darlene Moss Mr. Carl E. Muldrow Mr. Ernest J. Muldrow Mrs. Joan H. Harris Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Murray Mrs. Diane Murtha Mr. Buagu Musazi Mr. and Mrs. George Musgrove Dr. Alyson K. Myers Mrs. Janice M. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Myers Mrs. Norris J. Myers Ms. Kimberly P. Myles Mr. Francois Nadon Mr. Alfred L. Napper Mr. Como Nedyalkova Dr. Jacqueline Nelson Dr. Gail Y. NeverdonEdmonds Mrs. Annette Newsome Mrs. Beverly Newsome Mrs. Sandra S. Newton Dr. M’bare N’gom Mr. Seon Mee Nguyen Dr. May Nicholas-Holmes Ms. Gloria M. Nicholson Ms. Nneka Nnamdi Mr. George Nock Mr. McCarroll Nole Mrs. Rita S. Norman Mrs. Joan D. J. Nunley Mrs. Sarita A. Nwachukwu Mrs. Baaba P. Odoom Mr. and Mrs. Tom Oehler Dr. Mildred D. Ofosu Mr. Gbekeloluwa B. Oguntimein Ms. Teresa G. O’Neal
Morgan State University Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Rodney A. Orange Mr. and Mrs. Jumoke L. Osias Ms. Deborah Owens Mrs. Sheila L. Owens Ms. Maureen P. Pack-Mclain Mrs. Harriette L. Page Ms. Maureen L. Page Ms. Loyce Pailen Ms. Priscilla D. Palmer Mr. Tony Palumbo Ms. Kathleen L. Parham Ms. Cheryl A. Parker The Honorable Tracey Parker-Warren Ms. Marilyn A. Paschal Mrs. Chenise A. Patterson Ms. Frenchettia C. Payne Mrs. Patricia A. Payne Mr. Robert L. Payne, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry X. Peaker Mrs. Diane Pearson Col. Reynolds B. Peele Dr. Carrol S. Perrino Dr. and Mrs. Larry S. Perry Ms. Linda R. Perry Mr. Edward A. Pettaway Ms. Stephanie Pettaway Ms. Patricia Pflum Ms. Acquanetta C. Phillips Mrs. Betty J. Pincon Mr. Shawn A. Pindell Mr. Larry C. Pinkett Mrs. Paulette A. Pittman Mrs. Amanda G. Poindexter Mr. Erwin D. Polk Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Porter Mr. Ronald W. Potochar Mrs. Catherine E. Powell Mr. and Mrs. John B. Powell Jr. Ms. Margaret Preston Ms. Inga D. Price Mrs. Adrena PrioleauWomack Ms. C. Sylvia Proctor Mrs. Deborah B. Pugh and Mr. Robert T. Pugh Mr. Vincent Pyle Mrs. Constance E. Ragsdale Ms. Doris M. Randall Mr. Brian Ransdell Ms. M. Kate Ratcliffe Dr. Nina C. Rawlings Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ray Mrs. Camilla M. Raymond Mr. Ronald W. Reckling Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Reddick Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rice Mr. Darryl G. Richardson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Earl S. Richardson Dr. Leonard E. Richardson III Mrs. Pamela F. Richardson Mrs. Virginia J. Richardson Mrs. Jacqueline V. RichburgBurgess Mr. Karl Rickert Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Ricks Mrs. Florence B. Ricks Ms. Ruth C. Ricks Dr. Reginald Riley Mrs. Shelia R. Riley Ms. Muriel L. Roberts Mr. Anthony Robinson Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson
Mr. Melvin H. Robinson Ms. Myrna L. Robinson Ms. Valerie E. Robinson Ms. Vivian D. Robinson Dr. and Mrs. Willie S. Rockward Ms. Imogene J. Rone Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Rooks Ms. Wendy Rose Ms. Doreen Rosenthal Ms. Helen Rouce Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ruffin, Jr. Ms. Tanya V. Rush Mrs. Maisha N. Saldivia Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Samuels Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Savoy Ms. Gloria E. Savoy Mr. Jack Schammel Mr. Duane Schmidt Mr. Craig J. Scott Mr. Earnest Scott The Rev. and Mrs. John M. Scott Mrs. Marjorie Davis Scott Mr. Thomas Scott, Jr. Mrs. Virginia W. Scott Mrs. Althea U. Seaborn Ms. Margaret A. Selby Ms. Vivian Senghore Mrs. Wanda A. Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Orrester Shaw, Jr. Mrs. Annette J. Shelton Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Shelton Ms. Kathleen C. Shelton Mr. Stanley D. Shepard Mrs. Edna M. ShepherdRandolph Ms. Syreeta N. Sheppard Ms. Florence R. ShipmanGardner Mr. Kazem M. Shirazi Mr. and Mrs. Rudon Showers Ms. Alexis Simendinger Mr. and Mrs. John E. Simms Mr. Marcus Simms Mrs. Lillie R. Simpkins Ms. Diana C. Sims Mrs. Annie Sinclair Mrs. Koretta K. Skelton Ms. Janice Skipper Mrs. Vivian V. Slacum Ms. Constance Sleigh Ms. Mary Ellen Smackum Ms. Betsy D. Smith Mrs. Bettie J. Smith Mr. Derek Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H. Smith Mrs. Elease Fogle Smith Mr. E. Joe Smith Mr. Harry A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. James E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Kent L. Smith Mrs. Michaele R. Smith Mr. Raschid S. Smith Mr. Robert C. Smith Mr. Theodore Smith Ms. Trisch L. Smith Mr. Vada D. Smith Mrs. Jessica C. Snipes Ms. Latasha Solomon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Somerville
Ms. Eraina V. Spady Mrs. Nina D. Spencer Mr. William R. Spencer III Ms. Kim Y. St. Bernard Mr. Harold Clark Standiford Dr. and Mrs. Clayton C. Stansbury, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie L. Stanton Mr. Keith Staton Mr. Maurice Steele Mrs. Stacey B. Stephens Mrs. Thelma D. Sterrett Mr. Burton L. Stevenson Mr. Shawn E. Stewart Mr. Willie C. Stewart Ms. Patricia Stokes Mrs. Phyllis Howard Stokes Mr. Robert F. Stokes, Jr. Mr. Timothy G. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Strawther Ms. M. Tina Streeter Mr. Dural Suite, Jr. Ms. Catherine E. Swales Ms. Dina Swann Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Swinson Mrs. Debra L. Sydnor Mrs. Brenda J. Sykes Mr. Malachi M. Tatum Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Taylor Mrs. Darlene M. Taylor Mr. Dewayne A. Taylor Ms. Dorothy M. Taylor Ms. Kenyetta R. Taylor Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Vernon A. Taylor Ms. Helen V. Tennant Mrs. Edith E. Terrell Mr. Rufus S. Terrell Mrs. Brenda H. Thomas Mrs. Diane W. Thomas Mr. Marlin Thomas Mrs. Robin D. Thomas Ms. Vickie L. Thomas Dr. Freeda E. Thompson Mrs. Mattie D. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Otho M. Thompson Mr. Phil Thompson Mrs. Rhonda M. Thompson Mr. Robert S. Thompson Lt. Col. Sandra M. Thompson, USA Mr. and Mrs. James D. Thornton Dr. Eleanor Q. Tignor Ms. Iyana Titus Ms. Margaret H. Toliver Dr. Cynthia Tollerson Ms. Phyllis Proctor Toms Col. (Ret.) Elijah Toney, USA Dr. Louise Toppin Ms. India K. Tracey Dr. Kenneth Treadwell, Jr. Ms. Sharon Y. Tristan Ms. Novella M. Troy Mr. Wilson N. Trueheart, Jr. Ms. Cheri Y. Truett Mr. and Mrs. W. Harold Tuck, Jr. Mrs. Gloria J. Tucker Mr. Leon A. Tunctson Mr. and Mrs. Edzel L. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Tutman, Jr. Ms. Latricia Tyson Ms. Allenette G. Valentine Mr. Douglas Vaughn Mr. Phillip A. Vaughn Mr. Kenneth R. Waddell Mrs. Nicole A. Moore Waddell Ms. Betty L. Wade Ms. Jennette Wade Ms. Pauline Wagner Ms. Katherine V. Waldburg Mr. and Mrs. Alvin K. Walker Mrs. Valerie B. Walker Ms. Karis S. Wallace Ms. Chevaun Wallace Whitman Mr. Armand D. Walters Mr. and Mrs. Duncan C. Walton Ms. Tamu F. Walton Ms. Yolanda Walton Mr. Cedric J. Ward Ms. Fetina Ward Mr. Bruce Washington Ms. Dolores A. Washington Ms. Kareemah Washington Mrs. Lorraine M. Washington Ms. Marie J. Washington Mr. Michael Washington Ms. Regina Washington Mr. Robert D. Washington Mr. Stanley A. Waters, Sr. Dr. Damian D. Watkins Ms. Edwina A. Watkins Mr. Bryan S. Watson Mr. Daniel H. Watson Mr. Linwood E. Watson Ms. Charlene Wayman The Rev. Clarence A. Wayman Ms. Deborah A. Webb Mr. Paul A. Webb, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Weddington Ms. Charisse J. Weiss Dr. Patricia L. Welch Mr. Henry A. Welcome, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Wells Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wells Ms. Michele H. West Ms. Rebecca A. West Drs. John A. and Roxanne H. Wheatland Mr. Brian Wheeler Mr. John S. White, Jr. Mr. Thaddeus O. White, Jr. Ms. Lurline V. Whittaker Mr. David J. Whittington Mr. Jason Whorley Ms. Diane B. Wilburn Mrs. Ella L. Wilderson Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wiley Mr. Acie L. Williams, Sr. 2nd Lt. Agnita M. Williams, USA Ms. Alethia T. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Williams, Sr. Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Bennie E. Williams Dr. Curtis L. Williams Mrs. Claudia Williams Dickens Mr. Donald R. Williams Mrs. Elizabeth A. Williams Ms. Glennae D. Williams
Individuals Mr. Grant S. Williams Jr. Mr. Karl H. Williams Mr. Kenneth L. Williams Mrs. Latasha M. Bond Williams Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Williams, Jr. Mr. Sidney V. Williams Mr. Milton R. Willis Mrs. Noel R. Willis-Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Wilson, Jr. Mr. James Wilson Mr. Marlon Wilson Dr. Raymond A. Winbush Ms. Phyllis B. Winston Mr. Daryl X. Wise Mrs. Judith W. Wise Mr. William C. Womble, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Wood, Jr. Mrs. Ingrid D. Woods Ms. Tanya Woodyard Dr. Alease J. Wright Dr. Delores Y. Wright Mr. Thomas A. Wright Mrs. Niya Yeboah Ms. Helen E. Young Mrs. Karen J. Young Mr. Russell M. Young, Jr. and Dr. Ann V. Young $1.00 + Mr. Muammar A. AbdurRashid Mr. Andrue Abernathy Ms. Dorothy M. Adams Mrs. Stella L. Adams Col. (Ret.) David L. Adderley, USA Mr. Adeniyi O. Adediji Mr. John Adejumo Ms. Abiola A. Adenekan Mr. and Mrs. Rodney B. Adkins, Jr. Mr. Edward S. Ailor III Mrs. Carollyn S. Alexander Mrs. Pauletta Alexander Mrs. Ruby K. Alexander Mrs. Wendy E. Alexander Ms. Collin K. A. Allen Mrs. Diane Jones Allen Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Allen, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Allen III Mr. James L. Allen Ms. Janet D. Allen Mr. Jerry G. Allen Mrs. Beverly A. Alleyne Ms. Nancy Allison Mr. Raymond B. Allmond Capt. Anton D. Alston Mr. and Mrs. Berkley F. Alston Ms. Fannie Chester Alston Mrs. Cattie Ambrose Mrs. Gloria S. Ames Capt. Martin R. Ames, USAFR Mrs. Dorothy L. Amis Ms. Mary Amos Dr. Joseph L. Amprey, Jr. Ms. Barbara E. Anderson Ms. Essence Anderson Mrs. Linda V. Anderson Ms. Phyllis T. Anderson Mr. Robert Anderson
Contributions July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 Mrs. Terry L. Anderson Ms. Yvonne Anderson Ms. Cynthia D. Andrews Dr. Leon E. Andrews Dr. Chinenye C. Anonye Ms. Ruth M. Antoine Dr. Lillian P. Archer Ms. Lisa A. Archer-Davies Mr. Arthur E. Armstead Mr. Charles Armstrong Mr. Charles E. Arnette Mr. Terrence J. Artis Mrs. Cynthia J. Askew Ms. Christine Atakora Ms. Brittany Atkins Mrs. Denise Atkinson-Jenkins Ms. Latasha Augustus Mrs. Eva P. Austin Ms. Mariana A. Ayamel Mrs. Doroli M. Bacote Mr. Lance A. Baden Mr. Paul L. Badger, Sr. Ms. Mariama D. Bah Ms. Charron D. Bailey Ms. Dana R. Bailey Mr. Rodjane Bailey Ms. Tarnisha S. Bailey Ms. Sandra Bailey-Francis Mr. Aaron J. Baker Mr. Reginald Baker Ms. Gail Bamford Ms. Emma L. Banks Mr. and Mrs. Prince E. Banks Mrs. D’Angela S. BanksSimms Mr. Joel Baptiste Ms. Joann R. Barber Ms. Shirley Barber Ms. Sybil A. Barbour Mr. Cornelius R. Barkley Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe J. Barkley, Jr. Mr. Christopher A. Barnes Ms. Helen R. Barnes Mrs. Joyce A. Barnes Mr. Marlowe C. Barnes Ms. Donna M. Barnett-Marks Mrs. Simone R. Barrett Mr. Raynon D. Barrier Ms. Kathleen A. Barron Mr. Godfrey Barrow Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bartee Mr. and Mrs. John A. Barton, Jr. Mrs. Rita O. Bassey Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Bates, Sr. Ms. Geraldine Bates Mrs. Tarica L. Bates Ms. Janis D. Battle Mr. Roy Battle, Jr. Mrs. Henrietta Batts Ms. Elaine M. Bautista Mr. Ernest W. Baylor Mrs. Rita B. Baylor Ms. Chassity M. Beads Mrs. Bernice J. Beaird Dr. Lindsay R. Beane Mr. Todd C. Beazer Mr. Eric S. Beck Mr. Christopher J. Bedford Dr. Angela F. R. Beemer Mr. Ronald Belinko Ms. April E. Bell Mrs. Earnestine H. Bell Ms. Lady M. Bell
MSUF FY19 Annual Report
Mr. Robert R. Belman Ms. Nancy L. Belton Mr. Montee Benjamin Ms. Deriece K. Pate Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J. Bennett Mr. Marcus Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Marvin C. Bennett, Sr. Mr. William H. Bennett Mrs. Kim A. Bennett-Selby Mr. Aaron Benns Ms. Simone A. Benson Ms. Lisa W. Benton Dr. Phillip C. Berry Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Berry Ms. Wendy C. Berry Mr. Joshua H. Bessicks, Jr. Ms. Janice Y. Best Mrs. Tonia S. Bethea Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Betts Ms. Tracey M. Bibbs Mrs. Alicia D. Bigelow Ms. Linda Biney Dr. Robert E. Birt Mrs. Joyce O. Blaboe Ms. Anna M. Black Ms. Tonya Blackman Ms. JoAnne L. Blackmore Mr. Julian Blackwell Ms. Valarie A. Blackwell Ms. Jennifer P. Blair Ms. Shelise Blakeney Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Blanchard Mr. and Mrs. Bernard B. Blanks, Sr. Ms. Bejon M. Blow Ms. Latrelle S. Blue Mr. Jeffrey S. Blum Ms. Mildred H. Bobian Mrs. Audelle R. Bodie Ms. Brina I. Bolden Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Bonaparte Mr. Barton L. Bond Ms. Patricia Bongiovanni Ms. Michelle Bonner Mrs. Angela D. Booker Ms. Edith M. Booker Mr. Marcus Bookman Mr. Bartholomew D. Booth Ms. Jessica D. Booth Ms. Regina L. Booth Ms. Carolyn A. Boozer Ms. Jacquelyn L. Boozer Ms. Carol A. Borum Mrs. Beverly D. Boston Mrs. Carolyn O. Carelock Bowens Mr. Charlton L. Bowens Ms. Gale T. Bowens Ms. Karen E. Bowens Mr. Richard T. Bowling Ms. Odessa Y. Bowman Ms. Shalonta R. Bowman Mr. Leon J. Bowser Mr. Eugene Boyce Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Boyd Lt. Cmdr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Boyd Ms. Carolyn Boykin Ms. Mavis G. Bradley Ms. Shawn R. Bradley Mr. Douglas B. Brady, Jr. Mr. Norman C. Brady, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. M. Guy Bragg
Mrs. Charlene E. Bratton Ms. Deborah Braxton Mr. Shawn L. Braxton Mr. Frederick K. Brice Mrs. Barbara M. Briscoe Ms. Dorothy V. Briscoe Ms. Dorothy L. Brittingham Ms. Adrianne Brockington Ms. Marian J. Brodie Mrs. Cheryl A. Brooks Mrs. Delores N. Brooks Ms. Francesca Brooks Mr. Kareem R. Brooks Ms. Nykia Brooks Ms. Regina A. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Reginald D. Brooks, Sr. Mr. Renard E. Brooks Mr. Roland Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Brooks Mr. Anthony J. Brown Mrs. Beverly Booth Brown Dr. Brenda E. Brown Ms. Brenda J. Brown Mrs. Carolyn R. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Brown, Sr. Ms. Cynthia M. Brown Mr. Floyd M. Brown Mr. George S. Brown Mr. Juleon P. Brown Mr. Justin T. Brown Ms. Karen E. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Brown Mr. Lee S. Brown Ms. Marcia L. Malone Brown Dr. Margaret B. Bivins Brown Ms. Metrica C. Brown Ms. Michelle A. Brown The Honorable Pamila J. Brown Ms. Pearl A. Brown Mrs. Rosalind D. Brown Mrs. Sandra E. Brown Ms. Shakina D. Brown Ms. Sharae D. Brown Mr. Stephen L. Brown, Jr. Ms. Tiana M. Brown Dr. William Brown Mrs. Shirley L. BrownBigelow Mr. James E. Browne, Jr. Ms. Mercedes A. Bruce Ms. Vivian S. Turner Bruce Mr. Ronald E. Bruno Dr. Saundra C. Brunson Ms. Mary A. Bryan Mr. Nelson H. Bryan Ms. Celeste J. Bryant Mr. Marvin Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Bullock Ms. Reba Bullock Mrs. Chinyere U. Bun Mrs. Ida J. Bunch Ms. Rabiatu Bundu Mrs. Sherane E. Bunting Mr. Ronald A. Burks Ms. Alice E. Burley Mr. and Mrs. Carroll E. Burley Ms. Brenda A. Burley Mr. Melvin E. Burley and Mrs. Phyllis B. Artis-Burley Ms. Barbara J. Burnett Mr. and Mrs. James L. Burns Mrs. Melanie D. Burns
Ms. June Burroughs Dr. Tammy B. Burroughs Ms. Esther L. Bush Ms. Taryn N. Bushrod Mr. Clarence C. Butcher, Jr. Dr. Barbara M. Butler Ms. Briana S. Butler Mr. Jamal A. Butler Mr. Keith A. Butler Ms. Reeda L. Butler Ms. Renay L. Butler 2nd Lt. Scherief Butler Dr. Tiffany T. Butler Mrs. Jerra L. Byrd Mrs. Leslie C. Byrd Ms. Willie Mae Byrd Mrs. Altese Cabiness Lt. Col. Roger M. Cabiness Ms. Estella Delores Cage Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Caldwell Ms. Cinese A. Caldwell Ms. Tobiette L. Caldwell Mrs. Neva C. Camp Ms. Na Keya Campbell Mrs. Jane C. CampbellChambliss Dr. Rudolph C. Cane, Jr. Mr. Harold A. Carey, Jr. Ms. Delissa K. Carline The Rev. Dr. Delores H. Carpenter Mrs. Elaine F. Carr Dr. Deborah D. Carter Mrs. Elaine L. Carter Mr. Jerry M. Carter Ms. Jewelle D. Carter Mr. Joe H. Carter, Jr. Mr. Lloyd Carter Ms. Phyllis C. Carter Mrs. Denise E. CarterBrookins Mr. Amari Cartwright Ms. Christian N. Casey Mr. Andre L. Cassell Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Colbert III Dr. and Mrs. Vasily C. Cateforis Ms. Dolores F. Cave Ms. Shirley L. Chambers Ms. Leah J. Chaney Ms. Joan Y. Chapman Ms. Terry Chapman Mr. Steve Charles Mr. Derrick A. Chase Maj. (Ret.) James H. Chase Ms. Edna M. Cheek Lt. Col. Robert F. Cheeks Ms. Sally S. Cherry Ms. Dayvenia D. Chesney Mr. and Mrs. George I. Childs Mr. George L. Chisholm Ms. Kelsey K. Christian Ms. Otelia Christian Mrs. Patricia E. Christian Mrs. Deborah M. ChurchPurnell Ms. Emily Citkowski Ms. Paula M. Clagon Ms. Paulette G. Clagon Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Clark Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Clark Ms. Johnetta Clark Ms. Shayla Clark Dr. Herma M. Clarke
Mr. Eugene H. Clay Dr. Jesse Paul Clay Ms. Taelor L. Clay Ms. Bianca A. Clement Dr. Stacy A. Clemmons Ms. Rhonda A. Clinton Mr. Joshua E. Coates-Harris Mrs. Cassandra A. CodesJohnson Mrs. Grace K. Coffey Ms. Eva M. Colbert Mr. Jamal L. Colbert Mrs. Bernice K. Cole Ms. Bernice Coleman Mrs. Bettie J. Coleman Ms. Betty M. Coleman Mr. Gary B. Coleman Mr. Keith D. Coleman Mrs. Lorraine Y. Coleman Mr. Mack T. Coleman, Jr. Ms. Moherlie K. Coles Ms. Patricia E. Collier Ms. Deshawn D. Collington Dr. Ahmed K. Collins Mr. Darryl Collins Ms. Desiree L. Collins Mr. George E. Collins, Jr. Ms. Mary F. Collins Mr. Miguel H. Collins Ms. Schelli P. Collins Ms. Tessa R. Collins Mr. Vernon Collins Ms. Shirley E. Conaway Ms. Inez P. Condrey Ms. Monteana Conley The Rev. Dr. Sandra E. Conner Mr. Mignon M. Conners Mr. and Mrs. James L. Conyers Mr. and Mrs. Carvin Cook Mr. Rudolph Cook Ms. Shelby L. Cook Dr. Gwendolyn J. Cooke Mr. Ralph C. Cooke Jr. and Delores C. Cooke, Esq. Ms. Ariel Cooper Ms. D. Michelle Cooper Ms. Jacqueline J. Cooper Ms. Janet L. Cooper Mr. Stanley Cooper III Mr. Thomas H. Cooper Mr. Winters C. Cooper Mr. William H. Copeland III Mr. Freddie M. Corbin Ms. Shalanda Corbin Ms. Rosy M. Cordova Mr. Eric M. Cothran Ms. Linda J. Cothran Mrs. Ruby K. Couch Ms. Lakisha Council Ms. Deborah E. Courtney Mr. Brian R. Cox Mr. Ira R. Cox Mr. James E. Craigen Ms. Ardeen E. Crawford Ms. Elaine C. Crawford Mr. Gary M. Crawford Mrs. Frenzela R. Credle Mr. Bryan W. Crockett Mr. John W. Crooms
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred D. Cropper Ms. Anshrea T. Crosby Mrs. and The Rev. Delois Crosse Dr. Martin H. Cruise, Sr. Mr. Warren M. Cruise Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. William Crutchfield Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Crutchfield Ms. Shirley Fulwood Cuffie Mrs. Mae L. Cumberbatch Mr. Anterio Cunningham Mrs. Angella P. Current-Felder Mr. Harold L. Curry, Sr. Mrs. Christine D. Custis Ms. Mia N. Dabney Ms. Kelley M. Dailey Mr. Patrick R. Dailey Mr. John Dandridge, Jr. Mrs. Carole S. Daniel Mr. Gregory C. Daniels Ms. Teresa D. Dantzler Mr. Arthur Darby Evelyn O. Darden, Esq. Ms. Eloise K. Dash Dr. Christina A. Dates-Carter Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobs Davies-Sekle Ms. Aneisha Davis Mrs. Barbara M. Davis Mr. Charles H. Davis Ms. Deralyn Riles Davis Mr. Earl W. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Davis Ms. Evelyn Davis Mrs. Gloria E. Bellamy Davis Mr. James E. Davis Mrs. Mildred H. Davis Mrs. Nicole L. Davis Ms. Raiana E. Davis Mrs. Sharon D. Davis Mrs. Stroria S. Davis Mrs. Wanda E. Davis Ms. Tonya D. Dawkins Mr. Wayne J. Dawkins Ms. Lenora A. Dawson La Vonda R. De Witt, Esq. Ms. Donna M. Dean Mr. Mose A. Dean Ms. Mae I. Deese Mr. Kyle N. Dejan Ms. Elizabeth A. Dekoladenu The Rev. Sandra E. Demby Ms. Stacey D. Demps Ms. Eboni W. Denard Ms. Jamilah S. Dennis Mr. Monroe S. Dennis Bishop Ralph L. Dennis, Jr. Ms. Rashonda Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Dennison Mr. William P. Dennison Mrs. Elise R. Dent Ms. Alice B. DeShazo Ms. Joyce A. DeShazo Mrs. Gwendolyn DeVeauxWay Ms. Amber J. Devine Mr. and Mrs. Fitz A. Devonish Mr. Benjamin Diana Mr. and Mrs. William Dickerson Mrs. Dorothy H. Diggs Mr. Larry E. Diggs
Individuals Ms. Shellee M. Dinkins Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Dixon, Sr. Mr. Derrick R. Dixon Mrs. Shawn P. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Dixon Dr. Jennifer J. Dobbins Ms. Linda C. Donato Dr. Odessa D. Dorkins Mr. and Mrs. Everett C. Dorsey Dr. Francis E. Dorsey Mr. and Mrs. John Dorsey Mr. Kenneth C. Dorsey Ms. Lavinia Dorsey Mrs. Phalisa E. Dorsey Mr. and Mrs. Toney Dorsey Mr. William O. Dorsey, Jr. Mr. Herman A. Douglas Mrs. Sandra A. Douglass Mr. Amon Dow Mr. Sidney H. Drake Mrs. Laverne I. Drummond Ms. Brenda E. Dudley Mrs. Dorothy G. Dunnings Ms. Charlene P. Dyches Mr. Corey D. Dyson Mrs. Qiana N. Eaglin Mrs. Dolores B. Ealy-O’Neal Mr. and Mrs. Edward U. Eames Mr. Cedric C. Easter Ms. Angela L. Ebron Mr. and Mrs. George A. Edelen Mr. Olusegun Edidi Ms. JoAnn Edlow Mr. James L. Edmonds Ms. Mary S. Edmonds Mr. Warren B. Edmonds Mr. Denzel Edwards Ms. Dionnie M. Edwards Mr. Jeffrey B. Edwards Mr. Theodore C. Ejimofor Ms. Lindsey Eldridge Mr. Shedrack A. Elee Ms. Ernestine S. Elliott Ms. Adrienne B. Ellis Mrs. Dana C. Elum Ms. Gayle S. Emerson Dr. Anne O. Emery Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. English Ms. Mary Ennis Ms. Nadezhda I. Enurah Ms. Adiaha E. Essien Ms. Stephanie Etienne Ms. Sarah P. Eure Ms. Calesha T. Evans Mr. Darryl C. Evans Mr. Dwight R. Evans Ms. Latoshia Evans Ms. Michelle C. Evans Ms. Maisie D. Evenly Mr. Bernard C. Eydt Ms. Dorothy O. Ezekoye Ms. Rosa M. Fair Mr. Frank P. Fairley Ms. Casandra E. Fallin Mr. William Harris Fallowfield Ms. Patricia A. Farmer Mrs. Dana D. Farrakhan Ms. Shirley L. Faulcon Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Faulkner
Contributions July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 Mrs. Lorena R. Feacher Mr. William H. Featherstone Mrs. Rochelle L. FelderJohnakin Mr. Jyron N. Felton Ms. Phyllis Felton Ms. Brinea D. Fenner Mr. Matthew C. Fenton Mr. Anthony Ferguson Mr. Sherlon L. Ferguson Mr. Robert J. FergusonMcClure Ms. Jamia M. Ferrell Mr. Earl V. Fields Dr. Nia I. Fields Mrs. Christine E. Fisher Mrs. Grace C. Fleming Ms. Nubia Floyd-Roach Ms. Fatima Fofana Mr. Bruce E. Foote Ms. Dechelle L. Forbes Mrs. Victoria P. Forbes Ms. Bernice R. Ford Mrs. Darlene S. Foreman Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Foreman Ms. Yvette L. Foreman Ms. Barbara L. Forrest Ms. Teresa A. Fosque Ms. Lakeesha M. Foster Dr. Mary K. Foster Mr. and Mrs. George L. Fountain, Jr. Mr. Michael A. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Milton O. Fowler, Jr. Mr. Lorenzo E. Foy Ms. Daphney J. Frank Mr. and Mrs. James S. Franklin Mrs. Jeanne Franklin Ms. Sharolyn J. Franklin Ms. Natasha A. Fray Ms. Carolyn E. Frazier Mrs. Patrice E. FrazierWatson Ms. Carolyn H. Freeland Ms. Joyce L. Freeland Mr. Ceylon K. Frett Mrs. Alice N. Friday Dr. Jacqueline L. Frierson Ms. J. Arnett Frisby Lt. Col. Walter H. Fulcher The Rev. James J. Fuller Ms. Jessea N. Gabbin Dr. Joanne V. Gabbin and Mr. Alexander Gabbin Mr. Edward A. Gadson Mrs. Terra N. Gaillard Ms. Kim R. Gaines Ms. Brenda C. Galbreath Ms. Jarae R. Gallmon Mr. James E. Galloway Mrs. LaKeisha Galloway Ms. Dervalle K. Gandy Ms. La’Vita M. Gardner Ms. Monique Gardner Mr. Tommy L. Gardner Ms. Sherri M. Garner Mr. and Mrs. William L. Garner Mrs. Yvonne C. Garner Ms. Brittany Q. Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Garrett Mr. Theodore R. Garrett, Jr.
Mrs. Emmalene Garrett-Penn Ms. Rhonda R. Kearse Gary Mrs. Deneen T. Gaskin Mr. Eddie Gates The Honorable Askew W. Gatewood, Jr. Dr. Uttam Gaulee Ms. JanQueshia B.D. Gay Mr. Jacek Ghosh Ms. Angela C. Gibson Ms. Kimberly J. Gilbert Mrs. Shirley M. Gilbert Mr. Daniel E. Giles Mrs. Frances Gill Mr. Charles A. Gilliam Mr. Earl A. Gilliam, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Norvin Gilliam Mr. Phillip L. Gilliam Ms. Ieesha M. Gillis Ms. Keisha D. Gilmore Mr. Andrew Giraldi Mrs. Althea S. Glenn Mrs. Aleta B. Glover Dr. Bernard E. Glover Ms. Carol E. Glover Ms. LaShawn R. Glover Mr. Fred L. Godette Ms. Maryah Gomez Mr. Fred V. Goode Mrs. Sharron L. Goode-Grant Mr. Guy B. Goodwin Mrs. Venice G. Goodwin Mrs. Dale B. Bastian Gordon Mrs. Ida M. Gordon Mr. James E. Gordon, Jr. Mr. Robert H. Gordon, Jr. The Rev. Anita J. Gould Ms. Rashida H. Govan Mrs. Verna C. Govia Mr. Raymond Grady Mr. Gilbert M. Graham Mr. Lloyd S. Graham Mr. Taylor Graham Ms. Adriene A. Grant Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Grant Mr. Cyrus Grant Ms. Esther Carletha Grant Ms. Kristine E. Grant Mr. Nathaniel Grant Mrs. Flora L. Grantham Mrs. Jermaine J. Graves Mrs. Carol J. Graves-Wade Dr. and Mrs. C. Vernon Gray Dr. Elwood R. Gray Mrs. Eula B. Gray Mr. Joseph C. Gray, Jr. Ms. Marjorie Gray Mrs. Michelle E. Gray Mrs. Robin D. Gray Ms. Keian A. Grayson Ms. Anita J. Green Mrs. Lorraine T. Green Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Green Ms. Nannie M. Green Mr. Nolan R. Green Mr. Reginald J. Green Mrs. Romandie P. Green Ms. Sophia R.H. Green Mr. Walter Green, Jr. Mrs. Brenda J. Greene Mrs. Carole V. Greene The Rev. Darrell S. Greene, Sr.
Morgan State University Foundation, Inc.
The Rev. Dr. Garfield L. Greene The Rev. Gertrude M. Greene Mr. Larry E. Greene Mr. Maurice Greene Miss Rhonda L. Greene Mr. Terry F. Greene Mr. Jeffrey J. Grice Dr. Eugena K. Griffin Ms. Victoria F. Griffin Mr. Kevin R. Gross Ms. Leonora M. Gross Ms. Angelisa Guilford Mrs. Muriel F. Burruss Gumbs Mrs. Valerie G. Gunn Ms. Karen A. Gunthorpe Ms. Jeane C. Guy Ms. Jewel Guy Ms. Sally Guy Mr. Talbert L. Gwynn Ms. Teddie M. Gwynn Mr. Ernest C. Hadrick, Jr. Ms. Miriam Hagan Ms. Victoria B. Haines Mr. Anthony Hairston Mrs. Varnetta G. Haley Ms. Ariel R. Hall Mrs. Cynthia R. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Eldon G. Hall, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leroy Hall Mrs. Janet H. Hall Mr. Joseph S. Hall Ms. Sylvia C. Hall Ms. Dana Hallmen Mrs. Lacentra C. HallWilliams Ms. Brianna A. Hamilton Ms. Jillian Peat Hamilton Mr. Morris Hamlin, Jr. Dr. Bessie W. Hampton Mr. Henry R. Haney Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Haney Ms. Nicole J. Hankerson Ms. Grenellya N. Hannah Mrs. Colleen N. Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Harding III Mrs. Julia E. Hardison Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hardy Mr. Raymond J. Hardy Ms. Eleanor A. Harley Mr. Sterling Harlston Ms. Aleshia Harmon Miss Siara M. Harmon Ms. Gina S. Harrell Ms. Sandra D. Harrell Mrs. Stephanie A. Harrell Ms. Carolyn L. Harris Col. and Mrs. Charles E. Harris III Mr. Chey C. J. Harris Ms. Donna Y. Harris Ms. Geneva Harris The Rev. Jacqueline M. Harris Ms. Jolina Harris Dr. Khalilah M. Harris Ms. Vinanita V. Harris Dr. Yvonne D. Harris Ms. Camille A. Harrison Ms. Carolyn A. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Harrison III Ms. Sharde Harrison Ms. Tara L. Harrison
Ms. Mary J. Harry Ms. Evelyn M. Harvey Ms. Kyra D. Harvey Mr. Ronald E. Harvey Mr. Donald A. Haskins, Sr. Ms. Jazmine F. Hawes Ms. Betty C. Hawkins Dr. Rebecca Hawkins Mr. Steve B. Hawkins Ms. Deborah W. Hayes Mrs. Lakendra Hayes Ms. Miriam L. Hayes Mr. Edwin W. Haynes, Sr. Mr. Desmond U. Hazel Ms. Pamela M. Heard Ms. Latisha F. Height Mrs. Louise C. Hellwig Mr. Kirk Hemphill Mrs. Betty J. Henderson Mrs. Irene S. Henderson Mr. Miles V. Henderson Mr. Jerome Hendricks Mrs. Sylvanita Hendricks Dr. Donald B. Henley and Mrs. Joan T. Henley Mr. Cleveland F. Henry, Jr. Mr. Delroy A. Henson Mr. Richard L. Herring Ms. Deborah Herron Mr. Sean Hickman Mrs. Edna M. Hicks Ms. Sandra L. Higgins Ms. Candace N. High Mr. Ernest High Ms. Eugenia High Mr. and Mrs. Keith O. Hill Ms. Marilyn L. Hill Ms. Raejean Hill Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hill Mrs. Sylvia S. Hill Mr. Walter W. Hill, Jr. Mr. Johnnie Hill-Marsh Ms. Marlene M. Hill-Moody Dr. Brenda J. Hines Mr. Keneth Hines Mrs. Shirley L. Hobbs Dr. William R. Hobbs Ms. Dysha Hodge Ms. Jacqueline L. Hodge Dr. Nakisha D. M. Holder Ms. Sharon D. Holeman Mrs. Florence V. Hollomon Mrs. Karen D. Holloway Ms. Shirley M. Holly Dr. Eric B. Holmes Ms. Monica Holmes Mrs. Ursula Y. Holmes The Rev. Dr. Christina V. Holtsclaw Mr. Bill Honore Mr. Leonard G. Hooker Ms. Tanika A. Hooker Dr. Geraldine L. Hooper Mrs. Charmaine D. Hopkins Mrs. Nina L. Hopkins Ms. Lynnette E. Horn Ms. Ruth M. Horried Sgt. Cindy N. Horton Mrs. Evelyn Y. Young House Mrs. Ellen D. Howard Mr. Joseph C. Howard, Jr. Mr. Paul R. Howard, Jr. Ms. RiCharda Howard Mr. Ronald L. Howard, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Howard
Mr. William T. Howard Mr. James E. Howell, Jr. Mrs. Rochelle Howie Ms. Michele D. Hudson Mrs. Rosalia S. Huggins Mrs. Joyce J. Hughes Mr. Judson Hughes Mr. Leroy M. Hughes Ms. Tiffany N. Hughes Ms. Nikia L. Humphrey Mrs. Celeste R. Hunter Mrs. Wanda D. Huskey Ms. Stephanie M. Hutcheson Ms. Ethel M. Hux Mrs. Catherine V. Hyde Mr. Carl T. Hyden Mr. Carroll H. Hynson, Jr. Mr. John I. Ihejurobi Ms. Kai N. Inman Ms. Deborah Y. Irvin Ms. Krystal M. Isaac Mrs. Isatu A. Isuk Ms. Anna E. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Jackson, Jr. Dr. Duane K. Jackson Ms. Florence L. Jackson Mrs. Georgina A. Jackson Mrs. Gwendolyn L. Jackson Ms. Janeen O. Jackson Ms. Jasmine A. Jackson Ms. Kathy P. Jackson Mrs. Linda L. Jackson Ms. Lynsee K. Jackson Ms. Natasha Jackson Mr. Paule Jackson Mr. Richard L. Jackson Mrs. Rosaland Y. Jackson Ms. Sandra A. Jackson Mrs. Shirley J. Jackson Mrs. Verna M. Jackson Mr. William R. Jackson, Jr. Ms. Elaine Jackson-Dixon Mrs. Lucy A. Jackson-Sanford Mrs. Novlette P. JacksonWilliams Ms. Charline Jacob Mr. Ricky G. Jajistar Ms. Hapsatu I. Jalloh Mr. Harold L. James Ms. Jocelyn N. James Ms. Lisa L. James Mr. Maconel James Mr. Michael C. James and Mrs. Pia R. James Ms. Sylvia M. James Ms. Theresa M. James Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Jamieson Mr. Robert Javonillo Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Jeffers III Mr. Noah T. Jefferson, Jr. Mrs. Patricia E. JeffersonSmall Ms. Brianna L. Jeffries Carole A. Jeffries, Esq. Ms. Carlina Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Hildler D. Jenkins Mrs. Mary J. Jenkins Ms. Robin Jenkins Mrs. Sheila P. Jenkins Mrs. Dawn J. Jennette Mrs. Sara L. Jerkins Ms. Corola A. Jernigan
Ms. Aaliyah Jessup Mr. John C. Jewell Ms. Sharon John Ms. Dominique Johnigan Mr. Arkley B. Johnson Mr. Bernard F. Johnson Ms. Beverly L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Johnson Dr. Carla-Elaine Johnson Dr. Charles E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Cornel L. Johnson Mrs. Daisey B. Johnson Mr. Davin D. Johnson Maj. (Ret.) Donald A. Johnson, USMC Mr. Eddie C. Johnson Capt. (Ret.) Edward W. Johnson III Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Johnson Mr. Grayling E. Johnson Mrs. Harriet R. Johnson Mrs. Helena J. Johnson Ms. Jacquelyn M. Johnson Mrs. Janis R. Johnson Ms. Lakesha K. Johnson Ms. Lucille Johnson Ms. Maliaka N. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Manasseh Johnson, Jr. Mrs. Marsha M. Johnson Ms. Martha B. Johnson Mrs. Martha L. Johnson Maj. (Ret.) Martin T. Johnson Mr. Micah Z. Johnson Mr. Michael G. Johnson Ms. Monet Johnson Mr. Norman B. Johnson Ms. Pamela E. Johnson Mrs. Pamela T. Johnson Mrs. Ramocille C. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Reginald A. Johnson Mr. Robb Johnson Mr. Sammie L. Johnson Mr. Seth J. Johnson, Sr. Ms. Sharon Johnson Mrs. Sheree M. Johnson Ms. Teya J. Johnson Ms. Tigress J. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn M. Johnson Mr. Walker Johnson Mr. William R. Johnson Mrs. Yvette Johnson Mrs. Sandra J. Johnson-Rice Mrs. Jane Johnston Mrs. Frances F. Jolley Mr. Allan Jones Mr. Arvey L. Jones Ms. Bonita B. Jones Mr. Daniel W. Jones Jr. Mr. Edgar A. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Jones Mrs. Evelyn B. Jones Mrs. Felicia L. Jones Ms. Gwendolyn Jones Mr. Henry C. Jones, Jr. Ms. Jacqueline V. Jones Mr. and Mrs. James N. Jones Ms. Linda Jones Mr. Louis A. Jones, Sr.
Individuals Mr. Malcolm T. Jones Ms. Olivia Jones Mr. Ome S. Jones The Rev. Paulette V. Jones Dr. Pythias D. Jones Mr. Raymond J. Jones Mr. Rodney D. Jones, Sr. Dr. Rodrica M. Jones Dr. Stephen C. Jones Mrs. Vonita C. Jones Ms. Anita R. Jones-McNair The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Basha P. Jordan, Jr. Mr. Israel I. Jordan Ms. Shayla N. Jordan Mrs. Karlena D. Jorden Ms. Carolyn B. Joyner Mr. Roy L. Joynes Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Jubilee Mr. Clemis A. Kaikis Ms. Jamila Kamara Mrs. Janice A. Kane Ms. Patricia A. Kane Mrs. Shirley S. Kane Mrs. Edna M. Kane-Aiden Dr. Kwame A. Karikari Mr. Akin Wali Kashif Ms. Karen S. Kauffman Ms. Cheryl Kelley Ms. Elloise Kelley Ms. LeVerne W. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kellum Ms. Dawn Kemp Mr. Julian T. Kemp Mr. Howard G. Kennedy, Jr. Ms. Muriel Kennedy Mr. Walter J. Kennedy Mr. Devin T. Kenney Ms. Kenya S. Key Mr. Lennell W. Key Ms. Marion Key Mr. Akil Khalfani and Mrs. Trina L. Pitts-Khalfani Mr. Samuel Kimani Ms. Bernell King Ms. Cecelia L. King Ms. Koreen M. King Mrs. Shauna A. King Ms. Tashawna V. King Mr. and Mrs. William E. King Dr. Caroline M. Kingori Ms. Gwendolyn D. Kinsey Ms. Carol Kiple Ms. Jennifer Kirol Mrs. Y. Lorraine Knight Mr. Scott Knoche Dr. Jonelle Knox Dr. Michael P. Koger Maj. (Ret.) and Mrs. Walter F. Kyle Mr. Wayne La Cruze Mr. and Mrs. Alton B. Lacks Mr. William E. Lambert Ms. Lynne Lancaster Mr. Milton E. Lane Ms. Alberta O. Lang Ms. Chantay R. Lasalle Ms. Alicia R. Latten The Rev. Cynthia P. Laurie Ms. Cheryl A. Lawrence Mrs. Donna C. Lawrence Lt. Col. (Ret.) William C. Lawrence, USAR Ms. Brittany A. Laws Ms. Lynn Lederman
Contributions July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 Mr. Charles D. Lee Mr. Christopher Q. Lee Mr. David A. Lee, Jr. Ms. Dhakkiyyah N. Lee Ms. Esther D. Lee Ms. Kassandra D. Lee Mrs. Latonnia Lee Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lee Mr. Richard G. Lee Ms. Victoria M. Lee Ms. Tajah Lefeged Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Leigh Ms. Claudia R. Leight Ms. Breé Lessane Mr. Carlton L. Leverette Mr. Adrian Lewis Ms. Beulah M. Lewis Mrs. Cheryl L. Lewis Ms. Chyra C. Lewis Mrs. Debbie A. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. James Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Marvin A. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lewis Ms. Tiye C. Lewis Mrs. Tahira Ali Liburd Mrs. Dorothy M. Lievers Mrs. Agnes C. Lightfoot Mr. Calvin A. Lightfoot The Rev. James I. Lightfoot, Jr. Ms. Sharon Likaja Mr. Keith M. Lindsey Ms. Lanika Lloyd Ms. Sharnai M. Lloyd Ms. Tamika Lloyd Mrs. Kaysandra E. LockhartHurry Mrs. Josephine LocklearAlston Ms. Bonnie D. Logan Mr. Alfred D. Logie and Mrs. Pamela S. Chambers-Logie Ms. Pamela P. Lomax Mrs. Collette LondonFlournoy Mr. Aaron A. Long Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Long, Jr. Ms. Joelle Lopez Mrs. Patricia R. Lopez Dr. Linda M. Loubert Mr. Clifford Louis Mr. Jovan Lovelace Mr. and Mrs. Leviticus J. Loyal Mr. Curley Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lucas Dr. Learie B. Luke and Ms. Sharon Pierre-Luke Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. William L. Lyght Ms. Sharon Y. Lyles Ms. Denise Lynch Ms. Michelle D. Lyons Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. David F. Mack, Jr. Ms. Joanne S. Mack Mrs. Tessie K. Madden Mr. Marlo M. Maddox Mrs. Helen N. Madry Mr. Yaseen A. Mahmud Mrs. Lue Evlyn Mainor Ms. Sherry M. Makle Mrs. Patricia H. Manning Dr. Salima Siler Marriott Ms. Latasha Marsh Mr. Antonio C. Marshall
MSUF FY19 Annual Report
Mrs. Felicia T. Marshall Mr. Michael W. Marshall Ms. Tracey Marshall Mr. Leonard V. Martin, Sr. Ms. Lori Martinez The Rev. Angelique J. Mason Lt. Col. (Ret.) Donald R. Mason and Dr. Claudette Mason Mr. Fred D. Mason III Mr. Irving F. Mason, Jr. Mr. Isaac H. Mason Ms. Kia L. Mason Ms. Stephanie A. Mason Mr. Francis Mathis Ms. Caroline M. Matthews Mr. Keith D. Matthews Mrs. Lori E. Matthews Mrs. Lynne F. Matthews Mr. Maurice R. Matthews Mrs. Patricia N. Mauney 1st Lt. Hugh. G. Maxwell, Jr. Mr. Robert L. Maxwell Capt. Tanya D. Maxwell, USAR Mrs. Geraldine A. MaxwellJones Mr. Earl V. Mayo Ms. Tyleeshia L. Mayo Mr. Nicholas C. Mayr Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mays Dr. Doreatha Y. Mbalia Mr. and Mrs. James McCallum Ms. Kamilah M. McCaskill Mr. Ronnie L. McClain Mr. Gilbert E. McClary Mr. Kevin S. McClary Mrs. Sharon D. McClary Ms. Harriett V. McClendon Ms. Jann McClendon Mr. Ricky M. McClendon Mrs. Cassandra P. McClerklin Mr. Martin J. McCrae Ms. Amber L. McCray Mr. and Mrs. Corvelli A. McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Ervin McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Ervin McDaniel, Jr. Mrs. Bernice T. McDaniels Dr. Elaine M. McDowell Mrs. Karen R. McDowell Ms. Shena McEachern Mrs. Barbara McFadden Ms. Vanessa B. McFadden Mr. and Mrs. Calvin G. McFarland, Jr. Mr. W. Thomas McGee Mr. Derek M. McGowan Ms. Annie McIntosh Mr. Richie McKeithen Ms. Sonya M. McKenney Ms. Mary J. McKesson Ms. Rennisse McKinley Ms. Sharon E. McKinley Ms. Danielle J. McKnight Mr. George M. McKnight Mr. Edward McLaurin, Jr. Mr. Larry A. McMillan, Sr. Ms. Ruth E. McNeill Ms. Kelli L. McNulty Maharaj Ms. Kristina R. McPhaul Mrs. Costanza D. McQueen Dr. Shinette Sirmans McRae Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mealy Ms. Kandice A. Medley Mr. Andree Medlin
Mr. Sylvester Meheux Mr. Andre A. Melton Ms. Kina L. Carey Melvin Mr. Robert P. Mervine Mrs. Jeanette J. Michael Mrs. Ann B. Mickens Ms. Juanita Mickens Mr. Cornelius Middleton Mrs. Louise M. Mikell Mrs. Carolyn T. Miles Mrs. Sandra Smith Miles Ms. Margaret Milleker Ms. Debra Miller Ms. Iris M. Miller Ms. Marcia K. Miller Ms. Ruthann L. Miller Mr. Wendell E. Miller Mr. Navin Mills Ms. M. Gail Moran Milne Ms. Imani Milner Mrs. Joan I. Mims Mr. Maynard O. Minor Ms. Wallis F. Minor Mrs. Alicia D. Minter Mrs. Gwendolyn Miranda Mr. Brandon M. Mitchell Mrs. Cecilia B. Mitchell Ms. Cherlyn V. Mitchell Mr. Darren Mitchell Mrs. Deneen D. Mitchell Mrs. Lillian T. Mitchell Dr. Patricia A. Mitchell Maj. (Ret.) Richard B. Mitchell, Jr. Ms. Simone Mitchell Mr. Travis E. Mitchell Mrs. Angela J. Mitchell-Butler Mrs. Andrea C. Moffitt Mr. Daniel U. Mogbo Mr. Rajindralal Mohan Miss Dana B. Monk Ms. Donna L. Monk Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Monroe Mr. Robert J. Monroe, Jr. Ms. Tammy Montague Mr. Hezy Monu Mrs. Patricia G. Moody Ms. Dethra A. Moon Ms. Colotta S. Moore Mr. Daniel C. Moore, Sr. Ms. Egola L. Moore Mr. John L. Moore III Ms. Khayla A. Moore Dr. Lemuel B. Moore III Ms. Ovetta Moore Mr. Prentiss I. Moore Ms. Sharon E. Moore Ms. Valory A. Moore Mr. Vincent C. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Moreland, Jr. Mr. Justin P. Morgan Mrs. Malikah S. Morgan Mrs. Shirley A. P. Morrell Ms. Wanda D. Morris Mrs. Cynthia D. Morris-Scott Mr. Clarence R. Morton Ms. Dawn L. Morton Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Mosby Mr. Willie A. Moses Mr. W. Mark Mosley Mr. Charles B. Moss, Jr. Ms. Mattie E. Moss Mr. Vincent G. Moss, Jr. Mr. David E. Mott
Mrs. Julette D. Moulden Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Mozee Mr. Omar A. Muhammad Mr. Alfred N. Murdock, Jr. Mrs. Maajida L. Murdock The Rev. and Mrs. Brian E. Murray Dr. Mabel L. Murray and Mr. Elmer R. Murray Maj. Keida L. Massey-Murray and Mr. Terrance D. Murray Ms. Makeba N. Myers Ms. Laverne G. Naesea Ms. Laurie Namey Ms. Ijang M. Ndika Mr. William H. Neal Mrs. Denise B. Nedab Mrs. Saisa B. Neel Ms. Chante O. Nelson Mr. Donald A. Nelson Ms. Sheryl L. Nelson Mrs. Michaelle H. Nesbit Mr. and Mrs. Stuart R. Newbill Mrs. Patricia A. Newby Ms. Serena J. Newell Ms. Angela Newman Ms. Nicole E. Newman Mr. Lamont L. Newton Mr. and Mrs. Willie J. Nichols Mr. Ryan J. Nicolas Mrs. Theresa A. Niskey Mr. Clarence Nix Ms. Brittany C. Nixon Mr. Gerald A. Nixon Mrs. Mildred S. Nixon Mrs. Ruth N. Nixon Mr. Mbai Nkwanyuo Ms. Nacee Noble Mrs. Kimberly F. Noel-Clark Ms. Beverly J. Nokes Mrs. Kathy M. Norman Ms. Melanie Norris Ms. Regina D. Northan Mrs. Marsha A. Nowlin Mr. Daniel O. Nwaba Dr. Hyacinth U. Nwachukwu Mrs. Dumisa Mutinta Nyarambi Ms. Ugochi O. Nzeadighibe Ms. Cassandra Obie Mr. Darryl E. Odom Mr. Boluwatife A. Odutola Ms. Carley E. Offer Mrs. Sharon J. Offer Ms. Omotayo O. Ogundele Mr. Oluwaseun O. Ojimi Mr. Innocent K. Okeke Dr. Mekka Okereke Mr. Joseph Okon Mr. Douglas Okyere Mr. Olalekan J. Olagunju The Rev. Curtis W. Oliver Mrs. Dianne P. Oliver Mr. Mark H. Oliver Mrs. Crystal K. Oliver-Slater Mr. Emmanuel A. Onafeko Mr. Remigius Onuoha Mr. Daniel E. Onwuegbu Mrs. Carolyn G. Opher The Rev. Fritz Outlaw Mrs. Alease Owens Mr. Craig A. Owens Ms. Jeanne L. Owens Mrs. Katrina K. Owens Ms. Janice G. Owes
Ms. Cortni C. Pace Mrs. Martina G. Pack Mr. Demilade O. Padonu Ms. Kelly Page Mr. and Mrs. Raymond N. Page, Jr. Mrs. Shirley B. Page Ms. Brittany Palmer Mr. Jacob T. Panikar Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Parker Mrs. Nakieta K. Parker Dr. A. Ellen Parris Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Parrish Mrs. Norma E. Parson Mrs. Lillie C. Paschall Ms. Melanie Patkus Mrs. Grace L. Patterson Mrs. Celena V. Patton Mr. Roshan T. Paudel Ms. Sarah L. Paul Ms. Pamela Y. Payne Mrs. Esther J. Payton Mrs. Betty J. Peace Ms. Tyrese E. Peaks-Jackson Mrs. Eunice G. Peay Mr. Christopher A. Perez Mrs. Katie M. Perez Ms. Donna L. Pergerson Mrs. Brenda H. Perkins Dr. and Mrs. Carl S. Perkins Ms. Tiffany Perkins Ms. Brittani Perry Mr. Darryl R. Perry Ms. Ellen M. Perry Mr. Sharrod D. Perry Mrs. Celeste G. Perry-Winn Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Peters Mrs. Shelia D. Peters-Lee Ms. Mary D. Peterson Ms. Maryanne Peterson Mr. Kerwyn S. Phillip Mrs. Clarice S. Phillips Mrs. Maxine D. Phillips Dr. Michelle Y. Phipps Ms. Deborah L. Pierce Mrs. Shelita Pierce Ms. Tracey C. Pierce Ms. Notchelle Pierre Mrs. Romaine C. Pinchback Mrs. Patricia A. Pinckney Lt. Col. (Ret.) Quinsander Pinckney, USA Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Pindell Ms. Brenda E. Pinnick Ms. Yolanda A. Pino Ms. Loretta J. Pique Mr. Keith M. Pittman Mr. Charles H. Pollard Mr. John C. Pomory, Sr. Mrs. Alice L. Porter Ms. Janet F. Porter Ms. Pearle Porter Ms. Anne T. Porth Ms. Jessica Potter Mr. Thomas R. Potts Ms. Celia L. Powell Ms. Cynthia L. Powell Ms. Eunice W. Powell Ms. Joan L. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Powell Mrs. Karleen D. Powell Ms. Deborah E. Prather Mrs. Barbara F. Prattis Mr. and Mrs. Harold Preston
Ms. Waltyn H. Prettyman Ms. Emily M. Price Mr. Michael A. Price, Jr. Mrs. Patsy Price Mr. Ronald L. Price Mr. Wesley Price Mr. James Pringle, Jr. Ms. Ann C. Proctor Mr. Charles A. Proctor Mrs. April R. Pryor Mr. Robert T. Pugh Ms. Everse M. Pullen Mrs. Nichole R. Purcell Ms. Edna D. Purdy Mr. Ernest W. Purnell, Jr. Ms. Jacquelyn Nixon Purnell Ms. Julie K. Purnell Mrs. Robin T. Purnell Mr. Robert L. Quarles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Basil J. Queen Jr. Mrs. Elfrieda Y. Queen Mr. Thomas Queen Ms. Nitrease L. Quickley Mr. Newell E. Quinton Mr. Michael A. Ragland Mrs. Brandy-Mickel R. Rambus Ms. Ariyan Ramsey Ms. Madiana Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. Dennis N. Randall Mrs. Karen J. Randall Ms. Elizabeth Ransom Ms. Monica Rawlings Mrs. Agnes I. Ray Mrs. Deborah R. Reaves Ms. Patricia A. Reaves Ms. Devera Y. Redmond Ms. Myrell A. Redmond Mrs. Verbena Frances Redmond Mrs. Phyllis T. Reese Mrs. Rosalee Reeves Ms. Beverly A. Reid Mr. Phillip B. Reid Ms. Rhonda L. Reid Mrs. Phyllis K. Rhines Mrs. Elisabeth A. Rice Ms. Marian H. Rice Mr. Gilbert H. Richards Mrs. Catherine W. Richardson Mr. Elliott G. Richardson Mr. Larry Richardson Ms. May N. Richardson Mr. Randolph Richardson Ms. Sheila E. Richardson Mr. Timothy G. Richardson Mr. William H. Richardson Ms. Deborah A. Richmond Ms. Marshella Riddick Mr. Anthony C. Ridley Mrs. Lysa M. Ridley-Jones Ms. Heather N. Riley Mr. Russell L. Riley, Jr. Mr. Dorian O. Ritchie Ms. Janice N. Ritchie Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Ritter, Sr. Ms. Ricardo D. Rivera Mrs. Brynez M. Roane Mrs. Barbara R. Roberson Mr. David A. Roberts Dr. Earlene J. Roberts Mrs. Jerilyn C. Roberts Mrs. Paula J. Roberts Dr. David E. Robinson
Individuals Mr. Howard T. Robinson Ms. Jennifer R. Robinson Ms. Le’Etta D. Robinson Ms. Maya R. Robinson Ms. Renee L. Robinson Ms. Sandra I. Robinson Ms. Sandra J. Robinson Ms. Valita S. Robinson Mrs. Venus Robinson Ms. Gail L. Robinson-Brown Ms. Barbara Rodgers Lt. Col. Willie Rodney Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo S. Rogers Mr. David L. Rogers Ms. Eugenia L. Rogers Dr. James F. Rogers Mrs. Rachel L. Wood Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Rogers, Jr. Mr. Torrey C. Rogers Mrs. Gale Rollins Mr. Alireza V. Roodsari Ms. Shirley J. Rose Mrs. Tisha Lynton Rose Mr. Tony Rose Dr. and Mrs. Dwayne M. Rosenburgh Mrs. Cassandra Ross Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Roter Mr. Roman Roth Mrs. Delores N. Rowlette Mr. George L. Rowley Ms. Shirley Rowser Mrs. Beatrice H. Royster Ms. Tiffany J. Royster Lt. Col. (Ret.) Regina B. Royster-Moses Mr. Steven Rubenstein Mrs. Wyteria J. Rucker Ms. Joyce E. Ruffin Mr. Tony Ruiz Mr. Jerry L. Rush Mrs. Joyce Mitchell Russell Mrs. Edwina L. Jackson Russell Ms. Kalyn Russell Mrs. Margaret J. Russell Ms. Raylyne G. Russell Mrs. Susan L. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Russell Dr. Tawana F. Sabbath Mr. Abess Safiedeen Mr. Abayomi Y. Salami Mrs. Marcia H. Salmon Mr. Arnold H. Sampson Ms. Latisha J. Samuels Mr. S. Oleo Samuels Ms. Ivory N. Sanders Mrs. Roshanda M. Sandy Ms. Brenda Lewis Saunders Dr. Elnora V. Saunders Mr. John B. Savage Ms. Thelma P. Savage Mr. Thomas H. Savage, Sr. Ms. Shanna-Kaye A. Scarlett Ms. Brenda B. Schoonover Mr. James R. Schreier Ms. Janet Schuab Dr. Bettina M. Scott Mr. Darrius B. Scott Ms. David V. Scott Ms. Deborah P. Scott Elder Eric C. Scott Mrs. Irelene T. Scott Ms. Julia Scott
Contributions July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 Mrs. LaTasha K. Scott Ms. Mary P. Scott Ms. Michaela Scott Mr. Todd T. Scott Mrs. Veronica Y. Scott Mr. Elbert L. Scotti Ms. Martha E. Seabrooks Mr. Benjamin Secundy Ms. Marci Seder Mr. Leonidas Session Mr. and Mrs. Juan R. Seth Ms. Demetria Y. Sewell Mr. Joshua J. Sewell Mr. Ronald P. Shackleford Ms. Neva Sharon Mr. Howard E. Sharps Mr. Robert C. Shaw Ms. Helen B. Shelton Ms. Leslie A. Sherard Mrs. Cynthia F. Shields Mr. Leighunt P. Shiles Mr. Alfred P. K. Shoetan Mrs. Valerie B. Sholes Mr. and Mrs. W. Cecil Short Ms. Natasha M. Short Mrs. Montesida M. Shorte Mrs. Michele Shorter Brown Mr. William E. Sieg Mr. Craig L. Simmons Dr. Edna D. Simmons Mr. Marshall B. Simmons Mrs. Beverly W. Simms Mrs. Carolyn M. Simms Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Simons Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Simons, Jr. Mrs. E. Michele F. Sims Mr. and Mrs. James H. Sledge Ms. Ann C. Sloan Ms. Joyce G. Sloan Dr. Alesia B. Slocumb-Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Small Mrs. Allonia C. Smith Mr. Benjamin L. Smith Ms. Camille L. Smith Ms. Catherine R. Smith Mrs. Cheryl A. Smith Ms. Chimere L. Smith Mr. Christopher A. Smith Mrs. Diane J. Smith Mr. Dontae Smith and Mrs. Tammi L. Smith Ms. Dorothy E. Smith Ms. Edith C. Smith Dr. Frances D. Smith Ms. Fredine Smith Dr. Gilbert A. Smith Mr. Glenn D. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Graylin Smith Mr. Herschel P. Smith Dr. Judith B. Smith and Mr. James M. Smith, Sr. Ms. Karla Smith Mr. Keith L. Smith, Sr. Mr. Keith L. Smith Ms. Kimberly Smith Mr. Linwood T. Smith Mrs. Lynette W. Smith Ms. Nancy L. Smith Mr. Oscar A. Smith, Jr. Mrs. Peggy B. Smith Mrs. Racquel B. Smith Ms. RaNecia Smith Mr. Robert S. Smith Ms. Rosemunde G. Smith
Ms. Sharon L. Smith Mrs. Toni M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Willie L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Smothers, Jr. Ms. Jacqueline D. Snell Ms. Ann M. Snowden Ms. Kierra M. Snowden Ms. Kari S. Sockwell Mr. Edgar H. Sorrells-Adewale Col. (Ret.) Jerome V. Spears, USAR Mr. Joe L. Speight Mr. Brian J. Spencer Mr. John H. Spencer Mrs. Loretta Q. Spivey-Price Mr. Keith L. Splawn Mr. Jeffrey M. Spratley Ms. Lauren Spriggs Mr. Thomas J. Stallings Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Stanley Dr. Myrtle B. Stanley Ms. Pamela Stanley Mr. Rudolph E. Stanley Ms. Veronica Stanton Ms. Gretchen M. Starks Mr. James M. Starvis Ms. Helen Stephens Ms. Paula C. Stephens Mr. Ronnie Stephens Ms. Glenda D. Stephenson Mr. Howard E. Stevens Mrs. Elsie M. Stevenson Mr. James Stevenson, Jr. Mrs. Juanita E. Stevenson Ms. Aleeya D. Stewart Mrs. Alice R. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Stewart Mr. Edward A. Stewart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Stewart Ms. Marsha A. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Stewart Ms. Sandra V. Stewart Mrs. Phyllis R. Stinnette Mrs. Anna P. Stith Mrs. Josephine M. Stith Ms. Sonia A. Stockton Ms. Melva C. Stokes Col. (Ret.) Theodore K. Stokes, USA Mrs. Dawna J. Strawder Ms. Dorina P. Strickland Ms. Shemaiah T. Strickland Ms. Ruth E. Stringfellow Ms. Elva L. Strother Mrs. Sylvia J. Suescun Ms. Tanwa M. Suma Mrs. Lisa P. Summers Ms. Alana Sutherland Ms. Michele Sutherland Mrs. Claudette B. Sutton Dr. Charles W. Swan The Honorable Ive A. Swan, Esq. Lt. Col. (Ret.) Paul S. Sweet Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Swindell II Mr. Lawrence Sykes Mrs. Beverly J. Tabron Ms. Althea Tait Dr. Darryl C. Talley, Jr. Ms. Jacquelyn C. Talmadge Mr. David C. Tanner
Morgan State University Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Janet W. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Taylor, Jr. Mr. Michael A. Taylor Ms. Winona M. Taylor Mrs. Gabriella C. Teh Dr. Jerard L. Terrell Dr. Raymond T. Terry and Ms. Rosemary B. Jones-Terry Ms. Suzanna C. Thieblot Ms. Adjua Thomas Ms. Barbara Jill Thomas Ms. Camri Thomas Ms. Cynthia A. Thomas Dr. Dana Marie Thomas Mr. Dewey W. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Thomas II Ms. Ila L. Thomas Mr. James E. Thomas Ms. Jasmine M. Thomas Mrs. June E. Thomas Mrs. Karen B. Thomas Ms. Kayla Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Luther M. Thomas Ms. Mary E. Thomas Ms. Mary P. Thomas Ms. Natalie T. Thomas Mr. Reginald C. Thomas Dr. Valerie L. Thomas Mrs. Wadella C. Thomas Ms. Wanda L. Thomas Mrs. Monica L. Thomas-Davis Mr. Trevor N. Thomas-Uribe Mr. Curtis H. Thompson The Rev. and Mrs. Eddy M. Thompson Ms. Lenora Thompson Ms. Marilyn R. Thompson Ms. Nyl L. Thompson Mrs. Patsy S. Thompson Mrs. Stephanie Thompson Ms. Jaime H. Thompson-Dean Ms. Juanita ThompsonGarrison Mrs. Louise B. ThompsonWalker Mr. Rodney B. Thorington Mr. John N. Thumbi Ms. Margaret L. Thurmond Mrs. Geraldine C. Thweatt Ms. Adrian A. Tiggle Ms. Senta Tigner Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Tildon Mrs. Gloria B. Tillery Mr. Steven R. Tillman Mr. Michael O. Tinsley Ms. Pamela Z. Tinsley Mr. Aaron L. Toland Ms. Cassandra B.Y. Tomarchio Maj. Wilford A. Toney Ms. Emma Torres Mrs. Michelle D. TorresCarmona Mrs. Pamela L. Townsend Mr. Kimbrough Travis, Jr. Mrs. Marybelle P. Trimble Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Triplette, Jr. Ms. Donna Triptow and Mr. Michael H. Salsbury Mr. Bobby J. Trotter, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenza Trotter, Jr. Dr. Wa-Muzemba A. Tshibangu
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tubman Mr. and Mrs. Ivory E. Tucker Ms. Mary Tucker Mrs. Elaine B. Tutman Mr. and Mrs. James E. Tyler, Jr. Mr. George E. Tyson Mrs. Nicole M. Tyson Mr. William T. Upperman Mrs. Josephine A. Utley Mrs. Gwendolyn R. Valencia Mr. Peter Van Buren Mr. William Vandervall Ms. Mary Ellen Vanni Ms. Adrianna J. Vargas Ms. Bria N. Vaughan Mr. Sylvester J. Vaughns Mrs. Shirley R. Vauls The Rev. and Mrs. Tileston K. Venable Mrs. Vanessa Venable-Bass Mrs. Renee D. Veney-Duval Mr. and Mrs. Lysanders Vereen Mrs. Janet McNair Vernon Ms. Carolyn E. Victorian Ms. Chené D. Vines Mr. Melvin C. Vines Mrs. Ericka L. Vinson Mrs. Sylvia R. Vinson Ms. Jacqueline M. Volant Ms. Bobbie L. Walker Mrs. Doris J. Walker Mr. John C. Walker Mr. Leroy F. Walker Mrs. Sarah R. Boyd Walker Mr. and Mrs. Barrett C. Wall Ms. Diana R. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Mendoza O. Wallace Mr. Paul E. Wallace, Jr. Mrs. Peggy M. Wallace Dr. Carmella F. Walsh Mr. Edward N. Walters Ms. Kejuana C. Walton Ms. Stacy Walton Ms. Barbara L. M. Ward Mr. Fiifi Ward Mrs. Sylvia O. Ward Mr. Michael L. Ware Mrs. Mary L. Warsaw-Capers Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Washington Ms. Bianca Washington Mr. Charles Washington, Jr. Mr. Delano T. Washington Ms. Hazel A. Washington Mr. Keith B. Washington Ms. Rebecca C. Washington Mr. Teddy Washington Dr. LaShaun Y. WashingtonBatts Mrs. Deborah S. Waters Ms. Namina E. Waters Dr. James I. Scofield, Jr. and Dr. Jacqueline E. WatersScofield Ms. Janet A. Watford Ms. Jacel Z. Watkins Mr. Richard E. Watkins Ms. Veronica A. Watkins Ms. Katherine Watson Miss Noni S. Watson Ms. GeGe Watts Mr. Wayne A. Watts Ms. Brittany T. Webb Mrs. Cynthia A. Webb
Mr. Samuel H. Webb, Jr. Mr. Francis S. Weiss, Jr. Mrs. Karin E. Weiss Ms. Sheila Weiss Mrs. Marvais G. Wells Mrs. Deborah M. Wells-Lane Mrs. Sedral E. West Mrs. Sheila D. West-Morton Mr. Henry L. Westray, Jr. Dr. Joan Wharton Ms. Gwendolyn Wheatley Ms. Janice R. Whelchel Mr. Amir R. Whitaker Mr. James E. Whitaker Mrs. Twyla N. Whitby Mrs. Annette B. White Ms. Beverly C. White Dr. Dorothy Y. White Mrs. Jane S. White Ms. Jasmine White Ms. Jasmine C. White Mr. Joseph White Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. White Mr. LeVan White Mr. Lionel L. White Mrs. Patricia M. White Mrs. Rhonda A. White Ms. Rosa White Mrs. Sabrina V. White Mr. and Mrs. William R. White Mrs. Kellee L. White-Fearon Mr. Courtney O. Whitehead Ms. Glenda R. Whitehurst Mrs. Rita B. Whiting Mr. John W. Whittington Lt. Col. (Ret.) Arnet J. Whorley Ms. Clarissa R. Widgeon Mr. Aaron J. Wiggins Ms. Joan Wiggins Mr. Booker T. Wilkins Dr. Gregory M. Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. Raven Wilkins Ms. Jacqueline S. Wilks Ms. Adrienne L. Williams Ms. Alaysia M. Williams Ms. Cynthia Williams Ms. Danielle L. Williams Mrs. Dara W. Williams Ms. Demetria Williams Mr. Derrick D. Williams Ms. Devinn Williams Mrs. Dorothy Fleming Williams Mr. E. Jerry Williams Mr. Earl C. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Williams Ms. Eva V. Williams Mr. and Mrs. George F. Williams, Sr. Ms. Imani C. Williams Mr. James A. Williams, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Williams Mr. James L. Williams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Williams, Jr. Ms. Joan E. Williams Ms. Kim M. Williams Mr. Kristofer Williams Mr. Levern C. Williams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn W. Williams Ms. Natia V. Williams Mr. Nigiem A. Williams
Ms. Patricia C. Williams Ms. S. Yvette Williams Mr. Terrell R. Williams Ms. Tyanna M. Williams Ms. Venice M. Williams Ms. Yireiza A. Williams Ms. Jasmine C. Williford Ms. Emmanuellé P. Willis Mr. and Mrs. LaMar L. Willis Mr. Mitch A. Willis Ms. Vida L. Willis Ms. Yvonne N. Willis Ms. Dominique L. Willis-Wade Mr. Barry F. Wilson Mrs. Brenda J. Wilson Dr. Dana B. Wilson Mr. Derrick T. Wilson Ms. Doreen S. Wilson Ms. Doris E. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Wilson Ms. Kandice Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Wilson Mr. Rashad Wilson Ms. Tanya Wilson Mr. William R. Wilson Mrs. Carolyn J. Wilson-Smith Mrs. Pamela L. Wimberly Mrs. Rhonda E. WimpleForman Dr. Flossie E. Windley Ms. Amelia M. Winfree Mrs. Cynthia Winkler Mr. Preston H. Winkler Ms. Andrewlyn S. Winningham Ms. Tristan Winston Mrs. Shirley B. Wise Ms. Candace M. Wolff Ms. Shontae Wood Mr. Ambrose R. Wooden Mrs. Jacqueline P. Woodland Mr. Nathaniel W. Woodrick, Jr. Ms. Maia S. Woods Ms. Bonita D. Woodus The Rev. Barbara A. Wooten Mrs. Cheryl H. Worthington Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Worthington, Sr. Mrs. Hope R. Wrenn Ms. Andrea Wright Ms. Barbara L. Wright Mrs. Ida L. Wright Mr. Thomas Wynder Dr. Kimberly Yancey-Johnson Mr. Stanley D. Yates Mr. Gregg C. Yeldell Mrs. Danielle J. Young Mr. Everett L. Young, Jr. Miss Katterra B. Young Ms. Marsha E. Young Mrs. Sharon D. Young Mr. Tovel E. Young Mrs. Valerie B. Young Mr. William B. Young, Jr.
Morgan State University Foundation Board Members
Executive Committee Mr. Frank B. Coakley, Chairman Chief Lending Officer Baltimore Community Lending
Mrs. Jacqueline L. Lawson, Vice Chair Chair, Development Committee Past President MSU Alumni Association
Mrs. Detra M. Miller, Treasurer Chair, Finance Committee Vice President, Retail Regional Manager M&T Bank
Mr. Larry E. Jennings, Jr. Chair, Investment Committee Senior Managing Director ValStone Partners
Alice G. Pinderhughes, Esq., Secretary Attorney At Law Alice G. Pinderhughes, P.A.
Board Members
Mr. Jason T. Bonardi Regional Director | Field Management Travelers
Mr. Kevin L. Hawkins President TrueNorth Advisors
Mr. Gary L. Burgess Senior Vice President, Human Resources (Retired) Crown Holdings, Inc.
The Rev. Dcn. Marsha Evans Holmes Chair, Committee on Directors Deacon Diocese of Florida
The Rev. Charles D. Fletcher, Jr., Ph.D. President MSU Alumni Association
Dr. Melanie L. Jackson Board Certified Gastroenterologist Anne Arundel Gastroenterology Associates, P.A.
Mr. Forest T. Harper, Jr. President and CEO INROADS, Inc. Mr. Bert J. Hash, Jr. Chair, Audit Committee President and CEO (Retired) Municipal Employees Credit Union of Baltimore, Inc. (MECU)
Mr. Rodney D. Jones, Sr. CEO & Managing Partner National Capital Resources, LLC Mr. Matthew D. Reeds Chief Impact Officer The Reeds Autism and Sarcoidosis Fund, Inc.
Mr. David A. Sheppard Regional Inspector General U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of the Inspector General Dr. Geneva J. Williams Leadership Strategist | Podcaster | Speaker | Author | Certified Life Coach Dr. Geneva Speaks Ex-Officio Members Dr. David K. Wilson President Morgan State University Ms. Donna J. Howard, CFRE Executive Director Morgan State University Foundation, Inc. Vice President, Institutional Advancement Morgan State University
Morgan State University Foundation, Inc. 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, Maryland 21251 www.givetomorgan.org